Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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'm Bell Doog. ls BOTH FBOBF.S MM ACM A 1. 1. PBm. lad. A-HeT"
First Complete Showing
of Spring Styles at our Infant's and Children's
Wear Department
-5 X W ft
ifl" AfVrWsY-i-
The above announce
nient should he of great
interest to all mothers; as
our showing includes
every new thing in wear
ing apparel for the little
folks. Come Tuesday if
only for a glimpse of the
new styles.
New Straw Bonnets, all
styles, all sizes, all prices,
for the one-year-old to the
Nw fcprlng Coats, all tha newest styles In white and
colors: sizes one to eight years, prices start
New Wool Sweaters, In white and colors, ft, each,
$2.00 and 9I.BO
New Wash Drewsos and Boys' Wash Suits. 81zes
one to four years.
Spinl An odd lot of children's soiled White
Wash, Dresnrs, sizes one, two. three and four
yes rs,'' regularly sold from $1.00 to 1 8. 00 Tues
day at greatly reduced prices. Main Floor.
Soo Our Windows
Bee 3-29- 09.
King-. - Klein,- Ransom. . Raymond, Tanner,
Warren 10. '
Nays Bsnnlng, Jlsrti'S. Brown, Cain, Cox,
flers, Donnhoe. Fuller, Uamimll, Henry,
Ketchtim. Ijaverty, Mttjors, Miller, Myers.
Rnnclall, Thompson,. Tlbbets. Volpp, Wlltse
-20. ' '
Pepallsta Want Initiative.
The delay over the physical vaulatlon bill
lias paused Home of the populists who de
mand thn enactment of the initiative and
referendum to demand that the legislature
pass their platform measure. They are try
Ing for a deal whereby the price of the
Initiative. isJifjll be the defeat of physical
valuation In view of ' the deadlock that
Htill exists over the latter measure.
The . conference committee, newly ap
pointed on physical valuation IS not hasten
ing matters and now In the closing hours
of the session, the populists, disregarded
the entire session, are putting In hard licks
to force some recognition from the demo
crats who have, 'been carrying the fusion
load and are now trying to dump them In
return' for their assistance these many
years. ; ;;
If the democrats In turn succeed in get
tlnng enough support for their Initiative
and referendum to pass it, they are likely
to do so. only by agreeing to the terms
of the corporation dictators who are bit
terly opposed to the physical valuation
measure, especially . In the form' that it
passed the house with the stock yards and
public, service copruation companies In
cluded In Its' provisions. : .
In oilier words., It the democrats expect
to browbeat the populists and mef-get them
Into the democratic party they must give
something In return and the populists are
making the yryan pet measure the price,
but the corporation democrats make hay
while the suh shines, caring nothing what
ever for the future of their party, are tak
ing advantage of their strategic position
as holders of the balance of power, to de
mand in return what their masters decree.
It is not unlikely, however, that the ses
sion may .adjourn without recognUIng a
Ingle platform pledge of the populist
The senate committee on constitutional
amendment reported the Miller house
Joint resolution for a constitutional amend
ment for the initiative and referendum to
be Indefinitely postponed. Ollla moved to
order the bill to third reading. Adjourn
ment wa staken with the motion pending.
Oreanatloa Tax Recommended.
8. F. 10, by King of Polk, which provides
that all corporations shall pay an annual
occupation tax to the slate was recom
mended for passage in the commutes of
the whole In the house this morning.
The house amended the bill to provide the
annual tax should be one-twentieth of the
paid up capital stock of the corporation
instead of a flat rate as provided in the
bill as It came from the senate, the mint
mum to b and It changed the name
from a lieetise tax to an occupation tax.
Begole of Uage and Brown of Lancaster
opprsed the measure, while Humphrey of
Lancaster. Kuhl of Cedar and Taylor of
Custer spoke for It.
Kegole said he could aee no reason why
an Incorporated mercantile establishment
runnlna a business beside a firm should
have to pay the wme tax as the firm and
ailll have to pay the additional occupation
tax. . Brown of lJtm ester argued that If
the bill became a law in Nebraska and It
waa a good law then It was right to pre
sume that all the stales mould in time
adopt it. This would causa the corpora -tlonsn
to have to pay forty -six times as
much tx- In all the state a they did in
Nebraska. Thjs would shut out the smaller
corporations and give la the large corpora
tiona a monopoly.
Taylor of Custer explained that if the
corporation faid the tax in all the states
It would; jnesn therefore , that they were
making a profit In all the states and for
the . opportunity of doing business they
should pay.
Gtiffln of Wuit flourished a World-Her
ald on high, and told the house he was up t
in the air:
"This paper chaises that one bill in the
legislature waf drafted by the corporations.
Now I am not sure but what this bill wilt
turf out the same way. It is possible thai
the . foreign corporations and wholesale
This Beautiful Teaspoon
full si red, silver plated, of exclti
iv. rose pattern, in French
gray, thm ne-vest sryJevmaUe
ami warranted by Wax.
.Kojfcrs at Nn
.ii. you aenl ten cents
anil the top of a jar of
i Genuine
i tuie. r wi
31 1. (rial that
S- d?l'ctott. an
-fatraeS el Keel
iae has blue sisna-
want vou te kuow
that it's the uot
nd far-coinr ci.
Irat. W tcuf uooulul aMkes
rjp rf Im"i Ixrel lea . it iuat
v " vA economical jor rooking.
.'or Jti cents ami a Lichig top we
ail tins fine fork, full size, to
ti li spo mi - No advertising on
iii-r illrir-s Dept. S,
.; Fil l. aaSVID 4 CO..
1. J nudx St., K Tork.
houses may have drawn this measure and
will send their agents into the state with
out Incorporating In Nebraska. I want
some enlightenment." The bill was recom
mended for passage.
Snrairlsed at Doaglas "Senator."
Superintendent of Schools Conn of Co
lumbus had an interview with a Douglis
county man whom he mistook for a senator
and he is busy1 buying the cigars for every
body who hesrd of the Incident. IJttle
Denny L,ynch, who forced the democratic
members from Douglas county to appoint
him to a Job this winter, was sitting on
a davenport in the senate chamber one
afternoon recently when Mr. Conn ap
proached. Lynch was Introduced as a
senator from Douglas and played the part
to perfection,' while Mr. Conn conversed
with him about some pending school mat
ters, meanwhile smoking a cigar the Co
lumbus schoolmaster handed him. Finally
Lynch managed to dodge away without
revealing his Identity, when Mf. Conn
tuned to a friend and remarked:
"I have heard and read a good deal about
the men Douglas county sent to Lincoln,
but I never supposed it was all true."
Treatment ( CoasamatlTes.
The senate has passed Speaker Pool's
bill, providing for the treatment of curable
consumptives at the public expense where
the patients are unable to rare for them
selves. The - measure is the results of
the efforts of a number of members five,
It la, said who have undergone the treat
ment provided in the bill 'at the hands of
Nebraska phyalcians and have overcome
the effects of the disasse. The bill, fa. R.
3-2. specifies that a patient, to receive
treatment, at the expense of the county
In which he resides, must have lived there
at least a year, must be Indigent, and
mimt satisfy the county Judge this la
the case. Admission to a hospital for treat
ment, which must be by the modern vac
cine therapy method in conjunction with
open air and other sanitary methods, must
also be on a certificate of a responsible
physician that the patient Is curabls.
The State Board of Health shall certify
a list of hospitals that will carry out the
provisions of the act on their application
and shall prescribe the system of treat
ment. The bill specifies treatment shall cost
not more than 110 a week, Including board
and lodging for the patient.
Dr. J. H. Tyndale of Lincoln has been
greatly interealed In securing tiie adoption
of a measure that will reduce the spread
of tuberculosis, and Is authority for the
statement that this Is the first measure
to be passed by a legislature that prescribes
a system of treatment which has been
proved to be of great efflcscy In numerous
cases In Nebraska.
The senate recommended to pass the
miscellaneous claims bill, striking out the
provision for 11.500 for Captain E. J.
Murfln. as attorney for Land Commis
sioner Fallmer, while fighting the Boyd
county land cases. The deficiencies bill
was favorably recommended with the
ttiO.noO wolf bounty Item stricken out.
Declared Carried by Rcoardlac aa
Absent Member In Favor.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. March 2.-(8peclal.)-By vot
ing an absent member in the affirmative,
and after three calls of the house, Mr.
Bryan's request to the regents of the uni
versity to establish a school of cltlsenshlp
st the university "whenever the Board of
Regents deemed the same advisable," was
finally passed In the house.
The bill received fifty-one votea. though
Mr. Bryan had lobbied for the measure
from the first of the session both In nub
ile sddresses and through the press.
After It hsd been announced that the bill
had passed and another measure had been
voted upon. It was called to the speaker's
attention that Hadsell had been recorded
In the affirmative when he was not present
at the session. The speaker Informed the
house of the fact and suggested another
roll call. Brown of lancaster raised the
point of order that the result of the vote
had been announced.
"You know. Mr. Speaker," he aaid, "that
announcement was ' Incorrect. It is your
duty now to declare the bill dead."
"The records show that the blU received
fifiy-one votes." replied tha spealrer. "We
have discovered a mistake, however, and
it is up to the house to say how It should
be corrected." .
Raper of Pawnee objected to any further
proceedings In the matter, but Insisted that
the speaker declare the bill lost.
Humphrey of Lancaster proposed that
the roll call be verified and this carried.
When Hadsell s name was called again
to verify his vote no one answered or ob
jected, but at the critical moment Mr.
Evans of Hamilton changed his vote from
no to yes and thus passed the bill by the
ixa.-t number It required.
The Douglaa county delegation voted for
the bill, save Thomas, who first voted no
and then when It looked like tha bill was
lost he changed to yea. Boyd of HajniRoa
first voted yes. changed to no snd tbea
sgain changed back to yes. (
S Idoni have tha proceedings Been . as
lively and never has there been such an
exhibition of rulings and holdings by the
speaker. Speaker Cannon could have got
ten pointers that would have made him
famous had he been on hand.
When the bill had received forty-seven
votes, s csll of the house wss made
When this call was raised. 1t wss found
the bill still lacked the necessary fifty
one votes. Then another call was hsd.
This call brought the number In the af
firmative up to fifty, by Thomas rhang
Ing from no to yes. Then came a third
call of the house, when, by the chsnge
of Boyd of Hamilton to yes from no snd
by voting the sbsent Haddeil, the re
quired number waa secured.
While under the call a motion wss made
for the house to take a recess, but this
was lost. When It was round the bill
lacked one vote after the second call had
been raised, snd the speaker still failed
to announce the result. Rslnes of Weheter
moved that the speaker he requested to
snnounce the result of the vote, as enoiia-h
tlmp had been wasted over the matter.
While the speaker delayed putting this
motion. Chase of Dawes moved to ad
Joum until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
This wss lost.
Vhen the house wss under, the call snd
a motion was made to raise the call, the
speaker ruled It out of order because, he
held no business hsd been 4ranascted since
going under the call. Then the usual pro
cedure wss for some member to move a
recess until 4 o'clock, which the speaker
held was the transacting of business, and
then the motion to raise the call would
be put.
Action Taken on n bomber of Senate
From a 8tslf Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 29.-Speclal H The
house sent the entire morning in com
mittee of the whole recommending for pas
sage the following bills;
B. F. in. by Bartos, to compel railroad
companies to Instil (n their offices, crounds
snd buildings telephones. The rnjlros)
committee of the house a-netvled the meas
ure to provide this should ho done upon
orders from the Rflllway commission, hut
the amendment waa stricken out by the
committee of the whole.
9. F. 115. by N.oyes of Cms, to prevent
the lowering of natural lakes.
I. R. 137. by Buhrman of Howard, to
prohibit the state from tnkltig any part
of the pension from a member of the
Soldiers' Home.
8. F. M. by Randnll of Madison, Inter
ested party shall designate paper In which
legal notices or orders snail ne printed.
a. F. Z82, by Banning or Cass, providing
that dealers In dairy products msv stamp
their cans with their own mark and file
the mark in the office of the secertary of
fl. F. 123. by Volpp of Valley, allows mu
tual insurance companies to pay annuities
to members over 70 years old.
8. T. 161. by Bodlnson of Buffalo, to pro
vide for thn removal of sand and gravel
from school lands.
8 F. 10, by King of Polk, providing for
the payment of an occupation tax by cor
porations. Rxeanms banks, insurance com
panies and building and loan asMoclatlons
and scientific nn' other corporations not
ora-anlsed for profit.
S. F. 340. Iiv Hhiiom of Saline, limiting the
llahlllty of hotelkeepers.
The house Indefinitely postponed an nouse
bills which are not on third reading. This
has happened several times before under a
different motion, however, so house bills
may yet be raised If flfty-ono members
decide to do so.
Hone Bill Passes Fixing; Rates for
. . Official Bonds.
From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, Neb., March 29. (Special.)
The senate today passed H. R. 512, by the
house ommlttee on claims giving the au
ditor, attorney general and treasurer the
right to fix the maximum rates on surety
bonds in the ?tate. . The measure was
championed In the senate by Randall of
Madison, who opposed' final effort- to
recommit It today, ' which waa' tirade by
Senator Howell of Douglas. Randall said
the movement was merely to kill the meas
ure. During debate on the bill It had been
shown th"at some of the bonding com
panies had raised rates on the bonds of
state officers 386 per cent. This was the
case with the bond of the state auditor,
who handles no money whatever. The
bond of the state superintendent had been
raised 275 per cent. It was shown that one
company, with an Income of $40,000 in a
year, had losses of only $1,145 in the same
time. "
The bin will now go to the governor.
The senate passed If. R. . by Butt of
Douglaa, that no country road once es
tablished can be vacated without a major
ity vote of those who use It.
Senator Bartos' bill. 8. F. 311. providing
that no Insurance company of the stock life
kind may pay stockholders to exceed 8
per cent Interest on the Investment, failed
of passage on third reading by a vote of
fourteen to sixteen.
In committee of the whole, on motion of
Laverty of Saunders, the senate knifed
the house road bill, H. R. 442 Indefinitely
postponing It. Senator Banning led In the
attack, declaring the measure had been
fixed up by a disappointed bridge man
from Gage, county, and that It absolutely
took away the power of the county boards
to engage In emergency bridge work, and
was not a road bill but a bridge bill. He
declared the house members had since said
they did not know what they were passing
when they passed It. Klein of Gage made
a figtit for the measure on the score of
home rule, but for the second time during
the day home rule lost out.
IIS 1 I 1" I i
u U U
Tuesday morning the big coal sale begins and from present indications it will last but a
very short time. Of cotirse the sale will cease when the North Yard stock of coal is sold and
3,000 tons won't last very long.
This is a CASH BARGAIN sale, the money to be paid when order is placed. All coal is
to be delivered at once, because we cannot begin construction of our new buildings until the
stock is moved. All this coal will be thoroughly screened before delivery. ,
If we should happen to oversell, we reserve the right to refund the money, for these prices
are far below original cost and we cannot supply additional coal to fill fire sale ordens.
Take afar Ride
The North 24th Street car
takes you to fhe grate of our
North Yard,, kxamlne the
coal and depend on your own
eyesight and Judgment. WK
thloV . It ,1s not seriously
damaged. If you come to the
same. -conclusion select the
coal yon want end that par
ticular coaf will be dellverd.
Order next winter's coaf now.
Where to Order
We prefer to have ordew
placed at our North Yard,
where the coal can be' seen.
Will also take orders at our
main office. No fire sale or
ders will be "taken at our
South Yard. Order early
Tuesday or you may be too
Hard Coal, nil sizes
Ozark, semi-anthracite.
Economy Nut
Economy Lump .
Cherokee Nut .........
Cherokee Lump
HEock Springs
Iowa Nut
Walnut Block
Something . . .
Special Regular
$8.50 $10.50
$7.00 " $9.00
$4.50 $6.50
$4.50 . $6.50
$3.50 $5.50
$3.50 . 6.00
$7.00 $8.50
$6.00 $8.00
$G.75 $9.00
$3.00 $4.50
$3.25 $5.50
$G.OO $8.00
Quick Action Important
Thi fire Is our KXCTSR
for selllnir the north jartl
coal so rhonp. ' ' ''
The RKASON Is that we
must move I lie stock be for?
we can rebuild.
Sale bcglna Tuesday morn.
tng and ends as son as the
coal is sold.
The Coal Quality
Every dollar reduction Is
a clear gain for our patrons.
Kverjr ton of fire sale coal
was bought for our regular
retail trade the best traxlo
In Omaha. Thn quality la
high and such bargains have
never before been offered.
The building waa burned
from over the ma I, but the.
coal Itself was not burned,
and Its fuel value is aa good
as ever.
Cash With Every Order
Special Values
Note particularly -the prices quoted on hard coal and Ohio. Never have we owned better quality Pennsylvania
Anthracite coal than that in our North Yard. A reduction of $2.00 a ton is big interest on the investment for any person
who is willing to put in next winter's supply NOW. All sizes Nut, No. 4, Range, Egg and Grate.
' The most perfect soft coal is from the best Jackson county, Ohio, mines. This coal has been selling for $9.00 a ton.
Fill up your bin with our Ohio Lump coal. Will keep fresh and good for a year or two, but we must move it now. Look
at the reduction of $2.25 a ton.
The insurance haa been adjusted and we must at once commence work on our new North Yard buildings. That
is why we are selling the coal at a sacrifice at this time.
afle Hegins Tyesday MomSn;
Main Office 1614 Harney
North Yard 24th and Belt Line
TO curb a cfi.i r omit nT
Taks LAXATIVE BROMO Qutn. Tsblata
Drurslsts refund money If It falls to curs.
K. w. QROVK'8 signature on esch bos. 3&c
President RetraiNa Nomination for
Jsdgc of Alaska Dis
trict. WASHINGTON'. March 29 The presi
dent today wlttMrew the nomination of
Thomas R. Lyons to be judg of the Dis
trict of Alaska, First division.
The president today mads the following
Consul general of . Singapore, Straight
Settlement, James T. PuLxils.of Pennsyl
vania. Solicitor seneral of the T'nlted States.
Lloyd W. Bowers of Illinois.
Associate justice of the supreme court
of New Mexico,. Ira A. Abbott u( Massa
chusetts. Assistant secretary of the treasury.
Chat'lna B. Norton of Illinois.
Register of the land nrrtfe at I .a a (rnres.
X. M., Jone Oonsales of New Mexico.
Hamburg is in ' ,
Port of Azores
Roosevelt Party . Taken Ashore at
Horta an4 Driven About
' the City.
HORTA Fayal, 'Asores, March 29.-1 he
steamer Hamburg, with Theodore Roose
velt and the members of . his party . on
board, put In hers today to leave the malls.
The stay In port was short.
A. De Freltas. the governor of Horta.
came out to the Hamburg and. welcomed
Mr. Roosevelt, after which the members
of the Rooseveltvpaj-ty were taken ashore
by the' governor and driven through the
town. There was tyi official reception.
Mr. Roosevelt aliened a dance on board
the Hamburg Saturday evening. He did
not dance, but his son Kermlt took part In
the entertainment and danced with several
of the young women on board.
All the members of the Roosevelt party
sre well.
(Continued frwm First Page.)
to go on, and this chance was given. '
Continuing his remarks, Mr. Elklns mstlf
no secret of the fact that he was disap
pointed at hot getting on the finance com
mittee, but lie aaid he wanted to get on
so as to protest against the continuance
of high duties for New England and low
duties for the manufactured products of
the south.
In an exceedingly facetious burst of elo
quence, Mr. Klkins grilled the. New Eng
land "domination" of the Senate. Again
referring Id the alleged non-representation
of the middle west. Mr. Elklns recited
the' states which had no members on the
"You cannot give a place to every
state," said Mr. Iodge.
'No, but you give three places to New
England, where the members live so close
together that they can speak to ' each
other from their back doors before break
fast each morning."
At ' the conclusion of Mr. Elklns' re
marks the order went over until Thursday.
Clever Forgery
Hits Stock Yards
Dm Yu Like
Post ))
Millions Do
Crisp. FlaYory, Dsllclous
"The Tnat lingers"
Vopalar paokags 10c
Xarg Family Bias !.
Made by
Postura Cereal Co.. Ltd.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
the construction placed upon the act of
congress passed April 28. lfrH.
Martin Sere President.
(Representative Martin today called on
President Taft - and discussed with the
executive the purpose of his two bills In
troduced Friday to -regulate corporations.
Joint corporations engaged In Interstate'
and foreign commerce and the bill to regu
late similar corporations engaged in com
merce In food and fuel supplies. It Is be
lieved Mr. Taft assured the South Dakota
member that In general they met with his
approval, and thus encouraged by the
executive,' Mr.-';Martln propoees to force
them It possible to favorable committee
action at the rt'guloV session of congress,
beginning next December.
Minor Matters at Capital.
On the recommendation of Congressman
Hubbard.. Dr. Ii L. Corcoran has been ap
pointed pension examining surgeon at Rock
Rapids. la., vice. Dr.J. p. Bratt, resigned.
Rural carriers' appointed: Iowa Tipton,
route I, John f. Armstrong, carrier; Wil
liam Frsieur, ' substitute. Route 6. 1-ee
Buck, carrier; C. W. Iubacheur. substi
tute. South Dakota Frederick, routes 1
and 2. Charles Maxwell, carrier, C. H.
Maxwell., substitute; Hitchcock, route 1,
Kverad Poe, carrier; Earl K. Snyder, substitute.
(Continued from First Page.)
in a sarcastic speech he said the demo
crats had been given .fourteen minutes In
which to examine the. bill before voting
upon it upon Committee.
Senators .Gallinger,- Hare and Lodge, by
answering question in spite of the pro
tests of Senator . Elklns,' managed, to raise
a parliamentary ' diseussion, which brought
Into auestioa.rMr. JTOklnk' right a tin;
A ruling of Vee-Prwident Sherman' look
Mr. Ellns off the -floor, but Mr. Carter.
Mr. Bacon. Mr. Culberson and others
pleaded that Mr. Elklns be glxen s chance
Boy Horton Arrested in Kansas City
on Charge of Fleecing Firm
Out of $75,000.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., March 29.-A man,
who gave his name as Hoy Horton, was
arrested here today on a charge of forgery
for an amount placed at $75.ono. and will
be taken back to East St. Louis, III., as
soon ss officers from that city arrive for
lilin. Horton was arrested here Saturday
night by the local police, It developed to
day, but wi.t soon released. Today he
was taken Into custody again and agreed
lo go back to Illinois rwlthout requisi
tion papers. When first arrested the man
gave his name as Ryan. Horton Is charged
with perpetrating a confidence game upon
the Stock Yards company of East St.
Louis. Both Roy Horton and his brother.
John L. Horton, have been sought by de
tectives since 192.
- Keep Tour Interest at Home
B?1"0W,n f The Cnervatlve Savings & Loan Asso
ciation, 1614 Harney, gtreet. the intercut you pay does not go out
side the state, but to home people, to help build up home Institu
tions.. ... . .. .
We have an abundance of funds to loan, without r-ommls-sion
and without exchange, at reasonable rates, on easy terms of
repayment. ...
. Call for full Information.
Wpht a swell Hat Pin made of the choic
est flower In jour garden preserved by
nieiallxatlon. But be able to sav to your
friends that you made it vourself: other
wise you will not be quite in the swim
this coming summer. -
Pleasnntest pastime to be Imagined. Any
orditiarvjterKnu h e..ii...-i.. .
tlons. do this mctal'izliig as easily as any
,...,.,., . ,,ri nun en IUHMP a OKC llV
lowing the recipe only it la a lienp' more
fuscinatinir Alt tha ti...i., -.
summer girls will be doing It. (Jet your
J oe reaay rnr the rirtst
fresh rose. Price of formala and complete
Instructions 1.1.00; but those sending this
jd and half that amount will receive the
formula and Instruction bv return mall
0 Horth BTlBeteentk Btreet, Omaha, Hen.
A Cruel Mltlsks
Is to negiecv a cold or cough. ' Dr. King's
New Discovery cures them snd prevents
consumption. Uk- and Sim). For sals by
Beaton Drug Co.
Delicate enough for the softest
kin, and yet efficacious in ie-noving
any stain. Keeps the skin in perfect
condition. In the bath gives all thf
desirable after-effects of a Turkish
tath. It should be 60 every wa&h
tftand. '
half glass
l upon arising ,
la the morning
suu tiywj uuu
health- all
Ii Is Tint Best
Natural Laxative Water
The Paxton Cafe
lets, ut raraam ts.
"The ropsJai Qsfs of Omaha"
Prompt ser'.'Ve, reasonable puces, and
perfect appointments are the .reasons of Its
popularity. ,
By ordering balf portions at the "Paxton''
you get more variety without 'adding to the
cost '
"Meet Teat Friends at the . Fsstoa
Meai Tickets Frea at Hanson's
Every persoa wbe takes a meal at Tell
Hanson's baaemeat restaurant may guasS
the number, wile visit there during la
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TOVIOHT Wednesday, Thursday
Wednesday Matinee
Charles Frohrasn Presents Heart Bern
stein's Xsmarkable Drama
The Thief
Chae. DsJton, Margaret Wyoherly. .
Friday, Saturday Saturday Matinee ' ' "
Viola Allen
In the Most Discussed Flay of the Deoads
KRUG Trimmer
Dally Matinee 3:13. Ev ry Bight t:ll
"School -lieys " Armstrong i t'lurk: "A
Spotless Ki putstlon," The Three YoKcai vs,
T. Nelson I towns, Wm il & Klsre. The
Three Westons. Kinurtrome. ' Trices 10c
26c and fine. '
9 HMjU VVl A
it dH i
rnones: uoui IMil: Int
Met si I wm' " Boclety Comedy
Xnurs. Iresterday's audience laughing yet
k Set Beat Sunday and Holy Week
TahU d' I Iota Dlnnar $1.00. evary evauing 6 'to S.