THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: MONDAY, MARCH 20. 1909. ( OFFERED FOR SALE Mlml leee :attaaed. SACKJFICK SALE OF GOODS FROM THE YKarbach Auto & Vehicle Co. Two afee. 2 flat top deaka. office chelr. dhlnoti, automobile supplies, automobile top, automobile shield. 1-1& H. P. electrlo i motor, blacksmith forges, drill. vices, an vils, tool, shafting, pulleys, blta, wood working machinery, wagons of aJI klnda. on 4-see ted cloned carriage. Thl stork waa recently taken over by A Murphy & Son and I (Ming o& by them at 131 h and Howard. (1)-M4fl8 80 BODA fountalna, new and - second-hand; tnoathly paymeate. Deright, Ul8 Farnara. (II1 -M626 ELECTRIC PIANOS, 5 jCap)tol Ave. 160. Baysdorfer, (16) M789 A20 . OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON 1KB., 418 N. T. l Tel. D. M44. (6)-4M Dr. Katberya Nicholas. 50 N. T. L. Bid. (6)-10 Dr. Bowaer, over 1500 Farnam. Doug. 63J0. (Sr-M3-; A23 PATENTS D. O. BARNKLL, Faxtaci Blk. Tl. Redjlll. (17 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Tbrea book for investor mi-u -. - -;: age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey, room a 34-31 pacific Bldg., Washington. O. C. Estab lUbed 1. 17) 443 PERSONAL OMAHA iummerer'. In.. Rajng Bldg. (laj H1i t nfe. saw, Id-baad. Ull Farnara. " Oil 44 th BALVATION ARMT aoUoita ceatoft clothing; In anything you do not S'.; collect, repair and aell at 134 K iiih Bt.. for ooet of collection to the worthy poor. Cull hone. Douglas 4Ut and wagon will call. (IS)-78S DHS. KOGERS, private confinement horns. M Manna eu . a liatf urn aiua uptviTR home dunni confinement! babies adopted. The Qood Samaritan San itarium. J40 FVrat Ave.. Council Bluff. Xa. , tW-M9W tii nvrtT'TTr' trsstmsnt sad bath. Mm a, lliauuw Bmlth. 633 8. 14th. Id floor. . (13-27 4 no a rtf Electric vibratory. 130 MAOOAUti . 16th. Room 808. Fourta Floor. Old Boston Store. (Uj-MiaoAU VAPOR BATHS KL.'iV. men. If oa want to get rid of your rnaumatiam. lumbago, sciatica and other chronic ailment, take the vapor baths and massage treatments of Pr. and Mrs. R. B, Benda. We also give face end scalp treat ment. We set result. Z30-&34 Paxlon Hlk. IeL Douglas 1W. (UD M as YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as trana-era are Invited to vlalt the Young Women's Christian association rooms, loll - Farnun St., where tney wiu be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise aaalated. A deaconess representing ths , sasoclatmn meets trains at ins union sta Uon aa travelers' aid.- (li) toil SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut prtnoa Bend for . free cstalogua. Myer Dillon Drug Co.. umana, u) ti CKWOOD'S ANTI . TUBERCULOSIS UNDERWEAR for men and women made of Dure unadulterated wool. In bright, - airy room under the supervision or Dr. Pratt,. per garment, stanu factured by George Rock wood A Co. Bennington, VL (18) M344 3x MOTHER Three 60s make It easy. I know where to go. I am gone -don't worry. If approached I can and will square every thing. Don't expect word; don't try to semi word; don't lose heart and I won't. HOY. (1 S70 XiX POULTRY AND EGGS OTTUMWA Poultry Yard Light Brahm.4 won 7 premium at the atate fair. Stock for al. old and young. R. T. Cameron, Ottumwa. la (U)-Ml4 8x WH1TW ROCKB Egg from pen scoring 9114 to 4-V 11.60 for fifteen egga. ('. W. Howell, Altoona. la. (11) M237 9x ORP1NOTON8. all varletlea, blue ribbon winners; mating list free. Uoomgarn'S Orpington Yards. Humboldt, Neb. . UD-M1S1 8x tXKJS From two fine pena of Barred Rocka of cockerel mating; cockerela scor ing l and 91V. 32 per IS. Egga from out. side pena, 33 per ,100, Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Alnsworth. Ia. (1D-M236 9x rOR SALE Indian Runner ducks and rggs. Mrs. Derrick, Battle Creek, Neb. (ll)-Mifil Ix VOR SALE Rose Cemb Brown Leghorn cockerela. Write for prices. F. Bowman. Route 4, Eldora, la. . (11) M690 Alx White leghorn egga ft per 100, at Maitdy Lee Farm. Tel. Florence lte. (ll)-M7fiA:o R. C. R. I. RED EOOS for sale. Pen eggs, 61.60 per 16, ft per 100; from pene scoring 90 to 93 range 11 per 15, ft per 100. J. W, Abraham, Valley. Neb. (1D-M343 SILVER LACED Wyandotte cockerels, choice stork, acored and unacored; Pekln duck. Mr. F. R. McLaughlin, Manning, la. (11) M6S7 A4x ' PRINTING IARVE PTO CO.. Job printing and calen dara, 16th aV Cap. Ave. Phone Ind. A-38J0. (0) 7 REAL ESTATE, REAL KSTATH DBAI.KBS. REKD ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1858; prompt service; get our price. 1710 Farnam 81. (19)-48 REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. I'll Ad. E. WILLIAMSON, President. (19)6S1 PAYNE INV. CO., firrt floor. N. Y. L (19) 449 BENJAMIN R. E. CO., 477 Bnndeis Bldg. (19)-W DARLING Ml BranUei Bldg. DARLING. Phone Doug. 80.14 (19) KM ED. JOHNSON CO.. 104 FARNAM ST. (19)-M71 M24 CITT PBOPKRTT FOR BALI SUBURBAN SITE Beautiful, high and alghtly-. located in Florence overlooking surrounding country. Owner purchased thia acreage for suburban residence. 10 acres; 6 minutes walk from car; paved road on two aldea; exceptional opportunity, at 83,600. BEMIS, Brandels Bldg. (19)-M47 39 H .160. 0s 7-room good house, I large lots, must b sold by April 1; owner moving to Idaho. Terms. 'Phones V 6M2. or A 9Kil 091 M463 30 IF TOU RATI City pre party, farms, ranch land or aser eaabdlae to sell or trade, list them with ana. It costs you nettling unless I effect a sale. W. W. Mitchell. IB Board oi Trade Bldg. ll M . IB TOUR PROPERTY FOR BAI.K? (I so tell us: we have the buyers and will puah your property; a few days' trial I all we aak: call and aee ua or telephone and wa will call and see you. 8. E WAIT A ).. 7 Bee Bldg. tli Douglas ir a ?.iii. U-M( REAL ESTATE C1TT PROPERTY FOR ALB (Continued.) We Want Money, That's the Reason We will aell you 26"2 ft. Jnth Ave. a good Home of rooms II, 4"). - 1231 N. SSth 7 room", barn and city water, COSY HOME l,fon. RIs rooms and rw-entlon hll. modern. hot watr heat, lot 40ilnft Four-room houee. lot TvxiX, chicken horse, coal home, eto.-H.fO. And then we have the cutest, moat, swag ger (-room bunKalow ycu ever saw at 2,6V tbM cadh, balance $?S per month. NOWATA MNP AM' I.or fO. Suite: 24 N. T. Uf Bldg. Phone Red 1W. Omaha. Neb. Opn evenings- (19) M4 to BEAUTIFUL HOME BARGAINS Elrht room, modem osk finish, full two stories, large commodious room, elegant ar rangement and finlah; bunt for a noma two year ago; eaat front In Hanecoro park, Park Ave. This property must be Sold by the Bth Inst., and the win sen it, a it Is offered for 11.600 leas than Its actual value; part cash will handle It. NATIONAL INVESTMENT COMPANY, 681 Brandels Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (UI)-JOl FOR 8AI.F Cheap, by owner, new i-room cc'ttage, modern except heat. 7711 Spragus St. Reason for selling owner wants to kavs city. (19) M'JSSnx A SNAP 8-KOOM MODERN HOME Plastered Attic, Two blocks from 24th St. car, South front, liot WbtlriS, paved street, 2670 Poppleton Ave. Inquire at 20U6 Poppleton Ave. ,'UFJ 3W 2t DEAD EASY 36th near Martha, lot 50x133 feet, east front, t large room, pantry, closets and bath downatalrs; two more can be finished upstairs; good furnace, fine plumbing, com bination light flTturea; ell rooma hand somely decorsted; window shadea. front and back vestibule; Yale locks, stone walk to be laid and yard sodded. Block from school, thres blocks to car. In Creighton's First Addition Price, )3.2no; I7U0 cash; 11.500 t yeara per cent, semi-annual Interest; balance $30 per month. Ill Board Trade Bldg., 18th and Farnam St. D. V. Sholes Co., Telephone, Doug. 19; Ind., A-2049. 0 133 Z! A NICE little home place, very complete and desirable, requiring about I7W) cash, balance, ll.MO; building and loan; pay- menta: Clifton Hill, two blocks from car. Aiddress owner soon. Full lot, bsrn. shade, fruit trees; no commission In volved; immediate possesion, owner leav ing the city; will give a bargain. Stoves, range, heating end gas stoves, also rilano and some furniture ror ssie. Aonrees J-Z4, Bee. llt M I 12,300-Corner lot, KbclJnr. Sth and A ' 8ts South Omaiia, most dealrable. t 900 Lot 60x160. l'4th and Grover. OALLAQHKR St NElON. ' -490 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. (19)-M4S9 31 31,0006 rooms, lot 36x137, fruit, one block from car. lXug. XlgZ. (1) M48S 31 U8T your property wlta Cbrts Boyer. 23d ana cuming Bt. . (i eu 34 GRAND AVE;, new 8 room modern houee; permanent walks to car; 33.600; terms. 09J-M158 29 BOULEVARD HOUSE, 2248 North 19th St., 9 rooms, modern, only 2,S0n. Thomas Brennan, room 1 New York Life Bldg. (19)-934 FOR RALK Nebraska's choicest corn and alfalfa lands. Write for price list of bar gains. L. Nlder, Falrbury, Neb. ' (ID M236 9t CI08E IN flat location, south and east front, full lot, only 12 block from the Boeton store, 12,000. I. CONNER, owner, 831 Board of Trade Bldg. 0 M468 7 FOR SALE Sub lot 6 of tot 7, Capitol add.; also e 44 ft. lot 3, block 148. Make me an offer. Slrllla C. Jones, CfSS W. Prospect ' Ave., Hollywood Sta., Los Angelea. Cat (19)-M821 A4 REAL ESTATE, LOANS and Inaurance Lit your properly with u for sale or exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hllla R.-wlty Co., 4010 Hamilton St. 'Phones Harney 37rt6; Ind., B-1842. (19 168 rOf SALE At Nortlolk. Neb., 10-room li'i'.., centrally located for boarding; mtml he sold by April 10; will ronsld. r imy reasonable offer. Addreaa Mra. H. Vfuvray. Urand Island, Neb. (19) M908 31 10,2008 rooma. strictly modern, lot 36x182, near 28th and Caldwell. ! IJ.700 8 rooms, modern except furnace, lot . 111x1 id. zoin ana apencer Bt. 83,850 rooms, modern except furnace, lot 60x160, 42d and Farnam Sts. $2,8006 rooma. modern except furnace, lot tX!ZD. lain ana uorcas HIS. . GALLAGHER A NELSON, 490 Brandels Bldg., Omaha. (19)-M487 II BARGAIN 8-room houae ou Ohio, close to 24th St., rents fur 8300 per year Owner non-resident; mum set! at once. If taken at one will accept. 82.260. M. J. KENNARD Co.. 810 Brown ttlk. (18)-M364 REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH I, A 11) FOR BALBI OekArag. FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Denver-Greeley district, under irrigation; sugar beets, alfalfa, genera) farming and fruit raising; low price, eaay jaymenta. National Investment Co.. . 643 Hrandela Bldg.. Omaha. Tel Douglas MM. . (30-4ST NORTH Dickinson county land, fin home, good investments, selling fsst, advanoing rapidly; come soon, get a good bargain. . Write B. Facklrr, Manchester. Kan. t30 Mm4 tlx list, FOR BALE A farm of 820 acres, two and one-half . miles from Osceola, the county sest of Clark county, lows. 110 acres In cultivation, balance In blue grasa paa ture. 8 mall orchard, and a number of shade trees around the house. Good housi and barn, and shedding for. a hundred head of cattle, and hoge, wo-d shed and hen houae. Farm well watered with well and living stream. Prioe 70 per acre, or 828.400. ft,4uo cash down and balance In four years. Interest psyable annually; 6 per cent on I12.0U0, and per cent on 82.8UU, with option (o pay 86DO or II.UOO at any interest date after one year. Also have other bargains. "Send for list 28 P. P." Karr Karr, Osceola, I a. (AU-U68 A4x . Mlaaeeota. FOR BALE The Murray property on the shore of 10th Crow Wing lake, contain ing 60 acres. 8 acre under cultivation. 8 acres ready for plow; large 6-room houae. finished: exterior In ateel, house all complete. Fine mineral aprlngs on property. Addresa John Murray. Akeley, Minn. (30)-M437 2x Mia rl. NELSON'S bargain llst-14-80 acres 4 miles from C.yde; nice, level land, all fenced, at 110. 16 loO acres near Agenda. In Ger man settlement; creek bottom and well Improved. A bargain at IK.uiju. with good terme. Alao have seversl good farms that 1 can give good tradea or.. Write for my complete list. mentioning this pr. Waiter Nelson, Clyde, Kan. ()-Mlj 8 REAL ESTATE .... PARM AU StANCH LAUD FOR tAI.K (CoMlnued.? Nerth Dak eta. HAVE a very attrsctiva proposition for r;en whi can procurs buyers for farm lends In the beet locality In the north west. H. N. Tucker Co.. Courtensy, N. D. (20) M 10 31 TRUCK FARMING It is very profitable and require little capital to start. We have Just divided Into 10-acre tracts a half section of IRRIGATED LAND that la already subdued, ready for your first crop. Will raise anything that can be raised anywhere, but Is especially suitable for SUGAR BEETS . Three sores of celery brought one man 3700 lest year, and potstoe yield tip to 3"0 bushels per acre, other crops accord ingly. WAGE EARNERS be Independent, buy a piece of this land and move onto It: lota healthier and more profitable than working In the city, and just the place to bring up the children. Our land la located In the famous ' NORTH PLATTE VALLEY "Where the crop pays for the land." Sold on EASY TERMS. Excursion Tuesday. March SO. Call, write or telephone PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor. N. T. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. "Phones Doug. 1781; Ind. A-lift. (20)-M447 2 GOOD LAND CHEAP. 40 acres central Nebraska, 13 Si per acre; 1764.50 cash, balance 8 yeara. 1192.00 each year; low rate of Interest. P. O. Box 171, Council Bluffs. (2O)-M130 30x FOR SALE 488-sore ranch near Sidney, 120 acrea of hay land. 190 acre farm land, balance pasture, nearly all fenced; good well, but no building. School house near; sidetrack close. Price 816 per acre, part on time. We have many other cargains, 30-acre farm, well Improved, near Grand Island, $4,400. For particulars, write Dill tc Huston, Grand Island, Neb. () M242 9t Oklak FARMS, It to 371 per acre. Write for our long list. Bemla. Brandels Bldg. (30)-281 Mchll CHOICE Oklahoma farm for sale. 180 acres. -room house, barn, crib, granary ; 80 acres In cultivation, 70 acres bottom, 10 acres orchard; 7 miles from railroad towa; price, km per acre; one-nan casn, rime on bal ance. Write Swope At Co., Stillwater, Okl. (20) M728 Aex Sowta Dakataw . BUT SOUTH DAKOTA LAND. Buy in the Kadoka vicinity. In Stanley county, where the rich aoll grows grod com, small grain, alfalfa and timothy and clover, plenty of water easily ob talned, free from rock. Come and buy while It'a wit til n reach, from 38 to lid per acre. We also have gilt edge first farm mortgagee for ssle. can net you fram per cent to per cent interest. Agents wanted. FVir description write to F. E. Reldlnger Iand Agency, Kadoka, Stanley Co., South Dakota. (20 A4 4,5"0 acres 1 miles of' railroad station. Irge part la fineat valley land, best of smi, iota or nay. wen watered, lots ot tree; lnnd is worth 860.00 per acre; one crop will pay for land. If you see thia land you will never pass it up. Price 1)6.60 oer acre. Easy term. 6.0HO acres well Improved, 830.00 per acre. I, (HO acres, s sets 01 improvements, ue per sere. I,8u0 acre, well Improved. 830.00 per acre. We have many other Dargain. write or see us. GLOBE LAND AND INV. CO.. OMAHA. ( 5J) M492 I WaatUista. FOR SALE 10 acres fruit and vegetable Irrigated land near Spokane. Wash., at sacrifice. Writs H. B. Smith. College. Tabor. I a. uo M303 Alx wr"l. STOCK RANCH. 2,200 acres; 160 Irrigated, balance pasture; all enclosed; good ll-nxm houae, with hot snd cold watar, good horse and cattle barn and other outbuildings, eto. ; con recled with telephone and situated 26 miles south of Douglas. Wyo. Price rea sonsble: part cash, balance on easy terms. GEO. L. FOXTON, Douglas. Wyo. (20)-M277 J MleeellaaMwa. FDR RENT Several choice Improved farms In Atchlnson county, Missouri; Harrison and Clay countlea, Iowa, and Chippewa county, Minnesota, for one-third of crop, or will furnlah aeed and take half. J. Mulhall. Sioux City, Ia. (20)-M147 lx REAL ESTATE FOR RENT GREAT LAND SNAP. l0-cre farm, all smooth; deep, black soli, no better anywhere; about thirty miles from Aberdeen, the lsrgest city In Smith Dakota. Price only 118.60 per acre. Good terms; owner Is compelled to sell this at once. F. J. SCHNORR. 618 Broadway Council Bluff. (201-MM7 28 REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loan and warrants. W. Farnam bib I ia A Cl.. Us) Farnam BC (22)-669 WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co. (Xi)-Cf L0WE8T RATES Bsml. Brandels Bldg. Hot TO 81S.0M mads promptly. F. D. Weed, Wead Bldg.. Utb and Farnam. (32) 44 LOANS WANTED. It you aeed a reasonable loan on well Im proved Omaha real eatate, I can enter tain your application, at 6 or 6H per cent Intereat. according to location or grade of property; ne delay, and privilege Is given for prepayment before maturity. L 81b bernaen. 3U8 Old Boaton Store Bldg. t33)-M478 A17 ' SECOND MORTOAQU loans negotiated. Apply Room 417-18 First Nat l Bank Bldg. BU 'phone Doug Us 3818. (U 4te4 FTV35 PER CENT MONEY to toaa 00 Omaha BueLscaa Property. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 3, Mew York Life Bldg. (3-e9 PRIVATE money to loaa. J. H. fiberwood. 414 Braadela Bldg. (Xt-U PATNB. BOBTW1CK 4k CO.. N. T. Ufa Private money: 36u to 84.0u0; low rata m-4t MONET to loan oa Improved Omaha prop erty. Conrad Young. 1618 Dodge Bt. (33-M983 Good 6 Farm Mortgages Alwayt on hand and for gait) amount from fSOO to $3,000. ta BENSON & MYERS. 41! N. Y. Life Bldg. (ffil M36D 39 too TO 86,oo oa koiree la Omaha. O Keefe Real r state Co.. but N. Y. Ufe Dong cr A-IliJ. l3j-el REAL ESTATE LOANS (Continued.) MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. 6V to 3300.000, lowest retes, no delay. uarvm Bros., 1S04 rarnam. tnp-m MONET TO BUILD, lve to I one at current rate. W. H. THOMAS. Kit First Nat l Bank Bldg (J ee REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED TO BUT.' IF you MUST ssll. list with us. W csnnot sell anything unless at squeese prune. Open evening. Suite 824 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. phone Red. 1988. 3S)-M331 l.OT WANTED Have cash for a good lot. aultable to build on. Olve location ana pure. Owner only need apply. Addreea N 318, care Bee. (28) M473 29 SPOT CASH For neat home, cottage or building lot; w.-ll located, muet be very cheap; from ownr onlv. "Phone D. 04, A-14SJ. or D 111, care of Bee. (2s)-Mll3 I WANT to buy I to 7-room houae In fair location. Must be reaaonaDie. Anawer quick, giving location and price aaked. Addreaa L 1)8. care Bee. (23) M47J 29 I WANT to buy the beat cottage 82,000 or less win buv. Uive location ano price. Addresa M 217, care Bee. (23) M471 38 STOVE REPAIRS FURNACE, ateam and hot water repair; Thermostat and other heat regulator; new furnaces and hot water combination heating. Omaha Stove Repair Work, 12"-12n Douglas St. 'Phonea: Ind. A-W21; Bell. Douglas 960. -4174 WANTED TO BUY HIOHEST price for ee.condhand furniture, carpeta, clothes and shoea. Tel. Doug. 3971. (2b)-672 BEST price paid for secondhand furniture, carpets, stoves, clothing, snoes. Tel, Doug. 6401. (2)-78 AUCTIONEER! NO The noted auctioneer of Iowa. Ills, and Neb., F. D. VanPeit, has located In Omaha. Office M N. Y. IJfe Bldg. 'Phone, Ind. A 3623. (36)-14 A17 WANTED To buy large numbers of Ho mer plgeona for squab raising; also pure white Homers. Write describing what you have, quoting lowest price, . Dean Swift Poultry Co.. Des Moines, Is. (26)-M938 29 WANTED To buy Union Pacific railroad land contracts. P. O. Box 404, Omaha. 128)-M12S SIX WILL pay good price for house to move. J. H. Parrotte, Board of Trade. (35)-M483 4 SHARE of stock In Happy Hollow club. Address K 216. Bee. (26) M478 29 WANTED SITUATIONS FIRST CLASS family waahlng. rough or flnlahed; lowest rates; guaranteed. Web ster 3184. (37) M2AS30X PHARMACIST reglatered In Nebraska, de alres position outslds of Omaha; Oerman settlement preferred; can furnish good references. Address F 246. care Bee. (D-M4U 80x WANTED By capable young man with good reference poaltlon as- hotel clerk In city or out of town. Address B 238 care Bee. (37) M418 2x POSITION wanted: draftsman wants a po sition wun arcntiecT or engineer, can begin at once. Addreaa C 342. care Bee. (27) M249 80x GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING, QUARTEK- maater. Cheyenne, wyo., larqn S4, 19U. Sealed proposals in triplicate,, will be re ceived at this offlcs until 9:30 a,' m., moun tain lime, Saturday, A lru M, MM), at which time they will be opened In public, for fur nishing all labor and material- required In the construction and remodeling of an elec trlo lighting system at Fort L. A.' Kussell, Wyo., Including the following Item: 1. Constructing primary, ccondary, service. transmission and street light lines, furnish ing and Installing cut-outs and street lamp brackets and Installing transformers, re moving part and remodeling part of the old line. z. urnisning ail 1 ungston lamps, switchboards and all apparatus for sub station. 3.- Furnishing all Watt meters and transformers. 4. Installing. Interior conduit wiring and are lamps for Plectrla lighting cavalry drill hall. 6. construction ef building for tranaformer sub-station, all In accordance with plana and specifications prepared in the office of the quartermaster general, united states army, nans and specifications are on file in this office snd in the office of rhlef quartermaster. De partment of the Missouri, Omaha, Neb.; chief quartermaster, department ot coio rado, Denver, Colo.; chief quartermaster, Department of the Iakes. Chicago. 111.: depot quartermaster, St. Louis. Mo., snd quartermaster, fort Lavenworm, nan. The sovernment reserve the right to ac cept or reject any or ail bid or any part thereof. Envelope containing proposals should be endorsed "Proposala for Re modeling Electric Light Syatem at Fort D. A. Russell. Wyo," snd addressed to Cap tain V. K. Hart, Fifteenth Infantry, act ing quartermaster. United States army, In charge of construction, room 1 Keefe hall, Cheyenne, wyo. M-87-n)-auAza- OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER master, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, March 26, 19)4). Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received here until 11 a. m.. Central time, April 9, 19(4), and then opened, for the construction or a band stand, run in formation and blank forms of proposals fur nlshed on application to this office. Plana and specifications may be seen here, alao In office ot Chief quartermaster. Omaha. and Master Builders' exchange, Kanaaa City. Mo. United Btates reserves the right to accept or reject any or all propoaala or any part thereof. Envelopea to be marked "Proposal for Band Stand," and ad dressed to Capt. Wm. D. Davis, Quarter maater. . M28-29-30-31-A7-8 RAILWAY TIME CARD IMO STATION -IOTH AND MA SO Valoa Pacific 'Overland Limited Colorado Express Atlantic Express . Oregon Express ... Leave. Arrive. .a 8:66 am a 9:40 cm .a 1:60 pra a 6:00 pm a :a am .a 4:10 pin a 6-00 pm Ix Angeles Limited.... al2:K6 pm a 8:60 pm Fast Mail a 9:30 am a 6:46 pm China and Japtn Mall.. a 4 00 pm a 6:44 pm North Platte Local a 8:16 am a 4'4S pm Colo. Chicago Special. ..al3:10 am a 7:06 am Beatrice A Stromaburg lK-al bl2:40 pm b 1:40 pm Local paasengers not carried on trains No. 1 snd 3. t'klcaaro Great Weetern Bt. Paul-Minneapolla.. St. Paul-Minneapolis.. Chicago Limited Chics go Express ...... Chicago Express 8:80 pm 7:30 am 1:06 pin 7 :80 am 3:30 pm 7:30 am 11:36 pin 9 11 am 1135 pm ' 3:30 pro Chicago, Rock Island Pacific EAST. Chicago Limited a 3.00 am all :06 pm Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:30 pm Kocky Mountain Lid. . ..a 8:00 am all:06 nm Dea Moines A Eastern.. a 7.00 am a 4:30 pm Dea Moines Passenger. .a 4:00 pm al2:30 pin loaa Local bll:00 am b 8:66 pm Chicago (Eastern Ex.).. a 4:40 pm a 1:10 pin Chicago Flyer a 6:28 pm a 8:36 am WEST. Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...all :16 pm . a 1:60 pm Colo. A Cal. Expreaa....a 1:30 pm a 4:30 pm Okl. A Texas Express, .a 4:40 pm a 1:16 pro Wabash Bt. Louis Expreaa a 4.30 pm a : am Bt. uouis ixcbi iirom Council Bluffs) a 4:00 am all:16 pin Stanherry Local (from . Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm blS:16 am Illlaols eatral Chicago Expreaa a 111 am a 8:44 pm Chicago Limited a 4:00 pm a I.8D am Minn.-i. nnii Kxprearn 7:14 am Minn. -St. Paul Limited. a 4:00 pra a 1:30 era Omaha-Ft. Dndg L'cal.a 4:16 pm all 80 am iktesis, iiwtittt at. Pa Chicago A Colo. Special. a 7:26 am all 60 pm Cal. A Oregon Exprena.a 4 00 pm a 8 24 pm Overland Limited a 9 68 pm a 6:30 am Perry Local b 6.16 pra bll:3fi am Mlaawart Pacific K. C. tk St. I.. Exprecs.. ) am a 4 45 sra K C A St. L Express. .a'l. It im a ( 60 pm 'LINCOLN HIGH THE VICTOR Visitors Shew Clai Not Seen Her Thia Year in High School. OMAHA TAKES A GREAT BRACE Almost Overcame) Lead Acq aired by Visitors la tbe First Half, bat teald Nat 4elte l.aad the Victory. Lincoln High school, 32; Omaha High school, 38. In one of the fastest, fiercest snd most Intensely exciting high school basket ball games ever played In Omaha, the quintet of stars from the capital city won from the local five by such a narrow margin that the victory would have been turned Into defeat If the purple and whit players could have continued with a minute mora of their whirlwind finish. Bo marvelously did the Gate City lads braca up In the second half that they mad twenty-two point while their opponents plied tip only ten. but the first half score of 23 to In favor of the visitors waa too much for ths Omahans to make up In the time they had. Starting with everything apparently In Lincoln's favor, the gam was disappoint ing to the spectators, of whom there were several hundred. 8 peed, quickness", sure ness, strength, weight, height, team work, baaket tossing and superior ability In blocking, guarding, pssslng and recovering, all seemed In favor of the Llncolnltes at first, and they maintained their superiority In most of those points throughout the contest. Omaha did not score until six points had been chalked up for the red and black, and even then, when McKlnney set thing moving by scoring a field goal, alow prog ress was made. Luck seemed to be against the local. Carrier's nice skill In rolling up ths point on foul going back on him, the whole team apparently playing raggedly, and Omaba players missing eight or ten consecutive chances, many of them rare opportunities to make field goals. Oanaaa'a Gamrds la Evidence. Then, to top off the trouble. Referee Sam Waugh, one of the coolest and most level-headed officials who has visited Omaha for a high school game this season, called fouls on Omaha much closer than Umpire Keester of Omaha did on the Lin coln players. This was no fault of Waugh's and although the crowd seemed dissatisfied with the deal they really had their own official to blame McKlnney, Omaha's speedy and stellar forward, waa not In the mixing at all sometimes as compared with the players of the other team, who managed to hand out a somewhat terrifying species of banket ball without breaking the rules much. If It hadn't been for the local guards at some stages of the fray the score would have been much' more one-sided for Lin coln. During a great part of the time the play was in Lincoln territory, so It was up to Guards Neavles and Dodds and Center Nagl to keep up their rep, and their certainly did so. Starting close In the second half, ths contest between the two rival schools waxed warm for a short time before Omaha came out ahead with more tliau twice as many points In that half 'a Lincoln. This was dus mora to determina tion and the awakening of the Omshan than to anything else, for when they went Into the second half It was with tha knowl edge that unless they did an' almost Her culenean feat they would be. drubbed so badl" that they would never dare challenge Lincoln again. Excitement Increased with every move of the players and when an Omaha lad would score the big "gym" would be filled with the most exuberant of cheers. Car rier, McKlnney and Nagl pulled off some sstonlshlng stunts In goal throwing and the lack of character that typified their playing during the first half was entirely gone. Nagl the Star. Nagl was the star of the whole game for Omaha, although great praise and credit is due the whole team. Seeming to wake up when he received a terrific bump on the back of the head, he plunged Into the match with utter abandon and did not stop short of accomplishing wonders In the rest of hi playing. Playing against perhaps the best player Lincoln has, and with the disadvantages of height and reach, he landed five flold goals during the game. all of them In the second half. After the match was over, the collapse Incident to RAILWAY TIME CARD c"" aaed. Chlcag-o A Northwestern- Chicago Daylight .. ...a 7:36 ant all: 48 pm ...a 7:46 am a 10 20 pot ...all :90 am a I 21 pm ...a 8:46 pm all :30 am ...a 4:30 pm. a 8:36 pm ...a 6:00 pm a 8:23 am Twin City Express. Chicago Local rsioux city lxicai... Chicago Local Chicago Special Minneeotrt-Dakota Ex.. a 4:46 pm a :su am Fast Mail a I 84 pm Twin City Limited. ...a 9:00 pm a 8:00 am Los Angeles Limited.... a 9:00 pm al3:36 pm Overland Limited al0:00 pm a 1:23 am Nebraska and Wyoming Division-Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am si 6:30 pm Lincoln-Long Pine a 7:40 am al0:36 am Dead wood-Linooln ...a 3O0 pm a 6:20 pm ...a 8:00 pm a 6:20 pm ...b 6:20 pm b 1:66 pm ...b 1:00 pm b 1:20 pm Casper-Lander .... Fremont-Albion Haatlnga-Superior BURLINGTON TA IOTH A MASON Barllaajtoa Denver A California. Northwest Bpecial ... Black Hills Northwest Express . Nebraska points IJncoln Fast Mall... Nebraska Express ... Lincoln Locsl Lincoln Iacel Schuyler-Plattsmouth Bellevue-Plattamouth Plattniouth-Iow Bellevue-Plattamouth Denver Limited Chicago Special Chicago Express Chicago Flyer Iowa I -oca I I .save. Arrlv. , ..a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pra ...a 4:10 pm a 8:46 pm ...a 4:10 pra a 4:10 pm ,.al2:16am a : am . .a 8:46 am a 4:10 pro ...b 1:20 pm al2 11 pra ,..a 916 am a 6:10 pra b o8 am a 7 :60 pm ..b 3:06 pm b 10.20 am b 1:06 pm ...b 4:18 am ,.cl2:36 pra e 3:40 pm ...a 4:10 pm- a 7:0ft am ...a 7:26 am all:48 pm ...a 4:30 pra a 8:66 pm ...a 4:30 pm a I 30 am ...a 1:16 am an m am St. Lout Express .a 4:40 pm all:) am City A St. Jne..alO:46 pra a 9:80 am Kanaaa City A Bt. Joe. a 9:16 am a 4:10 pra Kansas City A Bt. Joe..a 4:40 pm WEBSTER STA 1BTH A WEBSTER Chicago, Oasaha- St. Paal, Minneapolis A Leave. Arrive. Twin City Paaaenger Sioux City Paaaenger Sioux City Lpcal Emerson Local Mleaearl reel fie Auburn Local ..b 4:30 am b 9:30 pm ..b 1:00 pm bll:am . c 8:46 am e 4:30 pm ..b 6:66 pm b 910 am .b I 60 pm bll: am a Daily, b Dally except Bunday. e Bun- day only, d Daily except Saturday OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CANADIAN PACIFIC UB43 3KA2 V0V SATS AT SVA. Weakly Balling eVweB MeasreaJ, Cjaea aaa lAvezyooi. Two days on Lb Beautiful Bu Lawrsnoa river and lb shortest ooeaa rout t &u ,0sthlng better oa the Atlantic than our Empresses. Wireless oa all steamers. 3bst class, 40 1 seeoa. $44)1 eae elaaa abla, B4A. Aak your ticket agent, er write far sen Inas. rales snd booklet. o. si. jamzjy, m. A 838 ate. Clark hk, Osieege, m. his determined and enormous exertion wa so great that he broke down utterly for soma time, With Funkhoueer, a former Omahan, at center to direct thing, and Schmidt to toss the goals on fouls, the rest of the vis iting stars were so well backed that It was some time before they were In any danger whatever of being given a run Tor their money. Their work showed expert train ing of the strenuous university type, and sets them out probably being the fal et and best organised team of high school players In Nebraska. Lineup and score: OMAHA. UNTOLM. MtKIAney T LO ikellen carrier (O L.T. H Q L Nil c. c runkhouwf ! k.O. Lf S.-hmiOt Kesls U6. R r Ani1rl Lron-Trlmhl .. 8ubs..aubs....C. Mnn Fltldln Rferee: Sam Waugh of Lincoln. Um pire: Keester of Omaha. Scorer: L P. Funkhoueer of IJncoln. Timer: Btanley Roeewater of Omaha. Time of halve: 20 minute. Field goals: McKinhey, 2; Car rier, I; Nagl, I; Andrew, 2; Funkliotiaer. 3; I Mann; Schmidt. 3. Foul goals: Car rier, 7; Schmidt, 14. Awarded point: Omaha, 1. Score: First half. Omaha, 8; Lincoln. C; second half, Omaha, 22; Lin coln, 10. Final ' score: Omaha, 28; Lin coln, 33. Before the big match the juniors wal loped the freahmen by a big score, winning the championship of the claaees, a they al ready have won It In other Indoor athletics. Billiard Men Are Bunched Behind Leader Moraingitar Has a Clear Score, While Three Are Tied for Second Position. standing ef the Players. Played. Won. Lost. Tct Mornlngstar ., 8 8 0 Slosson 8 2 1 Sutton S 3 1 Cur 8 3 1 Demarest 8 1 3 Cutter 3 1 2 CUne 4 . 0 4 10"0 .807 .17 .333 .000 NEW YORK, March 28.-Loulg Cure of Pari won tonight's game frcm George F. Blosson of trds city In the world's cham pionship n.l billiard tournament. The French expert outplayed the local man from the third Inning Until the finish, tho final score being (00 to 331 In his favor. Org 0. Mornlngstar, who hails from Rochester, Ind.', now leads the field of seven players, having won three straight gsmes, while Blosson and Sutton are tied for second plsce, each having won two games and lost one. The score of tonight's game: Cure J, 0. 181, 39. 9, 1, 23. 0, 8, 3, 4, 2, 26, 22, 8, 28. 0. 14. 38. 66, 37, 19. Total. 600. High run. 181, 66, 29. Average, 22 18-23. 8'osson 4, 89, 0. 6. 22. 0. 4. 0. 0, 24, 3, 38, 2, 1, 11, 14, 0, 36. 0, 47. 32. Total. 831. High rur. 89. 47, 38. Average, 1616-21. Referee: McLaughlin. Mornlngstar acored his third successive victory In the afternoon, defeating young Demarest of Chicago, 600 to 200. The winner was in fine fettle, whlls Demarest, who ha been suffering from a cold sine Mon day, was unable to do himself justice. The score: Mornlngirtar 0, 0, 6. 38. 13. 46. 0, 0, 1.1, 0, 0, 1 9, 100, 16, 82. 0, 26. 0, 11. 80. 101, 2. 3, 0, 22. Total, 600. Average, 19 6-28. High runs, 101, 100, 83. Demarest-3, 0, 6. 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 11, 0, 1, 2, 1. 9, U, 68. 6. 28. 3. 18. 3. 3. 19. 0, ), 62. Total, 290. Average, 11 15-36. High funs. 68, 62, 48. EVENTS ON THE RUNNING TRACKS Tarret, SS ta 1, Win the Bell Stakes ' at Oakland. OAKLAND,' Cal,' March 38,-Turret, a son of Cunard, proved a surprlss by win ning the Bell stakes at Emeryville Saturday at odds bt 36 to 1. Donau and Sureget of the Gerat stable were coat fancied, with Flying Bquirre'. ...ockey O'Brien and Medallion nett In demand. Flying Squirrel and Rocky O'Brien made moat of tha run ning and fifty yards from the wire It ap peared aa if the last named colt would win, but he faltered when Howard struck him with the whip. The lightly weighted Turret came with a rush and won from Flying Squirrel, who beat Rocky O'Brien a neck. Th race was worth 83,400 to the winner. Th-track wa somewhat heavy. Summarise: First race, six furlong, selling: Old Set tler (108. McBride, 26 to 1) won, Mlnot (108, Mclntvre. 1 to 6) econd. Cadlchon (KB. Taplin, 6 to 1) third. Time: 0:17. Taunt, Denen, Aftermath, Humell, Boas, Mabel, Hollander ana uaireea rinisnen as named. Second race, mile and one-eighth, purse TClevation 1107. Borel. 8 to 1) won. lairfv Alicia (KM, Kirscnosum, ie to l second Rubey (I08. Sandy, 8 to 4) third. Time: 1:69. Joe Nealon, Cloverland, Flavigny and Fancy flnlahed aa named. Third race, nine ana seventy yards. Montgomery nanaicap: nign iTivaie (us. Lee. 7 to 6) won. The Peo (92. Rosa. 4 to 11 second. Don Knrinue (104. Tanl n. 9 to 2) tnira. Time: 1:47. Firestone and A. Musko- day luiisneo a named. rourtn race, tour ana one-nsn rurionss Bell stakes, vatus to winner 13.400: Turret (107, Boovllle, 26 to 1) won, Flying Squirrel (107. Preston. 18 to 6) second. Rocky O'Brien (121. Howard. 60 to 1) third. Time: 0:6V Coppertown, Medallion, Star Blue. Donoean. lunin Beau, uia Mexico, uoivau. Bllvia Dunbar ana sure uet limened as named, Fifth race, six furlongs, selling: Almee C. (102, Rice, 7 to 1) won, Green Goodl (101, uooum, 1 10 i) eecona, Aoriucne tiun, How ard, 8 to 4) third. Time: 1:16. J. C. Core Dargin. Bucolic, Ban on lea. Kokomo. Be- curify, May Amelia and Forerunner fin ished as named. Sixth raoa, five and one-half furlongs, Dowll handicap: Bubbling Water (94. Deverlch, 6 to 1) won, Booger Red (114, Boovllle, 18 to 6) second. Fanatic (97. Robs. 9 to I) third. Time: 1:04. Bmlley Corbett in oniy otner starter. Sams as arte at Saata Aalta. LOB ANOELE8, March 27.-Sumrnarie at Banta Anita: First rsce, purse, seven furlongs: Guy Fisher (103, B. Wilson, even) won, Donald Macdonald (103, Kennedy, 3 to 1) second, J. H. Reed (103. McGee. 11 to 21 third. Time; 1:24. Parton and Gerrymander also ran. Second race, purse, four and a half fur longs: Angerona (107, C. Ruaeell. 11 to 61 won, Inflection (106, Musgrave, 4 to 1) sec ond, Ollle James (10, Kennedy. 6 to 1) third. Time: 0:65. La Beverena. Vlrgle Caasie, fie vera, MacLeod and Placid also rsn. Third race, selling, seven furlongs: Whip Top (108. McCahey. 3 to 1) won. Bpolin (l(, Kennedy, t to ) second. Benetone (105, HcUee, is to 6) tnira. rime: 1:77. Prince of Castile. Itan and The Thome alao ran. . Fourth race. The Oaks. 11,600 sdded, one mile: Mary Davis (110. Rettlg. 9 to 3) won Sorrowful (109. McGee, 8 to 1) second Chltla (110, Butwell. 4 to 1) third. Time: 1:40 Fair Annie. Meddling Hannah, Mlas Nsoml. ROee Queen, Jane Laurel. Achieve and Bell of Bras also rsn. Jan Laurel Achieve, Bell of Braaa and Sorrowful added Starters. Fifth rsce, one mile, selling: Financier (KB. Musgrave, to 1) won. Veame (108 McCarty. 12 to 1) second. Jnale B (104, Wil son. 24 to 1) third. Time: 1:41. Captain Burnett, Pickax, Bucket Brigade and Sink Boring alao ran. Sixth race, one mile snd three-sixteenths Besuclere (113. McGee, 1 to 4) won. Raleigh (ilia. J. Kain, T to 1 ) second, uneron (107. J Brooks, 6 to 1) third. Time: 2:01V Baron Fisher snd Harry Koger lso ran. Seventh race, nurse, five snd a half fur- longs: Enfield (KH. Kennedy. 8 to 61 won Colonel Rob (lie. Muasrsve. 13 to 10) sec ond. Plo Pico COT. WMspe 3X to 1) third Time: 1:M. Waldorf. Aunt ggie and Mark Antony 11 siso rsn. My I year-old eov was wadlv eonstl sated, had a high fever and waa la aa awful condition. I gave him two doses of Foley' Ortno Laxative and th next mora Ing th fever was gone and he was entirely well. Foley' Ortno Laxative aaved hi fa" A. woiaaan. caa.msr. Wis. For sal fcy all aruggiM. Quick. Action for Tour Money Tou get thst by using Th Bee advertising columns. your bualn a Sport Carnival in Gymnasium at Fort Crook Good Sport Furnished and Hice Sum' Realised for the Ball , Team. The athletic carnival given at FatL, . Crook Saturday night by the officers , nd men for the benefit of the base hall team was a uocas In every way. Th gymnlum wa filled with people,' the matches were good and th band played". ' A fine arena had been erected In th middle of the big gymnasium at the poet snd the seats surrounding It were all ' filled and a large crowd stood 1 th rcr to watch the long program of events which were pulled off with precision br , the officers In charge. , - Jack Freede, the pride of th regi ment, did not lr ic-ng against -Jack Fltigerald or the Shamrock Athletlo club of South Omaha. In fact: he did not laat a round, but was given the count -before the end of the first round: Freed had figured It out that he could take lot of punishment and could win by rash-' Ing matters, but there was where h went wrong. He fought with hi guard ' open and repeated punche on the no ' weakened him and a hard punch tfnally laid him on the mat for th count. Newaome of the Sixteenth regiment and1 " Moore of the Signal corps were matched, for the first preliminary In a four-round bout, and while Newaome was given the decision by Referee Must am, th fight was not very exciting. Muitain, by ' the way, . was referee all the way through and gave eminent satisfaction. 'He showed a thor ough knowledge ot the gam and kept things on the move so that th entire' pro gram was run off by 11 o'clock after a late start. .ts : Rosenberg of the Sixteenth Infantry was ' too much for Carron of lhe Signal, cOrpg and put him to the mat In the only wrestling number on the card In S minute . 46 seconds. . Smith and Bherer of the Signal oorp Tut on a three-round fiasco. ' These two did not warm up s they did at Fort Omaha a week ago, when they were boxing' on th squar. ' . The colored gentlemen furnished the real port of the evening. .8am McYy stsrted to fight Bob Langdon for a purse, but-was clearly outclassed. Referee - Mustalit an nounced at the nd of the second round that Langdon would fight anybody In-the' houae. That was tha cue for Spady, no the match which wa on was stopped, and Spady substituted. Langdon had th better of the first two rounds, but he tired and Bpady had the call f mixed it up for fair-and the fane -were- given a run for their money. - The battle royal was won by a '"ding" who waa forced through the ropes and out, but who crawled back, tg srhlle th referee was wstchlng .some of th others. It furnished a lot of fun. KENNEL CLUB IS INCORPORATED File with State sad Will File -with Dooalas Coanty Meaday. ' The Nebraska Kennel club -haa been or ganised and articles of Incorporation wsr4 filed Saturday with the secretary of state. and Monday they will be filed with . the county clerk of Douglas county. Th orig- Inal Incorporator are Charles jr. Benson, M. J. Greevy and W. T. Hood, and a large number of others will be associated with them. . . . The general nature rf (he business of the Nebraska Kennel club will be to encourage legislation for the protection . of dog and to discourage legislation which Is believed to be Improper against doga or .dog own er. The club will have authority to hold bench show, field trials and exhibitions, and Issue ribbons, medals, cash prises or certificate of merit In. dogs or other an imals. Directors of the club are Bert Dixon, W. M. Robinson. W. T. .Hood, B. B. Day of Fremont, M. J. Greevey and L. P. Pcger. ' s Scalded, by Steam ' or scorched by a fire, apply Bucklen's Ar nica Salve. Cures piles, too, and the worst sores. Guaranteed. 25c. For sal by Beaton Drug Co. De Ronea Falls to Throw Klaak. KANSAS CITY. March 37.-Raoul da Rout n. champion wrestler of France, lost s handicap match here tonight with Kmll Klank. De Rouen agreed U throw Klank twice In half an hour. He won the first fall In twenty-nine minutes and forty sec onds, but could not throw Klank again In the remaining twenty seconds. Klank lias been one of Frank Ootoh's tralrler. KING ALFRED Cigar A 1 0c cigar. A smoke that tickles a smoker's taste from the strike of the match to the verylasfpuff., A straight Havana fill er, with a S u m a t r a wrapper. A cigar that has no equal among ten cent cigars. vS I Ask your ciaar man. Chas.DontVanClgtrCt. IttrUMHert, Oawk, Net, Sieai Otj, Urn. Larger sizes i$c MUST RAISE CASH By selling my holding ia an etrn manufacturing concern who maintain a branch in their building In Omaha. Hava paid subutaniial dividends for IS years. Are known wherever machin ery Is used. For full particular, ad dress, IXHk Box 146, Omaha. When yea bay Gold Medal Fleas nwmmm w .war. shm w ir