t THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY, MARHT 2", 10O0. o" ordinary appearance and indifferent style character you can buy anywhere if you don't cart what you wear. Suits of real excellence and correct style are found at Brandeis- We mention for Thursday a &lwwing of new arrivals. Women's Clever Spring Suits Those are just the sort of suits you would expect to find at Brandeis correct in every detail, perfectly tailored and with a touc h of individuality that marks a woman of good , taste. Mostly in mannish tailored worsteds and serges. Silk ami .Vet Waists Scores of new mod els for 1909, many are elaborate, all are dainty and pret ty a specially at tractive group, at LINGERIE WAISTS Sheer and dainty , summer Walats Kmart for every oc casion, ;1 specials 98c-l50-l38 9 ld iRKt . 10,000 YARDS ON BARGAIN SQUARE All SILK RIBBONS Plain, heavy taffetas, Mack, cluding fancys, Dresdcns, signs up to 5 inches wide, hair hows and trimmings, 'J.jc vard, at vard No Omaha Woman is Ever Positive She is Perfectly Dressed Until She Has Crowned Her Costume With Brandeis no matter in this at Great Bargains in Notions In the Biggest and Most Popular Notion Dept. in the West. J. O. King's 200 Hsrnlng Cotton, Skirt Makers Cotton Tape yard thiead, reg- bUck. 4a yard worth regularly whit. 14 yd. pia- ular price UOe spools, dozen S6c. at caa, reg. prlca 10c :r" 15c ISc 19c 5c Hooka and Eyes. Feat h r a tit h Women Pad 100 yard epoola big lot of all Braids, worth 80 Hose aupportera. first class aew. kinds wortli or !.. at. 1 for regular Jeu grde i,lg silk, all col- r...5c 5c ISc ir.Mc Thursday is Chocolate Day . ITALIAN BITTER SWEETS AT 25c POUND. Thekind with delicious soft cream centers, pure fruit flavors, strawberry, orange, raspberry, lemon, pine apple, also vanilla walnut, almond and filbert IP creamed nut centers, always sold at 40c pound sCaC BRANDEIS $29 and $35 Special: WOMEN'S SKIRTS at $10 New, straight hip models the ell n g ing effects and the severely tail ored Ideas all new and exclusive styles. Silk Petticoats at $3.9S Ex cellent grade of taf feta, In black and colors, in cluding the new pastel shales; all sizes and ex tra sizes. white and all colors, in plaids, checks and floral de for sashes, worth flUCj Millinery Good taste and perfect color har mony is found in every Brandeis hat, what the price. Hats that other stores ask $10 are shown here in greater varieties at $5. If you want a moderate priced hat, you are certain to find what you wish great group, $5 Heady to Trim Hats Every new shape every correct shade every favorite E straw, thousands to select from, STORES I A Shoe Without A Hurt Do you realize what this means? Have you ever worn such a shoe? As practical shoe men you can take our word for It. that THE HANAN SHOE for men and women is all and more than we claim for It, The name Hanon In a shoe stands fori Just what the sterling mark stands! line of this footwear and in ad dition have a corps of expert fit ters who are at your service. Right now we would call your attention to the new Spring Oxfords in all the latest styles, Just received from the factory. THE P1UCK8 RAMiK For Women 3.00, $3.00 & Sfl.(M) For Men 93.60, $6.00 & f 7.00 I Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnam Street $15.00 $15.00 DERBY WINNERS Our Celebrated $15.00 Suits and Overcoats Made to order and measure at Derby Woolen Mills 103 South 15th Street Trousers SS.OO Givm Va a TrUl. . . Illustrations will if give a style to your printed matter and make it more affeo- Itive. Let us work your ideas into cuts. BAKER BROS. ENGRAVING CO. Bait si Blook, Oaaha, GOLD No More CROWNS 4 Less DR. PERCIVAL. Dentist. 18th and rarnara Bta. la-SIT Barker Block. John Fred Behm BErUBLICAJT OAJTDIDATa Councilman "loTfi Ward Ton m ?ot for ma la aoj ward I tk atty. Roliablo Dentistry Taft's Dental Rooms 18 IT Xtooglaa StrMt. SHERMAN'S CHILBLAIN CURE Speedily and permanently eurea FROST BITES AND CHILBLAINS Also Oont, Soft Ooraa and Bnnlona Prlca, par bottle Ho. bjr mall lOo. Sberman & McCconcll Drag Co Corner ltttt and ttdga tliMU. YELL-O! When a Big Yell-o wagon delivers coal, the best qual- 1 I J lty, the best service and the I 1 1 I I best satisfaction are there. 1 1 ' ( 1 If It's yell-o, It's from Run- I J If M 1isHMslsHsBsBSBB-aBBjsjsasajasssssaassssssi I r If n 111 BOYS' CIOTHI.VJ Complete line $25.00 LINE GRAY Tailorei Suits In a great Thursday sale Special, at Our Suit buyer now on hi? second trip this season to New York markets, buys up large shipment of strik ingly stylish gray Suits. These Suits are made of purest all wool serge, strict ly, tailored, the only sem blance . of , trimming are four rows of ten self cover buttons at bottom of coat. The skirt is a graceful gored model, also button trimmed, stylish new 36 hich coat, full satin lined. It's the greatest $25.00 suit value in . town, now priced for the first time, at ............. si fi.no IDA 200 Tailored Skirts Just Unpack- tfr Qjr ed, Regular $7.50 Garments o.Ud Greys, navys and blacks, six handsome models, cut from a superior grade of Chlfron finish Panama, There are strictly tailored effects, with but ton and fold trimming. Some are strapped, some have taffeta covered buttons and loops. Very choice and stylish; Just In. None worth lesB than $7.50, on sale for .jgjj jjjj MISSES' TAILORED SKIRTS More of those Skirts made up from our purchase of a manufacturer's short lengths of materials. This saved us and you several dollars on eaun BKirt. mere are an kinds or materials, hard finished fancy worsteds in great variety. All sizes for Misses of. 13 to 17 years. $7.50 garments, at. Bennett's Make Lowest Prices on SEWING MACHINES We call attention today to our great exceptional dewing Machine offer. Our machines are. fully guaranteed ar.rl each embodies every modern Im provement known to sewing machine construction. Oar Bennett Special Q Q tike Cut lo.Qu Is a drop head pattern, white oak J esse. Jt has live drawers ami a com plete set of steel attachments. 1rt year guarantee, a lid. Oil machine, for 113.69 Oar Leader, (nil size 1 C fiC high arm Machine lO.Utl drop head model, ball-hearlnir, with ful set nlckei plated attachments. 1U year guarantee. Stetnway Machine. 1r'i 7K for OmdM..4i Kldrldge Machine, ''25.00 KMrkige 'Rotary' Machine. 29.85 (Band for Catalog-ns.) DR. DRADUURY, Painless Extracting 60s Crowns, up from.. Va.M Partial Plataa. up from $2.00 Filling, up from Ma Porcelain r'llllnga, u from . . , Sl.M DENTIST THE NEBRASKA SEED CO. City Salesroom, 1613 Howard St. Tel. Doug. 1261 THE FACT IS That the Wedding Kilver should be of standard make. You want to give the best make, and we have only U best makes. The prices are bo higher than for the poorer makes. Teaspoons, 13 no and up. LOOK rOS TBUB VAafB. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler ISlf BOVOXUB 8TBXBT s 1)K1T. now oil 2d floor, new styles shown. .$4.95 Now it's to be a Tea Sale The unprecedented success of our sales of coffee Tuesday has Induced us to make a similar sale on teas for Thursday. It's to be a one day event only, with good sharp price reduc tions on each line. Choice of the following: Hasket I'lred Japan, Gunpowder. Oolong, Eng lish Breakfast, Young Hyson, and Ceylon, every one selected for its fine drinking qualities. Complete assort ment at each price: Our 78 cent Teas, will be per pound Our 68 cent Teas will be tier pound Our bH cent Teaa will be per pound Our 4li cent Teaa. will be Iter pound 60c 55t; 45c 35c Our 3H cent Teas, will be OO. per pound ""v Ye Old Time Comfort Shoes Kvery woman suffering with pain ful feet will find In "Ve Olde Time Comfort Shots" more real satisfaction and comfort than she has experienced In many a day. Their extreme flex ibility and special construction rend ers them a boon to all with foot trou bles. HVBSEB, WAITRESSES, MAIDS, will find In thcs.i the Ideal house shoes. Kvery pair fiWed with lubber heels, and are absolutely noiseless and are reMful to the feet. They ni-ed no breaking In. Seamless Liotd Sooes, with rubber heels, soft and legible. JJJ QQ Common Sena Suues, a teal treat for painful feet, ut pair g AA -.r.O and jp.VFU Unlinad Low Shoes, noiseless, rubber heels, for comfort about CO K( the bouse, at. pair ifroe )'AK1,M VTXET. IT yaara am offloa. 'VboBsi D. 1T6. Bridge Work, par tooth, up from Sa.50 Kerves removsd wlto. cut pain. ALTEOIsB WOll A SrXOIAZ.TT. Work guarauieed tea years. THAT GROW NEED ANY? EC THAT THBV COMB The $67,000 Stock of the GLODE FURNISHING CO. Z Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, China, Glassware, Draperies everything for the home NOW ON SALE AT PRICES BELOW ACTUAL r MANUFACTURERS' COST OF Special Display HAYD of the Bedroom Furniture on Thurdsay. THE RELIABLE STORE Embroideries Thursday FROM THE GLOBE FURNISHING STOCK Thursday we will place on sale all the extra wide Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries and Inserting which we secured with this pur chase. There's a splendid assortment for selection and the regu lar values are 25c, 30c and 35c of bargains ever, at yard NEW ZION CITY LACES Our New Summer Stock of the famous Zion City ami Elyria Wash Laces are now on dis play. See the specials in Thurs day's sale, at, Caf per yard HALF WOOL INGRAIN CARPETS From the Globe Stock Pur chase Extra heavy quality, big line of patterns, A great snap, at yard 35o Extra Specials Thursday in FROM 9:00 TO 9:30 A. M. One case of the famous Brookedale Muslin, worth 10c yard, 10 yards limit, at yard 5J FROM 10:00 TO 10:30 A. M. One case of 19c Bleached Bath Towels, extra large and extra heavy, 4 pairs to a customer, at each 10 FOR 12 fine Percales, 36-in. wide 8 25c, 19c, and 15c White Walstlngs, at. yard 10 25c Pongees, yard 15 39c Pongees, yard RG CORSETS We suggest that you come and In spect the new spring It. & i. models showing before you order your nice spring gown. If you be cure one of these models to have gowns fitted over you can rest as sured . that Uiey will possess the fashionable "Dlrec tolre" lines. Our stock Includes the nlzes for all fig ures. Here la shown one of the latest models for medium figures, medium bust, flat hips, extra long back. Price In Coutil B-28) $1.50 Batiste (rt-I!) $1.50 Every pair gnar antMd. BEAUTIFUL WILTON RUGS From the Globe Stock Pur chase Heffular $40.00 values, 9x12 size, Oriental patterns, at choice $28.50 In Our High Grade Linen Dept. FOR THURSDAY'S SELLING lure Linen Pattern Table Cloth, full 2-yard8 square, grass bleached, worth at least $2.50, Thursday each SI. 50 All Linen, good size, hemmed and hemstitched Huck Towels, never sold less than 25 cents, Thursday each 14 Read This for Grocery, Vegetable, Fruit, Butter, Cheese and Cracker Prices. BUTTE, CHEESE A HO CBACXEB PKICEB We sell the best pure rane Granulated frtugar al less ihHti Jobber's eosl. 7 lbs. best rolled Hreakfnst Oatmeal ICr h lbs. choice Jspiin Hie 2j': 4 lb, best hand picked Navy Heans.. Imo The best Pearl Hhjjo or Tapioca, per lb. Tic Pint Jars pure Htralned Honey le The best domestic Macaroni, pkg. fc'jc 10 bars best brands Laundry Koap 2fic 011 or Mustard Sardines, per can 4c 3 li. runs solid packed Tomatoes.... Hc 3" 10c pkgs. I p-to-date Washing powder for 10c Gillette's Washing Powder, pkg lc liallon cans Apples Joe. (iallon cans Tomatoes "Bo liallon cans Pumpkins 20c linllon cans Hiring Heans COc liallon rans Martlet!. Pesrs S..0 ('alien cans Apricots 85c Onllon etuis Peaches or Plums a "c Extra Special Salsa Weak of Highland KtTil Orangaa. Tha Frlda of Califor nia klaaad bj tha sun, moon and tha Tiiese are no subslliutes for the High DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST Using Power Now? Expect To? No matter what power it is or what you have thought it would bo, it will pay you to find out about Electric Power. Our experts will gladly plan and estimate the cost of your power without expense to you. Let us show you. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. Y. M. C. A. BUILDING Contract Department. - Both Phones. Boo Want Ads PKODUUTIUN. Big Furnishing Goods Bargains from the Smith Kort Wholesale Stock Thursday 9c a yard, the grandest lot 0f WW $2.00 HAND BAGS 95c A big special purchase, nil new shapes, They are the regular $2.00 values, the biggest snap ever offered here or Ck CT elsewhere, at FINE 36X72 FIBRE RUGS From the Globe Stock Pur chase A beautiful line for se lection, all splendid bargains, at, each 75 Our Famous Domestic Room FROM 2:00 TO 2:30 P. M. One case of 12 He Printed Batiste, fine styles, 10 yards limit, at per yard 5 FROM 3:30 TO 4:00 P. M. One case of fine 6c Prints, 10 yarda limit, at yard 2 ALL DAY 11.50 Window Curtains g5 $2.50 Portieres, fine styles, at 81.37 $1.50 Bedspreads, at g5 10 other specials during the day. 4-.00 8 3.30 S'S.OO Snug, Com fortable Fit is a Delight, BODY BRUSSELS RUGS From the Globe Stock Pur chaseThe 9x12 size that sold at $32.50, on wile now, ut, I'aoh $22.50 Mixed lot Heiuslitrhod Throws, Cen ter Pieces and Dresser Scarfs, ea h one worth 75 cents, Thursday each ojV Large size heavy double twisted llaih Mat, pretty patterns, fast colors, worth $1.00, Thursday each 50 land Navels. They are tha sweetest, Juilisl and richest flavored orange grown. When you eat a Highland Navtl you have an orange that U an oi.ingc, and makes you long for more It's llm range, of quality, (hjr 14lli car Is now on sale at the following prices: 50c per doien site, our pilco 40c per dozen size, our price ....... ii5o 30c per dozen slie, our price .0 : 26e per dozen size, our price . . , 1 So Tha Oraatsat Market in Omaha for Irssh Vegetables. Fresh Pplnach, per peck..,. Jfto Fresh Heels, ( Hirots or Turnips, per bunch 4c 5 heads fresh Hothouse I,eltuce r,n l.nrge Head Lettuce, per head,. 7Vir-oc Fancy Hlpe ToniMloes, per lb. K'jc 8 His. Jersey Hweet Potatoes ........ 10, i Fancy Wax Means, 1 lb. Is equal to Ivwi quarts, per lb t nr. Fresh Cabbage, per lh. 3'jc New Onions, per bunch 4c New Honey, per rack )2'"i" l.srgn 'ucumhers. esclt lflii Kretih Hoasled Peitnuls, quart uo PAYO Bring the Returns v