Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 25, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
For Ncbr sks-I's rt I y cloudy.
For lows Ham or umin.
For weather report see Page. 1
So docs Muster Hrown.
(Jo along with him in tlie Sun-,
day Bee.
s May Reopen
Rules Fight
Is Mr. Itoosovelt goes to Africa.
Taylor of Custer County Swats Shoe
maker of Douglas County One
Mighty Swat.
Minority Leader Say, Entire Met ? t
Should Have Been Drawl; ' ''
Along Revenue Linei. V
ort that Move to Limit Amend-
ents to Tariff Bill Will Start
Struggle Anew.
Willie Whitla Recognizes Su'Aects
Under Arrest in Cleveland as
His Kidnapers.
He is a Plumber and Says Companion
is His Wife.
Charges that Dingley Rates
Raised Instead of Lowered.
Speaker Calls Clark Down for Mis
representing Joplin Speech.
Finance Committer Will Be Ready
la Report Moon aa Par
Bill Cornea Over from
(he House,
WASHINGTON. March 24 Declaring,
among other tiling, tliat a mistake wm
being made In the Tayne tariff bill In not
arranging the reviHlon on the basis of
mixing revenue only on every Item. Mr.
Clark of Missouri, the minority lender,
today held the attention of the house for
more than five hour In discussing tun
measure. Incidentally he pointed out thHt
much time would have been aaved In the
consideration of the hill had the demo
rratic members of the .committee been
ronnulted about the various provisions of
the proposed law. Mr. Clark spoke In
characteristic style and frequently moved
the house to applause and laughter. At
the conclusion of his remarks he received
an ovation from his democratic colleagues.
He was followed by Messrs. Washburn
of Massachusetts and Aclamson of
Georgia, the former attacking the Inherit
ance tax provision of the bill, while Mr.
A'lHtiii.n opposed the erection of a tjrlff
Weill ho hi (ill an to prevent the people of
tli (.'nlled I tatcj buying In all the nar
kct of ill'.- world as well us disposing of
tlielr MUiplra product!?.
( lark Bruins Address.
Tlie Phytic bill, Mr. Clark asserted, con
tained divers things which should have
been omitted1, and omitted divers things
wh.c h It should have contained. "Its chief
purpose Is to increase the revenues," he
said. "It would appear to have been the
part of wisdom to have made both the in
creases and the decreases In rates to that
end ami that end alone."
There was, he declared, no question of
fro;' trade Involved In the revision. In the
present pobture of affairs, he argued, every
approximately prohibited rate ought to be
cut to a revenue basis. There were many
of llieni In the Dingley bill, a large portion
ii ' wl Ich he said were retained In the Payne
The late on a tee I rails had been cut In
two. I.e. ii g reduced from X7M to 1.92 a ton,
but ho predicted that the Payne, rate would
I rove Just as prohibitive as the higher fig
ure. ' . -
lie icferred to Hie testimony of Mr. Car
negie before the committee In which he said
that no tariff was needed on steel rails
even from a protectionist standpoint, and
said that nn the steel rail question lie
pinned lils faith t) the laird of Sklbo.
Speaking generally, Mr. Clark said he
would not object to a good stiff revenue
tariff on anything except salt.
Inn nun Hepllea to Attack.
Mr. Clark next devoted his attention to
Speaker Cannon, who occupied a conspicu
ous place on the floor and was paying
marked attention to what the minority
leader was saying. He spoke of the
speeches iimde by Mr. Cannon at Joplin
and other pluees In Missouri during the
ampalgn regarding zinc and other Mis
souri products. This allusion brought the
speaker to his feet. He declared thut
while In Missouri he had been told by
members of both parties that the deep
sine mining had gone out of 'business:
that the rich ore only was being mined
and that deep mining was giving them
smokeless chimneys and Idle workmen. He
also had been told that the coming into
the I'nlted Stales of free ztne from Mex
ico affected their Industry. He declared
that I in saw the smokeless chimneys and
the hllr men. and that former Representa
tive Hackney, a democrat, bail been rep
resented to him us saying that while he
stood for the Denver platform, xlne should
be protected. "I said to my audiences,"
the speaker remarked, "that they know
In t lie Joplin district and elsewhere
whether a duty on xlncithat came In com
petition with their production was neces
sary. 1 said ulso that action was louder
thsn words, ami that should I be re
elected, they being experts, their action
would control my vote."
Repaying, Mr. Clark Insisted that his
position was that the people if the Cnltcd
States were paying v-ry high price "that
we might have tho society of my friend
Charlie Morgan In this house." Mr. Moigan
Is the republican successor to Mr. llui kney.
Resuming his argument, Mr. Clark an-nounc-d
that If given tho opportunity he
would vote to put boots and shoes cm thu
free list, "and," he said, "they can bellow
about free trndeis aa much as they please."
Never, be said, would the tariff be taken
off boots and shoes until it was done when
it was taken off of .hides. Much atten
tion was given by Mr. Clark to the subject
of wool and woolens. "The woolen
schedule," he said. "Is the most monstrous
thing In this bill. It Is the most com
plicated of all the schedules. It Is a
monstrous oppression of the poor."
Mr. Clark, amid great democratic ap
plause, closed with a reiteration of his
statement that the Payne bill, instead of
lowering the Dingley rates, raised them.
He was on his feet five hours and seven
In a brief speech Mr. Washburn f
Massachusetts gsve notice that should an
opportunity be he would submit
an amendment striking from the bill the
provision for an Inheritance tsx. Its Ini
pcsttioii. he declared, meant an extra
ordinary burden on tfie country.
A general attack on the protectee policy
of the republicans was made by Mr. Adam
son tif tlrorgla !.ut they called protec
tion, he said simply meant fixing duties
so high as to deny all the markets of the
world to the people of the I'nlted Stales
and depriving them of the opportunity to
hell In all the world tin tr inultl-mlllioin
of wealth, but on which they could not
realise n account if the tariff wall
erected. l'ptn conclusion of Mr. Adamson's
Hir.arki the bouse adjourned.
senate Bill .Nearly Ready.
Tbs tariff bill to be recommended by the
senate commutes on finance will be ready
.Continued on second PifO
" HNGTON. March 24. -Like a South
.t'lcan revolution, the Insurrection tn
the republican ranks In the house refuses
to ho subdued. While there Is no apparent
Indication of any movement on the pnrt
of the "Insurgents" to reopen their fight.
It Is known that no rule to limit amend
ments to the tariff bill has hern brought
In because of the uncertainty of the In
tentions of Representative Murdock of
Kansas and the other "Insurgents." tt Is
understood that the rules committee is
merely swaitlng a fnvorabls opportunity
to bring In a rule which will limit the
changes In the Pane bill to committed
This rule, which probably will hm pre
serted before next week, will not shut off
the reading of the tariff hill under the
five minute rule, hut Is proposed as a
means of preventing unnecessary delay In
bringing about Its passage.
As several republican members have an
nounced their Intention of forcing record
otes on certain proposed amendments It
may also be the purpose of the rule to
prevent such votes being taken.
The proposed rule would be opposed by
a lurge number of republicans Hnd demo
ciats alike, but as It would prevent votes
being taken for the purpose of putting
members on record with regard to certain
schedules It might receive the support of
those republlcana who desire to offer
amendments to the bill.
C'r.amp Clark and the minority members
of the ways and means committee have
announced their Intention of opposing any
rule which will tead to limit the offering
of amendments. The democratic leaders
would. In that case, expect tho "Insurg
ents" to stand by them. The consideration
of the rule also would require the demo
cratic "bolters" to go on record again.
The "Insurgents" believo that all of the
southern democrats who voted for the
Fitzgerald amendments would vote wtili
their fellow democrats.
School Teacher
Shot by Father
Miss Anna Mangano Killed in Pres
ence of Pupils and Friends
Father Tries Suicide.
NEW TORrC. March 24,-Wlthln sight of
several of her school teacher friends and
pupils nn the way to school through a
crc wded street on the upper East side today
Miss Anna A. Mangano, a teacher In ths
public school at Kast One Hundred, ajid
Second street, was shot and Instantly killed
by her father. Mangano, nn Interpreter In
a minor court, had been following his
daughter and calling her to stop. As she
kept hurrying on he Jumped forward, drew
his revolver from his overcoat pocket and
fired two shots at his daughter. He then
tumed the revolver on himself, but was
prevented from carrying out his purpose
by Adolph Schwartz, a young man, who
grappled with Mangano. Two more shots
were fired while the men struggled, but
both went wild. Mangano broke away
from Schwartz, but was overtaken and ar
rested by two policemen. He threw the
revolver Into an areaway, where It was
found later by the police with four cham
bers empty.
First Year Sbowi forplim of 920,000
a Against Deficit of f 180,.
MM Year Ago.
DHS MOINF.8. la.. March 24,-Tha first
year of the Pes Moines commission plan
of municipal government was completed
today and the treasurer shows a surplus
of $:X.0i on hand over and above expen
ditures. The year previous tinder the old
system tho deficit was $lso.ion. Advocates
of tho plan assert that the new system
has saved the city over $200,010 during the
last twelve months.
Deep Waterways Convention railed
to Assemble Next o
vein ber.
NEW ORLEANS, ha.. March 24,-The
convention of the hakes to the Onlf Deep
Waterway association will be held Novem
ber 11. 12 and 13, according to an announce,
nient by the organisation In charge of ar
rangements here. The official call of the
convention will be Issued from St. houls
within the next few weeks. Representatives
of many foreign nations will be Invited to
Four Inches of Rain in
Three Hours in Mombasa
MOMBASA. British Bast Africa. March
J4. The heavy ruins have begun In thn
protectorate and yesterday there waa a
precipitation of four Inches In three hours.
The great fires which lately destroyed the
prairies and drove the gajiic In close to
the railroad line were extinguished by the
The popular shooting season Is at an
end. The record for the four months shows
the killing of 1 1 lions. Including two man
eaters, and 3.0iO head of other game. Inn
ing ths season nine nativs and four white
men were mauled by linns.
George McMillan, nephew of the lute
8enator McMillan of Michigan, has returned
to the protectorate from a tiger hunting
trip In India. He left Mombasa yesterday
for Ju Ja ranch, bis property north of
Nairobi, to make preparations fur the re
ception of Mr. Roosevelt. Mr. McMillan's
residence on toe ranch Is in the midst ot
buh country, but he has Installed then:
an electric lighting plant and an Ice mak
ing machine.
There was a slight earth shock In the
Klllr.dlnl district March 21, listing thirl V
seconds. This disturbance waa prophesied
a fortnight ago by Etnlle Ms-rchaiid. direc
Boy's Father Refuses to Say Any
thing Regarding Her.
Kidnaper statement that Her
Identification Would Cane Sen
sation In Jcharon la Not
Yet Explained.
CLE VKLAND, March 24.-Wlllle Whitla
today Identified the man and woman held
on suspicion by the Clevoland police as
the persons who kidnaped him from the
school at Sharon, Pa., last Thursday and
held him for the llO.nno ransom which waa
paid by his father. Attorney James P.
Whitla, Monday. Willie said the man, who
gave the name of James H. Boyle, was the
one who took him from school and carried
him through a torturous route to Cleve
land, then to Ashtabula; back to this city
and placed him In the house In the east
end, where he was held until the money
was paid. Willie also declared the woman
was the one who cared for him at the
house where he waa detained and who acted
the part -of a nurse. Boyle said the woman
Is his wlfo. The police have no other lden
tlflcation of tho couple than the names
given. So far as the man Is concerned the
police believe the name Is correct. Boyle
Is said to reside In Sharon and Is a plumber
by trade. He Is said to have a widowed
mother, four brothers and a stater.
The woman, who Is accredited with be
ing the wife of Boyle, declared soon after
her arrest that her Idei tlflcation would
cause a sensation In Sharon.
Whllla Senior Strangely Silent.
When the Identification was completed
Mr. Whitla would say nothing regarding
the woman. He said he knew Boyle but
Immediately after Wllllw Whitla had seei
the man and woman at the central police
station they were taken to the county
court house and there appeared, before the
grand Jury. They were examined for the
purpose of aiding the Jury in Its attempt
to find an Indictment against the two
prisoners. The charge, under the laws of
Ohio, against the man and woman If an
Indictment Is found will be blackmail.
This Is based upon the payment of the
llQ.onO ransom paid by Mr. Whitla.
As Boyle and his wife are held by the
police on suspicion only an Indictment will
afford a means of placing them under
arrest formally and then they can be held
Immediately after leaving th grand Jury
room Mr. and Mrs. Whitla, Willie and the
Janitor of the Sharon school, which Willie
attended, left for Sharon.
The woman under arrest still refuses to
give her name, but declares she Is not
a relative of the W'hltlas. as was at first
suspected here.
It Is believed that the arrival of Mr. and
Mrs. Whitla and Willie here this afternoon
will clear up the Identity of the woman.
8he declared that her Identity hot only
will cause a surprise in Sharon, but that It
will reveal a scandal Involving prominent
persons In the Pennsylvania town.
The male prisoner held In connection with
the kidnaping of the Whitla boy admitted
his Identity today to Chief of Police
Kohlnr. He Is James Boyle of Sharon, Pa.
and Is a plumber by trade. He has a
widowed mother and four brothers and a
sister In tho Pennsylvania town, and his
uncle, the late John Boyle, was, he Bays,
proprietor of the Shenango house.
Boyle declines to throw any additional
light on the kidnaping, but is firm in his
claim that the woman who was arrested
with him is his wife.
Woman Partially Confesses.
After cross-questioning the man and the
woman taken into custody as suspects for
over four hours Chief of Police Kohler said
today he waa confident the people were In
possession of the lad' all of the time he
was absent from home.
"The woman has confessed that she was
In charge of the boy," said tho chief. "8he
says she was In Cleveland with Willie for
four days. They roomed In the east part
of the city.
"I believe that she first met the bey
and the man outside of Cleveland, probably
In Ashtabula, and then came hore with
them. They were in Cleveland with the
boy from midnight Thursday until Monday
"She admits that she disguised herself
(Continued on Second Page.)
tor of tho observatory on the Plcdu Midi,
In the Pyrenees.
The African Standard has published a
fiioglstlc article welcoming Mr. Roosevelt.
In It the former president of the I'nlted
States is referred to as the "greatest Te
publli an autocrat In history."
Alfred I, Gottsclatt, American i-oruul
general at large, has arrived bene and is
locking Into the matter of opening the new
American consulate to take care of the ex
pected Increase of trade wrlth this district.
A complete taxidermle laboratory It being
established here for the treatment and
preservation of trophies for the Smithsonian
at Sea. March 24. 10 a. m. (by Wireless
to 8Uonset, Mais. The weather con
tinues fairly pleasant. The sea is quite
smooth, but there is s cold head wind
blowing. Only a very few of the passen
gers show signs of seasickness. All the
members of the Roosevelt parry are well.
Mr. Roosevelt spent two hours In his
staterooms after dinner last night dis
cussing plans for the expedition In Africa.
This morning after breakfast Mr. Roose
velt and his sou Keriult promenaded the
Copyright, 1W9, by the Mall and Expre
Colorado Metropolis Completely Iso
lated from Outside World.
Tornado Strikes Brewster, Near the
Colorado Line -r"lnr tars Blown
from the- Rock Island
DENVER. March 24. Eight Inches of
wet, clinging snow, following several hnur3
of steady rain did damage In Denver last
night estimated at from $300,000 to J3O0.O0O
and cut off all communication with the
outside world so completely that up to a
late hour this evening It had not been
restored. Every wire of the Western Union
and Postal Telegraph companies, every toll
line of the telephone company, was car
ried down by the heavy snow, along with
hundreds of poles, the city's fire alarm
system was almost destroyed, 6.000 tele
phone wires In the city were rendered use
less and hundreds of trees in the parks
and along the boulevards were badly dam
aged. For several hours this morning
street car service was at a standstill, and
thousands of people plodded to work
through the slush. Suburban electric lines
were put out of commission and trains on
all railroads were many hours late, as the
train dispatchers were helpless.
In tho vicinity of Seventh and Iarlmer
streets, poles are down for a distance of a
mile and the great mass of telephone, tele
graph and electric wires In falling carried
with them part of the Larimer street via
duct and completely blocked railroad and
street car traffic. Many small fires were
caused by broken and crossed wires.
Kansas Hit by Tornadoes.
TOPEKA, Kan.. March 24. The Rock
Islund railroad reports a tornado struck
Brewster, Kan., during the night, but
wires are down and details are not avail
able. Brewster Is a village in Thomas county,
near the Colorado state line.
Nearly an Inch of rain fell here last
night. Raina ore also reported along tho
lines of the Rock Island and Santa Fe to
Colorado. The rain was accompanied by a
heavy wind, but no damage Is reported In
this viril ity.
At Edson, In Sherman county, last night
a tornado struck a freight train on the
Rock Island. Nine cars were hlown from
the track, two of them completely off the
rlght-nf-waiy. The storm damaged several
houses, but It Is reported that no lives were
lost. Edson Is ten miles west of Brewster.
A furious storm of sleet, rain and snow
(Continued on Second Page.)
The little fellow
in business has to
sell on a close mar
gin of profit. He has
notthecapitalto in
vest in big ads so
he uses The Bee
want ads.
They are cheap erery body
readi them line for line and word
for word. The small merchant who
.xarrles hit want ad Is the enter
prising fellow who haa something
to sell and can sell at a small profit.
Watch the want ads It you want
your dollar to buy the most.
Have you read the want ads
yet, today t
ss Company.
Dry Farming Will
Be Tested Right
Near Alliance
E. W. Hunt, Former University Pro
fessor, Will Be in Charge of
Several Farms.
Prof. E. W. Hunt, formerly of the Uni
versity of Nebraska, but who is now run
ning a model farm of his own In Otoe
county, will superintend potato and small
grain growing for fifteen farmers near
Alliance this season and demonstrate to
the world that it is possible to secure
abundant crops by the dry farming
methods without costly equipment.
John W. Thomas, editor and manager
of the Alliance Herald, la In Omaha and
tells of the latest step taken by Nebraska
farmers and business men to demonstrate
what the resources of the state are and
what they may become by intelligent
work with the soli.
"Each farmer has set apart a field to
be farmed by the owner or tenant under
tho direction of Prof. Hunt," says Mr.
Thomas. "They have provided a good
horse and runabout for the superintendent
and he will drive from farm to farm and
show those who are working the fields
how to handle the soil and the growing
This is thought to be better and mote
practical than the experiment farm work,
as it is growing crops in a number of
fields, in soil of slightly varied quality
and with the ordinary Implements of the
farm. The Impression is that the experi
ment stations succeed because they have
expensive equipment, which the state can
buy, but the average farmer cannot af
ford. Prof. Hunt will grow crops any
place In Box Butte county. I believe the
plan is to plant small grain and pota
toes on most of the tracts."
Bee Inspectors amed.
PIERRE. S. D., March 24 (Special Tel
egrum.) Governor Vessey today ap
pointed as bee inspectors Earnest Fox of
Sonoma for the western district and
A. Syverson of Canton for the eastern
"Old notch's" Widow Dead.
CHICAGO. March 24-Mrs. B. P. Hutch
liiBon, widow of "Old Hutch," who a gener
ation ago astonished the country with his
big board of trade nMratlons, died today
at Lynn. Mass., according to a private tele
gram received here today. Her home was In
this city.
Hides, Coal and
Are Attacked
WASHINGTON, March Il.-An effort is
to be made in the house to secure record
votes on the schedules of the new tariff
hill which affect hides, bituminous coal and
lumber. The republican members, who are
opposed to the changes which the Payne
hill makes in these schedules, have had
several meetings. They believe that tic
placing of hides on the free list, tht reduc
tion of &0 per cent in the duties on luiuuir
and the reciprocity provision for free bl
tumlnuus coal are not desired by a ma
jority of the members.
There are probably as many members
who want a vote on the proposition to
place lumber on the free Hat as there are
members who desire to test the feeling re
garding the retention of the present lumLcr
duty. The latter sentiment Is particularly
strong on the democratic side. Those who
desire the present duty of 87 cents per ton
on bituminous coal retained declare that
the placing of this article on the free list
will not reduce the price to the consumer.
They attack the reciprocity provision In
the Payne bill which declares that bitumi
nous cosl shall only be admitted free when
Imported from any country which imposes
no tax or duty on coal Inipurtsd from the
I'nlted States. The argument presented Is
that this arrangement would permit tbs
Opponents of the Proposed Rate Say
Get the Revenue from Beer.
Beer, on the Other Hand, They Hold
to Be a Luxury and Can Afford. -'..
to Carry the Additional
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. March 24.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Members of congress are beginning
to hear from their constituents as to a
great many proposed articles upon which
the tariff Is to be changed by the Payne
bill, reported to the house of representa
tives last Tuesday. Among tho things that
hurt most Is the proposed tax on tea,
which the franiers of the bill confidently
assert will not affect the present retail
price whatever, but notwithstanding It is
difficult to convince consumers of this
beverage to the contrary. The tea drink
ers are lining up against the beer drinkers.
The tax on beer, so far as the Tayne bill
Is concerned, remains the same as under
existing law. Tho tea drinkers want to
shift any taxation that may be assessed to
those who drink beer, either for breakfast
or at any other time of day. Free tea Is
the slogan and If the government needs
revenue let it obtain It from the drinker of
beer or other alcoholic beverages, the tea
drinkers say. Beer and other alcoholic bev
erages, they assert, are luxuries and should
be taxed. Tea Is a necessity, they assert.
In most American families and a staple at
nearly all muuls and should not be taxed,
they contend.
The proposition to place a tax on tea Is
puzzling practically every member of the
house, and It Is tho belief here that It will
be early stricken from tho bill, and If It
Is found necessary, for the purposes of
revenue, an additional tax on beer sub
stituted. There Is now a movement on
foot ot force an amendment to place an
additional tax on beer and leave tea on
the frie list.
Hansen Against Tea Tax.
Representative Haugcn of Iowa, voicing
a rather general sentiment on this subject,
said today that he was unalterably op
posed to rven the suggestion of a tariff on
tea or coffee.
"I shall vote for an Increase of the tax
(Continued on Second Page.)
Lumber Rates
by Republicans
entry of coal free of duty from Cauada
should that country repeal Its import duty
on corl.
In the event of the latter case, It Is con
tended, the American coal dea'ers of Penn
sylvanla and Ohio, who control a largo
Canadian market, would add to their pock
ets the amount of the duty repealed by
Canada. The British Columbia coal, which
would come in free of duty. It la said,
would compete with tho qreat quantity of
coal from the American government's coal
lands In southwestern states, reducing the
price which the government receives for
ti ls roal.
Conaertlcat Woman Commits Nolclde
After Drowning Offspring While
Mentally Depressed.
eiMSBCRY, Conn., March 24. The bodies
of Mrs. Amos Miller and her two children
wers found In the Farmlngton river this
morning. The children had been tied to
gether before drowning ensued, and through
a note left by Mrs. Miller the probabilities
are strong that she took their lives and her
own while mentally depressed.
Calls Upstate Man a Liar and Trouble
Starts Without Preliminaries.
Apologies to the House, but Not to
Each Other, Dpeedil Follow.
Connolly Ciets a. Committer Earned of
Which He Is Chairman, and There
the Matter la Allowed
to Rest.
(From a Ptaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 24 (Spec lal Telegram.!
Judge Shoemaker of Omaha was assaulted
and struck on the head by W. J. Taylor oi
Custer county on tho floor of the house
this morning. Members rushed between thn
two men and prevented any serious injury
to either.
Tho assault occurred while 'lie house was
In the committee of the whole discussing
a bill by Taylor providing that women can
vote In municipal electlona.
Shoemaker in speaking against the bill
stated that In Wyoming the women voted
and they bad failed to atop gambling there.
"I should think that would cause you to
favor the bill," Interrupted Taylor.
"I deny that I am In favor of gambling,'
replied Shoemaker. "The gentleman has
been Insulting ami Indecent all through this
session. It Is a dirty lie to say 1 favor
With that Taylor left his seat and walked
quietly to Shoemaker, remarking: "If you
aro looking for trouble you can get It."
Then he struck Shoemaker on the head.
Shoemaker threw up his arms to protect
himself and members of the Douglas dele
gation and others rushed to his assistance.
House la aa Uproar.
The members were in an uproar Instantly
and all rushed for the men. Clark of Rich
ardson yelled for an adjournment. Speaker
Pool rushed to the chair and with the aid
of the sergeant-at-arms, got the members
quitod. The committee dissolved and after
quiet had been restored. Taylor apologised
to tho house.
"This squabble Is very Insulting to the
house. My conduct in the affair waa dis
graceful and impels me to apologise to
this house. 1 regret I allowed my temper
to get the better of me. I know there will
never bo another such occasion for me to
lose my temper. I lilt hard and am willing
to take hard hits, but the language of
the gentleman was very grievous."
Shoemaker aaid; "1 apologize for my
part in this affair, but 1 took very Utile
part livlt."
Shoemaker said he Intended to liavo Tay
lor arrested for assault. Shoemaker Is 66
years old. Taylor Is a much huskier and
younger man.
Tho assault on Judgo Shoemaker whs
entirely unexpected by those who were
listening to the debate. Scvcrul members
had Interrupted Judge Shoemaker in his
speech and some of the speeches had not
been taken seriously. During Boelta'
speech many of tho members had yelled
"hear, hear," and other remarks mado
on tins discussion of the bill being In the
nature of tho usual circus performance of
tho houte.
Tlie house was In the "Joshing" mood
when Shoemaker began his speech and
few of the members heard the remark
which occasioned the assault.
Jerry Howard spoke for the bill. Bow
man for It, Thlessen for It. Boelts opposed
it In one. of his usual eloquent addrcHscn.
When Shoemaker rose to speak, Snyder
of Harlan moved that debate, cease In five
'No you don't." yelled Shoemaker. "I
haven't said a word on this measure."
Baker opposed the. motion to shut off
Judge Shoemaker and Talor of York ap
pealed to the house to permit the judge
to make his Bpeech and the uppcul went
through with a whoop.
At the afternoon session of the house the
woman suffrage bill was again taken up
and after a general discussion was recom
mended for passage.
Shoemaker finished his speech leaning all
the time with one hand on Taylor's desk.
Case of Frontier, got In long enough to
move that the printing committee have ion
copies of tlie Marquis of Qiieennhrrry rules
printed and distribute them among the
members. No attention, save a laugh, was
given to the motion. Shoemaker secured a.
roll call on the bill not to concur in the
committee rf.port, hut be lost by a vote of
56 to 1.
No News Ahoot Beel Trust.
The house Is still without information
regarding the alleged meat naekers' com
bine. Several clays ago Mr. Connolly of
Douglas county secured the sppolntment
of himself and two others to Investigate
the alleged Beef trust, but so far aa
heard from no witnesses have been sum
moned, and no official action taken, and
no report has been made to the house.
Mr. Connolly Is of the opinion his com
mittee Is without much authority and .
the matter Is hanging up in the air some
where. Snpreme Conrl Clerk on ftalsrr.
The clerk of the supreme court will soon
be placed on a salary of MOnO a yrar, as
the senato today favorably recommended,
II. R. M. by Iidigh of Ot-ie county, mak
ing such provision. Th bill allows the
clerk $2.50i a year and the constitution
making the total fl.cou. Other office
employes and salaries are fixed aa follows:
Iepuly clerk. lU.fiii; assistant reporter,
ll.'Mi; two assistant reporters, $1 mo each;
two assistant clerks, II.OOO each: deputy
librarian, l.K)fi; stenographer, X40.
The present deputy clerk received a
statutory sslary of ll.S"0 a year and the
bill ra ses him to t:.U. It waa stated to
the finance committee by Mr. Linday that
as nearly us he could flgii-e out the income
from the office It was tt.tuo a year.
Woman Seffcase Advanced.
Senator tle wii of lancuMcr secured, the
advancement of the woman suffrage bill
Introduced by Jerry Howard, H. R. in
the senate today by an agreement with tlie
frh'nds of H It. 172. by Hhuemuker, pro
hibit lug foreign born persons who have
taken out their first papers to vote after
five yaars unless they take out their second
papers. The latter bill was Indefinitely
poKtu-.neJ yesterday by attaching woman