Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Provisions as They Were Finally
Patted and Sent to the Governor.
rumlnrri Have Power to Take
IkuriF of Ranks and t'onrts taa
not Interfere Intll Brrlfr
la Appointed.
iFi' im a Rtaft Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, March 21. -(Special.) Follow
In Ik it synopsis of the bank guaranty
blll a finally passed:
Th hanking board la romnorjl of the
governor, who la ex-offldo chairman, the
slate aiiOltor and the attorney general. The
board shall have suwrvlslon over state
banka. Thr governor ahall appoint a sec
retary to the banking board, who ahall
Vmve had three vears' exrrtenee ss a prac
tical banker nnd who ahull be paid $3.10
annuallv. He ahall alao aprolnt a clerk to
the hourd at a aalary of I1..V0 annually,
and one other assistant If neceaaary. Theae ,
ahall hold their offira at the. pleasure of
the governor. The governor ahall appoint
hank examlnera who ahall make at leaat
two examlnatlona of every bank annually.
The examiners ahall have had three years
experience In practical hanking. The aee
retarv and examlnera ahall give bonda to
the amount of and no examiner ahall
examine any bank In which he la Inter
ested Honda to be approved by the gov
ernor. The examlnera ahall hare power to ad
rntnleter oatha and compel the attendance
of persona to testify. Any examiner who
ahall accept a bribe for failure to make
a correct report ahall be deemed guilty of
a felony; penalty two to ten years In
prison. Bank examinations ahall be In the
presence of at leaat two members of the
Imsrd of dlrectora and shall Include at
least annually a verification from eiurces
outside of sa Id bank of at leaat 10 per cent
In number of the depoalta and loans. Bank
exnmlnera ahull receive H.fmo a year and
travellnr expenses not to exceed $1.ono an
nuallv, paid out of the general fund
Fee's for examinations are from SIS for
banka with a capital atock of lln.iinO or leaa
to IV fur banka with a capital stock of
IHW00 or more. Fees to be paid to the state
Bank examiners upon finding a bank In
solvent shall have power to retain posses
sion of the property of every description
belonging to said bank as agatnat any
order of any court until the state banking
board can net uron the report and have a
re"-"er appointed.
Majority of the members of the board
of directors must be residents of the
county In which bank Is located or resi
dents of adjacent counties. Every di
rector of a bank with a capital of 50,-
000 or leas must be the owner of at least
4 per cent of the paid-up capital atock.
In a bank with a canltal of more than
$S0 000 must have $3,000 paid-up capital
atock. This doea not apply to banka -in.w
In operation. Ownership of five shares
of the capital stock of a savtnea bank
tjunllfiea owners to be elected directors.
The paid-up capital stock of new banks
In no case may be lees than $10,000; In
towns of 100 to BOO Inhabltanta, $15,000;
In towns of B00 to 1,000. $20,000; In towns
of I 000 to H.ono. $25,000; in towna of
1 000 to 5.000. $35,000; In cities of 5,000
to 25.800. $50,000; In towns of 25.000 to
100. 000. $100,000; In cities of 100,000 or
more, $200,000. The minimum pnid-up
capital stock of a savings hank. $15,000;
In ton iii of more than 50.000 and less
than 100,000, $35,000; 100,000 or more,
$75,000. Not applicable to banks now In
Reports of Banka.
Every bank must file wltMn sixty days
a statement with the State Banking board
showing conditions of the bank. Hoard
upon examinations shall Issue a cert:H
cate showing the bank has complied with
the law to protect bank depositors. Sii.h
certificate shall be displayed conspicu
ously In place of business, and banks
may print upon stationery and advertis
ing matter that Its depositors are pto
tec led by the depositors' guaranty fund
of Nebraska. Penalty for violation vf
this provision.
Every bank must make not leaa tnan
four reports annuallv. Report must be
verified by oatha of an officer and two
directors. I'enalty for raise ettatement,
fioni one to ten years In prison.
Bank reserve shall be 15 per cent of
the total deposits; two-fifths of said 15
pet cent shall be In cash In the vault of
the banks; provided that In cities of more
tnan ra.iioo reserve snail he zo per cei.t.
Savings brnks shall have on hand at nil
times & per cent of their total deposits.
The aggregate of rediscount and bills
payable shall never exceed two-thirds of
trie paid-up capital, except for payment
of depositors. Nor shall any bank other
than savings banks permit Its loans and
Investments, exclusive of Ita reserve, to
exceed In the aggregate eight times its
capital and surplus.
Board i f directors shall be not less than
three nor more than fifteen members se
lected from stockholders. Board shall select
from Its number a president and secretary,
and ahall select a cashier. Officers to hold
term of one year. Board of directors shall
hold two regular meetlnga each year, when
a thorough examination of books and se
curities and funds shall be made. Maximum
rate of interest shall be 4 per cent. Viola
tion of this Interest provision Is a felony,
punishable by a fine of not lesa than
$1(10 or more than $500 or by Imprisonment
it not more than three vears or both.
Before declaring a dividend a bank shall
carry one-fifth of Ita net profits to Its
surplus fund until the same shall amount
Summer Rash Became a Dreadful
Itching HumorBig Blisters
Formed and Skin Grew as Hard
and Rough as Bark Scratched
and Tore Flesh till Blood Ran.
"Our son, two vears old, was very
much afflicted with a breaking out or
vrhat looked to be a summer rash. I
applied the usual remedies, such as
washing with soda water and powdering
with boric aoid. Finally, alter he suf
fered with the trouble several week I
took him to the doctor. He said tt was
merely a raah that waa quit prevalent,
and that I was giving the right treat
ment and that I should just continue it
tuu tho baby would soon be all right.
But instead of getting better it was get
ting worse. The rash ran together and
made lirge blister. The little fellow
didn't want to do anything but scratch
and we had to wrap his hands up to
kep him from it as he would tear the
flesh open till the blood would run. The
Itching waa intense, causing loss of appe
tite and flrsh. When it aeemed to hurt
him most the skin on his back became
hard and rough like the bark of a tree so
that rubbing or brushing would not
break it. lie was so feverish that I
thought it a bad case of ecm-ma. He
could not wear any clothes but a little
nightgown with the sleeve just fattened
at the top of the shoulder. He suffered
intensely for about three months. But
I found a remedy in C'utioura Soap for
bathing and t'utlcura Ointment with
which I anointed the sore places. Thia
kept the ruh from spreading and in leas
than a week the result waa almost magi
cal. That was more than two years ago
and there has not been the slightest
symptom of it since he was cured. I sm
never very long without C'utioura Soap
as my family knows the vsJuj" of it and
don't like a substitute. J. w. Laiick,
Yukon, OUa., Aug. 28 and Sept. 17, '08.' '
Million of women throughout the
world use Cuticura 8oap and Ointment
for enemas, rashes, Itohuigs, irritations,
inflammations, chaflngs, pimples, black
heads, dandruff, dry, thin and falling
hair, sanative, antiseptic cleansing, and
for all the purposes of the toilet, bath
and nursery.
Cutteora Remedies se mni Oromrtairi the wort,
f-ntlcf lru A ( hMn Curp.. So Prup . 11A coUi
Sua 4v . Boui. M&ftS
as sUu4 rav, luu&ttn Slus M Skis Umi
to an per rent of the paid up capital atock.
No officer other than a director who la
not an i fflcer. and no fn!"jr mav borrow
any of the fundj of a bank and no direc
tor may borrow without first securing the
approval of the board of directors at a
meeting, a roeord of which shall le made
and kept The violation of this provision
Is a felony.
No bank shall b an to any alngle corpora
tion or Individual or firm Including In
such loan all loans msdc 'o stockholders,
more than an per rent of the paid tip
capital and aurplus of such Kink. Hut the
discounting of bills of exchange drawn In
good fslth aaaltist actually existing values,
and the discount of commercial paper
actually owned by the persons negotiating
th same, shall not be considered as money
borrowed and In no case shall the total lia
bilities of the several shareholders of an
bank to such bank exceed 60 per cent of
the psld In capital ' and surplus of such
bank. Punishment for violation, fine of not
over $i. I Hies ni t apply to securities of
savings banks.
Stockholders are liable to double amount
of their atock. Banks ahall keep at all
tlmea a full list of stockholders, suh.lect
to Inspection of stockholders and creditors.
Violation subject to penalty of fine or
(issrsslr Provisions.
MdlowWng Is the guaranty provisions
and the sections relsllng to the winding up
of banks in the hands of receivers;
gcc. 44. For the purpose of providing a
guaianty fund for the protection of de
positors In banks, every corporation en
gaged in the business of banking under the
laws of this state shall be subject to as
sessment to be levied, kept, collected and
applied as hereinafter provided.
Sec. 45. Within thirty days after the tak
ing effect of this act and on the first day
of December. !". and on the first day of
June and December of ench year there
after, every corporation engaged in panning
under the provisions of this act shall make
and file with the 8tate Banking board a
statement in writing, verified by the oath
of Its president, vice president or cashl'-f,
showing the average daily deposits In rs
bank for the preceding six months, ex
clusive of public money otherwise secured.
And on the first day of the month next
succeeding the date fixed for tne mailing
and filing of such statement the Bute
Banking board shall levy assessments
against the capital stock of each of said
Danaing corporauons un huiuwb. "ihihi
sixty days fter the taking effect of this
act, one-fourth of 1 per cent of the average
dally deposits, as shown by the first state
ment of such average dally deposits re
quired to be made and filed by the provi
sions of this section; on the first day of
Ian., nr.. n(...fnti,ll nf 1 Itttr I'B Fit fl f
the average daily deposits aa shown by the
statement requited to be made and fllvd on
the first day of December. 1908; on the first
uay of July. WW, one-fouith of 1 per cent
of the average dally deposits as shown by
the statement required to be filed on the
llrst day of June. 1910. and on tne nrsc uay
of January, Ml, onelfourth of 1 per cent
of the average dally deposits as snown by
the statement required to be filed on the
first day of December. 1910, and on tne lust
day of July and Junuary of each yar t.iere-
atter one-twentieth or 1 per cent or me
average dally deposits ss shown by the
statement thereof required to be made and
tiled next preceding such assessment, p ro
vided, however, that any bank commencing
business and receiving deposits less than
six months prior to the data wliun the state
ment referied to In this section Is required
to bo made and filed shall show the averuge
dally deposits fur that portion of the sulci
semi-annual period during which It has
been engaged In business and receiving de
posits. Any person making oath to any of the
statements herein required, knowing the
same to be false, ahall be deemed guilty
of a feluny, and be punished by a fine of
not less than $100 nor mure than, or be
Imprisoned in the penitentiary for a term
of not less than one, nor more than five
years, or both, In the discretion of the
Section 5a. Any bank organised subse
quent '.o the date when this act takes
effect shall pay Into the depositors' guar
anty fund four per cent (.4) of the amount
of the capital atock when such bnnk opens
for business, which amount shall consti
tute a credit fund, subject to adjustment
on the basis of said bank's average dally
deposits, as shown by the first two semi
annual statements required by section 46
of this act. The hanking board Is author
ized and empowered to make such an ad
justment of the rates of assessments to
be paid by any bank which engages In the.
banking business subsequent to the time
when this act takes effect, as shall require
such bank to contribute to the depositors'
guaranty fund a Just and equitable sum,
and the state banking board shall adjust
assessments of such bank so that the first
two assessments, together with the credit
fund of four per cent i4T of the capital
atock paid In by said bank when It begins
business shell at least equal one per cent
(lrtt of the average dally deposits of said
bunk as shown by the two first semi
annual statements required by section 45 of
this act. Provided, however, that said four
per cent (4) will not be required of new
banks formed by the reorganization or con
solidation of banka that have previously
complied with the terms of this act with
reference to the payment of assessments.
Kept as speelal rand.
Section 46. Aa soon as said assessments
are respectively levied the banking coriwr
atlnna against which the same are levied,
shall be notified of the amount of such
asaesament levied against them respectively
by the secretary of the State Banking
board and said banking corporations shall
thereupon set apart, keep and maintain In
their said banka the amount thus levied
against them and the amounts thus levied,
kept and maintained shall be and consti
tute what shall be designated as a de
positors' guaranty fund, payable to the
Rate Hanking hoard on demand for the
uses anl purposes hereinafter provided.
Section 47. If the depositors' guaranty
fund shall, from any cause, prior to July 1,
1910. be depleted or reduced to an amount
less than one-half of 1 per cent of the aver
age dally deposits, or subsequent to July
1, 1910. be depleted or reduced to an amount
less than 1 per cent. of the average dully
deposits, as shown by the last semi
annual statements thereof filed, the State
Banking hoard shall levy a special assess
ment against the capital stock of the cor
porations governed by the provisions of
this act, to cover such deficiency, which
special rssessment shall be based on the
aM averaae .Inllv riunoRltri fl nrf whn m.
quired for the purpose of immediate pay-
ment to depositors, said special assessment
may be for any amount not exceeding 1
per cent of said average dally deposits In
any one year.
Whesi Capital Is Iaupalred.
Section 48. Whenever It shall appear to
the State Banking board, from any exam
ination or report provided for by this act,
that the capital of any corporation trans
acting a banking business under this act
Is Impaired, or that such corporation la
conducting Its business In an unsafe or un
authorized manner, or la endangering the
interests o Us depositors, or un the fail
ure of such corporation to make any of
the reports or statements required by the
provisions of this act or to comply with
the provisions of said act In all respects,
the State Banking board shall communi
cate the facta to the attorney general, who
shall thereupon cause an application to be
made to the district court of the county
where such corporation maintains Its bank
and la thus conducting Its business, or to
any Judge of such court, for the appoint
ment of a suitable person as receiver to
take charge of the business, assets and
property of every kind of snld cnrjoratlon
and to wind up Its affairs. Provided, how
ever, that If the Judge or Judges of the dis
trict court of the county where such appli
cation should be made be absent therefrom
at the time such application la to he made,
anv Judge of the supreme court may ap-
vlnt such receiver, but all proceedings In
relation to such recelversnin thereafter
shall be had before the district court, or
a Judge thereof, which might have ap
pointed such receiver in the rirst Instance,
and the petition and the order appointing
such receiver shall be forthwith transmit
ted to the clrk of auch district court. It
shall be sufficient to authorize the appoint
ment of a receiver If any of the facts
herein enumerated aa a ground for the ap
plication for a receiver he made o appear.
Wladlaar Cp Palled Banks.
Section 49. The court or Judge, appoint
ing a receiver under the provisions of this
act shall In the order of appointment fix
the amount of Ills bond In an amount suf
ficient to protect all persons Interested In
the assets snd affairs to be administered
by such receiver and the receiver, before
entering upon bis duties as such receive",
shall give a bond In the amount thus fixed,
with sureties to be approved by the clerk
of said court, conditioned that he will faith
fully and Impartially discharge such duties,
snd well and truly account for all money
and property coming Into his hands aa such
receiver, and disburse the same In con
forming to the order of such court or
Judge, and to the provisions of this set.
I'pon the approval of such bond and th
taking cf the oath required by law the
person thus appointed ahall have full power
and authority as receiver under the provi
sions of this set.
Section 60. After the Stale Banking board
a bank examiner or receiver shall have
taken possession of any bank under the
provisions of this act, the stockholders
thereof rosy repair Its credit, restore or
substitute Its reserve and otherwise placv
II In condition so that It is qualified to do
a general banking business aa beiore It
was taken luitiou of as aforesaid, bu
such bank shall not be permitted to reopen
Its business until the Stste Banking board
after careful Invesilgstlon of I affairs Is
of the opinion that Its stockholders have
compiled with the lew. thst the hank's
credit snd funds sre In all respects re
paired and all advances. If any, made from
tne depositors' guaranty fund, with Inter
est, fully paid, Ha reserve restored or suf
ficiently substituted, and that It should be
permitted again to reopen for business;
whereupon said State Banking hoard Is
authorised to Issue written, permission for
reopening of ssld bank In the ssme man
ner as permission to do business Is granted
after the Incorporation thereof, snd there
upon said bank may be reopened to do
business under Its chsrter originally
granted under this act. The directors of
every banking corporation transacting
business under the provisions of this act
shall have power and authority to levy and
collect aasesRmente on the stock of the
hanking corporation for the purpoae of re
pairing and restoring the credit of said
banking corporation, or to repair and re
store any deficiency that may occur by
resson of the impairment of the capital
stock of said hnnk.
Time for Filing; Barnes.
Sec. SI. As soon as a receiver, appointed
under this act, hss qualified, which shall be
within ten das after his appointment, the
court in which such proceedins are pending,
or a Judge thereof, shall make an order
fixing the time for filing claims against
the corporation whose property Is under
such receivership, which shall not be more
than sixty days from the dale of such or
der, and notice thereof shall be given forth
with, by posting a copy of such order on
the front door of the bank and by publi
cation thereof In some newspaper published
In the county, to be designated by the
court or Judge making such order, for at
least three successive weeks prior to the
date thus fixed.
See. 62. The claims of depositors, for de
posits, and claims of holders of exchange,
shall have priority over all other claims,
except federal, state, county and municipal
taxes, and subject to such taxes, shall at
the time of the closing of a bank be a first
lien on all the assets of the banking cor
poration from which they are due and thus
under receivership. Including the liability
of stockholders and. upon proof thereof,
they ahall be paid Immediately out of the
available cash In the hands of the receiver.
If the cash in the hands of the receiver,
available for such purpose, be insufficient
to pay the claims of depositors, the court
In which the receivership is pending, or a
Judge thereof, shall determine the amount
required to supply the deficiency and cause
the same to be certified to the State Bank
ing board, which shall thereupon draw
against the depositor guaranty fund In
the amount required to supply such de
ficiency, and shail forthwith transmit the
same to the receiver, to be applied on the
satd claims or oepoaitors; provided, how
ever, thnt no part of the depositors' guar
snty fund shall be used to supplv the de
flclency that may accrue by the failure of
anv bank now transacting business, which
bank hss not filed the report provided for
in section lo, receive the certificate pro
vided for In section 14, and pnld the first
assessment provided for in section 45.
Drafts on Gnaranty Pnnd.
Such orafts Hgnlnst the depositors' a-uar
anty fund shall be prorated as nearly as
may be among the several solvent banks
wherein the same Is so as aforesaid kept
and maintained In accordance with the
amounts thereof held by such banks re
Sec. 63. To the extent of the amount paid
from said guaranty fund to satisfy the
clnlms of creditors the State Banking board
for the use and benefit of said fund shall
he subrogated to all the right of the cred
Itors thus paid to participate In the assets
or such nanK, and the same shall be en
forced and collected by the receiver ac
cordingly, and when collected shn II he
placed In said fund and deposited by the
Stste Banking board In the solvent banks
subject to the provisions of the depositors'
guaranty fund, proportionate as to the sev
eral deposits to the assessments levied
against each of said banks.
Sec. 64. The court In which such pro
ceedings are pending, or a Judge thereof,
shall make such other and further orders
and enter sucli Judgments as may be necos
SBry or proper to insure a proper adminis
tration of such receivership and a Just and
equitable distribution of the assets of such
banking corporation among Ita creditors and
all others entitled to participate therein,
subject to the provisions of this act.
Sec. 55. Any bank examiner, when or
dered by the State Banking boarrt, or any
receiver appointed under the provisions
hereof, for the purp ise of winding up the
affairs of the bank, shall have authority to
take possession of any hank to which the
order of appointment shall p-Iate, and retain
the possession of such bunk. Its moneys,
rights, credits and property of every de
scription, as against any mesne or final
process Issued by any court against sucu
bank the properly of which has been thus
taken by such examiner or receiver, and
l until such time as all of the liabilities of
suen nanK have been rully paid and dis
charged, and any attachment lien against
such property, acquired within thirty days
next preceding the taking of such posses
sion by such examiner or receiver as afore
said, shall be thereby released and dis
solved. For each and every day the slate
bank examiner ahall so hold possession
such bank shall pay to the atate treasurer,
for account of the general fund, a fee of
ten dollars i$10, and for each and every
day a receiver shall so hold possession such
hank shall pay such receiver as full com
pensation for his services a fee of not less
than $.1 nor more than $10, aa may be fixed
by the State Banking board, and In each
case. In addition to said amount, the neces
sary clerk hire and attorney fees.
Appeals to Court.
Sec. 56. Whenever any bank refuses or
neglects to deliver possession of its af
faire, aasets or property of whatever na
ture, to the Stat Banking board, or to the
person ordered or apr Inted to take charge
of such bank according to the provisions
of this act. the Stato Banking board shall
communicate the facts to the attorney
general, or to tho county attorney of the
county wherein such bank Is located, who
shall thereupon cause an application to be
made to the district court or to any Judge
thereof, having Jurisdiction of the same,
for an order placing such board, or the
person ordered or appointed by It
to take charge of such bank and
Its affairs and property: provided,
that If the Judge of the district court
having Jurisdiction of the same, shall he
absent therefrom at the time such applica
tion Is to be made, then, and In that case,
any Judge of the supreme court may grant
uch rrder, but the petition and order of
possession shall be forthwith transmitted
to the clerk of the district court of the
county In which such bank Is located.
Sec. 57. Kvery receive r of a bank ap
pointed under the provisions of this act.
shall, immediately upon taking possession
of such bank, proceed to collect all dohta,
assets and claims belonging to such hank,
and upon order of the district court or
Judge thereof, may Sf 11 or compound all
bad or doubtful debts, and on like order
may sell all tho real and personal property
cf such bank upon such terms ns the court
or Judge theroof may direct, and may. If
necessary, enforce the liabilities of stock
holders, officers and directors to such
bank, provided, that bad or doubtful debtj.
as used In this section shall not include the
liability of stockholders, iffioers cr direc
tors, and whenever any auch receiver shall
have paid in full all of the liabilities nf
such bank, Including any liability to the
depositor's guaranty fund as herein pro
vided, the funds snd assets remaining In
his hands, If any. shall be paid and de
livered to the party or pa'-tles entitled
Reports of Receivers.
Bee. 5i. Kvery receiver appointed under
the provisions nf this act. shall make to
the State Banking board not less than one
report monthly according to such form as
may be prescribed and wnicn snail be veri
fied by his oath.
Sec. 59. The state Manning Doard sua':
nrescrlbe all such fi rms as may be useful
or necessary In carrying out the piovlelons of
this act, and shall have power to make
such rules and regulations, not Inconsistent
with the provisions of this set, as may
be necessary or proper to carry Into effect
tuvordlng to its true Intent.
Sec. 60. For the purpose ot carrying out
the provisions of this act, the State Bank
ing board la hereby authorised and em
powered to offer and pay out of the de
positor's guaranty fund rewards fcr the
apprehension and conviction of any person
or persons violating the provisions of this
act. Such rewards not to exceed in any
dace five hundred t$6oo dollars.
Sec 81. Where no other punishment Is
provided herein sny person violating any
of the provisions of this act ahall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof, ahall be punished by a
fine cf not less thsn twtnty-flve. nor more
than three hundred 113001 dollars or Dy im
prlsonment In the county Jail for not leas
than thirty nor mors man ninety, or ooin.
In the discretion of tne court.
Latest Reports say Condition of For
mer Aetreaa Is Mirk Int-preved.
LOS ANGELES, March S.-Ltest re
ports from the bedside of Mme. Helena
Modjeska. who Is 111 at her boms at Bal
tea. are that she is considerably Im
uickly rented property!
Many a poorly heated
house that has been
shunned as if it were
haunted would quickly
attract a crowd of
home-seekers by
throwing out the old
fashioned heating
equipment and putting
in a modern Hot-
Water or Low-Pressure Steam heating outfit of
'Hurrying to look it over
AuricaNx Ideal
ii Radiators IBoilers
If a house isn't heated properly it is uncomfortable, cheerless, and un
healthful its value depreciates and its rent goes down with each rapidly
moving tenant. IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators distribute
nothing but clean, pure, healthful warmth through every room,
nook, and corner of the house. They do away with all the
toil and troubles of old-fashioned heating, and save enough at
the coal-bin and in absence of repairs to soon pay for the outfit.
When property is sold owner gets full money back, or 10
to 15 increased rentals.
Whether you are an owner, tenant,
or intending builder, do not delay in
vestigating this best-paying feature
in any building whether cottage,
mansion, store, church, school, etc
Ask for our free valuable booklet,
"Ideal Heating." Write, telephone,
or call to-day. Prices are now most
-i. I "out"
A No. 17-J-W IDEAL Boiler and SM ft. A No. 1-W-W IDEAL Boiler and 400 ft. of
of 38-ln. AMERICAN Radiators, costing 3Wn. AMERICAN Radiators, costing the
the owner $145, were used to Hot- owner SI 90, were used to Hot-Wster
Water hest this cottsst. best this cottact.
At these prices the roods can be beurht of sny reputable, competent Fitter. Thia did
not includs cost of Isbor, pipe, valves, freight, etc, which installation is extra and
varies according to climatic and other conditions.
IDEAL Boilers will supply
the necessary hest at night
for not less than 8 hours In
cero weather with
thmrgtmf ,f ,.(, and there Is
ample fire to start up for
the next dsy. None of the
hest Is wasted up the
Write to Dept. N-80
413-417 South Tenth Street, Omaha, Nebraska
Public Showrooms and Warehouses located at Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Pittsburg, Clevelsnd, Cincinnsti, Atlanta, Indiaaapolia, Milwaukee, Omaha,
Minneapolis, Bt. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, Branlford (Ontario), London, Paris, Berlin
General Bills Will Carry About a
Million and a Half.
ParlnsT Has Bets Done on Many for
New Bnlldlnsrs for Colleges and
Expensive) Commissions Have
Been Cot Oat.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINES, March 23. (Special. )-The
work of llxlns; up the appropriations for
the next two years Is almost completed.
Senator Maytag, chairman of the senate
committee on appropriations, has had gen
eral charge nf the work and when the ap
propriations are all made up they will ap
pear about aa follows:
Thres stato colleges I 670.000
Fifteen state Institutions 670.0fiO
State fair liO.OnO
Historical building 440.000
New land W(00
Miscellaneous 170,Ono
Total Il.t00.000
In the miscellaneous item there Is now
already appropriated about $70,000, chiefly
for the soldier roster, Allison monument,
home finding agents, library extension,
serum laboratory snd a few things of that
The state felr spproprlstlon for the start
ing of the work on a steer amphitheater Is
practically agreed upon and will not be
opposed. It Is demanded by the farming in
terests of the state and Is In line with the
progress made.
The house committee Is somewhat In
clined to oppose the purchase of any land
for the state, but there Is some needed and
It will he provided for. Tnere Is need of
a small tract at the state prison and there
must be some more ground owned by the
state near the capltol.
One Item In the miscellaneous list that
may be very large Is that of greater sup
port for the militia. The house has passed
a bill which makes an expense to the state
for the period of HOfi.flOO more than under
present appropriations. It would place the
expense nf tha militia up among the big
things of the state.
The item of appropriations for the col
leges shows where the paring process has
been done. The askings for the three col
leges footed up over $l.o0,00. They will get
about what la Indicated, possibly a little
more, it will be well distributed among
them. It will be chiefly for Increase of sup
port funds and very little will go for more
ground or for erection of buildings, as the
legislature desires to return to the original
plan of having the buildings erected and
equipped out of the regular mlllage taxes
levied for that purpose. There Is great
need for Increase In the support funds and
this Is to be given with the best knowledge
the legislators are slle to apply to the
task. The report of the visiting committee
to the Institutions pointed out the need of
increased support and showed where tu
make the changes.
As for the fltteen state Institutions un
dor the Board of Control, In which Is
cared for over 8,000 persons and employing
over 1,100 employes of various grades,
every Item of the budget will go for
permanent Improvements or repairs. The
lioaid of t'ontrol estimates were Increased
from the first bills and the board will
gt nearly all that was asked, the trim
ming being In small Items which may be
left over for a time. The new buildings,
so much needed at Olenwood. Mount
Pleasant nnd Oakdale, will all he pro
vided. The Improvements at Independ
ence and Eldora will be made nearly as
planned by the board and Indicate I In
their report. There will not be any land
purchased for the suggested epll'iptlc
colony, though some members of the tem
mlttee believe it would be wise to make
this purchase at this time.
ThlnKS Left Oat.
A gr?at many important Items wl'l be
left out entirely. There will be no money
spent In probing and Investigating and
looking for scandals. The bills that were
put In merely to help out those who are
ever looking for some concealed blunders
or villainy are all dead now. There will
be no expenditure for eurvey of the
rivers to see if steamboats could be lun
on them. There will be no big sum to
carry on a dairy school all over the s'ate,
no big expenditure In veterinary matters
and no conversation commission. The
1100,000 for bonuses for highways will
not be expended snd the highway commls-
Ion will get no new trimmings. The
expensive utilities commission Is not
likely to come to a head and there will be
no bank guaranty commission. The edu
cational board. If It Is created, will not
cost very much money, and there will be
no extra cost to the Insurance department,
If It Is moved according to the desires
of the governor. The farm correspondence
school, however much needed, will be loft
to private enterprise.
lovra to Take Part In Rate Flcht.
Iowa will take part In the fight between
the rsllroads and the states over the 2
cent fare. Announcement of this wss msde
today by Attorney General Byers. Mr.
Byers will attend the meeting of attorney
generals which has been called by Mr.
Major of Missouri.
Laymen Reach lies Moines.
I .flymen who will attend the big lows
conference In Des Moines tomorrow were
arriving on sll trains. Six hundred men
have sent In 1 to pay for their enrollment.
The biggest rush of the convention will
be Wednesday.
Paper Published by KellnsTK Inter
ests In That tltr Goes Out
of Business.
BT. JOSEPH, Mo., March 23.-Wlth to
day's Issue the St. Joseph Star, published
by F. W. Kellogg, suspended publication.
Kellogg srnounces thst the plant will ba
dismantled and withdrawn from 8t. Joseph,
where the paper has been published three
years ss sn afternoon penny dally.
Welcome Words To Women
If, you are an intelligent thinking woman, in need of relief from weakness, nervous
ness, pain and suffering, then it means much to you that there is one tried and true
honest square-deal medicine OF KNOWN COMPOSITION, sold by druggists for the cure
of woman's ills. The makers of
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
for the cure of weak, nervous, run-down, over-worked, debilitated, pain-racked
women, knowing this medicine to be made up of ingredients, every one of which
has the strongest possible endorsement of the leading and standard authorities of
the several schools of practice, are perfectly willing, and in fact, are only too glad
to print, as they do, the formula, or list of ingredients, of which it is composed, in
plain English, on every bottle-wrapper. Is this not a significant fact worthy of
careful consideration?
Women use Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription in preference to all other ad
vocated medicines sold by druggists for their peculiar weaknesses and ailments
because it is
THE ONE REMEDY which contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. Is not anything like advertised ttcret
compounds or patent medicines.
THE ONE REMEDY for women devised by a regularly graduated physician of vast experience la woman's ail
ments and carefully adapted to her delicate organism.
THE ONE REMEDY good enough that Its makers an not afraid to print Its every Ingredient on Its outside
It's foolishoften dangerous to be over-persuaded into accepting a secret nostrum in place of this time
proven medicine of KNOWN COMPOSITION. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
i i