Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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j Shoe
j Health Walk Easy
For Men and Women
"for tirtJeel and for all ftti lot
they btcom Urtdn
JThe objection to most
health and comfort
shoes is this: They are
clumsy in design and
betray the purpose for
which they are worn.
jjFor many years we have
been making a shoe,
whose sole of leather,
wool, cork, felt and can
vas, as shown in the
diagram above, is soft
as a cushion.
I But we make it in all
shapes and styles and in
all kinds of leather. As
far as appearance goes
it does not differ from
other shoes, but it has
all the advantage of
any health shoe, and
gives a new pleasure to
jWe call it the Gotzian
Health and Walk Easy
Shoe, and it is made for
Women's wear as well
as for Men's. .
1903 MAKCH 1909
Sun mo rut wto tmu tm sat
12 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 II 12 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 2324252627
28 293031
The Oomatta eom nmetneee
Offlo. .f The ee to teratporafll to
eaten ea rest.eata etrset, la tke
room foimarly ocmpi4 by Keeling
B (yaau AA rarti eem nti and sub.
aertpejen matte. wlU Te atteaae to
that, until Dm new aaaftera are
A A Your Dealer to Show It to You I !
4 C. Gotzian & Co. MA
te jfilpm fy.t 3J.iTrc-js Uteurwc .-c. .:. .
iii f lulu m(Mmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
stavs moot FrtaS XV
YoUners, expert clothes fitters. 17 8. It
"Lindsay for city couocll. Adv.
JUod and Barton fUTe Edholm, jeweler.
Vote for D. A. . Cnaae all wards. Ad.
Rudolph T. Swobods, Public Accountant
r.-ut a. Stoae, Ith word council. Adv.
Kin hart, photographer, 1 Ith A Far nam.
9. T. Jacksoa Is the best man for coun
cil from Second ward. Adv.
Zaultable Ufa Policies, sight drafts at
maturity- II- D. Neely, manager, Omaha.
Vote for Ooodley T. Brooks for re-elec
tion for councilman from Ith ward. Adv
W. K. Thomas, (01 First National Bank
Bids., lends money on Omaha real estats
In sums of 00 to li5o,000. Prompt service.
The Barest Way to Save Is to follow
fixed, definite plan of saving so much a
week or month. See Nebraska Savings a
Loan Aas'n, Board of Trade Bldg.
rnneral of Thomas Waoktlsr The fu
neral of Thomas Wachtler, who died Bun
day, was held Tuesday morning at St. Jo
seph's church, Seventeenth and Center
streets. Burial was In 8t. Mary's cemetery,
South Omaha.
Big Baalty Bate la oath Omaha Mr.
and Mrs. John O'Dherty of Denver have
sold to Edward Maher of Platte county the
property at the corner of Twenty-sixth and
N etreots. South Omaha, for 125,000. A deed
was recorded Tuesday with the county
needs. OaUty by Mistake David Van
Etten In a motion filed In district court
says that Arthur Kail, sentenced to two
years In the penitentiary pleaded guilty
"by mistake and improvidence." He claims
that Hall could be held only for petit
larceny and asks the sentence set aside
and a trial ordered.
Federal Oonrte for Omaha The spring
term of the United States circuit and dls
trlrt courts for the Omaha division will
convene April 5. with Judges W. H. Mun
ger and T. C. Munger presiding. The
docket will be called on that date and the
assignment of trial cases made. The petit
jury will be empaneled April 12 and the
grand jury April 30.
wards for Commissary Supplies
Awards are being mads at the office of
Lieutenant Colonel F. F. Eastman, pur
chasing commissary for United States
army at Omaha, for the regular monthly
supplies for the posts of the Department
of Missouri. Bids for these supplies, with
Omaha, with Omaha jobbers tho principal
bidders were opened Monday afternoon.
Peoria Social Club Organised Some of
the former residents of Peoria, III., now
residing In Omaha held a 'meeting Monday
evening and organised the Peoria Social
club. A temporary organisation was ef
fected, with H. Bartson president and J
W. Barnett secretary. Another meeting is
to be called In about two weeks, at a place
t to be announced, to which all former cltl
sens of Peoria are cordially Invited.
Railway Kail Promotions Ross L. Hos
ford of Seward has been appointed to the
Omaha and Ogden division of the railway
mail service and has been detailed as reg
ister transfer clerk at the Union station
Omaha. He will succeed M. H. Fredrick
son. who has been transferred to road duty
on the Omaha and Chadron division. Thl
change has been made necessary on ac
count of the resignation of A. J. Rosen
Build Yourself U
This Spring
Begin taking Hood's Sar
saparilla today. It it reason
ably sure to do you good.
The heavier ltrlng, closer confine
ment and barder work of the winter,
as well as the torplfylng effect! ( the
cold weather on your skin and other
excretory organs, are now telling on
Hood's Barsaparilla, taken now, will
give your system Just what It needs
and must have, will help you over this
hard spot and quite Ukely save you
from a serious Illness later. It purifies
the blood, restores the appetite, gives
health and strength.
It effects Its wonderful cures, not
simply because It contains sarsaparilla,
but because It combines the utmost
remedial values of more than 20 dif
ferent Ingredients, each greauj
strengthened and enriched by this
peculiar combination. These Ingredi
ents are the very remedies successful
physician prescribe for the earn dis
ease and ailment.
Begin taking Hood' Sarsaparilla to
day. Get It In the usual liquid rorm
or In chocolated tablets known a
Bar sa tabs. 100 Dose One Dollar.
sum, formerly road clerk on the Omana
and Chadron division.
Chambers Baa Ballroad W. CI. Cham
bers, the owner of lot S, block 62, city of
Omaha, has brought suit In the United
8tstes circuit court against the Chicago,
Burlington A Qulncy, ths Union Pacific,
The Chicago, St. Paul, Mtnnespolls &
Omaha, and the Illinois Central railroad
companies for 115,500 alleged damages for
the placing of railway tracks alongside
his property on Davenport street from
Ninth to Eleventh streets, and on Capitol
avenu from Tenth to Tweirth streets,
north to Cass street
To April 30th, 1909
The Harmony
ol Home
Itoea Not Mingle With or Emanate
From The Table 'of Dyspepsia,
In the home, meal time should awaken
In all the inhabitants a peculiar harmony
of joy which will make for the home the
abiding place of interest and happiness.
If one member at the dinner table Is out
of sorts, this Influence Is felt and the har
mony is lacking. Conversation and mirth
are absent. Devouring thoughts assail the
dinners and alienee prevails.
Takes Twenty-Five Thousand
from Local State Banks.
Prominent Banker as Another est
lastltatlen Is Soon to Re
Foanded In This City, Mali-
Ing Four of the Kind.
tided In raiding Mrs Mni'g'mery' place.
Chief Pnnahne will Investigate the chsrgrg
made by Mm. Montgomery. Judge Craw
ford dlmlned the charge against her.
Foley's Honey snd cures roughs
quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels
colds. Get the gmulne In a yellow pack
age. For sale by all druggists.
Ralldlna Will Be K.rerted by Henry
Ha. bens. Who Raa That
I ornrr.
John Masauredis
Waives Hearing
in County Court
Greek Who Killed Officer Lowery ii
Bound Over on Charge of First
Degree Murder.
John Masauredis. the Greek, who on the
night of February 19 shct to death Officer
Edward Lowery of South Omaha, waived
preliminary hearing In county court Tues
day morning. He- was bound over to the
district court to await trial for murder In
the first degree and taken to ths Douglas
county jail.
Masauredis was brought back from Lin
coln penitentiary Monday evening by
Sheriff Brslley to answer to the Informs
tlon filed against him In behalf of the
county attorney's office by F. H. Good
Judge Leslie, the prisoner, Sheriff Brailey
Deputy County Attorney Mflgney, Good
and John Macfarland, counsel for the
Greek, were the only persons present In the
court room.
The hearing was 8:30 a. m. It Is stated
that ths earllness of the hour came about
more because Judge Leslie wished to get
away to Lincoln than because a crowd
was feared.
Masauredis looked much like he did the
second day after the shooting. The bullet
wound In Ms leg pains him somewhat and
he can walk, but with difficulty. His dis
Inclination or disability to talk continues
and jail officials think that while he may
have a slight smattering of English, he is
not able to hold an Intelligent conversation
in that tongue.
Nebraska's new deposit guaranty law
will cost Omaha state banks :!5,000, and
they are going to pay It whenever anyone
calls with the right kind of credentials
and a tag to carry It In.
For the most part It will be with a
feeling that the Omaha banks, which are
strong two of them having over $1,000,-
000 of deposits are contributing to a
fund to uphold banks thst are weaker.
But they are, of course, going to take
their medicine, though not Instrumental
in assisting Mr. Bryan to make Nebraska
a political experimental station.
The bsnks which will pay Into the guar
anty fund during the next year more than
125.000 are J. L. Brandels & Sons, which
bank has more than $1,000,000 depoMts;
the City Savings bank, with more than
$l,flOO,on, and the bank of Hayden Bros,
with deposits of $460,000.
"The money is paid over not only be
cause the law requires it. but with the
feeling that it will be a long time before
the banks will be assessed to make up
losses because of bank failures in Ne
braska, ssld one of the bankers who will
remit between $10,000 and $12,000 during
the next year. "We have confidence in he
banks of Nebraska and do not believe
they will abuse the law even if they
Another Bank Coming;.
i ne expectation among bankers Is that
another state bank will be opened in
umana before long. It will, of course, have
to have a capital of at least $.1,000 to
start. The state banks already here will
in an probability find It necessary to in
crease their capital to rO.00f". The big
gest now has only SlflO.nno capital.
National bankers In Omaha decline to be
disheartened over tho news that the bank
guarantee bill had become a law.
"Don't we still have our big gilt letters
cn our windows, 'United States Deposi
tory?" " fcald a cashier, looking out under
the big "L. 8." In shining gold. "The
guarantee law will have to work overtime
If It overcomes the Influence of those letters."
Another national banker, who was smil
ing snd rapping his desk with a pencil,
said: "The law Is not going to take nv
great amount of money from the national
banks and put it In the state banks. That
man Taylor of Custer, who went down
under the steam roller, whs right about
what ho told his fellow democrats, but
it Is too lale now for his words to do any
Henry Haubens. prcs'drnt of the Lion
Bonding and Surety company, has bought
from Edwsrd Lytle the northeast corner of
Twelfth and FarnHm streets and plans tr
erect at least a four-story brick warehouse.
The sale was made by leathern Davis snd
the consideration named Is Kl.oi'O. At pres
ent a brick and frame shack salctm and
some employment agencies In piano box
buildings occupy the site.
At present Mr. Haubens Is negotiating
with a tenant who is desirous of securing
such a building.
Midwest Life Item's
Is there any sane reason for a man hav
ing all of his business and property Inter
ests In Nebraska to choose an eastern life
Insurance company over a Nebraska com
pany. The Midwest Life has appointed Mr. D.
C. McEntee of Falrbalry a General Agent
of the company. He will open an office In
that city or Hastings. The company has
also appointed Mr. B. F. Hlldebrand a
General Agent with headquarters at York
where he will open an office. There are still
unfilled two positions as General Agents in
the western part of Nebraska.
The Midwest Life Is a financial Institu
tion which pays a certain' sum of money
to the family of the man who dies holding
a policy with Ii. To enable the family to
receive this benefit the husband must be
Insured In the company.
The Midwest Life wants local agents to
represent it in all parts of Nebraska. Pre
vious experience In soliciting life Insurance
Is not necessary. Write to N. Z. Snell,
President, Lincoln.
"Regal" Spring Oxfords
Men and Women
Th final shipment of the new Spring
styhs in "liegaV Shoes and Ox forth has just
been received.
We've now the largest and handsomest
stock of "Jtegals' we have ever had, and it af
fords you Just as broad a stltction as you could
get at the best equipped "Regal", store on
Broadway, New York City. The irreproach
able style of "llegals" is on a par with that of
ths finest cuitom shoes made because it is
talen directly from them and we are willing
to stand back of that statement, you to be the
And if you want a smooth and com fort
able a shee fitting a any male-to-order shoes
can afford you, you'll get it in "Regal" (fuar-ter-sizes.
Prices $3.50 and $4.00
Butler and Burnam
Blame Each Other
Clerk and Attorney Says Other is Re
sponsible for Error of Hour in
Man Lives Month
With Broken Neck
to San Francisco, Los Ange
les, San Diego and many other
California points.
to Portland,
Seattle.' - -
to Everette,
Tacoma and
Vancouver and
to Weed, Calif., Ashland,
Roseburg, Eugene, Albany
nd Salem, including 80. Pac.
branch lines in Oregpn.
to Spokane and Intermediate
O. It. & N. points.
Jurgen C. Eeimer of Syracuse Dies
After Showing Remarkable
Jurgen C. Jlelmer. 43 years of sge, whose
neck was broken at his home at Syracuse,
Neb., about a month ago, died at 8 o'clock
Tuesday morning at the Presbyterian hos
pital, where he had been for exactly three
weeks. He wss taking a barrel of vinegar
down In the cellar when he was hurt and
tell, the barrel dropping on his neck and
breaking It.
Jurgen Relmer, sr., father, was In
Omsha at the time of his son's death, and
Hans Relmer, a brother, arrived here
shortly after the man passed away. They
take the body back to Syracuse Wed
nesday morning, leaving Omaha at 9
Relmer had been failing rapidly since he
was injured and his body was completely
paralysed. He leaves a wife and family
of small children living on his farm near
Who Is responsible lor the error In the
city primary election proclamation statinjj
that the polls open at 8' a. m. when they
open at 13 m.
City Clerk Butler says City Attorney
Burnham Is and Burnhatn says Butler is.
"The city attorney gave me my instruc
tions and I simply followed them out,"
says Butler.
"I never did anything of the kind," says
The fact remains that the polls open at
13 noon, while the proclamation says they
open at 8 a. m.
"We will not run any risk of invalidating
the election and no voting will be allowed
before the noon hour," says the city at
torney. "I do not think it will be necessary
to post another set of proclamations, for if
any voters presunt themselves in the morn
ing the law can be explained to thum and
they can return later."
The primary law, approved April 3, 1907,
reads as follows:
The primary election held under this act
for the November election In cities whers
registration is required, the polls shall be
opened at 8 o'clock a. m. and closed at 9
o'clock In the evening. In all other places
and at primary elections at all other times
when a primary election is held, polls aha 1
be op-n'd at 12 o'clock noon ami remain
open until o'clock In the evening.
Injured In a Fire
or bruised by a fall, apply Bucklen's Ar
nica Salve. Cures burns, wounds, sores,
eczema, piles. Guaranteed. Sc. Kor sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Union Pad!!
Inquire) of
Oty Ticket OftU'e. Furuam St.
I'auuea 1U-1I Doug. tICM; lud. A3U31.
"At The Dyspeptics Table Ominous, Qulst
And Oloom Crowds Out Mirth."
All physicians agree that mirth and joy
at meal time does much toward digestion.
Mirth tingles the whole nervous organism
of man, the cells wherein are stored val
uable digestive Juices, empty their con
tents under the nerve stimulation and pro
mote the highest degree of digestion.
If gloom and discomfort prevsll at table
the reverse action obtains and meals be
come necessities, ret anticipated Joys.
Btui.rt's Dyspepsia Tablets are little
storehouses of digestion which mix with
the stomach Juices, digest food, retingle
the mueous nuMUbrans and Its nerve cen
ters, give to the blood a great wealth of
digestive fluids, promote digestion and
stays by the stomach until all Its duties are
If dyspepsia sits at tables it makes the
dining room a place of awe; these tablets
s'aoukl be taken after meals and dyspepsia
ot a consequence flees.
No need for diet or fasting. The dys
peptics who will use them religiously will
find no sense of nausea in ths sight ot
generous meals or la the odor of rich cook
ing. It matters not what the Condition of the
stomach Skuart'e Pyapeisia Tablets only
Improve the Juices and bring quiet to the
whole digestive canal, of which the sto
mach is the center.
Forty thousand physicians use these tab
lets in their practice and every druggist
sells them. Price SOe. gend us your name,
and address and we will send you a trial
; package by mall fro. Addrss K. A.
j Btuart Co.. 15m Btuart Bldg , Marshall, Mich.
Mrs. Halda Anderson, Who Said Hns
anal Bent Her, Gets the
Mrs. Hulda Anderson has won a decree
of divorce from Axel W. Anderson, who,
she declared, beat her with great frequency.
The rase was tried last wet-k before Judge
Lee Estclle and was hotly contested. The
defense claimed that Mrs. Anderson had
condoned her husband's alleged abuse and
that his extreme nervous state was some
excuse for him anyhew.
Judge Estelle has now found for the
plaintiff, who was represented by Attorney
Alvtn Johnson. Mrs. Anderson is given J.O
a month alimony.
Having been divorced has not caused
either Jerry Blrks or Daisy A. Hunt, both
of Manilla. Ia., to shun the estate of matri
mony. They came to Omaha today to w-d
and In securing a license he confessed to a
marital unpleasantness ending three yars
ago, while her decree was secured one
year later. Judge Cockretl performed th
A Bella-lens Affcei- tateaaaat.
Rav. Joseph H Psapeiman. Salisbury,
N. C, who Is the author ef Several books,
writes: "For several years I was afflicted
with kidney trouble aod last wlater I was
suddenly stricken with a severe pain to
r.y kidneys and was confined to bed sight
dsye unable to get up without assistance.
My urine contained a thick white sediment
and I paaeed same frequently day sad
night I commenced taking Foley's Kid
ney Remedy, and the pain gradually
abated and finally ceased and niy urine
became normal. I cheerfully recommand
Foley's Kidney Remedy. wr sal (, all
Woman Cbarareri with Keeping- Dis
orderly House Claims Attempt
at Blackmail.
Mrs. Laura Montgomery was in police
court Tuesday morning on c'.iarge of keep
ing a disorderly house at Till Capitol ave
nue. She denies that her boarding house
merits the attention given It by the police,
and sets up that an attorney and a furrier
who lives next door to her have demanded
various sums of money from her, threaten
ing unless she paid they would cauxe her
arrest. Police Sergeants Cook and Samuel
son, who mada the arrest, say they have
been watching a number of places recently
closed by the police ;nd that they fult jus-
Leads the World iu the Number and
Variety of Their Productions
In the number, beautj and convenience
of Its theaters New York leads the world.
The volume, variety and magnificence of
New York's theatrical productions are all
magnets that dally attract to the metropo
lis a vast srmy of strangers. Theite strang
ers must be housed and fed; and New
York has risen to the occasion and hss
provided mammoth and palatial lostelrles
th.t are among the wonders of civilization.
Some of these hotels perfect, but me
chanical and almost automatic in their
service are cold, even depressing In their
atmosphere. There is one hotel, the St.
Regis, located at Fifth Avenue and I If t.--flfth
Street, which has retained "hoine
llkeness" with Its other advantages. Un
equalled In its appointments and furnish
ings, mitli a cuisine unsurpassed by t.n
the famed foreign restaurateurs, the
stranger is here surrounded by "hui"
atmosphere and "home" refinements, i.nd
his stay la New York, whether for a night
or "the season," is thus made Infinitely
more enjoyable. With all these advanta
ges ths rates are lew: A larg.t aump
tuot sly-furnished single room for ii and
tl a day; the same with private bain for
i a day (or M for two people)-, or sn
elegant parlor, bedroom and private bath
for $11 a day and upwards.
thought of
His estimate of Roosevelt
"The most perfectly
equipped and the most
effective politician thus
far seen in the Presi
dency."' Though at first
doubtful of Morgan, Cleveland later called him
"A great patriotic banker." He also discusses
with great freedom the characteristics, work and
personalities of
curare s
All Newsstands
15 Cents
votm. fourth