Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1909, Page 6, Image 6

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Thf. Omaha Daily Bee.
Enured at Otntdt poatofflca M ecoixl
elass tnitlir.
Dully F (without Sunday), ona year. ..HO
lally Bee and Sunday, on year 10
Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week We
Illy Bee (without Sunday), pr-rk.. 10"!
"vi.nnf Bee (without Sunday), per wek o
Evening He (with Sunday), par week.. WW
Sunday Bee, one year $
Baturdav Hee, on year I
Address all complaints of Irreg ularttlea In
delivery to City Circulation Department,
Omaha The Baa Building
South Omaha-Twenty-foiirth and N.
Council Bluff If Scott Street,
Lincoln Little Building.
"hlragn 1M Marquette Building.
New York-Roome 1101-1102 No. M Wast
Thl-tv-thlrd Street.
Washington 735 Fourteenth Street, N. W.
Communlea'.lona relating to newa and edi
torial matter should he addraaaed: Omaha
Bee. Editorial Department.
Remit hy draft, eipreas or postal order,
pnyahla to The Bee Publishing Company.
Only 2-cent stamp received In payment of
mall accounts. Peraonal checks, aacept on
Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, aa.!
Oeorge R. Taschuck. treasurer of The Re
ruhllhlng comaanr, being duly awom, aaya
that the actual number of full and complete
roples of The Dally. Morning, Evening and
Sunday Bee printed durmg th month f
February, 1909. waa aa follows:
1 88,810 II n.iH
8.i7o i mno
M,ooo it n,rro
39.000 II US.9M
S 8,0A0
7 87,000
10 38,890
11 99,080
11 38,840
1 88,780
14..... 37.300
It 8,80
to 88,080
n rr, loo
II 40,930
14 r,3M
tt 4 "8,300
iT Sft.OBO
18 8TA80
Lisa unsold and returnad copies. 8,888
Net Total 1,077,098
Dally average 8S.498
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before m this 1st day of March. 1908.
(Seal) Notary Public.
Onbaerlbera lenTlnat th city tent
porarlly ahonld bar Th Ben
mailed to thnaa. Address will fcn
chnnared aa oftea mm ruted.
Au revoir, Mr. Roosevelt!
The Honorable Pat Crowe may re
tire again from the limelight.
Kentucky has become a backallder.
The Night Rldera are riding again.
John Philip Sousa aays that ragtime
is dead. Then someone should bury It.
A Tennessee judge soured on Gen
eral Plcklo and fined him for contempt
of court.
Congress must not try to forget
that it Is pledged to pass a postal sav
ings bank bill. -
Geese are now starting northward.
Later they will be flying to the sum
mer resorts, so-called.
Mayor "Jim" will speak at a revival
meeting. Why not give a performance
with lasso and broncho?
Mr. Taft may also be known to fu
ture fame as the originator of the
tabloid presidential message.
As Mr. Harriman understands it,
the reports of his retirement from bus
iness are grossly exaggerated.
The democrats in congress are quar
reling among themselves, thus proving
that they are genuine democrats.
It those eight revolutionists In Cuba
can get one more recruit they will
have enough to start a base ball team.
Aa a word of warning, it is too early
to ?vcn think of taking 'em off yet.
One touch of sunshine does not make
a summer.
When it comes to working the
steam roller, the democratic political
boHges down at Lincoln are no slouches
at the job.
Mr. Roosevelt spent part of the day
before sailing in Hoboken, just by way
of getting accustomed to being in an
uncivilized country.
Mr. Bryan Is doing very well in "the
enemy's country" this year, all of his
lecture engagements calling for a min
imum of $500 a night.
"Of the qualifications of a literary
person I possess none," says Richard
Harding Davis. He has been slow in
making the discovery. '
"Pullman cars are to be all steel
hereafter," says a Pittsburg dispatch
We all trust the Pittsburg report is
not in error on the spelling of the
A fishpole has been Invented which
will register the length and weight of.
every fish caught. What real fisher
man would be caught with a pole of
that kind? ...
Mr. Roosevelt will be back from
Africa in about eighteen months. The
New York legislature will be selecting
a successor to Senator Depew about
that time. ; :
It might be interesting to hear Con
gr ess men Dalzell explain to hU Pitts
burg constituents how he happened to
allow the duty on pig iron to be so
radically reduced.
That proposition to vote ,600,000
In water bonds la still being held back
Either the Water board lawyers have
bumped up against an unexpected
kink or they are holding off for effect
oU tb. legislature.
Ernphisixinj Their Impotence.
The democrats who plead with the
voters to put them In charge of the
affairs of the nation are furnishing an
object lesson In their Inability to gov
ern even a party caucus. They are
demonstrating that on a matter of
party strategy, politics and interest
the democrats at Washington cannot
be united ny more than can the dem
ocrats In the nation. The effort of the
leaders to organise the minority Into
a strong, effective opposition to the
republican administration has failed,
leaving the democrats tn congress
hopelessly divided . and helplessly
The democratic minority had a
glowing opportunity at the opening of
the special session of congress. Re
publicans dissatisfied with the present
rules of the house offered to co-operate
with the democrats and accomplish re
forms which were pledged In the dem
ocratic national platform. The over
tures were accepted and plans for a
general revision of the house rules
were carried out, up to a certain point,
when two dozen democrats bolted their
caucus, defied their leader, abandoned
their allies and went over to the ad
vocates of the old regime. The re
publican Insurgents had a right to re
volt against the rules without being
chargeable with party treason. The
democrats were bound to oppose the
rules as a matter of party principle
and In obedience to a definite party
platform pledge, but the minority
leader could not hold his men and the
defection was but a repetition of his
tory, emphasising the lack of decisive
ness and the first principles of, success
ful organization in the ranks of the
democracy in congress.
Champ Clark, the minority leader,
and William Jennings Bryan, the late
presidential candidate, are busily en
gaged in reading the recalcitrant dem
ocrats out of the party, while Fitzger
ald, the bellwether of the democrats
who refused to follow Clark, retorts
that the democratic party is suffering
from "the same brand of idiotic lead
ership it has had for fifteen years"
and Intimates that there Is no hope of
betterment until the material at hand
for the creation of leaders is radically
changed. Champ Clark is thus repeat
ing In his own case the experience of
every democratic leader In the houBe
in the last fifteen years. John Sharp
Williams even had his fist fights with
members of bis own side while the
house was in session and, before Mm,
Bailey and Richardson both resigned
the leadership in disgust because the
high privates would not follow them
with the loyalty necessary to effective
party opposition.
The democratic party in congress,
like the democratic party in the na
tion, has no fixed principle and no ac
cepted policy because whenever it lays
down either It drives away a large ele
ment wi-.bln its own ranks.
Free Art Assured.
While the senate in its wisdom, or
unwisdom, may make some radical
changes in the Payne tariff bill as it
passes the house. It seems certain that
the long-fought contest for the re
moval of the duty on art has been
won. The Payne bill provides for the
admission free of duty of all paintings
and works of art more than twenty
years old. The reason for the age re
striction is not plain, but the practical
removal of the duty is a decided tri
umph for the advocates of free art.
The duty on art has always been
questionable. American painters have
not wanted it and the net result of its
retention has been to force Americans
to pay double prices for. Importing art
works and to force American students
who wished to etudy old masters
to go to Europe for that purpose. No
one has ever offered any convincing
defense of this tariff schedule and
the fact that It waa not long ago' re
moved la due largely to the lack of
concerted effort. Most of the rare
paintings which American ' men of
wealth have bought abroad have been
eventually donated to museums or art
galleries and the tariff has worked to
levy a tax on rich men willing to use
their means for educational purposes.
J. P. Morgan has a valuable collection
of paintings in Europe which he has
refused to bring, to this country be
cause of the excessive Import duty.
With the restriction removed this col
lection and many others will be
brought to the United States, to the
delight of students and art lovers. Thel
removal of the duty will make the
whole country richer in one of the
greatest resources of popular educa
tion. Queer Newt from Cuba.
The sudden departure for the tall
timber of a sergeant and seven mem
bers of the Cuban rural guard might
be looked upon as a joke, were It not
for the history record that real revo
lutions In Latin-America often grow
from such small beginnings. Holders
of Cuban securities in this country
evidently regard the matter seriously
as Cuban bonds and stocks have taken
a decided slump and have not recov
ered, despite the assurances of Presi
dent Gomes that the Insurrectionists
who have not been killed will be shot
M soon as. they are caught and that
there Is no menace to the stability of
the government or the peace of the
island. V
The situation is not improved by a
review of the work of the Cuban con
gress, which has been In session a
couple of months. The time has been
wasted In a wrangle over the distri
bution of offices, the pardoning of sev
eral tbouaand criminals, who have
been granted amnesty, the adoption of
a bill restoring eockflghtlng and bull
fighting aa national pastimes and the
authorization of a national lottery.
No measure looking to the advance
ment of tho rotl Industrial latereu
of Cuba has been paused or evpn con
sidered and nothing has been done to
justify the confidence of those who
have believed in Cuba'B capacity for
self-government. '
President Gomez must soon demon
strate his ability to protect life and
property In Cuba from the rebels. If
he fails, his administration will go
the way of that of President Palma,
which he helped to overthrow and
then Uncle Pam will be called upon for
a permanent solution of the Cuban
Crocodile Tears.
As was to have been expected, Mr.
Bryan in his Commoner sheds a
plethora of crocodile tears over Joseph
B. Keallng, whom he credits with
being "an honest lawyer" because he
"resigned the office of United States
district attorney rather than prosecute
In a government libel suit." Mr. Keal
lng Is held up by Mr. Bryan as a signal
example of a man "willing to resign
an office rather than enter upon a
criminal prosecution which he believes
to be unwarranted and dangerous to
the public."
The reason alleged by Mr. Keallng
for his action in his letter of resigna
tion Is that the Indictment of some of
his friends In the government libel
suit would require their transfer to
another jurisdiction, which might be
contested, and that he would not want
to be the agent of the government In
seeking this transfer. The Bee be
lieves, and has bo expressed Itself, that
these prosecutions, if brought at all,
should have been brought in the juris
diction where the defendant newspa
per is published, but that is neither
here nor there in this matter. If
every United States officer should re
sign every time some official act re
quired of him did not fit In with his
Ideas of policy the government would
be at a standstill all the time.
The Keallng resignation on its face
wculd indicate that some other reason
prompted it besides that Included In
the explanation. Readiness to resign
Is sometimes to be measured by what
is given up, and In this case the fact
that Mr. Keallng was appointed for
four years In December, 1905, would
indicate that all he has relinquished
is about nine months' of public service,
with the salary thereto attached. But
the current number of the Outlook
goes into further detail as to this par
ticular case, which seems to have be
stirred Mr. Bryan so much and vouch
safes this additional information from
inside sources:
Mr. Bonaparte and Mr. Roosevelt both
so thoroughly distrusted him (Mr. Keal
lng) that they had arranged that he was
to have nothing to do with the prosecu
tion. Mr. William Dudley Foulke had
made charges against Mr. Keallng of bo
grave a nature that Mr. Roosevelt had
much doubt whether he ought to be re
moved, but did not act simply because It
was so near the close of Ills (Mr. Heal
ing's) term, aa well aa of Mr. Roosevelt's,
and before the libel suit waa brought Mr.
Keallng had notified Mr. Roosevelt that
he would resign, providing a certain man
waa appointed In his place, the proposal
being made to prevent Mr. Beverldge
recommending a man to fill the vacancy.
So that resignation Involves not so
much a question of martyrdom for
"an honest lawyer," as Mr. Bryan
would have it, as it does a bold stroke
of clever politics.
Revision and the Consumer.
Perhaps the most striking feature
of the new tariff bill Is the recogni
tion extended by its ranters to the
wants and demands of the consumers.
In former efforts to revise the tariff
much attention has been paid to the
manufacturer and the importer, con
gress apparently exercising great care
that these Interests should not be in
terfered with unduly, but In the pres
ent measure a majority of the ways
and means committee appears to have
kept the "ultimate consumer" In mind
throughout their hearings and the
preparation of the bill.
It la figured, for instance, that the
removal of the duty on hides would
not amount to more tnan iu cents a
pair on the price of shoes. But with
some 80,000.000 people in the United
States who buy from one to a dozen
pairs of shoes each year, the aggregate
savings of 10 cents a pair makes a
very large total. So thu committee de
cided to admit raw hides free of duty,
The Argument that the saving might
be absorbed by the shoe manufac
turers was promptly met by a reduc
tion in the tariff on manufactured
boots and shoes by about 40 per cent
This will open the way for foreign
competition If the home manufac
turers become haughty, and the plae
ing of hides on the tree list should
result in a direct saving to the con
The cut of 25 per cent on meats
should help the consumer. It may not
result In a marked reduction of pre
vailing prices, which are determined
by many conditions extending from
the range to the butcher's stall, but
it should be a safeguard against arbi
trary increase in prices which packers
might attempt to make for their own
profit. For the same reason the re
duction of tne duty on refined sugar,
while almost nominal in amount,
really marks the boundary line be
tween monopoly and competition,, It
assuredly means protection against ex
tortion and timely advance of prices
by the Sugar trust at certain seasons
of the year.
The cut of 50 per cent in steel
products means much to the wage-
earners and home builders. It spells a
reduction in the most expensive ele
ments in construction and. with the
50 per cent cut on lumber, should
mean cheaper buildings, as brick,
glass and other articles coming under
the metal and construction schedules
are to be radically reduced.
Why Bould the city hall democrats
persist In their effort to oust the reg
ular election officer! and fill the elec-
Hon booths at the coming primary
with their own creatures. The present
election boards are bipartisan and con
stituted of men recommended last fall
by the regular party organizations of
both political parties. If it Is only a
square deal they want the democrats
ought to be glad to leave the conduct
of the primary to the same election
officers who presided at the polls last
The World-Herald would suggest to "The
State," the offli lal organ of the Nebraska
brewery Interests, and the Interests that
are behind It, that they confine their efforts
Just now to the defeat of state- and county
prohibition. They will if they know what
Is good for them. World-Herald.
Talk about Ingratitude! Is this what
the brewers and liquor Interests get
for making a congressman out of
Editor Hitchcock and turning the state
house over to a democratic governor
and a democratic legislature?
The new charter amendments put a
stone wall around any expansion of
Omaha's police department by raising
the pay of the policemen without cor
respondingly increasing the amount of
the police fund. That, however, la only
one of the anomalies perpetrated by
our democratic charter tinkers. Others
will be disclosed as the provisions of
the new law come to be applied.
The annual fight between the wets
and the drys will be pulled off next
month in all the city, town and village
elections throughout Nebraska. Pre
pare for both sides to claim gains.
A St. Louis woman saved enough
pennies to purchase a $400 lot. Every
street car conductor will hope that the
women will continue to save their pen
nies for real estate investment.
The current in the Ohio river at
Pittsburg is said to be faster than ever
before. Still, the river cannot be
blamed for trying to get past that
town as quickly as possible.
One of Mr. Roosevelt's letters has
been sold for an average of 30 cents a
word, or about 70 cents a word less
than the magazines will have to pay
for his letters from Africa.
Mr. Bryan predicts that President
Taft's administration will be a failure.
Taft should feel encouraged, remem
bering the fate of Mr. Bryan's former
political predictions.
Mrs. James Brown Potter has gone
to Europe and says she will not come
to America any more. Well, we'll try
to worry along, now that Carrie Na
tion has come back.
It has been figured out that Mr. Taft
has traveled 202,114 miles in the last
eight years. Mr. Bryan has doubtless
traveled about that far, but has not
landed as well as Mr. Taft.
"Does Postmaster General Hitch
cock wear nothing but a silk hat?"
asks the Denver Post. Sure. He
wears a facsimile of the Taft smile.
Reports from Lincoln fall to dis
close any great scramble for the pen
with which Governor Shallenberger
signed the Omaha charter bill.
A Complaisant majority.
Baltimore American.
The most enthusiastic advocates of an In
heritance tax are tho people without rich
uncles. They are in :he majority, too.
Ilia Time to Laugh.
Louisville Post.
While he Is chasing the wild beasts of
Africa, former President Roosevelt will
have the laugh on President Taft In his
dealings with the wild men of congress.
rrogreaa Toward Bankruptcy.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
When civilisation reaches the stage of
reckoning the rank of nations In terms of
Dreadnoughts it also furnishes the factors
for computing the stage of progress along
the road to national bankruptcy.
Soak 'Krai
Philadelphia Record.
' There la no danger that the 5 and ID-cent
packages of cigarettes will be increased in
price by the new tariff. While the price
will remain the same, the cigarettes them
selves will be reduced enly In quality and
Another Gnesa Coming,
Cleveland Leader.
A good many fms of the republican
party say that the. Pajno bill ia too yood
to be taken seriously. A few weeks may
teach thesu pessimists something- worth
whlla about the dcrr.lnsnt forcea In their
country' government.
Conclusive Evidence.
Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Another proof of Japan's racial Inferi
ority. She has cut her budget $178,5W.GOO
merely because receipts were falling short
of expenditures. No real progressive na
tion ever lets a little fact like that Inter
fere with Its grandiloquent schemes.
Hint Aboai American Diplomat.
Bobton Herald.
President Taft will confer a favor upi.n
Americans abroad, gnd establish a whole
some precedent. If he will make his diplo
matic appointees understand that their of
fices, like all others, are public; that the
American people, not favored Individuals,
are the supporter of embassies und lega
tions, and are entitled to considerate and
Impartial treatment by the Incumbents of
those offices. The diplomatic representative
who uaea his office for the aggrandisement
of himself and his friends should be separa
ted from It long enough to realize that the
honor and prestige of It belongs to the
United States, and not to himself.
1 'h
Around New York
mipplea th Currant of X.lfs
as Seen ia the Orea Amertoaa
Metropolis from Say af.
An Instance of chlhllith sympathy and
open-hearted generosity was witnessed by
a carload of passengers on one of Brook
lyn's suburban lines last Saturday. A pret
tily droned little girl of years sat W'lth
hrr father, a distinguished looking and
evidently well-to-do man, In the forward
end of the car. The little one was hugging
a bundle which she from time to time sur
veyed with looks bespeaking pleasurable
anticipation. At one of the stations, relates
the Brooklyn Kngle, there boarded the car
a poorly dressed woman, a thin shawl over
her shoulders and a sad, careworn lo k on
her face. With her was a little girl R or t
years old. The little one's feet were en
cased In shoes that had seen better days.
They were torn In several places and tho
toes of the child's left foot were plainly
visible. The woman and little girl pre
sented a most pitiable appearance.
The two sat down almost directly opposite
the well dressed man and his pretty, flaxen
haired daughter. The girl whom fortune
had favored with better things looked com
passionately at her raggrd fellow passenger.
After a minute or two she turned her face
up to her fether. He leaned over the belter
to hear her whispered communication.
What she said seemed to please him Im
mensely and he nodded smilingly at her.
"Yes." he said, "do so, Dorothy."
And what Dorothy did made a deep Im
pression on the other passengers, and two
or three surrcptlously brushed tears away
from their eyes. Dorothy undid the pack
age, opened a pasteboard box and drew
forth a pretty little pulr of shiny new
shoes, with red cloth tops. These she pre
sented the ragged little girl. "Wear these."
she said, "I don't need them, anyhow.''
It was a proud little girl that carried
off those pretty little Bhoes to her squalid
home, but no one could have felt prouder
than the father of the donor of those shoes,
and each and every one of the passengers
On that car looked as though he or she
would have liked to shake hands with the
generous little girl.
On the strength of an -affidavit presented
by a physician the supreme court in
Brooklyn has advanced for trial the case
of Mary Begley. 13 years old. ngainst the
Inlerborough Rapid Transit company. It I
will be held on the first Monday in April,
nnd will not have to wait two years, as
would have been the case had the calen- j
dar been followed. The child was Injured J
In the subway on April 4 last, and it is al
leged that with the exception of twelve
days she was unconscious until February
15 of this year. Dr. W. B. Mosoley pre
sented an affidavit saying the child might
at any time relapse Into anothet; prolonged
stupor or become Insane, and for this rea
son the court agreed to advance the esse.
The little girl is a daughter of Mrs. Cath-'
erine J. Begley of Brooklyn. The Injuries
she sustained were considered trivial at
first and were caused by a guard hur
riedly closing a door of a subway car.'
Many thrilling rescues were effected by
firemen Thursday- morning at a blaie In
a three-story and basement house at 309
Tompkins avenue, Brork!yn, occupied by
August C. Eldridge and family. Wilbur,
the 14-year-old son of Mrs. Kldrldge,
proved himself a little hero. With his
brother Allen, aged lti, imd baby brother,
Robert, aged 14 months, .he was asleep on
the top floor of the building when he waa
awakened by the choking fumes of smoke.
In the darkness Robert began to cry and
Wilbur seized him in his arms and. with
remarkable presence of mind, tore away
a portiere and wrapped it around him.
Then, with the youngster In his arms, he
staggered to the stairs and started down
stairs. On the way down he tripped on a
step and fell, but managed to let the baby
fall on top of him so that he waa not hurt.
Then he continued the deescent until he
reached the floor below, where he Joined
the other shivering members of the fam
ily, who were rescued by the firemen.
There are 1,580 hotela In New York City,
of which 82i are In Manhattan. This num
ber docs not Include saloons, of which
there are 8,219. New York's hotela have
accommodations for 3on,nno transient
guests. Three of the largest, the Waldorf
Astoria, assessed for taxation at 12.KJ0,()U0;
the New Plaza, assessed at 7.of)0.000, and
the Astor, assessed for $o,0U0,0u0, represent
an Investment exceedlnlg half the tottal
outlay for alt the hotel In the city of
More than one million people are fed
three times daily In New York restaurants
at an estimated cost of IHOO.ono a day. It
costs the 4,ono men and wpmen who dine
In the best style In New York restaurants
J19.000 a night, and to entertain them res
taurant proprietors spend HRiO.tTOO a year
for music. Thirty thousand dairies supply
the 1,600,000 quarts of milk that are con
sumed In New York City every day.
New York City has 430.000 telephones, an
average of one telephone to every ten
persons. The average number of conver
satljns carried on dally over the wires Is
l.SSO.OOO. There are 3,0C telephones In the
Hudson Terminal building alone. If all
the telephone wires In New York City
were laid end to end they would encircle
tha tarth at the equator forty times, and
still have some thousands of miles to
Invoking Tbe Hague Court.
Boston Transcript.
The selection of the members of The
Hague court before which hfi I'nited States
and Great Britain have agreed to bring
the New Foundland fisheries controversy
for settlement, promises to give a definite
Interpretation to treaty terms that have
been In dispute for i ver ninety years. The
case U of special interest as being the first
under tl general arbitration tieuly bet we n
the two countries. The court Is broadly
representative, Including members from
eastern und western Kurope, as well as
j from South America, the I'nited States
and Canada.
Four Iran of Iteal lluiluess.
St. Louis Times.
The Taft administration Is starting out
with signs of very effective strenuousness.
Short, vigorous messages and quick action
In all departments Indicate that we are
about to have four jeaYs of real business
at Washington.
V:- Hurry aiid
sty les m
luaripher Hat
SS& Iways Right", . ;
A pure, wholesome,
reliable Grape Cream of
the cream of tartar used In Dr. Price's Baking
Powder Is la the exact form and composition la
KbJca It occurs In tbe luscious, healthful gripe.
Improves the flavor
and adds to the health
fulness of the food
Jfo Alum
Even ao distinguished a person as the
governor of Alabama had to pay J:!, 750 for
maintaining an auto of homicidal tend
encies. According to President lladlcy, Taft's
message shows how well they teach Kng
llsh at Yule. "He learned to avoid non
sense." Other colleges please copy.
Jieed Knox,, son of Secretary of Ptato
Knox, has been appointed confidential
clerk to the secretary, vice H. K. Neigh
bors, resigned. Charles K. Wilson, who
was Mr. Knox's secretary ns chairman cf
the Henate committee on rules, will be ap
pointed law clerk of the State department.
A London gardener named Wallace, who
was out of work, while reading a Bible
which he had bought in a second-hand
stote, came upun two 5 (Vk) notes and
tha following Inscription: "1 gathered this
with great difficulty, but, having no rela
tive who Is In absolute need, I make thee,
whoever ahull read this Bible, to be my
Charles Dewey HI! lea of Dobbs Ferry,
N. Y., who has been, appointed Hslstant
eoctetary of the treasury, is about 33 years
old and originally came from Lancaster,
O. During the recent presidential cam
paign Mr. Ulllcs was engaged In Investi
gating the situation n several states. Mr.
llilles at present 'Is superintendent of the
Juvenllo Homp. at Dobbs Kerry.
"My dear, why did you put so much on
the tabic? Why did you have chicken salud
at my end and roast beef at yours?"
"Because you told me this morning that
you wanted me to make both ends meat."
Baltimore American.
Farmer's Wife Hood gracious. John!
There's the pig dragging off my new
Spring Announcement
Wo are now displaying a most com
plete line of foreign novelties for
spring anil summer wear.
Your early Inspection Is Invited, as
It will afford an opportunity of choos
ing from a large number of exclusive
We Import In "Single suit' lengths,"
and a suit cannot be duplicated.
An order placed now may be deliv
ered at your convenience.
Not Bargains
In Walnut and Mahogany, price $400 and up.
Oak, Walnut and Mahogany, price $350 up.
Oak, Mahogany and Walnut, price $250 up.
Piicca $190, $225, $250 and $275.
Many other Pianos, $125 $143 $155 $165
$10 senda one home. $1.00 weekly pays for K.
1513 Douglas Street
Back up your claim to quality by
making your printed matter show it
A. L Root. Incorporateo; 1210-1212 Howard StrMt
Wo lima
spring bonnet! What are you standing there
laughing at?
Farmer Poor beast! I don't wonder he
took It for a basket of grub. But it's so
funny to see my pig In your poke. Balti
more American.
Mother My other little girl Is very frail,
but I've taken precautions to have baby
grow up into a big, buxom girl.
Visitor Indeed, and what have you done?
' Mother I've had her thrlstened "Fairy."
Boston Transcript.
"Your husband Is a traveling man, Isn't
he, same as mine?"
"Yes, he's traveling pretty much all the
"(lets a regular salary, I suppose?"
"So does mine; hut when he has a good
trip he gets something as a commission be
sides, does yours7"
"Not so far as I know. He's a railroad
conductor." Chicago Tribune.
Nixon Waterman.
Once In a while the sun shines nut.
And the arching skies are a. perf"ct .blue;
Once In a while mid ch.uds of d'Aibt
Hope's brightest stars come peeping
Our paths lend down by the meadows fair.
Where the sweetest blcssoma nod and
And we lav nslde our cross of cure
Once In a whll". .
Once in a while within our own
We clasp the hand of a steadfast friend:
Once !n a while we hear a tone
Of love with the heart's own Vi Ice to
AnC the dearest of all our dreams com
, true,
' And on life's way i a ijoMen fnlle;'
JjSuch thirsting flower Is kissed with dew
Once In a while.
Once in a while In the des-tt rnnd
We find a spot of the fairest green;
Once in a while from where we stand
The hills of paradise are seen:
And a perfect Joy In our hearts we hold,
A Joy that the world cannot defile:
We trade earth's dross fur the purest B'"M
Once In a while.
Tailor 8
317 South Fifteenth Street
i n i i iim-Harmiiai'