Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Telephone System Spends Millions
for Better Service.
Goodyear Raincoats Reign Supreme
$20 --$35 Spring Sample Raincoats - Silk Coats
On Sale TOMORROW at $8.50 (o $12.50
few m. I
This shipment consists of our factories' spring
f-amples in Men's Crnvonettes and Raincoats
and Women's Cravenettes and Nilk Coats.
These are spring models that were made to ho
from $20 to $3."). von ran choose anv of tiiese at
To get the choice we urge prompt buying, for at these prices the lot may not last much longer'
carry a full line of Men's and Women's Automobile Wearing Aparel in water-proofed
Goodyear Raincoat Co.,
The Raincoat Store"
At this price we offer suits so perfect
ly designed end beautifully trimmed
that If any retail atore had them f 15 or
111) would he the prlre
asked for them. Here In
all the new models and
colorings, at
AM g
Ski II
Our line of Dresse3, Skirts
Princess Cloak & Suit Parlor
Management of
16th an d Davenport Sts.
Salesman Promptly Land Woman
Who Grabi His Pin.
eresa ICntrrlnra Her Anna Ahnnt
Man's Meek on street and
Deftly . Removes Vala.
able tivHi.
Tlobbed of a $100 diamond scarf pin Mon
day night by a colored woman of the Third
ward and catching: the thief and foiling
her to drop the gem at his feet within h
minute afterward'. Jarold A. Sinkulur, a
traveling salesman who lives at 31S North
Hlghtrenth, street, made quite a hit with
tha police force aa an amateur policeman.
Then Detective Stove Malnney was put
to work on the case and within a short time
be arrested Emm a rontee, the woman who
IS believed to Tiave tried to steal the dia
mond. 8he escaped after Sinkular 'recov
ered his pin. but after being caught by Se
lective Maloney was positively Identified
aa the thief by the owner of the gem.
She was arraigned In police court Tuesday
morning on the charge of larceny from the
person. The case probably will he heard
Wednesday morning, the woman having
pleaded not guilty. Slnkular appealed
agtlnat her In court.
trlvlng from Crofton, Neb., on a North
Eat your favorite food without fear
of Stomach distress or Indigestion.
Aa there Is often some me In your family
who suffers an attack of Indigestion or
some form ot Btomach trouble, why don't
you keep a case of Diapepsln in the house
This harmless blessing will digest any
thing you can eat without the slightest dis
comfort and regulate a snur Btomach five
minutes after.
TfH your pharmacist to let you read
the' formula plainly printed on the 60-cenl
ctes of Pape's Dtapepsln, then you will
readjly see why they cure Indigestion. Sour
Stomach, Heartburn and prevent at once
such miseries as Belching ot Uss, Eructa
tion ot sour undigested food, Nausea, Head
aches, dlsslness. Constipation and other
Stomach dlaorders.
Soma folks have tried so long to find
The Most Exquisite
of All Electrics
After you've seen all electric coupes,
madam, you'll chouse the Rauch &
hang. Ho If you have an ldea,l In mind
don't buy anything that falls shoit
Of it.
Many women have used other caa
and sold them on sight of this car
For this Is the rsr of surpassing r
finement the car thai proclaims It
self. There are hundreds of electric
coupes, et not one so exquisite as this.
, Note These Details
The seats are upholstered with the
finest. Imported broadcloth In the color
to match that of the body a ri h
aloe, green or maroon.
: PUU..I
t Rauch & Lang Carriage Co., Cleveland. Ohio
' Omaha. Neh.
A $15.00
At $15 v challenge the town to aell
any aa good or aa nicely mad ami
trimmed aa the kind we offer at this
price. In all the new materials and in
various makes; newest atylea AJ m
I I" t"""- Positively til id 1 k
retail values, on tale here, tJXtF
various makes; newest atylea
In town. Positively $22.50
retail values, on tale here,
and Waists is Now Complete.
western train at the Webster street depot
shortly after 9 o'clock Monday night Mn
kular and a friend named I-e.vl Nelaon,
whose addrene is il5 South Twentieth street,
walked south on Fifteenth street. They
met two colored women near I'ass street
nd one of them suddenly developed a
strange affection for Slnkular.
Throwing her aims around his neck the
woman made It difficult for him to see
what was going on. When he finally man
aged tfi free himself from her grasp he
elinosl immediately noticed that his scarf
pin was missing from his necktie. In the
meantime the two women had disappeared,
but Slnkular and Nelson ran back a short
distance Hnd found them.
The woman with the d nmond was grabbed
by Hlnkular and passed the gem to her
partner, who dropped It to the sidewalk.
Both got away and the owner of the pin
picked It up and went to the police station
with his friend. After giving the police a
description of the two women they waited
until the detective arrested them.
Anna Contee and Hattle Courtney, both
colored and living at 1213 Cass street and
420 North Fourteenth street, respectively,
were srrcted and Identified. The Conies
woman Is said by Slnkular to be the one
who took the pin and the other woman to
be the one who was with her. Ths former
Is charged with the theft, while Hattle
Courtney Is being held at the police station
as a witness and Busplolous character.
Sturdy :aks from little acorns grow
sdvertising In The Bee will do wonders for
your business.
relief from Indigestion with the common
every-day cures advertised that they have
about nude up their minds that they have
something else wrong,' pr believe theirs is
a case of Nervousness,' Gastritis, Catarrh
of the Stomach pr Cancer.
This Is a serious mistake. Your real
trouble is, what you eat does not digest;
Instead, It ferments and iours, turns to
acid, tlas and Stomach poison, which will
putrefy In the entire digestive tract and in
testines, and. besides, poison the breath
with nauseous odors.
A hearty appetite, with thorough diges
tion, and without the slightest discomfort
or misery of the Stomach, is waiting for
you aa soon as you decide to try Pape's
One candy-like Trlangule. taken after eat
ing, will promptly digest all your food, the
aame aa a strong, healthy stomach would
do it.
The celling is done In quilted satin,
with a dainty electric dome light.
There la a complete toilet set and a
mlnature . clock. Tha windows are
bordered Inside and out with the
heaviest of rich felt. With a smll
charcoal heater the car can be kept
as warm as toast, even In sero weather.
In warm weather with the windows
down you have an open car or you
can attach a Stanhope body at a com
paratively small cost.
Compare All Cars
Compare all cars with ie Rauch A
l.ang see how It excels.
Judge If you want any other car
after ou've seen the best.
Rauch & Lang
The sred Is from to IS miles an
hour It has wonderful power.
The control Is by far the most per
fect of any sort of car. And these iais
will go a far on a single charge aa
you'll want to ride In a day.
Kxclde Batteries are part of ou
st nard equipment.
(let our art catalogue. If you maul
demonstration no obligation on your
part aimply call our phone number.
16th and Davenport Sts.
At S20.00
The cutest style you ever saw at $20,
and the very quality other stores sell
at $.10. But we will sell at the manu
facturer's prices, thereby saving you a
run third, Latest models in
all the new fabrics and
shades. Best values In
town, at
io mm czxrr dibcotjttt cottow.
Cs this out and pr at M to thm ssOe?ersoa and
yawn reeeiTs yotur 10 pea oeatt oaah oiaoouat.
As an extra lnduRmxwnt to have you buy direct
from the makers, we'll allow a 10 per cent discount
on all purchases mads before April 15th. but this
coupon must be presented when purchase are made
GOOD TJ1TTH. AraUX. HrUi, 0.
rmuioiH cjsOam. a dtt tamimm,
B lata and Davenport ttts.
S. A. Searle Says
Breen Committed
to Capt. Palmer
Manager for Palmer Says John Paul
Agreed to Support the
The charge Is now publicly made by S.
A. Searle, managing the campaign for Cap
tain H. K. Palmer, one of the republican
candidates for mayor, that John P. Breen,
another candidate for the same office, Is
a backslider, having at the outset of the
campaign committed himself for Captain
Palmer, as the captain was the first in the
field, filing by petition. According to Mr.
Searle, this petition was drawn by Mr.
Breen personally, and Captain rainier had
every reason to expect Mr. Breen to con
tinue to support him, instead of running
against him himself and trying to bring
pressure on Captain Palmer to get out of
the way by withdrawing at this laic day.
Tlila charge was made by Mr. Searle In
a speech In behalf of Captain Palmer at
Washington hall. The meeting was held
under the auspices of the Square Deal
Republican club, which waa also addressed
by various candidates.
Ah, Ha, Dan Cupid,
You Are Caught
Fremont Couple Headed Off by Tele
phone, for the Girl is Still
a Girl.
Harry Bannlck and Urate Spies of Fre
mont will get no marriage license In
Douglas county If they should ask for one.
But that up till noon they had not done.
8herlff Batiman of Fremont telephoned
here late Monday night saying the pair
were supposed (o have eloped and that
the girl was but 17 years of age.
A few minutes later tho phone tinkled
again and a feminine voice said: "This Is
In Iowa. Don't you dare Issue any
license to Maud Hildreth; she Is not of
The voice was Interrogated as to from
whence it spoke, but It had left the phone.
Miss Hildreth has not appeared seeking a
license nor has any swain for her.
Nearly 1,inni Added by Canvasi
Work to Fund for Child !.
I" If Home.
Nearly Jl.ono waa added to the fjnd for
the Child's Saving institute by the can
vassers who were out Monday, making the
total funds to date A campaign
la being waged to raise IT5.UX) fur a building
fund. The amounts received to date are:
Previously acknowledged
Mrs. W. B. Millard
C. W. 1. j man ,
H. L. Curnmlngs
C. E. Yost
Mrs. F. V. Fullaway
John Rexnlchek
Albert J. Fricke
8. V. Fullaay
K. G. I rlau
Elmer A. Johnson
Mrs. J. M. McUuwan
W. A. H.xrnbaugh
Mrs. Delia Furgusun
W. I. Kierstead
Mrs J. A. Talliferro
Bertha Meyer
Mrs. Lila Palteraon
6 (JO
10 HO
5 i
& (10
6 ui
Helen N. Barnes J i)
Harry J. Weeth 1 no
Mrs. A. Traynor l.uo
Mrs. Myra Ijeecli l.(i
Clyde Harold Baticock 1 no
Miis Sopl'ls Hummel 1 o
Louise Kuenne 1.0
Mrs. C. Wit ley 1 fm
Mrs. T. I.. P'.ielps 1 ()
Mrs. M. U Scot: I.u)
Dean H:inderlsnd 1M
Mrs. Maad Cattle. 1(0
Mrs. J. T. Brlllhart 1 e
.1. n. Park lm
J. p. Bh rt 1 ill i
I. 'sue Acheson t.oO
I Bess Emerson I m
Henry i.lndeman 1 '
Prtahlfsl Spasms
rf the stomach, liver ton nr. buck and
meak kidneys are nrrrum by Eie.-tr.c
Bittatrs. Guaranteed, boo. tor sals l
Beaton Drug Cut, .
rre-aMeat Vail Shows la Annaal Re
port that Raisins; Standard of
RRlplener Pays Patrons
and toekholder.
President Theodore N. Vail of the Amer
ican Telephone and Telegraph company In
his annual statement covering the business
of the Bell system shows that that system
has made an Increase during the ycaf of
stations In the I'nlted States. The
report shows the total number of stations
how to be as against 3.8t9.O0 at the
close nf last year's business. Of the total
1.103.144 exchange and toll stations were
cojinected with the Bell system by toll of
long distance lines. These were operated,
however, by some T.ono local, co-operative
and rural independent associations or com
panies with sub-license or connection con
tracts. Mr. Vail shows that the entire system
had a total milage for toll and exchange
service of 9,Mn,718. which represents a gain
of more than miles during the
Coming flown to the money si.le of the
proposition he shows that plant additions
were msde during the year amounting In
cost to 15frj4.ono for exchanges alone,
Ss.8i2.ano for toll lines snd K.onn.fiiio for land
and buildings, giving a total of IJfi. (537,200. In
the last nine years President Vail shows
thst the grand total of expenditures for
enlargements of Bell properties reaches
the gigantic, figure of 1378. 47. SOO. ln the
year covered by this report there was ex
pended out of the revenue to maintenance
and construction the sum of .T9, 73. Ton.
The report shows that the steady flow of
money Into the channels of Improvement
snd maintenance is constantly raising the
standard of efficiency of the nlnni in.i
making more substantial Its permanent'
character. This la attributed largely to the
Increased proportion of copper wire and
underground conduits and cables In use.
F.lements nf the Plant.
Real estate constitutes 9 per cent, under
ground conduits and rabies 30 per cent, cop
per wires and serial cables on poles 18 per
cent, pole lines (not wires) 26 per cent, Iron
wires 4 per cent and central office equip
ment 23 per cent of the holdings of the
American Telephone and Telegraph com
pany and aaaoclite kindred concerns. This
comprises the total value of the plants
owned by the head company and the asso
ciated1 concerns, $8,000,000 comprising the
amount of money tied up In ownership of
rights of way over private property.
A net Improvement of 15.004. TOO In reduc
tions In floating Indebtedness and Increases
in funds on hand is shown by the assoi l'ed
operating companies. This places the cur
rent Indebtedness of these associated op
erating companies', as well as their floating
debt, well within the limits of current op
erations. An equal Improvement In Us con
dition Is reported by the Western Electric
Bubstsntinl Improvement is shown by the
Bell plants, President Vail reporting that
the real or replacement value of the Bell
plants Is largely In excess of all outstand
ing obligations. In showing the - Improve
ment In the Bell business as a whole dupli
cations are excluded and the company Is
treated as If it - Were operated as a single
The sum of Slol,4no in undivided profits
is left in the Hall- business according in the
statement byMhr president.
The total earnings of the company showed
an Increase of S7,009.5X) over those of the
previous year. Against this the total ex
penses of the company were Increased by
I.1.101.1HO. This left a balance of net earn
ings nf $47,974,000. Interest reduced the net
earnings by $11,034,600 and dividends by $21.
.138,100, leaving over $13 W,00o for undivided
profits. The total assets of the concern,
as shown by the combined balance sheet,
amount to $fiS0,(H4.200, with a surplus of
$31.769.tiOO and depreciation and other re
serves of $40,480,300.
THvldenda and gnrplna.
After paying dividends of 8 per rent,
amounting to $13.4f9.1W. n surplus of $5,'i?.
B51.2 was left In the earnings of the Amer
ican Telephone and Telegraph company.
A docided Improvement, not enly over last
year, but over all previous years, was
shown by the esrnlngs of the company.
The net revenue of the American company
amounted to $18.121.707.2l.
An average of sixty, shares are held bv
each of the 2$.S70 stockholders, according
to the president's statement, a considerable
tncreaue In the number of shareholders
being one result of the year's business. The
financing of the company for 19O0 nnd 1910,
Including the payment of $31,000,000 of notes
maturing during these two years, has been
accomplished by the Issue of the balance
of the authorlied $lSO, convertible
The relations of the American Telephone
and Telegraph company to the associated
companies are explained in considerable
detail In the report. It was primarily n
holding company, though 1t owns and oper
ates the long distance lines which connect
the systems of the sssoclated companies,
assuming what might be termed the "cen
tralised administrative functions of all the
associated companies," In addition to being
a holding company and tho owner of con
necting lines.
Telephonlcally Interconnected, Intercom
municating and Interdependent this Is the
Bell system, built on tho policy that any
one of 4,000,000 subscribers can talk with
any other one within the carrying power of
the voice over the wires. New Ideas, Inven
tions and methods are made universally
available after being examined and per
fected. Not Rnoogh Distinction.
The report ssys: "There has not been
sufficient distinction between the Indepen
dents' and the 'opposition' in the minds of
the public. We have no quarrel witli either.
With many of the Independents we are
working 1n complete harmony, and for all
practical purposes our system Is a part of
theirs snd their system Is a part rf ours."
Cm the other hand. President Vail says
that there is a decided tendency on the
pgrt of the public to fevor consolidation.
I'nder intelligent cmtrol and a broad
policy, the Bell system has developed until
It haa assimilated Itself into and ln fart
become the nervous system of the business
and social organliatlon of the country.
There are now 70.000 shareholders In the
system, m-hlch has shown an Inrresse from
year to year, no matter what have been the
prevailing business conditions.
The combination of all local systems Into
one combined svatMn developed as a whole
' is the result of the centralized general con
trol exercised by the company. In no
country dues ti e telephone occupy the snme
high and serviceable relation to the publlo
as A whole as It does In America, but, not
withstanding this fait, the sverage rate
here Is about the same as abroad. Tl.'n Is
hon by taking all classes of service snd
conditions Into consideration The va.lue
of telephone servloc depends on develop
ment, extent of the system, certainty of
service snd promptness in receiving it.
Cheapness Is relative to value, not io price.
I "Z,?"'' Women c2Pi
V- . ... w
It is nt surprising that th overwhelming majority of Omahm women select their
wa suits at Brandeis. Our store is so well equipped to satis fu a womtn of aood taste: our zz
It is not surprising that the overwhelming majority of Omahm women select their
suits at Brandeis. Our store is so well equipped to satisfy a womtn of good taste; our
slocks are selected with such good judgment and our styles are so individual that tie
other western store attracts a woman as Brandeis does.
" FashionseaV suits show just how far the quality of women we or ett Brandeis
can surpass others. No $25.00 tailored suits con compare with "FashionseaV
Brandeis is the only store in the middle west selected to carry on the exclusive
sale of these suits. The new spring models are charming in design.
"Fashionseal" Suits are $25.00
In the concluding statement regarding
public relations, the report says: "During
thi year we have had many questions be
fore the courts, ataU commissions, and
other public bodies. We have met them
ln a spirit of absolute frankness and can
dor. The results have been on the whole
satisfactory, and the treatment we have
received has been fair and considerate,
and we have found an evident desire to as
certain the real conditions and to meet
them fairly."
Visits Jndae K.stelle While In Omaha
Knronte to the Pacific
Henry CleorgV, son of the famous single
taxer. and himself a writer of eminence on
economic questions, spent a few minutes
In Omaha Tuesday morning at I'nlon sta
tion en route west. Mr. George devoted
his twenty mlnules here to telephone
conversation with Judge Kee S. FJitelle.
"I am going to Asia for Collier's," he
told the Judge, "and shall scurry over
Japan, Manchuria and Riberla." Taking the
line of the Trans-Hlberlan railroad Mr.
George will go through to St. Petersburg
and thence to America, arriving In August.
The political aspect of these countries Is
This offer goes out with every bottle of
I.iquocide. Do you suppose we would do
that if any known germ could resist II?
IJquoclde Is for those who believe that
a germ disease calls for a germicide; that
the germs must be killed before the trouble
can end. You have doubtless tried the old
ways, and you know the results. We ask
you to try the new way; la try It at our
expense. I'se what millions have used and
learn what they know about it. You are
not fair to yourself until you do that.
What Llquocide Is
I.iquocide Is a tonlc-germlcide, the
virtues of which are derived solely from
oxide gases. No alcohol, no narcotic,
nothing but gas enters into li. The
process of making requires large appa
ratus, and consumea 14 days' time. The
object la to combine the gases with a
liquid as to carry their virtues Into the
The result is a germicide so lertaln
that we publish with every bottle an
offer of $1,01)0 for a disease germ that
Llquocide cannot kill. It destroys ihem
beaause germs are of vegetable origin.
But to tha body I.iquocide la exhllliat
ing. vltshxing, purifying.
That Is Its main distinction. Common
germacides are poisons when taken In
ternally. They are Impossible, for ney
destroy the tissues as well m the genu.
That Is why medicine proves so helpless
la dealing with germ diseases. Laqjo-
is) twfiai
to bo the subject of his investigations, par
ticularly as to how Manchuria la faring
under Japanese domination.
Mr. George (a still generally referred to
as Henry George, Jr., to distinguish him
from his famous father. The latter died,
It will be remembered, near the close of
the triangular race for the mayoralty of
New York between George, VanWyck and
Beth lxw. Henry George, Jr., was nomi
nated to fill the vacancy caused by his
father's death and polled many votes In tho
election which resulted ln the defeat of
Tammany for the first time ln many years.
Henry George Is a small man, slight of
figure and a pronounced blonde In com
plexion, lid la quite ln disposition until
snme economic question comes up, when
he rouses to vehemence.
Gedrge and Judge Kstelle have been
friends since they met one day on a train
In Kansas, where they were both doing
Chautauqua work.
Mr. Oeorge Is now speeding to San Fran
cisco' on the Overland Umlted.
How can any person risK taking some
unknown cough remedy when Foley's
Honey and Tar costs them no more? It Is
a safe remedy, contains no harmful drugs,
and cures the roost obstinate coughs and
colds. Why experiment with your health?
Insist upon having ths genuine Foley's
Honey and Tar. For sale by all druggists.
We Offer -$1,000
For a Disease Germ That Liquocido Cannot Kill
clde, on the contrary, acts as a remark
able . tonic.
We Paid $100,000
For the rights to I.iquocide, after thous
ands of tests had been made with it.
After its power had been demonstrated
for more than two years In the most
difficult germ diseaea. Conditions which
had resisted medicine for years yielded
at once to It, and diseases considered In
curable were cured.
That was seven years ago. Since then
millions of people ln every part of the
world have shared In the benefits of this
invention. Nearly every hamlet, every
neighborhood, has living examples of Us
power. Now we ask you to let It do for
you what it did fur them.
Germ Diseases
Moat of our sickness has, ln late years,
Leen traced to germ attacks Some
germs as In skin troubles directly at
tack the tissues. Some create toxins,
causing such troubles bh Jtheumatlhin
Blood Poison, Kidney Disease and nerve
weakness. Some destroy vital organs, as
in Consumption. Some like the germs
of Catarrh create inflammation; some
cause indigestion. In one of these ways,
nearly every serious ailment is a germ
Such conditions es'l for s germlMd,
not for common drugs l.lquuciile does
hat other means cannot ho. i,ml!s!.
And It la wrong to cling to old ays
. I .
Senator Brown Writes that nch
Division Is Contemplated by
Poatofflce Department.
Rumors that Omaha was about to !
made the headquarters of a new dlvlxion
of the railway mail service, which would
embrace several states In the west, have
been put to rest by rlenalor. Brown of
Nebraska, who writes In response to an
Inquiry to the editor of The Bee that tuey
are unfounded.
Senator Brown called at the Poatofflce
department to urge tliat Omaha he made
the headquarters of the division if mis
was contemplated. Ho was rcfened to
Bocnnd Assistant Postmaster General Hlmv
art, who said no such s division was mn
teniplaled. The department is working on
a division which will be organise! for
Alaska, probably with lieadquurtci s on the
Pacific coast.
o Choice at Mprliialteld.
SPRING PI K1.D, III.. March :3. tin tie
forty-eighth join ballot the . lal vnto nt
the Joint session wits:
Hopkins, H7; Foss, 1: Shin thl T, IVHliin
ger, 40; Ixiwdon, 1: McK'nley, 2; Maxim, t:
Sherman, 2; John Hroderlrk. 4; William K
fanttllon. 14; A. M. Foster. 1: John S
Cuneo. 1; J. li. In- Wolf. 1; Calhoun. 1 N,
when millions of people know a way thai
is better.
50c Dottle Free .
If you wish to know what
does, please send us this coupon. We
will then mail you an order on a lu il
druggist for a full-site bottle, and will
pay the druggist ourselves for It. This
Is our free gift, made to convince you;
to let the product Itaelf show you what
It can. do. In Justice to yourself, please
accept it today, for It nlers
der no obligations whatever.
llquocide costs eOc and II
Fill It out ar.l mall It to The I.lq.j..,.
sone Compan. 3u0 E. Kuusle it.
My disease Is
I.h,a,v n'vT,,,rled ,n new'ijq'u.icide
" 3 Give full addressllwrli a pialnly!
Llquocide is the perfected . form of tne
product which, In its original form, was
(filed Llquozone.
Any phVHielun or hospital not yet q1ng
Lmuotiue will be gladly wiplied for last.