( u THE OMATIA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. MAKCIT 2.4 1909. i ! i 1 I t i t I i f To Oar Thousands of Patrons and Friends Throughout the West We Announce OUR ANNUAL Spring Opening Week Beginning Monday, March Twenty-Ninth, Nineteen Hundred and Nine A FORMAL PRESENTATION By the acknowledged style center of the west of the Authentic Spring Styles in W omen's Ready-to-wear Suits, Costumes, Dresses, Coats, Millinery, Separate Waists, Fabrics and Furnishings To do justice to a style event of such importance Brandeis stores will be magnificently decorated. The interior of the stores will be decked to represent a scene in Gardens of Ancient Rome The entire store will be a maze of green relieved with apple blossoms and dogwood flowers. Groups of statues in old ivory and a Roman frieze of old ivory will add touches of artistic beauty. The window displays will be car ried out on a brilliant scale. The opening will be an event of rare beauty. We extend a cordial invitation for yourself and your friends to be our guests on this occasion. Brandeis Stores Week of March lH.. Easter Sunday, April 11th, Is the day of all days when a man should be dressed and look prosperous. Let US assist and you zvill be dressed prop erly, A n enormous assortmen t of the new grays, the latest Easter craze, and the popular green and blue stripes now ready for your inspection. GIVE US YOUR ORDER NOW Thc London Tailors SO 7 South J 4th Street, Omaha , 2al4 a peep in our windows as you pass by. High oelaii carefully tuuu OMAHA. BAILEY (SL MACH DENTISTS Beet equipped Daatal office la the middle wa In filling just Ilka the toetu. All toitnunintS fully sterilised after eaah patient. patient. noon. PAXTON BLOCK. Our Women's Shoes The New Spring Shoes arc! now in, and we're showing a wealth of choice models in I High or Low cut creations. We've the Shoes that will play an all important part in the toilette of the Women who expect to appear at their best this Spring. Come See (he Beauties We'll not undertake, at this writing, to describe the new features in Spring Foot wear. We'll attempt that later, but we do invite every Woman, that is at all inter ested in choice Shoes, to cornel to see the new arrivals. FRY SHOE CO. THE HHOER8 16th and Douglas BALDUFF'S Chocolate Dipped Caramels Wednesday only 25c Pound Box A soft, delicious cream caramel, A sofe, delicious cream caramel, dipped In pure, sweet chocolate. This Is a high grade Balduff con fection, always found in our 40c assortment. Balduff s Pies 15c Perhaps you noticed In last Sunday's paper the picture of our Rika Oven a whetrA ihpnn rlpllcimiH pies are baked. Absolutely pure i Ingredients, perfect cleanliness In S every step of preparation; crisp, 5 dainty crust that melts in your mouth. Apple, mince, lemon, pumpkin, raisin, blueberry and cocoanut custard regular price 20c Special for Wednesday1 Only 15c BALDUFF O. COBB, Beoelrer. 1690 rarnam. John Fred Behm REPUBLICAN OANSISATB Councilman "oft Ward Ton can rot for me In any ward la tn otty. GOLD CROWNS No SL More tT Less DR. PERC1VAL. Dentist. 15th and rarnam ts. 316-317 Barker Block. When yon bar Gold Medal Floor be tort It la tVashbura-Croahr'a Gold Medal Floor. ThU la Important. HOTELS. Boston's New Hotel Bidt you and your mendt a hrarty welcome. No paint will ba tpared to make your next n'tit a looker one. Excellent cuiaira with terrice th bet!, amid tunoundingi fattidioualy appointed. Everything new, attrac-O bve and coty, with price teaaonable The Brewster Car. Boyltton and Washington St. L TIL. 44440 OXFORD. Dinner partiea before and after th theatre will receiv out apecial at tention. Lad let wSea shopping will find it meat convenient to hare luncheon here with arery know comfort and exclusion. Ainslie & Grebow Company, OtMraaiaaj HotaU L, TuWia A bptra, dWm New Oaeaa Ho t. Swaaapacott Hotel TncafUU. Jaaaaica. W. L "Half a Block from Kerala Buar.' .HOTEL. COLLING WO OD WEST mi. ST Oa tb Bloek JSarwaaa 5th Ave. &B 'way NEW YORI CITY Offers select accommodations to dla crlmlaaUDg paopla. ABSOL.UTi.Y J 1 KKFKOOr, aaa floras every facility for Uia com. fort of guests. BMtualad la lbs vr? heart of the city, la a vary quia! uelgbborbood, cuovauieot to all aur face, buuway aua elevated railway lines, and la th midst of ths shop ping and theater district Uooiua Wllb Bath fJ and Up. ' Special ratea by the month or awaaon. heataurait a la Carts. BTJK Hoauii, as, Vormarlr of New Havao liuuav. New Haven. Con a 1 J fit Trm n ttt JjiNll: IT, t mm mm Ntrnc-llinK Out fit In Art Xee11owrk lcljni for Waists, li-tncrss Dresses, etc ' This and cessful bow this week; suits that reveal the handiwork of the master designers. The broadest possible range of smart tailored rroducions, each portraying an indefinable grace and sym metry of outline that clearly lifts them out of the common y place at . $2o.00 S This is the popular price and no store in America can show you more genteel styles. All the new fabric ideas and $ every late shade, combined with the most perfect tailoring jJ forms a suit exhibit that is supreme. There's positive sav- 1 k) ing of $3 to $10 on anv suit the Dress Goods - Silks 64-inch Suitings, bought from the mills in short lengths, 4 to 8 yard pieces, new Spring Novelties and colors of every description: also light weight panamas. Values $1.60 a yard, Vednes- OQ- day, a yard UlV Fancy and Plain Silks Newest Taffetas and MesBalines for Spring. Practically every col or represented, wonderful variety, mostly $1.00 goods, QQr at, yard O&K, Boys' Clothing Now On 2nd Floor Base Balls and Bats Free A new and greatly enlarged department devoted exclusively to little boj-s' clothing. An entire new stock of Spring styles in Suits, Reefers and Wash Suits: FREE To Introduce the new department, we are making the special offer of giving free with each purchase of a Suit or Reefer, at any price A full size Crackerjack Base Ball and an Amer ican Bat No. 89 In addition to our regular offer of six months' subscription to "The American Boy" magazine. Coy sets 89c, New Spring Models One of the newest and best Cors'ets made for $1.25 selling. You can buy them in either eoutil or batiste. They have the long hip, flattening back and high bust lines. Every pair is substantially conLiructed, and trimmed with embroidery. All sizes are here, a good $1.25 you get it Wednesday almost a Wednesday Notion Day Mnm Finished Thread, black only, regular 5c spools, at 2 for 5 Hoac Supporters, for women and children; In all colors and sizes; per pair 10 Fancy Hut tons, some worth as high as 75c dozen, one and two dozen on a card, per card 10 Safety Fins, nlckle plated, all sizes two dozen for Hair Pins, shell bone, dozen on a card, special, at 5 Darning Cotton, black and brown, 12 spools to box, per box 15 Hooks and Eyes, black and white, special, two cards for 5 Scissors, all sizes, worth regularly 50c and 75c, special, at . . 25? Bennett's Big Grocery AXE OF MABMAI.ADEB Hnrt ley's Imported Marmalades, fifty Ort,, dozen on sale, laiRe Jars (including 20 stamps) at ' Shredded Codfish. 4 packages ... .85el Polk's Tomato Soup. 3 cans, for ..86o Van Houten's I'ocoa, per can 16oVegetatle and Flower Seeds, pkg 8io Scat, Heat, Scat, 3 tins, for ....... 85o Navy iittans, six pounds, for 85o Crackers, larse assortment, packng 100 and 15 green stamps Commeal. white or yellow, JO pound sack , 16o Kujtar Reets. Best We Have, large 18c cans, for 10o Peach Special. California Kvaporated Peaches, 15c prade, per pound lOo Black Diamond Stove Polish, for lOo and 10 jtreen stamps Diamond Dust Metal Polish, package aoo and 20 green stamps Succotash, Hest We Have, 1 hr quality lOo or per dozen 91-15 Macaroni, three packages for SSo and 10 green stamps Economy Clothes Cleaner, bottle S5o and 30 green stamps Royal Tomatoes, usual 12 He quality, per can 10o Cherries, Best We Have, black or white. 30c cans reduced to .300 TinTTPTJ"NTTT Q&T V. Mr"- J. B. Douglas will make for our Wednes UUUUXin U A day sale, one hundred dozen fresh dough-- rr(, mils, as long as supply lasts, buy them at dozen 8c. or a dozen for Oyster Shells for chickens, per pound Bone Meal for chickens, at Chicken Feed, per pound YOU ARE CURABLE WE CAN CURE YOU Average Tims to Cars irage Tl .tu?e. . . Kupture. . . .une .Une Visit Knlaiged Veins, One Visit Cataracts . . .10 Days Catarrh 30 Days Goiter 0 Days Files ... .1 to S Days Offtos Hours to 8 Dally. Write today to GERMAN DOCTORS w.i. and Broadway, IOWA. COOTtCIX. x?ftT rAS Wean and nervous men IUUU IUR who find their power to Nfll VFC work and youthful tigor ntlvIKi' gone as a result of over work or ' mental exertion should take GHAT'S NfcKVE FOOD Pll-I.S. They will make you aat and sleep and ba a roaa again. ai Box I a boses aa.M by mall. unmatAJr mocobsell bmua co. Cor. 16tJ and Xodge MtreeM, OWL BSUS OOKUTAMT, Oor. ltts aa4 Karasy Btan Omaaa, Beb. $rf. if TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Btecati tka Llva ftaek Mob. Tin immiT OPENING WEEK is the annual spring style show eminently Uennett's most suc one. A thousand or more strik 11 i i7 i j n . IJ I! 11! i n i ing Spring Suits make their initial Bennett Company shows. i Embroideries Trial Strips Every piece banded and cannut be cut, lot includes edges, inser tions, bands, etc., in match sets. Lengths 4 and 5 yards. Our second shipment. Values to 25c yard, at 10c Scotch Ginghams 3,000 yards on sale, choice new 26c quality. Best Spring Styles. Wednesday, at 4 f yard AVV BOYS' RUSSIAN SUITS In MItltnry and Sailor Collar style. In wash materials, at $1.00 to $3.50 In Woolen fabric $3.00 to $8.00 BOYS' NORFOLK SUITS with yoke, )leated coat and belt, plain and aney materlala, at . . . .$3.00 to $7.00 SIHOtB AVS DOUBLE BREASTED SUITS with Knickerbocker pants, fur boy to IS years old at $3.00 to $10.00 SUITS WITH TWO PAIRS PANTS nlie assortment, at ..$3.75 to $5.00 BOYS' REEFERS In plain and fancy clnthn. double breasted, $3.60 to $6 RED REEFERS all wool cloths, In broad variety, $3.50, $3, $4 and $S garment and you QA fourth off U7Vx House Cleaning Necessities A WEDITZSDAT SALE Patent Mop Stick and Mop, a retrnlnr 30c article, at 16c Rio Boot Bcrnb Brushes, heat quality. 16c regularly, at lOo Carpet Beaters, woven wire, always luc, special, at 100 Carpet Beaters, woven wire, always 20c, spt'olHl. at ISo 100 Foot Clothes Llnag, braided cot ton. 45c regularly, for 890 60 root Zing-ths, 15c kind, for....lOo $1.60 Ploor Brush Brooms, for . .$1.35 $1.60 Floor Brush Brooms, for $1.18 88o Floor Brash Brooms, for 79o All those lines displayed In Harney street window. Hampers and Clothes Baskets Fine Imported Willow Clothes Baskets, Hue valuPH, at 69o Willow Clothes Hamper, lange size. $1.75 regularly; for $1.19 Bamboo Clothes Hampers, square shape, $3.60 values, fur $1.98 10 80 3o 0 Sohpo 13 Nebrass Military Academy UICOH A MUltary ItoarOiug School fur boys, now located (or Uia winter At Fourteenth and U street. All de partments are In full operation. A good plaos for boys who don't fit In puLUo schoola No entrance examinations are given; regular class work Is supplemented by In dividual instruction; back work la easily made up. Pupils are received at any time from fifth to twelfth grades, loclif alve. Writs for Catalogue. 0, SaperlaWaeat. Iilnools, Bea. Globe Furnishing Co. Stock, Brooklyn, II. Y. Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Curtains and Draperies, China, Crockery and Glassware. House Furnishings of all kinds anjl descriptions now on sale at PRICES FAR BELOW MANUFAC TURERS' COST. SI 1 HJl n SK.K TI1K SEW SPIUNU STYLES IX yi'EEX yVALlTY OX-FOHDS. AYDB& THC RELIABLE STORE Over 300 Beautiful New Crown Jewel Suits Clobe Furnishing Globe Furnishing Co. Sale Continues Portieres and Lace Curtains I We have a few hundred portieres, I some only single, some pairs, only a few of a kind left. Any lady who wants to furnish her house In the most ele gant style at very small cost with these up-to-date goods, should attend this clearing sale. Portieres up to $10 per pair, will go at, pair 08 $1.25 $1.39 $1.50 $1.75 $2.00 $2.25 $2.50 $2.08 50 Pieces of Satin Directoire Foulards All the latest designs or colorings, including the new catawba, rose, wisteria, canards, reseda and many others, a magnifi cent line of values at our sale price Wednesday, yard. . . .68c THREE GRAND SPECIALS IN WHITE JAP SILK 20-in. "White Japs, 27-in. "White Japs, 36-in. White Japs, yard 19c yard 35c yard 49c Extra Specials in Famous Domestic Room From 8.00 to 8:30 A. M. One case of Hope Muslin, the genu ine article, worth 10c yard (10 yard limit), at, yard 5 From 10 to 10:80 A. M. One case of 12 c India Linon, 10 yards limit, at, yard 5 Scores of Magnificent Furniture Bargains From the Great Globe Furnishing Co. Purchase. Parlor, Dining Room and Bed Room Furniture of nearly everj- description, marked with the big sale tag at sweeping price reductions from regular retail worth. Eighteen handsome quartered oak Sideboards included in this purchase will be offered Wednesday at prices that insure immediate clearance. No need of your being without a Side board longer, just look at these. Read This for Grocery, Vegetable, Fruit, Butter, Cheese and Cracker Prices. BUTTER,, CXI EBB AND CBACXEB PBICX8 We sell the best pure rane Granulated Hugtir at less than Johher's cost. 7 Ihs. best rolled Breakfast Oatmeal l'5c 6 lbs. choice Japan Hire Z'ar t lbe. hest hand picked Navy Beans.. lVr The best Pearl Shrd or Tapioca, pr 11. Go. Pint lars pure Strained Honey 1 o The best domestic Macaroni, pkir. h'jc 10 bars best brands Laundry Hoap Joe OH or Mustard Sardines, per can 4c 3 lh. cans solid packed Tomatoes.... 'c S lOo pks. I p-to-date Washing Powder for 10c Olllette'a Washing Powder, pkg. .... lc Gallon cans Apples 20c Gallon cans Tomatoes rc Gallon cans Pumpkins 1'i'c Gallon cans String Penns 5c Gallon ears Bartlett Pears Joe Gallon cans Apricots 3fiP Gallon cans Peaches or Plums i'V Extra . Special Kales Week of Highland Havel Oranfea. The Pride of Califor nia kissed by tbs sua, moon and the stars. These are no substitutes for the High DON'T FOR CRT TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST TO IKISAi will be more than pleased with every detail of the luxurious train service of the CHICAGO OR EAT " WESTERN Railway "Til OBBAT WBBTBBW MC XTZD lesvlnr Tti . . P. M dally, ha. new Pullman Drawing KoomTleefln. L.?L ?? Ing Chair Cars, and Combination Parlor r,E:,Vl? r Jtaclln- .r.r,i to. W. O. Davidson, City Jras.eager and Ticket AentL Varsam Btraet. THE UlllrKOX MIAMI SHIIIT LEADS ALL. ton SEW STYLES FH SELECTION Just received by express will add greatly to the interest of our display in the busy cloak department Wednesday. The most charming lino of distinctive style ideas, the most handsomely tailored and alto gether the choicest lot of tailor suits ever shown in this city at near the price. Don't buy vour Easter suit till vou've seen QOR these at V- Three-Piece Suits $35.00, $45.00 to $75.00 A display in which we have surpassed all pre vious records, values that have created more favorable comment than any we have ever shown at these prices; copies of the ideas of the most famous European and American design ers, and comparison will prove their superior ity over all other showings at the prices. Many Special Bargain Offerings for Wednesday Go. Sale Continues. Curtain Clearing Sale About 350 pairs of all kinds of cur tains left over after the sale. Some are mussed up, some may have a lit tle tear, but most all of them ara perfect. We will clean them up at your own price -501 75 85 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 Or any old price to take them. Thej are worth up to $12.50 pair. From 2:00 to 2:30 P. M. One case of Brookdale No. 280, the genuine article, worth 10c yard, t yard limit, at, yard 5 From 8:80 to 4:00 I. M. One case of 19c extra large and extra heavy Turkish towels, only four pairs to customer, will go at, each. . .H land Navels. They are the sweetest. Juciest and richest flavored orangi grown. When you eat a Highland Navel you have an orange that is an orange, and makes you long for more it's the range of quality, oiir nth ear la now on sale at the following rices: 60c per doien sine, our price 80c J0c per dor.en size, our price i'.'u 30c per dosen else, our price ;nc Zbr per dozen sixe, our rice 15o Ths Greatest Market In Omaha for JTrssh Tegetables. Fresh Spinach, per peck J0o Fresh Beets. Carrots or Turnips, per bunch 40 2 heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce s0 Large Mead Lettuce, per head.. TV4c-5c Fancy Htpe Tomatoes, per lh glsc & los. jersey hweot r'otatoes . . . . I On Kancy wax linens, 1 lh luarts, per lh Fresh Caht.age. per lb. New Onions, per bunch New Honey, per rack ... Is equal to two 20o 3Hn 4c 12o Large cucumbers, each Flesh Loan ted Peanuts, quart ... lOo i'J IT PAYO "'-a -r. r or iniorniatlon J.) w X) I 4 i i 1 A. - 4 VJ