1 TO TJTR OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. MAKOIl 12.1. IPOH. Want" ads Advertlaements far the waul ud nlumne will he taken until 18 m. (or ue tli edltlan and onll 1 "aau mint accompany all orders for wiit ad. and an advertisement will ne arrepted for leaa tbaa 1 cents for flrat laaertloa. Rates apply to either The Dally or nnday Bee, Always roaat als words to a liar. Combinations of Initials or n ambers roaat as on word. CArt RATE "for WAST ADS. RRULI.AR CLASSIFICATION One , insertion, per line, lO cents. Two or j more ronaernHve Insertions, per .? ) rents. Ears laaerllon made on odd days, lO rents per llnei ft. SO per llaa per month, excepting; that Ft nSIMIF.n ROOM AOS, when arrompanled hy raah, the rate will bei One laaertloa, 4 rents per llnei three or als consecutive Inaer tlona, 3 rents per line e-sch Insertion seven or mora consecutive Inaertlona, 2 rents per line eaeh Insertion BO rents per line per month. Woat ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following dm stores ana Is your "corner drnsmlst" they are all branch offices for The Bee and yonr ad will be Inserted Jnst ns promptly and on the snme rates as nt the main office In The Bee Bnlldlns;, Seventeenth nntf Farnam streetsi Alburn, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Beranek. 8. A.. 14 S 8. lth St. Bee lit Pharmacy, 720 8. 16th St. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, lSeb. Remls-Park Pharmacy. 33d and Cuming. Rlake.1 Pharmacy. 226 Sherman Ave. c oughlln, C. R., 6th and Pierce Sts. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. M Militnry Ave onte. J. B.. Slat Ave. and Fnrnsni St. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and laks Sts. lermak, Emll, 1204-5 8. 13th 8t. Khlcra, P. It.. 2802 I ea venworth BC Foster A Arnoldl, 218 N. 2th St. Freyta. John J., 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co., Florence. Neb. iodman Pharmacy, 20th and Lake Sta. C.nrenough, U. A., 1624 8. loth St. Oreenougt a. A., 1634 8. loth 8t. llavden. William C 292U Farnum St. Hanseom Park Pharmacy, 1401 8. S-th St. Hoist, John. 534 N. 1th St. Huff, A. L, I.avenwnrth St. King, It. 8 , 2338 Farnam St. Kountse Place Pharmacy, 2M N. 24th St. 1-athiop, Charles E., 1324 N 24tli St. Patrick Drug Co., IMS N. 24th Sr. Peyton. I K.. 24th and Leavenworth Sts. Saratoga Drug Co.. 21th St. and Ames Ave. Sehaefer's Cut Price Drug Co., ltith ami Chicago Sts. Schaefer. August, 2031 N. 16h 8t. Schmidt, J. H , 24th and (.'timing Pts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. WiUton Pharmacy, ioth and Grace Sts. Worth, O. H., 40th and Hamto" B'- DEATH AS D FOSKRAl. SOT1CKS. FRENCH Mrs. Charles, aged 52 years. Funeral Tuesday, March 23. at &:. a. m. from the fajnily reBldcnce, 1023 haneroit street, to the Bt. Patrlck'a chuicli, lour teonth and Caatellar streets. Interment St. Mary's cemetery. South Omaha. WACHTLF.R John, aged 45 years. Funeral March 23 at 9 a. m. Horn fam ly residence, 2iU South Eighteenth strt-et, to St. Joeeph'a church. Seventeenth ami Ccn-i-r streets. Interment Uvrniaa CathoUo cemetery. - BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrths-Wllllam Van Hook, Thirty-sixth and Kvans, girl; O. P. Morrell, kin Nortn 'i wenty-slxth. girl; Anton Wogtkiewli i, 3ol Sxvuth Twenty-sixth, girl; Theodore McWIlliamB. 403 Charles. boy; Barney Brown, 1DUW4 North Twenty-fourth, gin; Morris Collins, 2603 South Twenty-first, girl; Charles B. Dunlthas. 2827 Cass, girl. Deaths Arthur F. Merlsh, Twenty-sixth and Warcy. S4; Mary B. Cornell. 2413 Web ster avenue. 71: Mrs. Katherlno French, 1093 Bancroft. 61: Ruben 8. Mont. s;W North Twentv-fourth, 70; Morris Murphy, 1513 Lflthrop. 56; Mrs. Jessie A. Thompson, K24 Marov. 39: Richard Williams, 1134 Cap itol avenue. 40; John W. Walters, 2W7 South Thirty-first, 49. LODGES NOTICES. NOTICE. There will be a meeting of the Fifth Ward Republican club at McKenna hall, Sixteenth and Ioust streets, Tuesday even ing. March 23, 1. at 8 o'clock sharp. The public Is cordially Invited and all candi dates seeking nomination on the republi can ticket are invited and expected to be present. This meeting Is called for tne pur nnM of the candidates becoming ac quainted with the voters. There will he no endorsements. FRANK B. STONE. President M. F. BEARS, Secretary. Attention! Members of Alpha camp No. 1 w. ti. W. . are reauested to meet at Fourteenth and Douglas streets. Tuesday evening at T:J0 p. m., for the purpose of attending the meeting In Council Bluffs Chas. I'nltt, clerk. ST.' JOHN'S LODGE NO. 25. Funeral of our late brother. Hurry O. Vmmimrm fmm Masonic IP mill e. Tuesday. March 23. 1909. Officers and members will assemble promptly at 1:30 p. m. ID. O. WILMOTH. Maxtor. MARRIAGE LICENCES, Nam und Address. Age. rieorge Olllngan, Omaha -3. Ltllle Jacobsen. Omaha Is Runert Fahneskock. Des Moines, la 2i Hattla Lath rum, Des Moines Isaac Batt. Omaha 45 Clara Marruloa. Winnipeg. Canada 33 Fred Snyder. Norfolk Elena Cary, Berkevllle, la Ilarrv R. Foster. Farragut. Ia , Mrs. Tessle Itea. Shenandoah, Ia 20 Alfred Bolcourt. South Omaha 37 Hulda A. Chapln. South Omaha 23 Orrle Fuller. Council Bluffs 21 Maud Lacy. Council Bluffs 18 Arthur iltedlnger, Omaha Francis E. Victor, Omaha 20 Vierla P. lDbler. Omaha 27 Helen Hoqard, Omaha 19 Sherman Houlet. Belvldere. Neb 23 Fannie Westmore, St. Edwards, Neb 2ti ANNOUNCEMENTS CARBON coal $450. Coutant & Squires. U. ., Ind. A-8M0. 140 Farnam. (lj 447A4 SIGN PAINTINU 8. If. Cole, UOi Douglaj. ID-692 OMAHA Bate and Iron Works makes a specialty of fir, escapes, shutters, doors and safes. O. Andreeu, Prop., 10 8. 10th. (1 43 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. (D-6M W E make a specialty of all foreign publi cations, post cards, newspapers and mag asinea. Subscriptions received for any iieriodical published. Bchulse A: Blattart ;0. 10 8. 15lh 8t. Freuser Blk. (D-M824 r-ff BCBLNESS CARDS. ff Sill I YAFFE PRINTING CO.. UJr JJ BOSTON STORE BLDU. (D-MtilD A13 Bwarta McKelvy P. Co.-Doug. U7. (l)-Mit , OLIVER A. HALL, architoct and struc tural engineer. Brick, steel and rein forced concrete. 62 J. Y. Life. (V-M82S MchM 6 EE our lith and Douglas and 16th and x Chicago bts. windows for everything known In the paiut Jlne. Brushes, too In fact If there is anything anybody wants to paiut from a bird cag to tb larcest building In the world, we can fur nish everything for. the job siMm nrices. See us- about your spring psintmg tiCHAEFER S. the Four Big Stores. llJ-413 22 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free Standard tohoe Repair Co.. im4 Farnatu 8i. Tel. Duuglaa 7io7. ip vou ara golnf to build sea J. I. Watt for n'ans and eeilmaUa. 2123 Locust Bt. Thoue Wabnter U. ID-M47. Ax ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued MONEY 1 TO LOAN LOW RATE, In iumi to ult. 410 Res Bld., Phone Done 2tu4. i'.iun Loan lumi'a.nv. (i)-n (.llli'AUO puper, dally and Sunday, deliv ered; alio SMluicl.iy Evening P-at. Eric Nelson. Phone l.'oug'as 7.ifi3. 1618 Capitol Ave. (L M266 A2 OMAHA IHMBINU AND HEATINO CO. e lire practlt al. Both phones. J. Morrissty, msnsger, i.612 Sherman Ave! (D M21. NEW and second-hand safe, nio Farnam. O) -M461 A6 l l KN ymjr JKj ...fj" "Jcw1,ry into cash; we mP() lt we re hetvy users. Frenter i;,in ann l-uusc. i hi ,mmi A5 1310 HOWARD St., Mo. Filter, 13 days' trial. (5) 606 YOUR NEXT 12 lis . shave, lilc; shfne, 5c. Elsaster's, across from N. Y. Life BMg. di-770 A7 THE Hew' Cbas. W. Savitige hns married l.i I'lUples ..! l.i p. .. . .. .ii .i.r.y v It yuii want him to mauiy you Tel. Web. 3144 or H-143". (D 914 Allx AUTOMOBILES AL'TO painting. Andrew Murphv Son. C2) 517 A17 RAMBI.En touring car. 4-ryllnd r. almost now; will sell very cheap. Adrircxg K 175. cam Bee. i2 Mi6 23 M INTYRF, A V A ILACE, Oakland autns. also Blightly used autns, 24th, nir Fnr nam. (2-Ml A13 BARGAIN In a Ford Model N. Will put In fIrst-clHSS cimilltion. Top, o lampn, stor Hge bnttcry, prHCtlcally a new BPt of tlicp. 4. iTt. A. lavlcs. Arlington, Nb. i'i) MSS3 DKRIGHT, AI.'TOMOHILE COMPANY. 1S14 Farnam St. Ptnddard Iaylon Roadster, J1.100. Iteo Tnur'rig car. J46I). Rtilck ninaboiit. almost new, $SO0. Stevens, Duryea. ISTiO. Dragon Tourlne car, H,050. Waverly Electric, 1100. All the nbove guararfti-ed In good shape. State auent Stoddard-Davton. St.idilard-Dayton. $1,500. $2,000, $2,500. Ford model N, $4j0. Ford. K. $.W. Open and closed cars for rent, day or night Tel. Douglas 368. 13) &!5 Al'TOMOBILK nMnttng and cBrrlag repair work; dead storasre. W m. Pfeltfer lr riage Co., 25th ft leavenworth. Red 6923. 1-M157 A18 STODDARD-DAYTON New 1909 rondstor. floiil)h rumble seat, 46-horsepower, XJ.WW list. For sale for Immediate delivery. Address B 172. care Bee. (21 M837 23 RAMBLERS New. 4 and 2-rylinders, 30 per cent discount. Rambler Auto Co., 2044 Farnam St. (2) 410 STODPA RD-DA YTON -cyllnder, 7-pas- senger; complete equipment; excellent condition: for sale nt sacrifice price. Ad dress H 178. car.- Bee. 2)-M638 23 HAVE a brnnd new 24-horsepower shaft drive touring car. r.er been used, will trade for citv property rr real estate. What have vou? Address M lt8, - Bee. 1 2) MB34 23 $1,000 In 5 per cent gold bonds and $16,000 preferred stock In Omaha lelepnone com pany for good automobile. Call or ad dress, 617 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Tel. D. 1391 (2) M834 23 Motorcycles. TWO motorcycles. Baysdorfer, 1620 Cap. Av. (2) Al iSU AM HAVE for sale my International auto buggy of the latest make: have used it but very little and will sell at a small figure If taken this week. Address K 197, care Bee. 2 M824 27 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE positions open In the auto mobile field, technical Instructions on both steam nnd gasoline engines; students paid for repair work. Addtess Omaha School of Automobile Englneerlrg. 2418 Leaven worth Bt. 698 BARTER AND EXCHANGE A FINE SWIFT COUNTY, MINNESOTA FARM 440 acres of smooth land In Swift county. Minnesota; 2'4 miles from a good railroad town. A fins country, deep black soil, clay subsoil. Good water. 3d) acres In cultivation, balance in tame grass and pasture. Small young orchard. First class large tarn. wen ouui wnn stone foundation and drop siding. Good chicken house, huilt of same stuff as a house, boa- houses, cattle sheds, stan chions for cows In barn, large haymow. two small hog tight pastures, cair pasture, 2 cattle pantures, one of about 8 acres and the other of about 40 acres. The house Is a large 4-room structure, liar stoned up Inside. 1-arge summer kitchen. Grove of trees about 6 years old. The soil is very productive and In one of the best tame grass countries in the world. Price, $50.00 per acre. The owner wishes to trade for a small farm In luwa. or a good running business of some kind and will carry $10,000 for 5 vears. THE "WORLD INVESTMENT COMPANY, 601-4 N. Y. L. Bldg., Omaha. Neb Doug. 1920. Ind. A- (3) M814 23 EXCHANGE. Are vou a trader? We trade the earth. Call and list with us. KELLEY INVESTMENT CO., 220 Neville Bldg. (3I-M318 NEW stock of stationery and office sun plies, invoicing about $2,000, for cash or clear property. What have you? Both phones. Globe I-and and Investment Co. Omaha. Neb. (3) M862 DARLING A DARLING. Farms &Clty Property, 441 Brandeis Bldg. (3i-;5 TRADES and exchanges our specialty. H. B, Stringer, u-o t'axion diock, omana (.' M301 REAL ESTATE. LOANS and Insurance- List your property with us tor sale or exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hills Realty Co, 4ol0 Hamilton St. 'Phones Harney 8765: Ind. B-1S42. (3) 156 TRADES If you have property you want to exchange tor something eise. write us we match everything. Deao-Andrews Co., 422 N. Y. Life. (3) Ml) BEMIS We handle exchanges for reliable parties no professional traders need list; quick action. BEMIS. BRANDEIS BIDG. (31-M470 FULLERT0N ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Two-third Interest and control of this plant, paying 15 per cent uyet on Investment after paying operating expenses; owner moving, lo Idaho. Without question au excep tional opportunity. Price, $20,000, or will consider clear land. For few days only. BEMIS. Brandeis Bldg. (Si-MSlO 23 Fm SALE OR EXCHANGE 320 acres In Frontier Co . Neb.. l acres In one body, perfectly level, undei; plow; balance hay and pasture. Dr. J. K Brlttan, 306 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. tSi-M707 tlx BUSINESS CHANCES TO GFT IN ir out of buslnesa call on GANGESTAD, Room 4o3, Bee Bldg. (4-597 WANTED-Doctor registered In Nebraska; must be of good appearance and willing lo travel. Address Dr. W. F. Haley, Bcrtouer, Neb. (l;-M4J7 S3 ianannnnalnnWaMasnsnnaNn Trying (o get ijfct want ads is like swimming a river j with a bridge close by. -- -'- -- BUSINESS CHANCES te ontlnued. FOR SALE Bakery, doing good business: will sell for Invoice price; cheap rent. For Information write. Addtess N care Bee. (4-M-i:t :7x A VAl'DBN'lLLE and tili tnie theater nuift be sold; doing good business: would tia.le for auto or city property. hires 3L"fi Board of Tr.ide Bldg., miah i. n-Mn 2." BIO BI RINESS OPPORTFNITIhW IN THE NEW TOWN OF R A I Xl't N T his town has now a larte stove foundry In operation, a car works to be running in the next few months, a big truck factory will start building in April and a cement block plant to he operating April 1. The electric car line is i onsti ucted from Hu ston to Omaha nnd will be In operation in April. The town now has electric light and free telephone service with imaha and South Omaha. Fine opportunity Is offered for opening a bank, hnrdware store, grocery, drug store and other retail lines. For further Information address RALSTON TOWNS1TE ( ' .M I'A N V, BH1MER CHASE COMPANY, AGENTS. lii"9 Farnam St.. Omaha, Neh. Both Phones. 4-M!V. 2,1 GROCERY LOCATION. Vacant store room, natural supply point for dense population money sjwnders; a live man with adequate stock of groceries and family supplies eun make good money. See owner, 1101 N. lith St., 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. (4) MMT 27 FOR SALE About $15.0oO stock genl. mdse. Would take real estate for part. This Is a money maker and best business in 8. E. Nebraska. Address Y 3S2, Bee. (4 M7M 27 FOR PALE Meat market in (own of 1.300. eastern Nebitiska; nicely cnuipped: doing good business; a good proposition Ad dress Y IS. care Omaha Bee. (1I-M307 A3 FOR SALE first-class salo' ti In a good town near Sioux City. Address Postofflee Box 704. Sioux City, la. (4i M859 FOR SALE Confectionery and soda foun tain, good location and doing a fine busi ness; will he sold at a bargain. Apply at once. Walter D. Hill & Co.. Beatrice, Neb. (4t M4t'7 Al" DRUG store for Bale. Knlest. N. Y. Lre. 14) 59 FOR SALE Hardware, implement and un dertaking business; building nnd resi dence; hearse; set of tinner's tools; to close an estate; see property at Bagley, Ia.; no trade. C J. Eatlnger, adm. (4)M3Sl 23k DRESSMAKERS KEI9TER COLLEGE. 505 Karbaeh Blk. M904 All MISS MAITINE, 2308 Douglas St., high class dressmaking. 'Phone Douglas tinuS. M9sfi A16 FIRST-CLASS dress pleating; buttons cov ered, all styles and sizes. The Ideal Pleating Company, ZOO Douglas Blk. Both 'phones. (Dressmj M213 IN FAMlLIES-MIss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 4220 -812 LIEFF Ladles' tailoring In best stylo and workmanship guaran teed .207 Old Brandeis Bldg. Take elevator on 16th St. M196 A13 f?nTTTAT?n First-class dressmaking UV7 J-XJ"ViV1 and tailoring, 1G05 Leav enworth St. Ind. A-3952. 23? Al M. SELICOW. 2902 Farnam St. MG81 A6 TRENCH Dry Cleaning Works. 1908 Far nam. best cleaners ana dyers. Both phones. M274 A 13 McDowell Dressmaking school, 1S23 Farnam. oil WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 1822 Farnam St. Ladles tailoring, alterations, pleating pat terns cut to measure, first-class sewing school In connection. Douglas 3iill. M196A13 MISS E. B. CROSBY. 2411 S. 20th Ave., dressmaking. Douglas 7297. M 984Apl3 0ENTISTS BAILEY A MACK, 3d Tloor. Paxton. D. 1"85. (5) U0 TAFT'S Dental rooms. 1617 Douglas St (6) M369 At EDUCATIONAL APRIL 5, SPRING TERM BOYLES COLLEGE DAY AND NIGHT. Enter then for complete Instruction In the science of business, bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service,, English. Call, write or 'phone for catalagu. H. II. Bovles, President, Boyles Bldg., Omaha, Neb. (Edue.)-M.Hl EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SPECIAL 26o saved by cutting out this ad and by presenting it and 26c you receive a full 50c :.. jtn'm I'nlfl I'rcam. BEATON DRW CO, loth and Farnam. M4T3 IIA1U DRESSING and scalp treatment. Satisfactory work, complete line of hair goods CO " BRANDEIS' STORES. M-269 A13 II fl VVH Hatha 107 South llAM-MAiM' s, Doug. aiii. 14th pen day and night. Lady "1 'ntJ- nvriTUMTOQ Hair Store. 1411 Farnam. AlO.Nlir.iil E Everything in hair goods and hair work. 25 years' experience. We can serve you satisfactorily. For appoint ment. D. 2333. -M9S6A13 LET us shampoo your hair every month; we use warm air 10 ary mo mm, the latest method known to science In our scalp and face massage. F. M. Bcliadell, 1522 Douglas. M. E. NEPINSKY 6"8 Paxton Blk. M641 A. 11 nrC!TlV Pictures and frames, China UUiM- P- fainting Materials. Pyrography and wood to burn. Victor Talking Muciuiit'4 and Records. Hegina anisic uoxes ami Mir steal Goods. 1513 Douglas. M640 AJH LADIES apparel beautifully dry cleaned. The French Way," 19S Farnam. D. 417;, A-2125; M170 A13 MRS. H. M- ECK. 1760 Leavenworth; wo make switches and pomps from combings, also a new line of hair goods. Doug. 5n24. M561 A 18 SWITCHES, puffs and pompadours made from combings. Puffs. 16c. Miss Edna Brandt. 2124 Sherman Ave. Tel. Web. Iter 13KI. M332 A13 MM'C FRAYER 8 Adellght specialties, sell Ins Marietta Stanley Co.'s goods, for sale at Megeath Stationery, 1421 Farnam. Office, isth and Farnam, flat 6. Doug. 37J. Mlc A 13 W'EII'ANDER SMITH, ladies, exclusive furnishings. 317 S. Wlh St. M 270 A13 CJimVi The "minest new low shoes f5ll-'LiO latest spring style, every new shade for 1. Just received. BRANDEIS' STORES. M-26& FOR YOUR SPRING HAT come to F. M. Schadcll. 152i Douglas. -M171 All CLEANING and dying, biggest and best. only One Otliee. n u jiMit-w ct W TUB PAN TOR 1 L' M, I -TO AU Competent help EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) CHINA decorntlnK. realistic; order work u specialty. Iej-sfins Tuesday, Tluiisclay and Saturday. Firing daily. Leather craft, stains, leather and designs. M.S. C. '. Hungale, 894 Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 64S6. WHEN Look I NO FOR SPRING MILLINERY DON'T FORGET HILLY SISTERS 317 SOl'TH 16TH ST. MW Al! X'it'T'T TV W!lW2e2 Neville Block 1 n"w' Tailored Shirt i Waists. Fancy l noergarinents and Hand Embroidered Work; professional shopping. MR' AIR CANDY where else. The most delicious confec tions, priced lower than any All the novelties in dainty sweets. BRANDEIS STORES. M- CARPETS, rugs, etc.. cleaned. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., room 21, Douglas blk. Both 'phones. M1K3 A13 LADIES' straw hats cleaned, dyed, re shaped and trimmed. Miss Leola Pepper, 614 S. 2Slh 8'. 'Phono Harney 39ny MbHO A6 MILLINERY During the week of March 22 we will have on exhibition our entire stock of Imported and domestic models, together with a large number of individual designs from our own workrooms. THUS. KILPATRICK & CO. -4:.2 2.1 MISS Gl'SSIE FETElcSON. successor to Ayers & Peterson; alterations of ladles' suits, refitting, rellning, etc. Suite 215 Boston Store Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3(76. M258 27 WE RENT, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., 15th and Harney Sts. M7t-9 AI3 THE ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR Is a necessity In every home. Write for free book. H. K. llartbun, 619 Bee Bldg., Tel. Doug. 3472. (365) A14 BOYS' halrcuttlng a specialty. Bee barber shop. Bee Bldg. M167 A13 POST CARD, send 8 cents In stamps for 21 views of Omaha. Novelty Post Card Ct., Omaha, Neb. 790 AS TRY Elite Hair Dressing Parlors. A. Heath6rton, 607V4 Paxton Blk. Red-4423. M-271 A13 THE steps save you 40 per cent. Pennell Millinery Co., J5U Douglas. Ml 69 A13 EFFA ELLIS Illustrated music courses. Inquire about SPECIAL day or evening classes for women, personal or mall In struction. 203-4-5 Old Brandeis Bldg. 462-AU WE WILL SELL all of our hair goods at half price until Easier. 26 inch wavy 3-stcm switches. $3 50. ADROIT HAIR BAZAAR. 1511H Dodge St. Second Floor. ' 622-A17 O'CONNOR ft EMBLEM are showing hand some spring millinery In their new room, 20-21 Continental Blk., lfith St. entrance. 678 A 18 LADIES While looking over the ads. don't overlook STl'TSMAN'S special on photo at THE BASSETT STUDIO, 616 S. lth. ( M ) 788 A20 M. COLTON. fashionable ladles' tailor; fine line of spring samples: everything In the ladles' tailoring line: satisfaction guaran teed. :866 Farnam St A-2671. 871 28 FINANCIAL FURNITURE LOANS OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade, Doug. 2296. ' 390 FLORISTS J. H. BATH. 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. S000. (6) 604 VIOLETS are plentiful and can be had for $1.00 per lii; sweat peas, all colors, Jl.ao per loo; daffodils and tulips are Just now In Uieir best and sell for 75c per doz. ; carnations, 60c to 75c per dog,; Easter lilies are coming In arid sell for V3 per doz.; blooming plants In pots, such us lilacs, azaellas, eeneruavla and primroses; pretty ferns and palms can be had at reasonable prices; all flowers are abso lutely fresh. HESS gr SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 1501. (Flor.) M8R3 A9 TIT? A XTTlTTQ CUT FLOWER DEPT. im-iliN ULilS) 8oUTH SIDE NEW store; the finest place In the city to buy your cut flowers and floral designs. Boxed and delivered (to any part of the city. (Flor) M366 A9 IIPMnFR'JilV For the freshest cut Ur-iJAftUiN & flowers. Dally from our own hothouses. Douglas 1263, 1519 Far nam St. (Flor.)-MS4 A9 CHAS. EDERER. 80th and Bristol Sts., shrubbery, hardy plants, -fern baskets, bedding plants and designs, fresh cut (lowers dally. Tel. 1795. ('ior.) M882 A9 HELP WAITED FEMALE Clerical and Office. IF YOIT are looking for a position or de sire to make a change, see us, as we have vacancies in most all lines. We charge you nothing If we fail to find you a posi tion. See us at once. 5,4 Brandeis Mdg. (9) 872 22 Factory and Trades. EXPERIENCED seamstress for alteration; good wages; steady worg. 2!h Ix-avcn worth Ht. (7) MH46 23 3 MACHINE girls at Emerson Idy.. l:n3 N. 24lh St. Phone Wen. l..tw. (7) M'J" Zix GOOD lady dressmaker wanted. Apply Room 3i"i, old Brandeis Bldg. (7J-M914 2ox Housekeepers and Oomeatlcs. WANTED Nurse girl to care for small boy. Apply at 150 Georgia Ave. (71808 25x WANTED At once, good girl for general housework; family of three; good wages. Apply 4027 Hamilton. (.) Mb WANTED Competent nurse girl. 606 Park Ave. (7 395 GIRL wanted to do plain washing and Ironing. The Creche, U24 Harney St. (7) M642 23x WANTED Good cook: also second girl; onlv two In family; good wages; Inquire of Mis. M. Levy, Loyal Hotel, room 212. (7) f.C GIRL for general housework; must be good Uceok; family of two. .121 1 Dodge. I7)-S77 2(x atlscellaneona. I LADY checkers, hotel. $U0, etc. Martin & Co.. 1511 Capitol Ave. (7 M;9 25 WANTED- Girls to make paper flowers. Apply superintendent. J. L. Brandeis & Hons. (7I-.MHU 25 HELP WANTED MALE A stents, Solicitors and galeaaen. WANTED Eastern manufacturing concern wa'nts two reliable representatives, one ,.v. Whraska and Iowa. Men ore- m 'a ka hva been successful hnillinv I Imnlfcnieiits, groceries, or cigar line. An- awerlng. give lull particulars. V 271. nr( without using i iimm mniw in-wiw iiMiiiwi mt fr HELP WANTED MALE - Agents and Salesmen Contlnned. WANTED Piano salesman; good proposi tion to the right man. l'lano Player Com pany, Old Boston Store. ( M904 '24 AGENTS wanted In all towns In South Piatt" territory to work land excursion business. Address Y 21, care Bee. (91 MS1 23x WANTED Five experienced chink sales men. Applv superintendent J. L. Bran dels A Sons, (!K M912 2iS WANTEIV-Two good salesmen In domestic department. Apply superintendent. J. L. Brandeis & Sons. (91 M913 2, WANTED Managers In every state to place our capital stock and Insurance. Midland Life Insurance Company. St. Paul, Minn. () M258 A2x MEN lo sell goods from our sample wagons. C. F. Adams Co., S23 8. ltith. W-232 Al WANTED Men who have been successful selling cigars, groceries, or ntune spe cialty, wanting to make a change, fan show you proposition one. hundred to ono hundred fifty dollars per month. All cor respondence treated strictly confidential. O 2, care Bee. (9) 49') SIDE LINE Be Bt. no samples. Plenty moi.ev. Give permanent address. Box 653, Omaha. (9) M617 WANTEI Experienced advertising man to assist In the work of the publication of "The Progress Edition" of the Sioux City Journal. Work will last three or four months; good salary or commission to the right man. Address John Myers, jr.. Mgr. The Progress Edition of the Journal, Sioux Cltv, la. (9) M6O0 24 OLD ESTABL1SHER PAINT manufactur ing corporation can use good specialty traveling salesman In state of Nebraska. Experience in paint business not neces sary. Salary and expenses. The Eclipse Faint & Mfg. Co., Cleveland, o. (9)-M1 23 $11 THOUSAND for distributing circulars and samples. Send for sample and con tract. W. A. luring Mtg. CO., o l.t-s Ash St., Spokane, Wash. (9 366 A CLEVER, hustling local sales manager wanted; commission only; crackerjack proposition.' Equitable Development Co., Suite llhi, 100 Broadway, N. Y. City. () Mii6H 27x Boys. WANTED Office hoy by manufacturing company; state ago. Address (J-173, care Bee. (9)-617 23 WANTED Energetic boy, willing to learn the business; salary, $20 a month. Piano Player Co., Old Boston Store. (9) M93 24 Clerical and Office. DRT'G CLERKS' positions. Knlest, N. T. Litre Bldg. ( Factory and Trades, WANTED Harness-makers on all classes of work. The Waterloo Saddlery Co., Waterloo, I a, (9) M602 25 15 TINNERS wanted at Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo.. at once; steady work for good men, Address Creston Cornice Works, Box 832 Cheyenne, Wyo. () Mhs5 2. WANTED An all-around cleaner, dyer and pressor; must be sober; position steady for the right part v. New Process Steam Laundry, McAlester, Okl. (9) MSS4 28 THE great Union Pacific R. R. guarantees you a telegraphic position after training. Fractlce on railroad wire. Address for particulars H. B. Boyles. Omaha, (9) 760 WANTED A good, all-around harness- maker; good wages and steady work. P. Hampcl, Talmage, Nob. (9) M782 23x WANTED A competent tinner and fur nace man. Waldorf Bros., Western. Neb. (9) M5S5 23 WANTED Immediately, competent phar macist, registered In Neoraska. Sherman At McConnell Drug Co. (9) 869 21 Miscellaneous, FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Ann; no lees, call nza in. x. Lire uiflg. ()-17 WANTED Young man, handy on repairs ror talking machines, etc. Piano I'laver Co., Old Boston Store. (91 M9l 24 OLD gold Jewelry wanted. FKUN&ttK, Jeweler, lotli and Dodge, ()-M440 A5 WANTED 500 men to try our new line of snoes; solid leatner. J. Hcipnand cio. Co., 314 N. 16th St. (9) M8 2o WANTED Railway mall clerks, salary $800 to $1 40t'; no layoffs, examinations In Omaha, May 15; common education suffi cient; candidates prepared free. Write Immediately for full partieulaa. Franklin Institute, Rochester. N. Y. (9)-M415 A tx THERE are many kinds of work on a mau-o -war. you should be able to find some Job in the navy for which you are suited. If you know a trade it means more pay to liegin; you can perfect your self at your trade. Pay is nearly all clear. Call at navy recruiting offce, Post office Bldg., Omaha. ( M900 2,".x WANTED Men to lecrn barber trade, few weeks required, best paying work within the reach of poor map, can have shop with small capital, wages from $12 to $20 weekly, wonderful demand for barbers. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. Call or write. (9) M5K5 25x HOUSE CLEANING CARPETS, rugs, house, etc., cleaned by the compressed air and vacuum system. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO. 200 Douglas Block, Both 'Phones. (D-Mo82 A6 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses and Vehicles. PAINTING and repairing. A. Mjrphy Son. (ID 518 A17 RUBBER tiring and repairing done by Johnson & Darforth, loth and Jones St. (1D-M433 A16 FOR SALE Cheap, one-station wagon, good condition; one set brass harness, single: one set light harness, single. Sta ble. 122 S. 39th St, (11) 154 CLEAR lots, or gilt-edged stocks for good horse and Duggy. 617 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 1392. (ID M835 23 LOST AND FOUND 1X)8T Saturday night, white, male tov poodle; liberal reward. Flat 1. Davldgo lllOC'K. U.I MShO 24X LOST Sunday evening, pearl crescent pin between Jewel theater and Henahaw; lib eral reward for return to ou6 Karbaeh Blk, (12)-Hii6 24x LOST Black handbag containing small purse, $10 change and Inhaler, between list and Charles and 18th and Webster streets Sunday morning; liberal reward, Mrs. George Dickinson, 1618 No. 21st St. (121 i8 22 MEDICAL FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment st Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts ; special attention paid to confinement esses; all treatment super, vised by college professors 'Phone l"Ug. Us U67. Calls answered, day or night (I3-13 i BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nervs Food Pilla." $1 a box, postpaid. Pherman 4k McConnell Diug Co.. Omaha, (U 618 MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. WtSUU YOtT WANT MONEY $$) IfBSU DON'T PAY HIGH RATES ttW't tmt FEE US FIRST $UII $$ We losn you any amount on II M furniture, planoa. etc.; or, ir you II $t have steady employment, on your $1 $$ plain note at the cheapest rates In It t the city. Payments weekly or M $$ monthly to suit your tonvenlence. (I fs Open until : p. m. 'Phone Doug- 1 1 las II $$ OMAITA FINANCIAL CO.. $ IUU Room 501, Brown Blk., $!$ (USUI Opposite Brandeis' vU I u$i$$$t 16,h Su Entrance. 1J.L1 04) M562 MONEY loaned salaried people nnd others without security; easy payments. Offices In 66 principal cities Tolman. Boom nlo. New York Life Bldg. (14-21 Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. Board of Trade Bid., Room 119. 306 South 16th Street. Loans on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Don't Tie Up Your Salary. Established 16 Years, l'.ellable as any bank. 306 South IRth Street. Board of Trade Bldg.. Room 119. Telephone Douglas 2295. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. (Ill -411 MONEY to loan on furniture, pianos, ware house receipts, or anything of value, or on your plain note If you are steadily emplovod. lowest rates, best terms. RELIABLE I'REDtT CO., 307-8 Paxton Blk . :id Floor, 16th and Farnam Sts. Tele. Doug. 1411; Auto. A-1411. t!4)-M79 MOVING AND STORING EXPRESSMEN S Delivery Co.. office 214 N. 16th St. Warehouse 2207-9 lsard Su t) 605 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding nnd Rooms. THE BACHELORS. 20TH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL. AMERICAN PLAN (15)-2J DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. (16)-624 LARGE or small rooms with good home cooking. 2616 Farnam. (lo) M427 A6x LARGE furnished southeast front room, with board. 123 8. 26th Ave. ( lai M59 26x ROOM, with board; West Farnam district. Address Postofflce Box 686. (15) M3S0 26x DESIRABLE front aulte, also side room. The Pratt. 212 S. 25th St. Tel. Doug. 3138, Ind. A 4355. (15)-M49 27 Furnished Rooms. 4 FINE unfurnished rooms, ensulte; will furnish single rooms if desired. 2418 Cass 8t. (151-448 ASx DESIRABLE modern room for gentleman. Select neighborhood, near Farnam rat. 131 N. 31st Ave. (15) M368 FOR RENT Newly furnished front room In new flat for one or two to Join. You won't look further if you see thla first. 820 N. 26th St. (15)-613 22x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In strictly modern house; first-class In every respect. 2240 Landon Court, near 24th, bet. Howard and St. Mary's Ave. (16) 443 i2x FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON & CO.. RENTAL AOT3., 703 N. Y. Ufa Bldg. 'Phone Doug 2204. (L5J 625 THREE furnished rooms for light house keeping; modern. 2224 Pratt St. Tel. Webster 4016. (16) 614 22x VERY pleasant large room with alcove, young tntn preferred. 2407 Capitol Ave. (15)-619 24 x NICELY furnished rooms strictly modern; gentlemen preferred. 1908 Farnam St. (15) M840 23X DESIRABLE modern room for gentleman near Farnam car. 205 S. 31st St. 'Phone Harney 3836. (15) M794 28x DESIRABLE ROOM, 218 N. 19th. (16)-MS57 A20x Apartments and Plats. ALL MODERN, 4-room corner flat. Steam heat. Central location. 220 N. 23d. (16)-M598 LIVE IN COMFORT. Six room, modern, steam heated flat, thick walla, cool in summer, warm In win ter: hardwood, hot water, near in. Sum mer price $1'4. Reference required. Bemls, Brandeis Bldg. (16) -M816 27 FOR RENT Brick flat; hardwood finish; modern; 8 rooms; 6 mts. walk to court house. Call at 2.M5 Capitol Avn. or 'phono Doug. 459. (6) M906 a.x FINEST 6-room apartment In city, $48. No. oireniow j errae. (lb; Mot Housekeepins; Rooms. THREE furnished rooms. 1112 So. 11th. (15) 658 GIRL for general housework; small family; good wages. 3""0 I'acittc nt. (7) M8.S8 SUITE of two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; all modern; light, heat, telephone. 1041 Park Ave., Tel. Harney 8992. (15)-M523 25 TWO excellent, furnished, modern rooms for housekeeping. 'I'hone In house. 2674 Harney St. (15) 779 - Unfornlahed Rooms. FOUR unfurnished rooms, desirable loca tion, modern except heat, Hanscom Park district. 3014 Mason SU Tel Harney 2195. (15) M161 TWO or more unfurnished rooms. 607 8. 29th St. Tel. Harney 2SU9. (15;--612 26 Fornlahed Houses. HANDSOME 9-room house, completely fur nished in West Farnam District for 6 months. Address M-1S2. Bee. 115) MSa 23 Houses nnd Cottages. HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. T. L. Bldg. tloj 6.11 l-room modern bouse except heat. I30 Maple St.. $18. rooms. 2d floor, 1106 N. 30th St., 115. T rooms. 2d floor, 1306 N. 24th St.. mod ern except heat. $15. 10-room house, modern except heat. $30 and water rent, 25th and Indiana Ave. CHRIS BOYER. t2d and Cuming Sts. Tel. Doug, and R-2049 (15)-S35 OMAHA Vsn and Storage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods, storehouse 1120-24 N. lih, office 16( Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1659. U5)-64 NINE-ROOM modern house. 2019 Harney St., $60. Tel. Douglas 916. (15) M990 ELEGANT ten-room brick residence, &mQ Harney St. : steam heat, large yard, 66. Mads A. Hansen, 1324 Farnam St. (15) M267 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt. Barker Blk. (15-63 5-ROOM modem cottage, on car. 833 Main St.. Benson, $20. Turklngton, Bee Bldg. (15)-M697 MAGGARD VAN A. STORAGE CO., Tel. D. 1493. We guarantee moving pianos, 11. H. goods. (15)-C28 SEVEN-ROOM modern house at 1508 N. 16tli Ht. Two three-room cottages at 22d and Ames Ave. t. C. It K DICK. 1517 FARNAM ST. (16)-8;i8 23 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 16o4 Farnam. (15) 4kU CANNOT supply demand for bouses; If you have one vacant list with T. W. listen. V Douglas Blk. D'lug. 13no. U3-M18 AJ OFFERED FOR RENT Iloasea and Cottaea 5-ROOM. a. 3216 N. 26th Ave., forjl g JO,1' PARKER, room, bath. etc.. lis. ,t";3 Harney, 9-room, modern, $30 fl Seward, s-room. hath, etc., $. 5oth and Grant. 7-room. lots. t?0 SN'.) Farnam, 41-room, modem except heal. $25. 2.v4 Hamilton, 0-room, modern, excepi heat. $20. . 119 S. 29th, 5-room, bath. barn. $20. 2422 Wirt. 5-room. new bath, $."0. 321 Park Ave., new -room, $,17.50. 2615 Franklin. 4-room. $9. .tins. Maple. 3-room. $8. Store. 19th and Harney, ITS. F. P. WEAD, 1801 Farnam St (15)-M.43 2.1 FOR RENT -room. modern house, on csi line. Tel. Webster S743. 2?07 Sherman Ave. (16-M84 23 5-ROOM modern cottage. 3018 Ohio St., $?0. C. O. Carlberg, U N. T. Life. (15)-M9W EIG.HT-ROOM house, modem eieept heat newly papered, painted; fine lawn, lot" fruit and shrubberv. $25. . RAMEV, 1710 MADISON AVE (15) M538 25x FOR RENT (t-room house, new and mod ern SoOit Dewey Ave,; key next door east: Ho R. H. iAndervou. 44? Heard of Trade Tel. Douglas 21.'.S; Inc.'. A 2151. (15)-74 22 FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern, 2S. C. M. Bachman, 436 Paxton Blk. (15)-8SU HOUSES In Vnrt of the city. lluuolj0Crelgh Sons Co.. Bee Bldg. (IS) D39 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded, cheap freight rates; moving and storing Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. 3m. (15) S4 9-ROOM. modern. 1807 Plnknev. $25. Oil. Doug 1702 or Webster lni. (15) M8322x Bnildlnas. FOR RENT-For storage; light manufac luring or other business purposes, third and fourth floors. Plenty of light, v. use of elevator, 411-413 S. 10th St. (161 491 21 FOR RENT 3-story brick building with basement and elevator. 1111 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas I4oo. (!) M5.19 Offices. DESK ROOM for rent In an office located on the busy corner or 24th and N Sla , South Omaha. Call at Bo office. 8. O. branch. 24th and N Bts. New address U6)-M677 On account of changes In office arrange ment we will sell che counters now in stalled In The Bee office and Hastings Heyden's office. These are handsomely carved and decorated oak counters, having a marble baso Id Inches high. The counter stands 3V feet high and 2-foot top. and there la a total of about 46 feet In length. These will be sold either separately or together. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Fainam Sts Il5)-r4 Stores. I WILL BUILD store rooms to suit tenants on 17V4 feet front, n. side Farnam, nt 2.d; on 66 feet front, s. sk)e Farjinm, w. of fMh on 43 feet front, w. side !4th s. of Burdette; on 6o feet front, w. side 24h. cor. H., S. O S. S. CURTIS. 1808 Harney St. 15) M2M TWO-STORY and basement hrlrk building 83x132 feet, at 1116-18 Douglas St., with olectrlo elevator; trackage. Newly fitted and light basement on north east corner of 24th and Cuming St., with entrances on both streets. A fine location, being at transfer point of car line. O. C. REDICK. 1517 FARNAM ST. (16)-MS37 2:1 OFFERED FOR SALF Furniture FURNITURE For 4-room cottage, new. 120 S. 84th St. (16) M349 27 Planoa and Other Musical Instruments PIANO FOR SALE will take part of payment1 out in painting. Answer Y-199. (161-M&18 FOUR elec. pianos. Baysdorfer. 1620 Cap. A v. (161 M789 A20 Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS All makes, all prices, tor ale, tor rem; rent applied, tiotn phones. B. F. Swan soo Co., ., ti l I So. 16th St , Omaha, (16) 947 Mlscelineons. Typewriters FOR SALE, FOR RENT. All the Standard Makes. B. F. SWANSON CO., Inc., Saves You $25.00 to $75.()i. "We Ship on Approval for Examination. Over 25 makes to select from, lsrge stork. loweat prices consistent with reliable guaranteed machines. Call or write for Btoek list and receive our offer. B. F. Swansnn Co., 417 8. 15th, ' Omaha. Both telephones. lit) FOR BALE New and 2d-hand Millard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheip bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick Balke Collender. 407 S. 10th St. (l)-t3 FOR SALE Cheap, 126-rgg Inrubator. Tel. Florence. 192. (16) M892 21x Auction Sale TUESDAY. MARCH 28-10 A. M. 1115 So. 6th St. Stock and fixtures of Gonlg Grocery and Meat market: Inventories at $2 000. Will ac cept sealed bids accompanied by certified rheck for 10 per cent of lildi up to 10 a. m March 23. The stand Is a money maker, call and in spect U; open from 8 a. m.. until 6 n. m daily. II. C. FRISBIE,, TRUSTEE. 1115 So. 6th at. (16)-M34: 23 FOR SALE Some four and five-ton stskt drays or would sell whole outfit. Address lock box 435, Sioux City, la. (16) M7S7 BEND us your mall order for drugs freight paid In 110 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (lj 4K4) BODA fountains, ' new and second-hand monthly payments. Derlght, 1818 Farnan' (18,- -MEiii ' FOR SALE-Ons Am. Hoist and Derrick Co., contractors hoisting engine. (16 Baa Bloaj (1()-M36 FOR SALE. In ' the city of Omaha, Douglas county. Nebraska, at 2 o'clock p, m o i The 29th day of Maroft, 1809, in t'n Webster-Sunderland bailillng, lbll Howard street, on the third floor, ax per order of court. 1 will offer 'for tie ut public auction, to the hlahsi bidder for cash, the entlns holegal" jewelry glock, flxtur-i, etc., of L. 13 Griffith tt Company, consisting, of all kinds of Jewelry, silverware, cut glass Jewelers' findings and watchnMacr1 supplies. Jewelers' .f-i, wallcaws. showcases, tables, desks, cabinets anl findings, etc. A. P. I.ILUS, Trustee iu Bankruptcy. (16)-M)4J 2 ''i I! )