THtt IIMAIIA Sl'.NPAV MARCH 21. V.nW. TOPICS OF THE DAY OF REST Budget Conference at Calviry Bap tiit Church Tuesday. IS IMPORTANT TO CHURCHMEN Large Atteaaance of Clery m4 Is Expected mm Fralt fal Retails Arc A Urinated. Ons of the most Important events In Baptist circles for many months wlM be the Budget to be held at Cavalry Baptist church Tuesday. The principle attraction will I the presence of the "filg Three," Rev. P. 8. Hansen, P. t.. the Rev. Marlon V. Eubank. M. P., and th! Rev. Lemuel C. Bnrnet, p. P. These three roeji are among the best known In the denomination and have achieved a nation-wide fame In their work In different cities. It is expected that nearly 300 will be present at the Fellowship lunch, which will be held at 6:30 Tuesday. An afternoon session will be held at 2:30 and an evening s union at 8 o'clock. Prrhsps tiie best knuwn of tlie "Rig Three" Is the Rev. Pr. P. S. Hensen now nf Boston, but formerly of the First Baptist church of Chicago. His wit. humor and hard common tense, have caused him to be known far and wide aa "the Inimitable liensen." Pr. Ei i bunk, missionary acting field secretary of Rsptist Missionary union, known not only among among all church and foreign mission workers. He la a graduate physician as well aa a minister and his work In China has Attracted wide atenllon. Ha la an ef fective speaker and Is In much demand at conventions, summer conferences and other meltings. The Kev. I j. C. Barnes iias long been a riUtlngulshed leader of the Baptist denomi nation, lie. hue been wonderfully success ful as a pustor and has built up some of the largest churches In the eaat. His work In h me and foreign missions has also attracted much attention. The presence of these three men In Omaha at one time Is an event which should not be missed. to China and the American Is also well Baptists, but The choir at Trinity cathedral will ren der a special raid-Lent musloal service on Sunday evening, March 21. The service includes Gounod's "Oallla," a motet for soprano and chorus. Service at 7:30. Music at the North Side Christian church: MORNING. Processional The Bon of God Goes Forth to War Invocation Response Sanetus, "Holy, Holy, Holy, l.ord God of Hoela Anthem O Lord, Our Governor. .H. Gadsby EVENING. Processional The Church's One Foun dation Haydn. Invocation ResponseNow the Pay la Over Male Quartet. Offertory Sentence Anthem O Come Everyone that Thlrst- eth William Reed Recessional Abide with Me Mrs. H, J. KlrschsUin, organist and choir master. Program at First Presbyterian church. Seventeenth and Podge, Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, P. P., pastor: MORNING SERVICE. IPSO. Anthem Prayer koschat-Holden Solo Show Me Thy Ways. O Lord Torrents Miss Jrinspn. EVENING SERVICE. 7:30. Anthem Softly Fades the Twilight Ray Calkin Anthem How lung Wilt Thou Forget Me? PTlueger Choir Miss Louise Jansen, soprano and director; Mlns Myrtle Moses, contralto; 1L C. Jessen. tenor. Miss Nancy Cunningham, organist. Music at the Central United Presbyterian, Twenty-fourth and Podge. The fifteen col lege girls constituting the St. Cecelia Glee club of Tarklo college, Tarklo, Mo., will aerve as the choir for the morning worship, while Prof. Frederick W. Mueller, the head of the Tarklo college conservatory, will preside at the organ. The following will be presented: Organ Prelude Cantllene Nuptlale... Dubois Offertory Cantllene Rogers Antnem inu iora is My snepnerfl Schubert Postlnde Hallelujah Chorus from "The Messiah" Handel Ten-day evangelistic campaign at Hans corn Park Methodist church, beginning Sun day, conducted by Rev. J. W. Mshood. D. P.. of Sioux City. la. Pr. Mshood will be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. A. P. George of Winona Iake. Ind., singing evangelists, afternoon meetings beginning with Tucsdiy at 3. Kountte Memorial Lutheran: MORNING. Prelude Roroanee Hoffman Offertory Solo Behold the Master Pass- eth By Hammond Mrs J. K. Pulver. Postlude Triumphs I M in-h Laud EVENING. "Offertory In A" Batiste. Soprano and Tenor puet Jesus Saviour Pilot Me William H. Ponteus, Miss Edna Brunlng ana Mr. A. E. Thompson. Tostluds Grand Choeur In G Salome B. A. Van Fleet, director; Charley Cocke, organist. The Tarklo College Glee club will furnish the music at the First t'nlted Presbyterian church Sabbath evening. The choir of the Kountze Memorial Luth eran church has recently been reorganized and is composed of forty select volcea. Pr. EL A. Van Fleet, director, and Mr. Charles Cocke, organist. Trof. Nathan Pernsteln of the high school will speak at Plymouth Congregational church Monday evening on "Theory of Matter." Frlenda, who are projecting the organiza tion of a church In Omaha, will hold a meeting Sunday at 3 p. m. at the Toung Men's Christian association. They have Issued a general Invitation to those Inter ested with them to attend the meeting. J. H. Franklin returned Friday from St Paul and Minneapolis, where he went to rrmke arrangements for the entertainment of the Nebraska delegates to the Interna tional convention of Christian Endeavor, which meets In St. Paul In July. St. Paul has completed a new $450,000 auditorium, with a seating capacity of 10,000, which will be used for the convention. Twenty thous and delegates are expected to attend. Ne braska Endeavors will travel In a special daylight train via the Northwestern. A children's party, with their parents as guests of honor, was the unique occa sion carried put by the the two youngest departments of the Castellar Street Pres byterian Bible school Friday afternoon at the church parlors. The eighty members of the cradle roll, under the superlntend ency of Mrs. Frank Wood, and the begin ners' department of sixty little tots, under the leadership of Mrs. Ralph Houseman, had served notice that they would enter tain their parents. It was done right royally. A program, with the accompani ment of games and refreshments, were features which Interested for three hours. Mrs. Corliss Hopper, the Misses Mabel Overholt, Bessie Coufal, ISelen Worrall and Bessie Patterson, assistants In the kindergarten department, were given valu able help In entertaining this large number by the young ladles and women of the congregation. Salvation Army Sunday meetings: Holl nesa meeting. 10:30 a. m.; Junior meeting, 1:30 p. m. ; Christian praise meeting, 3:30 p. m.; salvation rally, 7 p. m., sharp, in open air, silver band at the front; meeting In hall at 8 p. m. Big wedding Monday night, conducted by Lieutenant Colonel B. B. Cox. Two captains are the contracting parties. All of the forces of the army In the .city will Join for this occasion. At the Union Gospel mission, 1321 Douglas street, the special Saturday night service will be held as usual this evening. There will be special singing, short talks and testimonies. The meeting will begin at 7:46 and continue until 11 o'clock. Pr. Jenks lectures to the Bunt n ess Men's Bible class at the Ftrst Presbyterian church Sunday from 12 to 12:30 on "Chris tianity aa a Political Teaching." The Pimple and the Face First Show Klgns of the Blood Poverty Which Causes Most Skin Disease. It is a strange truth that pimples usually appear upon the face, thus Illustrating that nature uses the most direct method of convincing man that the blond Is filled with poison. The human circulatory system Is said to be the most wonderful of all evidences of nature. It carries health, food and strength to every part of the body. It also carries from every part of the body all germ life, waste matter and decay. Jf through poor eating, Indigestion, con stipation, etc., the blood Is filled with pois onous fluids, - these poisons are carried to the lungs, where they are attempted to be clesnsed by the oxygen from air Inhaled. If this does not accomplish the results demanded the blood takes away tlie poison and carries It to the little cells of the skin, where they leave It. Here these poisons irriate and decay, until at last they form pimples and blackheada and other skin eruptions; at last bursting or are removed by man. When you have pimples It Is a certain sign your blood Is wrong, that the great human blood system Is turned into an in tricate series of sewerage canals which are filled with Impurities. Science long ago learned that Calcium Sulphide waa the most powerful, harmless and beneficial blood purifier obtainable. Stuart's Calcium Wafers, under chemical tests, conclusively prove themselves to be one of the best methods of preserving the full strength of this great blood cleanser. The real beauty of Stuart's Calcium Waf ers lies in tneir rapid work. Their good effects are seen after only a few days' use and a face full of pimples has been made clear and clean after only five days' use f these wafers. These wafers, by the peculiar Stuart pro seas, preserve and hold the full strength of Calcium Sulphide, so that the system obtains this wonderful purifier In Its most efflcltnt state. Other methods of administrating and pre paring Calcium Sulphide have proven Stuart's Calcium Wafers to be the best method. Go to your druggist and buy a box of these little pimple eradlcatora today, price Of., or send us your name and address and we will send you trial package by mall free. Addresa F. A. Stuart Co., 171 Stuart Marshall, Mich. Y. W. C. A. notes. On account of the tornup condition of the Old quarters, all classes after Friday even ing, March IS. are postponed until after the opening In the new building. All classes will begin In regular order In the new build ing Friday, April 2. The membership committee announces that every member of the association will be required to procure one of the "little green tickets" which have been Istued for admission to the new building on Thursday, March 26. "membership day." Your regular membership tickets will not suffice. Cull at the old rooms and ask MI'S l.oftus. mem bership secretary, for one of these special tickets with your name on It. The association especially Invites Its mem bership to come to the gospel meeting next Sunday afternoon at 4:30. It will be the last gospel meeting In the old quarters. Mrs. W. P. Harford, president, wilt bring a fitting message for the occasion. Special music has been arranged. Following the meeting will be the usual social hour and light refreshments. Every woman Inter ested is Invited to come and bring a friend. Vv """""" nn n eiiii .v Will y) Every Hartman Store has behind it the buying power of 21 other great stores, and buying power is the power that makes the low prices. The great chain of 22 stores combines its orders with manufacturers and has its goods made to order at prices lower than any individual concern in the country could trope to se cure. YOU save as WE save, for we sell as we buy-give you the benefit of EVERY ADVANTAGE which we en07. That's something worth YOUR consideration. "CREDIT ARRANGEMENTS" to Suit Your Convenience. Mil .wmmmM, BED K3SSSe5SV35iiS 1 g ,?.. . ... -r j, , in- irl BRASS This Is a value that stands tin niatchalile In Omaha today. Tt Is a massive bed, all brass, heavily lacquered and guaranteed for ten years: a marvel at the price. You cunt rind the equal of this bargain any place It's impos- , Bible lp. price. 1 mi 16.25 9x12 BRUSSELS RUG m 1 1 T If Made without miter seams. An excellent wear ing rug. made of best selected materials, firmly woven Hun morougmy guaran teed. Nothing like It ofered In Omaha at anywhere near the price. Special for this sale at... SATIN WAL NUT KITCHEN CABINET Complete with fl and meal bins, cutl drawers, meat bread board as sh Top fitted with c compartment spice drawers, beautifully fin ished, the price complete 9.98 SOLID OAK DRESSERS eryr Ml ftm. 10.85 Lowest Prices Always. ::j;iVK: 1? .V; ir'4t.?h"'"- H ,! .,A-i 9x12 WILTON VELVET RUGS illl CENTER TABLE In oak or Mahogany, fancy shape top, heavy legs, carved or fluted, roomy shelf handsomely polished, special, at Richest color combinations. ante, mane with extra high pi urlous Offered at prices thla week that are absolutely un matchahle. On sale all week at absolutely depend- lle, sort ann uix- 18.75 IRON BED Unbeat able Bargains. Of very fancy dealffn. will full front,, or superior construction mirror rrame and standards handsomely carved. French plate mirror has deep beveled ecljije. Pale price serpentina throughout. 12.95 SANITARY STEEL COUCH Made of the, beat steel fabric, spiral spring support, steel helicals, both sides elevated, making a full size hed, special 3.75 Y. M. C. A. Kate. Prof. Hovhanness Mugurdltch Cheen eegeozian (John Baptist) a native Arme nian, who for the last twelve year has been studying In the United States to be come a medical missionary among bis own countrymen, will address the men's meet ing at the Toung Men's Christian associa tion, Sunday at 4 p. m. He will speak upon "The American Flag and Its Power for Christ." Dr. Baptist Is said to be an in teresting and entertaining speaker. The Sunday Bible club offers a first class opportunity for anv man who wants to beet me acquainted with the great doc trines and teachings of the Bible. It is ling ably taught by Attorney William Balrd. The IJfe Problem club Is having a large attendance and a lively Interest Is being taken In the discussions. A cordial Invita tion Is extended to every young man to enroll for this profitable course of study, which meets Sunday afternoon at 3 p. m. The subject for Sunday Is "Social Amuse ments." The course in boys' psychology held Its opening session last Monday at 8 p. m. There was a very good attendance and a live Interest was shown In these lectures, which B. F. Dnison. boys' work director. Is presenting. The theme for next Monday evening Is "Childhood. Boys' Physical Nature, the Play Instinct -and Its Rela tionship to the Home School, Playground and Church." This series of lectures af fords splendid opportunity for Sunday school teachers of boys' classes and public school teachers to receive a speciul train ing In their respective lines of work. Miscellaneous Assosseemeata. Unity. North Seventeenth and Cass Services at 10:30. Sermon by Rev. L. Walter Musen. I. D. Izard Street Mission school at 3:30. Toung People's society at 30. Calvary Baptist Branch, Thirty-fourth and Seward Bible school at 3:30. Gospel service Thursday evening at t. Norwegian and Danish Methodist, North Twenty-Fifth and Decatur Services at 11 and 8, preaching by the pastor, R. P. Peter sen. The Omaha General Hospital The regular gospel service will be held In the parlors of the hospital at 4. This meeting la open to all. Oak Street Mission Sunday school. 3f South Twentieth, at J.46 p. m. Everyone Invited, especilly men and wnmen for adult Bible class. Come, whether membera of churches or not. Second Church of Christ. Scientist. Nine teenth and Farnam, Lyric Theater Sunday school at :45. Service at 11. Subject of lesson-sermon. "Matter." Kountze Memorial Lutheran Mission, Nineteenth and Castellar, Rev. John K. Hummon. Pastor Sunday school at 1; K. B. Cook, superintendent. First United Presbyterian. Twenty-first and Kmm"t. Rev. D. R. Turnbull, Pastor Services. 10 SO and 7.30. Meeting of Tcung People, :30. Bible school at 11 Seventh Day Aaventlst. Twenty-fifth. Between Cuming and Indiana. K!dr C. It, Miller I iletrtct superintendent will speak Bundav evening at I o'clock. Rnuhr serv ices every Saturday. Sabllh school, 10 LIBRARY TABLE of solid quarter-sawed oak. beautiful ly designed and finished, large, roomy top anil stretcner eneir, legs exceedingly heavy, turned and fluted. special urge, rniHiiy 11.60 SOMETHING EXTRAORDINARY Here's a rocker value such as you positively never saw equalled before In all your born days. It Is a most extraordinary value a world beater at the price. This rocker Is of our own exclusive design, made especially for us and offered at a price which makes It a bargain that is absolutely unmatchable. The frame is made of oak, beautifully carved, each arm adorned with a large carved head. It Is up holstered in guaranteed Nan tucket leather, back Is deeply diamond tufted and has beautiful ruffled edge. We have quantity sufficient for all. On sale all week at the special price of with floral designs. This bed must be seen to be appre ciated. Its beauty ennnot be shown In a newwpnper Illus tration. Price 5.95 SPECIAL DRESER In three different designs. Large mir ror, serpentine top drawers, golden oak or mahogany finish. Sale price 8.39 MASSIVE SIDEBOARDS DIOOBATID WANT VI. Made In the beautiful Vernls Marttn gold bronze finish. Made of aod h.avv tubing with baked on enamel. Ha three broad steel panels at both lii-ad ami root, iieiiiiuuu y aecoralea Large Krenclj plate, beveled edge mirror, set In profusely carved top, roomv drawers ami one lined ror mivit ware, niniln cf selected solid o-ik, sale iirie onniv drawers 13.58 9 it n PARLOR SUITES Frame of beautiful design, mahogany finish, neatly carved, detachable cushions of genuine Imported velour. Three pieces of elegant proportions, sale prie 22.88 DINING TABLES ONE-MOTION GO-CART Hartman'a new model. One-motion Instanteous Folding Go-Cart the best made. Has solid brass side stretchers and full nickel trim mings. Automobile stvle, price complete wmi hood and cov ered front or sryie, price 9.85 j?& AUTOMATIC oFEiniro 4 ROOMS Furnished for DAVENPORT SOFA BEDS Tonr Satisfaction means oar aooess. . Hvsry article guaranteed, no matter how Ioif the prloe. Aliiiie with frames of solid oak, handsomely carved and highly polished. I pholstered In a superior manner In extra heavy verona. Back and seat set with best oil tempered steel springs, deeply tufted and with hand some rutried edges. There Is a larRe space under the seat for storing bedding, special sale price inn wun nana- 22.58 A, (5.00 Cash; f--v-iUf 94 MonthljN -jjrj rTevtheyo vf nest" V These Tables are of very artistic lo sln. made of solid oak In beautiful finish. They have massive pedestal lare round tops nnu extend to six feet, special f'lr toinor row'.i fjl' 12.59 ft v REFRIGERATORS MASSIVE COUCH 6.50 I'pholstered In genuine Nantucket leath er, all steel spring construction, dia mond tufted, solid oak frame, carved claw feet. Special , LI UI I HJII, Witt- 12.50 New and Improved cleslijn, made of ""hard wood, galvanized Iron lined, patent air circulation and drip cup. Mineral wool lined, llvgonlc In every detail. Special I The Workinxniu I is an good as tl Itond at Hartiuan'i i LA v h k 1414-16-18 a. m. Preaching. 11 a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. Young People's moot ing Friday at 7:St p. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Twenty fifth and Farnam, Chambers' Build ing Sunday school at 9:45. Sunday norvlccs at 11. Subject of lesson sermon, "Matter." At the Westminster Presyterian, Twenty ninth and Mason The pastor, Rev. W. S. Fulton, II. It., will preach at 10:30 and at 1 7.30. Sabbath school and Bible classes at li First Presbyterian, Corner Dodge and Peventeeth. Hev. Kdwln Hart Jenks, D. I)., Pastor Morning service t 10:3d, evening service at 7:30, Sunday school at noon. Christian Endeavor meeting at 6:15. Third Presbyterian, Twentieth and I.eav enworth. Rev. William K. Todd. Pastor Sunday morning service at 10:45; evening service at 7:30; Sunday school at 9:30; prayer meeting Wednesday evening. McCahe Methodist Episcopal, Farnam and Fortieth, J. Narver Gortner, Pastor Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m . Morning tlienie, "Pentecost;" evening theme, "The Tilings Which Re main." People's, Rev. Charles W. Savage Pastor Morning theme. "The Spirit of Prayer, a Gift of God, and the Work of Man": even ing theme, "Finally and Absolutely IV celved." Prof. Mertes has charge of the music. Pearl Memorial Methodist Episcopal. Twenty-fourth and Ijirlmore. Thomas '. Hlnkle. PaMor Regular preaching services Sunday at 10:4S and 7:30. Morning them", "l-ooklng But Not Seeing." Evening, "Im mortality." Si. Mark's English Lutheran. Twentieth and Rurdette, K Groh. Pastor Services Sunday: 10:4o, "True Bell vers Are IX vino Personal." 7:30. "The Encouraging Prospect." Sunday school at 12. Young People's at 6:15. Trinity Methodist Episcopal. Twent-flrst and Blnney. Dr. John A. Spyker. Pastor Preaching In the morning at 10:V and In the t veiling at 7:30. Sabbath s. ho A at noon. Junior People at 3 p. m. ; Senior It-ople at t 30 p. m. Central 1'nlted Presbyterian. Corner Twenty -Fourth and Iiodge. R. B. A. Mc Brlde, I. P.. Minister Morning worship at i':3". The pastor will close the short series of sermons on "Th School of I'hrist." with a sermon on "rvimmencement Day " The praise service will bo led by tha St. Cecelia Glee club of Tarklo college, -and Prof. Frederick W. Mueller of the Tarklo collegel conservatory will preside at the or gan. Evening worship at 7:30, sermon by the pastor on "The Roman Trial of Jesus." First Christian, Twenty-slxtli and Harney, J. M. Kersey, Pastor Preaching ut 10:30 and 7:30. Hilda fcchool at noon. Young peo ple's meeting at 6:30. Bible class Tuesday evening from 8 to 9. You are cordially In vited to attend these services. "The Law of Suggest Ion" and "Mental Healing" will bo the subject of the fourth lecture by Rev. T. J. Mackay In All Saints' church Sunday evening at 7:3o o'clock. All seats free. Tea will be served In the parish house after the lecture. North Presbyterian, Cornrr Nineteenth and Ohio. W. V. Illgbee, Pastor Morning worship at 10:30. Sabbath school at 12. Young People's Soelctv Chrislinn Endeavor at 6:30. Evening aei vices at 7.30. Prayer meeting at 8 o'clock Wednesday. Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Thomas B. Greenlee, Minister Services of public worship at 10:'Ju and 7:30, Sabbath school at noon. Junior Endeavor at 3:3", Senior Endeavor at 6:30, social and prayer service Wednesday evening at S. A welcome to all. Calvary, Twenty Fifth and Ham ilton, Rev. E. R. Curry, Pastor-Services at 10:3u and 7:30, conducted by the pastor. Evening topic, "The Light That Failed." Ordinance of baptism. Short after meeting. Bible school at noon. Young people's serv ice at 6:30. Flrt Congregational, Tenth and Daven portMorning worship at 10:30. Dr. H. C. Herring, Hie former paster will preach. Vesper services at 4:30 p. m. An organ recital by Mr. M. W. Bush, assisted by F. C. Ellis. The Young ePople's Society Christian Endeavor will meet at 5:t5. Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal. Forty- First and Charles Public services at 10:30 and :3": pastors theme fni morning. A More Effectual Christian Fellowship;' for evening. "Do Thyself No Harm;" Sunday school at noon, George T. Undley. super intendent; Epworth league at 7:30, F. A. Gordon, leader. Plymouth Congregational, Corner Twen tieth and Spencer, Jonn P. Clyde, Minister Morning worshln at 10.30. theme, "Dealre; a Message for I-ent;" Sunday school at noon. Chrtstl&n Endeavor at 6:30, evening worship at ( SO. theme, "Four-8ouare De velopment." Special music at each service. The Men's club of Plymouth Congrega tions! will msel Monday evening, March 22. The main feature of the evening will be an address bv Prof. Bernstein on Uie question, "What Is Matter?" Cnlon Gospel Mission, 13J1 Douglas-Sunday morning at 9 L. D. Holmes will speak at the gospel meeting. J. P. Girardel wit; conduct the Bible study at 3. Charles K. Robel will speak at the gospel service at 7:46. There will be special singing. Noon day prayer meeting wtll bo held each day during the week. llanscom Park Methodist Episcopal, for- , ner Twenty-Ninth and Woolwortii. R. Scott Hyde, Pastor Ten-day revival meeting, be ginning Sunday, conducted by I'r. J. W. Alanood, with the assistance of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. George, singing evangelists. Dr. Mahood will preach at 10:30 and 7: JO. The public cordlnally Invited. First Baptist, Twenty-Ninth and Ha,... v. Rev. J. W. Conley. D. D.. Pastor-Services at 10:30 and 7:30; morning sermon, "Is Thus a Future Life?" Evening, "The Christ of Galilee;" Sunday school at noon, young peo ple s meeting at 6:30. Bethany Branch first Baptist, 68 Leavenworth, Sunday school at S, gospel meeting un Friday at 8. Grace Lutheran, South Twenty-sixth and Poppleton. Rev. M. L. Mellck. Pastor Services at 10:45 and 7:30. Morning subject, "The All-Seeing Eye Is Ever on His Church." Evening subject, "We Should Read the Bible In Prayerful Meditation." Sunday schuol at 12:15. Luther league at liJo. Services Wednesday evening. Ixiwe Avenue Presbyterian, Fortieth and Nicholas. Rev. Nathaniel McGiffln. D. P., Minister Morning worship ai 10:30; sub ject of sermon. "The Difference with God;" Brotherhood Bible class and Subhatli school at 12; CliKstlnn Endeavor at S::i0: evening worship at 7:30; subject nf sermon, "Hojie." A cordial welcome to all services. North Side Christian. Twenty-second and Locust. H. J. Klrschsteln. Minister Church services at 10:3u and 7:30; sermon themes, "The MIstakea nf a Great Man," and "The Church In Ion rohlwi;" Bible school at noon. Christian Endeavor at 6:15. midweek meeting Wednesday at 8. Friends and strangers welcome at all the services. Trinity Cathedral, Capitol Avenue and Eighteenth, the Very Rev. George A. IWecher, Dean Holy communion at 8, Sun day school and Bihle class at 9:46, morning prayer, litany and sermon by tha dean at 11; confirmation t'ass at I young peo ple's service at 6:30. mid-Lent musical service by full vested choir at 7:30. Castellar Presbyterian, Sixteenth and Castellar, Ralph H. Houseman, Minister 10:30, baptism of children; sermon theme, "The Security and Perpetuity of the Home;" 12 m , Bible school; H:3o, Christian Ejideaviip; V:30. pular gospel service; chorus choir singing: sermon theme, "Character's Inescapable Elements." Immanuel Baptist, Twenty-fourth and Plnkney. Phtletus H. Mclx well. Pastor l::iu, "Jesus Christ, the Critic of the Church." 7:30, "The Danger of Supposing." B!bl" school at noon. The Bible Young People's union at 6:30. The mld-wek meeting Wednesday evening at 7:45. The Knights of Immanuel Friday evening at 6:30. Sarnt'iRa Corgrega tlonal, Twe.,ty-iifth and Ames Sunday iiiorrdiig service at 10:30. Sunday school following preaching service. Young People's Society of Chrlstiun En deavor at 6:;;0. Evening service at 7::S0. Cottage prayer meeting at residence of C. L. Porter, iUiS Ames avenue, Thursday evening. Ladles' Aid B'clety will , mcot Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. C. L. Por ter. St. Mary's Congregational, St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-seventh. Rev. Lucius O. Balrd, Pastor Morning worship at o;:;i; sermon by Rev. Frederick T. Rouse. Suli Ject, "Church Federation.'' Sunday school at noon. Vesper worship at 4 :.'!. Suiiject, "t3. and the Idea of a I'nlversal God." Junior Endeavor and children's hour at 4::!0. Young People's Society of Christian En deavor at 5:45. First Methodist Episcopal The pastor. Rev. Frank I., loveland, D. P.. will pre.n h at 10:30 and 7:45. Morning theme: "Christ and the Multitude of Onlookers." Evening subject: "Christ Appeal to the Intellect, or the Necessity of Brain In the Bclifciou World as Well as the "Business World " The Sunday school meets at 12 noon. The Epwortli lengue meets at 6:30. StranserS in the city are especially Inviled to sham In the blessings of these services. 8eat are free. The Fountain Head of Life 0, Is The StomacfAS A man who hat a weak and impaired stomach and who does not properly digest his iood will soon find that his blood hat become weak and impoverished, and that hit whole body it improperly and insufficiently nourished. Dr. PIERCE'S GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY makes the mtommeh mtroni, promottu tha flow ot diHeatlve lulce; ftlorea thm lost appttlf. make ammlmUatlom perfect. Invlioratem tha liver anil purlfie and enrich tha blood. It I tha treat blood-maker, tleth-bullder and restorative nerve tonic. It make men atroai la body, active la ml ad and cool la lodgement. This "Discovery" it a pure, glyceric extract of American medical roots, btolutcly ire from alcohol and all injuriout, habit-forming drugs. All itt ingredient! arc printed on itt wrappert. It hat no relationship with secret nostrums. Itt every ingredient it endorsed by the leader in all the schools of medicine. Don't accept teoret nostrum at substitute for this remedy or inown composition. Att voia niiohbobi. They mutt know of maoy cure made by it during patt 40 years, right in your own neighborhood. World 't Ditpentary Meaical Association, Dr. K.V. Pierce, Pres., buflalo, N. Y.