IHE OMAHA DAILY REE.- FRIDAY. MARCTT 1!. 1!0I. Nebraska JUDGESHIP HEARING FIXED Comei Up Some Time During April Term of Court. AGREEMENT BY ATTORNEYS rmnabllltlen Dal Wll Re n Tim Twr4 the Later Kiii of the Term Whlrb Br Bins April Fnnr. l-'torn a fliaff Correspondf-nt I LINCOLN. Miirch 18. (Special. The su preme court will at Its net sitting will hear arguments on the case wherein Judge W. I) Oldham la contesting the appoint ment ot Judge J. R. Demn of the aupreme court. Attorneys representing the two parties at Interest apiwared before the curt today adn asked that a day be set for, the hearing. The raw will rome up the latter part of the term, beginning April 4. Ml MtlPAl, "TICKET l FIELD aria Joined on the I, teniae t ra tion. flKNKVA, Neb.. Mtrch IS. (Special. I The citizen, or license parly, held iheir mucus In the court room last night ami nominated the following, after a hard earth for a candidate for mayor, no one being anxious for that office: Mayor, B. B. Ogg; clerk, H. P. Wilson; treasurer, W. S. Huston; police Judge, J. I. . Waring; counrllmen, Flrat ward, W. II. tihiler; Second ward, Dr. J Hixley; Third Ward. W. H. Cooksey,; Board of Kducatlon. J. H. Heath and I. H. Sager. fut re-election. A hard fight Is expected on the license question. ' ( HA N n ISLAND. Neb.. March IS. (Special.) The convention of voters, seventy-six out of 2.400 voters partici pating, called for the purpose of seleot Ing an opponent to" MMayor Schuff, se cured the consent of John Alexander to become a candidate, James Cleary, the llrst nominee of the convention, declin ing to serve. The convention made no nomination for any other city , office. All of Hie elections, city and school, are non-pur tlnsn anil by petition. MVIHKW til IIDKIt CASE Til JI RI 4 untrst All icr Ibc Motive for the Kllllna-. I.KXIXii'lDN. Neb., March IS. (Special Telegram.!-The trial of Henry Mathew for the murder of pave Fisher In the dis trict court, which has occupied two days for the introduction of evidence on the I'Hit of the Mate, ws this evening at 6 ii'i'lui k given over to the Jury. It was . Imrd fo.ighl case throughout. The evidence In injr com l.;aiie as to the killing, was closely .coniinted as to the motive. It ap pealing tiift at the beginning of the quar rel between the two men other parties had been Indiroctly connected by carrying tales between I ho two. which, together with oilier minor happening, created a bad reeling, leading to the murder. At o'clock this evvii'iir. the Jury re turned a verdict if not guilty. tturllnuton t llulld Nrtr Itrpot. t Ft A N I ISLAM'. Neb.. March IS. ( Spot int. ) Announcement wava made to day that tho Burlington railway had ac quired several blin ks of real estate' In the vicinity of Its present passenger depot and would v let, , contracts at once for the "construction of a flue new pas senger and freight depot adjacent to. the present site. There are assurances that at last this city is to have rhore adequate facilities from the Burlington in this line and the news is gratifying. Tho PLAN GOING FAST Tli Jatnaa B. Cameron piano stock la malting away Ilka now oa a warm spring" mornlcg. Don't hesl- tate longer. Coma today aura and look theee Bargains orsr. Never before have piano buyers bad audi an opportunity. One week ago L'OO pianos from the Cameron aiock were placed on sale. The number growa less every day. All too soon the last bargain will be gone. If you value the aav i.ing of money don't miss this aale. He sure and come today and look these pianos over and select the one that suits you the best. You can make no mistake and you will save much money. Nearly evsry instrument means a saving In price from SlOn.OO to $150 00. And ta make the aale more Interesting me have selected the following bargains from our own stock, all In fn-st-class condition. many worth double the price we ask. llease note what a little money will do. Hanoi al Lets Thin Manufariuring Cosl ir.60 rVhIMIng, French t9n f walnut caae 6H.iV $4(10 Fischer, mottled tf Q7 ft A walnut case IVII .v.?? sr;,7;:.,;,:?:.;.oo.oo $o(0 Hteger. slightly 47 aa damaged by fire ll.Ww r.f,n Fischer Co., f IOC A A walnut rase I99.VV "...T.". $138.09 ' ...$92.00 Kmcrson $256.09 ur $162.09 $ grand'U:,!m.''."-. .P":l0r. . .$150.00 $;50 Oyer Howard. 75 aa rosewood case aWv.Vw $300 Buali & Oerta. a a. mahogany caaa vSv.VV IKfSr m5-00 insailOK ail V CAM $150.00 $400 lecker. Bros , 40 Hteck. walnut $175.00 $225.00 Alan Plsnolss. mahoganv, ebonv. SAO mma ana walnut. and up. !0 Organs. Mason k Ham lin. Kimball. Estey and other standard makes. tlO. tla. Baa and II D. nquare i-ianoa. Including rUelnaav. Chlrkerlm Knahe. at your own price. 6O0 WEEKLY rATatXaTTa. Just the tning ior beginners. Simplex and Apollo ette Flayers. 3S.00 each. Come today look lhaae bsr- raina over. If you do not find n our slock the piano you want Hon t ouy. iou are the one to de cide whether we can aav o you THHI OaTX DOX.LAB A Will Schmoller & Mueller . Piano Co. 1311-1313 Farnim Street. Nebraska company mas scarcely able longer to do its business under the old facilities. IMII.I.ARD TO BECOME EDITOR Retlrlaai Congressman Will Take 4aare of Plattamoatk Pager. . PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. March 1. (Spe cial.! CorsTesemsjt E. M. Pollard has re turned fi-om Washington to his farm home In this county, having been succeeded In congress by a democrat from thla district. It Is rumored that ha will remove to this city In the itar future and peisonally supervise the re-establishment of the Platts mouth Evening News and assume the edi torial control of the newapaper. Owls Hoot at Kearney. KEARXET, Neb., March . (Special.) The Order of Owls was Installed last even ing with a charter membership of 160. The services were held at the Knights of Pythias hall and about ISO of the total membership were present. H. O. Watson, state organiser, and several local fraternal men, assisted In the services. At the close of the Installation the following officers were elected: A. C. Lund, past president; W. H. Achenbach, president; Vern Bower, vice president; A. L. Hamilton, invocator; L. Lancaster, secretary; R. D. Garrison, treasurer; O. Borders, warden; James Daugherty, sentinel; C. B. Sample, sentry. I Following tht election of officers the !odge departed for the city hall, where the banquet tables had been spread, and a generous repast prepared. M. A. Brown was chosen as toastmaster and he handled the situation with great ease, considering he Is a "newspaper owl." The program of toasts and responses was brief and per tained strictly tn "Owls and Owldom." Shortly after the clock had Indicated the arrival of another day the nest of Owls broke up and departed to their homes, feeling very grateful to H. O. Watson for building the Owl nest In this city. J. M. ghlTelr lnjnred. FREMONT, Neb.. March 1 -(Special.)-. J. M. Shively. ex-dupty land commissioner. Is either 111 or sorlrusly injured at snmj town In Nevada and Ills friends here are unable thus far to locate him A diwpatcn was received last night from W. A. Whit ney, division superintendent of the Vnlon Pacific at Ogden, stating that "J. M. Bhivrty got off train 10 at Bimrks, Nov., yesterday apparently unbalanced, In charge of nurse and doctor. Notify Mount Tabor Commandery and Centennial Ixxlge odd Fellows." His relatives here immedi ately wired to Sparks, but havey received no reply. An Ogden dispatch stated that he hsd walked off the train at Eglon. a aide track near Colconda, Nev. ,.o reply has been received to a telegram to that point. Mr. Shively took his defeat for land commissioner at the primaries last fall very aerlrfisly and has been In very poor health much of the time since suffer 'rig from nervous prostration. He recently entered the employ of the Southern Pacific In the land department with headquarters at Snn Francisco, His wife and daughter are In this city. Farmers' Elevator Meeting;. 1-KNTItAL CITV. Neb.. March U.-Spe cial.) Enthusiastic over the Idea of having a line of elevators all their own, and de termined to Investigate the workings of farmers' co-operative plants elsewhere, with the intention that. If their investiga tion should confirm their faith in surh projects, they would subscribe stock and build a line in Merrick countv. the Merrick County Stock Buyers' association met at the cuy nan eat urn ay artemoon. The project to be dlarussed was the building of a line of five or six elevators in the county, with a large central cleaning elevator at Central City. It was decided that the best thing to da now was to appoint committees to In vestigate the workings of similar enter prises elsewhere, and so a commute was appointed to go up to Buffalo county and Investigate the workinga of the farmers' co-operative plan there. This committee is composed of Jamea Stephen, an old ele vator man of wide exrjerlence: Mermen Mithofer and Olt May. These three went up to i'leasantown Tuesday evening to make a thorough investigation, and will be ready to report at the meeting next Satur day afternoon. 'Nebraska wi Motes, BEATRICE C. O. Ernest A Co. of Com. la. yesterday purchased the implement ousmess of A. C. Mosche II t-n and 11. i c laneii posaeiiaion 01 me stock. HEATIIICE-Mra.x Blanche Welgel, wife of Wallace Weasel, died yesterday morning at her home in Olenover of pneumonia. She waa 13 years of sge and leaves her husband and two children. COLl'M BUS Charles Hageman fell over a Mump one night last whiter and h feels as though he waa damaged to the amount of U.WO and he aska that the city ot oC himbus pay the same. COLl'M Bl'S The enlarging and remodel ing of the I nlon Pacific, station is a sure thing and the work will begin right awsv for the Job has been let to the firm of Par sons & Kiene of Omaha. DAVID CITY-Mrs. W. 8. McCoy died last evening. Mrs. McCov has been sick fur some time. She Is survived by her mother and five brothers and sisters The timo for the funeral haa not been definitely settled upim. HASTINOH Activity In real estate in this county continues on the increase Iast week the transfers of cltv and coun try property aggregated $149,4:. wljle In the corresponding week a year ago they aggregated only $58,024. CAMBRIDGE Tlie village caucu was held at the opera hous last evening and II. H. Uiwnlee and W. J. Holley mere nominated by the citlxena' partv for the off.ee of trustee. . The large attendance something unusual for the occasion. HASTINGS The report of -the Adams county poor farm for last year shows that the profits of the establishment In twelve months were $1,400. Of this amount half waa turned Into the treasury and (he other half expenled In permanent Improvements. CAMBRIDGE The social event of the sea mi tork pJaee at the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Faling this evening, the gueala being the members of the Tour ist club. This waa the first entertain ment given by Mr. and Mrs. Faling in their new dwelling. 8YUACV8E A "no saloon party" hat been formed at Syracuse, and haa placed 111 nomination R. J. Beers, J. R. Oliver and I P. Renne as oandidatea for members of the village board. There are to be two other tickets nominated. There will be an inter eating fight at election. BEATRICE Ray Currier and Ellen Rack ley, two young people of this cily, figured In an elopment yealerday. They took n Burlington train for Washington. Kan., where they were quietly married, returning home laat evening. The groom is 19 and the bride 1 years of age. NEBRASKA CITY-Edwsrd Wittier and Miss Anna Wellenslck were married at the home of the bride a parenta. Mr. and Mra. Herman Wellenslck. near Lonon, yeater day. In the presence of a large number of friends and relatives. Both have realded In that part of the county for many yeara. BEATRICE General L. Vf. Colbv and wife are making plana to erect an armorv in this city for the exclusive use of Com pany C, provided the present aeesion cf tha state legislature falls to pass an ap propriation bill for the building of head quarters in the larger cities of the state COLl'M Bl'S A petition haa been filed in the district court by Mra. Rena Hunter In which aha prays for damages against Dan K. Peaalee. the proprietor of the Thurston hotel. Mrs. Hunter Is the womsn who as so badly burned at the gas explosion at the hotel a couple of months ago. Hi e asks for damages to tha amount of $6.tM). BEATRICE Tha members of tha United Brethern church gave a farewell reception Tuesday lo Mr. and- Mrs. Lara Hansen, who are wnn to locate In Tripp county, Kouth Dakota. Addresses wops made by Rev. J. R. Mouer. R. Hauser and others. As tokens of esteem Mr. and Mr. Hauser Nebraska were presented with a eet of beautiful silver spoons. PLATTSMOl'TH J. M Phlvely, who was seriously Injured while attempting to alight from a Southern Pacific train at Eglon, Nev., Wednesday evening, was well known In this city. It Is a inemher of Commandery f. Knights Templar, and several other fraternal ledges In Fremont, Neb. NEBRASKA CITY The home of Andy Chrlstensen. In the northern part of the city, wbji burned, with Its contents. -The members of the family had gone awav from home, leaving a lighted lamp, and It Is thought this exploded and set fire to the house. The loss was IW, with no Insur ance. NEBRASKA CITY-P. .1 Hand and Joseph Felthsuser had a difficulty over a dog last evening ami the former si ruck tho latter on the back of the ,1iead with a hum mer. The latter filed an Information against him in the county court and the rase will he heard as soon as the Injured man Is able to 'be out. HASTINGS The expected disclosures by the Civic Federation, relative to county affairs, was not made during the session of the county j;irvlsors vesterdiiy. I". S. Rohrer. president of the federation, said the report of the accountant, who has examined the records, will be made public later. The supervisors adjourned to meet April 14. CAMBRIDGE The $25,000 R per centum bonds voti at a special election held Inst November for the construction of water works In Cambridge wore sold at par to C. M. Brown, president of the First Na tional bank of thla city. Work on the construction -of the waterworks plant hss begun, and it will now be completed with out olay. GRAND ISLAND The third annual meet Inar of the Northwestern Nebraska Dentist' association closed here last night, fines were had and papers oifcriatters pertaining tn the profession were read. Thirty demists were present. The visitors were banqueted hv the Commercial club and t he local mem bers of the association. A very pleasant district convention was had. BEATRICE The democnifs if this cily last night heild their ward caucuses tor the convention to be held Thursday night. B. H. Oden was endorsed as councilman from the First ward; J. A. Baer of the Second: M. M. Falk of the Third, and T. J. Hardy of the Fourth ward. J. 3 Rutherford will in all probability be the democratic candidate for mayor. BEATRICE The employes of the Demp ster Mill Manufacturing company met Tues day night and organized a hall team by the election or these otneers: . 1. tstocKion, president; C. J. McClelland, secretary; a. P. Sage, treasurer; George L. Comer, man ager; Edward Gordon, captain. The Demp ster tesm won the pennant in the City league last year, and It proposes to mejte a strong hid for the flag again this sea son. NEBRASKA CITY-Yesterday afternoon Fred C. Guenther and Miss Grace Meredith were united In marriage at the home of the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Meredith, north of the city, by Rev. Mr. Tester. The wedding was a very elaborate affair. The bride and groom were both born and reared In this county and will make their home on a farm owned by the groom near Dunbar. A hundred guests were present. NEBRASKA CITY In the district court a Jury, after being out a short time, re turned a verdict for the defendant In the rase of the Matthew Gas company against C. F. Collins. It was a case where a gas lighting plant had been purchased for the village of Dunbar on trial, and It did not prove satisfactory, and the firm refused to take the pl.int back, but brought suit. Judge Travis will put in the remainder of the week trytng the criminal cases, there being six on the docket. PLATTSMOUTH The democratic city convention In this city Wednesday even ing elected W. K. Fox chairman and Joftn M. I,eyds secretary. The following nomi nations for city officrs were mad": J. P. Battler, mayor; W. B. Elster, cWk; Carl Frlcko, treamrer; M- Archer, police judge; J. V. Kgenberger and L. W. tjrenz. mem bers of the school borrd; D. O. Dwyer, Adam Kurta, Mllte Mauzy, J. W. Book meyer. John Schulliof and K. M. Rezncr, coun oilmen. GRAND ISLAND -At the meeting of the t ity council last evening a. report was re ceived from the petitioners of paving re questing the council to secure bids on the Hass.tm paving for two side streets and for cement anil brick and creosoted wooden blocks for the rest of the proposed district of thirty-four block fronts. The question of putting In two kinds of paving in the one district was referred to the city attdrney for report. Tho plan is to advertise for bids on all kinds of paving and make the selec tion after bids are in. PLATTSMOUTH A man and woman, claiming to be Journalists from the east, were thrown Into the Icy Missouri river opposite Bellevue Wednesday by their boat capsigiiig, and after a hard struggle escaped drowning. They claimed to have had more than $1,000 worth of goods In the boat at the time, consisting of cameras, musical Instruments, typewriters and merchandise. Charles Powell of this city captured the boat near the Burlington bridge east of Plattsmouth Wednesday ovnlng. The happy, but unfortunate, travelers departed down tho muddy Missouri Thursday to com plete their trip from Omaha to Boston. SH ELTON A mass meeting of citizens was held in the town lisll last evening to discuss any matters of Interest tn the vil lage among which were n new school building. The sentiment was unanimous for this Improvement, and R committee waa appointed to secure the necessary petition to the school beard to call a spe cial election for the purpose of voting bonds. Electric lights were also discussed and action probably will be taken. S. A. D. Hennlnger and F. . Graves were un animously nominated for trustees of the village to succeed themselves at the coming spring electlrn. and the llceuso question will as usual be decided by the voters at the polls. CAMBRIDGE EL C. Aldrlcli.' a farmer residing fifteen miles north of this city, returned yesterday morning froin Denver, where lie had been in search of Ids son, who mysteriously disappeared there a few days ago. Although detectives and police men are working on the case no trace of the young man ha been found, and the relative and friends believe that lie has met with violence. Frank Aldrlcli. who is 23 years old, went to Colorado to locate a homestead and after taking out the necessary papers therefor at Hoyt, Colo., he went to Denver. Policemen are of the opinion that he has been detained In Tenver as he had In his possession nearly $.MiO for which ho has doubtless been held up. TORK Delieions Bock Rett Now ready In bottles. An excellent spring tonic. 'Phone your order. CANNON KISSES WOMAN AND GIVES HER HERO MEDAL Token Waa Awsrnrd Beeaoee ae dared Mne Children In lo rn na Dlanater. WASHINGTON. March 18. For her hero ism in saving the Uvea of nine children during the bprnlng of the General Slocum. near New York, In 1904, Miss Mary McCabe today was presented by Speaker Cannon, on behalf of crngress, mlth a silver life saving medal. Then she waa 14 years old. But today, notwithstanding her more ad vanced age, at the conclusion of the cere monies, "the Iron Duke of American poli tics" took her blushing face between his hands and kissed her. The presentation ceremonies took place tn the speaker's rooms at tho capltol. The Mission Of those corpuscles In your blood that have been celled "Little 8oldlers," Is to fight for you against the disease germe that eonstantly endanger your health. These corpuaolee are made healthy and strong by the use of Hood's Sarsaparllla. This medicine is a combinaiion of more than SO different remedial agents in proportions and by a process know a only to ouraelve snd it haa for thirty year been conctantly proving iu worth. No substitute, none " juavas-good." Boy Kidnaped, Ransom Asked SHARON. Pa. March 1. William Whit la. son of Jamea Whltla, a well known attorney and former republican candidate for congress, mas kidnaped by two men today and later his parents received a let ter demanding a ransom of $10,000. The boy Is a pupil In the East Wnrd school. Two men drrve up to the school today In a buggv. One of thm told tha Janitor that William Whltla is wanted at his father's office immediately. The Janitor tarried the missage to the bov's teacher, who prepared the child for the Journey. As she was putting on the child's ci at she remarked to the bo)-, "I hope they are nrt kidnaping you." When the boy failed to return home at noon h's mother went ti. the school and lerned that he had b(tn taken away by two mn. This afternoon the postman brought a letter addressed to the boy's father. Mrs. Whitla opened It and found thai it demanded $10.W ransom. The letter Instructed Mrs. Whitla to advertise where t lie money could be secured. Tlio police wi re notified and sent out a descrip tion of the men and nsked the willee of nearby towns to co-operate. Mr Whltla Is a brother-in-law of F. H. Bushl, th,o millionaire Iron manufacturer. The two men who kidnaped Young Whltla are said to be Italians. Teddy Learns to Use Razor Zx-Prf sident Will Be Hit Own Barber on Trip and Buys Sap ply of Soap. OTSTHIt BAT, N. T., March 18.-EX-Presldent Roosevelt will be his own barber In Africa during the year he will spend there at the head of the Roosevelt-Smith sonian African expedition. He does not In tend to grow a full beard, as has been re ported and pictured recently. The ex president has purchased a dosen stocks of shaving soap at a, village drug store and has been practicing the use of the razor since leaving Washington. Hundreds of offers of all kinds of arti cles for use on his Afrlcsn hunt have come to Mr. Ttoosevelt, but he haa consistently refused to accept any of them. Firearms of all kinds, cartridges, camping outfit articles and every Imaginable thing he might need has been offered to him mostly by manufacturers and dealers who desired to use his name for advertising purposes. HARRIMAN DENIES REPORT HE IS ABOUT TO RETIRE Story He Woold Qolt Active I.lfe Dae to Misunderstanding; of Statement. I.OS ANGELES. March 1.-The state ments attributed to.K .H. Harriman at Pasadena last night regarding the present state of his health and the possibility of his retirement from active life, as pub lished here this morning, appear to have been somewhat at variance with the In tended meaning rf Mr. Harrlman's remarks on the subject. Mr. Harriman In his state ment went so fir as to say only that he knew that soontr or. later the heavy bur den of responathility t,lat had rested upon his shoulders would halve to be shifted to younger onea. There waa no hint, how ever, of any possibility of . retirement in thd near future. Dr. George A. Dixon, privste physician to Mr. Harriman. Is quoted as saying that the letter's health haa not been better in years and thit the present trip has greatly helped his condition. Mr. Harriman himself said: "There Is absolutely no foundation for any assertion that I Intend to retire from active business." ORDER OF BOLL WEEVIL IS LATEST AMONG FRATERNITIES Charter Filed at Raton R on ge Ob ject to Aid Districts Rav suged by Pests. BATON ROUGE, la.. March IS. A char ter has been tiled for record here bearing the name of the "Boll Weevil Benevolent association." Its officers are designated in the charter as the past grand boll wee vil, the grand boll weevil, financial cater plller. master cotton worm, master creeping worm and master cotton bug. It is pro posed to organire tho society of a benevo lent character, aa its name Indicates, in those rural districts which have experi enced the livages ot the boll weevil. ALLEGED TRAIN ROBBER IDENTIFIED BY CLERKS One inspect t'nder Arrest In Denver Is nerognlaed by Men In Mall Car. DENVKR. March 1g.-Wllllam St. Clair, arrested at Fort Collins with Frank oPtts, as a suspect, was today Identified by two mail clerks as one of the men that held up and robbed the Rio Grande passenger train near hero February 13. GUARD ON TRACK OF REBELS Report Reaches Havana that flash May Re Expected at Any Time. HAVANA. Cuba. March IS, According to dispatches received here late last night, the men of the jural guard have not yet been successful in c mpietely surrounding the band headed by Sergeant Cortes of the ruial guard. General Monteagudo has telegraphed that a detachment of his men were hot on the trail of the rebels all day long, but lost It at nightfall. The fugitive were then making for the south coast General Monte&gudo was hopeful of mora satisfactory news this morning. The government at noon today received a dispatch from Goneraf Mvnteagndo, say ing that the men of the rural guard had recovered the trail of tha fugitives and were rapidly closing on them. Their capture is expected momentarily. EPISCOPAL DIRECTORY OUT few Work Gives HiaWr ( Cess as en trants tn Leading; Ne braska Chnrrhea. CHICAGO. March 18 (Special ) The of ficial Protestant Episcopal directory Juat issued gives the following statistics on tha number of communicants in tha churches mentioned: Harvard. St. Johns. 21; IJm-oln, Holy Trinity, a); ftt. L,uke'a, 64; St. Simon s (colored), J; Nebraska City. St. Mary a, "; Norfolk, Trinity, K; Omaha. Trinity ca thedral. 4; All Saints, 9i3; Good Shepherd, 223; St. Andrew's. MU; St. Barnabas', K4; St. Juhn'a, 247; St. Mathlaa, 172; St. Paul'a. t: St. Philip's (colored), 110; Plattsmouth. St. l-uks's. ; Rchuvler Holy Trinity, sV; South Omaha. St. Clement ; St. Edward, l-; St. Mnrtin, Txcumaeh, Grace, 44; Wymore, St. Luke's, TL South Dakota RULE ON HOMESTEAD ENTRIES Register Rnrke lssnea Letter tai Holders sf onth Dakota Land. SKH'X rA 11,8. 8. IV. March ls.-(Rpe-clal.t Inasmuch aa a great deal of confu sion appears to exist as to the time which those who make homestead entries are re quired to remain upon their homesteads before making commutation final proofa. John 1.. Burke, register of the I'nlted States land office at Rapid City, has Issued a letter of Instruction to the thousands of homesteaders who at present hold govern ment land In South Dakota on which they have not as yet submitted finsl proof. Under the old system, after a settler made entry he or she had a period of six months to establish a residence on the land covered by the entry. nd when they made flnal proofs this preliminary' period was counted constructive residence, and with an additional residence of eight months more fourteen months in all they were enabled to make final proof. Register Burke calls attention to the fact that in the case of all homestead entires made since November 14 901, a full four teen months' actual residence Is required befoCe the person who made an entry will be eligible to submit their finsl proof. Thus the six months' constructive residence, which had In the past been considered In reference to commutation proofs. Is elim inated. Alleged Forger later Arrest. SlOCX FAIJ8. S. V., March 18. (Spe cial.) John H. larkin, who recently disap peared from this city about the time it was discovered that he had forged the name of V. S. G. Cherry, a local attorney by whom he was employed aa a stenographer, to a number of checks, hss been arrested at New Orleans by Deputy Sheriff Eugene Relley of this city, who for some days had been on the trail of the fugitive. The deputy sheriff now is on his way back to Sioux Kalis with his prisoner. Larkln last fall completed a term in the Sioux Falls penitentiary for forgery committed at Belle Fourche. On his claim of wishing to live an honorable life in future he was given employment by Attorney Cherry. Coat Mine Cats Force. ROCK SPRINGS, Wyo., March 18. (Spe cial.) About 150 of the coal miners em ployed at Glencoe, near this place," have been laid off on the ground of slack busi ness. Only married men with families are retained on the mine payroll and they are not working full time. Nebraskan Bays Ranch. BASIN. Wyo., March 18. (Special.) The David Matthews ranch near Hyattsvllle, one of the best small ranch properties In this section of the state, has been pur chased by James C. Doyle of Nebraska for $18,000. The property Is on Medicine Lodge creek and is well improved. Cheyenne Haa Motor flab. CKEYKNNK. Wyo., March 18. (Special.) The Cheyenne Motor club was organized last night, with a membership of 109 and tho following officers: W. B. Barnett, pres ident; J. SUmpson. first vice president; O, K. Snyder, second vice president; O. K. Snyder, secretary-treasurer. Work on Hanover Canal. WORX.AND. Wyo., March 18 (Special.) Tho Hanover Canal company has recom mended work on Us Irrigation system and will complete it this year. The system wi,ll cover 40,000 acres, a large part of which is already under cultivation. REPORT OF BIG INDEPENDENT STEEL COMBINE IS DENIED Story from Plttsbnrai Declared I'ntrner by Men High tn Iroa and Steel Industry. PHILADELPHIA, March 18.-The report from Pittsburg that an $800,000,000 inde pendent steel combination Is being formed was denied today by men In this city who are prominent in the iron and ateel Indus try. "There is absolutely no truth in the story," said a high official of the Penn sylvania Steel company. "I know notlilnt; whtver of such a com bination," declared President Powell Stack house of the Cambria Steel company, "and will not discuss It." The Weather FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL BLUFFS AND VICINITY Rain or snow and colder Fri day. FOR NKBRA8KA Rain or snow and colder FTidav. FOR IOWA Parlly cloudy and colder Friday. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Deg 0 a. m H a. m 7 a- m 8 a. m a a. m 10 a. m 11 a. m 1Z m 1 p. m 2 p. ni $ p. m 4 p. m 6 p. m .is .. :w .. 39 .. 40 .. 44 .. 47 .. 50 .. 61 .. 63 .. 64 .. 64 .. 51 .. 62 dp. ni.... 48 7 p. m 44 p. m. p. m. BABIES SUBJECT TO COUGHSAND COLDS KICK OFF THE COVER AND TAKE COLD. Eow One Baby Was Cured of a Dreadful Cold by Chamber laia'i Cough Remedy. All tha world lores baby and avaryoM Is nor or leas lotorsstadln thetr health mad happiness. Thar proktalj never wag a baby that did not kick off the coven end take cold; in fact, babies are particular! susceptible to eelds and croup, and the faver iU remedy for these aihnenU is Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It aJwaT$ gives ejilek relief tad is pleaaaat and gafe to take, in fact, it contains nothing injariooa. Mothers have become acajoainud with this fact end do not hesiute to five it te their babies when such preparation is required. Mrs, John I). Harmon, of Mel fa fetation, Va., save: "About two wwaki age ear baby had dreadful cold, and at one time I feared it would have pneumonia, but one of our neighbors teld how Chamberlain's Cough hamedy had cared her little boy, end I be gan giving it to our baby at 0000 end it soon cored her. I had tried other remedies and they all failed to do her any good. Onr Uby ia now well and we heartily thank ChamWertsjn's Cough Beraedy, for It cured er. I cannot recosuaiead it too highly or sv too moeh ia its favor. I hope all who tend this wiU trf it gad bo convioood aa J re" HALF-MINUTE STORE When a youth and In poor clrcunWance. the French painter Girard was a bearer of a letter of Introduction to I-anJulnals of the council of the Flmt Napoleon. He wag ghabblly attired and his reception wag extremely frigid. In the course, ot the conversation that ensued hie brilliancy so pleased Lanjulnala that he courteously accompanied him to the dtor. which called forth an expreaslon ot aurprlse from Girard. "My young friend." natd t.anjulnal. "we receive an unknown person according to his dress, we take leave of him according to his merits." This historic anecdote Is related to show that correct attire haa for ages been of Inestimable value. Men who wear our clothea are received as courteously as they are dismissed. TIIK NKW THE HOME OF OUR SPRING SHIRTS are unusually attractive all new for spring all priced with an idea of giv ing you the greatest amount of Shirt value you ever bought. E. & W's $2 Up Manhattans . . .$1.50 Up And many desirable things to show you at $1. It is easy to match your shirt ideas in this great store. Special Announcement Rug Sale Extraordinary Monday morning, March U2, we place on special sale more than half thousand ruga of all kinds, in all sizes. Every piece is marked at a price considerably less than we paid the manu facturer. We take this method of closing but litis fine lot of rugs and give our customers values never before quoted. During this sale we will not send any rugs on approval or make any; exchanges rugs sold are for immediate deliv ery none will be held. This will be the great est rug bargain sale ever held. Think of buying rugs at a half and in some instances a fourth of their regular selling prices. See windows Rugs on show Saturday for. inspection. Sale Monday morning, March , 8 a.m. Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet Qo. 414.16-15 has proved its merits in over 350,000 caaes. 6. We give value received, and that Is the reason we are at tha head in our specialty. 6. The only Keeley Institute In the state of Nebraska Is located In Omaha. Correspondence confidential. The Keeley Institute Omaha, Neb. Cor. 25th and Cuss Sts. Take Harney Street Car from either depot. THE TRAIN OF REAL LIGHTS IS THE BURLINGTON'S CHICAGO SPECIAL, 6:30 P. M. Kvery car on this handsome train is brilliantly lighted by electricity generated from the dynamo operated by an expert train electrician in charge of the lighting plant of the train. This effort to obtain a perfect light is but one detail of the many employed in the care and operation of these high-grade Omaha-Chicago trains. Steel library observation cars. Latest models of sleepers and chair cars; likewise the best possible dining car service. Sleepers and diner available for Omaha passengers at 6 p. m. Opposite Cliicago-Omaha train at J p. in. Did You Ever Change Your Name? It Isn't bard to chansje tti nam It Is difficult tn make people under, stand that there's a change In nothing- hut the name. We wwe known for twenty years as the Western KlectrUsl Company. Wa took the name of Johnston Ulertrlc Co. to avoid confusion of mall and orders between ourselves and another Omaha conipanv. Iont forget the new name don't forget that aothlns- la chanced eases tha name. Wo still have the largest and heat slock of . lri-irlcsl supplies In the west; the best workmen money will hire; the best service that painstak ing management will produce. Don't you want aome of those new Tungsten lamps? Wa have 'e.n. "Forget the 'al.' IHn't forget 'Johnston'." Johnston Electric Co. aooaasor to Western Bleotrical Oomsaay. Ball Fkoas Dong-. M: lad. Fboae TALK STORK. QUALITY CLOTUKS. Ss. 16thStrf. 71 S . ,. - v v' . 1 1. Drunkenness, Opium, Morphine and other drug addictions are diseased conditions. 2. Therefore, scientific medical treatment la necessary. 3. In case of sickness, none but the beat should be accepted. 4. Our treatment Is known the world over and Tickets and Berths at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1502 Farnam Street, Omahx A.-MM. 4U-413 Bonta lOta 0