11) HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE: -THURSDAY. MARCH 1. 1000. Want - ads Aertlteaaeae far IHe want a ralarane will he taken aatll 13 m. far etenlna rHUn aasl aatll 9 far the Moral aad bandar rdlllaaa. Casa aiit arenmaaar all rara far waat aae mm mm aaertlsemeat will prrp(r4 far leas taaa lO rrala far first lasertloa. Ratra aaaly a either Tae Dallr ' Bandar flee. Always mil als wards to a line. Combinations of laltlala or aaaibera roaat aa oaa word. f ASH H A TF.S FOR WAIT AD. ft KG 1 1. A It CLASSIFICATION Oaa laarrtloa, par liar, JO eeata. Two or more enaseeatlve losertlons, aer liar, H mil, Earh laarrtloa atade oa odd days, 14 reals aer llac $l.BO aer llao oar aaenlh, eaceatlnsj tkat FCnKISHF.D ROOM AD, whea ar.raataa.alad by eaah, thr rata will bat Oaa laaartloa, 4 ceata-prr llaai tbraa or aim ronsecatlve Inser tleas, 8 eeata par llao each lnarrtloa terra or autre coaaeeatlve Insertloas, a eeata par llao earb laarrtloa i B reata per llae per month. Waat ads far Tba Bee iaa be left one la roar "eoraer dragglst" tbrr are all bra ark 4f flees for Tbe Bee aa roar ad will be laaerted Jast as promptly aad oa tbe same ratee aa at the mala office la Tbe Bea Bnlldlaa, eveateeath aad Faraam atreetsi Albarh. W. C. 40th and Farnam. Berenek. 8 A., 118 8. 16th Bt. Becht Pharmacy, 73) 9. 16th 81. Benson Pharmacy. Benson, Nrb. Beml Park Pharmacy, VA and Cuming. Blake's Pharmacy, 2826 Shormitn Ave. Coughlln, C. R, 6th and Pierce Sts. (Tifton Hill Pharmacy, 2212 Military Av Conte, J. B., list Ave. and Fnrnam St. Crisser Pharmacy. 24th and Lake Sts. I'wmk, Emil, 1204-6 8. 12th St. Ehlere, P. H., 2902 Leavenworth St. Foster Arnoldl. 8 N. th St. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 2th Bt. Florence Iruf Co., Florence, Nrb. Goodman Pharmacy, 3Hh and Lake Sts. Onpenoiigh, O. A.. 1624 8. 10th Bt. Oreenougb, O. A., 1634 8. 10th St. ITavden. William C, Farnam St. Hanscom Park Pharmacy. 1401 B. 2Mh St. Hoist, John, 624 N. leth Bt. Huff. A. 1, 2024 Leavenworth Bt. King, R. 8., 233S Farnam St. KounUa Place Pharmacy. 3601 N.i24th Bt tAthrop, Charle B.. 1324 N. 34th St. Patrick Pru Co.. 102 N. 24th St. Peyton, U E.. 24th and Leavenworth Bts. Saratoga Dni Co.. 24th St. and Am Ave. Bchaefer Out Price Drue; Co., lth and Chicago BU. Schaefer, August, 2031 N. lth St. Schmidt, J. H . 24th and Cuming Sts. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. 4fth and Cumin. Walton Pharmacy, Alth and Grace Sts. Worth, O. H., 40tlt and Hamilton Sts. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES. DURKIN-Jennle T., March 17. 1SK0, aged 41 yearn, beloved wife of Thomas Durkin. Funeral from residence, 2)9 Cuming alreet. Thursday, March IS. at 2 p. m. In terment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends in vited. BIRTHS AND DEATHS, Births William Lampmann. If B'nney s-reet, hoy; Agostlno Mare Cedesco. 1411 South Eleventh street., girl; Albert Horn,, wiehl, 1412 South Fifteenth street, girl; VW -Ham H. Ritchie, 1404 Kmmet street, gill; Robert C. Strehlow, 2103 Sherman avenue hoy R. C. Tubbs, 1411 South Sixteenth street, girl; K. E. Willis, 601 South Twenty sixth street, girl. Deaths Arthur Wallace Welgel. 3304 Cass street. 1; Ltidwlg Vakner. 1809 South Second street, 1; Charles O. Ferry. 145 North Nine teenth street. 1: Herbert Stolteran, Forty eighth and Burdette streets, 1; Baby Wil lard. Cnlld Saving Institute, 18 days; Hope. Kllsabeth Battlea, Child Saving Institute. 4 months; Edna Pearl Hudson. 180S Ohio street, weeks; Mrs. Kate Nonemon, Forty fifth and California streets, 36. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were is sued today: Kama and Residence. Age Jamea Harder, Chalco ..... Clara H. Chrlstensen, McArdle precinct Pierra A. Cedarqulst, Red Oak, la Betsy Peterson, Red Oak, la Werner Carlson, Wahoo Tyra Adolfson, Malmo Henry Orsbowskl, Benson Khoda Reynolds, Waterloo ANNOUNCEMENTS CARBON coal $60. Coutant A Squires, D. 991).. Ind. A-3W0. 1406 Farnam. 0) 347A4 SIGN PAINTING S. 11. Cole. 1S0B Douglas. (1) 692 OMAHA Bafe and Iron Works makes a spertalty of ftrc escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andreen, Prop., 10J S. 1Mb. 1D-693 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. Ul-691 WE make a specialty of all foreign publi cations, post oards. newspapers and inag asinea. Subscriptions received for any periodical published. 8chulse A Blatlert Co., 109 8. 16th 81. Frenier Blk. ID M4 8wart McKelvy Ptg. Co.- -Doug. 1171. (l)-MSij OLIVER A. HAL1 architect and struc tural engineer. Brtck. steel end rein forced concrete. 62 Jf. Y. Ufe (1) M82 Mcli2 gBTfl our 16th and Douglas and 16th and Chicago 8ts. windows for everything known tn the paint Jtne. Brushes, too In fact if there Is anything anybody wants to pslnt from a bird cage to the largest building In the world, we can fur nish everything for the Job at right arleee. Bee us about your spring painting. SCHAEFER'S, the Four Big Stores. (D 41$ 23 SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 1904 Farnam St. Tel. Douglaa 7W7. U)-8 MONEY TO LOAN-LOW RATE, in auma to suit. 310 Bee Bldg., 'Phone Doug. 2;4. COMPANY. (D-601 UNION LOAN SEALED BIDS will be received hv the village clerk or the village of Litchfield, Nebraska, up until noon. April 10th, !, for the construction and completion of a system of water works. Specification may bo had on application. K. P. Moore, Vil lage clerk. (D M910 21 CHICAGO paper, daily and Sunday, deliv ered; also Saturday Evening Pcet. Erh: Nelson. "Phona Doug'aa 7663. 161S Capitol Avo. ID-Mi At OMAHA PLUMBING AND HEATING CO We are practical. Both 'phones. J. Mornssey, manager, H) Sherman Ave. 1D-Mil2 IF you are going to build see J. I. Watt for plans and estimates. 212$ locust St. 'Phono Webater 23SS. (1) M478 A6x NEW and second-hand safes. HIO Farnam. 1D-M461 AS TURN your old gold Jewelry into cash; wo need It, as we are lietvy use is. Frenser, lMh and Dodge. (1) M441 A5 1310 HOWARD St., Mo. Filter, 16 days' trlsl. 16) lOl'R NEXT 11 the., shave. 10c: sh'ne. &c7 Klsaa.er's. avrosa from N. Y. Life Bhlg. 111-770 A7 THE Rev Chas. W, 8avluge baa married 1.717 couples and Is prslng to marry 2.000. if you want him to marry you Tel. W ib. $444 or B-143u. . ill "MAllx AUTOMOBILES A RIG bargsia m a Maxwell, latest mooe', fl.Au; other bargain la uard cars. C. F. AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) KMlAIi MOTOR CARS Four model", all four-cvllnder. ) M. P.; lf-lnch whl line; II .2M msaneto Ineludod. If you ant u ili'nn cut, up-to-date, nappy, reliable car, nrv A REGAL THE IH'PMOBILE Tao-TiaKHnnarr riinshout; 4-cyllnder. y) H. P: nlin ft drive; selective tranmiKin ; wster cooled; i-lne)i wheel tmse; Bosch hlaii trnsion msKTirlo. ITgo. Ree us. We sell csrs am) have them ready for Immrcllnte delivery. Rell.ible stfenM wanted. W. E. Ht FKMAX & CO., Autiimihlle T'slr1butor!. Office. Omaha t'ommerclwl College Bldg., l'.'th and Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. (2I-MI76 13 PrTl-;ni,KS 4-cylinder tourirg car. ued very little, for sale cheap. Addrees M 2.t, rare Bee. ti) M415 19 At'TOMOHII.E ifilntlng and csrrtairn repnlr work; dead stinKe. Wm. Pfetlfer Car riage Co., Xth & lrfflvenworth. Red flW2. (2I-M157 Al Notice Ref. re buying a second-hand car. call on in ami let us show you our complete line of "Mason" 2-rylinder cars and "Mid land" 4-cylinder ears. FRKKUND RROH. ABHIjET CO., 1102 Farnam St. (2)-30OMch31 DKR1GHT A1TOMORII,K COMPANY. 1 SI 4 Farnam St. Btoddard Dayton Roadster, ll.l'iO. Reo Touring car, $430. Bulek runabout, almost new, '). Btevens liuryea. HuO. Uraaon Toiirlng car. Il.OTiO. Waverly Ktectric, ltIO. All the above guaranteed in good shape, fltate sgent Btoddard-Oavtnn. Btoddsrd-Iaytnn. li.SOO. 2,0W, $2,500. Ford model N. UM. Ford. R. Vyn. Open and closed cars for rent, dav or night. , Tel. Douglas tl. ' (2I-6S6 M'INTYRE & WAIJ.ACE. Osklsnd sutos, also slightly usod autos, 24th, near Far nam. 2 M291 A1S RAMBLER 4-cyllnder touring car, like new, for sale cheap. Address O 151, care Bee. (2I-M416 ID RAMBLERS New. 4 and 2-cyllnders, SO per cent discount. Rambler Auto Co.. 2044 Farnam St. (2) 440 Motorcycles, NOW 1s the time to Invest In a used motor cycle; one-third off If taken at once, lxiuls Flescher, 1622 Capitol Ave. O-M420 Mch1 INDIAN motorcycle; 2-cyllnder; for sale cheap. Address W 273, care Ree. (2I-M414 19 Is the best and most reliable all around motor cycle made. Write for the local agency for this popular machine. I j. FLESCHER, State Agent. 1622 Capitol Ave. (21-M421 Mohl9 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE positions open In the auto mobile field, technical Instructions on both steam and gasoline engines; students paid for repair work. Addieas Omaha School of Automobile Engineerirg, 2418 Leaven worth St. 98 BARTER AND EXCHANGE TO TRADE Equity of $5,500 In three Lincoln (Neb.) houses, value $9,760, for good Omaha va cant lot. What have you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. I,. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781-Ind. AJ1S8. IS) 464 18 FOR quick action list your trades with us; we charge regular commission only. Bemis, 478-80 Brandels Bldg. (Established 1W)8.) (3) 439 17 TO BXCHANOE FOR INCOME PROPERTY OR MERCHANDISE 40 acres eastern Nebraska; Improved. 1'W acres eastern Nebraska; improved. 0 acres western Nebraska. B-D acrea western Nebraska. 640 acres western Nebraska. 4,000 acres western Nebraska. 3ti6 acrea Bates county, Missouri; three sets improvements. 4 Income properties from $1,000 to $4,000 In eastern Nebraska, county seat town. Give FULL PARTICULARS of what you have to offer price. Incumbrance, etc., in first letter. Address R. FL'SSELL. Nebraska City, Neb. 13I-M465 31 PARTY wishing to leave for Besttle, Vanh.. what have you to exchange for desirable pronertv In Seattle. Address Abram Roks, Clifton Hill, Mo. (S)-M!W19x IN Council Bluffs, my new cottage, nicely located, electric lights, equity $1.4n0. Want Omaha property. Address F 143. Bee. (3-M2SO 19 EXCHANGE. Atv you a trader? We trade the earth. Oull and list with ns. K EL LEY INVESTMENT CO., 220 Neville Bldg. . (31 M3I6 I WILL exchange my 640 acrea cf good al falfa land for good Omaha residence or building. Address C 140, care of Bee. (3) M282 19 ULLERTON ELECTRIC LIGHT PLANT , Interest and control of this plant, pay ing la pe- cent net On Investment after paying operating expeqoe; owner moving to Idaho. Without question an excep tional opportunity. Price $J),000. or might c nsider clear land. For few davs only. BEMIS, Brandels Bldg. (3i M437 D A R LI NO & DARLING, Farms & City Property. 441 Brandeis Bldg. U)-8l . TRADES and exchanges our specialty. H. R. Stringer, 636 Paxton block, Omaha (3) MS01 REAL ESTATE, LOANS and Insurance Ust your property with us for sale or exchange. Walnut and Orchard Hills Realty Co, 410 Hamilton St Phones Harney 3765; Ind. B-1M2. (3) TRADES If you have property you want tc exchange lor something v else, write us we match everything. Dean-Andrews Co.. 422 N. T. Life. 13)-M'.W TRADE 8 For quick deals write us. ). E. Walt & Co., 617 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. (3)-M9tt Mis BEMIS We handle exchanges for reliable parties no professional traders need list; quick action. BEMIS, BRANDEI3 BIDG. (3-MI70 BUSINESS CHANCES, TO GET IN ir out of business call on GANG EST A D, Room 40$. bee Bldg. 14)-607 DRUG store for sale. Knleet. N. Y. L'fe. (41 69S A $2,600 STOCK of wall paper, paint. glass, varnishes, room moulding, etc., for sale In a live town of IdOiW inhabitants stock all fnth: good trade established, ,lf you want a nice, clean, profitable busi ness, you had better investigate. Write Y 23. caro Bee. 14 M9S7 19 FOR BALK Meat market In town of 1,300, eactern Nebika; nlctly euuipped: doing grod business; a good proposition Ad dress Y li. care Omaha Bee. (4) M307 AS FOR BALE n account of health, owner offers t) sell up-to-date (as works, in Iowa, at a bargain. If taken soon; Is a good paying business, aa hooka will show; ran be made iH-ttor with a hustler la handle It. Address Room '. United B. Bldg.. Sioux CUy, la. 4-MU 20 All the world find mnnv nn BUSINESS CHANCES Continued. FOR BALE First-class SB.!vti In a good town near Sioux Citv. Addre.s Posiofflec Box 704. BHmx City, la. (V MSTf OROCKHY 1K.AT10N. VACANT STORK ROOM, natural supply point for lers population, moin-y speiid err. A live man with aditquate stock of grocrles knit family sup4'll,- can mnkj good money. See owner. 1101 N. th St., a. m to 4 p. in. tJ Ms;i X' FOR 8Atr'-CVnfectlonerv and soda foun tain, good location and doing a fino busi ness: will be sold at a bargain. Apply at once. Walter I). Hill & Co.. Beatrice, Neb. (4) M4;7 A17 WANTED Man with I.TOO to take a third Interest In a bona fide business pro(iik tlon. guaranteed cash salary of $2".00 per wee, and one-third interest In profits. Call room 839, N. Y. Ufe Bhlg. 14) M4.16 18x WANTEI Doctor registered In Nebraska; must be of good appearance and willing to travel. Address Dr. W. K. Haley, Scrlbner, Neb. (4)-M427 23 FOR SALE A $nno investment bringing 2fi per cent; is doing It for owner and will do It for you; $12,000 handles it; write for particulars. L. F. Clemons, Rush City, Minn. 14) M374 1 8x FOR BALE Hardware, Implement and un dertaking business; building nnd resi dence; hearse; set of tinner's tools; lo close an estate; see property at Bagley, la.; no trade. C. J. Eatlnger, adm. (4) MSKl 23x CHICAGO TRUST COMPANY will now consider the organisation. Incorporation, preparation and handling of slock or bond issue of municipal, electric or steam rail roads or substantial Industrial proposi tion. State partlcnlsrs and amount of capital desired. Box 406, Chicago. 111. (41 Mtfitl 1R NO DOUBT your Income can he Increased by an Investment In Industrial stock where your funds would be perfectly se cure and uninterrupted, returns assured. Full particulars by mall. Address ixick Rox 146. Omaha. (4l M487 10 DRESSMAKERS KEJSTER COLLEGE, 606 Karbach Blk. MW4 All MISS MAIONE, 2308 Douglas St., high class dressmaking. 'Phone Douglas 6"t5. -M9S6 A 16 FIR3T-CLASS dress pleating; buttons cov ered, all styles and sixes. The Ideal Pleating Company, 200 Douglas Blk. Both 'phonos. iDressmi M213 IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 4J20 612 JOSEPHINE BRADY, Evening gowns a' specialty. 41 Doug. Blk. 225 Men 19 T X t- -r t Ladles' tailoring In best style I I r H H "id workmanship giiHran-J-'-,,J-'-i- teed .207 Old Brandels Bldg. Take elevator on 16th St. M196 A13 flOTHARn Fsrst-class dressmaking VJW II1..CIL M(J ulloring;i 1605 Leav enworth St. Ind. A-3962. 233 Al M. SELICOW, 2902 Farnam St. MC81 A NOVELTY SIIOPnrTh Waists. Fancy Undergarments and Hand Embroidered Work; professional shopping. M200 M19 McDowell Dressmaking school. 1623 Farnam. 611 WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 1S22 Farnam Bt. Ladies' tailoring, alterations, pleating pat terns cut to measure, first-class sewing school in connection. Douglas 3611. M195 A13 MISS E. E. CROSBY. 2411 S. 20th Ave., dressmaking. Douglas 7297. M-9S4Apl3 FRENCH Dry Cleaning Works, 1908 Far nam, best cleaners ana dyers. Both phones. M274 A 13 DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, Sd floor, Paxton. D. 1085. (5)-600 TAFT'S Dental rooms. 1617 Douglas St (6) 61369 At EDUCATIONAL WINTER TERM OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, 19th and Farnam. now open. Students enrolling dally. Business Shorthand. Telegraphy. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. CATA LOGUE FREE. ROHRBOUGH BROS. -MF.28 M23 ENTE R BOYLES COLLEGE (DAY OR NIGHT.) For complete training in all commercial branches, including bookkeeping, short hand, typewriting, telegraphy, civil service, railway null and all government grade subjects. Handsome catalogue furnished free upon request. Address H. B. Boyles. president, Omaha, Neb. Both 'phoneo. (Educ) M761 EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN SPECIAL 26c saved by cutting out this ad and Kv presenting it and J6c you receive a full oOc size Beaton's Cold Cream. BEATON DRUG CO.. 1Mb and Farnam. M473 tltVlIPlT'BHalr Store. 1411 Farnam. Everything In hair goods and hair work, 25 years' experience. We can serse vou satisfactorily. For appoint ment. D. 2333. M98 A13 LET us shampoo your hair every month; we use warm air to dry the hair; we use the latest method known to science in our scalp and face massage. F. M. Hf:hadell, 1622 Douglas. M173 A13 HAIR DRESSING and scalp treatment. Satisfactory work, complete line of hair goods. M-J69 A13 FOR TOUR 8PRING HAT come to F. U. Schadell, Vjc uougias. -am A1J LADIES arparel beautifully dry cleaned. "The Freccn way, use rarnam. u. 41 ii, A-1136. -M170 A13 SWITCHES, puffs and poaipadoura made from combings. Puffs, 15c. Miss Edna Brandt. 2124 Sherman Ave. Tel. Web- . ater 136$. M332 A13 MME. PRAYER'S Adellght specialties, soil ing Marietta Stanley Co. goods, fur sale at Megeath Stationery, 1421 Farnam. Office, lth and Farnam, flat (. Doug. $70?. Mlbd A 13 WE1LANDBR at SMITH, ladies, exclusive furnishings. 317 8. USlh St. M-270 A13 STUTSMAN, st the Bassett Studio, 616 So. 16th St.. is making a specialty of fine hotos si living irne. Aiieuwon laaivs: fPhone Douglas Y4" -M166 A1S ciIAVy ''he smartest new low shoes Olivnu n latest spring style every new shade for 1. Just received. M -28 CHINA decorating, realistic; order work a specialty. Lessons Tusdsy. Thursday and Balurdsy. Firing dlly. Lest her craft, stains, lest her and designs. M. S. C. C. Hungaie, 84 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Red 546. -6ol CLEANING and d Ing bigg.nt and best, only one office. IMS Jones Bt. TUJS PAN TORI L'M. ilO Ali loves a bargain. You can TIid 4RFF Tirnnt cirl" nonn I EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued. CMtPKTS. rug, etc., cleaned. Ideal Air Cleaning Co., room 2'0, Douglas blk. Both 'phones. MltB A13 CANDY The most dellelous confec tions, priced lower than snv- where else. All the novelties in dainty sweets. BRANDEIS" STORES. M-267 IiADIES' strsw hats cleaned, dyed, re shaped nnd trimmed. Miss Leola Pepper, 614 8. 2Mh St. 'Phone Harney 890G. MdflO A MILLINERY During the week of March 22 we will have on exhibition our entire stock of Imported snd domestic models, together with a large n.imher of Individual designs from our own workrooms. THUS. KILPATRICK A CO. -452 23 MISS Gl'SSIE PETERSON, successor to Ayers A Peterson; alterations of Indies' suits, refitting, rellnlng. etc. Suite 215 Boston Store Bldg. Tel. Douglas 3476. M2. 27 WE RENT, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. Nebraska Cycle Co., l.tth and Harney Sts. M709 A13 POST CARD, send H cents In stamps for 24 views of Omaha. Novelty Post Card tin., Omslia, Neb. 790 A8 TRY FlBte Hair Iresstng Parlors. A. Heatherton, 607', Paxton Blk. Red-4423. M-271 A 13 BEND your name and 39c. In stamps for PO visiting cards. Yaffe Prtg. Co., 4th floor. Old Boston 8toro Bldg. M435 H13 THE steps save you 40 per cent. Pennell Millinery Co., loll Douglas. M169 A13 BOYS' halrcuttlng a specialty, shop. Bee Bldg. Bee barber M167 A13 THE ARNOLD MASSAGE VIBRATOR Is a necessity In everv home. Write for free hook. IT. K. Hartbun, 619 Bee Bldg., Tel. Doug. 3472. (365) A14 EFFA ELLIS illustrated music courses. . Inniilro about SPECIAL day or evening classes for women, personal or mall In struction. 203-4-5 Old Brandeis Bldg. 462 A 16 FINANCIAL FURNITURE LOANS OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board of Trade, Doug. 2:"J5. ;!i!) FLORISTS VIOLETS are plentiful and can be had for $1.00 per 100; sweet peas, all colors, $1.60 per lou; daffodils and tulips are Just now In their best and sell for 76u per doi. ; carnations, 60c to 75c per dos. ; Easter lilies are coming in and sell at $3 per dox. ; blooming plants in pots, such as lilacs, azaellas, ceneroavla and primroses; pretty ferns and palms can be had ac reasonable prices; all flowers are abso lutely fresh. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam bt Tel. Douglas 1601. IFlor.) M883 A RRANDF1TK ct:T flower dept. 151i.i LMiJ.k south side new store; the finest place In the city to buy your cut flowers and floral designs. Boxed and delivered to any part of the city. (Flor) M36S A9 HENDERSON'S WrVK. our own hothousss. Douglas 1263, 1619 Far nam St. IFlor.) M884 A9 J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (6)-604 CHAS. EDERER, 80th and Bristol Sts.. shrubbery, hardy plants, fern baskets, bedding nlanta and designs, fresh cut flowers dally. Tel. 1796. (F4or.)-M8S2 A HELP WANTED FEMALE A (enta and Salesladies, WANTED Five first class saleswomen for the Jewelry department. Apply superin tendent Brandels Stores. 17) M3b2 IK Factory aad Trades. TWENTY-FIVE girls for operating power sewing machines in blanket department; teady work. Bemla Omaha Bag Com pany. 17) 975 21 Housekeepers and Domestics. WANTED Nurse girl to care for mall boy. Apply at 1609 Georgia Ave. 17 806 25x WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, small ramiiy; good wages. Harney 24X0. 1906 South 33d St. (7 J M WANTED Good second girl. Apply 1120 Park Ave. Tel. Harney 900. 17) M346 18 GIRL for general housework. 3315 Burt St. (7)-39 17x WANTED At once, good girl for general housework. 4643 Dodge St. (7) 368 17 GIRL to assist with housework; good wages; farm girl preferred. Apply 2406 Cass St. (7)-M123 23 WANTED Experienced girl to do general housework; small family; no washing. Call 2102 Douglas. (7)-446 19 GIRL for general housework In small fanv ily. 1326 So. 30th Ave. (7) 449 23 Mlseellaaeoaa. WANTED Two apprentice girls tn dress making parlor. Small wsges. Apply at Mrs. M. Relnholz, 14-8 Martha St. (71-360 17x WANTED Competent nurss girl. Ave. . 605 Park () 3i HELP WANTED MALE Ageats, Solicitors aad SaJeaasea. WANTED Salesmen to sell latest improved blackberry and burbank berry plants; grow In any back yard, anywhere; prices right; commission good. Bend for partic ulars and photos and begin taking orders. Addresa R. M. Boynton, Los Angeles, Cal. (9J-M934 l&x WANTED Eastern manufacturing concern wants two reliable representatives, one each, Nebraska and Iowa. Men pre ferred who have been successful handling implements, groceries, or cigar line. An swering, give full particulars. P 271, care Bee. (9) 43 MEN to sell gooOa rrom our sampls wagons. C. F. Adams Co., 623 B. Uith. (9.1-233 Al WANTED Managers in every state to place our capital stock and insurance. Midland Life Insurance Company. St. Paul, Minn. ) M258 Aix WANTED Men who have been successful selling cigars, groceries, or some spe cialty, wanting to make a c hange. Can show you proposition one hundred to one hundred fifty dollars per month. All cor respondence treated strictly emit i.tejit ial. O 2, care Bee. (9) 4i0 SIDE LINE Bist. no samples. Plenty tnni.fV Give permanent address. Box 663. Omaha. (9-M:7 $11 THOUSAND for distributing circulars and samples. Send for sample and con tract. W. A. Irlng Mfg. Co., Olt3 Ash St.. 8okane, Wash. (9) 3b Clerical aad Oalea. DRUG CLERKS' positions. Ufa Bldf. alAst. N. T. J HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Factory aad Trades. TWO coatmakers wanted. Walnut and Atlantic, la. Struts Son, Ol-H 19x WANTED An assistant drug clerk Ad- urrss 4J itapia City, B. V. ()-M234 30 WANTED-Ftrst-elass collar cutter; first class harness cutter; first-class machine operator: flrst-claas shipping clerk; 11 first-class harness makers. Open shop; good wages; steady work throughout the year. Address J. H. Haney A Co.. Hast ings, Neb. () M997 20 ANTED A Gordon press feeder. Howe Printing Co.. 601 No. 24th St., hssement. South Omaha. ( 396 1$ THE great Union Paclflo R. R. guarantee you a telegraphic posltlna after training. Practice on railroad wire. Address for particulars H. B. Boyles, Omaha. W-7M WANTED Men to learn barber trade, frw weeks completes. 60 chairs con stantly busy, careful Instructors, toola given, diplomas granted, wagea Satur days, positions waiting, wonderful de mand for graduates. Moler Barber col lege, 110 S. 14th St Call or write. 19) M965 ltx M lacella aeons FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Assd; no fees. Call 626 N. Y. Life Bldg. lD-617 WANTED-Raiiway mail clerka. aalary $S00 to $l.n; no layoffs, exaralnaXiona In Omaha, May 15; common education suffi cient; candidates prepsred free. Write immediately for full particular. Ftanklln Institute, Rochester, N. T (9-MC5 A tx OLD gold Jewelrr wanted. FRBNZER, Jeweler, 15th and Dodge. tt)-M440 A5 A M MHKR of young business men inter ested in reading Jaw sre deslrlous of organising a class to meet In the evenings. 1 nlversity tuition, locsl Instruction, ex pens smsU. Any person Interested please nrldress for full particulars, N 150. csra ofBee. (91-MSS 22 HOUSE CLEANING CARPETS.! rug, house, etc., cleaned by MrSm.r,,"''(J "lr "l'1 vacuum system. THE IDEAL AIR CLEANING CO. 200 Douglaa Block. Both 'Phones. , (Q-M6.S2 A6 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vehicles. TWO seated rubber tired surrey, practi cally as good as new; cost $200; goes for $75 to quick buyer. H. B. Boyles, Boyles College. Both 'phones. 111) 369 17 REMEMBER! REMEMBER! E. W. ANSPACH'S BIG HORSE AUCTION At the Stock Yards. South Omaha. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MARCH 18-19. Over 600 Horses Will Bo Sold. Auction at 10 a. rn. HD-M389 18 RI'BBER tiring and repairing done by Johnson & Darforth, 10th and Jones St 111) M433 A16 FOR SALE Cheap, one-station wagon, good condition; one set brass harness, single: one set light harness, single. Bta ble, 122 8. 39th St (in-lbt Cows, Birds, Dogs aad Pets. . WANTED Jersey cows: fresh or coming in soon. E. Purdy, 2416 Cuming. . OD-871 17x LOST AND FOUND FOUND Pure white Splta dug. Call at Bee office, South Omaha, 3:15 p. m. (12) M477 18 MEDICAL FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered, day or night. (13)-12S BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerva Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. (13) 619 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. $$$$$$$ YOU WANT MONET $$$ !$ DON'T PAY HIGH RATESw $$ UWJ P5E US FIRST lutl $t We loan you any amount on $1 $$ furniture, pianos, etc.; or, If you U $$ have steady employment, on your $t $$ plain not at the cheapest rates la ft $$ the ' city. Payments weekly or $S t$ monthly to suit your convenience. $1 $ Open until :& p. m. 'Phone Doug- $4 it laa 2036. $$ U OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., $4 ;$$$$ Room 601, Brown Blk., $$$$1 $tt$$ Opposite Brandels' $Htf,$ tmi'HT Mth Bt Entrance. 1U.VUU) fl4) M562 Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. t Board of Trade Bid.. Room 119. 306 South 16th Street. Loans on Furniture, Pianos, Etc. Established 16 Years. Reliable aa any hank. 306 South 16th Street. Board of Trade Bldg.. Room 119 Telephone Douglas 2236. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co, (14) 445 MONEY loaned salaried people nnd others without security; easy psvments. Offices in 68 principal cities Tolman. Room 5U. New York Life Bldg. 114) 621 MOVING AND STORING EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. office 114 N. lWli St. Warehouse 2207-9, Isard St. (6-606 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Rooass. THE BACHELORS, SiTH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL, AMERICAN PLAN (li 62$ DEWEY European Hotel, litb and Faomam. (U)-eM 627 PARK AVE. South room, outside en trance, suitable for two; beautiful lawn; best of home cooking; excellent location. Hi) 464 Its 1811 CHICAGO board. ST. Room. with good ihtl (15)t7 Mol LARGE or small rooms with good home cooking. 2616 Farnam. H) M4Z7 Aix nRSIRABLE front suits, also side room, The Pratt. 212 8. 26th St. Tel. Douglas 1KB, A. ao6. UW 33.6 20 Faralaaed Rovata. i FINE unfurnished rooms, ensulte; will furnish single rooms if desired. 2418 Cass St. Ob) 448 A6x DESIRABLE modern room for gentleman. Select neighborhood, near rarnam car. 131 N. Slat Ave. 1U) Mlbs FURNISHED room in light, hest. telephone. Harney 8932. all modern house; 1011 Park Ave. Tel. (15)-MU6 1$ FINE new furnished rooms within walk lng distance. 608 N. 21sl St. (16)-M243 20 TWO nicely furnished front rooms, com plete for housekeeping, all modern, atoam heat. 2019 W ebster St. (16) M326 tlx NEWLY furnished rooms. 622 B. 16th, flat U, third noor. ltf)-974 19 OFFERED FOR RENT Faralahed RaantaCoatlaaed. FT RN I BH ED- F N FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the elly. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O N1ElJON CO.. RENTAL AGT9.. 70$ N. Y. Lire Bldg. 'Phona Doug 2J04 (16J 636 NEWLY furnished rooms. 2129 Farnam St., second flooa. Tel. Douglas 6696 U6)-li 20 FOR R KNT Toting ladles preferred- or S rooms In tip-to-dnte pew flat; every con venience; newlv furnished; only nice peo ple need apply'. 320 North 26th Bt. (15)-S92 lSx FOR RENT-Three furnished rooms, with heat. bath, 'phone; references required. Address W 130. Bee. 116) M4J5 22x ELEGANTLY furnished rooms In strictly modern house: first-clsss In every respect. 2240 l.sndon Court, near 24th, bet. Howard and St. Mary's Ave. (16) 413 12 Aaartaseata aad Flats. ALI, MODERN, 4-room corner flat. Bteam heat. Central location. $20 N. 23d (U)-M69 FINEST 8-room apartment In city. $48. No. 4338 Slrehlow Terrace. U6)-M349 Uoaaekeeakag Rooms. THREE furnished rooms. 1112 So. Uth. 16)-668 LARGE front room with hay window, al cove and kitchen In connection, gas and water. 816 So. 18th Bt, (161-444 18 Uafaralsaed Rsssu, FOUR unfurnished rooms, deeirsble loca tion, modern except heat, Hanscom Park district. 8014 Mason St. Tel Harney 2196. U6)-M16$ SUITE of two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; all modern; light, heat, telephone. 1041 Park Ave., Tel. Harney $091. O5)-M906 IS THREE nice unfurnished rooms, all mod am. 6I 8. 29th St. Tel. Harney 2669. (16)-971 19 Faralaaed Hoasee. FURNISH ED house nesr Hanscom Park during summer to right party. Call Har ney 388. 116) 362 20x Hoasea aad Cottaajea. FOR RENT. 9019 Burt. 8-r. modern ex. heat, $22.60. 2730 Capitol Ave., 6-r., $22.60. 10M B. 20th. 6-r., $18. 3217 N. 281 h, 7-r., part modern, $17. 3208 N. 24th. 8-r.. S. 3210 N. 24th, 8-r., $8. 2i9 Hickory, 6-r.. all modern new, $26. Ill N. 12th. 6-r.. modern ex. heat, $17. THE BYRON REED CO.. 212 S. Mth St. 'Phone Douglaa 297. 06)-J9 IT HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Blk. 116) 634 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1604 Farnam. 116)-633 MAGGARD VAN STORAGE CO.. Tel. D. 1498. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. good. 116) 62$ 6-ROOM modern cottage, 8018 Ohio St.. $20. C. O. Carlberg. 911 N. Y. Life. U6)-M96 GOOD HOU8E 8 L O W RENT . 6 rooms, modern, 168 Corby, $15. 6 rooms, modern, 1608 Corby, $20. 4 rooms and store, 2122 Military Ave.. $o. 614 Woolworth Ave., 6 rooms, barn, $16.50. 624 Locust St., 6 rooms, $6. 6 rooms, city water, 1938 8. 181 h, $8. 6 rooms, modern, 2618 Hamilton, $18. R1TSBDLL M'KITKICK CO. 432 Ramie Bldg. 16th and Harney sts. 15458 17 BRICK HOUSEV-House $618 Dewev Ave., after March 28. Moyer Sta. Co., 16)6 Fnr nam Bt. (16) 441 HOUSErTOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co.. Tel. Doug. fj. 116) 636 FOR RENT 9-room house, all modern, $25. C. M. Bachman, 436 Paxton Blk. (15)-892 CANNOT supply demand for houses; if you have one vacant list with T. W. Haxtn, $3 Douglaa Blk. Doug. 1300. U3)-M318 A3 HOUSES Paters Trust Co.. N. Y. I. Bldg. (16) C.X 6 ROOMS, 3d floor. 1906 N. 2th St., city water and toilet, $18. i-room modern bouse except heat. $309 Maple St, ll$. ( rooms, 2d floor. 1108 N. SOth 8L. $15. T rooms. 2d floor. 0t N. Uth St.. mod ern except heat. $16. 10-room house, modern except heat, $30 and water rent, 26th and Indiana Ave. 2 rooms. 8i07 Weheter, in rear, well and cistern water. $8. CHRIS BOYER. Tld and Cuming Sts. Tel. Doug, and B-2049 (15 726 HOUSES all parts of ths city. C reign Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. (16) 029 NICELY furnished rooms, modern, 1918 Capital Ave. Tel. Douglas 6619. 115) J MOT SO Su3i) EVANS ST., 8-room house arranged for 2 small families, and can be rented as a whole or separately; price low. J. A. LANG AN & SON. Douglaa 1569. 708 N. Y. Life Hhlg. U5)-.M456 19 FOR RENT Eight rooms; all modern house; four bedrooms; 618 N. 22d St., $32.80. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. tlo)-M829 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move, stort, if. H. goods, storehouse 1120-24 N. Uth. off lea 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1659. 115) 654 6- R. HOUSE and 17 acres 1 block 8. W. of junction 30th St. and Forest Lawn car. 7- r. house, barn snd hen house, 47tli and llimcv 8ts.. with 6 acres. 6-r. house and barn and 3 acres near Coun- trv club. 2 small house and 26 acres. 5th and Spring lF. D. WEAD, 1801 FARNAM ST. (15) 163 19 LIVE IN COMFORT. 81x-room, modern, steam heated flat, thick walls, cool In summer, warm in win ter; hardwood, hot water, nesr in. Sinn iner price, $24. References required. REM IS, Brandel Bldg. !) M.155 21 ELEGANT ten-room brick residence, J2W) Hsrney St.; stesm heat, large yard. 66. Mads A. Hansen, 1324 Farnam St. U6)-M2C7 NINE-ROOM modern house, 2019 Harney St., $60. Tel. Douglas 916. (16) M990 COTTAGE 4 rooms and bath. 130 8. $4th St, (15) 346 2ux OSeea. PEAK ItOOaf for rent In an office located on the busy corner of Mth and N Sts, South Omaha. Call at Bee office. S. O. branch, Uth and N Sts. New address. (15) M577 On account of changes In office arrange, merit we will soil he counters now in stalled In The Bee office and Hasting Htydan's office. These are handsomely carved and decorated oak counters, having a marble base 19 Inches high. The counter stands 3V, feet high and 2-foot top. and there Is a total of about 46 feet In length. These will be old either separately or together. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sta, (16) 274 Stares. I WILL BUILD store rooms to suit tenants on 17V, feel ironi, n. sine r arnani. si ; on (6 feet front, s. side Fsrnam, w. of 2Mh; on 42 feet front, w. skis 24th s. of Burdette; on ia tert front, w. side ?(h. cor. H , 8. O. 8. S. CURTIS, 14 Harney St. 115)-M256 BRICK store room with full cement base ment. 12.4 N. 24th. Thomas W. liaien, 106 S. lit h. Phone Doug. ln. USl-M.X 1$ WHEN you writ to advertisers, remem ber that It takes but an extra stroke of two of the yen to mention lbs fact that cu saw tb d la Tb Bt. OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare FURVITURE-For 4-room rottsoe. new L1 8. Mth St. tll-AI:49 ;i s SOLID oak sideboard and extension tahie. hoi u first-class condition. lei. rism. A472. (16) 442 18x Plaaoa aad Other M astral Inst ranaen ts ONH second-hsnd Fdlson (good as new. and twentv-rour record, ror saie cneap. PIANO PLAYER CO., Old Boston Store. (I6I-M867 ii PIANO FOR SALE will take part of payment out in painting. Answer Y-100. (16i-MOV Serrlng Machines. "iSI norT -jo 'H 'j av 'dj) pu Mljl WOHMOIHNMH V KOtiA V.1.B.1P ssupiosiu ne Joj s.idrtj pus sddPR dn 'suijui u.ws axvu-cixojaP Ty pe writers. TYPEWRITERS-AM mskes. all prices, for saie. ror rent; rent applied mnu pnones B. F. Swranson Co.. 417 So. 15th St , Onuha,. (16 1'47 Mlscellsaenas. Auction Sale TUESDAY, MARCH I-S-IO A. M. 1115 So. 6th St. Otrlr ri. , .- ...... . . MAnt .U.,, 1 1 , ,A 117 . 1 1 ... cept scaled bids accompanied by certified check for 10 per cent of tudr up to 10 . m . March 23. The stand is n money ms'icr. ca'l tind In spect It; open from ,v a in., until 6 p. m , daily. H. C. FRISI'.li: . TRUSTEE. 1115 So. (ji: !t. (isi-M.;i: . FURNITURE AT ONE-HALF PRICE AND LESS Remarkable bargains on a few extra gno;l high-class pieces of furniture to close out at onc e. Factory cost not considered In on ffort to dispone of these at once. $135 hall seat and g.ass. handsomely catc I In best qiiarlcr-ea wed oak, $50 will buy the two pieces. $i25 solid mahogany sldehoarrt, nntioue de sign, can be bought for $Vii. $160 solid oak sideboard, laige mafsive !c sign, hsnd-carv'ed. goes st $70. $160 china cabinet, solid tnalioguni. pen colonial design, sacrificed nt 7i. $S0C dotih library table, very handsome colonial design, $0fi. JoO ma.hogaiiy t ur-post bed. full tlZ' won derful bargain, $J2.50. ORCHARD & WILIIELM. 414-16-18 So. 16th Bt. ill'.) (01 IS FOR BALE One Am. Hoist and Deri Ic e Co., contractors hoisting engine, uM Bea Bldg. (16)-Mli.i FOR RALE Borne four and five-ton stak" drays or would sell whole outfit. Address lock box 436, Sioux City, la. lllii M79i SEND us your mall order, for drug; freight paid In $10 lots. Mycru-Dicion urug co., umana. 116)- SODA fountains, new and second-hand; monthly payments. Deright, 1818 Fuinani. CO- -M.i-.'i DRUGS at cut prices; freight pakl on a: $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman te McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (lti) 639 THE OLD TRUSTY Incubator For lo special prices, freight prepain W cl:i,! free trial. Write the Old Trus. lnir.i. xbator Co., Clay Center, Neb. (It. -A WE HAVE on liund a number of 'nd barrels w hic h we will sell al lc . They are fliu fur rain water cr ache Call et press room. Bee Publishing Co U6j-.7 FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar, fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick Balke Collender, 407 S. lOUi St. (161-638 FOR SALE Goed moving pielinv theater in good location; ki's .Ii- e:ie silling. Inquire I'M I 1'atri -k A ,-e (l.,i - .It..' 19v OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INS.. -lib N. ) L. icl. I). 1661. (o) CcU Dr. Katheryn Nickulas. U)S N. Y. L. Bldg. in) -410 PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. (17)-43 PATENTS THAT PROTECT Th ree books for investors mailed on receipt of 6c post age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey, rooms i9-Sl Pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C. Estab lished 1869. (17) 643 PERSONAL OMAHA Stammerers Ins., Kan, so Hldg. ll-nll HALL'S afes, new, Id-hand. IMS Farnam. IlKi tW THE SALVATION ARMY solicit! ess, oft clothing, in fact, anything yoj do ni'. need. We collect, repair ai.ci sell at lit N. 11th St., for cost of collection to lh worthy poor. Call 'jhone Duugias 4JA, and ivagun will call. clS -7s PRIVATE horn during c nliiiement; babies adopted. The Oood Samaritan ban. tiarlu.n, 740 First Ave., Cuuncil 1 nc I Tx, la. tlh) MJoS Al n VIT"!1 1 D treatment and bath. Mnie. MiVUiNLill'-' Smith, 6S2 8. 16th. 2d tlonr. (lsi-i: SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mail; cut prices. Kend for trvo catalogue Myeis- Ullion I'rug v.u., umini. (Ill) II, C. H. THATCHER, rilano tuning, Doug. 6019. Um-MI&i Mil MAKSAfJFi Electric vlbratoryT 1J0 S. JVlAi5c1AUri 1(n Room Fouiih Floor, Old Boston Store. U8)-M92o Ail VATORBATHS ;:LX'nLr men. If you want to get rid of you rheumatism, lumhago, sciatica and oths chronic ailments, take the vapor hatha snd massage treatments of Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Beuda. We also give face and stain treat ments. Ws get results. 23U-;4 Paxton Hlii. Tel. Douglas 160. I CIS I (U A vnt:Nn wrtiut ir.vr L,min. ... 7 to n strangers are Invited to visit the Younrf Women's Christian' association rooms IMS Farnam St., wher they will b dlrerisd to suitable boarding places or otherwlsn assisted. A deaconess representing th association meets trains at th Union sta tion as travelers' aid. (IS) 'M DR3. SOGERS, private confinement home 13i6 Martha St. Tel. Douglas &'30. (18)-M80 AhJX NOTICE I will not be responsible for snv debt or debts contracted by my wife Maillda. from this date. March 15. VM LAWRENCE WUEALKY. tUl-364 l,x POULTRY AN0 EGGS WHITE Plymouth Hock cockerels for sals; Flshel strain; from stock scoring 96. Pure white; price $1 to i each: eggs In sea son. D. A. Uood, Ogdsn, la. lU)-M16o l$x EOOB W HITE ' WYANDOT I' E-EOG8 IKroin large, pure white stork, with farm range; 16. 11.60: . $2 76; 60. (4tM, satisfac tion guaranteed. W. 8. Oregoir. Keoig, la. KuscUwu Faim, (U;-UU4 2g r