Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 17, 1909, Page 11, Image 12

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horns, 75c nd II each. Ed Pooiey flelma,
low. U)-M2 17
TWO DOZKN" Whit Wysndott hens scor
ing H, l. W) eoh. On dorn rmliet scor
Inif . r: esch. Mil. L. M Kste K t,
Audubon. la. ,J qp-MJ 3n
QTTAMTT "TOTC for al In B. C. brown
or W. leghorns; B. Rocks. 8. L. Wyan
dotte, Ruff Cochin and IA. Brahma.
F. W. Johnson. Luther, la. (11)
BARRED Plymouth Rork cockerel, both
cockerel and tuillet matin. Alao M. B.
Turkey. KatlKfsrtlon guaranteed. Mr.
L. P. Carroll. Hampton. I.
.:-.. (11) MKJ 24
n BREEDS gee, durka, chlrkana. Btamp
for catalogue. Minkel A Co., Mapleton,
Minn. (lD-Mltf 17m
B. P. ROCK rnckerele. hens, pullet, blnla
scoring to 91. sired bVxiOl prise ckl. D
M. riitiltrv show. Eggs In season. Mra.
It. Van .Dar Wert, Lacey," ta.
(U)-M823 84x
WHITE tlOLLANn turkeya, Pekln duck
and Fmbden gander. Only a few mora
to spare. 8. M. Compton, R. 8. Newton,
la. (ll)-Msa 24X
8. r. WH1TK UCHHORN eggs, 11.60 for 16.
Wolff Poultry Farm,' Florence, Neh.
(ID MSofl 17x
JARVE PTO. CO.. Job printing and calen
dar. (StU 4 Cap. Ave.' 'Fhone Ind. A-2HA
IS aoj
Rir.rci 'ABSTRACT CO., Eat. ISM; prompt
ervt'-e: ret jur price. 1710 Farnam St.
PATNF. !lNV. CO.. flrt. floor.
IV. I. L.
(1) 4
BENJAMIN R. B. CO., 477 Brandsl Bldg.
: if -
Ed Johnston Co., 1614 Farnam.
441 Branded! plilg. 'Phone D. nnr.4.
fi-roortis arid 1mll, osk finish and floor,
full ba-nieiit. entirely modern and com
plete, full outh front lot, one-half block
from' csv. No arirtlilun In Omh lia
built up like Bulirhur Springs, In the same
length of time, .mil sll fine homes.
Tlic locsllon Is rlK-bt, the house Is rlht
and the onor will mske the trm to ulL
Thjs Is TOt R riJ'PORTfNITT.
New tooatlon. 1SH Harney St.
. . (19) 401 17
For Sale
in llannefim place; 8 rooms,
. -' 1 1 ;i . R.'', farnac, laundry,
:th and cold water, flna
" fit.. Unveil treet, permanent
hlk. :
PRICE, $3,450
'.Part cash, halawe same a rent.
- - s . ...
ilH Kriitijes Hlilg.
... :. H9)-M43l 17
Kight room, tnodern.oak finish, full two
lon a, large comniodlou room, elegant ar
rangement and finish; built for a horn two
year ago; ewst . front - In Hinioom park.
Park Ave. Tola -propwrly muat b sold by
ih 30th lnt., and th prlc will sell It, a
It la'ofrered tor 11.600 less than It aotual
value; part cash will handle It.
A Brandel Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
' tl)-l
" love in a Cottage
At' 42S Douglas' St,, t-r., brand new,
strictly modern except, heat. Thla la an
Ideal cottage home ail en one floor. Price,
i:.7W; reascnabie term. Oo and e thl at
Payne, Bostwick & Co.,
Sol Agent. Main Floor N. T. Life Bldg.
(l)-40 It
'' l-Yoipm, trlctly modarn, oak
' 'firiiah. lot 46x100, SP0 Dewey '
Ave. Uult paying rent and buy
' fnis t-bolcej Jionie with the rent
lnoney. Key next door east.
Price 13.500.' Would take good
hit; as , pajtnent.,
" i 44i' Board of Trade.
J Tel.'lwug. 3161; Ind. A SI 51.
i ... (! If
f-rooms. ' best plumbing, new furnace.
beautiful lrf, block to park. 1324 So. 3oth
Ave. 13".
lopl N. Y: IJfe. Doug, or A 351
' " (I)-4O0 17
Wa submit lot i In block 1. Denman Plan
a the cheapest lot In north part of city for
jou it is wiui, wnn aiiey. sower, city
water, ga and permanent Walk, all paid
for. One block from car. Location, north
front on t ayior ri., iro leet weal or 33d Bt.
PajT?e, Bostwick & Co.,
Bole Agent. Main FUkw N. Y. Life Bldg.
(191410 U
' l $5.rtOCASH
- ' ' $.(X) A MONTH
South fftit lot on Lerrdnor avenue,
between Stiili and list avenue, have city
water." aewer ana cement walks, site 40
3M feet. Buy two of these and you will
have an elegant piece of ground. Piio
4oa eacn.
Haatlnga it ' Heyden. 114 Harney Street.
, (UO-401 16
1' HAVB sis modern brtck houses In West
Farnam atreet dlstrM wblch I tan sell
or" 36.00 each, or perh p less.
Room I. New York Llf Building.
i i l-i '
' We offer for sal th fourth lot wet of
41d St., north froit on Harney, for 1700. with
good abstract of title, aewer, water and g-as.
perntanenA Sh1vwalk,-all pal 4 for, kb grade'
A pleJlld vli to bullt house for home
or laveetiuenA. Oood neighborhood rapidly
Iwpruvtiig with- iiew bouae. -
- Payut, Bostwick. & Co!, .
81 Agent. Main Hoar N Y. Life Bl.lg
il3-ill lo
Buy Them Now
Homi fine house at very re .isonahle
Nearly new -roim hollar, all modem,
except heat, located on N. 2th Ave.
Pine ti-room house, all modern. In fine
condition, combination fixture, large lot.
A real snap.
Fine house In Weat Farnam dis
trict, all modem, a fln home. Large lot.
Two nice 6-room houses on Plcrm St.,
near new car barn. Something worth In
vestigating. Ki.
Fine new 7-room luingalow, all modern,
and eat fmnt. Fine lawn.
Went Krnam. large .rooms, all mod
ern, cement walks, nice lawn, rrtnont cel
lar, large hath, all In fine coudltion. On
COMPANY, -'.n-.-
'01-4 N. Y. L. n' -'Sj j;
Iteon.nofl CEMENT PI,A'T 1 being erected
In Nowata, Okla., employing 600 men and
producing LOW barreis cenieut dally. We
have Just laid out an addition In easy dla
tsnce of the plant which we are offering
at . per' lot. Only IW down and lo per
month. Nowata 1 now l.ono and will he
lB.Oufi within two years. There are 4.6O0
flowing oil well In Nowsra County, and
the pav roll from the oil field alone I
- over I42,e00 weekly. Natural gas Is gelling
at 3c p r l.WW cubic feot. We still have
some land in wowin louuiy ink we
offer at from 110 to 36 per acre. You not
only get a farm that will rale anything-,
except tropical crops, but you may get
an oil or gas wall, or both. Better look
this up. It I worth while.
Suite ti24 New Tork T.lfe Bldg.
Open evening. 'Phone R.-d 1999.
The northwest corner of 28th and Miami, a
good 7-room house, with gaa, aower and
cltv water; large lot. 83x1 ft; barn;
onlv two blpcks to car. A good buy at
16th and Farnam 81s.
4Lti Hoard of Trade.
(19 M 430 17
' 2.4i0. ,
Price reduced for quick salo, 7-room
tory house, modern exctpt heat; I blocks
from car: permanent waiKs; on two iota
4K4xl35 feet. Owner WHnts to leave town
and must acll thl wck. Can glva term.
312 8. 18th St. Both 'Phones.
(19-M428 19
LIST your property with Chris Boyer. I2d
and Cuming Bta. (19) ol
City property, farms, ranch land or mer
ohandise to sell or trade, list them with
me tt costs vou nothlna- unless I effect
a sale. W. W. Mitchell. Ui Board of
Trade Bldg. ... U9)-
FOR BALE 7-riom, new housed, -modern ;
one and one-half blocks south of Farnam.
Terms; either furnished or unfurnished.
Call Harney 2847. U 361
Wa offer for sale the south weat corner of
4ad and Farnam St., with -r. modern
house, room' to build another hone- for
6.2W). Thl property I very reasonable
and should b taken at one.
Payne, Bostwick & Co.,
Sole Agents, Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
tl 41 J lo
BAROAIN-t-room house on Ohio, close
to 24th St,, rents for 1300 per year.
Owner non-resident; must sell at onne.
If taken at once wilt accept, ' tZ.UO. M.
J. KENNARD Sk Co.. M0 Brown Rlk.
r Are you looking for a,, , ..
HOUSE or LOT. . ;
We have Just what you want
tJ3 N. T. L. Bldg. both 'Phones.
LOTS for sale In Florernce. 'Best lot 'n
Florence. Must be, sold. Fruit In every
lot. Tel. Florence a. n) mzts aux
Colerado. :
ugar Deeia, aiiaua, gsneriu larming ana
frdlt raising; low prioe. easy pay man is.
National luvestmunt Co.. 682 Urandel
bldg., Omaha. Tat. iugla man.
NORTH Dtcktnaon county land, fin home.
good Inveilmenta selling last,, advancing
rapidly; come buub, gei a gooo oargain.
Write tt- Faokler, Manohester, Kan.
(30)-M.4 tlx
FOR BALB Must sell WO seres good land,
1 mtlus rrora koiiu, mo.; plenty of
water; fine buildings; lo-acre orchard;
all fenaed: price ta suit purchaser If taken
at Once; full description given on request.
Hubert 1L Mocks. Kolla, -M k- i-C2DJ-M4JS
Ortfta. :
The cnerry iiy, on me Deauiuui wuu
amette river; hop; walnut and. fruit farm
pay 200' to 1500 per acre, net; dairy farm
pay lX); Improved farms Hi to Uut per
acre; unimproved, 16 to 125. Excursion
rstea to balem in March and April. For
Information ana nam tacia aoares a. F.
Hofer. Secretary. Board of Trade, Room
11. 8alem, Ore. (3UtMl 17x
WHEN .writing ta advertiser remember
it only take a stroke or two of the pen
to mention the fact that you saw the ad
In Tha Re.
Deuel Co, Lands
If you want LAND that will produce crops
of all kinds, equal to Iowa or eastern Ne
braska, LAND that ta close to good towns
on U. P. K. R. In a well settled country;
LAND that can be had at from 110 to 123
per acre, and on good terms, go with us
March 23 and we will prove every state
ment. Write.
S. E. "WAIT & CO..
617 Bee Bldg. 4)maha. Nvb.
. ' 4f-M297 1
Nice Home Farm , in Pierce
. . 'County..; ; , ;
1M) aire lying gently roliThg, wlth-north-east
slope; 70 acres flowed . for . son; 26
acres hay land; 26 aifrca brome grass; 15
acres alfalfa: li acrea paarui-e, which can
be easily cultivated. Thera are nice groves
on the place and a nice yepng orchard of
11 treea of different varieties plums, cher
ries aiut apples. .
Th farm Is fenced and cross fenced, with
woven wire. The butldinga ar new, tMiilt
since 19U3. The house is 26x2H. 16 feet hlglu
10 riHims all well finished; herse barn IojiT
with haymow; cow . barn- 16x.'Ci. with alit
adjoining lux46; corn crib, and granary, ix
i; hog house 16x34; hen house U'iSO; eh
house 12x16; milk house W2xUi; new windmill
and good well with beat .of water and
plenty of It. Two water tanks, lead pipe
to tank and roaehed. . . i ... v.
Thla place can be offered for a abort
time only, at 3d) an acre. Heasonabl terms
can be arranged.
01-4 N. Y.' L. Bldg.. Omaha. Neh.
Tela Douglas lnjo. - Jnd. A 4J63. '
- iSt) M434 17
1M ACRES fine land, cOUe-from 4et-a,
Iboms euuaty. Neb. . MuU tat . sold t
. uiice. Very ihfap. . . . i
y. O. NIELASKN. 7a N Y. U BLDU..
O malia, Neb.
Nehraaka Conttaaed.
A GOOD HOM KSTEAt) relinquishment
undr government Irrigating ditch. West
ern Nebraska: one mile from new town
Owner. Bo 17, Mlnatare Scott Bluff
county. Neb. MX 17x
80 acre fine prairie land ln mile from
town In NOWATA. CO., OKL., IS per
There are flowing oil well all around thl
land. Chance for fortune in tola.
Open evenings.
Suite Ri4, N. T. Life. Tel Red 1M.
&-MZi3 19
Baath DiMU.
A DAKOTA bargain, lbO acre, two mile
from Huron; luo acres tinea, to acre line
gruve; a number of large, bearing plum
trees; I acres of asiragus that produces
about $"00 worth a year; new t-room
bouse 24x36; new ham Ux2R; another build
ing SSxuO; a large root cellar; a new I-lncb
1 lowing well, flow 40 gallon per mlnuta
Vegetables and grain took 181 worth of
f rises st th Bouth Dakota state fair In
nu. Soil Is a deep sandy loam, with clay
eubaoll. If taken soon I will sell for
lil. out'; 16,000 cash and 16.000 on time at
per cent. D. K. McMoniea, Huron, S. D.
A CHOICE quarter ectlon In Lyman
county, South Dakota, for aaie at lift per
acre. Lock Box M, Volga. H. D.
(20)-M7S6 17x
FOR BALE 10 acre fruit and vegetable
Irrigated land near Spokane, Wash., at
sacrifice. Writ H. K. Smith. College,
Tabor, la., 0)-M2O2 Alx
FARMS, 16 to ITS per acre. Write for our
long list, aemls, Urandeis King.
(20) ail MchU
WANTED City loan and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith -. uuu rtrnam St.
(U) 669
WANTEJ-CIty loana Pet era Trust Co.
LOWEST RATES Bemls. Brandel Bldg.
(12 64ft
COO TO 110.000 made promptly. F. D. Wa4,
Wead ttldg.. uin ana -arnanx (Si)
to loan on
Omaha Business Property.
Room L New York Life bldg.
SECOND MORTGAGE loan negotiated.
Apply Room 4J7-18 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg.
Bell 'phone Douglas 1318. (XS 664
Private money; 3600 to 16,000; low rata
(! 640
1600 TO 35.009 on home In Omaha O'Keef
Heal Katata CO., 1001 IN. r. Life Doug,
or A -aii (22) 63
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha prop
erty, wunrta xoung, uus uoage Bt.
(2j M98J
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
(23) 6M
PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood,
ai cranaeis mag. aij nug
V 3S0O to 1300,000 st current rate.
W. H. THOMAS, 501 First Nat l Bank Bldg
IF you MUST sell. Hit with us. We cannot
ell anything unless at squeeae prloee.
Open evening.
. Suit en N. Y. Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb.
, 'Phone . Red. l9.
V (35)-M31
FURNACE, steam and hot water repair;
Thermostat and other heat regulators;
new furnaces and hot water combination
mating, omana stove Repair works.
l!on-lti Douglas St. 'Phones: Ind. A-3S31;
HIGHEST price for secondhand furniture
ear pets, clothes and ahoea Tel. Doug. 397L
() 7
BEST prioe paid for secondhand furniture.
i-arpnia, aioves, ciomjng, snoes. Tel. Doug
MM; ' 73
ROOM, with board; Weat Farnam district
Address Postofflce Box 686.
(26)-M380 tlx
WANTED 7 or 8-room house, modern, west
of 20th, south of Cuming; give particulars
location, cash price. Address L) 1M, care
126) 8W 16x
WANTED In private family Dreferred
one or two room apartment, neighborhood
.i uuisuiin irn, reicronces given. Ad
dreaa W 164, care Bee. () M421 lx
AblrAKOunu wood working machine
. hand woud like steady employment. Ad-
areas aihioi nous, vuiion Mill, Mo
(27)-M970 lx
LADIES' bundle washing. Harney lm.
(27) M388 82x
WHEN you writ to advertisers reman..
ber that It take but an extra stroke of
two of the pen to mention th fact that
you saw me ta in in us.
Omaha, Nebraska. March 16, 1909. Sealed
prnpoaals. In triplicate, will be received
hen and by quartermasters at th post
named Herein, until 10 a. in . central atan
dard time, April 15. 1908, for furnishing
wood, ooal and charcoal during th fiscal
year ending June 30. 1910. at Omaha Quar
termaster Depot, Fort Crook, Omaha and
Robinson. Nebraska; Forts Leavenworth
and Riley. Kansas; Forts IV A. Ruswll
and Mackenzie, Wyoming; Fort Dea Moines
Iowa, and Fort Meade, v South Dakota
Proposals foe delivery at other placea will
not be entertained. I he United Slat, re
serves ins rignt to reject or accept any or
all prnpoaals or any part thereof. Inform
tlon furnished on application here, or to
quartermaster at the atationa named. Kn
velopea containing proposals hould be
marked "Proposals for Kuel," and ad
dreese to MAJOR D. E. MCCARTHY, C
Q. M. MCH16-lS-17-Apl2-13-14
ycakly galUng Between Montreal, Qoebe
' H w w
Two day on th beautltui Bt. Lawrence
river ana in iuui to alu
r, 1 1
So tiling better on the Atlantlo than our
Krnnressea. Wirelesa on all steamers,
rirst claaa, 3W aoad. B60 one alas
Mhln. X4b.
Ask your ticket agent
ir.ns rales and booklet.
mn, hi wrui tor aaii'
t. B. BBBJASalB,
tag Bo. Clark Bb
Otuoago. xu.
79 TOVmS, de Lux and
Vacation, for 190; Cover
All Kuropa
$150 to $1105
. All Traveling Sxpeuas
245 Broadway, New York
Cook' Travelers' Check
are Good Everywhere.
Burling-toa-Great Northern Link
Means Much Here.
River Irrigation Project, Judith
Basin aid Alberta Broagat Into
Direct Comaaaalratlon with
Gat City by Hoad.
A strip of new country 'l.aoo miles long
and 2U0 miles wide will be thrown open to
he merchants and Jobber of Omaha by
the opening of the new connection between
the Burlington and the Great Northern via
the new line from Billing to Oreat Fall.
Beginning May 23, the Burlington will In-
ugurat a new fast electric lighted train
from Omaha to Seattle via the Oreat
Northern, over the Oreat Fall link. The
Burlington I now completing final ar
rangement for thl train, which will con
nect with train from Kansas City and St.
Louis at Lincoln.
A new wealth of territory enormous In
xtent and heretofore unaccesslble to
Omaha Jobbers 1 thus thrown Into the
Omaha lone.
Thl route I not a duplication of mileage
heretofore leading from Omaha, but Is en
tirely new. It connects the fast growing
Alberta country directly with Omaha, mak
ing the first Canadian province put In di
rect communication with the Oate City.
The new line taps the Judith Basin, a rich
paradise between Billings and Oreat Falls,
where th land haa doubled In value dur-
ng the last year. ThtB has been one of
the greatest sheep raising suctions' of the
country and Is made tributary to South
The Sun River project, a government Ir
rigation scheme near Oreat Falls, Is also
added to Omaha territory. This trsct has
270.000 acres ready for Irrigation and towns
will be built every lx mile. The new
Kootenai country Is also reached by the
new route.
Burlington official will thus have the
new line open In time to make a stronger
bid for the heavy business which will pas
How to Reduce Fat
Proportion Is the thing. A fat woman
yearns to reduce her abdomen, but she
doesn't want to produce a scrawny neck.
This fact condemn the dieting method of
reducing. You can't starve the fat off one
place and not off another. Simply Impos
sible. But why try dieting, or even exer
cising, when there Is a better way of re
ducing fat than either?
Try the following: One-half ounce Mar
niola, H ounce Fluid Extract Cascara Aro
matic, ih ouncea peppermint water. Any
druggiat will fill the above cheaply. Take
a teaspooniui aner meals and at bedtime
and aee If In a few weeks you are not
losing about a pound of fat a day not from
places where you are normally plump, but
trom those tha are overlv tat. The re
ceipt work like a charm, I am told, and
though It produce delightfully apparent re
sults, yet It Is perfectly harmless. Doesn't
even cause wrinkles, tney say who have
used It, nor Interfere with one s diet, wnlch
are two other exclusive and Important dif
ferences It possesses over all other fat re
ducers I ever heard of. Instead of being
harmful, in fact, as so many of the adver
tised remeUle are, It Improves the health
and appetite and complexion.
Unloa Pactao
Overland Limited
Colorado Express .
Leave. - Arrlv.
...a 3:66 am a 9:40 pm
...a 3:50 pm a 5:00 pm
a 9:20 am
...a 4:10 pm a 6:00 pm
Atlantic Express ..
Oregon Express . ..
Los Angeles Limited.. .. al2:66 pm a8:u0pm
Fast Mall a 9:80 am a 6.46 pm
China and Japan Mail. .a 4:00 pm a 6:46 pm
North Platte Local a 8:15 am a 4:46 pm
Colo. Chicago Special... al2:10 am a 7:U6 am
Beatrice & Stromsuurg.
Local bl2:40 pm b 1:40 pro
Local passenger not carried on train
No. 1 and 2.
Chlcagro Oreat Wasters
St. Paul-Minneapolis.... 8:30 pm 7:30 am
St. Paui-mlnneapDlla.....' 7:30 am 11:25 pm
Chicago Limited 6:06 pm 8.27 am
Chicago Express 7:30 am 11:86 pm
Chicago Express 3:30 pm 3:30 pm
Chicago, Reck Ialana A Pacltlc -
Chicago Limited a 3:00 am J1:06 pm
Iowa Local a 7:00 am a 4:80 pm
Rocky Mountain Lid. ...a 3:00 am all:u6 pm
Dea Moines at Eastern.. a 7.-00 am a 4:30 pm
Iea Moines Passenger. .a 4:00 pm al2:S0 pm
Iowa Local bll:00 am b 9:6a pm
Chicago (Haetarn Ex.). a 4 40 pm a 1:10 pm
Chicago Flyer a 6:28 pm ti.a tm
Rockr Mountain Ltd... all:16 did a X 60 nm
Colo. A Cal. Express... a 1:20 pm a 4:80 pm
Okl. A Texas Express.. a 4:40 pm a 1:15 pm
Bt. Louis Express a 6:30 pm a 3:35 am
St. Lout Local (from -
Council Bluffs) a 8:00 am all: 16 Dm
Stan berry Local (from
Council Bluffs) b 6:00 pm b!0:16 am
Illtaol Centra
Chicago Expre a 7.13 am a 3 46 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:80 am
Minn. -at. Paul express. D i;n am
Minn.-Bt. Paul Limited .a 6:00 pm a 8:30 am
Omaha-Ft. Dodge L'cal.a 4:16 pm all:80 am
Chicago Northweatora
Chicago Daylight
...a 7:26 am all:48 pm
,I:J5,IU lpm
...all:30am a 3:28 pm
...a 3:45 pm all:30 am
...a 4:30 bm a a.-:in nm
Twin City Expieaa.
Chicago Local
Sioux City ixxiai....
Chlcaao Local
Chicago Special
...a 6:00 pm a 8:23 am
Minnesota-Dakota Ex. ..a 6:46 pm a 9:80 am
Kaat Man a a :, nm
Twin City Limited a 9:00 pm a 8: am
Loa Angelea limited. ...a :w pm a!2:36 nm
Overland limited a!0:00 pin a 8:23 am
Nebraska and Wyoming Olvtsion
Norfolk-Bonesteel a 7:40 am a 6:20 pm
Llncoln-long tine a i:eu am al0:35 am
Dead wood-Lincoln a 3:00 pra a 6:30 nm
Casper-Lander a 3 00 pm a 6:20 prn
Fremont-Aimon i:ii oi Hpm
Haatings-Superlr t 8.-i0 pm b 5:30 pm
Chleago, Milwaukee A at. Paal
Chicago & Colo. Sneclal.a 7:25 am all:50 pm
Cal. & Oregon Kxpress .a .00 pm a 8:26 im
Overland Limited a :b pm a 8:30 am
Verrv IicbI b 6:16 pm bll :25 am
Misaoarl Paclflo
K. C. St. U Kxiress..a 9:00 am a 3:45 am
K. C. & St. L. Exiress..all:16 pm a 6:60 pm
Leave. Arrive
Denver A California.... a 4 10 pm a 3:46 pm
Northwest special
a m.iv pm a J:u pm
a 4:10 pm a :I0 pm
Black Hills
Northwest Express
Nebraska point ...
Llrcoln Fast Mall
Nebraska Express
..al3:u am '
..a S.45 am
,.b 1:30 pm
..a 9:15 am
9:s am
a 3:10 pm
all:ll pni
a 6:10 pm
b 9:1 m
a T:50 pm
b!0:30 am
a 6:60 am
b 1:06 pm
Lincoln Local
Lincoln kcal
Schuyler-Plattsmouth . b 1:05 pm
Bellevue-Plattsmouth ..a 8:30 pm
Plattsmouth-Iowa b 9:18 arn
Bellevue-Plsttsmouth .cl2:3f pm c 2:40 pm
Denver Limiiad a 4:10 pm a 7:06 am
Chicago Special a 7:36 am all :46 pm
Chicago Express .a 4:20 pm g 3 55 pin
Chicago Flyer a 6:J0 pm a 6 .10 am
Iowa I-ocal a 9:16 am all':) arn
St. Louis Express a 4:40 pm all:30 am
Kansas City A St. Joo..al0 46 pm a 8 80 am
Kansas City A Bt. Jo . a 3:16 a m a t lu pm
Kansas City A St. Joe.. a 4:40 pm '
Chleaga, at. Paal, Mlaaeapoll
' ' Leave. ' Arrive.
Twin City Passenger. ..b 3 so am b pm
Bloux City Paaangr...b 3:0O pm bll M am
Sioux Cltv UmiI c 8:S ana c t::-t pin
Emerson Local b tM pm b 9:10 am
sllasaarl Facltle .
Auburn Local b"3 SO pm bll 35 am
a Dally. '4 Dally except Sunday, e Sun
day o uly. d Daily aaawpt Sunday.
through the Omaha gateway for the Seat
tle exposition thla year and which will be
magnet drawing thousand of easterner
to the west.
Omaha depot were filled Tuesday with
homrseckers, moving In all direction In
search for land In the west, southwest and
northwest. All trains In these, directions
were crowded, the Burlington having sev
eral extra coaches scheduled for Its Omaha
Kansas City train to handle the business
headed for Texas. Train to the northwest
also carried extra cars and some were run
In exfra section.
Our Letter Box
Contribution on Ttrnsly Subjects,
Hot Exceeding Two Knadrea Word,
AM tSTited from Oar Badr.
Bryan'a Great Wealth.
KIvARNET. Neb.. March I6.-T0 the Ed
itor pf The Bee: In a recent Issue of the
World-Herald Is an editorial that deal
with the problem of acquiring wealth, and
which, aa a punch In the Jaw to thoae of
our millionaires who hav sprung up from
comparative poverty, asserts that there Is
no sure way of honestly acquiring a mil
lion dollars during a .man' lifetime. I
would, however, like to submit th follow
ing: If I am correctly Informed, Mr. Bryan,
during the late campaign, contributed
IIO.OOO to the campaign fund.' Alao, if I
am correctly Informed, thl waa to come
from the earnings of the Commoner. I
am told that these earnings materialised in
five (6) weeks, exclusive of all expenses.
Now, If Bryan's Commoner,, exclusive of
running expenses, earns for Mr. Bryan an
average of 32.000 per week, a problem of
slmplo multiplication would seem to show
that In one year, it would net him 1104.000.
In ten years this would add another cipher,
or foot up to $1,040,000. Being still a fairly
young man, Mr. Bryan should be able to
accumulate several million during his life
time. The editor of the World-Herald will
surely not accuse Mr. Bryan of not earn
ing thl money honestly.
That gentleman has also other source of
revenue; la reported to be of frugal and
simple tastes, thrifty In habits, and is not
squandering hi wealth by any reckle
endowing of universities, building of
Ubrarlea, or the creation of old age pen-
Won like Carnegie and other whose money-
has come easily, and I have hopes of living
to see Mr. Bryan rank among the men of
great wealth.
Only, wllh thl possibility In view, his
friends should temper their reckless out
breaks against men of millions, for after
all, the earnings of th Standard Oil and
the Steel trust, or any other octupus. Is a
trifling thing compared to (he earning of
the Commoner, when you consider that th
assessed valuation of th Commoner plant
la lea than 120,000. N. H. JOHNSON
Law for Don and Cat.
OMAHA, March 16. To the Editor of Tho
Bee: I have been reading in th column
of your paper about several people In thl
city bolng bitten by savage dog. Now, It
would oblige me very much, and I hav
no doubt but it would Interest everal other
reader of The Bee If you would put an
article in your paper tating the law for
dog and cats, etc., that are destroying
garden and flower bed belonging to peo
ple who have no animal of thslr own to
annoy other. They go ao far a to vn
jump over well built fence. There are
ome dog that the pound men cannot
catch. If you will do thl you will greatly
oblige A READER
Bottled Bock Beer
Now ready. A delicious brew. 'Pt)on your
Mattle M. Mackey and husband to
W. H. DivsMer, lots 1 and block
7, Myers. Klchards & Tllden' Addi
tion 1
Clyde Ii Kuffner and wlf e'to Wiiliam
G. Yarton. lot K. block 11;
Heights J?,"
Boulevard Park Improvement Co! to
Shlmer & Chase Co., part lot 6
block 11, Boulevard Park
Shinier & Chase Co. to N. R. Fleck
part lots 1 and 2, UUe Addition..'
Duncan Oray and wife to R I.
Chambers, part lots 10 and 11, block
lis. South Omaha 2,650
John W. Thumway and wife to Mary
K. Conley, lot 12, block 138, South
Omaha .... 2i500
Jesse K. Trumble and wife to Willium
M. Schultt. lot 10. block 4, Denman
Place , m
James H. Adams to Lena Mead, lot
16, block 18, lianscom Place and
other lots .-
County Treasurer to James H.
Adams, lots 1 to 12, pant 18 and all
19 to 23. X 37. 28, block 2. and lota
9 and 10, block 3. Rcdlck Park
Oeorge A. Davis and wife to Bertha
I't terson, lot 1. block 2, Walnut
I'"! .y 3,700
Dolly M. McWlinrteriand husband to
' Kittle Crandall. lot tfi, Stewart Place 1,060
J. B. Starr to Martha A. Starr, weat
45 feet of lot , Bartlctt'a Addition.. 6,000
Thomas J. Spellman and wife to Ruth
E. Moore, part sub lot 1, tax lot 6.
section 9-15-13 3,250
Jeanette p. Becker and husband to
Joseph R. Wells, west 44 feet, lot
7 and 8. block 2, Becker & Fred
crick's Addition 750
Same to Ceorge L. Whltmore, lot 9,
block 2. same 700
Paula Hahn and husband to Anna
White, lot 6, block 20, Highland
Place 3,200
Thomas A. Creigh and wife to Mar
garet Yates, west 3d feet of lot .
block J, South Omaha 650
ti. M. Walters and wife to Josle A.
Rogers, west one-half lots 6 and 6
block 22. Orchard Hill- 1,550
Frank W. Carinlchacl to Grace L.
Butt. kts 5 and 6. replat block 108,
Dundee Place , ;. 5J0
M. B. Kendls mid wife to Anna Uurd,
lot 41, block 12. Brrgx's Place 645
Gustaf Dvolder and wife to Peter
Plcqaeur, lot 2. block 6, Hammond
Place 1,400
John IVklo and wife to Frank Horak
and wife, lot 1,, block 2, Dworak'a
Addition 1.000
James W. Jacob and wife to The
Byron Rend Co., part block "QT"
Shlnn's Second' Addition . v 2
H. B. Kennedy and wife to James W.
Jacobson. same 660
William D. Cliff In and wife to Frank
MuriKun, lot 5, block 340, Omaha 1
Isaac W. Carpenter and wife to A. C.
Hartman, tax lot 58, section 34-15-13. 8,876
John Power, sheriff, lo Frances R.
Gannett, lot 8, block 89. South
Omaha, 7... 1,201
B. N. Roliertmn and wife to William
LotiKman. lot 33, Windsor Place Ex
tension J,)0
G. K. Martinson and wife to Roy I.
Harris, part lot 5. block "R.
Lowes Addition S.ViO
Charles Foralund to Curl and Oscar
Olson, part lot 5. block 11, Boulevard
Park i0
Homestead Co. to Catarlne D. Regan,
lots 154, 153, Homestead 4R5
Same 10 Minnie Hughes, lots 15 and
Vi. Homestead , 780
Sime to Frank M. Smith, lots 180
and lKt, Homestead 270
Same lo J.' D. Miles, lot 2f6. Home
stead 190
Same to Alvli C. Hausafus et. al.,
1 hils 341 and 342. Homestead 320
Same to H. J. Rothmueller. lot 183
and 1S4, Homestead - 414
Same to Mary A. Gorman, lot 11,
Homestead , JW)
Binie to I.udwlck Keller, lot 814, 315. '
81. Homestead J50
Jnh Strauh and wife to Gertrude
Htichhol lot 22 and 23, block I.
Ron Hill Sty
Anna While and husbsnd to Paula
llshn. west 23 feet of tut . Houael'a
Sturdy osks from little acorn grow
advertising In Th He will do wonder for
your buir.a.
Milei Callahan it Found Dead at Foot
of a Stairway.
Attentat of Meeul Brlgge (oastruc
tloa Company to (lose Vladact
Over ta Street la Wot.
Mile Callahan. 212 North Twenty-fifth
street, waa found dead at the foot of the
stairway Tuesday morning by hi landlady,
Mr. Anna Offerman. It wa apparent that
he had fallen down the stairs. He had a
fracture abov the left eye and his face
waa skinned from his fall. The man had
been subject to attacks of epilepsy and It
Is supposed that th attack seised him aa
h was going -up the wthlr to bis room late
In the evening. The fall probably caused
instant death, for Dr. A. H. Koenlg said
he thought the man had been dead for
some time when found.
Callahan was man of 40 years, a bach
elor, with no relatives known except a
cousin, who la on one of the fJn team of
Lincoln. He had been a resident of Bouth
Omaha for many years. He had worked as
a plumber and ' for the CMdahy Packing
company as a eleamflttar. An tnqueet will
be held, but the arrangement bav not
been made.
Cars oa l Street Vladact.
An attempt wa made by the McNaul
Bridge Construction company, which has
nut ud the O street viaduct, to close the
viaduct to traffic Tuesday morning because I
the city refused to sign a waiver of dam
ages covering the time when, at the request
of the city, the viaduct waa opened before
completed, and a man fell through IU Slnoe
then a claim for damages has been filed.
The company wants a waiver covering thl
case. The city objects to such a waiver.
The street railway company was notified
Monday that the viaduct would b closed
Tuesday morning. Arrangements were made
to put on the old time card used before the
viaduct was opened. This was carried out
until the offlelala of the company could get
hold of Mayor Frank Koutsky. The mayor
said th contractor hd no authority to
close th viaduct now that It was complete.
They might sue to make the city a party to
the damage auit, if they chose. With this
Information the street railway company im
mediately resumed trafflo over the viaduct
It will require a decree of the court to clos
the vladuot. . .
Coancilaiaa Make Mistake,
Councilman John Hasburgli slipped a cog
last night In a resolution to require all em
ployes of the street commissioner's gang to
carry a union card and to work eight
hours at 20 cents an hour. It was ah In
line with the sentiment of unionism, except
the 20 oents. Th city pay 25 cent per
hour to thee men already. Hashing did
not know that last night, hence he thought
he was doing the street force a favor. The
resolution waa carried. '
Formal notices of a number of riot dam
age claims were presented to the council
for the first time, and they are as follows:
By Isaac Kohn, 161 Bouth Twenty-second,
31,298.75; Mary Duffy. 106 and 107 North
Twenty-Blxth street, $281.20; 8. A. Ferg-ueon,
3513 Q. 350; William Boee, Twenty-eighth
and R, .$644.40; Frank Crawford. Twenty
fourth and L treeta. IT.Oum. All of th
abov claim are alleged injuria don to
property. No case of personal Injury have
bean filed.
Th Judiciary committee reported ad
versely on th lengthy health ordinance,
but the report of the committee . wa not
uatalnad. It wsr referred back to th at
torney for modification and abbreviation.
The principal objection wa that the ordi
nance wa too long. Th city physician Is
said to hav endorsed the work of the as
sistant olty attorney on thl ordinance.
The city clerk. In accordance with the
recommendation of the city attorney, wn
Instructed to draw a warrant In favor of
the Omaha Water company for 3881.36, th
balanoa due the company for hydrant rent
al for the first alx month of th fiscal
year. The council deducted th taxe ow
ing to the city from th original bill of
A petition waa received and approved for
the change of grade of Weat L street to
accommodate the paving of that street.
Several estimates for work done on the
city aewer proposition were allowed to the
Three special ordinance In accord with
th finding of .the Board of Equalization
assessing special taxes for grading, paving
and sidewalk were introduced.
The ordinance requiring th railroads of
th city to furbish light over all grade
orosslnga wa passed.
An ordinance wa passed opening Forty
second street aouth of Q to the point where
th street I now open.
; The ordinance vacating th alley for th
accommodation of St. France church was
The city clerk was Instructed to withhold
th advertising of th lighting proposition
for on weak and In the meantime tn fur
nish each member of the city council a
copy at th proposed plan of advertise
ment. ; .
Federation of Labor Organise.
The American Federation of Iibor or
ganized Sunday afternoon with a member
ship nf over 600. A mass meeting waa "held
at Barton' hall, at th close of a week of
campaigning. After several speeches by
local men and by Emmet Flood of Chicago,
th ma meeting proceeded to organise
and elect officer. Jake Davis was elected
president; John Buglewlcs, vice president;
Joseph Uvlck, financial secretary; N. V.
Bavlsh, treasurer; John Johnson, Thomas
Sullivan and John Wolfe, trustees. The
next meeting I scheduled for March 28.
Th officer will b installed and the char
ter will be closed. After that time the
meeting will be secret.
Mlsaaarl Maa Arrested.
Officer Edward Todd arrested John Miller
yesterday at the Union Stock yard. He I
wanted In Missouri to answer for serious
offense which were not telegraphed In par
tlcular with the Information asking for hi
retention. The Missouri authorities have
been notified and will probably come for
th man within a day or two. Miller was
picked up at the Union Stock yard stables
where he had been employed for some time.
He refused to give Information concerning
himself or his recent movement. His par
ent live at Bt Joseph.
New Bidder for Light.
Among the bidder who will compete for
th lighting of th city of South Omaha
will be the Coleman Hydro-Carbon company
of Wichita, Kan. Thla company waa repre
sented in South Omaha yeaterday oy S
A. Young. He offer to put up boulevard
lamp of 2,000 candle-power at about one.
fourth the prest-nt cost of either ga or
electricity. The light la produced from
gasoline or kerosene as doalred He will
submit two propositions, on to Install and
maintain th system of lamp and the
other to Install th lamp and hav th
maintalnanc to the city. With th latter
proposition a couple of office would hav
Lo be added to th city' Hat of appoint.
Magta City Uaaela.
Call Glynn Transfer for moving. Tel. 364,
Bam MacDonald ha returned 'to Bouth
Omaha from th weat. He expect ta be
nere hum him.
Th work of remodullag th sheep barn
and the dip at tli l'nt. SM.-k yards, en
tailing an .eotpenee of il', la .progressing
The willing worker ef the Christian
church a III meet w ith Mrs. Hurrv Brk,
"J:1 North Ninee-nlh ait-ct, S cdnesday
Ail parts of the world msy be reached
by the foreign drafts of the Live to,-k
National bank.'
The report that a burglary had been com
mitted at a e.'loon al Tv. nty-flrst and S
Is an error. The place wa visit oil, but
not recently.
Harry Harvett and Clyde (Jreensllt were
arrested yesterday by the special ' officer
of the Burlington road, wlm charged them
with steeling hny from a box car
Rev. James Wise of Pt. Martin's church
lost 3to in cash and a nnmhec of check
through the visit of a burglar Sunday dur
ing the time when all the family wer at
the church.
The Women's auxiliary to the Young
Men's Christian association of Bouth Oiiiahn
Is making preparations to entertain hand
somely at the reception for Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Metis, the new secretary, and hi
wife, this evening.
The Bohemian National society will en.lny
n illustrated traveloemc ott the subject of
'Bohemia'' by Mlaa S. Harheck. professor
of Slavonic language at the I'nlverslty of
Nebraska. ThMs Is. to be 'given 'under th
Auspice of the Kohvlisky Klub at' th
National linlt. Twenty-first and. l trct.
April 4. - ... .... .
Wednesday Is tha last day of the aale of
those odds, and ends., .There Is still some
neckwear. Way's mufflers, little "boys'
Jumpers and other articles, all rednecl to
5 cents. All goods formerly 26 cents, what
Is left of them go Wednesday for Wc.
Among them are men' sntsll sle vests. mM
wool drawer, size 80; some boys' shirts,
boys' plush gloves, eh-. Boys' -sulls,. age 14
to 30, what Is-left sre reducad agiin, tin
time to 31.98. What Is left of the children's
suits reduced from 9Hr to Sue." New spring
suits are ready. For 3h we show 6 elegant
new styles. Including a ellk-llned blue serge.
in some .of the high-toned stores up town
you pay 815 for some not as good. Wednes
day store Is open until 9 P m. Nebraska
Shoe and Clothing House, Cornar 26th and
N Sis., South Omaha
Simple Remedy tor La Grippe.
La grippe co'tghs re dngrous aa they
frequently develop into pneumonia Foley-
Honey and Tar not only stop th cough,
but heals and strengthens th lung so
that no serious results need be feared. The
genuine Foley' Honey and Tar contalna
no harmful drugs and Is In a yellow pack
age. Refuse substitutes. For sal by all
Three-Cent Fare .
for Missouri
Railroad Officials ' Unanimously ' De
cide to Revive the Former
Passenger Rates!
CHICAGO. March 1.--The resumption 01
3-cent passenger rate In Missouri to re
place th present 2-cent . rate, which was
declared confiscatory by Judge Mcl'lierson.
was decided upon today at a meeting of
executive and traffic official of th In
terested roads, held In the office of Presi
dent B. L. Wlnohell of ' the ' Rock Island
line. - It was stated -by aty executive after
the meeting that th action of the confer
ence wa unanimous." No conclusion were
reached, It was stated, regarding litigation
In other state.
Began Like a Ringworm, on Hand
Though Treated. Washing Irri
tated It and It Spread Over Arm
. and Face Kept Growing Worse.
'A little over six rear ago cad a
gore come on my hand. I consulted a
doctor. He tola me it wa a ringworm.
It lrept on getting worsa o I went to
another doctor. , Ha- called - it aJt
rheum. I kept on taking his treatment
for some time but every washday my
hand would break out and be worse.
It continued to spread, till It got over
my whole hand and up niy arm, .alo oa
my faoe.- X u flu red wiLh the disease
about four year when a friend of mine
told me to try OtitJcura. I got two
cake of Cuticura Soap, one box of Outi
cura Ointment and two Dottles of Outi
cura Resolvent. When I had used
them up, 1 was ourod and I haven't
enen the least gign of- the humor slnoe.
Mr. Linda Wlnulow.Wy aiming, Perm.,
July 13, 1W08."
And Cut by Fall. Now Healed
without a Steal by Jse :'
' " . of Cuticura, .
"On January 31 I fell from a wagon,
landing on my faoe and head against
the curb and gutter' I was. about tha
worst loolclngvpron'that aver had a
faoe. After ahout two ' hour' oareful
wanning I got the blood atop pod and
the dirt off and my faoe pretty well cov
ered with Cuticura, Ointment, a You
may know that 1 wa pretty well skinned
lip by the fact that both lip were cut
Inside and out and the skin on my no
and both cheek bones out. Part of my
face wag healod over In a week and th
scale came off and while the rhevk i
4jill sore there are no mark to prove
that I was eve,- scratched. I would
also say that I .use the. Cuticura Soap
for shaving and my fax Is always soft.
W. H I)e.n, Newark, Del., FebniiuT
24, 1908." '
vri" r-F Internal Tretmii ft
?Fvry Humor of Intsnu, Children and Adiilu con
of t:lllciirs Rnap C2Sc. to Clnn tba BXfa.
uileura ointment (Mc.) to Hiol the Hkln nd Cu
i"n. '.'.'"il ). "r In ths form of ctKx-ol.t
Co,led Hill. 2Ae ner vMI of 001 to Purify tie Blood.
oli wimusnoui Uie world. Potter Drug A (fecaT
0rp .,le , ffum. M , "
wuim raa, I'uuoura bunk oa gala Dl
for fistula
That sounds In- f "" A
teritritJiiBri.MM.n-t k rf X Tl
il? h,ivcuuiy 11 S
yoa nave al j1-""' 1 4
ready trledfi H
m of the so- I 1 I
called nurecurusLj U
cur. I uiMko what I say. My
simple ejonuflc treatment la
sura euro. I use no kill Is or ehln
ruftiriii, neither do 1 siiujectyou
to tlainrsruus orieratloiili. Tfun-'
dreds hvs been cured. The same
i poaaibl fur you. nonioresuF
rannif, no uiere unpiMaaniaea
or annoyance. My treetiaeol
sun sunwt, sftfest ana aulck-
est cure In Uie world, la
vssusmie a now.
Pay No Money
Until Cured.
f abaoluta-
rraml uucoodl-
tlouaily uaiao-
a our lnevry
UllU I
fir UwUuhI (letter
Still, kveli your lhuu
to dayBt
t m in your pocket lieposit
in you n baaiTl
r j will Unat yuu. 1 lira when
I aiu ttiryuvn, hav cured ou
ooniiteuly iiud viiub,Luo
J '" every l.artl.-uUr. Uira imi m
iMtbesiiiairieel a.k. ThaTi hit
imr iur anq anould Induce
youtoeuinesiKiare iu at oace,
oralleaawntrjiy free book
Uaat uiis all afoul il i nli sea
in. K. K. Terry.
for mm
11 1 I f (.,..
. y . r
A t
9 af