JO THE OMAHA DATL.Y BEE: WEDNESDAY. MAItCIT 10. 1900. ;irFrif?Tinnrnii?,n Wednesday's Special Sales 20c Lang Cloth at 121c Yard Ju?t received, a new shipment of the celebrated No. 6,000 Royal English Long Cloth yard wide ff 1 irom HIP lOII. IS H ill lit1 HI, till o f1 S aBM J",u IN BASEMENT. 15c Mull Cambric at 5c Yard Thousands of yards of good grade' of mull cambric factory lengths from the C 15c grade at, yard IN BASEMENT. Yard Wide Bleached Muslin Great square of yard wide bleached muslins, in desirable lengths a special saving to those who attend ' this sale Wednesday yard IN BASEMENT. White Goods Dept. itv Basement 40-inoh Persian Lawn never sold for less than 35c a yard very heer for fancy waists and dresses, also for f children's -wear yard ' .!! 40-inch Victoria Lawn, that usually sells for 25c a yard ai, a yard, only 12V&0 15c Embroideries at 6c Yd. .Manufacturers' trial strips, also full pieces of fine cam brie and nainsook embroider)- edgings, insertions and, beadings; all kinds, great variety of pret- f9 ty open work patterns up to 7 inches X wide and worth up to 15c a yard at, f fl a. m a yard. v. , The Big Window Display Han Been Much Admired. New Crochet, Venise, Ori entals, Hexagon and Grecian laoe bands, insertions and galloons; white, cream and ecru. all this season's de- signs-e-on bargain square worth up to 26c .'at,' yard ..... k . 10c Fine French and German Val. laces and insertions, also fine torchon laces many to match big va riety of pretty new designs, worth up to I2V2C a C n yard at, yard C Special Demonstration and Special Demonstration , STANDARD NomfJTirlerV PATTERNS Made with linen knee AU th,8 week at our Pattern the child a stocking that ... .. wears-reinforced linen heel. CT, cUon toe and. knee.; ot Miss Alice B. Hawley. . . , OMAHA Extraordinary Announcement! WE BOUGHT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF ' Kahn a"d Friedman 15 W. 17th St., NEW YORK . SOLD BY ORDER. OF THE COURT . This firm manufactured high grades of ready-to-wear apparel for women and children. Their spring, 1909, stock was complete when they were ' forced to discontinue and we bought for about 40c on the dollar. Sim-. Spring Suits Saturday SK IS, Women's Skirts V. Monday ! XV. Waists Fcoats 5? Tuesday S? All the ttsaea'i Lingerie Wash Dresses V." Wei Mar. I7th How is tho Timo to go to aBifrai 1xw one way rates in effect EVERY DAY to San Francisco, Ijos Angeles and many other points in that state. -T Touriflt Sleeping Cars run Every Day on UmiioirD Fa5fS ELECTRIC BLOCK SIGNALS ALL THE WAY THE SAFE ROAD TO TRAVEL Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 TARN AM STREET Phones: Bell, Doug. 1828, and Ind. A-3231. t"i A I I Bt qulpn4 rental ( J , H1fhMt ffrada lnUsiry at 1 f J lawlaJn riUlnca, Just Ilka tja I 1 1 Icaxafully alar(lls4 aXur a4 L ytmsD FLOOR. , BAILEY la MACH DENTISTS tUo ta tha mtddl wwafc nwaonaoia Fries, fui. tooth All a paUant. PAX TON BLOCK. WEDNESDAY And All This Wcok Children's fl.'t.OO Norfolk Suits, g1.98 $I.OO RiiKislan lilouao Suit, $2.98 Men's Fancy Yewta, Odd and End; Former Price. O.V, ami I.OO; Kir.ea 3 to 38. 43c GUARANTEE CLOTHING COMPANY 1519-1521 Douglas Street SMART SHOES W x- E'VE Shoes for the Dap per Young Dresser the Young College Men, who always wants the limit In Shoe Style. Wt Aak tha Attantlon of Touna; Km TO OTI BFKXNO BXOSM. The choice leathers, the chle toe shapes, the awing of the last, the cut of tho solea, the shape of the heel and all the little details that belonar. to shoemaklna; are here In all their wellness $3.00, $4-00 to 95.00. FRY SHOE CO. Til IBOllI 16th and Douglas Streets. BALDUFF'S Poigee Kisses SPECIAL FOR WEI NESDA Y 20c LB. BOX. Regular price 40c. ' Made from pure New Orleans molasses and granulated sugar and cooked to a soft chewy, dell clous morsel that melts in your mouth. FOR WEDNESDAY ONLY 20o Our Bakery Favoritee: Cottage Bread 5 Pullman Bread lO Milk Biscuits, dozen 10 Sweet Rubks, dozen 100 Almond Sponge Cake, each 100 White Mountain Cakes, each 150 Baba Coffee Cakes, 3 sizes. 6c, 15c and 25 Cinnamon Buns, dozen 2O0 Our fine pastries served in our lunch room. BALDUFF 1520 FA RX AM. G. S. Cobb, Receiver. II I Jf H,r,nc Sl j LiL journ'1 TTBtniiTlir in I V M Style Book and any Ific Ladles' Home Pattern SO0 WHITE WARE DAY III tllC ArriPrioan white porcelain, highly, glazed; Aus trian white china dinner sets; plain white toilet CHlillft ware "hite china for hand painting. A day. of , intense bargain interest. Our entire stock of Uepi." white ware, embracing our new spring pur chasesj new patterns and designs. AMERICAN PORCEIiAIN Highly Glaned, Mmt-Clas Good. Tea Cups and Saucers, palr.. Fruit Dishes, 4 Inch, dozen. .3. White Bowls. 2 shapes, each. .70 Dinner Sot, complete, 100 pieces, t 84.75 Bone Dishes, each f0 Casseroles or Covered Dishes 400 Oatmeal Dishes, dozen 500 Sauce Boats, each 120 Flat Rim Plates, 6 Inch, each . .20 WHITE TOILET WARE. Ewers and Basins for... 50 Covered Comblnetts, with handle ; 850 Irge Covered Chambers . 450 Open Cuspidors or Slop Jars tor v850 AUSTRIAN CHINA DINNER SET. A special Wednesday offer consists of 100-plece sets of fancy white Austrian China dinner ware one C CIQ day only, at 4) 11. 10 Vlino Palnlaye onelay sale with greatly reduced X 0.1IlL6ir S pricm, showing advantagea of supply lug prexent and future wanta now. PLAIN OR FESTOON SHAPED COUPE PIRATES. 4-inch Plates, dosen 050 6-lnch Plates, dozen $1.25 6- lnch Plates, dozen $1.50 7- Inch Plates, dozen $1.75 8- inch Plates, dozen ..... $2.00 Barrel shaped Salts and Peppers 'or 15 Collar Button Boxes, each . . . 100 Service Plates, 9 in size, doz . . $3 Dragon shaped Steins, each. -400 Footed Sugars and Creams, per Pair 500 Footed Hair Receivers or Powder Boxes, each 500 Spring Jackets Shipment of new spring models in pleasing variety are In. 30 and 3 6-lnch lengths In semi-fitted or new straight-line effecU are correct. Tan or gray coverts, also black serges and panamas, $7.50. $8.05. $10.00 nd $12.00. MISSES' 81TT8 A large line quite the best ever brought to Omaha; smart, snappy tailored Ideas Just what the discriminating little miss of 14 to 18 years likes best are here. Materials are worsteds mostly in all the best spring colorings at WOMEN'S TAILORED SUITS- Hlgh Class Exclusive Models . . . . , ..$15 $25 Suits that portray the highest degree of tailoring art ever attained by garments at so popular a price: styles that are expressive of most advanced models for the spring of 1909. In quality of materials and the high character of design and tailoring they stand supreme. Nothing ever displayed in women's apparel In the west or else-Qj? where approached these superb models, at tffdmiO 1 WEDNESDAY CORSET EVENT Here's a Corset store that keeps forging ahead through the per sistent endeavqrs to make it worth while for you to come here. Live bargains on new; desirable corsets every week have left their impress on the women .of Omaha and each announcement brings out goodly buying throngs. For Wednesday, we put out 25 dozen only fine batiste corsets; long habit hips and high bust models, that impart correct and fashionable lines to your figure, each corset is embroidery trimmed and Qft really $1.26 value; Wednesday, on sale for 0"C We display several excellent numbers low priced corsets for home wear) in coutil or batiste, at .500 NEXT-SATURDAY our nriH annul SILVERWARE An event not quickly forgotten by all who attend. Thla year's sale offerings reach the climax In bargain giving. WEDNESDAY FOR NOTIONS Wednesday. Splendid bargains are Watch the Notion tables each featured. Nickel Plated ' Safety Pins, dozen to card, assorted sizes, regular 5c, at 2 cards for 5 Women's Pad Hose Supporters, regular 25c kinds, for 100 Hooks and Eyes, black and white, all sizes, special, 2 cards . .50 Darning Cotton, brown and black, dozen to box 150 Bias Lawn Tape, all widths, spe cial, 12-yard bolts 100 Hair Switches, 18-Inch, real hair switches, all shades, $1.00 kinds, 'or 690 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY 40 Green Stamps t Green Stamps 10 Oraen Stamps A Sure Cure for Fistula Ana o nios That aounda In torasUnf hn'l It? JtspnrUUjr II you bars al ready triad tome of tha so. called lure cures timl foiled Uk cure. I mean what I aar. My slmpla BL-letiUflo treatment la a aura rare. I use no knife or chlo roform, neltimr do 1 subject you to danrerous operation!. Hun dreds have been cured. Tne same Is possible for you. o more su Pterins, no mora unpleasantness oraniwyanoa, Mr irmunsui Is tne surest, sarxt and quira- est cure In tne worm. 1 a vesUsata It now. Pay No Money Until Cured, WRITE TO DAY FOR 1 .mr' l r B I IiA-3s?la you turn I absolute ly and uncondi tionally auaran- tea a cure In every ase that I accent for treatment better still, keep your money In your pocket. Deposit It In you own bank. I will treat vou. Then when I am throush. have cured you completely and you are satisfied ery particular. Uien pay me wuaU fee I ask. That s fair square and should Induce to come and see me at one. or at least write torn free book was tens ail aowul n. Address Dr. E. R. Tar-y. ftesBviMlasj. a Oessha,Nek. Bennett's Capitol Coffee, pound Teas, assorted, our 58e grades for, lb Bennett's Capitol Pepper, can Crackers, three 10o pUgs. for , Royal Celery Salt, bottle Pure Maple yrno Bennett's Capitol Brand One half gallon for ,. One quart for Prune Bala California Prunes, thirty to forty size, regular loc grade; special, lb , Kconomy Clothes Cleaner, bottle Shredded Cod Fish. I pksjs , . Sweet Pickled Peaohee. quart Karly June Peas. Bennett's Capitol, 12 He valu dozen $1.16: each Haitley'e Pure Jams, jar Pomeroy Corn, three cans Stuffed Olives, Mason qt. Jar Vegetable and Flower feeds, pkif Black Diamond Stove Polish , Diamond Oust Metal Polish, pkg Roval Tomatoes. It4c cane for Swanadown Codfish, regular 10c pkg.; (oar (or . . 880 and ..46o . .10o and . .too , .10o and . .70 .380 . lOo . aao and .9o and .So .100 850 .Boo and .400 a Ho .10o and .soo and lOo 850 20 Green Stamp 20 Green Stamps 10 Green Stamps 10 Green Stamps 20 Green Stamps rnnn rnn Weak and aarvoua mas IUUU I UK who find thair power to NFDVf ( work and youthful vigor nbAILd (one aa a result of over work or mental exertion should takt GHAT. Nt-KVsi FOOD PlLLa They wU Biaks you eat and sleep and be pian again. tU Box) a wosea Sx BO sastH, XX it MAS! ft aaaOOsTaVBixJt tomut 0 Cue 1 IXMWe Strwewl OWL ASUS OOBLPASTV ,-c lata, aad auscMV asa. usjstkk.t fcj tit e t)M Mads Par Menta Tea Vest ssa nd sM nMdliJ swahia m she werldl j ..lla caedily; aa ans raawied. B J Ataets ulw as evay ax" srfsy J. 1 JahHaOH. ttuUKS, V ii 1 W 1 1 ock xisiana IFTwo W Magnificent r Stations in Chicago Englewood Union Station: Convenient of access to and from South Side residential district. and affording direct connection with numerous Eastern lines. La Sail Street Station : Nearest the heart of the city, the business, shopping and hotel district, and only station on tne elevated loop. Take the road which land. younght yfijl Ullt 1 l IfiliillMlillB TICKETS: 1323 FARNAM ST. T o Chica g o TJo Ono Can Afford to T.llss GRAUD SPRING 0PEI1HIG Bca?cn6i2thai Don't Miss New Spring Goods Greatly Underpriced. Wednesday's Specials. THK RELUILH STORK m: t When you se our Spring 1909 Display of the justly most popular and World Famous "Crown Jewel" Tailor Suits (H You will bo, in all due honesty, forced to admit their superiority over all others at Distinctive design, artistic finish, rich colorings and all around high class workmanship and fabrics, place them in a class to themselves remarkably superior at the price. THREE SPLENDID SPECIAL BARGAINS WEDNESDAY 150 Tailored Suits in chiffon panamas, plain and fancy in all the newest shades and designs, made to sell at 010 C fl $20, choice, at V Ik.uU 100 Silk Rubberized Auto, Tour ist and Rain Coats, worth from $25 to $30, on Mj Qfl sale, choice V "uU Beautiful Street Dresses in th popular one-piece styles, pana mas, serges, broadcloths, etc.. choice new colorings and de signs, values to $30, at each New Spring Coat Styles, coverts and black, all the new designs, at $5 $7.50 $10 $12.50 $14.90 "ill t ' , $1.25 PONGEES ON SALE WEDNESDAY 75 CENTS 50 pieces of 27-in. all silk colored Pongees, the silk so much in demand now for coats and suits, very CT FZ3 ( J heavy and durable. Come in all the latest shades, the regular $1.25 yard quality, Wednesday, at yard , Seven Grand Hour Specials Wednesday $ MUSLIN AND KNIT UNDERWEAR Small Lots left from the past week's tremendous selling will be grouped to JT''f close at lowest prices 'ever known for goods of similar quality: - 8:00 TO 9:00 A. M. Corset Covers and , Drawers, that Bold to $1.00 for this one hour, choice 15c 9:00 TO 10:00 A. M. Muslin Gowns that sold at $2.00, cut long and full, at, your choice 60c 11:00 A. M. TO 12:00 M. Ladies' Mus lin Underskirts that sold up to $2.00, phenomenal bargains, at ....... .89c? 2:30 TO 3:30 P. M. Ladies' Gowns that sold to 75c, at, choice. . . , 29c. 2:00 TO 3:00 P. M. Men's and Boys' Madras Shirts, rej?ular 50c values, 19c 3:00 TO 4:00 P. M. Winter Underwear, Misses' and Children's, air sizes, 39 cent values, for , 10 4:00 TO 5:00 P. M. Men's, Women's and Children's Hose, regular 15c value 5c Extra Special s IN OUH FAMOUS FROM 9:00 TO 9:30 A. M. One case of Hunter's choice yard-wide Muslin. Extra heavy for heavy work 12V4c regular price, 10 yards limit, at, yard 6H? FROM 10:00 TO 10:30 A. M. One case of English Ixngcloth, 12Vc value. IS yards in piece, 1 piece to a customer, at, yard 15 0s FROM 2:00 TO 2:30 P. M. One case of Pride of the Farm, a very fine yard-wide bleached Muslin, 10 yards limit, at, yard 5 FROM 3:00 TO 3:30 P. M. One case of Hill's celebrated Cambric, 12 Vic value, 10 yards limit, at, per yard , 6 H 10 other specials In Dress Materials not advertised. No mail orders on time sales. for Wednesday DOMESTIC ROOM FOR ALL DAY 10c Percales, at, yard . . 12 Vic Percales, at, yard HHc 15c Percales, at, yard IOC 7 Vic Indigo Blue Prints, yard 4l 10c Bleached Muslin, at, yard..7Ha $5.00 all Wool Blankets, at ..$3.98 $2.00 Cotton Blankets, at . $1.1H 25c Towels, bleached bath, at ..J,t 25c Towels, bleached huck, at. . -15s IIIUH CillADK WASH (i(K)DS DKPT. Fine Silk and Mercerized Foulards, at, yard 38 Fine Silk and Mercerized Pongees, worth 75c, at 45 Fine French Percales, yard .-lSHt Anderson's Genuine Scotch Ginghams, at. yard ...10? New Galatea Cloth, for children's play and school suits, at, yard ..... 18 Remnants of Wool Dress Goods, worth up to $3.00 a yard, at, yard 25 39 49 50 75 08 New Specials every hour. f BIG COOKING RAISIN SPECIAL We bought of California Fruit Exchange one carload of Extra Fancy 8 Crown Muscatel Cooking Raisins. TheBe Raisins retail regularly at 8 Vic and 10c per pound. They were willing to accept our bid for spot cash at less than half. their real value, so we are going to give our customers the benefit: Tomorrow, per pound ...4- 3 pounds for . . t . . . . 10 THJS IS THK BIGUEST SXAP OF THE SEASON IN DltlKI) FRUIT 125 7-lbs. best Bulk Oatmeal for 6-lbs. Choice Japan Rice ... t-lbs.: best Hand Picked Navy Beans, for .- 10 The beat Pearl Tapioca, or Sago, per pound 5 Glllett'a Washing Crystal, pkg. . 1 Boo Want Ads Bring tho Returns 4-lb. package Pyramid Washing Po-w- der for ; Three 10c packages l'p-to-pate Warn ing Powder, for 10 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap, op 25 24-lb.. sack best Rye Flour for 75 SECOND WEEK OF THK BIO HIGHLAND NAVKL OHANGK SALE We have arrother car of the famous Highland Navels. The pride of California, Just came In Sunday. These are finer than ever bright, sweet. Juicy and very rich flavored. There are none so delicious as Highland navels; theyvare grown in the mountain districts of Redlands California, and are conceded by all to be the finest orange grown, and every one has been kissed by the sun, moon and stars. Sale price H-cil: Regular 50c size, per dozen . .'. 30 Regular 40c size, per dozen .... 25 regular Zbc size, per dozen J5k Regular 30c size, per dozen ... .20? Regular 2ic size, per dozen .. 12 C OMAHA'S GREATEST MARKET FOR FRESH VEGETABLES. Fresh Spinach, per peck 20c I heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce. .. .5c 3 bunches fresh Beets, Carrots or Tur nips, at ; S bunches fresh Sbalot Onions . . . 10c 3 lbs. Jersey Sweet Potatoes lOc Large bunches fresh Pieplant. . .7 He Large Head lettuce 7,c and ftc Fresh Cauliflower, per lb 8 4c Fresh Cabbage, per head 2 He Large Grape Fruit, each .fto Fresh Roasted Peanuts, quart 80 OOMT FORGET TRY HAYDEH'S FlflST IT PAYO - Jtmt l-Cb a4 Vuu. fta . .