THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MAWTI 1900. .1 Talks on Teeth BY OR. E. R. LMURPH Y Loose Teeth Made Firm If you ara a victim of pyorrhea, com monly known an Rlgga' dlseaee, (looa anlng. of tbe teeth and sore and bleed ing gum), we are alble to tighten your loose teeth and cure your aora gums; it la a simple method and not In the least dlaoomfortlng. Dr. Murphy 'a Method la the original and only method of aupplylng mlsalng teeth, or tightening looae teeth, with out the aid of platet or ordinary bridg work. When thee teeth are in place It la a difficult matter for any one. even the one who la wearing them, to tell which are uvtura'a teeth and which are "ar tificial teeth." In ahape, tlie, color, looka and ac tion, they are a perfect aubatltute for the teeth which grew in tha mouth, and aa firm as a rock. They are made to eat with. Tou can imagine how the announce ment waa received by tbe general pub lic, who were wearing fala teeth, when a few year ago we announced through tha columna of the dally preaa that we had discovered a method of reatorlng mlaaing teeth without the aid of i tial platea or even orfenary bridge work. Our offlcea were beaetged with people aniioua to find out what we meant by the atatement. None of them could imagine how we were going to make teeth stay in the mouth. Naturally we were prepared (o meet these queatlona and to 'meet them In the most convincing-manner namely, by offering to reatore all the teeth they had lout with our method and guaran ty the work. We told all theae peo ple, and we tell you now, that it you have two or more teeth, or roots left In either Jaw we can supply all that you have lost and make them as solid aa a rock In your mouth, ao that they will look and feel and act like natural teeth, and. In doing thla, we won't cover up your mouth with a plate. We won't cauae you any pain or discom fort while we are doing the work, and we won't charge you any more for It than any first-class dentist would ask for ordinary work. Think of the blessing that follow good, sound, nut-cracking teeth beau ; tlful fo look at beautiful to eat with! We beg of you not to confuse us with cheap advertising dental parlora. Flrat To protect ourelvee against 6uch people who have been ateallng our. name, advertising matter and tame. Second To protect the public against loss of teeth and money, through the dangeroua counterfeiting of the orig inal method as practiced exclusively oy us. Sond for our free book. "Dr. Mur phy'a Method" which explains the system thoroughly If you can't visit our offlcea in parson. DR. E. R. L. MURPHY BIO N'. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. S1UBBS, MASTER OF TRAFFIC Type of the Men Who Build Up tfce Great Railroads. SEAL GENERAL OF EAILHOAUIXQ Waa a Frelakt (Jerk WkM Htntlm. ton Fonnd Him and r Hr'i ilarrtmaa-a Rich Hand 'Waa. A msn with sharp, farcin eyes nml a face arnonth shaven and heavily lined rat listening to the efforta made by the at torney for the government at a recent hearing to ahow that the combination of railroads formed by E. II. Harrlman waa Illegal and should be dissolved under tha Sherman act. At different time th testimony had to do with the peach crop of California, tha apples of Wnahlngton, the mineral prod uct of Arizona and the alfalfa grown on the nlalns of Kansas, but nY mittar what the crop waa or where la waa rrown thla I Inated by the gnlus further north. J. J. man seemed to know more about It than 1 Hlil- An& matching tha How of traffic the Atchison road which la one of the aubjecta of the present Inquiry. While the territory .In which tha trafric man la such a factor In all commercial and Ind istrtil development baa tven greatly rxt.-m-d In tie lt dS'le or ao owri lo th- cnwilldHtitn of railroad", the traf fic miii I aj not the srhitrtiry P"W-er he orce had. rVhl. la ne to letMs'atlon jiv ing the rlitht of arpel from his decisions to the Interstate Commerce commlss'nn. ommlealeaa ( Aathorlly. Team ago a traffic man could fix a rat for a town on hla line arid boards of trade miRht protest in vain against his Injustice, but now tha Interstate Commerce oommi sion can step In &nd exert lta authority. Nevertheleaii a traffic man of any of the big railroad ay stems, and particularly one covering the new part of the country, is a mighty big figure, bigger someiimea than a handful of (rovemora. The headquarter of air. Harriman'e traf fic director are In Chicago. From there he gives hla orders, which are executed on the boat lines on the Atlantic roaat aa well as on the rail lines acroe th western plains, and all the time Mr. Stubbe is watching what tbe other transcontinental carriers are doing", particularly thoee dom- noaonononocoaonoi 0 ' ;.'M5 8 yHu W 5 MajELYALgS HAIR TONIC a o D o D o a o D o a 5 D D o a o n o D o D o 0 o B D o D o D o a o n o Q o a o o D o D , r ' g seal uu Mew a to re. a6E30aoaoraoc30c30E3ocio This well known toilet article ta extenalvely used and highly rec ommended by maa ana woman ev ery hare. It Is a standard article of lasting reliability. Mm. Tale aaya: "1 can conscientiously rao omanend my Hlr Toaio to all who are In need of an article of this kind. 1 have weed It myself for over I hlily yeara and tha perfect eoodiiton of my hair aad aoalp la sufficient proof of Its excellent and faarinleaa efficdcy. Hundreds of tbouaanda of people all over th civilised world will any as much In favor of Vale Hair Tonle a 1 can." Vaie lialr Tonic Is good lor r nil mi hair. Thin Hair and Gray Hair, it I alo icvuniniroiird lor fj bcMip 1 rtalinrnt. . A Most tJlldeal .air Dressing 0 tor the periut.1 fcruumliig of tl hair nothing excel ial Hair fl Tonic i i..-a tn ujlr a drligiu- J; ful texture, gloaa. soft nee and O rlcniieea ul tint. r.veryone ran use fl It with decliiu U-neru tu lUir ui u Scalp. C laie a Hair Tonic ctiinea In line fl te inn m!al price ft fcc aire, apecial n bUc ana. special a B ll.Utf alie. apclal . t yj, Ask for a free copy of Mxlawt aiea t-pge Souvenir Book at our Toilet Unuds Department. Al an mailed free lo those (Uing out of lows, Wr.n for a copy. Koc saie at the lawyers or witnesses. This waa be cause he was the railroad traffic director of one of the biggest railroad system of the country. J. C. Stubba la th traffic director of the Harrlman lines. He 1 perhaps the best example In this country of what the railroad traffic man has become, becaua with th lines acquired by Mr. Harrlman Mr. Ptubbs now controls absolutely tha traffic moving over J7.ono miles of fall and boat lines, a far greater mileage than It haa ever before fallen to any one traffic man to control. It la th business of a traffic man of a railroad to know not only all there Is to know about a railroad Itaelf, how sleep its grade are, how many cara can be hauled by one of It locomotive and other thing about lta operation, but he must also know what crops are grown along Its lines, what crop might grow and what Indus trie can b fostered In the territory which his system cover. Maar to rnll Down. In abort, he must know about a much a the census bureau and the Department of Agriculture combined. It would be a poor traffic maji, for inatance. who couldn't tell offhand Just about how many peachea wer produced In a atate through which hla road passed, but when you are traffic director of a system covering with all Its llnea more than half of the country thla becomes a pretty big Job. The traffic man of tiie big railroad generally ranks next to the preaident Sometimes he Is the president, for traffic experts have had the ability recognized by promotion to such places In many In stances, as for example. President Ripley of the Santa Fe. In the case or th Harrlman lines the president is not the practical traffic man. Among railroad men Mr. Rtubbs Is frequently spoken of aa th traffic brain of Mr. Harrlman. and to him has been credited many of the latter' move, most of which are in spired by consideration of traffic, such, for instance, aa th acquirement of the Illinois Central and the etock purchases in many or the important line In the oust. In railroad circle Mr. Slubb I held up a a shining example of what th traffic expert ha become In this country through th consolidation of railroad llnea, any one of which years ago used to b considered about ail a traffic man could look out for. It t something of a taak to master all there I to be known about the cropa and Industrie of euch a diversified character a 1 to be found west of the Alleghenles, but Mr. Btubb is credited with having don so. "It would surprise me," said a railroad official th other day, "if Ktubba could not tell me offhand how many figs there were growing till minute on the fig tree of California, for he'a got the crop re port of every atate fn the west In hi head. That'a why he's 'such a marvel." Mast aspire Preparers. In a new country it 1 often the traffic man who Inspire th farmers to experi ment with new crop and miner to look for new mine. That la because hla con stant aim la to get more traffic moving over hla railroad, passengers aa well aa freight. There are some who attribute much of California' growth to the genius of Mr. Stubba la promoting new crops, nut tnere are also those who Jutft as vehemently hold tht Mr. Stubbs by keep ing up rate ha retarded It. 8tubba atarted In when a young man a clerk in tbe freight office at Oakland. That wa back In the "Km. when Colli P. Huntington waa building up his railroad system. When he found out how much Btubb could file away In Ms head he began to promote him rapidly until he finally became the traffic director of th Southern Pacific, and as such th man who made the rate for the Pacific coast and lta two important outlet. If a town didn't trow faat enough they blamwl It on Btubl then. It wa all because he didn't make the right rate for It. It didn't matter how much Us cllisens put their shou'der to the wheel in it upbuilding. un!ss Mr. Btuhba smiled and offered to help tliera was a feeling that tha town would stand still. That is why Mr. Stubbs for twenty years haa been a more Important figure In some new atates than the pnldent. AH of. the business of a raUruad, both passenger and frelxht. la under the traffic gjtlrector. He la the rommandlng general of a small army which haa nothing tr do P with the actual operation of the system. O He Is there to build tip towns, to attract immigrant and to start them In buslntgs. from ocean to ocean and that put off at way atationa, Mr. Btubbs keep making mental note and every wreek or ao come on and has a talk with Mr. Harrlman, who got Mr. Ptubbe when he got the ithern Pacific and immediately made him com manding general of the traffic of all the line he controlled. Of course. Mr. Harrl man traffic genera I not the only one whose taek ha become of great magnitude with the develofime.rU of America' rail road system. Charles F. Daly, for In stance, who oocupte the same relative position to the New Tork Central line, has a Job nearly, if not quite as big. for while the territory covered Is comparatively small In area a compared with that over which Btubb hohls sway, yet It Is a terri tory where In one tate are to be found more industries and more people than In that covered by Mr. Harrlman. But the eastern traffic men have little pioneering to do. and this !s one of the great branches of the wnrk done by the rlasa of which Mr. Stubbs Is the best example. VETRERAN OF UNKNOWN AGES uiiaiiBef Haarr 'Willi A area, bat Doe Boslaeaa at tbe old Stand. AVhen wa speak of our A B Cs as our "alphabet" wa are using a word hoary with age, that, as far back aa we can trac It. rama from th eastern hor of th Mediterranean ea, thousands of yeara be tore th Hebrew went up there and took possession of the land of Canaan. Back of th people who occupied that land be fore th venu of Exodus were written we re not abl to trace the word, for we have not ufflclnt knowledge of them or of their etymological history before we find them in Canaan. it ha only been within recent yeara that we have been able to know that th word "alphabet" cam to u from the Phoe niclan. Before that we supposed that It came to ua from the Hebrew, through the Greek. A we lay "A B C" th Greek said "alpha beta" tth flrt two letter of their alphabet), which when It reached us became "alphabet." Thla we supposed had come to the Greek from th He brew, who called their first two letter "alph" and "bth," but sine then we have found that both th Greek and th He brew got th word "alphabet" from the ame ourc, which -waa th Phoenician. Th people of Phoenicia had th aama letter, "alph" and 'bath," wbleb have suffered but little change In sound down to our A and B. Alph meant elmpiy an ox. th sign of It being a conventional ox'a head, with th lower part of tbe face turned slightly to it right, and beth meant a house, which waa pictured by the rude outline of a primitive dwelling, which had a superfluous line added to distinguish It from an O.. Bo th first two latter of our A B C were originally an ox and a house and gave th name of all of th twenty-six letters, which w call our ''alphabet." Nw Tork Herald. 2 2d ANNUAL March Furniture Sale Greater values tills week for the expectant buyer Thousands of furniture aamplea secured by our buyers at av fraction of their read valne, ara of fered you at greatly reduced price. When you consider that theae samples rrpreeit the maker' bef effort, and that they are offered you at from OXK-Vl'AKTER TO OXK-HALF LESS THAM AtTl'Al, VALl'KH, then you can in a small way appreciate the wonderful offering, and when you see the actual good, you will realize at once why this great aale haa met with the great aucceaa that It haa to far enjoyed. Credit Terras Are Made Exceptionally Easy Daring This March Fomllnre Sale Sewing Machines AT MONET SAVIIIG PRICES 0in5l i NiBlssmi 01 U pedestal Eit'i Ttfeli. Terms, $1.00 Oaah, BO Waokljr. Similar to cut and made of solid oak. verv highly pol ished. It Is positively a value that you -cannot duplicate elaewhere for less than 120. T """ If. rir" - rJr n I 1 1-'-" .All Uoode like ruta ueed and nadly aa Iteatilbed. Ample quantities. ruin Figure. Be aur and see our new line of family Sewing Machine. Vlue that you positively cannot obtain anywhere else In the city They ar sold on a TaraT TBAJ QUaaYAjr-raa of giving absolute satisfaction They are capable of doing any kind of work, both plain and fancy, light and heavy. Th cabinet work la of solid oak, highly polished. They are nicely nickel trimmed and ar easy running During thla aj a March sale we offer you a tli U Ml Machine at. vlUlwU only Sold on Very Easy Term s i &f liA S ft A a a a a a' rw"iMj ------- aw -aw HULL Hi It- U 4 i'H 4 I i L C-aPT a THREE ROOMS FURBISHED COMPLETE FOR $71.50 Term. 910 Oaak, gS.OO Igoatalir. Th only complete home outfit that ta a real home outfit. It is not necessary to go elsewhere to complete th furnishings of your home they Include everything they Include Window Shades. Lace Curtains, Draperle. Tinware, 8tlvrwar. rinner ware. Rtc. Good that you cannot obtain with outfit offered lwher. 001 7 C For this Suberh glilU 535.00 EED IAVENPORT Term .00 Oaah, BOo Weekly. Exactly like Illustration and poeltlvely an i i - v. . I TV m. htatv ff.m.i atre made oak and are highly finished in a beautiful golden. Th upholterlng is done In a high grd Imported velour. over a guaranteed ateel construction. Make a most use ful davenport and can eaally be converted into a iu urlant bed at night. unmateh- of BOlld u i our dmmmM'j- eCrvJa Prnrfit UIGUII Areata for Direct Actio Oas Kaage 1 ttAt m v V Gas Ranges 1 b a k MOD UirfI rif.ll m thing Lie- ?. We Sell Guarantee TW FVRNI8H THE (11 RU FURNISH THK HOME, RIG VALVES AT ALIi TIMES AT THE PEOPLES STORK I $4.75 1 ni Y vom HOME CHTF1TS THIS MARCH SALE. 010 50 Fir Ul! Kith 01--- tifil PrrlBmt Drum. Term, 91.00 Oaak, Ma Weakly, Exactly like cot They ar made of selected olid oak and ar high ly finished They hava a large Wench beval plate mirror, and a carved frame, support ed by ieavy carved standard. Positively an unequalled valsa. Fir tbis Eitelleit Dining Room Table. Xxaotly Uka eat. Made of selected stock, finished In a beautiful golden oak. Haa lx foot extension slide and Is ubtan tlally built. Terama, flJOO Oaah, Me Weekly. Yosr Dollar Haa The For this Emlliit Fikrioli Luther Cm., Exactly 11k IlluBtratlen and upholsterf1 In TninI. fabrlrold leather, guaxanted to 1v perfect " atlifactlon. 6 '1 arm O D o 0 o a ADVERTISE TH THE OMAHA BEE BIST M THE W13T Jadg at Flrat laalaar. If a town want, inrreas.d facilities, an extra aiding, perhaps, eventually It will be up to the traffic man lo aay whether or hot th' request be granted, though of rourse generally the president and the di rectors must act formally upon 'hi recom mendation before it Is authorised. And the traffic man will determine It just In accordance with his estimate of the amount of lncreaaed business such a step may n.ean. an estimate formed after he ha foui.d out all nbout the town. Ha inhabi tant and their ways of making a living. BVmfctimea Instead of one town it may be half a d'.son little vonmiunit! scattered over a valley yet untouched by the railroad wbicb are to be considered, and in that case the traffic man must know all about the so: I and what it ran produce to make a branch line pay. In northern California, for Instants, both the Harriman forcea. led by Mr. Htubha. and the Atchison. Topaka at Santa KV, de cided that there waa a fruitful aoil and a ooumry which could quickly produce reve nue, and both projected branch llnea. re sulting in a railroad war. In Artsona three tears ago. th AtrhiaOB for the aame rea son started building through the so-called Gila canon a line Intended to open up a ter ritory of 300.009 aauar mile, supposed to be rich lu mliuwal resource aad which would afterward be affected by the great Iriigatkm scheme of tba Root ei It dam. This wa another eaa where th traffic maa of th rival Ua had to ahow that he couldn't be caught napping. In fhl oaae Mr. Stubba wa aa th ob, and tha result waa another railroad war. ending In the agrvsmvot between th Harrlman road aad PRATTLE OP THE T Ot JtGSTER . Teacher "Now, Harry, suppose I had a mince pie and gav one-sixth to Johnny, one-sixth to Tommy, one-sixth to Willie and took half of It myself; what would be left?" Harry (promptly) "I would." Mamma," said -y ear-old Edgar one even ing, "haven't I bean a good boy today?" "Tea, Edgar," ahe replied, "and I'm very proud of you." "Well," continued th little fellow, "I can go to bed without saying my prayers, can't I?" Sunday School Teacher "Don't you want to be an angel. Tommy?" Tommy "I ain't In no hurry; the base ball season's comln' pretty soon." Small Clifford had frequently accompan ied Walter to the home of the latter' grandma, where cookies were always forth coming. One day while there th rookie did not materialise at the usual time, so Clifford said: "Mamma ay I must never aak for anything- to eat. but I'm awfully hungry. Just the same." A lltle Swede boy presented 'himself be fore the school ma 'am, who asked hia name. "Tonny Olsen," he replied. "How old are you?" asked th teacher. "Aye not know how old v bane." "Well, w hen were you bruin?" continued the teacher, who nearly fainted at the reply: "Ay not burn at all; ay got atepmulter." A matron recently, In honor of a visiting friend, baked aa Imposing chocolate cake Chocolate frosting covered the entire out side of th cake, which waa left on a kitchen tabl to cool. To the mother, en tertaining tha friend, her daughter called, explaining her absence: "Muvver, I e keenin' up for 00." Presently th mother went to the kitchen. "See." Ud her daughter, exhibiting th cake, taken, apart and acraped of all .sis chocolate, "J'ae cleaned thi nassy cake." n nnwsi WOT WAY 9A KsKBIaLCflT Oet th gaa range that haa stood the tet. Our - gsa range have every good feature of all - other gaa rang, and many the othera lack. We guarantee to cut your ga bill fully one- tntra. luring inie mmjm we offer you a guaran teed gaa range at. onlj $12.50 j nis Sale. Term, fl.M Cash, Mo Weakly. ZQ12 & TAPNAM STREETS. OMAHA. (Th reple rwraltur aa Carpet Ce, Bit. 1887.) aaaaaai auaaaM MBmvnm-mmmm, 0inf5 For n Bitamii 1; v I U Bra&til Big. Terms, M Weakly Made of tapestry Brusael narpwttnc, of a very fin arrada. Tbey will give excellent wear and ar an un excelled valu at tha above pi-toe. ART REVERSIBLE RUGS Can be used on either side, T val ues. March aale prloa ft SB Zajp-aia Carp, sLHcXJy all wool IIOc value. March aale rrica Bra seal Oarp, heavy weight. value. March sal arte..... TM jrotatng-Baau Oaiftaai II to values. March aala price, per pair WHAT TIIE WOMEN ARE DOING Young Women's Christian Association Would Open with Big Membership. LIFE FEE IS INCREASED TO $100 Doaaestlo Hrleaee ftrbool Aaaoaaoes arhedale of Clase Baslarsa -Women ta Have TralalaaT In Dlaaer Cooklasr. va r"aUba SaNATCM 1 1 j aa Thla lnatltution la tie only one Id the central weat with aeparat buildings situated In their owa amule ground, yet entirely dla tlnct and rendering It poaalbla to claaalfy caaea. Tba one building belDf fitted for aad devoted to the treatment of noncontagious and n on mental diseases, no others be ing admitted. Tha other, - Reat Cottage, being dealgned tor and devoted to tba exclusive treatment of eelert mental rases, requiring for a time watchful car add spe cial nursing. Every effort la being made to open ihe Toung Women's Christian association building with th largeat mmberahlp In th association's history. March 26, the day upon which the building will first be opened, only the membership will be admit ted, and they only by card. Three thou sand cards will be Issued. Th moat Inter esting feature of Memberehlp day will be the remlnlacence meeting to be held In the evening, when lettera will be read from former members and talk given by others who have been In touch with th associa tion and ita work from the first. Thi pro gram will be. u1if-n in the auditorium and will be repeated in the gymnasium that ail may have an opportunity of hearing It. Ufe membership in the aeeociaf ion will be raised from to t'W with the heg n nlng of the new asaociaiion year th firs'. itt April. , Every other association In this country places Us life membership at lim. Domestic Srlenre. The opening of the school of domestic science and arts will give to the aesocistlon on. of ita most attractive features and. beginning April 5. the following schedule of classes will be observt-d: Mnnrtav Business women's dinner class. ( to t. Tui-sd.v Beginners' cookery class. J:S0 to :i and 7:15 to :15. Thursday Maid's rlaas in cooking ami serving. 2:! to 4 "30. Thursday Hhirt waist class. '?: to :. Friday Fancy cookery r!n. M t. Ji Friday Embroidery classes. 7:15 and :13. Saturday Dolls' dressmaking Clara. ID to 11 JO. "aturdav Business women's dinner rlsss. 6.3U. Department Meetings. The muajc d-parlmtnt of the Woman's club will give a miscellaneous program Thursday afternoon at 2:15 o'clock. Miss Sorenson presiding. Miv FVilth Miller and Mrs. Henrietta Htrom Trnnell will give piano numbers: Mrs. Harry Blodgett. Mr. Charles Iing and Misa Nellie Hollenberger. vocal numbers, and the Amlcitla violin quartette will also give several numbers. J. J. Point will addrees the social science detainment at It meetirg Monday afternoon. this address having been post poned from the laat mentlng. Tlie next meeting of the art department will be held Thursday. March 11. at M . m fsubect of tba ieaaon atudy will be the "Qulrlnal HU1 and tha Notable palaoes of Rome." Th current topic department will meet In the club parlor Tupeaday afternoon at i o'clock. Mra C. W. Ha yes. leader. Every member haa been requested to come pre pared ta give a current event. Mra. An drew will pk ua "Property Rights," Mr. Challl will give a select reading and Mrr. Plnkerton an Instrumental solo. Anaoaneeaaenta. An Important buainess meeting will be held In the Toung Men's Christian associa tion rooms by the Omaha Women Christ ian Temperance union, Wednesday, March 10. at 2:S0 O'clock. The ParUh Aid society of All Saint' church will meet for work In th parish house club room. Friday at 1 p. in. NO MERRY MAIDS WERE THEY Model Dairy Helpers la Overalls Get Into a Row and Start Thlags. From the model dairy near North Ya kima, at which the milking waa to be done by maids dressed In whit duck overall and jackets, come a aad story of discord that resulted In the substitution of milk man for milkmaid.. Condition, were so nearly Ideal, a described a few day before the opening of th dairy, that half th young women of Washington were tempted to rfld farewell to pink teaa and evening gowns and take the Northern Pacific) for North- Taklma. Now, alas! the Meal ap pears to be shattered. ' Read and reflect on the following rauae of discord and the dis charge of the milkmaids: "One of the girls married one of the stable hands, and this so roused the lr of the other that they continued to quar rel and pull hair." Not that alone. One milkmaid, full .-if the Old Nick, would squirt milk Into the eyes of th maid at the adjacent row. The quirt waa not received In th spirit In which It wa sent. Th stable hand had made -an Invidious distinction. Tbe poor fellow could not marry them all and com ply with the laws of the atate mad and provided, yet th choice waa not approved by those who remained milkmaid.' Those who had not been invited to marry were Jealous of her wbo had been Invited. Be ware of jealousy. "It 1 th green-eyed monster which doth mock the meat It feeda on." Taooraa ledger. BUGHOUSE PEOPLE IN TOWN Resaarkable Comsawalty la Germany Where Inaane Persona Are Boarder. On of the most remarkable place In Europe, of which no tourist on pleasure bent ever take notice, say a writer In Berlin paper, 1 the "City of th Insane " by which nam Qheel, near Antwerp, has been known for generationa. About l.tOO men and women, afflicted with insanity In all It forma, live there, and have a happy being as the "guest'' of the In habitant, who know by experience how to treat tne unfortunate one. In the atreetat In th place of amusement, the cafe and workshop these patients may be found, and nowhere 1 thar th rtcnotaat ug gestlon of restraint apparent. Tho board range from (40 to 3.(00 marks a year, and, no matter how small the amount may be, the patient Is alwaya tho favored member of the family. He haa tha flrat right to the most comfortable chair, and tha baact of th tabl belongs to him. He rwoatvts th moat at tent Wn, and thia ha leama ta appreciate and to endeavor to maintain by living down, hia lllne. Even th children know how to treat the d omen ted peopln. The dangeroua one are aent to another settlement and to Institution. It ia won derful bow considerate, careful and kind the almple people are toward thotr ehargaa, and a peep Into th community would prob ably terrify physicians who bad never heard fit and could not appreciate tha good which I being don In this 'Clty of tha Insane." New Tork Tribune. Quick Action for Tour Money Tou get that by using Th Bee advsrt unrig col. He tan. Back Hard. "That boy." said th Btlrrtllo farmer, "beata my time! Just now, arhon I aotal scripture to him ha oasoa taaok at mwaaadT "Vou don't aaryT" "Sore. I told him r gtt a ho an fol ler th furrow. Thar gold ta thai itafi,' I said, and what do you reckon bo snad) aner?" "Vou tell It" Father.' he aaya, T dnrrt tear fr2he) gold o' thi her world: I'va laid ur In heaven!' Atlanta Consttt trp tra tattoo. We Will Buy You a Dottle of Liquocide. and Give it t You to Try with germ dlseaaea. Uquoclde. on the con trary, acta aa a temaraable tonic. We Paid $100,000 For th right to Liquocide, after thous- When you learn what Uquoclda mean to you you will wonder how you went without It. Tou will rrgret the time lost in treating germ trouble wrlth remedies which have no effect on germ. And It costs not a penny to know Isquo- clde. ftimply tell us you want It and we1"11 of t'"t hl be" made with It. AfUr Its power had been demonstrated for mure than two yeara In th moat difficult germ diseases. Condition which had reaiated medicine for year yielded at once to It. and diseases considered Incurable were cured. That waa seven year ago. 8ince then million of people In every part of the world have ahared in the benefit of thi invention. Nearly every hairnet, every neighborhood, has living example of Its power. Now we aak you. to let it do for you what It did for there. will buy you a bottle gladly. Try It and let the product Itaelf prove its power. All we aak then ia that you tell other what the result are. Tell those who a re wait ing., as you waited, and who ar losing a hat you have lost. What Liquocide Is Uquocid is a tonic-germicide, th vir tues of which are derived aolely from ozld gases. No alcohol, no narcotic, nothing but gas enters into It. Th prore of making require large appaiatua. and con sumes H day. time. Tbe object I to o combine the gase with Uijuld a to carry their virtue Into tbe system. The result la a germicide so certain that w publish with every bottle an offer cJf ll.un for a diseaae germ that Liquocide 1 a r. not kill. It destroys them because germe ar of vegetable origin. But to th body Liquocide la exhilarating, vitalising, purifying. That la lta main distinction. Common germicide ax potaona wfcea taken Inter nally. They ar Impossible, for they das troy th tlaauae aa wall as the ferma Thai I why m.dlcLu prev ao nalpiaa in dealing other mean cannot accompllaha And fl 1 wrong to cling to old waya wtjen nf Hon of people know a way that la batten, 50c Dottle Free If you wish to know what Uquxwada dona pleaae aend ua thia ooupon. Wa wall than mall you an order on a local druggist for a full slxe bottle. ac) will pay tho drv gist ourselves for it. Thla la oar frj gift, mad to convince you; ta tot tho product Itself ahow yeu what It earn da. In Justice to yourself, please aooopt It to day, for It place you under no ObUga tlon whatever. , Liquocide costs Mc and L ' Germ Diseases Most of our lcknea haa. In late yeara. been traced to germ attacks. Borne germ aa In akin trouble directly attack th Us.ue. Soma or sale toxins, causing such trouble a Rheumatism, Blood Fois.n, Kidney I a seas and nerve waaknea. Rome destroy vital orgmna. as In Consumption, atom Ilk the germ of Catarrh create Inflammation; aame cause Indigestion. In one of those ways, nearly every serious ailment Is a germ result Mjca eondltasoa aail for a germicide, not for eommaa drugs. Laquoctd doe what CUT OUT THIS COUPON Fill It out and mall It to Th Liquo aone Company, E. Klrtal Wc. Chicago. My dlaeaac la I have never tried the new laquot'lda! but if you will supply m a 60c botti free I will take It 02 Give full addr lite plainly. form of tha Uouoclde I th perfeotad fa product whtuh. la It original caned uquoaone. Any physician or hospital wot rat car mat LaquotlOs wUl p aUnlJt acsypUed. Xec a took.