Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily
J-nr Nebraska rl'r clone''
Pnr lows Tfcreeienn.g
For westher report see Pag I-
Clerk Only Beads Title on Final
F&staft and Ther Are Dirpose d
of in a Etrry.
Gives Up Position
Rather Than Trv
Panama Libel Case
Iiportaiit Conference -witli Brpub
licta Kemben of Eoue "Witi
; Senate Acta Promptly on Jfomina-
1 tioni Kaie ty President
i Taft
and ICeaat Committee. ; District Attorney lealitg Etfnies to
Appear is Court Against Eii
Friend, Williusi axd Smith.
Xessafe Vill Ak that Xothi&r Ex
cept Tariff Be Coniidered.
Belief Expressed thai Stw Law 'Will 1
Be by Jirae' 1.
the Star ne rretKrX p.,
'evce Fiona fcevenen Rrgl-irit
of Sew 1 or k and ste-reivr
Many isltern.
i ASHINCTON. March S -The Taft ed
nilnlrtretion took its firm stride today. The
Pew president tmrwJ hi tiabinet. the senate '
confirmed hia selection and lt nr mhera '
'11 take the oath of orflce tomorrow morn- i
lne, wfth the rxcption of Gmirpr V. .
"k kftmhom, who wbb aaorn in tu at'orney
rmeral today, and of Mrae-n. I'li kJiaoii I
nd MarVearH. wtinee pfrannal affiiti a ll; j
Tint permit of tl.cir rcarlilnt M'aishiniron
lor a wei'k or mere..
An Important eonlerence took plucr be
tween Prenidfmt Tr.rt and the republican
ironibara of the wuyn and ineana cnmmlt
Tlie committee framed a tariff hill
which it im urici-TRtoofl cotitaitm a provl
rtou lor the -oi;ection of an inhorliance
tax, one of tlw auKfrcoti ti for raisnu;
rrenu Mmtalned in the inaucural d
flrcaa xif rreiaent Tart. Irenid'tit Taft
toM the committee there would he no dfllu;
In the trfficial in -at -lam at ion calling tiie
etra aeanion of Minrrt-aa for Manh 16.
Hl meanage to ttiie e"ei'in. he eaid. would
rwomtmnd that it confine im work ix-'-.luaivtU
to tariff rc.-JHion, Unit There
mipht le no uutHcrimury d.'lay tn rnactirig
lhu niont tuijMirtant Is a.
He would, he aaid. not dmcuw In hi
mMiW!gr hii- dvialla oi turill ro-lalon.
laming ali audi matum entirely to tlwt
Judimietit of rnngif m. Tlie mmterB of
tor committee iTl lite V lute Houae ca
ll reeving the ulmixn g-ond lee lmg and the
h.'lief that the w-rk of tiie xtra WHBlon
woulil r..nip-cd before June 1.
HewfltaMi DrtaT Oar.
-M fitini ttiea" tmportunl vrcimiiliah
?in tita. Ireidciu Taft mr-e himaelf up
li' ril tu thr Aon.i.nci nf hia friend, and
t u-oai'iid of Inaugural viwitor who wteiied
t i aliaiu- iia-.Ml i h lam. e I.I mUe
ind g"t n autd to crry lionii with t.iem.
J'j.ilutidi.r t:. Kno iaidlbf honor of be
ij.g tr firei catiu-r on j itiiiidetit Taft m
thv Jiouae building at preclaety f.Sti
!.. morning. A fifteen-minute Interview.
:4r. Knox said, hud it iniimrtaunt.. but
ri ji for puUkaitiun. M was n jnu lug tliat
mcr .vee-erra hooti wlien hie rrignation '
i, a si rial or lieuame effective he waa a prUate ciiiaen. Hia !
l.i w i rr. a bHT,
t. u'h older he had
before the dny was
befrti nominated and
t.inf rno-J o eeoretary of state
On: ernor Hughe of New Turk. Oivemnr I
Pf'ury of Vnrmorrt. and the senalora and
p -trrv trf the repi inwiitatlveB from thoae
b me n xt hnd tbe ear of the president I
md gained lit consent to attend the oele- '
bratiim July 7 and S nert. of the discovery
,.f Lke Cham;ilain at Plaltaburg joid Bur
iiugion. Tlie oongTatulation and rood wishes of
Cut were extended to President Taft from
Prrgident Goniex. Vic President Zoivh and
. u. . . .
a number rn urotninetit min orrrciaas ana
politicians in ttie form or a n.emoriaJ pre-
ented Ov General r Metrio Cat!llo
imarv v bo came to the Tnlted ff atea for
that puree..
- h M . aHerei.
"r!. ea.'it-m'iikC aiajio mas ji1jii iKU'ummi t
by Prealdent Taft this morning
rhn he
ttok his place there to do honor to the
crack" Seventh rugimmt. New York In
fantry. Prom the stand he returned to
tiie White House, where be received, with
their staffs, the governor of New Tork.
Jihode Tsland. Vermont. New Jersey and
The Blame club of Cincinnati followed:
the Columbus Cilee club Bang tlie "rHar
angled Banner." Troop A. of the Black
Horse cavalry cif Cleveland which acted aa
guard of honor yesterday . ciajiked Oirougrh
the hl east room. And there, loo. the pub
lic availed itself ef the hatMl shaking mati
wae, wliich kept the big mansion is a ruat
of animation througnnnt the day.
Pied W. Carpenter took tbe oath ef of
fice a secretary To the peesndent az S
TclocA along wits Cblonel Wimam Crooks
of the White Hmise easr-uUve forma, whs
M a BPXarr. WetiOen W. lilohler. whe has
hem Mr. Taft'a assjhstant seiii etej y and
stenographer, was made on ee" Mr. Car
penter s aasmranta. taking the place made
raoant br the transfer of Assistant Secre
tary Lartta to the position of eaeevtive
clerk. T. M. Heudrk aa, of Mr. Ltta
clerical force waa givem a elerkaliip and
William Pannetl, who ha for years been
Mr. Taft messenger 1n the War depart
ment, was assigned te duty on Mr. Car-
lenter'e floor.
1te In the afternoon, Vr. Taft found
time to go out for a walk with hie brother,
fenry W. Taft of New To-It
Statea ef (Wwde Arst mt City.
CreepiJig along at a snaJI a iiaoe, beavib
Uoea trains today alowlx bore the to-
uguraJ crowds away from the capital. The
,.-lppled telegTaiTC facilities, whiun made
ll jmpouaible to nperat trains last night,
within less than from am te twelve hours
,f sctiedulr time, were nsaewtuu improved
tiut still far from normal.
Tlie thousands a bo fljcked to the oere
mouie seemingly artemred te leave tbe
ctt at one tmie. Immense rroads flocked
tne 1'nim stm un and military and civic
oi'gaitisaii tis with one another in their
display as thry oeparted or walled to
All Ui rougb tbe Aay tha rrowd at the
ata-tum was amused now and them by
fclOT anthuaiMaUc organiaaXioa marchiiig
vliund and round tiirougb the vast 000
(voirse ia the siarloe.. with a band in tbe
sii. Vme srrganiaaiasn had three bands
li-aulhg t-
w.w fxad ta iH trsel.
.lARKEVILLL. Ark.. Viarch k -As
blt oi an eclisue f eltoik ! mu
Juha Morgw and '" MarsiJ Hugh rkinr
. atght. Morgan ts Dead and Hons
- ihourM te be mortally wounded Mr,r
tt is aw-. atlred Ikurne anU tl
,",. mmM anrvu e ta hjs tioo. buta awn
Arvwlug Ueir weajMU aad firing siniui
TkMK.utv As t" or-gls OS turn trouble
,ctt.i..g is a-cwruur-hia
WASHINGTON. March a. Vnnea State I
I ristrict Attorney Healing at Indianapolis
I ha resigned rather than participate in the
erf arte of the Ireperlment frf Justice 'to
brl" r"'1 flmith joj Puiitser
to Washington to stand trial for criminal
libel in connection -Uh publication ann-
trnm Ul r,Mni canai and miimed.
j j-i-ajv A-fi h. jtic , bit: .. united
States Attorney Joseph B. Keallng. who
baa resigned hi office rather than partic
ipate hi the prosecution against Iielsvan
Smtth and Charles R. William of the In
dianapolis Neil, would make no ststement
today rea-arding the mattar other than thai
con lined in hia latter tif resignation to the
attorney general. In that he aaya:
"1 arn not lti aoeord with the Government
in its attempt to put a strained construc
tion of the law to tl-ag the defendants from
their homes to the seat of the government
to be tried and punished, wlille there in a
good and suf fit lent law m thka Jumdiction.
in thf mate court. 1 believe the principle
li.volied in dangerous, striking at the nrr
foundation of our lorni of a ;nern ment 1, therefore, honestly and conscien
tiously Insist in the court that auch la the
lt. or that eu.ii construction should be
put on it Not being able tn do this, I do
not feel ttiat run, tn Justire to my office,
continue to hold it and decline to assist."
Eighty Injured is
Toll of Big Day
in Washington
Three of Eiphty Are Dead and Three
Kore Fatally Enrt as Besolt of
Crcvrds at Inaugural
TTAKHlXQTliN. Ma-ch E. The record off
casual; ie incident to the lnaugTjratlon
oeremoniea of vi-aierday waa throe deatha.
three probably fatally lrjtired and more
ttian aei-entj-five peraun ahghUy Injured.
The dead are:
BAMVEL TOI-NG. aged 26 yeara. of thia
NORMAN A. FTALU ye.ra olfl. of
Richmond. Tt
AXDRCT' B. rTRAN of Ttttariurg. Pa.
Tlie nerioualr Injured were Policeman
PVedorick Irk. Samuel Crter f Tir
gtnia and William Denwill of thla city.
SamueJ Tnung waa electrocuted bj- trte-p-ping
on live leric wiree on triaconain
avenue. Norman A. Stall died erf epIleraMtr,
while viewing tbe parwrte. and Andrew B.
Taran. a Pullman conductor, died cf lieartj
flifcc uina arriving a: the I'nkin a.Tion
lant nurbt. Xlrk waa eewetreity Injured rn an
nrtemra to arreet a G-reek for dlaorflerly
conduct ; Carter waa atahbed in the aixlo-
men by a negro and Iwneil wan overcome
by graa.
Trarataa Hauada F trwirj la grirg
X Btarv. a Fall rnrlirl
Ftr tm Bill.
LiCNTON. March t The daylight earing
nill jiassed its second reading in the House
of Common today by TM' votea to M.
Thl bill wa drufted to promote the
earlier use of dayhgtrt in certain monttis
yearly by putting forward the clock twenty
minima fn fmir enrTfeasive ftiinctavs in
I April and by reversing the process on tl
I tour Sunders in September. The bill. It ha
argued, would have Wn of great
I lnefit to all classes ay giving the people
Just ao much more sunlight In which to
! have
ve tiie
t wouia retire fiii ner n-nu
ex jienee of light.
rstertaLer Pieds Ballet era
Atebtaaia m mmtm m Pweiad Esratd
at Heies.
ATCHTSON. Ksn.. March S A mystery
surrounds the killing of Mrs. Jerome
Hoover, wife of an Atchison tinner, who
was found daad at her home near here
Weuresuey. Teaierdar the undertaker dis-m-ered
a email wound Wirtnd her right
ear. The wound was probed and a bullet
was tail ea from it
The woman's husband was away from
home the greater part of the day of tbe
tragrsttr. A neighbor dlsnev-ered the body.
The oerunTy rffMwrs are working an a
murder theory, bwt they aay they have
not attached suspicion to aryrme.
Bower is O years aid. Mrs. Hoover was
M years old.
Benson Eagles Will Set a
Pace in Hall Dedication
j jn.n aerie of the Bagies has made
j sriaJvtiane to excel, on Ptiday evening.
j ,. trythmg in the line of ban ded-
I tio -.oent'y attempted in this section.
v. . had raothriur much but
! mn thfT tarlwo m three or four
yMrs ago by buying a lot ui a very eligi
ble location. Ha vn.g secured the ground.
they at once set about establishing the
nucleus fl a building fund by means ef
balia. pirn lea. fairs, base ball games, bewV
lng contests, wrestling matches
Xtwr getting along U the point where
daylignt apxared. even thougn iar ahead,
tbe leading members of the aerie decided
to issue bonds, on securtty backed by their
own ii mea and meana. and to finish their
building la complete fashtem. This they
have done, and tn every respect the Ben
ann Xlagle auditorium a credk te the
teem tn which at is located. Not only have
tbe growing needs of t he aerre and Its mrav
bnrsins been amply rwed lor. wiJi bil
liard room, card rrwua. bwalmg al.eys and
gj mnasium. but there are also reerptkia
rooms -ouiiH-ed with tt epecaU purpuks
ef bcug use by the w tnr an a J1mr
they mar oare ts conduct at any time
Afternoon meetings, aacjais and athar gatb
armg af :mll r nature can he moat ad
nuavbiy managed in tlis new audilriusa.
whioh ss n uks in. liable for uuuc was by
any argiiiiastsia la
Forecast of Personnel of Official
Family Proves Correct.
Senator from Few York Occupies Seat
Amour Sew ICembers.
rerellaa rmmtr Make Poletr-g
Streaarke Aimer Mr. Merer a a a
Trtu Ikraitvr Aeke AlMtwt
Mr. ael.
WASHINGTON. March h In It firirt
rt'gular Bitting of the eeeelcn the -nate
today received and confirmed the nomine'
tion of Prealaont Taft th various
cabint jKiaitlon end aleo that of Kr.
WIlKon a eea'-Ftent eecretary of etate. In
addition eVoetore Cliamberlam f Or'nn
and Smith of Marvland w-re F-nrn lr..
Tie aemiun. both executive and h'giela
ttve. ronaumed two anti one-hHlf hour of
time., an adjournment Ixntig had at I:S0
p. m.
Promptly at 13 o'clock toaay Vice Presi
dent Bherman called the Belial to order
and after Chaplain Hale had Jeu vered an
impreeaive invocation the roll waa tailed
and committer appointed to notify the
preeident that the senate tu organized
and ready for liueinees.
The eceision attracted a large gathe.rrng
In the galleriee and throug-hout lne brief
procoedingii much lnterent was centered on
the new senator who were preeent In the
place aeelimed to them for the first time.
Slewt t Cliere.e rirj.
The- "CheTobee strip," as a part of the
democratic side on the extreme riphl-hand
side of tbe vice president is known, wrs
renoered interesting by the location ther'e
of Senator Boot, among the new Benators.
It is in this portion of the senate that are
looated the "inaurgenta." tbe new repub
lican emu-tare who are not laitocether
fileased with their committee aasirnmenU
and who are inclined at times to revolt
from the policies of the majority.
After the prayer the journal was read
and then Seus-tor Lodge suggested that
there waa no record to show the prr noe
of a quorum in the senate of the Btrty
flrst congress. After the roll call had
been completed a resolution was ndorted
aad Senators Gallingw and Culberson were
appointed a committee to wait hikib the
Senator Penrese stated that hi eoll"arue.
Senator Knox, had eent hie reBitrriBtion
as fnited Ststes senator to the grn'emor
of Pennsvlvanla and aeked that his name
be stricken from the roll or the Slirtr-ftrrt
congress., tt having Just been called by thf
clerk. The vine president ordered that this
should 1 dune.
Cn motion of Mr. Hale at 12 30 the senate
took a recess untn l:jn p. m. to pnrmit
the notification committee to jrerform its
rabiart Kfisalaatlans Mtif.
When the senst reconvened tlie follow
ing nominations lor cabinet were una nr-
lore It:
rhilander C. Kiwi of Pennsylvania, to
be stcntary of state.
Pranklln McVearh of Illinois, to be sec-
retarv of tbe treasury.
Jacob M. tiickmson of Tennessee, to be
secretary of war.
George W. Wlckernham of New York, to
be attorney general.
Frank H. Hitchcock of Massachusetts, to
be postmaster general.
George V. 1 Meyer of Massachusetts, to
be secretary of the navy.
Richard A. Balhngur of Washington, to
be secretary of the Interior.
Janice Wilson of Jowa. to be secreta-y of
Charles Nagel of Missouri, to Ye secre
tary of commerce and lbor.
Huntington Wilson of IlUnuis. te be as-
sistant eeuretary of stale.
Beekroan Winthrop of New York. tr be
aHsistant secretary of the navy.
William Loeb. Jr.. of New Tork. to be
oolleator of customs lor Lhe district t-r
New Tork. N. T.
Lew is Halby of Virriiua. to be an Indian
John T. Mclanwel! ef niinots, t be re
ceiver of pnblio moneys at Wllllsum, N. ID.
Tbe aetuste then took a recess of fifteen
minutes to permit the various committees
te which the other cabinet nomtnatlous
were referred, to consider and, report upon
(Oatmued on Seoond Pvge )
On the fleet Monday in September the '
state ruiivention of the Praternal Order of i
Eagles of Nebraska will meet in the Ben- 1
ana auditorium. M continue twe days, as ,
a forerunner af the big natkinal oocrn- I
tkin. Preparatory to this first formal event I
of the order te be held in tbe new hall.
John 8 Parr)-, as mutant grand president !
under the admin 1st ration of Theodore Bell
of California, has promised te be present I
te dedicate tbe new ha I! en nect Friday
evening. Omaha. South Omaha. Florence j
and Council Bluffs aene will aD be repre- !
aented by large delegatiifis at tbe aedi
oatory reremofiiea. a hich are to be fol
lowed by a banquet and balL The banquet
is it be maoe a aper.ial feature of the oc
casian, and all the details are new being
perfected. Ample kitchen fa oil it lee are
provided tn the building, and tiie aervioe
wU be bet and generous- On the toast
list will he g ntismea tif tha Joint On Lha
carats nlttee for tha grand aerie, as w U aa
Benson leedere.
For the SX.osk represented in tbe rs esl-
sit of the Benson aerie ground aad
building the members feel that thry have
as t 'ias a bsl as can W found sny
anre sa the la. no. f r any purpose. Tlieir
enterprise has made the aerie as we!l
knewa as any tt 1 tbe land, ever, as much
as ta tr noted degrea team, a hick baa woa
general applause and soma prises at eav
es 1 grant nana tsmua
L y t- gts: j
Prom the Minneapoh Journal.
Former President Will Leave lew
Tork Karen 23.
SVefaeee ta Talk. Beyawd 4iviasj tate
sUa- aad iaH He tsust .
Answer Jar M esssgrs ef
OTSTER EAT. March k -Ex-President
Roosevelt's firs; day as a private citiaen
waa spent in a decidedly quiet manner at
his home at SHgamore Hill, which was
ss'ept clear of snow by a (rale or old
wind and has the appearance of a desulate
and ble.ak pluoe. No: vlLhstanding the cold
wind of today , Mr. Roosevelt wa out oarlj
attired in knickerbockers, brown flannel
shtn and heavy walking shoe and look in
daily cxe.rc.ise In tiie woods.
His day was interrupted by calls from a
score of newspaper representatives to se
cure an interview. At first he refused to
talk. Finally, hoe-ever, he consented to say
a few words and made the first public an
nouncement of the date and at earner on
a tilch he i to depart for Africa, which is
March 3. by the steamer Hamburg
It is a happy family at Sagamore Hill.
Nr. Kooaeveli is enjoying an uninterrupted
democratic life and intends to continue to
enjoy it until starting on his hunting trip.
Mire than anything else Mr. Roosevelt
needs, he found oday, his secretary. A
deluge of letters, teJeprams and cable
grams poured mie Sagamore Hill today,
bringing to the former president the kindly
sentiments of friends from all parts of the
worlfl. So geat i the number of these
messages that today be asked the press to
1 announce that while be appreciated theae
and would like to untwer them. M is a
physical Impossibility for him to answer
even one-tenth of ibem.
Common sense
leads us to buy from
advertisers. None
of us ll?;e to deal
.with a 4"Jead one."
It is the live busi
nessman, the fellow
thatis upon his toes
and after your trade
that uses the great
modern, powerful
business getting
force advertising.
Over era tbe Want Ad pgr yon
nill rind tbm a rreat many firms
tiie and stnall ad vtntiae tbeir Ix-Bt
Tbe linle fellow im lusiDfg iiees
want Ada beckuac be can tell bia
business glory, forwfully, cbeaiily
ul cam tAlk just as loud be axr
other Advertiser.
Tbe big gtoreg use Lhetn becAuse
tbey gre read by everybody and
tbey are tto khread to tver)nok go
Cood a rbkbcw to increase their
Have yon read Tiie wnl ads
vet, today 7
BiddyCnt, cut, cnt; gre, ain't it awful! . . A fc5la.ft:i:IJt ilPrtf
Flodman Named
for Vacant Place
on Police Board
(From a Btaff Correanndem
LINCUUi. Neb., March t. iSpec-Jal Tele
ram Governor Shallenbcrger this .morf.-
tt r "mxmmasS&JLk Jpoi-tm-l .ff Fred W I
PloOroan a meuaber or tne tisrti ot nr
and Police commissioners of timvha to
succeed Cart Bnandeia. a ho raoently died.
Mr. Fiod man's commiBslon will run from
March S to April 11, 1B11.
The apnointtment of Mr. Fiodman. who I
at the head or the shoe department at J.
1 Brandels A Cons department store, was
a clear disappointment to George Roge'a.
I the Oroutia politician, who was here today
j in the interests of his friend. W. J. Hun
I ter. Mr. Rogers was closeted with the
governor in the private office when tlie
announcement wa given to the reporters
in the outer nffice. When Mr. Rogers
came out of the private office aud beard
the news, he exp'rwed disappointment,
saying that some one better known polit
ically should have been named.
Mr. Fiodman lives at K2h North Thirty
third street and has made hi home in
Omaha for upwards of twenty years. He
is pMuudent of the Garfield Republican
club and a member frf the executive com-
mttlee of the Sa'edish-Aroerican Repub
lican league.
Miasanri Hoaae Wsmll Limit
Sanaa Waratber ta Tbree
Eavrh Train.
JEFVERSCrN C1TT. Mn, March . A fall:
eslablishitig a mtamiim orrw if t'.ire
hrakemen for railroad freigiit train was
placed on the calendar of the Inner houiie
of the Missouri general assembly todsv
despite an adverse, report on the measure
by the committee on railruadB liurlng
tlie delta te which preceded ttii action sev
eral 1 i M eaentative denounced the ratlroaS
lobby ista. who. they declared, have been
opposing the bill.
Will EetabUaa
wry Plant at W ate
mi. iwlty.
W A ETTTNGTOX. March S. Secreaary of
Agrlrulture Wilson today decided to
establish at the Tnlvereity of Wisconsin a
laboratory plant for tlie testing of various
kinds of woods in the eastern part of the
Trilled State.
Application was made by a number or
states lor the plant, but tlie secretary be
lieved that Wisconsin offered the best ad
vantages. iRecordS SllOW
in uost or
, CHICAGO. Mardi k Building operations,
j are now upon such an extensive e lc
i that they command attention because of
j lb large Inrreaatng volume of money.
! which is finjing its way into investment
Im this class of security, according to ad
' vanoe sheets of tiie C onstrvction Nen-s
j Tl is auihorny states that during tne month
I of February permits were taken out in
j forty-four of the leading clues f thu
country for the conatruirrion of W bll build
ings involving Mx IkOet gainst build
ing for tlie same motna a year ago. ag
gregstlng in cost t.SKT.MTi. an inerraae this
year of X.ra buildings and Xa.liA.117 or 1A
per cent. Tnirty-eight of the cmes tm-.laded
'in tlie list show in creak is which rulraitiair
si law, per cent, ahu-h is toe record ai
St Joaepn, Mb., while the oerrs sea wen
roriflned to sx cities, including Siockten
Cal.. which leads with SI per eent. Taooma.
St: M rerun pel is, tt, Xniveripon. t. San
Prunrts ma, k and Mobile. A
The gains are phenomenal la New Turk
Eng-ene Cretn Chargrs Joseph Devlin
with Assault.
tinier (bsrgea rrtel esrr te Bres
Is Ustieaaliat (esrestlst by
Bladae-ea Mea Brssgkt
frwsa DiUIa.
1'rEL.lN, March h A a result of a
free ficnt at the nationalist convention
held in Iruhlin last month, when William i
O'P.rien wa refused a hearing. burgee
of BFRBUit and attempting to break up
u Tint. lw- TneriTie imve !4n riroiirht iiv !
Eugene Crean.
menilwr of Pallament for I
the southeast
division of Cork, against
Joseph Iievlln. memlier of the Houne for
West Reliant, and liennis Johnson, nc
retary of ttie T'nlted Irish league. The
court room as croa tied aud Timothy
Heaiy, counsel for Mr. Crean. kept the
audience in roar of laughter with hi
witty presentation or tlie plaintiff's c we
Mr. Ha!y absolved John E. Redmond
from all responsibility for the ruffianism.
but declared that Mr. In-vlin had staged
und managed the whole affair, bringing :
in jiaid "t.ludgeon mei' from Belfast to I
shout down the O'Briens. Mr. Hea.y ',
1 haamerized Mr iH'vltn us the past mae-
ter of the great and respectable secret 1
society of the Ancient Order of Hibernians j
in America. He said this satiety hud no 1
connection in Ireland, but there a ere men
here who pretended to have it sanction.
Mr. Irexliri, the speaker continued, for
some purpose of his own, iiad galvanized
Into l'fe a remnant of the ancient "Molly
Muguire" faction and duhlved them the
Ancient Order of HiberriiiiiiR. A confi
dential circular hod brought down -f?
men f'crni Belfast alio marched into the : t ion days fe nator Ruymond of Scott s
convention. I Bluff made the motion after a brief dis-
At this juncture Mr. Healy held aloft . ousmon. in which Senator King declared
a formidable boxwood snick, saying that tt aas impusaihis to ausiend the iera
eaoh Belfast mun had ten given such a i tion of a criminal law in certain locallto B
! baton and at the clon of the day the
worker in the vineyard received half a
sovereign from Mr. Johnson on return-
ing tbe weapon. Instructions had been
given the "bludgeon men" not to iloa
any man "with a Cork accent" near tbe
platform, and Mr. Crean. who came from
Cork, was their first Tlctlra. The
a as adjourned for further hearing.
Caurriaa-a Maker Husi Self.
FIQl'A. O.. Maroh S W. H. Walburn.
aged hi years, senior partner of the firm
of Walburn A Byker of St. Pariah, the
largest ponv carriage manufacturers In
America, was found banging in hia barn
by son. Roderick, early today.
i.llle Oreo Plan.
Mmn.. March a The stale
m naie todny by a vie of 2R to reje''t'd
Seriki'ir McColl'B bill applying to Mtn
neHita the frregnn s stem of popular
nomination and electiun of I'nned btauss
Big Growth
iev tsuiiding
City during February permits were taien
out for 3K7 buildings, involving a total cost
of Jlii.obljefi. as compared with eighty-three
building which cost gl.Z3t.Mi for the same
month a year ago, the increase bring 1J7S
per rent-
Eltaa Baldwin Ada Its He C
Steed wit k SLatehet ta I
eeat tT-aawanra.
HOLLA Nli. Mid... Man i-tlton Bald
win rmif eased today to the prooecutiiig st
tonfj that be kilted in aged mo'.U'T, who
aaa found dead in Iter fsrm house tay
n.lles from Baugatuck. He aaid that he
was afraid aba would ri .rge hia nub
having burnrd tlietr bars and therefore
killed bar with a b-tcttat while ah was
aalet ,
Only Thirteen Yore Days and Two
Hundred Bills on File.
Bill for Bfneit of Ernir Park Put to
Best in Upper Eonse.
S ete Ptaal Puur e Cleew aa4
Ktnrt war nr ail, ,a Re-ea.
aider liei Moaee Meets
L ,
iFrmn a Stuff Correspondent
LINCOLN. March K. Special 1
Though the house lies only thirteen more
days and its general file contains about
1'HO biliK. with more in Ihe hand of lbs
committee, there Ik no doubt every biU
can be acted upon if the precedent nl
lowed toduj becomes the rstablibhed cus
tom. Imrtng the aTternoon the house got t!re
of reading bills clear through when they
came up for pasHa. so the chief clerk
simply read the title and I4en an
nounced :
"Anybody want this hill reafl"
IT silence was the answer the roil waa
The constitution provides that all bill
shall be read at large on three different
days Some of the measures passed 10
day have born road through only once
in the committee of the whole It fre
guently happens that bills are shot over
the head of the committee of the whole.
If that was the case with any of the
measures passed today it means they hse
not been read at all to the house. As a
matter of fact. bfUs are usually read only
twiot, once in the committee of the whole
and once when they come up for pBBBage.
The firrt and second time the bills are
read by title oiily. But this Is tlie first
time, bo far us anyone could recall, that
bills have been passed without being read
at lean Just bclore tbe roll called on tlie
In the committee of the whole the bouse
this afternoon punned 011 the salary an
proprlatiou bill, adding a auction which
provided that all oflicea shall Ire open rfotn
I o'clock In the morning until t c clock In
tbe afternoon for the transaotlon or bnsl
ness. Tills means that the will have
to lie kept open during, the noon hour. Most
of the offices are now ready for the trsns
actlon of business at B o'clock In the morn
ing, but complaint has been made by lr
sons out In the stale thai ffretjuently ebry
come to the state house and find no one
on hand from 12 o'clock to I whs is capable
10 attend to business. The amendment was
proposed by 0P0I of Johnson county and it
a-as adopted with no prolest. No penally,
however, was attached for a failure on
the part of 7he officers to comply.
I.mie Tlsse m Sialary Bill.
The committee of the whole waded
through the salary appropriation bill aith
little troiitile.. The salary of the secretary
j ,0 the Slate Board of Charities and mrrec-
tious was cut from Sl.zoo to S7II0 a year.
Jerry Howard fied to ttecure an amend
ment providuig that clerk ie supplied lhe
state labor bureau with a salary of II.imio
iiiste d of s Bienofriuiiher at P-e"i a ycti.
Rut not a Bingle memlvr of this house.,
which wa jileilged to the cause of labor,
as Jeremiah reminded them, stood frr the
amendment or even olferod a senord 10 Hie
motion. So the labor bunia-u a-il! pro'eed
le get along wiui a depuiy and a stenog
rapher. The fii.ance committee reported the sal
ary of the stenographer to the state vet
erinarian at H2 a year, but Brown of
Laucu ster secured the adoption of an
amendment providiii the pay should lie
SH44I. tlie same as otliur BtenogTapbers in
1 the state hiwae.
Krtg Park Bill Dead.
The senate iiiacfiinialy imntponed Sena
tor Hoa'ell bill j'rniittirig the sale of
liquor at Krug s iark on Hunduy and eler-
j for spoiuaJ occasions. Senntor Howrl! maue
i a plea for the enactment of the law on the
j theory that it was permitting the operation
of a poor man's club across the street from
tbe rloh men s club near On i ha aVeetneeu
voted tn postixme the bill and the nogtree
vote waa not taken.
Tlis county option bill was on ffla. but
was passed ever Senator Inert was absent
and he desired the opjiortuniry to vol M
the measure.
AaH-Trwat Bill Te-4L
The bouse cava another exhibition this
mrirning of an intention te let tlie Rio
rum b law alone wtiee it killed the bill by
Groves amending tiie prseit turti-treatlng
is'. The bill reoeived forty-fue votes arid
forty-nine were reeonoed against It. Hum
phrey of 1 .noasier county rhanged h a
vote from yes to no so that lie ran more
a reconsideration of the action at lha ttiee'.
irig tomorix'S.
This bill in .tir the bartender responsible
and ir he permitted trt7.:irig in hia saloon
and he was convicted -f tlie offense three
time tlie saloon keeper sliould lose his
bnse iuiout further nOo.
The r:l call on the bill was as follow:
Ti-B A'len. Raker. Barclay, barrel
Blu' k, Blyaiiine. Bowman. BriKinck. Brown
-f Slifcinrian, Brrwu ot L n-ra ster, Bygmnci.
t'arr. C t. Criasn. Cioiteriiitr. i isiman.
Kvans. Gr-h.ff. Greig. Grill er.. Groves, hxr.
.riinx-ion, Hwtor, Henry, Johnson f tirt,
Marian, Miller. More. Nd tie ton. Nov-.
O ('onnell Rallies, Rolniri a. Sabewni
1 Skeeri. Brrrt.h. nyd-r. 1 a he- of l'ra,
', Tailor of Hachmik. T oi of Tork. Tay
j lor of f'ustnr. V eema. Wilson, Wonluiig
i Ion. Touug 4k.
I Ni Anxistroiig Babes. B-yle.. rVnlaiid,
Botts. Butt. Chab. 1'iu.ra. LMNnaal,
I IKtstal, rannon. nearty. rrict,
on, Gmrtier, Hefjemaii. hnlniM, hiue-
podak) . Howard. Humpnrey. Jumisna of
aaamo. Relicy. Kiili-n. K '4uc j wu a, .
K unl I aerice, leid-ph. Lux. Murai;),
Mc" oil. McVicker. Pickens. P!:ger. Knchle,
sV beeie. S' hoertger iiiieomaaer. S iik.
Stedmati. Sioeke'. r.waii, "!kiciu Thiei
.-n Tuonrn. Weet. Mr. Speaker Is
Ik l: reouire fifty-one votes te rt sr. a
bill, the Bl.eak'T declared tte hill lue
Cor'ix I y of Itoug.a did not vole and was
turf present. Sit nu mtrees aeie alsteiit
With racuse..
td Be Ci I'hlag.
Tlie imfckre of tiie avlllea dil hill pro.
riding a graviry nret tnsteafl of tbe fiar,-.
light teal ty th liouaa this tnarnlhs, t