Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 04, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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Here In on model of the Milk
drnaea that will .have such a
vogue thla spring.
1909 MARCH 1909
I 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 II 12 13
14 15 16 17 IS 19 20
21 22 2324252627
28 293031
Tha Counting Boom and Business
Office of Tha Baa la temporarily lo
cated on SaTastaaath atreet, ta tha
room formerly eoonplad y astlna
H Beyden. AdTertleements and aub
sorlptton matters will ba attended to
there until tha new quarters are
ready. "
Ttmt Boot FrtaS ...... ,... . ,.
Blood Stone Blnra Edholm, Jeweler,
moke Bouse for Smokes, si B. 15th.
BudolpUl-.Swoboda, Public Aeooantan.
Blaeanrt. photographer, llth & Farnam. j
Frist tegala in "The Benson Tlmee.
Xq.aitable lafa Policies, sight drafts at
maturity. H. D. Naaly. manager, Omaha,
J. x. htltaen, SOS Fust National bank
building, la making real estate loans with
out delay and on I arms very lavurable
. borrower.
Stoma Ownership ta tha hop of ever
family. Nebraska Savings and Loan As
sociation will show you the way. Board
of Trade building. N.
Keep Toot Money and Valuables In a
safo deposit box in tha American Safe
Deposit Vaults In the Bte building; fl
rents a box. F. C. (lamer, president.
Blight Bias la tha Blrer Tha Missouri
river rose abqut three-tenths of a foot at
Omaha' Wednesday morning. A fall of l.S reported from Blair, with a slight
fall at.Plattsmouth and slight rises at St.
Joseph and Kansas City.
Harry Papa Comas Bom Harry Papa,
the 17-) tar-old youth who ' disappeared
from home and work last Friday morning
and had caused his parents, who live at
Flfty-forrlli and Center streets, great anx
iety, retiirimi Wednesday and la at work
again. ' , 1
Two Culta Settled A verdict of
$150 was' given Chauncey Bennet by the
Jury in Judge Dey's court which heard the
ca aalnst Sold Ooldsti urn. Suit Was
brought (or $1,000 over the sale of a saloon.
The suit Of Oeorge Strong against the
I'nton Stork Yards company has been set
tled for I7CO.
Theft followed .by Arrest The theft
Vl, quantity of Jewelry from a trunk In
red Btulkeu'e room at the rooming house
St '1SI1 Howaid street, haa been followed
by the arrest cf Churles Wilson, a roomer
at the same play. Some of the Jewelry
has been recovered. Wilson Is held at the
police station as a suspicious character.
Baaaie LtsvN and Owner Weep Nan
tile has elft her pastures green. Joseph
lively Is weeping and the lovely Nannie
is no more lovely's at least not at present.
Tho man, who lives at 11 South Twen
, tleth street, lias repotted to the police that
his nannla goat Is missing from his place.
It Is the. pure while Angora variety and
highly prised by Mr.' Lovely.
Carrie STatloa Man Comes to Brief H.
Noonan, who started to play Carrie Na
Jou In Foley'a saloon Saturday night and
The stomach is larger factor in " life, liberty and tha pur
suit of happiness" than most people are aware. Patriotism
can withstand hunger but not dyspepsia. The oon firmed dya
peptie "ia Bt for treason, strata tens and spoils." The man
who foe to the front for hie country with weak stomach
will be) weak soldier and fault finder.
A souod stomach makes for good citizenship at wall as for
health and happiness.
Diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and
nutrition am promptly and permanently cured by tha use of
, It wp ( m1r wf ltd' ea aaaf
fief .
The dealer who offer substitute for the " Discovery " ia
only seeking to tasks the) little mom profit realised on the
tale of less meritorious preparations.
Dr. Pierce's Common Seas Medieel Advisor is cent free
on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing" smlt. Send
21 one-een t stamps for rbe paper covered book, or 31 stamps
for the cloth bound. Address World's Dispensary Medical
Association. R. V. Pierce. M. D., President. Buffalo, N. Y.
v ? 'v?i t
Brandeis Stores
are the froels that fashion favors
New Silk Dresses
and Demi-Cost times
Among the beautiful new garments of this class
which are shown for the first time this spring are very
clever ideas in embroidered Messalines, Duchesse Silks,
Shantungs, Foulards, etc
Ihese dresses and demi-costumes fallow the exact de
cree of fashion in the new hi pi ess and demi-empire ef
fects. The Utile style features that are embodied and
the delict te colorings employed make them very fetching.
They are distinctly different from any spring apparel
that has been shown in years and they are fashionably
The price range which includes the popular priced at well as the higher
valued garment $33. $39 up to $93
We mention a $pecial value tee are showing in a beautiful embroidered
messaline gown all the spring colorings are includedin this charming
group, at $23
Discriminating women rea'ize that evevything they buy at Brandeisis ab
solutely correct in style and is of a dependable quality. In our wo
men's ready-to-wear section we are always first to show the novelties of
of each season.
We specially mention seme new arrivals in the ne e X-piece suits which com
prize one-piece jumper dress (fancy waist) and separatt coal to match.
smashed a valuable plate glass mirror by
throwing a silver cheese bowl through It;
hss settled matters with the proprietor of
the saloon and will be discharged from
the custody of the police Thursday morn
It g.
Month's Trial of Meyer' Guard A
month's trial Is to be given the Meyer s
safety guard appliance by tha Omaha &
Council Bluffs Street Railway company
on one of Its regular cars on the Twenty
fourth street line to South Omaha. The car
was run all day Tuesday without the loss
of a minute's time, bearing out the claims
of the builders that it would not cause a
loss of time.
Fire While Family la Away While
Dave Sbotts and his family were away from
their home, which Is at the rear of 1464
South Thirteenth street, a fire of uncer
tain origin damaged the house and con
tents to the extent of about S400. The loss
was about evenly dlstiibuted between tho
building and the furniture and other per
sonal property. Michael Kracher of Al
bright owns the place.
Stow Over Dog With Teeth W. H. Bell
was the complainant In police court Wed
nesday morning against C. C. Neiness, who
was arrested for keeping a vicious dog.
The owner of the animal was fined $10
and costs and Bill consulted a doctor about
j his, the dog bites he received. It Is be-
mere had becom.
was not mad, but
enraged because Bell
walked across the yard It was In.
Two Flays tor Student Fair Two plays
will be given by students of the Omaha
High school at the annual senior fair to be
given during the spring vacation and the
cast already selected for the first play
will be broken and divided for the two,
other players to be added to complete the
casts. "Mr. Bob" Is the title of the first
play selected and the other one has not
as yet been decided upon. Msry Holllnger.
Helen Sorenson, Oretchen McConnell. Sam
uel Carrier, Cos Buchanan and Will Ross'
were chosen for the original cast of "Mr.
Bob." Heretofore but one play has been
given during the senior fair. -
Vsbraska's largest Bible Class Dr.
Keraey's Bible class at the First Christian
church. Twenty-sixth and Harney streets,
had its third meeting Tuesday night, with.
245 persons present. At the elope of the
hour's work the total enrollment reached
286. Thla Is now the largest Bible class In
Nebraska and is already challenging tha
attention of the famous Bible classes of
tha country. This class meets for on
hour, S to p. m., Tuesday of each week.
It la distinctive In that It Is composed of
members of many different churches and
is In no sense a local church affair. No
financial assistance is asked of Its mem
bers. Dr. Kersey says at least 900 will be
present next Tuesday night.
Aadrua Jfewell Loees Kla Motion An
drus Newell had grown tired of paying his
former wife. Carrie Newell, IS a month
alimony after thirteen payments -and he had
his attorney enter a motion In Judge But
ton's court to set aside the decree In this
particular. Judge Sutton, who granted the
decree In January 17, 1908. overruled the
motion. Mrs. Newell sued on the ground
of extreme cruelty, and, after much legal
sparring, won her case. Permanent ali
mony In the sum of $1,000 was awarded,
payments to be msde of $J5 a month until
the total was attained. The domestic dif
ficulties of Icie and William Slant-horse
have been adjusted by the principals and
petition and answer withdrawn by mutual
Frightened lata Kits
by fear of appendicitis, t.tke Dr. King's
New I-ifo Pills, and away goes bowel
trouble. Guaranteed. 35c. For sale by
Eealon Drug Co.
s- vvvvj:V''As;..,?!3
Shoulder Straps Issued by Dozen at
High School.
Battalion Changes Announced by Cap
tain Oory at Drill Taesday,
Bowen and Salisberrr Be
come Adjutants.
Promotions for officers in the Omaha
High School battalion were announced at
the drill period Tuesday. These promotions
will stand unchanged, as far as standing
In studies are concerned, until this year is
The orders issued by Captain Oiiry are as
First Lieutenant and Commissary Cadet
A. L,. Frlcke.
First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant
Cadet J. Bowen, to First battalion; Cadet
B. Dallsberry, to Second battalion.
Second Lieutenant and Battalion Quar
termaster and Commissary Cadet B. Henc
to First battalion; Cadet F. Meyer, to Sec
ond battalion.
Second Lieutenants Cadet W. Prentiss, to
Company B; Cadet E. Nelson, to Com
pany C.
Third Lieutenants Cadet William Aye
rlgg, to Company A: C'adot M. Young, to
Company B; Cadet C. Blackburn, to Com
pany 8; Cadot H. McKlnncy, to Company U.
Stan sergeants Cadet u. scott, comnus
sary sergeant; Cadet V-. Harm, ordinance
sergeant; ijudet F. Holen, color sergeant.
Ha u lion Sergeants Major Cadet B,
Naslr; to First battalion; Cadet F.. Burdlck
to Second battalion.
First Sergeant Cadet C. Hoffert, to Com
pany Q. t
Sergeants Caot H. Fraser, to Company
A; Cadet M. McParklnson. to Company A;
Cadet O. Carlson, to Company B; Cadet H.
Hunt, to Company B; Cadet J. Berger. to
Company H; Cadet P. Torrey, to Company
D; Cadet A. Moires, to Company E: Cadet
R. Barnes, to Company C; Cadet C. Nle
msn, to Company G; Cadet H. Mills, to
Company G; Cadet V. Manney. to Company
O; Cadet S. Lewis, to Company (; Cadet
R. Weeks, to Compnny H; Cadet F. Meyer,
to Company H; Cadet M. Shelllngton, to
the band; Cadet D. Long, to the bugle
Corporals Cadet J. Reed, to Company A;
Cadet H. Ruscel, to Company B: Cadet W.
Carrey, to Company B; Cadet P. Larmnn,
to Company C; Cadet K. Geyer, to Com
pany D; Cadet W. Fellers, to Company E;
Cadet C. Offert. to Company E; Cadet F.
Flannagan, to Company E: Cadet C. Yom
gens, to Company E; Cadet C. Arnold, to
Company F; Cadet D. Fox, to Company F;
Cadet V. Rector, to Comrany F; Cadet D.
Danlelson, to Company G; Cadet L. Lav
Idge ,to Company G; Cadet J. Outright, to
Company G; Cadet J. Rosenberg, to Com
pany H; Cadet V. Evans, to Company H;
Cadet W. Klopp, to bugle corps; Cadet K.
Reed, to bugle corps.
The following transfers will tske effect
this date:
Cadet I Frlcke, from Company B to the
staff; Cadet M. Young, from Company F to
Company B; Cadet S. Sallsberry, from
Company A to battalion staff; Cadet F.
Bolen. from Company C to noncommis
sioned staff; Cadet L. Scott, from Company
G to noncommissioned staff; Cadet B.
Nash, from Company O to battalion non
commlsHtoncd staff; Cadet E. Burdlck,
from Company B to battalion noncommis
sioned ataff; Cadet C. Hoffert. from Com
pany B to Company G: Cadet R. Ickwnod.
from Cnmpanv H to Company C; Cadet V.
Evans, from Company B to Compsny H.
All officers and noncommissioned officers
who failed In any subject during the recent
examination will cease to hold office In
the fadet corps upon publication of this
The commandant desires to congratulate
the companies on the excellent showing
made by them In the celebration of Lin
coln's birthday. The splendid spirit of the
corps hss never shown to better advantage
Bv Order of
CAPTAIN W. H. omr. Commandan.
C. NEAVLE9, Adjutant.
An Active Salesman A Bee Want Ad.
Listen, Women!
Watch for Fakers
Housewives and Dressmakers Beware
1 of Crooks Armed with Fashion
Plates and Patterns.
IOokout, housewives and dressmakers!
The police have been warned that a gang
of crooks who make dressmakers and
housewives its special victims le headed
this way and may make tbia city Its head
quarters. The game is said to be secur
ing money from women on a fake agree
ment to supply them with fsshlon platea
and patterna for a year. Tha gang operated
In Fremont laat week and Sheriff Bauman
Is now working on the caae. One dress
maker In that town was swindled out of
$30 by a member of the gang.
BoullUoa Oups Edholm, Jeweler.
Saving! Accounts in the Nebraska Sav
ing ond Loan Association earn all per
cent, credited semi-annually. One dollar
stalls au account 10$ Fat
Mrs. A. Martin Entertains at Large
Cafe Luncheon for Visitors.
Mr. Plnmmer Gives Dinner at Fort
Crook Complimentary to tien
eral and Mm. lis yes
l.entea Clubs Mfft.
Mrs. A. Martin was hostess yesterday at a
large bridge luncheon party at the new
Hanson cafe, In honor cf a number of
Out-of-town gueots. Small tables were
used, each having a dninty cnterplece of
ferns, with fern leaves, on the table. The
Invited list Included Mosdames Ixuls Colin
of Chicago, C. Kirshbraun, L. Klrshhraun,
R. Rotchlld. N. Rotchlld of Pittsburg, A.
HUler. A. May, Cohn of Trinidad, Colo.;
L. Tleglcr, M. Splesberger. H. Treller. (l.
Becker. S. Werthimer, I. Becker of Phila
delphia. H. Rosenthal, H. H. Brandels, K.
Gana, M. Morris, M. Sellgaon, T. F. Hadra,
W. Harris, M. Meyer, V. Meyer, F. Cohn,
L. Hagen, J. Klein, J. Furth. F. 1'irolfuss,
C. Furth, A. Martin, C. Brandels, ! Wolfe,
A. Martin, A. Roscnstock, Leo Grotto, 1).
Degan, S. Pegan, M. Straus, S. Bergman,
Ledrer of Pes Moines, H. Rehfeld, S. Arn
stlen, S. Sonenberg, Charles Elgutter, J.
Lobman, S. Fcllhelmer, M. Klein, R.
Grotte, B. Cohn, Anna Stepp of Kansas
City, N. Mantel, J. Drelfuss, H. lnverxast,
F. Adler, It. J. Abrams, Thornberg of
Cleveland, H. Abrams, Cnger of Council
Bluffs, Morris Levy, H. Bergman, Misses
Benedict of Cleveland, Lena Rehfeld, Eva
For General and Mrs. Hayes.
Miss Plummer of Fort Crook entertained
at dinner Tuesday evening In honor of
General and Mrs. Huyos. A color scheme
of cavalry yellow whs used In the decora
tions In compliment to the honor guest,
who Is a retired cavalry officer. Covers
were placed for General and Mis. Hayes,
Captain and Mrs. Jack Hayes, Captain and
Mrs. George E. Ball, Miss Lucille Kittson,
Mrs. Hentlg, Miss Plummer, Lieutenant
A. E. Brown and Chaplain lllllman.
Lenten Sewing Clnb.
One of the Lenten sewing clubs met
Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Joseph Cudahy. It will meet one after
noon a week and sew for Clurkson hospital
during Lout. Those present were Miss
Dorothy Morgan, Miss Miriam Patterson,
Miss Elisabeth Congdon, Miss Carolyn
Barkalow, Mrs. Willurd Hosford and Mrs.
Joseph Cudahy.
Cooking School.
Mrs. Ward Burgess was hostess Tuesday
at the meeting of tho Cooking club. Those
present were Mesdames, George Prlnz.
William Sears Poppleton, Luther Kountie,
Charles Kountse, W. H. Wheeler, Moshler
Colpetser, George Peek, John T. Stewart,
2d; Samuel Burns, Jr., and Ward Burgess.
Matinee Party. -
Miss Daisy Rogers was hostess Monday
at a matinee party al the Orpheum, her
guests being Mesdames E. P. Boyer, W.
L. I'nzlrker, Alvin Johnson, Hal Roberts,
Ralph Moody; Misses Nina Criss, Maude
Marriott and Blancho Mayhew of Grand
Rapids, Mich.
Informal Affairs.
Captain and Mis. Joseph (John enter
tained the Fort Crook Bowling club, Tues
day evening, at their quarters at the gar
rison. Prizes were won by Miss Colt and
Lieutenant Fooks.
Mrs. M. F. Funkhouser entertained Infor
mally at three tables of bridge Wednesday
afternoon at her home.. Miss Mae Balbach
of Sandwich, Out., was the guest of honor.
Jtoberta-Ueojit. (
The wedding of Miss Gladys Gould,
daughter of Mr. and Mrt Frank P. Gould,
to Frank Griffith Roberts, will take place
at 8, Wednesday evening, March 17, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gould, 602 Park
avenue. The ceremony will be performed
by the Rev. William Fulton. Miss Frances
Gould, sister of the bride, will be maid of
honor. The bridesmaids will be Miss
Carolyn Conklln and Miss Anna Roberts
Mr. Thomas Allen will be best man. The
ribbons will be stretched by Master Jack
Callahan and little Miss Marjorie Roberts.
The marriage of Miss Georgia E. Ells
berry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H.
EKsberry, to M. Irving D. Redficld was
solemnized Wednesday morning at half
past 10 o'clock at the new Strehlow apart
ments, whete the young people will live.
The ceremony was preformed by Rev. T. J.
Mackay, and Miss Rons Willrudt was maid
of honor, and Mr. P.ocLor lUdTield,
brother of the groom, was best man. About
twenty guests were present.
Prospective Pleasures.
Invitations have been Issued for the
Omaha High school Alumni Prom, which
will be given Monday evening, April 11',
at Chamber's academy. The committee In
charge Includes Mr. George F. Brown and
George C. Flack.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred II. Krug gave a
dinner party lust evening for out of town
guests. Sweet peas anil asparagus fern
decorated the table and covers were
placed for Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Rawlins of
Saciamento, Cal.; Dr. and Mrs. A. Stunt
of Spokane, Wash.; Miss Mabel Stuht, Mr.
Clinton Stuht and Mr. and Mrs. Krug.
Miss Anna Vapor will give an informal
evening party tonight at her home in com
pliment to Miss Carol n K.uiht, wh')
marriage to Mr. Lael Charles Lee of Ari
sona will take place Saturday at high unon.
Games will be played and alout f If ..
guests will be present.
The -afternoon tea which M:s. Jack Hayes
of Fort Crook had planned to give for Miss
Gladys Hanson, leading woman with the
E. H. Sothern company, was postponed,
owing to Miss Hanson's other engagements.
Mrs. Hayes was one of the guests at a
luncheon today giver, by Miss Unison.
Mrs. Chsrles Kirschbraun wyi be host
ess Friday afternoon at the meeting of. the
Catd club.
does all it does by virtue of
one thing Power its power
to create power.
As fire turns water into steam
so Scotfs Emulsion trans
forms thin, impure blood
into pure, rich blood, giving
nourishment and vital energy
to every organ, every tissue
and every muscle.
Scad this ad., four cents for postage, mtn
tiantng this paper, and we will tend you
a " Complete Handy Atlat of the World."
SCOTT A BOWNE. 409 Pearl St.. K Y.
f'ZI'i'm imihi lai ti siismi lit " 't
Colleges Invited
to Omaha to Study
Fields of Fossils
Archaeologist Says They Abound Here
and Commercial Club Acts on
. His Suggestion.
"Come to Omaha to study fossils."
This Is the Invitation the Commercial
club Is to send to all the colleges, univer
sities and museums of the Cnlted States
and. If there are any left they will send a
few abroad.
The suggestion came to the club from .
well known archaeologist and anthropolglst
who claims that Omaha has, light at the
door of the city, the best field for resesrch
In the world. Thousands of burial mounds
are said to exist near Om.iha and almost
every county In the eastern part of the
state has a row of hills which are tho
"Lono Mountain" for some people who ex
isted at a time which ante-dates all dates.
"Two years ago the eyes of the entire
civilized world, were directed to Omaha
and Nebraska through a discovery of what
are acknowledged to be the oldest human
remains ever fo'-'nd In nor;,, or south
America, and which are now the greatest
prize exhibits In the new museum at the
University of Nebraska," writes the arch
aeologist. When the facts concerning the prizes
were made known to the executive com
mittee of the club, it was voted to send
out the Invitations, as theie are a l.OoO
mounds undug between Bellcvue and Cal
houn, and work enough for a band of stu
dents from almost every university In the
Some of the Institutions to be invited to
attend the great fossil dig are Carnegie
Museum, Pittsburg; American Museum of
Natutal History, New York City; United
States National Museum, Washington, D.
C; Yalo University; Amherst college, Am
herst Mass.; Harvard and Princeton uni
versities; Dartmouth college, Mlddlebu'
college, Smithsonian Institute and others.
Object Lesson
in Dog Manners
Pete Ward Now Knows More, About
the Subject, but is Not So
Pete Ward,, who, says he Is a laboring
man and whose home Is near the east end
of the Douglas street bridge, knows more
about dogs now than he ever did before In
his life.
Yesterday afternoon ho sat watching his
neighbor's dog gnawing a bone. The dog
belongs to Jack Lord and is a saffron-tinted
pup of the Just-dog variety. As Pete
watched him In a vain effort to extract
meat where there was none he was moved
to pity and tried to take the bone away
from the dog In order that he might give
him a better piece.
The canine failed to understand, how
ever, and proceeded to liven up things a bit.
He caught Pete In the face and bit through
both lips, the lower one being Injured so
badly that he will probably be disfigured
! for life. Dr. Newell, who took Ward
! through a course In his repair shop, gives
It as his opinion that the dog was not mad,
but was somewhat indignant.
Prnrtlenl Test of Device Designed to
Stop Ships lu Knicr
ueiicles. Within a few weeks the battleship In
diana will make a test of the' new sex
brake, a scheme to prevent collisions which
was taken up several mouths ago by the
Navy department. Wings thirteen feet
long by six wide are being made for the
vessel at Cramp's shipyards, and will be
attached at the Philadelphia navy yard.
They will be flat against the vessel's sides,
with the hinges attached perpendicularly
when it Is under headway. When a sud
den stop Is deslrtd they will oien half way
from the front, and they are expected to
check the speed almost Instantly.
While there Is nothing especially new in
the Idem. It has never been attempted on a
ship of such size as the Indiana, which Is
of IS.000 tons.
The wings will, if they are successful,
make it possible to maneuver the vessel
In smaller space. When the English battle
ship Cumn'rdown was rammed and sunk by
the Victoria during fleet evolution In t the
Mediterranean It was seen that the colli
sion was Inevitable some moments before
the actual crash, and it Is believed that a
break might have prevented It.
The mechanism of the break will be
operated by pneumatic control on the
firing bridge, the station of the officer of
the dock.
The secretary of the navy will be pres
ent when the test Is made somewhere In
Delaware bay, and some of Jhe officers of
the Cunard line have asked permission to
attend, s that they may Judge how well
the plan meets their needs New York
Colors .Never So Unlnty, bat Fast
ness la Still an t ncer
talnly. The fine ginghams have never been so
charming in color as they are this season.
Whether the dyers have made progress In
mastery or last colors or have merely
distained limitations connected with laun
dering remains to be seen, though sales
folk insist that the colors are fast, and
the names of the manufacturers seem a
guaraut -e.
But. then, no color is fast fur the aver
age laundress, and one can not dreas en
tirely In white for fear of fading hues.
Some ex'iulslic lavender and pinks are
shown among these ginghams, and there
afe stripes in delicious combinations of soft
gray and violet, gray and yellow a soft
buff yellow two tones of violet, two tones
of blue, etc.
One tone ginghams and chambrays. with
narrow herringbone sir byes woven through
them, are charming too, and a checked
gingham In two hades of buff and white
Is as cool and pretty a thing as one could
want for a summer morning.
One tone striMS sre more numerous
amoug the high class materials than the
more conspicuous stripes In contrasting
tones, and a lacy stripe of netlike weave
ap-ars in some of the soft materials.
Some of those border ginghams that were
tempting In spite of skirt problems. One,
for example, waa of a delicious pale pink,
with a very de-p plain border of pink Just
a few shades darker, but on the same
warm, creamy lone. And where the two
shades Joined ran a two-Inch band of finely
interwoven Mack and white, which looked
almost a silvery gray frnu certain angles.
Military Aeadeauy Bill.
WABH1NUTON. March S.-A full agree
ment on the military academy appropria
tion bill was reported by the conferee to
the senate today and approved.
New Spring "Regals"
f TSJS 137 na I I
lor lTieii aim UbAic?ia
Whether you prefer nn ovtreino
model or n conservative one yon can
be sure YOUR style is anuuitf our
complete stock of Spring "RegaJs"
and you can be certain, also, that
a better looking shoe cannot be built
by any hijeh priced New York boot
maker. When it comes to FIT, the
Prices $3.50 and S4
'The House of
The cower
There is no longer any necessity for iuconvenience
and repairs due to frozen tanks and pipes. No matter
how cold it may be, you can have a constant supply
of power 24 hours every day with motors connected
to our power lines.
No charge for engineering advice. Let us help you.
Omaha Electric Light & Power Co.
Contract Department. Both Phones.
Bell: Douglas - one - 6 - one - 9
Auto: A-Double - 2 -three-5
jr. C. WOOD & CO.
1521 Howard Street
How Decision Will Affect the Local
Jobbing Trade.
Nay Salt Lake City Will Cut Into
Northwest Bnslneas Now ton
trolled by the Omaha
Through the change the rates to Spokane,
following the decision of the Interstate
Commerce commission, the shipping Inter
ests of Omaha will be affected slightly, as
little by- Ule wholesalers were building
up a good trade In eastern Washington and
Oregon, in fact reaching lo the Pacific
Ivocal railroad men fear that a more
severe blow will be struck Omaha whole
salers should the Interstate Commerce com
mission apply the rule made in the Bpokane
case to Bait Lake I'lty. At present Omaha
does an extensive business In the territory
within 150 to 3X1 miles, north, east and
south Of Salt Luke City, because Bait I.uke
City must pay on many commodities the
rate from Chicago to the Pacific coast,
plus the local rate from the Pacific coast
back to Bait Lake City. The reasun for
such a rate Is given as "water competi
tion," which mtans the railroads profess
to believe that If they did nut make the
rates to the coast lower than the rales to
Bait Lake City and some other Intermedi
ate points, merchandise would be sent
from New York around Capo Horn, on
trip of several thousand miles, requiring
mouths of hazardous voyaging, at a lower
rate than they carry merchandise acrobs
the continent.
Salt Luke City Is making a fight. Hhould
the Commercial club of that city succeed,
neat little si lee of Omaha's trade empire
will be annexed lo that of the Utah city.
Bee Want Ads Are business Boosters.
Antoutoblle Gloves.
The newest gloves for motoring are of
fur on the outside fitted with leatln-r
palms. They come In gauntlet shape and
cuat j and l&.aO per pair.
Gloves In soft rabbit wool for pulling
on over kid gloves are a great comfort
for evenng wear. They are in white and
gray, at ll.W per pair.
Squirrel lined gloves, the very acme of
warmth and comfort, are of Egal buck
and cost tt per pair.
Mrs. Carnegie.
Few people know that prior to her mar
riage Mrs. Andrew Carnegie was sn anient
worker among the poor and has continued
her work, though in a mure rentrleied
fashion. Bhe was Miss nuise Whitfield,
and is many years the Junior of Mr. Car
negie. The one child or tha union, Mar
garet, was for some years exceedingly frail,
a fact which caused Mm. Carnegie to keep
well hidden from the public eye. Kven now
that Margaret Is a sturdy girl her mother
shuns society and devotes herself to home
A family Medicine Without Alcohol
A Strong Tonic - Without Alcohol
A Blood Purifier - Without Alcohol
Ask your doctor if a family medicine, like Ayes Sarsaparilh. L$
not vastly better without alcohol ihan with it.
holds tro He sal "
Quarter Sizes afford you as
even and comfortable a fit as
any custom maker can devise,
and you get your shoes right
away instead of waiting two or
three weeks.
aaaavsnassensnn H
jJvatja H
High Merit"
oS the Suture
Omaha, Neb.
This well known toilet article ia
extensively used and highly ree
ommended by men and women ev
erywhere. It la a standard article
of lasting reliability. Mine. Tale
says: "1 can conscientiously rec
ommend my Hair Toole to all who
are In need of an article of thla
kind. 1 have used It myself for
over thirty years, and the perfect
condition of my hair and acalp la
sufficient proof of Its excellent
and harmless efficacy. Hundreds
of thousands of people all over tha
civilized world will say as much in
favor of Vale Hair Tonic as I can,"
Yaie ll;iir Tonic Is good for Kali
HiM Hair, Tliln Hair and Uiay
Hair. It la also recommended fur
foeaip Tieutinenl.
A Most Lliicieol Hair Dressing Q
. n-i-i grooming or the
hair nothing excels Yale Hair
'jonlo. II gUes the hull a dellgnt
lul lenlure. gloun, softness and
illnie of 1 1 ill. feveryone un use
II ltli decided benefit lu Hair and
heal p.
Vale s Hair Tonic comes In three
!. i nil speetul prices
2fiC size, special 2U
bUe size, spwiui
I1.0U nuts, special 80
Ask lor a free copy of Madame
V:i.e Ifti-puge .Souvenir Book at
our Toilet Ooods Department Al
so mailed free to those living out
of town Wrlie for a copy. For
sale at
k ... . u ...
O Drag Bpt., loath Side
ici o E3 o ta o rat o a o n o n o a o ta b
A Great Alterative - Without Alrnhnl
A family Medicine . Without Alrchol
"t'M laU &.
(. O. Vr Co.,