6 Tire Omaha Daily Bee FOCNDKn BT EDWARD TtOflEWATEn VICTOR ROSE WATER. EDITOR. Entered at Omaha postofflc as econd rlasa matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Dully He (without Bunday), on year...M Dally Bee and Sunday, ona year DKLIVERED BT CARRIER. Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week IV Ially Be (without Sunday), per week.. Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week ft Evening Be (with Sunday), per week.. 10o Sunday Bee. one year W-JJ Saturday Bea, ona year. l.M Addreaa all complaints of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. offices. Omaha The Bee Building 8oith Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Fluff 16 Scott Street. Lincoln ) Little Building. Chicago 154 Manjuette Building-. New York-Rooms 1101-1102 No. 4 West Thirty-third Street. Washington 7 Fourteenth Street, N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Communication relating to newa and edi torial matter ahould be addreaaed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES Remit by draft, express or postal order, payable to The Bee Publishing Company. Only l-cent stamps received In payment of mall account. Peraonal check, eieept on Omaha or eastern exchangee, not accepted. STATEMENT OP CIRCTLATION. State of Nebraska. Douglas County, a.: Oeorge B. Tssehuck, treasurer of The Bee Publishing company, being duly aworn. aya that the actual number of full and complete coplea of The Dally, Morning. Evonlng and Sunday Bee printed during the month of February, 1909. was a follows: 1 38.U0 2 t,170 i xs.ooo 39,060 t W,0H 38.BS0 T 37.000 S 39,330 39,880 10 38,80 11 39,080 1 38,830 13 38,780 14. -; 37,300 ' Total 1,087,090 Less unsold and returned copies. t.MI Net Total . . Dally average .. IK 38.950 16., 3.00 IT 38.7T0 18 8,900 It 88,90 20 38,080 21 37,100 22 40.990 23 38,830 24 39,320 25 ,. . . 3,910 26 39,360 27 39,080 28 37,130 1,077,038 38,465 UEO. B. TZ8CHUCK, Treasurer. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of March, 1909. M. P. WALKER. (Seal) Notary Public. WHE. OUT OK TO WW. Subscriber leaving; the city ttm porarlly should have Th Be mailed to them. Address will be rhanued aa often aa reqaeeted. The new secretary of the treasury is aa enthusiastic golfer. This is the day that Mr. Taft is made a president on tight. None will deny that Mr. Roosevelt Is the greatest living ex-presldent. The Yale, alumnus will have the call over the Rough Rider after noon today. Incidentally, this Is Mr. Loeb'a day for approaching the door marked "Exit." The weak candidate who la scratched at the primaries will be saved a similar fate at the election. The New President. Theodore Roosevelt becomes a plain citizen today and William How ard Taft becomes president of the United States, faced with tasks that will strain his strength, both mental and physical, to Its utmost. He will have no time to study pending prob lems and arrange his program for the consideration of the congress that meets In December, but must plunge at once Into tariff revision and all the problems and annoyances that are In evitable attendants of an extra session of congress. Aa soon as the extra ses sion is out of the way the president will be forced to shape his future course toward the trusts, the Inter state commerce measures, conservation of resources and the improvement of Inland waterways, the Panama canal and the larger subjects that are scheduled for consideration at the reg ular session. If there Is anything In training, Mr. Taft is unquestionably the best equipped man who has so far reached the office of president. His legal, colonial and official experience In fact, bit whole life, has been a long preparation for the task that now con fronts him, and he Is particularly for tunate In going into office with more general support than has been ac corded any of his predecessors. The republican party Is united as It has not been for years and ready to sup port hit policies, and the democrats, with rare exceptions, are not disposed to obstruct his plans. The south, while it voted against Mr. Taft at the polls, hat unreservedly expressed its appreciation of his high personal character and ability and has voiced a desire to join with him in blotting out political sectional lines. He has the confidence of the business Interests of the country, and his administration Is expected to marlt a long step forward In our general prosperity. President Taft's attitude toward what have become known as' the "Roosevelt policies," will be, watched with much concern. No one wants or xpects him to take any backward step from the avowed purposes of the Roosevelt administration. He will have the same end In view, but those ends are now assented to by practi cally everybody, and President Taft will be able to accomplish them with out the disturbance that was neces sary to their origin and development In the minds of the people and the of ficials in Washington. The campaign of agitation and. education begun by President Roosevelt has centered the public mind to the accomplishment of certain needed reforms along definite and fixed lines. President Taft is pledged to the prosecution of these policies and the congress elected with him is doubly pledged. The Taft administration has only to keep faith with these pledges to make the next four years the best the country has known. by 150 per cent. The value of dia monds Imported wat about double what It was In December of the pre vious year. These figures, together with domestic showing of Increased output In 'every line of Industry, Indi cate a very substantial recovery from the months of depression. Some of the actors who are clamor ing for the uplift of the drama might help the cause by leaving the stage. The Wisconsin legislature proposes to make every drunkard wear a red button. It It necessary to tag a drunkard? The defeat of the ship subsidy bill in congress will not have any direct effoct on the navigation of the Mis souri river. Mr. Bryan taya he it not an out and-out candidate fort the presidency. To be exact, he it an out-and-out-and out candidate. A life Insurance physician sayt that letter carriers are not at healthy at they should be. Possibly they do not take enough outdoor exercise. Mr. MacVeagh has never voted for Mr. Bryan and It will not be difficult to get proof from Mr. Bryan that Mr. MacVeagh is not a democrat. "what is your morning conversa tion," asks Ella Wheeler Wilcox. Tak ing advantage of the constitutional privilege, we decline to answer. Mr. Bryan Is writing of the future of the democratic party. The demo cratic party will not worry about Its future If It can get rid of Bryan. Jerry Howard is now trying 'to ar range for clerks to wait on the clerks at Lincoln. Jerry is nothing if he It not friendly to the laboring man. Austria Mixing War Medicine. The Balkan war clouds evidently contain something more Just now than a subject for Jest by press humorists, and the powers admit their very deep concern over the prospect of solving the recent complications without a conflict which might have far-reaching results. While Servla. a tight little bloodthirsty klndgom Is apparently the aggressor In the present quarrel, the students of political affairs in Eurupe see the hand of Russia back of the scenes, manipulating the wires and ar ranging the settings for the next act. Servla Is demanding the cession by Austria of a strip of territory to unite Servla and Montenegro and Is also In sisting that Bosnia and Herzegovina, recently acquired from Turkey by Austria, be granted autonomous gov ernment. Back of this is tne aesire oi the Slavs of southern Europe to work together to prevent the aggression of the Teutons, which Involves both Ger many and Austria. In a complication of that character Russia's sympathies are naturally with the Servians and the government at St. Petersburg Is apparently acting as sponsor ior Servla against the more powerrul Austria-Hungary government. If a Balkan war could be confined to a conflict between Austria ana me combined forces of Servla and Mon tenegro the result would not be long In doubt, but Italy has an eye on Trieste, Russia has never abandoned Its hope of securing complete domina tion of Turkey and Germany would promptly take a hand to protect Its Interests in the Balkans, a coninci between Servla and Austria would doubtless lead to a general European war and that fact Is the best assur ance that the pending difficulties will be adjusted by Intervention by the powers, but the situation is live with Interest, surface Indications being that it is too late to prevent a conflict of a rather general character. ft the War department cannot Btop the Issuing of passes across the Mis souri river bridge at Sioux City, maybe the federal court might try ltt band at enforcing the Hepburn bill. "Those of you who read the Con gressional Record." taid Mr. Taft in one of his addresses. He must have been talking to the proofreader! In the government printing office. Governor Sballenberger it not dis posed to hurry th appointment of a new police commissioner. He has al ready sampled th sensation and is willing to proceed more cautiously thlt time. About the most delicious contribu tion to current literature la Colonel Henry Watterson't editorial lecture to 8outu Omaha on the vlciousness of rioting and destruction of property by mobs. I -oca) . option elections have been held In forty-two Indiana counttea and forty-one of them have voted "dry." Th "wet" county la In the southern part of th state and about half of It la under water from an overflow la the Ohio river. The Stone Ransom Fund. Senator Lodge has secured the adoption In the senate of an amend ment to the urgent deficiency bill, ap propriating $66,000 to reimburse per- sons who contributed toward a ran som for the release of Miss Ellen M. Stone, who was captured by brigands in the provinces of Turkey some years ago. The amendment win prooaoiy be accepted by the house, owing to the inability to give such details of a bill fair and full consideration in the rush of business In the closing hours of a session, but the appropriation is a piece of bad legislation that should not have been enacted under any circumstances. No demand or request hat been made by the contributori to the Stone ransom fund for a return of their contributions. The moner was donated In small amounts, coming from almost every county In the nation. It came as a result of an appeal to relieve an American woman who wat In dire distress and was a whole-hearted, voluntary offering which accomplished ltt purpote. Two teriout objections hold against federal action looking to the reimbursement of those who con tributed to the fund. The first Is that It would put a premium on brigand age, serving notice to the bandits of Turkey and other foreign countries, where brigandage is a profession that the great Unltetd States Is ready to meet any claims that may be offered The second objection is that the cost of ascertaining the list of contributors to the fund and returning the money to them would be quite as large at the fund to be returned and this cost would be borne by the whole people It would result In adding an additional expense to the taxpayers of the coun try without accomplishing any good Mist Stone hat been ransomed, hat made a lot of money by reciting her experiences in magazines and on the lecture platforms and the Incident should have been closed long ago. Sijnt of Trade Recovery. Trade atatlstlct for December 1908 just issued by the federal officials fur nlsh certain assuring evidences of Im provement in traae over tne corre sponding period of 107, at the height of th industrial depression. The greatest Improvement shown Is In the importation of crude materials for uae In the manufacture! which aggregate 141,176.000 for December, 1908, as compared with $28,139,000 for De cember of tbe preceding year. The Im ports of that character for latt Decem ber were only $1,000,000 lest than for December, 1908, on of the best months In history. Lower prices abroad also caused a big Improvement In certain manufac tured commodities. The imports of silk were just double what they were for December, 1907. while that of bidet, tkint, wool and pig tin Increased fornla or any of the other states that have been much In the public eye In the last few years as a result of ex posures of political corruption within their borders. As a matter of fact a territory has little chance to free It self from political cliques and rings so long a the officials are appointed rather than elected. Self-government Is the first essential to political house cleaning and this the senate has decided to deny to the two territories that have more qualifications for statehood than some of the states now In the union. The excuse offered by Senator Beverldge and tome of hit colleaguet it the -merest subterfuge and none know it better than they. The real reason for the defeat of the statehood meas ure is the desire and determination of the eastern coterie of senators, who have formed a sort of oligarchy and operated It for a good many years, to limit the numerical strength of the senators from the west and south west. The addition of four new sen ators from New Mexico and Arizona would greatly strengthen the hands of the progressive members of the senate who have for years been trying to break up the clique which now con trols that body. Senator Beverldge, unwittingly perhaps, Is simply playing Into the hands of the enemies of the west and of the progressive policies of the republican party. The weather bureau Is to place a kiosk on different business corners. The kiosk will contain a rain gauge and hydrometer, which records the de gree of humidity; a thermograph, re cording the temperature, and a barom eter. That's fine so far as It sroes. but the need Is for another machine that will give the batteries of the opposing teams and the score by innings. A bill Introduced in the Illinois leg islature requires male applicants for marriage licenses to swear that they have not been intoxicated twice in the preceding year. The bill, If passed, will not accomplish Its purpose, he man wanting to get married will swear to anything. Bryan at Home What torn of to Hebras Editors Are aytmtf Abent Bf forts of th Peerless to 8 nape th Btat' Destiny. An Important Rate Decision. The order of the Interstate Com merce commission in what is known aa the Spokane rate case is one of the most Important and far-reaching pro nouncements ever sent down from that body. If the principle laid down bv the commission is finally upheld by h ennrt it will have the effect of practically revolutionizing business in the west. For many years the jobbers In the Mississippi and Missouri river terri tory have complained without avail of the apparent Injustice of rates prevail ing between the rivers and the moun tains. The complaints have been met by the railroad people with the asser tion that the rates were not dlscrlml natory nor excessive, and this in face of the fact that beyond the mountains the coast towns enjoy rates that were denied to the shipping centers in the interior. One of the favorite illustra tions, frequently used in argument, was It was possible to ship certain classes of goods from New York to San Francisco and from San Francisco back to Grand Junction, Colo., cheaper than to ship from Denver to Grand Junction direct. In the case of the Missouri river dry goods job bers, recently presented to the Inter state Commerce commission, it was shown that the rate to the Pacific coast was based on a point 900 milet inland, and that the New York and Chicago Jobbers could ebip to coast points as cheaply as an Omaha Jobber could ship to a point 900 miles Inland. In other words, the railroads would haul the expensive freight 900 miles for nothing. The order of the Interstate Com merce commission Just promulgated will abolish this practice, and necessi tates a re-adjustment of rates on a more equitable and common-sense basis. It Is Impossible Just now to tay exactly how far the order will go, or what its full effect on business will be, but it is certain that the Jobbers in the Missouri river country, and in common wlth them all in business In this region, will derive direct benefit from the new deal. Statehood and Political Purity. Some of the. United States senators who are opposed to the admission of Arizona and New Mexico to statehood must have been mighty hard pressed for an excuse when they offered testi mony of political corruption in New Mexico as a reason for denying state hood to the two territories at the ses slon of congress ending today. The statehood bill had passed the house without a dissenting vote, and the senate was forced to find tome pretense for withholding approval to the measure. Senator Beverldge dis covered It. At the last meeting of the committee on territories tie presented a batch of affidavits alleging that the dominant element in tne political ai fairs of New Mexico had been guilty of corruption, jury fixing, land hhine bribery, intimidation and wholesale violation of federal laws Testimony in support of these charges was offered by certain parties opposed to the element now In control and quoting from the Associated Prest re port, "The tenatort declared that statehood for New Mexico will never be possible until there hat been cleaning out of the gang which now controls." New Mexico it making no claim to Dolitlcal Durlty any more than U Pennsylvania. New Jersey, Montana New Hampshire, Rhode Island. Call Some republican! are oppotlng the selection of Mr. MacVeagh as secre tary of the treasury on the ground that he is a democrat. Now is a good time to raise the issue and perhaps congress may be able to answer that long-standing query, "What is a democrat?" If the legislature will enact a prop erly worded warehouse law for Ne braska it will have done a great deal to aid In building up the grain traffic of the state both at Omaha and in terior points. Senator Ollls is on the right track. Home rule Is taking on some won derful colors in the legislature. The honorable gentlemen have one and all admitted that they don't JuBt exactly understand what home rule means, but they are' going to give it to us, if j possible. The Nebraska millert are having a great time with Secretary Wilson over the bleached flour order. They will have to try tome other means than the tactics now pursued, for the secretary Is Scotch and he has his mind made up. Mr. Roosevelt will have certain newspapers forwarded to him while he is in Africa. In addition to the news papers he will doubtless be able to In duce some congressman to put him on the list for the Congressional Record. Mr. MacVeagh may have voted a democratic ticket, but there is no reason to suspect that he will attempt to Introduce any democratic financial theorlea into the administration of the Treasury department. Harts of the B1T Stick. Kansas City Times. A number of congressmen are snarling- at President Roosevelt who will be exceedingly busy a year from now explaining that they not only never did auch a thing, but on the oontrary always eateemed It a blessed priv ilege to uphold th president's hands In all of the progressive policies he undertook. Treasury Scraped Clean. St. Louis Republic. In reciting with rrlde the achievements of his seven year and a half In the presi dency, Mr. Roosevelt dofs not mention that toward the close of hia service con gresa has gone beyond the bllllon-dollar mark In annual appropriations, or that ha leaves to his successor the hardest finan cial nut to crack that a president has had since Benjamin Harrison turned over to Grover Clsveland a treasury of which the bottom had been scraped clean. Invoicing; Soath America. New York Post. The shifting of our changing altitude toward Venezuela la typical of our chang ing attitude toward Hpanlsh and Portu guese America In general. The tendency now Is - to look upon that more than baker's dosen of Republics as something else than the breeding place of comic-opera revolutions. The growing prosperity of the southernmost republics, their growing prominence at international conferences, the Increasing Intellectual communication between the two Americas, all this works for new relations based on a fuller know ledge and fuller sympathy. Nebraska Clly Press: Bryan has refused to sign a petition to the legislature for th Submission of a prohihilon amendment to the voters of the slsle, yet the demo cratic doctrine Is "let the paople rule." Nebraska City Press: Mr. Bryan get Into a rage because the legislature Intended to authorise acceptance of Carnegie pen sions for th University of Nebraska teach ers. But Mr. Bryan seemed very happy when a dear friend left him $30,000 by will. There seems to be a great difference be tween a gift and a pension In Mr. Bryan's mind, which the ordinary mortal la unable to distinguish. Syracuse Journal: Mr.'' Bryan may have lost some of his admirers after th man ner In which he side-stepped the question of county option and woman sufferage was made known, but we presume he made up the los from other quarters. Anyway the people know that he doe not favor these propositions, or he would not have refused to discuss them In his address before th Joint session last Thursday. Kearney Hub: County optlonista were pretty certain that Bryan would say some thing about county option when he ad dressed the two houses of his legislature on Wednesday, but nary a word dropped from the fountain of eloquence regarding this paramount Issue which Is creating di versions among democrats a well as re publicans. Optltlonlsts therefore have the political option of holding him responsible for what he leaves unsaid, and considering hla conspicuous Initiation Into the order of Ragles, It Is not to be believed that he will do or Bay anything to alienate thu members and friends of that Influential order. York Times: The Omaha Bee criticise Mr. Bryan because when he was telling the legislature what laws they should pass and which ones they must kill ha said nothing In behalf of labor. This was a leading feature of both the democratic na tional and state platforms and the desired effect was attained when the state went democratic. What sense would there be In advocating purely votecatchlng schemes after the votes are cast? Mr. Bryan wisely reserves his fire until the approach of an other battle. Then he will feed labor fat on auch light food as he ha been doling out to it for years. Aurora Bun: We have always had great confidence In Mr. Bryan and still firmly believe him to be not only a man of great ability and eloquence, but also a man of strict Christian principles. But we do not see why In the great speech he made last week to th legislature, he did not deal with the greatest question before the people of Nebraska, namely, the county option Issue. So great Is the Influence he could wield that taken with that of Governor Shallenberger, he could probably turn the balance to the county option aide. It was a splendid opportunity for him to assert his Christian manhood nnd principles at a time when such assertion wa sorely needed. But he did not see fit to take the stand. Aa we do not know his reasoning In the matter we will not Judge him,- but we are distinctly disappointed. Hastings Tribune: William J. Bryan responded to the Invitation Issued to him to speak before a Joint session of the Nebraska legislature and In doing "so h volunteered but little information for the benefit of the audience. Mr. Bryan scored in arnegie pension rund and made a strong appeal for its defeat, pleaded for the legislature to enact the bill compelling the publication of campaign contributions before elections; defended the physical valuations of railroads and concluded by approving the guarantee aa drafted by the bunking cornmittee. The fact that Mr. Bryan dodged the county option Issue makes It more patent than ever that he has no Intention of committing himself on this lmportnat question, which Is aoon to be threshed out In the legislature. No doubt this Is what Mr. Bryan would call diplomacy. urana island Independent: As many of us sea It there Is at least one thing worse than the legalised and regulated traffic in liquors. It Is the 11 legal 'and unregulated traffic. And exper lence, so far, would seem to how that where there la not the one, there Is gen erally the other. This dependa largely upon th sise of a community and the make-up of Ita cltlaenshlp. And that 1 why Mr, Bryan and many even more practicable and experienced statesmen are, we believe, right when they regard It as a local ques tion, to be government In accordance with the wish of the majority of citizens of auch community. In any case the minority ought to abide by and respect the decree of the majority. And, always If we want to do the right thlng-we should try to look at It about as our neighbors look at It. and aim for a bet'ter understanding wlUj each other. Kearney Hub: Without considering the the merits of the Carnegie pension scheme for university professors. It would certainly strike an unblaaed Juror that W. J. Bryan la stopped from appearing In opposition to It acceptance by the state. Mr. Bryan is down in black and white in favor of Carne gie money for the Lincoln public library. If the, Carnegie pension money is tainted, then how much less taint la there on th Carnegie library money? In the latter Instance how many thousands upon thousands of young people and others are insidiously led to believe that Carnegie Is a great menefactor after the legend. "Carnegie Library" has appeared to their eyes over and over again Aa a matter of fact, the Hub believes that It Is not good public policy to accept pri vate donations for, libraries or schools or Institutions maintained by public taxation, The people are able to pay for what they need, and will appreciate their Institutions ail the more for having made personal sac rifices to insure them. The proper avenue for the disbursement of swollen fortunes Is In private benefactions and for the en dowment of humantarlan institution tha do not derive revenue from publio taxation The question is not so much a "moral' one as It la a question of expediency. 4 BAKUMhWlffi Absolutely PU KZ, Tjie onjy Uklnjr powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Royal does not contain phosphatic acid (which is the product of bones digested In sulphuric acid) or alum (which is one-third sulphuric acid), unhealthful substances adopted for other baking powders because of their cheapness. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Chorus of antl-Roosevelters: "With all his faults we love him still" very still. The display of governor-made colonels In Washington glvee the needed touch of regal splendor to the Inauguration ceremonies. Rockefeller regards the oil business aa so hazardous that his efforts to prevent others from engaging in It may b regarded as human. An exponent of Salome In fishnet apparel provoked the moral end of Kansas City to seek an Injunction. The exhibit must have passed the limit to upset Kaw moral. Mayor Tom Johnson's personal plan for the future Include admission to the bar. He Is 64 year of age and a bit old to become a lawyer, but Mr. Johnson Is for ever young In vitality and spirit. If the British premier possesses any of the gallantry of his kind he should re turn the call of the London suffragettes who pulled his doorbell. They are In Jail nd cannot conveniently muss his hair when he pay hla respects. Turkish women, sharing the emancipa tion of the Young Turks, now desire to be permitted Just to look on through a lat ticed gallery while the Parliament debates. They even threaten to imitate th English women and storm the Parliament house If this be denied. The 'possum dinner In Atlanta In honor of Mr. Taft may have disastrous results for 'possums. The demand for the animal on the bill of fare of political dlnnerr throughout the country haa reached enor mous proportions and hunters cannot kill nearly enough of them In the south to fill the orders. Well Worth the KITort. Boston Herald. The association of life Insurance presi dents Is apparently somewhat skepslcal whether or not Prof. Irving Klaher is correct In his contention that fifteen year can be added to the span of human Ufa by th adoption of certain practical hygenln reforms, but their appointment of a human life extension committee In dicate that they are not disposed to reject It altogether. They are willing to look Into the subject. Why aliou'dnt they? One of th great life Insurance companies lately showed that a death occurred among their policy holders every six minutes. What If they could extend this Interval to seven or eight minutes? It would make a vast difference In their financial ex hibits, to say nothing of the benefit that would thu be conferred upon mankind generally. It la well worth th. effort In volved. ... LINES TO A LAUGH. "You sewn n bit depressed today an yesterday you were so bright." "But. you see. I hsd to chsnge my mind to match my new blue suit." Baltimore American. "After all, the most Important features of a young ninn' education are reading, writing and arithmetic." "Yes," answered the pensH parent: "they answer all purposes 111 sending home for money." Washington Star. "The young architect wo met the other night is' a capital entertainer. He know In w to relate amusing tales." "That's nothing. An architect ought cer tainly to be able to tell a good story." Ini'iHnapotls New. American Hen-t told the Eagle the ottur day that I was the real American bird. Kngllsh Sparrow What did he say? American Hen That it was but a fowl claim on my part. Baltimore American. "I see that a scientific chop has figured It out that the greatest number of people who can stand upon th earth's surface Isr 5,994.000,000. " "Say. I'd hate to he the next fellow and get pushed of f." Cleveland Plain Iealer. Dr. Quaekem You call yourself a lawyer? Why, you couldn't try a can of lard! Lawyer Brlc'lesa And you, sir, couldn't cure a ham. Chicago Dally Newa. THE HETIRlXi PR ESI DE-NT, Endorlna- Influence of the Roosevelt Administration, Kansas City Star. Taking the man, hi methods and his cause together, when has such an appeal been made to the whole country In a per iod of peace as has been made In the seven years of Roosevelt? The national response to the Roosevelt call la one of the wonders of personal leadership. Witness the continuous and present volume of co-operative utterance that he has provoked. To anNamazlng degree he ha received the support of newspapers of all sections and parties; of magazines and other deliberate publication. In his great conservation policies especially he haa en listed - the help of nearly every kind of periodical In the country. Educators and the clergy have helped to hold up his hands. He has made himself the dominant figure of hla time, not only In political life, but in social, educational and ethical activities. Theodore Roosevelt has encountered op positionstrong, determined, resourceful op position. He has had a running fight; but he has enjoyed it. No one of his capacity and liking for hard work, his versatility in knowledge and ability, his enthusiasm for doing, could fall to be stimulated by the kind of opposition he has met. Nearly all his achievements have been wrought In spite of ugly obstructions, and aome of his undertaking have Been retarded, left in complete, or defeated by them. He ha made enemies a somewhat distinguished group, If you please. But look them over; study their records; note their affiliations; mark their connections; try to ascertain their motives, and you will see that one of the finest attributes to the president on his retirement is he enemies he has made. President Roosevelt began more than he could finish, more than he ever hoped to finish. But he ha done enough. Including things completed and thing still progres sive, to command the everlasting gratitude of the nation, the moral tone and business efficiency of which he baa raised and the International prestige of which he ha enhanced. THE CURE FOR PRIDE. Chicago Post. He was a- great and pompous man, Hla mentals cringed beneath hi scan; HI high silk tile, HI gracious smile, His king frock coat. The checks he wrote, His stately air Made everywhere The feeling that he'd cornered fame And men should tremble at hla name. One day he thought he would go down And visit In his-old home town , Where aa a boy He had auch Joy. r And of which h .' With dignity Would often epeK. J Ho spent a week In his old home at Sklmleyvllle And he is glooming o er It still. They did not know that he was great, They only said he'd put on weight; Folks on the street Would call him, "Pete," And ask him when He'd lost the wen That used to rise Between hi eyes, And not a person wa afraid To ask him how much wage ha made. They did not know In Sklmleyvllle What he'd attained through brain and kill; "You've been away?" The folks would say They had not heard Nor read a word Nor could they guers Of his success- i .-o. ..,- They did not care what he had done, To them he was hla daddy's son. From Sklmleyvllle ho ha returned Wise from the lesson that he learned; That helpful week Has made him meek. It was enough To call his bluff; He haa returned With this truth learned: That wheresoe'er a man may roam He always stays the same at home Asking- Too Mich. Brooklyn Eagle. The Yale professor who Vants, In the vent of war with Japan, to see the issue settled by a single Japanese ship and a single American ship, the latter commanded by Hobson, lsan ingenious and dramatic soul. The trouble is. Japan has no one Hobson' equal. He Is unlquo. (EttaWtahed m) Am Inhalation for Whooping. Cough, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Diphtheria, Creln la a athmatloa. Dae It sot Mm mora ffsctiT to broth In s ranMy far dlniiii of th breathing Dfgu lhaa to tak tha niuady Into the toautoh? U-eaoleaa eum boa.riM to air. rraasrad tronflv sntlMDtlo. is crri4 ow the diMwd urfao with Try breath, (i'lnf proloac4 aad oonitADt treatment. Ik is lnratuAble to mothers wlia mail chlldm. ror Irritated throat there It noiinns hettrr Mian Creaolane AatlaepUo Thruat Tahleia. fiend Be In postage for U4iit'.e bottia. ALL DRUOQISTS. Send DMtal torn Am. erlptUv Soeklei, VaeCresren Oa ov ruiion Blreetj New , iirL Ek OoBBair Saved! With cvory dollar paid At the Hospc Piano Sale. GREAT REDUCTIONS IN PIANO PRICES Up-to-date Pianos in fine veneered canes, beautiful ivory kevs, Boston fall board, duet music desks, full upright cabinet grand pianos selling for $175 $225 $190 $250 $200 $275 A Doty Deferred. Bprlngfleld Republican. Th houae decides that the hulk of the Maine need nut be raised; or rather a con gressman named Douglas, who took ad vantage of the chance to make a point of order against the appropriation, so decided. His views are of some Interest. "Most of all," he said, "I am opposed to raising the Maine because It might renew the contro versy over the cause of the explosion which wrecked it. I think It time we quit 'remem bering th Maine' and began to forget the Maine." But there is a controversy that ought to be settled. If possible, It will not stay buried. Where 1 ta Weaker Seat Baltimore American. .If war ia declared with Austria, th Ser vian women "League of Death" will shoulder arm and fight with the men. Taken In conjunction with the suffragette movement elsewhere, th popular puxal of thu age U to find th weaker aea. Etc., comprising the latest product of the Kimball factory, Hallet-Davls Cable Nelson, Victor, Whitney, Cramer, Burton and many other factories. Pianos which are selling everywhere for 1250, $300 $350 $400 etc These instruments are fully warranted to prove satisfactory in every reanert' for a lifetime. ' respect. You pay $10 down, a little every month You can pay more money with your rash payments, for every dollar nald down up to twenty-five dollars gives you credit for double the sum you nav This means that a $10 Down Payment makes the credit $'0 and 115 paid down gives you a receipt for $30-and so on. up to twenty-five dollars down payment. This, together with the piano price reduction ilvea each piano buyer up to $100 raving. This applies on any new piano on our retail piano floors. v USED PIANOS ( flickering & Notts, W.mmI, Smith, er Itro. King Masoii.l'arr.1 ln, perial. Kimball Player. Angel us Haver and other used good Ind Players at prlco to paralyse competition 50 buys some $75 others iinu till others, and Just a little down and a little weekly pavs for them KK.MKMIIKK UK CAKRV THK KltAXIC i V I I'll KltAKAl l.lt, tU MIl-LAM.; AMI KIMUALU ll tON A. MOSPE CO.,' 1513 Doufllns SI. WESTERN AGENTS POIt THE A1DLLO PLAYER PIANOS. .4