TTTF, OMAHA DAILY BET.: THURSDAY. MARCH 4. 1W. We will not it mince I a vords I I A here. i i t H I 40MtT BAKING POSX CflUi.IET D:S28Prci:r must fcive you satisfaction. I It mint prove that it it the equal in -every way and guperiof in tome to ail other bdunff powder, or ou natr hive your money i 1 back. You cannot set your I I standard of quality too nifh f to suit ua. l V Iazirt on Cahrmet and I f V 1 don't let your grocer give. Vi you a Substitute. V Rervwd HigKeet Award WoeUfs V Put Food Exposition jf I C. F WOLZ DEAD OF -BAKERS Month Before Fremont Kan is Elected President of State Organiiation. HOST CAXE TOE BLEACH 0R.DEB. t west lea Wholly fer tke Millers Neat SIhHii to Follow Cloeely aeap-olle. Updike's PRroE OF OMAHA FLOUR This Flour is made from spe cially selected wheat, chosen hy careful inspection. AVe have 103 elevators located in Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa and Kansas. No other miller has this op portunity. No other flour equate it in quality. S1.65 per sack At all Grocers ITPIKK MILLING, COM PANT. OMAHA. George Wela. Fromest, preeidsst, T. r. stsree. Ossaha, Tie president. 3. Bona. Omthi secretary. Fall Tager, alaatlaga, trttmm. X. W. Iselry-mple of Uacola. J. Marker of BVrota (huktj Charles AJtechmlsr of Tituntk, with the foa officers eoastl tat the executive, asm moo. The Master Beers' association of Ne- bruka was finally orgsnlsed Wednesday morning by the election of these officers to hold until the next annual nt'l nj The meeting wae attended by about s'x'y representative muter bakers from all parte of Nebraska. G-orge F. Woli of Fremont, presided anl F. E. Banner of Oman: acted aa secr'tary. The convention mi held In the Paxton hotel. Following the eleetjon of officers and selection of place of meeting the com mltte on resolutions, consisting of Cfcarlea Alteotra'.er. Phil Tager and H. D. Dal- rymple submitted Us report thanklr-g the locai oommK tee for courtesies. After Wattewel Hwtlif. The matter of the dele of the annual ennverrfVon was left to the executive com mit !. The consensu of opinion that the meeting should be held after the meeting of the national convention which will be held In Minneapolis August 21-37, when It Is hoped that eome of the national officers may be prevailed upon to attend the state convention. A vote of thanka was tendered P. E Bonney for his services aa acting secre tary and the regret waa expressed that he could not accept the permanent secretary ship of the new organization. Mr. Bonn-y was elected an honorary member of the as sociation, as was Jackson Fleming, editor of the Bakers' Review of New York, and Mayor Dahlmsa. O. Orleeel of University Place. P.' E. Bonney and Phil Yager were appointed a special committee to notify Mayor Pahl man of hie election to honorary member ship In the association. Bobs She Talk. D. W. Roberts of Cincinnati brought greetings from the Cincinnati bakers, and Jackson Fleming of New York delivered I a ahort talk upen the work of the recent national convention held in Indianapolis. The present membership of the national association exceeds 1.500, Others spoke of the "popular fallacy" that housewives could make bread more eco nomically than It can be bought from the professional bakers. It waa shown that there are fewer bakers In Nebraska In proportion to tta population than any other state In too union. President Wo la apoke upon the cloee re lation of the bakers to the family and the seal of the bakers to produce only the beet and purest bread for family and gen eral consumption. "We are not interested In the bleached flour proposition.'' said he. "We would rather see It cut out entirely. It Is a ques tion that la up to the millers wholly." Mr. Fleming concurred In thst Idea, for "the national convention at Indianapolis came out squarely agalnat bleached flour and master bakers' associations all through the country favor the elimination of bleached floir." PROSPECTUS OF UNIVERSITY Court House Job is Let Out Folly That Length of Time Will B Spent by Board in Deliberation. It will b a month before the cointy commissioners award the .contract for the building of the new court hoa.e. The et act on th"lr part has been to instruct Commissioner Bedford, chairman of the mmrritiee on construction, to write to the four lowest bidders asking them to state w?iat buildings they have erected and where. In recent years. Answers received, the supervisors or others for whom the contractors worked In these rases will be asked for Information regarding the con tractors. Meantime the special committee to which the bids were turned over has completed It tabulation and discovered no discrep ancies or anything different from the way the bids appeared when read Monday. Caldwell Drake, who bid fCt.MO. much less than their nearest competitor, ap pear to hae an exoellent chance of win ning the pr. Commissioners Plckard and Pruning on their Inspection trip a month ago visited the new court house at Toangs toeti, O, which this Columbus, Ind., firm Is building, and were highly Impressed br the work. However, the claims of all the low bid ders will be duly considered and the build ing records of all carefully scrutinised. That the work will be let to a single con tractor Is the general Impression and the general opinion Is favorable to such a pro ceeding. Captain Plckard has gone cruising to Lincoln again. This time he has taken Fred Brun ng with him to argue against the proposed road tax bill. On a former occasion Trainor and Kennard were the other members of the party. GOVERNOR ONLY SIDESTEPS Stallenberfer Dodges Both Jtcki tad ' Jim Neatly. ! SHIES AT MEANING OF HOME RULE erge Rncere Filing ef Cerlala Dfmnrrati for F.tclse Hoard ie Big !le4t for Mayor's A e sxletlve Ptftrr. CONTRACTORS' FIRST FIGHT Paver la Row Over o t a Work Have Their Open Ins Battle. Osnaka The first pitched battle In the South Omaha war of contractors w-,H be fought in Judge Redlck's court Thursday when a hearing will be heid of Frederick Offer man's petition to have the city of fVmlh Omaha enjoined from proceeding with the pavement of west L street. The National Construction company is a co-defendant. Hugh Murphy, a prominent contractor and a bidder for the same job. is behind Offer man, who appears as a cltixen and tax payer immediately interested. Mauy afildavits have been filed pro and con. Murphy has sworn statements from City Engineer Rosewater and John B Hunter, engineer of Denver Board of Public Works, saying that he la a compe tent and highly qualified man. His bid for the w.-rk was t4"t more than that of the National Construction company, among whose members are W. S. King and Tom Hoctor. respectively former city engineer and mayor of South Omaha. Because of the prominence of the men Involved, the case has excited much Interest among con tractors and among South Omaha people. F!rt th governor locked at Gerre Rrgers. one of the chiefs of the Iehlman Democracy, pledged for an appointive fire and police board, and then he lonkd at Kd P. Berryman. secretary cf the Jack- 1 sontan club, pledged for the elective feature ! Bth stood in front of him. waiting ex-1 pectantly for the decisive words about to fall from his lips, but they faJ.ed to come. ., Governor Sra!1enbe-gr was asked what fe understood "home rule." as applied to the fire and hrd to Trean, but In the presence of the contending for and In the hope of retaining the friendship of both, he gracefully sidestepped the issue and replied: "It would be extremely lnadvlsab'e for me to gtve my definition oT 'home ru'e" it this trme. and you cannot expect me to answer such a question." And then h-s smiled both upon the Just and the unjust and passed down the cor ridor to the hotel entrance to take a cab. The question was put up to the governor at the dose of the banquet of the Omaha Ad club Tuesday evening. Rssrers Jays Soraetfclna. George Rcgers. member of the legislative committee of the Dahlmsn Democracy. Is corfldent that if the charter bill Is passed it will provme for a mayor appointed fire end pollop board. "The filing of candidates for the excise board has been our greatest help." sai.l Mr. Rogers, "for many of the members of the legislature are acquainted in Omaha and know these men who have Illed. There are only two or three men on either ticket you or I would appoint and the legislature has been gtven a chance to see what kind of a governing board we would get. providing we had tre rlertlve feature. Any skate can run for office and Hand a ahow of being elected, but a mayor must be careful whom he appoints. I am more than glad that W. S. Shoemaker has filed for the Tre and police board, for he is right there in Lincoln and known of the legislators." SPEeiHL ANNOUNCEMENT Furniture Sale Extraordinary We have gathered together and assembled on our main floor all suite god pieces of furniture that wo desire to rlo" out. TRes consist of drop petf terns and piece left from suites of furniture for the parlor, library, living, room, dining room and bed mom. b aidca n rrnat number of odd pieces. Not one rlece or suite but what is marked t less than factory cost many articles will go at half price and leas. W leave the original and sale lag on onch piecr. so you tan see at glance the reduction. U'a our method of making room for spring good Thfse goods will be on show, for Inspection only, Thurs day. Friday and Saturday, March 4th. 5th and 6th. Not one piece, will be sold or any res ervations made until day of sale. Doors open for Bale Monday morning. March 8th, at 8:30 o'clock. Iiok through this week' and see the wonderful bargains. Come Monday morning and take your choice. ORCHHRD & WILHELM mq-lfe'lS South 16th Street MAN WHO DESERVES LIMIT Ho Wko Abases His Tamlly Smiles A boat It is Sack am Oae. aad t "nil I I.' I mil i . W We've Hatclnecl nut the newest ideas In Spring Attire that have ever been sprung In Oman a t ur corps of two expert cutters have lisited tile headquarters of new. smart fashions In New Tork. Our to experienced salesmen have made a special study if the style tendencies of this season. Our staff of sixty sc!i'4C tailors have been trained in bringing out the new spring style effects Pi. we confidently await the ultra critical knotting positively that we will more than satisfy those who have doubted our persistently reiterated claim that our suits at t:5 equal the so-valled "exclusive" tailor's tt' work See our Special t35 Spring Suitings in our windows and Julge for your self. MacCarthy-WHson . Tailoring Co. Noar lath at r'arn am St. 304-34M Kowth Ifith Street. Tract Issued by Oasaka lastliatlaa Seetlasx Forth lasertsst Faerta. Plats showing thw general plana of the I'nlverslty of Omaha, a prospectus of the aires and scops of the Institution and the flat statement that If Omaha will raise Cre.OO toward a total fund of 1500 OOO. the dlrectora are "warranted In believing that the other O00.000 necessary to complete the fund can be promptly secured from outside sources, are puDUaned in a leanet isajeo by the board. The plat, which has been published In The Bee. show sixteen buildings exclusive of the residences planned for the presi dent and professors, an athletic field, power plant, walks and parking. Bpraking of the methode of organization and development, the doctors say: The history of education has taught that the necessary organising and conserrlrTg nucleus of a great educational scheme is a college of liberal arts. Around this cen tral unit various otheg affiliated schools and departments sre most naturally gathered and by It the unity of the insti tution's organisation is more surely effected I and conserved. With a college department 'devoted to higher education in the liberal . r: s. science, literature and philosophy as a strategic center, the University of Omaha I will develop svmmetricalty and normally. I Prom this starting point Its instruction will, as resources Increase, extend Itself into applied sc ences. civil and mechanical ; engineering and other technical courses. Thus with the growth of departments, sn array of buildings, wlih appropr.ais equlp ; ments. wlil be acquired and erected n accordance with a carefully conceived j poi'cy of development. ' The method of organisation and develop ' ment. as outlined, makes it evident tnat tha to buildings which are requisite at the . outset are. first, a liberal arts and ad i niln straiion ha'!, and. second, a scisncs hsfl. Other btrf?Tngs, such as dormitories. ' e n-,najium, library, etc., will follow in due time. As has been InJIcated. the charter pro ; vldes for affiliation of tne university w.tii 'other educational institutions. In accord isme with this provision and a mutual agreement of their respective board of ! trustees. Beilevue college will be affiliated wttn the I'niversity of Omaha. afnil t atlon will be a distinct advantage In the way cf bringing an already existing ; patronage to the cmversitv. Other sucn I affiliations aa are ilaery to prove advan tageous will, no doubt, be erfettel from tinie to lime. "A man who win abuse his family and then srrrtie aoout It ought to be given the limit of pun la. n ment." . delarel ' Judge Altstadt In police ce.irt Wednesday morn ing. He was taking the place of Judge Crawford, who was unable to be there. "I have a notion to give you thirty days." oneiUnued Little Blsmirck as he wrote that sentence across the complaint form, and C. J. Johnson 'if idn? North Sventeenth street was led back to the prisoners' room without tho smile that he wore earlier In the hearing. However, the Jiidgr" thought It over and deitli'd that a fine of JM and coats would srve the purpose nicely and would not be j so narri on jonnson s wiie. ii'we Bupierrr would be cut off for a month by the Jail sentence. The fine was finally Imposed In stead of the sentence to Jail. August Ziebell Will Go to Trial Man Who Killed His Son Probably Will Not Be Adjudged Insane. Poultry Raisers You will find bargains in poul try in tho want ni paces. If you have Ptock or eg?s to sell, it is a sure, quiok and inexpen sive way to make sales. Watch the want ads August Ziebell. who shot and killed Ti's son a few weeks ago, will stand trial for murder In the first degree in the district cojrt of Douglas county for the attempt to prove Ziebell Insane will fail. The com missioners of Insanity asked by Ziebell's at torney to take up his case will return a finding that the man is now at least j responsible. The verdict of the commissioners has not yet been filed, but the examination has been completed and it la understood that the decision will be as above. The Inquiry not only Included Ziebell iu its scope, but members of his family also testified. Meanwhile there Is no action in the suit to have a guardian appointed for Ziebell as filed In county court- The costs to prosecute the sction have not been put up and the matter awaita this. Bilward Gurske is the petitioner. POLICE THINK THEY HAVE PAIR OF IMPORTANT CROCKS Arrest Jack McCrac and Jess sett e i Ttnsley at Tketr Raossa oa California Street. A two-line (12 words) poultry ad costs S3 per month and will sell your surplus stock. Clarinda Stock Powder Co., POULTRY SUPPLIES Clarinda, Iowa. Enclosed please find draft to cover our want ad five lines, seven times, amounting to $2.10. We wish to say that we met with very satisfactory result from The Bee, and when we are in need of an ad vertising medium, we will remember The Bee again. W. F. WILKINS, Manager. Realty Exchange Has No Bouquets for Water Board SISTERS FUSS FOR CHILDREN Wears Scramble for Tkelr Posses sion aad tke Cosrt Takes a Ilssd. In the person of Jsck McCrae. who was arrested Tuesday with a woman named Jeanette Tlnsley at their rooms. 21 Cali fornia street, the police think they have a well known crook in Jail. H is said to have worked in recent years as a fake de tective, secret service man or deputy sheriff, much to the lessening of people's ! possessions. It is thought he may be the man who forged a number of checks last fail and had a woman pass them at busi ness houses. Two sisters f.ghting over the possession i The Tir.sley woman is supposed to be his of the children of one of them and later I confederate. McCrae was arraigned In po testAfying agnnst each 141 her In police j lice court Wednesday morning on the Fails to Adopt Carefully Arranged Resolution Complimenting That Body. charge of vagrancy, no other complaint be ing at hand at present. The case will be ttled Friday morning. court, was feature of the case against Sarah McFadden of 1214 Cass street. The McFadden woman, strange to relate. Is a negiess. She was said to have created a disturbance at the home of her sister, Rosie Early, who. because of her early rising and other creditable qualities, had been given possession of the McFsd den children by order of Judge Eatelle some time ago. The police court magistrate discharged Mrs. McFadden after warning her that she must abide by the ruling of the higher court and would not be allowed to make j exposition management, together with short trouble with her sister. CORN SHOW LASTS LONGER Exposition Will Ceatiaae far Two Weeks Tkls Year Larger Scale f Exposition. Five thousand copies of the official l.t cf prise m-nncrs at the National Corn ex position In Omaha are being mallei by the Balldlaar Permit,. ePter Wyman. tH Vinton street, brick sh.ip. C5" : M. Sorenson. Thirtieth and Karnam streets, double brick dwelling. DID THEY HIT THE EGG MEN? Tkat Is tks 4 lag. As. Is Your Health Worth 10c? That's what ft costs to fret a week's treatment of CASCARETS. They do more for rou than aur medicine oa Earth. Sickness netM-rally shows aad Marts first in tie Bowels and Liver; CASCARETS cure these ills. It's so easy to try why not start to ight aad have help in the morning? ' CASCABETS tor a bos for a week ajg treatment, all drugg-sta. egrst seller as use rata. siuaa bescs s osia. If You Are a Trifle Sensitive Abet tke as ?w mum us h iiitfactras i. know tfeet hiii ov4. can mr lam m mm uulh he einkili am i f tm into tbw Just IS' ikias tor SuieiM Smniea. rsteat L&ikes 111 lor kiWMil la New SkMS r lrm or iteHM m&usae sin.i.nir 4 rowr ptfu-h. 4ila two ba ir.aeet rmUat oi4 ...ryvfcei. Bx Ssopw rKCS. IMna a Item a. (tsva4. La Be. N. T. Ouat soe4 aas suk ua TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Ob Dsltar a Year. sesttaa Pal Ire Are sat T ws Colored asserts. Ask. 1 Suspected of being the colored men who I assaulted and robbed John McElhatton. the aged egg deiler. at his little shack. Sixth and Burt streets, last Thursday evening. E. Si rat her and Pemmle Shannon have been arrested by detective. Only one person aside front McEThattoa saw the latter s as sailants, and ha was a smaJ boy. who picked out 8t rather aad Shannon aa the guilty men. Shannon, who lives at Thir teenth and Davenport streets, was taken in t1 custody Tuesday afternoon by Detec tives Heitfeld and Donohoe. w title Strainer was captured In the evening by Detectives Ma lone y and Van Deuseo. He lives at 39 North Twelfth street and was arrested with another negro, J. H. Brosrn. who Is now ho llered to be Innocent of complicity in the matter. Oa Sided Oallaatles. The fat pass wager accident all stepped oa the street car conductor's foot. "I beg your parduo. air,' said the con ductor. Not st all; I besr yours - "But you dnnt have to Aft that, you know. Passengers are not et panted to be put lie to con doctors. Besides, ths unexpected apology flusterej the conductor, and bo rang up lao fares CuKkgt Tribune In The Morning I Try - Charcoal Lozetiger and A Glass of Mater ir lour iirraUi is Foul and Tour Mouth Tau-s liail. Immediately upon rising la ths morn ing, should you have a had breath and a disagreeable taste In your mouth, try a charcoal losenger. Simply chew the loaenger up as you would so much candy and drink a glsss of water, washing It down into the stomach In this manner. The effect Is almost magical. Tha mouth becomes sweet and the breath pure and fragrant in a very short time. After a few days you will notice rhat your stomach Is digesting food much bet ter. All traces of gases and sour stom ach will disappear, and the perfect as similation promoted by a healthy stomach will build up strength and muscle, and your bad breath and coated tongue will be a thing of the past. Give t-tuarfe Charcoal Loser ges a trial, results are assured and positively no bad effects caa arise from ths use of char coal Stuart's Charcoal Loaengea are made nf young willow wood charcoal and purs, fresh honey, taken direct from tbs bee hive. Tou msy eat all you want, give them to every member of the family. They wlil cleanse and purify the stomach and keep It clean and aweet. Stuart's Charcoal Losenges are good for sverybody at any time Try tham. For sale everywhere, 2 S-. cents per box. Sample box sill he sent free by mall upon request. Address F. A. Stuart Co.. ZOii Stuart Bidg. Marshall, 1 Instructions on seed selection and how t- I prepare for the la exposition, which Is to j be larger and Include more classifications as well as being open for two weeks. I "Corn Small Orsins Grasses." is heading on a. I printed matter and the j slogan, "ProspTtt;.' Moves on Crutches When the Crops Go Wrong." The premium list covers e.ght pages of the little peper published by the exposition called "Corn." It gives not only ths name and addresa of the pnxe winners, but the donor of the award and his address, mak ing it complete and valuable to winners anj manufacturers. It has required more than sixty days to prepare this list which is said to be letter-perfect. In one of the leaflets L B. Clore of Franklin. Ind.. whose ten-ear sample won the grand champion sweepstakes total prizes of fc'.io. tells bow to select seed cora. Mr. Clore sasi There Is no question that the improve- ) ment of corn is as poasinte as tne improve ment of live stock. This may be ac- complinned either by breeding or by selec tion, tvery farmer should be in close touch aitn hts experiment station wnlch is test ing the best methods to produce more corn and of better jiia!lty. I-lke produces like and the best see,! is none ton good. Not enough attention has been given to the rharacier nf seed cjrn. The percentage of shelled gra!n to the cob must b con sidered carefully, also the condition, sue. shape, filling out at ends, ana other points tnat go ti make a perfect corn. Walcii your corn carefully, study It ;th care, and strengthen the weak points by selecting or crossing wun corn tnat Is strung in points wnere yours Is weak It is very important in changing seed that we gel seed of sufficient germinating J power uj i;iuviM.v uu'n " 71cm jiu high quality. Breed and develop your Cora. I can see no limit to future development for there is none. The shallow-grained corn must give way to a deeper grain and better f'.lied cob. Anybody can raise some kind of com, but when we see me thrtfy fields of the good farmer, or the arched neck and noble bearing of the weil-bred horses or the fat. sleek cattle, or the smiling dairy cow, then we realise there is something to the prin ciples of breeding and selection. In a failure to adopt a carefully arranged resolution commending the Omaha Water board for ita "gixid Judgment, wise busi ness sense and conscientious work In ne gotiating for the purchase of t.Tp water plant." the Omaha Real Estate exchange revealed the fact that a local company is either being organized or has outlined a plun of organization for buying the plant and asking a renewal of the franchise. The resolution was introduced by the sec retary "by request" and after a motion by t. C. Patterson to adopt it, the exchange refused to pile compliments on the Water board by a decisive vote. Among other things, tiio resolution de clared In favor of th.- voting of the,- ' One bonds to buy the wsit plant and pro- tested agninst any cltnn cr company o I citizens buying the plsnt . r any rart of : it. in the siiaie of bonds or otherwise. So I discussion was permitted on the resnlu ! lion, the mt on being "to ad'ipt It and ! defer discussion until next week." This I brought '.he Utile storm which resulted In 1 It being pushed over the traisom Anotlier resulutl' n by Patterson to en- I dorse a biil providing tnat mortgages be th ! f jempt from taxation and a fe of of ' 1 per cfnt be paid when filed, wis laid on the table wlih a heitithy thud. "Tills talk about double taxation is fal- Iacioue." said W. T. Graham. "The preee-it laws are all right. Any attempt to make us believe there Is really double taxation is not right and uncalled for. "I have always believed that If a man lies about having a mortgage he would also perjure himself and not make a re turn to the assessor If he held :he same amount la money." DRAINAGE DISTRICT PLANS CARRIED BY LAND OWNERS Project ts Redrew Platte aad Elk hora River Bottoms Is Offl rlally Approved. Official canvsss of ths votes on the E2kom Drainage district will yield a re suit differing but a trifle from the unoffi cial returns and the majority of 1'J.ISH In favor of the proposition will be c hinged little either way. The official canvass will not be completed for eome days. The owners of farm land and city lots In the district sffected alao voted for five directors, and the county clerk and assist ants were busy all day Wednesday tabu lating these ballots. The result could not te foretold. When the balloting ended Monday night 114 realty owners had cast J Ml rotes, of which 24.718 were in favor and 14.S24 in the negative. Flashed ssltk a Rsur, wounded with a gun. or pierced by a rusty nail. Buckl-n's Arnica Salve heals the wound. Guaranteed. 25c. Per sale by Beaten Drug Co. Thousands Go West to Seek Farm Homes Vat Army of Settlers Panes Through Omaha on Special Home seekers' Bates. Bis; Mlit at 91. Lea is. ST. LOI IS. March 1 A wind that at tained a velocity of forty miles an hour razed a two-story brick structure at 411 9 uth Twelfth street early today. Samuel Wnlf. Ins wife and seven children, who were sleeping on the second floor, awakened when the timbers began to crack and escaped injured by a narrow margin. Omaha was the gateway to the great west Tuesday and Wednesday, for thou sands of settlers who have decided to cast their lot among the growera of fruit and agriculture. Two different ratea were ef fective through Omaha. St. Paul and other Missouri river points Tuesday snd Wednes day and the railroads figure that at least 25.UO persona took advantage of these rates. The northwest roads made a one way rata of IX from the Missouri river to the Pacific coast points for settlers, who desired to Journey to that country to secure aom of the fruit lands, which are being offered for sale. Round trip homeseekers rates were also In effect for those wishing to make a trip to the west to look over tue landa offered for sale. Promotors of irrigation schemes and land owners ars having their Inninga this week and ths railroads are furnishing them prospective buyers by ths thousands. Years ago J. J. Hill Instituted the scheme of hsuling prospective buyers into the northwest at exceptional low ratea, the Idea being tha build up the country to have mors producers and consumers for his rail roads supply. Other roada persistently fought this policy of Mr. Hills, but his foresight Is now scknowledged and all the western roads join In the movement tt fill up the west with people who win till the soil. QuMk Action for Tour Money Tou get lia.t by us.oj Tht Bee adverUaicg cuiuulo msm L'. I V" e .sarf