TITE OMAIIA DAILY BEE: THURSDAY. MARCH 4, IMP. j J, 10 Years Ago yKS n5T ni ; II Thousands bought yTf """" U ' ' Oneeda Biscuit yy W because they wondered S P5 H . . what they were. 0 rip "Jl - - il wv)v, m.&r Millions use them because : they know them to be LI The World's Best Soda Cracker ' J jp' NATIONAL. BISCUIT COMPANY ' ' , - l.-..f , , , " j I 1 By George FitchCartoon by John T. McCutcheon From the American Magazine. (n cannot cord up too much Information bout the president of th United States. The common citizen who . have hired a .resident "sight unseen" and hav turned Ii welfare of tne country over to him Tor a period of . four years may ha par .1oned for an omnivorous hunger for de '.aila concerning the history, character, lablts. dimensions, disposition, beliefs and re'atlve of their new employ. Summing tip in brief the architect's fig ure on William Howard Taft, who ta having his clothes made preparatory to being Inaugurated, president, of th United Stales, .w find the following: Dimensions; HetgliU alx feet; frontage, enough to allow seven watch pockets In a row scrota his vest; depth, about four ' tlmeB4ht,of,.WjJJJm. J. Bryan; capacity, sixteen -hours work a day. Foundations: Clear down to bed-rocli-College education, law school education, newspaper education, seven years In Cin cinnati pontics without settling an Inch. (rownd plan: A ground plan of th pres- :: f f. ilBlRTO ldent-elect t.otis practically all of the planet. He whs born at Cincinnati, but his , large and rather deep foot tracks have been found In almost very civilized coun try.,' He Is the. first president who has taken Ills office after having circumna vigated the globe and played hop-scotch serosa Its various sones. Material: Adamant and sand most pe culiarly mixed ,tih a fine brand of taffy guarantee J under the' government pure food jaw,.- Very Jlttle precious metal, about, tha premises. Is said that on Taft' a re turn from; the HiMtppines he did not have more .than ST'.oOO.. He has held some gov ernment p4ition dfbthet for twenty years and has always' regarded a public office as a a all day Job instead of a money bin with a '.'W'Sloem V sign an it. finish) pxtruejy pleVn. II wear clothes because that was the way he was brought up. IDs trousers, sr ja vast bsd lsnd of hill and. vaUayx aDd His cost finding itself suddenly wtthejl be.rk,Wig arfl support down near aba, pocket droops away dejectedly at th front. ducks h looks like an anlmeud circus feet. In a frock coat he Is. knever, ImposingAs Imposing as four or fir ordinary' men, ' ' Osier lolitmef 'Mt. 'Taft Is a whit man with a atrong .sympathy for man ef a darker oior, The: moat patient and pains taking Analysis (alls In disclose any yellow In His makeup, or any .evidence of greenness la rilvpeat' record. Being temperate he knows .nothing stout lir. Ade's celebrated pal gray da.wn. ' Being by natur sunny h is nevtr blue. Ills loha are black, his rard (s white end he' himself, especially aftee a toard day's gulfing, is a beautiful res pink.. ' Perspective: fio classic. Beginning gen erally at the houoni Mr, Taft swells notice tbl Ut)wara't point just above th belt and then- fade away radically to tb chin, his vest belns; about as teej as .an. old fasonad majisai4 roof. Separated from the vest by .4 eollsr only about s wide as a pfao of baby ribbon rises the Taft head ' -a truly neble piece of architecture, built U (It the man. One does not wuudar bow Mr. Taft manages to store away all his knowledge, but rather thinks with awe of the amount of labor required to fill suctl a crania! storehouse. Without any partic ular preliminaries In the way of neck It rises straight from the collar to the tem ples and then sweeps away In a beautiful oriental dome to th summit buttreeeed by a forehead as substantial as the turret of a battleship, in all the vast expanse of face there are but three landmarks aside from eyes, nose and mustache. Two of these are deep furrows on the aid of the nose which when curved upward and out ward help make the Taft smile. The other is a dimple which shows where his chin used to be. Specifications: On steam heated glad hand; one large, wide' meaty laugh; on relnforoed 'concrete backbone; one -w-; firing temper with check valve and auto matic thermostat; one extra capacity non eapslsabie digestive system; on poorly fastened head of hair, rather light, slightly grayed; one light brown extra width mus tache, undomestloated; two blond eyes THE HOORAH. petween narrow lids; two chins; one extra width 64-candlepower smile all dav scheit ule; one hot air plant, very moderate six. Mr. Taft Is 51 years old and has hold office almost continuously since he we 24 years of age. For the first few years lie sought office; after that offices were fighting over him. Early In life opportun ity coming to knock at the Taft door found that gentleman had already gone out and gotten a Job. NeverJelng able to find him at home tucreafter. "opportunity went home AT TALE. ' - himself, grabbed Taft as h cam paat and held on with, firm determination. Mr. Taft alerted in -life as rich man's eon. Taking up the somewhat unusual fad of studying during Lis college course Us became a scholar: Believing that in time be could become a better Jurist by knowing life he became a reporter and. then for one, brief, period Ui .hie life . a politician. He was elected prcsecuUng attorney ef Hamilton county. Ohio, at the . age ef 24. From this position h relapsed Inte that Of officeholder, being co' lector of Internet revenue for a year: then he became a liw n. At tin Me of 10 he ocani a JuJt. Ten years later for a short time he be came a law professor In the Cincinnati Uaw school. Then he took a lob as nation builder In the Philippines, after which h cam home and became a traveling man, from which position he has stepped into a good Job as custodian of tlie national Veto. Mr. Taft Is the first travel! .-. cm to be elected president. For it.' : ' jears KB HAS TRAVBLBD 60,000 M1L.ES. MORK THAN he has been traveling out of Washington for He government, anil' '"so ' la'g 'haa been his territory tliat he has -frequently failed to spend Sunday at home for as much as six months at a time. He has been official trouble shooter for the Roose velt administration. I."t a stiff Joint develop in the entente cordiale between Madagascar snd the United States, Bill I sent over on the next boat to talk It into good working order again. Iet there be a strong smoke suggestive or a not dox In tha Philippines; there never was such a man for cooling hot boxes as Bill. In his official capacity as salve alinger and wheel greaser for the administration he haa visited Japan, China, the Philippines, Russia, Rome. Cuba, Porto Rico and the Panama canal. He has traveled over 60,000 miles and this In spite of the fact that a Pullman berth fits htm as snugly as a shoe box would fit a bull calf and that only one steamer berth in nine Is built to tske all of him in at one time. Tet he haa cheerfully wedged himself into Impossible quarter for his country's sake and haa endured the torments of traveling In coun tries built for men nine sizes smaller with out a complaint. For this alone he de serves the presidency. Mr. Taft will be the twenty-seventh pres ident of the United States. He will be the fifth president to be elected from Ohio and the alxth preeldent produced In that state. Mr. Taft is the fifth president to wear a mustache and is the seventh president who has found time to use a middle name In hi busy career. He wears a larger chair than any other executive and his collar has been excelled in circumference only by . that of the lat Orover Cleveland. His majority when elected was next to the largest ever received by a presldnt. H Is the third mem ber of the Bill club to land the job. By being elected Mr. Taft also becomes on of the few men who according to the Tale belief have honored Tale Instesd of being honored by It. His election Isst fall dispelled the 8tglan gloom resulting from two defeats in one year by Harvard. In displacing a Harvard man In the White House Tale Is not recompensed for the late foot ball defeat, but is reason ably comforted. Moreover. Mr. Taft Is the first man to get there Ell, presi dential speaking, while1 Harvard has had three that Is counting Roosevelt as only one man. , It is always a pleasure to chronicle the success of the town fst bey, who deserves all that can come to him later Ir! life be cause of the nicknames, which he endures In his youth. Taft was one of these. His pictorial record discloses him at the age of 11 aa a fllrn young thing In long trousers. Blx years later, he weighed 22S pounds. What-happened In the Interim staggers the Imagination. Tha fact remains that at the age of 17 when ha landed at Yale ha was the biggest freshman who had ever entered college. The students gased at him with awe and admiration, for he waa large al ever, not globular. They paced off h!s width, ran linea around his calves, esti mated his height by triangulatlon and Im mediately made hi m leader of the freah- Iman sound In the class rush. All the next day, the aaddened sophomores were busy digging their unfortunate brethren out or Tart's foot trscks. Thus the Taft steam roller hsd its humble beginnings. When Taft left Tale four years later, he was still the Isrgest student who had been enrolled in college. In a quiet steady way he haa been merging and annex. ng tha outlying provinces of spaoe ever slr . He now weighs about 3SS pounds and weais trousers whose legs might do as temporary funnels for the Lusltanla. He Is of the consolidated mogul tvp and la built to fit a canal boat. Still he Is not fst. He Is merely expansive. He Is like Chicago he covers a lot of ground but he Is not unduly swelled In any one pert. He Is built to fit hi body In temperament. smpa.h;s and understanding, in every thing in fact but voice. He has a thiit) I four-Inch voice which sounds a trifle nerullar in a man wearing a forty-eight four-Inch voice which soundi neoullar in a man wearing a ooat In discussing a newly made president. It is always interesting to learn how he got there. Nothing illustrates Mr. Taft's sa gacity and unfathomable understanding so vividly as his method of landing the preai dency. The general plan of becoming a preeldent has been to wish for the office when a boy and to grow up with both eyes firmly fixed on the place. This Is not In falible, having failed In perhaps KiO.Od0.000 instances, but It Is an almost universal plan among American boys. Taft alone was too wise to wish for the presidency. He reasoned that he would have a better chance if he wished for some thing else. Accordingly, lie wished to he come supreme Justice of the United States. He set his heart upon It when a boy and thought of nothing else. He prepared him self to be a supreme Justice and went after the Job in dead earnest. Just ss Taft had figured. Fate was too contrary to let him have it. F.very time he had a chance to become" chief Justice It Interfered. Once it sent him to Manila. He had another chance. It made him take a cabinet position. Taft stood pst and waited Sura enough when the third chance for the berv-'K'hove In sight there wss nothing big enough to keep it away but the presidency. ' The expected happened. He smiled and accepted. Any man who is wise enough to make a monkey out ol Fate Jn this manner Is big enough to run this country with his feet on the desk. A comrarisoti of the Incoming with the outgoing president Is interesting. They are i as like each other as a trade wind and a Kansas tornado. Taft, unlike Roosevelt, is chronically snd not sporadically good natured. His smile does not-the brilliance of present executive because his teeth do not reflect so much sunlight. Taft Is a bigger man than Roosevelt and Is not so active. Either "and'' or "be cause" Is the proper word there, no one knows which. .Taft does not chop trees, wade rivers, play tennis, ride DareDacK, punch pugilists, launch battleships, choice mountain Hons or abuse traction engines. He merely plays golf and hunts a little. He has surrendered. H was mad to b a large man and realises It. Roosevelt stIU MR. TAFT AT HOME THE FIRST TM.AVK1JNG MAN TO BE BISECTED PRESIDENT. haa atrong suspicions to the contrary, and darea Providence to make him fat. In temperament Taft ia a ateam heater and Roosevelt Is a prairie fire; In conversation, a college pro fessor beside a D. D. R. convention in energy, a locomotive beside a volcano; In good nature May compared with April. Both make enemiee in plenty, but Taft re fuses to walk on a man while he la down, while Roosevelt refuaea to get off of him until he is sure he can't get up. Both arc aa fond of work aa a kitten is of milk. Both go on the theory thst a large fami! , well brought up, is better to lesve a na tion than great riches. Both are as afraid of criticism as a Bengal tiger Is of a trip pled sheep. As for results, both seem to acquire prac tically the same brand Both of thein raise hadea, but with entirely different seed. Roosevelt talks dynamite, sulphur, perdition, brimstone, shotguns and bowle knUes. while Taft talks axle grease, ball bearings and lubricating oil. Taft ralle a spade an excavator, while Roosevelt call it an absolute, uncontrovertible, deliberate and atrocious spade, gumming It all up, they are both the aame kind of motor, but Rooaevelt rune with his muffler cut out. Disclosures may he made in th life of almost every great man. Taft la no exception.- He la rated as an enemy of trusts and combines snd as a discourager of the predatory magnate aa well as the commer cial hog who believe In living and let ting others live providing they pay him roundly for th privilege, let it is on record that before Taft was IS year of ige he was conducting a trust of his own. The dark story la spread out ypon th --.oau of Sale college at Yale. It cannot be '.i. controverted. muck rake. He saw at once on entering Tale that the business of winning prizes could bo greatly systematlsed to the great benefit if all. If one man were to win all the prizes the economic results would be most praiseworthy. Vicious and wasteful com petition could thus be regulated perhaps oven eliminated to a healthy extent. Dis appointments and heart burnings could be avoided. A healthful and beneficial com bination would be effected and several hundred students who had hitherto wasted health, kerosene and eyes upon their books would be free to carry Yale to greater glory U(on the athletic field. Young Taft lost no time in carrying out his ideas. In four years he had effected the most gigantic merger of prices ever PACIFYING THE UNRULY FILIPINOS. ?een In Yale. He had annexed the Latin scholarship prise, the Eng lish scholarship prize, the prise for complicated mathematical problems, the class oratorahlp and the class salutatory besides a host of smaller spoils. The result of the merger was beneficial in the extreme. The young men of Tale, released from the necessity of competing for prises, went forth snd attained such prowess In the athletic field that they out rowed Harvard, trampled on Princeton and ran away from Pennsylvania At the end of his college course, Taft hivd all of the scholarship prizea In his trunk while the Yale gymnasium had been enlarged three times and was once more ojrflowlng with athletic trophies. , To this day. Taft Is hailed as the athletic genius of Yale. He was one of the first men to prove the greater benefits arising from the elimina tion of competition. In one way the glory of being elected president is dimmed for Mr. Taft. In be coming president he Is simply "making good" with the friends of his youth and with his family. Being born practically at the top it haa become necessary for him to erect a few extra rungs to the ladder. He belongs to the Taft family whioh has always had things pretty much Its own way. His father, Judge Alphonso Taft, was a rich man and was secretary of war himself In 18Tfi. He had been a Yale man and had been a famous student. Young Bill Taft began life with the task of an choring those shaking heada whoae owners are always ready to say "He's a good boy, but an awful come down from his dad." Paced by his brother, Charles, who has acquired a newspaper, several million and a senatorial hanker ha had succeeded In do doing so. It is not, of course, that be would have been regarded aa a total failure If he finished his life aa a mere cabinet officer, but there would have been a great deal of disappointment at Yale and else where. It must be a satisfaction for a man of this kind to get so high thst his as piring friends cannot chalk out new marks to be attained. Mr. Taft comes to the White House a tried and proven athlete and a man whoa nerve and stalng qualities cannot longer be doubted. They were established In the recent campaign. A presidential election Is no longer a mere discussion of issue. It has become an endurance contest. When Mr. Bryan, the tried veteran of two prebidentlal campaigns and seventeen lecture touts, read of the nomination of Taft last June he smiled with satisfaction. Taft was a good man, but unknown per sonally to the people and could not with his build be expected to make one-night stands over the country. With quiet gits Bryan planned a campaign which called for an average of seventeen speeches, with a traveling schedule that would lay a private car up for repairs after a week. It was an awful challenge, but Taft was game. leaving out a schedule that went the peerless leader one speech better per day he went plucklly forth. Inexperienced Iftrie task of making a cyclone swath of oratory over half a continent he suffered untold miseries. His throat wnich la us unreliable aa a cheap automobile, developed hoarseness, air bubbles, heated bearings, short circuits, season crack and water blister. His voice fogged up and died away, it kept three physicians busy for daya at a time coaxing it to come out between stations. But Taft hung on. He followed the pace and Improved on It. Th farther he went the better he got. By September on a standing start of a J mile dasn through thirty-five towns, catch as catch can dinners snd sleep, and speeches at every water lank, he could more than hold his own with his opponent. His tin throat was no match for his Iron will. It waa the greatest political Marathon In history that he won. The Big Stick will probably not have many notches cut In it in the Taft adminis tration. Taft will set his foot down hard on a good many things but it Is not likely that he will thump any heads while doing It. Perhaps the big stick will be retired in favor of the big boot an equally effective but less spectacular weapon. The whole world walla to see it In operation. Tart Answer to John Power County Replies to His Demand for Money with Charge Against Former Sheriff. A reply to former Sheriff John Power's suit against the county was made by As sistant County Attorney Elllek Wednesday and a counter claim of 12,370 set up. Power Is said "to have fraudulently and wilfully represented thst he had earned certain fees and allowances and had Incurred certain exjnses. which in truth and In fsct plaintiff well knew that he had not earned or Incurred and thereby unlaw fully and fraudulently procured and In duced the county commissioners to approve said cliams and order warrants drawn In the sum of 11.1170." A Judgment for this sum is accordingly prayed for. E. Lee McShane to Wed Iowa Girl Parents of Miss Nathalie Meyers of Dubuque Announce the En gagement. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Myers of Dubuque, la., have announced the engagement of their daughter. Nathalie Myers to E. Iee Mc8hane of Omaha. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. McShane. Miss Myers la a sister of Mr Oeorge W. Myers, who married Miss Adelaide Nash of Omaha. Miss Myers recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Nash of this city. INTERSTATE COMMISSION MEETS HERE TWICE MONDAY Will Be Represented by BpeelaJ F.x suwleer Rroirs to Look After Rate Cose. Two Interstate Commerce commission meetings are scheduled for Omaha for next Menday, when Special Examiner Brown will be her to take testimony. The first case is that of the Paxton-Vlerling Iron company In which that company complains of th excessive rat on structural iron to the Black Hills district and th other case Is th complaint of th H. Ound; Brewing company sgalnst th allowance of elevation chargea on grain from Ulterior points in Nebraska. Ls t vs mini tf I f I I ("V il I HW- I e- iimt s xh f 4 "?c' j " smtoVt au&praarad, . t . - w4 .... --v -i w4IMlwm4t I Dr Dolt 'a Pino -Tar - Honov Is Per Flae-Tar snd Par areoMS wiia verioas otnar printed e i i OUt STRONGEST aCCOMMENDSTION It Hss MS rr SixUe lnrsta Ask for t)B. 1 1 aimai. tio laae no Substitute Lsett far Ut Btll th Seltl aad Oar guars! St, tug, nitiiis onr ar ( L I. VTMCHLSNO MSO. Edwin Haney Dies Very Suddenly at Hot Springs, S. D. Station Master at Union Station for Thirty-Three Years Body to Be Brought to Omaha. HOT SPRINGS, S. P., March 3.-(Ppecial Telegram Kdwln Haney of Omaha very suddenly died here this morning. The body will be sent over the Northwestern read to Omaha tonight. The Knight Templars here have taken charge of t! body. Mr. Haney was one of the beat known men in Omahc, aa his position aa station master at the Union station for years made him n most familiar figure. He waa botn In Dane county, Wis., July 27, 1847 and moved with his parents to Kansas when eleven years of age, the trip being made by the Mississippi and up the Missouri by boat. His parents died when he was U'. and then he worked his way back to Madi son, Wis. He lived in the same block in Madison with John M. Thurston, lsler general solicitor of the Union Pacific, an) senator front Nebraska. , i In ISPS Mr. Haney went to Missouri an.U entered the employ of the Hannibal St. Joseph railroad. In January. IMiO. lie was sent to Omaha by that 'road to ink" charge of the thiougli checking system and his place of business was an Iron portable shed on the corner of Ninth and Farnam streets. In 1871 Mr. Haney took the position of baggage master for the Union Pacific, a post he filled for a great many years. Three years after he settled In Omaha married Miss Inex Porter, ' daughter of Judge John Porter. They have one eon, Dr. W. P. Haney of Cananea, Sonora, Mexico. Mr. Haney built a home on the corner of Eighteenth and Farnar streets, where he and his family resided for twenty eight years. He sold the lot to ft syndicate about three years ago. Until three years ago, when sickness compelled him to re sign, Mr. JIane.y occupied the position of station master 'of th " Union station, and hero he met scores of noted people, who passed through and stopped at Omaha.. He could tell many Interesting anecdotes of the great men he had met. He never sought any political office, although he was some what active in politics. He was a veteran Msson, a member of Covert lodge. No. "31. Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Omaha chapter. Royal Arch Musons; Mount Cal vary commandery, No. 1, Knlglus Templsr. and Divan of Tangier Temple, Ancient Arabic Order of the Mystlo Shrine. He was commander of the Knights Templar at the time the corner stone of the Trans misslssippi exposition waa laid. A Bloody Affair is lung hemorrhage. fctop It and cur weak lungs, coughs and colds with Dr. King's New Discovery. sOc and S1.00. For ssle by Beaton Drug Co. '. Hoary, combined by a soieaUfl msreaieuta. lh ct coateul etery bonis. Tsars With a SUasili Ssl. BULL'S PINK-TAH- CO. tes. (f pwwa'wsi us .ni ii, .i ,m .J . a