8 Till; OMAHA DAILY r.KE: "WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3. 1909. 12 Want - ads Advertisement for the vraat ad rnlama will be lakes aallt IS a. k evealaar adltloa aad. aatll " for the taeralna- ! laaday adltlaaa. Taak mil NaMr " wilt tit aad aa adTertleenseat will b accepted far lee tkaa lO ecats far fleet laaartlaa. RttN aaal? alther Tka Dally 4r Baa. Always Miit sis wrli ta a llaa. CoanblaatUas af laltlala ar aaaikcra roant aa aaa war. CASH RATER FOB WAST AW. MBGtLAR CLASSIFICATION Oa Insertion, aer llaa, 10 aaala. Twa ar intra eoaaeeatlre laaarllaaa, aer llaa, ft mti. Kara Insertloa tiara, lO ceat par llaa. 1. aer llaa par aaaatai esceatlaa" that fihsished" room ad, nkra accompanied by cash, ta rata mill he 1 Oaa laaartlaa, 4 eeata par Niri Ikraa ar als aaaaaeatlra laaar tlnaa, 3 eeats par llaa each laaartlaa) area ar mere coasecatlve laaartlaaa, 2 cent par llaa each laaertloai BO rent per llaa per xaaath. ads far Tka naar be left iliirtt tka follawlng dra ataraa ana la 10 a V coratf drawlat" tfcey are all braaeb aeea far Tka Baa aad roar ad will k laeerted Jaat aa prampllr aad aa tka sans rataa aa at Ihe.aiala afflca la Tka Bea Balldlac, Betealeealk aad Far nan atreatai Albdch. W. C. 40th and Farnarn. Beranek. 8. A., 1402 8. ISth Bt. Heeht Pharmacy, 7) B. 16th St. Krnioii Pharmacy, Benaon, Neb. . He ml Park Pharmacy, 83d aad Cuming, ttiakea Pharmacy. 2& Sherman Ave. Coughlln, ;. K., ih and Fierce Bis. r ilfton 11111 Pharmacy, 221$ Military Ave. I'onte, J. B., $lst Ave. and Farnam Bt I 'rlp."ey Pharmacy, 241 h and Lak Bt. tcrmak. Kmll, 1204-6 B. Mth Bt. fchler, B. H., 2)2 Leavenworth St. Ki.ifr & Arnolill, 218 N. 26th St. FreyMg, J hn J.. 1914 N. 24th St. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Neb. Goldman Pharmacy. 2oth and Lake Bt. lire-enough, O. A., 1!4 8. 10th Bt. Ureenough, U. A., 1834 8. lHh Bt. ui..H.n M'tnum n m Fimim Bt. Xunacorn Park Pharmacy, 1401 B. 29th Ho'sl, John, 6J4 N. 16th 81. Huff, A. 1... iSOi Leavenworth St. King. K. S., 2348 Farnam Bt. " kniiniu Pharmacy. 2601 N. 34t(l Bt. St. throp, Charlea E3, 1324 N. 24th Bt. Patrick Drug Co., I(j02 N. 24th Bt. Pevton, L. 11.. 24th and Leavenworth Sts. Saratoga Drug Co.. 24th St. and Ame Ave. Schaefer Cut Price Drug Co.. lbth and Chicago Bta. Schaefer, August. 2081 N. lh Bt. rVhmldt. J. H., 24th and Cuming Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. Walton Pharmacy, !oth and Grace Bta. Worth, O. H., 4)U and Hamilton Bta. DEATH AND ITKEHAl. NOTICES. ANDERSON Joseph, March 1, 1909. age 26 years 6 month 29 day. Ha Is survived by hla wife, Loretto and brother, Peter A nderson. Funeral notice later. HKSS Henry O., March t. 1906. Aged 18 years. Beloved son of Mr. and Mr. J. J Hess, 541 North Twenty-fourth etreet, Funeral will be held from family resi dence, Wednesday, March , at 2:80 p. m Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Funeral private. LYM ANDwlaht Huston. Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter G. Lyman, aged months. Funeral from the residence, 4204 William street Wednesday afternoon at I o clock Interment at Prospect Hill cemetery. PESHAK Russell, age 2 years. Funeral from residence. 532 South Twenty- seventh street Tuesday, 2 p. m. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births R. A. Jenklna, 403 Bancroft street, boy; Herman Pugleke, 1618 Oak atreet, boy lamea (J. Nlcklln, Fifty-sixth atreet and Woolworth avenue, boy; Bernard Palm qulst, 41-7 Hamilton atreet, boy; James candy. 4102 North Twenty-eighth atreet ooy; Harry lioweu, K3 South Twenty-sixth avenue, boy; Alfred Foley, 2634 Davenport Street, girl. Deaths Sophia H. Harton, 2622 Farnam el reft, 67 years; Oscar B. Southwell. 2409 Chicago street, 47 years; Loula Harris Fortieth street and Popnleton avenue. Si years: Iim Croy Woods, ItSOS Ohio street. months; Charlea L. Kmbree, 2912 North Twenty-sixth street, 17 years; Sophella. J. Matthews, 1804 Miami street, 6 montha; John Pen ford. Thirty-sixth and Cuming streets, 7 days. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses have been Issued : Name and Residence. Fiank A. Landee. Woodbine, la Meta Jackson, Woodbine, Is.,.. Herman Jungbluth, Arlington... Meta Oft, Bennington Sophus 81-hloemer, Scribner Klis Shlpporelt, Omaha Age. ... 23 3eoige Chapman, Omaha Mary Jamie, Omaha 27 ANNOUNCEMENTS SIGN PAINTING 8. II. Cola, HOB Douglas. U)-oW OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makes a specialty of fire escapes, ahuttcra, doors and safes. G. Andraen, Prop., 101 8. 10th. (1-6W DAVID COLE Creamery Co. l)-ot WE rcuLka a specialty of all foreign publi cations, post cards, newspapers and raaga alnes. Subscriptions received for any peri odical published. Schulxe Blattert Co., 109 bo. 16th St. Frenaer Blk. (1) MS24 Swart McKtlvy Prig. Co.- -Doug. 1178. (1) MS CHINA decorating, realistic: order work a specialty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursddy and Saturday. Firing dally. Leather craft, stains, leather and deelgna. Mrs. C. C. Hungatt. H Brandeis Bldg. Tel. Red 648a. 1 ol Hl'LBK A RIEPEN. successors to Harry B. Davis. 7u 8. 16th 8t. Both 'phones. (U M930 M16 OMAHA Collection Agency, solicited. 4ot Baa Bldg. Blow account Douglas 3367. (D-147 Mcht OLIVER A. HALL, architect and atruc tural engineer. Brick, ateel and rein forced concrete. bX N. Y. Life. (1 M84 Men 26 SHOES repaired light, called for and de livered free. Standard Shoe Repair Co., 104 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7667. (D-tW - MONEY I TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sum tu (Hit. 110 Bee Bid . Phone Douaiaa 2D04. UNION LOAN COMPANY. de-aoy CHICAGO paper, daily and Sunday, deliv ered; also Baturday Evening Post. Eric Nelson. Phone Douglas 7663. 1618 Capitol Ave. (D-MW6 at BE our 16th and Douglas St.. window for these bargain: Baaaatraa, extra select, 20 cent per pound. $2 eoinMnation fountain syringe, in wood box, for $10; 76c rubber glove for trie; 26c rubber combination brush for 16c. Scnaefer's Cul-Prlc Drug Stores. IStn aad Dougla St Store 4 Big Store. (1-182 I WD ARE PRACTICAL. Qjaaha Plumbing aad Heating Co. J. Morrlasy, Mgr. Both 'phones. Nil Sher man Ave. (D-M211 in HOWARD St., Mo. Filter, 1A days' trial. (61 r AUT0M08ILES AUTOMOBILE painting and carriage repair work; dead stores. Wna. Pfieffer Car- tbta A Leavenworth. Red M2 ,' lU-Mlai Ml AUTOMOBILES tContlnued. ) FOR BALE An electric automobile. $26 le each dny until aold. Colt Auto. Co., 2021 Ftrnam bt. (2)-665 Mch4 EICJMT second-hand Rambiere at your own prices Rambler Automobile com pany, 2044 Farnam St. t2(-90 M16 , DKRIQHT ' AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, H14 Farnam St. Stoddard Pay ton Roadster, 11,100. Reo Touring csr, M0 Bulck runabout, almost new, 180. Steens Duryea. IS6rt. Dragon Touring car. 11.050. - W averly Elwtrlc, M00. All the above guaranteed In good shape. State arerit Stoddard-Dayton. Ptoddard-Dayton. tl.GOO, ti.ODO, 13.500. Kord model N. 4o0. Ft.rd, R. $i00. Open and closed car for rent, day or Ofght. Tel. Douglas Jf. 1 U) S'JO A BIO bargain In a Maxwell latest model fouO; other bsrgslns In used cars. C. F. Louk. 1808 Farnam. t2j 126 M19 RAMBLER touring car, ueed less than three months; Just overhauled at cost of IM. Will accept any reasonable offer. Address S U, Bee. t2)-M704 Mi PEERLESS touring car. foor-cyllnder, lata model, excellent condition. Address o m, Bea. (2) MT0J Ml AUSTIN. 10-h. p. automobile for sale at a great sacrifice; haa limousine and open body; haa been used but 7,000 miles; equip ped with all the latest sundries; reason for selling owner going abroad and wfshea to buy foreign car; car cost 28.RO0 six months ago; only eash offers consid ered. Address A. C. Btor, care Stora Brewing Co.. Omaha. Neb. (D-M141 SACRIFICE If aold at once; White steamer. full leather top, glass front ana is in first class condition. E. E. Butler. 1018 Farnam Bt. (2) 181 AUTOMOBILES OVERHAULED Tt ua figure on your spring overhauling; our repair shop Is equipped with every modern facility and men who know their business. Will buy a few good used cars. Storage rates on application. PAXTON-MITCIIELL CO., 2318 Harney Bt. (2)-223 Moh Notice Before buying a second-hand car, call on ua and let us show you our complete line of "Mason" 2-cyllnder cars and rf'Mld land" 4-cyllnder care. FREE LAND BROS. A ASHLEY CO., 1102 Farnam Bt. (2)-300Mch31 FOR BALE New Hoi a man automobile, surrey. A bargain. Address Y 203. cars Bee. (2)-M269 7 FOR BALE. BIG SNAP. CATER CAR. Fine five passenger touring car 20-24 horse power, lidsj model car In first class coivai tlon, aa good as new, and full equipment can be seen at 116 S. 16th St., between 8 a. m. and 6 p. in. (2) M248 Motorcyelea. NOW la the time to Inveat in a used motor cycle: one-third off If taken at onoe. Louis Flescher, 1622 Capitol Ave. (2J M41'0 Mchl9 MEEKEL la the best and most reliable all around motor cycle made. Write for the local agency of this popular machine. L. Flescher, State Agent. 1622 Capitol Ave. (2)-M421 Mchl AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE positions open In the auto mobile flold, technical Instructions on both steam and gasoline entfnea; students paid for repair work. Address Omaha School of Automobile Engineering, 2418 Leaven worth Bt. -5f BARTER AND EXCHANGE 400 ACRE8 In Boyd county. Neb.; good soU; some Improvements; will trade for smaller farm. Address, Box 80, Brlstow, Nab. (3)-M197 26x TRADES For quick deals list with us. 8. E. Wait & Co., 817 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. (3) M983 M19 A GOOD ONE 160 acres, well Improved. 2 miles from Belgrade, Nance county; three acres pas ture, 80 acres alfalfa, balance In cultiva tion; rich valley land; price $12,800, Mtg. 16.600 running 8 years at per cent, or can be paid at any time, will taxe income property, merchandise tu: cheap land for equity. 9. B. WAIT Bldg., Omaha. CO., Tel. Doug. 1391 (3) M263 4 617 Bee REAL E8TATE. LOANS and Insurance- List your property with us for sale or exchange. Walnut ana urcnaro riiui Realty Co.. 4010 Hamilton Bt. 'Phone Harney 1765: Ind. B-1842. (-15 FOR quick action, list your trade with us; we charge regular commission only. Bemls, Paxton Blk. (Established 1W8). (8-M262 8 BUSINESS CHANCES WANTED Registered druggist with means to start a drug atore in thriving, proa peroua town: thickly settled country; German, Bohemian and Scandinavian na tlonalitlea represented. For particulars call on or write F. A. Killlon. secretary of the Lesterville Commercial club, Les teiTllle.S.D. (4-MU7M3 $5,000 NET INCOME to the right man. A cattle commission business established twenty years. Net income never leas than 14.000 rjer year, and ha run a high aa 110,000. The average will considerably ex ceed $3,0u0 per year. Practically no capi tal required. Ownera wish to retire from active business. This Is a anap. haa no competition and will bear the closest In vestigation. If you want further parti culars writ or address 700 Branduls Bldg., Omaha. (4)-M814 4X GOOD MONEY QUICK MONEY. WE START YOU IN THE MOVING PICTURE BUSINESS. AND WE START YOU RIGHT. W locate yoj In good, live towns, build the theater complete, equipping same wlcli an up-to-date outfit, ready to start In busi ness Give us a call. WESTERN MOVING PICTURE CON STRUCTION CO., 1517 Farnam St. (4J-794 WANT to buy good F 92, care Bee. milk route. (4)- Addreaa -M266 4x WANTED, LOCATION PARTY desires to rent brick store build lng about 22x60; must be good location would prefer south end of town; will give good rent for desirable place. What have you 7 Address u at, care Bee. (4J-M1H0 4x TO GET IN or out of business call oi GANGESTAD. Room 40$, Be Bldg. (4)-697 WANTED Hotel man to run hotel In good, . thriving, prosperous town; gocd location; no competition; a good opportunity for the right parly. For particulars write to K. A. Killlon. secretary of the Leaterville Commercial club, Lesterville a. D. (4)-M118 M3 FOR SALioimpiemeni ouainrss; town I.OoO Inhabitant; good teruory; box 182, Coad, Nsb. 14-M691 Mix FOR BALE A vaudeville ancf moving pic ture theater. SsO abating capacity. Ad dress W. R. Human. Sf Board of Trad Bldg. 14-M208 4 ROOMING houses and boarding houses, cits in, at bargain prices; ar ua first. Palmer. Ratligan Ac Co., 626 Paxton Blk. (4J-MJL Merit NEW 8TOCK OF STATIONERY, office auppliee, typewriter supplies, .office fur niture. iostcards: Invoice about $2,001) rash or good Omaha residence. Ad.tr ess K M. Omaha Bee . IO-M160 DOCTORS-I-oralilnn free, population loo. X 13, car Neb. town; Bee. (4 1 -M 963 Ux f A few lines placed in 1 J Want Columns will undoubt- ledly secure what you wanJ BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) CAPITAL FURNIBHEP. Industrial, manufaot jrlng, mining, oil, gas and railway stock and bond Issues sold direct to Investors; commission basis. Samuel Uraham at Co.. Sellinis Rrokers, 48 sacrament ot., Montreal, 1. anaun. (!-.Li4 5x REAL ESTATE MEN Do you want to fet In touch with good live land firm I or coming sesson's business? Largest ' list In stale; liberal contracts to Hgenls; ' references exchanged. Moden Land and Loan Co., Huron, 8. l. (4)-M993 b rRL'O store for aaJe. Krlest, N. Y. Life (41 6S FOR SALE First-clasa saloon In a good town near Blonx City. Address Postoffipe Box 704. Sioux City. la. (4)-M8i3 FOR SALE 200 cars of Ice. Council Bluffs. A. O. Gilbert, (4)-M212 M ix MEAT MARKET FOR RENT. Storeroom, with established meat trade; good location; no bnnus to pay; posses sion March 1. Bee owner at 1101 N. 1th, 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. (4i 2SS g DRESSMAKERS MISS MALONE. 2308 Douglaa St., high class dressmaking. 'Phone Douglne Wait. 812 M13 MrS3 E. E. CROSBY. 2-111 8. 30th Ave , dressmaking. Douglas 7797. 813 M13 WOMAN'S EXCHANGE, 122 Farnam St. Indies' tailoring, alterations, pleating, patterns cut to measure, first-class sew ing school In connection. Douglas S611. 810 M13 LIEFF ladles' tailoring In best style and workmanship guaran teed. 207 Old Brandels Pldg. Take elevator on 16th St. 811 Mi 3 KEISTER COLLEGE. 605 Karbach Block. M916 Mil FRENCH Dry Cleaning Works. 19r3 Far nam, best cleaners and dyers. Both phones. 814 MI3 M. E. NEPINSKY gowns. (08 Paxton Blk. MU4 M17 McDowell Dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. 611 PLAIN and fancy aewlng: children's clothes and shirtwaists a specialty. Doug. 3L6. 816 M13x tt-T T A TvTTl (3owns, robes and riding ilULLAl'iU habits; exclusive pHtronage only. 205 Paxton Block. M856 M13 IN FAMILIES Mlsi Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 4220 -612 TTT'RTJV College of Dressmaking, 2nth XfjItflX and Farnarn sts. 817 M13 JOSEPHINE BRADY, Evening gowns Block. specialty 41 Douglas 22o Mohl9 NOVELTY SHOPriVr1 Waists, Fancy Undergarmemts and Hand Embroidered Work; professional shopping. -MOT MIS FIRST-CLASS dress pleating; buttons cov ered, all styles and sizes. The Ideal Pleating company, 200 Douglas block. Both 'phones. (dressm) M213 nflTHAT?n First-class dressmaking u'J-lrlAriL' and tailoring, 1605 Leav enworth St. Tnd. A-8962. 23ff Al DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D. V0S5. (61600 EDUCATIONAL WINTER TERM OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 19th and Farnam. now open. Students enrolling dally. Business Shorthand, Telegraphy. DAY AND NIGHT SESSIONS. CATA LOGUE FREE. ROHRBOUGH BROS. M528 M22 . ENTE R BOYLES COLLEGE For complete training: In all commercial branches. Including bookkeeping, short hsnd, typewriting, telegraphy, civil ervlc, railway mail and all government grade ubjeot. Handsome catalogue furnished free upon request. Address H. B. Boyles, president, Omaha, Neb. Both 'phones. (Educl M761 FLORISTS HES8 aV 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam Bt. (5)-6u3 L. HENDERSON, 1H9 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (5) 602 3. H. BATH, 162$ Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (6) 604 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $60. TWO TYPIST. $6.00 per week. STENOGRAPHER, out of city, $50. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. 673-75-77 Brandeis Bldg. (7)-244 2 Factory aad Trade. WANTED Girl to make pant and overalla at Klng-uranam mi. Co.. utn and J ark son Sts. (7)-72 WANTED Experienced makers. Apply Millinery Dept., Thomas Kllpatrlck & Co. (7)-194 2 WANTED Millinery apprentices. Apply T. P. Redmond, Brandeis stores 07)-lS9 3 Hoaaekeepera and Domestics. WANTED An experienced second girl at Mil Dewey Ave. Tel. Harney 1727. (7)-186 WANTED Good cook. 'Phone Harney 1727. 3416 Harney St. 7)-391 2x WANTED Girl for general housework, or good nurse girl. 2919 Webster. (7)-M2U 4x WANTED A working housekeeper. 4643 Dodge St. (7) 231 4 Miscellaneous. GIRL to work at green house; board and room furnished. I Henderson Florist, 26th and H St., South Omaha.' 17) 133 ! WANTED To travel on the road, territory covering entire United States, a young woman not more than 26 years old. Musi be bright, prepossessing and fairly good looking. No canvassing. Simply to direct Installation of valuable pawitlnga In de partment atorea In the big cities. Salary and expenses, and permanent position for the right parties. Call in person on P. Fontaine, at the Hotel Lnval from lo a. m. to 1 p. m., Thursday, March 4. 7 M846 HELP WANTED MALE A geala, tallcltava aad talesasea. AGENTS WANTED Household necessity; sample free. Von Berner Specialty Co., Dept. Q. L. 8. Yard. Chicago. (9 M737 Mchllx WANTED Advertising solicitor for good medium. Men or women of good appear ance. Appl- after 10 a. m. 219 N. Y. Uf. (1) M987 WANTED Manager in vry ttate to place our capital stork and lnaurance. Midland Life Insurance Company, St. Pul, Minn 49J-M2U A2x HELP WANTED MALE Aarents and SalesmenContlnaed. WANTED Manager of retail lumber yard In southwestern Nebraska; good town; tan pay good wages for the right man; must have a man that can take care of a live, rnerg.'t'c trade, with strong com petition: large railroad trade, as well as town and country customers; need a young, energetic hustler. Address Y !37, Bee. 9 M9tS SALESMAN WANTED On account of sickness, we have lost one of our bcM salesmen, and therefore wish to make connection with a real live producer of business to sell our popular priced lino of calendars; strictly on a commission basis. To a plugger and sticker we will give exclusive territory. If you are capable of making big money, we wish you would write, otherwise don't bother, as we must have a producer for this territory-' As the season is now open, a ciuick response is requested. Address t'slpndar Iept., Blanchard Bros., Inc., 308-12-14 Main St., Davenport, la. lf)-M2U I WANTED Salesmen to aell latest Improved blackberry and burbank berry plants; grow In any back yard, anywhere; prices right; commission good. Send for partic ulars and photos and begin taking orders. Address R. M. Boynton, Los Angeles, Cal. (9)-rM34 lbx SIDE LINE Best, no samples. Plenty motiev. Give permanent address. Box 668, Omaha. (9) M617 WANTED Energetic, Intelligent salesmen, willing to work: splendid opportunity; salary and commission; references re quired. Adress Box 1700, Denver. Colo. (9) M812 8 136 WEEK sure all year. Hustlers make more. Jenkins. Kan., averaged $75 week firet seven weeks. No experience. Every wife buys. Millions needed. Write now for best territory. Toledo Cooker Co., Toledo, O. (9) M250 3x WANTED. We want twenty-five tea and coffee so licitors, who are hustlers and can get the business. We have the best proposition and pay you the most money If you can get the business. Oct with leaders, where you hava a chance for advancement. Apply to J. A. SMITH. 1911 Cuming St. (9)-M164 MEN to sell goods from our sample wagon. C. F. Adams Co., 623 S. 16th. (9 232 Al AGENTS WANTED everywhere to sell high-grade household specialty. No talk ing needed. Sells on sight. Write today for free particulars. E. W. Dyer Com pany, 2306 Butler Place, Minneapolis, Minn. (9) M261 4x NEW FIELD 200 per cent profit: exciting business; sell at every home. Mr. Bleckner marfe 1161 In two days; never falls below UO a day. No deposit re quired. Write for county territory. Fire Appliance Sales Co., Toledo, O. (9) M251 Sx Clerical and Offlea. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT, 11,200 to tl.500. Cigar clerk to act as salesman at time, good salary. Bookkeeper, (Insurance), 860. Three experienced shoe clerk, 160. . Stock clerk, good future, 115. Stenographer, out of city, $50. Three meat salesmen, $76-1100. Two paint and oil salesmen, $100. Typist, (Remington). $46-60. We cannot meet the demand for compe tent help at the present time. If you are out of employment, do not fall to see us without DELAY. 1 CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO. ' 673-76-77 Brandeis Bldg. (9)-343 2 DRUG CLERKS' Life Bldg. position. Knst. N. Y. (9) 616 OFFICE MANAGER and credit man, $1,600. Bookkeeper, grain experience, $90. Wire chief, Morse nian will do, $90. Traveling salesman, gasoline engine, good salary. Comptometer operator, $60. urnee clerk, must operate typewriter. young man, $30. Collector, $60. Salesman, young man for grocery broker, good proposition for active vouna man. See us at once. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., INC. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (91-234 2 Factory and Trades. WANTED Cornice and sheet metal worker; a good man; no floater wanted. Lincoln Cornice and Metal Works, 336 S. 9th St., Lincoln, Neb. (9 M698 3 HARNESS MAKERS Wsnted two at once la. L. E. Gall, Glenwood, (9) M161 3 FLORIST wanted; Henderson the Florist 1619 Farnam St. (9) 192 I ENGINEER capable of taking charge large plant, give reference, experience, alary, age. Adrres O 110, care of Bee. (91-188 2x THE great V. P. ' R. R. guarantees you a telegraphic position after training; practice on railroad wire. Address for particulars, H. B. Boyles, Omaha, Neo. (9)-M216 WANTED Bookbinder; one who can bind extra arm loose ioar work. The Herald Ptg. Co., Grand Forks, N. D. (9)-M260 Sx Mlscellaaeoas. FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Ann; no fees. Call 526 N. Y. Life Bldg, 617 WANTED Railway mall clerka, salary $800 to i.a, no lavons; examination In Omaha, May 'S. common education suf ftcent; candidates prepared free: write Immediate for full particular. Franklin Institute, Dept., 662, Rochester. N. Y. (91-M202 Mch4x WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Thoroughly practical course by free cllnio and careful Instructions. Life scholar ships, tools given, board provided. Some money earned before completing. Call or write. Moler Barber College, 110 a 14th St. (9)-M8l7 4x THE great I nlon Pacific R, R. guarantee you a telegraphic position after training. Vractlce on railroad wire. Address for particular H. B. Boyles, president wmana. (l M7ti0 WANTED A general manager for foundry ana macnine xncip; must come well rec ommended. Hlldrelh Mfg. Co.. Hildreth Neb. (9) M4 WANTED. Good reliable real estate dealers through out Iowa and Nebraska to aell Deuel county lands. If you expect to sell west ern lands bring your men to us. Write for our 1!M) special contract - Address SEBASTIAN LAND Ctiappell, Neb, It pay beat CO., (91-M301 8 WANTED Collector and adjuster for pub lishing house. Ago 36 to 36 years. Must be a worker. Best references and bond required. Experience not necessary. We teach you the business. Single man preferred. Salary. $20 per week and rail road fare. Answering give full particu lars. Address B 67, care of Bee. ()-M267 4x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses aad Vealcles, GREAT AUCTION SALE OF HORSES. At E. W. Anspach's stable at the slock yards, South Omaha, Thursday and Fri day, Marcit 4 and 6 Over 400 horses of - all classes will be sold at this sale aeoie of the best that money can buy. Auction at 10 a. in.. Thursday. (11) ) 1 FtR BALE Two cara, first-glass draft, driving and all purpose horses; also soma very good (arm team. June stable. 111 lKdg Bt (L.I-M67. THE BEE LOST AND FOUND tTHOtjSTE RING Tel. Webster 3296; lnd. E-i'721. 1512 N. 24th St. J. Hanson. U-M207 Mch4 LOST Saturday night; a mink muff: suit able reward If returned to 24i3 Bt. Mary's Ave. Tel. Doug. 73. 12t ISO 3 LADIES' gold watch and chain: name In case. Reward. Tel. Webster 27! (12-i2! S MEDICAL FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment st Crelghton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts.: special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. "Phone Iwug las 1167. Calls answered, day or night. (13J-123 BEST nerve brace for men. "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13 619 MONEY. TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. fltttSU YOU WANT MONEY IKS -WW UKtii DON'T PAY HIGH RATES 8W$ mU SEE US FIRST ttftl It We loan you any amount on II 81 furniture, pianos, etc.; or. If you It 18 have steady employment, on your IS II plain note at the cheapest rates In ti 18 the city. Payments weekly or II It monthly to suit your convenience. II It Open until 6:30 p. m. 'Phone Doug- II It laa 2036. W M OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., t HSU Room 501, Brown Blk., WIJI !$SS! Opposite Hramieis ittUJSJM 16th Su Entrance. fUUtWt Ciij moo- MONEY loaned salaried people and other without security: easy payments. Office In 66 principal cities. Tolman. Room 613, New York Life Bldg. (14)-621 IS THERE some poor woman who 1 ter rorised Into nervous prostration by a loan shark? See us. Cltlxen' Protective As sociation, 410 Barker Blk. (14)-2t COME IN AND OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH US. Strictly private dealing, same a a bank. Our charges are reasonable enough, so you can afford to bcrrow. Let us arrange to get your winter' debts out of the way for you, so that you can stop worrying. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN COMPANY. RELIABLE MONEY LENDERS, -119 Board of Trade. Tel. Douglas 22P5. (14) M04G MOVING AND STORING EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co., N. 16th St. Warehouse 2207-9 office 214 Izard Si. (61606 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Room. THE BACHELORS. 30TH AND FARNAM. FAMILY AMLniCAft fUA Pi 05)-62$ .NICELY furnished rooms, with board, con venient location. See ua. KM 0. mn. (15) M833 Mchl3x DEWEY European Hotel, 13th and Farnam. 1812 CHICAGO ST. Room, with good (15) 497 Mch21 board. TABLE board, 212 N. 24th St. (15)-M247 9x Famished Room. FOR RENT Nicely furnished south room, ingle or en suits. 2407 Capitol Ave. (15)-M709 M3x FURNISHED-UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in Ail parts of the oity. If you are looking for room do not fail to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON & CO., RENTAL AGTS. 703 N. Y. Life Bids. 'Phone Doug 2204. (15J 026 NICELY furnished room, modern. 2209 Dav enport St.; gentlemen only. lei. Douglas 6702. (15) M749 Mchtx MODERN furnished room, furnace, hot 1916 California and cold water, telephone. St. (16) 839 6 TWO large rcoma, with all modern con venlences; board If desired. 606 N. 201 h. (15) M979 6x FOR RENT A large, well-furnished room In new flat, with man and wife; 10 mm utes walk from city hall, west; near three car lines; reference required. Addrei 8 85. care Bee. (16) M120 6x FOR RENT Elegantly furnished rooms, single or en suite, strictly modern, first- claps In every respect. 2240 Landon Court near 24th St., bet. Howard and St. Mary' Ave. (16) M924 BX IF you like to' rent one elegant furnished room with alcove, gas. bath. heat. Tel suitable for one or two ladles or gen tleman call at 702 S. 17th 811 Tel. Red 2434, 116)-M144 6x ONE large front room on parlor floor and two on aecond floor. Modern, walking dis tance. Phone Doug. 6337. 618 MO. Z6d. (15)-M1S2 FINELY furnished rooms, conveniently located, 2702 Farnam St., Harney su. (16)-M151 6x WELL furnished, large airy room, all conveniences; strictly private family. Ad dress N 9S), care of Bee. (15) 191 7x FURNISHED room In Park Harney 4246. district. Tel. (15)-M25t ( Apartments and Flats. ALL MODERN, 4-room corner flat. Steam heat. Central location. 220 N. 23d. (15)-Mt8 SIX-ROOM flat. Id floor, natural wood modern, steam heat, hot water, near-ln; summer rate, $34. bum 13, paxton mik. (16)-M9K1 Hostekeeplng Room. TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete, for light housekeeping, all modern; $12 per month. 2019 W ebster St. (15) M974 6x NICELY heated furnished rooms. Id floor, privilege of housekeeping, Including gas for cooking and llglil. 3018 Webster St Tel. Harney $7:i8. (15)-M174 6 THREE furnished rooms, 1113 Bo. 11th. (15) 558 TWO furnished car line; 3320 sti-r 1069. front rooms and bath, on N. 24th St. 'Phone Web-(15)-M940 7x TWO excellent, modern, furnished rooms K for housekeeping. 'Phone In house. 2674 Harney St. uw-um TWO nicely furnished rooms complete for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport St. (15 M217 8x Vnfaralaaed Rooms. FOUR unfurnished rooms, deslrsble loc tlon, modern except heat, Hanscom Park district. 9)14 Mason St. Tel Harney 2195. (15I-M168 Hoaae aad Cottages. HOI SB. I room, modern, iju b. 44tn Bt , on West Farnam line, $.. Tel. Harney $461. U6j M169 UOUBES. insurance. Ringwalt, Barker Blk (16)-34 FIVE rooms, to colored people. D. 948. (16)-M123 GRAND new. room, 'Phone Douglaa 2417. strictly modern. (15) M1U HOUSES-Fatar Trust Co.. N. Y. I Bldg. (!) W-l OFFERED FOR RENT Hoase aad Cattaaea .Caatlaaed. GOOD HOUSES LOW RENT. Plx rooms, modern, 160 Corby, H6. Six rooms, modern. ltt Corby. la. Four rooms and atore, 2122 Military Ave., tja. Five rooms, partly modern, IS) 8. 28th Ave., 116. - Five rooms, partly modern, 2R roppleton Ave. 116. Five rooms, cltv water, 2tfS 8. 4th Ave., 10. Five rooms. 123 N St., South Omaha. 110. Two rooms. 1st Ave. and Spring 81., .Gib son. V. RUSSELL ft M K1TR1CK CO.. m Ramie Bldg. 16th and Harncv Sts. (li)-MS 3 LIST your vacant bruises with Walter Breen Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. (15)632 FOR RENT. 316 Hatnev St., 10-room. new, all modern. 3'H9 Burt. 8-room modern except heat, 825. !13i) Capitol Ave., 6-room modern except heat. J2V f0. lV'i 8. 2oth. 6-room modern except heat, SIS. 3211 N. 2fith, 6-room, partly modern, 117. 161! N. 280. 6-room, U. 8--OH N. 54th, 3-rooin, rartlv modern. $8. lt N. 18th. 4-room. city water. 112. 2418 Spencer, 6-rwom. partly modern, H8. 2009 Hickory, 6-room. new, all nio1rn, $25. thV: ryron rked co. Phone D0119. 297. 212 S. 14th. OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack. move. store, H. H. goods, storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th, office 16u Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1669. (15) 664 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1804 Frnan. (15-633 MAGGARD VAN ft STORAGE CO.. Tel. D. I486. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. (15)-28 TfYTTQlTQIn all parts of the city. llJUOfiDCr,(11 gon jc Co B(. BIdg. (15)-629 FURNITURE and lease of 6-room cot 120 S. S4th St. (15) M164 3x tage for sale. ROOMS, first floor, modern except heat. 1908 N. 26th St.. $16. rooms, 2d floor. 1906 N. 26th St, city water and toilet. 113. 6-room modern house except heat. 8309 Maple 8t, 118. room. 2d floor, 1108 N. 20th Bt. $15. rooms. 2d floor, 13o6 N. 24th St.. mod ern except heat. IIS. 10-room house, modem except heat, $30 and water rent, 26th and Indiana Ave. CHRIS EOYKR, 22d and Cuming Sts. Tel. Doug, and B-2H9. (15)-72i FOR RENT Nine-room house, all modern. 514 N. 22d St. Low renta If taken soon. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. (16) 630 fc-room modern except heat, 2622 Sherman Ave., $16. 6-room modern except heat, 609 N, 21st St.. 126.60. 6-room modern, 616 S. 26h Ave., $35. room modern. 2202 N. 21st St.. $21.60. -room. 619 8. 19th St., $46. Hastings A Hevden. 1614 Harnev E. Agent for the California ApartmentT RUlg. (li) ii i HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; rneap ireignt rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. SJ4. (16)-635 FOR Rent 6-room partly modern house, near 27th and Charlea St.; good condi tion; $18 per month. M. J. Kennard & Co., 810 Brown Block. (15) M626 MODERN, 7-room brick house, hardwood finish, 601 Park Ave., $42. Tel. Harney 1610. (15) M223 8 FOUR-ROOM hoase and 24 acres. Belt line and Harney St. F. D. Wead. W01 Farnam Bt. (16) 228 4 ELEGANT ten-room brick residence, 8200 Harney St.; steam heat, large yard, 66, Mads A. Hansen, 1324 Farnam St. (15)-M267 Offices. DESK ROOM for rent in an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N St., South Omaha. Call at Bee office, S. O. branch, 24th arid N St. New address. (16) M6T7 On account of change in office arrange ment we will sell the counter now in stalled In The Bee office and Hasting & Heyden' office. These are handsomely carved and decorated oak counters, having a marble base 10 Inches high. The counter stands 3Vs feet high and 2-foot ton, and there is a total of about 46 feet In length. These will be aold either separately or together. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam Sta. (151274 OFFERED FOR SALE Fornitare TWO folding counter stools, mahogany finish; been used a short time and will sell cheap. Call at Bee office, Omaha. (18) 142 Planoa aad Other Musical Instruments Seoond-hand Pianola with 18 rolls of music. Second-hand Talk-O-Phone. both at less than halt pries. . rjlivn Dl iTC-n rr Old Boston Store Blk.' (16)-MS27 6 Sewing Machines. THE DOMESTIC Hewing macnine. ngni running, never known to b3lk, alwaya ready to do -your work eatlsractorny. Bee it before buying a machine, apeclal prices this week, second hand machine, $5 up, machines tented, supplies and repairs for all machines. Of flee northeast corner 18th And Capitol Ave. Hotel Loyal Bldg. 'Phones: Bell Doug. 1674. inn. A-sabz. GU8TAF8ON AND HENRICKSON. , Typewriter. B. F. SWANSON CO. OF OMAHA SAVES YOU $25 TO $75 ON A TYPEWRITER Twenty different make to elect from at a saving of 30 to 80 per cent of manufac turer' prices ($15 and up). Slightly used and genuine rebuilt machines, practically "aa good aa new, for sale cr rent; rent ap plied If bought. Full guarantee. We ship anywhere on approval for examination without a deposit. Write today for large targain list and receive our offer. B. F. Bwanson Co., (Est. 1904), 417 S. 15th St., Omaha. (14) 627 Miscellaneous. FOR SALE New and Id-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar flxturee; easy payments. Brunswltk Bulke Collender, 407 S. loth Sc. (16)-638 BRICK STORE BUILDING FOR BALE Two-story brick, located on main street of a good live town of 2.600, the county eat; upper apartment rented for house keeping; must be sold at once to settle an estate, and must bo sold for cash. Will make attractive price. Address for partic ulars, Wesley J. Richards, Exter, Neb. (16)-M973 Mcl.kx SEND u vour mall order for drugs; freight paid In $10 lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., Omaha, (16) 6M SODA fountains, new and second-hand; monthly payment. Deright, 1818 Farnam. (16)-MU.'d DRUGS at cut price; freight paid on a!) $10 ordera; catalogue free. Sherman ac McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (16)-633 OFFICE FURNITURE. W have for aale at almost vour own price some used filing cabinets of different klnda which we took back in exchange. W are closing out one line of new roll desks at prices you would expect to pay for the used desks. ORCHARD A WILHELM (16)MI0I 9 THE OLt TutUBTY incubator. For low special price, freight prepaid. 60 days' free trial. Write the Old Trusty lm-u-bator Co., Clay Center. Neb. (16) Ml) On block and racker; 1 Enterprise dry beef cutter; 1 Dayton ham sllcsr. 2707 Lcavanworlh. Tel. Harnty LM. U)-M, OFFERED FOR SALE Mlacellaaenas leallaara. WE HAVE "1 hand a number of Ink barrels whl.-h we will sell at J iicj. They are flno for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee ,,ubll,h't-70 FOR SALE-Show esses, wall cases and . J counters In good conditions. Arply T. i i Redmond. Brsndeis Stores. vlh lw I PRACTICALLY new Ni.tlonsl cash reals ter; latest Improved. Tel. Webster 3. (16t254 OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INS.. 4JS N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1614. Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas. 608 N. Y. L. Bldg ll)r-ll'' PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Taxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117. in j ". PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mslled or receipt or c pr"' sge. R, S. and A. B. I.acey. rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg., Washington. D. C. Estab lished 1S6. 17) 64!1 PERSONAL DH8. EGGERS. private confinement home. 1516 Martha St. lei. uougias (181-M243 M6X OMAHA Stammerer" Ins.. lUmge Bldg. (15 M HALL'S safee, new, Id-hand. 1818 Farnam. Uu Mi, THE SALVATION ARMY solicit ratoff clothing; In fact, snyining you oo not need. We collect, repair nd aell at 131 N. 11th St., for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Dougla 4135 and wagon will call. (18) 785 PRIVATE home during cnf Inemenf ; babies adopted. The Good Bnmarltan Piin Itarlum, 740 First Ave.. Council Bluff. Ia. (18) M9i MASSAflF, Electric vibratory. 1) C. MfliJOnUU 19thi noom 308. Fourth Floor, Old Boston Store. U8) M671 Ml'J YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Younr Women's Christian sssoelatlon roomn, 1518 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable hoarding place or otherwise ssnIsIcxI A deaconess representing tho association meets trains at tha Union sta tion aa travelers' aid. (18) 268 C. H. THATCHER, piano tuning. Doug. SOW. (181 Ml 66 MIS Tcf A 7'rT, treatment and bath. Mme. 1UAUaI1(X IKj Smith, 622 S. 16th, 3d floor (H) 62-7 SYRINGES, rubber good, by mall: rut prices. Bend for free catalogu. Mvers Dlllon Drug Co., Omaha. (18) 617 TELEPATHIC diagnosis of your case bv Dr. Q. W. M. Dowen will irtart you on th road to henlth. Call or write. Stilt 2SO-2-4. Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 190. (18)-M11S M17 THE LATEBT Writing Ink In all colors of the rainbow. Sold direct. Send 25e for samples worth, Hoc. The Mason Co., 1783 Broadway, New York (18) M2j2 Sx POULTRY AND EGGS R. C. RHODE ISLAND Red cockerels, J2; 6 S. C. Buff I-eghorn hen and 1 2-yeir male, $6; 6 Buff pullet $6. Ellaa Smith, Aurora, Nsb., R. D. Rout 1, Box 711 (11) M145 Mix COLUMBIAN WYANDOTTES. Beul ecore 96 by Eugene Bites, in our breeding ''pen; only a few settings to spare at tl. S. Homer Fowler & Co., Excelsior Springs. Mo. (11) M 188 M5x BLACK LANGSHANS, cockerels, $1; hens, 75c; W. Holland turkeys, torn. $3; hens, $2; 2-year-old torn, nice ore. $5. Mr. J. W. Johnson, Loup City, Neb. (U)-M18 Mix BARRED Plymouth Rook eggs from first and second prize winners. A limited num ber Bronze turkey eggs.'. John Mullis. Dunbar. Neb. ' U M3S MchSx PRINTING JARVE PTG. CO., Job printing and calen dars, 16th & Cap. Ave. 'Phone lnd. A-I62D. (5)n7 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1856; prompt service; get jur prices. 1710 Farnam St. (19)-64S REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON, President. (19)-65t PAYNE INV. CO., flrat floor, N. Y. L. (19)-4 BENJAMIN R, E. CO., 477 Brndeis Bldg. (l9)-40 Ed Johnston Co., 1614 Farnam. (1SI-M719 M24 CITY PROPERTY FOR 9 A I.E. Lots On Paved Street $800 to $950 We are offering one Mock of south froni lots on locust St., between 18th nd lHr Sts., in KOUNTZM PLACE, that are th best values offered anywhere In the city Several are 40 and 42 feet front and othem are 60 feet front by 124 feet deep, nearly all have a good terrace and cement walks none over two blocks from car line. The location is very desirable, close to good stores, schools and churches. Terms: One fuurth cash, balance 1, i and 3 years, 8 per cent These are the last good lots vou will ever buy at such low prices in this beauti ful addition. We have several left on Lothrop, between 2Sd and 24th, for $75"). Lothrop street will be paved this year. HASTINGS & HEYDEN, New location, 1614 Harney St ll)-m t That Cozy Little Home The teal nation of your fondest hopes fit. lNdgn St. a brand new 7-room bunga low, complete on one floor; quartered oak finish; two lots. KjoxlXi ft ; paved atreet; permanent walks. Only $1,600 cash, bal ance monthly. Let' go out and luok it over today. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. First Floor N. T. IJfe Bldg. Phones Douglaa 1781, Independent A -1188. (19)-U6 t ONE acre. Hyde Park. 300x127 feet, oomar $J26..F. D. Wead, 11 Farnam St. 09)-$23 i Farnam Street Property : 100 ft. near 30th, tn.BW. . 87 ft. near 20th (improved), $42, 6. 66 ft near 24th. $16,000. 72V ft. near 22d. $30,000. . ' 66 ft. near 18th, $42,000. 24 ft. near 21st (Improved), $li,0rM. 132 ft. near 24th, $36,000. Harrison & Morton, 912-9IJ N. Y. Llfs. Tel. D. J14; A 1144. U9)-243 1 LIST your property ub Chris Boyr 32C and I'uniiiig Sts. (19)-456 SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 2219 Miami. Modern, bath and aas. lot 60x132. prms nent walks, paved sireet. paving paid for good location, close lo c ar line 13 ask ' W. U. GAT ITS. OT N. T. Lav . 'PUoaa Doug im : IV. MM