THE OMAHA DAILY BEK: WKDXHSDAY, MARCH 1W. CKAIS AND PRODUCE MARKET kZrTXM eat Ralies After the Break of Monday. f n'- anil 'anala. Increased it" Tra t .'i.nng drrease reported ttJe rk f"l Iw : I ManlU'ln, ftfion In ; Fortland. Me.. 1W j l'i ; i'hicij private elevators, ill.rtu) iiu : I r J'ph. S3. n hu ; Minneapolis private I levat.ira, bu ift b'i. REBUYING. AIDS BULLS El BOOST KW cesfral market i ar-tlnne and t.eod Dtntil la t re nted torw Osess rirm and 4. see Higher. OMAHA. March I. IX. values, gradually strengthened sTter tn br-ak of Monday. The advance In nuieide markets due to lebuylng at lrvwer pnies was the main feature of Tues '!sve mirkf, The situation remains un changed aid the ahoitege In reserve stocks continues to h the bullish feature. The corn marketa. while mm'wl at lower, remains fairly ateady with a good demand, but as a discount from the recent hign I ri' es. Wheat began dull end Inactive w'th val ue! a thad- easier. Slleie of Monday anon came no tbe market for wheat and a steady support from the bull leader put lieat a lire d tor a. apod advance and prices loted neat" lb high mark for the crop. Mav wheat opened, at 11. lO and closed at II lltp. "orn opened steady and firm and ad 'snced steadily on light offering and 'igiit recelpta, .Cash corn was In good de cand and alt grades were alsorted quickly at fair price.. May torn opened at iSOc and closed at 'a. ' Pr marv wheat receipts were .tSS.noO hiiBMels and shipments were 27.'Vin bushels, sgalnst recelpta last vesr of SH.'rt) bushels nd shlpmenta of 310.000 bushels Com receipts were l.ico.non bushels and siilr.mer.ts were 612. Oei bushels, against re ceipt tart vear of bushels and ship ments of 418 OKI bushels. Clearances were 70.r bushels of corn. V) h'mheN of oats and wheat and flour eoual to lfT.OfiO bushels Liverpool-dosed tin'-hans'ed to '-d higher on wj rat and unchanged on corn. Loral rang m option: Articles ? Open, t High. I Lot Wleat I Vav...i ' .7fl1V...r- May... Wn-.'.i I Cloae.l Tesy. -I I 1 m1 I "'. ;iv 1 tiV 1 oo i I 1 1"V t 52V S1V 1 114' 1 j i MS' 1 10 51 H Tarlaai ChivSgo Minneapolis "maha Duluth Omaha Cask Prices. ' (.'arret Receipts. Wheat A) 1'JS 23 M Com. On: AT.. '14 HIlAtiO C It AI M A"4D PROVIMOMI Features of the Trading; and tlostug Prices om Buard of Trade. CHlrAGO, March I. Crop damage reports a.nd heavy sales of the cash grain caused a 2c advance In wheHt prices here today, the July delivery Incidentally touching a new high record mark for Hie season at 11.06. The. market closed strong at net gains for the day of ic to l'4c. t'oin, oats and pro- The bulge In wheat followed a weak opening and was the occasion of marked activity In the wheat pit. Trade, in the July delivery was especially heavy, to a statement here among ahorts. who bought freely during the laat half of the session, aa a result of report from Texas and southern Illinois telling of Injury to inw iiihiQwn crop. Aiwnrf or rain dur ing the winter months was said to have caused considerable deterioration in the condition of the wheat crop in Texas. A revived demand for the caiih grain helped the May delivery. Local sale for the day aggregated 123,"10 bu., the great bulk of . w hlph waa red winter wheat. The market opened rather weak, with price unchanged half hour, however, price had advanced about He from the low point, on buying from commisidon houses. For a time trad ing waa dull and prices held fairly steady. During the ' final boura price advanced steadily and' at the close were almost at the ton. Ma Tying. at tl.JSH acd July at New high records for com were estab lished today, when the May sold. at B7o pel bu ' nnd tue July at Soc. The market rloaed atrpng. with prices almost at the top at net gain of ac to IV. May closed at CTo and July at W4Hc The price of oat also advanced to new high record for the season, as a result of the strength of wheat and oorn. The top for May w reached at 60 c and for July at 504c. The market closed strong, with prlcea up i8ac to 7c, compared with the previous Close. May being at iiSc and July at 5V. Provtsirm were strong all day and at the rloae price showed net gains of lMflTViC to .'J2Hc. compared with yesterday' final quo tations. The leading futures ranged as follows: isolations ef the nay Canaan odltle. NBW YORK,, h t -Ft)l R-RecelpiS. 2?i6 hhls. : exports. T.T") bbls. Market firm, with demand unlv moderate Minnesota piit ents. ta.fCSa 11; winter straights. IS.JVHfi yi; Minnesota bakers. $4 ra4.tb; winter extras M iii4..'': wintei patents, to vra4.So; winter low gra.!-8. li'a4.4; Kansas straights. tWl'ah 4". Rye flour, firm; fair to good, 4 i"it io: choice to fancy, 14 55 84 TS. Huck floor, dull: 13. litjj-2. Yi per 1" lbs. Hi X"K VH EAT Dull; New York state, nominal. 'OFt.VMKAlj-Stradr; fine white and vel low. H.F'fj.; coarse, ll.Wfl iS; kiln dried. H4M13.75 HVB-gulel; No 2 western. Stic. f. o. b. New York. BAR1.K V Firm : malting. 74ygTc. c. I. f i New York; fwdirg. 7'.'fc74c, c. I. f. New York WHEAT Receipts. bu.; exports, 61.- ftno bu. 8pot market strong No. 2 red, 1124V elevator; No. 1 red, I1.2CN. f. o. b. afloat: No. l northern Duluth. II r77. f . o. b. afloat; No. 3 hard winter, ll.a6'e. f. o. b. aloat. Apart from brief opening weakness, today's market waa a strong affair, selling at one time within VfO of the season high point. There was active covering and good outmde buying, due to the strength of caeh wheat and rumors of another bullish pr.vale estimate on firm reserves. Ijist price showed IS'' net rise. Mav. $1 1 JJN closed at I1.2SS; July. L12aftl-ll. cloeu at I1.14'. CORN Receipt. 3.175 bu : exports. W.98 bu. Spot market strong. No. 2. 7Vc, ele vator, and 73ic. f. o. b. afloat: No. Z white, nominal, and No. 2 yellow, 73V. t- b. afloat. Mrtlon market was fairly active and stronger, on light offerings and with the west, closing Sc to o net higher May, 73V4V. closed at 74V; July. 75-373 V, cloeed at 73V: September closed at 73c. OATS Receipt. ih.tX bu.; export. 7,749 bu. pot market firm. Mixed. 2H to 32 lbs , 57'uf : natural white, K h 1) lbs.. i7i f'V: clipped white. .14 to 42 lbs., iS'g.ic. HIDES iiiet; Uogota, lWaH,c; Central America, 3'c. I.ICATH F.R Quiet ; 2?,UG29c. VROYISIONS Steady, fsmlly. ie.Cig.lo.y); city extra India mess, $ Cut meats, strong; pickled bellies. IIO.OU asked: pickled hams. r7t8 10.50. Dard. strong, western. llo.0ii lo.lO; refined, firmer; con tinent. $lo.ii: South America. HO.); com-D-)und. 17 S2VTi7.8T'. Pork, firm; family, .Xa 19.25; short clear, i;.7oga.00; mess, 117. 5ou 18.50. TALU)V-Steady : city (1200 per pkg.), Sc: country (pkgs. free), 6VSV- RICK Firm: domestic, fair to extra. 2" 4ii'r: Japan, nominal. ML TTKK irregular: creamery, held com mon to signals. Z1SC8V; western factory, firsts. 2Va21c. CHUKSli Firm; state full cream spe cials, l.'xalSV. state, small colored or white, fancy, 15c; state, colored or white, fanoy, large. 15c; state, good prime. 144c; state, winter made, best, 13e; tte, winter, good to prime, ll'ivV: state made, common to fair, 11V812V; skims, full to specials, 2HU 12v FXGS Easy; state, Pennsylvania and nearby brown and mixed, fair too choice, 2'T23c: western firsts. 22c; seconds, JJ.',o- POULTRY Drjssed, firm; fowls. 149 10c; turkes, WtfSSc. WEATHER IV THE GRAIN BELT NEW 10RR STOCKS AND BONDS Contest Between Professional Faction! it Feature of Market. STEEL SITUATION IS MIXED Report That Order Are I nmlag li Offset by Hedartlna In Wages time I Heavy, wllk llBht Adrasres Held. Articles. I Open. Hlgh. Ixw. Close. lYes'y. heat I I May I 1 17 I May I 1 IT ', Jujy. .! HWS! . Sept. jSSVaa1. -corn .) - I May fasWi! July" 1 Snl ' Sept. m ff Cist - May July 8pt. Pork .. May , 17 10 - Juiy . July 1 1Wi 1 1J 1 o 1 1 1 041,1 98'4,i fif,' 1 1 l'Hj 1 ' 1 17H 1 ITS 1 041, I - I 40'.PS' US r MS! SI 644. 4!i 5,kv 4!H4) V40itoSi'1 17 3J IT ITAxi IT n JT 06 17 STVa, 17 26 17 15 I 17 12H m 00 !' 1A 1 tU. ... 1 . 3o i a 77H! 2S 2Va 10 07V, 10 07m 17VI 271) 75 7V 1 96 10 July Ribs no a Cash n,i"'ll" ere as follows: BUTTER Steady ; creameries. 22irtKo; dairies. ju&&ic EUUS bleady. at mark; cases included, 19VT-MV: firsts. 20lc; prime firsts. 11V . CHBB3B 8trog; dalsie. la'.i'fi'liic; twins. J4Mlr; young Amcrli-as, lwi'ltV: long horns. 18v&1V. POTATOES Steady ; ch.Jlce to fancy, SSjy $nr; fair to good. K-6oC. POL'DTRY Mrm; turkey, 17c; chicken. le; aptlng. KV- VEAl Firm; 10 to SO lb. weights, ftVti'c; 0 v Hi lb. weights, 7'dSc; to 110 lb. weigiit. 4rK(V- - Ki.Ol'R Market steady; winter patents. .o6W: straight. a").iM(f6.S0: spring pat . nis. a.70t6.9ii; tralgliis, 14.1UU6.A; bakers, ti.i4.J0. . RYE No. I. TSc. BARUETY FVed or mixing, 4&&V; flr to choicl malting. sSVatlsttV. SEtD3 Kiax. No. 1 oulhweUrn.,; No. I norlhwcstern, 11.71.. Timothy, U vi. Clover. 18 .. I'ROVJSloNS Mess pora. per bbl., 117.00 17.U' ltrd. per Km lbs., 13.7V Short ribs, sides iloonet. Is rVu aTV short clear Sides 1 boxed ). 12i-i. Total clearances of wheat and flour were cqcdl to IsT.tioO bu.; primary recelpta were feXO'V bu , compared with E4.OJ0 bu. the eorreHinding week a yean ago. The world s visible Simply of wheat as snuwn by Brad .rit' increased 1.750,0i bu. K'tlmated icviipU for tomorrow: Wheat. HJ cars; corn, 94u ears; oats. 140 cars. - Mfuwrasolla Grata Market. M1NNFAPOM9. March :.-VHKAT May.' tlls't: July. 11 15S: No. 1 harJ. 11 17V No. 1 nurUu-rn, 11 I6H: No. 2 northern. II. HV ' : PRAN4-ln bulk. t23.0Ci23.S0. FrXH'R 1'nohaaged; first palenis. X, & 75; second patents, 5.5'u6 11: first clears. I.afj4 ;; ui ond clears, U.15yU.jS. Fair and Coaler for the Neat Day. Wednesday. OMAHA. March 1. The low preaaure over th central vallev Monday morning haa continued eastward and now overlies the upper Ohio valley and lower lake region. This depression 1 ac companied by unsettled weather and rain are general thl morning in the eastern and southern states. Light rains occurred in the lower Mississippi valley within ths past 24 hours and light snow flurries ara re ported In tha extremely upper valley. Temperature are slightly lower In the upper laks region, the Mississippi and lower Missouri valleys and on the Pacific slope. They are higher In tha eastern and southern slates, and In the upper Missouri valley, the mountain district and extreme northweat. Th weather la generally fair In tho central valley and throughout the wet and will probably continue fair In this vicinity tonight and Wednesday, with somewhat cooler Wednesday. . Record of temperature and precipitation compared with the correapondlng day ml the last thre. years; Minimum temnerature .... 35 24 24 18 Prklpttatlon L j W Normal temperature for today, 2 degress. L'efiriency in precipitation sine March L corresponaiog pinoo in ijuo. NF.W YORK, March 2 A contest for ad vantage between trie piofessional factions In the speculation made tip the stock mar ket almost altogether today. Another ad vance in the price of t "fined copper boiu in London and at the New York Metal ex change was regarded a confitmatoiy of report of an improved lemand. The ex tent of that demand was subject of dispute an.l the priijr movement was looked upoa with some eirpressed suspicion of manipula tion. The belief Is strong that when the j decline In the metals has reached its limits, there will bs a large waiting demand de veloped which will lead to early trade re vival. The lack of faith In the effectiveness of the recovery In copper waa indicated by the languid movement of the copper in dustrials in ronnei tlon with the news. Re ports from the steel trade also indicated that the cut In prices had brought out some orders, but the amount was declared to be small. The effect on sentiment was offnet by the announcement of the posting of wage re duction In the Iickawanna Steel works nt Buffalo, the news having a somewhat ominoua Infljence. The wage question re ceived additional consideration by renson of the statement published In behalf of the anthracite operators. The special weakne? of Krie waa due to the application to the Public Service commission for modification of the terms permitted for the proposed bond Issue. The Union Pacific and South em Pacific's net earning etstementa for January were utilized to push the rally, but the movement was totally without enthusiasm. The small gain In gross earn ings of t'nlon Pacifio and the actual de crease for Southern Pacific offer qutstlon ahle ground of satisfaction. In. view of the severe depression of earnings last year, with which the comparison is made. Reduc tion In operating coat, also, was more mod erate than for some recent months. Except I In a few eouthern railroads, the roads that far reporting show an Increase In the ex pense item, compared with January of last year, with corresponding modification of the increase In net earnings. This incresse in expense In severs! cases was so con siderable as to overwelgh th gross Increase nd make the net return less than even the meager return of January last year. Can adian Pacific. Chicago 4 Northwestern and Missouri. Kansas & Texas were case in point. Strength In Individual minor stocks waa a sustaining influence in me latter market. Hopeful expectation of the In coming administration were also professed by the professional buyers of stocks. The dullness approached stagnation at times during the day, but later advances were held. Bonds were steady. Total ales, par value, 13,680.000. V'nlted State bond were unchanged on call. Number of sale and leading quotation on stocks were: alee. Hlfh. LO Cloe. 4. 71S 7i"4 'IS T.noo file iv I'O 110k, 110H lion u tt nn Mi, , k.-, 24 taerve. show: Aai:ahle ish hVanre. I ll.tiK :: gold coin and union. 1!'1-4.4U. gld certificate. H7.M.:y. j .eer York lower 4srket. NEW YORK Mrch .' -M UN KY - m ; rail. av; Iti2 per cent; ruling rate. J re cent: closing bid. 1 per cent; offered st J per cent: time loans, dull and heavy; slxtv ; dsvs. 2Vj',4 per cent; ninety (lavs. IrtM ' per c-nt; six monthn. 1 per cen PRIM K MERCANTILE PAl'ER-JVa ( per rrtn.t. STKR1.INU EXCHANGE- S1adv. with anu.1 business In bankers' bills at 4 Xw) tf4 ifji for slxty-dav bills ard at 4 (OS for demand; conimerclal bills. I4.(itr4 V SlI.VFJt-.Kar, itc: Mexican dollars. 44c. BONIiS tJovernment, steady; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows : I'. S 3. re ..i In-er Mr Mr. 4 . Ti't tfiupen I' tJsrn 4 t' S. J. ref V: .to . ... -S fo eouKn i.c a0 4i, it wim .. :i4, t S 4, rt l: K. -. fcu'll :v U 74H do eo-ipon 12'i lAke cb. 4 (?:! Allie-Clialniera 1 Se. m'iL 4 N n. 4 .. . :' Amer. Agrl. ft MUM . K T it 4v. W A. T T c 4 Hi io l' n4 ref. 4 ! Amer Totairra . .ini'4j i n. 4 - .. . J" AI lilKn an. 4 inm MtMWirl Vx- ltt 4 . S.i In HVrt L. 1st SSN V. Onl gen. J o cv. lii do dfb. 4 o e. I lOCtt do 4e inewi 1:17" Allftntlc C. V. lit 4s.. 17 N Y.N H tr H ft. .HI Bait, ar Ohio 4e 1 -Wi Nor. A W. 1 c. ! ? 09 v in n 4. 4j nll. a o . W. lNirlfirn Pacltlr 4..t(", B-ooa Trrlt re. W t41 it Is 74 Cinada ,.ui. lt t.l'4inre S. I., rfij 4 . . . Ont. of Oeorata ( .linpnn rr laCllil.. .'.S tentral laitttr M. ... 7l ton. 4 H4 f. R. R N. j. g i 1. -1 Rfttdine (rn . ..100 t bftm Ohio -, ..U5V,st. L. a g. T. It 4a.. ' IliralK, A A. ! . . . 7 it L. g. w con. 4s.. 74 H. Q. joint 4s.: do Irt g14 4a HH CM. 8t r. f v, tlL,9t A L 4s i C . R I A P. c 4s 7St Boo'h. Psoltle col. 4 i do r' s i do 1st rsf 4s --4) C' O. A 8t L 1 4a .. HSoathem R. U.. Colorado Ind. Ca Tl do gen 4s . 7 CoUjrsdo Mid. 4a .. sii'l nlon Ps-itio 4s 1Uta Colo 3 ref. i 4'jS do c. 4 .. IS IMIa & Hud. ct. 4.1"1 14 do 1st and rat 4e.. fs do let rf 4s I't I'. 8 Rubber V l'.J's Denver A R O. 4 . T V. S Wsel id 5t ...1'i:.v 7T Vlr -Car Oiatn. Is . f' 7i,Wthah 1st la 74i 73 do 1st and ei. a.. S4 71 w. Kiftrir'.c c. fa . JS ss Wisconsin Cent. 4s.. H OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Killing Cattle Active, with Price. Fully Ten Cent. Higher. HQGS TEN HIGHER AST) ACTIVX fair Ran of hrer sad l.aanss, with Receipts far Two Days;s Prleea leatly at Msa- ay's Deellse. SOCTH OMAHA. March i. 1 Rece pis were: CalV.r Hogs, fiheea. Official Monday t.m . Estimate Tuesday V 10.7"9 .W Two days this week.... Same days last week ... fiamo days 2 weeks ago.. Same ds a weeks ago.. Same davs 4 weeks ago.. ' 1 1 unjB imi Jfsr.. .4an i48 5.t 12.S71 17.4T7W 16 14 .B6 1 k4 1iM 14.1 1&.6M i.7 IMS a.fl J0.43S Thft fnllnmlnv faKla hr.m a tha receifltB Of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Oroaha for the year to date, compared with last year; !. i?c Inc. Pec. Cattle mofta ltT7.M7 1.W? Hogs .4M.1!0 S77.(tW U4.T66 Sheep :.,fi08 .9sl 3.7 The following tibia shows the average price of hogs at South ttmsha for ths last several days, with comparisons: rate. 1 3909. i.i9o7.!iy..ii(.; Plstlllars' Sa Brie prior Hon 4. . . do gen. 4s "do tr. aaiiae B. do aerlea R Oenaral Klar. cr. (m.ltn P. aV R. o f.s Illinois c. I ref. 4a. nil C. a O. rdg. &s. In'or M. 4s 7 Bid. Offcr'd. corresponding period In 1907. LW:ci.-ncy .03 Inches. llefl.- em y .08 inc es. WELSHi iy)cal Foreeaater. 84. I.oala Ceaeral Market. 8T I .OCIS. March 2. WHEAT Higher ; track No. 1 red, cash. 11.305)1.81; No. 1 hard, 11 14(11.17, May. 11. HH: July, lips- w . CORN Higher: track. No. t cash, hoc; No. 1 white, W71c; May, Mc; Joly, OATS Firm: futures, higher: track, No. 2 cash. 54V ; No. J white. 6M,c; Mar, BHc; July, 49c. ii vir Nominal: 7SO. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 15.7S ti.n0; extra rsncy sna siraigni, ao.uin.w lutrd winter clears. C.TSfi'.JS. BEEH Timothy. 13.0Oij4J.46. 1 -n h M EA L -13 . ' BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 1 3n 'HAY Steady; timothy, rM.0O91i.60; prelric, J.t"i 11.00. IRON COTTON TII0S-11 00. BAGUINd 67c. HKMP TWINK e. provisions Pork. higher: Jobbing. I-trd, higher; prims steam, tMrtS oa'U. Drv salt meats unchanged: Ooxel. extra shorts. Is.Oti; clear ribs, 124; short clears, ISiaH; short clears. W-1TH. Bacon, unchajigfd; boxed, extra short, tlO.S; clear ribs. ll'i.U'i; snort clears, iu.t. POULTRY Weaker; chickens. tlie: springs. 14c; turkeys. lJlo; ducka, Uo; BUTTER lower: reamery, KGOS Lower; 17Hc rasa count. Receipts. Shipments Klotir. bbls 11.000 10.500 Wheat, bu 4910 71.0l Corn, bu 1.non en.ftoo Oau. bu A4 7.m Kansas City Grata aael PrSTtaissa. KANSAS CITY. Mo , March t WHEAT Cash, unchanged; No. I bard, I1.10AL15; No. 3 hard, li.wvwn "; Jo. s rea, u.vxt I 1 si : No. 3 red. ll.Sftm-W. 4JL)R JT niKiim , a imacru, ox(7 4tw; No. 3 mixed. 61c; No. 1 white, 43c; No. S while. KiVtiWC. iATil Unchanged; Nb. I while, kVe-jfofc; No. 2 mixed. Muc. RYB TVtftBc. HY Steady; choice timothy. 13.7&fil0,00 choice prairie, ls.Ba-7o; choice aafaifa. lla.ts'UM.W. BU'ITKR-Creamery extras, Jsc; firsts. "KWc: seconds. MV; packing stock, lc. tXJOS Extras, a.-; current receipts, flat. 17W" aactinda and amies, wnts. Receipts and siilpments of fc-rain were aa follows; rmceipis. onipments. "heat. bu r.tfs ntvono Com. bu ' 21.0no Uats. bu .00i 16.tftJ Options at Kansaa City: Articles. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Wheat Mav .. July .. Corn Mar ... July .. I, I 1 1 1 1 4! 1 07V1 SA ws! s;s i rvA "'.2S45S! 4WiB A Asked. B Bid. Philadelphia Prsaises Market. PHILADELPHIA. March 1 Bl TTER ' , y Mvarsisol Oral si Market. t tvrmpoot.. March J. WHEAT apot. stmiig; No. 2 red western winter, as s5teady: extra western creamery. 0c. .'id: fnturea. steady: May, ss zd; July, as EGOS Steady: Pennsylvania and other l'd. tteptemDer. is llta. j nearny urata. hit- var.. i,c ai in ara - &ixt. oulet: new' American mt,. 1 Pennsylvania and other nearby current r via Oalvesioo. 6s 6Sd; futures, dull; Match icepits, returnable raara. 20c at mark; west. Is S4: May. &V 7d. ' ern firsts, free cases. 21c at mark; western - " Pesrta Merksl. "rEORlA. . 111.. March 1 -CORN -Fin No. s,hi. Ka 1 yellsw. wSc; No 1 vellow. 63V4c; No. S Uc; No. 1, iJV; No. 4 't)y: no grade, 72s-. - 'OATS-Strong; No. 1 white, KVtrWt.c; No. white. a-'HtClc. ; - ' . Vlslhls lasalr af Grata. ' 'NHW TORK. March 2. Spsctal rabh-a and telgrapl:ie coniunitallnns received by Bra.leireetS ahow ths following cl1a(g k.x . avaUableaurnly, aa compared with previous acv'ounta: vvheat. United Stairs aat of Rockies. oVcreaaed l?T.ts) bu. : Canada. decreased) 4M.' hu ; total. I lilted Sis current receipts, frss cases. lfrtfJOc at mark i CHEESE Finn, good demand; New York 1,000 IS' UVa It. son i4t no ins4 UO 1J aoo t4 ."it") sin U.0O IMS VI 100 ll two 101114 MH HU 1 1. 110 10. SCO too ! 'two 100 714 147 17 1, 101 7 SOJ 177l K4', lit 'it's 17' tiS uo .' l.M) 14.1S 14!S '-'S K) .. 7'4 ft 1 , 14 ? 2-m 6.1 4 v M HKs , a 7i l.WO mi4j 124a 100 ITIli 17Jdi t,10 o l.k 4.4 too 4 M14 It 4:h W liv, tvi I4:s 1,0 am 1 TOO 142 1SH 4Ji s liV, 7 41a 154 141 141 1 IM C4 MS Amaiaamaiad Ooppee Amarlc-an Car and Found. Pretarrad Amartcan Cotton Oil Asnsr. Hide Laath. pfd Aanarlran loa saoiirttiea .. American Lloased Amariran Looomotlre Prafarred A mar lean Smelt. 4t R(f... Pntlerrad Amenean Pvear Refining. Amarlcaa Tobaeeo pfd . Amertoaa Woolen Anaconda attains Co.... Atthtsoa Preferred Atlantle Coast Line Bait lore sr Oblo Prsfarred Brooklyn Rapid Transit . Caaadlan Pacific Central Leather '. ... Preferred Central of Nsw Jersey ... Chesapeake 4 Ohio Chicago Oreal Western ... Chicago 4V N'orthwaaiarn . Cnhraao, Mil. at St. Peal C. C C. St. Louie -Colorado Fuel and Iron Colorado A Soutaara so preferred Id preferred Consolidated Gaa Cora Products Delaware a Hudae Denver a Rio Oraade .... PrWarrad , DlatillenV Seeorlttae Erie 1st preferred 2d preferred General Electric ., Ureal Northern preferred . Great Northern Ore. ctfe . Illinois Central Interborouah Metropolitan Preferred International Paper Preferred International Pump Iowa Central Kansas city Southern Preferred Leulartlla NaabTtlle .. Mtaneepolie a It. Louie M . tit. P. ar ft. Sc at Missouri Pacific M.. K. A T Preferred National Lead New York (antral New fork. Ont. A Wast.. Norfolk Western North American Northern Pacific Pat-trie Mail Pennsylvania People's Gaa Plttaburg. C, C. 4k St. L Pressed Steel Car Pullman PmJare Car Railway Steel Spring .... Reading Repaolle Steel Preferred Keck Island Ce St. L A taa' F. Si' V'd'.i 61. Louts Southwestern .. Preferred .... gloss ShetDeld Steel Iron Southern Pacific 10.4m lis !7, Preferred - I IW 1I1S 1T.S Southern lUireey suu MS Preferred 1.4U) S Tenaeeese Ovpper too Texas A Pacific ! IIS Totaeo. St. Lasts at W.... 1 Preferred Union Paelue Preferred United States Rubber .. 1st preferred Called Siatee Steel Preferred I' ta Copper Virginia-Caroline Chemical Preferred Webaeh Preferred WeetinsbasiaB Electric W set ern Vnlon Wheeling A Lake Brte ... Wteoonein Central Amanraa T AT 110S MS 5 a&s u MS no S4S 1I-4V IBs IS ITS 41S 42 3S 1HS 14S 118s liiS KL S lirs !S ir.l .y 1T1 .IS 7JS MS I40S 71 7 li4S 46S 7S 2S 41S WS 1S teS 14"S 4S JlS T 7i liss 44S tl jno .. 1.W0 .. I.S00 no .... i' 7'10 .. A400 s) .. X.U0O .. .. J 50 .:. 1. MO .. l.fcl US '"i . . Ie lws U7S (. d.1'4 its u .. 1.700 is ias !. 1!2S l'"S l'O m s 1,100 17 34 .""ios s '41' k.4i m ms S 1"S T4S 74S MS MS IS 1S 17S V 4S s :it IS 7 las) Lio T4 31 MS iS 75S 17 17S 171 44S X 5S 28 43S ts 1!-SS 141 S MS 141 1SS 4a s 1S tl MS as 4IS r-s us US 1 Mi IS 7 7f 14S s 'S S 1" I MS 12S 111 MS 11 14 s 116 s T US iS 17 21 us K 11S 1WS t4S s s in. a 7S 4s t0 1TS 1T4S '7S 100 MS MS e4 Mo s S IS ne iis i6s i"-s 44 HO efrS 44S 44S l,f UlS lios 111 a cs 41 u -44 111 US 47is MS s "S IMS 7'in us . 1.4-) et.S S-0 IrS 400 U Ha J total Ms l.ocro l:s Its 44 M IS 4S ms Total sales for ths day 66,6u shares. Lscal SVsewrtttes. Quotations furnished by Sam uel Burns, Jr., 4U4 Nsw York Lafe building. Omaha: id. Aakaa. lit creams, choice. itaisc; lair to good. If 4jl4-c. Mllwaskes Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Marcn i WHEAT Mar ket higher; No. 1 northern. 11.11; o. t northern, ti ll; July, ll.ns bid CORN-Hlgher: July. eoCOtVc bid. BARUET Steady, standard, C7e; sample H'Vbtj'c. Toledo Seed Market. TOLKDO. Mnroh 2.-BEBl.S-ClnTSr. cash and tevnada. .te4-read 2.i.fli) . ailo.i. , ei a. ; .o. s. a,s: rejected, loll; N. K Q i.uii lu.; i'""' luuutuy, prime, 91 eu. )..r and! Mi Can-ope. lncrease.1. j,. touiL AmerUaus and cA.'ripe suppiy, in- 111a. March. la; Oi lober. i IJSj: No. Alsikt, prime. Ainu. Neb.. Light ta Ssstrlce Creamery, eosa 0lusstnuB Fire laauranoa etock Cede Canal Assec'.ailon per eettt Cite of Oeoaha sooas 4Ss 1U 1S7 Oarraaa-Amesleaa Cerfae IIS Independent Tel. ia 1M (W pfd eonuai 4D kaaaaa City Rr- and Light ta HI I t7S kaaaaa City Rr. and Light pfd 7 Nebraska Telephone stock SX Omaka Oee is !' tl Omaha Klee.. Light and Power ta 1M1... W Osaaka glee. Light and Power pfd 41 Omana Co. BlufTe St. Rr. U HU tes Osaaha Ce. Bluffs St. Hj. ta laat Ms Omaka Co. Rlafe St. R. pfd Ms Osaaaa Co. BlafTs Rr. aad Brtds pfd tl Oaaaka Water Co. te l.t e Oeaaha star Ce. te 1P44 M Osaaka We lee Co. let pfd 11 Omaha Water Cs M pfd t Omaka Board of Trade Bids. Co. pfd Omaka Board of Trade Bid. com Soutk Otuha KaUooai kaak stack Selft A Co Suite Inaunsaoa compear Sharidaa Coal da lvlt SKerldan Ceel pfd Shertdaa Coal com Sluui City Sieck Yaroa pfd Sieui City StMk Tarde cota Trt-Staie Lead ta. pfd cam bonuai t tnias Stock Tarde Ce. stock, ea-di .... 1 l eiea ISnsuactlas Co . kanaas Cilr .. Pt W right-S, iihaimr Ce. pfd at lot u lka lee lots tl" HVs w M N 101 ti 11 MO M 44 111 M at S lot H en . . lot 10as Ut iw st las M lot Id at te M fc tl tl ns . 4 . li'JS Boston Storks and Bonds. Nsw Tsrk Mlalssr Stseka. S Uule Ckiet la I Mealeea t at Ontarko ...............gjg IS Opbir !......... let vtaedars ......lee Voiles Jacks . at Alice Brunswick Coa. .. loeaececk Tun. g . Consort Tun. B Cwa. tal and Va . Hora tMleer Leadellie Coo, .. 4 Bask Clssurtatsa. OMAHA. March 1-Bank elsarlngs for today were U.1U. Stilt and for ths corre sponding data last year 0.3(7.100.17. Trwevasrr tsteaaest. WASHINOTtiNr March 1 Today s stats, ment of the treasury balances In tha gen eral fund, exclusive ot Uis (i1M.imu.0M guld KOSTON. Marc a per cent; tlm A'rbisoa sdi. 4e Atchleon 4s Alcblson do preferred rV'Bton dc Alhenr ... Breton A Maine ... Boston Elerated Fitchburg pfd . ... N Y. V. H. AH.. t'sloo Ptctfln Am. Ante. Cbem Preferred Am. Pneu. Tube Am. Sugar Preferred Am. Tel. A Tel Am. Woolen Preferred Dominion I. A S Edtson Flee. Ill Mass. Electric Preferred Maae. Gaa Inlted Fruit United Shoe Mach.., Preferred f . Steel Adventure h 2. Money, call ln&na, e loans, 3ui4 per cent. AllO'jei WS Amalgamated 71 1'HSArliona Com &1S K4S Atlantle lis 1H Butte Coalltlna :4s 115 talumet A Arlt liXS Calumet A He. la . . . t-0 It? Cenieonlsl Jo ltS Copper Range 75 S 174S tialr Weei !S 3s Franklin US tl Oranba 6 t Greene Cananee ......141 lISlele Rovsle H 124 4as. Mining I IV S Mont. Coal A Coke.. i7 Parrot It aaiuinor fa 11 fthanuon 14S J.'iSS Tama rack 84 , llSTrluiir JJH t l-nlted Copper 1S " MS I'. Mining 4) S 127SC. S. Oil tS-s 4l lab iV 1SS Victoria 4" . 4Me Winona t . I WqlveHne 144 tendon Stock Market. LONDON, March 2. American securities were quiet during the early trading today Prices ranged from H below to H above yesterday's New York closing. london closing stocks: econtols, money t4 M., K. A T do aocount t4l-1N. T. central. Anaconda IS Norfolk A W . Atchison 10S e5 pfd do pfd H4S Ontario A W.. Baltimore A Ohio 110 Penntrl'snla Canadian Pacific lllSRand Mlnee.... rhaeaDsake A 0 47 Reading Chicago O. W 7 Southern Rr... Clil. Mil. A St. P..147S do pfd 12S Southern Pexiflc . 4t tnlon Paciric... . I7S do pfd . tTSfc. S. Steel .49 do pfd . ItSWaheah . IIS do pfd .144S Spanish 4s Ill Amal. Cooper SltA'EK Bar. quiet at 21 b-lod per ox. MONEY .Sii'S per cent. The rats of discount' in the open market for short bills Is Itfper cent; for three months' bills. 2"s&:s per cent. De Beers Denier A Rio O do prd Erie do 1st pfd do td pfd Grand Trunk Illinois Centre!.. LoulsTllle A N . 41 .17 . t . M . 44 . ts . 7S . 1S . . s .1-ioS 1S . M . 44S .ins . II . 44S 71 OafAtU OlCTtCRAL AIABKET. tagils and Faster Prodaes Prleee ran lakcd kr Bsyere aad S kolesnlars. BUTTER Crsamery, No. 1 delivered to the retail trade ta l ib. cartons. He; No. 1 in 3u-lb. tubs, sMc: Ns. 2 in 1-ib. cartons, i&c; in 60-lb. tuba, 2iVo; packing; stock, lie; fancy dairy, tubs, 3alc; common roll, (resit made, 2uc. Matket CLauges svery Tuesday. EGGS Fresh selling stock, candled. 30 21c. No storage stock In Omaha market. CHEESE Finest Wisconsin full cieara, twins, lsc: young Americas, e In hoop, lbSc; favorite, 1 in boop, 18c; daisies. 20 1c hoop, I0V10; cream brick, full case. lc; block Bwlss. 16c; full-cream llmburgsr, 18c. Beef Cuts Ribs. .No. 1. lie; No. 2. 13c; No. S. ViC- Uin. No. 1. UHc; No, 1 14c; No. t. 11c chuck. No. 1. Vrc; No. 2, ic; No. 1, ic. Round. No. 1, Sc; No. 2, tc; No. V mc. PUts. No. i, 4Vsc; No. i. e-kc; No. 1, ic POULTRT Alive, springs, 12c; hens, 10c; cocks, pSc; ducas, loSc; geese, SVpc; tur keys, Iko; pigeons, per dos.. Sac; guinea fowls, per dos., U.M. squabs, per dos., U Dressed, bens, 11c; springs, Ltali4c; cocks. (He; ducks. 11c; geese. 11c; turkeys, tic FISH Whlteflsh, froien, luc; herring. ISc; salmon, 10c; pike, tic; pickerel, iVrSTc; trout. 10c; catfish, HaSlc; halibut, Sc; red snapper, LLc; black bass, fcc; crappies, aVty pc; psreb, Sc; codfish, Uc; smelts, pc; eels, lie; lobsters, green. 37c; boiled, too; frogs' legs. too. I'REoil FRUITS Apples. New York Baldwins, 14; fancy Ben Liavu. lu; MlMourl Pippins, 12.36; Idaho Roam Beauties, i; extra fancy Ben Uavis, per box, IX to. Ba nanaa, k-bunch lota. 8o per lb. Oranges. Ceitfilfj. Lemon a, la.H.ou. Grape fruit, 14. Grapes, Malagas, 17.60 per keg. Florida pineapples, per crate, tX VEGETABLES Kansas swaetpotatoss, 12.71 per bbl. California celery, large, 76c; smaller, 60c. New York Holland seed cab 'jage. 2o per lb. Wisconsin Red Globs onions. lc per lb. California cauliflower, 13 per crate. Tomatoes. Florida, t-baaket crate, 15 50; Cuba. S-basket crate, 13. Let tuce, per . dos., 46c. Old vegetables par snips, turnips, carrots 12.15 per bbi. Florida new beats, carrots, parsnips, turnips, etc. per dos.. 75c. STRAWBERRIES 40c per qt HIDES No. 1 green. 8S; No. 1 cured, 10c. Wcsl Market. BOSTON. March i-WOOL The feature of the local wool market Is its extreme dullness. Old domestic stocks are practi cally exhausted; foreign arrivals have fallen off and there have been only light receipts of new wool from Arizona. Cm the lightest kind of sales the leading domestic quotations range as follows: Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeced XX. 84ii3&c; X. Si-fr 13o; No. 1 washed. 3Sc; No. I washed S4rSo; fine unwashed. ZVtJUc; half blood combing, jnrjjaic; three-eighths blood, comb ing. 9k: quarter blood, combing, 2-5fc-delaine, washed. ''j40c; delaine, unwanhed "too. Michigan, Wisconsin and New York fleeces: Fine unwashed. 2ia"3c; delaine unwashed. ZlQCSc; half-blood, unwashed. 3 rsc; three-eighths blood, una ashed, tj'-4c-quarter blood, 2JS"j9c; Kentucky. Indiana and Missouri, three-eighths blood, 5r&Ac quarter blood. 2'uc. Scoured values Texas, fine. 13 months. 2JiegH.; tn. six to eight months, oiirooc; fine fall, tr.fc.juc. Cal ifornia, northern, te.Jr52c; middling county. 6ii62c. Oregon, eastern. No. 1 staple, tttf 63c; eastern. No. 1 clothing. 5ofi67e; valley, No. l, isGcc. Territory, fine, staple. K35c' fine medium staple, tVfu3c; fine clothing' 6s.ti4nc; fine mediums clothing.' 66ro7c; half blood. SlefieiSc; three-elghths blood. SSifiGSc; quarter blood. 6ti"ju2c. Pulled, extra, 6i3c' fine A. beeteSc; A supers, Sa56c. 8T. LOI'IS. March 2.-W(olJ-Nomlnsl medium grades, combing and clothing lsva 24c; light fine. lSeJiajc; heavy fine, ltr-ftloc-tub washed, 2443ti3c. Metal Market. NEW YORK. March' 2. M ETA La9) There was an advance of is In the London tin market today, wit! spot at 13u 6s. and futures at 131 las. Ths local market a. us riulet, but a l.ttle higher at !A62Va.7ii. The London market for copper was Ins higher, with spot quoted st .57 17s. and futures at fie i:s ttd. Tha local market was firm in tone, showing ths Influence apparently of the large aalea rei,n..i recently. Iks was quoted at lllLe7V,'o rin ,i,uii, ana casting at HI17S1t&2S. Lead waa lower at U ta Sd in ths London markers The Incal market was unchanged and dull ar 11 1 ;S Spoiler waa unchanged at 21 17s Sd in tti a London market and ths local market was steady, a shads higher at M-TliS.-tnu Ths Lie alien Iron market waa a little higher at 7s lVrl for Cleveland warrants Locally no change wts reported. No. i foundry northern, IkkS: No. 2 foundry northern. lU.0onfle.7i. No. 1 southern and No. 1 southern soft. 114.7517 ?6 8T. I.OLI8. March 2.-M LTAXB Lead Jull; 13. ft. epsiler, dull; Ktt Feb. j:... Feb. -a... Feb. 24 ... Feb. 2S ... Feb. 2t... Feb. :'7... Feb. 2S... March 1 . March t. I 954' 1 7 121 t Kl 4 74 I M liu. am a a oti, 4 S, I . t M S 24 I 13HI 13". 4 ill 7f! ''! S I a. 4 121 10 I SSt J t 40 J M 4 1 8 7 04 , 4 77 ' 5 16; o 1 1. a :e 11 t 141 5 21' M a r, 1 . . . . a,,i L 13 e 13V 4 St' I Br 6 i 4 72 6 0i I Sunday. The official number or cars of stock brought In today by each road was as follows: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. 1 C , M A St. P. Wabash Missouri Pacific I I'nlon Pacific 45 C. A N. W.. east 15 C. A N. V.. west (2 C. St. P., M. A O '.r C, B. A Q.. east 2 C, B. & Q west IS C, R. I. A P., east... 3 C. R. I. & P.. west.. .. Illinois Central 1 Chicago G. W 7 Total receipts 198 The disposition of the dav's receipts was as follows, eaeh buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle 1 SS 4S 4 1 12 44 1 1 14 2 1 1 22 9 4 e t t 3 '.. 1 27 12 Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company... Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour A Co Krey Packing Co Schwartzschlld A Suit. Vansan A Co Lobman A Rothchild.. Hill A Son F. P. Lewis J. B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla U F. Hun L. Wolf McCreary A Carey Bam Werthlmer H. F. Hamilton M. Hagerty A Co V. Ci. Inghram Sullivan Bros Lehmer Bros Blackshnar Evansvllle Swartz-Bolen Lee Rothchilds .. 7aj ,.1.117 .. 754 77 168 49 .V, 2 10 27 M IS mi is 66 4 25 e Hogs. Srreep. 1.707 1.51 2.145 3.1W 1.54-J 111 5J3 I Mi 1.7 LIS) 57 373 4t 61 TVjlals 4.644 10.466 T.247 CATTLB Receipts of catUs this mominf were very liberal. 195 cars being reported In. Among ths offerings were a number ot pretty good killers, but there waa also a good many cattle that showed a lack of feed. Packers all seemed to be for sup plies of btef steers and the market on the desirable grades was active and at an ad vance of 10c over yesterday. Holders of cattle that found favor In buyers'' eyes had no trouble In unloading and an early clear ance waa effected. Inferior grades did not move off quits so freely, but they, too, sold to fairly good advantage. What haa been said regarding tha market on beef steers would apply equally well to tbe market on cows and heifers. Cattle of that description were free sellers through out and the offerings were disposed of at an early hour. No great change took place In the stock er and feedermarket. Tbe demand for cattle of that deacrtptlon Is none too brisk any where, the country buying rather spar ingly. St. 11 the market was not bad con sidering general conditions prevailing In other branches of the trade. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice eornfed steers, 15.606.26; fair to good corn fed steers, t&'gt 60; common to fair corn fed steers, !4'36 26; good to choice cows and heifers, 14 iffrjj 26; fair to good cows and heifers. 21 2r(H 26 : common to fair oowt and heifers. 12.U164.00; stock heifers, S2.7&0 4 00; veal calvea. 13.0043.25; bulls, stage, etc, 12. 7544.00; good to choice Blockers and feeders, 14.36600. fair to good stockers and feeders, tt 5V8H.2o: commm to fair stockers and feeders, H'X38.S. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Me. 11.... It.... tl ... I. ... 14... II. ... It.... to.... If... 11... 14.... !.... It.... 11 ... 10.... 11.... 17.... 1" 4 1 16 11 11 t I t t M n i 17 7 14 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 17 1 1 11 4 .... 11 Ae. . 1st 4 te .11.11 4 n . Ml t 00 . tao I Ul mi t it . tM t 10 .lilt t to .1044 ID . P4 t It 11M t 10 Kl it) .101 I 55 . MA i 4 'oti t to .1(41 I 60 1071 i W .1114 tti . 140 1 10 . MO 1 to . ut 1 to 1 if I to to 4 e. 1: !.., 14.., 40.. 14 . it... 17... It . 14 to 41. II. .. .1W1 ...1W4 .. 1')7I ... Ml COWS. II . ll'i li.'. St.. .. 4 0 .140 4 te v r t It ,.1'SI 4 tt .Ml 4 14 ..SO IK HEIFER 8. .. st I 3t 17 741 I 40 I I tt H 4 741 Ul 4 n 71 4 .. use 1 -1 . .120 I e ..-.led 1 40 .1146 I U ..114 I IS ..1H40 I 7t ..1170 t ) . . 1U0 4 00 BCLLS. Ae. Pr. ...i:t4 I S4 ...11M t to ...iiu I to ...Ut lit ...Hit t TO ...1141 i 10 ...10PJ 70 . . 111 t Tt ...14 I 71 ...lilt t Tt ...litl t tn ...1177 t ) ...1141 i It ..1417 t tO ...1177 4 0e ...1431 f 10 .. IM 444 . . 10" 4 M . .1146 4 IS ..1141 tie ..107 4 60 ..1 tit .101 4 It . . ti t Tt . 114 t Tt ..ISM 4 71 .1040 4 Tt .1041 4 t M IS Ski 4 Tt t 71 tit 4 P ..1400 4 IS ..14 4 It ..1190 4 II ..i:o t to ..kltO t 4ft ..lfnO t 10 ..1130 4 to ,.17M t M CALVES. 4K I & I Ill it) IP) I iti 1 17t T an 1AJT 4 40 1 110 T to tit I IO 1 141 T OS 10 t 10 1 HI I I 1H0 I tt ETOCK EIlS AND FEEDERS. tit I 40 I' Ml 4 it Hi 1 M It Ill 4 45 t4i I 75 4 TN Ik WFJ8TERN8. J. W. Chapman Montana. Tt 14 . I SS f .. .. M7 ... t 4 It . .. . IU 4 I Ot 77 I I . I li I Hi let t aa r VT ... If 11 . I en l ri . . t in 71 ys 111 ia fa . . 1 m M PH toe .ri ISO I IS It '71 sai 4 ee H i?4 . ., tl I4 Li tan " v-4 ei 1 re te . 14a 1 w te at ii I tl Hi ito t ns t-i ... I v 14 .is) . . 4 ot 1: . . 1 e. M 1 IM 7 xt ... in t ,.r . . 1 M 7t fn ... iv 47 is tl IS- 7e M4 . 1 -n S Ill ... tat 14.. 141 ISA f t;i, 7i 14S ... t 05 it 41 ... I ti 4 174 ... 10 14 'tl . . t t M ill 4 tfi 44 1 to : te ... t ijn t os tn ! I.H 1 If IM III )4 1 ri PI I M M M 'IM I K I? T . I 7 lt 10 ( tt )at 40 t W ... 12 . t 77 to M 7 lit It I 01 44 j-4 ... a m e ... t ' 71 ZT4 ... t M 74 Sl . . I M 44 tit ... IS ts ru ii t ot 1:4 ... t m 71 317 11 t ot U ... I in sr tn ea t f 5 ... rsa y I l W I M 1" K ! I l ' 117 10 I 10 ' lit ttl I 47 pit ... t 10 t jv; m 1 1 ... t le 46 1ST 110 I IS S4 P . . I .t M let ... t II t 1 ki 1 ill 16 .est . . n 1 J1 10 10 7 K SO I It l M ... I IS tl 10 4 rta 71 st . . 1 te 4 m . . 1 , 71 pi lto t it see 40 1 ss Tl Ul . I 141 61 Ill M III 77 Ill W I IU II ri 40 t 40 77 Ill ISO t 1 el r-T . . 4 4e 0 lit ... I IS M Ill 40 t SHEEP Receipts of sheep this morning were very much smaller than yesterday, but still there was a fair run. making the total for ths two days larger than usual. Ths general quality of the fresh receipts as rretty good, there being quite a num ber of loads of right desirable killers. In addition to the fresh receipts there wars a few leads betides a sprinkling of odds and snds carried over from yesterday. There was a fair demand and the desir able kinds, both sheep and Ism be, sold quite freely at steady prices. While the market did not st any time have an active ap pearance, still ths kinds that packers wanted sold very freelv. Mexican lambs sold up aa high as 17.25. wltb yearlings up to tR8& and ewes st 1610. As regards prices, it might be ssld that there wss comparatively little change so far ss good kinds were concerned, quotations on such generally being steady. As might be ex pected in case vt liberal receipts of yester dsy and today, common and Inferior kinds ware a little slow and ths feeling on such rather weak. Quotations on sheep and Iambs: Good to choice iamhs. !7.0Cr7.4': fair to good lambs. M6-3'.00: feeding lambs. lA.An.7t; good to choice light yearling. W wn.M; good to choice heavy pigs. V00.4; feeding year lings, is. (MB 6. 75; good to choice wethers, 15.00(16 40; fair to good wethers, t4.7Mt00: feeding wethers, 14.af4.75: good to choice ewes. KtV-fTVOO; fair to good ewes. 14.2549 t": feedings ewes. 13.5OfcH.0n; culls and ducks. ti.ifST!a. Representative sales: No. Ar. 133 western yearlings 17 44 western wethrrl 10-4 104 western yearlings 93 Z20 western yearlings p4 so western lambs 7S 14 South Dskota wethers W 941 South tsakota yearlings W 70 South Dakota ewes 95 87 South Dakota ewes, feeders.. 17 10 South Dakota ewes 91 ftl South Dakota ewes, culls... M 14 8outh Dakota Ismbs, culls.. 63 87 South Dakota ewes, feeders.. M 1!0 feeders... 113 6 30 9 steers.... K40 5 00 24 cows 1078 4 4. 24 cows 1078 4 46 9 cows It oO I 36 S feeders. 85 steers.. 9 cows... 9 cows... Jl heifers.' (50 4 M .164 I 35 . 990 t 65 . 9S0 1 85 505 4 60 HOGS Hogs opened tVirloc higher thl morning and as soon as the trade was underway, the market was active at ths advance. A little later on It slowed up ana tor awnue waa pretty auu, reviving again so that all ths early receipts st least mare cleaned ud soon after 10 o'clock In ths morning. Both packers and .shippers wers looking lor supplies and aa there were only 1j0 cars reported, tha trads waa na turally In a good healthy condition with ths result tnst offerings moved off quite freely as noted above. Quits a sprinkling cf good heavy hogs sold around tti 40, with a top at tt to Today s advance In tha market makes up for a good part of the decline of yeater day and at ths close of last week, leaving tns market still a little lower than It wss on Thureday. ths high day. when the bulk of the nogs sola at t 1 osj so and with top at w tu. Representative sales rr. IS t It s 114 e it S 11 s u 1 11 S It 8 IS ( 4 s 1 s II S 17Va 4 1T s ir Na Ae. Ik. Pr. We Ae. Sk. t: IM . . IS 171 Ml lit tl lit ... t SO Hi fit . . it 174 ... 110 tl nt 10 r? i t ... t tt 11 nt its te iu ... sit u tut ts 17 164 ... 1 M 71 Ill ... Pi let 48 1 M te tat te i' ...... If. t ... tie te ka) as u. m ... id s ti M II 1ST tt t IS 17 IN ... tl 111 S IN 11 Ut ... It 171 ... I tt W tat eS tt 1st ... tut 4 17 S 11 1W ... S 4 17. ...... tie .. t m ts its si..n.1ut st 200 South Dakota lambs, feeders 54 15 western ewes ss 2o8 western lambs 74 IS western wethers, feeders.... 12! 4f4 western lambs 77 440 western ewes 100 23 western Ismbs 84 457 western lambs 88 1198 western lambs 88 IOCS Mexican yearlings 77 237 western Ismbs 81 263 western yrlgs and wethers. 4x1 western Iambs 224 western lambs 8 western yearlings . 219 western ewes 137 western ewes , 127 western swes 146 western ewes , 58 western eeees 200 western ewes 23 western swes. culls 48 western ewes ....... 76 western lambs 85 82 11 98 118 118 118 190 Ill 98 101 75 Pr. 8 no 3 85 800 8 00 8 60 6 25 00 4 60 4 00 4 00 1 75 4 4 26 6 80 4 75 7 00 6 00 7 15 4 40 7 15 7 20 7 16 8 75 75 no 7 26 7 26 8 85 10 6 10 6 10 5 10 10 4 76 a 64 4 76 75 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MABICIT Cattle aatt. Sheep iteady Hogs Straws; , te Fire Cents Htsther. CHICAOO. March 1 CATTLE Receipts, t.Ono head; .market steady. Steers, 85.0O(p 7.10; rows. 13 ftOfiC.50: heifers. 112MlJ 00; bulls. l.T40?M?t.: calves. 13.5OT3.60, stockers and feeders.- e30w4-95. MOOS Receipts. I8.000 head. Market strong to 6c higher. Choice heavy shipping. S-46ra4.66; butchers. $4.4"!f4i.65: light mixed. v3r-'q.36; choice light. !6.368.40; packers. eU.3ryrM1.46; pigs, I5.2&36.VO. Bulk of sales. Sti.3iv9.6t. 8HBEP AND LAMBS Receipts, i:.oru head. Market steady. Sheen, H.2tVtJ6.00; lambs, .0OS7.85; yearlings, &37.2S. SEVEN SIGN MERCER REPORT Majority cf Committee Sy freiident Exceeded Hit Authority-. TWO ATTACH MODIFIED VIEWS Foraker Held a teel Trsst Is ftst to lame fee rwewslse. rea see It tekeel .lews tif tfce Preeldest. WASHINGTON, Msreh 1. 4rt ft mem ber of the senate committee on Judiciary signed ths report. declaring thst President Roosevelt, without authority of law, eanc- loned the absorption of the Tennessee Coal and Iron company by the Vnited States Steel rorpr-rstlon and that ths mer ger was In wlolatlon of ths Srierman snti trust lsw. Two rf the majority or the committee, however, attached certain In dividual views which to a degree minimise the effect of the declsratllon. Chairman Clark todae reported ths tlls- sgreemont In the committee snd soon after ward Senator Culberson presented the views of seven members tt tbe committee. These were signed by Senators Nelson, Klttredge snd Foraker,' republicans, and Culberson. Raynor. Bacon snd Overman, democrats. The Individual views were given bjton- stors Nelson and Bacon N In the opinion of Mr. Nelson, the president was not, author ised to permit ths absorption, which Is declared to have been In violation of law. Mr. Nelson thinks, however, thst the pres ident may have been misled or dupjad by the of nets It of the - Vnited Stales SHeel corporation. . Mr. Bacon expressed doubt whether tha senate should pronounce flnslly upon the question whether the president com mitt ed wrongful set. for ths reason that the senate Is Judge In Impeachment proceedings. Ho takes the position that the merger was Illegal, hut tha the senate should not take any action to pre.) n dice any proceed ings thst might hereafter bs brought be fore It. Wowld nissolw the Wersrep. From the report' signed snd submitted today It sp pears that had It not bean for the illness of Senator Bacon snd his ab sence from the committee yesterday, the report declaring the president acted with out authority of lsw would hsve been adopted. In any event. Senators Culber son and Klttredge take the position that a majority of the committee haa reported that the merger was Illegal and that the Department of Justice should proceed against the United States Sleet corporation to dissolve It. The disagreement on the resolution wss placed on the calendar snd will expire with ths close of the present session. Later Senator Foraker filed tits Individ ual views, declaring that he did not think it necessary for ths committee to consider whether the transaction was a violation of tha anti-trust law. He said that the reply of the committee should be confined to the one Question as to whether the president was authorised to permit the merger and that this should be answered In the negative. In view of the fact that representatives of ths steel corporation called upon ths . president, and asked his advice concerning the transaction and that the question also was submitted to Attor ney General Bonaparte. Senator Foraker took the position that thai steel corporation should not be condemned far Its action. Ktaitt City Live Steele Market. KANSAS CITT, March 2. Receipts. 6.800 head, including 200 southerns. Market 10c to 16c higher. Choice export and dressod beef steers. te.00166; fsir to good. 15.004 6.90: western steers. M.Sntitj.B: stockers and feeders, .7&tr.26: southern steers. 4.603 6 00; southern cows. 13.70454. 75: native cows. K.efVfj-5.40: native heifers. t7.4orir&.; buns. 13.2fV2r4.40: calves. I4.00rtr7.60. HOO 8 Receipts. 14.000 hesd. Market 10c to 16c higher. Top. 98.46: bulk of sales, 98.10 68.40. Heavy. 46; packera and ouron- ers. l.lMe.4t, light. Hi. 0030; pigs, 9.VJ at, m. SHHJEP AU LAMBO rieceipis, ji.usj head. Market for sheep 10c lower; lambs steady. Lambs. 8700477.40; yearlings, 86 769 490; wethers, IS-256.75; ewes, 14,t A stockers and feeders, t3.00).76. St. Lea Is Live Steve at Market. BT.LOUI8, March 1 CATTLE Rcelpta, 1760 head, including 1.150 head Texans: market strong to 10c higher: native ahip- ping and export steers, f6.00tj7.10: dressed beef and butcher steers. 14 &. 25; steers under LOW lbs.. 0.5006.75: stockers and feeders, W&"H.26: cows and heifers. 13.2&9 6.16: canners. tl.iytsa.40; bulls. ll-00tUt.J6 calves. 85.50(31.60: Texas and Indian steers 13.5rj3S: cows and heifers. t2.75ffe.0O. HOOB Receipts, s.BDo neaa; marsrei iuc higher: pigs and lights. 14.6iaiM.30; packers tfi 1436.60; butchers and best heavy, S6.4&& 8.86. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3 200 head: market stesdy; native muttons, 13. (95.6t: lambs, 16.0uof7.76: culls and bucks, !3.603.26; stockers. 13.JMJ4.00. St. Joseph Live Stock Msrkst. ST. JOSEPH. March 1 CATTLH Re eelots. 1600 head; market 10H5c higher steers. K 003 60: cows and heifers, $2.0J S 75: calves. 13 50 to HOOS Receipts, 8.000 head: market 54)f)c higher; top, fisu; bulk or sales. SA0tB S5. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8.600 head: market steady to 10c lower; lambs, K-0UO7.60. lleei City Live Stek Marketv RIOUX CITT. Ia., March 1 (Special f elee-ram-Ve-CATTLE Receipts, 1,200 head; market strong; beeves, 14 ft).00; fat rows and heifers. 83 aorrttvoo, feeders, H XB.1 .3.0084.86. HOOS Receipts. 4 600 head: market 10c higher; range of prices, 14.7u4fS.tS; bulk of sales, I?. 3D. 1 lleek in Sight Receipts of livs stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4 0 10,70u t.6uo Sioux City l.sno 4.5m) St. Joseph 1600 4010 1.600 Kansas City 6.800 14.W0 U000 St. Louis 175) 9 8oO I Chicago 1.0U0 lg.AO 12.000 Total U.060 sj.OdO 4LIO0 - Cettsw Market, NEW TORK. March 1 The cotton mar kst opened steady at an advance of I to i fiolnts and sold 6 to 1 points nst higher dur ng ths early session on somewhat better cables than expected, continued dry weather In Texas and rather more aggressive sup port from the leading bulls. There was, however, no sign or a broadenina snecu latlve demand, and as soon as support from leading longs was withdrawn, the market eased back to about tha opening figures ana ruiea very quiet aunng tns middle of ins morning. Spot closed quiet, II points higher, mid dllng uplsnds, 9s5c; middling gulf, 10 10c sales. 60 balsa Cotton futures opened steady; March 1 sac; Mir, pate: jure, orrered at 914c July, StSc; August, offered at 813c; Octo bar. twrr December, 9 24c: January. Stic. tlALVESTON, Tex., March 1 COTTON- Bteaay; s i-iec ST. LOI'IS. March l.frTTnlVfi.,.. middling, 17-lAc. Sales, none; receipts. 14; balsa; shipments. 1,70ft bales; stock, i.M NEW ORLEANS. March t COTTON Spota were steady; low ordinary. 1 9-lc nominal; ordinary. 4. nominal; good or dinary, 7 U-ltc; bw middling. 8V; mid dling. 9je; road middling. 1 lw-ltc; mid- aung rair. ivs-isc; lair, u 1-lSc. nominal. zvvcc.iKe, wiis usueestoca, sts.u basse. Sperry Gives up Fleet Command Formal Application to Be Bettered Acted Upon and Admiral Schroe dr Succeed! Him. WASHINGTON, March 1-Rear Admiral Charles S. 8perry today made formal ap plication to be relieved from duty as eom- mander-ln-ch!ef of the Atlantic battleship fleet and Rear Admiral Seton Schroeder has been appointed in his place. Admiral Sperry was tendered the presi dency of the Naval War college, but de clined. Indicating his preference for subor dinate duty there. Rear Admiral Richard Wainsright will remain In command of the second division of the fleet. Rear Admiral William t. Pot ter Is trsnsf erred from commander of the fourth division to coram snd the third di vision, formerly tn charge of Rear Ad miral Schroeder, and . Rear Admlrkl Ed ward B. Barry, who has been supervisor of naval auxiliaries st Nsw Tork, hss been appointed commander of the fourth division. New Haven Must Sell Trolleys ltV . . Mastachaietta Court Ieraea Order to Be EffectiTt July 1 Uphold Lower Court e "-m .... BOSTON. Msss., March t-By a decision of ths state supremo court today the New Tork, New Haven Hartford railroad company is ordered to dispose of Its trolley holdings In Massachusetts by July V 1908. TTas decision is ths result of tbe bill la equity brought by the attorney general in May. 1901. and the court's decision applies to ths Worcester and South Bridge, the Worcester and Biackstone Valley, tha Wor cester and Webster, tbe Webster and Dud ley, the Springfield and the Berkshire street railways. Ths decision upholds tns ruliag of slngls Justice of ths supreme oourt, from whom the New Haven company appealed on tbs ground that these trolley oompanlew wers held by the Consolidated Companies of Connecticut. . .. ' Foley's Honsy snd Tat curve coughs quickly, strengthens the lungs and expels colds. Oet the genulns In a yellow pack sgs. For sale by all druggists. .- ties Useashergj Dead. 8T. PETERSBURG, March 1 -Baron Ouensbsrg, president ot the committee of the Jewish Colonisation company, died la this city today of caacer. ' Oils and Rsels. OIL CITT. March 2.-OII-Ctsdit bal ances, 11.78: runs. Febtusry 28. 114.841 bbls.; average. 1il,123 bbls.; shipments March 1, 146 lJo bbls . SAVANNAH. Os . March L-Oir-Turp-sntlns. nothing doing. Sp'eC. ROSIN-Flrm; B and D. tl 15; E, A 17V,: F and O HiU; H 13 SO: 1. 84 K: K. 86 06; it. 1680; N. J4 36; WU, 88 46: WW, 8610. Cea-ee Market. ' NEW TORK. Marvh 1-OOrFEB-Fu-turc market elosed steady, net uncharged to f points higher. Ma eh. 4 .M17 o' : Mai 690e4S5c; July. A5Ac; Heptember, 60Ts740ac Spot, firm; Rio, No. I. V: Ssntos No. 4 c. Mild, steady; Cordova. 9lc. Dalath OrsUsj Market. DCtTH. Minn..' March 1 WHEAT Ma v 11 le; Jury. ILlS's: N. 1 aWfXWii. tl-ltTai No. t northern. sUtk . . OX3-ra0. , j J