Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Weak ODeninr at Livrrftnl Makst!
Iow Opening in Omaha.
rnV . t-j, i i i-l... - . ,
Brakt at Ike Oaealagt
Caalea, lAbtrk Re.
sseoasiblo far Raah
ta Bell.
OM AHA, M.rh 1. I.
W ak anentna cjLhlea rmm Urernool. and
heavy atop loss order, and no buying at
the atari caused oulalde market! to open
from a tent to c lower on wheat. Values
rrc some firmer at the close and a
stronger bullish feellnc existed.
Receipts of corn wera liberal and offer
Inge on the caah market were not absorbed
aa quickly a baa been the custom for
the past week.' Lemand waa mora uigent
at the close, however.
Wheat broke at the opening on weak
rablea, which started a ruah to ell and
valuea dropped for a cent loss. Later re
porla of a decrease rn the world a vlaible
firmed ttie market for a quick rally at the
May wheat opened at ti ll and cloaed at
Corn ruled steady, with the. exceptlewi of
a short decline, at the opening due to the
drop in wheat The caah market waa Mrm
at a ahade lower, but demand waa ood.
May corn opened at 'flc and cloned at
Primary wheat receipts were 2.onn bu.
and shipment were VM.oon bu., against re
celpta laat rear of 633,000 bu. and ship
ments of Mors) bu.
Corn receipt wera l.OHOnrt bu. and shin
menta wera M7.onri bu., agatnet receipts
last year of gbLOOO bu. and shipments of
171 000 h'i.
Clearances were 238. on bu on corn. 16.000
bu. of mm and wheat and flour equal to bu.
Liverpool rloeed 161S1 lower on wheat
and d lower on corn.
Local rant or apt ion i
Article. Opem. iHlgJ44. Ltvw. i Cloae.j Bat y.
May... Oala
l n
1 11
1 lOHj 1 inii
1 11
I 1
61V 61-W!
52, Caah Prices.
WHEAT No. 1 hard. II tTl 10. No. t
hard. Il.06tfl.07; No. 4 hard. tl.iJ2ccpl.04; No.
I spring, l.07l.t.
CORN No. 8. 6&r4c; No. 4 corn. 5tVd
fc; No. I yellow, 6c; No. I white, tc-
OATS No. I mixed. Mc: No. 3 yellow,
'Sr(l4c; Nto. a while, 62c; No. 4 white,
RTE No. i. 74c; No. I. 72W73C.
Cats-lot Reelats.
Wheat Corn. Oat.
Chicago 15 CIS 262
Minneapolis 497
Omaha 63 1H S
Duluth 46
Feat a re of tke Tradlaa; and Cloalac
Price aa Board mt Trade.
CHICAGO, March 1. Wheat prices broke
'c to 2c today on general liquidation. baed
on weak cables sod increased receipts in
the northwest Tart of the loss was re
gained, but at the rloe prices were Btill
ic to ;c below Saturday's final quotations,
corn and oats closed weak and provisions
The break In wheat prices occurred at
the opening of the session and considerable
rxclttment was crowded into the first half
huur of tne oay. Selling waa general when
lmdlnrf began, owing to declines of VJ tu
ld at Liverpool and of le at Berlin. Re
.il)ii i' I ,4.i cars at Minneapolis arid Lu
luth, compared with in cara the correspond
ing uay a year ago. brought out aduiuonal
fek.k-c. The May delivery was given good
sjppoit early in the aesslon and the prkc
auvanced lc from the low point of I.16T.
A di. case of 1,756 000 bu. In the vitiLiie sup
ply In the L'niUd 8tatfa. reporta from the
southwest of damage lo the fall-sown crop
by Hessian fly and a slackened demand for.J
djririg the final half of the session. In the
tioal mlnutea o.f fhe day July delivery ex
perienced a rally of nearly lr. on buying
by seversl prominent commission liouson.
'i ne (lose steady, with May at ttliVt
and July at ll.(4 Vj? 1.01 V
Reallalng sals, inisptred by Incriasod re
ceipts, aoaed weaVnees In the" corn market,
prices l ilic close being c lo "e below
Saturday's rir al quotations.- A'rer ranging
beiweon j'-i,fiiIi4C and Kte. May cloned at
to'sc July clnse1 at 6o14fe.ic.
oats weie weak all day. At tlve close
piii i weie ai'4o to He lower than Satur
day a flnul ouotmlons, May Ix-ing at 64c
and July at irstMV-.
Liberal receipts of live hog at all west
ern paclt ng center caused weakness in
the provisions market. At the cljse prices
were ;4c higher lo 6c lower.
The lecdtng futures ranged as follows:
Aiticlcs. I Cipen. ' Hign. Low. Close. (Yes'y.
J uly
May July
Mav July
May July
May July
l 17V
1 04V
1 17S
1 o4S'
1 15 i
1 K,1
1 17 V
1 18
1 044:
1 04-,
K1, ''''' i4S '
. w- '
MS 64.
4!4 4SS-fI-t
17 t7i4jl 17 07 V 17 024' 17 Of. 1
17 W i 17 12S 17 1 I 17 12V 1
i 1 I I
70 7S I fi7V 75 I
t EV K7V S to I 87S'
t 85
1 I 1
8 10 9 otv:
I X,
S 95
9 1
t 10 I
No i.
Caah quotaliona were as follows:
FLOl'R Barxly steady; winter patcnlF,
tb.intto.aO: straights, np5S0: spring pat
ents. t5 7a.W); straights, (4.UpC.; bakeis,
p.Oii4 to.
RY K No. t. We.
BARLEY-Keed or mixing. 644ic; fair
10 choice malting. toMWSc.
1 SEEDS-Flax. No. I southwestern. II 1V
No. 1 northwster, tl-71H- Timothy. S6.
Clover, ts to.
PKOVlSKiNS Mess pork, per bbl.. tllia
Alt . Lard per loo lbs., rt.BO. Short ribs,
sides tlonsei, ptEnS.76. Short clear aides
t hosed . .S7V6-12V
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
eqjal to itil.OOO bu. Primary receipts wer
Jk.0iO bu.. compared with SS3,0 bu. the
corresponding day a year ago. Tha vieibl.;
aupply of wheat In the United Statea de
creased 1.7B.009 bu. for the week. The
amount of breadstuff on paasage Increased
J4.0t btl.
Kstisnated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat.
St cars; corn. 675 cart; oata, Sbl cars; boss,
2.0m head.
Partly Cloady 'weda. wltk Te s-er-slsr
OMAQA. Neb. March 1. 1 .
A trough of low jreaaur extends from
.ake ttupartor uih over tha central val
leys to northarn Texas. The pressure is
highest over the A rtanrtc atatea. and ia rel
atively high over the aouthwest. OeneraJly
cloudy wewther rwaH In all sections ex
cept the southwest where it la clear. Rains
are general on tha tfcnrth Tactftc coast; light
snows ara falling In ttsu extreme upir
jUaka vegten aad ltghv precipitation Kaa
occurred la the aaetam atatea within tl
laat twnty-ouc houra Moderate tempera
tures continue general. ia all portions and
no Important change haa occurred in any
aectloa atnea tha pravodtng reort The
weather will continue cloudy or partly
cloudy In thle rlolnlty tonlgnt and Tueaday,
with no Important change In temperature.
Record of temperature and precipitation
compared 'with tha corresponding day at
the laat three yaara:
In IK. 17. 1
Minimum temperature .. Ib it 44
Freclpttatlon T .tl .01
Nor may tmwratre for today, 3 degreea.
peficieney la precipltatioa ainca March L
1 Inches v
Itefictrnry corresponding period In U0,
a n lrvches. , .
liefHtfency oorraapontLnf period la UuT,
t 41 Incrjra
U X. WBUrt, tocal Farecaater.
I.lerrl Prwvaaiosi ttocka.
IJVERPOOU March 1 -The following
txe tha atocka of breadstuff and prottaiona
in Llvwraonl:
Flour, k.tH. aacka;' wheat. TTS.'jfln centals;
-rn 49 .t vaelrals: tiaeou, Zl.') boxes.
kama. ' J boxes: shouliers. t tun ooves
bulter. 2&o. younds; chaaaa, ? 'V bog,
1,570 torn
of the Day
t oaaodltlea.
aa Varloas
NEW TORK. March 1 -FI-OFR-Receipt.
: export. 21 If. Market firm,
'""' or.iv Mmnoxili iwt-
em. t' !: winter strsiglits. to 3-V&6 ;
Minnesota bakers. 4 "ru4.4; winter extra
.t 4 winter pstenls. t5.4rrl4.SB: winter
kw grades. t3!B4"; Kansas straights,
ta.!yoS: Rye Hour, firm: fair to food,
Oof.V'; rho.-e to fancy. U Kii4.75. Buck
wheat rionr. dull; 1; lr; per li lbs.
HLVKWHEAT-QulM; Nw Tork state,
tXiHNMEAIe-Stesdv: fine whit and el-
ij'f1 - 5rl'd-
HYK- r'udv: No. 5 western. V.r
New York.
HARLKY Firm: maltfng. 74V97V. c. I f.
New York; feeding. T.i,t, c. 1. f. New
WHEAT Receipts. 2R.M" bushels; exports.
141. 9l bushels No. 2 red. 11.15V elevator;
No. 2 red. tl 24',, f o. b . a tioal; No. 1
northern Puluth, 11 ."'. fo o. b , afloat;
No. 2 hard winter, tl .34. f. a. b.. afloat.
Tlie upward course of wheat prices came
to an abrupt halt today. Numerous holders
tried to realize on their property, causing
a break oT 2VS3c from this season's high
point. Weakness abroad and by primary
receipts contributed to the drop, but a
later rally followed and the close wss
steady at e net lew. May closed tl 2i';
July closed tl 12
CORN Hpeeipts. 2.J00 bushels; exports.
23 bushels. Spot market easy; No. 2.
76c. elevator and 7:3V f- b. afloat; No.
2 white, nominal tend No. t yellow. 7Uc. f.
o. h. afloat; Options withtrJt trade. Closed
Vac net lower. Msy closed 7Sc; July
closed 72V: Septemtvr closed 734C
OATS Receipts. 24 4i bushels, exports.
!.7o bushels. Spot market steady; mixed
;Vh2 pounds. 67tifcc; natural white, 2(o'."i
pounds. 57fiji-; clipped white, S4u42
pounds. 6tofcc.
HUi;8-lull; Bogota. 19ec; Central
Amerlcs, c.
LEATHER Steady; S$2c
PROVISIONS Beef, quiel : family. I1F
mess, $10 wrall.O"; beef hama, $.4 'w
i.'i.OO; pac ket, tl4 i"tgl4 60; city extra India
incus. t23.6urarJ4.uo. Cut meats, steady; pickled
bellies, tn.l&.'py.lo; pickled hams. $9 5t91('2fi
Lard, steady: western, S ""uW 90; refined,
quiet; continental, tlO.62; South America,
tlti.6; compound. tT.V Pork, firm; family,
$!8 ttjlli.(s.; short clear, $11 750Ju6o; mess,
TALLOW Quiet; city, itiOO per pkg 1,
tc: country tpkgs. free), 6S4c.
RICE Firm; domestic, lair to extra, 2
tj'Vc; Japan, norrunal.
BUTTJiH-Lower and unsettled; cream
ery, specials. 2idc; official price, 29c;
creamery extras, 2H'af9c; creamery, thirds
to firsts. 2l'rcic; creamery, held to special,
i'ltt'JSK-: process, common to special, 18ii4c;
western factory firsts, 21c; western imita
tion firsts, i'c.
CHEESB Firsts, stste. full cream, spe
cials. I54il6c; stale, small colored or white,
fsncy, iac; state, colored or white, fancy,
large. 16c; state, good prime, 14c; ataie,
winter made, best. 13c; state, winter, good
to prime, 12V(jlSe; state made, common to
fair, 1102c; skims, full to specials, 3S
LOGS Easier; state. Pennsylvania and
nearby fancv, aelectud. white, 2c; state,
fancv, fair to choice, 24'2oc; state, brown
and mixed, fancy. 2SAi 24c ; state, brown
and fair to choice, 22'Va iic ; western firsts,
22V; western seconds, 2-c.
POULTRY Dressed firm; western chick
ens, liaise; fowls. l-(&16c; turkeys, 16&3c.
St. I.oals General Market.
ST. LOUIS. March 1. WHEAT Futures,
lower; cash, firm; track. No. 2 red, caah,
t1 261 30: No. 2 hard. tl.lffl.l; May.
tl.13Wrnl.nW: July. HOIK'S 1.07.
CORN Lower: track. No. 2 cash. tU
64 c; No- - white, MWg7c: May. 4V&itHc;
July. Blc.
OATS Weak: track. No. 2 cash. 64c;
No. 2 white. rfcc; May. 63c; July, 48ic.
RYB Nominal, 78c.
HAY Lower: timothy, tiO. 00(314. 50; prai
rie, firm. $8 5i011.JO.
FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. $6.75
i.oo; extra fancy and straight. $a.lOt2S6.u;
hard winter, clear. t3.7tVS4 26.
SKED Timothy, t3.X3.46.
CORNM E AL $3.20.
BRAN Firm; (sacked east track, $1.25
ntOVISnONS Pork. lower; Jobbing,
$li-:.37. l.rd. higher; prime sieam, t.S7
(69 47. rn-v aaH meals, unchanged; boxed
extra shorts, $0": clear ribs. $9.12: abort
rlesra. $10,117. Bacon, unchanged; boxed
extra shott. $10.25; clear rlba, $1012; ahort
clears. $10.!7.
1-OULTRY Steady; chickens, 15c;
trlrigs. 1c; turkeys, 164j2oc; ducks, Uc;
get se, 7c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery-. fV." .
EXjCJS Lower; lSc. case count.
Recelpta. Shipmenta.
Flour, bbls. . 1.
Wheat, bu -. lono
t'orn. bu t 2W.0O0 i.Oori
Oats, bu 112.000 M.OOO
Pklladelphla Prod ace Market.
Steady extra western creamery, 80c; near
bv prints. 32c.
KGHS Weak and 2c lower: Pennsylvania
and other nearby firsts, free cases. 21c at
mark: current receipts In returnable cases,
3c at mark; western firsts, free caaea 21c
at mark; current receipts, free cases, lt4i
20c st mark. . . ,.
CHEESE c higher: New York full
creams, choice, 16(6 16c; fair to good. H'&
Uible Swnply of Grata.
NEW YORK. March 1 The visible
supply of grain in the United Slates Sat
nrday, February 27. as complied by the Nf
York Produce exenange. was as nio.
Wheat. M.2H.O00 bu.; increase, 1.7M.O0O bu.:
corn ts.2M.niH bu.: decrease. 110,000 bu.; osts.
fOiK.uoO bu.; decrease. SJ6,000 bu. : rye, 674.W
bu ; decreHse, Id. (no bu.; barley, $.S02.0uO
bu : dc-crease. anl.Ooo b-u. The visible
supplv of grain in Canada last Saturday
was a'.eHl.Uxi bushels, a decrease of 72.000 bu.
Minneapolis Grala Market.
Mav. tl.13 : July, $1.14: No. 1 hard, $1.15
til 15; No. 1 northern. II 14: No. 1 north
ern. tll2&112; No. t northern. $l.u&VF
BRAN In bulk. t2S.nuC3.S0.
Kll'R Firm: first patents. $5.5ti4i.7t:
second rHle"'"' IT. 5"rriS SO; first clears, t4.M
4 75; second clecrs. $31iet.26.
Liverpool Grala Market.
L1VERPOOU March 1. WHEAT Spot,
strong: No. I red western winter. Rs fid.
Futures, dull; March. Cs Id; July, 6s Sd;
September. 7s ld
CORN Spot, quiet; new American mixed,
via Galveston. 6s 7d Fuiures, quiet;
March. 7s fd; May. 6s 7d.
Peoria Grain Market.
PEORIA. 111 . March 1 CORN No. I yel
low ft3rrjc4c ; iu. yumw, w-wto:. o. .
34c- N 1. 63c; No. 4. 62&Jc.
OATS Lower; No. J white. 64V: No. I
white, 6364c, No. 4 whit. 63c; standard.
Mllssaakee Grain Market.
ket lower: No. 1 northern. $1 18; No. 2
northern, r 17ST1 17: May, $1.1. V
CORN Lower: May. .c bid.
BARLEY Steady; standard, "; 11m
pie. 64W4c.
Dalatk Grata Market.
DULUTH. Msrch 1. WHEAT May,
$11 bid; July, bid. No. 1 northern
il.16: No. J northern. tl.SlV
OATS-61 e.
Elgla Ratler Market.
EIJ1N. III . March 1.- iXUTTER-Firm
2c, aalea for the week. 436. J lbs.
Cotto Market.
market opened ataady at an advance
of afrit rxilnta on Bcatlered covering by aell
era of lat laat .week. Liverpool waa about
as due early, but after tha local opening
rallied and prices ner worked up lo a
net advance of 4o7 points an eoverUcg and
model at auppurt irom DUliisa sources In
the abaenca of Important offerings. Busi
neaa waa very quiet and the market ruled
a point or two off from the top during
the middle of tha morning under scattered
Spot cotton cloaed quiet at I points
higher; middling upland. t7ur; . middling
gulf. t sTic. Bale, a jucj raiea.
i-niton futures oper.ed Bteadr: March
Sfo; May. 2c: July. tc; August, t S49
tssc; October, t I4C. uacfmofr, t ltc; Jan
Lirr. tlc
Btssdy; tT-1fe
ST. IX)U1S. March 1 COTTON Dull
n.lddllng. ': asles, t balea. recelpta, t.Mt
hales; shipments, paiea; Block, 44.k7
Snots steady; oro.nary. k T-lkc noanl
nal: ordinary. r. nominal, good ordinary.
; ll-lc; miaaung. ic; . g nw middling
j li !: mlodling fair, l"-lw . fair, 10 la-loc
j jtw-eipt. i.lJ bales; Block, 273,4v balea.
lard, prime c'.rrn. l.i titrrcg,
other kinds.
VaJufi Rite Because of Exteniire
CoTering- of Short Contractt. I
Firm Tone K.itend to t.eneral Rail'
road I. lata Metal Rally lader
l.eadernktn ef lalted
tate leel.
NEW TORK. Ma-ch 1. cover
ing of short contracts wjs the accepted
cause for much of the strength In the
stock msrket today. This wss notsbly the
esse In Reading. In which there has tome
to be a continuing simulation based on
assumptions of the forthcoming decision of
the supreme cou't in the coal rads case.
As Monday is decision dsv with that court
the besrs bought heavily of Readjng be
fore the court convened, lo reduce iheir
very extensive short lines In the stock.
The result was a five point rise In Reading, i
bringing it lo wnhin two points of the
level. from which last Tuesdays
lo-pomt downward plunge was made. The
buying of this stock was not accompanied
by any alleged information that the su
preme caurt would decide In favor of the
rsilroads. The speculative covering of
shorts In Reading ceased when the court
had convened and It became known that
no decision in the case would be handed
down todsy.
While the rise In Reading constituted
an Important sympathetic Influence on the
whole lisi, the fhm tone wss extended be
yond the reaction In Reading There was
no Important selling of, stocks at any lime
to serve as an obstacle to raising the
prices, making the buying that much more
effective. An effective factor In sustaining
Hie market was the strength of the copper
group. This was due to the insistent te
por;a In circulation of some large sales of
refined copper for export which had been
effected and assertions thst specifications
now in hand promised early sales of yet
larger amounts for forward delivery. These
saiee. It was also alleged, were being cloaed
at prices above those of recent sales. Cop
per quotations at the metal exenange and
In London were advanced. That the report
regarding the copper tmde developments
wete anonymous, and the rartiea to the
alleged transactions unnamed, threw some
suspicion about the stones, but they proved
efficacious in prompting large buying of
the. stocks concerned in that trade. The
effect beneficial on all the metal
stocks. United States Steel included. Noth
ing waa learned of any definite develop
ments in the steel trade to change the
conditions of price cutting and still lag
gard demand from consumers in that trade.
The rise in United States Steel was en
couraged by the news from Washington
that the senate would take no action on
the Instigation of the circumstances con
nected with the merger of the Tennessee
Coal and Iron company with the United
Statea Steel corporation.
The announcement that the advances in
transcontinental freight rates, which went
Into effect on January 1. were to be re
scinded in part seemed to be viewed with
contentment, although; the prospect of
these advances was a long, effective factor
In lifting prices of atocks. The esrly re
turns of railroad net earnings for January,
of which but a few have been received,
gave satisfactory comparisons. The Har-
rlman Pacifies were sustained by the belief
that their January earnings would be re
ported tomorrow. Foreign Influence was
propltous to the market, the quieting po
litical outlook Joining with the easing
money markets to bring thla about Tn
oue own money market the call loan d
vision was aensibly affected by last week's
heavy cash withdrawals, ny tne mommy
settlement requirements ana preaumaoiy
bv the subscriptions to the Argentine loan.
The $9,730,000 allotment to the United Statea
waa ofered and over-subscribed before
noon. It la now apparent that the placing
of this lon here has affected the large
outgo of gold from New York to Buenos
Ayrea. The strong tone of tha market waa
Impaired before the end or tne aay ny real
izing sales and by subsidence of demand.
Bonds were irregular. 1 oiai sales, par
value. $3. SI 4. United States bonds were,
unchanged on call.
Number of aalea and leading quotations
on stocks were:
gales. Hits. Low. .iae.
Amalgamated Copper 71. S 7v, 4
Amarlcaa Car and Found.. 4.XW 4i '
Preferred HO1 110 l'
American Cotton Oil i 6JS 6: Ml
Amer. Hid and Laath. ptd. n '7' 3.
American I-4 Sarurltica 16.HO : X
American Llnaeed J00 14 l 'S 14
American Locorootlvt tt"u 6 1
Prafarred 1V 1'H U
Amr. and Rfng .
4frrad '"0 I.W YB 1I
AsMrloan Sugar Refining.. HO Vt VI l'-a
American Totiaceo. pfd l.a) 14 HI '
Aavarloan Woolan 1 "
Anaconda kilning Co. 1.4"0 4W n
A.K'hlaoo lO.fO 103i 1S li24
Preferred w l"! '"-'w
Atlantic Coaat Lin ant ITS 11 H1"
Baltimore a Ohio T.ouO ! lo lir.
Brooklyn Rapid Trsnatt .... 1 9 7w 11
Canadian Pacific, x In l.h"0 1S 1
CMiUwl Laatasr 4.K 3 U 2
Praferrad It 104 101
Central of Kaw Jersey VO
Cbeaapsak Ohio WW 4 iS
Cblraao Grt Wtern .... MO
Chicago Nonhweaiern .. -l 1T7 1T4S 1"
Chicago. Mil. A 81. Paul . T.Joo 144 1 141
C. C . C. at. Loula 40 7Ss 7
Colorado Ful and Iron .... ,lll S4 Kij SJS
Colorado Southern 0 tm 4 M
lat pnrfairrad J" 1 Sl W
14 preferred 710 7 TS 7s
Conaolicuted ir 1M4
Corn Producta 1.o iVa n 11"
Ixlawar Hudaon Sou 1TS 17J 1T3W
DantarA Rl Grand t.KW 44 4 43',
Prefrrl Xm S4a 6, Kv,
Dtatlllara' Sactarlil 1 s
Kri Ml 27S ?
tal preferred . 7 4? 41 :
id preferred !' M 33
G?nral Blaitrlc . i 1'' 1" 1
Great Nonbarn pfd 141 ! 14",
Graat Northarn Or, ctfa ... l.' 47 a 9
llllnola Central Sim 142 141 141
lntorboreugh-Macropolitan .. 4 ") i.M !4' 14-
PmfTTd .. .6'0 4! 411 41W
lntarnational Paper 10" 11 11
Preferred 1 61 i!
International Pump 7"0 : $6
low Oantral -
KaiiMta C'liy Boutharn 4 n 41 a ' 41
Prfrrd 7as 71 Tn 10
I,ulvllla A Naahvlll iJm U' t's-fc
Mmnaapolis St. Loula .. 66 64 64
M., St. P. . 8t. 64 1 "00 140 14T. 140
Mlaaourl Pacific t 4" t
MiaaouH. Kanaaa 4 Teiaa . 11 4"S 40
Preferred 1 ' "
National Lead 4 t 74-, 14 '-
New York lentraJ Oin 14 li8 1.'4
S. T . Ontario Wtm.. taw 44 4:.
Norfolk Waatr 1 400 : afi, sit,
Nortk American l4' 1 1 . SO
Northern Pacific. .im 1J lr JT
Pacific Mall M9 "S '2 -
Pennaylraaia T.aa) 1J 1S K
Peopl.a Ou 7 Hi H" ll'-la
Pltteburg. C... C. A St L--.. 1 " "
Praaaad Sceel Car 6K i 64 M
Pullman Palar cr lto
Railway gpring bimI 41
Reading I11.41i0 !S 1!! 1I4-,
R .public Svael 1.110 iv 0 .0
Prefarrad 0 14 74 14
Rock Ula.4 C 61 f : 2
Prfrred . .M '. 41 62
St. L. 4 Sa F. M pfd J'
8r Loula gouihweauim 2" lrt S J
Praferrad 1 61
noaa-brfild Steal Iron l 72 11 T!
BonUiera Psclttc M 6i 11 V1 lt:
Pramrrwd T" 111 V.- 12'
goal hern Railway 14 24 14 S4
Prefarrad 7i0 3 (1 42
Tanneaa Coppr ZT 17
Tuaa Panfle t 12 11 !:
Toiado. at Loul A Wt.. em 4 S
Praferrad "0 67
t nlon Parina. ai dlr Tt Too i:s 174 :71
Prafarrad a dla 1 64 4 3
fnllad aula Rubber a" N V
lat praferrad n 10: lr, 101
I'nicad atat taJ lM.sai 44, 44 4a
Pratarrwd t J10 1.0 Lc,
t vahCoprr lo 41 4" 4;
Vlrgmia-Carollna Camlcal 1 J0 44 44 44
Prafarrad . . 1U'
Wabash . MOO 16 11 17
Preferred 4 1l r. 44 4
WaMlnghous Klaotrw .... l. 71 74 71
Saun Inion sen M
wtMaliag A Lsk Bel .... -
W'tacoaain taniral It. I rc 4 46
Aaierlcaa T AT IW 116 Y1M 1
Total sales for tb day S3. 90 ah res.
New Tark Bflala Stacks.
NEW YORK. March 1. Closing quota
tiona on mining knock were:
Alice Lltti Chi at
. 4
. (4
. 64
Brunawick Con I
Comaock Tun. Stork. B6
l ocracoi a Tua twnd II
Con. Cat and V 16
Horn Sllawr 4
Ladvi:t t 4
Tallow Jarkat
Waatkly Staleoseat f laklie Debt.
WASHrNOTON. March 1 The monthly
statement of tha public debt snows at the
close of business February 27 tha debt lea
rash in tha treasury amounted to tl.Olf.
7k. lets, which Is a dorreaae for the mooth
of to.6fil.7U. Tha debt la recapitulated aa
follows: interest bearing Abt., tslt.XT.IHo;
debt on which Inlareal haa ceased ainca
maturity. tt.SS.ti: debt bearing no inter
est. tiKSfcTal. Total. tl.Ucj.t61.7M. This
amount, however, does not Include 1.S4.
ati&.Suv la cert If leal and traaaaury notes
outstanding which ara offset by an equal
amount of raan in the treasury held for re
demption, Tha caah In tho treasury Is cias-
j'f'.d sk follows: O.'ld res-rc. tl' v'
tr.nt frnds t:.S49'. giner. fond 1177
6 4.'i. In national tMt.k cl-posits. tT..."JS.
25: In the tresiirv. Philippine 1.n'!.
1.472 Total. tl.72.1."24 Against which
there are demBtid liabilities outstanding
amounting to tl.4R1A"a.ji j, which leevrs s
cash balance on hand of l-"?! 23.S12. The
toial receipts for the month w -re t4A)71.
709 and the expc ndituiTB :,3 219.;4.
fn York Money Market.
NEW YORK. March 1. MONEY On call
easy at 2r; per c-nt ; rui'ng rate. 2 per
rent: closing bid. 2 per cent, offered at
2 per cent Tlm lean, easier; sixty
days. ?'. per cent: ninety davs, 2ff"3
per cent: six morths. 3 per cent
per cent.
actual business :n bankers hills at tl ST.4"i
4 V5o0 for sixty-day Mils and st M 'Ton for
demand: commercial bills. $4 S.''n4 .
SILVER Bar. 5"Sc; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, steady; rallrosd.
Closing quotations bonds were as fol
io s:
I". S ret 2. res
do coupon
t' S. aa. reg
do eoupos
f S 4a. rg
10t lnler-m-t 4M . . f
l'in!nter Mrr. Mr. 4-. 7t
1'4Jrn 4i
101 ta 4W SS
do 4-t 21 aenen .. 2
ll K. C Sou-h 1st J . TS
do c-oupn
Alhs-Chalaient 1st 6. Shorn deb. 4 (l?!l o
Ainer. Arl. lit ... HI-. V un 44 . 1"
Amer T t T tr 4a M at . K T. lac 4 .
Am-rl-an Tob. 4.... "f do 1st and ret. 4 . 7
do Is TV do gn. 4i ..S3
Atrblrin gen 4a.
do C. U 1st 44
do ct 4a
do rv 6a
101 Vlwourl Psririr 4i . .
fiN V Central f 3a. )
10.1 do deb 4 s
V174.N. T. cut 4v,a nwl.lrt
1st 4. IKHV T..N.H a H. c-v. a 14
4 ...,17 '? or. W 1st c.
t c. 4
. Si k North Paeifir 4a 1"-"S
Ailantlr c. L.
Ball, at Ohio
do Sa
B O S W.
Broohira Tran. eT.
. ft 0 SB C"
.inshore, ghort L. rfds 4a 4
Canada South 1
Om. of oorgia fia. . novPsim. r. ta ili6i..
OmraJ Leather tm ... n oon. 4a tl4
. R. R. . N. J a Ss.l? Beading sen. 4a ... US'
Tha ft Ohio 4. ...l!ts "- U A 8. F. fg. 4a K04.
Oil. A Alton ... 7Hit L.. W t.
C . B Q. Joint 44.. SkS is' "I1 4
c. M. B P t 3V, !V,Fea. Air U 4a.
C . R. I. a P. col. 4a 7S""'k Pat-lflr rol
do enl. 6 do lat ref 4a
So rfr 4a a Southern B. aa
'-r"C A St. tj, s 4a . FH4 sen. 4s
Colorado Ind. 6a 7t t nlon Parlho 4a
Colorado Mid. 4 ... M do r. 4a
C. 1 I n. I III 44i M'. do :at and
ref. a
Ila. Hld. tr. 4a lr. S Rubber ....
no lat ret 4a Ji-8 t. 8. Si eel 2d 5s...
rienTer R. G. 4.. T Vlr -Car. ( hem &e .
Plstlllers 6 It Wahaah 1 fia
Erie prior lien 41 00 ln( and ext. 4i.
do gen. 4s 741 W eal4rn Md 4a
'do c-r. 4a aer. A. . TS west, unactnc rr. ha
do ct. 4a aer. I .... i, WUmnaan Lent. 4.. 44
0n. Eleotrlc ct. I lti. a t. O m .. tc,
1. C 1st rr 4a lUOitC. O. rdg. rga. a..l'C!
Kid. "Offered.
Local oewrtttea.
Quotations furnished by Samuel Burns,
lr., 614 New Tork Life building, Omaha:
Bid. Aaked.
Aim. Neb , Light ba
Beaxrloe Creamery, oooa
Culumtnta Fire Inaursnce stock
Oodr Canal Aaaoc.atlon I par sent
City ot Omaha bonda 4Ha 1M
Garmaa-American Coffee
lndapandanl Tal. la 1MJ (60 pfd bonual
Kanau City Br. and tight as 111
Kansas Cltr Rr. and Light pfd
habniaka Tslephon stock
Omaha Gaa ia 1S:7
Omaha Else., tig tit and Power ta 1(U...
Omaha Elec. Light and Power pfd
Omaha A Co. Hlufta St. Br. 6a 11 1
Omaha A Co. Bluffi SI. Ry. Ba l2
Omaha Co. Blufa Bt. R. pfd
Omaha a Co. Bluffa Br. and Bndg pfd
Omaha Water Co. 6a lalf
Oraaha Water Co. 6a lfr4
Omaha Watar Co. 1st pfd
Omaha Watar Oct t& pfd
Omaha Board of Trade Bldg. Co. pfd
Omaha Board of Trad Bid. com
South Omaha National bank slock
Swift A Co
State lnauranca company
tmarlcaa Coal aa ta
Sheridan Coal pfd
Sheridan Coal from
Skrox City Stock Yards pfd
Sioux City Block Yard com
81 !
176 1"e
107 106
16 ....
60 IJ
T (l
S3 S4
7 M
100 1"1
n 3
l 101
64 6
S3 64
M 101
64 M
, II 90
6 T
8 100
St. 40
301 1
116 M
l 100
16 100
. - . i)
II n
16 16
16 so
..M SI
so u
a p7
Tii-Stata La&d Co. pfd (00 com bonuar
Vnlon mock Yards O. stork, el-dlr ..
tnlon Construction Co., Kansas City...
Wriatt-Wllhalmy Oo. pfd
BoBtoa Stocks aad Bond.
BOSTON. March 1. Money, call loana. 2(3'
$ per cent; time loans. 3J4 per cent.
Official quotatloiis on stocks and bonds:
AU-hiaon adj. 4 M Atlantic
.. 15
.. 24
.. 10
.. 76
.. 14
.. 4
.. W
.. l
.. 6
.. 64
.. 0
.. 17
.. 61
.. 16
.. IS
.. 14
.. 66
.. 11
.. 12
. . 41
.. lo
.. .)
. 4
.. 6
.. 71
Atchlaon la 100 Butt Coalition ..
Atrblaoe lcainmet a Art ..
do praferrad !"! mlumel a Heels
Boston Albcur M Centennial
'Boaton Maine 1:(6 C'uptter Rang ....
Fltrhhurg pfd. at -dlv.tfl DtlT West
N. T., N. H. a H....laS WraakHn
4'nion Pftcldc
Am. Arga. niaai.
d prafcrrf 4 ....
Am. Pneu. Tub .
Am. Sugar
do preferred .....
Am. Tel. A Tt..
Am. Woolen
do preferred
rtomlnion I. a- S...
Edlaon Electric 111.
General Clectrlc ...
at Aia. Ktactrls
ataaa. Oaa
tnltad Fruit
I n I lad Shoe Mach.
do preferred ....
V. S. Steal
.U0frne Canan ...
. . 66 lac Rnrale
. . Maa. Mining
..126 Mohawk
,.U7Mowt. Coal Cok.
. .13Heda
. . S701d Dominion
. . 4orola
. . 11 Parrot
..2cl (j-ulDCy ex. dlr .
..166 Stianuon
.. llTaaarack ...........
.. 4Tnltr
..ia7t'nJtad Copper ...
.. 64V..S. Mining
19 V. 8. Oil
11" Vtotorl
40 Woleertne
71 ' North Butt
S3 -
do prefarrad
AdTentura ...
Ariauna oom.
I.sados tiock Market.
LONDON, March L American securities
were quiet and steady during the firat hour
today. Amalgamated Copper advanced
and Chicago. Milwaukee A St. Paul de
clined V Otherwise prices were about un
changed from Saturday New Yorw clos
ing. ijondon cloalng stocks:
Conaola. money 4 M , K. T 40
do ancount 64 1-1IN. y. Oantral LI4
Anaconda Kcrfolk A W 16
Atchion 1646 do pfd 66
do pfd VH Ontario A W 4i
Ba 111 mora A otto 10V Pennarlcanla ........41
Canadian Pauifle lilRand Mine 7
Cheaap A 0 67 Reading S
Ohli-ar" O. W" 6 aoutnarn Ry 14
Chi.. Mil. A 6t. P. ..147 do pfd 64
tr Baera U lout barn Pacific 110
Pcnrar A Rio 0 441'nloa Pacific im
do ptd 41 do pfd 64
Erie 1V. g. Steal 44
do lat pld 4 do pfd 11!
do Id pfd S3Wahaab 17
Grand Trunk 16 oa pfd 4A
Ililnoia Central 144 fpanasO 4a 6'
Loularlll N lla Anal. Cx.pper 71
Ex -dividend.
SILVER-Bar. siesdy at 23d per ounce.
MONET 2S2 per cent
The rste of discount in the open msrket
for short and tbree months' bills is 24'2
per cent
Bank of Genua ay statement.
BERLIN. March 1. The weekly statement
of the Imperial Bank of Germany shows
the following changes: Cash In hand, rie-crt-ased
7o.7.0im ; loana. Increased 35.8(10
(0ln: discounts, increased 54.264.o0isn ; treas
ury bills, tin reused 12.eV1.000in ; notes in cir
culation, increased S5.7K.fWm; deposits. In
creased Dt.6ij.0im; gold In hand, dec reased
4h. 301.0U(m.
Tresvaary statement.
WASHINGTON. Mar-h 1 Today's stale
ment of the tressury balances In the gen
eral fund exclusive of the gold
reserve, shows: Available caah balance ,
8Ml.3h3.MS: gold com and bullion, t3ri.SH4.SSl ;
gold teriifk atea. t47.tW,90.
Baak Clearings.
OMAHA, Msrob 1 Rank clearings for to
day were t2.St71. 634.59. and for the corre
sponding date laat year t243S.8n!n.
Eraworated Apples aaa Dried Frnlta.
I APPLES Msrket ia quiet; price between
I high and nominal In the absence of busi-
ness: fancy are quoted at Sec; choice.
I 7fa7c; prime. Siji;C; common to fair, bfi
IiRJED FRUITS Local aupplles of old
crop primes are cleaning up and the tone
or the market is steadier: new crop Cali
fornia fruit ranging up tn 40-frOa is quoted
at iKWc: Oregons rsnanng from twins
to awuc Bt i&r. Apricots are quiet with
choic-e quoted st 94i!c; extra choice. i
4jloc; fancy, 104jl3c. Peaches sr firm-r
on the cuaSl, especially an higher grades,
locally choice are quoted at 51i-; egtra
choice. 6Vtj7rC: fancy. 7l-rgic. Raisins are
easy, with loose Muscatel quoted at 4fr5c;
choice lo fancy ac-eded, 4fuic: seed less.
H4t.c; London layers. 1.2f.p4. 50.
Weal Market.
ST. LOllS. March 1 WOOl.FIrm:
medium grades, combing? and clothing 19ri
3k ; light fine. !Mj2tw; heavy, lcajrUic.
tub wsahed. 246 Sir.
LONImjN. March 1. WOOI,-The listing
of wool for the second aeries of auction
salea closed today with the following
amounts: New South Wales. 72.34' bales;
Queenland. at S"l bales: Victoria. Mil bales;
South Australia. 21438 bales; West Aus
tralia. 11 73S balea; Tasmania. I.W. bales:
New Zealand. 12s.tlt bales: Cape of Good
Hop and Natal. 47.4K7 bales: total. 422.241
Kales. Of the above arrivals 177.000 bales
of Australiastan and tataa) Cape of Gnw!
Hop and Natal wer forwarded d ract to
apuiners. leaclng the available for the
sale (including held over from the
firat atr lea 1 1M.741 balea.
Quick Action for Tour Money You get
that by using Tbe Be advtortialnjj columns.
Cattle of All Kindt About Sttady with '
Lstt Week.
l.araeal Rh of kerp and l.atwb Tkla I
tear. milk rrlcea Tea to I
Tent-f lie 4 rata
Lorn er.
SOUTH OMAHA. Msrch 1. I!
Receipts w.-re: Catf.e Megs Sheep
E-silmatrd Monday ..
Same day last week ...
Same day 2 weeks ago
Same day 3 wevka ago
Same day 4 weeks sgo dar laat
3 A"
t 41
2 Aid
& 74
t To4
The to, lowing table shows tha receipts 01
cattle, hogs and aneep at South Omaba for
tha year to data, compared with laat yr:
1". 19r Inc. Ic.
Cattle 1 .".1 iSi 17.f.47 1.iio
Hogs 440.57 6K 8 12.t"&
Sheep 2t'.9.i0 SS.SKs
The following tsble sluws the averse
price of hogs at Sooth Oma! f"t " al
evtral das, with comparisons:
fate. I isa-pp. iiapsj . j I9u7 . 1 190 1 1 I W . 1 1 w .
Feb. 11..
Feb. 19..
Feh. L0..
Feb. 21..
Feb. tl-..
Feb. vj..
Feb. :'4 ....
ft. 26...
Feb. X..
Uet. 27..
Feb. -A..
Msrch 1
I 0:i 4 in;
I t tl 1 4 15,
f 7S1
t S3
I 02
a I 4 171 I X! 7
6 98
t 1
a eo-, 4 101
6 -
6 K
C 04
4 w
4 74
4 ,
4 74:
4 77;
4 Ml
4 Wi
t 2S
t W
I " 4 If.
, t . 2 t7
I nasi 1
I t 11! 4 02
at in
t K!
I 6 l
l l t M
b 3C , W
i f i, i n
o 3f 6 Hh
B lilt C 165
I t 24 1 4 li;
I S 13 4 121
I C 4 H'l
6 7ti.
b 7
t (tf.;
t 05
! 4ai
t OK'
Sunday. a4UU
The unnlal number" or t-ars of -.slock
brought in today by each road was as fol
lows: Cattle Hobs. Sheen. H r's.
c-.. m. a- si. r
Union Paiific
C. N. V., east...
C. & N. V.. west ....
C. St. p.. M & O..
C. H. & vi., cast....
C. B. & (j . west ...
C., It 1. & p., esst..
C . R. 1. & p.. west.
Illinois Central
Chicago G. YV
Total receipts
t 2
21 20 46
12 2
45 27 10 2
17 5 11
2 .. 2 I
,60 2t 14 1 I
2 :: -i
1 1
.152 Kl S6 6
The disposition of the dsy's receipts was
aa follows, esch buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated: r
Hogs. Shee p
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Compan,.y.
Cudahy Packing t-...
Armour Co
Cudahy, 6t. Paul ,
Vansant & Co
Carey ft Benton
Lobman A Rothchild.
W. I. Stephen
Hill A Son
F. P. Lew is
Huston d Co
J. B. Root & Co
J. H. Bulla
McCreary & Carey
Sam Werthmer
H. F. Hamilton
M. Hagerty A Co
V. fi. lnghram
Sullivan Rros
Lehmer Pros
Fred Lewis
Lee Kithtsling
Other buyers
4"! 514 2.276
1.542 J.21S
KXrt 2.012 4 Wl
tVo 1.241 2.4T?
3!4 ....
. . . . 245 ....
Totals 8 9 s.333 16.SS3
CATTLE There was a moderat run of
cattle here today, 14o cara being reported
In. Among the offerings were a few pretty
decent killers, but there was also a con
siderable showing of trash. The market as
a whole did not show so very much
With only a few desirable beef cattle in
sight ami with the buying demand fair,
the market as a whole was In a good
healthy condition. As a rule, both buyers
and sellers were quoting prices about the
same aa those which prevailed on Friday
of last week. The most of the cattle sold
in fair season and the market was without
any especially new or Interesting features.
Cows and heifers were also generally
about steady with Friday, but there were
quite a good many Inferior kinds included
among the receipts, stuff that had been
shipped In on account of muddy yards and
thai was not in very marketable condition.
Such stuff did not aeil any too well, but
still it went about as well as it would have
done last Friday.
There waa nothing new or very interest
ing in the stocker and feeder trade. Tha
receipta were quite moderat, but tha coun
try demand was not very good and specu
lators were none too eager for cattle, so
that last week's low prices were not im
proved upon any today.
Quotations on cstile: Good to chairs
cornfed steers. tf rVKj43.26: fair to good corn-
fed steers, t:.254Jb.60; common to fair corn
fed steers. lHrg 26; good to choir cows
and heifers, t4iMi6 26; fair to good cows
and heifera, t3.2fi434.J6; common to fair cows
and heifers. K(Me.0; stock heifers. t7b
4.00; vesl rslves. tt 00477.25; bulls, stags
etc., t2.7&c64.00; good to choke stockero and
feeders, t4.2fueO0; fair to good stackers
and feeders. tZ 6fS4 .2R; common lo fair
stockers nnd feeders. tS UKS 6o.
Representative sales:
Ns At. Pr. Kb. At. Pt.
II 117 i 14 7 H1 6 40
1 63 6 10 Jf. isi'D 4 M)
I 2 6 10 So irk 6 66
M 6 10 17 IMS 6S
1 1067 6 10 II 121 so
fo i:m 6 is it ii i si
11 1014 6 26 7S 1170 6 Mi
tl 1740 6 26 41 14..6 6 60
II 107,1 6 li If ll'Sa I cm
1071 6 lo 17 im 1U
14 6SI ili
16 MM 1 16 t 1.64 4 It
l: rn I 16 10 110 1 u
10 UK 1 60 7 liaii 4 16
Ill' I S 1 116YI 4 4A
6 104 1 10 C 4 4 40
11 Ml I SO 1 tu7 4 611
11 SKI 1 m 17 li7 4 M
11 104 4 00 pi 1CIT0 4 6n
II rft 4 00 40 li 4 70
16 tit 40 1 an 4 le
6 Ml 4 1-1 ( U71 4 76
X Si2 4
I MO I T6 . 14 S! 4 og
1 6-2 1 75 1 761 4 40
1 . . . I VI ! 76 1 ! 7.WI -4 10
1 :2iw 1 o 1 ,t 10 4 tt
1 110 I 46 1 IU0 4 u,
1 1440 S ST. 1 ...11O0 4 16
1 10 4 00 1 14,,ci 4 fri
1 12M 4 16 1 no I in
1 4!0 4 00 6 114 I CM
1 I!0 4 00 4 10J 4 25
1 -'J 4 60 1 InO 4 60
1 t0 4 76 1 n, 4 u
1 160 6 tl 1 lit., 7 o
1 110 6 60 1 an 1 no
1 S10 4 00 1M 16)
1 Bl 4 0 14 4k 4 M
16 6M 4 o0 6 7M 4
7 7 4 1 M 4
4 I 4 tS 2 AN 4 16
11 1" 4 4 6 177 4 6
0 8:4 4 40
HOGS Receipt of hogs this morn'ng
were very liberal for a Mondav, ninetv
cars being reported in. as against fortv
elght cara one wwk ago and llurty-fir
! tars two weeks ago. Advices from other
selling points were unfavorable, large re
ceipts and lowur prices being tbe general
luie. Hogs at thla print sold very un
evenly, sales ranging anywhere from
alearty on some of the boat shipping hogs
10 loc lowi-r or. the general run of packers.
The trade was fairly active and prc-tty
much everything in sight chsnged hands
before 11 o'cl.K-k In the morning. The qual
ity of the he gs, according to buters' re
porta, wss net as good aa on most days
last wrek. there being a scarcity, of good
heavy lugs Taken aa a whole It waa not
a bad market aid owing to the quality of
the receipts, there waa really not as much
decline as the sales might show on paper.
Hcpreeeniative saies
Ka. At. 6b. P. N. At Sh Pr.
17 Ill ... 6 4i 4" t!t 4" I 10
1JM 16 .166 SO 121 140 I 10
176 40 6 7 16 41 40 4 1
40 14 ... 6 VI an in at 4 ia
II IM . 6 66 74 bat an 4 it
It 1M 44 6 Bl 71 U4 4 4 10
41 171 . . 6 kj 71 IM . . 4 10
76 171 lit) I M 41 -Ui 14 4 10
S6 161 ... 6 Ml 46 tng 10 4 11
BO 1T ... 6 SO 47 144 k 4 111
a 4 ... 1 40 47....... 141 .. 4 1
au ae -. W IM au t li
tl 14 13 SO 16 144 . . 11
ku ... a 7 t.1 4 16
74 IM ... I Si 41 140 44 4 1.1
B6 1KU 6 66 74 M4 COg g ,4
SI Ml ! 4 40 BV Ma ... 4 j
M an ... Scat M t4 4 ,
TS til 1 M M4 ' 4 1
n CI ... 4 On 71 sat) BJ 1 I
M 167 . . 4 00 74 l.l 14S 4 li
to 16 MS 4 on rr tu 40 1 i
77 166 44 4 Tl Bj 4 1
k 11 ... to T6 Bf.1 . 4 u
14 IM I 4. B1 4 g 11
41 U US 4 Clt 77 grt jae 4
-, JS ... I k.w U 7 su t tt
Is Your Money
wr-U invested or Is It ling HI If in seine r'.ai-c pt-rli 3 not
(together too safe? If pocdod. goon. h net opcu a 1 hoc k
1ti account with nt? If not nci d-d for jumiio timo. why
not rut It 10 work
Earning Money
Our Hrc OrliHcatc if IrcMil ro aw ab.solutely
safe form of investruent, lat ked by $1 ::,(tHM"' of aspHg.
FirstNationalBankof Omaha
Thirteenth and
Those tJfft boxes in our Safety Dapoalt
Tauita are being taken up rapidly.
64 OH . . tt 6S 274 10 4
its us 7 w
66 214 im 1 :4i . . :
Tl 2.6 . 14 :cs t 10
47 271 iciil t i 72 in 1K jo
71., joi ... 1 05 i :
71 ao g 07 711 172 40 6
7 so ii 07 7rt i7r- liv 6 l.:.
67 !42 . . 4 07 : li. . . f !4
!10 40 t H7-j a ft 4' a-
64 .SIT 7 SO 271 ... 6 T7',
b7 J3 ... t 10 70 74 ... 4 I"
T r.v ia) g 10 7 : ... 6J0 ,
SS BT . . 10 44 SMI 60 ( 10
7 1:1 un Cln 2 1.12 1 6 M
M ...... S-4 . 6 10 7o 4 ! 6 30
3 lit 40 I li
SHEKI' Receipts of slitcp tl inornii
were the larccst of the year to d.iie. li.
fact, t lie largest of any rit.y since tlie mid
dle of last November. Among the arrivals
were perhaps a disen tars ot wethers unci
jesrlinga, nnd aside from that the reieip'.s
consisted almost entirely of lambs and
ewes. The quality of the tecelpt on an
average was very fair; that is, there whs
a good showing of fnlr to good killers, hut
at the same time there was a considerable
i-linnkliiig of stuff not overly desirable by
reason of a lack of flesh c r too many bui re.
or both.
The market opened with buyers picking
up the most desirable of the offerings ul
prices around Italic lower, with even some
of the first sales as much as 20c lowei.
As the more urgent ortleis were filled buv
ers were able to be a little more partii u
lar. with the result that later the sales did
not show up as well, msking the generul
market Vm&c lower than last week's close.
In addition to the demand for packing
house purposes, there wa also consider
able Inquiry on the part of buyers for
shipping account. As a tnr.tter of. course
thty wanted such stuff as would do t.
shear and feed out. The demand Irom
thtB source helped very materially In ef
fecting a clearance and tended to keep tin
market In a good healthy condition.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good t.
choice lambs. t7.0fr&7 40; fslr to good lambs
tfi. 50.00; feeding lambs. M il.tjio 7b; good t.
choice light yearlings, tl 4f"Jj.H'; good to
choice heavy p'gs, til (Kif6.4o; feeding year
lings, tfi (10476.76; g"0d to ehoic-e w ethers,
tfi AXh6.0; fair to good wethers, t4 7Bttt ';
feeding wetliers, t40O74.75; good to choice
pwea. t4.oU6.0l; fair to good ewes, 14. Mj
4.60; feedings ewes, t3.brKij4.riO; culls and
bucks, tl.tiOttv2.7p.
Representative sales:
646 western lambs
17 wealern wethers, feeders
178 Mexican yearlings
6H9 Mexican yearlings
20 western eweg
2bt western lambs
Mexican ewes
610 western, ewes
10 western ewes, culls........
4o7 western awes
4n8 western ewes
'M weatern ewes
60 western lambs, feedera...
ISt lamb, feeder
Itri western vwea, culls
140 western ewea
214 western ewes
12k western wethers
3n6 western yearlings
a4 western yearlings
. M
. 104
. 75
. 75
. HI
. 73
. kS
. W
. 7K
. S3 .
. lit
. W
- sx
. U2
. M
. H
. PS
. lew
, !Si
. 101
. Ri
. 411
... 60
... r
... 60
ti Wi
6 20
t 7S
4 fin
7 (
4 76
t 76
4 86
4 60
6 00
tl 2T.
6 26
2 60
3 75
4 HO
6 2i
6 tl
6 16
7 On
7 01
4 73
1 western lambs
Pt western lambs
70 western lambs
13 waetern lambs, culls
406 western . lambs, culls
481 western iambs, culls
Cattle Steady
Hogs. k.h,eep and Lambs
CHICAGO, March 1. CA1TLE Receipts.
3.0110 head; market steady; steers, tr. i"v
7.00; cows. t36oa6.50; heifers. 13. ItVrr!. :
bulls, tS4oi6.25: calves, Ki.aiJ4ro.50; stockers
and feeders, to.26&6.86.
HOGS Receipts, estlmsted at 6O.O0O head;
market steadv lo 6c lower; c holes heavy
shipping, tt.45fo6.50; butcher weights, Ktoca
6.5o- light mixed. Sf..S41.38: choice llgiit.
to jitje.'; lac kliig. t ST.((i6 40; pigs, to.2o'c4
6.00: hulk of sales, t W 45.
SHEET AND LAMBS Receipts, esti
mated at 26,Oi head; market lo;16c lower;
sheep. t4.5iJ5.&0; lambs, 6.50j7.SO; year
lings, t5.uir(j7.15.
St. I.onts Live Stock Market.
ST. 1OCI8. Msrch 1. CATTLE Re
ceipts. . bead. Including 2.2.10 Texans;
maiket steadv to 10c lower: native ahip
plng and exiori steers. 15.(617. On : dressed
beef and butcher steers. t4.tAyiT6.20: steers
under 1.000 It., t3.ksiia.70; stockers and
feeders. t35o6 25; o.wi and heif. rs. f!.2f.-
6 15: canners. tl 6"rr2 40; bulls.;
calves. t6.5tAtr.0; Texas and Indian steers,
t.6'fi4 60; cows and heifers, t2.75Sia.O0.
HOGS Receipts. lO.srir, head: market 10c
lower; pigs and lights. t4 50rci3o; packers.
tA.15ft.4o; butchers and best heavy, f 3i
SHEEP AND I.AMRS-Receipts. X.2
head: market, loc lower: native muttons.
t3.75ey6.60; lamrw. tut?7.i: culls and
bucks. 13.5(i&o.2b;. stockers. t3.26S4 00,
Kanaaa City l ive Stork Market.
ceipts. l4.rAI head, including 1.701! southerns:
market aleady to li- lower; c hoice export
and drced bcf steers, ti 7.Vde.50. fsir In
licud. t4 rH,ru6.7i: wi stern steers. $4.7.VriTi.2ii;
htockers mid feeders. t2 76'n;.30; southern
ale. ru. t4 .ik4:.j: so'.ithern cows. t2 7643 4 io ;
nstue cows, fcl.oOiio Oti; native lielfers. tJ w
Kjt', 50; bulls. t2.iKi4.iiCi; calves. t4.oor(i7 .lo.
HOGS Receipts. 14. duo head; market of
to loc lower; top. tr.ii5; bulk of sales. I'i.lna
f. IlO; heavy, t 16ili Hi: pac kera aim butchers,
tb Kirit; 30: light. t5 7irab2ri: pig. t4 e.Vai 75.
SHEEP AND LAMRS Receipts. 10'Mi
heed: market for sheep, lOtflSc higher, tor
lsmhs, loc lower; lambs, tT.mieii 7.40:
tedrlmgs. 15 ii 7 ': wethers, to '60:1. !5
ernes, tl 1&$5 35; sloe kers and feeders, t.1 -V 'it
4 otl.
t. Jooetk Lle Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH. March 1 CATTi.E- Re
ceipt. 2.700 hesd: market, slow; steady to
10c lower; steers. t4.7ffci 25: rows and heif
ers. 12 &"ra6.yi; calves. 12 T5r 00.
HOGS Receipt a. 7,iJ0 head; prnspecls, 10c
lower: probable lop, 16.35; bulk of salts.
tci.(t' 2f-
hesd: msrket active; steady to l'ic lower;
larahs, tD.5eyT7.iO.
kloaa City Lira ttock Market.
SIOUX CITY. la.. March L iSpt t lal Tc 1
egram I CATTLE Rcoeipia. i.o bead:
market lower: beeves. t4 50fi 00. fat e s
and heifers. t-l.5rVeiC.ile; veals. M 0urfj4i bo; feed
ers, tt 0ma6.Ui; yearlings. t3 0"a4 25.
HOGS Recelpis. 4.iwu head, market ic
lower; ran go of prices. iDrj-ii. bulk of
sales. t5 i'Uti 15-
ilark la sight.
Receipts of lite slock at tbe six principal
western markets yesterday:
I attle. Hosa Shee p
South Omaha , . .' . .;' l.4)si
Soiux City 2 6ei 4.5i
Si. Joavph 2. Tun 7i Hi ow'
Kansas City 14 ltmO l i.-i
Ft. IjuIs 64t 1ii4 j..iai
Chicago 2t fM BO ejo 25,'Jiu
Tout! 61.H 102.700 474m
taaTre Market.
ket for coffee rulures otx-nrd ptearry al un
rtiangnc prices to a decline, of 6 points,
everylnirg but the near months leng eame-r
in sympathy wilh lower foreign carries.
There waa ronaiderable -t evenng by aprifi:
n.onlh ahortg. part of which w-t med i'i
come from foreign house, but near month
buyers wrsa tn some cases selling the I a 1 -posltlona
and tna market closed steady
net unchanged 10 lo points lower. rjai-
war rapoiiect vt ITJiroo bags, Iiiilodiiig
Farnam Sts.
.Mmiii st f. i:(i7rkir: Mv st fi A-; July si
tt.lo: Pepieiiilwr al (innii v, artni t.krt"lH-r
ml 1 Hum ii'lier fit 0 ""c -. Sitot. firm: N". 7
llio. 6c. No. 4 Santos. Vc. nitld, sleadx ;
Cordova. -,,'!il3c.
OMAlit cR.ttr.nAL. MARKET.
Staple aaa Fancy Prod are friers Far.
staked kg Bayers and W holesalera.
BUTTER Creamery. .No. 1 delivered to
tlie retail trade In 1 lb. cmtone. tic; No. 1
in t'-lt' ticbs. "I'V-c; No. 2 In 1-ib cartons,
jhc; In 90-lh. tub!'. 27-e; pac king attxk. 10. ;
fanc y clalr . tuOK, 1i2lc; cointnon toll,
'.iwsn made, 2oc. Market changes every
EGGS Fresh selling stork, candled. 2Jf
21c. No storsge stoc k in Omslia msrket
CHEr-SE 1 mesi Wiac-oiiain full el ram.
twins, l&c; young Amerkaa. In hoop, lnc;
laorile. t in hoop, lc; daisies, 20 rt hoop.
lic; cream britk. full case. 15c; . block
Swiss. l-c; full-cieam limburger, leu.
Beef Cuts liiDS, fa. t. tc , itu. i.j, ;
No. t. c. Loin. No. 1, ltc; No. 2. 14c; No.
i, 11c. Cnutk, Np. 1, 7c, No. I. c; No.
3, 5c. Round, No. 1, lic; No. 2, 8c; Nu.
t, 7c. I'lale. No. 1. 6c; No. 2. 6-c; No.
t. be.
POULTR Y-Alive, springs, lie; hens, 10c;
cocks, 6c, duck". l"o; gueee,' c; tut
Keys. ISt; pigeons, per dos.r guinea
towls. pit dox., t2i0. sauatiB, per doi., U
liressed. hens, lie; springs, 12i(U2Vsc; cocks.
S'-; ducks, lie; geese, lie; turkeys, tic.
FISH Whlteflah, frozen, loo; herring.
3c; salmon, loc; pike, c; Pickerel, 6fc7c;
trout, 10c; catfish, lufclic; hulibut. tv; red
snapper. 12c; black bass. 26c; crapples, 64s
c; perch, be ; codfislt 13c: smells, scj eels,
l.V; lohslers, green, 37c; bulled. 40c; frogs'
legs. 45c.
FRESH FRVITS Applts. Nw Totk
Buldwins, 14; fancy Ben Iiavtx. to; Missoui.
fippins. t2.26; ldulio Roam Beauiioe, fi;
extra fancy Ben Liuvis. per box, tl . ba
nanas, i-bui eti lola. 3e per lb. Oranges,
.' ojSb3.C5. Lemons. ti.5"ijl.tKi. Grape fruit,
14. G 1 Malagas, tT.uo per keg. - Florida
pineapples, per crl, 63.
VEGETABLES Kansas sweet pot stoea. ,
S2.7i per bbl. California celery, large. 7oe;.
.Tialler. Of. New York Holland seed cab
'jHgd. 2c per lb. Wlscouaih Red Globa
onions, lc per lb. California cauliflower.
li per crate. Tomatoes, Florida, 6-baskel
crate,; Cuba, 6-basket crate, tZ. Let
tuce, per dox., 40c. Old vegetables par
snips, turnips, carrots-12.25 per bbi. Florida
new beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips, etc.,
per dor... 76c.
6TRAWBKRRIES 40o per qt
HII'ES No. 1 green. c; No. 1 cured, inc.
Metal . Market. , .
NEW YORK. March i -The London tin
market was about 2s txl higleer today, with
sliot quoted at l and futures at 131 '.
The local market was- quiet, but a Tltlle
higher In sympathy t t.66(ij'2fi.i40. Ttiere
was a very sharp advance In the Jxmdon
t'ipiier market, spcn se lling at 67 7s (id
and fuiures at S6i 2s 6d. Locally the mar
ket was stady and somewhat react Ions rv
as to prices, witn l.slfe qirotefl at tl2 7T,-ir
13.00; tlee-trolyiic. J12..t7i) 12.2 and cast
ing at tl2.2.VT7i2.5o. The advance abroad
probably was a factor beyond which It Is
reported that very large sales hsve been
made recently for forward shipment and
tine 1 heavy additional business is probable
during tine ne xt few days. Lead wag un
changed at 13 lis ,",d in London. Tha
local market was dull and unchanged at
ta 2'ii'i.il7. Speller wag unchanged in both
market also, closing al 1,21 l'.a tkl In Inn
don and at t4.7od-i4.T5 iocaljy. Iron was a
little firmer al 47s for Cleveland watranis
In Limdcin. The local market was nominally
unchanged. No. l foundry northern, tlt.5o
il7.25; No. 2, $lti.cilii.?&; No. 1 guutbern.
No. 1 soul hern soft tl6. 754117.25
ST. IXiriS. March 1 METALS- Lead.
Weak, ti.76. SpoJIer. dull? t4.i.
Boy Believed to Be Keith Oalrytaplr,
for Whom Reward of fl,SA(
Is Offered.
NEW ORLEANS, La.. March 1 -KcitU
Edwin Dalrymple, a 15-year-old ytiuth. for
leose detention a reward of ti'.5(X) w as of
fered and for whom detectives ail ovr
the country have been searching for seven
months, is beluied to have been fourd at
SUdell, La.
Paid to be heir to. a big . lorttine, left
lilm In trust by hia fatlier jung Liahi m
plc ran away from his home In Slluam
Springs, Ark., IhsI June. lr. C. M. I'almcr
cf Charles City, la.., who Is his guardian
tnd executor of the.rstati Into whim
Lalrymple will come upon auauilng bio
majority, has been notilid .of the lad a
While the boy denied tie was t'alryrepl,
the pie lure of the missing boy Is ai ex
cellent likeness (if lu!. . . Ho finally ad
mitted Winn pressed by the officers that
l.e had cr'ii e fr- in Siloani springs. Ark.
Wooiira tlonars Tleina Coaatrnrled for
Kefuttees I Oder Saprrtlaioo of
American Natal Attarke. .
MES5LVA. ilanh l.-The .w ork ' of con
strucung wooden houses Willi material
sent out fiom the I'nlled Btateg nr pur-chu-scd
with AliH'iican money to. shelter
the earthrtuak-! survivors is progressing
favorably under tlie direction of Lieulenam
Commander Reginald R. IXikimp. the
American natal attache aa ikrlin and
Rome. A large portables house already la
In use as a storeroom and headquarters
The lack of cans and heiiao haa made the
ti-ansporiatlun . of . lumber from, the dock
lo the point of rec Hon lioth slow and ex
pensive; 1! cuius ti.GOo to orllcer enough
lumber to b'.ild 5no liauaes. It haa hen
d'-cided t" ouiit l.'l Ik. like at Mrswlna.
10.1 at Reggio at:d leaj at the settlement
called Regiua Fit na, tba village ilrree mile)
from here tains; roriMrucled under thg par
s.iiial dlrcctlcn of Queen Helena.
Forage Plan I Expert .Talk. .
PIERRE. S ;.. March J.-igpcia:.)-I'rof.
N. K. Hansen, cif the Siaia Agri
cultural college of L'r-eeokiuga. wiiu lias Just
t turned from a trip of about a year in
Irc-ria, northern Cniiui i.d Turkestan,
as an agent of ti.r general government 10
llnd f 01 age plants, which prut htider con
ditions simllHr ' l those whHii exist in
tlie 1101 tl, western Timtions of this f'untty.
haa been in l!ii. city several daya. coming
directly here from Wellington on lis f'-
lurn to this country He 'cie,lrvec.ed tu
leiefcting lecture to a laig" aiuiicnre at
halt i f the hoiiue of ri4,j .nenl Jtic ry. 1
exp-ri iie-cs and l.t hr fuieriff bile
llur trilj. ."' - -."
Rif ger.
en isuig
Meitei. Hua4'iTiit g whst sd
m Tbe . duaa- tar jour
I n S