Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1909, Page 5, Image 5

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    f ! ij;upimwi 1.1, 111 '"ill 11 11 1111,, tr :mmiiKf- " - III
IIIIITY je&rs cf tmintrrtiptH yt:??. the endorsement of the friend of h-jinaEitT, and the applaud of mora
than three huidred and fiftv thousand rraduat'.s. i the record of the Keeley cure for liquor and drag addic
tions. In 15?0. -when Ikctor Kee'ey declared that drunkenness -was a disease and that he had diswTered a
jemedr for it, the declaration a received much a? the news of Gallileo's discoverv that the earth va round.
or Harvev's discovery of the circulation of the Wood. Ah use and ridicule -were heaped upon the told scientist. Ever
so rreat a philosopher as Bacon did not Wlieve in Wood circulation. But truth is ever triumphant, and time and
investigation have confirmed all that Doctor Keeley claimed for his twin discoveries disease and the remedy.
"What mx-tor Keeley said then, and what the pioneer Institute at Iwight, I1L and its many branches throughout
the United States and elsewhere, say today is. namely, that if the drink habit be continued lonr enousrk, the victim
lecome5 a drunkard. This indicates a diseased condition wherein the nerve cells have tecoine so accustomed to per
forming tieir functions under the influence of alcohol that they are dejendent upon it, and will do longer perform
those functions properly and painlessly except when under alcoholic influence. This condition proves that a craving
exists. The craving proves a diseased condition of the nerve cells. As the f'hysician diagnoses a couch as the
symptom of diseased condition, the Keeley physician diagnoses the liquor desire as a symptom cf diseased nerve
cells. The general practitioner aims to remove the cause; when this is done the symptoms disappear. The Keeley
treatment restores the nerve cells to a normal condition, and the craving for drink disappears.
he Keeley Institute build-
with interior views
of, the spacious club
room, and one of the elegant sleeping rooms. The
present home of the institute has been fitted up espe
cially for Keelev institute purposes, bv Mr. Burns, af
ter years of observation and experience as to what is desirable in such
an establishment It contains elegant sleeping rooms, perfectly heat
ed and lighted by the most modern appliances: numerous bath and
toilet rooms, with an abundant supplv of hot water, etc, supplying as
it does all the comforts and privacy of one's home. There are commodious
club rooms and offices. The dining room is very artistic and convenient.
jThe building is perfectly sanitary in the strictest sense, extreme care hav
ing been exercised in this most essential particular. All patients are cared
?for in this perfectly appointed buildi ng.
von tt m simAio iioti
Np n but tli d-unVrd ktr it r;mj Off''1 ino h it
FjLrrd t-.v iHt'iouc rrattmij t.r.t( i: 't.rkr-.rg" i.r'Ki lb inoil vtvid
1.1 ro:)ty. Hr tiflibpr h -j nor rnJth. nrit.rr irc :ti .d imr
cJTn -m iUicwt Thi cravir If : o-i- or in Kffirv c-i.r
rrrrot In foor ki nfc-J-cpuirt-J if rrvit& tf iu jipt-r i nrritn
nra Dd th mu la wra trk lb orid e.I-rtrf prcu&li, iiormfci.
MMiMt !TT-r.n
Aiocholir tre:nrr f tb t-rti;r(J nn. lurn ft t irucfcaril, ud
th pui.' j.t.icJ lixJirH r of Uit t.rfl tfr;nkr -e jo rrrucvd
lii th)r I'.nt m urci. mortu rourr' il-KtirOri)C thT rim cct
l-rrv ma.T:frid tur nrn, nd a mird rarrf- vl lutwjit titi ua
A lfc cdc tumirfi ffclisrnpn tfcu: "Whu a inii ; a
iof and k.Dt uiai tit m a foci u rn r? it a dm roan; t ui t.f n tr it a
lool and cntr t knr n, tt.rn .r.tid r. l a fwi "
ian- arc fopj tbrtnaelx e it r-pk-d to , liut th- do nf't d-
ifl' ir.eir frurnaa. 7t, '-cfcn-tafcr-:t-n--irt-ii-aiPTir" nian ft a-pr.g
t.niy n t.tit jii'li'. y fur a tiinf . viirr.. In tfi f-c fn jr(s h "ikJ;
it' and do nut "it it fcj rou-. lit iivi "J tan c;u;i " ;t tf
hitti eidom t ic for tr qultt-inc t.tnr H Undi that t t.a eft
FLknt oeplr lcr aJponcu. that tf cur crk cannot ! don without t m
klactr and thut ktitna'ar.t ip MK-Wkkry tt hi fien ini-df-rat cmifort
t ravinf rrrr t j bat It ffo m-on. tti lien if; a t abnormally, ana
fail to trform Uielr natural ldi Uur.i t.r..efir rupplit-d with t)r:ihol.
It i wiLii tt.ffc care itat ttrr k-i? cur tac rnrt n -rtt ur
ci; Tl Kiy rtatittu on tV d n j'mnt. i.rifrrs and i.imu of t f
crick dioeea on certain trx.i''-arri-r.i ar nnuirt ajid i:'um:net ;tij
Ir.r.kit.f men ar rlBM.fi4 a "cotiftart dritik'" idotaJf.." 'crirnic
kirorio it." and "d jmoinkM t a " T ti K-y Inrtltut do not trt
tru d pnomnma. Ttrr 1 t'f cur fc.r n no lur a to curt is cn-
irrd, a 1t l not c.lalm(3 that it will crr liiaar.ify
Tba 'constart orinkr' cu:tiuniir ".n otht-r. Out iiowvr
b rnav Man to outwit aitrohtu ti i rhui.ta on tf ttnif r?id and f.nd
Uj isam f'.rifri a tb cttirr iftitr. H i tb "moorrait drinktr" t tbe
hff-tr.nltg ; trjn. r tfce oiww diioj. mo- wr.ikj i ronsurned and a
toifranc for ilciuor is naWi:id utu-l many tirr,-5 tb uua) amount i
ruird to rroduc tbt tafr cf tai.i.aration oeF.rd. lik tb drue hab'l.
t-ti wbikv of ar consLantl v incrkfd until tb dla i thoroughly
etab!mid! Ttiourb 1b conftant cirinkr" flrlrk dai:r. It 1 not r,--aarii
to tb point of irtoitt-at ion ; hovr. a lar- ;ror,tBf aio m
du F fxowislvr'y at intrvaj. birb Iwitic Hiortrr and bortr
rtatitKv bo- that a lurf majority of patient ron d at K ':y
Inst tui bk a bittry of midrat to X(km dnnk'r.f xndlt. oi
a jno) of from f. to tn ar jrrviou to tbir arr al Exception
notd btr tb modrat u of Houor a ront:cud for twnty yrar
.r mo' Tb K.;t dikfropi of alcohol, uri 1 that it i an arQu:ra di--a
and not brd tary Tb fri proof of tf.t 1 tb AikMtrou -t
t.f I'cuor upon lb wt ct ant nor kn not t u Ji ! t'e n
in far-i'i w b- tov fa.! iiciimt to tb hab't and tt rirl do noi An
nr'iati commission "of at ini;t w rr- rccnty ln et f atrd tr, ut i L.
arwd that crunkr.n ti rmi bra:ta--. but a an a: cjuird difafa.
Katura' ctiarartritut ar traiifcmiBBit It. tut not a'.:Qu:ro fcaPit or char-
CteTVr i a 6tirr tbat ht v-n to drunkard rd H t mou'.dd
into the kind of a drunkard b i y c r: umtunc ant! troipfrimftit lti
Tridocal" durat fcttr.i!f. on TnirM y. in that f.Mon of or.nktn.
insr f-om urirt urt'ffiv to xr-i inou-senc and baric aptin.
Tb .ntnt" ha pard tr.roupb frbman. opb.rr.ore and junior
ri" j;-'OTc"i:.: of ?rT
r V. . l - .r,i . th. 1ia..- but one tat.l.f.hd
ri" ha. lTflV-t Tb farmr T1rt.m. -.kd,rS th lmpl ilf.
i w. 1 rir Ti --f -OTTiMI
coTnM a crurkaro rfu i.r ' '
wiak.v ill) not thl iri tb diwa It ha Pn proved that many
w.ik w-Tii mt T., ,,,m, null a mai-t: th a.oohol crid a
prrr onnnrrp . fc .... ,.. ir ortcd"d and r. r-
In th
("lv Cf Tnx!ra'.
Tb raon b b-
tb ar-ny of Imperial CVrrmiTi? . lru it a di o'd trit lb br
dritikirf troop fouia not nana tb, fai'fu of marcbir.: a i; a
oKmxorr man.
Tb f:rt "rtrrpirr ion" from "M dd f" 1 tb otln!-i p pro-
Ty:i rouir a Can orriiim tf or tr r Yirt'm 10 horn
JtQuor ha hr. a Toity for yw ar a-nn liquor tn uch suaruti
a may rtjuird tc prtifnt uf?rm and until h a?- cm t pria.0 1
without !t ana tbr 't 1 nbdran curr pt:y Tt i I iriariat-lv a -cxmxhbfl
?n a fw da hut nn oft" to pauni condition tu'.ii?
H tbr i no naua a th ol(i i to rrmo tt e-railnf or rc
kit;, ajid not to rai a C f ut fo Iiquot
If upon arrlial tb patirnt i rnabi to rt f" him.ft'f S i pi" -tndr
in f I'pfri isipti of an attndnnt L.arh i; ir.t t nvi a t'o:ouaT
xan inatton to dtrm:n tb conaitioti of hi inrtal and phyf e:
n ordr thut tb troa trrr'. may t aaaptd to r .. rouirmr.t rhn,
roprd bc :r. tb patTit' i.roa-rn tri m d to day i kM T' 1VM
d"mlr rm(?j- i admlrrirfd four t'ro da:.y. At tb taiTtf t'rr-r w
patirt'a pul 1 tanr:npd. anci. :f rqu!rd aux.:;ary md"in ar pv
I Tb i Tio enraint on paiifni. th may o atout a thrv pa..'y o-port.r.f aril rfui-n a ra-ard t b fatmn tnl.
h'rf inf-iiS upon 7 by ar rt,Jir-d to attno on )-.tur a w-k Tor
j irttur ar f:v-n is tb inrat'.y room :n th lat-oraioij and tb'"- nbwi r
i to aF;t jatir.; in tbcir ftori toard a htir 1f 7' ptmor.n! f
I tb Tt)nt 1 a rurpr, to tb iuom of bumanny. T. u car ap-J
toi.pii mrt i not thr. No drunka'd or dloror l iiM. Chr
fuin 1 a farur of tb ccr Amonp tb Kly rrafln' a n
lo" coriE"TOn, hu'nr m. n. nifrbant iahorin mn. and pfc ician
f th iat ramd r.iwtn tt ouaand h' tkn th cur
Wh!1? tboufsarc tipon triounr. of 1t im(nial ha h-n rMfi y
tb curd. Uj Kiy Inl!tui tak murh prr in th lttTtval a"1
iTidortmrt of promlnrt mn. bo. Tiot rdui'Mb t re Htm t tbml
hai- obrvd ll ondrful ffct. Th lat .toi-oph N.di 1 publihr r?
the CiicaFn Trihun arr a thorouth tt. rot
"1 I;t Irrtor Ky f: of tt. w ort drinktr and opium oaii 1
rouifl f nd Afir a month tty r rt tark urd Tr poison had bi
xplid from tb;r tm Thy lookd at if a miiaci tad t-n pr
forrrd upon tbm "
"Th Kly trtmrt for aifoboltsm b won fr iia f man.i wa'ot
f-ind that 1 could rfrajn from f!v!rn it th rrdit tt ha ramd.
J r iv it to n a moat fii.ini rmtfy a-alnt tb dtroinc apprtii
for uror.r dr;nk " Kv. J M i.-lary. Prra OTA V Amrfc
1 am morourh in kyrrpatfcy with tb Kly Cur' Vr. rarkhurt,
Nm Tork.
"1 any in rot jutct ion and unirn w-ith th mothrr who h' .rrn
hld. 'Grd hl and rropr tb Kiv Oojfl Trtronf alra Lonora
M L.ak. Third Vic-ITidr.t C. T. A.. V.
Exotn aoos
A h hn tatd. th Ki-y wo-k waa tahhtd in anil pon.
Ount'y it ! in it t nt )' nlb ypar. Jonc oou-h to ruin ino ' n
mot kpur.a. of tb irrtinnt hnfa di''d from tb Kly trc'
mrt A humH can b condurtd for a cn.ajn n-th of tim upon ad-i-timr
ajon hut rult nil tf bon to in ir cont'ntd propr tj-.
a.nd irtijnty i obnrn iHK vr br in tb Kiy workv
Th K1T Cur or Rmfi ar not r " r o ud r h-akfca by
arv Par.ltarium or indivtauai outide th Onkkt Kawiay tjavtttvta. Tn
ot.iv Zaatltcta IB touxa
Th Kmcu ar ohta.tnd from th LtKrtory of th L14 E K!y
Con par.y
Tb only cur rnflprwod ry th Tnltd pLat tommr.t
To tb rmwUc: Tn Xvatey rnjrutvta. eomtr of Bta asd Caaa vtravta.
Omaha. Babraaka. im taa emir pia la tk atat vtaar th rnuM Kak7
mmadiaa maiA TTa.CBst la ftwen.
F.rnfl TU I.i:aT.TX XKnXT OO.. Irwir-V VX.
Cwru J. Jndt, Saoratarr.
blky onnaer ' "."" "i-. .1 4t tb bart 1
;It;nfl fl luiIe? flimini-brd. Br ha bn put undr th ban m
Wtlte for Free Booklet "Fact About the Keeley Cure" to the Keeley
Institute. Omaha. Nebraska Corner Twenty-filth and tass streets
: . -
. 1 I I , 'T i;r. of Catki. ktld Hie (unci i jmn it -i nr. ...... ...
At the Theaters
B. to Mi y Maav.
Wafrai la Rtrarl! ra far
Htaa 1aa 1 w r
Eitith Ward CouncilTLa.B Smoother
Thin Ei Cortejtporinc. !v..rn- .. or,r.w.
1 5orp rr:m-ot' r rcap;K aranc in Omtl-.a
wili mtkt aonif ib to turr tai k th c .tick.
05LT JS BIS SLCT10S ; for tirrr ociLi not a T.btly wtth many a
; wrtf. I m if J1-.m. form;it emonp hark-
tao ro. n hi fiTt apptaranoe tn
we lhirtj-r-If ytar apo. and h ha bn
roir.ii.; fvry yar a:no Tbim who know
bdm wM and thnw who rni thi ww-k
; for th frt tim wil! a!way wt-ioom Uim
back Tlx r ar four mn auj port-
i iif him. who .n( and danc or.iv k-M wU
V.h. tt oom. rmoothn. aj ; tKlir Vm.. pnm hJIlRf.,r
ciaa Dr. J C Ir. memtwr from th . (r, a t,.( nw.n(lcu.)v ward, haa ail th ctt,r ten.ocr.tlr rYoinlTrf.nt mlhf mnmr rultten of ,
ntr ,Ucllim lax a city bt b
n.wt.bPT of tt prnt drncK:ratic c.ty u
cound baa tr-m one to thr ;o.mor. J
for th party'a nomtnattrm. U B Jdtmann. ' ' ' m '
th. Fourth ward, . ba. on ' k " Wuakere. demure, hut
tpn 1 aj aJ aa ....... . - - - f
thr-. Havtr. but opponent In , s ; ' aorr.r ha. a Uucb.r.f aor.g w tuch i ,
partv. Johr.aon l looked u)m a brine ...... -.... u.tni in
nandicaled. for if a man cannot ,o it Uv"r .a Piri Chiton
alone H 1 firtrrwJ better to have a ln !0, miJ" novelty." "Th
or four-cornered fiht. Iumn.jr a Holiday." The praceful danrtnr
Dr. Da1 wa to lhl politT and ! of bnJ- leatur of tne aJ t. EJmund
furM t if" aaint a lone rem- 1 Day'a sketch. - A !.! on Chanr." faintly
tttor. H tbirefar lidu-ed a friend to ' remind on of the b f M in -Th
fll' in an anplkaUuB for fiutx ai a tand,- i Henrietta." revered for memory of Brot.- ! k
at Jor the ot.iincil frtira the E at'th and ' n Howard and S-.uart R.bon. Km-!
the doctor lirid thi In hi pt ket H ! Van Peit, futanne 6is-l and Jay T'cndie
campad tn the city tier a office urtil tne j ton piay the thn part
fcour of clnui: the u.try !'.t st I r'ilt j There are other acts, cli merit' nou
Saturday afternoon and huid the friend r jlda Rueael and Grai'e Cliurct m a churar- I
aimV-.tlo to rut in at tb iart Trinu'. In ; ur ban- turn ainfirp ttid dancinr
tt r- l trniii nof renin -.nor o ". ui K.iii urtt ana toard v oh. a pitiorr.!n.
it ni.rt'.y be mat h l:k the at-lLty
to tak an old. irr;ple play and irt'r it
the interest arid atu-aclivt nena that ir.akt
one w iio ei the first art more than
aiiiiT.p to nil throufh til! Hie last.
Hit pen.faJ lace and lauch. hi Yankee
d.i.le:-t ttid accfnt and the enchantment
he p ve to Inc.) Nat part diFPtirulFb
hin. ttt an fcctor of eminent capacity and
k::i. Not tn a lor.f Liu haj on of hi
later t rT"''et3 th Krup Fths. K i well
puppi-'rted. too. the comjiar y a atlect
apFTHcation that j.leaw to a certainty.
I'ro!hy Herne taFuroe : he part of Helen
Perry, the oauphter of tbt pi-rich-quick
brother of Vncie Nat. with charminc g.r
irhnra and alxo doc cred,tati!y with her
more af-ric-u 4inea
Amt-Tif the nien of the 'jpjKirt.r com
piLby Cia udt Gouraud. J I. W aJah and
P Hl'-k carry characier aiudle and
de pic t thf tn saUF.'actorilr, hiic Koliand
Waliac bandit the role of Helen' )oer
-ucc.esful'.y. Morton i fo- d at Ann
Berry. I nci Nat irter-:n-:w fhicf
amnr.c l!i attractions cf th production.
from one point of vifw
that tiJ. Irt. Tb'
them are amali that they are decidedly
Jaxuary ud FctmaTT Ontitrip All
CorTponwln Konlhi.
are four children
are clever and two of
Mtrrk Oaae4 with Tea l.trvaaea ta
Bail4 aa ladlrwtlaaa ralat ta
Toar at Rrawrkikl
jaalre Mere4ita at the r.
Paul ljeceiner Ford wrote ta. novel from
, t.icli the I'iay cf the abtn nam i mao
and .:. tuo'i iT.n.uns c;.tiitei : mr
vri!uticn. t!ie oacer:t on 1 rent on in
Cl.i'ifc'-ma tiSt. Out of it, warp ani
woof of pau-.otir ;!rit Ford and Edaard
r.osc tofnter ,nf a d-an.a esfenually of
the Bi-ca!ied romantic order. There 1 of
j I'iiurw, a, a n'w rU.u .
coated villains Tbr i inevl-.ahly a
how un, ttiereby tnaktrif it a tt.roe
"orrMTd frt hi a aid. w itu th c.n
pfluent prtibat"""!?) tnat be. wnn . ia x
pertace oji In rounciL would pull out tie
eominauon. lut no one filed araiitet i.:m
and the atx-tor ..! up toe filing blank of
tb catapaw fnrtiS tti doctor had "YiblKd
up'" to pull hi cheicrui out of the f:-e.
Vow Prrtudtrt Johh'in of the council .
wondermr h w a not rncre far-
f-bted and rua:d-d (n!i,r: the Ion com
puior wfcc 1 in. tfce fietU with an egut!
cfcanc will ).! te
. "fw- Herat.
y- atrnwrer io-et an.ated.
-"IVrat tkrM qjw: iHformanc
MuT" ) Mi. n.1ci f a hinoer
Ljook at tViaf Tmi a.!-.ioT taurht 'ml
N'V be a ratii ' W hat ta tt. a same
ir a man' hist 1tww t:.t: ... he
d'wSpei turn WSere are t n i ln-e'
Tb nlv Mrfua4 tn al.are in l
iiaiWot a.e n.aiS natrtotir larcely on hi i
iki ana acrooai. re?cr;ve y. ttt itte thrf- ! . ... ,v ,,-,. ,, -iib .
Vaf.r. trick bHycMrtF. A r; truk ! ferfve ac-er. tb hero 1 thru Ft into im- !
I.jar af.ft lx-f. and Webb. imtnert peri: of hi life and th maid not !
' j only aavea him. bu: pet hi tmportant da- j
jiaf.-fie to Vai-t;:nr-.on. waiting acroa the
lielaaa-e. turhuitr.l wiih -ave and frind
iris lc ct tea. Histciry flwi not knew or Jack Fowne or the;r nmmet.lou
part but for trie prjosea of the play that
natter not
TLii- ronantic drama, aometimea a bit
hare trre at the Krai.
"'rhute Acre" at the Kri deerr ed
n. uib lir-ter pitronafe than tuey received
yterday. ;,st Sunday' audience- lacked
in r.un;ber thej made up for :n tne a ay
they appreciated lh work of the player.
;li T.rorluciipn betri well r:ved and
tr.o-ourr'v r..o.ew It aeeined der.dedlr I t01' ta..k . but rneral;y cor.vlncu . w a
re:u! end refneahint aftej- the i.naricu F" r'
fant and tt'ir.g mueicai r meiy
that tiwveded it. Atid w-hateeer miv be
icurij ry in aevevai memnt-ra ti Hit com-
jat; l ev-enly jood
uh dend-d jcijt at th F.ura .tod
1 eJunoay. The vottULf of Erititner and
' hit .a-i ap;x a:, for one itur.g. and the
aaid a to the MMeituamf qmUltte of
trtmrnir pr)icTjuna it rnia..-n 1'tr the
rural iictme pay. ikb a "Shore Ac-Tea"
-.a w-.fT l m i.iace in the etimat;o of a
prirr'' i
rr e
Id "That lt env
.at.ful heaoei a
r-oincll art trvin te.rt car enouri
, lw to -- !ma fMi wau-r.." Cii
lanfl rialr .Dewier.
of tbeae nt a -
the Tt,a or an
. . . i lxi-d t io
.n hle Boyd i aram i ...
ce Nat i auffH-lent
Mr. Grrm. a Fcn,
t ha a part of tut sort be i beet adapted
jto. tBd aim Leon i far betit-r cast ttikti j
I a Fa nr.y LeGraDd. Of the ethers, tit I
ixi-d Cioaes of Mr. Todd, t tie really I
th play, and tne Lejt-ar.t
Mrafcrj- of Georae Fox. a new crmer at
conimendamm. atl
The months of January and February
of this year were lb brut mid-winter
n rxth in the buiieinr line Omaha ha
kperteneed alnce trie establishment of the
office of bulid.nd Inapertcir. This 1 the
official statement made by C. H. Wthnell.
bead of the or,artment-
Dunng trie two months this yesr permits
were iarued for bui filnr to cost u-fc.20.
w hile a urine the same to months last
year th permits amounted to XiTTTJ. Tlie
Cain was Jli.(t. rr t per cent. Ftbruary.
permits were for tiulldlnats to cost
fC.u. and February. permit were for
t.-j idu.C' to coat SlI.4iC. Thi ram w as
T.afi. or a per cent teventy-nine permit
er issued durln February. 1; alxty-e-ht
during February, 1-. and forty-nine
during February, l-7
The month of March atarts off w-tth ten
permits for new structures to post H.Mi.
Half of this amount will be expended in
i one bui;d:nx a brick ator aad boiel t-ulld-j
lhf to be rc-td by tit E. D. Mercer rom
j par.y at Tenth and Howard arreeta. This
will be a three-t:r-y bulldinc. Tn feat.
i ana will coat S2T.
Five of the ten permits taken out the
fjwt cay of tit mactb it for bur.yaiow
to be erected rr I. V. Bholes h Co In
I "Buhfalow City." This is in tb vicinity
i of Military avenue end Parker street, in
; one of the Crelf blon addition to the city.
I Taelve bur.ealowa have already Ueec in
j course of construction in this pictureaqu
' addition. Thro of rhe new fjrmit call
I for buncaioas to coat CW each and tb
; other two will cost CSOO each,
j Permits for frame iwe!lJi at Ci and tTi
Central boulevard wera take eul by O.
Moeher. eath of the two daeUinss to cos:
E. H. Sprtu will erect a dwtlhn' at
Fortv f .Mb and Frar.kiin streets at the ex-
fur a dwelling to be erected by F.uo Car
roll at Srn Epraru street at the row, of I5i.
Bath aa.ahed wad Cwr TCea Are
BrwlaeaU hat Paarafri Ea-c-aste
A street car smah-up at Thirteenth and i
Locust streets, on the line to I
Rach and tat Omaha, wrecked two car
and !irhtly injured several passenpers and
members of th two car crews between T
and o'clock Monday morning. The fog
caused the collision.
A westbound car wa on the switch in
tersection of Lie main line s.ngl track and
s sioe track for car to wa:t on. wtten th
other car. tarrying eigit or ten pacnge-s
to wark in Eat Omaha, struck n and lore
Windows and tbe body of tbt othr car
were also badly damaged Hansen and Conductor Mc
Carthy of one of the cars were slightly
hurt. Hsrsen forehead being cut and on
cf McCarthy's bands being bruised and
The passenger escaped witn a hatd
jostling and a few cuts from flying glass
and bruises from being thrown from their
seats. They were taken care of at the
E-ake-Bradish pharmacy. S.xteenth and
Ijoi ust street, by Dr. Kennedy, the street
car company's physician.
before retiring Tor outward rppllcation
I a dusting pcader composed of equal parts
; of icwdered olewt of life and snlmitrate
! of buamuth is exoe'Jent Vse your face
I scrubbing brush on your noat. It may
i make it red for a few oars, but it w ill
belp in the cure.
Chicago to Follow
Omaha on Wool
Tariff Contest
And nxry orr r-i"- en3
dAircss.- Ailmccts from
vhich nasi n-.trs sufTcr,
ca.i bf avoided by csinj
Motber'BFrie&d. This rem
edy is s Gd-rad to exrect
noihcrs, csrrycig intra
through the crlticsl crizsl vith Sifcry. No a orrcn vho v$t
lablber's Frisnd fear the sufcring incident tD bin.:; hr it robs
the ordtiJ of its crcad tni insures Safety to Lfc cf xnoifctr 3d d2i.
rtM-enentat ie AmericJir audience
ml - -Tt rnre fact that An
toe T,r -cuc-emeB. .,...i ... iy t ,b, .he.,-,. e-.
1 t 1 ..... . -. .. . , i. kn.f t I M f .w 1
e ! 1 ; ' " ' .' . . ' . Il keaiae the Phli-mac Herxlon e-f Mr.
i w .n w-h'-m Archie Boyd is a irtn.nger. W c , . .
j j B.Li-ka.l. who n:ake much, but not to
. , nu' t of that hobbledehoy. Meesrc. Clls-
j bee ana Bacon ar Sauirf Mered.m and
I roenruon. reapectivrry. c piayitig aith
J th facility witii whirn b enacts otd men.
1 anci Ijuoh inayn.a t tie c btra'-ier mare and
himself k-ss than sum'-times Mrs Bacon
iias a fea- anus:rig luj at puke. a
"p aeriant. M at I'cmnin s ro this
atek la ud: a tbar.Lfu: one. but joes
eH a the severe M-. Vered.-.b. and Mias
S.ea-ns Is eare-tihU I. i. i'n.'i. i. -r .u. i .
J Iiiaker Mr t Kcusr.aa colonel u
j a tetter pan than be La Lad f jt aom
wkJ. ad he make much of it
tryr me. cum tuso jVl ii UHL-flil
- nlUi t. a.. uraaiMs tu a aaas
tfgm Vy wnt m
iiT-mtli BJLfIATQB r
i a
Palat Rtaeier.
TuJT"-niu ai!i laae out the pairt. Ben.
tine 1 as sure a reiwirt and less uniHaaa
anl tn our aViak the i i n :e n and as
tba pairt aortens a-r-ca n .f grt.r
Tif it las Cia.j.aa'-ed wash ta g.-wa
in ttia umiaJ wa)
tea V il Ads Arc Eoostera.
Baby Laugh
It belongs to health for a baby to
cat and sleep, to laugh and
grow fat.
But fat comes first; don't ask
a scrawny baby to langh;
why, even his smile is piiful!
Fat comes first.
The way to he fat is the wiy to
be healthy.
Scott's Emulsion
is the rroper food, but orJy a
tittle at fxrsL
Jut Haw Ubi aria ma Klaa
Tak Per Nui a
Beef Froni s.x to eipht pounds on and
one-half hours, or twelve minute to the
Mutton-Ten minutes to th p und ra-e.
fifteen wf 6nr.
Larr.b A llttit W-i according to age end
six of roasv
VasJ Twenty minutes to th pound
Pork Half ati hour to th pound.
Turky Cf eight or ten pounds weight,
not less than three hour.
Goose Cf sewn or e.ght pounds, ij
bo ura.
Chicken FVom an hour to an hour and a
Tame Iuck One hour
Gam Iuck From thirty to forty m-.n-Utes
Partridge, Grouse. Etc Hii hour.
Pigeon-Kaif hour.
Bmall Birds Twenty minutes.
Tkrsk Blaiaar wf Dtakrs wca..
that ikat Mf Take riae-e.
There s on much-negiecred detail in th
general routine of kitchen work ao few
housckeepe's ever take tt into considers
tlon at a!! the rinsing of dishes They
make th demand of their servants that '
diRties be rinsed, and they even provide j
the second la-ge dishpan or waiter for
the very purpose. Perchance they extract
a promise from th lately hired domestic.
or tbe:r confidence in a tried and true on
bridges tt difficulty.
But hat ciu happened to see this done
this rinsing in soma well-regulated bouae
hold The exfa pan is used or the waiter
pieii bom may be ra led into aer-ic but
:o what purpose a hen every dish as it is
sashed i turned rig hi side down to drain,
an old. old-fashioned custom, a tich seems
10 have firmly fastened itself upon tb
averag household assistant?
Ioes the rinsing not take place eventu
ally? Oh ir.yl ye; the scalding water is
religiously poured over the dishes, cleans
ing the under side of them all and :cheai
ir.g them aa lLai they are jte'fectly -.ay u
IKtlish. Tb conscience of th promisor is
easy as well, but It remains for tht house
keeper to suggest the upturning of her
VTindy City Proba.bly Will Comt in
Line on This, u on Ware-house.
An Active Baleamaa A Be Want Ad,
Llara kr.
v- ne r.3m arc will srv a linen
'shoaer this e-enirg st her home for Mies
Cirolyn Kracht. who will be one cf th
1 tride of tt week. Green and wr. te w 11
I be used, fern and carru.ti.-n earring o-t
the colar arhert e for the tab . Suprr wi l
1 1 aened trie latter part of the eenlr.g.
i Tii rue--. who will te present
I Misses Caro jn Krait.t
! Katherrne Connol. riioeb B: -bun, Ann
I F.edfitld. Fi:renc oilt Kit v:
j ardsem. Grace Ptaiei.. Brook Carl. Miul
I jrne!l. Kracht, Jtar.le Vremmr,
' 6adi Berger. Tneresa Litey. Rutti Smith.
I Eim Johr.aion. Jul.a Ecmunds. Irene
Vanoy. Mrs Msj Prestor. M-a. Eveiym
HaL and Mr. P. James Hauner and the
Lx ra giplehorw..
Aa BraiwewteA.
An official of the superior court of Cooa
count. Illinois, whirr, ha ju isdicnrro in
the matter of the ruauralttanon of for
eigner, tells th fo'.ioaing:
In Ctctober last a maji tamed August
Huisnerger took out his first papers. As
he wa about la ie.ave the court room, lie
was observed to scn very cicwely ttie' of
ficial envejope in wnitn had leen enclosed
trie document that was to :n hi
net ui al nation.
"in a Jew dys August turned up again.
P-een t ii.g hiroaeif to the rlerk of tht
court, he besiowed upon that d.gni'.ar? a
broad Teutonic smue. sayn.g:
" 'ell. here 3 vos '
" Pleaaed o you. I m a-r ' aaid the
ciera. attn (-L: sarcasm "Wouid you
mind aaaing who you are and why you are
- August eeroed su-prised H txhih
ited his official envelope. It says Re
turn tn five aaya." be erpiaanaa,
here I vos'." Harper s Wota-'y.
Crucaga may follow Omaha tci.-i '( t
a-indy bailwick on Lack Michigai. I. at- a
way of following Omaha wbn tht ti.y
starts arythtng for the wool growers.
lctter received ry tne .iorrim-rc-ial tin
j of Omaha from wool men Kfr thtt
( appreciation of the stand Omaha has taken
l against the revision of the tarf or. wool.
and Secretary George S. "W alter of Ohe
j eiine cl th NatioruU Wool Grower' a
: sociatictn aays he has written to Chicago
to see !f Ctiinago w?ill riol follow Omaha
j k-ad
j Chicago follciwed Omaha in atartmg of a
: wool warehouse. and after Cttnilit
; businens men had caused tr wool market
! to go up. making as even S2.W;.W for
the wool growers of the acst, according
te President Fred Gooding, the Chictga
Associsricin of Commerce boldly asserts
j that Chicago starved the w arehouse mpve-
j BfLL
i That Chicago ha overlooked BiimetUtng
' and given Omaha an opportunity again to
! go tc the front for the wool growers, ia
I sboan in th following extract from a
letter written to the Commercial tlub by
the Nstionai Wool Growers' assncjation
We with to thank you for tba apiendid
work you are di4tg in aid of our e.poosl
ticia tci any reduction in tbe f on wool
and hioea. Your resolutions have been
printed in every newspaper in th wesiem
oountrj- and surely will make commercial
c.lutts if other cties sit up and take n i
tice. 1 am in ccrre:oTideiu aiLh to
Chic ago Association of Commerce ta hopes
that that organisation 'U. tln asaiat.
Quirk Aruon for Tour Money Tou get
tnat hy using Tbe Bee advertising call, ran a.
Wkiavt alwrw tian flat.
(me of ttie latest nature atuoents rauorla
a canary bird which would sir.g at hi rio
cing. and a dog which would aim dale drain
when asked wbe-tber h would rather di
or l a democrat. W might add that
Aunt fiailie atkins had a cat which wouid
very diettnrtly yowl wt.ea it tail was
p.nehed. and Deacon Zieke Pristtie
a sorrel borae which would change from a
walk to a trot when he hit it three timea
aitt a biu beach gad. And yet anme fola
und talk about -nature fakers !" New Tork
fcaad tUm al nUiiaiat, tiawkif aattt
cms a ta m imhil aad
wmI wwm4 ymm s
I fctaaas Aua a tbs atari- - s
&OUTT A BCrWM, aOt faad Ssmbl
ae-rrt af fclar saa.
To Cireutlon U always at faull whta
tr sow is ahiny and o ahouii esercia
j in t,r open atr. r .miri " thou
j for rr'Tiula'trg tha circulation. Avoid all
lira, greaey laoo un inin ana rr
tie preaoir.Jist m c.-r, bjt C3
not avoid snesl ertire'y rt-.nk ai lAast j
giu larg tuii.bicifuia of waaer .. j
O r UK KTlEaUl lrAl 1311
Tbe conditions &d causes which prod net Rbrtrr-tisni all ru;gckt a
rjfaJii.'ul Ttfjetarjlc remedy u the surest aad iciest cure. Tie iiaee is
bronstt avboct by the ccumulaticn of rrtc Bad, as irritaticg, pata-jtrodnrir
pTxjrtr ia the blood. This CACaes a weakening and aonnngr of the ctrcnla
tirrn wchkh. then becomes tnt for nourishtiif the body, whije the Srpoits
of -eric arid ia the serves, muscles, joints and bones produce the pata and
ajTOET of Rheumatism, To tresX the trouble with, medicines costaisisr pot
ash or other strong minerals, is Eimj.lT adding another poison to the already
weak, diseased blood, aappisg it ol its remaining TitaLry, and perhaps i
the end mahirg a physical wreck of the sufierer. The one safe and only cere
for Rheumatism ii S- S. S. It is nature's remedy for this disease, made
entirely from healthful vegetable ingredients extracted froas the roots, berbs
and barks of the iorrst and fields. S. S. L goes down into the blood and
removes every trace of the cause of RhecmaTiara. clfensrs and jmriBes the
circulation, and restore health and orraiort to those who are mflering frora
this painrcl disease. There is but one way to be sure yo are not doaisg
vour cystem with mineral medicines, and that is to Uit Jx S. S. Bock oa
Vv.ertratism and IMY Tucjictl atjrice free.