1 ri 12 TITO OMAHA DAILY- PKE: TUESDAY. MATCCTT 2, 1000. CRUSADE FOR FREE TRADE Campaign of Education Being Waged by Philippines. MANILA SENDS ITS AGENT HERE llnrnM 91. Pitt, RfprrwatitlTr of the Ilrrt-fcanta' AaaiM-latlon. Visits ; Omaha to "erajre Prrssare ' on ( on vrf iii IN Vrip tradp hMvein the Fhilippins I Jntwl n1 the. I'nltMl Htates.on all articles nf commic; lnrluHn(r sugar and tobacco, mns the elimination of . a large amount of fcuylii which the United States does with trnplral countries nnj English colonies, which now aril a sjreat deal more In thin lountry than they buy. according to Harold M. Fltt, representative of the Manila Merchants' aaxtwIatlonH, who spent Monday In Omaha. Mr. Pitt called at the Commercial club and had a conference with H. H. Bal ririge, chairman of the legislative com- mittee of the club. He la making- the loimda of the big marxet cities In the hope of creating public sentiment favorable to the passage of bllla In congress permitting free trade with the Philippines on all article. He wanta the Omutia Oommeriral club to adopt a resolution to congress. "Tha first thing It mi-am la that there, will be a more equitable balance between the buying and selling which the United States does annually with tropical coun tries." ays Mr. Pitt. "It means the money of the country will go to Islands where Americans have big Interests and not to foreign countries. Brsall Is a good example of the halanoe at present. In that country we buy annually lI'M.Oiin.rno worth of pro ducts and sell a? Prar.il about im.mn.fKPO north of our factory output and other pro duets. "Our contention Is that when the Philip pines are developed as they will be In a few years, and with favorable tariff laws the Islands will be able to supply almost everything which we now buy from Brazil or any other seml-tropleal country." Another argument which Mr. Pitt pre sents for free trade with the islands la that' with the development of trade the L'nlted States will build great warehouses In the Philippine Islands and distribute from them to t'hlna, where a good trade la .being established by the wholesalers already In the Islands. It Is just another step forward the placing of l'nlted States distributing depots one point further west In lta r.nnouept for trade and will enable the American republic to control the com merce of the Purine, not alone that of China. Rock Strikes Wrong Heads Misses Man Thrown At and Hits Two Innocent Youths Thrower is Caught. V Two Omalln lads are wearing bandaged and plastered-strapped heads this week as the result of a rock thrown at another person, while the young man for whom thu inlNBlle was Intended still walks the streets without having experienced even a scratch. Karl Kemv!tt. 1723 Dodge Street, Is the lad who threw the rock and Is now under surveillance f Probation Officer Bernstien. An usher at the Palm moving picture theater, Kntn U-inth and Douglas streets, was the one for whom the rock was In tended, while Clarence Markwell, 3002 Kar num and Max Frank. 2J North Sixteenth street, are tin; ones who suffered from 'lie rock. Being put out uf the Palm theater Sun day, for the alleged throwing of marbles or some other nrfense, young Kennett Im mediately tried to get even by hitting the UbIkm- with a rock. But Instead of going to Its mark, the rock bumped the cranium of Clarence Markwell,' who was outside the theater und , then bounced Into the tlieuter and. lilt Max. Frank. Dr. Chedek patched up the Injured heads srjd the ; Juvenile authorities are looking after the rock thrower. Wants to Fix His Own Jail Term Colored Man Asks Judge for Thirty Pays So He Won't Have to Work. p'ead guilty ef yu'H gimme thirty i;J' Jcdge." That was the proposition made to Police Judge. Crawford by Hiram Ingram Monday morning. Hirum Is a negro and was up for stealing coal. , "I's tired of acrubbin' flo's an' curyln' hoes and bruahin' down streets, yoh onus, so ef yu'H gluinie a sentence to de county Jail, where I won't have to do no work, I'll plead guilty." That a man should he willing to take a lung Jail sentence when a short one is all the Judgu usually Imposes for coal stealing, U accounted for only by Ingram's natural aversion to labor. He knows from experi ence that on short sentences a prisoner stays at the city Jail and has to work as a Janitor, barn fiaod or street sweeper. while on longer sentences, tmen serve their Utue Id the county Jail and don t have to work. A Lit Stenc rf suffering with throat and lung trouble Is quickly cominuteU by Dr. King's New Discovery. 60c and 91. HO. ' For sale by Beaten Drug Co. " , Feor Mexican llaadtta Killed. , ' UL'AYMAS, Sorioru. March 1 Captain Caalulo De l Roche, commanding the riualea In the Meier district, reports the killing of four bandits and the capture of two others in a desperate fight In the mountains. Aa Inhalation lor Whooplng-Cough, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, Dlph therla. Crsoatana la a Astftmanoa. V II sot hm mora UMlbnub la a naalf for 41 of the bnaibtac aifaaa taaa M las laa namly lata lha staau I i j-mmmlmm run kaua lb air, mama ataoacty aaiawirtie, la mhh4 era lb wm4 wlw wll tnmrj araaia. ( proluaa 4 I Ir-a'ual U U lamusnia to aaouan wuS aaa41 afcildr Far urtuMd Uiraal tbara Is BuUuuf baur U.HM Craaoiaoa aatawalia Saaa g in soaUaal far iuiu!; boiila. ALL t.UOttlSTS. aa4 atJ lur da asrlaux. Wbi aav ran Tuesday Special Sale of Ribbons These are heavy all silk ribbons of very fine quality widths from 2 to 6 inches taffetas, moire, messalines, etc. in blacks, whites, fancy colors, plaids, checks, Dresden and floral designs many worth .00c a yard, at, a yard 5c40c-15c-25c ISfe'of' Embroideries These are 18, 2'2 and 27-inch wide embroidered flouncings, nkjrtings and corset cover widths, in English eyelet, Ma deira, floral, Japanese, Grecian, etc. 1 TK T (TK on finest fabrics worth to 85c a JM yard, at, yard iXr J Jr v 27-in. Fancy Tokio Silks at 35c Yard 100 pieces of 27-inch fancy Tokio silks in various dots and stripes. This article has never been sold Y 1 before' for less than fiOc now shown in our jft g window at, yard Fancy Dress Silks xt 49c Yard Messalines, satins, black satin directoires and chiffon tafetas the latest patterns and colorings. All crip ya fresh silks from the looms; genuine $1.00 silks; gUi iff on bargain squares, yard. New Spring Drapery Materials No store in the west shows a larger line of 1909 Drapery Yard Goods. SILK 1JOKHARA JiKTS Our drapery department is now show ing a large assortment of Silk Bokhara Nets. They are in the new shades -those rich green, golden brown and new reds, Price, per yard 08e ITALIAN FTLKT NKTS We have a moat extensive assortment of these popular nets in the rich Arab color. There are over fifty patterns . to select from. Prices range from, per yard 40c to 85c NEW SCOTCH MADIIAS There is nothing more effective or beautiful for halls, dining rooms and bungalows. These are our own direct jiniXrtatlqn. Patterns are all new and novel. Prices from,' per yard OOc to 89c ENGLISH CRETONNES We have Just opened our Spring ship ment of real English Cretonnes. They are the most handsome patterns and designs, and are not shown in domestic goods. They are Just the thing for shirtwaist box cover, bed covers, etc. Price, - per yard 40c QRANDEIS STORES Two Dozen Men File for the Fire and Police Board Pay Their Money, but Application! Are Withheld Pending: Action on Charter Bill. Twmy-four candidates paid their money and handed in applications to be placed on the primary ballot as candidates for the fire and police board, but Ci(y Clerk Butler rules that If the Ugislature passes fhe charter bill containing the elective ex else board clause, the filing of these can didates must be made all over again. In cluding the payment of another fee. He -says that the old filings cannot be resurrected, and that new ones must be filed. To these new filings must be at tached receipts from the city treasurer showing Jhat the $5 fees have been paid. The old receipts are attached to the old finltngs and duplicates will not be Issued. . In the rush Saturday afternoon the clerk's force fjlled to record the immu of John Coffey. S25 South Twenty-fifth ave nue, in the nook, and therefore this name was nol published In the supposedly com plete list of fillnga. Mr. Coffey put in an application as a candidate for the fire and police board, on the democratic ticket. "Lincoln Made Me a Citizen" Foreign Veteran of Civil War Put Up Novel Argument to Federal Officer. "Certainly I am a citizen." declared Wll lUm Jonnson to Assistant l'nlted States Attorney Walter F. Daly In Omaha again Monday to make foreign-born full citisens. but as it happened he was compelled to unmake a few. Not so In the case of Johnson, how ever. "I was made a ciiisen," id Johnson "by virtue of a proclamation of President IJncoln, who made all foreign born soldiers full citisens." ,, Johnson displayed two honorable dis charges from civil war regiments with which he served five full years. There is no proclamation such as John son Imagined, but Mr. Daly directed Deputy Clerk Steele to look up Johnson' rase and see if there was any record of his being naturalised. It was found that Johnson, who Is an (englishman bom, took out flist papers September 17. 1869. He waa accordingly an alectoi' of . Nebraska when the territory n admitted and be came a full tit lien of the United Stales In this way. Three rmii appeared as witnesses of oth ers seeking" to take out final papers and they thumaelves already naturalized citi zens, were 'unhorsed when their papers wera looktd up. The men they aought to aid also toat out, of course, but only for the time being. . , John Charles Tully, born la County Mobsgan, Ireland, failed to qualify be cause lie took out his first papers in lfl when, according to his own showing, he was not n years old, as ha must have been by the old law. Sale and Demonstration of National Biscuit Co. Uneeda Biscuits, Iflf 3 packages, for lull Zuzus, 3 packages Jq Graham Crackers, OK ft 3 packages for ....... CJb Social Teas, nr. 3 packages, for Z3G Nobiscos, 3 pack- ORn agesj for Zuu Peanut Wafers, OCn 3 packages for Zub Saratoga Flakes. , t n. per package I Lv CHAS. H. MALLINSON & CO. 1612 CAPITOL AVK. Both 'Phones 8014. tw arm i I tttt: 1 nv thin 1 tnifci J? n7YTT7Ta 1 V V MMlNiiu I M 1 SPRING STYLK HOOK And any 15c Indies' Homo Journal Pattern 20 Grey Skirts New Vigoreaux Serges and Worsted Models New and entirely different . skirts are shown today. We feature strongly the popular grays In about a score of distinct models. The tailoring and material are both high claas. 15 pored grey, hard finished, worsted skirts, with habit biack, open on left side, three rows self buttons down front, at $7.50 Imported Vigoreaux Skirts, with inserted pleat back; buttons and lap seam down front, button trimmed $10.00 tirey Prunella Sklrt with graduated cir cular bias fold, front, and back exactly alike; a separate belt of same material goes with these $12.00 Grey Chiffon Panama Skirts, with high girdle top, fan pleated habit, back enu satin button trimming a very striking model 13.50 NKW SUITS coming and going dally. Ex clusive styles at popular prices $19.50 $25.00 to $35.00 Continuing the Sales of Silks From Chas. Schbolhouse & Sons NEW YORK. The big clean-up purchase of broken lots and cut lengths from one of America's greatest distributers of high grade SilkB. Extraordi nary low pricing. Fancy mess alines, plain and checked taffetas and natural pongees, big assort ments, all $1.00 val ues, t . New Foulards, brocade messalines, pongees. Shantungs, etc., all the new s p r in g shades. $1.25 goods, at Rough Silks, 29 Inches wide, more popular than ever this year, all great 76c values, Tuesday again, at Bennett's Big Grocery Bennett s Capitol Coffee, lb. pkg Me and Teas, asMorted, pound 6 So and Pure Pepper, per can lOo and Hartley's Pure Jams, Jar BSo Strait's Cube Pineapples, can 80o and I-lpton's Tea, per lb. tin 60o and I.ipton's Tea. per lb. tin 304 and I.lpton's Jelly, assorted flavors, pkg lOo and Pure Honey, Mason pint Jar 86o and Gibson's Soap Polish, S cans 96o and Choeolatina. two cans 80o and Bnlder's rork and Beans. 2 cans SOo and xxxn Fiona txciai. Heinz'a Medium Sour Pickles, quart , lBo and Helen's Extra Spiced, quart SOe and Helns's Medium Sweet Pickles, quart 8e and Helm Small-Sweet Pickles, quart 30o and Helns's Sweet Mixed Pickles, quart 800 and Helm's Fancy Chow Pickles, quart s. 85o and Holm's Hour Mixed Pickles, quart 36o and Helns's Dill Pickles, per dozen ISO and Silver Cow Milk, nix cans a So and (Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs. for 91.00 Faaa Special Mignonette Marrowfat Peas, regular 10c quality, special, dosen cans 90c, each 8o 40 Stamps 60 Stamps 6 Stamps 20 Stamps 20 Stamps 10 Stamps 10 Stamps 20 Stamps 10 Stamps 10 Stamps IS Stamps SO Stamps SO Stampa SO Stampa 40 Stampa 40 Stamps SO Stampa SO Stamps 20 StaniD 20 Stampa a m I'HI mmmiimmimmmmmmmmmmmmmjMmmmM HAND SAPOLIO FOR TOILET AND BATH It mikes the toilet something' to b n joyed. It removes all stains and roughness, prevents prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the skin white, soft, healthy. In the bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which do common soap can equal, imparting the vigor and life sensation of a mild Turkish ' "''V Al t. GROCirS A!TO Dxucjcjtsv i. food $1000.00 tor any ubtraaca m jurioiM to health found in waiting torn the um of Calumet Bailing .Powder HERE IS RELIEF FOR WOMEN If Toy hat pli in thm hack. Urinary, Blaadar or Kidnrjr Troubl. and want a cartatn. alaaattnt karb raliaf from Women a ills, try Mothar Orar'a "A18TKAUAN LEAK." It la a aat. rJ labia ras Uior, and rallavaa, all ramala Waaaaaaaaa. In cluding Inflammation and ulcaraiiona. Mix bar Orar'a Australian Laf la aold b, Dratfiau or eaol bj aiall lor 40 etc. Sampla aant rKfcg. Aiaraaa, Tb atotaar Qrar Ce., L kur. N. T. D. C: SCOTT, D.V.S. 8uocaaer to Dr. H. L, Ramacctexti, ) AMBlMTAWt . VTA.TM TmilllBUf, Ottlco tad HsarpitaU. Sfll Hun tsaart. Calla Pmraptiy Anawerod at All Hours. Thaaa OffWe alaraay tT. a . , . u.k Itaa. BottfladtaS, UlElilli ICI DR. BRADBURY, Palnleaa Extracting 60a Crowna. up from., la.sg Partial Plates, up from Fillings, up from Pr.rr.luin KilllnaraL up from Sl.SO DENTIST 3.00 leoa ruiguc itsdit. it yaais bub Miaee. -none I D. 170, Bridge Work, per tooth, up from fa.BO Nerves ramoyed with. cut pain. Ai.Yzoi.Am won A SrXCIAX.TT. Work guaranteed tea years. J$$? Thtl May be Reiched from Missouri Rlvor v T . fouai " kA ' WSMSIUS JJ EVERY DAY TO APRIL 30, 1909. Mj Ik vi. union pacific JM ' ' k'Sfl City Ticket office, 1384 rarnam fiPl'-ljr . r,yjt.phone a :Doug. 1&38, InA3a3w Tuesday is the Last Day of Our Twenty-Second Anniversary Sale A day of the greatest bargain Interest to buyers. Nearly all specials advertised Sunday for Monday will be continued, with the addition of many new lots. Come early. See Our Great Showing of Crown Jewel Suits at $25.00 ANOTHER BIO LINOLEUM SALE NEXT SATURDAY flfl mi AM f s TH RKLiABLB STORB Anniversary Sale of Embroideries Continues One more day of the groat sale of Matched Sets. Elegant Matched Sets, unparalleled bargains, per yard at .5c, 10c, 1SH t $1.50 35c Wide Corset Cover Embroid- $1.00 Fine Shirt Flouncings at, yard 47t 50c Skirt Flouncings and Corset Cover Embroideries 25c Broken Sets in Embroideries and Insertings; great snap at, per yard 5c and 7VaC eries, yard 15o Fin Baby Sets, matchless values at yard 7Va Fine Baby Allovers; nnequnled, at, yard 7Vzti See the New Zion City Laces. , Four Great Undermuslin Specials Ladies' Muslin Gowns Values to $2.00, trimmed with lace em broidery and wash ribbons; in three lots.98c, 75c and 50c Corset Covers and Drawers Big assortment, values to 75c; on sale; choice.. 25( 39c, 49c Ladies' Muslin Underskirts Values to $3.00, elegantly trim med, the greatest bargains of the season; choice $1.50 Ladies' Combination Suits The most popular undermuslin styles of the season; big spec ial at 50c, 75c and 98c In Our Busy Suit Department 125 Handsome Tailor Suits Values up to $30.00, odd lots left from Saturday's great sell ing; choice $12.50 125 Underskirts, 12-inch flounce, See our extra sized Skirts; prices ranging from. .$3.95 to $15 Embroidered Jap Silk Waists Values to $5.00, black or white, greatest snap of the season, at, each ...... $1.95 on sale at 39c 1 Special bargains in new House Dresses and Wrappers prices from 9 8c to 52.98 In Our High Grade Linen Department FOR TUESDAY SELLING Pure linen Pattern Table Cloths, full bleached, hemmed ready for use, size 8x10, worth $2.75; Tuesday, each $1.75 Warranted pure flax Dinner Napkins, size 24x24, grass bleached, good value at $4.00 a dozen; Tuesday, six for $1.25 Snow white hemstitched Table Cloths, size 8x4, neat row of open work, worth $1.25; Tues dayat, each 89c Strictly pure grass bleached Waisting Linen, 3G inches wide, round thread, worth 75c yard; special Tuesday, yard .... 50c Highland Havel Orange Sale All Week We have an extra special car In and one more coming for this sale. This is orange week and we are going to make it the banner week. The Highland navels are grown In the Redland district of California, and are con ceded by all brokers, commission houses and grocers to be the finest orangn grown In California. They are the juclest. richest flavored and sweetest orange grown. Every one has been kissed by the sun, moon and stars, and are strictly No. 1 fruit. . 8ALK TRICE PER DOZEN Regular SOc size, sale price, doz. 40c Regular 40c size, sale price, doz. 80c Regular 35c size, sale price, doz. 2Ac Regular 30c size, sale price, doz. 20 Regular 25c size, sale price, doz. 15c Regular 20c size, sale price, doz. 12 He Monday's prices on all groceries, crackers, butter, cheese and fresh vegetables good for Tuesday. DON'T FORGET TRY MYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO Electric power Are you trying to turn out a better product at a lower cost I Do you realize the fact that often 30 to 50 of your power is consumed in turning the useless line shafting 2 hat timoney wasted. The electrio motor does away with useless shafting and belts and saves waste." You pay for what you' actually use. Omalia Electric Light & Power Co. Y. M. 0. A. BUILDING Contract Department. . ; Both Phones. If 81 Rings and Rings Khlrt WaJat Rings, ranging -around f 5 On; Signet Rings, ranging around f '.' 0U to VOO to 19 00. Uaxnrt lilnus. ranKtrii around a 00 snd"S 00. Wa hava tha 1;urQU(MM uaini ana oilier nice onna flings. V L,jk for the name. fc. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler ISIS DOVQlAA TmXXT Furniture Packing We have expert Furniture Packers. They prepare your fur niture for moving or storing so that every anxiety is removed from your mind. The choicest articles are safe in our hands. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. Doug. 1559 Ind. A-1559 pound Cured without drug or knife. Corns and ingrowing nails cured and to stay cured. Prof. C M. Woodward S71 (mills B!d.-Pho Bil 3846 Reliable Dontistrv W V Taft's Dental Rooms TOR ALL THE NEWS OMAHA BEE YOUR MONET'S WORTH SHOE ECONOMY Here $1.50 Saved Some men's shoes at $3.50, are $3.60 shoes some are not worth tht much you never really know until you have worn them' a week but when you hsve a positive guarantee,, you take no risk. Our 53.50 Specials are sold with our guarantee that they are better than the average $3.50 shoe Our twenty-five years eiperlence enables us to select the leather and dictate the making this cost us a little more per shoe, but the shoe is right and you have In nality a $5.00 shoe for only $3.50. Drcxel Shoe Co. 1419 Faroam Street Extra Specials Tuesday From 8:30 to 0:00 a. m. One case of 36 Inch heavy unbleached Muslin, 8 He grade, 10 yards limit, t Prom 9:80 to 10 a. ni. One case of fine double fold Flannel ette, regular 12 He grade, to clos, 10 yards limit, at, yard 5 From 10.80 to 11:00 a. m. One case of short lengths of all kinds of goods, all colors, etc., to close quick, 4 yards for l From 2:00 to 2:30 p. ni. One case of the celebrated Edward's yard wide bleached Muslin, regular price 7 He, 10 yards limit, at. yd. 5 From 8:00 to 8:30 One case of fine striped Outing Flan nel. 10c quality, 10 yards limit, st, 4?i From 4:00 to 4:30 One case of Apron Checks, wqrth 6o yard, 10 yards limit, et, yard 2H 10 other specials for all day. I s