THE OMATTA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1909. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Council Bluffs fUl Of rim I A rVott Htrfrt. f ,l1mrw 4.1. fue, ttut ftra.r, Wll MM' i .u, rfMri Hfeir, 'niH f- aMM.g t Msrlealrig i"Mf. Tel. I rAimr km.a f mwr,im' rvrrtrt. 'tit lltfmiii Ott. florists, tf 'r mfL l'reise'r anifna nd wood. 4r', 441 Hfwl4 Taa, three of tonm ff MB. W raa)r, tie;fS, MAjrili, MH'iMW'KW J,'"'iNO' -ieMaKr nifi laf, 14 N. Main RU rhar-W, Order if the Kaetrfn a... bin m.ii.ln li memhera anil friend lus rvenlug at a terrt party el h ..! im'l'. fft, '( I vear. n of I aIn daughters if h '"1 Mr . r pmim rr re-.-ni, ril" tiMi1ar Mmrfiln f ' pneumonia. Id funeral lll l hid rrl'lay afternoon i rm the Methwlll church In lie J W. J'.ri. infor of ft Paul's I iiiiif.ti iflnminri retrrte (hat ik hh.iwii ix I ha ra. notlt nf whl'h kmm nv tin tmhilshad. there will n.iir imBfimfil'itt every morning during Lent i'M an ifw1ers, at 7 o'clock. J W, Tren nf Oakland, la. and A1a Hrwig of Mini-'iik. la, were marnvo in Hr airlar morning, lha ceremony Mini iili,imil ttv llev. Henry Ilong. Ila bride, wlin la onlr I year of afa. aa atMi(arilfl hp lir mother. Ti lakluc of avldema In the suit hrought In lha ffl-rel urt hv Ilia '. H. Neeh em t.nv "f I mm I. a agslnet Ilia Hty nf Council Itliiffe 11 niViln lha lastianre of lha pm- txiwd a wafer works honda, will ba innd in thia iliy tomorrow morning. Tti fvneral of Oertrud Hln. lha In fant .1 Mr f Mr. and Mra. Frank Mr. Iteven. arm waa burned to rlath Monday tvrnlng. a III la ha1 Ihla aflrrnnon at ! orl.M frmn I'nlUra undertaking room a and hu'UI lll Im In Kalrvlrw comflfrr. A hiill.lirig twrmlt waa laaurd yaatarday to rrank r. r.vrai for iwo-atory brim .l.,n al lh rornr of Third atraat and lltn Krhixil avrniia, in roat M,wt. H la aid, hxw.'vrr, lha( Mr. Kvarrat plana arect lia a rall n whli h aIll coal cloaa to l'r,.i. M. ffmlthora, and TT yaara, dlml yaatar day tnnrnlng at Mry hoapllal. whrra ha Kad l'n a pailrnt for Ilia laat two mnntha. Il waa wld'iwr and la aald to liava rrl ailvra al Anlia, la. Thn body waa taken 14 Culler a undertaking eaiahhahmant pend mg iilaMialtliiii by relatival. , S. Cornell, Thomaa Whlla and Oeorga Manuel, arreaied Ttieaday nlglit on an In formation filed by lha county attorney charging them with tha Illegal aala of llitior at tli aaliMin at tha corner of Hroad Way and Eleventh alreel, wera arraigned rtrUy afternoon before Juatlra Oard iner and lite raae c-onllnued until March 14. Tlie threa drfendanta gave ball In tha aum rr earn Jamaa H Curlli died yeaterday afternoon et hla horpe nil of Mynater flprlnga, aged 0 veara fteath waa dun to ranrcr. He teavea hla wlf. two daiightara. Mra. O. R. Anderaon of V. hit tier. Cat., and Mra. Clem k'alqon of Mount Vernon. la., and ona aon. W. K. Curtla of Ihla city. Deceaaed waa twn In llelmonl county. Ohio, January 1, and moved to Linn county, thla atata, 'n 1M Ma moved to Council Bluffa In H7S. Tha body will l taken Friday to Mount Vernon, where tha funeral will ba held. M4II.WAV MA! gl.tlCOED BT NRtfnO llableary la nmppmi Ht Bcea Motlva tmr Aaaaalt. J. J, Anderaon, ll Fourth avenue, m .loed in tha Northweatern railroad yard, waa aluggad hy an unidentified negro about oi'lork yealerday morning near Tenth atreet and Broadway. Anderaon waa founj lying uiironactmia on tha aldewalk by De tectiva Ollleapie. who took him to police nead'juartera, where ha waa attended by City rnyalrlan Tubba. Anderaon aald tha negie attacked him with tha evident In tentlon of robbing him. What money An deraon had with Mm waa In pocket of an Inner ahlrt and thua escaped tha atip roae would-ba robber. Anderaon waa able to give but a meager dearrlplldn of hla aa al anf. l.eraar Faaad Gallty. J..r.i. i , . I fth. Zt.l I J, "IT" C,,'r'",i tin tlirrt vl money from tha rairln i with e ttirft of money from tha rairl..n f Wtiiiam U I'lummer of Lewla townahlp. t-r whom ha wa.t employed, was found guilty tn the dtafrtct court yesterday morn ng. Juilga Thomell announced that he woiil.l mu sentence on Leveeeur Saturday morning. It V. ftatuy. agalnat whom a new In- j dtctment on tha charge of rmbessllng vivij funde wliile serving aa clerk of the dlatrkt court, waa returned by the grand Jury List wrek. furnished a bond yeaterday laj the aim of tiatn. Ms securities being r.lanrf Fehr, I. N. Flicklnger. W. S. Balrd. J. i. Mplndler. t K. p. Ice. Wallace Benja m'a and J. (J. Wadaworth. l:ta L Wilding filed original notice yeaterday for ault for dlvorre from A. C. Aldlog. aa the grounde of alleged rrue! and lamtmaa trtatmenl. The defendant la at r-reaent in the county Jail awaiting a rnmlaay hearing before United Statea l'nm!ihir Craaftird on the charge of seeding a threatening letter through the ana Ja to llrm-i-f Swanaoa f North Tenth etee;. f(. th purpose of extorting money. Tha eecna.t In l of the ault of Mrs. Effle I- Lenm-ker, wife of A. Lenocker. rhalr- af ike rtuty eVmorraile committee. at Ida P illman company, to recover li. the value at a diamond ring, waa yeaterday afternoon. Mrs. Irnocker hat tue rtng la a Pullman car. between PUtie aad Orand laland la Novem ke. lT. Ike valua ef the ring waa fixed ky aereemeiH ef kotli des at Lfc. At the ( rxter trial the Jury dtaag eed. Real Batata "Traaafare. T transfer ware reported to Tha Baa F-irua' J ay lha Pottawattamie County company ef Council Blaffe: T. tl .!,e and wife W. A. Mela. li a A M-a , Burfee'e add. t 111 Htufra. w d I" lji.e ant atfe lea.lore w a l A Murk a Hurke e a.W. to o,.u t cH iff,. . 4 t'i"lii,t M.rkert. unmarrleU to ttafi.a T (UMiir. rM HK eloek 7. M.n- Set 1S a. . a v Kilter em la. . R. a. T,wiv-w-l. kf X . t, Wilaoa Terrace at M 'i.iim ll Blufra. w d V rta U-irria an4 W'fe t. Frad E. 1.3V tie f i"wa. ecs, arns mm n aad aaa h v ti ;-j. w 4 is. me Mn M'r. ainal. to tail KuahL ,t4 m'erva h tot U. klura L tewa f r . a a. . -.! RaeniiMMra. ataiaertad. ta Paler t ttna rtrei. k4 kA hlo. li n. i F.r iiH e.ttl t Caunctl ttluffa, a P Ik'io. aingt. i. K-taia iV .. ' iaia S a.t a hi. alt a. Ferry a4 1 Riuf'a. w. d I.V4, Total, olgtt traafra Fvw-rkaane) aiary la lergaty a matter f eaarntaaca Wt nuaranla every arttcks a a I ta aa yaat aa rearaaeat.L Our La aaa aouahl wit tUa grea:aa care ta areae aa gia ue euatuaaare the aea Sanaa a-akia f tnai aioaev. Yja caa buy -ii aad at imt atora al a4 tliwaa . JSa WA "roadway. Wi i ai'i i SIUaia.Waaaetiaiiia1 1 X eaaaa, Ahdaa arae a aa a e J aa suae ff.i i tin i rrs nrr! . aa ARKANSAS MEN WANTED HERE Offlcert turt for Beqnitition Fpen to Sccurt Them. 0T LIKELY TO BE SUCCESSFUL Federal Aatborltlea ffmt Eeeted 1lT Jarladletlon la F)r ! Aatlaa la the Itata Coarta, J. C. Maybray, who with F. M. Clarka and I. J. Warnar waa arrested Tucaday at Mttla flock. Ark., through the effort of J. . Bwenaen, poatofflce Inapeclor, whoae headouartera are In Council Bluffa, alleged to have been a memher of tha gang or bunco man who eucceeded In detaching T. W. Ballew tha hanker of rvneeton. Mo., from a bank roll of StO.OOO through a faka horaa race In thla city laat October. Tha dlatrk t grand Jury which adjourned laat ftaturday returned an Indictment agalnet Mayhray, John R. Dobbina and aaveral others on a charge of conaplranr In connection with the alleged buncoing of tha Princeton, banker and lumber dealer. Thla Indictment la distinct from tha one agalnat Dobblne on the charge of larceny of ttft.ono belonging to Ballew and on which charge he was arreated In New Tork and brought back to Council Bluffa by former Deputy Sheriff Oroneweg. Oroneweg, whoso services have been re talned by Ballew and the '.atter'a local at torneys, left for Dee Molnea yeaterday morn ing to obtain requlaitlon papera from Gov ernor Carroll for Maybray. He la expected to go direct to Little Rock from Pea Moines. Assistant County Attorney Rosa ex preased the opinion yesterday afternoon that Gronewcg a trip to Little Rock would he frultleaa aa It waa unlikely, he thought. that the federal offlcera would turn over the prisoner to the atate authorities. Jwat Eacaaed Arreat Hera. It la understood that Poatofflce Inspector ftwensen haa been working on the case against tha gang of alleged bunco rrien for seversl months. While It haa not yet been disclosed here what charge the federal au thorltlea have agalnat Maybray and hla al leged associates, It Is presumed that the prisoners are accused of using the malls for Improper purpoaea In furthering their schemes to defraud Banker Bellew and other wealthy auckera out of their money It waa atated by a government, official yeaterday that a few months ago Swensen had about completed arrangementa to have Maybray arrested, but that Maybray waa given a tip by the clerk of the hotel where he atayed In Council Bluffa and succeeded In leaving town before the federal offlcera could get hold of him. It la aald that May bray had not put In an appearance In Coun ell Bluffa alnce the day ha learned tha gov ernment officials were on hla track. Maybray waa credited here with being the leader of the gang of bunco artists who are aald to have made Council Bluffa their headquarters for several months of last year. He la aald to be the man who rented an office In the Mcrrlam block and waa credited with being the owner of the big red automobile which la alleged to have figured ao prominently In tha gang's oper ations. "Jim" Maybray, aa he waa known to a number of local sports, la aald here to have claimed South Omaha aa hla real dence. PETITIONS FOR SCHOOL HOCSES Tot Praaoaltlaaa to Be Submitted tke Vetera. There will be submitted to the voters of the Independent achool district of Council Bluffa at the achool election Monday, March 8, two propositions for the levying in the aggregate of 133,000 wr new at uuoi ouuainga. int necessary Potion, asking that theae propoaitlona . r .. . for new achool buildings. The necessary be submitted at the coming election were presented to the Board of Education at Ita meeting laat night. One petition bearing the aignaturea of ninety-five realdenta of that section of the city asks that a tax of flS.000 for a four-room addition to the Twentieth Ave' nue ' achool be levied. The other petition bearing fifty-one signatures, only one in etfeess of the requisite number, aaka that a tax of $18,000 be levied for a grade achool on High School avenue on prop erty now owned by the district. The alte for the proposed school la the old high achool grounds. It waa expected that a petition for the levying of a tax for an addition to tha Thlrty-sacond Street school would also have been filed, but none materialised Member Schoedaack atated that condl lions at thla building were greatly con gested and he had been given to under stand that a petition for the erection of a four-room addition was to be filed, Tha report that he had circulated auch a pe iiiion, nowever, be atated, waa Incor rect. inaer me law the board has no option in the matter but to aubmlt the two propoaitlona. aeelng that they each car rlad tha requtalte number of aignaturea. Member Reed declared he waa opposed to both propoaitlona and aaid he believed It the duty of the board to acquaint the Toiers or tha dtatrlct with the conditions that really eilated. He aald that with proper management there ahould be no need of aa addition to the Twentieth Ave nue achool. for at leaat a year or mora.' The achool on High School avenue, he In flated, waa not needed at al). at leaat not at preaeat or In the near future. Petitlonera for the addition to tha Twentieth Avenue achool call attention ta the fact that there la no eighth grade a tnis euuatog and that puplla of that grade living In the aouth part of thai city are compelled to attend the Bloomer school. The enrollment at thia achool. ecrerding to tha last report of the prin cipal. Mlaa My era la lit. with aa average attendance af tel. There are twelve rooms la tha building. The need of the four-room additioa ao aa ta permit of tha eatabliahment of the eighth grade In thla .kurMIng ia clearly apparent, aay tha petitioners. All bide for the purchase of the three I buildings on tha property at the corner h etreel and Broadway, condemned aaa'ky the board as a site for the proposed school In the eaatern part of the city, were rejected. A auraber ef bids I ware received. They ranged to ll.JOg for U.7i!the three buildisga la one bid and to II. X. tha aggregate ef three separata bide for tke tkrea atructurea. It was da cldwd ta raadvertiae for bids, which will be received by Secretary up to a ariova er the eveatag of Tueday, Man h I. whk'h Is the regular meeting aiatil af tke Soara. Owing la tha eaeanre ef Preeident Tla- lev and Mernbere Elliott and Shugart. aa elner kuaiaeaa waa transacted laat night. la tha aba ate af Mr. Tlnley. Member gaeedaach preaidad. aaaaa Waal ! Tsrsssl. Bacretary l t . ciiftiai and other afficera e tha araaatsatiofl, axa making streauoua erfnrta t eerura a big turajut at the awtu e( tha Taeal. Cnd Impcasaaient flue, catlad f'r tt evening at the county budding aarner af Aaa H aad Twaaty. jiirta C'ttwara a.-a ta be clactad for the ensuing year and the club reorganised. City Knglneer Etnyre will be present with the profile of the proposed gradea In the western portion of the city and aa this is a matter of great Importance to every property owner In that district, the officers of the club hope thst everyone Interested will be in attendsnce. Marriage Llreasre, Licenses to wod were Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. .... a .... is .... ti .... 20 .... .... a ..... si J. W. Tyson, Oakland. Ia Ada Strong, Hancock, la Ixlule N. Gone. 8ll-er City, In L,inia s. Rath, Treynnr. Ia Oscar Kunxe, Dumfries, la Laura Boehm, Dumfries. Ia Kdward Kelm, Charter Oak, Ia.,.. Hallle Scott, Buck Grove, Ia. Thomaa M. Brown, Council Bluffs. rem A. Allberry. Council Bluffs.. Bit) WILL CASE 19 SETTLED MeHaaa Heirs Compromise After Iveaalag Day Getting Jary. IDA GROVE, Ia.. Feb. J6.-(Speclal Tele gram.) After spending all day Tuesday securing a- Jury for the second trial of the will case of the late Alex McHugh, the estate, through Us attorneys, Johnson Bros., this afternoon settled with the con testing claimants. The greatest portion of the settlement goes to Caldwell W. Tuttle and Laura Tuttle Rouse of Columbia City, Ind.; Mr. Mable Tuttle Williams of Los Angeles and H. M. Hamilton of Santa Ana, Cat. These four divide four-fifths of the settlement and the other fifth la divided among about twenty contestants. The es tate is worth $400,000. The attorneys refuse to say what amount the settlement Is, but contestanta seem well pleased. They say the estate made the first approach to settle. BIENNIAL HELD AT DAVENPORT Iowa Clab Womra Arrangre for State Meeting; Next May. CEDAR FALLS. Ia., Feb. 25.-(Speclal.) Iowa club women are anticipating the ap proaching biennial, which will be held in Davenport, May 18, 19, 20 and 21. Hotel Davenport haa been aelected aa headquart ers and the Davenport women will pro vide lodgings and breakfasts and desirable placea for the other two meals at a reason able cost The programs are not yet ready for publication, but the committee is en deavoring to secure the best speakers in the country. Mrs. John Sherman of Chi cago will be parliamentarian. Stadeata Aaaoaace Engagement. IOWA -CITY, la., Feb. 24.-(Speclal.)-Phllip MacBride, son of Prof. T. H. Mac Bride of the University of Iowa faculty, yesterday announced hla engagement to Miss Edith Ball, daughter of Mayor George W Ball and one of the best known "co-eds" In the University of Iowa. The announce ment waa made at a dinner given by Mr. MacBride to a party of friends. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 260. Night. F-UOl lama Neva Notes. MARSHALLTOWN At luncheon aerved to fifty business men of the city today by the vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal church, the movement for a new church building for that denomination waa for mally launched. SIOUX CITY Greek refugees as a result of the race rlota at South Omaha are pouring into Sioux City. Hundreds of them are applying fox work at the Cudahy and Armour packing plants. Many of them are being given placea. SIOUX CITY The 1909 annual convention of the National Bee Keepers' saaociatlon will be held in Sioux City. Definite con firmation of this Is contained In a letter from N. E. France of Plattesvllle, Wis., general manager of the organization. WATERLOO The Cedar Valley Short Course haa completed Ita auccesaful week, and with a handsome surplus in the treasury the officers have decided to plan for a similar course In 110. The sale of prize corn netted the association $349.20. ten ears alone bringing $37 and one bushel brought $95. MASON CITY The pretty custom of wearing a miniature flag in memory of the anniversary of George Washington waa begun by the achool children here for the first time Monday. Each pupil found a diminutive flag on his desk tn the morning and each wore hla in the buttonhole during the day. WATERLOO Fire in Oelweln early this morning did $7,000 worth of damage to the shops of the Chicago Great West ern Railway company. A fire at Freds villa, a Danish settlement near thla city, destroyed the Sllffsgard grocery and general stock, valued M $9,000. Insur ance waa carried for only $8,000. CR E8TON George W. Davidson, an al leged detective for the Browning agency at Des Moines, engaged in anti-saloon work, was arrested at Grand River by Deputy United Stales Marshal Bryant of this place, charged with being guilty of the same offense for which he was sup posed to be engaged in catching others. Commissioner Hanna fixed hla bonda at $3)0. MARSHALLTOWN A aecond post ponement in the date of the opening of the "Billy" Sunday revival meetlnga was announced here today. The meetings will not open until Friday. April 2. Rev. Mr. Sunday Is now at Catallna island, recov ering from the strain of the Spokane meetings, which closed only recently. He will open at Springfield next Friday and from there he will come here. MARSHALLTOWN The bill authoris ing the state of Iowa to spend $4 000 for the building of a permanent reinforced concrete dam over the Iowa river at this place passed the senate todsy. The city will pay for the rest of the cost of this structure, which will be about $10,000. The atate pays part because without a dam Ita Ice supply, which it geta from the Iowa river, would vanish. CHARLES CITY John Ooldsberry snd Theodore Tlllett. two young men who came here recently and started a skating rink, were arrested and bound over lo the grand Jury In bonds of $3)0 for enticing two young girls under 1& years of age Into their place. They coaxed the girls in and then locked the doors. The marshal, William Braend. got wind or the affair and raided tha place. KELLOGG Arthur Benson, s young farmer llvlns north of thia place, waa atrurk, together with his wagon and its contents, by the Rock Island westbound fast mall train on a crossing two miles west of here. Benson was hurled out of the wegon a distance of twenty feet. Hla collarbone waa (raciureo. tnree rltis wera broken and his right forearm frac tured and he te severely cut and bruised. Although seriously injured, it is believed that he may recover. mason CITY With the opening of spring this city will witness the begin ning of me erection oi me ikibcbi ceuieni mill ever erected in this part of the stale. The plant la to be put up by the Lehigh Portland Cement- company of Lehigh, Pa. The land, which the com pany owns and which haa been In liti gation for aaveral yeara, haa not been cleared of tha court'a debris. The land la one-half mile north of the city, tin it the company will erect a $3,000,000 plant with a capacity of $.100 barrela of cement. ON AW A Tha epidemic of measles which haa held the achool children of thla city in Ita throes for the laat three aaeka eeema to ba abating. Apparent laxity in the enforcement of the health lawa aeema to ba the cause for such a acourga. Over 109 taaea wera reported. Tha eclioola hava been demoralised and aaveral gradea hava reaaed work, but now normal conditions are resuming. The health authoritlea now aay they have the situation under control and that the dla eaaa will be soon stamped aut CRK8TON Since the arreat nf George Ksutenberger. a baggage man In the Hur- liugtoa a employ, cnargeo wun rining trunks and ault cases, an inveatlgation is aald to have rvaulted la the arrest of three other employee. T af thaaa are aaid to ba express roeaat-ngers and ale three of tha eueperte hava ruas between Chicago aad Council Bluffa A search of tha train anen'a boaea disclosed evidence of wrong doing and all three wera arrested In Chl-caa-o. U ta beiievcd kautenberaer la re- lMaitle for the tnfT m.iioa Uatiuwr - Mia ax past wf lue vihar tluea. ill 'II Chickering (Si Sons 55.. S.GXirideman Packard Kurtzmann Starr Everett Bspeawaj LJL ID yjO pgr wjyionili DON'T IVgEg TS-II CHANCE!; You may be sure of finding any of our salesmen who may have been calling on you, in the store at any time tomorrow, as we have arranged for all of them to be in the warerooms all day and evening. Sale Closes Positively Saturday Night im IT p LEGISLATORS TO TAKE REST Adjournment Today to Be Until Wednesday of Next Week. TIME FOE . VISITING COMMITTEES Senate Reconaldera . Vote on Normal Bill and Ameada Measure to f Make Title State Teach- era College. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE3 MOINES, Feb. !5.(Speclal.)-Th. legislature agreed this morning . to the March 1 recess, which is to commence upon adjournment tomorrow and last until the next Wednesday, Thia recess will be for the purpose of permitting members to go home and attend to the usual work which Is done the first of March. It will also en able the visiting committee to finish the visiting of Institutions. The visiting com mittee asked for aa extension of time and it was granted-, ' .' The house spent most of the forenoon to day In considering the bill to make a new definition of a legal fence. It requlree a fence to be of woven wire. The bill, after much discussion, was amended ao that the only place where such a fence could be re quired Is on the division line between farms. and in this form It was passed. Change Nasi of School. The senate reconsidered ita action of de feat for the bill to change the name of the State Normal achool. The bill waa defeated when it waa proposed to give the institution the name of "State Teachers' college." To day, after reconsidering the vote, the bill waa amended and then passed to give the institution the nama of "Iowa State Normal college." The senate, debated at length a bill to recognised and license the practice of op tometry, snd by decisive vote refused to send the bill to the health committer, which la dominated by the doctors, afty which It waa made a special order for the following day. Car Problem Salved. 'The aenate passed unanimously the Allen bill In regard to furnishing cars. The present Iowa law requlree rallroada to fur nlsh cara when they are needed by ship pers when within their power to do so and upon reasonable time. The Allen bill strikes out all these previsions and leaves it so that the duty of furnishing cars is well def-ned. In a sense, tlie bill is a sub stitute for all demurrage bills. The senate also received a report from the railroads committee, favorable to the bill to forbid "promiscuous drinking on trains and to give conductors authority to forbid persons from going on trains whlls they are Intoxicated. I'arale Board Aaaelatsaeat. The governor todsy sent to the senate the name of W. H Berry of Indlanola. for reappointment on t lie Btate Board of Parole. The senate Immediately confirmed the same. Mr. Berry is now chairman of the board and waa appointed Governor Cummins. He la the lawyer member of the board -and haa been largely Instru ments! in getting the work of the parole board started v Neaapaper aien who returned from Ottuiuaa say that C. M. Jytuutuu baa iden Iowa . o) o) ffl Mm rmn tified one of the negroes In custody, as hia wife'a assailant. The police and detec tives are maintaining secrecy and refuse Information to all comers. The man whom Johnson accuses waa caught on a train leaving Kanaas City, Sunday evening. . Hia la name la unknown. Conrt Clapa Lid Dawa, HUMBOLDT, Ia., Feb. 2t. (Special.) Every retail druggist in Humboldt county who haa aold Intoxicating liquors, waa to day enjoined from doing so any longer by an Injunction issued by Judge A. D. Ballle, of the district court. Three of the druggists, knowing that the Injunction woupld prob ably be Issued, surrendered their permits before the official edict waa given out. The Injunction is Issued on the broad claim that every drug store cwner in the county had been selling liquor Illegally. Recently all of the "bootleggers" were driven out of business In the county, and the Intention to make the county abso lutely "dry" prompted the action against the drug men. SUFFRAGISTS BEFORE NEW YORK LEGISLATURE Stylishly Gawaed Speakers Address Jadtclary Committee (or Poor Iloara. ALBANY", N. Y., Feb. S5.-Hosts of suf fragists and anti-suffragists styllslilv gowned, crowded the great assembly cham ber In the capltol today and for over (our hours their chosen speakers argued befcro the members of the Judiciary committees of thi senate and aasembly at a Joint hearing for and agalnat concurrent resolu tions introduced by Senator Hili of Buffalo and Assemblyman Toomba of New York, proposing an amendment to the constitu tion striking the word "male" from the suffrage clause. The suffragists were more outspoken ir. their applauae than those opposed to the ballot for women, but the antl-auffraglsts were much In evidence and argued at length in support of their contention that their opposition was not due to class or ex feeling or parttanahtp of any sort, nor a weak desire to avoid responsibility, but due rsther "to a patriotism which would seek to make the ballot, high mark of civic worth and honor.'"' TEN PERSONSKILLED. TWENTY-THREE INJURED Gaaajway Falls froas Steamer Kaaerla Assails Victoria la Ham hare; Harbar. HAMBURG. Feb. U. Ten persons wera killed and twenty-three Injured , tonight through the slipping of a gangway between the wharf and the steamer, Kalserin Augusta Victoria, which waa being loaded preparatory to Bailing for New York on Saturday, next. No passengers were among the victims. Thoae on the gangway when the accident occurred Included members of the crew, atevedorea and atewardessea They were daahed Into the water which waa covered with thick, drift ice. The majority of them auataincd broken bones and several wrre badly cruahed. Only aevanteen of them were rescued and the officials eatlmate the dead, some of whoae bodies hava not been recovered, aa tea or more. Bahles straagled by croup, cougha or colds are instantly re lieved and quickly cured with Dr. King's hew Diacoery. Mc and 11 UU. For aale by Btaloo Drug Co, fiST uu Harvard Ivers Pond The Huntington Mendelssohn Richmond CdDIMMf asasatalll Balkan Crisis Is Regarded as Acute in Russia Diplomats in Czar's Service Believe War Between Austria and Servia Sore to Come. ST. PETERSBURG. Feb. 25. The pessim ism with regard to the Balkan crisis Is steadily deepening In diplomatic circles, where It ia believed that Austrian action against Servia may be expected within a fortnight unless a solution of the present grave problem is soon arranged. Foreign office officials atate that Ruasla Is not dis posed to consider an Invasion of Servia alone aa a caaua belli, but there la fear that the government's hand may be forced under auch circumstances by popular feel ing. The beginning of hostilities would throw thouaanda of Russian volunteers Into the Servian ranks. The Duma leadera. who visited the For eign office today, expressed themselves as convinced that war la inevitable. Informa tion received from Kiev today Indicates that no military measures have yet been undertaken on the southwestern frontier, but all applications of officers for leave ol abaence have been refused and the Kiev department Is ready for Inatant mobiliza tion. Brrlla Discredits Alarmist Views. BERLIN. Feb. 26.-There Is no leason to believe that an outbreak of war between Auatria and Servia Is imminent, according to the view held In most authoritative semi official circles. The alarmist reports are regarded aa being much exaggerated. It Is admitted, however, that the situation Is not clear and will remain cloudy until those powers which, like France, are striv ing to maintain peace, make their voices heard at St. Petersburg and Induce Russia to notify Belgrade that In the event of war Servia cannot rely unnn either STflTcV or Indirect Russian aupport. OPPOSITION TO PARCELS POST Memorial at ' Omaha Commercial Clab Presented ta the Senate. From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Feb. S5.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Reaolutlona of the executive committee of tliav Omaha Commercial club, aigned by twenty-alx of the lead ing bualness men of Omaha, protesting moat emphatically agalnat a trial of the parcels, post In several counties of the United States were presented In the sen ate today by Senator Brown. In the establishment of an experiment of the rural parcels post the Omaha club aeea the Irrevocable eatabliahment of the parcela post system, whether or not it Is the Intention of congress at this time to create tha same." Such parcela pot would reault in the benefit of a few and to tha detriment of the great ma jority," according to the resolutions passed by the Omaha club. Merchants of West Point have placed themeaelvea on record as favoring free hides. Their petition to that effect waa presented In the senate today by Senator Brown. Senator Brown moved the adinlaslon of Frank Crawford in the supreme court thia morning. Poatmaaters appointed: Iowa North Bueoa Vista, Clayton county, Helen ennett Co. J 2C Sweeney, vice C. A. Meanthcr.. realgnod. South Dakota Strool. Butte county, Pe ter ugarci, vice ts. a. etgmon, reaigneu. Rural carriera appointed for South Da kota routes: Artesian, route S, Alfred n. Qulnn, carrier; W. R. Quinn, substitute. Lyonvllle, route 1. August Berge, carrier; Lottie H. Berge, substitute. Plerpont, route 1, Nils Nilson, carrier; Henry H. Herder, substitute. Foley's Honey and Tar clears tha air passages, stops the Irritation In the throat, aoothea the Inflamed membranes, and the most obstinate cough disappears. Bore and Inflamed lungs are healed and strength ened, and the oold la expelled from tha system. Refuae any but the genuine in the yellow package. Sold by all druggists. ANTI-GAMBLING LAW IS PASSED IN NEVADA Measare Prohibiting All Games nf Chance Goes Through Hoase. CARSON, Nev.. Feb. 26. The anti-gam. bllng law passed by the assembly today hy a vote of 27 to 20. Before the vote had been announced two members changed their volea In order to give notice of a mo. tlon to reconsider. Thla made the final vote a to 18. The bill carries the amendment offered by the majority of the puollo morals corn mil tee which extends the time when It t all become operative from September, 19C9, to January I. The bill provldea that It shall be "unlaw. or carry on In any capacity any game chat ce, auch as faro, roulette, rondo, poker, klondike cr any percentage game or bank. Ing game carried on with cards, check, device, or otherwise; also slut machine where money is Involved." COUGH REMEDY e a A MEDICINE OP REAL WORTH AND MERIT. It Not Only Cores Colds and Grip, Bat Prevents Them From Re sulting in Pneumoni4v Chamberlain's Coagh Remedf U intended speciallj for acuta throat and lung disease, of which colds, croup and whooping cougli are lha most common. Tlioaa who bar used It lor rear and are in a position to know ita real value, assert that it is with out an equal for the It stment of these die. assjs It not anl ew aM ..J l . . . J J MIH gl sui counteracts an tenderer toward pneumonia. it has coma into almost universal use aa a preTentireand cur for croup, and hag Barer been known to fail. . . - , In cases of whooping cough it keeps tbt cough loose, lpctoration eaT and render tha paroxysms of coughing leas frequent and less severe, depriving that diaeu of ail dan. ferout consequence. ( . , w It U pleasant to take, which It of much Importano when tbe medicin must be riraa to small children. . . U contain bo opium or air hArmful subsuno, gad may ba Jtt, a o a baby a to ao adult, ' II . la sa ideal ramadyboth foraduiUand Children, and w think the mnat perfect and jawat t fleet ua t prod ucad la aa oMialr?,