TTTK OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY. FEBRCARY 2. ITO. '7jjc QTY fiUiS riM r. sssglag U'sw Edhnlm, Jeweler. ''. ", 'a. 1 tl A rarnara. tagala la Th Bmw Tim." "."aSl If folk:lo, sight draft at tiitorltj. H D. Steely. ivsr. Omaha, ta Hs-asaM-kan eat faiianaale tarwisV repaid monthly. Xebraab gavtagv nil tVtas AwiKlmoiv IMS Far-am street. Cwrnt UH eo. rut mta Rbbt coh Will, address tha sTrPCInley K-ige. In depend ent OMir B'aat Brtth, at Continental hall undajr afternoon an "The Ghetto.' Tow aaoae ad TaX-aMa In a af depaait bag lav Hi AarVaa gate Dopoatt Taulta la the B building; 11 rent a box. r. C. Huitr, fraaloaat. Tiautsasiil CXua Tha Walnut Hill Improvement club- will glv a smoker to- tftg poooerty owner of that district I" ri dgy reo&g at lf Cumins street. All In trstnT ar Invited,. AAds-a. a Baal aleta Xacaaac Edwed A. Haleey of Chicago executive secretary of Uia National Real Estate worladov will iiMm tfia Baal Batata excnang vVedneada ait "To national Or ganisation." A. M. mtaaa, Wat National Sana ' buildlna; ta maing nml aatata laaaa wttlw out delay ut aa tern vary favorable aerrawwra, Jeaa BaMar SaateaV TTta funeral ef John flutter, wait died Sunday, waa bald) at Lb Hoffman undertaking parlor Tnea r ftemraw at o'clock. Th Swiss so ciety bad charge of tha aarvlca and burial waa ta Choral. Hill aantatary. AOaawa BiaaHai fro-a Anar-rrana Gearry. an alleged deserter- from tha till tad State army ae frt E. A. Russell, Wya, waa arraatad Tuesday aftamooa as tha Sa braaka lodging House by Orflcsr Haltaraiaa. Ho will be turn ail ever to tha army authori ty . Tle government now pay a SW for tha arrest rrt each deserter from tha army. Vagyo Aaaya vTai tela For annoy ing telephone girls near tha btlrph-rt build ing at Eighteenth and Dauglas street flat onlay avanlng, William Johnson, a Council Bluffs negro baa bran sent ta Jail for thirty day a Ha waa sentenced In police aourt Tuesday morning by Judge Craw ford: War aa Saw Vax-ft ta'cama Vy Tha regular monthly moating of tlia Board nt ack Cammlastawara wilt ba bald Frldsy. Mombara f tha board My it la pro ban! that anma action will b takan at thia mat ing n,lHtlva' to tha nraflmlnary worn ta ba dnno thia anrlng In Improving tha naw Lrvt Cartar park. AJXagaC "gtlca-trr Kaa FTaada On tha aharffa of aaaaulting and robbing Albart Andaraoa an Uta night of February IS, Charlra JF. Wilson waa arraigned In potics court Ttmaday morning. Ha pleadad not guilty and tha caaa waa set for hearing Tlluraday. Four dollar and a pockat bnifa waa tha extent of Wilaon'a allaged robbery raaaaal at WUUaai lf William fltar. ta raaidpnt of Omaha who dlad flun day, waa buried Tuaaday aftraonn in Tnr aat Lawn aemrtery. Tha funaral aerrtnc waa held at the hunt. 19 South. Elgh tc-nth etret. and many ftienda and mem bers of AaoiiRt Order of Cnltad Workmen, Tnion FUclflu No. IT. of which Mr. fltar la n member, attenUad. &asy Kaa aa ba War Sixty days In Ja-I was tha eentanra given GNr Floto, Hr.I Burt atraatv when- ha racad tha police jucltf Toaeday morning. Flota wax sharged with vagrancy and It la allagmt that ha bad been .aupportad by hla mutllar fnr aaverat mou tha, although abia to work. Ela family rcqueted that tha ludga do aomethlhg to atraighien him out, and Judgn Crawford dtciiled tliat Jail work and board would b the beat ramady. OAarlsy valaa to lefaa Camblaa Tha eraoiid jnmllng of the Associated rharttlea and afniliUiKl rganlaationa wilt ba held In tha council uhamber In tha elty hall on the afternoon of Mann 12. Tha report of tha committee appointed to draft article governing tha co-operation of tha varioua organixatlona will ba received, and Miss Junta, aecretary of tha Associated Charttiee, will dollver'an addreaa on "How May tha Fubilu Become Better Acquainted with Chant able aadc Fhilanttiropia Work In tha CKy. Tha above la tha aama of German chanxioaV whka la ana mt tha aiaay vaiua bla ingredient f Foley'a Kidney Remedy. Hesantathylsaatarramina la racognlaad by edtcal text bcoks and authorltia aa 4 arte acid sulvent and anUaapUn tor tha arlna. Tax Foley' Kidney Remady aa aoo aa you, notice any irregularities,, aad a-retaT a sarloua aioiady. floid by all 4rua aista. WATTLES TALKS CM ORIENT ag laitaa Ilhntnind la Tew. G. . WatUea, president sf tha au-aet railway eompany. delivered tha saaund ef bla Ulunimtad lectansa an bla raeant trip around tha world at All Saintarehtirea last maht t a gaUtartng aa apprasiauv aa waa tha aa which heard tha first laotur. Thia aaeoad addreaa deala wttk tha Phil tppuiea, China, aad Coraa, and. a waa tha To This Offer That ta an simply ask. aad w will buy you a -atria ta try. Use it aad loam what It aoaa That la batter la It sot? than for aa t argue about tt. Tea wha ara 111 wt&x a germ treubl tftia apgeal ta ta fw. Aa agpae. b fair wttk yoursaif. TS time la past tor treating germ disease ta th aid way; for- mill tuna bav laaraad, la tha peat sevaa year, taat Lluouida doaa what they failed ta accamaiioa. I It But wtaa, if yaa seed thia hala, t teea-a wbat they knew about tt? What Liquocide Is Uejuacld la a tanta garmltdd. th tr tuea ef wblck ar derived aaieiy rront alda gaawa. Ka aleabo. aa nor cot 's, as thing but gaa enter lata is. Tba pra- mt sisklag taqalraa large aapararua aad aansusaaa 14 day tlaa Tha abject I ta aa eaeabua tba gaaaa win IktuM aa carry tbaag virtue fat tb ay-tata. Tba raaalt ta a garmleida aw cart-la that wa aaiauaa. with awary battla aa affar ( 1 a dtaaaa garaa that f-Utaw-dd caaaet kill. It aaatr-y thata aa aua iereia ar mt vtgataAi origin. But ta tba bady Uquacida ta exhilarating, vt taltalag. gurlfytag. Tbat ta Ua aioia dtatlaet-ia. Cummua ganalrldea ara sataaaa wbaa, taxaa nv- taraaUy. They ar tmo thi. for they d -stray tba tiaaoaa aa wail aa th gertaa Tbat b wby saadlclaa grovaa keipiaea la gealtng with gersa gluea, Uquacida, It b cf the First Importance That yoor fclood hoI4 b nornvaJ in red and whits blood corpuscle and all other constitnent, whenerer there ia ezpocare to infec tious and contagious diseases. Too biool ia ant normaJ if you haw acrrjrolav, eruption,, cxtxrrb. rhenma tiara. annrnia, mmmmmnm, that tirad feaiinf;, (nag f appetite), ar general dehility- Ton aboald txkiv Hood' StrwmparUla, and you aboald bcin UJtiaf it at anew. Hood" Saraaparllla tftecta Its won derful cure, nat simply because It contxlna aarsaparllla out beraiwa It com bin ea tha utmost remedia vaiaes oT mar thaa in different IngrMlentx, eac.a greaxiy atrengthened and en riched by tnlg peculiar combinatlnn. The Ingredient are the yery reme dia that umeaaftil physician pre aenbe; for tha am dlaaaaea and ail mentx. Thera ta no real substituta tar Hood' Saraapartlla. If arged ta buy any preparation a!d ta be) "fust a good" yan may ba aura it ta Inferior, coata lam to rnaxx and ylelil.f tha aaajar a larger profit. Bee Hoed Saraanarnia today, tn aaaal Dqnid ar aablwai eallad SarwAaba, IDtdoaea . flrat, 1 enhanced by aumerou Hluatratlona and many moving picture, which bring tha Ufa of tha orient near to tha audlenca. OCCUPATION TAX ENDORSED laaaewv a Ctw ta InelaiiMi a aeaa. Following the laad of seven other Im provement cluba. tha Dupnnt Improvement stub. In the Second ward, laal night paaaed resolution approving of tha proposed occu aatloa tax ordinance now pending In thn city touneff. The club which previously emiorsad tha ordinances are the New South, west. Rlvervlew, Fontanelle. Southweet, Twelfth Ward. Druid Hill, and Newport Bolvldar. The endorsement followed tha" delivery sf an addreaa by Councilman Harry B. Zlm maa explaining tha purpose of tha pro paaed ardlnances and the hope of reducing general taxes by com palling tha public ser vice corporations to pay a tax. The coun cilman quoted from official statistics of other attiea. showing that taxes varying from a small per cent to aa much xa 10 per cent on tha gross receipt are paid, and de clared that tha eorporatlona In Omaha are receiving a sufficient revenue to afford tn pay into the city treasury a tax for tha use of tha streets. Ceunciiman Lee Bridge, who also ad dressed tha club, seconded Mr. Zlmmaa tn tha request that a demand be made upon the councilmen to vote for tha paaaaga of tha proposed ordinance. 9am. K. Greenleaf. who has filed for tha republican aomlnatloa tor city clerk, spoke , briefly, asking bla hearer for their support ac tha primaries; and L P. A. Bruechert apoke In behalf of William A. Chapman, who baa Sled for tha republican nomination for councilman from, the Twelfth, ward. A. tnda presided at tha meeting. A VrteJfctfat Hxpartewee with btllouaneaa, malaria and constipation la .oulckly overcome by taking Dr. King's BTear Ufa Fllla Sc. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Assistant United States District Attorner A. W. Uuw of Lincoln waa a visitor at Cedar XI haadituartar Tuesday. a. T. Wails of Casper. Mr. and Mr. A. EL Lenst of Fairfax and R. Haaton of Kansaa City are sc the Millard. Oaorga H. Mead of H.isiinaa, C. A. Ander son R. W. Richer of Berirand and C. W. Malcolm of Kansas City ar at tha Hen shj.w. H. R. Lewi. A. H. Koun of Lincoln. C T. Brown of Buffalo and Mr. and Mrs. J. William of Talisman are at tha Her Grand. J. T. Edmund of Rushvllle. C. K. Cull ef Oakland, W. W. Rutlatrom of Huldrega and M. T. Nagle of at. Paul are at the Hotel Loyal. J. O. Freaton of Onford. Mrs. Mary Flta gsrald, Mlsa Fltagnrald of Lincoln; O. t Hewitt of Tfailgtl and H. L. Stewart of Lexington are at the Rome. E. C. Engia of Denver. D, V. Martlndale of Cheyenne. N.. L. BlaJce ef Central City. Fred Orlglawar of Shuhert. A. Dixon of Panama and A. Leish of Xebraaka City are at the Schlita. X. Lansdale Doup. J. Q. Swarhnut of Winnipeg, C. B. Harrla of Daadwnod. Ban B. Beiser of Oakdale. Emma Bsnxa of Tyndall and Dr. F. ilmua of Oakland ara at tha Paxton. Peter Duhamel of Rapid City, S. D., who "punched" oners with Mayor Dahlman In tha early dava ia In tne city for the pur pose of looking after business Interests and visiting witti tha mayor. Mr. Duhinui ewna a Xu-acre farm between South Omaha and Fort Crook. Oeorg Arkwrtght of Beatrice, president of tha Mebraatta Jewelers' asenclatlon ta a guest at tha Millard. Ha la her u meet and confer with tha offlcera and executive enmmtttea of the association reiarlve to the meeting of the ei are aaeortauoa. which convenes la Omaha Wednesday. Brigadier Oensral Morton, commanding tha Department of tha Missouri. Lieuten ant Colonel W. P. Evana. chief of staff, and Major D. E. McCarthy left for De Moines Tuaaday afternoua to look over the ground for tne proposed milltarv tourna saenc to ba held sear 'hat city .a Septem ber. ay ires and Sea What Liquocide aa th contrary, tOfiltt Oft as a remarkable We Paid $100,000 For the right to Liquudde, after thou sands af tset bod been made with It. After It power bad bean demonstrated for mora than two years tn the moat difficult germ dine. Condition which had real -ted medicine for year yielded at enca ta It, and dlaeaaea cuoaidered la c urabie war cured . That wa aaa yaar ago. Sine then million af aeopi ta every par of the wurtd bav snared tn, tha benefit af tal lnventloa. Nearly every hamlet, every aeighbarbaad, haa living example of tt power. Now we ask eu to let It da for you what tt aid for them . Germ Diseases Moat mt aug aicxae-a aa, ia tat years, beea traced la germ attack. Soma gwrm a In skin trouble dlraetly attack th , tlaeuea Sam ereata toxin, eaaatag sues troubles aa Rnanmatlam. Blood Pataua, I Kidaey Dlaeaa aad nerve weaxneaa Some . dowtray tt-l rgaaa. aa ta Caaouraptioa. Some like tba germ at Catarra ra I taflammatiaa; soma causa tadlgeatioa. Ia 1 ana mt ttxmmm way, aearly every aeriou ailment la a germ reeuiL Suatb uaditlaaa call for a germii.lla. aot for eotnjBoa drugs, lUuocula ana vbat atner siaana caoaut a-cvuuplian. And WHIT WASM5CT03 ECHOED Toaaiatiott Broad tni SlrtiTij aaoli far Grestcst cf Istious. STATUS T02 A D0XUA3T E3IA aadvs seas y mt Him gitrtai " la rirtiaar Xumt by Rli , Bkalita ef Cataaaaa aael Sf b e e Sawiavbaaw Rav. Frank L. Love land and Prof. Nathan Bernstein dellverM the principal addresses Mmdxy night at the Washington birthday enaervanre at the T.mng Men Chtia tlan association under the auspices of the high school. The sloppy condition of the streets waa no bar to a large attendance. The large hall was prettily draped with flags, with a large picture of Washington suit ably draped over the speaker" wand, the decorxtlone being the work of the Girl' Booeter club. The program opened with two selections by tha Omaha High school cadet hand. Vocal wiloa were rendered by Ed Parrott and Win Prenticai The chairman of the evening waa Tlce Principal Woolery of tha high school, who Introduced Rev. Frank L. Loveland and Prof. Nathan Bernateln as tha peakHr of tha avanlng. Wntlsalsa Staade ta Idea. "Waahingtion. tha Incarnation of an Idea," was tha subject sf Dr. Lovs'.asii'a addreaa Ha held that Oorga Waaningwn was the veritable personification of the Idea of ub' arty. With tha great man of former age they were more particularly tha exponent ef great Idea, tha thought of which ' owned by other. But with Washington existed the idea of perfect liberty and democracy, he not being merely Its In carnation, but It exponent aa wen. wr. Loveland drew a picture of the American situation when Washington took command of tha army. Tha Briuah with their scarlet uniforms, splendid equipment of rm and banners, with the record of twelva con quered nation to their credit, were mdeed a formidable host to confront the embattled farmer of taxlngton and Concord. But undaunted by splendor nd panoply of war. tha farmer .battallona of America. Inspired by tb ptnt af Washington, drove tha Briton from American shorts and built a nation whose equal the world ha never known. "And here, after over Wt years, v ar again celebrating the birthday of the great character of that struggle for liberty, whose patriotism ia tha inspiration af the agea and whose renown shall con tinue with increasing glory so long as there breathe th pir1t of liberty.- Maay 9 Idea af Cbaaatae Professor Xxthan Bernstein address treated of tha "Many aide of the Life and Character of Washington." He held that I there waa nothing new In the celebration of Waehington's birthday In this year or 1801. "W have been celebrating his birth day for over a century, but hla many-elded life ha given the stimulus not merely for thia century of celebrations, but will be the Inspiration of celebratlona for eenturiee ta come. Hia life la encoinpoaaed In tha Ufa of the nation far which he wrought so much. He was not appreciated by tha peo ple of bla lime, because of hi vision and philosophy being broader. Then there wax a population of scarcely 6.0M.(j6. He was great then, but bis greatne has kept a steady and unvarying pace with the In creasing population and national growth, now reaching 8O.08t.0Ht of people, and his aolusaal character measures up to the pres ent era of America's greatness, and will eonUnua increasing with th growth e&tha nation for all ages to come. Hla Ufa la the Inspiration of the young not merely of America but of all lands and nationa. Hla domes tic life ia the Inspiration of every home hearth. He la the highest model of the politician and statesman tha world has ever known. He waa Infinitely broad, democratic, annservatlve, and, above all. tnflniteiy fair. Me recognised no church or creed a being a part of tha political gov ernment to be built, and it waa hia mighty tnfluence that kept creed out of the Amer ican constitution. For bla broad oonserva tlveness In such matters, while personally a communicant of the church of hla choice and a conalstent member of it, ha waa be loved by the devotee of every creed, and for his efforts tn securing the broadest ex ercise of unrestrained religious liberty, bo received commendatory letters from the prelates of every church of every religious denomination and belief. Ha believed and practiced the principles of the brotherhood of man and stantl today as ha will for alt time, tha beet exponent of th statesman, politician, leader, soldier and cttlaen that tha modern world baa produced." tassal Dtaaaw Kaigbta mt Tslaaibw Tha annual dinner of tha Knighta of Columbus was given at the Matropotltoa club Monday avanlng commemorative of Washington a birthday and wax aa elabor ate social event. Tha guesta were ta full evening dress, tha member of tha order wearing tha ribbon and Insignia of the or ganisation. Fifty-two couples, comprising many of tha beat known people of Omaha, socially, and la a business sense, sat around tha banquet board, Tha knight and their wlvaa aad woman mends first assembled In tha reception parlora of the club and promptly at t:30 began the grand promenade to th banquet hall above, to tha strains of Soosa's grand march, "Stars and Stripe Forever." Tha hall waa appropriately decorated for 09 Means to Ytu It 1 wrong t cling to aid ways when million ef people know a way that la better. 50c Bottle Free ' If yu wish to know what Liquocide doe pleas ssad ua this coupon. Wa will men mail you aa arder an a local druggist for a full sis bottle, and will pay th arugglat ouraelve fur it- Thia la ur free gift, mada ta convlnua you; to let tha product itself ahow you what It eaa do. Ia JuaUce to yourself, p leaa ac cept It today- for It place you under aa obligation whatever. Liquovtda aaaix too aad tl CTT OCT THIS COt "P"0 Fill It aut and mall it to th Liqituanna Compaay, lv EL kCinai SL, CbLago. My dlaeoau la I have never tried tha new Liquocide. but ir vou, win supply at wu.i a sue battla ia irea, 1 til SJT Giv full addreaa write piaialy. Liquoeide ta th perfected form of th praduct wnich. ta lta erlginai form, wo u .lea, Liiuaaa Aay phyeir'aa er hoapltal aot yet ualng Liuuociu alii b i-adi aupuu-o. fur a test. tb erraainn and the menu wa in f ill keeping with the el i nova ; a evnt. C. J. Smyth wta toaetmaetr. Th pm- ornuig remarka of Mr. Smyta. An addrea, "The Catholic Paul).' was responded to by Mr. Rush, after which the "9ir I Singled Banner" waa rendered. Mr honey r-imomted to the eentiment. "Pmvl- 1 denre ." Brother Raohaet, O. 3. F. snake anon "Onr Schmla." The closing response wa M "Our (uesta. The Ladles." by Rev. P. A. Mdjovern. Musical numhera, "(Jod of Might." "Annie Laurie' and "Auld Lang Syne." were mingled with the program, whlrh closed with the grind patriotic choroa of "America' the entire ansnnhlage I participating. Tha reception enmmirtea consisted of Mr. snd Mrs. flrbmldt. Mr. and Mrs. Redmond. Mr. and Mr-. O' Hern. Mr. and Mrs. SmytS and Mr. and Mrs. Crowley. Our Letter Box Contrlbutlnna on UmeTy topics invited. Write leg:bly on one side of the pep-r only, with name and address appended. Unused contributions will nut be re turned. Lettera exceeding 3" worde will be subject to being cut down at the discretion af the editor. Publication ef vlewa of enrreepnnden rs does not conx- it Tha Bee to their endorsement. steefgaattww- OMAHA. Fen. 22. To th Editor of The Bee: Referring to an article on tn first page of your Saturday evening's Is sue of The Bee. under the caption, "Elmer Colls it Resigning," w wish you would. In faimeee to Mr. Thomas, make a correction. A a matter of fact. Mr. Thorn aa waa re-elected president of the Douglas County Antl-SaJoon league last Deasmber against his expressed wish. At least two or three time- since his re election he ha given notice of hia resig nation, but not until tit last meeting of the league on February ill, last, waa his resignation acrapted. Rev. B. F. Fellman wa elected to flit the vacancy The rec ord ef the league will bear out these statement. HARRT A. 3TONK, secretary Louglas County Anti-Saloon L ague. Colonel deright is safe Callaat W arrive te 4 Me te allay Aastaty mt Htm Reekes. taw Frtaad. The riot at South Omaha haa brought the colonels on the staff of Governor Shullen berger into the limelight and their fame is spreading broadcast all over tha land. Now that the governor has seen rt to call out the militia to guard the peace of the com munity, friends of the "fighting" colonels all over the country are becoming solicitous. From the far east comes a messago of fear lest Colonel Deright might have be.en Injured In the recent conflict. t M. Antia- del. editor of the Rochester Herald, wlrvd to hi bunting companion. Frank L. Camp- bell to learn. If thHlr mutual friend hud bean injured. Thi message was received by Mr. Campbell late Monday night: ROCHESTER. N. T.. Feb. 2. Mr. Frank L. Campbell. 113 New Tork Life Building. Omana: Waa Colonel Delight's command engaged in the battle of South Omaha.' If so. was he Injured, and where. News dis patcher here apeak of him aa a "battle scarred veteran." We Interpret thia to mean "bottle scarred veteran." L. M. ANTISDEL. OMAHA. Feb. 3. Mr. L. M. Antlsdel, Rochester Herald, Rochester. N. T.: I beg leave to report that the gallant fighting colonel escaped injury; that hia command, anmpoaed of several hundred of the rlow-r of Governor ghaiiennerger'a staff, in full dree uniform, made a Hunk attack on th enemy, drove them Into a saloon and com manded oil to ta-u a drink,, after wiilch. on armistice was uoncludeii. t V. L. CAMPBELL. Mr. Antlsdel somas lout to Omaha and Joins Messrs. Campbell and Daright In hunt ing expeditions ov.&s Nebraska and over lamnus reservations. NAGGED HIM? IF SO. HOW? Keaamt fa Xm 9plS la fnraaaw aa tm Olvere Plea riled my eay foe Jt ra. L alleey- Mrs. Theresa S. Cilery wishes to know Just how she can be accused of "nagging and harassing her husband," and how her treatment of him "ha largely Impaired his earning capacity," and "how it has inter fered with his advancement" Cilery mode these statements In a petition for divorce filed tha other day. and Mrs. Cilery, through her attorney, comes bock with a 'request that plaintiff be compelled to malm hia allegations more specific on these point. Jury trials hung fire Tuesday tn dis trict court because of lawyers delays, but the divorce mill grinds on. though not "merrily," perhaps. . Clara Walker la granted a divorce from Frank Walker on tha ground of non-supnort and Effle Vaughn 1 likewise now legally separated from Thomas Vaughn. Mrs. Pauline Doll soul time ago sued Michael Doll for di vorce. The husband now asks that a Jury rule a to whether he locked hia wife out of the house and whether he failed to sup port her properly. Abandonment la tha plea of John K. Muckley, who- charge that . Grace Muckley fled from him two, months after tha wedding bells hod rung. MONEY GONE. CLERX HELD J. M. Wall. Kssataya of gtmad A C. Areatd aw a gaavseiaaa Cbaraatev by Pel-x. A recent robbery of money and check from the office of Stroud & Co.. Commer cial avenue and Belt line, has resulted In the arrest of the bookkeeper, J. B. Wal lace, who ta held by tha police a a aus picious character. He waa found by Offi cer La Hey Monday night in a saloon at Twelfth and Douglas streets, trying to pass a SZS check. A charge of forgery will probably ba filed igrunst him. One of the members of the Stroud firm reported tha los to the police a w days ago and Wallace's arrest resulted. He bad a number of blank checks in his posses ston. hut the signed checks belonging ta tha company snd stolen from them were not found. John Stewart, a room mate and acquaint ance of Wallace, has also been arrested, as it Is thought that though he hud noth ing to da with tha theft, ho may shad soma light on the matter Captain davage inrk.d him up Tuesday morning. Both be and Wallace live at Norrh geventeenuh LENTEN SERVICES AT NOCN Willi, ma Ifcaluf mm Wdaday at Flrat at Mid-Day Keatiaoni at CatbedraJ. I Tile Episcopal church, will observe Lent : a usual throughout Cmaha, pariahea i noonday services wtll be held at Trinity I cathedral. Eighteenth street and. Cauitoi : avenue, fur the eoxxaiciu ef bus inea i people, beginning Aon. Wednewf y. rb ' ruary 3L when Right Rav. Arthur Wll I llama, butbop af brakA wll be the l speaker. Tha service ara to be s un t, loauig eni.y from 1. U ta C M a e!o k. They :il ba held daily thrqug.huuc LanC anui.tu.. a eepted. Th apeaor tot tha ba.aaca ef thi wis. Tbur . Fniixv .". t Sacuct-iy. will ba Tn ... v A. St viler, jaaii at tha a h,lra . CARET PRAISES ROOSEVELT Tells OmsJu Cult PtwiJent Sroujit COUStTT ITgaX DeCaJojTl. W ASHXJGTQJ BUT-DAY 1 -3XlC3I AaaaaJ Disss rlaga ww a Jwtly Caaagaay aad Wfealsg 9s ssaa aael Will Hay ward Address Is. "Roosevelt brought till rr-mtry hack nearer to the ten commandments than tt has been for fifty y-ars." fa id Joseph K. Carey, former senator from Wyoming and the man who drew tip the Carey act nnder which thcnwtnd of scr of arid nd semi-arid lands of the west are being made to blossom like a rose through Irri gation. Hla toast at the annual Washing ton birthday bampiet of the Omaha elub was "Roosevelt, tha Retiring President.' and he Mid of tha many re forma which have hren wrought during the year- Theo dore Rmeeve't has been president of th United States. Mr. Carey told of the transformation of tha arid waste Into fertile flelda since ha flrvt crossed the Miseourl fiver Into Omaha with the Intention of making thia hia home. He said he had a letter of Introduction ta General Charles V.' Manderson and also krew the father of William Hayward. tha other sneaker of tha evening, who la now secretary of th republican national com mittee. "Today the world celebrate tha memory of one who waa great In council. In ec and wt, and who dedicated hi life ta th outraged colonies.' said Mr. Carey. Theodora Roosevelt la cf no class and there is only one of such In a century. Taken under all condition you may say he ia a many-aided man. but every aids be has presented ta the people has been for the benefit of the people. He Ba been a friend of th home and a friend at the country. He Is th greatest warrior tn thi country and yet the greatest peacemaker, radical and yet conservative. Hia chief aim has caui ta bring reforms, nat against th wealthy or th railroad-, but for tha rail roads and their employes in favor of ail manner of men in this auuntry. Mr. Roosevelt 1 alive today mora tha ne haa ever been. Ia two week he give up tha executive ohair, willingly, ta go into retirement of private life. Ha will still, as a private citlaen, be one of the most In fluential men in this republic;. No pnesident ever retired from office so young. Hi record ba been so positive and certain that no man can claim to ba responsible for hi administration, although you have a reai dent of Nebraaka who claim to be th author af Roosevelt's policies. He ha been hated and detested and yet i one af aur ! best beloved president, I "Not until he was elected president on his own account did he get away from th ! policies of the peaceful president whu pre- ceiled him. He stood for the beat ideals of aur system of government." "Little did Jefferson know what h bad bought when ha took over thia section of the country," said William Hayward of Nebraska City, in responding to the toast af "Jefferson Bargain." Experts who bad been sent our to thia country reported that It wo no good, because no tree would grow, but Uiay. did not have a J. Sterling Morton then to show the value of placing aappllng all over those western plain. Mr. Hayward drew a forceful picture by comparing the purchase ta a sleeping giant which was Just beginning to awake and to shew th stuff of which, ha wo mada. Ha said there were five time aa many scuool teacher on what wa th L-ulaian purchase a there' were soldiers In Wash ington's army. "Jefferson s bargain 1 now bearing Interest at the rata ef 19.(X) per cent per annum from tha resource of tha farm a alone. "While we are oil proud of our stare, we are more proud of thia nation of Ours and the American peaplo- see in a strong na tional government but a reflection of them selves." M. L. Learned, president of the Omaha club, waa toast master and about too mem bers of the club gathered around the board to celebrate the memory of Washington and to hear tha distinguished speakers. The guests were seated in groups at small tallies and the banquet room waa deco rated with flowers and flags. Btggor, Better. Buster That's what ad vertising In Th Bea due for jour business. TO BE IIICI18LE Terrible Red Patches en Face and Arms Made Victim Ashamed ta be Seen Suffered Intensely far Ten Months Expert Treatment Gave N. Relief Two Sets of the CUTICURA REMEDIES ENTIRELY CURED HE3 "Abrmt two veara 040 I onntractad. cema ami suffered intensely for about ten month. AC tuna I thought; I would scratch myself b piacea. Mr faca and arms were covered wiui lax 3a red patches, so that I wa ahamod U go out. I wa advised to go ba a doctor who waa a specialise in skin diseases, but I receive! very little renef. I cried everv known r metiy, with tha same results. I thought 1 would never get betur until a fritmd of mi a told me ta try th CuciL'uro. Eatnedie. 80 I tried tnem a the latt mwum?. and I am very glad that I aid, far after four or five applu-atione of t.uticura, OintmacC t wa relieved cf my unbearable iu-hing. ( neei t a set of tha Curifurg Bemedia. iSuapi Ointment and Pills), and I ara complet'Clv cured. I aiway recom mend Cuticura to any ana that is suf fering and in every eaae it seems to eur. Mios Bare ara Krai, fl'J'l Mt. Pleaeant A 78., Hiatiianiiuiwn, Ml. Jtux. 9, 'Ua." Fretful Babies Suflarina; from Skin humors. Soothed ta Shtf try Catkrarm. A warm bath with Cutirura Soap and g gent-a amiincmg wu.1l Cuticura Otnb- msnt.t puree aad weeteet of etnotli "nra. aiTord bnmetfiata relief in tha most dia ' treastng forma of ttcn- ing, burning, scaly mom. I cruatad humor, wis moo. rashe. infliwnmar boo . urntot-ona and rbanga'? a-fancrand 'eniii-ir.iMHi. permit read oca mio aad. poma a a o tv aur wen o-L char s ntuiitm ft.-. utr !itwe; htH:y c-iw aut atar z wn- ? .. :.a IICHIIIG SEEMED Vr a- -4 v,iVr Goody oral r Ralneoaitsj Rw'art Suprvm" II I V .1 iou ieea tne naincoai, 1 " 3 TIT TT Tt II I v t . - (i V 1 it' ! . .. ' ' 1 . ' . 12 SPECIAL SALE OsP Of SUMIST 0RMICES ALL NEXT WEEK AX ALL STORES Largest Stock 0 $2150 Rambler Toarinjr Car, , 4-cylinder, now $1,573. $U50 Rambler RoaL:terr 4 cflinder, now $1,575. $1,400 Rambler Touring Car, 2-cj Under, now $980. -. 27 Rambler Automobile Company 2044 Farnam Street, Omaha. Keb. A TOTAL LOSS Mony paid for rnt can only ba cunaiilerwil iu a UjuI loss. It la trua- you receive temporary shelter, but you do. ooC rwieiv g paxtlcla of futarg orofit from your tnyestmeac Money should be Invented to a to tagurw future .iuof.r. ur profit. By taking, advantage of ur Ueigfal ttseOud of bu.r-a ar building a home you wtll pay the money fornifrly f.ijeadwil Tr rnC ta us. aad la return vqceiv A clear title ta luur ajjtne. A few yean are stifTiiriBar. Let ug exslain. Omaha Loan & Building Ass'n. 3. E. Cor. 16th und Dodi Streets GEa Vr.LQOJCIS, 'J. JC yATTtJ'ilS. .IT-in asu S2.zs?.ooaao K Bee Want Ad vzill rent ihzi T-tcnt riui, fill thci v-cnt r:rr,s, cr Raincoat Weather! r . t-T "1 S Tl x. vy e nave il and Just the kind you 11 lika too. We know you wtll twcxiie ear octt of raincnat ta big end the variety so great that the coat you Ilk 1 here. It ia a wall fitting and good tailored garment. The product of etoert workmen whuea entire time, eaparieiiu aud energy ara put intti it. And ha all the sfrle that's wortb while thrown inM It f ir good measors. But. buy it ami youll aave a tiilrd of the prlue prevailing ail over tuwn. Eemeraber we raanxueture ALL the ffarmenta we sell auid sell ALL the goriaenta we rrxa-tnTac-txe a,t wholesale prices; the re tailers' profits axe your savings $13.(11 Mn' and Women' Raincoats: our price I jo. on Men's and Women's Raincoat; our price. - , t J It AO Men's and Women a Raincoats, our price , .1 OH Men and Women' Raincoats: our price...... 111. HO Women Sllb Rub berised Coats; our price., Women's Silk Rub ber'sed t'oats: our price., 125.01) Women's Silk Rub heriscd Coats: our price., :I0 lie Women's Milk Rub berised Coats; our price. , $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $17.50 $10.00 $12.50 $15.00 $17.50 mCtlURI tT BAI-rCOAT nCZAXTX-UF Goodyear Raincoat Co. S. E. Corner 16th and Davenport Sts. Immediate Delivery Rambler tops, glaaa fronts, parta and supplies at same liberal dLaeounta.. Write for large list of bar araini in seco ad-hand ma chines. ST": ma 1 a I ma