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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1909)
The Omaha Daily Bee' VOL. XXXV11I NO. 217. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FKBKUATIY 24, 1909 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. RAPID FIRE INQUIRY I Whitewash Applied by Legislature While You Wait. GOOD JOB IN FIFTEEN MINUTES grans and Howard Ask Investigation of Riot Talk. LATTER FILES HIS SPEECH Taylor of Custer Gets Back at Senator Ransom. STOCK YARDS BILLS BROUGHT OUT One Fteronimended t Pnss n Other Held In RnrfK la Cave First On Kail hr th Wayside. (From Btsff Correspondent.) I 1.WOL.N, Feb. 23.-Speclal.) The house Hi 'sfieinoon gave Jerry Howard and Kraus an ample coal of whitewash on their demand for an Investigation of the conduct of those two members of the body In South Omaha Simriuy. In response to the request the epeuker's committer remained In ses sion fully fifteen minutes, after which It made a report that the two membere had flodo nothing- censurable and the .report ass adopted. The sentiment of the commit tee and ft the house waa to make a Josh of the entire matter Inatead of considering It seriously, as the merits of the charge mnd against these two of its members warranted. Kraus of Douglas county InBlsta that he has been unjustly paraded before the pub lic by hla connection with the South Omaha riot and he therefore asked that the speaker appoint a committee to Investi gate Mr. Howard, hla colleague, and him self. The npeaker appointed the following committee: Leldlgh of Otoe, Broderick of Clay and Klllen of Gage. Howard of Douglaa filed the following statement, which waa made a part of the records of the house: Mr. Speaker: I desire aa a question of persons! provllege an opportunity to ex plain to the members of this house tni cause of all this claptrap that ha ap peared In the press relative to a so-called Inflammatory speech delivered by me at a meeting of my fellow cltliena at Smith Omaha. The exact words made uao of by me at said meeting, if they were published, should read aa follows: "Kellow Cllisens: I ehall take for my text the assassination of Officer Ijowrey, but nothing less than Inspiration would allow me to do justice on thla occaalon where so large a gathering of the very best citisens haa aasembled for the pur pone of forming a committee to put a atop to the lawlessness going on in this city. I am not inspired; therefore 1 shall only endeavor to make a few practical re marks and point out to you, my fellow cluaens. where the blame belongs for the murders and nutrsgea perpetrated upon our fellow citisens. The blame reata on our police commissioner, on account of the great privilege that they have iflven to the cheap labor Imported Into the city by the corporations. They allow theso men to do as they like In the way of rambling. Annum, snowing, iignung, Ullr. i- jiiii rinrtlm to all kinds of im morality around. . the" porting houses of the Mty. "The labor commissioner could do some thtng towards helping the laboring men, but lie la handicapped In the way of finances. The labor commissioner la al lowed fft.2$n, while the fish commisaloner la allowed (21.2(0. thereby proving that a fish Is more valuable than a working man. Fellow rltlsens. In reply to the resolu tions read by your aecretar, Mr. Hunter, relative to the loathaome dlseaae of the cheap laborers employed In the packing houses, ' I would suggest that the commit tee appointed heie thla afternoon would taka that subject matter up with the fed eral government, for It is not right that llxeaed men should be handling the meat that the general public 1 eating." Trouble for Ransom. When Senator Ramsom killed the bill by Taylor of Ouster providing that the State Board of Canvassers shall canvass the elec tion returns on constitutional amendments ha builded up for himself a house full of trouble. The first penalty was exacted this morn ing, when Taylor bad the houae take from the standing committee on live stock a bill by Taylor of York regulating rates to be charged by the stock yarda and a bill by Armstrong of Buffalo relating to the same subject. But Taylor did not atop there. He had the house resolve Itself into committee of the whole and recommend the first bUl for passage. The second bill waa sent back to the atandlng committee for ahould the first one by some hook or crook fall by the wayside then the second one wlU be brought forward. ' Taylor waa sufficiently strong In the house to shove the stock yards bills ahead of the general file, already yarda long. In the face of the fact that Senators Tanner and Howell, who had responded to a hurry up call from their friends, were openly fighting the proposition on the floor of the house. "The standing committee on live stock and graxlng haa had H. B, 146 and IL R. Ill under consideration two or three weeks." aatd Taylor during a lull In the house proceedings, "and I move that the chairman of the committee report those bills for general file Immediately." Harrington of Brown, chairman of the committee, explained that he had several meetings of the committee with only a few members present, but that the representa tives of the stock yarda had asked to be heard, and they had Informed him each rime they were unable to be proton t. A meeting, he aald. had been aet for Wodnej day. lie auld further that the author of II. R. 145. W. Z. Taylor, had agreed to the appointment. When the rwtlon waa put It carried unanimously for the committee to report, Taylor ol Custer, as soon as the bills were again In the possession of the house, moved that the house resolve Itself Into a, com mittee of the whole for the consideration of the two nieasuree. Kelt. of Furnas came to the front with motion to have the bills sent back to the committee to report In forty-eight tours. The motion was lost. BUI Mad SI see Bad lea I. la the committee of the whole the bill, H. R. 1U, was smended so that the stock srds may charge X cents a hundred pounds for hay and IB cents for corn above the market prhe In place of M cents. Then the bill waa recommended for engrossment and third reading. Ke'.ley raised several points of order until finally, when he sfcsla raised a point of order. Tslor of Custer, who was la the chair, said: "I dou't kuow of anyone out of order as often aa the ffinl.mii from Kurnas." II. R. Ml. by Armstrong, was then sent ts4k la in standing commute and lb representatives of the sto k yards may talk to th aonimute about that bill. f tr.t Ike i-u-ruue dietuaelua Ureig of lCtal.Btt4 ca sV.vo4 J'sgej si'mmary of toe bee taesday, February 4, 10. FEBRUARY 1909 TUC WED TMU FRI SAT , 2 3 4 5 6 7K 1 10 II 12 13 I4 V 17 18 19 20 21 2k. 23 24 25 26 27 28 Tn wzATmzm. FOR OMAHA. COUNCIL. BLUFFS AND VICINITY Fair and colder Wednesday. FOR NEBRASKA Wednesday fair, with warmer In west portion. FOR IOWA Wednesday partly cloudy, with colder In east portion. Temperature at Omaha yesterday: Hour. Dep. .14 34 34 34 Kt 83 S3 S3 83 33 , 33 sv 131 30 29 W 28 7 a. m. a a. m. 10 a. m. It a., m. It m ... I p. m. J P. 3 p. 4 P. 6 p. p. 7 p. 8 p. p. m. . m.. m.. m. . m. . m. . m. . in. . DOaEESTIO. Second trial ot the Standard Oil case. In which a $29,000,000 fine was assessed by Judge Land Is, closed abruptly at Chi cago when Judge Anderson quashed the Jury panel on motion of the "Standard's attorney. Fag 1 Colonel D. P. Cooper, aged defendant In the Carmack murder case, goes on tho witness stand and testified to his rela tionship with the murdered man. rage 1 President-elect Tsft spends the day with his brother and leaves for New YorW. Secretary of the treasury In his cabinet to be selected before he leaves New York. rags a RIS1IU. John Li. Webster, In an address at the state university, declares Asia Is a, men ace to the world's peace. . Fag 3 X.OOAA. Attorneya who have been looking up the matter express doubt whether the city of South Omaha or the state can be Meld liable for the damages In Sunday's riot. Greeks must look to the federal govern ment. - Policeman Lowery, victim of Greek'a bullet, laid to rest. Fag March 26 the date fixed for the formal opening of the new Young Women'a Chris tian association building. Exercises to continue for nine days. Pag" 6 comcssciAi. aits nrsTrsT&xAXh Live stock markets. Page 11 Grain markets. Fags Stocks and bonds. Page 11 KOTXSstTEVTB OP OCBA1T BTEAMBHIP. Port. ArrlTHt. NEW YORK Campania.... NEW YOKK Chicago NKW YOKK Verona QUKBNSTOWN.. Lualtanla.... COPfc.NHAaBN.-C. F. Tletien FIL'MB OUASOOW. . ,' Mongolian. . . OLA SHOW rolsmbt Balled. . Atlanta. . Sicilian. I.JNPON MtnnetoBks GIBRALTAR UltlKAITAR TRI KKTE F-annonla , UVKBPOOL Bohamlan LIVERPOOL. Ueltle PLYMOUTH K. P. Cwelle OKNOA NAPLES Mar. Washington NAPLES Veneila. .Ornuier Kurfurtt. .Koools Albert. Romania. HADLEY NAMES NEW WARDEN Henry P. Andrne of Jefferson City Made Head of Mlaaonrl Stat Prison. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., Feb. M.-Gover-nor Hadley sent the following appointments to the senate today: To be warden of the penitentiary: Henry P. Andrae of Jefferson City. To be members of the board of managers, state hospital for the Insane, St. Joseph: Henry H. Beardsley, Kansas City; W. C. Pierce, Marysvllle; Jacob Dleger, St. Jos eph. A. E. I Gardiner Introduced a bill In the senate today requiring foreign corpora tions to Invest one-half their capital In Missouri before being allowed to do busi ness In this state. t AID IN PANAMA LIBEL SUIT Attorney McNamnra Commissioned to Help la Prosecution of Cases. WASHINGTON, Feb. 2S.-Unlted Statea Assistant District Attorney McNamara hxa been commissioned by Attorney General Bonaparte as special assistant to the at torney general to aid In the prosecution of the Press Publishing company, the edi tors of the New York World and the own ers of the Indianapolis News, recently In dicted for alleged criminal libel of Presi dent Roosevelt, William H. Taft and othera In connection with the purchase of the Panama canal. Old Tom Murray, who built Mur ray Hotel, in the early days in Omaha had a store, where you could buy any thing from a candle to a second-hand coffin. He would buy anything that waa cheap and aelt anything he had. at a little proftt. He grew rich and died rich. Tom Murray would have revelled in the want ad y&pc of Tho Bee. Do tou look it over every tlayf It tell you where you can buy most any thing you want. It offers a way to sell anything you don't want. It will Rave you money ; it will make you money. It la a rcnataat looa to th thrifty and tlt Utf ansa. I IIMHIj I I'M I PtfBe-t sK . lirirH a', m STATE ANTI-TRUST LAW GOOD Arkansas Case Decided Against Ham mond Packing Company. DEFENDANT LOSES ALL POINTS Derision Is Important as Defining Rivals of State tn Regalate Ont alde Corporations Doing; Bsi. Iness Within It. WASHINGTON, Feb. 23. In an opinion by Justice .White, the. supreme court of the United States today uphold the valid ity of the Arkansas anti-trust law of 1905. which provides a penalty of from 200 to 1500 for each offense and the for- felture of the right to do business In the state. The decision was handed down In the case of the Hammond Packing com pany of Chicago, which. It was charged, had combined with other packers to fix the price of meats, against the state of Arkansas. The case originated In the cir cult court of . Pulaski county, .Arkansas, where a. $10,000 fine was imposed.. That verdict was sustained by the Arkansas supreme court, whose finding was today affirmed. The constitutionality of the law was at tacked on the ground that It Impaired the obligation of -contract, denies equal pro tection under the law and stnndn in the way of due legal process. It waa also contended 'that Inasmuch as the packing company Is an outside corporation its offense. If It committed any, which It de nied, was committed outside the state. It was also urged that the trial had been Irregular' In that there had not been a Jury as required by the Arkansas con stitution In criminal actions. Justice White's decision was against the packing company on all those points. He gave especial consideration to the com plaint that where the company refused to' produce its books in obedience to sn order from the court, a Judgment was given against It contrary to the federal conatltution. Justice White declared that It was the duty of a corporation to live In the light of day and to "be prepared at any time to exhibit its proceedings to Its creator, the state." He add.'d: "As tho Hammond company absolutely declined to obey the order, and stood on what It deemed to be Its lawful rights and privileges, it Is not within cur province to afford relief because of an error of Judgment In this respect. We may not hold that the statute and the order were arbitrary and unjust In the particulars aaserted when they do not have that ef fect." New' York Central Mast Pay. Tie verdict of the United States circuit court for the southern district of New York, Imposing a fine of $108,000 upon tho New York Central railroad on the change of granting rebates to the American Sugar company, was today affirmed by the su preme court of the United States. The rebates to the American Sugar Refin ing company were given on shipments of sugar In 19u3 from New York to Cleveland and Detroit. Six offenses were charged sud fines of 118.000 each were imposed by the trlrfl court. The government prosecuted under the Interstate Commerce and Elkihs laws. Between New York and Cleveland the railroad's published tariff called for a charge of 21 cents per 100 pounds, while the ra,te to Dettoit waa 23 cents. The cut In the first Instance was 6 cents and In tho second 3 cents. The court also rendered) a similar deci sion upholding the lower ccurt in the cas of a shipment, to Cleveland In which a fine of J'.fl.OOO was Imposed. All Parties to Rebate Liable. The case of -the United States against the Nrw York Centtal & Hudson River tailtoad involved the Question whether a ralltoad company, which la a party to a rebate transaction, but which was not the Initiatory road, can be criminally pross cuted for a violation of the Elklns anti trust law, was decided by the courts against the company. The New York Central was Indicted Jn connection with 'a number of other companies. Including the Missouri Pa cific, on the charge of granting rebatea In 1903 to the Brooklyn Cooperage company on cooperage material shipped from P- plar Bluff. Ia.. to Brooklyn. N. Y, It was shown that all the railroads con cerned In the shipment had a Joint tariff of 38 cents a hundred on such goods be tween the points named, and that all of them had been parties to a rebate of 6:j centa a. nundred on shipments mud by the Brooklyn company. " The New York Central was the deliver ing carrier and It'replled to the complaint by filing a demurrer, In which It took the position that as It waa not the initial com pany it could not be held criminally responsible under the law. The case was hoard In the United States circuit couit for the southern district of New York and the demurrer sustained for tho reasons given. The government Immediately appealed, with the result that It obtained a reversal of the lower court's holding. Espresa Franks Illegal. In an opinion by Justice Day in varloua cases of the United States agaJnst varioua express companies the supreme court of the United States today held that under the Elklns law express companies could not legally grant franks for the free transportation of the property of their own employes or of the employes of other ex press or transportation companies. The decision held that to grant thla privilege would be to exercise an undue preference under the law, which prohibits all trans portation companlea from giving to any one ratea which are not Included In the published schedule. In his opinion Justice Day aald: "It cannot be doubled that the property upon which franka Issued by the express company la within the terms of the act. Within the terms used by the Elklns act euca transportation enablea one class of persons to obtain transportation at different and less rate tha that named la the published rates." He concluded by saying that there was no reason why congress should not grant the express companies the privilege en Joyed by the railroad companlea, "but the law must be amended by congress and not by the courta." eare Denied Hraearlaa". The case of Marcellus Thomas, a negro undrr sentence of death on. the charge of killing two men In Harris county. Trias, was dWktrd today by Ote supreme court mt the Lolled sVatea against Thoma. As the grand Jury by which the Indictment waa returned against bun conUlaed no snan of bta tea rata, he charged that ha bad been dUcrtjntaaurd against eualrary to the eunailtutMMi of the United Ktatee ajid theref-we aakrd Ike aupremo court la In tervene In bis I half. The Court refused to tnmt the da u4tet of lta Tea Cvitrt. was adtciso to TUvauHk "A BIRD IN Prom the Chicago Inter-Ocean. ELDER COOPER ON STAND Aged Defendant Testifies in Carmack Harder Trial. STATE IS EASY ON JOHN SHARP Farther Cross-Examlnntlon of Co defendant Waived fcr Attorney General Cooper Telia ef .-nvmiivBi vr iiu rmark. NASHVILLE, Tenn., Feb. 33. Colonel D. B. Cooper, one of the three defendants, wss called to testify today In the trial for ex-Senator Cat-mack's murder, of himself, his son and John Sharp. Although the throng which greeted the deputies when they opened the court room today was less Immense than that of yesterday, enough were there to fill three court rooms and furnlBh audiences for a couple of overflow meetings. Defendant Sharp had resumed the wit ness chair, but to the surprise of every one the attorney general announced; "The state does not desire to cross-examine Mr. Sharp any further." Sharp atarted to leave the stand, but was waved back by General Meeks, who asked him a few questions on redirect. "Call Coronel Duncan B. Cooper," said General Washington. Then the central fig ure in the famous tragedy arose and walked calmly to the stand. Colonel Cooper Is short, heavy aet and very florid. He Is somewhat bald, but what hair he has, like his mustache, la very white. His eyes are clear and his face is free from wrinkles. As he began to talk his two daughtera leaned forward and drank tn every word. The colonel said he waa 64 years old and that he haa four sons and two daughters. General Washing ton had the witness give his war record with Forrest. The state finally objected, after some recital, and was sustained. Friendly with Carmack. "I met Senator Carmack years ago at Columbia, when he waa aulte vmvnw i brought him to Nashvllls as editor of the American and he remained with me until 1S32. when he went to Memphis." "Were your relations rrlendly?" "More than friendly-they were cordial and close until his race with Senator Tay lor four years ago. Then we disagreed." "Did Carmack ever give expression to sentiments of gratlttude to you?" "Yes; when he went to Memphis In 1898 he wrote an editorial thanking me." The defense offered the editorial and' Judge Hart asked to aee It. Ho marked part of It and said he would permit that portion to go to tthe Jury. It waa signed by E. W. Carmack. The state next ex amined it and agreed to let the entire edi torial in. The court agreed. It was In the paper of February If, 1S2, and waa Car mack'a farewell, in which he expressed re gret at leaving the American and gratitude to the paper and Its friends. "Did you, after he left, maintain friendly relations?" "Absolutely so. We corresponded and the last very friendly letter I had from him was In December, 1M. Our relations were pleasant after that, however. At that time he waa In the senate." Sharp Badly t on rased. " When court adjourned Ut night In the midst of the cross-examination of John D. tSharp, the honors seemed divided belwern the slate and the defense in the Cooper-Sharp trial, for the slaying of former United Slates Senator Kdward W. Carmack. Young Hoblu Coupir, under cross-examination of nearly four; hours, appeared cool. The next wit ness, and a ties only other one of the day, waa John I. Sharp, another of the de fendants. On dtrevt examination. Sharp swore thai ha saw the killing and that 'Varmaik fell after Itobln Cooper tutd fiie-1 ihre-o times." One of the bullet wounds, a necessarily fatal one. pierced the senator's neck within one-six teen in of an Inch of ins spinsl cord and came out under hie tongue. tm cross-examination, kUarp that earmark turned his head Just ss in a?. Odd shct was fired. He did not espial (I'vttuaued va tcoad 'ge ) ft VvT- r L ' THE HAND IS WORTH TWO IN THIRD DEGREE STORY DENIED Mrs. Wllhelm Viewed Hnsband'a Bod) at Own Request nnd Pre nrrangeinent. NEWARK, N. J., Feb. 23,-Chlef of Po lice Michael Corbitt denies the accuracy of the report published on February 4 stating that Mrs. Mary J. Wllhelm has been sub jected by the police to what' Is known as the "third degree." An investigation shows that the socalled "third degree" was not made use of. Chief Corbltt's statement of the oocurrenco is. as follows: "Mrs. Wllhelm, on the day preceding the funeral of her husband, pleaded to be per mitted to view the body. She agreed to hire a coach to convery her to the under takers If her request was granted. The request was granted and it was arranged with her that the Journey be made at 9 o'clock that night so that she would not be subjected to the gaze of a morbid crowd or the fire of many cameras, a condition she could not have escaped were the trip made in daylight. Furthermore, her rela tives had been Informed of the Intended trip and they brought her mourning gar ments to wear. She prepared for the Jour ney early In the night and was fully dressed and waiting to make the trip when the coach arrived exactly at the hour that had been set. She had not retired and conaequently waa not aroused from her sleep and hustled out at midnight without being told whither she was going. "At the undertakers the body of the slain man rested In a handsome carket; It had been made aa presentable In appear ance aa it was possible for an expert mor tuarian to make It. No aheet covered the body; conaequently a sheet was not sud denly Jerked aside to reveal the corpse when the woman entered. After Mrs. Wll helm had gaxed on the dead man's face for a few moments the glass side covering It waa drawn down so that she mlgrht, if she desired, press a last kiss on the Hps. Not a question was put to her. This all took place In the large room used by the undertaker for the holding of funerals and not In the morgue. After Mrs. Wllhelm had composed herself she returned to the coach, was driven back to police headquar ters and was profuse In her thanks for having been permitted to make the Journey. SON-IN-LAW FOR HETTY GREEN Miss Sylvia Green Becomes Wife of Great Grandson of John Jaeeb Astor. MORRISTOWN, N. J Feb. 23,-Miss Sylvia Green, daughter of Mrs. Hettie Green of New York, one of the wealthiest women In America, waa married at noon today to Ma the w Astor Wllka. Mr. Wilks Is the great-granson of John Jacob Astor. Mrs. Green and her daughter have been living- In a modest apartment In Hoboken, but today came to thla city wtlh a wedding party of about thirty persons In a special car. Arriving somewhat In adavnee of the hour of tha wedding the party went to the Morrtstown kin and remained there until shortly before noon, when the party pro deeded to St. Peter's Episcopal church, where the marilage ceremony waa per formed by the rector. Rev. Phllamon 8t ur ges. Owing to the recent death of a cousin jf the bride. It was ataled, the wedding party was a small one. Miss Green wore a simple brown travel ing dress, .while Mrs. Green wore her cus tomary black satin. The bride wss given away by Howland IV 11, and Woodbury Dangdon of New York waa best man. Fol lowing the wedding the party returned to the Inn, where a reception waa tendered to t:. guests. Mr. and Mrs. Wllks will start on a wedding trip tonight and It la under stood will visit Gait, Out. STAGE TRAGEDY MADE REAL Melver lsee! by Asaalear trier Ills rharaee rnespewledly, Kllllaar friend. H ATTIKsBlB'l. Misex, Feb. a -Not knowing the gun naa Iua4d. Minims IMuiea la repeating the part r had la a meal amateur Iheatrttal Performance. shtt ad hltled WoweVl.ffe K'!!s, son City Attorney . W. kills, last nltb. THE BUSH." OIL CASE PANEL QUASHED Contention of Defense that it Con tained Too Many Farmers Upheld. COURT ORDERS NEW VENTRE Jury Commissioner is Ordered to Plnce Jiimri of Nttmber of Busi ness Men tn Box for This -Drawing. CHICAGO. Feb. 36.-The retrial of the Standard Oil company of Indiana was un expectedly delayed today when Judge Anderson In the United States district court quashed the panel of 150 venireman on what he considered the singularly large proportion of farmers thereon. It was a so-called "farmers' " Jury that brought In the verdict making Judgo dis' fine of $29,240,000 In the original case possible and John S. Miller of the defense waa prompt tn calling the court's attention to the fact that the panel of the new trial contained but three Clilcagoans. "It looks like design or If not design. It looks like a strange coincidence," com mented Judge Anderson, whereupon the Jury commissioners Insisted that the panel had been drawn exactly as In other cases, This the court later admitted. District Attorney Sims said there waa no statute to compel the Jury commission to take geography or occupation into consid eration. . Panel Is Set Aside. "I don't want to etart m this hearing feeling that there Is something not quite fair," answered the court. "I think this panel ought to be aet aside. I .will Instruct the Jury commission to put In 160 names of men, a good proportion of whom shal be good business men from Chi cago and Cook county. It ao happena that this case Is tried In a district composed of an enormous commlercla! city and several rural countlea. The country may have purer air, a higher moral stsndard and greater Intelligence than the city but that is an open question. However, I am not going outside the Issue when I say that If the Jury was composed partly of business men who would realize Industrial and com mercial phase of the case a more satis factory and Just verdict may be reached. Judge Anderson said he would hear argu ment of counsel tomorrow as to whether shipments or settlements of freight chargea consttitute the offense. The government will contend thst esch shipment of oil on which an alleged rebate was paid forms a separate violation of the law. Under this construction of the law It would be possible to fine the defendant. If found rullty, a maximum of fl0.000.000. There waa. It Is charged, thirty-six settlements of freight charges on these shipments. Accepting this view, a maximum fine of $720,000 la possi ble. The Jury commission wss odrdered to pro due the new psnel Thursday. OIL CASES ARE DISMISSED Proseratlon of Promoters ( arle "nns Company with olle. TOPKKA. Ksn.. K.b. M.Two Indict ments against H. II. Tucker, A. U Welaon and G. J. Fleming f.r using the malls to defraud In selling slot k of the Uncle Bsm Oil company were dismissed In the United States circuit court todsy on motion pf H. J. Bone, United States attorney. Turkrr haa bet tried on one Indictment and ac quitted. The other men who were asso ciated with Mm have never boen Irle.l. TRAVELING MAN A SUICIDE Owen anepnll pf a I4era, ia.. Hills lllsnaelf IrrieM ( Fnanlly Tronnlea. MARSH ALI.TOWN. la.. Fen, a Hr. rial Telegram. Owen Campbell, a traveling man lUIng In Kldora, milled suicide at ttlalreburg. la.. n,is morning It la believed C.,tll waa V.ul. nt over hrt-Klina about eitane. "V'il baloen himself and his if, Bh tuit u.g kit kite) Is (ears agu. QUESTION OF CLAIMS Doubt Expressed at to Validity "of Action for Damage. GREEKS AND AMERICANS ON A PAR Joel W. West, Injured Property Owner, Can't Find Law. BELIEVES NEBRASKA HAS tfONE Greek Minister Takes Up Matter with Secretary of State. MAY COME TO ADVISE COLONY Sntne of the Hrfnaers Talk of Relnrnlna; to Monlh Omaha Today to H ran me Their Residences. MUST UHCI.I1 SAM FAT FOB ITT WASHrtroTOif, reb. serstary of Stats Bacon had a call today from la. A. Xoro Milan, the Greek minister, who took up the cast of the Greek residents of Sonth Omaha, whose interests suffered rough treatment by a mob Bnnday n&ht. The minister merely called the depart ment's attention So the matter aa a basis for any further notion that may he de cided npon. He la awaiting detailed rs. ports of ths damags.. The State depart ment will ask the governor of Xebraska for Information about tha ease. Hrsrlra Homeward, Mnybe. The return of molested Greeks to resume) their residence and business In South Omaha today and plans to test their In demnity rights against that city are Just now about tho most conspicuous features In thn situation growing out of the Sunday riots. Several rromlnent Greeks have stated that their people many of them at least would return to their homes todsy, but it is doubted If the normal number ever will return to South, Omaha. While there is no popular fear of an Immediate rjvlval of hostilities, the Impression is common that since the packing houses have de cided to let out the Greeks gradually th;y will not all resume their homes In that city. As to the claims for damages sgatnst South Omaha by the Greeks and American, property owners, extremo doubt la ex pressed of their validity. Joel W. West, an attorney and also one of the damaged property owm-rs, haa spent much time) since the riot Investigating this question and thus far he fnlls to find warrant In the statutes of Nebraska for such proced ure. He also doubts that the federal gov ernment may be held In such action, -Aa to the- Minister. In this connection some of the local lead era among the Greeks say they are ad vised by their minister at Washington. I.. A. Koro Villas, that hs or Nikolaoa Sallopotiios, the fconsul at Chicago, will cume to Omaha to direct and advise th Greeks. From the press dispatches of yes terday It Is Inferred that the minister con templates redress, even If he has to ask Uncle Bam to reimburse his people for what they lost in South Omaha Sunday night. The law firm of Sullivan & Rait, com posed of former Supremo Justice John 3. Sullivan and James Rult, has been re tained as tho local legal sdvlsers of th Greek community, numbering 3,000 persons. But Mr. Rait said yesterday they had de cided upon no definite action as yet. He did not know whether civil suits would be Instituted or not. It is understood that the owners of prop erty damaged in the riot are, aa originally sttled. still contemplating some sort of action In the court. "West Cannot Find th Laws. Joel W. West after looking Into the mat ter of Indemnity against tha city ot South Omaha says: "Provision Is madu by statute In a number of states, where municipalities are held liable for damages resulting to prop erty through the action of mobs. But such a law does not apply to Nebraska. I alao question whether there is nny federal law that exacts compulsory compensation for damages to the property of aliens under such circumstances, particularly aa may apply to Greece. I am not aware of any treaty between the United 8tates and the Greek government as would apply to such circumstances as the South Omaha affair. In brief, I do not think that we have any recourse, whatever, or any ground upon which to begin a civil suit against ths city of South Omaha. "I am, however, of the opinion that If the newspapers correctly report the addresses at that mass meeting, that these speakers could be held amenable for damages for Inciting the riotous acts and that action could be brought against them. 1 he case is analogoua to that of the Haymarket riots in Chicago, where the speakers through their Incendiary talk wrought the anarchists up to doing what they did. "The South Omaha affair rhould be tho Incentive for the enactment of a law af fixing civil responsibility to munclpalitles for damages resulting from riotu and mobs. Such a law would not help the property owners damaged In Bunday'a riots, as a law cannot be made retroactive." Troopa Esrosrsge Thsa. The action of Governor Shallenbergwr after a visit to South Omaha Monday, In calling out three compuniea of ths Ne braska mllltla and keeping them assembled In the armories and halls Tuesday seems to have had the effect of encouraging the Greeks. Many who left Sjuth Omaha and took refuge In Council Bluffs returned Tuesday and went to South Omaha for their iwrsonal effects. Before going to their former homes, how ever, the Greeks visited th armory and hull at Fifteenth and Podg streets, where eomules were slalloi.ed. They peered In at the windows and peeked through cracks around the doors to make sur the soldiers were there snd ready for business. r- ntrU e were making long wet pa lis umm the cement floor of ths armory nnd streaks "f mud sln.ned they had walked th halls w litre the companies were sta tioned. Joel Mold lh Fart. Commanding officers esld Uu-lr Inxtric. turns went nn fjrlhrr Irian Ihsl I h-v aliouid remain In rex ealnq and aes nibl. 1 umil further orders were ik dismiss ing litem. Not than iwml'.fivt men of each company nere In the e a 'Ions. The vigl. Ini. e of III sriitrns nss w-ll rulcolsi.4 lo aa the Greeks -ho vke In N' on wss ali4 li , lh ne wlih'-ut aa 4cr Uutm li officer la mnuui i.