Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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Colorado Coa4laa4.
unimproved, for sal by C. 8. McCsndleea
A Co.. Craig. Colo. M3 Mchlt
Aa i
A. X FOR 8.
? vr hundred twenty
cmmty, Iowa; fifty n
irrM In Unnnnrt
fifty miles from bloux
City. ' :
hundred acres under cultivation:
small orchard;, balance in pasture and
twood fgond timber); . fine stream of
water ihrougtt pasture; amall house and
fttnA barn, well, Mt., on premise. I offer
this place until March 1 for tM per acre,
end In a bargain. Wrlta John A. Dsven
giort. Owner. Norfolk. Neb. t M534 1
. CRN UANDK Write for stste map, book
let and weather report, tent free. Pniel
J. Metk, Chllllcothe, Mo, (20)-M18 M5
r ' t- -
Quarter sretlon six mllea from PUInvlew,
well Improved, all under cultivation; worth
mora, but wUI anil for tft.BuO If taken quick.
Encumbrance ll.WO. Write quick If inter
Mted. ,
Quarter section near Weetern, well Im
prove', Including- gvod buildings, orchard,
fruit, sj ndmlll, etc.; well fenced, all under
cultivation and well located,, being but
three miles from Weatern, a thriving rail
road town and ona mile from school; Is on
rural mall route and telephone line; neighborhood-
crincieelly German and Amer
icana. Will sell If taken Immediately for
170 per- aoru. No. encumbrance.
Quarter section tbree miles from Palmer,
well .improved, practically ai under culti
vation, good bulldinga, ale. No encum
brance.. WUI sell. It. taken quick, for a.800.
1.' narK'th.u farms .flit mil. I Mil fhar
V n
month or rent them, so have put our
so low that they should move. Write
or. telephone. .
Omaha, Neb.
i (so)-Mtu a
Drainage in Elkhorn Valley
Western Douglas county, now assured, will
. advance prices of - land.
Choice Farming and Ranch Land
ranging from ftff up. In . 40, 8V, 120, 1) to
400-scr tract, for sale.
NOW.t8 THE TIME TO BUY. Can deal
with owners. Lock Box 70, Waterloo, Neb.
( uzaa
"HUlcrest" 1R0 -a ore fruit and stock
farm) S5,); easy terms; send for Illustrated
description. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield,
tjn)Mit ix
Jar acres three miles from town; extra
wall improved; farm Ilea level, with deep.
mat-it eon. iTsnnot-oer neat lor corn iana.
U rented, for' the last three years for
freV'acre,.- Price $7 per acra. For fur-
ir particulars, call on or write.
() M542 1
- t
SALK OK TRAtrfr-S acre land ten mllea
trtm. "Iturwell. near country store and
poatoriiue; pari jevei.anq part rolling.
win lane town .properly in part cay
metf. Box 497. . Rurwoll. Neb.
' A .-. , (-M27l Ox
Ki 'ire re about IT miles north of Omaha.
and l miles from Calhoun, 190 a?res deeda
land. ' and 20 school land, exempt Horn
taxation, leaaed at low rental, for a long
term -of years, fair Improvements; all
fenced and aome timber; possession any
tlmef good place for mining and feeding
sheea "or cattle; near school; price 19,000.
t4.50" cash; balance on reasonable terms
to suit.
GEORGE & IXV. M01 Farnam Rt.
(20) 63 Ux
- : : j
IMPROVED fruit fsrm. cheap If sold by
Varvh 7.' Owner, 2904 Bhtrman. Web-
aiar aa. - t-500 26x
ak) nakata.
For 8sle at A 'bargain. Two quarter sec
tinn near Fairfax, South Dokota. Proa
parous community. Caod soli and a good
place to live, jtnu .iu lenced; ona
quarter having a good frame bouae, barn
and partly under cultivation. Write ua
aulck7 If Interested. Price. IraDroved
queried X per' acre; other quarter, U
per acra.
Orotund Floor fc.
Omaha, Neb.
y. Life. Rldg.
IJO) M4U 21
A DAKOTA bararalB, let acres, twa miles
from Huron; tuo acrea tilled. 10 acres ftas
P grove; e number oi laige. bearing plura
trees; acrea of aapaxagua thai pioducea
aOaf iu0 worth a year; new e-roum
4ioJ "1x3. iir w barn lrs; another build
ing Iw; a Urge rout cellar; a aew 1-tauh
flowing weiL liowa 4a aalloaa bar nmuia
I V .! I) la and grain touk tl worth of
prises at tne aouto uaaota atata fair la
' :. Soil la A lcp sandy loam, wita clay
j at-tjw'.l If takn avon 1 will aell for 111.-
M: ta.ent raah and o.0 on time at per
a v ak' ncjaeoiee. nurea, a. kf.
COAN Uml Clovar tannf Bluegraaa farm
Hume? fipeculailoof Free p-ckt map e
k titirt f yu rlta ma. fcd. K. Hmitk
Chliligoiba. alik $ue niaa know a my real
oeawe. IWi-Mld Jax
ARS you eerktng a hoajM or bualneaa lor a
waa jac m stampa r coin and we
WUI furniah mhi clear, eonclae Information
catering sau. cllniatio eondlMona. crvp
wuea, eiarii imiiuw. eio. Wheie
cram. ' graama. rit-a, eottoa. timber or
(rull land may a mirvhaaed d mi
(erma Lot-gu-m and character of frea
publle lamia and how obtained We have
na lead "to ai aal information given is
unhtawd and tbauluirly reliable. Ma.ta
an priatea aaatler or aay Hciiaa aenl
-. aufc tnformatKMt. Thirty yeara' eipert
1 ear - Hiatieat referencaa. Ad1reaa Home
I are Ibforatatloa bureau, Fara. N It.
' t)-tJ.7 rTx
t KT r. 'ttenteataade if acrea. We will
S"' TV las aag std of It aad
ytrr-tf i acrea saora beat of Uad.
g.KXi rrpa rv yera Iat call l.r
T. T 'n. railrwad Iowa. C
H We C. Luaa. Wa
y aaj.i a. a
, at FARMS LHtUr.
i" ' mwi ana Taaaa. raw and
lH--rl iroan St la . . K mm
l; aaa leaaa t mM aseta Ta.luaia I
t s . Vinte eaa
SaaaMSi . at vav. UJt fwu s
i " p".i"a ' i uaphf laad but I
a fa aetiieg lead tkal Mu., a w
1 vvdwai earner wha wuia la aett a4
aaa ttva aaaran aarca a
t '- lafaaaii'a twtfjit, furai.Jwd
PATNB. B08TWICK At CO., N. T. Ufa.
riTaie money; sow e'.-'w, w ri.
to lean on
Omaha Buane Property.
Room I New Tork Ufa Bldg.
PROPBKTY OK fAhMS; low rate, no
delay. L BiObernsen, Old Boston Ptote Rd.
troo TO lfi.000 on homes In Omaha. O'Keefa
Ti I Y.- . rn 1. . 1 K7 V I l- v.
or A-X141 (22 6K
SECOND MORTOAOE loans negotiated.
Apply Jtoom 411-1 First Nafl Bank Pldg.
Bell 'phone Douglas 231A (21) 44
LOWEST RATES Bemis, Faxton blork.
lino TO $10,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
wead uidg.. win ana Faruam. 122) i
K"0 to 12CO.0") at current rates.
W. H. THOMAS, Ka First Nat l Hank RMg.
tZXI 44
PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. tt rwood.
sis uranaeia JtJldg. (a) 4E
WANTED City loans. Paters Trust Co.
(fi) s9
MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
- (12)-7
WANTED To buy S-ro m cottage to move
j. it. rarroitc, utara or J rnae.
(ii) M435 n
HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture.
carpets, clothes and shoes, lei. Doug.
(26) Ht
BEST prlca paid for secondhand furnltuie,
carpela. stoves, clothing, slioea Tel. Ked
leal. (.)- 7
Want desirable location In south rart of
ully for moving picture snow, win give
long lease for good location. Give loca
tion and price In first letter. Address
G-S. care Bee. 2fM 22x
WANTED To rent for ona year or ieas.
completely rurnmned Houm or apart
ment, preferably In west end of city.
Family of two. Addreas C-72. care Bue.
(26)-M439 24x
NURSB for young baby, capable of taking
enure charge, weo. 4iit- (L'7) M57 Ux
WANTED Place to work In town or coun
try weat of Omaha; honest, do anything,
by good Japanese boy; speaks ins.llli,
too. Mall M. Hirayama, Box U3, North
Platte, Neb. (27) M540 26x
WANTED Hheep to shear this season with
four-man machine. For parllculara ad
dress Ed Strouse, Webb, la.
(27) M6SS 28X
FURNACE, steam and hot watsr repairs;
inermoaiaia ana oiner neat reguiatora;
new furnaces and hot water combination
heating. Omaha eiove Repair Works,
laot-Uug Douglas SL 'Phones: in a. A-3fiii;
UelL Douglas ks. 70S
inc. The regular annual meeting of stock
holders In The Bee Publishing company will
be held in tne omce oi me company tn The
He building, corner 17th and Farnam
streets, Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday,
March, 1, 1909, at 4 o'clock p. m. By order
of tha prcaldent. HENHY A. HAHKELL,
Secretary. JHE.t ioaiw.
ING Notice la hereby given that the
regular annual meeting of the stockholders
of tha South Platte Land company will be
held at the office of aald company at
Uiucoin, neoraua, at u o ciocx a. m., on
the third day of March, A. D., 19C.
u. si. MUHKiu, t'realdent.
A. B. MINOR, Secretary.
Lincoln. Nebraska, February I, lit.
taple aad Faaey Pradace Prleea Far
lahed by Bayers aad Wholesalers.
BUTTEK Creamery. No. 1 delivered to
tha retail trade in 1-1 b. cartona, i3e; No. 1
In Mb. tubs, CWc; No. X In 1-1 U. cartons,
loc; In sV-lb. tubs, 2Vic; packing stock, llkr;
fancy dairy, tubs, ttU; common ruu,
fresh made. Sou. (Matket olianaes every
EUOa Fresh selling slock, candled. 2Si
Zc. no storage siocx on uniana market.
CHEESE r meal Wlauousin full oiaam,
twine, lie; young Americas, a In hoop, 16c;
favorite, a In hoop, lie; daisies, 20 ic hoop,
UVto; cream brick, full case, 15c; block
Q 1 . f ii 1 1 -i.ruu m Umhur... lb.
Beef UUU-Kins, eo. I, uc; No. !' lte:
No. t. Wc. Loin. No. 1. UVac: No. 2. 14c: No.
2. llu. chuck. No. I. 7 ; No. 2, aVsC; No.
2, 6,c. Round, No. 1, c; No. 2, Ivao; No.
X, 7 Wo. Plata, No. L aac; No. 3. 6j.c; No.
a. sc.
POULTHX Alivs, springs, UM: bans. lOcl
cocks, dvc; ducka, luVc; geaae, c; tur
keys. lc; pigeona, per doa., toe; guinea
low la, per cos.,, aquaoa, per doa., IX
icr cos., v:.du, squaoa, per aoa., li.
, hena, 11c; springs, Lffcuttc: cocks,
cka, ISc; geese. 11c; turkeys. 21a,
11 FRUITS Apples, N-w York
Viae: due
Baldwins. 4. fancy lien Davis. Hi Missouri
Piuulns. tz.ii: Idaho Roam Beauties, in
extra fancy Ben Da via, per box, tlGo. Ba
nanaa. k-bunch lota Si.0 per lb. Utimu Leutona, $3 4.0U Orape fruit,
34- Grapes, Malagas, IT 50 per kt g. Florida
pineapples, per crate, u.
BTKAWtll'.RHltM'C per OX.
VEGETABLES Kanaaa aweetpotatoea.
I2.7 per bbl. California celery, large. 7ac;
smaller. flOc. New York Holland seed rah.
bage. per lb. Wlaconaln Red Globe
onioaa. la per lb. California cauliflower,
ta per riate. Tomatoes. Florida, a-baaket
craie, V w. fuua. a-oaakel crate, 13. lt
luce, per dox.. 4"c. Old vegetables par-
anipa. turnlpa. carrots U.25 per uil. Florida
new beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips, etc.
per dos . The.
HIDES No. I graen. Wc: Na. 1 aured. Ila,
rilt ntterian. rrosen, inc; herring,
IV; salmon. lc; pike, -; pickerel. iSJc
trout. l"c; ratflah, liejllc; halibut, tc; red
anapper. 12c; black baas. XV; rrapplea. Ay
r , pert-n. ac; totian, ijc; ameita tc; eela,
lie; lobalers, green, S7c; bulled. ; frogs'
legs. tU:
Latcal rvrnlea.
OMAHA. Feb. la (Juotat on Omaha
stocas ana tunai, lurnnrl by Samuel
ourna, jr. aia isew iota uia Building
ic aakaa.
Alaa UaM U.
twtoa rire liuaraace Stock 17
Cu4y lull Aaa1 a. 'V .
(ohiMiM( anj.. siimi m aa
ti et uuu awas. 4sa last wt
! t.l. . W. taa li-t r'4 boaaal M
kuia . tir Sr V t. H. Iil
kM lllf Br A L14M, pis
riHMAi Tiai im S4 a
a lawt
"M a m L -a a fr (a laal ..
iwi : iim a r-. r4
Omi a to bi.l'i St. f H, 114 ..
mmm a e .rt. a ir im ..
tekk A ( a Ki.'t Si. . ... .
oi at. atata a a SvHiae. st
t"ka ! K it a
tMn imt I iwcii t K IMS Bms f mm0 p im p44
o . iMMf .4 ea
imm sv4 el taa a 44 c sS
Br Tree Bitg Ca. n .
Setn a4 t .aeaey .. ...........
a 1.1
as i4
' I'M
a i
suit. I.t.m taf ui
iimIh I -l a ijs m
tr'm t b'S m
wt4M e4 . . e. .
sa 1 ewa yr p4 m
Ihmi ti.f Sa ta m
11 14 Ca pi 4 tlr-V M . M
t iim letea 1 ste m
Xi'm Mita c. anna n ... Br
aa la
8 ! ar a-awl aire la Market.
UYCRttMii. ra a - n ii :t-
as r-a , . red SMiata 'air, la s4
f.turra. final. Marr. Sa. Mar. Ja HVai
iVr. KM
4 vHX-.-. aedr; swer Aawrtraa
s-l, i 1 1. v.' -a. 6a M, lalarea 4
Man, to 44. Mar 8a 74
l4 Taai I Maart Ae aVa Lva a f
9 sa issm I-,
Killing: Cattle Steady to Stronger,
with Feeders Ten Lower.
I.aaaba aad . E was Steady wltst'lMt
Week, bat Heavy Yearllaas Are
Slaw aad lacllard ta
Be Weak.
SOUTH OMAHA, Neb.. Feb. 22, 19.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hoga- Sheep.
Estimate Monday 2.HJ6 . i.'JJ
Same day laat week.... 1.4S0 2.56
Same day 2 weeks ago.. I.Ks 5.874 .
Same day I weeks ago.. 2.4M 4.Soi 7.437
Same day 4 wesks ago.. 2.714 4.KA 2.3.7
Same day last year 3.fw S.744 8,144
The following tahle ahnwa tha receipts at
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for
tha year to date, compared with laat yeart
19". 190. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 1K7:J 148.W0
Hogs SW 447 ll,4.l
Sheep 214 13 m,lK XH.724
The following iii ahnwa tha average
price of hoga at South omaha for the last
aeveral daya, with compariaons:
Dates. I 1$0. 18flg. H07.110O.1906.llO4.lO3.
Feb. 11...
Feb. 12...
Feb. 14...
Feb. 16...
Feb. Is...
4 22 1 K T2
8 001
4 y
3 72
t 81
8 84
7 02
3 27
8 n
f is
( 21
6 1
8 91
8 7K
88j 8 8uj 4 M
4 W
8 04
8 M
8 05
Feb. 17...
Feb. 18...
Ffrb. 19...
Ml &
82 8
m b
Feb. 20...
66 6 2a,
Feb. 21...
Feb. 22...
6 SOW 3
95 4
74 8 68
The official number of cars of stock
brcught In today by each road was:
Cattle. Hogs. Blicep.H r s.
C. M. St. P 7 1
Missouri Pacific .. .. 1
I'nlon Pacific 25 V 13 1
C. A N. V., east 4 .. ..
C. N. W., wrst la 17 1
C, Ht. P., M. A 0 13 6 1
C, H. A y , east 1
C, B. At W , west 28 14 IS 1
C, R. I. ec P., east.. 3
C, R. 1. ft P.. west.. .. 1
Illinois Central 1 1
Chicago Ot. Western 1 .. ..
Total receipts 101 48 38 7
The dlapoaltlon of the day's receipts was
follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 426 41 l',311
Swift and Company...... 44 C47 1.710
Cudahy Packing Co 618 1,417 2.t
Armour ft Co 2H2 6 1,681
Iyobman A Rothchlld 62 ..,
Hill A Son 15S
P. Lewis LS
B. Root & Co I.. 8.1
J. H. Bulla 36
L. Wolf 66
McCreary ft Carey 34 .... ....
Sam Werthimer ?9 .... ....
H. F. Hamilton 237
M. Hagerty ft Co 74
Sullivan Bros 28
Ix-limer Bros 12
Bchroph 2-4 ....
fck-hwarti ft Uolen Xiv. ....
Duncan 65
Lee Rothchlld 72
Irghram 16
Other buyers 166 .... 2,3t2
Totals 2.8 3.8J8 9.648
CATTLE There was a moderate run of
cattle this morning, lol cars being reported,
In which waa slightly larger than laat
Week, but not nearly so heavy as two
weeks ago or as a year ago. About tha time
tha market opened It began raining quite
hard, making it mean and sloppy in the
yards, snd, at the same time, making the
cattle look their worst.
There was a fair demand for beef cattle.
and the desirable kinds sold quite readily,
and In very good season, at prices that
were anywhere from steady to quite a
Hula stronger in spots. While there were
not very many on sale, mere were caxue
good enough to bring 16.00.
Cows and heifers also sold freely at good.
strong prices, some salesmen quoting the
market as much as strong to 10c higher
than last week. Practically everything
In sight changed hands by U o'clock In tha
The only kind of cattle that moved siowiy
was feeders. The weather conditions and
the break In beef cattle last week, to
gether with the fact that speculators carried
over quite a number of catle last week,
combined to make the market both slow
and lower this morning. Stock cattle and
feeders never look good In a storm and
they looked so unfavorably to buyers this
morning that the market was safely 10c
lower than last week and dull at tha de
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
corn-fed steers. as.SOiii.oO: fair to good
corn-fed steers, 36.0Og5.6O; common to fair
corn-fed steers, 34.lOiio.oo; good to choice
cows and heifers. 84.OMjS.16; fair to good
cows and heifers, 8S.0v&4 00; common to fair
cows snd heifers, 32.004)3.00; gooa to choice
stockers and feeders, 4.inicr-j w; isir to
good Blockers and feeders, 33.7&474.60; com
mon to fair stockers and feeders, 33.0n
3.76; stock heifers, 32.7Ml4.00: veal calves,
$3 007.28; bulls, stags, etc. $2.7a4JO.
Representative sales:
Na At. Pr. No. A. FT.
It S3 4 66 IC :l 4 10
11 kf 4 is 1 im 1 10
4t 104 40 17 10 I SO
J W74 I W 17 11U t 0
1U4 i 1 II 1444 W
3 , HM 3 It
I. M 13 1 lv 4 la
II t 10 1 4
K4 I 4 34 il 4
4 ... 141 I 41 1 M4 4 J6
I KM I St 30 4 6
4 VK) i 75 1 12NT 4 60
( K40 3 0 31.... mi 40
1 104T 4 l 1W 4 t
1 400 3 ( 10 W 4 HI
I Til 8 U It U 4 44
II M IU 1 lll 3 W
I luO 4 as
1 10e 3 M I..... 1T7S 4 34
1 10 I U 1 1434 4 Si
J 1S"0 3 40 1 14 4 4A
3. uia I l is-s 4 4
1 17 t K) 1 12.M 4 b
1 tfTS 4 1 1410 t M
St. i63 I GO 11..... M IM
II (44 3 71 14 751 4 II
t (as I at tf mi l a
1 7r I tO 47 11 4 45
It JSS 4 n tl IN IH
t fcit 4 II 4 1141 4 4A
HOGS There wss not enough change In
tha hog market today to talk about, the
general market being Juat about steady
with laat werk i close. Now and then there
waa a salesman who thought he got out to
a little belter advantage, but there were
ottu-rs to off-net it who thought they did
not do aa well, but It would ba a dlflcuit
matter to point out any very noteworthy
change. Tha quality of the hoga here mas
not ery good, that Is. there were few
luads having both weight and quality. The
receipts wvre light aa was to be expected
on a Monday, and while tne trade waa not
eaneciallv active, there wwa a fair move
ment and prwtty aauch everything la sight
chAiigi-d bsnds In very fair sessuo In tha
Na A. Ik- P r. Sa A. Sa. Ft.
u 11 a la U .4 a a
TJ 1-4 ... 8 4S a IT . . s)
t 1.4 .. in at .... . tjs let I alia
at at 3 ti t i at 4
at i t l I u u i.4 . . -
. 4 71 m i 4a
sr a I w 4 ii. tat
at a 3 aa ti !! at at
e tM I sa o m . I
41 BM IS IS 71 S-4 It tali
n ra 3t at jm ... aw
at let a I as at it st t ts
T tit a I : st ... 4 tt
sa XI a 8 !! as tis ... 6 ta
aa -'M a 1 aa tr ta u
n a a I at 4 iaa ta
ta ui .. Is U a at ( ua
i as I M 4j -rt t
i-J a it a. at aa t U
at uiiaettt la "
1 II . 4 as IT M7 M IM
t . a.1 s I aa
HErATliere waa vary liberal run of
eeee hta as--miug. thlrty-aino imi being
nrpurled In. The qua I it) waa fair aaa aa
atvraa. tfcaro beir a Burnber of very
aW-tabi kii-ra aaN4 lbs ofTartaaTa, eav
s. Mily wstr4e and yeailnga
Ti tnartet was rai'tr Bare af
fline trade U- tm ( pari san
irwg na abi-ul wKave II Irft etf laat w-ak
liia ad Brrd ta tui But.iiee a4
ire ki4 ef klliaia that ltvr aisl4 a.44
Ir-i al acaa t l.a4 Bora a-a aery
B.W. a 4ilWmt lrai Ust la fa. I. BotrMe wee aaxati'iS! tair tasnka) Bjm
awe aa fai.y aaaawlr wlib toa4 4
It raae Kajad wv'kaes ae-4 yaarxaga. a.
ra. y tfc-a r.-atlr aiaaa ak.i aaa
IB to. S ,4 ts twaiasla
r. 1 f aasxa as Ks toa Ba r- far t a
iMita lisM t-a k fa. rs Sui.a Ins asa.
tu4 4 taa iattuts ev. - f .
aa .r 4 a w.a aaaT fse fcaia
aa aa ad ottb taa o -r eaai a.a .
k4 la laaoaS IM
market on wMher and yearllnsa was not
very active, and still It was hard to note
very much change sa compared with last
Week's decline. To call It eieady to a little
lower on that kind would probably Just
about fit tha caae.
Quotations on alie-p and lambs: Oood to
choice lambs. a'-to-nT); fair to gocd lsmbs.
86.80tr7.1; feeding lambs. 3.0i7; good
to choice light yearlings. 3.6oti4t.75: wm1
to choice heavy yearlings, 3.oov 25; feed
ing yesrllngs, 3R.0Wi6.76; good to choice
wethers, 3S.mis.Z&: feeding wethera. 34. yf
4.76; good to choice ewea. 8460UA76; fair
to good ewes. I4.uii4 V; feeding ewes, 83.60
cilia and bucks, tl.0iiid-2.7S.
Representative sales:
No. At. Prk-e.
127 Mexican Iambs 9 7 16
116 Mexican lambs 83 7 16
138 Mexican lambs W 7 15
141 Mexican lambs 31 7 15
IS Mexican yrlgs and wethers.. M 8 86
312 weatern ewes M 8 SO
1S7 weatern lambs 58 8 00
6-i6 western lambs 7 00
487 western lambs 79 1 on
1 western lambs 7 3 Ort
S7 western ewes 86 4 55
2.16 western lambs, feeders 74 6 66
5f.8 weatern lambs, feeders 74 6 65
H Colorado lambs 87 7 00
66 Colorado lambs 88 7 00
3.14 western lambs 89 7 10
433 wrtaern lambs 89 7 20
224 wetsern wealrlngs 87 6 00
641 Mexican yrlgs and wethers.. 75 8 65
137 western lambs 78 6 85
3M western wethers ... 113 6(6
72 western ewes 90 4 65
150 weatern ewes 91 4 65
176 western wethers ;..1H 6 15
156 western wethers ..112 6 16
97 western yrlgs and wethers. .111 6 00
Cattle Steady lo lllgber Hogs Steady
ta Lower.
CHICAGO, Feb. 22 CATTLE Receipts
estimated at l.0w head: market steady to
10c higher; beeves, 4.2Mi.; Texss steers,
84.20pi.2S; western steers, 34.00B6.60; stock
ers and feeders, 83.356.40; cows and heif
ers, 31 .8oO.W.
HOGS Receipts estimated at 47.000 -head:
market steady to 6c lower; light, 3.0i436.36;
mixed. 36.0bft6.4O; heavy. 36.056.4&; rough,
36.06'&6.20; good to choics heavy, "ij.4d;
piga, 3n.00476.90; bulk of sales. 36.206.35.
SHEEP AND I.AMB8 Receipts estimated
at 18,000 head; market stead v to strong: na
tive. 33.2606.60; Western 83.5O6.60; yearlings,
36(va6.40; native lambs, 35.753fT.75; western
lambs, 86.75a7.70.
Kanaaa City Live Stock Market.
ceipts, 10.000 head, including 1,600 southerns;
market steady to 10c higher; native steers,
34.806.50; southern steers, 34.26ra.75; south
ern cows. 32.6ou4.2b; native cows and heif
ers, 32.40((i6.i6; stockers and feeders, 33.409
6.26; bulla 33.OWM.7D; calves, 8.1.50ft 7.25;
western steers, 84.606.25; Western cows.
HOGS Receipts, 8.000 bead: market steady
to weak; bulk of sales. 86.80(34.20; luavv,
86.1"ft6.25; packera and butchers, 86.004r-'i);
lignt, itKBtsif; pigs. 36.0DO.fiU.
SHEEP AND LAMBS RecelDts. 8 0m
head; market steady; muttons, M.50'36.60;
lambs. 86.75i57.60: range wethers, M.0uii6.75;
ted ewes, 83.004(6. 00.
St. I.OolS Lire Stock Blarket.
ST. LOUIS. Feb. 22. CATTLE Reelnt.
8,500 head, including 2,000 Texans; market
steaoy; Deer steers, 33.507.00; stockers and
feeders, 33.4Wrt.36; cows and heifers, 83 25,if
6.25: calves. Io.iOSld.UI: Texas MMra U Urf
130; cows and heifers, 82.75g5.00.
ntjuo neceipts, io.hou head; market
steady; pigs and lights. 34.504j6.30; packers.
36.00i4.40: butchcra and best heav-v ttnm
846. . . "
SHEEP AND LAMRS - Recelnts 4 000
head; market steady; native muttons, 83.75
66.60; lambs, 84.60ft7.86.
St. Joseph Live Stoek Market.
RT inSRPH Pih vi -riTTl tn t
ceipts. 2.000 head. Market s'ow nd steady;
steers, 84.30tA2t: cows and heifers, 32..vva
8.25: calves. .60rtj7.26.
HOGS Receipts. 6.000 head. Market weak
to 6c lower: too. 86.30: bulk of sales K ftv
SHEEP AND LAMBS Ree4pts, 10.000
head. Market steady; lambs, Iti.0og7.5o.
Slows City Live Stock Market.
SIOCX CITY, la., Feb. 22.-(8rcial Tele
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 8,0(i0 head.
Mark.1 strong; beeves, 34.Wdii6.08: fat rows
nd heifers, 33.8Of?6.00: feeders, rood stead v.
ethers loc lower, 34.2bftS.00; yearlings. 82.00
HOGS Receipts. 2.800 . headx- Market
steady; range of prices, t6.60fta64 bulk of
sales, 85.85I&6.05. -;'
. Stock In Night. :
Receipts of live stock at the six nrlncloal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Ho-a. Sheen.
South Oman si 2.626 3.4H0 9,7(0
Sioux City 8.0to ' 3.800
St. Joseph 2.0H0 6.() 10,000
Kansas City IO.00O 8.000 t.tukl
St. Louis 6,500 10,500 4.000
Chicago ...TO.ono 47,009 18,000
.42.125 76.700 49,700
Loadoa Cloalag Stoeks.
London closing quotations:
Consols, money. .. .13 15-14 M.. K. A T 4n4,
4o accouot 44 N. T. Ontntl liast
Anaconda IH Norfolk A W u
Atchlmn W do p(d nt
do pfd ln440ntarlo A W. ........ 44
Baltlnora A Ohio tlO.H Pennaylvania 46
Canadian Pacific 17u4iHand Mines 7
rtesapeaae a u H Heading 4.-U
Chlcsao O. W 7tt8outhern By 24
. ai., Mil. m. r....,i no pis..., .4
IM Bmts i;7 touth.m Pacific lllsj
Ltn.iT at m. u w.uniin raciric lit
do pfd 87 do pfd M
En. s. Steal., 45-4
do 1st pfd 45 do pfd 1 110V4
aa iq .in. i, nimin . .-
Grand Trunk 1 do pfd 41
lllliiola central 114 Spanlak 4a ai
U0.I.TIII. N Ot Amil. Copper nl
rn.rr.n nil. I4uiet at B-10Q per OX,
MONEY 2 V ft 2 4 per cent.
The rate of discount In tha open market
for short bills Is 2Vr?i -' per cent: for
mree moninr Dins. 2Sft2H per cent.
Nebraska Society Names Ralpb
BreekeBrldare aa Preeldent
for the Year.
Tlie Nebraska Society of the Sons of the
American Revolution at Its annual meeting
at the Young Men's Christian association
Monday elected officers.
Tha meeting was presided over by Presi
dent Ralph W. Rreckenrldge. The society
decided to prepare a patriotic address to
the school children of the state, and send
one to each teacher of a achoot. whers
one of its members cannot be present in
persna and deliver address of his own. to
be read to the school April. 18. the anni
versary of the Battle of Lexington.
These officers were elected for the year
President. Ralph W. Breckenridge, Omaha.
Senior vice president. Paul 1$. Kuhns,
Junior vice president. Edward R. Ger-
ney, Fremont.
Secretary. James Richardson, Omaha.
Treasurer, John F. Flack, Omaha.
Reglatar. R. C. Bullock. Omaha.
Hlatorlan. Prexaly J. Barr, Omaha.
Board of Managers. Elmer NUkeraon
Oretna; H. M. Buahnell. Lincoln; George
J. Adama. Pender; Dr. A. I. Cloyd. Omaha
Mr. E O. lUlaiead. Omaha; Ralph W
Emerson, Omaha.
Tblrd Trial al Pltlabortl Fads A to.
raplly le of Areaad
t a abler.
PITTBl'RO. Feb. S-The third Irlal
growing out of the graft espneures
ended abruptly today whea A. A. Vllsack.
former cashier of the German Nations
bva7 pleaded "Bo defrase" to a rhsrge of
brito-ry la ruenactloa with the (17. he) aald
to bate bee glvaa by W. W. Rasnsey,
former proaidanl of tne bank, and Vllaark
to Cvutoiliuaa Jot a F. klsta In pa aaa 04
for an ord.aeare making the banb a city
ravrtt lasstolBSBs Peoailo Ta (
VYoee Raersiiae I all 14.
KoatrMIJt. a. r-b S -laaay pM(4a
ars saasl la have Bawat layjrad to a esataaa
aeseei eartsrebaB traias eaa k Cap Maary
UatWy tote ioAar. A trata aro to petsa
elaao aaa ktamad la l ereaas. Tbe If a. a a
see baaard a8 fraea rape Ht a 4
suif g 4a w-4aae tka) tUi fallts vara
aw -g saaa4erSi
Seven Mea Lose Lives in Head-On
Clever Aalaaal Had Appeared Three
Tlaaea Before Klog Edwar
raaaeaaera oa Way to
Haaaptoa Roods.
DELMAR. Del., Feb. 22. Seven men wsre
killed or burned to death early today In
a head-on collialon between an express
train and two locomotives on the Delaware
division of the Pennsylvania railroad. Two
passengers were Injured. The dead are:
OLIVER PERRY, express messenger.
J. I. M CKEADY, baggagemaeter.
GEORGE DAVIS, englneman.
W. T. CORKRAN. mall clerk, Phlladel-
P".1-. u..-s-.u..
J. V mail ciern. i-iiiiaot-iin.
R. M. DAVIS, mall clerk. Philadelphia.
WILHELM. mall weighman, New
castle, Del.
The Injured:
Miss Ashansophllos, Memphis, Tenn.; left
Shoulder bruised.
Lewis Brnelkwsy, In chsrge of tha pony
of the Princess Trixle company; Internal
Princess Trixle. the famous educated
horse which was burned to death, had been
shown all over the world by her owner,
Harrison Barnes. In Europe she was a
favorite with vaudeville audiences and she
sppesred three times before King Edward,
each time receiving a handsome present
from his royal highness, the last one be
ing a magnificent headpiece.
The train, which was a first section, was
crowded with passengers bound for Hamp
ton Roads to witness the home coming of
the battleship fleet. Beyond those men
tioned no one wss seriously hurt. Ths two
locomotives were standing on the main
track. Why they were there is yet to be
ascertained. The heavy train crashed Into
them with terrific force. A combined bag
gage and msll car and a baggsge csr re
ceived the brunt of the collision and all the
men In them were killed or Injured.
The wreck Immediately took fire and It
ass Impossible to rescue those under the
wreckage. The local firs company was
summoned, but nothing could be done for
the unfortunates under the burning cars.
At I o'clock the first body waa taken
from the ruins. The bodies were badly
charred, and the only one Identified up to
11 a. tn. was that of Engineer Davis, who
was Identified by a finger ring.
The two locomotives which caused the
wreck were waiting to take the two sec
tions from Delmar to Cape Charles. They
should have been on a sidetrack.
WASHINGTON. Feb. J2.-Eng1neer W.
J. O'Niel of Atlanta and Fireman John
Clay of Atlanta, a negro, were scalded as
the result of the derailment of the Washington-Atlanta
express train of the South
ern railway near Harbin, S. C. early
today. Nobody was killed. Passengers were
unhurt .
Edacated Horse Baraed la Wreek
Born at Haaaboldt.
SIOCX CITY. la., Feb. 22. (Special Tele
gram.) Trixle, the educated horse, which
waa burned to death this morning In a
wreck at Delranr, Del., was the property
of W. H. Barnes of Sioux City, and by
him was valued at 3-A000.Tbe horse wag
born at Humboldt, Ta., and was bought
from Will Slgsby. She waa 18 years old.
Mr. Faroes educated her and she was no
less than a marvel. She had performed
before King Edward and in various for
eign countries and had been sent over the
I'nlted States. Trixle was a feature at
the Norfolk exposition. '
Mr. Barnes wss on the way to Norfolk
Va., for an engagement at the time of the
Five Pasaeagera In.lared la Wreek
on Katy.
COFFEY VI LLE, Kan., Feb. 21 Missouri,
Ksnsas A Texas train No. 2f, which left
here at 6:40 o'clock this morning, was
wrecked Just across the state line at South
Coffeyville, Okl. Five passengers were
badly cut and bruised. The train crew also
was severely Injured. An obstruction on
the track caused the accident.
(Continued from Page One.)
squadron of vessels sent to meet the In
coming fleet and as the wireless dispatches
already have told she waa greeted at sea
with all the enthusiasm of an old friend,
The Alabama is In reserve at the New
York navy yard.
Maldea Appearance of Nebraska.
The strangers In the fleet today were the
Nebraska, which replaced the Maine, and
the Wisconsin, which replaced the Ala
bama. Both these vessels were built In the
Pacific. Both Joined the fleet at San Fran
cisoo and today made their first appear
ance In an Atlantic port. The battleship
fleet and Its escorting squadron of four
battleships and five cruisers arrived at
the southern ocean drill grounds fifty
miles off the Virginia raiws yesterday and
while there made ready for today's review
and Inspection. The news that the fleet
waa almost within sight of the shore
caused Intense excltment In all the cities
bordering Hampton Roads and today at the
first streaks of the coming day residents
of Norfolk. Newport News and other
nearby places began to make their way to
some previously selected points of vantage
along the borders of the ocean or bay.
Virginia Beach, offering one of the first
opportunities for glimpse of the incoming
squadrons, was sought by thousand At
Cape Henry and all along the Lynn Haven
and Wlllougtiby shore great throngs were
gathered. On the opposite shore of ths
roadstead, the crowds were dense. The
ramparts of Fortress Monro were black
with apex-tat ore and wherever a place could
be found along- the water front the eager
onlookers were gathered.
Battleship aplek aad Spaa.
The battleships 1 4c ked up Iheir regular
cruising speed of taa knots an hour early
this morning, after a aight of comparative
resC Brass work waa pollahed to a degree
of anequaJled brilliancy, aad wherever
paint work bad been marred oa tha Journey
bme fraob coats of white and buff ap
plied to sides and superstructure during
yesterday's welt off tbe rape made the
ship aa immaculate la asjeereare a they
were na that beautiful day la Pacomber,
rVt. whaa they sailed away on a erulee
that waa to art a new mark for the nevle
of the world le strive to attain.
Wnea the batttoetitpe pealed their prows
at daylight for the gateway of Ih read a.
tbo MytVwe. with lb pteoldeat and hia,
party board, waa at earn tog down Cass
peaks Bay to the aarboreg ground al Ike
Ted of tbe llreb. a ehaanrlway toad
Usg around Th'ssbia SbAale- bare funea
MtatM age the president bad aaeod oa
the tolsge ef ta saa irtaa lllti !
ta review the avis" fare aad bid N Ood
apasd set ks spssh ana a lag Jasaraey. Oa
that swaaas lb preaudeat Bead tae aaluag
af n flael smssI BUB44y Ih Sa4-.g af a
I isaigiai g body aaf att aa sa
tea 4.4 prartke rrato It wo a Baal lav af
oreraarr d'f. be eWltr. aad BMto be
a tie are tbe eatuad la
Service :
For over fifty-two rear thl bank h endcavorr-it
to 8trve Its pAtrons aa to merit the old adage "A aU.
fled customer Is the best advertisement."
Ability and Willingno
Our complete equipment In every department glvee
ua ABILITY and a few minutes' talk with any ot our
officers will convince you of our WILLlNOMKsa to fur
nlsh you with every accommodation consistent wltn
good banking.
Como In and talk it over.
FifstNationalBankof OmaKa
Thirteenth and Faxnam St.
Kntranc to Safety Deposit Taolts la on Ittb St.
capacity as commander-in-chief or tne
army and navy, he did not consider the
event one of sufficient Importance to re
quire a speech or other special ceremony.
rrealdent Greets Representatives.
Today, with their splendid record of
achievements and victories of peace behind
them, the sixteen battleships came home to
a welcome and to a ceremonious greeting
which could hardly have been more Jubi
lant and sincere If the fleet were return
ing victorious from some famous battle
ground. The president addressed not
only the 01 dorrs of the fleet galh
erd upon the quarter deck of the May
flower, but he visited as well the four
divisional flagships and there he addressed
the crews In terms of enthusiastic compli
ments. As it was Impossible for Mr. Roose
velt to vlsU each of the sixteen returning
vessels, representatives of the men from
each ship in the four divisions were gath
ered upon the flagships and they. In turn.
took the president's greetings to their ship
mate. The Mayflower had not long lain at an
chor when the tracings of smoke on the
hotison told of the approach of the fleet
and soon the mastheads of the Connecticut
could be picked up with glasses through
the wide swung capes. Then the white
hull of the famous flagship flashed into
view. Out of the distance the fleet grew
rapidly until at last the end of the white
column In front could be distinguished. The
gray clad vessels of the escort grew far
more slowly above the horizon and served
as a splendid demonstration of the value
of a neutral color for the naval vessels In
time of war. I
Gaa Baoni Welcome Signal.
While the leading ships were still a mile
Or more distant from the Mayflower,
puff of smoke from the forward bridge of
the Connecticut, followed by a muffled
boom, served as a signal to all the fleet
that the flagship had "mnde out" the
presidential flag on the Mayflower. It
was also the signal ot "tiome at last." and
made the hearts of 14,000 men and 600 offi
cers beat quicker In realisation that the
day they have looked forward to through
all the days of lavish hospitality abroad at
last arrived. That first gun of the Con
necttcut's national salute to the president
found every ship In the line with saluting
cannon ready and the second puff from
the flagship had not sounded when the
guns of the other ships had begun to speak
In unison the honor due the chief executive.
The president mads his way to the bridge
of the Mayflower while the saluting was
In progress. He had 'not long to wait be
for the Imposing line was bckrlng- down
upon the reviewing boat. The scene, like
that at the departure of the fleet, was one
which the president probably never will
forget. It set nerves tingling with patriotic
pride. On either side of the Incoming ar
mada were gathered scores of excursion
steamers which grew constantly thicker
and thicker, as the warships plowed their
way to a home anchorage. The excursion
steamers, the tugs and the launches were
keeping up a continuous roar of salutes
from their varl-toned whistles and the
crowds aboard as well as the throng on
the shore were Cheering tn a chorus which
carried Its welcome home far across the
waters to ears that had not heard so
sweet a sound in all their 45,000 miles of
cruising through the - seven seas of the
Ships la Review Trim.
The Connecticut and all the ships in its
wake were dressed In cruising fashion for
filing In review. At each masthead of
the Succeeding ships huge American flags
stood out to the brecxe. The union Jack
was aflutter at each stem and streaming
flags were In place at every lofty gaff.
Majestically the Connecticut steamed
toward the Mayflower, a line of fighting
vetsels at lis heels. In their natty uni
forms of blus the sailors of the Connecticut
were manning the rails "close aboard."
Shoulder to shoulder they stood stiffly al
attention along the sides of the 18,0m-ton
ship an almost unbroken human line from
forecastle to quarterdeck. On the quarter
deck tbe marine guard was drawn up.
Officers on the bridge and decks stood with
swords drawn and In special full Ureas
As the prow of the Connecticut reached
the bridge of the Mayflower the band on
board the flagship began lo play the "Star
6 pang ltd Banner." The prealdent doffed
his silk hat and stood at attention In salute
to the flag. There were no cheers, but a
lump was In the throat of every one aboard
the president's yacht and cheering would
have been a welcome relief. As the last
strains of the national anthem died away
the roar of another salute shook the air.
This time It was the Cor.nectk-ut alone that
fired. A ship of beautiful lines, the Con
necticutprobably the most famous flag
ship among the navies of the world never
appeared to belter advantage than today.
It steamed by tha Mayflower, a splendid
example of American architecture. In tha
wake of the Connecticut carr a the Kansas
"the rb-anest ship In tha navy " as It
passed the sams ceremonies set by the fKg-
shlp were followed.
The Mtuneaota and the Vermont In turn,
all sisters to ths Connecticut, completed
the passing of the first division.
beeoad Dlvlaloa Fasaea. "
Eight hundred yards separated the firet
and second divisions. Rear Admiral Wain-
wrtght atood upon Ih after bridge of the
Ueorgta. flagship of Ih esvuttd dlvlaloa.
whlt-a Included also the battlrehipe Ka
te sake. New Jersey and Hbrde Island.
Iter again Ih wtmd.rful hrm grnlty of
lb ftoat was einklniy lUuetraied.
rVlloaiag the saroad divlatoa came the
Baa-oad auuadrua. rvaalnaad of tha third
bad fntarth dlvkeaasa. enmaa4d by Hear
Admiral Itoatoa sV to-uMtoe. Admiral to hr
4ar aloud ) Ih br Vise sf Ih W-utot-Iw.
Tb 4br three shl of Ue divtaaua
at lb M 'eanwri aad I a. to. of aiaaiier as
ta anal la Vlrgtaia. a-baa baWare I
IB tons at rlaaa Tbe tost ef Ih raanra
laat aaip isawsd arth th fourth dK4avaa.
nssialil by 8Uar Adesk-al Wuiaa I
iNsUas. AXr toy ate M earn ad U.a
Illinois, and last In the ' returning line.
as they were last to leave.' came tho
Kearsargo snd Kentucky, the oldest ships
In the fleet '
The Maine followed In (lie wake of I ho'"
Kentucky snd It received all of . the
honors accorded the vessels of the home
coming fleet. Roar Admiral .Arnold, com
manding the third squadron, of tho, Atlantlti
flrct was on the bridge of the Maine.- Tho
Idaho, the Mississippi and th New Hamp
shire were the last of the battleships In
line and were followed by the impreaelve-
tooking armored cruisers; ; North Carolina!
and Montana, and lastly by the rakish
looking little vcout cruisers, Uiieetor, Salem
and Birmingham. ' -....:' i.
Flatter of Klaaats.
After the shlps'tiad snchored In response
to signals from the Connecticut and the
division flagships, it seemed but a moment
before the rainbow lines of fluttering signal
flags and bits of varl-colored bunting, all
arranged in accordance with a oommon
design, sprang, aa if by roagto to the meat
heads. In the line left by the warships
snd still kept clear by a patrol fleet of
torpedo boats and naval tugs, tho May
flower, gully dressed Itself in honor of the
fleet's return and. the birthday of Wash
ington,, was seen making- its way. The.
cheering ashore was begun - again and
swept In a great wave up and down the
crowded water front. The Mayflower
passed close In shore and passing Fortress
Monroe, the president's flag ' received the
army's tribute of twenty-one guns.
The Msyflnwer csme slowly to anchor In
the center of the fleet. Bwlft little steam
launches had already been lowered over
board from the divisional flagships, and
were darting to the various ships to g.ither
up the commanding officers for a call n
the piesldent. Lastly, the four admirals
of the fleet entered the launches and the
start for the Mayflower was made. Ad
miral Sperry's launch was the first to
reach the starboard gangway of the presi
dent's yscht and he was ushered aboard
with a flare of trumpets, a ruffle of drums
and a few strains of a lively march played
by the ship's band. President Roosevelt
advanced from his station on the quarter
deck and cordially grasped Admiral Sper
ry's hand, Then came the captains of the
first division and the succeeding admirals
snd captains of all the divisions and ships
of the returning fleet. President Roose
velt warmly congratulated all of the offi
cors personally, and then collectively, lie
formally thanked them and all the officers
and men under them for the part they had
played In making the cruise such a bril
liant success.
President Visits Fla (ships.
The officers were on the Msy flower less
than half an hour. Then the president, ac
companied by Admiral Sperry and his aids
began his round of visits .to the divisional
flagships. lie went first to the Connecti
cut. Again the sides of the flagship were
manned. The prealdent was received aboard
with tho most elaborate ceremonies. Com
ing over the side the president wss saluted.
Again, as he left the ship, having spoken
briefly to the officers and men, the salute
of twenty-one guns was fired. The presi
dent went In turn to the Louisiana, the
Georgia and the -Wisconsin.
When the president returned to the May
flower late in the afternoon the notable
reception and review of ttia fleet was at
an end.
Prealdent Praise Fleet.
In hi address President Roosevelt saldl
"Admiral Bperry, officers and men of the
battle fleet: Over a year has passed since
you steamed out of this harbor and over
the world's rim, and this morning th
hearts of all who saw you . thrilled with
pride, as the hulls of the mighty warships
lifted above the horlxon.. You have been in
the northern and the southern hemispheres;
four times you have crossed the line; you
have steamed through all the great oceans;
you have touched the coast of every conti
nent. Even your general course has been
westward and now you come back to Ug
port from which you set sail. Tlila la the
firat battl fleet that has ever circumnavi
gated the globe. Thoae who perform the
feat again can but follow In your foot
'The little torpedo flotilla fleet went with
you around South America, through th
straita of Magellan, to our own Pacific -coast.
The armored cruiser squadron met
you and left you again, when you were half
way around the world. You have falsified
every prediction of tbe prephets.of failure.
In all your long cruise not an accident
worthy of mention has happened to a single
battleship, not yet any cruiser or torpedi
boat. You left this rosst In a high stste
of battle efficiency and you return with
your efficiency Increased, better prepared
than when you left, not only In personnel,
but even In material, purltlg your world
rrulss you have taken your regular gun
nery practice and skilled though you were
before with th guns, you have grown more
skilled still, and through practice yoa have
improved In battle tacll.a. though, here
ther Is mora room for Improvement than
hi your gunnery. Incidentally, J suppose,
I hsrdly need say thst one measure of your
f lines must be your clear recognition of
the need always stesdlly to strive to ren
der youraelves more fit; If you ever grow to
think that you are fit enough, you can
make up your minds that from that mo
ment yon will brg n to go backward.
"As a wsr machine, th fleet comes bark
In better snap than It went out. In addi
tion, you. th officers and mea of this
furmadab! fighting force, have shown your
tolte th brat .f all pnaalM ambassa
dors and h.ral'la .f pear. Wherever )ou
have lauded yu have borne youreelve So
ss to make us at horn pr u4 of being our
rnuatrtnirn You hav shoo that th heal
tvpe rf fi .lit g an.n ,.f the era kn-ws how
lo sptar to t'a utnnoat a.ine edtsMaga
he K. t,tt4nee Is lo brt.a ini!f oa
ahnr sad l make a g-. isnpreaatno a a
fre4.T. lead are proud ef all th ahlp
aad all tb an. a la thi ato.1 twt. .
Wesruen yea hoen t I to) cmntry ahoa
g4 r--.! among Batto ha hsoa lataad
y wfal yoat lata da.
AtUi a..a,B.a-tie "l aal Adas