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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1909)
THE OMATTA DA1XY REEs TUESDAY, FEBHUATIV 2.1. 1000. Want - ads A4TrtlHitti fee tbe waat eelaasae will e take til IB aa. tk aerates? 4llln aad til a, fee for Ik mania aa Saadar aalti Cash saaet aaaaaaaaar all ardeee eraat ads til aa adeertleesaeat 1 ba aeeeeted far laaa taaa J.O Mats ler rlU few flret laaertiea. Rataa apply- ta attae Tha Daflr Seaday- Um. Always Mill six words ta a llaa. Caaaklaatlaaa at laltlala a aesaaera aaat aa aaa war. CAft R A TBI Tor WAJTT ABt. REGULAR CLASSIFICATION Oaa laaarllaa, pej llaa. lO eeets. Two aa atara eoaeoeatlve laaartlaaa, llaa, eeate. Back laaartlaa aaede aa add days, 1 caata aa llaa. flJIO aaa llaa gear aiaatk aeeataa; tkat rXRWtafIRD ROOM AM. V wk aeewBtpaafea by eaak tka rata will kai Oaa laaartlaa, 4 aaata ae I iae ar el aaaeaeatlew laaar tlaaa. 8 aaata aar llaa aaek laaartlaa I eerea ar atara eeaseeatlra laaartlaaa. 'd erata aar llaa aaek laaartlaa I teats aar llaa aar seeataw Waat aaa far Tka Bm saay ka left at aar af tka feUewtast Iraf stares aaa la roar emr raaTalat' 4er ara all kraaek far Tka Baa aaa roa aa will ka la sorted last aa press ally aaa aa tka aaata rataa aa at tka aaata aaa ta Tka Baa Belldlaar, eveateeata aa STaraaaa atreatai Albech. W. C 4Mh and rarnam. Beranek. 0. A-,-1401 a. Mi!a au Becbt p banuecy, B. lath St. Bensor. Pharmacy. Bcnron. Nab. Bemls Park Pharmacy, aid and Cumins. tttake's Pharmacy , 2S2S Bhsrman Ave. Coughlln, C. Rm tb and Plarca Sis, Clifton Hill Pharmacy, 3213 Military Ava. Coma, J. B., list Ava. and Farnam L Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake at. Ce.mak, Atrull. Vu-t a. 13th St. Ehlera, B. H. taut Leavenworth Bt. Foster Arnold!, 218 N. Sbta at. . i-reyteg. John J., Mlt N. 24th St. rlurence Drug Co., Florence. Nab. vloldman Pharmacy. 30th and Leka Sla. Oreenough. U. A.. 1834 B. 101b ftU Ureenougn, U. A.. 1634 B. 10th SL Hay-Jen. William C. SMs) rarnam St. Hansccrn Park Pharmacy, 14U1 a. SU 81 Hoist. John. H N. lath 81 Huff. A. L., 24 Leavenworth St. King. U. b.. tm rarnam Bt. Kuuntao Placa Pbarmacy, -l N. 24t St. Latin op, Charles Jfi.. 1334 N. Mth 8. Drug Co.. 16 N. Mtb St. Peyton, L. E.. 34ta and Leavenworth Bta. BuraioaA Drug Co., Ml BU and Anw Ava. Schaofer'a Cut Prtca Vrxtg Co.. Mtb and Clilcago Bt. Schaefer, Auguat, 1031 N. Mtb Bt. 8ctimidt. J. H.. MUx and Cumin Bta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy. Mtb and Cuming Walton Pharmacy, K.h and Grace Mia. Worth. O. H-. toth and Hamilton Bta. DUATHI AND VUNERAL NOT1CK1 BAKKR-Lulu K., February 19. 1909. at Aiuuiiuerque, N. Mex., aged 20 years 10 mo n i Ii8 U days. r unerul Weunosday at 2 p. n. from llulsu A Rlepen undertaking parlors, 709 HuuiU Sixteenth street. Friends invited, interment In Forest Lawn. , STAR William. Sunday. February 2L 1906, ' atti-d W years, a months, 2a days. Funeral Tuesday at 2 p. m. from family residence, Bouth Klgnteentli street. Members of tha Ancient Order of United Workmen, Union Pacific No. 17 and friends Invited. Interment, Forest Lawn. BUTTER John, aged 87 years, 1 months and 11 daya, at family residence, 1) Houtli Elgnteenth street, Sunday, .30 p. m. ' Funeral Tuesday, 2 p. m., from Leo Hoff mann's undertaking parlors, under auspices of Hwlss society. Interment ' Laurel Hill cemetery. " ratt) LODGE NOTICES. A. O. I. YV., Atteatloa. Notice Is liereby given of the death of Brother William Slur, a member of the order, in govd standing, of Union Pacific, lodge No. li. Funeral services will be held st his late residence, 2402 South Eigh teenth street, Tuesday at 1 p. m. All mem be. a of the order and the Degree of Honor are requested to be present. j. L. WALK1NSHAW, Master Workman. . J. P. CARK, Recorder. ANNOUNCEMENTS SIGN PAINTINQ 8. li. Colo, 1302 Douglas. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specially of tira escapes, shutters, doors and sales. O. Andreeu, Prop., 102 B. 10th. (1 U8 DAVID COLE Creamery -Co. U)-62 CHINA decorating; otder work a specialty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, stains, leather and designs. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, MH alraouela Uldg. TeL Red 1488. tl) 661 HULSK & R1EPEN, successors to Harry U. Davis. 709 a 16th 8U Both 'Phones. (1 M930 Mlt AUTOMOBILES DaUUGUT AUTOMOB1LK COMPANT. mi Farnam Ulraet. Stoddard Dayton Kuadeier. 11,100. Heo louring car, Hoo. Buick Ruiiubout, almost new, ISOu Steveiia Duryea, UoO. Dragon Touring car, 11.060. Vtaveriy Electric. H00. AU tha above guaranteed In good ahapa, Male agent Stoddaxd-Dayton. H.odaaru-Dayton. llMO, tuuO, tloOO. Ford, model N, 1450. Ford, Is louu. upea and closed cars for rent day or BlgnU TaL Douglas 361. i.lMt AUTOMOBILE painting and carriage repair work; dead storage. Vita. Pfisffer car rtga.Co., 2iUi at aavanworth. Red Wi. ny-uni mi AUSTIN. 90-h. p. automobile for sale at a great aacrUlce; baa limousine and open body; haa been uaed but 7.0uo miles; equip ped with all tha laUat sundries; reason lor suiting owner gulng , abroad and wishes to buy foreign car; car coat fcj.auo six montha ago; oniy cash offers consta nt ed. Address A. C. ' Mtorg, cars mora PEiCRLESS touring car, four cylinder, lata model, excellent condition. Address O s. Mae. U AU1 a EIGHT seoond-hauid Ramblera at your own prtcaa. Rambler Automobile com pany. H044 Farnam bX. U M Mlt AUTOMOBILE WANTED Have two Omaha residences: will aarhange either for good car. Also vacant lota and tele phone bonds for good car. 8o ma quick. B. E AIT CO., 17 Baa Bldg , Omaha. Tel. Doug im u M4t a FOR BALE High-grada 4-c Under automui hlle used lesa than five mouths.; eu,, UMt, will sell for ILkw net cash has top. giasa front, clock, plo--mrier. etc.. newly painted, aqulppad wiik set of new Mtrhella outer and Inner tires: alii give demonstration if desired. Linuiger Implement Co. KitIM M NOW Is tha time ta Invest la a used motor -cle; one-third off If taken at one. Louis Fleecher. 1 Capllol Ave. U-MC) Mchl Al IMMOBILEd OVKRHAl'LKI). 11 us fujura oa your spring overhauling; our repair shop Is eo,uipe-d wit every aimtrn facility and men wha know their UUIUA Mill buy a few good uaed aaia floras rate on application. PAXTON'-M ITCH ELL CX)., 1 iUnff Bt. MERKEL la h st an4 must rellae'e a t araund snotue- l ) i ,e anaae Wrlia lur ba tocai ton. y i t U r-T-u'S' rmlilM. I. ner(, ati AfS AUTOMOBILES (Continued. Moline Automobiles for aale cheap. Wa have, on hand three perfectly new car which we muat dlepoee of at lens than cost, aa lire ara cloeina- ont the agency. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO., Howard. & 9th Street. (2) M3 M NOTICE Before buying a aeeond hand car, rail on urn and let ua ahow you our complete , line or "Maaon l cylinder can and " Midland 4 cylinder care. JREKIaAND BROS.. A ASHLEY CO. 11CS Far nam St. (2 SIS 27 INTERNATIONAL AUTO BUGGY. A high-wheeled, solid rubber tired auto especially adapted to country and rough roada when high clearance la absolutely essential. The ideal car for the rural sales man, business and professional men, aa well as country town residents who demand car that ia absolutely derendable in all conditions of road; one that will climb ateep hills and go through mud and sand; simple In mechanism and always ready to go. international Harvester Co. of Amer ica, Omaha. Write for catalogue. (2) MMl 1 RAMBLER touring car. used less than tnrea muntns; just overhauled at cost of 6. win accept any reasonable offer. Address 8 U, care Bee. (2 Ml 22 - TWO-CYLINDKR, -horse power. S-oas T-ngrr nuns auiomoone m rirst-class condition; has top aa good as new; engine m nrst-ciasa snape; win sell Tor cash; haa glass front and gas lamps. Oeorge F. Abbott, 1404 Farnam Bt. (2J-AW 24 SACRIFICE If sold at one WhltVsteamer, iuii i vbvlj i aar inn. ar i at siai rmnw and la flrat-claas condition. Oldsmobile Co., 1018 "'" U) C17 27 A,BIO bargain in a Maxwell lateat model w. uir oargaina in used cars. C. F. Louk. 1 Farnam. (2 126 MIS AUTOMOBILE for sale; Model F, Bulck, -iitiip,:r, run t montns, good as new Imjulra Paxton. Mitchell; or room 72 N. T. Ufa Bldg. - (J)494 26 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE positions open In tha auta- mooue nem, technical Instructions on both steam and gasoline engines; students paid mr worn. Aaaress umini Hchool of Automobile Engineering, 241J Leaven. worth St. BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR SALE or exchange. One new set American enclcopedla, 16 volumes, one balf Morocco. Never been imn,ibi Say what you have. Cost, ISO. Frank uooancn, VJi r. 4iei Ava (3 M977 23 400 ACRES In Boyd county. Neb.; good soil; some Improvements; will trade for smaller farm. Address. Box 80, Brlstow. Neb. (S) M197 26x TRADES For quick deals list with us. 8. E. Wait A Co., C17 Bee Bldg., Omaha. (3)-M962 Ml WANTED A first claaa piano as part payment on a good Income property or a quarter section of land. Give full descrip tion of Instrument In first letter. P. C. Anderson, Spencer. Neb. (3) M66t BUSINESS CHANCES We have clients for the following In vestments: Moving Picture Show. Good Barber Shop, cheap. Good Cigar Store, reasonable. Flour Mill and Grain Elevator. Must be A-No L Gents Furnishing or Shoe Sock, must ba in gooo. location. Party to Invest In Grocery, and services. 12.600 In Hardware Business, South central Nebraska. 14,000 to $5,000 Hotel, Nebraska town. 16.000 to 17,000 Omaha Hotel and Bar, must be good and a bargain. Good Pool and Billiard Halt Must ta bargain. To Invest In good Companies with posi tions aa office Managers, Secretary and Treasurer. Good Retail Lumbar Tard in Nebraska. Must ha a bargain. 110,000 to 316.000 in General Merchandise Store, central or western Nebraska. 31.200 In Millinery Stock. Grocery Store In good Town, will trade fine Nebraska land. We have excellent facilities for dispos ing of your business. THE NATIONAL REFERENCE A INVESTMENT COMPANT. Home Office 674 - Brandeis Bldg. Omaha, Neb. (4 614 ROOMING houses and boarding houses, close in,' at bargain prices; see us first Palmer, Rattlgea 4k Co., 62S Paxton Blk. (4) M211 Mch4 FCR SALE Fine grocery stock; doing good business; sells at Invoice about 32,000; no dead slock; county seat; population 5,000. Alliance, Neb., Box 134. 14) M247x SEATTLE AND ALASKA INFORMATION Send 11.00 for reliable information con cerning business opportunities. Invest ments or other legitimate matters in Seattle and Alaska. Palmer A Bean, Inveatement Bankers, 211 Melhorn Bldg., Seattle. U. d. A. Refarencea. (4-M115 27x TO GET IN or out of bualnesa call on GANGE3TAD. Room 403, Bee Bldg. 14) 623 WANTED Registered druggist with means to start a drug store In thriving, pros perous town. Thickly settled country; German, Bohemian and Scandinavian na tionalities represented. For particulars call on or write F. A. Kllllon, Secretary of the Lesterrills Commercial Club, Lester villa, 8. D. x (4 M117 M3 WANTED Hotel man to run hotel In good. tnnving, prosperous town, uood location; no con. petition. A good opportunity for the right party. For particulars writs to F. A. Kllllon, Secretary of tha Lestervllle Commercial Club, Lestervllle. SL D. (4) MUS M3 FOR BALE A first claaa confeotlonery stock and fixtures; fine location and do ing a fine business. Good reasons for selling. Apply at once. Walter D. Hill x Co., Beatrice, Neb. (4) M781 U FOR SALE First-class saloon in a good town near Sioux City. Apply Poatofflce Box 704. Sioux City. la. (4) Mt INVESTMENTS. Two good pool and billiard halls. Bargain. Oram Mill and Elevator In an A-No. 1 Town. Trade last year $160,000. A bargain at $a,ooo. Party with $1,000 to Invest In good General Merchandise store. Party to Invest $1,000 or more in guaran teed stock of manufacturing concern, with position aa secretary and treaaurer. A splendid opportunity for the right man. Parly to Invest ll.OuO In guaranteed stock of Incorporated concern. 10 per cent per snnum dividend guaranteed on stock; salary $12& per month guaranteed. Right parly should make $j.0uw a year. Thla can t be beat. THE NATIONAL REFERENCE A INVESTMENT COMPANT. Home Office 674-6 Brandeis Building. Omaha, Nob. (O ill WHAT HAVE YOU IN A BKlCav BTORK B11LD1NUT Want desirable location In south part of city fr moving picture show. Will give long less for g.Md location. Give loca tion and prk' In first letter. Addraes U . t are Bee. (4 14a 3xs FOR. A1.K Tao hundred ears of lee A ti. Gilbert. Council Bluffs. t4 MlU-alTx DHtli stores for sale. Knleet, N. T. Life. 4-aj4 tX)H BALr.-Drug si.rk and buildirte: good htatton for tUrmaa duator. Address V Wt, tare cnaha Bee. with stamp ! Atlat Mx FOR IAU.-H,,i, store doing $M buslnMS la Im-si kM'aik, la loaa of . Intecllgs' Addrvae Srtllrrlra Met. taaitle tnr.r. Ilarnduo. Kaa (-MMl XU $)R BAI.I9-Bte vf gror.rt. a.Mt.wa. .-r . luart. AinM Vn !i, A.ii7i..., i4,-M. Perpetual company BUSINESS DIRECTORY Archlteets. OLIVER A. HALL, classy bungalows, flats and apartment buildings. R2 s. T. Life. f none uougias 3W. lb) FJtx Cfclropodlat. DR. ROT, R. 2, 150 Farnam 8t. Doug. l7. Collection. OMAHA Collection Agency. Blow accounts oucitea. 404 vea uidg. Doug. Kmi. (5) M157 MchS neat lata. BAILET at MACK. I floor, Paxton. D. 108a, (&) 29 Flaaaclal. MONEY! -TO tiw RATE, In sums to suit, 310 Bee Bldg., Hnnn inn. .. v&u UNION LOAN COMPANY. Florists. HE33 A BWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St. (5-633 L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. Tel. D. 1263. (6)-13 J. H. BATH, 1423 Harney. Tel. Doug. 3000. (6)-34 Maria aad Starla. EXPRESSMEN'S, Delivery Co., office 114 r. letn Bt.. warenouss ZZ07-I Hard St. Water Filters. 1310 HOWARD ST.. Missouri filter; II days trial. (6) 641 Prlatlagr. C. M. JARVB PTG. CO., Job printing and csienaars. win ana cap. Ave. Phone, lnd. A 2620, (6) M290 hoe Repairing;. SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered free. Standard 8 hoe Repair Co., 1804 Farnam St. Tel. Douglas 7667. . (6 40 (5) M930 M16 Osteopathy. JOHNSON INS., 413 N. T. L. Tel D. 1S64. (6 J6 Dr. Katbsryn Nlckolas." 60S N. T. L. Bldg. 6)-637 DRESSMAKERS MISS MALONE, 2308 Douglas St., high class dressmaking. 1'none Douglas wao. 612 M13 MIS3 E. E. CROSBY, 2411' 8. 20th Ave., uressmaKing. Douglas 7297. 413 M13 WOMAN'S EXCHANGE, 1822 Farnam St. Ladles' tailoring, alterations, pleating, patterns cut to measure, first-class sawing school in connection. Douglas 3611. eiO M13 T TTT,T7T7 Ladies' tailoring In best style 1,1 P, P P n4 workmanship guaran-'-"' teed. 207 Old Brandeis Bldg. Tax elevator on 16th St. 811 M13 KEI8TER COLLEGE, 606 Karbach Block. MUlo Mil FRENCH Dry Cleaning Works, 1908 Far nam, Dear cleaners and dyers, iiotn phones. -14 M12 M. E. NEPINSKY GOWNS. SOS Paxton Blk. M114 Mchl7 McDowell Dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. PLAIN and fancy sewing; children's clothes ana sniri waists a specialty. Doug. 1126. 816 M13x TIOTiT,A'NT0own. robes and riding UUliUZUX XJ habits: ercluslva natrons only. 305 Paxton Block. -M86 M13 IN FAMILlES-MIss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 42'iO. TERRY Co,leS t Dressmaking, 30th sassiA Av Calllgalll O Lea. OA 4 ,! A4 NOVELTY SHOP .W?." i ' tl : rBncy unaergarments and Hand Embroidered Work; professional shopping. Doug. 6408. -M200 M19 JOSEPHINE BRADY, Evening? rnwna ta avAM(Ai.. 41 Douglas Block. 22S Mchl9 EDUCATIONAL NOW OPEN THE MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Every day la enrollment day. Enter any tune iur cumpivie. iiiurougn instruction In Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and Telegraphy. Catalogues are free. H. B. Ttnvlea tir.alHent Hinah, Official Training School for Telegraphers iur u r n. n. xeiegrapa jjpu (6)-80 DRAFTING Evening classes; terms eaay; arftimncn cummana nignest waaea. Omaha Technical School. 626 N. y. L. Tel. D. 2369. (6) M7S9 Mix WINTER TERM OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. 19th and Farnam, now open. Students enroll ing dally. Business, Shorthand. Teleg raph v. DAY AND VI iH T Kl-'ST!lN.- CATALOGUE FREE. IHOHKBOCGH BROS. M628 M23 HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. STENO. and bookkeeper, $60 and $o0. Stenographer, $60. Lady for lecturing, $20 tier week. THE NAT. REF. AND INVEST. CO.. Home Office. 64- Brandeis Bldg.. Omaha, Nebraska. 7)-613 23 LADT for of floe work. Box 253 Omaha, Neb. 7 218 33 STENOGRAPHER, lady, to do stenographic work In sxchange for office in largest office building. Address M-4. rsre Be. (7) MM 23x M) GIRLS wanted at once for catalogue work. Apply at olfice. Nebraska Cloth ing Co. OhiM S3 Meaooaaoacre aad Oeaaeelaa. WANTED At onoe. competent laundress Monday and Tuesdsy each week; refer ence required Address A A3, care B. t7-ia WANTBI-Eipertenred girl for general housework. 2416 Capitol Ave. 7)-Uu Z3 WANTKU Competent aurae girl. ri Web ster Bt. ill-Kill Ska HELP WANTED MALE A aaata, eljti aad Baleaasea. BID IJNK-eksl. aa eampUa Ptenly enotoey. Oive peranaoeai addreea. H.j aO. Oavaha. -Mi.l WANTEIt-Ailunmi a41 (Vlery lte dire.- U r nauinrs; eaisrv and ruinntil, small SMiintr riuud Addreae im.ta Uaus C. lialtinwrv. Md. ii-kAUa 34 y A'lKNTA-Wt guaiaatee salsry af U per aUy and AO per r-ul iamiii, If ., ae a a ie. If yt wsnt le a at s-nd eier I "9 m 4 fMiir,H. f.Mw .!! f e aa,pa. W. A lowing M's t o.. UUJ i , rikau. Vis. Mtij results cannot ac- occasional HELP WANTED MALE Agents aad Salesaaea Coatlnaed. WANTED Two hustling salear.n; those with experience In reel esta'o business preferred. Call at 10 o'clock. Co.e. 4 N. Y. Life Bldg. 191 Moo3 23 Clerical aad omea. WOULD you like a good position where In vestment Is required? If so. see us. Sec. and trees., good salary. Investment required. Two bookkeepers. 300 ami 186. Steno. and bookkeeper. ISO. , Uood salesmen who Is capable of closing contract. Good opportunity. Salesman, soap and fresh meat line. Shipping clerk, 30. Two collectors. Good real estate salesman for city. THE NAT. HEF. AND INVEST. CO., Home Office, 674-6 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Nebraska. (9)-611 23 DRUG CLERKS' positions. Knlest. N. T. Life Bldg. (9V-643 FOUR bookkeepers. $00-190. Three stenographers, 340 to 160. Three office clerks, $85. Four salesmen, different lines, $75-3160. Several retail clerks, different Unas, good salaries. Call or write for a complete list. WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N., INC., 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. (9)-15 22 J Factory aad Trades. WANTED Good all round printers. Ap ply at onco. Combe Printing company, St. Joseph, Mo. (9) M492 24 DO YOU WANT to become a competent automobile opentor? The Northweatern Automobile and Gas Engine school can put you in this claaa Better Investigate. Omaha Commercial College Bldg., 19th and Farnam. 9) 43 WANTED At South Dakota State Soldiers' home, a baker. Address, Soldiers' Home, Hot Springs, 8. D. (9) M637 27 Mlseellaeeoas. FREE Employment Dept., Business Men's Ass'n; no fees. Call 626 N. Y. Life Bldg. 9)-44 WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few veeks required, best paying work within the reach of poor man, can have shop with small capital, wages from $12 to $20 weeniy; wonderful demand: for barbers. Moler Barber College, 110 8. Mth St. (9) M186 26x WANTED-Rallway mail clerks, salary $800 w i,-w; no layoita; examination In Omaha. Mav 16: common education suf ficient; candidates prepared free; write immediately ror lull particulars. Frank lin Institute, Dept., 662. Rochester, N. T. (9)-M202 Mch4x WANTED Young man to run paper cutter, do tabbing and light binding. Deitch & Lamar Co., Bloux City, la, (91-M6S8 1 HELP WANTED MALE) AND 1'KNALB FIFTY house-to-house demonstrators; new article; quick seller. 216 McCague Bldg. . (10)-M161 26 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Morses aad Vehicles. FOR QUICK SALE Closed carriage, almost new, lepot wagon style special large; built by Omaha maker to owner's order; also a Stanhope, single buggy with top, In first-class con dition. Apply at once. H. Cohn, Ne braska Clothing Co. (11) 861 LOST AND FOUND UPHOLSTERING Tel. Webster 3298; Ind.; uu n. tn bl j. Hanson. (12)-M207 Mch LOST Diamond-shaped green and white iraiermty pin. Reward for return to this office. (12)-M471 23x LOST Between 22d and Leavenworth and oun ana ijeaven worm, a DlacK leather bag containing money and other articles; reward. . Tel. Harney 8147. (12) M491 24 LOST Gold class pin, has letters " '05. L. o. im.." Detween 8. 36th Bt. and 32d and Center St. Reward for return. Tel. Red W- U2)-498 23x LOST A large cat, gray, with black etrlpes aiiu wiirie n.ruuna tne necx. r inder will be rewarded. Esther Wllhelm, 802 South S8th Ave. Tel. Harney 670. (12) M649 26 LOST Man's silver watch on Forty-eighth en cei. nciween uoagn ana Davenport, Saturday afternoon. Engraved inside, R. H. Nicholson. Return to 2912 Farnam. Reward (12) M550 23 MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman A. McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. (13) 646 FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelgbton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Bta,; special attention paid tj confinement cases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. 01)12S TOOTHACHE Lo ring's Instant Relief Toothache Gum will atop It. At all deal ers or sent postpaid for 15c sliver. W. A. Ixring Mtg. Co., 01323 North Ash St., Spokane, Wash. (13) M53S 26 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. $$3U3St$ TOU WANT MONET $3311$$$ iiim DON'T PAY HIGH RATES IUU $Aeet SEE US FIRST $$ We loan you any amount on $4 $ furniture, pianos, etc.; or. It you $3 $$ have steady employment, on your $3 $$ plain note at the cheapest rates In U 3 tha city- Paymenta weekly or 33 3$ monthly to ault your convenience, $$ $$ Open until 6:9 p. m. 'Pbune Dous $$ las 2036. . $$ $$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., , $ $M$$ Room 601, Brown Blk.. 1 $3318 3UW33 uppostie nranasis liiUH lm bu entrance. ITIinnl 04)-A4j MONET loaned aalarled people and others without security; easy paymenta Of fices in 4 principal cltlea. loliuan, Roora Sis new lora uii oiug. in) COMB IN AND OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH 18. Btrlrtly private dealing, aame as a bank. Our rhargsa are reasonable enough so you ran afford lo borrow. Let ua arrange to get your winter's debts out of the way for you so that you can stop worrying. OMAHA MOrtTOAGK U)AN COMPANT. RELIABLE MONEY LENDERS 119 Board of Trade. Tel. Duug. X-i (14 -! IS THERE some poor woman who Is ter. ronsed into rous proetrstloa b a loaa sharkT Bee ua CltUena' Protective As aoctatloa. 410 Barker bik. 04Mtf OFFERED FOR RENT SSaaraUaa aad Mm as a. THE BACItKlltt. SSTH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOIaX. AMLKiCAN PLAN. tUl Mi'ELY frnthd front rooms,'y mf a salts, am Park Ate; erl.i labia award, berne tuukiag. Pktfae. lUiaey ax.. Ml S LY furalshed reecaa aim swiiNs. sateat rMaiu- aVee s as imk. (A- M UkblAs K'UI a.Wa aad kd fUel-es, 44 a. i .- a advertising OFFERED FOR RENT Board las aad RoomsCoat laard. 1S18 CAFITOL AVF,.-Beautlful. well fur nished room, with excellent board: steam heat; strictly first-class; rcnsnnnbl "Phone Red 6U37. (15) 4!i 2x ONE nicely furnished warm room and hoard; modern conveniences, aii" Sher man Ave. tl6 '51387 23 ELEGANT rooms, with board. Tel. II. 4707. 212 N. 24th. (16) M483 27x 1S12 CHICAGO ST. Room, with aood board. (15)-497 Mch3 Faralaaed nooma. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON A CO., RENTAL AGTS., 0S N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone Doug. 2204. Uo 1 PLEASANT room In new mod ern hnm hot water heat, desirable location. Gentle men only, 305 8. 31st 8t. Phone Harney wo. (16) M319 28x FOR RENT One nice large room and one email one; new furniture and clean: In private family: all modern. Phone LVmg. 5337; Res. 618 No. 23d. (15)-M36 23x FINELY furnished rooms, conveniently located. 2702 Farnam Bt. 'Phone Har ney 20K6. (15) M472 27x WELL furnished room for gentleman In hew modern home, with fnmlly of two; good neighborhood; walking distance. 638 S. 26th Ave. (16)-621 28x Apartsneats aad Flata, I ROOM, modern St. Louis flat; one-half block from Hanecom park and east side care. Enquire 2912 Shirley St. $'."7 60. (It) M971 21-X UNEQUALLED, central, all modern, steam heated, 4-room, corner flat 220 N. 23d. (16)-M593 FOR RENT One $ and one 4-room apart rnent, with bath, steam heated, good cafe In condition; also 7-room modern cottage, good neighborhood. 110 8. SSth St., Hamilton. 626 Bee Bldg. Tel. A-3360. (16) 221 23 IN BEMIS park, strictly modern 6-room St. Louis flat, $28 rer month. (15)-M476 23x STEAM HEATED flat, modern, hardwood, shades, gaa range, hot water; walking dis tance. You can't equal It. 8ummer, $26; winter, $32. Reference required. Bemis, Paxton Blk. (16) M530 1 Hoasekeeplngj Rooms. TWO light basement rooms, furnished, $12. 99 South 27th St. (16) M440 27x , Unfurnished Rooms. 4 r.. bath and toilet, at 282$ Dewey Ave. $18.50. 3 r.j water, sewer and gas, at 702 a 16th, 3 r., with water, at 967 N. 2fith St.. $12.60. 1 r., water, sewer, gas, steam heat, $17. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. (16)-M433 23 Fueolsaed Besses. HANDSOME 9-room house In West Farnam .1 1 B t , ,,w. I, 1 I., .,.. . mi iiiouru cumpieieiy, lor SIX months. Address D 73, Bee. (16) M 458 23 Hoasea aad Cottagea. $12.60 3-r. water and sewer, at ft7 v. !th si $13.60 4-r., water, sewer and bath, at 823 Dcwy Avo, $17.00-3-r., at 706 8. 16th 8treet. $20.00 6-r., water, at 1217 DodKe. $20.0O-7-r.. water, sewer and gas, at 2908 x- arimm. $27.60 8-r.. modem, at 1319 S2d Bt h. $27.60 7-r., all modern, at 2720 Howard. $J8.0O 10-r., all modern, with barn, suitable for 2 families, 940 N. 27th Ave. $45.00 10-r., all modern, with steam heat, at AAAfcO JIAl L. N. P. DODGE A CO., 1714 Farnam St. (16) M432 23 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. iuiw. n. . iuuu, sLureiiouse iia)-Z4 19th, office 1609 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 1559. (16)-364 EIGHT-ROOM, all modern, on car line. 1028 avu. oou ok. j. a nuuey awtv. (16) M364 24x HOUSE, 8 rooms modern, 120 S. 44th St, on West Farnam line, $30. Tel Harney 3341. (16) M478 27 I NICE large rooms, city water, 1828 N. inn ou g. On March 1, 9-room brick, modern house. iiui us 7si t, ui tuy , C. M. BACHMANN. 438 Paxton Blk. (15)-MS28 ROOMS, first floor, modern except heat. 1908 N. 26th St. $18. P V rooms. 2d floor, 1908 N. 26th St, city wiu anu luuci, SJ. 10-room modern house. 938 North 35th Bt. $30; with barn, $36. 6-room modern house except heat x309 S rooms. 2d floor. 1108 N. 20th St, $16. I rooms, ta iioor, 13US is. 34th St, mod- a neat. eia. rupta nrTw 2Zd and Cuming Bta. Tel. !' . and B-S049. IU 266 MAGGARD VAN 4k STORAGE C, Tel. D. iwe. we guarantee moving pianoa, H. H. uooa. - (16 866 IIOLTSES In " Prt ' city. UUUOi Crelgh Eons Co., Be Bldg. 116) etio . FOR RENT Nine-room house, all modern sis . su Bt. ixw rent it taken soon. Apply at 607 N. 19th SL U5)-M744 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. T. L. Bldlc. (16)-46 LI8T your vacant houses with Walter n. s. un tiiag. (16) eQ FOR RENT 8-room house, modern, fur nished complete, references, isii M iui. Av- (15)-M52J tl HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 1804 Farnam. (!) ttil HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwait. Barker Blk. (la) sol HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded cheap freight rates: mo vine inH nrin-' Expressmen s Delivery Co., TaL poug. 3bL EIGHT-ROOM, strictly modern house, ex cellent beating plant, good neighborhood, walking distance. U. J. Kannard at Co.. Sit Bruan Blk. 116) Mist COTTAGE for renL Piano for sale. 'Phoaa w, tu AfAn m COTTAUE-3UU3 B. Sib; $.3. Tel Red tl IA-6ui 34x J"11" m,trn eotiage and barn. IIS Bo. lh. 'r . modern house and barn. hM Parker. "rA " house and barn, 3w3 gewrd r. D. WEAD. Wead Blk.. Uuh and Farnam. FOR partially snodern house near ITTlh and Charlss Mia; govt rotidi lion; 8I rr moiitli. M. 1. k.nniM A Co., lie lirowa H,k. (lAr-MUS 4 R. mo., r bnuse. 2a Nn. ;ih at. ' F D NAead, NAtad b.k.. 1Mb and Fsrnsm. IIAr-eus 23 Oa eerewal ef chaaga la MTfvra ereaage. asset we will aril toe ceuatere sm ta s tailed la TK aM sitKS aad Minings A IkiIm a art The are aa A nsa aarvad aad awe a let aeA eewaiere, ss, ts a bmiM aeee M AMhee rig. Tae rHair siae Sa tmmi b,s aad S-fa loa, aad lane te a letai ad IWJ 46 M la kl,,k. 1 1 .s iU Si, iS mimt aeateiy er lasfOMr. As' Amo fMewsAukgi lev, 1,1 e4 -w aaus a OFFERED FOR RENT Offlen eatlnaed DF8K ROOM for rent !n an office located on the busy corner of 24th and N Bis, Bouth Omana. Call at Bee otlice, S. O. branch, fun and N Ms. New address. ttf MM Blares. NEW, modern, corner room. JdxSO ft. (and well lighted basement. 61'xSO ft., with ce ment floorl; hss corner entrance, modern, plate-glass front, modern steel celling: Is furnace healed, gas lighted; between de pot and court house, on same side of street and next door to postoffice. which haa Just commenced a ten-year govern ment lease. Don't write me If you are looking for a cheap building for a cheap stock, hut If you would like to secure the best opening in the state for a general merchandise stock, for drugs and Jewelry or for clothing and shoes st a reasonable rental It will pay you to Investigate this opportunity st once. H. P. Hsnkln, Owner, Hartlngton, Neb. (15)-M.' 28 OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. TWO folding counter stools, mshiiany finish; been Used a short time and will sell cheap. Call at Bee office. Omaha. (161-143 Typewriters, TYPEWRITERS for rent. $2 50 month. Cen tral Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam (16)M97 Fi8 B. F. SWANSON CO. OF OMAHA SAVES YOU $25 TO $75 ON A TYPEWRITER Twenty different manes lo select from at a aavlng of 30 to 80 per cent of manu facturers' prices ($15 snd up). Slightly uied and genuine rebutlt machines, prac tically aa good as new for sale or rent; rent applied If bought. Full guarantee. We ship anywhere on approval for ex amination without a deposit. Write to day for large bargain list and receive our offer. B. F. Swanson Co. (Est. KM , 417 8. 15th St.. Omaha. (16) 663 Mlscellaacona. FOR SALE New and Id-hand billiard and pool tablea. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick Balke Cullender, 407 S. 10th SU (1)-6S4 FOR SALE Two-story building located at 27th and Leavenworth; suHable for stores and living rooms; building to be moved from site. Wm. Pficffer Co., iuth and Leavenworth. (16) M1&6 23 HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furniture. Am. Furniture Co., 220 N. 16tli. Tel. Douglas 1533. (16) M182 26 BRICK STORE BUILDING FOR SALE Two-story brick, located on malnV street of a good live town of 2.5UO, the county seat; upper apartments rented for house keeping; must be sold at once to aettle an estate, and must be sold for cash. Will make attractive price. Address for partic ulars. Wesley J. Richards. Exeter, Neb. (16) M978 Mttrtx WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels wnicn we win sen at COc each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room. Bee Publishing Co. (18) 277 DRUG8 at cut prices; freight paid on all in uruers; catalogue tree. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. (l)--065 THE OLD TRUSTY Incubators. For low special prices, freight prepaid. 80 daya' free trial. Write the Old Trusty Incu bator Co.. Clay Center. Neb. (161192 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; irvigni paia on iu lots. Myers-Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. (161666 FOR BALE Barn. Tel. Harney 4107. (IB) 101 Z3X WE HAVE left two. carloads of good al- iaua nay; will sell cheap. C. H. Schwa ger, 1813 Farnam. Douglas 411. (16)-496 28 GOOD MONEY Quick Money We start you In the moving picture busi ness ana we start you right, we locale you In good live towns, build the theater complete, eaulnnlna It with nn n.t.d.i. outfit, ready to start business, give us a western moving met lire Construc tion Co., 1617 Farnam St. (16)-619 Mch21 TRY Lorlng's CLEANO, 50 per cent cheaper thun u r. Ro ... ... ' w i " , cm iiiuio eiiecuve. Ask your dealer for It. Sample box, equal to ten pounds of soap, sent post paid for 25c silver. Agents wanted. Big pay. W. A. Loring Mfg. Co., 01323 North Ash St., Spokane, Wash. (16) M634 26 SODA fountains, new and second-hand; monthly payments. DerlghL 1818 Farnam, . - (16)-M62fi PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Block. Tel, Red 7117. . ' (17)-7 PATENTS THAT PROTECT-Three books for inventors mailed on receipt of tio jiosl age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey. rooms 29-31 Pacific Bldg., Washington. D. C. Eestab llshsd lbb9. (17) 668 PERSONAL DRS. EGGERS. private confinement homo. 1618 Martha bt 'Tel. Douglas 62J0. iU)MJ44 Mtix ' OMAHA Stain me. -era' Ins., KaiD Bldg. HALL'S safes, new, Zd-hand. 1818 Farnam. (18) 6.0 MASSAGE treatment. 17t,9 Dodge, basemeat lady Mhslstanl. (l) M.u6 2x THE SALVATION ARMY solicits casioff clothing; in fsct anything you do not need. We collect repair and Bull at 144 N. 11th Bt., tor cost of collection lo the worthy poor. Call 'phone Doug Us j and wagon will call. (lai IbS MASSAflE Electric vibratory, 1J0 H. 1UAOOAUQ itt,hf Kooni jS. Fourth Floor, old Boaton btors. (18; M671 6112 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit ins Young Women's Christian association rooms, lull Farnam Or., where they will bo directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. A deaconess representing tin association meets trains al the Union sta tion aa travelers' aid. (11 IiJi TELEPATHIC diagnosis of your case by Dr. G. W. M. liowen will start you on the road to health. Call or write. Bulte 230-2-4, Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 19. (1SJ-M112 M17 C. H. THATCHER, piano tuning. Doug. ioit. (UD-U166 Ml MAU'' AAy oiiiiih. 623 a. Km. id l.r. (U)-62i L1KBEN, oosturosr, 1410 Howard. Opea eve, (!- n PRIVATE home, during confinement; bahlee adopted. The Good Famarllan a. I'axlum. 1w First Ave. Council lllufis, la. u klw YRINGES. rubber goods, by malt; eul rrieea, send for fres catalogue. Myers 'iflon Irus ft. Hinsha I14 7 POULTRY AND EGGS R. r. RIIOI'K llll. AND Red cn. kerels J. M. 4' Huff l-hotn hne and ; ear male 86; 4 Buff ikiIUIs $6. t.HSs hmllh, Aurora. Keb. K. It. Route I. t" I1-M14i llll BARKED PLYMol Til ftiM ka A lel of pui'ts at.! hens. S'M4 Uers. al priss auinera Piturs reasunabia. Ortli.a b. Joaee, R. D. L York Nsb 411-MKA llrhll COHMKIAN WrAVIxJTTE. Heaul. sore B4 by l.uf.n. K l.s. la war 6.i g rt . ; enir a fw seiLogs ai I. liosser Foeier si t a. rTi-e r' ' eg-. Ma till- Mls M.4 BI-ACK Lv;IUMI eiMirti, ll. Mi. Ni W. tlM'aed Uik'ia. im. 8 ks . S year i4 imb. ew 6. Mia J W. Mssm, Loa tr. f .i -M.0 ktis POULTRY AND EGGS I Continued. I WANTED TO HUY-Fure bred poultry. I Khodn Miami Reds, yearling hens and V pullets. Barred Plymouth Rock liens, pul- lets ana cwKereis, Minxte i.omo wnitesni Hose tomb 'Vlilte I -ex horn henk end rul lets. and a limited number of 30 other varieties of pure bred poultry. Write. suiting what you have. gl Ing lowest, price. Denn Swift Toultry Co. 0 Moines. Ia. (1D-M109 Mchlx- BARRED Plymouth Rook. 78 cockerels for sale; Bradley strain, 6 for 860". I'. H. Keilct, Elkhcrn, .. (ID MS Mch8x BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs from frrst'' and second prise winners. A limited num-e her Hronie turkey eggs. John Mulliar Dunbar. Neb. (1D-MS28 MchKx WHITE Wyandotte chickens. Incubator, brooder, coops, etc., cheap. Moving to $ city. K. R. Cook, south Country Clu grounds, Benson. (ID M434 tlx CAN you use gxvvi partrlrlKe Cochin Rhode Island Red or Columbian Wyan dollo cockerels at $2. W. J. Casey, Knox villc, la. (ll)-MMl 1 . SINGLE Comb Rhode Island Red cockerels, 8 $1.25 each; White Wyandotte cocketela, $1.25. Mrs. C. Kellett, Waterloo, Neb. (1D-MM4 1 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. nucLi adoihai xtsi. isoe; prompt 1 aervice; get our prices. 1710 Farnam u A 1J 7a f PAYNE 1NV. CO.. first floor, N. T. WeV BENJAMIN R. E. Co., 477 Brandeis Bldg. - . . cu-4s; REAL ESTATE TITLBf-TRUST CO.. CHAS. Hi. WILLIAMSON, President. (19)-e;4 GEORGE CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas T58. (l-77 CITY PROPERTY FOR BALIS. $3no CASH and $20 per mo. will buy new modern collage of 6 rooms, every Improve ment, gas and electric, and fuuiaco, V n plumbing. 4, F. D. WEAD. Wead Blk., 18th and Farnam. (19) 607 23 NOWATA COUNTY, OKLAHOMA, Is the third county west of the Missouri and Arkansas line and Joins the Kansas line. The farm land produces aa good di versified crops such aa corn, wheat, oats, alfalfa and vegetables as can .be. raised anywhere. This land being In the Cherokee Nation, has not been available to actual settlers until the removal of restrictions from Indian lands, which took effect Julv 27, 1908. For this reason land can be bought at $10 to, $35 per acre, according to loca tion from town, and on very reasonable terms; while Improved land twenty-three mllea north la selling at from $ to $150 per acre. We Invite careful Investigation. Call or addresa for full particulars, Illus trated pamphlet. He. . HARRY E. COLE. Phone Red 1999. 634 N. T. Life Bldg. Open evenings. (19) 663 23 VACANT LOTS $ 8008 full lots corner 63d and Pierce; very cheap. $ floo-fo ft. on Pratt St.. near 27th. $ Sfio-o ft. on Dodge St., near 88th; snap. $1,000 Bunch of 10 Targe lota on 63d Ave., south of Leavenworth, with the ex tension of the cer line on west Leav enworth these lots ara very cheap. $1,000-60 ft. on Dodge St., near 42d. I $1,30060 ft. on Chicago, near 31st; alt street Improvements in and paid. . $1,500-60 ft. east front on SSth Btl Juat north of Burt; must be sold. 1 BEE ME FOR BARGAINS. ' . JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1802 FARNAM 8T. TEL. DOUG 62. (19)-601 S3 WEST of high school, nice modern house of', 7 rClfllYI unH Ka m half as.k 4rO Oin F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., 18th and Fai-nam' u)-e04 ii THE BEST RETURNS FOR THE MONE'I INVKSTF.ll ' Is when you Insist that the seller or bor- ' rower furnish you with -our abstract of tlil to the real property you are purchasing. ' or taking aa security for a loan, before you close the transaction. Tou will then know If the title Is perfect if the taxes are all paid. If there are any unsatisfied liens. Judgments or encumbrances affecting the title; In fact, you will know If yoiiBi safe in completing the tranaaotlon. Tours for security In land titles, The Midland Guarantee and Trust Co., 1714 Farnam Ht. (19)-168 23 NEW home on 16th, near Emmet, S rooms, modem, open plumbing, gas snd electric fixtures, good furnace. Easy terms, $2,660. F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., 18th and Fsrnsm. (19)-609 22 NOWATA, OKLAHOMA. THE OIL CITV OF SOUTHWEST. NATURAL GAS fC PER 1,000 CUBIC FT. Nowata Is the county sest of Nowat i county. Has a population of 6.000 ;ve citizens. is orrerlng free site, free water and ex empting from taxes all legitimate manu factories. Is Just completing a $90,000 system of water works. Is erecting a Kit room hold. Has voted bonds for sewerage y system, and has a $50,000 .school house, a I vote Is soon to he taken on the erection of a court house. Has Ice plant, elect rlo light plant. Brick Is sold at $4 per 1.000. The 4.500 flowing oil walls producing over lOO.ono bbls. of oil daily, makes the .assessed valuation over $800,000, making taxea verv light. Nowata will have 16,010 Inhabitants within three years; still lots for homes can be bought at $100. on very easy terms. For full Information and descriptive llt eiature call nn or. address, HARRY E. COLE. Phone, Red 1999. 624 N, Y. Ufa Bldg. Open evenings. (19) M5&1 23 See CHri Boyer For Bargains (isi-jis n : lTH snd f'lsrk. 6-r. house, with lot extending from ISth to lTth St.. $2.30a F. D. WEAD, Wead Blk., 16th and Farnam (l tut 32 FOR SALE On Installment plan nine luom. all modern house, near nigh sehoel grounds, for home or rooming. Will con sider i.'flan for other Income properly in iort Audrssa C 478, care Bse. US)-M498 I HAVE six modern brick houses m West Farnam street district which I oan sell for $a,uu0 esch or perhaps lesa THOMAS BR EN NAN, Room L New York Life Building. LIST your property with Carta Boyer, 314 and Cuming bis 1 STB BMT strictly modern S-rooia bouse la Bmls park for U.aeu. Tel. Harney . 13 477 2SX FOR QUICK SALE Owner offers 6-room, modern house. Ideal location. SLOW less than actual value. ADDRESS OWNER. 46 BEDFORD AVE. (19-MAtt SI A IT YOU HAVSI ri aroewrty. farina aaca leads a saee chandlse le sell er trade. Ilet them wiia I sale W. W. Aaitcaeil. es aoaxg el Trada USA444i KH1 BAR.IlN--rooai cottage. I:U Half Case 41 -. easy Urma I'arrotte. Hosr4 of Trade-. (I9,-M4.4n . k..H mitt ri,.,.. mbk. - n'M'i rem. per ysar; prke si Fa. r 1. Uli. Head Blk.. Uth and art, iui-sh4 a $:.S-r. i!-Kler hon. 1" a. ta . . ,r4 Ml.. 6w an. bo ase s. Ke ka tot A Wuif, im Pasioa Una ll,-M'8 REAL ESTATE FAKK AMU MA AC M 8.AAU Fa ttLSt raeewada. FA KM AMD r-ai'JT IlKK Upi .rk I. rr,atvaa H lu. Slfaiia. swraA faratia "4 ' . A4t SMaaesa 64. Co si, a. 14 iag ajsSL ,.i 1 i H4l.r lrieY mMi'4 real nui. b.M. ImtT.m t V ' IU. , a.o 4