Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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... i
Sold only in
There always have been soda crackers
, There always will be soda crackers
There never were and never will be
-any other Soda Crackers to equal
Moisture Proof
( ;
if. .
,ign Private Wins California Derby
at Eryville.
J a ' " - '
rtar Worth Over Flva 'Tktnuii to
je WlnnarKlae; Jaines Wins
need1 Haadlcan at
Stat Anita.
OAKLAND, Csi., Feb. H-Hlgh Private,
on ?of tha starapt th Forty the stable,
won" the California derby In clever style,
at Emeryville today.. Joe Madden, carrying
the colors HUdreth, was' second,
with' Tom Hayward, owned by Thomas H.
I Williams, third. The event, which was at
mtle and a quarter, -va witnessed by
Lhe largest crowd of the season, about
Ij.Oorf people being in attendane. 1 Ideal
veattier prevailed, but the track was
deadj Lawton Wiggins and Fanatio .were,
withdrawn and Madman added, leaving
sevtj to go to th post. High Private was
a pronounced favorite and justified the
confidence sliown In him by drawing away
after the half mtle pole was reached and
m j-1alnd his lead from there to the
finish. The race was worth SS.sarv to the
winner. Bubbling Water, a California Oaks
candidate, scored an Impressive victory In
the seven-furlong race. Summaries:
First race, three and a half furlongs:
Amelia Rose (97. Taplln, 4 to 1) won Miss
Picnic 1W, Gilbert, 1 to 6) second. Re
deem. (KM, Imee, I to 1) third. Time: :4.'tfe.
Uenova, Roberta, Alrle Falrle, Raster
Roses, Triloba, Princess Viola, Galena
Gale and Lady Rucker finished as mimed.
Heoond race, six furlongs, selling: Oserlne
(1U0, Clark. 11 to 10) won, Serenade (W,
teverlch. to 1) second. Evelyn K !.
Kaln, 16 to 1) third. Time: l:lMfc. Miss
Bootless, Blameless, Allness, Walsenklnd.
The Vicar, Frank Clancy, Cooney Neff and
tionnis nnisnea as namea.
Third race, seven furlongs, purse: Bub
Jbling Water M, Deverlch, 13 to t) won,
Wora, Box (1U1, Hcovllle. to 6) second,
Xnn 1 Daley (93, Upton, 10 to 1) third.
Timet 1:29. Collector Jessup, Ketchemike,
Bishop W and Ml Derecho finished as
Fourth race, mile and a quarter, Califor
nia derby, value to winner 15,380: High
Private ll. Leee. I to t won, Joe Madden
(IKS, Jiufsn, 14 to i) second, Tom Hayward
(114. "Gilbert, 30 to 1) third. Time: l.YL
Madman and Palo Alto finished as named.
Fifth race, mile and fifty yards, selling:
Saka (10S. Barel, t to 1) won, Banpoeal (107
Taplln, to I) second, Km and Km (107,
Keoith. to third. Time: 1:48H. Kartell
C. FA Flcaro, Woolma, Lady Alicia, Soph
omore, Taos, Invader, Talamund and
Surety finished as named.
Blxth race, mile and fifty yards, selling:
The Peer (IX, Roes. J to 2) won, Steel (7,
Clerk, 1 to 1 second, Dainty Belle (loe,
Taplln. t to 1) third. Time; 1:47V Barney
Oldfleld, Convent' Belle, Joe Rose and
Katie Powera finished as named.
Klnar James Will 8 nerd Hi.llit...
LOB ANGELES, Feb, 22.-6anta Anita
w (fit race, six furlongs: Prlnco Oal (lit.
smiling, li to t won. gnapdal (log. Rice,
to 1 second, Billy Bodemer (lug, J. How
ard, I to 1) third. Timet 1:12V Elisabeth
riarwood. Inclement, Vatjean, Melton Cloth,
John A., Hamper. Golden Legend. Howard
Pearson, Fundamental and Short Cut also
ran. ,
Second rare, t-year-olds, three and a half
furlongs: Rocky O'Brien (115. Shilling, I to
t won. Kiora ("X Powers, 6 to 1) second,
Pub .Damlua (116, Bulwell, it) to 1) third.
Tims: 0:46V Sporting Ufa,' Tyra and
King ef Yolo also ran.
Third race, seven furlongs: Enfield (100.
Kennedy, I to Dwon, Donald MacDoaald
Aa inWeUesl fW
IVhompZag'Cough, Croup,
Ceug&ts CaIJa, Catarrh,
nrvnchitta, Diphtheria,
ta bvm s asrtiwsMes.
tt s mm . tHwiM m imi la
""'IT rat a i ...... a tM kraiini wsaae lae
m as wmy lata lao a ar
. rsstieee rim mai tea we, I
if mil aala. Is wiM mt aaa (laatM
m ia arr tuaia. s1ag mieje e4
i IS vwai aa
tkara la avtbu.a I .rTld J". ' f
a4 la
au. ttAuAotara,
ewae I
f a-CeeWM Cm
US Fvtwa T'laaV
A ; V;
tBrtelHrW tf) 1
Ayfl Matr Vljoc h cosnpoaei f tuiphvr. Ktyctria. tjumfe. toduins cnlurU. upti.
ciisa, mX aksoL water, aad pertunM. a uijtw kurtuwg tofrtdHT ka thai
tut. Atk i-Msr etectot U this Is aot so. Follow bto advka. A katr fcteO. kuir toatc.
Uk ttrcMlivg. tVamptry t Betas Unmg kk. toaiflrtnly iaUivji all eUftdrufl.
(VT. O. Bums, 10 to D second, French Cook
(101. McOee, to "1) third. Time: 1:26V
Paumnnok, Stlmour, Beutler and Ed Ball
also ran.
Fourth race, speed handicap. 16,000, six
furlongs: King James (142, McCarthy, 10
to 1) won, iRioseben 130. A. 'Walsh, 4 to 1)
second. Magasine (126. Musgrave, 20 to 1)
third. Time: 1:11V Bmlley Corbett, Dom
Inus Aorl, Colloquy, Chapultepec, Jack
Atkln and Miss Sain also ran. ' -
Fifth race, mile antj an eighth; Vox
Populi (112, Shilling. 7 to 10) won, Mont
gomery (114, McCarthy, 4 to 1) second,
Arase (10S, A. Walsh, to 1) third. Time:
1:51V Green Seal and Cloyne a.ln ran.
Sixth-race, six furlongs; ' Julia Powell
(107. Shilling, 11 to 20) won. Mary F. (112.
Bhrtner, 4 to 1) second. Maid of Gotham
(103. Page. 10 to 1) third. Time: 1:12V
Achieve, Bemay and Ethel Day also ran.
Seminaries at Tampa,
' TAMPA, Fob. 21 First race, five furlongs:
Drama H., (117, Troxler, 6 to 2) won,
Freshen (109, Obert, 4 to 1) second, Reticent
(12. Garwood. 6 to 1) third. Time: 1:08.
Panlque. Moves. Tomochlchl, Foxy
Grandma, Sir Vagrant, Revery, Deene, also
Second race, six furlongs nd sixty yards:
Minnehaha (101, Franklin, 4 to 1) won.
Judge Treen (114, Obert. 2 to 1) second,
Alamo (108. Pickens. 6 to 1) third. Tim:
1:21. Expect to See, Oowanga, Away, Maltt,
Bcsom Friend, Aunt Tabltha, also ran. -.Third
race, seven furlongs: Lady Ethel
ffiS Hanea, 4 to 1) won. Merry Belle tW.
Brannon, 7 to 1) second. Hooray (100, Lovelh:
18 to 6) third. Time: 1:29V Big Hand, Cider,
No Quarter, Darling Dan, also .-an. t
Fourth race, seven furlongs: St'. Abe
(9, Martin, to 1) won. Poootalhro (KJ6,
Brannon, 8 to B) second, Iady Ripple (101,
Crowley, 8 to 1) third. Time: 1;8&V Orna
meossa. Quick 8pritvg, Colonel Blue, Meiise,
SIMer Ollie. also ran.
Fifth race, one mile and a quart?: Miss
Berigord (105, Burns. 6 to 1) won, Teta H.,
(100. Heed, 2 U 1) second. Dr. Toung (107,
Smith, 40 to 1) third. Time: 2:13H. -Nelino.
Bright Boy. Film nap, Waehakl, Northvllle,
Layson, also ran.
Sixth race, five furlongs: Battle' Ax (128,
Pendergast, 4 to 1) won. Tile KBg (10T,
Burns, 6 to 2) nennd, Charley Luak (12S,
Lovell. 7 to 2) Third. Time: 1:06V- Canada,
ldy Carolina IL St. Magnet, Piatt, Arthur
Stlllwell, Nomo, also ran.
Nebraska Staads Small Skew to
' Defeat la em. - , . '
LINCOLN, Feb. 22. Speclal, Ke
braska and Kansas were winners In" the
two sections of Mlsslurl Vajley conference
basket kali league and will meet in a
Buries of three games next week to settle
the championship of the association. The
Jay hawkers came Into the possession of the
title In the southern section through their
defeat of the Washington players at Law
rence last night. The Cornhuskers had an
nexed the northern honors last week
through the defeat of Drake by Amea.
In the southern division of the league
Kansas has a record of five games won
and two lost. It still has one game to play
with Washington tomorrow night, but the
result of that contest cannot take the lead
ership from the Jayhawkers. In case they
lose they will still have a lead of one
game over the St. Louis five, which now
has a record of four games won and three
loat, and which has placed Itself In second
place in that section of the league. Mis
souri, with a record of three games won
and five lost, finishes In third place.
Nebraska, Drake And Ames Is the order
in which the teams of the northern section
finished. Nebraska's record Is five games
won and three lost. Four of ths Comhusker
victories were secured at horns and one
from Ames at Ames. "
If the present plana of Manager 'Eager
of the Nebraska five are followed out the
first of the championship games between
the, Jayhawkers and Cnrnhuaker will be
held In IJncoln about March 1. The next
two gamea will be played In Kansas City
and Lawrence, Kan., respectively, on
March S and ,
It is conceded In the Nebraska camp' by
the students that their quintet has but
tittle chance of winning the series of games
from ths Jayhawkera i
Wlaa Pletar at Mlasaari Hirer Gaa
Clab Saaday. -
Joe Dolan won the beautiful picture
donated by W. D. Townsend for the Mis
souri River (un club shoot Sunday.- after
noon at Townsend'a park and carried the
big picture home under his arm. He was
the only man to shoot In the tos, his sours
U 24
Dolan ....
Ixtpeta ...
Frl. k
S 21
It 22 M
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. IT 1 a IU-T7
. II II 17 11-71
loe loiau
J un McDonald
Mri'auley ......
I miwta
23 26
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24 1481
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23 ea
14 ) .. .. r?
17 11 II 14-71
The Soda Crackoro of
Hundred Miles on Circular Track In
Fast Time.
Previous Record Was Made by I'lem
eas la Indianapolis World's '
Women's Record Also1'
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 22. R. ' Bun
man in his car broke the worlds
record for 100 miles on a circular track in
the feature event of the second day of the
Mardl Gras auto speed carnival. Burman
made the distance, after a most remark
able drive. In 1:42;S9V, this being eleven
minutes faster than the previous record,
made by Clemens, In Indianapolis, In 1W.
There were six other races, all of which
were at short distances. The weather was
cloudy, but the track was In almost perfect
condition. In the first race. Jimmy Ryall
made too 'wide a turn at tne beginning o(
the stretch apd, losing control of his car,
It ran Into'tha fence. The machine was de
ipollshed. beyond repair. Ryall'a escspe was
cemarkable. as he was traveling faster than
a mile a minute.
. The 100-nlle race, open to stock cars,
started with three entries: Burman (Buick),
Robertson (Simplex) and Strang (Isotta).
Robertson started off in the lead, with Bur
man second and Strang third. At the end
of the first mile Burmsn had taken the
lead, which he held until the end of ths
rsce, with the exception of one mile. In
the seventy-fourth mile Strang was forced
to stop for the second time, his steering
gear being out of order. It could not be re
paired In time, so he retired permanently.
Burman'a driving was the most sensa
tional ever seen in this city. He drove
hard from start to finish, cut his turns
sharp and never once during the whole
race was he forced to stop for anything.
Burman drove alone, with the. aid - of a
mechanician, and his stock car was
stripped to a skeleton.
The world's woman's record for one mile
on a circular track was broken by two and
one-fifth seconds In the sixth race, by Mrs.
Joan Cuneo, her time being 1:00V Mrs.
Cuneo drove a remarkable rare In this
event, her daring In rounding the curves
causing great excitement.
The races. Monday include a five-mile
free-for-all, stock cars, a five-mile trial for
the world's woman's record, a ten-mile
handicap, a five-mile for cara aqlllng up to
V3,0u0, and a fifty-mile free-forV.i. Sum
maries: First race, five miles, national amateur
championship for Klaw A Erlanger trophy:
Mrs. Joan Newton Cuneo (Knox Giant)
won. .Time: 6:08V Donnelly (Packard) sec
ond. Second rsce, ten miles, free-for-all, 1100
cssh to winner: Ralph De Palma (Flat Cy
clone) wpn. Timet 10:03V George Robert'
son (Simplex) second. Time: 10:06. Bur
msn (Buick) third.
Third race, one mile against world's rec
ord of 0:61: Ralph De Palma (Flatt Cyclone)
first. Time: 0:62V Burman (Buick) second.
Time: 0:UV
Fourth race, ten miles, open to all stock
cars, for Klaxton trophy: Mrs. Joan New
ton Cuneo (Knox Giant) won. Time: 10:12V
Donnelly (Packard) second.
Fifth race, five miles, motorcycle: Jensen
won. Time: 8:22V. Others did not finish.
Track record, S.ltV
Sixth race, one mile, time trial against
world's woman's record: Mrs. Joan Newton
Cuneo (Knox Giant) won. Time: 1:UH.
Former record, 1:02V-
Seventh race, 100 miles world's champion
ship, open to all stock cars. 175 gold medal
and trophy to winner. 126 to second: Bur
man (Buick) won. Time: 1:43 :3V Robert
son (Simplex) second. World's circular
track record. 1:63:21V '
Fifty Taonaaad Expeeted to Attend
PITTSBURG. Feb. 23. Ninety cities
In seventeen statea and the Dominion of
Canada will be represented at the ninth
tournament of the American Bowling con
gress, which will open here next Baturday
and continue in session till March kO.
Prises amounting to Ud.280 will be awarded
and ths list of entries numbers 2.137 bowlers.
Secretary A. I. Langry eatimates that
SO.uuo or more vtsltora will accompany the
bowlers here to witness the tournament.
Among the events are five-man team, two
man team and Individual contests snd
more than lSOuO games will be rolled. Many
banquets and entertalmnenta are planned
for the visitors. While the tournament m
ea four days will be devoted to the business
meetings of the congress, the election of
officers and the selection of the neit meet
ing place. Chicago Is already after (he
next meeting and Is so far the moat sg
gresslve aspirant. At the opening session
Saturday night Congressmsn A. J. Parch
feld. Prealdant August Hermann of ths
American Bowling association. Mayor-Elect
W. A. Magee and ot tiers will sitesJt. Ths
contests the first night will be confined
to Pittsburg and Toledo teama.
Caalest One af f ear la Whlek Stsaa
Was Interested.
GENOA. Neb.. Feb. 23 .(Special )
Oenua wss Interested in four banket ball
gamea Uat a Is hi. The ileiwia High school
pUed Schuyler arid Fullnrlon ICgh svhn
teems at the Indian school lymnuium,
while the Indian las and girls 4e4 (he
t'ol'jmhus High evhunl boys and girls at
the Cutumbua High s-tw4 gymnasium.
The) game ba erven the first team of
Genua High aaftool and lhe Schuyler High
sx'hnuj was? deatdrdly one-siAed. The Genoa
bnye by thalr superior tnm work sad
ha-king tanks kr4 the ball under the
a. huvUr gnal IhrnugKnut the entire game
The fh-buler boy were wry fas, but
were idaMe la gel bold of lite bail la aey
eeWaatajre. Tne rra would hare been
ntiK-a bigtwf " tWana If they bed heen
' ear three fr ifcrnw Ttiey oelv
a rrdr-4 In lo-tnla mil f
rt.ia ci.ant.ra ter luae tuiee e-l
of seven. The final score was 42 to 11 Jn
favor of Genoa. Schuyler made four goals
from the field, while Genoa made twenty
goals. For Schuyler J. Giimlson made nine
points and Lee Daniel, captain, two
points. For Oenoa C. Paulson, captain,
made sixteen points; Crosier, ten Toints;
Spear, ten points; Wake, four points, and
Htckey, two points. Principal R. O.
Brownell, principal of Schuyler High school,
was the referee.
In the game between the Genoa High
school second team and the Fullerton first
team, the visitors had the advantage of
weight and experience, yet the Genoa boys
put up a stubborn fight. The score was
tied many times during tbs game. No
one could tell the result until the time was
up. The final score was 9 to 16 In favor
of Fullerton.
At Columbus the result wsa in favor of
the Indians in both games,. The boys
score was 1 to 18 In favor of the Indian
boys, while the girls' score was 16 to 21
In favor of the Indian girls. J. W. Gordon,
disciplinarian of the Indian school was ref
eree of both games
March Nine, Five-Men Team Bowl at
PIHsbarg, -. .
PITTSBURG. Feb. 22 ((Special Tele
gram Two flveman teams from Omaha
entered in the annual championship tourna
ment of the American Bowlingi congress,
which opens In Duqueans, this city
February 27 and continues until March 2a
The members of the teams ere entered in
the two-man events and singles. More
than 16.000 games will be rolled before the
championships are decided, after which
126,000 In cash will be distributed as prizes
among the winners. The schedule arranged
for the Omaha players follow!
. . Date. P. M. Alley.
Mets Brothers. ...... .March ' " 8 15
Btorg Triumphs March IS
The Mets Brothers will be captained by
Huntington and the Btorg Triumphs by
Date. P. M. Alley.
Neale-Partner March 10 , 11:20 t
Denman-Partner March 10 ll'W) It
Huntington-Partner.. March 10 11:20 11
Keyt-ZJmmerman ....March 10 11:20 12
GJerde-Franclsco ....March 10 11:20 13
Date. P. M. Alley.
L. GJerde March 10' 2:60 I
J. Bengele March 10 2:60 4
(4. Zimmerman March 10 , . 2:50 B
H. Frltacher March 10 2:50
W. Keyt March 10 " 2:50 7
G. Francisco March 10 r 2:50 t
G. Neale ...March 10 2:50
M. Bprague..... March 10 . 1:60 10
K. Denman March 10 . 2:50 11
I J. Blakeney March 10 .3:50 12
M. Huntington Marcn iu l.ov
Veteran Britisher Will Meet Taraer
and Lnttberg.
Tom Connors, the English champion
wrestler, who is In Omaha for, the present
training with his old friend, Farmer Burns,
has challenged all comers at 150 pounds and
accepts the defl of George Turner of Iowa
for a match In Des Moines or Omaha at
ISO pounds for a side bet and gate receipts.
The match may be best two out of three,
catch-aa-catch-can. ' Furthermore, Connora
says he is ready to meet Max Luttberg of
Chicago, who challenged him. aa did
Turner, through The Bee. Luttberg claims
the welterweight chsmplonship and Con
nors will wrestle him to determine this title.
Brooklyn Aiaatear Is First, with
Raines of Kew York Second.
NEW YORK, Feb. 22. Edwin H. White
of the Holy Cross Lyceum, Brooklyn, won
the Marathon race for amateurs from
Brooklyn to Sea Gate, Coney Island, and
return todav. White's ime wss 2:63:45.
Albert Raines of the Xavler Athletic club,
New York, finished second In 2:S8:oV
James Clarke of the Xsvler Athletic club
was third. His tlms wss 2:01:44.
Indoar Trnnla Drawings.
NEW YORK. Feb. 22. Twenty-seven
pairs were drawn for the national indoor
lawn tennla doublee championship, which
wll begin tomorrow on the oourts of ths
Saventh regiment armory here. The title
Is certain to paas, owing to the sbsence
in Europe of F. B. Alexander. His partner,
H. H. Hacked, has paired with K. D. Ut
ile, captain of the Davis cup team of two
yeara ago. They are regarded aa likely
With them In the upper hslf sre: W. C.
Grant and T. R. Pell, both former national
Indoor title holders: M. 8. Clark and R. T.
Bryan, former regimental champlona, and
the 1
the Yale team,
Shepherd and H.
In the lower half are: The Boatnnlans.
P. L. Schuyler and R. Bishop: Calhoun
Crasln and A. 8. t'ragln and thi Yale pair,
Captain . H. Converse and M Waleroua
The balance of the playing strength Is
scattered. So far ths tournament ns sur
passed sll previous records for entrsnts
and In the sections af the country repre
sented. Illlanls (ae at lew a rity. I
JOWA CITY, la , Feb. r.-tHpeclal Ar
rangements have been completed for sn
loaa-Nurlhweatrrn dual field meet here on
May I and alao for an lowa-Illlnols foot
ball gama on November 30. the BalutUay
foHnaing the Amea gam.
The aunnjiu-emenl of these two events an
home grounds rame as a surprise to ll.e
student l-Hiy. as rre-ti ally all Iiom-s of aa
Illinois game on the Ions gnrtlron had been
given up and it waa not known that loar
a.iuld meet anothvr member of ths Mg
elsht U-ei.1.a Minnraola lu a tre.k event
tM spring
Tra Mu, i, exits il meet a III also be held
en loaa f i.l.l ii, data of Ihia event la
May L Tli- Iowa freshmen Ire. k learn II
ruet Iha I ntverallv of Chicago titaliliien
tram here on May la
an gsaertrna lain
Is I tie great king f cure. Dr. King's New
Ilfc.oery. the quirk, safe, suns reugq and
mid rvd. few and H u Far saa by
liaUn If ug '
Prominent Attorneys Insist on Right
of Summoning' Alienists.
Connty Attorney Enallsh and Ed P.
Smith Think Each Side Shoald
Retain the Exercise of
This Power.
A defense of Insanity is growing popular.
Such a defense was made for Van Goodell
and a claim that Mrs. Etta Banner was out
of her mind will be made by Attorneys
Gerlng and Murphy when the woman Is put
on trial for shooting her brother-in-law.
It will be urged that the attack on her
daughter's reputation so preyed on Mrs.
Banner's mind that, she became Insane and
was insane when, armed with a revolver,
ha found her husband and hie brother In
front of a cigar store and fired at the lat
ter point blank. ......
Attorneys and "the "majorfly . of laymen
do not look upon the- defense of Insanity
in quite the same light. Needless to say
there Is an overwhelming prejudice against
the claim because it Is used or scorns often
to be used In thoso cases such as of Van
Goodell and Mrs. Etta Banner, when the
fact of the killing cannot be disputed, and
it thus appears to the legally Inexpert
simply a trumped-up device to cheat Jus
tice of a murderer's punishment.
Even making the assumption that this Is
true, there is little likelihood of a change
of procedure as regards calling' insanity
experts to the stand. The Douglas county
bar almost to a man would oppose any
proposition to shut lawyers off from sum
moning what witnesses they wish by put
ting the summoning of alienists Into the
hands of the presiding judge. The aama
is true with regard to all expert evidence.
Mora Talked Than Pleaded.
"Insanity la more talked about than
pleaded," declared Judge Lea Estelle of the
district court. "In all the years I have been
connected with criminal casus in one way
and another I have known of but one case
with which I was connected when insanity
was actually urged in behalf of a prisoner.
I do not think that all told there have
been six cases of th,e kind In the district
court of Douglas county in all these years."
"Lawyers will vigorously oppose any at
tempt to take out of their hands the right
to call any witnesses as to a material
point," said Attorney K. P. Smith. "I doubt
if the court will ever be empowered to de
prive a defendant of his right in this mat
ter." County Attorney English holds a similar
opinion on the point and likewise half g
dosen other lawyera asked for their views.
Mr. English declared:
"There Is a popular misconception on
S. S. S. Is the best treatment for Catarrh because it is a perfect blood
purifier. It is the only medicine that is able to get down into the circula
tion and entirely remove the catarrhal matter and impurities which produce
the trouble. As long as the mucous membranes and tissues are kept inflamed
and irritated by this impure and infected condition of the blood Catarrh will
remain. Its disagreeable and dangerous symptoms, of ringing noises in the
ears, mucus dropping back into the throat, headaches, watery eyes, difficult
breathing, and even stomach disorders and weakened health, cannot be perma
nently relieved until the blood is purified. Nothing equals S. S. S. for thiti
purpose. It goes down to the very root of the trouble, and removes every
particle of the catarrhal matter from the blood and enriches this vital fluid so
that all the mucous surfaces are supplied with nutritive, healthful qualities, in
stead of being constantly irritated and inflamed by impurities is ths circula
tion. Then the symptoms begin to pass away and when 8. S. S. has entirel
purified the blood. Catarrh Is permanently cured and the general health
greatly built up. Book on Catarrh and any medical advice desired sent free
to all who write.
i 1 x
f ?
ri... .
Lit. aauk 4 Letulei, 119 3. Hlh, Car. 14th md Doalu, Ornila.
this point growing out of ths first Thaw
trial. That case was stopped, you remem
ber, while an official commission examined
Into the insanity of Thaw at the time of
the trial. This, legally, was an entirely
different proposition from the question as
to whether he was Insane when he killed
White. The statutes of Nebraska provide
for just such a question as to the sanity of
a defendant when on trial."
Eleven Societies Join Snnday
.Holding? Patriotic Exercises
la Meta Hall.
Eleven Bohemian societies joined Sunday
afternoon In holding a mass meeting In the
Mts hsll on South Thirteenth street to
commemorate the birth of the greatest
American of the past century, Abraham
Lincoln. Though the commemorative exer
cises were belated a week, still the attend
ance at the Sunday meeting was large and
enthusiastic and patriotic addresses were
..Judge L. J. Berka presided and. ths fol
lowing program was given:
Muslo by Flblnger'g quartet.
Bohemian song, by Lyra Singing society.
Recitation, "Greetings from the Father
land," by Mrs. A. Vrsna.
Piano solo, by Miss Marie Mlk.
Address, in Bohemian, by Judge Berka.
Recitation, "Freedom," by Mrs. A. Kike.
Song, from "The Songs of the Slave,' by
Etanley Bernan.
Address. In Bohemlsn, on "Lincoln and
His Time," by John Roslcky.
Song. "America," by Lyra Singing so
ciety. Recitation, "Abraham Lincoln," by Miss
Psuline Mlehal.
Cornet solo, by Master Louis Mawrln.
Muslo by Flblnger'g quartet
On account of serious illness, Rudolph
Flblnger, teacher in the Bohemian school,
who was on the program for an address,
was unable to be present.
The stsgs of the hall was tastefully deco
rater with a profusion of palms and cut
flowers, a large picture of Lincoln occupy
ing the center. The large hall, including
the gallery, was filled with patrlotio people,
who listened attentively to the long pro
gram. '
The commemoration of the centenary was
suggested by the Bohemian Secular union
about a month ago and an Invitation for
co-operation was extended to all Bohemian
societies. The following responded: Palachy
lodge .No. 1, Z. C. B. J.; Lyra Singing so
ciety; Eliska Premyslovna lodge No. 77, Z.
C. B. J.; Tel Jed Sokol: Pod Sokol Tyrs
No. 1; Bohemian lodge No. 314. A. O. W.;
Columbus camp No. 68, W. O. W.; Jan Hus
lodge No. S, K. of P.; Myrtha lodge No.
24. K. D. ; Msstlslava lodge No. 29, J. c
D. , and Freethought union.
Jry Is Oat AH Night and All Day
. . Saaday. ,
PLATTSMOUTH. Feb. 22. (Special
Telegram.) The Henry R. Gerlng 15,000
damage suit aglnst John M. Leyda, who
By the Old Reliable Dr. Searlei & Bearlet.
a-stabllahed In Omaha for XI yeara. Tha many Iboua
anda or case) vux.j by us soaa aa the must sper.
laiu-ed Spetiailau In ll.e West, in ail diseases and ail.
mania .f w.a. w knew just Waal will ears feu
and cut Mulekly.
We Cure Yon, Then You Pay U Our Fee.
We make aa niisleading or falsa sietasssata. ar after
tea . worUiUee Ulinit. iur repuiatlua and
fsiua ae (d l,tw,ir kiwn, avery ease lra
raputauna Is at alaaa mtt fcaaiia, til and aiiinaa
la l svrtoue a H piaae la in banes ef a
- Ant Bt. " bOCroa. Mores! do. mt ef ab'.ilr ual
hair 4we1 HAMS im SVIlitM. , a.rvsw!
i a-an a a f main, auaaay aaa aa
aa, au Byaaiei iMseeeaa anal AUaaaata af ,
s-aauiiMtiuq ew ouneuttatiwn. ant Sag
:P"" J fas ...". taaatavenl
wss charged with malicious consplraoy. 'lB
which Supreme Judge J. J. Sullivan' ' and
General John C. Cowln of Omaha and
Mathew Gerlng represented the plaintfrf
and Uyron Clark of this city and J. Klmei
Leyda of Falls City represented the de
fendant, was given to the Jury Saturday
evening after occupying the ' attention of
Judge H. D. Travis in.' district court' for
three days. After being out sll night and
all day Sunday the jury returned a verdict
for the defendant.
Former Senator Clark of Montana
On of Men Behind New
BAN FRANCISCO. Feb. 22. Backed by
the lntereats headed by Senator William A.
Clark of Montana, a powder manufactur
ing company beginning operations with a
capital of $3,000,000 will shortly erect a plant
In one of the bay counties and engage In
active competition with the .Powder trust,
according to a statement mads In this city.
Associated In the enterprise. .It Is said, will
be John Birmingham,,,,, formerly j. general
manager of the DuFont-'fle 'MemoUTs Pow
der company; J. A. Folger, head of a local
mercantile concern, and former' State Sena
tor Charles M. Belshaw. The plant, It la
believed, will be located In tha vicinity of
Antloch. '..''
The Powder trust operates numerous fac
tories In this state and several of thess
are located on the shores of San Francisco
bay. It Is stated that although 'the gov
ernment is a large manufacturer of powder
for Its own use, It purchases 15 per cent e
of its explosives from the trust. It Is the
plan of the Clark company to compete for
this business and to erect tha plants a the
business requires. The operations of the
company will be under the personal direc
tion of Mr. Birmingham.'
Let The Be Want Ad 4o, th. work for
I have a treatment for th cur of Rap.
ture which Is safe and without pain;. It js
convenient to take, and no time is lost,
and costs nothing unless a cure Is itiada,
snd It requires only a few days to com
plet a euro. i -.
My specialty la CUKlNti of Ruplurs.
There is no method that ran be used at
home that will cur. Whaa taking my
treatment all patients must come to my
office, and If they live out of th city they
can return home th same day and follow
their ususl vocation.
Mr Claims I Year Confide'.
I ant a gradual and licensed physician
and permanently established In this cay,
and have a first-class professional and busi
ness reputation. I claim to be th leading
apart In this part of th country In th
successful cure of Rupture, without a sur
gical operation, and hava cured hundreds
of people la Weetern Iowa and Nebraska.
la tser t waa afflicted with a Koptars
aad wag told by Soever that It ld not
a ay by a garsieal eperatlua.
bat X faa taat aeane t say aad t tore
bad ansa eare by CM. Wray, waoaa I
aUea npea, and a aaeaatad say ease for
reasaaeas. I aa the money In a saak ta
say awn ansa and waa eared tai ef
tairty days, aad stgasd Ik saeaey eva t
bun. aad aa been so aad La taa rie
evar alae.
I eaa reeessaaaaa svaryoae afflutad with
a rapt t ta aia treatment, aa It is
wltaua 4a aa4 a snr ear.
W, IB. SIOJLZb, fiMtiaaater,
ateisleta, ta.
Hundreds of others sre as siauiui la m
s Mr. Noiis. for nkal 1 bat d.a fur
I taaaraate a Cara.
1 Will rare sll (.ere-m aff.l. lad with a
FtupUre that I cinaij. r luiai.le after sn
etamlnattuu has bn aiari. t lore adopt
ing thtir auiM-y. aad. luru.r ru."i. J will
my rtatS'S f aaeuuaai. 4 all at ny
off i. a for i.uliat!oa. or mila snd I mil
and liteisiute ai.4 fjj Bnw ulara A
I say rvpnatktii, I i.(..,ir ,uv fff
i ti e Flral National Hank uf gw.U Cily.
la. Of IXa I' a National l)i .-f Inn ha
Fraaa M. W ray, M. ta,
JUm laa blU
-v. )'' ' '