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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1909)
THE OMAHA DAILY Iltj TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23. inm. r 4, If t k A Franklin Automobiles Roads v "WkleV It (be bett road ?" Mow often t.n ii.t)rilifi sk 1,'iar question. "Wa ba4 a iaa trip eicept lor iht roadi" a lemark you hve heard many a tcoriat stake thawing tad automobiliitt experience diiromfort and fatif ne, that titer 1a hard ridiaJ sad difficulty of m-iou.'r-n.-ni, t'. il fli -ir automobile, ia not suited ! road coalition. The Mistake Go back to yof experience with earnr.j'.r.i anil road wagont. Yon were vary particular at to tbeir riding ejaelity the kind of spring Ibey bad, their wht and the way they stood ap. They had to b liiht, flexible and stroaj. Tpy had to rtaad rouk reed aad at the ism time rid easily. I on have not enplieo1 tkeaa principle to your automobile. You he accepted )t at something totally differeat a machine th discomforts of which you were obliged to put up with. A mistake. You can be a particular about your aatooooblle aa yon were about your ten rage. The Franklin automobile like your carriage bat a wood chattia frame and 'ull-elliptic tpriBi front and back. Aad like your carriage it ridea eatily. It ia light; H ataada up. It ia manageable. It meet the eoaditkraa of Aattrican rodt fives the hiheit comfort aad pleeeure at all timet. i 15. .., J2S00. Other four see GUY L. 310-312 South 19th St., gRIEF CITY NEWS f Bare Soot Print X. t Oorham iT'arttm Edholm, Jeweler. Bui oka Konee for laokii, ll B. lftth. ' Bodolph r. Bwonodo, Pubtts Aoooantant. attnehArt, photographer, 18U Fornam. Print legals In 'The Benson Times." Bqutthal Ufa Pollcloa, sight drafta at maturlt:1, H. D. Nwsly, -manager, Omaho. Bnpont Improvement Club to ateet The Dupont Improvement club will meet at o'clock tonight at Twenty-ninth and astellar. " Vi. Pac Cant Paid on Savins- Icomti II. On to .15.000 by Nebraska Saving and i Lon Association. Board of Trade bulld- i Ing. Organised 18S5. t ; Money ana, vaiaiustn a ft aafe deposit box the American Safe Leposlt Vaulta In the Bee building;; fl renta a box. FV C. Hairier, prealdent. Kevlval a . Tree Methodist Revival 'service will be hold every night tills week at the Free Methodist church, 1737 South Eleventh atreet B. Kltfcen, 101 Flrat Notional back building, la making real. estate loana with nut delay and on tarma vary favorable o borreware. Thomas B. fehurta Asks Divorce Thomas H. Hhurts haa filed a petition for a divorce from Dellia H. Bhurts to whom he was married trl 1904 at Nebraka City. A statutory ground re clujd., , v rather-ln-Law of Parmer Saras Deaa Arts Hoffniaster. 80 years old and father Mrs. Martin Burns, died at his home at trencef, Ia.. Thursday and was buried urday. lie . suffered, from a paralytic roke. Mr. Iloffmaster waa father-in-law of Farmer Bums. ..i..t Lui-wn - Coosine Piand Srawa Thirty For steal ing from hla father and another man, R. A. Franchor, a cocaine fiend and ex-convlct, waa seattnred to1 thirty days in Jail by foHf Judge Crawford Monday morning. He took, a set of harness from his father's bain. Thursday morning and hid It In an other barn under some hay, Omaha Bonks and Ohlcafo la '71 W B. Taylor of tha rut man company writes The Bee calling attention to a comparison between the bank figures of Chicago In 1171 and Omaha's of today. The largest bank in Chicago at that time had deposits of 14,870,000, while Omaha at the present time haa three or four banks with deposits amounting to three times that sum. Bst. P. C. John With Ministers Rev. D: C. Jiihn read a paper, on "The Limits of Dlvlno Hevilutloik" at thn regular fort riltUitly meeting of tho Methodist Ministers' ul Ion Monday afternoon. ' Mr. John alao presided at the meeting, wheh waa held at tho Young Men's Christian association. Aside from his paper only routine matters canio up. Bad Brief liberty Running away from the city chain gang the day after they were given fifteen-day sentences In police court, and trying to steal some trousers at a clothing store soon afterward. William AFTER - SJDFFERING ONE YEAR 3ured by Lydia E. Pink ham'sVegetabie Compound Milwaukee, Wis. Lydla E. Pink bam'g .Vegetable Compound has made 1 me a well woman, n .1 T 1 .1 UL. . - uu a nuuiu usv w tell the whole world of it. I suSered from female trouble and fearful pains in my back. I bad the best doctors and they all decided that I had a tumor in addition to my female trouble, and advised an opera- on. Lydia . Compound made i I hare no moro backache. I hope I can help others by teiiing inern what Lydia nninam Vegetable Compouud has done for me?' Miw. EmkaImse, 833 First St, Milwaukee, Wis. The above Is only one of the thou ands of grateful letters which are constantly being received by the Hnkham Medicine Company of Lynn, Mass., which prove beyond a doubt that Lydia . Pinkhaca'a Vegetable Com. pound, made from Toots and herbs, actually does our these obstinate dis eases of women after all other iheans have failed, and that every such suf ering woman owes it to herself to at least trive Lydia . llnkham's Veeeta- Compound a trial before submit- ung to an operation, or giving up bone of recovery. ,. Mra Plnlhim. ctf rv. ltfasa avltes all sick women to wiita r tt :- r - - . ry 1 i v ' - x" ti I Irinkham s Vegetable f kne a well woman and Iter for adTioo. feu rmata tlioiiNands to IrtrtUUs and lior advice i free, t tU - crbaecr ties-el, fcemi" SMITH, OMAHA. NEBR. Parnell and Frank Monroe were shortly arrested again end sent beck to jail. They were each sentenced Monday to serve thirty days and also to finish the Jail sen tences they bad jumped. Barley Bad Too Mnob "is Clarence Barley any relation to John Barleycorn T" waa a question asked In police court Mon day morning, when a young man of the former name, who Uvea at 113 ' North Twentieth street, was arraigned on the charge of having been drunk. He was picked up Saturday night by Officer Hud' son, who says he was disorderly and In toxlcated on tho street. Judge Crawford Imposed a fine of $1 and costs. Omaha Police Bonor X,owsry Chief of Folice Donahue, Captain Mostyn, Ser geants Hayes, Cook and Samuelaon and fifty patrolmen of the Omaha police force, will attend the funeral of the murdered South Omaha officer and march In the funeral procession to the grave. They will be fully uniformed and will wear a badge of mourning like the South Omaha officer. A handsome floral piece haa already been sent to the bereaved family by the Omaha policemen. Verdict of Twelve and a Balf After five days of a. trial the jury In the suit of William Rhyno against the Union Paclflo, brought In a verdict for 112.60 for the plaintiff. Rhyno aued for damage o hla house and lot In 8outh Omaha be cause a spur track built by the railroad was alleged to have caused a back flow of water onto the premises. His case suf fered because the raUroad had previously confessed judgment In another suit brought by him on nearly the same grounds. PIONEERS HAVE BIG REUNION Doaglas ' County Old-Tlnera Hold Their Annual Meeting: and. Din ner on Washington's Birthday. The annual mld-wlntei reunion of the members of the Douglaa County . Associa tion of Nebraska Pioneers was called ito order In the ball room of the Rome hotel at 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon by A. N. Yoet, chairman of the committee on ar rangements. Mr. Yoet Introduced Joseph Redman, prealdent of the association, who acted as chairman of the day. After a abort ad dress of greeting, Mr. Redman introduced Mayor D&hlman, who welcomed the pioneers In behalf of the city. "I was not exactly certain where I was at," aald the mayor, "when I entered this hall and observed Joe Redman wearing a plug hat. Wasn't exactly certain whether it was an undertakers' or a bankers' con vention." Mr. Dahlman continued paying a tribute to the work accomplished by the early pioneers, giving them credit for making possible this great city, which he predicted would in time become one of the greatest cities of the continent. He wished he was able to give each of the pioneers a me morial medal attesting their worth and work in building the west, and hoped the time would come when they would be recognised by some such m mortal. A short recess was then taken, and at t o'clock the pioneers to the number ot nearly 100 sat down to dinner tn the large dining-room. A number of visitors were present from Icwa and other parts of Ne braska. Following the disposal of the feast. Major B. B. Slaughter as toastmaster called for responses to pioneer sentiments from many of the pioneers present. Among the speakers were Hnry T. Clarke, A. N. Yoat, Joseph Redman. W. . I Klerstead and other. Dinner being disposed ot, the pioneer again returned to the ball room, where Mr. Redman again presided, and the remainder of the afternoon waa given over to a pro gram of music and addresses. The principal address was delivered by Harry C. Brome of Omaha. Hi talk was a recital of the work accomplished by the early pioneers In building the west and particularly the city of Omaha. He told of their hardships and of their excellence a citlsens, from the old days cf fifty year ago down to the present tlme Many regrets were expressed over the Inability of Dr. George U Miller to be present on account of Illness and greet ing were sent him." The reunion throughout was one of the most largely vattendcd jet he'd by the as suclatlon, and was in (.11 respects a pleas ing success. ' jV GENERAL KEJRR TO RETIRE Prsksblr Will Leave Army Service at Ills Own Heaaeet la April. Brigadier General John B. Kerr, United Plates army. In command of the cavalry school at Fort Riley, Kan., probahly will go on the retired list at hla own request In April. General Kerr hss not yet reached the retiring age. but haa had nearly forty years of pretty strenuous military service, and has a yearning for the simpler life of a civilian. Oenerol Kerr participated in many of the Impor tant Indian campaign of the weat and southwest from the esrly TOs down to the opening of the Spanish-American and Philippine wars, and also participated la theae latter wars, where he won hla star a a brigadier. An t sir nsh should bo covered with clean bandagea sat urated with Buckled Arnica Salve. Heels burna, wounds, sores, pile. Sc. Fcjt sale by Beaton Drum' Co. - NOTES ON OMAHA SOCIETY Local Chapter Daughter of American Revolution Will Celebrate. LUNCHEON PASTY AT EARLY HOUB Major and Mrs. Maaahler, Mr, aad Mrs. John Lattrlege aaa Mm. Gllntore Give Eight O'clock CaCea. A social evening and colonial supper was given last evening at the home of Mr. and Mr. Philip Potter, by the local chapter, Daughter of the American Revol ution. American flags and spring flower decorated ths room and In the recelv Ing line were Mr. and Mr. Potter, Mr. A. K. Gault, regent of the local chapter; Mr. S. D. Barkalow, state vice regent, and Mr. C. R Johannes, ex-regent. An interesting and appropriate program was rendered. Two letters written In the colonial times were read. Mr. John R. Webster read a letter of a proposal of marriage written by one of hla ancestors and Mrs. W, W. Griger read a letter written by a girl of the colonial time to a girl friend. Mr. B. Edward Zeiss gave a vocal solo, accompanied by Mrs. A. K. Oault. One of the jolly affair of the evening was aa old-fashioned "speil down." Aaalatlng will be Mr. R. C. Hoyt. Mr. Bloke, Mrs. F. C. Tym, Mrs A. P. Tukcy, Mrs. J. R. Webster, Mr. Tousalln, Mr. John F. Flack, Mr. Col Una and Mrs. William Heller. A "Virginia" upper waa served and about 100 guest are expected to be precent. Eight O'clock Coffee. One of the large affair of the day was be the eight o'clock coffee given by Major and Mrs. Bradner D. Slaughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Lottrldge and Mrs. Annella Gllmore at tnelr home In Kountse place last evening. The room .were decorated In the national colore and flaga In celebra tion of Washington' birthday, and the floral decoration In tht drawing room were American beauty roses. Assisting In receiving guest wore General and Mrs. Charles Morton, - General William Carter, and Colonel and Mrs. William P. n;vans. in tne library, Richmond roeee were used and punch was served by Miss Catherine Powell. Mis Miriam Pat terson and Miss Gladys Peters. Jonquil and narcissus formed the eenterpleoe for the table In the dining room, and Mrs. John It. Hlne and Mr. J. J. Horn brook will pour coffee. About 300 card were Issued. Luncheon Party. A delightful affair of the day was the luncheon party given by Mrs. Victor B. Caldwell at her home. Spring flower were used in the decoration and those present were Mr. George Barker. Mr. Joaepb Barker, Mr. Lacey,, Mr. George B. Lake, Mr. C. K. CouUnt. Mrs. E. Wakeley, Mr. Horace Everett. Mr. McCUntock, Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick, Mr. John Horbach, Mrs. J. J. Dickey, Mrs. James McKenna, Mra. Charles Offutt, Mis Hlbbard, Mr. Milton Barlow, Mr. Clement Chase, Mis Landls, Mr. Mother Colpetser, Mr. C. W, Child. Mr. O. W. Wattle, Mr. A. J. Love, Mr. F.'W. Hamilton, Mr. W. E. Martin, Mrs 8. 8. Caldwell, Mr. Frederick Lake. Mra. Everett, Mr. F. H. Davis and the hostess. Bnffet Lnncheoa. Mrs. Frederick A. Nash was hostess at a buffet luncheon party today at her home at 12;S0 o'clock. Different varieties Of spring flowers were used through th room and the lights were shaded In pole green. Assisting Mrs. Nash were Mr. .' J. D. Creighton, Mr. George Peek, Mr. Charles Kountse, Mrs. W, J. Foye, Mr. J. M. Daugherty, Mr. L. F. Crofoot, Mrs. Charlea C. Allison. Mrs. W. A. Paxton, Jr.; Mias Claire Heleno Woodard and Ml Ethel Morse. About seventy-five guest were present Dntch-MeKeagne. The wedding of Miss Katherine Me- Keague, daughter of Mr. and Mra. William McKeague, to Mr. Oliver J. Dutch of South Omaha was celebrated at St. Peter ree- tory. the Rev. P. A. McGovern officiating. The couple were attended by Ml Clara Gilllgan, coualn of the bride, and Mr. Robert E. Bdfthlll. After the ceremonv upper was served to the relative at th home of Mr. 8. Dean. Mr. and Mrs. Dutch reside at 8012 Marcy street. Iaformnl Affairs. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Duff entertained a few friend at their residence, 281J Daven port street, Friday evening. The evening was spent with mualo and cards. Th R. D. Social club waa formed and Mr. R. W. Duff was made president, Mrs. W. O. Black, treasurer, and Mr. J. Milton Bhay. secretary. The following were enrolled aa Initial members of the club: Meadame Margaret B. Gillette, R. W. Duff. W. O. Black. J. L. Dolph, Misses Olenna Blel. Minnie Dolph, Messrs. N. D. Berlin, W. O. Black. R, W. Duff. M. H. Kent. Rex Hun- gate, Claude W. Shay and J. Milton Shay. mre. w. J. conneii and Mlaa Morion Con- nell entertained Informally at bridge thle afternoon at their home complimentary to their house guest. Mias Cowan of St. Joseph. Ma, who Is spending a few day here. Dlnaer Party. An enjoyable dinner party and Informal musical was given Saturday evening at the Rome hotel by a club of life Insurance men. Dinner waa served In one of the private dining rooms and pink carnation formed the centerpiece for the table. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. John Steele, Mr. and Mra. O. H. Menold, Mr. John Dole. Mr. and Mr. W. A. 8mlth. Mr. and Mr. C. E. Ady, Mr. and Mr. E. E. Zimmerman, Mr and Mr. G. W. Noble, Mr. and Mr. F. B. Burchmore, Mr. and Mr. C. T. Piatt. Mr and Mr. Harry Stone, Mr. and Mra. G. R. Elson. Miss Katherine Moorhead. Mis Corlnn Paul son and Mr. Ward Palmer. Fraternity Reception. The local member of the Gamma Sigma High school fraternity gave their annual reception this afternoon at their club rooms at the home of Dr. and Mra. J. P. Lord. The room were attractive- with This Is the trade mark which is on every gen uine bottle of Scott's Emulsion sold In nearly all the countries of the world. Nothing equals it to build up the weak and wasted bodies of young and old. end tha ,s aih.iaa. otsaaartawbtdi mnwisiiMi'i, MM in wurfcr- a a n a SCOTT A BOWNC 40 Purl St, K T. The Equitable life assurance Society United States TO POLICYHOLDERS t The following synopsis ot the Annual State mont, formation : TOTAL ASSETS - . - ... Stocks at Market Quotations of 'December 31, amortized values. TOTAL LIABILITIES Consfstingof Insurance Fund $384,152,680 and 4- TOTAL SURPLUS - - - - - - - - With an increasing number of maturities of Deferred Divi dend Policies this sum will gradually decrease. NEW INSURANCE PAID FOR ... This is aa Increase for the year of nearly 25 per cent as cotapared with 1907. TOTAL AMOUNT PAID TO POLICYHOLDERS -DEATH BENEFITS - . t . . . . 97 per cent of all Death Claims in America were paid within one day after proof of death was received. ENDOWMENTS - - - ANNUITIES, SURRENDER VALUES AND OTHER BENEFITS - - DIVIDENDS TO POLICYHOLDERS 1909 Dividends to Policyholders will approximate $10,000,000. TOTAL LOANS TO POLICYHOLDERS DIVIDENDS TO STOCKHOLDERS .... This is the maximum annual dividend that stockholders caa receive under EARNINGS OF THE SOCIETY FROM INTEREST ' AND RENTS - OUTSTANDING LOANS ON REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES Invested at an per cant in I VU. TOTAL EXPENSES, including Commissions and Taxes The average gross 1907, 4.26 per cent in H. D. chanta Natl many American flag and . about 100 guests were present. Among the chaper- ones were Dr. and Mr. J. P. Lord, Mr. and Mra. M. C Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Howell, Mr. and Mra. J. H. Osborne. The young women assisting were ' Mis Mar guerite Busch, Mis Dorthy Steven, Mia Florenoe Olmstead, Mis Mary Hollinger, Mis France Todd. Miss Ruth Gould and Mis Uarda Scott Mr. and Mra. J. F. Plnkerton entertained at card Saturday evening In celebration of tnelr tenth wedding anniversary At the game of high five prise were awarded to Mr. T. H. Tracy and Mr. W. N. Hellen. The Invited list Included Mr. and Mr. F. W. Herron, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCaulls, Mr. and Mra. Charles Zlebarth. Mr. and Mr. W. N. Hellen, Mr. and Mr. Richard Olsen, Mr. and Mr. T. Jetsen, Mr. and Mr. T. H. Tracy. Mr. and Mr. Arthur Kennedy, Mr. and Mr. F. B. Holbrook, Mr. and Mr, a B. Elliott, Mr. and Mr. C. L, Honnoe. Proapeetlve Pleaaaree. Colonel and Mr. Cornelius Gardener will entertain at dinner Saturday evening at ineir nome at rort Crook." Mr. Carl Balbech and Mis Pearl Chm. berloln will give a bridge party Tuesday for their guest, Mlaa Mae Balbach of Detroit, mien., lonneriy ot Omaha. Birth nay Sarprlse. Mr. M. A. Nagl wa given a Pleasant eurprlse party Saturday afternoon at her home in celebration of her birthday. Th. arternoon was pent plylng high five . Rosea and flags brightened the rooms and I d I the score cards were In George Washington naicnet design. Those present wer. Meedames R. ltosenawelg, G. Stor. John C. Drexel, C. B. Uver, Hugo Schmidt. William DioecKer. William Lorensen, Al Powell, Hugo Mslchlor. John Grant. John Burke, William Rice. B. J. Jobst. A. C. Hart. E. Rltter, John Richard, M. Beckmann, John FTeuhauf. John Baumer, E. Engler, Joseph Baumann, C. Southard, A. Speght. F. Brhmets, J. H. Kebblns, M. Lange. M. A. Nagl; Misses Emma Lorensen, Freeda Lange. Minnie Bauman and Julia Nagl. Caine aad Go Gossip. Mr. Hannah Cotter of Evonvllle, Ind., I spending a few week visiting her sla ter, Mrs. J. M. Borglum. Mr. and Mr. Jule Snatttnger of Topeka, Kan., are the gueata of Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Conn. Miss Cowan of St. Joseph. Ma, who has been pending th week-end a the guest of Mr. W. J. Connell and Mis Connell, will leave Tuesday for Lincoln to apend a few day before returning to St. Joseph. Mr. and Mr. A. B. Hunt of Florence had aa their guest for the week-end Judge and Mr. Ben Baker. Bishop A. L. William returned from New York Thursday, where he had been attend ing a meeting of the house of bishop. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hsstlngs are visiting In New York City and Mr. Hastings Is much Improved in health. MUST BE FROM VERMONT Thieves Laad aa Nlaety-SIs af Maxle'gyraa tram Farrell's. Plats Thieves with an Inclination toward sweet things stole ninety-six pint cans of maple syrup from the warehouse of Farrcll a Co. Friday night Mike Hedrlcks and Arthur Hall have been arrested on sus picion by Officer Murphy and Detective Ferris and Dunn, and are being held by the police. Hedrick aa a eusplcloua char acter and Hill on tb charge of burglary. About sixty can of the syrup have been recovered from place where It bad bv-n old or bidden by th two men suspected of tb theft Hall say h live at 711 Douglas atreet and Hedrlcks give Kansas ( Itv as his home. 161.93 of miscellaneous liabilities. The Insurance Fand (with future premiums and interest) will pay all outstanding policies as they mature. the Society's Charter. average rate of 4.70 per cent, as against 4.53 rate of interest realized daring 1908 ia 1906, 4,03 per cent in 1905 NEELY, Manager, Sank Cldfi., 18th and Farnam SU. OMAHA, NEBRASKA FILIPINO BAND CONCERT WINS Many Oaaahaaa Delighted hy the Little Brown Brothers at the Aadltorlem. A moderate slsed but select audlenoe gave an enthusiastic greeting Sunday to the Philippine Constabulary band, which 1 en route to Washington to take a leading part In President-elect Toft's Inaugural parade. The auditorium was not by any mean a nearly filled a the band deserved, but th sincere applause from several hundred music lovers of discernment helped to make up the lack of numbers. Those who heard the band will have one more reason to be grateful to Judge Taft. on whose Invitation the eighty-six trained musicians crossed 11,000 mile of tea and land to attend the inaugural ceremonies. Captain Walter H. Loving has brought hla Filipino musicians up to uoh a high point of skill and responsiveness that they con render the most difficult masterpieces with excellent expression. This was demon strated In the varied program of sixteen or eighteen numbers, Including encore, which wa given last night. One naturally would look for on abundance of mualo of the Spanish type among the number, but this did not predominate. The program turned easily from Wagner to Beethoven and Rubenateln and Catoisl. "Star and Stripe Forever" preceded the regular opening number, which waa th opening numoer. wnicn waa t ovrtttre from "Tonnhouser" by Wagn Tk. la. , .. i ' ...., iiu.iim iiiuiuueti among otner I numbers on excerpt from "La Gloconda a fantasia. "My Old Kentucky Home;" the Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, the Torch light Dance by Rubenateln. a selection from "Carmen." The printed program closed with a descriptive pastoral and hunt ing scene which was played with faithful expression through a balf a dozen graphic scenes. Captain Loving wa kinder to the audi ence than he wa to hi men, for he re sponded to every encore graciously. Every number on the program wa encored and some twloe. Among the encore number PSS35Sb2E mm (mmm Ufe przrt rr 1 II :fiV l,Ht)$ NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 20, 1909. 11 ol December 31st, 1903, if submitted (or your in 1908 $472,339,508.83 . . Bonds at $6,919,- 391.072,041.93 81.267.466.90 hJI 91.262,101.00 47.861.542.69 20.324.002.65 4.830.170.10 P - 14.696,354.16 k 8.01 1.015.78 eat 57.053.555.28 7,000.00 20.636.435.61 97.570,767.22 - 9,758.447.46 amounted to 4,45 per cent, at and 3.90 per cent ia 1904. ' wre the beautiful sextet from "Lucia dl Lammermoor," "La Paloma" and a patrlotlo medly that carried th audience fairly by storm. The program closed with a Filipino air, followed by "The Star 8pangled Banner," with both the band and the audience standing. , The little brown musician mad a friend of everyone In the audience last night, and probably there wa not a single per son In the Auditorium who did not go away with a wish that the Filipino might find It possible to play a return engage ment here. But for George C. Bellner, an Omaha man who for eight years ha published the Manila Timet, It 1 probable that the band would not te making the present tour. Mr. Bellner advanced the 140,000 necessary expense money, trusting in the band making enough snrout to repay him. Mr. Bellner I with the band. Colonel Mark L. Hertey, In command of the constabu lary party, and Major 8. D. Ourney, chief urgeon, and hi wife, alao with th band, are well known to a number of officer at Fort Crook and Omaha. The following telegram wa received from Washington by th band upon it arrival In Omaha: "On Inauguration day, band will be band-of-honor for the veteran that will etoort th president to the capitol, where the veteran will disperse, and the band will then be the band that will head the cadets' division, aa band of high school cadet of which Captain Loving 1 graduate. "GENERAL EDWARDS, "Chief of Bureau of Insular Affair." GAMBLERS ARE ROUTED OUT They and Disorderly Hense rtealsea Are Raided by , tha Police. Seven keeper of gambling or disorderly hoises and twenty Inmate of those place v ere arrested by squads of policemen Saturday night and Sunday. Moat of the arrestt were made at cigar stores where alleged poker games were going on in rear l v ftt f m rV, iwwifl ,na.a:: Trr.amwimn 1 1 n i iiiiini mi j saaanansjin in r, in jsaxtxi" TrmmmnKWammtim. M1 ir-iiMBSiW a. 1 r- ' kWL'!tmf in of the 1907 $453,928,775.06 379.372,284.59 74.556,490.47 It 73,279.540.00 45.305,831.30 18,992,079.87 4.704,11.32 14,100,855.97 7,503,776.14 49.615.393.06 7.000.00 19.485.110.01 95.008,970.00 9,846,858.69 against 4.39 oer cent PRESIDENT room. All th men arrested were released on cash or ball bond till Monday morning, when they will probably be arraigned In police court, when oil the cases were dis missed by Judge Crawford because of in sufficient evidence. It I understood that the large number of arrest were du to a general oleanlng up of place where gamb ling wa upeoted by the police. BALTHASER WINS THE RACE Finishes Raa from Florence to Y. M. C. A. la Forty-Three Mlaates. J. Fred Ralthaser, first, 43 minute. Joseph Wirt, second, 44:23. F. M. Amerman, third, 44:30, Ralph Maaon, fourth, 47:00. Elmer Siinberg, fourth, 47:00. L. 8. Dodda, fifth, 61:00. A. M. Annert. sixth, 62:00. William Parker, seventh, 65:00. J. Fred Balthaaer finished th dis tance run, from Florence to Omaha Toungfen' Christian Association build ing, so strong In first plac Monday morn ing that he wrenched the swinging door from Its hinges as he entered the building, one minute behind his record made on New Year's day. The three leader were even at Cuming atreet, when they began to spread cut and finished In the order named above. The racer ttarted from the end of the Florence line at 11:20 and the first man finished at 12:03, the distance being a lit tle short of seven mile. The run wa in the nature of an endurance contest, for be sides being a distance run, It waa also a bad footing run and was made In a pouring rain, which made the footing slippery. They followed the car line to Miller parVt, when they cut through the park and came down Twentieth street to Cuming. The eight racer enjoyed a shower snd a plunge at th Young Men' Christian Association building at the finish and were none the worse for their trip. Bigger, Better, Bualer-Thafs what ad vertising in The Bse doe for business. your Nflk