Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1909, Page 4, Image 4

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Tite Omaha Daily Bee.
Entered at Omaha postofflc as second
:las matter.
Tc-niua - fcrimrinM.
Dully rW (without flundtiy), ont year..!
tiailv I4m anil Sunttav one Vr
nvi ivi-nrn u -r riRRlER.
Daflv F (Including Bundsy). per
ftallv B (without undav. per week... 10c
Evening He (without Uinday. P" we", J"
Fvr.iln ll.a l.lth Snnriav) r,ar Week...lOC
flurday Bea, one yesr.
R-.tunlar Ree. on vear 60
Address all complaints of irrea-ulsrltlee In
leuvery to City Circulation uepanmrnv.
Omaha-The Bra Bunding. .
rtnjth Omaha Twenty-fourth ana N.
Council Bluffs 15 Reott Street.
IJnroln 61 Little Building.
Chlesgo 154 Marquette Building.
New York-Rooms 1101-1108 No. Welt
Thirty-Third Street.
Washington 72 Fourteenth Btreet N. W.
Communlratlona relating to news ana ern
torlal matter should be sddressed: Otnane
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Remit by draft, express or postal order
payable to The Fee Publishing Company.
Only -rent atampa received In payment or
mall accounta. r arson a 1 check, cPt,,on
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Mate of Nebraska, Douglaa County, as.!
Ueorgo B. Tssohurk. treasurer of Th
Bee Publishing -company, being duly
wom. eaya that, tha actual number ot
full and complete copies of Tha Dally.
Morning, Evening and Sunday Bee printed
luring th month of January., 1B. wa a
1 W.M0 IT W.100
i M80 II U.B60
I M.900 It M.BS0
4 8S.190 10 ,090
V S,010 tl. 8,180
; rrjMo si.... 39x
T.v..rtV , II .O
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I M.40O It M.010
10 M.900 II ,030
11 SMU 17.... SM40
it saxro it n,o
11 ma.aao it wao
14 3,70 at aa.aoo
ll o ll.... ar.Too
II 8AV30
Total 1.196,130
Las unsold and returned copies. 10,416
Nat total ,'. 14M.T14
Dally average. . . .' SS4
Subscribed In my presence and sworn ta
before ma ttaU Id, day of February, ltOt.
(Seal) r M. P. WALKER,
" Notary Public
wheii out or TOWl. .
Sabaerlbere leavlsisr the city ten,
rarity should hare , Tha Baa
saalle t theaa. Address will be
ehaa;eel mm eften aa requested.
Another revolution is on the Per
sian carpet i-
When hoodlum meets Greek, then
comes the riot call. '
Are you reader to vote a $6,600,000
mortgage on your property, Mr. Tax
payer? i
Tha pay-as-yan-enter aenatorlal car
doea not seem to be popular in Wie
conaln. What is the Omaha Real Estate ex
change going rotdp ahoutthe billboard
It was admiration for Mr. Knox's
ability that led ' congress to remove
his disability, " ;'
After one week , from tomorrow
noon, Mr. Taft will be allowed to eat
what he please. - - .
It may be just a coincidence that
Caruso was knighted on the centenary
of Darwin's birth.
Missouri artistB are to have an ex
hibition in New. York. The Missour
tans insist upon being shown.
Cleveland Is so jubilant over the
capture of "Cy" Young that it almost
forgets that It still has Tom Johnson.
Some men' are born critics and aome
acquire it' by going to congress and
reading the, , muckrakera' reports on
the Panama, canal.
Washington visitors who can not
attend the 'Inaugural ball, may con
sole themselves by attending to the
inaugural highball.
That man in the City of Mexico who
ays he is 139 years old can doubtless
remember when President Dias was
elected the 'first time.
When it comes to star chamber
work our Omaha Water board has all
the other closed-door, secret-session
bodies beaten to a fragile.
New York managers are wondering
what they shall do with their tainted
plays. They , had best keep them, as
the west doea not want them.
Grand Puka. . VladJmar'a sudden
death may be explained. It has been
discovered conspjracr
against the bureaucracy.
"What ha become of all the boys
whose parents named" t hem for Lin
coln?" asks the Chicago-Newa. Well,
there's Lincoln BtolfrhK, anyway.
Official statistic show that' 107,000
Japanese left this country in Decem
ber and only 200 arrived. The "yellow
peril" Is going through . the bleaching
proceas. ' . : ! ..
A new ship subsidy bill has been
prepared for introduction at the next
session of cong reus. The graveyard
ot ablp subsidy bins must be over
crowded. ! -, v ,
It la really amusing to have a dis
trict Judge from ao; outside county,
who usurped . the povernment of
Omaha's parks byattouipting illegally
to appoint a pari-board.' talk about
municipal homo ryle. ,
"Why are the blilu.Ung ba?helora
nver enacted ; nU) laws?'" asks an
exchange. Deraiise -their authors
have failed to insert a provision that
the money thua, raised should be di
vided among the married men.
The race riot at South Omaha la
not only deplorable, but It la abso
lutely Inexcusable.
The kilting of a policeman doea not
warrant vengeance upon a whole race
beta use. one of it s members happens to
have been the slayer.
What la demanded Is swift and cer
tain Dieting out of justice with the
regular machinery of the law rather
than wholesale law-breaking that
makes innocent men, women and chll
dren.the victims.
The outbreak at South Omaha, how
ever, cannot be regarded as spontane-
ous. Several contributing causes, have
led up to it.
Firat, the law'a delay and the senti
mental and senseless exercise of execu
tive clemency, granting reprieves and
commutations to convicted cold
blooded murderers. The fear that the
law will be cheated la founded on too
numerous cases In which red-handed
criminals have gotten away from their
Another contributing cause lies In
the Incendiary appeale to rjice preju
dice by political demagogues and sen
timental newspapers, culminating in
the disgraceful public meeting at
South Omaha. The local yellow Jour
nals that have been fanning the flames
against the Japs cannot escape respon
sibility for the fury let out upon the
Irrespective of the causes, the situ
ation calls for a firm hand on the part
of the law officers. Every law-abiding
person, Greek, Jap or American, is en
titled to protection of life and property
whether citizen or not.
The law and not the mob must rule.
In all this discussion about Omaha
police boards it is Just as well to keep
history straight. Our amiable demo
cratic contemporary, lashing Itself into
fever heat, keeps reiterating that the
mayor-appointed police board under
the Moo res administration made
Omaha the wickedest city on the map,
when it knows that it is telling a de
liberate falsehood.
Omaha has been under a metropoli
tan police commission, system since
1887, with police boards variously ap
pointed by the governor, , by a state
appointing board and by the mayor,
and we do not hesitate to say and
stand ready to back It up with proof,
that the very worst police administra
tion we ever had was that given by the
board appointed by Governor Holcomb
at the dictation of the World-Herald,
against whose members impeachment
charges were preferred and who es
caped removal from office only by a
timely court decision that seated the
board appointed by Mayor Moores by
affirming a constitutional right to mu
nicipal home rule.
Since then, we have had successive
police boards' in Omaha appointed" by
Governor Savage, ' Governor Mickey,'
Governor Sheldon and Governor Shal
lenberger. While several of these
boards were appointed to spite The
Bee, and most of thorn made up of men
politically unfriendly to The Bee, we
do not hesitate to say that every one of
them was a marked Improvement on
the board selected by the World
Herald for appointment by Governor
To go into history a little more In
detail, the mayor-appointed board un
der the Moores administration was al
ways made up of a bipartisan member
ship and the minority party members
were representative of their parties in
good repute, as, for example, the late
Dr. V. H. Coffman, P. C. Heafey, now
democratic coroner, and F. A. Ken
nedy, the ardent Bryanlte editor of the
Western Laborer.
So far as The Bee is concerned it
has no other interest in the police
board than ltd interest in good govern
ment. Making the police commission
ers elective will, in our judgment, put
the fire and police departments back
into politics and give new incentive to
the liquor dealers, dive keepers and
half world to control our city elec
It is inconceivable that the State
department should waste any time in
rejecting the proposal of Russia, in
connection with the negotiation of a
passport treaty, that no passport shall
be granted by the United States to a
naturalised citizen to whose expatria
tion the government ot his native
country has not given its consent. The
proposition will be resented by liberty
loving and self-respecting Americans
...The. alien . who .seeks... to. Jbecojne a
naturalised American citizen . is not
asked In this country whether his na
tive government consents to ' the
change on not. The United States ha
laws forbidding the admission of
criminals, paupers and certain classes
of mental and physlclal incapables,
but it doea not require the' applicant
to produce' evidence that his repudiav
tion of ' his native' government was
with the knowledge of the power to
which he formerly owed allegiance.
The whole theory of our naturaliza
tion laws and our practice In admit
ting foreigners to citizenship la di
rectly contrary to the Russian pro
Russia' interest tn this' matter is
evidently based upon the experience of
the czar's officials in failing to secure
the extradition of former Russian aub
Jects wanted to anawer to political ol
fenaes in their native land. There (aa
be no, two classes of citizens In the
United States. The foreigner who has
complied with all the provisions of the
naturalization laws is entlUed ' ti.' all
the rights, privileges and protection
accorded a native born America sad
a pasaport issued by the United State
government should he accepted at its
face value, wherever shown, as auffl
cient evidence that the bearer of It is
an American citlien. The principle pro
posed by Russia Is vicious and tin
American and this government cannot
afford to yield In that direction.
The American Society ot Equity has
again decided to suspend the lawa ot
supply and demand by fixing the price
of wheat, regardless what the millers
at home or abroad may deem it proper
and necessary to pay. The society has
gone to the extent of figuring the cost
ot wheat and has reached the surpris
ing conclusion that every bushel of
American wheat Is worth net, covering
only the cost of production and stor
age by the growers, $1,195. On this
basis, the farmers who tolled . In the
production of the wheat crop ot some
600,000,000 bushels In this country
last year lost a round amount of
money, as most of it was sold at less
than 11 per bushel. This Is all to be
remedied and the society has issued
this formal decree to that end.
The Society of Equity, by Ita board of
directors, hereby officially declares that
the farmer Is entitled to as much profit
on his bualness aa the manufacturer, or
the merchant, and that the minimum
price for wheat on the farm should be
11.25 per bushel.
The Cotton Planters association of
the south tried something ot that kind
not long ago, fixing the price of cotton
and Instructing the planters to store
their product in that line until the
buyers came to terms. Somehow the
plan failed to work. Either the world
began wearing woolen or silk or aome
planter did not obey orders. At any
rate, cotton prices tumbled and the
mills quit buying. When the industries
were resumed, cotton prices went up.
In response to an. increased demand at
home and abroad and the planters
have not been complaining. The So
ciety of Equity has not been alarmed
by the experience of the cotton plant
ers, but is going ahead to put wheat
on an iron-clad price basis that will at
least be highly satisfactory to the
wheat growers.
The Society of Equity takes the
position that producers have as, much
right as buyers to fix prices and con
trol production. In such commodities
as coal, oil and iron the production
as well as transportation and sale are
controlled by a few men, but when it
comes to the production of grain the
bases of production are not so well
regnlated, because the articles can be
grown in so many quarters and such
a large number of individuals are in
volved. Then the local price for
wheat and other grains is find, not
only by the demands from foreign
countries, but by the local demands
which increase or decrease as the con
sumers are employed and prosperous,
or forced to partial idleness and small
pay. If the foreign crops are abundant
and the offerings of wheat so large
that, the markets cannot absorb them
the Society of Equity's prices may be
considered too high and there is not
enough money available for the pur
pose ot holding such quantities of
wheat or other cereals pending a
shortage in the foreign crop or a fail
ure at home.
Organization among farmers may,
and should result in better methods of
harvesting and shipment, but the at
tempt to fix wheat prices arbitrarily
is foredoomed to failure.
Members ot congress who have been
advocating changes in the house rules
for the purpose of curtailing the
power of the speaker will hardly be
satisfied with the concession which it
is reported from Washington Speaker
Cannon and his close supporters are
willing to make. The concession pro
vides for a "calendar Tuesday," on
which days members may call up their
bills or get recognition from the
speaker without having consulted him
In advance.
The concession does not reach the
source of the complaint that has been
made against the present rules of the
house. Under existing conditions, the
speaker has absolute power in naming
committees and, with the aid of a
committee on rules, absolutely decides
what measures shall be passed and
what shall be rejected. Speaker Can
non has been called a czar and criti
cised for his exercise of "one-man
power," but he has done only what,
he has been allowed to do under rules
adopted by the majority of the mem
bers of the house. The concession of
fered would be of little value if the
power of appointing committees is to
remain unconditionally with the
speaker. The vital reform. If one is
to be effected to make the house a
more representative bodyy; is to give
the members more of a voice In com
mittee assignment and the business
to be transacted.
lt no. democrat aay the principle of tbe
primary la .wrong simply' because a demo
cratic congressional nomination '. in Ne
braska went to one .who spent a-fabulous
sum of money to win that primary elec
tion." Columbus Telearam. . .
Our old friend, Edgar Howard, evi
dently does not believe that the ex
pense accounts filed by his successful
opponent for the democratic nomina
tion in the Third Nebraska district are
true and correct as contemplated by
the campaign fund publicity law.
The Central Labor union has put
Itself on record in favor of an elective
police board, with nonpartisan, attach
ments.' in the event of a turbulent
strike -what would be the effect of a
potential labor vote on police commis
sioners seeking re-election?
' Eastern financiers 'are fearing the
result should Mr,. Taft sfUeU a lawyer
instead of a' banker for secretary of
the treasury. .Tbae game Anauttefs
have been highly pleased with Secre-
tary Cortelyou's ' management of the
Treasury department and his banking
business, prior to his appointment as
head of the treasury, was limited to
his personal account and the efTort to
make a federal salary cover his needs.
An up-the-state democratic paper
complains that "the republican press
seems to he urging the few republican
members of the legislature to antag
onize all good legislation." The trou
ble with this critic is that he imagines
all legislation bearing the democratic
label to be "good' legislation, when
the presumption is really the other
way. . It is the duty of the republican
members of the legislature to favor all
aalutary laws for the benefit ot the
state, but it Is not their duty to help
the democrats eager for political ad
vantage to blot out or mutilate good
laws placed on the statute books by
preceding republican legislatures.
If the demand for strict enforcement
of so-called "blue laws" applies to all
kinds of laws, the defiance of Ne
braska's campaign publicity .law by
democrata and prohibitionists as well
as republicans offers a wide field for
activity on the part of the "strict en
forcement" agitators.
Russia proposes to spend millions
for the improvement of its school sys
tem. The plan is commendable, but
fraught with danger to the exiating
government of Russia, for as rapidly
as Russians become educated they
clamor for the abolition ot bureau
cracy. Senator Stephenson admits that he
contributed $107,000 to the primary
election fund ' in Wisconsin, but says
he doea not know how it was spent.
Evidently aome of it went to persons
who have not been able to deliver the
Citizens of Omaha generally are in
vited to present their views to the leg
islative committee in charge ot the
charter amendments, but only demo
crats need expect a respectful hearing.
A London scientist has Invented a
device for telling the sex ot eggs. A
device tor telling the age of them
would be more welcome ' and more
Sea Him eath Omaha.
Washington -Herald.
While Mr. Maaxmn Is wait In a to play a
return data at Havana, he might keep his
iiand. in. by rewtorins order in Liberia,
Reveal In a; Hlddea Foaalbllltlea.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Tha adoption of th electric furnace In
large steel operations' 1 expected to meet
the demand for a steal rail toutrh enough
to bear tha strain ot. high speed In the
largest freight eralnee. Great possibilities
are stlM hidden in all forms of applied
, Western Boys at Sea.
' Boston Transcript
TMs Is rv-great ar eatmtry that many
hundreds, of thousands of persona In It
may attain maturity, or even age, without
seeing tha sea. Not a few of tha artillery
men who Just left New York for the Philip
pine on board an army transport looked
on the ocean for tha flrct time and were
astonished. They cam from 'Wyoming
and were recruited In. tha west. In their
two months' voyage to the Philippines they
will see enough of ocean to last some of
them for th rest of their live.
Mr. Bryan's Remarks Sahjeetcal to the
Light mt H later y.
Indianapolis News.
In hi tribute to Lincoln Mr. Bryan lays
great stress on oratory a an element in
tha career of th war president. Th case
ta thus put:
"Lincoln's fame aa a statesman and as
th nation' chief executive In It most
crucial period has so overshadowed hi
fame as an orator that his merits a a
public speaker have not been sufficiently
emphaaised. When It la remembered that
hi nomination wa directly dua to the
prominence which he won upon tha stump;
that In th most remarkable aerie of de
bate known to history he held hi own
against one of th most brilliant orators
America ha produced, and that to hi
speeches, more than to the arguments of
any other one man, or in fact of all other
public men combined, wa dua the success
of his party when all these facts are
borne In mind It will appear plain even to
tha casual observer that too little attention
ha been given to the extraordinary power
which he (zeroised aa a speaker."
Mr. Bryan further says that without a
"military career to dasxle tha eye or ex
cite tha Imagination" and with no public
service to make his name familiar, Lin
coln' "elevation to th presidency would
have been impossible without his oratory."
It Is natural that th orator should mag
nify his art, natural that men should prals
Lincoln for those qualities which they
themselves most admire. Tet we think that
If Mr. Bryan bad heard Lincoln apeak he
would have ranked him very low a aa
orator. Ha wa an effective publlo apeaker,
a close ressoner, a logical debater, but of
oratory ha waa almost wholly guiltless.
Thoae who heard him deliver bis Gettys
burg address, which ha gon Into the
school books as an almost perfect piece ot
English, were In no way Impressed by
either th manner of the speaker or the
matter of hi address. His greet Cooper
union speech, which did Impress tha coun
try profoundly, wa an exhaustive legal ar
gument. '
Of course. It I true that th great de
bat with Senator Douglaa brought Mr.
Lincoln' nam conspicuously before th
public People learned to their surprise
that there waa aa obscure man out In II
linola atrong enough to vanqulah on of th
ablest and best known debatera In tha na
tion. And when men read th Lincoln
speeches they were Impressed by them, not
s exhibitions of oratory, but as affording
proof that the man who made them was
master of the subject with which he dealt,
the possessor of a powerful mind and the
representative of the thought which waa
soon to become dominant in the country.
We should aay that tha comparatively few
speeches that Lincoln made and how few
they are aa compared, with those made by
our publlo men today contributed little to
his success beyond Introducing him to the
country. They made him known to men
who might not otherwise have heard of
hint at all. and made him known aa a man
of solid attainments, of deep conviction
and of aubstsntlal character. Tha truth Is
that tha orstor has never won great favor
at tha bands of the American people. The
eareers of Webeter, Clay. Blaine and of
Mr. Bryan himself prove this. Mr. Lincoln
due not belong la this class.
Cnrrent Kvents Gleaned trass th
Araay and Navy Realater.
Captain Orvill O. Brown of th medical
corp was also trl at mrt Robinson on
th same char- as Major Bhlllock. the
char- being baaed on th allegations that
h (Captain Brown) failed to keep the
operating room In a clean and sanitary
condition, that he failed to properly treat
the fractured hone of Private McCloskey
and that he failed to properly treat frac
tured bone of the forearm of a son of
Sergeant Ettward Burns. Eighth cavalry
He was found not guilty of the charge and
specifics tlona. Brlgsdler General Carter,
In reviewing the caae, says that evidently
the l court proceeded on the theory that
whatever culpability attached to Captain
Brown for hi manner of treatment In the
case of th on of Sergeant Burns wa due
to lack of skill, rather than In a neglect of
duty in th premise. .
The army medical of fleer am mntlnu
ing their Important work In tha effort tn
reduce the rat of tuberculosis In th mili
tary establishment. The work la con
ducted systematically rmm th aur
general s office and la In th Un of pre
vention Indicated a best calculated to r-
mov the cause of this disability. In th
first place, areat care la now azerrluxt In
th examination of recruits to the end that
there may be admitted to the army enliated
fore no on who bear the Indication of
th .disease In It Initial form. Thl effort
Is supplemented with most gratifying re
sult by the regulation establishing san
itary conditions In tha barracks of th en
llsted men with special avoidance of over
crowding and defective ventilation.
Th military authorities hav decided
that It. la eminenty desirable to hav
greater jnuormlty In th examinations
and In th determination of relative fit
ness of candidate for appointment to posi
tion In th pot noncommissioned staff.
At present, these exaanrnatiens ocour when
ever it la considered necessary to hold
them, without reg-ard to th number of
eligible produced or th length of time
which it take to exhaust tha list of those
who are deemed qualified for appointment
Sometime th list of ellarlble continue
for a number of year with th result that
those, who might be encouraged by having
more frequent examinations, leave th er
vice, impatient of the delay. It I now
proposed to hv annual examination of
candidate for appointment a ordnance
sergeant, post commlasary sergeant, post
quartermaster sergeant, and so on, with
th Idea of having regularity In the con
ditions which govern the selection of men
for those places.
Th comptroller of the treasury baa
rendered two decisions which are likely to
cause considerable consternation In th
War department One ha to do with th
disallowance of a payment amount In a- tn
$3,100 made out of the allotment for mili
tary balloons and expended In tha acquisi
tion of an ur-to4)ate automobile. It waa
represented to the comptroller In tha of-
nciai communication from .the War de
partment that thl vehicle wa a "neees-
ma rtT m M.Aaas.M. n . V. III.. wtl ..
, t "- Jt J vm. v li a III 1 1 1 IK 1 J MUTOn.
The comptroller decided that th transact
tion waa not within th law and that th
purchase of an automobile out of th fund
Intended for military aeronautlo h Bolt
Justified. The other disallowance relate
to an expenditure of about 11,000 for four
horse. Accordlnar to the Information In
the possession of the auditor, these ani
mal wore carriag horse and were pur
chased out Of an anDTODIiation for "mir. I
chase and hire of draft and pack animals."
or course, . in both case, upon th depart-,
mental appeal, Ir may be possible to show
the comptroller that the automobll I an
accessory of the military balloon and that
th four horses purchased were tn reality
draft or pack animals, which mlarnt nt
course, ' be servlcable aa carriag horses.
But It is maintained by th comptroller In
th latter instance, the carriage horse 1
a type quite distant from tbe draft or pack
The army commissaries believ they hav
at last found a sstlsfactory field oven
which will meet the needs of th service in
the preparation of food for troop absent
from garrison a Th problem has been on
to which the experts of th army . sub
sistence department hav been diligently
apptyfaur themseive In designing appli
ances and In subjecting various device to
practical trial, for the most part at Fort
Riley, Kan. A aeries of baking apparatus
waa oeaigned by Major W. H. Hart of
th subsistence department before he went
to England to attend the British service
corp school of instruction, and on of th
devloe was a field oven, which ha been
teated by a special board at Fort Riley
and later by supplemental trial conducted
by Captain L. R. Holbrook of th sub
sistence department. The trouble seemed
to be in getting aa entirely satisfactory
metal bottom of the new oven and three
types hav been tried, with tha result
according to reports now received at th
War department that there I every prom
ise of a suitable feature In a vitrified iron
bottom. It Is found that th oven so
equipped, being of the continuous baking
type, la capable of turning out U0 loavea
at a baking, of which there can easily be
eight and sometime ten In a day. with
th ansurance that the product of th oven
will be not less than 1,000 loaves a day, or
enough to furnish the baked bread for a
regiment of soldier. When It la considered
that this bread baking can be conducted
In the field with the troop away from th
conveniences of th garrison. It will be
aipprecuUed . that an important advantage
has been gained over unfavorable condi
tion. .
Vany years were required In making
Geronimo a good Indian.
Vic President Fairbanks I going to start
on a trip around th world as soon aa hi
term of office ends.
There comes from San Francisco evi
dence 'hat the Jaw In which Mr. Heney
was shot has fully recovered.
Mrs. H. L Tibbets ha Just been ap
pointed chairman of th board of charities
la Lowell. Mar. Bh is a woman of means
and social position and has for several
yeara devoted much of hr tlm and her
wealth to charity work.
Johann Martin Bchleyer Invented Vola
puk in a flash of inspiration on sleepless
night. Devotion to ' the original Volapuk
ia still paid by a publication printed In
Grata, th capital of Btyrla. Austria, en
titled "Volapuekabtad Lrsendonik."
Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, physician and au
thor, celebrated th 79th anniversary of
hia birth at hi home, tn Philadelphia, on
Monday. In spit of his advanced age. Dr.
Mitchell I healthy and vlgoroua, and find
time for both litsrary work and profes
sional practice.
The champion long-distano swimmer of
Franc I MUle. Alice Sadoux. This sport
Is In very great favor In Franc, and the
Seine in the summer la dotted for miles
with fair women, who practice the races
that they love, although they may be only
In a friendly way.
National 8oaaals.
Baltimore American.
Rlcctlona to the t'nlted States senst that
cost thousands of dollara come pretty dose
to being national scandals.
.ytbsotutely xVure
Renders the
food more wholesome and su
perior in lightness and flavor
The only baking
made front
Royal Grape Cream
Fremont Tribune: Th silence of Mr.
Bryan on county option In his speech be
fore the legislature was plainly heard clear
across th stats.
Howell Journal (dem.): W are going to
hav th Oregon plan and under It wa pro
pose to send Nebraska's foremost citizen.
W. J. Bryan, to th senate.
Schuyler Free, Lance: Bryan stilt seems
dased and. cannot understand how it hap
pened. He haa been asking his friends as
to the why and he seems to be unable to
understsnd how such a "sure thing" es
caped him again. Oh. brae up. W. J., and
think only of 1913.
Central City Nonpareil: ' From th stand
point of Mr. Bryan's future it I exceed
Ingly unfortunate that the legislature in
Nebraska this year I democratic. As
never before Bryan la up against the real
thing. Me Is being measured now by what
n doe and not by what he aay.
Valley Enterprise; Th temperance people
of Nebraska who sacrificed, everything last
November for th sake of W. J. Bryan
and then witnessed hi overwhelming de
feat outalda of hi own state, must feel
somewhat disappointed when they see the
liquor force dominating the present dem
ocratic legislature with perfect ease.
Falrbury News: In defending Mr. Bryan
against the attack made upon him by
some organ because he Joined the Eagles,
the World-Herald gives It as Its opinion
that If Christ were upon earth today lie
would prefer the association of the mem
bers ot the Eagles to those who stand on
th outside. And now will you Join?
Albion New: Mr. Bryan has been pretty
'smooth" 1n maintaining cordial relations
with Tammany, Jim Dahlman and this class
of people, and also with church and tem
perance people with hi lecture "The Prince
of Peace" and other talks to churches and
Young Men's Christian association societies.
Tha tlm has' come when he will haVe to
decide which side of th fence he la going
to occupy.
Sterling Sun: Hon. W. 3. Bryan addressed
the Joint assembly of the legislature and
tokt them what he thought, they should
and should not do, but this address left no
ray of hope for the woman suffragist or
tha county optionlats that thoy could expect
any assistance from him. They had de
manded that he at least say "where he was
at," but he said not a word. That he la a
member of th order of Eagles they know.
Grand Island' Independent: The senate
haa by a .very small margin passed the
Bryan-schoot-of-oltlxenehlp - Mil.' - However,
the bill ha been amended by the clause '
empowering and instructing the regents of
tha university to establish such a school
"whenever the Board of Regents deem the
same advisable." No wonder the bill is re
ferred to as "denatured." Th people of
Nebraska will not be seen falling over each
other to elect regents who will too quickly
deem th earn advisable."
Bradahaw Republican: Th editor of this
paper most sincerely hope that tbe repub
lican member of th legislature will not
oppcee th Oregon plan to elect United
States senators. It 1 th proper method,
and th fear that a condition might con
front Nebraska similar to th one which
confronted Oregon should be cast to the
wind such a fear 1 absolutely unfounded.
Bryan and hi "Eagles' will never be able
to carry th atate of Nebraska again. We
are not saying that Bryan 1 a "dead duck"
not by any means but we sre saying
that Bryan can aever get th majority
vota of th people of Nebraska against
Ither Burkett or Brown or any other good,
clean republican. Bryan' "Prince of
Peace" haa beoom a hiss and a byword,
and will never again act aa a savior to
him In politics. Hts "Princ of Eagles"
ha don him up for good.
Tork Times: All republicans and most
democrat agree that Mr. Bryan completely
dominates hi party in thl state. Indeed,
a large majority of hi partisans not only
admit that be I all and that ail Is for him.
but theyglory in it. They are proud of
it and nevery more happy than when they
hav direct,' full and complete instructions
from him. No republican baa a right to
complain of that condition. If the demo
crats want a dictator and suprems ruler
they hav a right to hav one, provided
they can find a man who I willing to
serve In that arduous capacity. But the
fre and Independent republican of th
state hav no need of a dictator nor use
for on. They feel that the people ought
to rule and not one man. They are not
hero worshipers, but think every man
should hav a voice in th management
of state affairs. But when the democratic
party la la power, of course, we must all
submit to their dictator. Ha rules ths party
and tti party rules th atate. Every law
passed by thl legislature must be a Bryan
law; It must bear his seal and sign manual.
Any proposed law that he does not approve
win be defeated. How do you Ilk ItT It
Syrup of
and Wholesomeness
The most deliciom for griddle
cakei of all makes or any
use where syrup takes.
a pure, wholesome food.
Int. tft, and jev mir-titht tins.
A see f caoalsf as? canrff
making rscipw Hot free
ronM nanmirra
new Yee-kt
of Tartar.'
wa fun when we could truthfully" ocUs
our democratic friends of having an arbi
trary master, but now he l msster of u
all, anj It Is not so excruciatingly funny.
Is It now t ' ' '
Columbus Journal: The sincerity of th
men who are opposed to the atate accepting
Mr. Carnegie' retiring allowance fund can
not be questioned. Mr.' Carnegie' money,
they say, la "tainted." That is a debatable
question. The fund th Iron master desires
to donate Is .legal coin, and it purchasing
power equal to the dollar dropped Into th
contribution box or spent over the bar for
liquor. The generosity of Mr. Carnegie has
produced a new brand of moralists through
out the stnte, especially among th wor
shipers of Mr. Brysn. Early In the cam
paign last year the red. light district in
Omaha was canvassed and funds secured to
help carry the slat " for Bryan. Whtrt
were the moralists then who are now at
tempting to prejudice the public against ac
cepting the Carnegie allowance fundr Mr.
Bryan and hi brother moralist were silent.
Not a protest was forthcoming. The poli
ticians ana Mr. Bryan were the benefici
aries of the red light donation. That'
whore the difference comes in.
The Doctor Professor, do you know any
thing about political economy?
The Professor I know Just enough
about economy to keep out of politics.
Chicago Tribune,
Knlchor Wouldn't you like to wake up
and find yourself famous?
Bocker I'd rather be so famous I
wouldn't have to wake up. New York Sun.
Chairman Foss of the House Committee
on Naval Affairs I see th Navy depart
ment haa bought 400,1)00 pounds of prune.
I wonder what they are wanted for.
Speaker Cannon I don't know,- unless
they are to be used to. repel boarders.
Congressional Record.
'Colonel, we want a contribution from you
to help build a mission church."
"Judge, you know well enough that, while
I am In sympathy with morality and relig
ion I don't believe in churches In th ab
stract, and "
"Neither do I, colonel. We're going to
build this on of concrete." Chicago Trib
une. The head waiter at the banquet was in a
towering rage.
j iiey paiu mat wui u snuKer auu lor
half an hour's talk," he fumed; "and a)l ,
I got waa 16.06, mostly In nickels!" Wash
ington Star. .i
"I wonder," breathed the old man softly,
to hlnwelf.
"What, pa?" asked his dsuahter. who
with sll the wonderful thlnas thevire i
doing now, they'll ever succeed In making
the oreakleas whit Baltimore American.
"Is your father any better thl morning?"
"I guoss so. His language 1 getting
worse." Detroit Free Press.
Dad Do you know what happens to lit
tle boys that tell lies?
Tad Yep. If they tell good ones, they
get away with it. Cleveland Leader.
"You rive a 'prominent citlien' us author
ity," growled the editor. "Everybody will
suspect it' a fake."
Lt em suspect, replied the reporter
airily. "If they knew the name of the man
they'd be certain It waa a fake."
Under the circumstances the editor did
Uie best he could,
"Slay, old man. don't get disheartened
Just because your first Investment went
wrong-; the market is full of good things,, -j
and if you will come down to the orrice
in the morning I'll give you a pointer."
"That won't do me any good; what I
want is a retriever." Boston Courier.
Chicago Post.
Ho. the south wind! How it blows,
Mingled scents of mint and rose,
Pungent tang aa fine aa musk
Drlftln through the drowsy dusk,
And the wild-grape smell, and whiffs
Of bruised fern upon the cliffs.
Till we close our eyes, and dream
That we see the blossom-gleam.
Dream of orchards where the trees
Shake white petals, and the bees .
Buss and hum and dive and dii
For the honey that they sip; -( ",
Dream of dandelion gold '
On the meadow lands outrolled,-'
And of violets that nod
On the carpet of th aeV
Ho. the. south wind! Fresh and fin",
With the tingling seat of wine. .'
leaping over all the miles "
From the far-off summvr whiles.
Till you breatho your fill, and hanr '
Come from somewhere, tow and clear
A bird-sons; ss sweetly dim
As the echo of a hymn. '' '
All -the trees about are"
But th flavor of the air '
Bets you dreaming of the leaves,
And the vines whose tangled weave
Huild a fabric where Is blent
Hymbols of the orient.
Build a canopy of green
Where the sunshine drips between. .
Ho, the south "wind! How it sings
In its myvtlo niunnurings .
Till the very heart of you
Trobs Its measures through and through
And you stand with forehead bare J . c
While It tousles up your hair, ", t
Pranks, and plays, and chants In glee - i
Of the days that are to be! ' J,
' '
1 1