Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1909, Page 10, Image 10
10 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1900. STILL AFTER WHITE SLAYERS United States Officers Make Important Arrest at Crawford, Neb. WILLIAM KARSLAR PUT EI JAIL Oaa of Gaaa? that the Aathnrltles Have Been fterklaa; for Brlaclaa; la Homrn of Immoral Character. Thst the United 8tste Immigration au thorltiea are determined to abolish the whit slave traffic In the west In evidenced by the arrest Bundajr of William Karslar, allis Jack Handera, at Crawford, on the charge of Importing alien women Into the country for Immoral purpose. The woman In question thla time Is Jane Jonee, who H with otho.r women brought Into Ne braaka In May. 1908. Karslar waa Wound over In fl.dno, and falling to aecure ball la locked up In Jail at Chadron. Ilia arrest waa brought about In a pe culiar way. He waa wanted by the atate uthorltlea for selling liquor without a license, and waa apprehended In Denver and brought to Crawford by the atate authorities under a requisition. He fur nished ball for this offense and was about to return to Denver when he waa arrested by Deputy United 8tntes Marshal A. M. Wright on a complaint sworn out by the Immigration authorities, charging him with Importing Immoral women Into the country. ." T'Krler Oae of a Gaaa;- Karslar waa one of three others whom the Immigration authorities wanted for the same offense and for maintaining an Im moral hou?e at Chadron. They were l-oulne Flore, alias Llllle Krlcboom; Teter I Krlcboom and Thereso Krlcboom, who were arrested several days ago at Chadron at tbe Instance of Immigrant In spector W. It. Mansfield, formerly of Omaha, but now of Denver. The Krlc boomi are now out on ball. It Is alleged that the Krlcboom s and Karslar are the agents of the white slave Importing concern, with headquarters In Chicago and New Tork, which has recently been broken up by the government au thorities. A Mrs. Desprees, recently arrested In Omaha for harboring Llllle Du Prey prior to the latter' arrest and deportation, Is aid to be In collusion with the Krlcbooms and Karslar, importers of Immoral women. OMAHA GETS NO TOURNEY Coses the Military Function to Des Moines at Result of Hall's Vigilance. Ylmaha will nnt get the regular army military tournament this year as was an ticipated. Congressman J. A. T. Hull of the Des Molnoa (Iowa) district, who does not let anything get away from Des Moines, has succeeded In convincing the War depart ment thnt Des Molnr.i Is the only place worthy to be considered In the matter of a military tournnmrnt during this yrar of our Ixrd, 1M., So neither St. Joseph nor Omaha need expect to witness any mill tary displays this year unless It puts up the price for a visit to Des Molncs. Brigadier General Charles Morton, de partment commander; Lieutenant Colonel W. P. Evans, chief of stuff, and Major D. K. McCarthy, chief quartermaster of the Department of the Missouri, will go to Des Moines Tuesday to lork over the ground for the proposed tournament and will make their recommendations accord ingly. The tournament will txke p!ace some time In September and about 5,000 regular troops from the pnl of the Department of the M1S' ur1, Including cavalry, artillery, In fantry, tlm ensln-or and signal corps, will participate. The tournnment, which will Include all rorts of military maneuvers, military ballooning and miscellaneous mili tary, drills and athletics, will last about U'n days. M ""- - Tuesday's Special Sales 49 c 49c 6 TfTT hTvlk a w:'mm-"mww.m m. vvy H T7T TTT3 ETTiiTil'T h 0 M n ll U K Jf HELPING'S HEWING SII,KS, flloa, roma embroidery silks etc. Art Needlework dept About the New Spring Suits i 60-inch grey mixture Dress Goods Suitings in new checks, stripes and bars, at, yard 300 pieces of fancy Dress Silks New spring patterns, on bargain square. 27-inch fancy and plain Tokio Silks OQn QCfe Thousands of yards at two special prices, yd" v L"0elL Women's and men's Umbrellas Plain and fancy handles, Paragon frames mercerized twill worth up CQf to $1.50, at , vJL Many with case, cord and tassel unusual bargain. Women's and men's all pure linen Handkerchiefs, 1 n at, each j 0 2t Women's and men's fine cotton Handkerchiefs. 01 q White and colored borders, all kinds, at, each. . . 0 2 v Women's colored embroidered Collars, laundered, at 5c ine vai. .Laces ana insertions In white, ecru r j and fancy colors, bargain square, yard 31 ji wide corset cover Embroideries at, yard 15c Fine torchon and wide curtain Laces at, yard 5c Women's fast black Hosiery, seamless, good 1 weight, at, pair '. 0 2Vt Men's Socks, mixed Rdckford style Blue and ra brown, at, pair . . .31 5 BIG BARGAINS IN BASEMENT All Well Known Staple Merchandise. At regular muslin sheet and pll" low case dept. Lonsdale and Fruit of the Loom muslin. These afe the most popular of all the yard wide bleached goods sold from the bolt, Tuesday fore noon, at, yard , 6c Staple apron check ginghams. from the bolt When you Bee the quality you will know the brand. Never again will you have a better chance to buy apron ginghams that are sold as high as 6 He yard, all day Tuesday, at, yard 3!c iara wiae ftew style Percales Better percales than these cannot be had for 12 He yard. Waist and dress lengths, In the pretty medium and light styles just the thing for He spring wear all day Tuesday, yard . lit Bleached Armorslde Sheeting 9-4 wide, with the welded seam which makes It more durable than . the regular sheeting. This Is something new and will give splendid satisfaction, regular 24c values, at, yard 16c Dreas Ginghams Everyone should attend this special sale. All the new fancy styles, also staple stripes and checks In lengths suitable for waisU, dresses and children's vam . . . . . . uesi oi me popular domestic ginghams. au aay Tuesday, yd 5c H U Brandeis Stores I NEW ARMY ROSTER ISSUED List of Troops Within the Depart nient of the Mlsauarl He vised. The new roster of the Department fit the Missouri has Just been Issued from depart ment headquarters. It shows the following troops serving In the department Engineers, Third battalion, Fort Iavenworth. Hos pital corps. Company A, Fort D. A. Russell, Wyo. Signal corns. Companies, B, D and H. Fort Omaha. Cavalry. Becond regiment, Fort Des Molncs: Fourth regiment, head quarters, band and first and third squad ron, Fort Meade, 8. I.; Seventh regiment, Fort Riley, Kan,; Eighth regiment, head quarters, band and first and third squad rons (less Troop M), Fort Robinson, Neb.; Troop M, Fort I). A. Russell; Tenth regi ment, Troop M. Fort Riley; Thirteenth regiment, third squadron, . Fort Leaven worth (will sail for the Philippines March 5.) Field artillery, Second regiment, battery C; Fourth regiment, headquarters, second battalion and Battorles E and F, Fort IX A- Russell; Fifth regiment Battery K. Fort Leavenworth; 8lxth regiment. Fort Riley. Infantry, Eleventh regiment, third battalion, Fort D. A. Russell; Thirteenth ragiment, Fort Leavenworth; Sixteenth regiment,, headquarters, band and seoond and third battalions. Fort Crook, and Nine teenth regiment, third battalion. Fort Mac kenste, Wyo. To several posts of the department have a capacity for accommodating 11,667 men and about 10,000 horses. There is now under actual construction at the several posts sixty-five sets of offi cers' quarters, twenty-six seta of quarters for enlisted men and , foir stables for horses. These do not contemplate the ad dition and buildings to be constructed at the various poBts under the new appro priations for building purposes during the present year. Honorable discharge by purchase has been granted Corporal Walter M. Wright, Company M, Sixteenth Infantry, , Fort. Crook. rrlvate J. C. Plerson of the signal corps has been ordered to proceed to Fort Rob inson, Neb., to relieve Sergeant Thomas Williams of the saqie corps. In completing the installation of a telephone line at that poBt. Sergeant Williams will return to Fort Omaha. ' ! voscto c$cs xuVvS as oxcbvc tCTitkySyro? cjFiatlxr Ms A scWt oA&ttlxnuto vdtttta qXut,Us wA to iuyyXavJl W tujXuw JatvtVvouS Au&muA &fal Av vu&Xy xp2nYn'Vor iv3urwTi, ifcWavaW4, CALIFORNIA Fio Syrup Co. M kuw- atAa sm M.a MrrvC Eierj Wcmaa Will t3 Islereslel a) faa wn -4 at S ai"iw itl I MIX ""- fcWWH M th Isn't I IVIoco BLIND PIG IS CAPTURED Old Animal la taaaht I.irklnar Va Tabfal of strong, Red Drink. A "blind pig," In full operation, with a tuhful of bottled beer and whisky on hand and three colored people making merry around the fountain of their joy, was raided i by Police Officera Donohoe, Wooldrldgo, Mitchell and Msloney Sunday. morning. The joint waa located at 1311 Davenport atrcet and Lattla Clayton, a negrera, was ar- lerted aa the keeper of the house, while Carl Lee and A. Hat bin, also colored, were arrested as lnmatea. All three were charged with being suspicious characters at the police station. The tub of liquor waa held aa evidence against the trio. 'Ah didn't do nothln' wrong," declared the Clayton woman In court. "Ah Jea' drunk eight bottlea of beer Sunday an' didn't d nothln' else." She and the two men were dlacharged. there being no evidence that beer was sold or that any disturbance occurred at the Clayton woman's house. CHAMPION BEEF ON THE HOOK Carraaa af Nebraska Bred Prli" Steer flaw la Loral Coollas Raaa. The Nabraaka-bred champion steer, which haa attracted such universal attention fur Its general perfection, has been transposed Into marketable beet and la now In the cooling rooms of the Swift Parking com pany's satabllshment at Thirteenth and Iavenworth streets and wtll shortly b dispoawt of to Omaha, consumers. The dressed carcass Is now on exhibition and la pronounced by meat men the best specimen of perfect bevf ever shown In Omaha. The steer waa IH years old and dreesed tit pounds. T. J. Shorter, local manager for the Swift company jn Omaha, takea especial pride In this spler.illd sprclmen of Nebraska beef, ahUh ha staled araa a cred.t to the Stat nnlvsralty, and la an vide oca that with Intelligent cara Nebraska la capable of pro ducing ti.e finest beef In the worUt. Aarstaa-taa Ibarra Meetlaa. VT.H MOINKS. la.. Kb- a.-Ftrmal an nousjcamanl of the data of the nest meeting of the laternattoaal eottforanre of the I'nhxt Norwegian Lrfitheraa cbareh. to lake plat e at Ixs Molttea June l IX waa made ttlar. A aevtaas KiMsisaa rrailta fruaa chroale eaasilpathNB. I. King Kew lJU Itlia aura aeaAaraa, aioaasck ller aad bawel treat..' a Wot aala b bMias I r i'et it's a good deal when you pay it out for a pair of men's shoes that are worth no more, and for all you know until you have worn them a week, a great deal less. Our customers never take such chances when they buy a pair of Our $3.50 Specials for Men Every pair has more than $3.50 to them, and our guar antee is your money back if you are not satisfied. Patent colt, velour and ho calf and vici kid all the new and latest lasts. Drexel Shoe Co. 1119 Farnsm Street i 4 Tka ear tiigh-claai Baluag Ptowdar soU at islaraai nm. The business now being done In new suits is highly gratifying. It demonstrates a point we have persistently made that Bennett's maintain a commanding position in Omaha retailing of women's apparel. We say It again, and we are told so almost daily by women who grow enthusiastic over tbe showing that it's the most representative line of smrt models at popular prices in the stores of this city. Our buyers are in touch with the master tailors and designers and manufacturers turn ing out women's apparel on the closest margins. The smart, graceful lines upon which the new suits are modeled will appeal to you. The pretty fabrics, the serges and light weight worsteds in their new shadings of taupe green, taupe gray, ashes of roses, the new blues, the tans, etc., compel the admiration of all. There's quality, too, conspicuous In every one of them, yet the prices are surprisingly moderate Oxford Ties and Slippprs Very Speeial TUESDAY. An opportunity not often pre sented. Reductions are decisive with but one object In view, quick clearance. Women's House Slippers, with or without straps, broken sizes, $1.60 values. If your slee is here, buy them for 50 Women's Oxfords Ties and low. shoes, hand sewed, In patent kid, patent colt, gun metal and vlcl, regular $3 values, pair $1.69 Women's Low Shoes Regular $3 and $4 kinds, small sizes only, to close, pair 91.00 Men's Houso Slippers Comfort able and usually sell at 75c Tuesday, on sale while they last, at, pair 43 A SILK SURPRISE Soft, washable black Jap silk, about half value. It's the kind that makes ideal summer waists for all who wear black. It's 27 inches wide and regu larly gells at 50c, 25 pieces' on sale at . . . MISS MINERVA and WILLIAM GREEN HILL AKOTHZS Kl. WlOOa. Another new book. with a delight ful little love story by Frances Boyd Calhoun. . . Hcreamlngly ridiculous situa tions mingled with bits of pathos In the delightfully humorous tale of the south. You'll be in a whirl of laughter over "Sanctified Bophy," "Uncle Jimmy-Jawed Jupiter," ' and "Aunt Blue-Qam Tempy a Peruny Pearllne'a thll lens. Your heart will go out to little Billy and the quaint speeches of bad Jimmy, Billy's chum, who says, "You all tlnrn otter get little boys In trouble. you 'tout ma smart-Alexist Jack rabbit they Is." 12 mo. sise, richly bound, list price $1.00, In our book section, at 29c L(89c I M tiic Ti'iniTV-crrnnn MimvFnsAnY SAIT Ilia I 11 tall I I UkUUIIU Illla.S aalSWIteS i rnNTfNiirs WITH UNABATED INTEREST TUESDAY V VVIIIfl'W Eight More Days of the Tremendous Bargain Offerings TNI RELIABLB STORK Every Day a suit dt of keen In-V terest to buyers. V Tuesday we clem up all odd lots and broken lines from the past three days' tremendius selling Four Big Specials in the Cioak Department' Near Seal and Astrakhan Fur Coats Just 25 in the lot, garments that sold regularly up to $40.00 will be closed Tuesday at on price; most magnificent bargains ever offered at, C 1 4 Qfl V ITiVU 3 choice . Women's Cloth Coats 100 garments in the lot, well worth $12.60, choice Tuesday 'or S2.05 Women's Long Silk Ki monos Big assort ment for selection 16.00 values, on sale, choice S2.95 Many other delightful bargains in Women's Ready-to-Wear Garment otJ all descriptions. Come early. . Women's Sateen Under skirtsThe regular $1.25 quality, all sties, will go In thla sale t GO Bennett's Big Grocery .80o and 40 Oreen . . 3Bo and 40 Oreen .l.M and 50 Oreen Bennett's Reliable Coffee, lb. Teas., assorted, pound Pride of Bennett's Clour, sack Capitol' Baking; Powder, 6 lba SI. OO and 100 Oreen Fruit Jellies. Dure, slass .18140 Gal Hard's Olive Oil. larK bottle 70o and 40 Green Minute Gelatine, assorted flavors. 2 Dkas SBo and Bnlder's Pork and Beans, can , 900 and Cleaned Currants, three lbs ...B5o Seedless Raisins, California Seedless, usual price 15c; special, three pounds for , SBo FKK-O-See, four pkgs SBo Diamond S Chill Sauce, bottle ISo and 10 Oreen Orated Horseradish, bottle So Hub-No-More Soap, six cakes 860 and Poppy Kvap. Milk, large can lOo and Pure Honev. Mason Dint Jar SBo and Strait's Cube Pineapple, can .'. ..SOo and 10 Green Burnham's 20c Clam Chowder lSHo Monarch. Asparagas, pieces, large can 83 o and 10 Green Glen Rosa Seedless Raisins, pound pkgs., regular 15c quality; special, pkg loo 10 Oreen 10 Green 10 Green 5 Oreen 20 Oreen Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stamps Stampa Stamps Stamps Stamps The Jewel Series Watch for Ladles Is the proper size. They are small, good, and taaty plain and engraved patterna ranging around $25.00 and $36.00. They are beauties. Spend a few minutes and see them. Look for the name S. W. LINDSAY. Jeweler IBIS DOUGLAS 8TKXZT It cou leas amd a mat h nor roarralrat to re mala Onrwm Iowa I sooa and Lunch at Hanson's Tha quirk srtee a ad reasonable rhai-gat are swrartalajr Tea wU) fla4 tao las are eat Wualnoaa mm aera daily. . Sfr 1 i 1 J J to California Oregon Washington r or Idaho EVERY DAY March 1 to April 30, 1909 LOW QUE WAY RATES Are In effect to many points In these states. Tickets good In Tour ist Bleeping Cars (on payment of tourUt car rates). By taking a Tourist Car to the Pacific Coast passengers can save money. Tour ist Sleepers run through dally. MA UNION PACIFIC Electric Block Signals all the Wit Tbi to Tnttl Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 Farnam Street. Thonssi Bell, Doug. 183S lad. A -3831 SBERIHVS CHILBLAIN CURE Speedily and permanently cures FROST BITES AND CHILBLAINS Also Coras, Soft Ooras and Baaloaa. Price, per bottle lie, by mall 10c. Sherman & LlcConucIl Drug Co. Corner Mth and Dodge Insets- TO-NICnT Great Linoleum Sale Continues Tuesday QCp nH Q'lf or prado rprec Linoleums, worth uul dllU OUw regularly to 75c a square yard. Long remnants of full bolts. Nearly a carload, over 7,000 square yardsj left from Monday's great sale will be closed Tuesday. Don't miss this great opportunity. Y -a Anniversary Furnishing Goods Specials Small lots and broken lines Sales, greatest snaps ever. . 9 to 10 A. M. Men's and boys' heavy fleeced shirts, to 75c val ues, men's and boys' sweaters, woolen and heavy cotton, val ues to $2.00; choice .25c 10 to 11 A. M. Men's Tercale Shirts, in neat stripes and 50 doz. work shirts, 50c and 75c values, at 25c to be closed in a series of Hour 11 A. M. to 12 M Men's heavy wool shirts and drawers, all sizes, made to sell at $1.50 gar ment; on sale for this hour 39c 2 ta 3 P. M. Ladies 'Muslin Gowns, values to $2.50; choice of lot :goc 3 to 4 P. M. Ladies' Muslin Corset Covers, values to $1.00; at, choice 29o. j F Brand Hew Lots of Seasonable Silks $1.00 Novelty Bilks. 40o Checks, plaids, hairline' stripes, .all the richest new colorings and patterns better than ever values, at An niversary sale price 40 91.50 Silk Remnants, flOc Import ed novelties, Dresden patterns, . brocades, etc.; lengths up to 26 yards, values to $1.50 yard, all at one price, per yard . . . . Acknowledged leaders in Black Silk values. See our spec ial bargains for Tuesday's selling. Extra Specials for Tuesday From 9 to 0:30 A. M. One case of 12 He Outing Flannel, light stripes, fluffy fine goods, 10 yards limit, at, - per yard 5 From 10 to 10:80 A. M. One case of Brlc-a-Brac, tine bleached muslin, regular price 8c yard, 10 yards limit, at, per yard 4K From 2 to 2:80 P. M. One case of 15c large Bath Towels, some bleach ed, some unbleached, two pairs to case of V sold at itomer, 88 I customer, at, each OHc From 8 to 8:80 I. M. One fine Cotton Blankets that $1.75 pair, two pairs to cue at, per pair From 4 to 4:30 P. M. One cage of 36 inch good heavy Unbleached fesJbs- lin, worth 7 He yard, 10 yards limit, at. per yard 3H Ten unadvertlaed specials during the day. Highland Havel Orange Sale Tuesday The most Luscious Fruit Grown. We are headquarters In Omaha (or th Hlg-n-lsnd Navels beware of spurious lmlta tlona. We have Juat received a special car for this ssle, at the following- prices: Regular 60c else, per dosen 30o Regular 40o slse, per dosen 86 Regular SOc else, per dosen SOo Regular 26c slse, per dosen lo Just try them once and you will be convinced there Is nothing finer grown. Anniversary Bale of Freeh Yea-etablss Freah Berts, Can Ms, Turnips or Onions, per bunch Fresh Parsley, large bunches 8J4" Fresh Cauliflower, per lh Fresh Bw.t Potatoes, per lb 3l.o Two heads fresh Lettuce So Fresh Cabbage, .lb lUo Fresh Hothouse Radishes, 1 bunches.. 6o Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips, Rutabagas, Red Onions, eta., lb So Fresh Spinach per peck .....BQo Fancy cucumbers. Bellevue Celery, bur Large Grape Fruit. New Honey, per rack IS Ho Monday a prices in all groceries, butter, cheese, crackers, teas, coffees and dried fruits. r linn ....ayo each . So jnch. aoo, 30a, SOo, 85c t t. eaph 3Vo' DON'T FORGET TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST DR. BRADBURY, DENTIST Painless Extracting Crowns, up from.. M Partial Plates, up from MOO Fillings, up from SO Porcelain fr'UHnga, up from 9130 1BOS TAMWAM RTBUT. 17 Teats same afflea. Vassal S. 175. Bridge Work, per tooth, up from SS.BO Nerves removed with out pain. axvioLia woai A arsciAXTT. Work guaranteed tea years. TWENTIETH CENTURY FAR WE R Btaase Ute Lisa aak Mea. Not Much Trouble To Move if you let us handle It for you. W have roomy vans and expert movers who relievo you of every uncertainty and worry. Wo have unsurpassed stor age facilities. OMAHA VAN & STORAGE CO. Dour. 1M9 Ind. A-1M9. Reliable Dentistry TatTs Denial Rooms Right or Wrong Electricity tor power Is either desperately wrong or everlast ingly right. Tou ought to know which. Motors connected direct to machines, eliminating useless lino shafting, aro either a big mistake or a big advantage. A motor started with a simple switch by ordinary workmen, compared to high priced engineers to start the engine. Is either a foolish fad or advanced common sense. It will pay you to Investigate. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. Y. M. 0. A. BUILDING finntr.e Deuartmcnt. . Both Phones. Baltimore & Ohio Railroad SPECIAL FARES FROM CHICAGO PHESinKNTIAL INAUGUnATION. 126.50 Washington. D. C. and Return. Ticket good going Fob. IS. March S. Including return limit March I. NATIONAL UOWLI.a TOtKNAMKNT. fit. 36 Pittsburg. Pa., and Keturn. Tickets good going Fob. II. March I and 16. Keturn limit. March II. FLOItlDA AND HAVANA. CVIIA AND RETURN." Low FARES. Stop-overs at Pittsburg, Washington and all points south. Also varlaLlo routes. TOr-OYEK, NOT TO EXCEED TEN DATH. ALLOWED ON THROUGH FIKriT C-LAJW TICKET AT WASUl.NtiTOX. IIALTIMOKK AM) rUlLADELI'MLi. For Information, add re as W. A. Pre ton B. N. Aaotla. T. P. A.. 144 Clark EC. ti. P. A-. Chicago. Chlcaga, I I 4 'I ')