Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1909, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
Taesday, Feersary 2.1. IKK.
Legislature Hold Joint Setiioa in
Honor of Firtt President
Quotei Liberally from Public Utter
ances of Wtihirifc-ton.
Duty of Citiieni to Remember the
Great Ken of Country.
artlna I Seaate Will K 'Allee
Bills Penalttlaa- M(Aif Aniw
riti-1 BUI far Ess ri
nses tal Fa rase.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 2. (Special.) "Labor, to
keep alive that spark of celestial fire called
conscience," Washington' own motto,
which he carried In hi mind constantly,
was the Injunction of Chief Justice Reese
lo the member of the Nebraska legislature
who met In Joint session In representative
hall thla afternoon to honor the memory
of the nation' first president.
"On yonder flat are "forty -six bright
stars, one. of which represents Nebraska,
Let every vote you cast tend to make the
star of Nebraska the brightest star of them
an," were the concluding words of an ad
dress by Governor Ashton C. Shallenberrer.
The legislature transacted no business
today other than to pay tribute to the
memory of the father of his country. In
addition to speeches by the chief justice
of the supreme court and the governor of
the elate. Representative Dan Nettleton.
Senator Frank Ransom and Senator George
Wiltse made short though Impressive talks.
K-ach drew from the life of .Washington
some Inspiration for a higher citisenshlp;
a greater patriotism, a deeper love for
countiy. Together Uiey told the story of
the great obstacles Washington overcame
before he finally and forever established
"a government of the people, by the peo
ple and for the people." They told how,
though born an aristocrat, of wealthy par
ents, he cast his lot with the poor, strug
patriots who sought to free themselves
from the yoke of taxation without repre
sentation. Washington had no Incentive
to cause hint to take the course he did
ether than a choice between right and
"One of the greatest things Washington
did hi my opinion," said Senator Wiltse,
"was when be was called before the con
tinental congress and ordered to take
chary of the army. He replied, I will
keea a etrict aooount of my expenses and
that is all yon will have to pay.' "
"This country has degenerated elnce
thin," continued Senator Wtltse. 'The
ejMstiaa .now fcv 31ow much 1 there In!
ur- 1
Elecatlmal Advaataaree.
Jndge Reese reviewed Washington's early
career, showing that the father of the
country was not a person of education, hut
he had attended school taught by a man
named Hobby, who had been brought to
America, as were other school teachers, as
a semt-olBve. Then he had taken a course
at Williams college. He went out by him
self and surveyed large tracts of land with
out compensation In order to Improve his
education. The house in which the school
was taught was built of lo- In the middle
of a fte!d In which tobacco had been grown
so long the ground was not productive.
Beneath the floor of the building the pigs
rooted and slept.
Dan Nettleton of Clay county was the
first speaker and he waa Introduced by
Lieutenant Governor Hopewell as a
"vfteran of the rlvtl war; a veteran citizen
cf Nebraska, and a veteran member of the
Mr. Nettleton reviewed the historical fact
that when the tide of Immigration set In
from the old country to the new there were
two distinct classes, though of the una
blood. One class hoped to build up in Vir
ginia an aristocracy such as existed in
England, an aristocracy which was loval
to the king and which recognised the
Church of EnRland. The ether clsss came
to America for the purpose of worshiping
. God according to the dictates of their own
conscience. Washington's parents belonged
to the aristocratic class.. But when the
crisis canie Washington cast his lot with
the sons of the Puritans, deciding solely on
the question. "Has England the right to
ta us without our consent ? In conclu
sion Mr. Nettleton said. "He died physic
ally, but the heritage be left is ours today.
This heritage was the bright star which
gave the courage and hope that saved the
union and caused our flag to go unchal
lenged In every state In the union."
Senator Ransom recited the many obsta
cles Washington had to overcome la estab
lishing this government as it is today, and
he recited how the constitution of the
Vnlted States was written behind closed
doors while the newsnapera and the dema
gogues and the politicians abused and vili
fied and found fault. Washington's mem
ary today was being honored all over the
world. Not aa a general, but because Wash
ing stood for a higher citisenshlp and for
Senator Wiltse told the story of "The
Man Without a Country," and used the
occasion to urge a better patriotism and
a better citisenshlp. "The name of Wash
ington always suggests patriotism."
Will IP and Loan: Itrk.
Governor Shallenberger congratulated the
legislature that It put aside its routine
work of the day and gave the time to doing
honor to the memory of Washington. The
good patriot, he said, must have enshrined
In his heart the love of the country's great
mrs and heroes. The governor reviewed the
wonderful development of the country since
the days of Valley Forge, and particularly
this western country of which Nebraska Is
a part. He told bow Jefferson bought the
Louisiana territory, his commission on pay
ing S6.0u0.0uu more than the S10.ott0.0u0 first
agreed upon by Nspoleaa, and how this
co mm,! salon apologised to the president for
agreeing to the higher price. The public
records at Washington, he said, showed
' that cut of thla publle land purchased the
government had realised la sales more than
S30a.0u0.MB and out of h had bean caned
eleven great states. Nebraska alone, the
governor eald. had raised surplus products
to the amount of KSC.0M.tt9a.
Patriotic eungs were sung by a quartet
frets &e First Congregational church and
at the oocolusioo of the exercise a vets
JCttstUued ca Second Fa-.)
909 FEBRUARY 909
r"Z ',3 4 5 6
7 v .10 II 12 13
14 L 7 18 19 20
21 21
Congressman Kinkaid not hopeful for
the passage of his bill reducing amount
of improvements required on Kinkaid
homesteads. Page 1
Congressman Burton yesterdsy made
a sensational reply to charges made by
Mr. Ralney against financial d-al for
Panama canal. Pags t
Seven men cremated In wreck of Penn
sylvania train at Delmar, Del., and Trixie,
famous Iowa trick horse, Is killed Page..
Return of Atlantic squadron is occa
sion of big demonstration at Hampton
Roada and President Roosevelt praises
men and ships. Pag-
President-elect Taft in address at Uni
versity of Pennsylvania lauds learned
profession as aid to political govern
ment. Page
High Private won the California derby
at Emeryville. Joe Madden waa second.
The stake was worth fS.160 to the win
ner. Page T
South Omaha riot quiet down. City
likely to be held responsible fo rthe dam
age to persons and property. Pags X
Three orators at mass meeting which
preceded the South Omaha riots disclaim
saying anything which Incited the
trouble. Page 1
Federal official arrest man and woman
at Chadron o nthe charge of being en
gaged in the white alave traffic. Pag 10
Live stock markets. Pace
Grain markets. Pag
Stocks snd bonds. Pag
Komam op ocxajt VTZAJUxxpa.
Pert. Arrived. Bailee.
KB' YORK Laulrluia.
NSW YORK hmw Tork
Ql KENPToWN. . .Celtic Lecsala.
C1BKALTAB O. Kirruarst
SOI THAMPTON. Philadelphia
MOVILLE rwmtnloB
HALIFAX KanMiaa Tanislaa.
Keys af the City Termed Over t
the Maaareli af Mardl
NEW ORLEANS, Feb. S. Today
marked the arrival of Rex In New Orleans
and the turning over to the monarch of
Mardl Ores of the keys of the city. Thou
sands of people lined Canal street to await
the arrival of the king of the carnival and
the long parade of civic and military es
corts of the royal visitor, whose entry
was signalised with a deafening shriek of
whistles of dosens of steamboats and
larger vessels along the Hver front.
With a number of military organisation
from other states, a big representation of
the militia of Louisiana, various civic
bodies, and a score of bras band In line,
the parade waa one of the most notable la
the history of the city.
Maasaredle Wanta a Drink When
Tald af rilaht fraaa the
(From a Stai Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Neb.. Fab. 2T (Special Tele
gram.) The first request of John Msu
aaredla. the wounded Greek from South
Omaha, who was brought here for safe
keevAng asked for a glass of bear. He was
carried off the train here on a stretcher.
He asked where he was and was told by
the offloars be had been brought to Lin
coln t keep a mob from getting him.
"Give roe a glass of beer," he requested.
The request was denied. V
He vraa taken at once to the penitentiary.
Wife af Prosalarat Cnieaaaa
peeta Pel law Passes arer
f Taking; Jewels.
LONDON. Feb. 21 Mra James Hamilton
Lewis of Chicago, who is at the Hotel Cecil
In this city, lost t&SnO worth of Jewelry
while crossmg the Atlantic recently In the
steamship Mauretania. Mra. Lewis ex
pressed suspicion of a fellow passenger.
Are you going to
move in the spring?
Why move a lot of
things you won't
want in the new
Matt res.Hr people who
think about mo vim prepare for the
ordeal by looking around to see
what they would like to sell. Then
they write out a want ad telling
about them and put the ad in The
Bee, '
It's a sure way to clean out
the things that yon don't want
to move a money maker, too.
That's one reason why there
are so many bargains on The
Bee want ad page. Have you
read them yet, today !
" i
Temperature yesterday:
J7 7 a. m
ye7 'fCZ a. m
-mi a. m V
Txi ?r:J i - 41
VVf 11 m
!&wtLL p-m 34
J r.'t ' " p. m .
i I i
Congress Not Inclined to Eedv.ce
Amount of Improvement!.
Order to Cheese Traasfer Folat from
Valentine te Craakstaa far Rose
had Sapplles Held I by
ladlaa C asmteslener.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
gran.) Judge Kinkaid Is not so sure about
his bill reducing the improvement require
ments within the territory of the so-called
Kinkaid act. which he introduced early in
the Sixtieth congress, and in a letter be is
, sending to his constituents n the Sixth
j Nebraska district he frankly admits he is
; in doubt about the timeliness of the meas
ure. Evidently Kinkaid has heard from
home, for he states that there is enouxh
difference of opinion existing as ta the
advisability of securing a rwJuctlon of Im
provements under the one-section act to
dffer pressing the bill any furthrr nntll
lie is definitely Informed as to the propor
tion of sentiment for and aealnFt the reduc
tion of the value of Improvements.
Representative Kinkaid state that In
order to secure consideration of any amend
ment to the rne-sectlon act the value of
Improvement would have to be fixed as
high as cents and possibly at 75 cents
per acre tind he therefore calls upon his
constituents for light and help that accept
able legislation may be enacted. In the
meantime the Kinkaid bill, which sought to
fix the value of Improvements at cents
per acre, "sleeps the sleep that knows no
Chaaae la Court Dates.
Senator Clark of Wyoming today, from
the committee on judiciary, made a favor
able report without amendment on the
Burkett bill changing the dates for meet
ing of the federal circuit and district courts
as follows: At Omaha, beginning the
fourth Monday In December and the first
Monday in April; at Norfolk, beginning on
the third Monday In September; at Grand
Island, beginning on the second Monday
in January: at North Platte, beginning on
the first Monday In January; at Chadron,
beginning on the second Mcnday In Sep
tember; at Lincoln, beginning on the first
Monday In October and the second Monday
In May; at Hastings, beginning on the
second Monday in March; at McCook, be
ginning on the first Monday in March.
"a Change la Transfer Statlea Now.
Some time ago Senator Burkett received
a communication from citlsens of Valentine
In which they urged thst the shipping sta
tion for the Rosebud agency now at Valen
tine be transferred to Crookston. The Sen
ator presented the objections to the com
missioner of Indian sf fain. Today the
commissioner stated with reference to the
matter that no decisive ar tion will be taken
by the Indian office until it has obtained
a perfectly clear understanding of the
points Involved, that Is, distance, condition
of roada, costs of wagon transportation,
liquor traffic, etc. The commissioner stated
farther that no change would be made un
less it. was clearly demonstrated that the
transfer would result In some advantage to
the government and that it would not op
erate to the disadvantage of the Indian
teamsters while engaged In the transporta
tion of supplies for the Rosebud agency
and school.
Fez ladlaas at Capital.
E. I. Wilcox of Montour, Tama county.
Iowa, Is In Washington today as guide and
Interpreter of several of the most pictur
esque Indian chieftains who have been seen
about the capltol for some time. These
chieftains belong to the Fox tribe of Iowa,
snd are g-uadilay attired in balnkets, tur
bans, feathers, moccasins, deerskin leg
gins, etc. They loow for all the world
like beings from Cooper's "leather Stock
ing" tales. The party consists of James
Petlss. George Morgan. Ta-Ta-Posh, Wy-Tu-No-Sweet
and Pan-May-Coy.
Today these Indians, all old friends of
Senator Ctunmina, called upon the former
governor and tomorrow aill he taken to
the White House to pay their respects to
the president, and later to the Interior de
partment to see Secretary Garfield and the
Indian commissioner.
These Indians are here in regard to eet
tllng up some old claims against the gov
ernment dating bark a generation, regard
ing annuities altered to be wroigfully with
held by "t'ncle Sam."
Captain William Peck, leader of the
Fourth Regiment National Guards hand of
Watertown. 8. D.. will with his band ar
rive In Washington Thursday and in the
inaugural parade furnish march tr.uslc for
the Twin City Roosevelt club.
' and Hasan ter af Maaraate Leave
Sew Yark far
NEW TORK. Feb. H.-E. H. Harriman,
who is breathing the fresh air of Texas at
his little tent colony nesr San Antonio,
will be Joined next week by his wife and
daughter, Carol Harriman.
They will leave here for the aouth on
Thursdsy in one of the Harriman private
cara With them win go Mr. and Mrs.
Robert L. Gerry and Mra. Robert Goelet
and othera. Toung Robert Goelet is already
with Mr. Harriman. aa is Miss Mary Harri
man. The Harriman party will return to
New Tork by way of Chicago after their
Mexican and Pacific coast tour.
-aae Jadlrlary rassaalMee Apsalats
Wrdaeaday as Tlsse s etlle
eel restrsTtrsy,
WASHINGTON, Feb. C -In view of the
cortroversy which the report of the sub
committee to Investigate the merger of the
Ter i.essee Coal and Iron company and the
t'nlted States Steel corporation 1 certain
to provoke the senate committee on Judici
ary today agreed to put the whole question
c er until Wednesdsy afternoon, when a
special session will be held to give it con
Stare Chleaa-e Taath Is Parsaed
and shot r Pel lee
CHICAGO. Feb. B. Jamas Plash, SO
years old. was shot and killed while re
turning from a dance early today by
Prank Havle. S years eld.
Havl was pursued by Policeman James
Stanton and shot down. He will probably
die. Vavle declared at the hospital that
Plash and some of his eompaoJoa at
tempted U crowd him off U sidewalk.
. m ,, i m - a . , y ... it
From Collier's.
Eeturn of Battleships Occasion of
Demonstration at Hampton Eoads.
Declares Ita Trip Areas! the Warld
Uaa Dewssitralei the Battle
ESrlescT af the Asserl
raa Navy.
FORT MONROE. Feb. il-The Mayflower
hauled up its anchor st S:lf p. m. am
steamed between 'he head ships of the
column, running 2&rewe!l lnala It then
circled the port and headed up the Chesa
peake for Washington.
The ship of the fleet did not fire a fare
well salute, but as the Mayflower passed
Fort Monroe a salute of twenty-one guns
boomed forth In farewell to the president.
A farewell signal In flajrs to the fort waa
then run up on the foremast of the May
flower. OLD POINT COMFORT, Va Feb. B.
With homeward bound pennants streaming
far behind them, twenty-eight bands play
ing the Star Spangled Banner and aalutlng
cannon roaring tribute to the president of
the United States, the battleship fleet of
Lthe American navy ended its world's cruise
here today. After steaming in review of
the president, whose eagle-crested flag of
blue was at the mast of the cruiser yacht,
Mayflower, the sixteen bsttleehlps flnslly
cast anchor in the same fairway of Hamp
ton Roads whence they stsjted fourteen
months ago on the notable Journey of eS.OflO
miles. The Joy of home coming was writ
ten upon the face of every Jackey and of
ficer on board the sixteen ships. The long
cruise, the visits to many of the most
famous ports of the world, the homage that
has been paid to the fleet by every nation
favored on the calling list, have been
sources of Intense Interest to everyone
aboard the famous vessels, but unques
tionably there was no scene in all the
world to compare In beauty with the fa
miliar landmarks picked up by the battle
fleet as it steamed triumphant, self-reliant
and efficient force, through the Virginia
cape today 'and entered the hospitable
waters of Chesapeake bay and Hampton
The day of the home coming dawned with
prospects of weather as fair as the cloud
less dsy In December, 1W7. on which the
fleet set sail, an overhanging shadow of
gray clouds showing clearing streak of red
and blue to the eastward at sunrise. Just
before 7 a. ra.. however, a fog bank sud
denly shut down and set the whistles and
bells of the many craft In the roadstead
screeching and tolling their notes of warn
ing. The fog lifted again within an hour,
but left a promise of a gray day which
was anything but attractive to the thous
snds upon thousanda of people gathered
here from all parts of the country, and who
were either afloat or lining the shore of
the water front today to help In the Joyous
acclaim to the home-coming ship and
Booasla; Cane Oses Day.
The boom of the sunrise gun echoing
over the moat of picturesque Old Fortress
Monroe marked the beginning of a day that
added another chapter of thrilling beauty
and intereat to the historic wxters of Hamp
ton Roae. first made famous by the battle
of the Monitor and the Merrimac. It re
quired a vivid Imagination to look back
today over a span of forty odd years to
picture the fury of that deadly conflict be
tween the two first Ironclads of their day
and to compare their tiny strength with the
modern battleship of the class of the Con
necticut. In thu battleship and cruiser squadrons
that filiid by the Mayflower today and
saluted the president' flag at the main
of the graceful little cruiser yacht there
were represented 4JO.I90 tons of wster dis
placement. Every battleship in commis
sion in the navy had a place In the long
line. There were twenty of the heavily
belted vessels, fifteen being among the orig
inal alxteen that sailed away fourteen
month ago. the only vessel missing from
the line today being the Alabama. She
came home with the Maine last October
and both of these ablps had the distinction
of going all the way around the world, even
if they were excluded from th fleet itself
The Maine served today as flagship of the
(Continued on Xlntk Pass-)
Vlctiat af Mysterloas Chlcasro M ir
der Wedded Carl Miller There
la 1K5.
CHICAGO. Feb. 22. (Special Telegram.)
The murder of Mra. Ida Cooper, a bride
of four days. In her home Saturday, is
now believed by the police to have been
the result of a plot between two former
sweethearts of the woman. Edward
Thompson, one of the suspects, was seen
at her home a few minutes before the
murder was committed.
He was accompanied by another man.
The police are inclined to believe hla com
panion waa unknown to the woman, and
that he accompanied Thompson and stood
guard while Thompson killed Mrs. Cooper.
It Is not thought, however, the second
man was an admirer of tna woman. .
Search ! also being mads by the police
for Mrs. Cooper's first husband. Carl Mil
ler, whom she msTried In Minden, Neb..
September 4, 16.
They lived together In Minden, Pauline,
Hastings and Lincoln, and Kansas City.
Soon after she left Miller In March, 1,
ahe met Thompson. They went to New
York together. She assumed the name
"Anna Thompson" there.
The Inquest over the body of Mra Cooper
was postponed today to allow the police
more time to search for a rejected suitor
who is wanted in connection with the crime.
Mrs. Cooper came here from Nebraska.
Her maiden name was Ida Cress. In 19n&
she lived at 738 North Minnesota avenue
and 1030 West Indiana avenue, Hastings,
Neb., snd In thst year married Carl Miller.
Later she made her home in Paulina and
Lincoln. Neb.
HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. 22. -(Special Tele
gram.) Mr. Ida Cooper, lived here a num
ber of years, but married Carl Miller at
Minden In 1M5. Miller 1 supposed to be In
Minden now. Nothing known here of Ed
ward Thompson, her supposed lover.
MINDEN. Neb.. Feb. 22. (Special Tele
gram.) Mrs. Ida Miller, or Ida Cooper, waa
married to Carl Miller September . In
Minden by the county Judge. At that time,
she gave her name as Miss Ida Treff and
her father's name a Lich Treff and her
mother'n maiden name a Laeuria Todd.
Her plaoe of birth was given as Indiana.
Her age at that time wa 27. Their resi
dence wss then Hastings, although they
came here temporarily. Later her husband
procured a divorce from her. Her husband.
Carl Miller, ha relative in thl county.
Cats Throats af Faar Chi Urea, Stabs
Herees and Caws and Kills
MONDOVIA. Wis.. Feb. 22. Hans B.
Hanson, a farmer, living near Strum, mur
dered his four children, a boy and three
girls, whose a see range from t to IS years,
early today. He is supposed to have used
a butcher knife, cutting their throats. He
followed this crime by stabbing several
horses and cows, fired the bam and house
and then cut his own throat. The bodies
of the children were cremated, but a
neighbor succeeded in extricating Hanson
dead body before the flames reached it
Hanson waa W year old and a widower.
He had been an Inmate of an asylum, but
waa liberated. '
President Plans ta Visit Religlaas
Parts Dsrlsg Afrleaa
Trln. v
CHICAGO, Feb. 22.-Wb.llB In Africa
President Roosevelt will visit a number of
missions and will make addresses, giving
his observation when he returti to thl
Thla statement was made here today at
the Methodist ministers' weekly meeting
by Bishop Joseph G. Hartsell, who ha
charge of the Methodist African missions
and who recently visited the president at
the White House.
Gscrser Hashes aad Blshss) Hsrdlas;
Ala Heaered Br Gears W aaaw
tasrtea lalversliy.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 22. The regular
midwinter coo vocation exercises of the
George Washington university today were
made notable because of the eonf erring of
honorary degrees of doctor of laws upon
President Roosevelt. Charles E. Hughes of
New Tork. and Bishop Alfred Harding of
th diocese of Washington, aad by the ad
dress of Governor Hughes,
Murphy and Howard Disclaim Incit
ing Any Eiot.
Clad lasolent Greeks Are Cose
Kraas Gets Sore Waea Twitted
A bant Betas; a Mark
"While an older head than mine might
have said more to pacify the crowd to
which I talked Sunday afternoon, I do not
feel that I am responsible fcr Inciting the
work of destruction done In South Omaha
Sunday evening, several hour after th
meeting over which I presided." said Henry
C. Murphr, one of the orators at the "mas
meeting Sunday.
"There was trouble In the sir. South
Omaha has been getting resdy for the in
solent Greeks for n long time, snd I will
Bay this much, that while the mass meet
ing was called to appoint a committee to
make an lnvestigstlon. looking to the
handling of the Greek question, and in
response to petitions signed by the best
business men of South Omaha, the crowd
which assembled really Beared me.
"I did not know feeling would run so
high when I waa asked to prexide or when
I spoke. But the people were very In
dlgnant and I noticed the atmosphere wns
fsirly rent and the city hall shook when
the crowd cheered the words of the speak
ers. "This did frighten me and I did not
know Just what to say. There, perhaps, an
elder head would have done more to send
the crowd home than I did. I remember
distinctly of many yells from the rrowd,
'run the Greeks into the river' and 'smash
them with bricks.'
Takes These Serleaaly.
"I took these serloiutly snd remember
distinctly of saying that the resolutions
hsd now been passed and a committee ap
pointed, and It wa probable that some
thing would have to be done to free South
Omaha from 4 he Insolent fellow who dis
regard our officer, mock at our lawa,
shrug their impudent shoulder at decency
and Insult our women and girls who are
compelled to paas their places of business.
"To my knowledge I did not uiter a
word to incite anyone. I did mention the
name of Oficer Lower)', and perhaps I
should not have done that. But I feel
strong on this subject and feel that any
city must throttle a clannish colony of
foreigner who resort bo often to the knife
and the pistol when we try to keep them
in obedience to our laws.
"The fact that the trouble did not begin
until almost two hours after the meeting
Is evidence to me that the riot did not
start at the citicens' mass meeting. I do
not personslly believe that a great number
of those who smashed in the ft'-res of the
Greek were even at the meeting. I hap
pen to know the boy who threw the first
brick into a plate glass front and I am
quit ure he was not there. It was no
ordinary crowd of hotheads. It wss a
crowd of good net u red young fellows, who
do dislike the Greeks and took advantage
of an opportunity to have a good time
getting even on a lot of old score and
revenging a lot of stories cf Insult by the
Greek which hsve been known in South
Omaha for months.
Strlaar af Ogeases.
"I personally know of a string of of
fenses by the Greeks. I know they mis
treat, whenever they have an opportunity,
the girl workers at the packing houses. I
know of s school teacher who fought with
her umbrella aa Insolent Grek on West
Q street who made Improper advances and
crowded her almost off the aidewslk. I
hope the Greeks have gone. Msny of tbem
ought to go. Dealing with the Japanese
or Chinese Is an entirely different prob
lem. The little Jap sidestep when an
American approaches, lives within his
horn and usually within the law. The
class of Greek which were accumulating
In South Omtiha hate all law and an of
ficer's life to their hand in nothing to
them. . -
"What the committee planned to do was
Just what any city must do before It is
too 1st. Personally, with my brothers,
we have Invested every dollar we have in
St-uth Omaha and we love the city. We
(Continued on Second Page)
Anti-Greek Eiot Subsides and Prop
erty Owners Probably Will Sue
South Omaha for Wrecking
of Their Building. ill
Koro Menas Wires to His People to
"Leate it to the Law."
President of the Community and
Others Address Meeting.
Flee from Scene of Violence to Omaha
and Other Places.
Big Plants Decide to Discharge the
Greeks in Employ.
Jerry Howard Excuses His Speech,
Murphy Explains.
SherlaT Rralley ays It Is Beet ta Let
Thlags Qalet Dowa Befere
Making Any InyoHaal
Although the anti-Greek riot hat
subsided, the minister of Greece may
come to Omaha at once la response
to appeals from his countrymen here.
South Omaha will be held responsi
ble for damages by owners of prop
erty demolished by the mob.
Local Greeks hold mass meetings,
at which leaders counsel aad
quiet. Greeks flee from South Omaha
and many leave Omaha.
John Mausaredis, the murderer of
Policeman Edward Lowery, has. been
taken to the state penitentiary at Lin
coln. Men who spoke at the man meeting
from which the mob went to Itg de
vastating work have not been ar
rested. Sheriff Is deliberating.
The packing companies will dis
charge their Greek employes.
That the city of South Omaha will
be called on to pay at least $25,000
for property destroyed by rioters and
other losses resulting from the clos
ing of business houses, is the declara
tion of property owners, as well as
Greeks, who lost heavily.
Last night there wra no symptom of
a renewal of the acenes of the previous
night. One of the principal reasons
was the fact there were no Greeks re
maining in the city, one of the leaden
of that nationality from Omaha stating
to the police that the last one left the
city before dark. Another reason was
that the sober second thought of the
people had assumed sway.
Salt Mast B Brsaght.
"I do not see anything else for the prop
erty owner to do except bring suit against
the city," said Thomas J. O'Neill, who is
agent for some of the property destroyed.
"Fire lnsursnce companies will not pay
losses when the fire is started by a mob.
The mstter should be sifted to the bottom
and the source of the trouble located.
Someone must pay for the losse."
Cakee a Heavy Loer.
A. B. Cokos. the "king of the Greek"
who is said to be worth S3..000. lost about
S4,no In his three business bouses and
says he will sue the city not only for the
$4,000 loss, but his net Income ha been
$00 per dsy and he experts to secure that
amount as a result of closing three places
following the riot.
'I do not know thst I can open up any of
my places, " said the "banker" of the South
Omaha Greek colony. "I will consult the
"Jim" Ferguson, owner of the Twenry
sixth snd J streets places which wars
smashed because rented to Greeks, shares
the opinion of others the city should be
made to pay, if possible, for tho losses.
Greek Kiss; aaTere.
John V. Mafuin. the Roumanian saloon
keeper whose loss will reach 11,000 and the
receipts of ths saloon for a week, be
lieves he will Join other property owner
In filing suits against the city. Mr. Mafteln
la not a Greek by any means and says
he did not cater to the Greeka, therefore
there waa no Justification whatever in
the smashing of his saloon and the destruc
tion of a large supply of lliuor.
1 lelraee Is C'eadessaed.
Citizens who have lost are particularly
determined to collect from the city because
the mass meeting was one of the strangest
ever held, being assembled in the city hall.
here the property 'owners feel it actually
had Its beginning.
'Such violence is inexcusable and a dis
grace," said L. C. Gibson, who represents
sjine property which wss destroyed. "A
to what my client will du about th mat
ter, I cannot aay, but it seem to me sums
thing almost beyond comprehension bow
men who claim to be good American clit
xens most of the time will give way t
such fcellr.g as wa shown la South Omahsj
Laws Theaaaad Dallaura.
The Greek. Cokos, probably will be tfc
heaviest loser. Hi nroperty consist of
f.n restaurant and billiard room at 2411 P
street. This wss th plce to which the
aristocratic" Creeks of Oisaha and Souls