Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1909, Page 6, Image 6
( TIIE OMAHA DAILY. BEE: MONDAY, FEBRUARY 22. 1909. Want - ad: AI'frtlM-rtltl far the wul eelasaae will fee tokta aatll IB aa. tka la edltlem and aatll a far the aad adltli Cask mart aMraiMur all ardere waat aaa aad aa advertlaeneat ' ha aeeeeted far laaa tha 1 aaata rlU (I rat llMrilM. Itaaa apply either Tka Dally aaday Baa. A I war aaaat sta wards ta a ! Ceasalaatleaa af telltale ar mm imiI aa aaa war 4. CASH HATtl "TOR WAWT AD. RBOVLill CXASdIFlCATIOTf - leertta. aai llaa, 14 aaata. Twa ear eoiamtlT laaertteaa, er aaata. Eaak laaartlon nade aa ad dare, lO aaata par Haa. fl-fS) llaa par asaatki sseentlaaj tkat rtJIUrilHKD ROOM ADS, rkoa aeeesaealed hy essah. tka rata will bei Oaa laeertlaa, 4 erate liar Ihtaa ar els eeee live laeer. tleae. 3 aaata par llaa aaek laeertlea eesea ar aara eestaeeatlva laaertleaa, U teats per llaa aaak laaartlaal teals par llaa par Waat a4a far Tka Baa say at aar af tka feUewla dre eree aaa la rnr "earner d-aarsjtat' 4eer ara all kraaek efleea fa Tka Baa aa4 tea ad will aa laaarta ! " Breaanxly aa4 aa tka aasaa rata mm at tha la aaHaa la Tka Baa slldtnaj, aoveateaath aa4 Farmaak atraatat Albacb, W. C, 40th and rvuA Beranek, B. A., 14 a. lsti Bt Bechl Pharmacy, 13 S. 18th St. Bensor Pharmacy, Benson. Nab. Bemls park Pharmacy, td and Cumins Blake's Pharmacy, AOS Sherman Ave. Coughlln. C. F, th and Pierce Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, ail Military Ar. Conte, J. B., Jlst Ava. and I" amain Bt Crlrsey Pharmacy, 14th and Lake Bta. Ce.mak. Km .1, 1204-6 S. 13tu St Khiers, B. H. 8S03 Leavenworth St toiur Arnold!, 818 N. luth Bt. rreytsg. John J., UK N. 34th St Plcrenoe Cni Co., Florence, Neb, Goldman Pharmacy, luth and Bta. Ureenough, O. A.. 1124 8. 10th St. Oreenough, CI. A., 1134 B. 10th Bt Mayden, William C. 320 Fat nam St. llintcnn Park Pharmacy, 1401 B. Bill Sk Horn, John. U4 N. Kth SC Hurf. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. King. 11. a.. XU rarnam Bt Kountte 1'laca Pharmacy, -1 N. MU St Latnrop, Charles B.. 1224 N. 24th Si. Putrlck Drug Co.. ltd N. 4th Bt Peyton, L. a.., 2-tth and Leavenworth Bta sin r a toga Drug Co.. 34ta Bt and Amu Avn. achaofer'a Cut Prlca I)n Co 16th and C.iHaau Hchacfer, AUuat. lOQ N. ltth BL Bclimidi. J. H.. Mlh and Cumin Sta. Wamut Hill Pharmacy. 40th and Cuming Walton Phaimacy, jnth and Grata bta. Wont. u. 11.. 4via and liamiltoa Bis. ANNOUNCEMENTS HON PAJNT1NC-3. H. Cole. U03 Douglas. AUTOMOBILES DWKIQHT AUTbMOHli-Ji; COM PANT. 1814 Karnam btreet. Stoddard i-aton iodalar, ll.lOU Heo 'louring car. Hoo. Uulck Kunnbnut. almoat naw, Jixv. btevena Lurya, $360, Lragon 'louring car, ILOMi Wavoriy fcleclilc. 40u. All tba abova guaranteed In good ahapa, btate agent ricoOaard-Dayton. B'oddard-Uayton, al.eud, UtWO. 11.600. Ford, modal N, 4dO. r'ord. U, loOO. upaa and cloaed cara for rent day or Blgnu TeL Douglas itl AUTOMOBILH; painting and carriage repair erork; dead storage. Wm. i'lltiirer car riage Co., Sfctli leavenworth. Ked VBZl (2)-Mir Mm AUSTIN. -h. p. automobile for sale at a great aacrltlce; has limousine and open body; haa been uatxl but 7,vuu miles; equip ped with all the latest sundries; reason for selling owner going abroad and wishes to buy foreign car; car coat tv.600 six months ago; only cash offers consid ered. Address A. C. Stora, care Btora urewlng Co., Omaha, Ntb. U M141 . INTERNATIONAL Auto buggy a high wheeled solid rubber tired uuio especially adapted to country and rough roads,' where high clearance Is absolutely essential. Tha Ideal car for tha farmer. International Harvester Co. uf America. il) MDU u RAMBLER touring car, uaed less than three months; Just overhauled at cost of Idue. Will accept any reasonable offer. AddrefcS ri 61, care Bee. EIGHT seoond-ruuid Ramblers at your own prii-vs. Rambler Automobile com pany, .044 Farnain Bt. (2j W0 Mlt FOR BALK High-grade 4-cyllnder automo bile used less than five months.; cost '.'.6O0, will ' sell for 11,500 net cash has ' top, glass front, clock, speedo meter, etc.; newly painted, equipped with set of new Michelln outer and Inner tires; will give demonstration If desired. Llnlnger Implement Co. (2 127 24 NOW Is the time to Invest In a used motor cycle; one-third off If taken at once. Lout's Fleacherl liU2 Capitol Ave. (2J M4JJ) Mchtt PrKRLKSS touring ear, four cylinder, lata m del, excellent condition. Address O 16, Bee. (2J-M391 21 AUTOMOBILES OVERHAULED. Let us figure on your spring overhauling; our repair shop Is equipped with every modern faeirty and men who know their business. Will buy a few good used cara Storage rates on application. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., ai8 Harney St. (D-22J Mch8 .- MERKEL la the beat and moat reliable all around motor cycle -made. Write for the local aaenoy of this popular machine. L. Fletcher, altate Afc-ent. 1623 Capitol Ava. (1 M421 Mohll ALTOMOB1LB WANTED Have two Omaha residences; will exchange either for good car. Also vacant lota and tele phone bends for good car. Bee me quick. 8. JC. WAIT CO., 617 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Doug. W9t - 12) M40S a A BIO bargain In a Maxwell latest model !.; other bargains In uaed cais. C. F. Loulf, lttue Farnam. (2 US Ml Moline Automobiles, for sale cheap. Wi have n hand three perfectly new cars whlrh we muat dispose of at loss than cost, as we ar closing out the agency. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. , Howard & 9th Street, (l)-MttO 23 AUTOMOBILE SCHOOL PROFITABLE noaltlons anen In tha auto. mobile field, technical Instructions on both seam and gasoline engines; students paid lor repair work. Address Omaha Bcuool of Automobile Engineering, 2tlt Leaven- W"M Btj AU . BARTER AND EXCHANGE FOR BALE . or exchange. One new set American anclcopeaia. If volumes, one- half JMorocoo. Never been unpacked. Hay what you have. Cost, tew. Frank uooancn, ma n. 4it Ave UJ MSIT7 a 40il ' ACRES is Boyd county. Neb. ; good soli; aone Improvements; will trade fur smaller farm. Address. Box 30. Drlstow, jseo. (D-UIKI Xx FOR SALS or trade, for land. Doot hall. good location, la South Omaha: another busintaa the reason for selling. Address 13 ext rungs Bias . South Omaha. 3-Ml U TRAPES-For quick lecls list with ua. a. a win k vo., all ttea tiidg.. Omaha BARTER AND EXCHANGE (Continued.) WANTFJD A first claaa pis no as part payment on a good Income property or a quarter section of land, (live full descrip tion of Instrument In first letter. P. C. Anderson. Spencer. Nab. (J) 14994 A GOOD ONE 10 acres, well Improved, 1 miles from Bel grade, Nance county. Threa acrea paa ttirc, K acres alfalfa, balance In cultiva tion. Rich valley land. Price, 12.n0; mtg. 14,6"), running t years at pet rent, or can be paid any time. Will take Income property for equity. 8. E. WAIT & CO.. 07 Be Bldg., Omaha. 'Phone Doug. MM. mM 22 BUSINESS CHANCES ROOMING houses and boarding houses, close In, at bargain prices; sue us first. Palmer. Rattlgsn Co., 3 Paxton Blk. (I) Mill Mch4 $285,000 FOR $100 Ws own a coal mine, .located In the west, a mine, not a prospect; wa have spent fTO.Qut) to make this a mine; over 1.600 feet of tunnels through bituminous cral, coking coal; market for ten times possible out put; two railroads and Missouri rtver at mine; the mine Is ready for production; only needs tipple, jasher ond railroad spur: to get money for this we will sell a limited amount of stork; investments of 160 up accepted; we will furnish beat of bank references as to standing of every officer; this Is a high grade Investment that should appeal to the most conserva tive; safety with Immense profits; 1100 In vented In Crow Nest Coal company's stock soma years afro Is today worth $26,000. For particulars address Western Coal 4fc Coke Co., New Tork Life Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. (4) M246 S2x FCR RALB Fine grocery stock; doing good business; sells at Invoice about 11,000: no dead stock; county seat; population 6,000. Alliance, Neb., Box 1364. (4 M247z SEATTLE AND ALASKA INFORMATION Bend 11.00 for reliable Information con cerning business opportunities. Invest ments or other legitimate matters In Seattle and Alaska. Palmer Bean, Jnvestement Bankers, HI Melhorn Bldg., Seattle, U. A. A. References. (4)-M115 17x TO GET IN or out of business call on QANQE8TAD, Room 401, Bee Bldg. (4-S WANTED Registered druggist with means to start a drug store In thriving, pros perous town. Thickly settled country; German, Bohemian and Scandinavian na tionalities represented. For particulars call on or write F. A. Kllllon, Secretary of the Lesterrllls Commercial Club, Lester vine, a D. (4 M117 M3 FOR SALE. 112.000 stock of general merchandise, Includ ing fixtures. In best town In southeastern Nebraska, doing better than 126.000 a year. All or part cash, balance good security. Must be sold by March 1. Address Y-4, cara Omaha Bee. (4) M411 22 WANTED Hotel man to run hotel In good, thriving, prosperous town. Good location; no competition. A good opportunity for the right party. For particulars write to F. A. Kllllon, Secretary of the LestervUle Commercial Club, LestervUle, 9. D. (4) Mill MS FOR SALE A first class confectionery stock and fixtures; fine location and do ing a fine business. Good ressons for selling. Apply st once. Walter D. Hill A Co., Beatrice, Neb. (4-M781 23 FOR SALE First-class saloon In a good town nsar Sioux City. Apply Postnffics Box 704, Sioux City, la. (4)-M86 WHAT HAVE TOU IN A BRICK STORE BUILDING? Wsnt desirable location In south part of city for moving picture show. Will give long lesss for good location. Qive loca tion and price In first letter. Address G-69, cars Bee. (4) 166 22x FOR SALE Two hundred cars of Ice. A. , O. Gilbert. Council Bluffs. (4) MD2-M7X DRUG stores for sale. Knlest'N. Y. Life. 4-24 FOR SALE Drug atrck and bulidlng; good location for German doctor. Address Y 1M, cars Omaha Bee, with stamp. (4) M46S Mx, FOR SA LE General store doing BW.noO business in best location In town of 800. Investigate. Address Northwestern Mer cantile Company, Ilerndon, Kan. (4) M441 SX FOR SALE-1-. '.bllnhed shoe business In linn locraiiun i oesi town or 3,uuo in east Nebraska; invoice about 13,600; no old stock. Address Y 193, Bee. (4) M470 2Ix BUSINESS DIRECTORY Architects. OLIVER A. HALL, classy bungslowa, flats and apartment Duuainga. dzs n. y. Life. 'Phone Douglas 2366. (6)-M566 F2tx Chiropodist. DR. ROT, R. t 180 Farnam St. Doug. 6497. WBZS Chlaa Palatlagr. CHINA decorating; order work a speclslty. Lessons Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day. Firing dally. Leather craft, atslns. leather and designs. Mra C. C. Hung ate, m Bracdels Bldg. Tel. Red Mat, (6-Bl Creasaerles. DAVID COLE creamery Co. (5) S2I Collaotloaa. OMAHA Collection Agency. Slow s coo tuts solicited. 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3347. (6 M167 Mchl Daatlata. . BAILEY MACK, 1 floor. Paxton. D. lost. Flaaaelal. MONEY? .TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit, 310 Bee Bldg.. 'Phnn. T 1 - - . UNION LOAN COMPANY. , Florists. HESS SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam BL (6)-l U HENDERSON. Ul Farnam. Tel. D. 12C3. (4 ll J. H. BATH. 1621 Harney. Tel. Doug. roo. U-434 MTlsg aad Starlaai. EXPRESSMEN'S Delivery Co.. office tl N. ltth SU. warehouse 22U7-I Isard 8L (6 636 Sates, Shatters, Bta. OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a specialty of lira escapes, shutters, doors and safes, a. Andreen. Prop., lea 8. loth. t&- Water Filters. 131 HOWARD ST., Missouri filter; U days trial. &)-41 Prlattagr. C. M. JARVE PTG. CO., Job printing snd calendars, uth and Cap. Ava Phone. Ind. A 3620. (-MAw kaa Heaalrta. SHOES repaired right, called for and de livered Ires. Standard Shoe Repair Co 104 Farnam St. TeL Douglas 7M7. tl-s Vadertakera. HUL8E RIEPEN. successors to Harry B. Davis. 7t a Uth St. Both 'Phones. (.& M Ml Osta ithy. JOHN80N INS., 413 N. T. L. TeL D. 1M4. C6- Dr. Katheryn Nlckolas. tut N. T. L. Bldg. WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention the fact that you saw lite ad la Tiis Bas. 0 The small which needs "BEE want ads" DRESSMAKERS MISS MALONE, 23u Douglas Bt, high class dressmaking. 'Phone Douglas tuoi. U Mil MISS E. E. CROSBY. 341 r S. 20th Ave, 1 dressmaking. Douglas iMtl. il Mil WOMAN'S EXCHANGE, 1822 Farnam SI Ladies' tailoring, alterations, pleating, 4aiterns cut to measure, first-class sewing school In connection. Douglas SelL iv Mil LIEFF-; Ladles' tailoring In best style nd workmanship guaran teed tun (lid Brandela Hlrts. Taae elevator on lth St. 811 Mil KE1STER COLLEGE. 606 Karbach Block. Mll Mil rRENCH Dry Oeanlng Works, 1(08 Far nam, bast cleaners and dyers. Both phones. 314 Mil M.E.NEPINSKY GOWNS. 60s Paxton Blk. M114 MchlT McDowell Dressmaking school. 1623 Fsxnsm. SPRING suits and shlrt-wslst specialty at reduced ratea SOU N. 30th, Web. vm. -316 MIS PLAIN and fancy aewlng; children's clothea and ahlrt waists a specialty. Doug. 3126. 815 MlJx HOLLA NT) Gowns, robes and riding xiyjja.nabtg. ,clu.(v patronage only. 306 Paxton Block. -M866 Mil IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. Tel. Doug. 4T0. 627 TERRY of Dressmakma, loth UUU1 and Farnam 8U. . -617 HU N'OVELTY SHOP . flTS.'S rancy undergarments and Hand Embroidered Work; professional shopping. Do". 6408. -M200 M13 JOSEPIHNE BRADY, Evening gowns a specialty. 41 Douglas Block. 225 MchlS EDUCATIONAL NOW OPEN THE MIDWINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE Every day Is enrollment day. Enter any time for complete, thorough Instruction in Bhorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping and Telegraphy. Catalogues are free. H, B. Boyles, president, Omnha. Official Training School for Telegraphers for U. P. R. R. Telegraph DrpL (S)-30 RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAMINATION MAY 16. PREPARE AT THE Y. M, C. A. COURSE BEGINS MARCH FIRST. SEE J .W. MILLER, (6- DRAFTING Evening- classes; terms easy; draftsmen command highest wages. Omaha Technical BohodL 626 N. Y I Tel. D. 2363. (6) M78 Mix HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Of flea. LADY for office work. Box 263 Omaha, Neb. (7 as S3 STENOGRAPHER, lady, to do atenographlo won in exenange tor omce in largest office building. Address M-64, chre Bee. (7-M32i)nx Factory, aad Tradea. - WANTED Twenty-five girls 16 to 18 years old to work in shoe factory; steady posi tion; also twenty-five girls experienced in running sewing machines. Apply In person to ' F. P. Klrkendall A Co., Eleventh and Harney Sts. (7 124 20 . Heaaakeapare as Dasnasttea. . WANTED At once, competent laundress Monday and Tuesday each week; refer ences required. Address A 63. care Bee. (7)-122 WANTED Experienced girl for general uuu 'wui. KUll.oi Ave. t W Hi NURSE for young baby, capable of taking iuu. uiiaiae. vveu. Ull. Il MlUt SAX Mlaoellaneoaa. GOOD opportunity for a young lady, mani cure, wno can sen cigars in connection during spare time. Address U. 8. Supply Co., Creston, la (7) M321 22x HELP WANTED MALE A Beats, Sallcttara aad galea aaea. WANTED For Nebraska, salesmen for unueu rrirciesa xeiegrapn stock; good commissions. 8. 8. Swltser, state agent. 630 Paxton block, Omaha () M93& 22x WANTED Two hustling salesmen; those with experience selling lots preferred. Call 10 o'clock Monday. H. E. Cole, 1201 Farnam St., ground floor. () M493 22x SIDE LINE Beat, no samplea Plenty money. Give permanent address. Box 6U, Omaha. (3) M&17 Clarion aad Oflas, DRUG CLERKS' (oslLiona Knlsst N. T Llfs Bldg. ( 643 Factory sat Trades. WANTED A good coat maker and one Abrahamson, Ho4dreg, Neb. () M414 8 WANTED Good all round printers. Ap ply at onoe, Combe Printing company, 8t. Joseph. Mo. (,) M493 24 DO TOU WANT to booome a uomratent automobile operator? The Northwestern Automobile and Gas Engine school csa put you In this clasa Better investigate. Omaha Commercial College Bldg.. lath and Pa roam. (t 641 , Saisaallaaeasja. FREE Employment Dept Business Men's Ass'n; no feea Call 62S N. Y. Life Bldg. ()-44 WANTED Men to learn barber trade, few veeks required, best paying work within the reach of poor man, can have shop with smsll capital, wages from til to weekly; wonderful demand for barbers. Moler Barber College, 110 8. ltth St. () Mla6 26x WANTED Railway mall c.erks, salary IMS to fl.4u0; no layoffs; examination in Omaha, May U; common education suf ficient; tsndldates prepared free; write Immediately for full partlculara Frank 11a Institute, Dept. t&l Rochester. N. Y. , mMA Mch4x HELP WANTED MALbS and fgmalb FIFTY house-to-housa demonstrators; new article; quick seller. 118 McCague Bldg. (10-Mljl 3 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Hsreae aad Vehlelaa. FOR QUICK SALE Closed carriage, almost new, Jepot wagoa style special large; built by Omaha maker to owner's order; also a Btannope, single buggy, with top. to tlrst-clasa con dttlcn. Apply st once. U, Cohn, Ne braska Clothing Co. Ul - business is LOST AND FOUND UPHOLSTERINO-Tel. Webster W; Ind. B-1721. 1613 N. 24th Bt J. Hsnson. (12)-M207 Mchl LOBT Diamond-shaped green and white ""ternlty pin. Reward for return to thla offlc- (12-M471 2Sx LOST Between 22d and Leavenworth and 871 h and leaver. worth, a black leather bag containing money and other articles; reward. Tel. Harney 3147. (1ZI-M4M 24 MEDICAL BEST nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," 11 a box. postpaid. Sherman v mvvuiijwu UIU L. , lymans, IMJ ete FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college, ltth and Davenport Sta; special attention paid to confinement eases; all treatment super vised by college professors. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night 13 123 MONEY TO LOAN ALART AMD CHATTKLs. ttlettttt TOU WANT MONET WUmX KUUt DON'T PAY HIGH RATES UWH WH 6EB US FIRST . 18 We loan you any amount on II 33 furniture, pianos, etc.; or. If you 31 It have steady employment, on your If 14 plain note st the cheapest rates In H 18 the city. Payments weekly or 81 18 monthly to suit your convenience. M 38 Open until :M p. m, 'Phone Doug- It 18 las 2036. 31 U OMAHA FINANCIAL CO.. ' M litlt Room 601, Brown Blk., . tm limit opposite Brandels' 1MM tmHttt Utb Su Entrance. tllttWI Ot M66J MONET loaned salaried people snd others without security; essy payments. Of fices In 86 principal cities. Tolmen. Room 613 New York Life Bldg. 04)-446 THE "OPEN DOOR" TO RELIEF For those who wish to borrow a small amount of money on their furniture with out removal. OUR RATES will satisfy anyone. It'a up to you "to get out of that rut." Telephone Douglas 12S6 for our man to explain. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. lis Board of Trade Bldg. Just at the Sixteenth St. Entrance. (14) M9S1 IS THERE some poor woman who Is tsr. rorlsed Into nervous prostration by a loan shark? Sea us. Citlsens' Protective As sociation, 410 Barker Blk. U4j M648 OFFERED FOR RENT Boarding and Reoaae, i THE BACHELORS, SOTH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL, AMERICAN PLAN. (H-64 NICELY furnished front rooms, singly or en suite, on Park Ave.; excellent table board, home cooking. Phone, Harney 3224. (16J-860 22x NICELY furnished rooms, with board, con venient location. See ua. 620 S. 19th. (lo)-M83S Mchl3x DEWEY European HoteL Uth and Farnam. . , U6-60 ROOMS modern and ' board first-class; home cooking. 424,8. 20th St. . , ... , . (16)-222 23 ONE nicely furnished - warm room and ooara; - moaern 00 eslences. Sing Bher- man Ave. , (I6)-U87S3 ELEGANT rooms, with board. Tel. D. 4707. 211 N. 24th...- (lt M482 27x Famished Reasaa. FURNISHED UNFURNISHED and HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In - AH parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. Costs you nothing; P.O. NIELSON As CO.. RENTAL AGTS.. 706 N. Y. Llfs Bldg. r 'Phone Doug. 2204 Ua)-&1 PLEASANT room In new modern , home; hot wster heat, desirable location. Gentle men only. 206 a list St. Phone Harney S3. 06)-M31 88x FOR RENT One nice large room and one small one; new furniture and clean; In private family: all modern. Phone Doug. 6337; Rea. 618 No. 23d. (15) M366 23x FINELY furnished rooms, conveniently located. 2704 Farnam Bt. 'Phone Har ney 8066. ' . (16) M47S 27x Apartments aad Flats. ROOM, modern Bt. Louis flat;' one-half uiwa 1 rum xianscom pars, ana east aido cara Enquire 2.13 Shirley St. 127.60. (U M971 2Sx UNEQUALLED, central, all modern, steam heated, 4-room, corner flat 220 N. 23d. U6)-M6 FOR RENT-One t and one 4-room apart ment, with bath, steam heated, good cafe In condition; also 7-room modern cottage, good neighborhood. 110 & 36th St, Hamilton. 626 Bee Bldg. Tel. A-33H0. (14) 321 11 VACANT March 1. Modern . 5-room apart ment St. Louis brick. Hardwood finish. 821 Park avenue, 837.50. Telephone Red " (16) M3S4 22x TWO large 8-room flats facing Han scorn Park, will be vacant March 15 snd April L 837.60 arid 840. Tel Douglas SOffl. (16) MS73 82x UP-TO-DATE, alt hardwood finished flat. 22d and Howard, 85a Inquire 8. E. 224 and Howard. (16)-M476 12x IN BEMI8 park, strictly modem (-room St Louis flat, 128 per month. (16 M47t 3x Hoasekeeplasjr Haass s. TWO light basement rooms, furnished. Ill -j souui aim bi. . (1) M440 S7x FOUR unfurnished rooms, Hanscom Park district, modern except heat. 3014 "Mason St. Tel. Harney 2186. (15) M480 22 Vnfaralshe4 Roesaa. 4 r . bath and. toilet, at S3 Dewey Are. xa.evr. 'tit watr' wer "no gas,, at 702 8. 16th, 3 r with water, at 87 N. S6th St.. 81260. S r., water, sewer, gas, steam heat. 117. N. P. DODGE CO.. 1714 Fsrnam St. (15) M43S 28 Fan ilahe Masses. FOR RENT 8-room cottrge. furnished, complete. 2663 Burt Bt. (li M1S4 22x HANDSOME t-room house In West Farnam district furnished completely, for six months. Address D 73. Bee. (16) M468 IS Haasaa aad Cattaajaa. 4- ROOM house. ' 1311 8. 10th Bt (15)-M19I 22x 812 60 8-r. water and sewer, at 867 N. Sftth Bt. 113.50 4-r.. water, sewer aad bath, at 2b2S Dewey Ave. 817.CO-3-r.. st 708 B. 16th Street. tzt'.lO 6-r., water, at 1217 Dodge. -7-r., water, sewer and gas, at 208 Farnam. t?7.lo-8-r., modern, at 111 33d St; barn. 127 60 7-r., all modern, at 3730 Howard.' 8j6 (O-10-r.. all modern, with barn, suitable for S families. M0 N. 27th Ava 846.00 10-r., all modern, with aleam heat, at 3u Burt. N. P. DODGE CO., 1714 Farnsm St. , (li M433 U OMAHA Vsn and Btorags Co., pack, move, store. H. H. good, storehouse 1130-34 N. Uth, office MU8 Farnam. TeL Doug. lSos, Ua-6M EIGHT-ROOM, all modern, on car line. 1038 No. 83d fit Tel. Uaxuey 2ih . (K-M34 4g iust the one OFFERED FOR RENT Hoases aad Cottages -Ceatlaaed. HOUSE, 8 rooms modem, 130 8. 44th St., en West Farnam line, 130. Tel Harney a.ttil. (16 M4i'8 27 I NICE large rooms, city water, 1828 N. 17th St-38. On March 1, 8-room brick, modern house, north part of city 125. C. M. BACHMANN, 438 Paxton Blk. (16)-M828 8 ROOMS, first floor, modern except heat 1808 N. fth St, 118. 8 rooms, 3d floor, 1908 N. 2th St., city Water and toilet. 818. 10-room modern house, 838 North S5th St. 830; with barn. 835. . 8-room modern house except heat 1300 Maple St. 818. 8 roome. Id floor, 1108 N. 20th St, 115. T rooms. 2d floor, 1306 N. 24th St. mod ern except heat 815. CHRIS BOTZR. Bd and Cuming Bta. Tel. Doug, and B-8043. (IS) 266 MAGGARD VAN a STORAGE C Tel. D. I486. We guarantee moving pianos, H. H. gooda' (16) 666 HOUSES In " P"1 of th city- fluuiM'a Cretgh Sons Co.. Bra Bldg. (16)-9t FOR RENT Nine-room house, all modern. 814 N. ltd St. Low rent If taken soon. Apply at 807 N. 18th St la M740 sra Douglss St, 8 rooms, modern sxcept heat. tl2.60. 112 Georgia Ave., 8 rooms, modern, 821.60. 8402 N. 27 th Ave., 6 room a modern except heat, 322.80. ttlft Rrtatnl Kit Y . A M. - w. avwiiis, ,j.ifim, .a). Ptwt St., 6 rooms, modern except heat. 646 8. 14th Ave., 7 rooms, modern except heat, 130. 4S Chicago St., (Dundee), 7 rooms, all aaivuv 11. UCUI 8 I1C W, f.OA FIaATS. tOCU Farnam Bt, oond floor, room. 103 8. th Ave., 7, room, modern, oak GEORGE 4 CO., 1801 FARNAM 8T. (15)-176 20 HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. T. L. Bldlc. (15)-65 LIST your vacant houses with Walter oreen t'O., is. X. Life Bldg. (IS) 663 HOUSES, flats. Garvin Broa. 1604 Fsrnam. C15 te7 HOUSES, Insurance. Rtngwalt Barker Blk. (15)-a8 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and atorlng. Expressmen's Delivery Co., TeL Doug. 894, (151-466 HOUSES FOR RENT. Hanscom Park Seven-room cottage, all modern, fine lot, 830. Walking distance, 7 rooms, all modern, 830. Kountse Place Seven rooms, modem ex cept heat, barn, large lot, 126. 2624 S. 8th-Seven rooms, all modern, one block from Farnam car, 826. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. Doug-las or A-2152. (16)-171 20 EIGHT-ROOM, atrlctly modern houae, ex cellent heating plant, good neighborhood, walking distance. M. J. Kennard & Co.. 810 Brown . Blk. (15) M186 COTTAGE for rent Piano for sale. 'Phone weoster zao. , (16) M207 28 FOR RENT 8-room house, strictly modern. 80S a 86th St Tel. Harney 4221. ' (16) M204 tlx Omoea. DF38K ROOM for rent In an office located on the buay oornor of 24tlv and N Bta., South Omana. Call at Bee offioa, 8. O. branch. 24tn and N .8U. Nsw addresa . (18) loin COUNTER BARGAIN On account of changes in office arrange ment we will sell tne counters now in stalled In The Bee office and Hastlnga it Heyden's offlca These are handsome carved and decorated oak counters, having a marble base 19 Inches high. The counter stands i feet high and 3-foot top, and there Is a total of about 46 feet In length. These will be sold either separately or together. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam bta. (16J-2.4 Stores. NEW, modern, corner room, 30x80 ft. (and well lighted basement, 60x80 ft., with ce ment floor); has corner entrance, modern, plate-glass front, modern steel celling; Is furnace heated, gas lighted; between de pot and court house, on same side of street and next door to postofflce, which has just commenced a ten-year govern ment lease. Don't write me if you are looking for a cheap building for a cheap stock, but if yoa would like to secure the best opening In the state for a general merchandise stock, for drugs and jewelry or for clothing snd shoes at a reasonable rental It will pay you to Investigate this opportunity at once. H. P. Rankin, Owner, Harttngton. Neb. (18) M266 28 STOREROOMS FOR RENT. On 16th St., 22x60 ft, or 44x60 ft., on promi nent corner; new. front to be put. In at once; rental reasonable; lease one to three years. GEORGE & CO., 1601 'FARNAM ST. ' ' ' (1S 178 20 OFFERED FOR SALE p-iritttar. TWO ' foldlnc counter tool.. m hoy ! l.iti l.tasa lisarl an nhnrr lima m nl 111 1IIIISU uvv as ws- -wo a vitas ay UU W lie sell cheap. Call at Bes office. Omaha. (1)-141 '1' jr ye writers. TYPEWRITERS for rent 82-60 month. Cen tral Typewriter uxenange, 1007 larnara. (16)M97 FJI B. F. SW ANSON CO. OF OMAHA SAVES YOU $25 . . : TO $75 ON A TYPEWRITER Twenty different makes to select from at a saving of 30 to 80 per cent of manu facturers' prices (115 and up). Slightly tued and genuine rebuilt machines, prac tically as good ss new for sals or rent; rent applied If bought. Full guarantee. We ship anywhere on spproval for ex amination without a deposit Write ta. day for large bargain list and receive our offer. B. F. Swaneon Co. (Est. 1H4 , 417 B. 15th Bt. Omaha. - (! Ml Mlseellaaeeaa. FOR SALE New and Sd-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead tha world In cheap bar fixtures; easy paymenta Brunswick Balks Collender, 407 8. 10th Bt dO-664 FOR BALE Two-story bulidlng located at 17th and Leavenworth; suitabla for stores and living rooms; building to be moved from site. Wm. Ptleffer Co., 6th snd Leavenworth. (1-M166 23 HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furniture. Am. Furniture Co.. 3Ai N. ltn. TeL Douglas 1588. (14) M1K2 28 BRICK STORE BUILDING FOR BALE Two-story brick. Wealed on main street of a good live town of l,6uu, the county sest; upper apartments rented for house keeping; muat be sold at once to settle an as tat, and muat be sold for cash. Will nake attractlvs price. Address for partic ulars, Wesley J. Richards, Exeter, Neb. (16) M71 MsrVX WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which we will sell at 80c each. They ere fine for rain water or ashes. Call at press room, La Publishing Co. !) 77, OFFERED FOR SALE Miscellanea ms Ceatlaaed. DRUGS at cut prices: freight paid en all 818 orders; catalogue free. Bherroan A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. (l-6 THE OLD TRUBTT Incubators. For low special prlcra frelsht nrenald. dnye' free trlaL Write the Old Trusty Incu bator Co.. Clay Center. Neb. U8 1W BEND us your mall orders for drugs; freight paid on 110 lota Mysrs-Dilloa urug co., omitit. tiw aaa -I FOR SALE Barn. Tel. Harney 4107. (161104 2Sx PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Block. Tel. Red 7UI. tt)-' PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of Ou post sge. R. 8. and A. B. Lacey, rooms 28-81 psciric ruag., wasuington. u. c Eestab llshed 1868. (17)-S PERSONAL DRS. EGGERS, private confinement home. U14 Martha St 'TeL Douglas ). I) Vl-44 M&x OILVHA Btamme.-ers' lna, Ramga Bldg. (18) 4 HALL'S safes, new, Id-hand. 1818 Farnam, (18-878 MA69AGE treatment 1708 Dodge, basement lady assistant. (ls)-M2Ue stx THE SALVATION ARMT aollclts castoft clothing; lu fact snythlng you do not need. We collect repair and sell at 134 N. llth flt.. for cost of collection to the worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4136 and wagon win can. - tisj jas MARSAfJF. Electric vibratory. 110 8. JUaOOAUU,,.,.. Room 80. Fourth Floor, old Boston Store. (18)-MS71 Mil YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Chrlstlsn association rooms, 1611 Farnam St., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. A deaconess representing the association meets trains st ths Union sta tion as travelers' aid. (18) 268 TELEPATHIC dlagnosts of your case by lit. u. . m. Bowen win start you on the road to health. Call or write. Suite 230-1-4, Paxton Blk. Tel. Doug. 180. (18)-Mlll M17 C. H. THATCHER, piano tuning. Doug. 6018. (18) M156 M18 aLOAJ-l VJXJ gmlth( j 8. 16th, 3d floor. (18)-627 LIEBEN, cosiumer. 1410 Howard. Open eve. ti8 n PRIVATE home during confinement; bablea adopted. The Good Samaritan San. Itsrlum, 740 First Ave. Council Bluffs, la. 8) M96I SYRINGES, rubber goods, by mall; cut prices. Bend for free catalogue. Myers Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha (U 873 WIDOWER Ex-teacher, desires lady part l er with menns, for poultry ranching near Omnha Addresa Y 6, care Bee. (18)-M423 22x POULTRY AND EGGS Poaltry aad Egss. WANTED TO BUY-Pure bred poultry. Rhode Island Reds, yearling hena and fulleta. Barred Plymouth Rock hena pul ets and cockerels. Single Comb Whlto and Rose Comb White Leghorn hens end pul lets, and a limited number of SO other varletlea of pure bred poultry. Writs, stating what you have, giving lowest price. Dean Swift Poultry Co., Des Molnea, la. (11) M108 Mchlx BARRED Plymouth Rock, 76 cockerela for sale; Bradley strain, for 85.00. P. H. Kellrt. Elkhrrn. Neb. (1D-M338 Mchx R. C. RHODE ISLAND Red cockerels 83; 8 S. C. Buff Leghorn hens and 1 8-year-male 85; 8 Buff pullets 86. Elixa Smith, Aurora, Neb. R. D. Route 1, Box 78. (1D-M146 M4x COLUMBIAN WYANDOTTES. Beauty, act re 96 by Eugene Sites, in our breeding Sen; only a few settings to spare at to. . Homer Fowler A Co., Excelsior Spring.', Mo. (ll)-MlSS Max BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS A lot of fine pullets and hena, good layera; also prize winners. Prices reasonable. Orvllls O. Jones, B, D. 1, York Neb. 4 (11) M108 Mchlx BLACK LANGSHANS, cockerels. $1; hens. Tic; W. Holland turkeys, toms, 83; hens, 12; t-year-old torn, nice one, 85. Mra J. . W. Johnson. Loup City, Nrb. . (U)-M18 M6x BARRED Plymouth Rock eggs from first snd second prlxe winners. A limited num ber Bronxe turkey eggs. . John Mullle, Dunbar. Neb. (11) MS28 Mch8x WHITE Wyandotte chickens, Incubator, brooder, coops, etc., cheap. Moving to city. E. B. Cook, south Country Club grounds, Benson. (11) M 434 23x REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE DEALERS. REED ABSTRACT CO.. Est. 1868; prompt service; get our prlcea 1710 Farnam HL (1)-71 PAYNE INV. CO.. first floor. N. T. U (IS) 478 BENJAMIN R, E. Co., 477 Brandels Bldg. U3) lk REAL ESTATE TITLB-TRU8T CO.. CHAS. E. WILLIAMSON. President . . (13)-74 GEORGE' CO., 1601 Farnam. Tel. Douglas 761 (18) 877 C1TV PnOPKRTT FOR BALsL 9 FULL SIZED LOTS ALL' FOB $360 Tn Cottage Place addition, southwest of Ruser's park. This Is less thsn land Is sell- ins for three milee farther out Belonss to a nonresident who must rslse t-60 cash at once. If 'you want these come In st once and we win snow tnem to you. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 Fnrnam St (19) ta zu FOR BALE New pressed brick' house,- 8 rooms, ostn, electric i.gnts, acre lot, nw:e location, block from car; bargain. Tel. Webster 1447. (18 MJ92 tlx YOUR CHANGE FOR COTTAGE Near 23d and Grand Ave. 8 rooms, modern except turnace; lot mxiss; price nas Den 82.760. Owner will sell before April 1, At t2.!b0. A good new modern cottage near 28th and Blondo St., paved, nice location, 12.600. Fine little house, new snd modern, on 27th and Burdette Bta., Price on applica tion, at a bargain. . , . W. T. GRAHAM, BEE BLDG. (19)-M41S 23 It's Worth While See the new bungalow cottages building at 61st and Dodge; they're the classiest lit tle homes In town. The west house Is com pleted snd ready for occupancy buy It snd mrke your wife's dream corns true; 7 rooms, all modern, fir lshed In quartered oak; two lots, 100x120 feet. Terms can be arranged. We will be delighted to show It to you. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor N. Y. Llfs Bldg. Tele. Douglas 1781; "A" 118&. (1) -19 20 Flour Mill to Exchange ' Up-to-date flour mill, first-class condi tion, both steam and water power, lo cated at Tekamah, Neb. Plenty good milling wheat raised there, good custom trade, also big demand for feed stuff. Mill can be kapt running day and night and a very profitable business done. This property will be exchsnged for land, city properly or merchandise. Property Is clear and a loan, can be obtained If desired. National Investment Co., tea Brandels Bldg., Omaha. Neb. 7-MvS3 a ..-v REAL ESTATE city rnortvRTY for salB (Continued.) A GOOD INVESTMENT ri0-12 Jsckson fU. llss good reception hall, parlor, and dining room finished In osk. and kitchen with good pantry and entry finished In btrch a 'id maple on ths first floor. All rooms nlcel papered. Four good Slsed bedrooms snd bath with tile floor on second floor, all finished In hard . pine and birch; full cellar, bricked with hollow tile, and has the best heating furnacea made. The plumbing la the best; combination electric light and gas fixtures- . screens with all windows snd doors. The front porch floor Is concrete and cement alao the steps. The porch has a fine tile roof, which will last a lifetime; cement walka all around; paved street In front, all paid; south front lot 54x0 feet, nicely ter raced and sodded. Will alwaya rent for tl.OSO a year. Owner will take about S6.W0 ' cash and a mortgage bark for the balance due in five yeara at 6 per cent, and will make a very low price If sold by March 1. Thla Is ons of tne beat close In flat build ings ever offered for sale. See us about ' this 4t once. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1704 Fsrnam ft. (18) M208 23 See Chris Boyer For Bargains (lti-SIS 22 FOR BALE On Installment plan nine room, all modern house, near high school grounds, for hems or rooming. Will con sider change for other Income property In part Address C 478, care Bee. U8)-M4M I HAVE six modern brick houses In Wsst Farnam street district which I can sell for 85,000 esch or perhaps lesa ' THOMAS BRENNAN. Room U New Tork Life Building. (18-M471 IMPROVED ACRE TRACT Twenty-five acres, near 61st and Dodge Bt., tf good house, barn and shade,' about twelve and one-half acree In hay or pas ture, balance In good condition for crop. GEORGE A CO., 1601 FARNAM BT. (1S)-177 20 LIST your property with Chris Boyer, Hit and Cuming Bta (IS) 878 BEST strictly modern 8-room house la Bemls park for 83,650. Tel. Harney 3K. (It) 477 28x FOR QUICK SALE Owner offers 8-room, modern house, Ideal location, 11,000 less than actual value. ADDRESS OWNER, 4628 BEDFORD AVE. (1)-MJ67 23x IF TOU HATH City property, farms ranch landa er mer chandlse to sell or trade, list them wits) ma It costs you nothing unless I effect a sala W. W. MitcnelL ti Board of Trade Bid.. (IS) M441 BIG B A RC1 AIN S-reom cottage, 8178 Half Cass 11,260; easy terms. Parrotte. Board of Trade. (19) M 424 27 WHEN writing ta advertisers, kindly men tlon The Bee. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR SALS Calorado. FARM AND FRUIT LAND. Denver-Greeley district, under Irrigation: sugar beets, airaita, general tanning and fruit raising; low price, easy payments. National Investment Co.. 681 Brandsla Bldg.. Omaha TeL Douglas 6681. (20)-8t ROUTT COUNTY ranchea, Improved and unimproved, for sals by C. S. McCandleas Co., Craig. Colo. (20) M3t Mchli Sflsaaarl. CORN LANDS-Wrlte for state map, book let ana westner report, sent free. Basel J. Meek. Chllllcothe. Mo. (20)-M186 M5x Nebraska Three ' Farm' 8- Bargains PIERCE COUNTY Quarter section six miles from Plnlnvtew, well Improved, all under cultivation; worth more, but will sell for 18.600 if taken quick. Encumbrance 13,300. Write quick If Inter ested. . SALINE COUNTY Quarter section Niear Western, well Im proved, including good buildings, orchard, fruit, windmill, etc.; well fenced, all under cultivation and well located, being but . three miles from Western, a thriving rail road town and one mile from school; ia on rural mall route and telephone line; neigh borhood principally Germans and Amer icana Will sell if taken Immediately for 170 per acre. No encumbrance. MERRICK COUNTY Quarter section three miles from Palmer, well improved, practically all under culti vation, good buildings, etc. No encum brance. Will sell, If taken quick, for 18.800. We own these farms and must sell them f if this month or rent them, so havs put our price so low that they should mar. Write quick or telephone. v PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Omaha, Neb. (30)-M44S 28 Drainage in Elkhorn Valley Western Douglss county, now assured, will advance pricea of land, Choice Farming and Ranch Land ranging from 240 up. In 30, 40, 80, 020, 1160 to 400-acrs tracts, for sale. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Can deal with owners. Lock Box 70, Waterloo. Neb. (20) MAS 23 A SNAP. "Hlllcrest" ISO-acre fruit and stock farm; 16, loo ; easy terms; send for lllustrsted description. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield, . Neb. (3n)-M971 2x BTOPI READ. 640 acrea on main line of U. P. R. R. In western Nebraska. Thla is a fine section. Owner must sell. Will taks 85.60 per acre If taken soon; cssh; balance easy. - 8. E. WAIT A CO., 617 Bee Bldg., Omaha Tel Doug. 1383. (lp)-M410 23 -4 SALE OR TRADE-820 acres land ten miles from Hurwell, near country store and poetoffiue; part level end part . rolling. . Will lake town property a part pay. ment Box 4V7, Burwell, Neb. (JO) M271 JZx Soata Dakota. .. SOUTH DAKOTA For Sale at a bargain. Two quarter sec tlon near Fairfax. South Dokota. Proe- ' pnroua comir unity. Good aoll and a good place to live. Land all fenced; one quarter having a good frame house, barn and partly under cultivation. Write us quick if Interested. Price. Improved quarted 810 por acre; ether quarter, IU per acia. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Ground Floor . T. Life. Rids. i-J-Jd4i 38 Oma&a, Neb,