Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 "
th great necessity of th cud, before these
Twt l.rtUUltn Rfteak.
Jeremiah Hord am) J. f. Kraus. South
Omaha's representatives jrv . the lower
boua of th legislature, made speeches of
th same tenor. Howard's trpeech was
characterised by hitter denunciation not
calculated to calm the crowds. Following
them Frank Polesal. a mm of Influence in
Bohemian circle, mads a speech.
At tha conclusion a series of resolutions
waa psssed by the felling crowd.
About half of the crowd assembled there
formed a loosely' governed band, filling
tha entire strVpt, marched around to Q
street, where the troabl began. Boon 1.000
spectator Jammed the entire length of Q
atreet from Twenty-fourth to Twenty
eighth. The Q ' street 'viaduct waa given
about aa good a tenting for weight aa It
will ever get. Th the center of thlfl throng
at Twenty-alxth and Q atreet howle and
yells told of the anger of the mob and
flylnar brick and crashing ' glass marked
Ita progress. "' ' I "'!
Ten or twelve store and lodging houaea
were attacked and all the glass and much
of th Interior . destroyed. . The buildings
are not owned by tha Greek, but are
rented to the' Oreeks for these purpose.
The Qreeka have - only ' The' money which
they have In their pockets. At this point
many Greeks were assaulted. Here also
Home one fired, the- shots - which struck
Frank Sweeney and Joe Gamble. Part of
tha mob crossed the viaduct and worked
destruction similar In kind and greater In
volume at Twenty-eighth and Q and the
neighboring streets of - that quarter, where
many Oreeka live. Shots were exchanged.
' Glass Front Smashed.
Another section; of the rrlob came north
on Twenty-fifth - and : Q. streets, to Nick
Moga'a grocery and meat- market. The
front was smashed In and the atock dam
aged. Thecrowd broke- Into several housea
about Twenty-alxth and N streets used by
the Creeks. Then It went up Twenty-fourth
street to Twenty-fourth and L, to Demos
Itros.' confectionery store. This was com
pletely . wrecked. ' Two women, sisters of
Demos, were In charge and- were driven
out. The mother of the family came near
being hit by flying bricks. The crowd
seised the cigars and candy which was con
venient and tore up the fountain, doing
several thousand dnllsrs damage In all.
The eenter of the mob at 9:8n was In the
vlelnltv of Thirtieth and. Q streeta, acroas
the viaduct from the main part of the
rlty, and here It broke 1nt several Greek
- homes and stores, shot two Greeks and an
Omaha laborer, tha latter accidentally, In
flicting severe brulsea on three Greek boys
and set fire to a. Greek atore anil home.
Greek Store Set on Fire.
' A mob of between 600 and 700, at Thirty
second and Q streets, set fire to a Greek
store and home, the two combined In one
building, and burned It to' the ground.
Three young Greek boys were taken from
tliet burning building by the mob and
roughly handled, being beaten with cluba
and kicked by- tha infuriated leaders of the
Mot. Then the oldest of the three lads waa
marched up town at the bead of a long line
of rioters, the leaders shouting that he was
to be put on .a train and ahipped out of
City Hall starting; lolat.
Early In the evening the mob's center
was at Twenty-eighth and R streets. An
attempt waa made to ire a Greek store
lo my nomo
-I write advertise
ments; snappy, compell
ing advertisements that
bulge out. with the es
sence of salesmanship.
And I ro a k e them
.vspicy enough, novel
enough and different
enough to stand out
from among the OTHER
advertisements. 1
THAT'S "the combina
tion that turns the trick.
My work my record
-Uav not an ' unknown
quantity. They KNOW ,
of roe n Des Moines, la.;
4. years in St Joseph,
Mo; i years in St.
Ixuis;t 2 yars in
Memphis, Term.; . 3
years. v -A .... .
You, too, ; will soon
say: "Well, he DOES
know hia business."
I seek I solicit a
chance at that latest
proposition' of yours
the one you are ready to
make familiar to count
less thousands through
captivating newspaper
T. Toby
here and In a fusstlude of shots Charles
Nestroyl, an employe In, the Vnlon Pacific
shops In Omaha, but who Uvea at 3014 R
atreet. waa shot twice. He waa shot In
the face and thla wound Is considered
Another battle between the rOeeks and
the mob occurred In front of a, Greek
store at Thirtieth and Q streets and
nurnrwr of shota were fired. A Greek was
shbt in the leg and Sheriff rBalley, who,
with Chief Briars of the South Omaha
police, managod to get the man awny from
the mob. said that the hole In his leg was
large enough to put a man's fist In. The
officers succeeded in getting the Greek
through the weeds to an automobile and
carried him to th Bouh Omaha police
At I SO the mob had cleaned up the
bakery ahop and other property owned by
A. B. Cokorla at Thirtieth and Q streeta.
Bread was scattered in th street and
biscuits and cookies threwn around like
confetti. -
Brlga-s aad Bralley Fight.
Chief BHggs and Sheriff Bralley did per
sonal work that subjected them to violence.
The chief scattered a cluster of rioters
with his club and seised three Greeks
whose lives were In peril. He and Bralley
threw the victims Into an automobile and
rushed for safe quarters.
Th sheriff had Increased hla fore of
deputies to forty by t o'clock. Up to that
hour thirty wounded and bleeding Greeks
were ki jail. A two-story Greek building
at Twenty-eighth and R streeta, in front
of which a Greek was shot, being fired at
that time the storm waa swelled and every
energy of the authorities redoubled.
More Dilla Cnarn-lna- Kstortlow aad
Conspiracy Aaralnst China
Union Mea.
CHICAGO, Feb. 21.-After Martin B.
(Skinny) Madden, president of th Asso
ciated Building Trades of Chicago, and M.
J. Boyle, business agent of th Electrical
Workers' union, who were indicted yester
day on charges of extorting money from
contractors, had each furnished 110,000 bail
today, the grand Jury returned more In
dictments agalnat the men. Beside Mad
den and Boyle, Indictments war retained
against Fred A. Fuchet, business agen of
tha Metal Workers' union. Tha new charges.
re that the men extorted $1,600 from the
Jewel Tea company for calling off a strike
on the company's new workshop. A con
spiracy to extort $1,000 from the Joseph
Klicke company la also charged. ' tn one
instance. It la charged, $700 waa paid for
calling off a strike and $1,000 to prevent the
calling of a new one.- The grand jury's
action is the result of testimony given be
fore It by contractors, architects and
. A Cruel Mistake
Is to neglect a cold or cough. Dr. King's
New Discovery cures them and prevents
consumption. 60c and $1.00, For sale by
Beaton Drug Co. , . . . '
Nebraska News Notes.
WEST POINT-D. M. Hubler haa sold
his confectionery and restaurant business
to his son. J. M. Hubler of Hooper.
KEARNEY Hamer Klein, aged 66 years,
died at hia home at Thirteenth street and
Avenu D after a short attack of Inflamma
tion of tha bowels.
WEST POINT-Casper Rlef and Mlsa
Margaret Blanknagel were married at St
Mary's church Chursday, Bev. A. K.
Klemens, assistant pastor, celebrating the
nuptial mass.
KEARNEY Mrs. Deademotia Kelly, wife
of George Kelly of this city, died Friday
evening of peritonitis. Mrs. Kelly was
but a few days over 1 years old and leaves
a child t days old., . ,. . . .
KEARNEY Word hss been received to
the effect ' that I R. Wernert and Miss
Anna Rebhausen were married at Columbus
Friday. Mr. Wernert la manager of the
Kaufman St Wernert store In this city.
SCOTIA Louie Standlsh Moore, widow
of Ravld Moors, died February 18. aged
78 years. The family came to Greeley
county, Nebraska, in 1878. being among the
early aettlera of the North Loup valley.
WEST POINT-John Beerbohm, a well
known pioneer of Cuming county, died at
hla farm home Saturday, aged 78 years.
Mr. Beerbohm waa a native of Germany.
He haa reared a large family of. children.
SHELTON The annua smoker given by
Knights of PythlaS lodge No, was held
In the lodge rooms Saturday evening. 'Al
most a hundred prominent business and
professional men were present. The even
ing waa spent at whlatNand checker. .
BLUE HILL T. T. Toben, who dlsnsed
of his clothing stock here, last week to
Souchek Shields, has purchased a half
Interest 1n the Rhea Tailoring company at
Holdrege and expects to move there in a
few weeks and take th management
BLUE HII.L-R. W. Shields, publisher
and owner of the Blue Hill Leader, haa
aold his Interest to J. B. Lane of Holdrege.
who will look carefully to its welfare In
the future. The first Issue nnder the
management of Mr. Lane will be published
this week.
SILVER CREEK Robert " Tsylor, ' for
more than thirty-five years a resident of
this neighborhood, met with a mlsfortunn
by slipping and falling on the lc and
fracturing hla hip. Owing to his age, which
la past 70, the physicians In attendance
consider hts chance of recovery alight.
KEARNEY Dean Bode of Laramie gave
an organ recital to a large and apprecia
tive audience at tha new St. Luke'a church
In thla city Friday night. The new plpt
organ has recently been Installed at a cost
of 88,000. One-half of the funda to pur
chase it were donated by Andrew Carnegie.
PERU The preliminary announcement
for the next summer session of the normal
Is just out. Summer school will begin
June 7 and continue for eight weeks. Mr.
Crabtree expecta an enrollment of over
1.O0O and la making all necessary arrange
menta to accommodate this -large attend
ance. ' i v l(
BHELTON The Twentieth Century club
held Ita annual banquet Saturday evening
ot the home of O. it. Crumley. Eighteen
marchers were present and the evening waa
iiKuuuntly and profitably spent, the them
being "Patriotism." The rooms were
decorated in the national colors. The wo
men of th Presbyterian church served the
banquet. ,
WTMORB Harmonla lodge No. 48.
Knighta of Pythias, observed the forty
fifth y anniversary of tlio founding of th
order by a banquet nnd tntertAlnment at
th armory Saturday evening. Invited
guests and Pythlana from liberty num
bered over ISO. Mayor. 8. E. If Oder made
an address of welcome and Fret Warren
was the speaker of the evening-
Wy MORE The water eupply is still the
most discussed question In Wymor. Those
who are bark of the movement to bring
the Blue Springa water here .and ergarlslng
a company to do so are not saying much,
but are Said to b sawing wood. Another
projvet being talked of. and favorably re
ceived In some quarters. Is to build a
large filter and clear the Blue river water
through it.
WEST POINT-Rev. L. J. Powell, the
recently elected pastor of Grace Lutheran
church, waa formally Installed la hla efflc
ounday. Th charge to the pastor was
made by Rev. C. W. Ringer of Wayne.
statistical secretary, end the charge to the
congregation was delivered by Rev. Dr.
Or oh of Omaha, president of the Nebraska
synod. Th at fairs or th church ar in
a flourishing condition and th pastorate
of Rev. Mr. Powell promises well.
WEST POINT-The mortgage record for
Cuming county for th year IMS shows
that during the yar there wer placed
mortgage on fsrins to th amount of
S673.HU and during the same period $M.l3
was reiuaaeo. on city real, estate the
amount placed waa 813 and released
IKH.KH. The chattel mortgage record s iuwa
a satisfactory state of affairs, the filings
being va.47, while th release amounted
to rW.&vt.
WAYNE A Day la th Urrton Depot"
wa ftresenUd by hum talent at th (wra
house FrUls y night under th auplora of
the Monday club of this rlty, the pnxds
of th performanr to be tiaed in assisting
in equipping th gymnasium of th hand
some new high school bulldin now in
uuoiaa of ovfistruciioa. i'ha entertainment
was on of th aoosa suoeaasful vr given
In Wayn. never having been ezoaauied
financially or In attendance u far aa oatd
; aouiisiuiie rv wucfrnco.
Secretary of Treasury Said to Be the
Only Vacant Place. -
Vsa Meyer aad Wllsoa of th P reseat
Cahlaet Slated Reanala la
th Oa of President
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. $1. President
elect Taft arrived here this morning from
Cincinnati and with Mrs. Taft, who cam
from New York to join him, Is th guest
Of Dr. 8. Wier Mitchell In his Walnut street
horn. Mr. Taft attended morning services
at th Unitarian church and with Mrs. Taft
drove to Bryn Mawr, where they called on
their daughter Helen, and returned with
her in their automobile to dinner at the
Mitchell residence. A - conference took
place between the president-elect and Frank
H. Hitchcock, who came here at the request
of Mr. Taft, Frank B. Kellogg was also
a visitor.
Although It was early In the morning
when Mr. Taft alighted from his Cincinnati
tralrj at North Philadelphia, h was greeted
by an enthusiastic crowd. When a few
minutes later' he stepped from his auto
mobile at the Mitchell residence, th street
was blocked with people, who cheered as
they caught a glimpse of th bulky form
of ths Ohloan and of the beaming Taft
smile. In giving an account of his day
here. Judge Taft laughingly remarked that
he had wakened Philadelphia up at the
nnuaual Sunday morning hour of 7 o'clock,
for which he felt he owed an apology.
The report printed today that aa president
he would go to Alaska, Mr. Taft said, had
only th foundation that ,h had received
n Invitation for such a trip and had replied
that he would hold It under consideration.
The same anawer, he said, likewise applied
to Invitations to visit Denver and Seattle
next aummer. He has not yet decided what
his traveling itinerary for th year will be
except that he will make a trip through
the south and southwest as far aa Texas.
An address will be delivered by Judge
Taft at the Academy of Muslo hare to
morrow morning under the auspices of the
University of Pennsylvania In celebration
of University day. A walking atlck used
by Benjamin Franklin and by him pre
sented to Lafayette will be a gift to the
university by th president-elect. After th
celebration Mr. Taft will be the guest at
luncheon of the First troop, Philadelphia
City cavalry, and at night wilt attend the
University of Pennsylvania alumni dinner.
Many other functions, such as luncheons
and dinners, have been arranged with a
desire that Mr. Taft attend, but his capa
bilities In this respect will depend upon
his time. He expects to leav for New
York Tuesday morning.
Mr. Taft admits he is making headway
In the selection of a secretary of the treas
ury, but maintains that the place Is not
yet filled. Franklin MacVeagh and Myron
T. Herrlck are two of the men under con
elderatlon. With this exception, the Taft
cabinet la complete and when officially
promulgated shortly before his Inaugura
tion will be found as follows:
Secretary of State Philander C. Knox of
Attorney General George Wlckersham' of
New York.
Secretary of War J. M. Dickinson of Ten
nessee. Secretary of the Navy George Von L.
Meyer of Massachusetts.' '
Secretary -of - Cmraerot- and Labor
Charlea Nagel of Missouri.
Secretary of the Interior R. A: Balllnger
of Washington. '.
Postmaster General Frank H. Hitchcock
of Massachusetts.
Secretary of Agriculture James Wilson of
It will be observed that tn this list ar
five lawyers, of whom Mr. Taft believes
ther ar none better In the country. It
may be atated that thla fact Is not a mere
coincidence, but Is an accomplishment
which has been carefully planned and
striven for the Incoming president.
Constitutional legal restrictions on cor
porate abuses ara the accomplishments he
will strive for. The extreme difficulties
of first framing such measures nd thon
of securing their enadtment have con
fronted Mr. Taft with great force. To
meet them with success he believes will
require the combined legal skill of the best
minds he can bring to the task. In as
sembling his legal cabinet, tho president
elect has not lost sight of ths necessity
of obtaining men whose beliefs of the
questions to be dealt with coincide with
his own. Mr. Taft's position has' been
clearly embodied in his Inaugural .address
and this document Is known to have re
ceived hearty adoption and complete ap
proval by all or the men aelected-to be
Mr. Taft's cabinet advisers. '
It requires little imagination, therefor,
to picture Mr. Taft's expectancy to be that
when a reform recommendation ahall be
made to congress, it will have first had
careful weighing aa to Ita necessity and
efficiency, the greatest care In its prepara
tion with a view to exact Justice, and pos
sess a technical correctness which will In
sure its efficacy before tha courts. Such
measures. It Is believed, will not only com
mend themselves for their Intrinsic merit
to th national leglsla.tora, but may also
b expected to hav behind them th weight
of popular approvL
With this known careful consideration
with regard to the lawyer In his cabinet.
It IS Interesting to know something -of the
personality and legal achievements of th
latest acquisition J. M. Dickinson of Ten
nessee, who aocepted the war portfolio at
th bands of Mr. Taft In Cincinnati yes
terday. Mr. Dickinson will give up th position
of general solicitor for th Illinois Central
railway and a salary of 838.000 a year to
become a cabinet minister. He Is between
60 and 66 years of age, a natlv of Missis
sippi, served three months in the confeder
ate army as a boy, graduated from th
University of Tennessee and finished his
education in Germany. Hla grandfather
waa Phellx Grundy, attorney general of the
United States, and hla father was a dis
tinguished chancellor In Mississippi. Mr.
Dickinson haa always been a democrat,
although he Is a personal friend of Presi
dent Roosevelt and refused to vote for
Bryan. Mr a. Dickinson waa a Miss Over
ton, daughter of General Overton, and both
ar related to prominent old southern fami
lies. He is the owner of the famous Bell
Mead manor house and Immense estates
three miles out of Nashville, In, which city
he began bis law practice. He was for a
tlm judge of the supreme court of Tennes
see and was appointed by President Cleve
land assistant attorney general of th
United States, serving under Attorney Gen
eral Harmon.
Heetatatlosk la A la ska a Case.
Mr. Dickinson was selected by President
Roosevelt to present th argument of the
United State befor th Joint high com
mission which adjusted th Alaskan bound
ary dispute between thla country aad Great
Britain and his presentation of this case
won for him an international reputation.
He haa just retired as president of,th
American Bar association. Th nwwr
serietary became general counsel for th
Illinois C uli sJ system under the presi
dency of Styvesant Fish and it I said that
la th subsequent controversy btwen Mr.
Fish and Mr. Hrrtnian that b was
atrr ngly on the slda of Mr. Fish. II Is also
assrted that his retention by Mr. Harrl
man waa entirely a recognition of his
ability, not rnly us a legal adviser, but
aa an administrator.
It is known to be Mr. Taft's belief that
his administration will be greatly strength
ened by the acquisition of Mr. Dickinson,
particularly in view of th fact his will
be the hand which will have Immediate
supervision of the Panama canal construc
tion. Mr. Dickinson may be expected to
go to the Isthmus of Panama at an early
day and thoroughly familiarise himself
with conditions there.
H. W. Tsft, brother of th president
elect, reached here tonight from New York.
(Continued from First Page.)
of secret service within the Department of
Justice Itself.
Committee I Ineoaslsteat.
"Your committee In its report states that
It has been the Intention of th congress
to build up a 'spy' system. Th next sen
tence, however advocates the building up
of precisely this 'spy' system in th De
partment of Justice. Not only have I
again and again requested that the secret
service be placed under the Department of
Justice, but ths chief of. the secret service
has himself specifically requested'' on dif
ferent occasions that, the aame cours be
followed. As regards the general policy
which should be followed, therefore, your
committee has declared' for the policy, the
adoption of which ( have urged, and all
difficulties would be met by providing spe
cifically and amply for' carrying out that
policy. Chief Wllkle should be transferred
to the Department pt Justice and put at
th head of tha force therein organized.
"But In your report, and the subsequent
debate, direct and Indirect attacks are mad
Upon the secret service, with a curious
persistency and a curious Indifference to
th fact that your committee recommends
that a precisely similar, secret service to
th one attacked be now established in th
Department of Justice and be observed that
no limitation Is proposed for the new secret
service, sd that the limitation Is only Im
posed upon the secret service which has
already shown its efficiency and has al
ready become an object of terror to crim
inals. Senator Hemenway states that 'there
are more than 8,000 men now In the secret
service and In Inspection work,' and that
In the laat few years the number haa
trebled and that if they were to march
through the streets of Washington they
would make an 'army.' While It was also
stated m the same debate that at the close
of President McKlnlcy's administration
there were only loo auch men on the
payroll; whereas It was alleged that we
now have lover 8,000, and that the appro
priations on that account for last year
amounted to about $10,000,090.'
Statements Are Not Trae.
"These statements re not In accordance
with the facts. I submit to you herewith
a substantially, although not entirely ac
curate, statement of '.Jh, number of men
employed on 'aecret ..aervlee work,' or
'criminal Investigation, work. during th
year that haa just passed, as compared
with the year 1901-02. Owing to th very
brief ' period which I hav had to get At
these figures it was' Impossible to get
them with entire accuracy, but they are
not out of the way Wore than a 'score or
so In either direction. 'According to these
figures it appears that in th neighbor
hood of l,4Cfl men'tf this type wer em
ployed seven years fgo and somewhat
over 1.800 now; that 'is, Instead of having
trebled the number In accordance with cms
statement made above,' Instead of having
increased nearly twenty fold In accordance
with the other statement,-they have In
creased but a little over one-half, a little
over (0 per cent. Moreover of this Increase,
considerably over half was in the number
of men used In securing the punishment of
violators of the Internal revenue laws, a
matter which Is wholly outside of that
discussed by any of .the gentlemen who
have objected to the 'use ef the secret
service. The remaining Increase Is due to
such causes as the natural growth of the
Postofflce department the appointment ot
individuals to enforce the pure food and
meat Inspection laws, the more rlgoaous
enforcement of the safety appliance act,
the suppression of the liquor traffic among
the Indiana, the protection of the public
lands and timber and, the like.
Inspectors' Work Not Secret.
' "I call your espcolal .attention to th fact
that th great majority of these men are
not primarily or mainly, or Indeed ordinarily
engaged on secret service or. criminal In
vestigation, or Inspection work at all. I
hav employed these terms merely because
they were so employed by members of
your committee and others In ths course of
the debates tn th house and senate; but
they ar entirely misleading insofar as
they give an impression that tbe chief work
of the men mentioned was of the character
assigned It by Senator Hemenway and
othera In the quotatlona given above and
in similar statements. As regards nlneteen-
twentleths of these men the proportion of
their time given to secret service work or
criminal lnviatleatlon la altogether Insigni
ficant and Is only an occasional Incident to
their ordinary duties.' To speak of these
men as having become an 'army' or as
8,000 men engaged in secret service' and
similar work la comically out of accord with
th actual facta The lncreaae was 700 men,
of whom but a score or two are habitually
engaged in secret service work. As for
the amount expended the statement in the
debate In both houses sre so exaggerated
as to bear no reference whatever to th
actual figures. Thus . it waa ststed that
two-thirds of the money appropriated yfor
the Department of Justice was spent in
criminal investigation. As a matter of fact,
the attorney general reports to me that the
appropriations ao spent, construed only on
the most liberal possible basts, was in
reality 1 7-10 per cent, so that tha statement
waa a thirty-fold exaggeration. In tho
earn way It waa atated that $10,000,000, or
aa one gentleman put it. that $32,030.0.10
represented " the amount expended tor this
secret service work, while tha total of
another aet of figurss placed $32,000,000 as
th amount which could hav been expended
for such work. A table carefully compiled,
covering all tha departments, shows th
amount actually expended during the first
six months of the present fiscal year, in
all work that can by any possibility be
considered to coma under this heading, as
a little less than $764,000, making an esti
mated total for the entire fiscal year of
approximately $1,800,000, which goes to show
that ths Statements referred to contain
only from I to 17 per cent ot warrant In
Another Misleading Statement.
"Senator Hemenway quoted the secre
tary' of the interior s th authority for
th statement that but one secret service
man was ever detailed to the Interior de
partment. This statement of Senator Hem
enway is completely misleading. The secret
service men wer usd in th Interior de
partment case at' th request of the sec
retary of ths Interior, but for convenience
in operation they were aasigned lo and
paid by tha Department of Justice, This
has been set forth with th utmost clear
ness again and again In th reports at the
Interior department. As prosecutions had
to b carried on by th Department of
Justice, it waa deeirabi that th secret
ervic men aliould work with and under
the Department of Justice officials. By
turning to th district to which I hav
already alluded you will see, for exsmple,
that In th year 1WT th Department of
Justice aked for one man In a land fraud
cab; that on January S It asked five men
lo be detailed for timber entry frauds; on
January 8 four additional men to assist
In land frauds investigation; on Febru
ary 17 alx more men; on March 4 two more
men; on April 1 thre more men; on April
ifl six more men; on May IS and June Hi
one additional man; on August 28 three
additional men. Thee men wer not as
signed to th Interior department, but they
were used for the Interior department case
under the Department of Justice.
Work In Nebraska Commended.
"How such' officers discharged thlr du
ties in a previous case of which I happen
to have personal knowledge. Is shown bx
the following letter: 1
Department of Justice, Dec. !, 19". To
the Chief of the United States Secret Ser
vice. Washington. D. C Plr: The depart
ment Is In receipt of a letter dated the
Elst Inst, from the United States attorney
for the district of Nebraska, reporting the
trial and conviction of Bartlett Richards
and other defendants on ths charge of
conspiring to defraud th United Btstes
of public landv This I on of th esses
In which several operatlvea of your office
have been employed under Operative Lu
cien Wheeler, and the United States at
torney takes occasion. In making hia re
port, to commend most highly the very
Ne service of the operative In charge,
Mr. Luclen G. Wheeler, and his secret
service agents.
"The department is also In receipt of a
letter from the secretary of the Interior,
dated th 23d Inst., expressing his 'ap
preciation of the splendid work done by
the United States attorney, his special as
sistant and Mr. Wheeler and transmitting
copy of a telegram Which he sent to Mr.
Wheeler on the 21st Inst., as follows:
I congratulate you mest heartily on the
work, yon have done In connection with
the verdict, which muset give renewed
confidence to all those who believe that
the law must be obeyed.
I desire to add to what has been quoted
above the appreciation of the department
here of the work done by Mr. Wheeler,
who has shown himself to be a conscien
tious and highly efficient Instrumentality
In bringing nhnut much desired results in
Nebraska. Very respectfully,
Acting Attorney General.
Limitation Not Technical.
"The limitation of the cas of the secret
set vice was hot In the least degree techni
cal; it was actual. If such a condition as
arose in the Interior department from four
years sgo again arises in that department,
with this limitation we should be prevented
from employing the secret service agents
and the result would b harmful to th
government and of berrflt only to th
criminals, unless, of course, we ar able
to build up a precisely similar secret
service in the Department of Justice, in
which case the action of the congress
would have been effective only as show
Irg Its disapproval of th admirable work
dons by Chief Wllkle and his division.
Unless the new secret service In the De
partment of Justice does its work In pre
cisely similar fashion of Wllkle' aecret
service It will not do any good and effec
tive work, and I call your attention to th
fact that the result of the action of con
gress has hitherto been, by th creation
of two secret service, markedly to in
crease th total cost of this class of work.
"Tha facts in reference to th detection
and suppression of the land fraud and th
punishment of criminals engaged in them
have been made public again and again,
but in view of the report of your com
mittee. It is as well (o refer to them one
more. Secretary Hitchcock bee am con
vinced that ther wer widespread frauds
in his department and that his own fore
was unable to, deal with them. Through
tha Department of Justice he had a number
of secret ' service operatives - assigned to
work on th Interior department cases, to
gether with one secret servlc operative
who was assigned direct to th Interior
department. Mr. Hemenway speaks as If
the attorney general and the secretary of
the interior had not known of auch as
signments, when as a matter of fact every
Such assignment waa mad on the written
request of th head of th department The
first result of th work in question was to
find various departmental officials had
failed in their duty and some of them wer
actually dismissed.
InOaeatlal Men Convicted.
"Th results of the assignment of the
secret service men taken of course in con
nection with the activity of tbe reorganised
force of agents in the Interior department
are found In the conviction of many de
fendant, some of them being among th
wealthiest and most Influential people in
their communities; others standing high
in the political world, on of them being a
senator and another a representative In
congress, while a second representative in
congress was indicted. If th limitation of
th us of the secret service which your
commute upholds had been in force at
the tlm of which I speak, the senator, the
representatives and the various men of
wealth and high political influence who
were convicted would all have escaped
punishment I hold such an outcome would
hav been In the interest of th criminals
"Once the emergency has passed, the
needs of the secret service men no longer
existed, and tliey would accordingly be
withdrawn. But the history of these land
frauds shows conclusively the need of hav
ing some secret service body subject to
emergency detail to departments in which
it is not ordinarily employed.
"Before the secret Service was used in
the Interior department, as I have outlined
above, "the prosecutions for land frauds
wer insignificant In their results. At that
time ther was no offectlv deslr shown
to limit th use of the secret service. Then
th secret service agents wer used In con
nection with these land frauds and they
secured the prosecution and conviction of
many men. Influential because of their
wealth or social or political prominence.
Forthwith there began that activ agita
tion against th us of th secret servlr
which continued until the act of congress
laat spring. Very respectfully,
"P. B. This letter Is In part baaed upon
statements furnished by th attorney gen
eral and the secretary of th Interior. It
has been carefully read over by them and
th statements ot fact which it contains,
so far as they refer to ths Department of
Justice and the Department of the Interior,
hav been checked and approved by them.
"Inclose varloua documents as follows:
"Statement showing requests of Depart
ment of Justice for the assignment of secret
service operatives during th year 1907 and
th first six months of 108.
"Statements of a numberjof men employed
on aecret service or criminal Investigation
work during the year Juat ended, as com
pared with the year lfcil-02."
Magnate gald B Planning;
nil New Line la Pnelne
CHICAGO, Feb. B. Th Tribun tomor
row will say that a larg part of ths pro
ceeds of th issue of $Xl.tOO.oao of twenty
year convertabl bond, which th directors
of ti Souther Pacifio company so Ual
Friday announced had been authorised I
to b devoted to a resumstlon ot Htrrlmaa
activity la railroad construction ra ths far
northwest, particularly in Oregon. Several
important line In Oron had ben sur
veyed and wer well under construction m
1807. befor the financial panto of th fall
of that year put a atop to them.
Jama J. Hill has recently pushed sev
eral line, notably tb Bvokaw. Portland
dt Seattle, Into what has formerly been re
garded a Hani man territory and Harri
man evidently proposed to splk down rails
over routes already laid out befor any
other developments may hinder. Harriman
evidently propose t forestall any such
competition as might result from th action
of th Oregon legislature oa Friday In pass
ing a constitutional amendment providing
for stat construction of railroads. Rsosnt
rapid strides road by Oregon in Irrigation
and reclamation projects hav stimulated
railroad activity ther.
(Continued from First Pago.)
pier. Th Panther, instead of having the
tendencies of a beast of prey, has ben
roor of guardian angel lo th fleet, be
ing ready at all times to make any repairs
that might be needed. Fitted with forges
and all the equipment of a modem station
ashore, th presence of this floating ma
chlo shop has lent a' feeling of security
to every commanding officer In the fleet.
Th Panther, on a larger and more com
plete scale, has been td the world cruising
fleet what tb better named Vulcan was
to th American naval forces In Cuban
waters during th Spanlsh-Amrlcan war.
Th collier AJax also cam In today, a
late messenger from th fleet. Colliers
have no horn other than the restless ocean
and so the black AJax flew no homebound
pennant today. The Yankton slipped In
Isst Wednesday with th sentimental
streamer notab'y absent from the aftermast.
This busy dispatch boat returned from
Washington today, a veritable treasure
ship. In Its strong room tonight ar golden
eagles, double eagles and half eagles to
the amount of 8400,000, to be used In paying
off th officer and men upon their ar
rival. The men hav not had a payrtey
for some tlm and th Jingle of American
gold in their pockets In a horn port will
sound good to th bluejackets.
Vessel for Officers' Wives.
The naval yacht Slyph, on of ths vessels
placed at th disposal of th president, ar
rived today to tak out to th reviewing
ground tomorrow the wives of th admirals
and captains of th fleet.
Mrs. Sparry, Mrs, Schroeder, Mrs. Waln
wrlght and Mrs. Potter, wives of the flag
officers ef th four divisions of ths fleet,
all ar here, and mor than one-half of
th wives of the captains also will b on
board ths Sylph tomorrow. Th naval
yacht Oneida, assigned to th militia of
th District of Columbia, is her, with Gen
eral George H. Harries of Washington and
a parly oi board. Vessels of th Virginia
and Marylitnd "oyster navies" arrived this
afternoon and threw out their rainbow
dressing linos immediately upon anchoring.
Several lighthouse lenders and revenue cut
ters ar here to tak out parties of gov
ernment officials, army officers, etc.
The decision of Admiral gperry not to
attempt to receive th hundreds of wire
less messages addressed to officers of tha
fleet has occasioned much wo her among
th navy widows and th host of sweet
hearts who hav gathered to greet the
homecoming officers.
"Cheer up, ducky darling; 111 b waiUng
at th dock." reads on of th mssaages,
whit othera ar filled with more love and
kisses than tb wires lea possibly could
Rear Admiral Taussig, commandant of
th Norfolk navy yard and th fifth, naval
district, arrived this afternoon to arrange
th laat details of th fleet's anchorage.
Th naval tugs that will form a patrol
and keep th pathway of th fleet clear
of trespass began to arrive this afternoon.
The torpedo boat destroyer Word en will b
th flagship of tb patrol and Is fleet
enough to overtake and warn off any ven
tureesom craft that attempt to cut across
th battleship column or to run through
th forbidden line. i
Plan of Review.
Tho plan of tomorrow's review briefly Is
as follows:
The Mayflower, with the president and
his party on board, will arrive at the Tall
of th orsesho in Chesapeake bay about
eight in Ilea east of th Old Point pier and
about equal distance from the gateway of
the cape at $ o'clock. Th Mayflower will
be in approximately the aame position It
took up fourteen months ago when the fleet
ventured forth on th cruise that waa to
make the American navy familiar and fa
mous in the ports of th world.
Th Oonneotiout, leading th single col
umn of battleship and escorting cruisers,
will point th way in th cape at 10
o'clock and will pas th Mayflower
promptly at 11 o'clock, The line of ship
It is now estimated will be a little more
than seven miles long knd will be one hour
In passing. The battleships will proceed
slowly to ths anchor- grounds running
west from the Old Point pier, and th May
flower, picking up Ks anchors, will follow
the last of the war vessels Into the roads.
The president's yacht will tak a position
in the center of th fleet and at 1 o'clock
th flag and commanding officers will be
received on board by President Roosevelt.
Later the president, accompanied by the
oommander-kn-chlef of the fleet, will go
aboard the Connecticut, Louisiana, Georgia
and Wisconsin, the divisional flagships, to
address flie men. Returning to the May
flower rf th conclusion of the visits, th
president will return at once to Washing
ton, arriving ther early Tuesday morning.
Tomorrow "hlght Admiral gperry and seventy-five
officers of the fleet will be th
guest of th Navy league of th United
State at its annual dinner at th Cham
berlain hotel. The league will hold Its an
nua! meeting Tuesday at noon In th Cham
(Continued from First Page.)
guaranty fund would be derived from a
small tax, one nwrely sufficient to pay
the losses In banks, one twent-slxth of t
per cent being usually mentioned, this being
sufficient to make the payment on losses
sustained during th last four years. They
never mentioned a sum greater than on
ter th of 1 per cent and now they seek to
collect a tax ten to thirty timet as great
and to empower a democratic admlnlsl ra
tion to doubl thla already disproportion
ate tax."
Immediate Payment f
Th Immediate payment provision la likely
a'.ao to meet with criticism from th peopl.
who thought it might he arranged so thst
on the failure of a bank it would be possi
ble to step around th next day and racetvS
th full amount ot their deposit. It wa
found that a receiver would hav to take
fcare of an insolvent bank and when h
dee ao he must certify to th Judge of tlw
t'lstrict court having jurisdiction, who will
In turn certify tn th Banking board what
ah aunt of money will b available and
when in th du cours of tlm all appeal!
from th district court having been do
termlnad, and th supreme court having
taken It tim to settl all objections, tb
"iaBaBdls.te" payment wui b accomplished,
perhaps la thirty days, perhaps In sixty
days, perhaps to thr yars.
For a bank that desire lo go into volun
tary liquidation tb bill provides it must
forfeit all th money It has paid Intfr th
guaranty fund. Where a hanker trie an
experiment In a tewn and finds ther I
not business enough for him he must tor
felt all he had paid In for the prlvlleg cf
qnittlng and paying hla obligations, even
though that might be a loss to htm astd
from his shar In th guaranty fun. Under
thla system It has been pointed out that It
would pay som bcrkrrs better to fall,
with due attention to all the possibilities,
and let th stat settle th bills, than to
liquidate honestly, ,
Bill for rty Companies.' '
During th coming week a bill will be
Introduced to reduce the charges of sure')
oompanl for bonds In the atat. A num
ber of claims for bonds have been filed
with th claims committee cf th houst
for premiums that the state has paid In
the past which are in some Instances h
per cent higher In rat than was charged
tn 1907. Th situation seemed peculiar to
th committee and a bill has been prepared
requiring surety companies to file a sched
ule of their charge applicable January 1,
1907, and th schedule as It applied Febru
ary 1, W. The bill will requlr them to
make filings with th secretary of stat
and the legal charge will b fixed as It
was Jn 1907.
Thomas gammons Committee.
Representative Thomas ot . Douglas
county, chairman of th cities and towns
ccmmlttee, has called a meeting of th
commute for Monday vnlng, whan th
Cmaha charter bill will be taken up. Th
commute will meet at th capltol building.
FAZO OINTMENT guaranteed to cure At,
cas of Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding
Piles la to 14 days or money refunded, too .
Understanding It Will Be Located
at th Stat Vniverklty
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Feb, n.-8peU! Tele
gram.) So successful waa th demonstra
tion for th denaturing ot alcohol at th
lat corn exposition In Omaha that Senator
Burkett today had th senate committee
on agriculture commit Itself to th estab
lishment ot a plant in Nebraska under ths
auspices of the Department ot Agriculture
for the purpose of making alcohol and
denaturtslng tho same under proper aafe-'
Originally Burkett's bill called for $30,000
for th establishment of a still at Lincoln,
but the agricultural commute cut th ap
propriation to $15,000, leaving It discretionary
with th secretary of agriculture aa to the
section In Nebraska In which the still shall
be located.
Congressman-Elect Magulr of Lincoln,
Neb., who succeeds Representative Pollard,
arrived in Washington today for the pur
pose ot looking about and obtaining' perma
nent quarters for the special session.
The president today ' nominated post
anal tera aa follows: Nebraska Frank C.
Evans. Wiener. Iowa William C. Snyder,
Lake City. .South Dakota Alexander B.
Coutts. Hudson; O. II. Lacraft. Clark;
Arthur B. Chubbucli, Ipswich.
Thomas L. Sloan, who haa been repre
senting th Omaha tribe of Indians in
Washington, has requested Congressman
Boyd not to press the house bill which has
been favorably reported by. the committee
on Indian affairs relating to th right ot
said Indiana to go to the court of claims . '
for th adjudication of their claims against
th government. Th houss bill out , out
ths contract of th Indians with sny at- -torrey,
which has created conslderabl dls- , '
appointment to some who hoped -to Jflgur
In th final settlement. Senator Burkett
today cut tb gordlan knot by having .hts .
bill, which is satisfactory to Sloan, at-,
tached as a rider to the Indian appropria. '
tion bill.
Foley's Onno Laxative rorvs constipation
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pills and tablets as It does not grip or
nauseate. Why tak anything ' ls. Sold
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From the time you
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A properly cured
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Ask your car man.
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Meal Book Free t i ;
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