Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1909, Image 1
The Omaha Daily Be: VOL. XXXVIII NO. 215. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 22, 1909. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. ROOSEVELT TO HALE President Addi Stirring Chapter to Secret Beirice Controversy. ANSWERS HEMENWAY REPORT Senate Committee ii Accuied of Mis statement and Exaggeration. SERVICE GROWS BUT SLIGHTLY Cost for the Year Little Over Million and Half. MEN OP PROMINENCE CONVICTED K Con plaint Again) lee o Wllkle's Men Until They Mad It Pos sible to Piilik Big Offender. WASHINGTON, Teh. a. President chapter to the secret service controversy in vigorous and lengthy reply to the at tacks made 6n this branch of the govern ment in a report made recently by Senator Hemenway of the senate committee on ap propriation. Senator Hemenway in his report upholding the limitation in the acope of the secret service, asserted that it never had beon the intention of congress to build up a "spy" system and with evident ref erence to this part of the report, the presi dent declared that if the limitation of the secret service hsd been in force when the sensational land frauds were unearthed a few years ago, a senator, a representative and various men of wealth and high po litical Influence, who at that time were convicted, would all have escaped punish ment. The president's letter is addressed to Acting Chairman Hale of the senate ap propriations committee. Characterising as "Inaccurate and misleading in various Im portant respect" both Senator Hemenway's report and the debate which it arouaed in the senate, Jhe president presented a mass of facts and figures in defense of the secret service during the seven years of his ad ministration. Some of tha president's data Is b&sed upon information supplied by At torney General Bonaparte and Secretary of the Interior Garfield in support of the efficiency of the secret service in tie de tection of crime. Text of the Letter. Tha president's letter, dated February li, follows: "I have seen the report presented by Senator Hemenway on beharf of your com mittee in reference to the secret service matter. - The report Is Inaccurate an A mis leading In various Important respects, and 1 desire to make certain corrections In reference to statements which appear therein and In the subsequent debate. "Infl.Uat year, tha secret service small body of sixty or seventy men In the Treasury department under Chief Wllkle, was probably the only body of public serv ants engaged In purely criminal Investiga tion. The secret service men were assigned at different times to different departments to investigate crime and criminals. Thev Svere thus assigned on different occasions. fur instance, to the 8tate and Navy de partments, but, above all, to the Interior department and the Department of Justice. During the seven years of my administra tion they were Instrumental in bringing to Jurtlce great numbers of criminals. I ap pend herewith the occasion's on which they were 'furnished by tha request of the at torney general to the Department of Jus tice during', the year 1907 and the first six mrnlhs of 1908. They rendered Invaluable assistance in securing the conviction of many ortmlnsls of desperate character and of many other offenders of great wealth and of social and political prominence. In rot on single instarca during these seven years has It been shown that their action Jeopardised any man who waa not con nected with Illegal transactions. In no lrgle instanoe has it been shown that it took any but proper steps against a criminal. No pretense has been made that they did net do their work against crimi nals efficiently. I desire to put on record my emphatic belief that the secret service under Chief Wllkle has peen composed of men of an exceptionally high grade of character and capacity, who have rendered exceptional service to the public end that Chief Wllkle himself In a very trying and responsible position, has shown qualities of the highest kind and has been on of the main standbys of the government. No other man in the government employ la s dreaded and hated by lawbreakers and they especially desire to see Ms activities and those of the men under him restricted In every way. . Cob area Hampers Justice. "Congress last year forbade by law the us of the secret service men to put a stop to crime aside from counterfeiting and thereby not only hampered Justice In other departments, but deprived the secre tary of the treasury, the official guardian of a billion and a half of the nation's actual money, of the power effectively to exercise that guardianship. "Moreover, the congress provided no sub stitute whatever for the secret service. In consequence, the Department of Justice was obliged to develop as speedily a pos sible Its corps of special dotectlvee to take the place of the secret tervlce agents, which It had previously used, and the nucleus of this force was made up of officers formerly employed in the secret service and trained in its methods. I call your especial atten tion to the fact that It the Department of Justice had not taken this action there would have been a complete failure to en force the law against many types of crim inals, and aa It was in the early months f ths present fiscal year, during the Morse prosecution In New York and in connection with certain other Important cases, serious inconvenience and anxiety were caused to the prosecuting officers by this action of congress In depriving them of the aid of the experienced operatives of the secret service on whom they had been accustomed to rely. I call your attention to the fur ther fact that the Department of Justice had never taken any steps to organise this tore as long as It could get men de tailed to It from th secret service. In other words, the action of th congress In reference to the secret service would hav caused, the grossest miscarriage of Justice had It not been in large part nulli fied by th prompt action of th Depart ment of Justice on its own Initiative and without any further legislation ot any kind by congress, in providing a specie (Continued oa Seooad Fag-) CONDITION Of THE WEATHER PORKr- "'' POR NEBRASKA Gener ally fat - y. FORK , -v or IOWA-Perty cloudy Monday. 1" - . Temper. -. Omaha yeaterdsy Deg. .... 34 .... M .... .... 87 .... 40 .... .... 44 .... 47 .... 49 .... W .... M .... hi .... M .... M .... u a. m , a. m T a. m 8 a. m t a. m 10 a. m , 11 a. m ; 11 m , 1 n m i p. m ..I P- m p. m ' t p. m 6 p. m 7 p. m PIONEERS . GANQUET TODAY Dostlsi County Association Will Hear Addresses nt Rom This Afternoon. The annual midwinter reunion and ban quet of the Doug'aa Ccunty Association of Nebraska Pioneers will b held at the Rom hotel this afternoon, beginning at 1:30. The banquet wilt be served at 3 o'clock, during which the general program will be given, with Major B. D. Slaughter, U. S. A. i as toastmaster. The attendance will be confined to the membership of the association and the wife or husband of any member. All mem lers are requested to wear their badges. Captain A. N. Tost will Introduce Presi dent Joseph Redmsn. who will deliver the sddress of welcome, which will be re sponded to by Harry C Brome. At the banqunt, at which Major Slaughter will preside, the talks will be limited to five minute responses by members of ths association, reminiscent of pioneer days. Mrs. Samuel Rees will have charge of the musical exercises. The committee of arrangements will consist of Martin Dun ham, David Anderson, Augustus Lockner, M. J. Feenan and A. N. Tost. These, will comprise the reception com mittee: I Henry T. Clarke, sr., Mayor and Mrs. J. C. Dahlman, Mr. and Mrs. Kd Howell,- Mrs. Josephine Carroll, Mrs. David Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Scott King, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Fltsmorrls, Patrick McArdle, Ralph H. Hall. Mr. 1 nd Mrs. Charles Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Plckard, Mrs. Byron Reed, Judge Langdon. Mrs. Augustus Lockner, Mrs. Margaret Swift, Mrs. Charles Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crclghton, Mrs. Ida Bpooner, Mrs. Port Redman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Louts Grebe, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Withnell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Karbach and Louis Reed. JAPS HAVE NO THOUGHT OF WAR Ambassador to Great Britain flays No On Ha Idem of Such, a Mad Scheme. LONDON. Feb. si. The newly appointed Japanese ambassador to Great Britain, Count Takahira Kato, in an Interview to-' day said that be saw no reason why Japa nese relations with th United States should not remain excellent In the future, despite th loud talk .of a small, excltad" section... "How highly we prise the statesmanlike and loyal policy of President Roosevelt in this connection," said the ambassador, "It Is hard to ssy, but speaking for my country, I can assure you that nobody ever conceived: such a mad scheme as fighting with the United States." Count Kato declared that there could bo no dominant power In tha vast waters of the Pacific "We hav no Interests there," he continued, "that can clash with the United States. We mean to have our own sphere of Influence In our own part of the Pacific, but not to the detriment of a single power, for we axe not seeking any exclusive prestige." ALFONSO WATCHES SPORTS Feats of Ski Rnnners Grently Interest the Spanish Monarch. PAU, France, Feb. a. King Alfonso at tended high mas today at th cathedral of SL Martin. The sacred vessels presented by Queen Isabella In 1708 were used. Th Spanish anthem was played by th organ ist aa the king entered the edifice. After th mass the king proceeded to Eaux Bonnes, where . he witnessed the skiing competitions. He was greatly im pressed with the wonderful feats of the Swiss and Norwegian military teams. He shook the band of Lieutenant Orre, tha commander of the latter team, and warmly congratulated him. remarking that It waa quite a new sport to him and that If ha were paying a longer visit he would have tried It himself. King Alfonso left for San Sebastian this afternoon via Blarrits. NEPHEW OF PRESIDENT KILLED Steward Deeglaa Rsblnan Falls from Window . of Harvard Dormitory. CAMBRIDGE. Maes.. Feb. H. Stewart Douglas Robinson, 19 years old, a nephew of President Roosevelt and a sophomore of Harvard college, fell from a six-story window of Hampton hall, a dormitory on Massachusetts ' avenue, today, and was killed. He was a son of Douglas Robinson. XOTXXZ3TTB OT OCX AS STXAXSJEirS. Port. NEW TORK. NEW TORK. K1W YORK. NEW TOHK. H4VRIC Arrives. .. Pervgia ..La a vote .. BaUK... Sal 14. ..Patricia. ..St. Paul. .. C4rlc. .. Madanaa. La Touratna. .. Minnehaha. .. CaMunla. .. Kroonlaad. .. (aa OlovannL ,. Kordaia. . La Bratago.. Sol'T HAMPTON ObASOOW ANTWERP PLYMOUTH.... NAPLES ROTTtHDAM.. CxUnd Plymouth.... "I can't get a dress maker to do my work." That, will be the cry from a lot of women-folks before long. Now is the time to get work done without having it rushed. It will be done more promptly and done better, than when the rush season begins. The best dressmakers In Omaha hav their advertisements under the head of 'Dressmaking' on tha Want-ad fage. They will make your clothes now and probably for lees money than when the rush is on. Vs 11 I jr" DEMOCRATS SOT PLEASED Bank Bill Does Not Make the Hit Its Framert Anticipated. STANDARD OF BANKING LOWERED Nebraska Menanre Lacks Many of the Geod Features of Law In Force in Oklahoma, Aeeord- lug? to Banker. (From a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. H.-(8peclal.)-Great dig. appointment prevails anions; democrats over the work of the Joint committee which drafted the guaranty bank measure. The bill will be out of the hands of the printer early In the coming week, but a number of Interested persons have read It over snd there Is scarcely one who does not find some flaw In the work of the mem bers and their $300 attorney, who spent two weeks trying: to get up something that would be court-tight and staunch enough, to withstand legislative Jolts. Judg ing from the amount of criticism heard, the measure will be shot full of holes and in stead of going through the legislature like a cannon ball, with the whole democratic majority helping it along, as one senator promised would be the case, so many changes will be demanded that It may be unrecognisable before the time of final en rollment, if that time is reached at all. The bill had rough sledding in the Joint committee. It was drafted and redrafted and then made over and portions eliminated and additions were made until some who profess to know a little about banking think It will prove one of the most un popular acts, if passed, to which the demo cratic majority coukt devote its attention. The "Immediate" payment provision is de clared a farce. The provisions with regard to rights of stockholders to borrow money are ssld to throw down the bars for in discriminate lending. The tax upon bank era Is declared exorbitant. Generally recog nised standards of security for losns are not fixed as complsory upon all banks. Bank examinations are not made In a non partisan manner, but, on the contrary, the Insistent demsnd of the administration was for partisanship and when the bill was once drafted, with a few nonpartisan fea tures. Governor Shallenberger forced the committee to accept the opposite theory. The only safeguards added to the present banking system. It is declared, are pro hibition of loans to bank officers and em ployes and requiring the approval of the banking board of banks selected as re serve depositories. Bank Standards Lowered. One criticism Is that a distinct lowering of the standard of banking In Nebraska will result by the removal of tha limita tion of the present law that aggregate loans of stockholders of state banks may be 60 per cent of the capital, , which will permit stockholders to borrow all of the bank's funds If desired, subject to the 20 per cent of capital limitation applicable to ell bor rowers. . The bill Is declared to be not up to the Oklahoma, standard- in tho stockholders are there limited to 40" per ' cent of the capital .stock, fidelity bonds are required from bank officers, speculation by bank officers on boards of trade and stock ex changes Is prohibited, while the present bill does none of these things and besides, omits to bestow the power of removal of delnquent bank officers by the banking board, and does not prohibit loans to bank stockholders upon the security of bsnk stock. A friend of the Oklahoma bank law, In pointing out this difference between the act Just Introduced and the one In force In the southern state, said the senate banking committee Is only waiting a favor able time to recommend the postponement of the Hatfield banking bill, 8. F. 2, which la a copy of the Oklahoma law. So much have Mr. Bryan's ldeaa changed since he fathered the proceedings of the Oklahoma legislature that he has publicly expressed his satisfaction with the bill Just intro duced and aanctlons the Intent of the leg islative leaders In postponing a replica of the Oklahoma net. A few more pillions of the proposed guaranty law are pointed but as in conflict with the spirit of good banking. All of the safeguards of the present law are not retained, as has been shown, and In addi tion, on the capital stock required for or ganising new banks Is not raised or the alternative Incorporated of limiting , the number of banks to the slse of the towns, to prevent the organisation of a host of new Institutions as soon as the provisions of the law becomes effective. Besides this, generally recognised standards of security for loans are not fixed by statute as com pulsory upon the banks. Security on Bank Loans. "It is a matter of surprise to me," said a leading member of the legislature, "that the new bill do. s not attempt to fix the hiatter of security on bank loans. The present law la silent on this. In several eastern states there are provisions of," this kind and It was expected that a guaranty deposit law requiring one bank to become surety for another would prescribe the se curities in which a bank could Invest Its funds, or at least the major portion of them." The feature of partnership In the general makeup of f the law caused a big rumpus In the committee thst drafted the bill, but on the practical demand of Governor Shal lenberger that he be given full power to name all officers created by the act, the committee yielded. In so doing, it' has been declared that provision for complete examinations has been overlooked and the bill. If it becomes a law as ratified, will permit the appointment of a host of ex aminers with little of the compulsory na ture determining their duties outside of banks. One complaint now la that ex aminations are incomplete, while under the new law, with an army of examiners pos sible, there Is no provision for their duties to be extended in other words, the bill gives unlimited political power and the banks are made the excuse for Us exist ence. An Exorbitant Tax. The guaranty fund tax Is bound to meet with opposition from many sources and this was also a matter of dispute in the committee. The wsy I read the bill." declared a banker who had been given an opportunity to peruse Its pages, "I believe It permits a tax of 1 per cent on average 'deposits practically within six months, and an addi tional tax up to I per coot of the deposits within the same lrae In emergency. This la exorbitant, I think. In view of the small losses sustained through failures in Ne braska banks during the last tea or twelve years. Mr. Bryan. Governor Shallenberger aud other democratic orators during the campaign preached continually that the (Continued on Second Fags.) FRANCE'S FIRST WOMAN JUDGE Mme. Clemence Jaaeelln Is Sworn In to Try Disputes Between Ea Dlerers nnd Kmnloree. PARIS, Feb. Il.-(Speclal.)-"The pro cureur of the republic Invites Mme. Jus selln to be at the Pel ace of Justice on 6th January, 1909, at 11:45 a. m. "Object: To take the oath." This prosalo notice Is quite epoch-making In its way. It may be stated without fear of contradiction that no woman in France, at least ever received such a message be fore, and unpretentious ss It Is, It Is yet a proof thst French democracy Is steadily moving along the path of social progress and reform. The femme-Judge (the woman Judge) is now a reality. True, she may not don the ermine or the scarlet robe of a Judge of the civil or criminal, court, she may not hear herself addressed by bud ding counsel as "Tour Honor," but she may don a silk sash with a medal pinned thereon and call herself a conselller prud 'homme, or, If she prefer It, conselllere prud'femme. The Consell des Prud'homnaes, or council of good men and true. Is a court which sits to try trade disputes between masters and workers. Its headquarters In Paris are at the Tribunal! do Commerce, a handsome dome-shaped building opposite the Palalse de Justice. The court consists of three "patrons," or employers, and three work ers, who are to all Intents and purposes ex perts In their several vocations. Five cate gories of workers are represented: those employed In the building trsde. tissues (In cluding seamstresses, dressmakers, milli ners, etc.), chemical products, metal work ers and, lastly, those employed In trade and commerce generally. The questions which come before the Consell i des Prud'hommes deal solely with disputes as to wages or for dismissal with out the customary week's notice. Up to 00 frsncs (180) the decisions of the council are final. Otherwise there are two higher authorities to whom sn appeal may be car ried: firstly, the Tribunal de Commerce, and secondly, and In the last Instance, the Judge de Palx. The first step toward the admission of women to a voice In the settlement of trade disputes was taken In 1907, when they were placed oa the voting register for the election of conselllera prud'hommes, but the rubicon was not entirely crossed until last autumn, when they became eligible as councllloreseea themselves. Thus It came about that Mme. Clemence Jusselln was the first to have this honor thrust upon her by tee almost unanimous voice of her peers. . , Mme. Clemence Jusselln Is quite a re markable woman In her way. She started life as a couturiers, or dressmaker, . and for the last dosen years she has been un remitting In her efforts to serve the toiling, but only too often cruelly oppressed class of workers to which she belongs. By dint of argument and persuasion she succeeded In organising the dressmakers into a syndi cate, of which she holds. .the proud position of secretary. Her headquarters are at the Bourse du Travail, or Labor exchange, where she Is to1 be found every morning with clock-like regularity, quiot, energetic and business-like, watching over the Inter. oste ot the needlewyfters. .. V. ?.. . . Such Is the woman .who. though barely 30 years old, .-has been singled out for Judicial honors, , the first of her sex to alt on the "bench" in France. The other day, dressed In black, with a fur toque and aigrette of feathers on her head, she walked into the first chamber of the civil court and took the oath with uplifted hand at the bar: "I swear to fulfill my duties tealously and with Integrity and to keep our de liberations secret." President Dltte. In his Imposing red robe, unbent and smiled approvingly on the business-like young woman, who, after uttering the formula In a clear and steady voice, bowed to him respectfully and passed on out of the court. LORD PIRRIE MADE KNIGHT Famous Ship Builder Nominated for Honor In Order of St. Patrick. LONDON. Feb. 2L-8peclal.)-Lord Plr rie, the famous Irish shipbuilder, who has been nominated as a knight of St Patrick, succeeds the earl of Roses In that honor. Quite aside from his new honor. Lord Plrrle deserves attention. He is the head of the world famous firm of Harland & Wolff, end might be called the master mind of the modern merchant marine. It la mainly through his efforts that such great ships as the Oceanic, the Adriatic and other leviathans of the deep have ccme Into existence. Nothing daunts him in the ship building line. One of his friends recently said, "If Pirrle could get enough water to float It he would under take to build a ship 1,000 miles long." The personal story of Lord Pirrle is fascinating. Though an Irishman, he wss born in Quebec in 1847, the mere "Incident of locality" having little to do with his nativity. Ilia family have long been resi dents In Ulster. At ths age of 15 he was sppinntlced to the ship building firm of Harland A Wolff, which, before he Joined it, was not a very pretentious affair. Young Pirrle took such tremendous personal In terest In the concern that he attracted the atUr.tlon of the bead of the firm, and at the age of 27 became a partner through sheer ability. Mr. Harland was a man not only of ship building knowledge, but of idess, and his young partner caught from him soma cf the "fire of conquest," as It were, and resolved to make the name of Harland ft Wolff known on the seven seas. Pirrle forsaw that the age of big ships was coming and each year he Induced the firm to lay down bigger machinery and totxtend their yards so that greater. and greater ships could be built. A recent biographer tioasted that aftsr Pirrle Joined the firm of Harland ft Wolff advanced "by leaps and bounds, tntll in a few years there was not a tree, or leaf, or blade of grass on the whole of Queen's Island," rear Belfast, where the shlpysrds are situated. It might be ssld with truth that It is solely to Lord Plrrle's efforts that the modern great liner "arrived." He made It hjs btsiness to travel for years to vsrious ports, studying types of ship ping st first hand, and as the result cf his Investigations he revolutionised modern traifio and became one of the greatest maritime suthorltks of the dsy. The fl.m of which he la head pays out In wages the huge sum of (100,000 a week, err ploying between 10,000 and 11.000 men. In addition to his Immense ship building works Lord Pirrle hss sxpsnded bis busi ness Into general engineering and today the Pirrle firm represents the largest ship building and englnterlng "combine" In tho world. Recently It absorbed the almpet equally Important firm of John Brown A Co. of Sheffield and Clydebank, LGeorge.Yiashington TO THE efficacy and permanency ot your union, a government for the whole Is lndtspensible. No al liance, however strict, between the parts ran be an adequate substitute; they roust inevitably experience the Infractions and Interruptions which all alliances in all times have experienced. Sensible of this momen tous truth, you have improved upon your first essay, by the adoption of a constitution of government bet ter calculated than your former for an intimate union, and for the efficacious management ot your common concerns. This government, the offspring ot our own choice, unifluenced and unawed, adopted upon full investigation and mature deliberation, completely free in Its principles, in the distribution of its powers, uniting security with energy, and containing within itself a provision for Us own amendment, has a Just claim to your confidence and your support. Respect for its authority, compliance with Its laws, acquiescence in its measures, are duties enjoined by the fundamental maxims of true liberty, The basis ot our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their consti tutions of government But the' constitution which at any time exists, till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people. Is sacredly ob ligatory upon all. The very idea of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the duty of every individual to obey the established government e e e e e e Toward the preservation of your government, and the permanency ot your present happy state, it is requisite, not only that you steadily discounte nance irregular oppositions to its acknowledged authority, but also thst you resist with care the spirit of innovation upon Its principles, however specious the pretexts. One method of assault may be to effect, in the formB of the constitution, alterations which will impair the energy of the system, and thus to undermine what cannot be directly overthrown. In all the changes to which you may be Invited, remember that time and habit are at least as necessary to fix. the true character of governments as of other human institutions; that experience Is the surest standard by which to test the real tendency of the existing constitution of a country; that facility in changes, upon the credit of mere hypothesis and opinion, exposes to perpetual change, from the endless variety ot hypo thesis and opinion; and , remember, especially, that for the efficient management of your common interests, in' a country so extensive as ours, a government of as much vigor as is consistent with the perfect security of liberty la Indispensable. Liberty itself will find In such a government, with powers properly distributed and adjusted, Its surest guardian. It is, indeed, little else than a name, where the government is too feeble to withstand the enterprises of faction, to confine each member ot the society within the limits prescribed by the laws and to maintain all in the secure and tranquil enjoy ment of the rights of person and property. Washington's Farewell Address, September 19, 1796. BIG FLEET REACHES HOME Squadron New Lying Outside Capei Waiting to Come In. BIO REVIEW TO COME OFF TODAY Norfolk and Surrounding; Towns Are Crowded with Vlsltora to Wel come the Crest Fleet to Homo Port. 'FORT.MOXROB. Teb, a. The returning battleship fleet reached the southern drill grounds, fifty miles off tha Virginia capes, early today and the battleship Connecticut was In constant wireless communication throughout ths afternoon. The f'.eet will remain on the drill grounds until 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, getting under way at that hour in order to make the capes by 10 o'clock and begin passing the Mayflower at the Tall of the Horseshoe In Chesapeake bay one hour later. The weather was well nigh perfect off the coast today and the battleships during their breathing spell on the drill grounds will be polished and painted afresh for the review tomorrow, which will go down In history as one of the most notable In the annala of the American navy. The number of vessels in the line that will file by the Mayflower will not be so great as at other reviews, but never before has the president personally visited so many of the ahlpa as he plans to do to morrow. The review will also be notable in that It will bring together the greatest number of battleships ever assembled under the American flag. There will be twenty first-class battleships In the Imposing column, two more than at the review In San Francisco harbor last May. In antici pation of tomorrow's pageant, the waters off here tonight are filled with brilliantly lighted yachts and many classes of gov ernment vessels. All water lanes seem to be leading to Hampton Roads. President la Enronte. Word was received tonight that the presi dent and his party on board the Mayflower are well on their way down the Potomac. The Dolphin Is enroute from Washington with the members ol.' the house and senate naval committees on board. A specially chartered steamer Is bringing here a party of more than 100 members of congress. From Baltimore, Richmond and New York veritable fleets of excursion boats are mak ing their way to the reviewing grounds and tomorrow will find the roads filled as seldom before with a host of all manner of floating craft. Rear Admiral 8 perry reported the arrival of his fleet and the welcoming squadron under command of Rear Admiral Arnold to the Navy department tbls morning as soon as the twenty-five ships of the Joint command were brought to a standstill at the ocean drill grounds. Practically all of the messages sent to the Norfolk navy yard wireless station by the flag-ship Con necticut were in cipher code. None but official messages were exchanged, Admiral 8 perry having given orders to the wireless operators neither to send nor receive per sonal or commercial messages. Whether or not Admiral Sparry will take advantage of the stay at the drill grounds until to morrow morning to Inspect sny of the vessels is not known, but It Is believed by the officers that are here that he will leave this duty until after the president's review. Hundreds of people who went to Virginia beach and Cape Henry today, hoping to catch a glimpse of the ships, were disap pointed, as the ships lay off too far the coast to be observed even from high towers. The faint tracings of smoke from some commercial steamer passing up and down the coast occasionally set the throngs aflutter with excitement, but hopes were quickly dispelled when the unromantlc vessels of commerce came within range of vision. Bis Crowd of Exenrslonlsts. Both Norfolk and Old Point were fairly choked with excursionists and visitors and the hotels were crowded. The repair ship Panther, a converted cruiser commanded by Commander Valentine 8. Nelson, stole in today, the third of the auxillsties of the fleet to make home. A homeward bound pennant of red streamed behind aa It en tered the capes and proceeded to aa an chorage almost directly off the government (Continued on Second Page.) 3aid mm K J CASTRO L0SES HIS TITLE Venesneln High Conrt Finds that He Instigated Plot to Kill Gen eral Gomes, ' CARACAS, Feb. H.-(Vla Willemstad, Feb. a.) Clprlano Castro has lost his title as president of Venesuela, the high federal court having rendered a decision that suf ficient evidence had been presented In the suit brought against htm by the attorney general at the Instance qf Senor Alcantara, minister of the Interior, on tha charge of having attempted to bring about the assas sination of Juan Vlcor.te ,Gomes, the act ing president In Its decision the federal high tiour iranafera tha suit .te the crim inal court and declares, that Castro In consequence ot the disclosures Is constitu tionally suspended from the presidency. The suit to bring about the constitutional removal of President Castro wss instituted several weeks ago at the instance of the minister ot the Interior, wnose communica tion to the attorney general on this sub ject was accompanied by a large quantity of documentary evidence relating to the alleged plot against the life of Gomos. The minister declared that the documents showed this plot was the result of sug gestions, advice and orders of General Castro. Castro, who has recovered from an operation which he underwent at a pri vate sanitarium at Berlin, left that city vaaterdav for Dresden, where It Is his in tention to make a protracted stay. HOSPITAL PATIENTS STARVING Naraes Go on Strike nnd Three Hun dred Inmates Left to Suffer. NEW TORK, -Feb. a. The steamship Prins William IV. which arrived here to day from Venesuela, brought reports of great distress In the hospitals at Caracas. A short time ago the physicians and nurses in the hospitals went on strike because the authorities had failed to furnish sufficient supplies of food and medicine. There were 300 patients In the hospitals whore the trouble occurred and they were starving for want of the necessaries of life. The passengers of the Prins Wlllom IV Included U. Paulus Sannon, Haltien minis ter to Washington. FKAH RACE RIOT AT OTTIMWA Assanlt on White Woman Causes Mob to Collect Around City Jail. OTTUMWA, la.. Feb. 81.-A parallel to the anti-negro riots at Springfield, 111., was feared here today. For hours a mob ot several hundred confronted the city Jail. The excitement followed the discovery that a brutal assault had been made by a negro at I o'clock this morning on Mrs. C. M. Johnson, wife of an Ottumwa commercial traveler. The negro forced an entrance to the Johnson home. In which Mrs. Johnson waa alone with a baby. Bloodhounds and a posse Immediately began searching for Mrs. Johnson's assailant, while angry crowds gathered near the Jail In which was confined a negro named Junkln, sus pected of having murdered Miss Rosen, a white girl, two weeks ago. To avoid the mob Junkln was hustled out of town, but his departure did not dispel fear of rioting. Serious apprehension was felt thst a bloody outbreak might occur at any moment. At 6 o'clock tonight the mob that has been hanging around the city Jail all day Increased to about 1.000. Excitement la at fever heat and only a leader Is needed to Incite the mob to rioting. Thus fr no arrests have been made, hut 100 special armed deputies are scouring the country In search of Mrs. Johnson's as sailant. No call has been made for sol diers, but the local company of national guard la remaining within call of tha cap tain. l.laht Plant for Seott'a Bluff. SCOTT'S BUUFF, Neb., Feb. 21.-(Spe-clal.) An electric light franchise was granted by the town council last woek to Clarence J. Morley ot Denver and James C. Caine of Ballda. Colo. They have put up a bond to begin work on the plant within ten days and have It In operation within five months. The lighting com pany will also pump the water for the municipal water works , which are being put in. The light franchise is for twenty five years, with a purchase clause, giving the city an option of buying at flve-yesr Intervals throughout the life iC the franchise. IVIOB ATTACKS THE GREEKS Riot to Avenge Harder of Lower? by John Masauredii. THOUSANDS IN THE MAD BAND Fired by Jerry Howard, J. P. Kraut and H. C. Murphy in Speeches. t MASS MEETING AT CITY HALL u"nnaa- Legislators and Former City Attorney Make Impassioned Addresses. MOB GOES FB0M THERE TO WORK Two Youths and One Man Are Shot by Flying Lead. BUILDINGS FIRED AND WRECKED i Sheriff and Police Do Valiant Service In Effort to Enforce Law Against the Regie of the Mob. Seeking to avenge the murder of Police man. Edward Lowery by John Masauredls Friday night, several hundred men any boys, fired by tho oratory of two legisla tor and other speakers, swept from the Bouth Omaha city hall down into he Ureek colony yesterday afternoon, demoln.ed every Greek house or store they . could, setting fire to some, shot two boys and one man and began a riot which extended on into the night with menacing aspects. Tho crowd that attended the city hall meeting, which began at S p. m., numbered about 1,000. It listened to Impassioned speeches by Representatives Jerry Howard and J. P. Kraus. and by H. C. Murphy, former city attorney; Frank Dolesal and others. "We must avenge the murder ot thia man," and "It Is time we were ridding our city of such people," were typical ut terances ot the speakers. Wildly cheering the speeches the crowd went directly from the city hall to the Greek settlement and bagan "getting rid of these people." The number in attend ance at the mass meeting waa soon aug mented 'to several times 1,000. Streets were congested, street cars had difficulty In theradlng their way through and women and children were warned, to keep in "doors."" '. ..... . ' ' Passion Are Unbridled.' Passions were unbi Idled and, driven on by some shout of "Kill the Greeks," or "Remember poor Lowery," the crowd went from place to place demolishing property and knocking down occupants. Greeks and Roumanians looked alike. Wherever found they were attacked. Many fled , at once, all aa soon as possible. Hundreds mado their way to Omaha. An unidentified man, said to be a Gieek, tired a pistol Into the crowd and hit Frank Sweeney, son ot Mike Sweeney, 2306 Q street. Four bird shot pierced his abdomen and one struck over the eye, while three or four took effect in each hand. Joseph G. Gamble, another youth, was struck by the same discharge In the leg. Neither waa seriously injuied, but the incident served to Intensify the determination tor vengeance. An uni dentified man waa shot In the wrist. Out at Thirty-third and Q street, shortly after 8 o'clock, the first building waa fired. It was a Greek boarding house, and as soon as the fire brand had been applied the rioters set to woik to out off the water supply and defeat the firemen's efforts at extinguishing the blaze. Chief John Urlggs of the Bouth Omaha police force and blierlff Bralley of Douglas county had anticipated trouble all day Sun day, since the muss meeting had been pre viously advertised. They had their men in readiness and when the crowd assembled at the city hall they began their prepara tions tor suppressing a riot. But the tide of passiuu .swept on in lta Irrefutable course past them. 4Jollco and deputy sheriffs stood their ground, but tho stream ot mad men flowed with unoonquer able force and, for a time, defied . the majesty of law. Chief Brlggs had his full force at work. Sheriff Bralley took fifteen deputies and stayed in ths vortex of the storm from start to finish. Early in the evening demand was made upon the police of Omaha for help, but Chief Donahue, sick In bed at his borne, took the view (hat the public safety would be belter subserved by htm "keeping out of It." After considering the matter thor oughly he decided best not to comply with, the request and no Omaha policemen were sent down. The chief's action was en dorsed by Mayor pah 1 in an, who said: "I think it would be unwise for us to take a hand In it now." There was feeling that police sent down from Omaha would have a disconcerting effect upon the South Omaha police and would tend to Incite new fury among tho crowd. Slate troops were not called for. The murderer Is still secluded by the sheriff. Wheie, no one outside the sheriff's office knows. Lillian Breese, the girl with whom Mausaredes persisted In keeping company, which led to the tragedy, waa placed In the county Jstt early In the even ing tor safety. The focal point of the violence which swept through the Greek localities leaving nothing untouched and many men suffering from personal vlolenoe, was the mass meet ing at the city hall at 2 p. m. At this meeting the violent feeling burst out under the speeches of the several cltlsens. Of these speeches the one which fired the paeaions most was that of H. C. Murphy, former city attoiney. He was a personal frlenl of Officer I.owery, who was mur dered Friday evening by John Masourldes, a Greek. Mr. Murphy eulogized the life ot the de ceased officer in the most unstinted terms and at the very climax he turned the at tention of the men on the Gieek and bis countrymen by saying: "It la about time for the cltlsens to take steps to rid the city of this menace. We should use means to get the corporations hiring this class of labor to desist. We should immediately lay this saaUer, wttn