TTTE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 21. lf00. Latest novelties for prlng In Embroideries I Laces and dress trimmings. New tucked and embroidered alloYer nets and . bands to match la gold, alltrer and colored comblna Mono. Xew drew and waist nets, new crochet aad com bination allorer laces with edges, insertions and galloons to match. New Jetted, gold and silver beaded nets, band, etc. to match. St. Gall embroideries In al lovers, flouncing, edg ing, Insertion, bands, galloons and motifs In match sets. Dainty novelties in baby embroideries. Latest novelties In colored embroideries, etc., all moderately priced. New embroideries at 19c and 39c yd. 18 to 27 inches wide, embroidered flounc ings, skirtings and corset cover widths Swiss, nainsook and batiste in English f eyelet, crochet, hexagon, Grecian, etc. worth up to 75c a yard, 39C t Presentation of the Correct Styles for 1909 WOMEN'S SPRING SUITS costumes, dresses, one-piece frocks, long spring coats. BRANDEIS STORES Hand loom embroideries Madeira and convent embroideries on fine ' ' soft cambric and nainsook fabrics have the appearance of the real hand needle- !: work, up to 7 inches wide and worth up to 35o y ches wide and 4 A. t rard, at, yd.. ...... LvK Medium and wide embroideries Edgings, insertings and headings pretty openwork designs up to 9 inches 4 AA J t wide worth to 20c yard, at, yd. . . Neck ruchlngs Fine crepe lisse, chiffon and net, in all the latest novelties, at, yard. . .25c and 39c Great Glove Sale I Elbow Length Glace Kid Gloves Long French suede gloves, long lambskin gloves I ! many of the best known makes; black, I white and evening shades AQ t single row of stitching Hrla x I worth up to $3.00 pair, at. Special sale of 2-clasp short gloves, in all sizes tan, brown, array , navy. fA ? - - - ' nuiv saw IP D o o o to J green, black and white; at, pair. . . Extreme novelties for 1909 New spring Dress Goods a 1 'j onoao a o D o a o D o D o D o D o D o D o n n o a o a o D o D o D o D D o D o D o toExoa D o D o D o D o D Soft satin fabrics in plain weaves and stripes and Flisse effects, exclusive novel ties in satin cashmere Royal, the height of fashion, the colorings are superb. Special rr..T.r.d8:...89c-$1.00 The new chiffon broadcloths . 62 to 64 inches wide In spring weights taupe, London smoke, wisteria, catawba, canard and black a $2 broadcloth sponged and shrunk, at, yard English suitings 60-inch grey mixture suitings checks, stripes and barred, at. yard All wool spring dress goods Choicest novelty self-tone dress goods In choice weaves, at, yard O D o D o D rt D o a o D o a 95c S o D o a o D o a o 49c G9c-79c g D Linen dress fabrics, main floor " Q Extreme styles In pllsse effects, shadow stripes and U O plain, French dress linen, Cft 1 t f n o 48-inches wide, yard CUC"l"1.4i3 J gr.1::": . ..49c g g TTokio and fancy sue sine silks g O Fine sheer Rosco Jacquard patterns and the plain Q g weaves all 27-lnch, at yard . 3SC onoaonoaononoanonononoaonot ononoaonoi Brandeis is the most reliable source of style in the west. we axe always first to show styles that are strictly correct. Styles of the Directoire period retain their vogue. The extreme long, narrow effects predominate this season. Our special designers and tailors in the leading New York suit and costume houses have profited ereatlv bv ideas supplied bv 0 wi nnnLia) Atrrn Twa?M nv.A 4- a. ! - mi - '! 1 1 A A A A 1 ll i il . , 1 is Q ixjA niacin uwu x aiio icpiueeiiiutive. jl new arnvais we snow are auieren. m siyie ireaimem ana are vasuy smarter tnan tne oral- n flow fiTAmntn nvvniAl 1 . ZS. at uoij r vxxi v ajl o ajfai Cl Authentic Styles in Spring Tailored Suits These new suits have the various length coats from 34 to 42 inch long graceful lines from shoulder to waist others are ( severely mannish. Skirts are closely fitted with narrow drape from the hip line many new fabrics are (OA fA &QC featured. . ....... . 1 $0 V 10 J0D 5 New Arrivals of Costumes and Gowns : These new creations are destined to become extremely popu lar made of plain satins; foulards, bengaline and rough pon gee silks; gored circular skirts in the close draped effects - bodices beautifully finished, mousquetaire 2Q q $109 favor rough Authentic patterns and weaves New Spring Silks "We have never shown such beautiful spring silks. Paris and New York strongly Shantungs and satin faced, semi silks in new colorings. 1 Salome o a o D o D Rajahs, Indro, Arab, Tuscan, Pongee, Real Q jjj Lyons dyed Shantungs. The new coat suits 2 8 New Long Coats for Spring Stunning new long blue serge separate coats are now in vogue also white or black serge coats, new rubberized silk and satin coats. $15 to $39 New Spring Tailored Suits We present on Monday an assemblage of strictly new models in the long, straight, hipless effects with new gored skirts coats in lengths, 33 to 42 Inches the leading colors and the favorite spring fabrics $25 demand this class of silk fabrics. Seml-tough satin faced silks, sold all orer at $1.00 yard, our prica Is, yard. 69c Charming New 1909 Waists Dainty linens and lingeries, together with 2 new net and silk waists long sleeves B all new arrivals, at a a i lotsoaoi Rugs na Carpets ! New spring arrivals In The best selected stock of strictly de pendable rugs in Omaha. The patterns are all new. . o . o Our Famous English Wilton Run Rich new patterns in soft Persian and artis- t fl a? ? j .11 a s nc oriental eiiects inese are an seamless 9x12 rugs of the finest quality of Wilton. No rug that sells for less than $QQ X $55.00 can compare with these at. .. .vw New Body Brussels Rugs An almost endless variety of those small, all- over or medallion patterns 9x12 Body Brussels Rugs at $27.50 I 8-3x10-6 Body Brussels Rugs at. .$25.00 I The Famous Sanford Axmlnster Rugs We are showing these splendid rugs In all sites from 11-3x15 feet to l7-in.x60-ln. Also hall run ners In all widths and lengths best moderate priced rug In America. 9x12 size at. a a i 8-3x10-6 size at... 6x9 size at ..... 4-6x6-6 size at. .$25.00 ...S22.50 ....$15.00 J ........$7.50 J New Spring Linoleums AH the new patterns in printed and Inlaid linoleums Z are here, 6 feet wide, at, sq. yd. .49 and T NEW SPRING OXFORDS Smart new arrivals in women's foot- I wear are being shown. X30C30X30 The new ginghams A beautiful assortment in all the reigning 1909 styles. Here are ginghams for every possible purpose for suits, for waists, for dresses, for skirts, for men's 6hirts and children's wear every yard at an attractive price- counters and shelves of this great section piled with the finest imported and domestic ging hams in absolutely fast colors, at, yard-- 8tc-10c-12c-15c-25c an o o DD o o aa o o D o D o D o D o D o lonononoi new percales ODoooaonono The A fine, new stock of the most trust worthy percales in the world. Every wanted plain color, the new bordered styles in light and dark patterns all staple stripes, checks, figures, dots very desirable for office wear, street p fl Wear." waists. hous drpssps nnrrma Q Q children's wear all 36 inches wide o xonooonoaoaoaoEaomocioExoaol D o n Foulard silk is in great demand Spotproof and showerproof foulards from 24 to 48 inches wide, with a few extreme patterns In bor der effects, also dot, stripes, geometrical, ' small AA r DD ir ngures, etc.. at. yard , 5D J UH 69c, 85c $1 and np lo $1.95 Me&s aline silks are very fashionable 2 2 American Wasll fabriCS S n For party and reception gowns, also street shades. caocaoaozaonoi lOQonoaonoao 9 D o a o a o n o D o D CIOEXO and warranted fast 4(iA -fftl' ,yard lUC'laJ 2K colors loaocaomocioi D D o o an o o DD oaoc3ocao iononono The new American Wash Fabrics that make those nice gowns and have been on display for the past week are more popular than ever. Everybody agrees that the new pongee silk patterns and the new foulard silk patterns shown in this economical but durable material are the most stylish and ' A 1 prettiest of all wash ma- OnTsP 9 ,J terials, at, yard. , loxaoBOBOBOcaotaocxoi Bois de Rose, Danube, Atlantic, Cedars, new Re sedas and the new Champagne tints 20 to 36 sr. .... ; ....... . 59c to $1.95 , New 36-inch peau de cashmere 11.35 Navy, Champagne and black worth 15 yards to a customer, yard .. , Special silk bargains Beautiful Spring Novelties In the white goods department 46-lnch French Llna Suiting a fine soft cloth, used for women's tail ored suits and skirts has all the appearance of a French linen colors are strawberry, white - Copenhagen, leather, light Sf blue and -pink, yard UU Imperial long cloth, bolt of 12 yards, t 98 English nainsook, 40 Inches wide . bolt of 12 yards $1.39 40-ln. sheer Victoria lawn, 25c qual ity, at. yard... 13H 40-inch Persian lawn, 36c quality yard 19e New books Just received the follpwing popu lar books to' add to our great line of new nereis at 49c. . Xe1ra,'by MeCutcheon; Black Bar. by Vance; Younger Bet, by Chambers; Heart Line.-by Burceaa; Chip of Fly-', lnf "V", by Bower; Prlnceas Virginia, by Williamson; Divina Fire, by Sinclair; Bob Hampton, ot FJaccr,' by reman; . apiurea. oy uen ivinc; . Hllme, by Uldrlds; mer ll.BO copyright I at uranaeis , i King; Mf k 49c The New Spring Lace Curtains and drapery goods Description cannot do Justice to the tempting assortment we hare in lace curtains, portieres and yard goods for the coming spring season. , Dnchees Curtains The largest assortment we have ever shown in ivory and Arab., pr. .$6.50 $7.50 $7.98 $8.50 nd $12.50 Saxony Brussels Curtain We Import these through our Paris office, new spring patterns, at. pair $15.00 and $10.50 Real Arabian CurtainsOpening sale we will sell them at pr. $5.98 Brussels Net Curtain New spring patterns, at, pair, $2 JW $330 $3.50 nd . . .Is'oo novelties In this group, at per -$2.98 $3.50 and $3.98 this country ever showed such an 98 P to $6 Filet Net We have all the very' latest patterns In this line from1 '26c a yard up to 85 Imported Scotch Madras It will pay you to see this line, we im port these direct opening sala : price, yd. 59 69 75 85 In Mission Filet Net Curtain Many pair Nottingham Curtains No store assortment, at, per pair Rope Portieres From f 1.25 to 16.00. . , Colonial Scrim These are very new, at, yard, 25p. i Wood Bolster Rolls, covered in pink and blue cambric, complete, 11.88. - Sheets and pillow cases 81-99 extra large, bleached and seamless Fruit of the Loom , everybody knows these are 85c' values, at, each 65 81-90 size. Fruit of the Loom 76c values, each 59 81-90 slse, seamless bleached sheet special, at, each.. 45 81-90 extra heavy seamed sheets, splendid for hotels, apartment houses, etc., the well known Armorside welded seamed sheets, each 45 . 81-90 full size bleached and -unbleached seamed sheets, ea.35 -Pillow Cases Well known Fruit of the Loom brand, size 42-3 and 46-36 sizes 18c values, at ; .12H 43-80 aad 48-30 pillow cases that are worth 15c, at, each..'. .10 On basement bargain square remnants of the very best grade of bleached muslin medium and heavy weights, yard....', .5 - Pillow tubing equal to Wam sutta. which retails at 20c yard, widths. up to 60-in. CIRCUS AT COUNTY BOARD Bruning at King-master Puti On Two Kins; Act. FAECE COILED Y FOB A MEETINQ Bea(or4's Akaeae Brlaa Porta a alaeetaalaa Cry fraa the Other Twa Chtldrea at HI Tribe. Yrti iJrunlng put on a two-ring circus act at ths meeting ot the county comralaaloner Saturday morning. To bln with, Cora mlBSioner BUfor4 was abaent, being In Won una, so that Bruning haaonly one democrat Ptckard to back hint up. The reading ot the mlnUtea of the meet ing of February U came up. It was at thta meeting the changes In seven offices were mad by the triumvirate. Commiaaionar Trainor roea at the end of the reading and moved that becauae of Brunlng's rullnge at the time there be expunged from the record all reference to the appointments. Kennard aeoonded the motion. PU kard moved to lay the motion oa the table. A alienee followed. There was no on to aecond Pickard. for Bruning, who waa ' presiding, could not dO BO. I Cata the Cord la a Kaot. Commiaaionar Pickard will take the," said Bruning finally, and aftar da- voting several minutes to thought' Pickard stepped up and Bruning went to the floor and made the second. Pickard put the mo tion to lay on the table, which failed to carry, the vote being I to t . ' Then Bruning went back to the chair and Pickard to the floor. Bruning put the origi nal motion to expunge, which-, failed to tarry, the vote being again a tie. Conaa quently that part of the minutes waa not approved. Otherwise routine business came beforw the board. Pickard has succeeded in getting his brother, O. W. Pickard. on the county pay roll, having persuaded Herman Beat, county surveyor, to put hUn on as bridge inspector in place of I. C. Black, a republican. The eoinmiaaloners will have one more meeting before the opening of the bida for the new court houee. which Is scheduled for March L Mrantlm a Macedonian cry la going up for Bedford's return, Bruning feeling sadly at sea at preaent. CURRIE STEPS ON HIS FOOT Baa af the last Braaa Addrc Salratlaa Arar (or Sraa4 las Hlaa. Aa evening or two ago Colonel Frank Currie, tba saga of the Baga Bruah Divide of Gordon, and are t while Nabraaka legis lator, waa at the Merchant hotel, and while la ths lobby the Salvation Army band moved up In front of the hotel and started to playing and singing "There's a Chance for Sinners TeCM Colonel Currie assuming that It was a serenade being tendered him on his return from Mlaaourl, " proceeded to address the aerenadera in appreciation, of the compli ment. , H was only, prevented from mak ing a speech by Judge K. C. Scott and Herman B. Peters, who told him what It waa all about HEAFEY GOES. TO COVER, TOO Follows Faakkeuer, aai O'Brtca the Mayoralty Track Back to the Stable. OaT Coroner Patrick C, Heafey Is the latest democrat lo aspirant for mayor to get cold feet and trek for cover. Ha has followed M. F. Fnnkhouser and Dave O'Brien off the track and back to the stable, leaving the field to Mayor Jim, Lobeck and Ber ryman. Bueineaa reaaons are given by Cornor Heafey for pulling out of tba race. "After being solicited by committees and several friends of mine to file for the nom ination for mayor I have come to tba con clusion after careful ooneideration of the attuation that I barter not file," aald the colonel, in a statement to The Bee, adding that he appredatea the kindneas of his frlenda In auggeatlng hi name for such an exalted position. "My frienda honored mo in the last cam paign by electing me to the office of county coroner. This position I did not seek at that time, but my frienda filed for me and I could not get out of making the race aad I did so, and caads a great saaw- O 69c 8 o D Fancy silk suitings, taffeta and satin Raye 8 Bengalines, foulards, messalines, peau de - fl O jttiu. ww avv VvV O ox3onoaonoaonoaonoioaoE30Booo - IHIMH i 1 1 1 1 l444r4'44-4.4.4rM- i Spring Goods Specially M, A 1LCU I In our linen dept basement 800 fine, all linen, double hemstitched sets, full bleached, very beautiful patterns in 2.. 2ft and 3 yard cloths large napkins to match worth up to $7.50, choice for set $3.98 Embroidered scalloped edge satin bed spreads extra large size regular $4 spreads, each. $2.98 72-Inch full bleached, extra fine satin table damask warranted all pure linen, $1 damask, yd. G8 NAPKINS TO MATCH 60c mercerized table damask very choice lot off tne Doit, yard 20 (V ' Large hemmed, linen finish nankins a a-norl rea.'T? taurant napkin, dosen 25 f 2 Fine Renaissance centerpieces, round or square, each t8 11.25 hand-embroidered scarfs and lunch cloths, "cn 49 10c large knit dish cloths, each ., .5 60c large bleached hemstitched Turkish bath towels -ach 25 lng In this republican city and county. , I thank , my friends for what they did for me at that time and at some future time I . tnlght ask their support again. I have a builneas that I cannot afford to neglect as I have given it my entire attention for twenty-five years, day and night and 1 cannot- afford to sacrifice my buslneea to go 1 Into politics, and I intend to give my present office my entire attention." HERE IS A PUZZLE FOR YOU Street Railway ' Aaka,' "If Oaanlala. aata Won't Give Naaaea How too Wo Correct Wroagtl" "With the co-operation of the passengers this company expecta to give Chicago the best atreet railway ayatem in the world." "That la a notice the traction company of Chicago haa placed In all Its can and It truck me aa being a apjendid idea," said R. A. Leuaeler, aecretary and asaiatant gen eral manager of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company, who haa returned from a ahort trip ta Chicago. "A company can formulate the beat poaalble rules for speedy service and for the aafety of the public, but without the co-operation of the paasengers theae rules are of little value. We have Inalancea of this almost every day. Men, and women will call up and complain of certain violation of rulea by our employes, but when we aak for the numbers of the conductor or raoiorman they rata to give them, alaling they don't want to make any trouble for the men. If we cas t Cad out wbsa a motortoaa er eon- ductor Is doing things In violation of the rulea. how are we going to correct the wronger' ADVANTAGE OF BEING DRUNK Traveling- Maa's' Employer Walta Flfteea Year to Catch II In Sober Uaoaah to Be "Fired." From a Kanias City wholesale house an )maha hotel manager has learned when to "fire" the cook, discharge the porter, tie the can to the bar gage man and order the bartender to quit filling the rummer glaaaea with golden waaaer. For several days a traveling aaleaman who haa the reputation of being a "good fellow" and trying to live' up to it had been ataylng at one of the leading Omaha hotels. The traveler waa converting a great deal of money into popularity each day, buying the gem-hued, flower-acented dream compellera for everyone about the hotel. The extravagant waste of money attracted the attention, of the manager and he looked at the books. The traveler was paying for everything but his meals, but the manager thought he would warn the house, knowing some of the. members of the firm. At the expense of the wholesalers Is Kansas City he called by telephone and said: "Tour Mr. Blank has ben here for a week. He baa been drunk every minute of the time ha baa been hers and, like a Sloua Indian, waaa h baa whisky as wants every one else about the hotel to have It. It's been carried to the barber shop for the barbers and to the kitchen for the cooks. When It Is sent to his room, he orders two and lnvitea the bell boy to drink -with him. Several of the boys are plied up under the stairway In ths base ment." After this warning the hotel keeper held his ear class to the telephone, expecting that the traveler's Job wss gons. Instead of that, this Is whst he heard, according to his own atory; "Why do you want to call us up to tell us about Mr. Blank when hs is drunk. Call up some day when you catch him sober. Ws have been waiting for fifteen years to get that man sober enough to firs' him. Good-bye." TWO MEN SUCCEED GORMAN Work Performed by Vcteraa'oa Street Railway Byeteai Is Now Divided. Ray II. rindley has. been appointed su perintendent of track and roadway for the Omaha . Council Bluffs Street Railway company and A. I IxU has been ap pointed superintendent of eleotrlc lines, both succeeding to the position formerly held by J. J. Gorman, who has resigned to move on his ranch. Mr. Gorman performed the duties as signed to theae two mra. taa work being divided.' Mr. Kindle y Is 'a graduate enal star, who fcas baa with ta aomjraa tot of two years, practically In the capacity aasuuani to Chief Engineer Noyes. A. I tott la a graduate electrical engineer who has been with the company about eighteen months, during which time he has assisted In the installation of the machinery at the power station. GIRL WEEPS, BUT NOT IN VAIN Colored Girl Brlaa Reaalts Waea She Cries la the Coart Room. Ids Bell Irwin, a 11-year-old colored girl, wept to soma effect In juvenile court Satur day morning. She had been assigned to ths Detention home, but her leers and walls moved ths court to let her go bark to her home. The child, with another, Mills Brown, appro priated a valentine and a Teddy bear from the Brandela store one dsy last week. Readers of Dickens' "Oliver Twist" were reminded of Fagan aad the Artful Dodger through the atory told by a little colored boy. Paul Holiday. The boy was not before the court, nor is he under arrest In any way. He simply knows of a aecond-hand man who urged him to rob another dealer There is a hint of Ksganiem alao in h- casa of Pacl Borakl and j. 1....... reeled for cutting down telephone wire and wiling It to a Junk dualer. A vl.orou. campaign agalnat theae fencaa to t.. waged. Waat AOS Ax Sua mass Booittra, i.e. s Y