Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1909, WANT ADS, Page 7, Image 47

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C M. THATCHER, piano tuning. Doig. toil
US BEN, eostumer, UM Howard. Open eve.
(1 ;i
FRIVATH hfm during confinement;
babies adopted. Tha Good Bamarltan San
Itarlum, 70 Flrat Ave. Council Bluffs,
Ja. U) Mt
BTRINOEH. rubber goods, by mall: cut
prices). Bend for free catalogue. Myers
Dillon Drug Co.. Omaha. fl8-s7B
TUB Beacomb Head Protector. Beat life
Insurance known for to centa. Soiling
everywhere. Bend Z-oent atamp for psr
tlculars. Beacomb, 72 E. 82d St., New
Tork City. (13) 279 i
BUPERrUWB HAIR, warta and molea
permanently removed by electricity; con
aultatlon free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 624 Bea Bldg.
PON'T loao or break your watch. Bend loo
for our watch guard: keeps your watch
In pocket. Hpencer Bales Company. 170
Broadway, New Tork City. (18) 291 8x
W1DOWKR Kx-teacher, dealrea lady pnrt with menna, for poultry ranching
near Omaha. Address T 6, care Bee.
m-M423 rtx
Faraa sad Raach Laads.
130 acre nn paved road, 70th and Center
streets, Omaha. See owner, C. E. Wlllt
In a, Dewey hotel (211-M841 32
1 TO acres with R-room new houae, bath
room, well, 4.'30 Fort St.
JOHN N. FRENZER. Both Phones.
(21) M307 a
RARE chance to rent 20 acrea for garden
ing (no corn) on the edge of town, with
free houae rent; large 8-room house, not
finished. Bee us at once. Real Estate Tl-tle-Truat
Co., Ground Floor, 1301 Farnam
WANTED City loans and warrant. W.
Farnam Smith at Co., 1820 Farnam St
Private money; 1600 to 38,000; low rata.
(TOO TO 85,000 on homes In Omaha, O'Keeft
Real F.statn Co., 1001 N. Y. Ufa. Doug,
or A-SIU. (22) 885
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
Always on hand and for sale In
amounts from $300 to 13,000.
413 N. Y. Life Bldg.
' (22) M384M
SECOND MORTGAGE loans negotiated.
Appiy Room 417-18 First Nat'l Bank ridg.
Bell 'phone Douglas 8318. (22-888
MONET TO LOAN Payna Investment Co.
(22 498
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
1o lean on
Omaha Bualnesa Property.
Room 1 New York Ufa Bldg.
LOWE 8 T RATES Bemls, Paxton block.
(229 691
8200 TO 810,000 made promptly. F. D. Wead,
Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam. (22) 282
600 to (200.000 at current rates.
W. H. THOMAS. 601 First Nat'l Bank Bldg.
(22) 4W4
PRIVATE money to loan. J. H. Sherwood,
CIS Brandela Bldg. (22) 496
PROPERTY OR FAKMS; low rata, no
delay. L Blbbernsen, Old Boston Store Bd.
(22) 6X7
few flrat or aecond mortgages, ranging
from 8300 to $1,400. Olve full particulars.
Kluke-lleadley Inv. Co., 801 N. Y. L. Bldg.
() M4C5 21
WANTED Snaps In farms or ranches;
give full particulars. Sioux Ilealty Com
pany, i and 1 Schuleln Bldg., Bloux City,
la. 23) M7K7 BOX
Twenty-five acrea, near 61st and Dodge
Sta; good houae, barn and shade; about
12 acres In hay or pasture, balance In
good condition for crop.
1 ; (23)-
A OR 7-room modern home; moderate
price; good location. Addivaa F 68, car
Bee. (23) M406 21 X
WANTED To buy T to t-room house. 8
6S, Be C3)-M394 21x
Cm JBth St., near South Omaha, several
tracts from 10 to 85 acres. We wish t
seed some of this land. Special Induce
ments on this account.
O BO ROB tt CO., 1601 FARNAM ST.
Feb. 21. 1909. (23)
WANTED To buy a modem 8-room house,
close In. Address P 67, Bee.
(23)-M39 Zlx
WANTED Unimproved land or lots: will
five my sharea of stock In a reliable
tdustrlal corporation for same; describe
what you have and state value. Address
peter Mat news, orion, ill. c.a) M347 Zlx
t HAVE a customer for a B or t-room
eottage; also one for a larger one, well
located and modern or partly so; must be
BSJ Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
WANTED To buy B-rm.m cottage to move
J. H. Parrotce, Beard of Trade.
(23) M42B !7
WANTED to buy t-room cottage on full
lot; will pay cash for right plaoe; no
agenta need answer. Address A 7u. care
Bta. (3 M41T 21x
TO BUY On payments, same as rent, t to
11 rooms, suitable for rooming house. Ad
dress E T4. Res office. (X M4t fix
WB have customers for houses and lots
In al parts of city; list with us for quirk
action. Ht-mls, paxlon Bik. CHnaha.
HIGHEST prices for secondhand furniture,
carpels, clotbas and shoes. Tel. Doug. ;
BEST price paid for secondhand furnltuia,
carpala. stoves, clothlug. shoes. Tel. Red
- a& :
L'SiiD upright piano wanted. Will pay cash.
wive jHumumri AOdrees at ones, J,
btouUliburg, Atlantic, la.
(X)-MU8 nx
WANTEl-To buy. a good letter filing
cabluet. Address P. O. Box 61
(X) MS2B
Want desirable location In south part of
elly for moving plrture show. Will give
lung lease for geed location. Olve Iocs,
tlua and prioe la first letter. Address
O-ts. tea- bea. C0 IM tlx
WANTF.n Furnished house or apartment
for April 1; must bs In nice locality. 1l.
Bouth 1MB. (2fi) M388 SI
WANTED By permanent couple, on March
1, 8 or 4 room for housi-keeping, on firet
floor, villi private bath. Rent must be
reasonable. Address P 34, cam Be.
(J6)-27B 21X
WANTED To rent for ono year or less,
completely furnished hoisse or apart
ment, preferably In west end of city.
Family of two. Address C-72, care Bue.
() M409 U
WANTED Furnished house about t rooms,
any tima before May 1, by couple; no
children. Would lease for year if desira
ble; excellent cars guaranteed. Address
B 7L care Bee. (26) M418 21x
TOl'NfJ man d pel res room and board In
private family, having first-class, modern
accommodations. Address F 76. care Bee.
(26) M47B 22 X
MARRIED couple desire situation on etock
farm. Address J. J., B07 B. 24th.
(27)-M2Dl 21x
WANTED A position. April 1, In general
w. , v i i lit: j iinit, hhii uuiiijf
competent, perfectly reliable, with the
beet of references; capable of managing,
keeping books and writing ads. Address
S - nu ryx inr I .
(27) M1M 22x
FURNACE, steam and hot water repairs;
Thermostats and other heat regulators;
new furnaces and hot water combination
heating. Omaha Stove Repair Works,
120-12u Douglas St. 'Phones: Ind. A-3MJ;
Bell. Douglas BSOl 70B
POSITION wanted by good farmer as
foreman on farm: honest, sober and In
dustrious; can furnish good reference.
Address O 71, cars Bee. .
(17) M482 J1X
Ing. The regular annual meeting of stock
holders in Tbe Bee Publishing company will
be held In the office of the company in The
Bee building, comer 17th and Farnam
streets, Omaha, Nebraska, on Monday,
March, 1. 1". at 4 o'clock p. m. By order
of the president. HENRY A. HASKELL,
Secretary. MEF16dl0t
ING Notice Is hereby given that the
regular annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Bouth Platte Land company will be
held at the office of said company at
Lincoln, Nebraska, at 11 o'clock a. m., on
the third day of March, A. D., 1908.
C. H. MORRILL. President
A. B. MINOR. Secretary.
Uncoln, Nebraska, February L im.
Staple) sat Faater Produce Prices Far.
alsfced by Bayers aad Wholesalers.
BUTTER Creamery, No. 1 delivered to
tbe retail trade In 1-1 b. cartons, Wc; No. 1
In 40-lb. tubs, 22c; No. B in 1-lb. oartons.
Due; In 60-lb. tubs, 2Vkc; packing stock, lc;
fancy dairy, tubs, -i(-k'; common roll,
fresh made. Buo. (Market changes every
EOUtJ Fresh selling stock, candled, 28
2dc. No storage stock on Omaha market.
CHUIlS-) b .ueal Wisconsin full oieam,
twins. 16c; young Americas, In hoop, lbc;
favorite, t In hoop, 18c; daisies, 20 in hoop,
laVfcc; cream brick, full oasa. 16c; block
Swiss, 16c; full-cream limburger, lDo.
Beef Cuts Ribs, No. 1, Uc; No, B, 13o;
No. 8, Vc- Low, No. 1, Wifi; No. i. 14c; No.
8, Uc Chuck, No. L 7c; No. 2, CVfcc; No.
t, 6c. Round, No. i, c; No. 2, 8c; No.
8, 7Vc Plats, No. L fr)c; No. 2, 6c; No.
t Sc.
POULTRY Alive, springs. UHc; hens, 10o)
cocks, c; ducks, luVkc; geese, BVko; tur
keys, 18o; pigeons, per dos., 86o; guinea
fowls, per dos., B2.60; squabs, per dos., ti
Dressed, hens, 11c; springs, 12liVc; cocks,
tV4o ducks, 13c; geese, 11c; turkeys. Bio.
FRESH FRUITS Apples, New York
Baldwins, 84; fancy Bsn DavU, tt; Missouri
Pippins, ldahs Bteam Seaatiea, . 12;
extra fancy Ben Davis, per box, tl.86. Ba
nanas. 4-bunch lots. Ko per lb. Oranaea
2.SiBJ-25. Lemons, 13.6).00. Grape fruit.
4. Grapes, Malagas. 87.60 per keg. Florida
pineapples, per crate, BB.
B I ha w mkniuu wo per qu
VEGETABLES Kansas sweetpotatoes,
$176 per bbU California celery, large, 76c;
smaller, too. New York Holland seed cab
bage, io per lb. Wisconsin Red Globe
onions, lo per lb. California 'cauliflower,
13 per crate. Tomatoes, Florida, t-basket
crate, 86 60; Cuba, t-baaket crate, $8. Let
tuce, per dos., 40c. Old vegetables par
snips, turnips, carrots 82.86 per bbl. Florida
new beets, carrots, parsnips, turnips, etc,
per dos., 76c.
HIDES No. 1 green, 10c; No. 1 cured. Ho.
FISH Whltefish, froien, 10c; herring.
I Vic; salmon, 10c; pike, o; pickerel, thV&lc;
trout, lOo: catfish. 10312c; halibut, Be; red
snapper, 12c; black bass, 26c; crapples, f&
Be; perch, 8c; codfish, 13c; smelts, c; eels,
16c; lobsters, green, 87c; boiled, 40c; frogs'
legs, 46c.
Metal Market.
was dull and unchanged. Tin was reported
weak at 828.06&'28.26. Copper remained dull.
wiin lane quotea at 13.uubis.z&; electrolytic,
BlB.76618.S6tt; casting, $12.6212. 76. Lead
.n ... 11 tint 1 . M . . . .
wn- uuii ta.B-itf.wi., ana spelter at
M.86'4.80. Iron was unsettled, with quota
tions nominal.
ST. IXJUIB, Feb. 20 METAL8 Lead, held
at BS.87V48,B.Sa Spelter, dull at 84.76.
Milwaukee Grata Market.
MILWAUKEE, Feb. 20. WHEAT Firm ;
No. 1 northern, 8U6S'1.16H; No. t northern.
1.14; May, 81-16m.l614 blL
CORN Lower; May, 6&Ho bid.
BARLEY Higher; standard, e&Vtc; sam
ple, MtititiHO.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUISl Feb. 20. -WOOL Nominal;
medium gradea, combing and clothing, It
tj24c; light fire, l&&J0c; heavy fins, 1016c;
tub waahed, 2!32c,
Oils and Roatn.
SAVANNAH, Feb. 20.-OIL-Turpentlne,
nominal, 4V5.
ROSIN-Flrm. Quote: B. 83.00; D. E. 83.06;
F. O, 88.10; H. 83.46; I, 8S.B0; K, 84.86; N,
86.15; WO, Bt-86; WW, 86.86.
. Dslatk Grain Market.
DULTJTH, Minn., Fab. B 0, -WHEAT
May, 81.164 bid; July, BllBH; No. 1
northern, B11BH; No. j northern, 81.10 U.
The Taot at Artists.
Jamas B. Laughltn, a wealthy collector of
Pittsburg, recently discovered a hoax In
his gallery and compelled the dealer to
refund the 89.600 that he had paid for a
thirty dollar work of art.
Mr. Laughlin. aa this erlsode shows. Is
a connoisseur of no mean ability. Ait a re
rent dinner ha pointed out very brilliantly
the limitations and the shallowness of
"court painters."
"A movement was on foot for the alli
ance of King Charles of Wurtemburg snd
the Orand Duchess Olga of Russia. An
emissary of the Runslan court came to the
young klrg. laid certain propoaala before
him, and submitted a portrait in oils of the
e"val lartv.
Analysis and critical comment on
WIRELE8S STOCKS Is presented In our
special Market Letter lust out. A limited
number of copies mailed free upon re
(Established lvOD.
81 Broadway. NEW TORK.
The securities of Industrial, railroad and
mining companies easily placed. New enter
prises requiring capital quickly financed.
Money secured for any good proposition,
strictly oo sommlsslon. P. O. Box But?,
N. T.
TO tOVM, ds Luxs and
Vacation, for IBOD; Cover
All Europe.
$150 to $1105
All VtwreUa BB-psatssg
THOS. 000E h EON
MS llroaulway. Mew Tork
Cook's Travelers' Chacka ' .11
are uooa avervwasra,
ss SI Hssa
Chaotio Condition of Steel Trade
Throw b Market Into Confusion.
Minor Steel Stocks Are Deaaerallsed
and Ieeaes at Big Corpora
tloa Show Decided
NEW TORK, Feb. BO.-The steel trade
position was the one subject of discussion
In ths stock market today. The choatio con
dition Into which ths steel trade has boon
thrown by ths announced determination of
ths United tltstes Steel corporation to
modify prices in such wise aa la neoessary
to securs business Is fully equalled by the
confusion of speculative opinion as to the
rises to be apprehended from this action.
There was evidence in the current comment
In the stock market of equal confusion
over the motives which prompted tha action
of the steel Interests.
The excited speculative element was In
clined to search for secret springs of ac
tion on the part of vast capitalists groups.
Irresistible pressure from a financial group
devoted to railroad ownership and construc
tion for lower prices for material was one
explanation advanced. Railroad stocks,
In fact, were relatively lKtle affected by
the demoralisation In the stool Industrials
and there was an effort to read only ad
vantage; for the railroads In the meeting
of sn open market for ateel products.
Boms minor steel companies' stocks were
much demoralised and slumped violently.
The fall In United States Steel was more
restrained. Influenced by ths worldwide
participation in the market for that stock.
The flood of liquidation In United States
Steel was constant, however, and Its laat
price of 4d waa tbe lowest of ths day. The
break In Colorado Fuel reached over f
points, Republic Bteel preferred t and the
common more than 4 points. Pennsylvania
suffered a decline of 2V points In accord
ance with the large proportion of Its trarflo
which is made up of steel and steel
products. Outside of this and Reading B
point decline ths loss In the railroad list
was moderate and at times during ths
short sseaton there were points of strength
In that department.
The bank statement disclosed the
strengthening of ths banking position
which has been effected during the week.
Discounts hardened today in London. There
was at the sams tims very heavy selling
ot stocks In New York today for foreign
account. Ths effect of all these factors
was seen In a further , wide advance In
foreign exchange rates, sufficient to revive
discussion of possible gold exports from
here to London.
Bonds were Irregular, with very heavy
dealings In the Southern railway improve
ments. Total sales, par value, 84,112.000.
United States 2s, registered, declined K
snd the coupon advanced per cent on
call during ths week.
Numbsr of sales sn nrtnclpal quotation
on stocks were as follows!
Bab. High. Low. Close.
Amalgamated Copper
. ll.too 11 Tits 7H
Am. u. a r
Aim. C. A F. pfd
Am. Cotton Oil
Am. H. 1 pfd
Am. Ire BurlMs
Am. Llnased Oil
Amtriosn Locomotive
Am. Locomotive pit
Am. I. ft R
Am. g. ft R. pfd
Am. tuiar Refining
Am. Tobeero pfd
44 4
uo lies iio lot
Amsnmn Woolwt ...
Antaond Mlnlns Oo.
.. ...... ..... ...,
.. l.tOS 44U 4IU
Atchison pfd
AtlsnU Coast Une
Baltimore Ohio
Bal. Ohio r'd
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Pacific
Central Leather
Central Leather pfd
Central ot Naw Jaraay
Cheaapaaks ft Ohio
Chicago Ot W
Chicago ft N. W
.. t,no lotvt 101 lom
.. ivo vu ins io
toe iit lit u
.. 8.400 10 101 107
.. .ns n n
.. 400 171 111 171
.. too 10 t 19
B.410 44
W t T
400 174 174 17
C, M. ft BC P T.tO ltftt M W
c, a, c. ft at. l p ti n n
loioraflo r. a I 1I.S08 v
Colorado ft Bo 1.000 t
Colo, ft Be. 1st pfd 100 u
Colo, ft So. Id pfd HO 1814
Consolidated Osa 1.4UO 121
0 11
n ea
u to
7 1
110 la
18S4 lt4
Cora Prodacts too lt
Liawars m Mueaon......
Dsevoi ft Rio Grand...,.
200 114 W 1744 17
B.1S 44 44 44
v. m K. o. pfd
natulan aecerttlss l.SM MX
le t,nt
Brie lat pld too 44
ln M
44 44
Erie M pfd MO IS
Oonoral ElectH
Oraat Nsrthara pfd
Oraat Northern Ore etfs.
Illinois Central
Imerborough Met.
Int. Mat. pfd
International Paper
Int Paper pfd
International Pump
Iowa Cantral
Kama City Bo.
K. a So. nfd
161 lf.1
t.S30 141 140 140
a. iw fift iv fv
too lu
141 141
14 14
41 40
B.100 U
1.100 41
Louisville ft N
Minn, ft tu L
..... U7 1M 117
404 44 46 45
M . St. P. ft 8. B. M -
Missouri Pacltls
M.. K. ft T
.... SUO 140 140
I. no Tot
4.10 41
40 40
77 T7
114 144
M., K.. T. pfd
National Lead I.MS Tl
N. Y. Central 4.M 117
H. T, O, ft W 20 4
46 46
17 17
74 71
Narfolk ft WasUra.
North American ,.a.
Northara Paclfle ...
Paolfla Mall
Paanaylvanla .......
Paopla's Oaa
P.. a. C. ft St- U.
8,404 ' t
... 1' T
... 4,700 u in
... 100 alt. II
... 111 1M ua
... a. aw juta ui 111
Praaaad Btaol Car pot U 14
ruirman rawea uar...,.
Railway Bteel Spring-...
Rapublls Blssl
Rapubll Stool pfd
Rock laiand Co.
Rock laiand Co. pfd
B4, L. ft B. F. Id pfd...
400 a 42 41
SO, 100 140 1M U
1.400 11 17 14
8.1M M
St. ixmia s. w
B4. L. A W. pfd , too
tloae-Shetneld B. ft I.... l.tOO
sou them Paclflo 17. PO 118 117
a. racuia pia suv ui in
eouuians Mliwar .......... s.ouo J14
so. juuiwsy pis ....
Tonnaasaa Copper 400
Teaae ft Paelfla ... 1,40
T., St. L. ft W 400
T , St. I ft W. pfd 100
vnloa Paoino ,
Vnlon Paclfia pfd...,
44.604 174 17 177
0 40
lu lt
44 46
10 10U
41 41
44 44
I'. A Rubbar 100 10
V. a. Rubbar 1st pfd tK 14
V. 8. Btael 114,100 47
V. a Btsal pfd,. 11.100 111
t'tah Copper iiio 42
va-caroiina unamicai .... i,svw
Va -Caro. ctm. pld
Wabaab 1.100
Wahaan pfd 4.400
Waatlnshouae Bloatrte ..... u0
Waatara Union 100
'aaoiing m a
Wtaconaia Central
400 40 (
Am. T. ft T. Co..
l.a M 114 US
Total sales tar tae tar. IRlOO staraa
London Closing Stocks,
LONDON, Fab. BO-On tha Stock ex
change hers today American securities
were upset by the out In steel prices snd
opened dull, but after narrow fluctuations
and small business they closed steady, with
ths exoeptlons of steel and copper sharsa
which were easy. 1
London Closing quotations i
Consols, money.
de scoounl..,
Anaconaa .
44M.. K. a r
... 44 1-14N. T. Oaotral..
t Norfolk ft w....
104 do pfd
. 41
......HrtH Ontario ft
Saitlmore ft Ohio
HI raesavlvanla
Oaaadlaa Pact f lo...
Cnaaftpsake 4 O...J
Chicago Q. W
Chi., Mil. ft tl. r
D Boers
Donvar ft Mis O...
do pfd
.174Rand Mlcea....
. 44 Reading
. Ttttoitiaara Rjr...
lltttoulkara Pacific iftu
4Uoloa Paotrts i,,2
do ptd
U. B. Steal
.... MV
.... 4
.... 14
.... 40
.... 44
do lat pt
do Id pfd
Orand Trunk....
Illiaola Central.
. 4 do pfd....
. 44 Wabaab ...
. 11 do pfd....
LawUTilla ft M
H 1 LV BR Bar, ateady at 28)-
l4 per oa.
MuNhi 1 4VI per cent.
Ths rate of discount In tha open market
for abort bills Is Bfc&ltt per cent" for
three months' bills, par csn,
riearlagr Haas Bank Statesaeat.
NEW YORK. Feb. 20.-Ths sUtement of
ths clearing houae banks for ths week
shows that ths banks hold 112,446.076 mors
than tha rsqulrenset ts of the 8a per cent
reserve rules. This Is sn lucres s of 84,047,.
Bvs In the proportaoi ate cash reserve, ss
conr.pared with last week. Tha statement
Loans .....Bl.n,t.10 i,te.tuO
IX posits LB7B.778.Bti0 Itiit.TO'J
ClreulaUon 162,IO0
Igal tenders 81,So4) l.Out.tuO
Specla B7D,4.tuO 1.782,700
Reserva XM.Itst SO l.OnO.av)
Reserve required .... B44.444.r4 l.lf4l.471
Surplus U.MOie t.047,irt
Ex. U. S. deposits..... Ki.z.t B.;i,teO
The percentage of actual raserva of Cbs
oleartna bouse banks today was 24.11.
Ths statement of banks and trust eoca
panJaa ot Ureatsr Nsw York, not reporting
to tha clearing house, shows that theea In
stitutions hold ag(Tai deposits of 11.238,.
mo t u
to at iiti ist
t.0S 0 61 41
100 11 111 111
t.WO U tUH tVi
0 lot lotv
lot iio iio ia4
0X7,800; total cash' on hand. tlJ4.,800. and
leans amounting to fLlot.77-,000.
Naw fork Moaey Market.
NEW YORK, Feb. J0.-MONEY-On call,
nominal. Time loana dull and easy; sixty
days, 24K' per rent; ninety days, 2VU
per ent; six months. fC'3 per c-nt.
per cent.
actual hualmss In bankers' bills at 84.M75
for sixty days and at 4.n;?oCi4 87Jto for de
mand. Commercial bills. 84.Mtf4.K.
SILVER Bar, &0c; Mexican dollars. 44u.
BONl)E Government, steady; railroad,
li regular.
Closing quotations on bonds today wsrs as
C. B. rf. ta, rag.... 141 Mat. Cootral 4s 45
do coupon 101 Mo lat Ino M
V. a la, reg 100 M., at. L. 4a
do coupon 100 M., K. ft T. 4a r
V. a 4a, reg ill do Is 41
, do coupon 110 N. R. R. of M. o. 4s J
Am. Tobacco 4s. 7 N. V. C. g. 4a
do s lfVN. i. 0. g. la laX
Atchison gn. 4e. llNo. Pacific 4s 102
do adj. 4a 44 ds ta 76
do ev. 4a 104 N. ft W. e. 4a 44
do ev. la 101O. B. L. rfrig. 4a
Atlantic a L. 4s 41 Penn. ev. ! 1414... 14
Bal. ft Ohio 4a 101 do eon. 4a 104
do !a 43 Reading gn. 4a lon
Bra. R. T. sv. 4s... 41 Kcp. of Cuba ta lul
Cantral of Oa. ts 110 agt. L. ft I. M. a 4.. 111
do lat Inc.. 40 St. U ft B. r. fg. 4s. 44
do Id Ino 40 Pt. L. 8. W. e. 4a... 74
do Id In 41 rlaaboard A. L. 4a... 44
Chas. ft Ohio 4a....lso. Pacific as 41
Chicago ft A. la.... 76 do lat 4a 06
C. B. ft Q. 0. ta.... 41 Bo. Railway to. lit
C, R. I. ft P. 4a.... 7 Taiaa ft P. la. lil
do sol. 4s. 41 T.. St. L. ft W. 4a... M
do rfdg. 4s llStnloo PaclMo 4a !
OCC. ft St. U g. 4s. M do cv. 4s H4
Colo. Ind. 4a 71 IT. B. Steal Id. 4a. ...103
Colo. Mid. 4s 44 Wabaah la 113
Colo, ft Bo. 4s MWatarn Md. 4a M
Pal. ft H. cv, 4e 101 W. ft L. B. 4a I
D. ft R. O. 4a 41 Wis. Central 4s K
Krlo p. I. 4s 44 N. T , N. H. ft H.
do gan. 4a. 74 ev, 4a etfa ...1S4
Hock. Vsl. 4 K7 Lake Shore 4s 1M1... 46
Int. Mat. 4s.... 7Am. T. ft T. cv. 4s.. 44
Japan 4a 4Wabsah Bat 4s IS
do 4a 41 Bo. Railway 4a 7
do Id series 11 Mo. Paclflo 4s 11
L. ft N. uni. 4a IVD. ft R. a. rat. ts... N
Man. a 4s 100
Bid. nxiara.
Local Securities.
OMAHA, Feb. IB. Quotations on Omaha
stocks and bonds, furnished by Samuel
Burns, Jr., tu Naw York Life building:
Bid. Asked.
Alma (Nab.) Light ta. loo
Columbia Fire lnaurance Block 174 144
Cody Canal An n , r loo
Combination Bridge, Bloux City 40 II
City of Omaha Bunda, 4a, 121 107 iu
Indspeod. Tela., ta, 1431 6o pfd. bonus) 40 41
Kanaas City Ry. ft Light, ta, 1411 47 48
Kansas City Ry. ft Light, pfd 74 so
Nabraska Telephone Stock 11 M
Omaha Gas la, 1407 47 44
Omaha Eloa. Light ft Power 4s. 14U 100 101
OmaLa Bieo. Light ft Power, pfd ,40 U
Omaha ft Co. Bluffs St. Ry. la, 1114 II lol
Omaha ft Co. Bluffa Bt. Ry. ta. 114 44 100
Omaha ft Co, Bluffs Bt. Ry., pfd M 44
Omaha ft Co. Bluffa Ry. ft Bridge, pfd.. 44 44
Omaha Water Company 4a, 1414 44 101
Omaha Water Company Be, 1144 id gg
Omaha Water Company lat pfd 14 )
Omaha Water Company Id ptd ,. I
Omaha Board ot Trade Bldg. Oo. pfd.... 44 140
Omaha Board of Trade Bldg Co. ooiu 44 40
Bwlft snd Company 101 lot
State lnaurance Company 126 laa
Sheridan Coal ts, 1M1 log
Sheridan Coal pfd 44 loo
Bherldan Goal com so
SIOux City Stock Yards pfd u pg
Blous City stock Yards com 14
Trl-State Land Co. pfd (50 com. bonus). 14 40
Union Stock Yard Co. Stock to li
Union ConatrucUoa Co., Kaaaaa Clur ... 44 M
Kx. Dir.
Boston Stocks and Bonds.
BOSTON, Fob. 80. Money, call k-uis, SU
63)i psr cent; time loans, 8&4 per cent.
Official closing on stocks and bonds:
Atchison adj. 4s 44 Atlantlo 14
do 4s 101 Butte Coalition M
Atchlaon R. R 101CaL ft Arlaona MJ0
do pfd 10lcsl. ft Hacle tii
Poeton a Albany 1)4 Caatannlal 41
BoaUin Elevated lit Copper Rang 71
ritchburg pfd 144 Daly Waat 10
N. T., N. H. ft H...164 Pranklln 11
Vnlon Paclflo i;70.raane Oananea 10
Am. Arga. Cbem 87Ia)s Royals 11
do pld 14 Mass. Mining 4
Am. Pnea. Tabs. 4 Michigan 11
Amer. Sugar 10 Mohawk 41
do pfd ias Mont, a a 11
Am. T. ft T 118 Nevada 17
Amer. Woolen ts Old Dominion 44
do pfd ,4 Oacoola 114
Dominion I. ft B tl Parrot 17
Edlaoa Bloc. Ilia 161 Qulncy u
Mass. Klactrle 14 Bhaaaon 14
Maae. Oaa 44 Tamarack u 11
Cnltad Fruit Ill Trinity n
United S. U 46 United Copper 14
de pfd U. a. Mining 41
TJ. B. 8 tool 4U. B. Oil 11
do pfd lMtfcftah 40
Adventure 7 Victoria 4
Ailoues 41Wlnoaa 4
Amalgamated. Tl North Butta ......... 71
Arlaona Cos. u "
Foreign Financial.
T-ZIMTUtW V.K an , .
wanted on the market today and discounts
w-iw unii, mi otoca exensnge cioeed the
week dull. Less anxiety regarding the
Balkans caused a slight recovery In some
directions, but tha approach of the settle-
. iiiureaBeu conimiunsnts.
American securities were upset by the cut
In steel prices and opened dull, but after
narrow fluctuations and small business they
clnRerl itoalv with h . . . i
and copper shares, which were easy.
BERLIN, Feb. B0.-Tradlng on the Bourse
r -vuiMftucu ncwvy uii reports ot a
radlirtlnn In h ima.l..- 1 . .
- - - nut, nq eieei
trade. Pr ices generally were wssk, with
.at,.;iiuii ui -locirio snares. American
railroad shares later became firmer.
PARIS, Feb. 20. Prices oa tha Bourse to
day were firm.
Bank ClearTags.
OMAJIA. Feb. 20. Bonk clearlnga for tot
day were ,W0,W6.8 and for the corre
apoodlng data laat year 83.621,811. 87.
Monday 8 1,803,160.28 Bl,73 4M.64
Tuesday 1,7M,001.3 l,486.8t 41
Wedneaday B.16t,4.a 1.841,588.80
Thursday 8.343,601.92 1.568,878 24
Friday 8.467,874.0t 1.644,001.71
Saturday 1,930,636.88 Holiday
Totals I12,S0.649. 87,801.720.27
Inoreasa over ths corresponding week of
last vaar 1 4.778,938.42.
Naw York Mlalag Stocks.
NEW YORK, Fab. 20. dosing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Alice 204 Little chief 10
Brunswick Cos 10 Mexlcaa , (J
Com. Tunnsl stock... (7 Ontario 404
do bonds 14 Ophlr 126
Con. Cal. ft Vs 47 Standard 146
Horn Sliver I Yellow Jack 16
Leadvllls Cos t
Treaaary Statement.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.-Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclualvs of ths 1150,000,000 gold
reserve, shows: Available cash balance,
8140.794,866; gold coin and bullion, $34,274,327;
gold certificates, 830,838,410.
Ctottoat Makt
NEW YORK. Feb. B0. -COTTON The cot
ton market opened steady at a do-Una ot I
Points to an advance of 8 points.
Spot cotton closed quiet, t points lower,
middling uplands, B.aOc; rot idling gulf,
10.06c; no sales.
Futures opened steady; March, 8 4
60.60c; May, 8.4o; July, B 47c; August,
8.43c; October, 87c; Dec timber, 8.84c, Jan
uary, 8.31&9.Jio. ,
Cotton futures closed - barely steady;
February, 9 43c; Marou, 8.45c; April, 9.41c;
May, 9 41c; June, 9. tic; July, Bloc; Augueft,
B.38c; September, B.Buc; October, 9 Jc; Nov
ember, 9.27c; December, 8.27c: January, B.ttc.
limited demand; prices 2 points higher;
Amerlcsn middling fair at t.7d: good mid
dling, e.31d; middling, 8 lid; low middling,
491d; good ordinary, t.Ud; ordinary, 4.i6d.
The sales of tha day wera 4,000 bales, of
which 6u0 bales werp for speculation and
export and Included 8.4UO bales American.
Receipts. B6,0uo bales, including 81,600 bales
American. Futures opened quiet and
steady and closed idle; February, 5.u3d;
February-March, .02d; March-April, 6.0g4;
April-May, 6 04d; May-June, B06d; June
July, B.OtlHd; July-August, t.07d; August
Beptumber, 6.01 d; September-October,
4 B7d; October-November, 4.96d; November
December, 4.93d ; December-January. 4 1tM;
January-February, 4 md. Additional sales
made to the trade late yesterday amounted
to B.OUV bales, all Amerlcsn.
QALVBtfTON. Tex., Feb. 80 COTTON
Steady st Mac.
Spot easy and unchanged; middling, 8 7-lc
Sales on ths spot, a&u balss. Futures op
ened steady, with prices unchanged to B
r Dints down. Sales to arrive amounted to
400 bales, sgalnst B.luO the preceding week.
Low ordinary, t t-ltc, nominal; ordinary, sc.
nominal; good ordinary, 1 7-ltc; low mid
dling, til 16c; middling, B 7-lsc; good mid
dling, BU-ltc; middling fair, 11 16-lfcj, Re
celpta, 8.068 bales; stock. Bsl tvit bales.
ST. LUC 18. Feb. BO. COTTON Quiet;
middling, Bl-ltc. Sales, none; receipts, B.020
bales; shipments, l.BsD bales; stock, 44,012
Sagar aad Mela sees.
NEW YORK, Feb. 89, SUO AR Raw,
firm; fair refining, B-UtTtUte; centrifugal,
Bt fast, B 003.440 ; molasses sugar, tied
t.ttc; reflneti, ateady; crushed, B.2bc; pow
dered. 4 noc: graaulated. 4 toe.
CX)FFEi2 -Steadji No. J Klo, KTMi .
4 Craatoa. BV
Higher Cablet Help Hold Up Wheat
Signs Net Lacking ot Tendeaey To
ward Weakealn, bnt Valars May
Not Sink Far torn Preaent HJgk
Level Corn AVeaker.
OMAHA. Feb. to, 1909.
Higher rabies followed the' bulge yester
day and gave strength to the) opening mar
ket. The demand from all quarters con
tinues good and while there are signs of a
weakening market the situation still looks
strong enough to hold values close to the
present level.
With Improved weather conditions corn
weakened with wheat. Receipts continue
heavy and with better roads the country
deliveries are sxpected to increase.
Wheat waa strong to higher on a strong
cash situation, large cash wheat sales being
reported at fancy prlcea. Reports of im
proved weather outlook weakened tha dis
tant futures, but on the whole the situa
tion Is unchanged and all advances are
being well supported and sustained. May
wheat opened at IXXUV, snd closed at 81.108.
Corn weakened with wheat and reports of
larger axceptancea and Increased country
offerings: The csah market was lower and
the demand was not as active after the
early offerings were absorbed. May corn
opened at 6OV0 and closed at 04c.
Primary wheat receipts were 674.004
bushels, sgalnat receipts rscelpts last year
of 236,000 bushels.
Corn receipts were 762, f00 bushels, against
receipts last year of 417.000 bushels.
Clearances were 861,000 bushels of corn,
12.000 bushels of oats and wheat and flour
equal to 184,000 bushels.
Liverpool closed HQHd higher on wheat
and unchanged to d lower on corn.
Locs. range ot options:
1 v r 1 I -
Artlcles.i Open. High. I-ow. Close. Tes'y.
Msy... 1 08 1 0fi 1 0M4 1 Ofi 1 08
July... 96 86 B49h 84 85
80 0 80
May... 62 62 61 61 62
Osaaka Cask Prices.
WHEAT No. B hard, $1.071.07; No. 8
hard. tl.041.06; No. 4 hard, 1.001-03;
No. 8 spring, 81.06uM.O7.
CORN No. 8. 68j6oc; No. t ysllow, 689
68o; No. B white, 61c.
OATS No. B mixed, Blc; No. t yellow,
6162c; No. B Whits, 62.62 c; No. 4
white. 61&61e.
RYE No. 8, 74c; No. 8, 7Bo.
Carlot ' Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 84 BOB 167
Minneapolis SM
Omaha 83 167 13
Duluth 62
Feataree of the Trading: and Closing
Prices on Board of Trad.
CHICAGO, Feb. 20. Wheat for May de
livery sold here today at 8116 per bu.,
overtopping by 44,3 tne r6cori mark for the
season recorded during the previous ses
sion. Tha gain, however, was not main
tained, the market weakening under heavy
rallxing sales. At the close prices were
o lower to 4To higher, compared with
yesterday's final quotations. Corn, oats
and provisions closed weak.
Wtda fluctuations In tha price of the May
delivery marked trading In tha wheat pit,
the range for the day being lo. The
sharp upturn to a high level occurred In
the first fifteen minutes of the day, when
the May option rose to 81-16. after open
ing at tl 1641.15. Tha advance waa due
to buying by prominent longs and by local
shorts, who were actuated by an advance
of M-So in Liverpool. Tha bulge brought
out liberal realising sales, part of which
were credited to the leader of tha bulla.
This caused a quick break to BT.14. May,
however, rallied and closed heavy at 8L1&H
1.16. July closed at 81.00ai.00.
Anticipating a liberal movement of corn
next week, owing to Improved conditions,
local holders sold freely throughout tha
enlira day, causing sharp losses In all de
liveries. At the close prices wsrs flc to
4jo lower, with May at 4&o and July
at 64itrlo,
Oats weakened under realising aalea by
local longs, which caused final losses ot
frcm o to 7flla. May closed at, 6440
and July at 49o.
Provisions were quiet and easy. Prlcea
at tha close were a shade to 6Q7o lower.
Tha leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. I Open.l High. Low. Close.) Tss'y.
May 1 16 1 18 1 "T 1 16 1 1M.
July 1' 01 1 01 1 00 1 00 1 01
Sept. 86& 90 9C , 96
May 65lf 65 66 65669e
July 60 lf 66 64(&4 64 66
Sept. 66 66 64 64r(& 66
May 65 6 66 64 64 ' 66
July 49$ 40 4B 40 49
Sept. '40i&41 41 40 404l9
May It 96 18 96 16 87 16 02 18 86
July 17 00 17 00 It 96 17 00 17 06
May B 67 9 67 9 66 9 67 967
July B BO 9 80 B 77 B 80 9 82
May B 02 8 92 886 8 87 2 92
July BOB B 05 8 02 02) 9 07
No. 8.
Cash quotations were aa follows:
FLOUR Firm; winter patents, B5.0K6.39;
winter straights, t4.7Vg.00; enHng patents,
6.506.75; spring tt al.hlf.8t OJjpi.lO; baka s,
RYE No. B, 76c.
BA RLEY Feed or mixing, 4igc; fair
to choice malting. 64fo66c.
SEEDS Flax, No. 1 southwestern, 81.62;
No. 1 northwestern, 11-73. Timothy, 83.76.
Clover. Bt OO.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 316.78
016.80. Lard, per 100 lbs., 89.60. Short ribs.
Sides (loose), t8.i3tj8.75. Short clear sides
(boxed). 8.87..i;.
BUTTER Creameries, t52c; dairies, 21
EGGS Weak; 22t724c, case count; first,
24c; prime firsts, 25c.
CHEESE Strong, daiales. I51fl6c; twins,
14ii215c; young Americas, 16y.lftc; long
horns, 16S'le,
POTATOES Steady ; chotca to fancy, 87
fiHc; fair to good, 8S36o.
POULTRY Steady; turkeys, 17c ( chick
ens, 18o; springs, 16a,
VEAL Easy; 60 to 60 pound weights, 79
8c; to to 86 pouiid weights, 8tJ0c; 06 to 110
pound weights, WflOo.
Total clearances of wheat and flour were
184,000 bu. Primary receipts were 674,000 bu.,
compared with a holiday on tha correspond
ing day a year ago.
Eatimated receipts for Mondsy: Wheat.
81 cart; corn, 397 cars; oats, log cars; hogs,
48,0uo head.
Fair Sunday audi riot Mack Ckaage
In Temterstae,
OMAHA, Feb. 20, 1909.
The depression, central over tha lake
region Friday morning, continued rapidly
eastward during the last twenty-four
hours, and is now centrsl over Nsw York
City and vicinity. This disturbance has
Increased In energy, and is followed by
snows and high winds In tha lower lake
region and upir Ohio valley, and It pre
ceded by rains throughout tha New Eng
land stales. Unsettled weather, with rains
and snows, attended the disturbance over
tha lake region snd Ohio valley, and gen.
orally cloudy weather, with light snowa
follow In Its wske over these sections this
morning. The weather has cleared through
out the southern ststes, and Is generally
fair In the centray valleys and throughout
tha west. Colder weather prevails In ths
lake region, Ohio valley and south Atlantic
states and west from tbe Rocky mountains
to the Pacific coast. It is warmer west of
the MlsalHslppl river to ths mountains and
conditions ars favorable for continued
moderate temperature and fair weather la
in this vicinity tonight and Sunday.
Record of temperaturs and precipitation
compared with tha corresponding day of
tha laat three years.
190B. 1908. 1907. 1808.
Minimum teanpersture ... Bl 18 88
Preclidtattun 00 .CO .28 .08
Normal temperature for today, SI de
grees. Deficiency to predplutloa since March L
6.04 inchea
Deficiency sorreaponding period In 1B0B,
t tl Inchea.
Deficiency eorrespocidtng parted In 1807,
4 28 Inches.
i A. W,LM,
Local Forecaster.
If la aea pel la erala Market.
Kay, 11.11; July, LU3t2; cash, No.
hard, BUS&1.14; No. 1 northern, BMBc?
1U; No. B northern, 81-lv6'Lll; No. 8
northern, 81 071.04,
FLAXSKED-4.'los.d at Bl .6?.
PUAN-ln bulk. taOrtrf-HO.
FLOUR Strong; first patents, BS.66f6 :
second pstents. 8b. 4016.60: first Cleare, 84.10
r4.25; second clears. BJ.06(S4.1.
NEW TORK, Feb. BO-FLOUR Receipts,
14. fO bbls.; exports, 1.1.ii0 bbls. Msrket
higher with a better demand. Minnesota
Patents. 66.40i6.86; winter straights, 8616.
26; Minnesota bakers, 84.2Mi4.60; winter
extras, 83.864.40: winter patents, 86.BHi.0;
winter low gradea, 8i.7ntf4.80; Kansas
straights, t6.0fv,icj.. Rye flour, firm; fair
to good, 84 16414.80; choice to fancy, 84.16
(N.60. Buckwheat flour, dull; 83.lofet.30 per
100 lbs.
UUCKWHEAT-Qutet; New Tork state,
Oc, nominal.
CORNMEAL Steady; fine white and yel
low, tl.obtfl.SO; coarse, l.ul.66; kiln dried,
RYE Quiet; No. B western, 8So, t O. b.
New York.
BARLEY Quiet; malting, 74S78c, c U f .
New York; feeding, 7041-Jlc, c L f., New
WHEAT-Recclpts, 21.600 bu. exporU.
4.9oo bu. Spot market Irregular. No. 2 red,
81. a, elevator; No. 3 red, 11.21, f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 northern Duluth, 8124, f. o. b. afloat;
No. B hard winter, tl.24, f. o. b. afloat.
Bulla ran wheat o above yesterday's
record this morning, but later withdrew
support and allowed prlues to react a little.
The market closed unsettled and c net
higher. May cioeed at 81.19 and July at B1.00.
CORN Receipts, t.OnO bu.; exports, 1,800
bu. Spot market steady; options qulst snd
weaker, closing c to c net lower. May,
72c, cioeed at 72V: July closed at 72c
and September at 71o.
OATS Receipts, 10,t76 bu; exports, 13,300
bu. Spot market firm. Mixed, X to 33 lbs.,
6it6ic; natural whits, 2 to B2 lbs., 60
6uc; clipped white, 34 to 42 lbs., 68)3c.
FEED Quiet; spring bran, 627.60; mid
Clings, 327.60; city. 127.60.
HAY Quiet; No. 3, 60c; good to choice,
PROVISIONS-Beef, steady; family, 816.60
t716.00; mess, 310.6OJ 11.00 ; beef hams. (24.919
26.00; packet, 114. 0w 14.60; city extra India
mess, 34.0024.60; Cut tiieats, steady; pick
led bellies, 89.00(?.60; pickled hams, 3.60O
10.00. Lard, barely steady; western, 89.76'
8.86; refined, steady; continent. 310.06; South
America, 810.76; compound, 87.26b7.&0. Pork,
steady; family, 118.0o$l9.O0; short clear, 119.86
fcil.OO; mess, 317.6ufals.00.
TALLOW Steady ; city (32 per pkg.), 6c;
Country (pkgs. free), 6JJo.
RICE Firm; domestic, fair to extra, 2
6c; Japan, luminal.
BUTTER Firm; held creamery, common
to specials, 22'fi'29a; western imitation
dreamery, firsts, BlUo.
CHEESE Firm; unchanged. '
EGGS Unsettled and lower; state, Pen-1
nsylvanla and nearby fancy, selected,
white, 81I&32C; stata Pennsylvania and
nearby, lair to choice, whits, 830o; brown
and mixed, fancy, 30c; brown and mixed,
fair to choice, Bo29c; western firsts, 26c;
seconds, 7c
POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick
ens, 13c; fowls, 16c; turkeys,; dressed,
firm; western chickens, Initio; fowls, 140
lsc; turkeys, 162So.
Kanaas City Grain and Provisions.
lower to lo higher; No. B hard, Bl.Oth&l-M;
No. S hard, Bl.Ottfil.lO; No. B ted, l.'Mi
LB8; No. 3 red, 3122(3)1.27.
CORN o to lc lower: No. B mixed, 613
61c; No. S mixed, 61o; No. I white, 62c;
No. 8 white, 62o.
OATS Unchanged to lo higher; No. 3
White, 63tf6&o; No. 2 mixed, 6K&620.
RYE No. 2, 80c.
HAY Quiet; choice timothy, 39.7510.00;
choice prairie, 88.608.76; choice alfalfa,
$16.0ig 18.00.
BUTTER Creamery extras Blc; firsts,
37c; seconds. 26c; packing stock. 17c.
EGGS Extras, 24c; current receipts,
flat, 21c; seconds and dirties, 14c.
Receipts and shipments of grain were aa
follows: Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu M 126,000 60.000
Corn, bu 63,000 22,000
Oata, bu 1 8,000 18,000
St. Loats Geaeral Market.
ST. LOUIS. Mo., Feb. 20. WHEAT
Weak; track: No. t red, cash, tl.26
1.27; No. B hard, 1.128X14; May, 1.U;
July. 98o.
CORN Steady; track: No. S cash, 3
(K4c; No. 3 white, 0o; May, 4iQ4c;
July, 64S4o.
OATS Weak : track: No. "2 cash, 63o:
No. 3 white, 66c: May, 64c; July, 43c
RYE Nominal; 77 c
FLOUR Unchanged; red winter patents,
36.30(36.76; extra fancy and straight, (4.90
6.85; hard winter clears, t3.7&H.10.
6 E ED Timothy , 33.O0iS.46.
CORN M BAtr-33.20.
BRAN Firm; sacked, east track, 31.109
122. . ,
HAY Firm; timothy, B10.00tg10.60: prairie,
BS.OOUj 10.50.
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing.
116.45. Lard, unchanged; prime steam, 89.32
(iB.42. Dry salt meats, unchanged; boxed
extra shorts, 8912; clesr ribs, B9.26; short
clears, 30.60. Bacon, unchanged: boxed
sxtra shorts, (10.87; clears, (10.26; short
Clears, 210.60,
POULTRY Steady; chickens, 12c; springs,
14c; turkeys, 20c; ducks, 18c; geese, 7c.
BUTTER Steady; creamery, 22ga0o.
EGGS Lower ; 21 c. case count.
Following are the receipts and shipments
of flour and grain:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 10,000 11,000
Wheat, bu 66.000 63,000
Corn, bu 87,0U0 62,000
Oats, bu 66,000 18.0CO
Philadelphia Prodaea Market.
Steady, with fair demand; extra western
creamery, SOc; extra nearby prints, 82c.
EGGS Weak and 8o lower; Pennsyl.
vanla and other nearby firsts, free cases,
36c, at mark; Pennsylvania and other
nearby current receipts, In returnable cases,
26c, at mark; western firsts, free cases,
26c, at mark; western, current receipts, free
cases, USio, at mark.
CHEESE Fair demand; New York full
ereama, choice, 14iu15c: New York full
creams, fair to good. 14314c.
Liverpool Grain Market,
strong; No. 2 red western winter, 8s 4d.
Futures, steady; March, 7alld; May. Is
lid; July, 7slld.
CORN Spot, steady; new, American
mixed (via Galveston), 8d. Futures, uulet:
March, 6s6d; May, 6s 7d.
Pearls, Market.
PEORIA, 111.. Feb. JO.-CORN-Lewer; No
8 white, 66c: No. B yellow, ta&MUo; No. (
ytllow, 6314ic; No. 4 yellow, iSao:
No. 3, 63&&c; No. 4. 62c; no grade. sOo
OATS Steady; standard, 64c; No, 8 white
H&64c; No. 2 white. 63foic.
Cattle, Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Steady
mm Moderate Rscelpts.
CHICAGO, Feb. 20. CATTLE Receipt
estimated at 900 head; market steady;
beeves, (4.36.BO; Texas steers, 84.8u4l6.20;
western steers, H1W;6.60; storkers and feed
ers, (3.256.40; cows and heifers, 81.86ir5.60;
ealvea, (6008.00.
HCK1S Receipts estimated at 14.000 head;
market steady; light, 36.00!j6.BO; mixed,
84064r.45; heavy, (o.06(S.4; rough. (4.05.0
620; good to choles heavy. B6.3o'atl.46: pigs
86.1" 00; bulk of sales. 8 .S5.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-lleeelpta esti
mated at 1,600 head; market stuady; native
83.25&680; western, tt.6trgS.dO( yearltnga'
(6.00(&o.90; native lambs, B6.7fx81.60; western
lambs, B5.75itf7.60.
t. Joseph Lira Stock Market.
BT. JOSEPH, Mo.. Feb. 30. -CATTLE Rs
celpts, too head; market ateady; steers
84.b0(&.26; cows and heifers, (3.0O6 50:
calves. (3.6067.25. '
HOGS-iRecelpts, 8.800 bead; market
B5.ft16 trun,: ,25 bul" ot aalea
No sheep on sale. .
Sloax City Lira Stark Market.
SIOUX CITY, la., Feb. BB. (Special Tele,
gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 3u0 bead;
market steady; beeves. t4.Mnpfl.00; fat cowa
and helfera (3 6i6.00; feeders, (l.256.00;
yeallngs, t3.00ti-t.26.
HOGS Receipts, 3 600 hesd; market
steady: range uf prlcsa, 8B.oa,l6; bulk of
sales, (6-8u.ti.00.
Stock In Bight.
Receipts of live stock at tha six principal
western markets yesterday:
cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha..
Sioux City
St. Joseph
Kansas City
St. Louis...,
Chicago .....
Totals ...
HOuO l,6u0
.1,140 COUO 3,009
Blggsr. Batter, Busier That's what ad
Let Tha ttaa Waat A4 do tba work for
Beef Steert Fifteen to Twenty-Fir,
Lower for Week.
Sheep and Lambs Generally Twenty
Fire Lower Than Last Week,
with Demand Showing! Soma
SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 30, 109.
Receipts were: Cattle. Hora. Sheep.
uiuciai Monday
Official Tuesday
Official Wednesday ....
Official Thursday
Official Friday
Estimate Saturday
Six days this week 17.JS8 61.868 29.241
ams days last week 15.41S 42.H'-5 16.641
Sams days 3 weeks ago..M.4i 47.M3 .)
Same days 8 weeks sgo.. 16.242 ,13S 27.0M
Sams days 4 weeks ago..22W-S 6l.O B7.-"9
Sams days last year 18.396 64.333 33,400
Tbe following table shows tha receipts of
settle, hoga and aheep at South Omaha for
tha year to data, compared with last yeart
AA, las. ltd. Ino. Iec.
fattla 134.KX) 143.90 11.308
Hogs BS8.870 475 972 89,108
8heep 806,213 198.1W0 11.938 ......
Ths following table shows ths average
price ot hogs at South omnha for ths last
several days, with comparisons:
Dstea I U09. 1908.lBO7.llBOt.ltO6.ri8Ot.19O3.
Fsb. 10...
Feb. 11...
Feb. IB...
Feb. 18...
Feb. 14...
Feb. 15... I
Feb. 14...
X.4M !. s.n-
B.7( ll.T 11.
IJK3 14.N42 7.7V
tti 13.321 4.00
1,017 8 70 l.Krt
40 8.600 .....
33 4 Otl 1173 T7 6 02 t 78
10 1? 90 4 77 6 00 t Tl
13 4 32 ttl 6 72 BOO 73
15 4 13 91 6 78 4 81 4 Hi 81
t03 88 6Bot84 M
21 t03 92 6B44968
t 18 6 93 t8A4M6 04Bft
07 06 6 09 4 73 6 03 7 02
01 4 10 8 81 4 97 6 05 BT
6 91 4 16 6 78 6 98 B 12 91
6 96 4 16( t 83 6 98 4 66 6 Bo 94)
Feb. 17...
rb. 18..
Feb. 19..
Feb. 20..
Tha official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was:
- ri T7,w
C, M. Sk St. P I
Union Pacific
C. 4 N. W., west 21
C, St. P., M. &. O
C. H. A O.. eaat t 1
C, B. ds Q., west t 1
Total receipts 1 49
The disposition of tha day'a receipts waa
as follows, each buyer purchasing ths num
ber of head Indicated;
fatHn. IToa-a.
Swift and rnmranv 1 iiKt
Cudahy Packing Co 13 l,a2
Armour at co 906
Lehman Rothchlld 7 ....
Hill tt Son
Wlthmu , , 320
Totals H 3,968
CATTLE Receipts of cattle as usual on
a Saturday were not large enough to maka
a market or create any Interest on the part
of buyers. For the week the receipts have
been very liberal, showing a large gain over
last week and a slight gain over a year ago.
The market as a whole has been very un
satisfactory to the selling Interests, with
the trade on most days slow.
Ths week started out with beef steers sell
ing a littls stronger and with tha trade con
siderably mors actlvs than at the close of
the previous week, but on Tuesday and
Wedneaday under the Influence ot very re
ceipts prices broks badly and the trade at
the ssme time was extremely dull. During
ths last two days of the week receipts wera
very much lighter and the trade took on a
little morelife. At the close of the week
beef steers are all ot 16tf25o lower than tha
previous week.
Cows and heifers followed very closely
after tha steer market, that Is, they showed
strength st the beginning of ths week,
breaking badly a littls later on and closing
somewhat more active. Still they ara all
lOu 16c. lower for the week.
With beef steers breaking badly there waa
very little encouragement in the market
for feeders and the country accordingly
bought very sparingly. Speculatora who
loaded up quite heavily at the beginning of
tha week found It a hard matter to dlsposa
of their purchases and prices sagged off all
along the 11ns, showing a losa for tha week
of 10&16O.
Buyers and sellers alike ara watching tha
trend of the cattle market with the greatest
Interest. While one side Is basing Its be
lief In high prices upon the high price of
corn and ths cost of making beef, the other
side Is pointing to ths fact that business
conditions In the east are not very encour- '
aging and that there la an unusually large
number of people who are not financially
able to consume high-priced meats.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
corn-fed steers, 66.604(4.00; fair to good
corn-fed steers, B6.0oni6.60; common to fair
corn-fed steers, (4.00'(t6.00; good to choice
cows and helfera, (4.0O&6.16; fair to good
cows snd heifers, (3.0n2t4.00; common to fair
cows and heifers, (2.003.00; good to choice
Blockers and feeders, (4.606.00; fslr to
good stockers snd feeders, t3.76ii4.60; com- .
mon to fair stockers and feeders, 83.0OO ,
8.76; stock heifers. 82.75ij4.00: veal calves.
(3007.26: bulls, stags, etc.. (2.7594.60.
HOGS The rapid break In the hog mar
ket reaultod In very light receipts thla
morning, only forty-nine fresh cars being
reported In addition to ten or twelve light
loads carried over from yesterday. 'Tha
market opened 6c higher this morning on
the better kinds of mixed and heavy hogs
and a good shars of such loads as found
favor In buyers' eyes sold on that basis.
It was very apparent, however, that therw
was no great amount of strength In tha
trade snd It very quickly eased off, closing
with all of ths advance lost. Right good
heavy hogs sold up to (6.26, with a good
share of the light and mixed loads of fair
quality selling at 36.eU36.uO.
The receipts of hogs this week have been
very liberal, footing up over 64.000 head, aa
against 42,000 head last week and 64,000 head
a year ago. The week opened with a sharp
advance In the market, hogs selling on
Monday at the highest point touched si now
the previous Thursday. On Tuesday a
sharp break set In, which continued until
today, when there was a little mora
strength to tha trade, aa noted above.
Even after allowing for this the market
at the close of the week Is on an averaga
20c lower than at the close of last week,
or 'Jtc lower than on Monday.
Representative sales:
No. A, Kb. pr. No. Av, Bh. Pr.
1 ... tT el ttl ... t00
. 16 U t 74 71 446 120 4 00
iu 14 ... 4 0 44 146 W 14)
M 11 40 6 40 SN0 144 4 00 )
1 K IM , as Juo 110 40 i
It til loo 1 ail li 111 -.1 a no 7
' I K
4' 14 114 I tt
' HI ... 6 44
4.. ...... 424 ... 8 ST
S But 10 I til
;i im w in
t 104 ... I BO
j m ... in
tt m to 10
71 tit 10 t 0
M... Ill 44 I M
42 114 SO I M
4 tr) 40 I H
441 M I K
... 14
74 lit 130 I 44
' i" ... 144
136 40 I H
ill ... 1 B4
44 134 SO tOO (
aa !a in im
T7 TtT 120 I 02
74. ...... 441 UM I tt
71 Mi ... tilt
T 4t ... I Of j
tW ... lOt I
13 til ... I 01 J
71 tOI ... t 04
44 fcl ... 47
ti r 4 4 1
47 tf7 ... t 1
II If ... I II
II 4.4 ... Ill
It S.M ... I II J
IE II 140 4 11 '
17 20 I 10
IT Ill ... t It
8H EEP There ware no fresh receipts oi
aheep, at least nothing of any consequence,
and ths market was bars of supplies. For
the week the receipts foot up t9,UJ0 head, as
against 26,6uo huttd last week and 9,400 head
a year ago.
..'" close of the previous week and at
the beginning of the present. It was noted
several limes in these columns that thart
appeared to be an undercurrnt of weak
ness to ths trade. For some reason of
other psckers did not seem to have very
much confidence In the future of the mar
ket, and whlls they were buying the ar
rivals they were evidently bearish In their
views. Thus It waa not at all surprising
that ths market broke badly later on aa
the receipts became very large. As rarlcea
declined it seemed ss If the demand Im
proved aad packers really buught mors
freely on the breaking market than they
did before. At the close of ths week tha
goneral market Is around 26c lower than
last week and possibly 263io lower on
heavy yearlings.
There has been a god buying demand all
the week for stuff that would do to sliear
and feed out for the later market, and
buyers of this kind of stuff have con
tributed very materially to keeping tha
general market In a good, healthy condi
tion by cleaning up everything that laicJk
ers did not snpear to cars fir. . i
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Oood trj
choice lambs, 8i.ltvj7.Bo; fair to good lain ha,
!6.BU4v7.!o; feeding lambs, (.'Jt'ij T6; gnod)
to choice light yearling, ta. "5; gmo
to choice heavy yearlings, (4.(0 26; f-ed-Ing
yearlings. 15 0i6.76. good to choice
wethers, 16 004 26; feeding wethers, (4 ttkt '
4.76; good to choice ewea, 14 hJ.TS; fair
lo good ewes. (40"64 60; feeding ewes, (3.60
tp4 00; culls and bucks, (1. 0042. 76.
Representative sales: )
tSlgtai Batter Market
ELGIN, Fsb. 30 BUTTE IW Firm at (Oca
galea for th wsoa, X It