TIIE OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: FEHRUAKY 21. 1000. 0 TIMELY REAL ESTATE GOSSIP JPaxtoa Banch, Divided Into Turn; Brinft OTer 40O,0OO. OTHii TB.ACT3 ABE WAITUfa "Mttfi "Jebraake Rears Dlac Osaf4 fes sftle-aa) kr Pira er Attrert Raster Capital far Irirsraflea lreJete. Ths Pax ton ranch In ths North Piatt TaJlr hss Ix-en aolfl for tt,000 and the record mad la ao ratlnfactorr and look M Intftlns; that other large tract In.th vicinity of Part on, Keyitona, Worth port Ad Big Sprtnjs ara to ba cut Into amall farm and aold Juel aa tha Pastoa ranch was "retailed." Tha Payna Inrestm.nt company of Omaha handled tha Paiton property and eld tha 1400,000 worth of property In a little mora than a month 2SO,0OO worth of It during January Ei(,000 during tha flrat week In febmary. Originally tha Paxton ranch consisted of (.tot) acre. The owner teffsn aa Irriga tion ditch and agreed to water moat all the tract which th big ranch would make. About 100 people bought the tract, paying from IIS per acre for land which are above tha ditch to flS per acre for land under tha dltoh and near the town alt of Keystone. Tha average price waa probably BI par acre. "Ln4 eraay," aaya C. W. Bckermaa, ssnt of the company who handled the Pajiton ranch deal, and I ready to open 4.000 acre more south of Keyatone. "The farmer who went out to the ranch each Tuesday were quick to see th possibilities of the Irrigated land and It waa no un common thing to close a deal for 160 acre of land la twenty minutes. ' The land In . western Nebraaka la really a firat-claa Investment and the augar beeta, potato, amall grain and corn which that old Pax ton ranch will produce next year will sur prise th old sad soil of th so-oeJled "agricultural region." Boott Bluff county I to be th scene of activity la Irrigated farm landa, accord ing to land agent who axe watching the map for township or two whloh they can cut up Into elrht-acre farm. The Morrell county land will last for about two month at th rate th Paxton ranch was aold, and then th agent will have to turn their energies to other land. Buch sale are having aa Influence on capital which la seeking Investment In Irrigation project, and more are being planned aa the farmer how the land hungrr and want to get un der ditch, Dundee showed ther waa nothing too large for tha suburb when an election held during tha week voted unanimously to leaue 17,000 more of sewer bonds, making J 21, 600 altogether which the suburb ha Invested la sewerage. But Dundee can afford to make th Investment from all appearance. Aa Interested dealer who mada aa investigation recently, declare thera ara mora than MO attractive, if not beautiful, reeldencea In the auburb, many of which have been erected In the laat two years. One company now ha twelve lota between Flfty-flrst and Fifty-second on Dodge streets, where alx bungalow are being erected whloh will coat from $6,00Q to HO.00O each. Tha Investment represent KO.000 put la th suburb at on time and means more because tlx new families in ell probability occupy the houses, two having been sold to people who bave made their home down In the city. The Interoroea era may bave started In Omaha, Tk Nebraska Traction and Power company which has buUt a Una from Bouth Omaha to Ralston along West Q street, now proposes to extend it to Papll lion, perhapa further to the south and west, down across the Platte river Into Cass county, where only a branch of the Mi ourl Pacific permit people to come to Omaha, whenever the line can get a train through. Thl project promise many thing for real estate dealers and they arc looking at farms In Sarpy county which can be cut Into small tract. All . along the line uch farm will be In demand and ther I no be iter secUon of the territory around Omaha through which to build an laterurban line, in the opinion of dealer, than Peplllion, south west to Springfield Meadow, Loul.vllle, then south and east to the Hon country north or Weeping "Water, or southwest from Louivlll con necting Murdock and Elm wood. from some point on th Lincoln line of the Missouri Pacific only thlry-flv or forty mile from Omaha, It 1 lmpoalbl for people to get Into thl city and return th same day. Real estate dealers aay what th retail Interest of Omaha and th city in general Deeds, aa a naglected garden need ho, la lnterurban railway lines. Kyton park, the largest tract ever opened near Omaha to be aold In small aoreage tract, baa all been sold but thirty scree out of 161 scree, originally comprising th Paxton farm. It I on of the beauty spot about Omaha, and at present there are thirty new houses oa ths tract with mor being planned. The park Is weat of Benson on th paved road and the atreeta of the park oiled, making the auburb on which attract automoblliat. Eight blocks of th main street of Flor mo are to be paved during the coming season, which means many additions to the buslneaa section of th city and an im provement which will make the auburb more attractive aa a residence place. Four new building are promised at once, a tha owner of th lot will not sell them utilea th paving I done. When thl I don Frank Paacale haa algnlfled hi inten tion of taking the lot and building on them. MILLION FOR BIG BUILDINGS Istesata tal Haratr Oae site, Nlae tesatk and at. Mar's Aveaa Aaetber. Buildings requiring an expenditure of tlKo.OOa on two prominent sites on th map of Omaha are being planned by two different Interest, which probably will close contract within a short time. Regardless of th many who have been Interested In Sixteenth and Harney atreeta, Omahana have seriously taken ap a propo sition to erect a building on that corner which will cost about , 000.000. No sal has bo Yon Want " Your Home Warm? J. C. Dlxby & 8on Co. eetiag am Sanitary aglaen Fleao aaa Spsetftsaetsas fas Keating rssalsa.ee aaa meats Installed Cesaplete, 1221a. IStSa. Tti Dm 2463 NEWS OF THE BUSY HOME BUILDERS u , i - ' ' ' :-,,'fil1 V. . rr. rr;-:'N rr rr . v ' ; . - ; ; i l! V " r . '. i . l a. ' i " ' 1 ,iii: '.III! : . i I ! 4 i"; . :v ' t Vt auanajBJL. M'emewmsMe III Itwm. 1 II -fcTlTTCHBVI III 1 TT s I J $ ROOAS I 1 r parse: H I I ex i a L -i- &zi2 : J . ACTHUE'C CLAUStAl ACHITftCT I- 1 I 1 i i ECrI 4 BATH 4200 '. 1 J' I i i P"142.3T - t"i-00-Cl.- secoiD-.TL.ooe "Thoughts at Random Strung" Arthur O. Ola nana, Arebitsot, Shakespeare said that "the secret of beauty is suspeot." It Is not so much what we aea, but the hidden beauty o what we expect to aee Inside of a home aa Indicated by the beauty or oddity, a th case may be, of the exterior that charma ua. It la the Inside of a home which, regardless of the outside, receive the atamp of tha owner's Individuality. We have come to know this and to expect unusual thing In side of a home whose exterior Is out of the ordinary. There are many things that must be weighed and considered In the mind of an rchltect and his client before the plans and design of a home are perfected; cli mate, size and grade of lot, water supply and drainage, amount of building funds available, the else of the family and it oclal requli omenta being but a few of them. Aa theie condition and the many other that arlae alwaya vary In each case, ao homea vary In plan and design. Homes are the product of several Individualities the architect, the owner and his family. Bometlmeo the one individuality predom inate over the other. Such ahould not be the caa. There ahould be perfect har mony In order lo obtain the beat reaultt. The day of amall parlors and sitting rooma Is paat; almoat the universal rule nowadaya I to combine the old time par lor, sitting room, library and aometlmea even the atalr hall into one large, apacloua, homelike room. Ko one come In oioser contact with a man's personality. Individuality and tem perament than hi architect. In the plan ning and designing of a man' home, the architect finds his way by aucceaslv de grees Into the very heart of his individual existence. He knows, before he Is through with him, his character, his artistic tenden cies, or more often, the lack of them, his personal habits and ambitions. If he is a auccesaful practitioner, broad and psreep- THE BEE'S PLAN OFFER Through a special arrangement with Mr. Clausen The Omaha Bee Is able to offer its readers the complete plan.' detail and specifications of th home Illustrated on thl page without change for 110. Mr. Clauaen la the author of a well illuatrated book, "Home Building Plana and Prob lema,' 'containing, betides many de signs for modern homes and exten sive articles on home building, over 130 design for entrances, fireplaces, picturesque groups of windows, stair ways, kitchen and pantry arrange ments, etc. . Special price to readers of Tha Bee SO cents. Bend all orders to Arthur C. Clausen, architect. Stu dio, 1013 Lumber Exchange, Minne apolis, Minn. tlve, he will with tactfulneaa, combine the various mooda of hi client and family with hi own artistic klll, expreaalng at once in th reaultlng home, the peraonality of Ita owner and hla own conatructlve In genuity. One often wonder at th vaat variety of plana, dealgna, styles and combinations of styles that find their origin in the mind of a single architect. The above paragraph is the answer. The great variety of homes that find their origin on a single drawing board 1 due to the fact that the architect ha had to deal with as many different in dividualities. As there are no two Individ ual temperaments and tastes exactly alike, ao there are scarcely two houses alike in the large assemblage of them that congre gate In cities, except those built by real estat agent for Investment purpose. If you want a amall houa to be a large aspoaslbl be chary In your use of colore. Mkt people Invite visitors Into ' their home by the front door. It Is Juat as well that they do. The back door Is seldom been made or contracted, but there Is a de mand for a building on the alte and there are lnatltutlona for which It would not be too large for a permanent home. The City Saving bank and th Occidental Loan and Trust company are two of the institution which demand larger Quarter. Both Institution have grown to a propor tion little suspected by Oinahans. Plrector In both are Interested In the development of the retail district couth of Farnam atreet. aoms of them owning building In tlie vicin ity. That a building will be erected there to acovmmodate both th City Baving bank and th Occidental Building and Loan as sociation, both of which are beaded by John J. Flack, Is th belief. At th earn time the opening of Nine teenth street to BL Mary' avenue has given ths Kountse eatat an opportunity to plan on Imrpovemants and they will cost IX0.0C0 or more. Thess will consist of 81. Louis, flats and an apartment house. The manager of th real estate department of the estate has long considered de veloping the property and plan are aid to be made for uch building. Though contracts have not been let, those who take big Job are looking forward to a large amount of work during the next few month and th Kounta improvement ars mentioned at th Omaha building exchttng as being among the building whkh con tractor will have to consider. WAR ON GODDESS OF LIBERTY Le Bridge Waits It, Tee, te Case Dewa (rem ke Cltr UeU. The Ooddese ef Liberty oa the city hall has sow fallen uoa tii baa of thos bent upon removing anything that Is loose on the city building Instead of atrengthen lng the looaened masonry. While th god dess Is not, strictly speaking, in a danger ous condition. It 1 nevertheless tottering to It -fall. Councilman Bridge and his man Oeorge Wood are after the statu and unless some Improvement club or sim ilar organisation proceeds to "get busy" the people of Omaha will awake soms morning to find ihat no Qoddsas of Lib erty holds aloft over their heada th flam ing torch of freedom. True, th statue is not as pretty as It was once, for it Is getting old. It Is four year past the age of "sweet sixteen," and therefore Is somewhat wrinkled and worn. But thla I not all, for, in on of th recent storms K lost its left arm, torn out by the roots, leaving a Jagged hoi under tha shoulder. The statue 1 of metal and City Electri cian Mlchaelacn considers it perfectly safe, desplt the loss of one arm. He says that his men have climbed ever it every year and up on the right arm to place electric globes in the torch. Building Inspector Withnoll is also of the opinion that there la no immediate danger from the statue. It Is about ten feet high. HARRIMAN'S HAND IN MEXICO V'elea Paelfle Mnaat Interests la Flel Opcaed kr Nv Hallrut. TUXPAM. Vera Cru. Mexico, Feb. SO. Th Tuxpam-rurbero railroad. It I an nounoed. has been completed Into th new oil fields at Furbero. K. H. Harriman Is understood to be lnterts4 In ths control of the new fields. a credit to their taste. Why not have your house designed "all front" and Lave a garden In ths rear? A young woman, Just married, writes: "Unfurnished rooms need not necessarily be bare. Our are lined with bright hope and furnished with new schemes every week. It Is remarkable how much Imagination you can expend upon four wall.". True. True wealth lie not so much in material rlcue a In an abundance of Ideas. 1 The relation of architect and builder Is the same as that of doctor and druggist. The doctor diagnoses snd prescribes while the druggist fills the prescription. After th holiday there is always an awakened Interest In building affairs. When Christmas Is over our thoughts always turn toward spring, whose arrival we Impatiently await With thoughts of spring there comes to us as naturally as to the birds tho thought of building a home. If this Is the happy year In which we have finally ac cumulated the required amount for building then all la Joy and enthusiasm in the home. The entire family aeema to be born Into a new life when the final decision la reached to "bave a horn of our own." The flrat conalderatlon In planning the home I th lot. Thl must be chosen ac cording to tne taste, social station and pocketbook of the owner. If one prefers the suburbs or even the country, it is s simple matter to find a vacant piece of land uitabla for all requirements, but If the IBI)DJliIT? ICDCDIK It"? ly Success Is Your Gain My proftftsionol and financial uccesi br been phenomenal. I nave inrceetieti, beyond tny fondest ambition, in doing good in the world, in benefitting humanity. I liare acquired a liberal share of worldly roods. For all of this I amtTateraUIaunthankfal. To how my gratitude, to pro yd my appreciation of the skill with which I have been endowed and the sue cess with which I have met in the medical profession, I propose to do ft great kindness to humanity I propose to help the sick and tufTering free of charge. This is my plan: I will pwltively give ft way 10,000 home medical books and 10,000 free treatments to the first 10,000 people who write to me -only one member of a family should apply. I Don't Caro Who You Aro where you live or whether you are rich or poor if you need a prac tical medical book to guide you year alter year if you need med ical attention for any disease cur able by modern medical science, I want to help you, free. I can afford to send 10,000 books and free treat ments, postage paid. I am deter mined to help 10,000 sufferers with out cost to them. Will you be one of them? Don t miss this chance. Sit down right now and mall the coupon below, be one of the for tunate 10,000. The book and free treatment will cost you nothing now, or at any time; you will not be. obligated to me in any way. When I say free, I mean free. in nno im MEDICAL IUUUU HOOKS Bead No Kloney No Stamped Simply mall me the cow poo printed below and 1 will tend you, abso lutely free, postage paid, this valu able medical book for the home ft 81 book free. A copy should be in every household. Read the simple instructions below, then send me the coupon at once be fore it is too late to accept the most generous, the most liberal offer ever made. Let me explains Diseases I Treat L'ss leprosy and Incurable diseases, but I do claim to cure and actually, positively Cure many diseases that other consider incurable. I hare cured thousand of seri ous chronic cases many cases that others have taued to cure. I want to prove what my treatment will do for you. The free treatment is th best test, it i the one convincing proof. I fend it without cost to you 1 pay all charges it you are oae of the 10,004 to accept this free offer. A Froo Treatment For You The free treatment I win send you will contain not one but as many kinds of medical rem edles as 1 find advisable in your case remedies to strike .straight at your disease, constitutional remedies, remedies to tone up your general system. The medicines I will give away are pure, effective, curative; they are the result of modern medical science. I have cured many others I want to ( prove that I can cure you. A $1.00 Book Free if you write at once. The price of this interesting, instructive book is $1.00, but as long as the free issue of 10,000 copies lasts I will send them free postage paid, to those who are sick or afliicted In any way, to those who write telling me how they suffer. This volume con tains 180 pages of practical infor mation and professional advice that ever' man and woman should know. It is well illustra trated. It describes all diseases, explains all symptoms, gives the causes of diseases, tells how to prevent sickness and explains how a great many diseases can be cured in your own home. If you want to be well and remain well this is the book for you and it is free. I Ask Nothing jr-ffis for the books and treatments I have decided to give away. 1 want to prove that my treatment will do in your cane what it has done in thousands of cases. By proving my skill to you I hope to prove it td your friends and neighbor. If I can help you, if I can cure you, I want your good will. I want your gratitude I want you to speak a kindly word for me to your lick friends when convenient to do so. This is all I a&k. Thus will 1 receive my reward. Out or tear off this eoapon alonf this line, draw a lino under tho diseases you have, All la tho coupon and mail to STOTS 81m ply draw a line under any ef the following- diseases sr afdlotlon you hav: aHECMATIBsl BCaUCkfa OATAaaa FILM DUBltHOK INDI0B6T10N DIZZINESS KIDNKT TSOVBLa . BEaST DttXAga rxauxa TBODBU FaJsTLal, PSJLal.ISU XESYOUSNBSS 1UXAJUA LUN0 mOUBL LUMSAOO Besom. DROPSY NBUBAXOIA CONSTIPATION USADACHB BPIUEPST BLADDBB TBOCBLS IMFOU BLOOB tobpio uvea cnaoNto cocoa PBOSTATTm PTMPUOS ASTBSU DH, JAMES W, KIDD, 1909 Kidd Building, Ft, Wayne, Ind. ' DOCTOR KIDD : Please send me, free ( charge, postage paid, your 180-page Horn Medical Book and a free treatment for my case. It is understood that this book and treatment is not te cost m oa cent, now or at any time, and that it docs not obligate ma in any way. (WfM same tat ttnsj (An) (Addrwa) t eMrt'j ks i i alt w sets watch fa mBm swat) areTs xf rf yen Bave aay dlssass er effliotloa not ateattoaed la this list. Sessrrbs ea a wlta las seupeai or, if yea pxefar, Seaorlb poms oeaalttoa la yews ewm weras la a latter te another 1et of napes ana send convenience of a central city location over oalances the freedom and fresh air of a country place the requirement are not so easily fulfilled. The city lot I apt to be small. Often too small to allow the arch! tect much latitude In the way of plans. Then, too, besides the high taxes and fire risk there Is always the possibility of hav ing undesirable neighbors In close proximity to th home. The great fault with most plans (archl tocts a well as laymen) Is the lack of aim pie construction and arrangement of the rooma The mort valuable Instruction given me while a student architect was to try so far as practicable to plan my homes within a rectangle. Tear of practice have failed to find an Improvement on thl method. Not only are most plan built after this simple rule quite desirable, but It Is really difficult to make a plan within a rectangle that 1 not a simple arrangement. In conclusion It may be stated that it la best to let the contract for your entire bouse (except heating and plumbing) to one general contractor. It saves you much needless worry and is far cheaper than "day labor" or separate contracts for va rious parts of th work, regardless of what you may have been told to the contrary. As Mark Twain puts it, "Put all your eggs In ons baaket, but watch that basket." :D mm STEEL PLASTERING LATE. is the fire-proof substitute for the inflammable wood lath. It Prevents Cracking and Falling of Plaster on Walls and Ceiling. Adopted by the U. S. Govern ment and used everywhere in all good buildings. Write for circular. Rbii. iU7E STERN EXPANDED METAL CO. 84 Van Bursa Street, CHICAGO A TOTAL LOSS Money paid for rent can only be considered as a total loss. It 1b true you receive temporary shelter, but you do not receive a particle of future profit from your Investment. Money should be Invested bo as to Insure future benefit or profit. By taking advantage of our helpful method of buying or building a home you will pay the money formerly expended for rent to ua, and In return receive a clear title to your home. A few years are sufficient. Let us explain. Omaha Loan & Building Ass'n. S. E. Cor. 16th and Dodge Streets GiTO. W. LOOMS, PretiderU. O. M. NATTINQER, Sec'y and Treat. W.R ADAIR, Asst. Sec' 'j. Assets S1IS7.000.00 Reserve $57,033.9) Electric Power Our power plant is equipped with the most modern ma chinery, has experts to attend it and works 24 hours every day in the year. "We make it our business to be ready to supply power to" you at all times at the lowest possible cost, and it is good business for you to see that you get power when you want it at a minimum cost. It will cost you nothing to find out about it CALL US BY TELEPHONE. Omaha Electric Light & Power Co. Y. M. 0. A. BUILDING Contract Department. Both Phones, A TIME TBI CD EMERY THAT NCVEK FAILS). Sprinldo's Gt'AHAMTEEDTO ( I RK UK HOMEY iitriNPtD. K Peerless Group Remedy ' Wkat aiotber ka sot ierleMd e sarrewias ' of eroep t ka. Sot ik. SiLm VIM a karri-os ell va. o l kllM M Mil... b llul. Sua.r.r from Vrou u .11 ikl b o'ltea kf J-ff boa of .rnkl. "rlm Cmi 'r Is t koeM. Tki leajedr f. from s pr.Mr.vUue el s iai tht a am iiui e.ri... p. . uia rauear a sater fallMI ua la mm el ruu R.aaep l peculiar la luelf. e It I. as eiternal b aruft aova ronna culld, s as be afold.4. Sprlnkl. r.rlM fr '"' pees "a applicatioa. Solas ew.r wiih lb. bwvmIii rl tkal abwtl sot k leies is a loss It o Tkl r.nr kaa see. .old for tear ee s positive aaraalM te f ereve er srtee e fir4r rrSS, aod I kr.br a.ibor.t all ! to rata a MM prtos veere tss reaieai doe sot So all tkal M slaloMO. lor it. A aafe and lift mMd; for Ibe sac of Croap and th r!Uf of Oo.rk. Colds. Oaterrk. Ma. Waoopi. Ook 4 1' , b dtu.ti or