THE OMAHA' SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 21, 1900. WANTED MALE ra. 0CNT-R1 thl "I ma1e $12 pr day for on year eelllng your Kitchen Set." 11. Cunningham. Indian. "I mad in three hour selling your positive Tension Shear." V. C. Glebner. Olflo. '1 marie K U .profit In on .hour. J. Thompson, Arkansas. ''I mad 8$ sate ft one afternoon on your Radlumit Belf honing Strop. a -profit of $16 80." F. J. Mn, Ohio. ':I nld old l5 Shirt waist Patterns In one dy." Mr. Kutt Rahkn, Wisconsin. "I am thankful for your Itook of Instruction. It helped me make more , money than' I ever dreamed of miking-." Cha., Kna. The r (tatement of a few. of our 30,000 uc cessful money-making men and women attest. We . 11 more rood through tgent than any other house In the I'nited Stale. Over 2,000 money-maker that ell In' the rnnntrv aa well a In the cities. KXperlencs unnecessary. Wa teach you all About the business. Fine premium for tent. bealde liberal commissions. Sample outfit and too-pag catalogue free tti agent; alao copy of "The Thoma AJrent." full of new plan and money making pointer. What other can do. yU can do. Deal direct with headquarter a. The Thoma agent I the uccessful gent. No matter what you are now sell ing. It will pay you to let us send you our free proposition. Write today. Do it nnw The Thoma CO.. Dept 69. Dayton. Ohio., (9 3S6i 21 IdENTB Wonderful proportion; 1100 made Monthly elllng guaranteed pure 'un'' hum kitchen et; writ for price to genu l, National Mfg. Co., Twentylghtn if.. Davton. Ohio. (9)-M337 21x WANTED Balesm ei 6,000 free post rle; moat profl fired. H. O. Zln lesmen for our peclal offar . , nnrkltt llin. proftubla lde line ever of- Itnmerman m. v,--"--. FIELD MANAOEKS WANTED Salary $80 rer month and traveling expense. Ad rea Standard Chemical Work. 62-28 Panta Ka Ava.. Pueblo.. C0'0-, . CAPABLE -SALESMAN to cover Nebraska with staple line; high oommllon. with fKX) monthly advance; permanent position td right man. Jeaa H. Smith Co.. Detroit. Mich" (9-J5S21x. 3NB AGENT made $28 In 1 day selling HERCULEVER box and caae opener a a side line to tore, factories, etc.; sells everywhere. Write for proposition. . Her culever Co., Hardware Bldg., N. WANTED Cigar traveling aleman In ybur territory; $100 a month and expense; experience not necessary. Northern Cigar Co', Detroit. 'Mich. . (t)-261 tlx WANTED One young man In each town to demonstrate our new door bell; cash sal ry for one month. Ha Ha Door Pell Co., Red Wing. Minn. , ( 9) -250 21 x WANTED Traveling ialesmen to make money with lde Una of quick selling ad vertising fan; $25 to $60 per week easily earned; aampU light. Design copy righted and exclualve. The Kemper Thomas Co., Cincinnati. O. (9)-81t 21 x ' i- ' i PORTRAIT AGENTS Will make you flrst na enlarged portrait with frame, glas and back complete, f. o. b. Chicago, -37c. Hot eller at $1.98. Chicago Copy Co., 414 Milwaukee Ave., Chicago, III. . . , ()-S14 21x i 11 ' i SALESMEN make 600 per cent profit fil ing "Novelty Sign Card" merchant buy 10 to 100 on. lght; 800 varieties; catalogue tree. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren St.. Chicago. III. (9)-t49 tlx AGENTS wanted ' to 'handle remarkable money getter; easy. to ell, eaay to handle; ropeat order at almoat every house. Write quickly. Household Distributing Co., Box ISA, Dept. D., Orange. Mass. () 248 21 AGENTS Wanted for the most rapid sell ing household specialty on market, man Or 'Woman.- Every woman 'buy one on tight; many repeat . ordera. Writ today. Western Supply Co., Dept. A, Huron, B. D. - (91-868 Hx A COMMISSION big enough to produce heart failure for .traveling men with J olden tongues, and established routes, ddress Bide Line, Box 663. Cincinnati. O. s, . . (9) 863 tlx- EXPERIENCED aaleaman wanted . to. en . roll scholarship for high-grade corre- fpondence course for - piano - and . organ ; aulta guaranteed; big proposition In town and rural 'district for good -man. peerless Conservatory of Music,. Box 611, Chicago. i . (9) 291 21 x SALESMAN Ftrst-ela, all-around hus tler to cover unoccupied territory selling Staple line to ' retail trade; ' technical nowledge ' unneceaaary; permanent to right man; $30 weekly expense advanced.. Frank R. Jennings, - Ssles Manager, Chi ta go. ' (9)-293 tlx IV A NTED Salesmen ' ot ability and neat Appearance to call on all merchant in their territory; elegant aide line, conven ient to carry; good commissions; prompt remittance. Belmont . Mfg. Co., Cincin nati. O. () WANTED Avertlalng novelty salesmen In Douglas, Washington, Cass, Blunder, Brpy, Lancaster and Otoe countle. Ne braska; Pottawattamie, Mill and Harri son countle. . Iowa; exclualve territory; reference required. Address State Agent, lut W. O. W. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. (9)- AGKNT8 Most attractive proposition; our setf'generating gaa burner for kerosene . lamp; brilliant gaslight; liberal Induce niflnta; deaorlptlon free. Simplex Gas llht Co., 23 Park Row, New Yo:k. - ( 274 21X OOOt) pay 'for, all or spare time a our representative. Alaska-Yukon-Pacific ex position souvenirs are quick sellers. M. G. -Leonard, B 608 Yakima Ave , Tacoma, Wash, ' (9)-259 21x BIDE LINE8 Commercial advertising salesmen should get our catalogue of II- Iutrted advertising signs, hand brushed, n pure oil color. The Joplln Advertising Co4, Joplln. Me. (9)-287 21x AO E NTS $75 monthly; combination rolling pin; $ articles combined; lightning seller; ample free. Forehee Mfg. Co., Box (19, Dayton, O. (91288 21 x AGENTS wanted to Introduce the new Irlali flaxett handkerchief, linen finish. It fabric that will always retain It soft ness and ' snowy whiteness; full men's lie. Send today for sample package, postpaid two for 25c. The Arco. Norfolk, Va. - ' (9)-JS tlx SALESMEN ' wanted for a strictly high srrsd , specialty proposition; very profit able and 'pleasant for able aaleamen; Straight commission. Boat on Piano and M'telc Co., 521-40 Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. ' )-) tlx SALESMEN WANTED-Attentlnn jewelry asortment aaleamen! If you want aome. thing entlrelv new. write u at once. We have It. Twice a good aa Jewel-r ever w. Box T25, Chicago. (9) zn fix GENERAL Agent and Canvaaser Wanted -Empire tncandeacent kerosene lamp knd burner; big money and eaay sales; 10 and tOO-candle power; guaranteed! hank references. Empire Supplv Co . Sid- . ney, N. T. (91283 tlx SAIFSMEN everywhere to sell fireproof aefe to business men and farmer. Ex perience unnecessary; quick sales; big rrofits. .Aplne, Safe Co., Dept. 80. Cin cinnati. O. , , (- tlx- 8ALESMKN-Boya with grit and "go;" lfs your chance. 1 want a few rellable aalea men to Canvass the retail trade; simples light and convenient; don't worry tylng 'to revive dead lines; gst one with breath in- ft now; It' a boom year for you If you connect right. Fred W. Main. Dept. 10. Iowa City, la. (91280 Six AOflNTS Big money In handling our line f lac curtains, shirt' waists, handker- . chiefs and dry goods; hvgest assortment ; lowest prices; newest styles; big profit ti agent; no experience neceaaary. Writ torts v for dry good catalogue and apecll offer.' Address Dry Good Dept. 84. .Thoma Mfg.. Co... Dayton, O.V (9H-181 lx WANTED A fw. traveling men to aril Side line, pictorial fans; liberal nnmnila 'eions; exclualve desluns; easily carried: Usht weight; $ to $t per week: selling eason lust atartlng. United State Cal endar Company, Station H. Cincinnati, CUe, . O) CI tlx tfH TO 1100 per week, easily and quickly earned selling a popular device that can lie carried in your vest pocket. Writ ulck for full particulars. Cuahman Drug C.. Vteeewnea. Jnd. ( T llx WANTED Maa to -11 atock In aa old eetabllahed kmalneaa bouse. Address H HELP WANTED MALE Ageata aad galesaaea Ceallaaed. AGENTS Remember, we' re headquarter for best gaa generating burner, fitting standard keroarne lamps; reliable; es tablished; - Information free. Kaetern Gaslight Co., Broadway, New York. (9) 813 tlx WE START YOU selling diamond. Don t fall getting our liberal offer; $5 daily aure. Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. T. Mention paper. 9 315 tlx SALESMEN wanted or Nebraska territory. HeM and strongest selling line ot calen dars, aluminum goods, bank supplies, leather novelties and other advertising specialties on the market. Liberal con tract. Square treatment. Well established trade In territory desired covered. Write with references. Economy Adv. Co., Iowa City, la. (9-8l7 ax AGENTS Reliable men and women wanted to cll our peclalty; big money easily earned; write today. Eastern Supply Co., 2918 Poplar St., Philadelphia. (9)-31 Ox INDEX MANTLE BURNER fit any kero sene lamp; Increases light flv time at half oil consumption; sell on sight;- ex clusive territory. F. A. Oottschalk, 9i Chambers, New York City. (9)- SIDE LINE Specialty lemen 1 to ell high-grade cottage dinner set to dry goods, g.ocery and furniture store for advertising purposes In small towns; big repeat orders; large commission; state your pennant address. The Business Builder Corporation, St. Loul. Mo. (SI- ENERGETIC men. every city, maka $10 day; necessity In every office; rapid seller: duplicate order; eaay. permanent Income; write about exclusive agency rights. The Cameron Co., 39-41 Cortlandt, New York City. (9 LAND AGENTS HERE'S TOUR CHANCES We are just putting on aale 80,(4 acre fin eat Texan Panhandle you ever saw, in Moore and Hartley counties, on line of new railroad now actually building through. New town side centrally lo cated on tract assures excellent shipping facilities. Good, deep, rich soli, plenty of pure water. Prices from $16 to tJS per acre, easy terms. We pay liberal com missions, run private car service from Chicago and Kansaa City. Have our own hotel right on the land. Every attention to homeseekers. Most liberal and profit able proposition for you. Writo today. Territory being rapidly organised. Ad dress Monarch Land and. Loan Oomiiny, Amerillo, Tex. (20) Clerical and Offlee). MANAGERS. Office, $185, Investment required; real es tate ana insurance, com.; iumter yard, small town, $05; lumber and coal office, $100 or better. SALESMEN. Groceries, specialties, $100; building mate rial, iuo; mercantile specialties, com.; packing pouse product, $75; bottle beer, BOOKKEEPERS. Mfg., $100; coal, 175; produce, $65. OFFICE CLEJtKS. R. R. Statistical, $65; R. R. claim elk., $; profit and loss clerk, $65; extension elk., $60; R. R. rates, $66; hotel elk., $30 and exp. RETAIL CLERKS. Dry goods, $66; shoes, $66; hardware, $30; drugs, $65. STENOGRAPHERS. Wholesale, B0; real estate. $75-$100; lumber, $45. bexlnner. bank. 868. Call or write for a complete list of vacan cies. We place OTHERS, why not YOUT WESTERN REF. A BOND ASSN., INC., ra in. x. uie mag. tnwt. i xrs.) (9)- GENERAL merchandise salesman, $150. Claim clerk, 875; rate clerk. $100. Architectural draftsman, $85. Architectural tracer, $(. Stenographer, $76. rive salesmen, salary and commission. Hotel clerk (out of town), $S0. These and other we have open for Mon day. fc,very day we have new vacancies. Register at once and receive the benefit of our service. NO FILING FEE. THE) CANO AGENCY 432 Bee Bldg. ' ( WANTED Young man In wall paper dept.; experiences preierrea. Apply 3d rioor, Brandela stores. , (9) M467 81 Clerical ssl OaVea, DRUG CLERKS (msltiena. Knleat, N. T. Life Bldg. (l)-64t SECRETARY, treasurer and office man ager, $100. . . Two bookkeepers, $75 to $100. Stenographer, - good chance, $60. Real estate . salesman, for city. Good salesman, capable of closing ' first class contract; can make $2,000 to $8,000 a year. Salesman,' liquor, leather goods, . packing house line, noveltlea, etc., $75 and up. Experienced collector. , Shipping clerk. (60. . Bookkeeper, good penman, $60. If we fall to locate you In two month, the registration fee 1 refunded. NATIONAL REF. it INVESTMENT CO., 674-67$ Brandel Bldg., Omaha. (9)- MANAGER. bulldlna- material . dent.. $1.5UO-$1.SUO. - Expert accountant. $l.eno-$l.KO. Bookkeeper and stenographer. $75-$$6. Stenographer (construction firm). $76. Salesman (ialnts and. oils), $1,200. Steno., experience not essential, $40. ' Stenographer (Smith-Premier), $60. Bookkeeper, out of city, $75-8SS. Salesman (gent's furnishings), $65. ' Shoe salesman (retail), $60-$66. Salesman (meats), $76-$ino. Steno. and rate clerk, $75. , . Salesman (soaps), $76. Salesman (coal and building material), $100. Assist nt shipping clerk. $M). KEMr.MBER we get RESULTS, SEE US FIRST. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE! CO., 673-75-77 Brandel Bldg. ' (8) M460 H Factory nasi Trade. WANTED A good coat maker and one pctnis nHuter. nuinil raarcn I IO 10. U. Abrahamaon, Holdrege, Neb. (9)-M414 23 DO YOU WANT to bocom a competent automobile opentorT The Northwestern , Automobile and Gas Engine school can put you In this data Better Investigate. Omaha Commercial College Bldg.. 19th and Farnam. (9) 443 Mlseetlaaeena. ' FREE Employment Dept.. Boalness Men's A'd; no fee. Call 62ft N. Y. Life Bldg. (8)-44 WANTED Mi n to laarn barber trad, few veek required. bet paying work within the reach of poor mnn, can have hop with small capital, wages from $18 to $20 weekly; wonderful demand for barber. Moler Barber College, 110 8. 14th St. (9) Ml 26x JOURNALISM-Ylung man to learn news paper work In practical way; only high school graduate answer, Box 644, Den ver. Colo. (9)-M211 tlx v' ANTED Railway mall' eierkaTsalary $808 to $1.4t; no layoff; examination In Omaha. May 16; common educatnin uf ficMnl: candidate prepared fre; write Immediately for full particulars. Frank lin Institute, Dept.. 868, Rochester. N. Y. (9)-M2Ul Mchlx GOVERNMENT positions; examinations held soon in Omaha. Neb.; circular 881, giving full particular a to salaries, pa vilions, dates of examinations, sample nueattons previously used, etc., sent free by National Correspondence Institute, Washington. D. C. (9) MJ66 tlx ANY Intelligent man or woman can make money writing for ncwapapers and mi gastnea; no canvaaSlng. Write for par ticular. Preaa League, T14 Marquette Bldg.. Chicago. . (9) MJ54 tlx RAILWAY MAIL clerks wanted; $800 first year; promotion to $l.too; examination In Omaha May 16; common school educa tion sufficient with our coaching. We guarantee where other promise. Full particular free. Ask for booklet R O. Washington Civil Service School. IVwii tngton. D. C. (9)-t tlx MEN. willing to work, positively .make 88.064 per year selling our just patented machine.' Eagle Tool Co., Dept. 8. Cin cinnati. Ohio. t8 M34 tlx WANTED Reliable man. eaca county, to represent mall order house; $18 weekly; meady employment. Clark Co., $18 Ter minal Bldg . , New York City. 191-294 tlx HELP WANTED MALE Mlsoellaaeev til W A NTET Organiser, good commissions; Fraternal rViclai Order of Owls. John Talbot. Supreme President, So. Bend, lnd. t9)-M343 tlx MEN wanted quickly by big Chicago mall order houae to distribute catalogue, ad vertise. $25 weekly; IW expense allow ance. Manager, Dept. 80, 3S5 Wabash Are., Chicago. (91-MM1 21 X 7 FREE MASONS given pleasant, profit able employment near home; whole or port time. Fraternal, Thames Bldg, New York. (91-2M21X VfK wanted by large ecret ervlce cor poration; experlenco unnecessary; refer ence required. We Instruct you, furnish recesaary literature and keep In close touch with you. Write today. The Na tional Secret Service Co., 15S ' Brunson Bldg., Columbus, Ohio. () M351 tlx WANTED Young man, mechanically In clined and willing worker, to learn the rt pairing of typewriters. B. F. Bwanson Co., 415 8. 16th St.. city. (9) M397 21 BIO MONEY Start a dyeing, cleaning and pressing establishment; no capital needed; we tell you how, short, easy mall course; particular free. Ben-Vonde Co., Dept. 166. Staunton, Va. (91-281 21x CIVIL service examinations will soon o held In every state; full Information and questions recently used by the commis sion free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington. D. C. (9) . HELP WANTED MALIS AND .1UMALB FIFTY' house-to-house demonstrator; new artlcl; quick seller. 216 McCague Bldg. (10)-M161 26 LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Ilerae ssa Vehicle. . FOR QUICK SALE Closed carriage, almost new, lepot wagon -style special large; built by Omaha maker to owner' order; also a Stanhope, Ingle buggy, with top. In firat-clasa con dition. Apply "at once. H. Conn, Ne braska Clothing Co. Ill) 461 FINE big work team, and harness; cash or terms. 43d and Center Sts. (11) M191 Six FOR SALE Span of black tnulea, I and 4 years old, 16 hand high, sound, without a blemish.. H. Vogei. R. F. D. 1, Florence, Neb. (ID M183 21x WELL CRED young driving horse, city broke. D. Clem Deaver. 'Phone Douglas 6828. UD-M331 21x HORSES for sale; Inquire Emmet St. U)-M416 21 Poaltry and EksT. WANTED TO BUY Pure bred poultry. Rhode Island Reds, yearling hens and pullet. Barred Plymouth ock hen, pul lets and cockerels, Single Comb White and Rose Comb White Leghorn hens and pul let, and a limited number ot 80 other varieties of pure bred poultry. Write, stating what you have, giving lowest Srlce. Dean Swift Poultry Co., Des olnes, la. (1D-M109 Mchlx , BARRED Plymouth Rock, 75 cockerels for sale;- Bradley strain, 8 for $5.00. P. H. Kelk-t, Elkhcrn, Neb. (1D-M329 Mch6x R. C. RHODE ISLAND Red cockerels $2; 6 H. C Muff Leghorn hens and 1 2-year-male $6; Buff pullets $5. Ellsa Smith, Aurora, Neb. R. D. Route 1, Box 76. (11) M145 Mix COLUMBIAN WYANDOTTE8, Beauty, sct re 86 by Eugene Sites, In our breeding per.; only a few settings to spare at $. S. Homer Fowler & Co., Exce'fclor Spring, Mo. (11) Mla8 Mbx BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS A tot of fine pullets ana nens, govu mjreis, mimi prise winners. Prices reasonable. Orville O. Jones, R. D. X. York Neb. . (lD-MlOS Mcblx BLACK LANGSHAN8, cockerels. $1; hens, 7fic; W. Holland turkeys, torn, $3; hen. $2: t-year-old torn, nice one, $5. Mr. J. W. John.o. Loup City. M- BARRED Plymouth Rock egg from flrfct and econd prle winner. A limited num ber Brome turkey egg. John Mullls, Dunbar. Neb. f (1D-M328 Mcb6x FOR $3 you can get one of the Ahlqulst Bros.' Barred Plymouth Rock or Par tridge Wyandotte cockerels. Write for parttoulara. . 'Phone Webster 10M. 2752 Meredith Ave.. Omaha. (1D-M375 21 8 C. Rhode Island Reds; fine eastern stock foundation of my flock; egg and baby chick; order now. Carroll Red Yard, Box C, Carroll, Neb. UU WHITE Wyandotte chickens. Incubator, brooder, coops, etc., cheap. Moving to city. E. B. Cook, south Country Club grounds, Benson. (11) M434 23x BARRED ROCK cockerels, ""also eggs for hatching, artnur uiiieiie, oui mm, South Omaha, (ID LOST AND FOUND UPHOLSTERING Tel Webster 3296; lnd.. B-I721. 161$ N. 24th St. J. Hanson. (12) M207 Mchl LOST Diamond-shaped green and white fraternity pin. Reward for return to this office. (12)-M471 23x LOST Bunch of keys on Union Nat. Bk. ring. Call Harney, 2225; reward. I (12)-M466 tl LOST February 15, at or between Hanson's cafe and Brandela store, brown alligator handbag containing ladies' watch with name and date inside. Liberal reward for return of watch and fob to 33M Lincoln Blvd. 'Phone Harney 914. (12) M469 21 MEDICAL BE8T nerve brace for men, "Gray's Nerve Food Pills," $1 a box, postpaid. Sherman FREE MEDICAL and surgical treatment at Creighton Medical college, 14th and Davenport Sts.; special attention paid to confinement cases; all treatment super vised by ooilege profeosora. 'Phone Doug las 1167. Calls answered day or night. ' (18) 128 MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMD CHATTELS. $tl$$m$ YOU WANT MONEY $t$$l$tt$ HUM DON'T PAY HIGH RATES UHift tttj$ BEE UB FIKOT W 68 We loan you any amount on tl $8 furniture, pianos, etc.; or, if you M 88 have steady employment, on your $8 88 the city. Payments weekly or $8 fa mommy w wmvuwuuq. r 8$ Open until :) P- m. 'Phone Doug- 84 18 las 2036. 8$ U OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., 31 lllt$ Room 601. Brown Blk., tUU UU388 Opposite Brandela' $iU$ IlilliHt 161 n Bu Entrance. IUmO (11) 4dUi MONEY loaned aalarled people and others without security; easy paymenta Of flcea In 68 principal cities, Tolman, Room 618 Nsw York Ufa Bldg. U4)-s$ " THE "OPEN DOOR" TO RELIEF For those who wlstt to borrow a small amount ot rauuej ta their furniture with out removal. OUR RATES will satisfy anyone. It's up to you "to get out ot that rut." Telephone Douglaa t'Jta for our man to explain. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. lit Board of Trade Bldg. Juat at tne Sixteenth tot. fenirance. (14) M931 IS THERE some poor woman who Is ter rorised into nervous prostration by a loaa shark? siee ua Clttsens' Protective As sociation. 410 Barker Blk. (14 MM OFFERED FOR RENT Beard las Hmu THE BACHELORS. 8oTH AND FARNAM. FAMILY HOTEL. AMERICAN PLAN. (16-64 NICELY furnUhed front rooms, singly or l suite, on Park Ava; excellent table Btard. home cooking. Phone. Harney tzi. (U)-v0 Ua OFFERED FOR RENT s4 Hewi Voatiasjed. NICELY furnUhed room, with board, con venient location. Be us. 62o S. T.tth. (IB) MK33 MchlJx DEWEY European Hotel. 13th and Farnam. (ls o0 ROOMS modern and board flrst-c!; home cooking. 424 B. iOtli nt. (15) 2T2 13 ONE nicely furnished warm room and hoard; modern convenlrncea. ir Hlier man Ave. (15) TlJSi tl ELEGANT rooms, with honrd. Tel. 4107. 212 N. 24th. (16) M488 27x Farnlaajea Itaaati, FURNISHED UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In All parts of the city. If you are looking for rooms do not fall to get our list. , Costs you nothing. P. O. NIELSON Sk CO., RENTAL AGTS., 701 N. Y. Life Bldg. lPhon Doug. 2304. (li-ol 4-ROOM spsrtment. 810 So. 22d. (15)-M871 tlx PLEASANT room In new modern home: hot water heat, deslrsble location. Gentle men only. 206 S. 31st St. Phone Harney (16) M3l aix FOR RENT ne nice large room and one Biimii one; new furniture and clean; in prlvute family: nil modern. Phone Doug. 6337; Re. 518 No. 23d. (15)-M366 23x FINELY furnished rooms, conveniently located. 2702 Farnam St. 'Plwne Har ney 2065. (16)-M472 27x IF YOU like to rent an elegant furnished room with alcove, bath, gns, heat and tel ephone, call at 702 S. 17th St. Tel. Red 24S4. (15) M462 21 x HANDSOME 9-room houre In West Farnam district, furnished completely, for - lx months. Address D 73. itee. (16) M458 it Apartmeat aad Flats. 8 ROOM, modern St. Louis flat; one-half oiocx rrom nanscorr. pork and east sido cars. Enquire 2912 Shirley BC $27.60. (16) M971 2Sx ROOM fist, partly modern, $23. 1M6 Chi cago St. (13) M192 21x UNEQUALLED, central, all modern, steam heated, 4-room. corner flat. 220 N. 23d. (15) Mu9i FOR RENT One 8 and one 4-room apart ment, with bath, steam heated, good cafe in condition; also 7-rooiu modern cottage, good neighborhood, lift S. 36th St., Hamilton, 526 Bee Bldg. Tel. A-3360. (15) 221 22 VACANT March 1. Modern 6-room apart ment St. Louis brick. Hardwood finish. 3-.l Park avenue, $37.50. Telephone Red (16) M334 22x FOR RENT March 1, lower apartment In i'hi, o a. znn at., s. inquire Douglas 6461. (15) M377 ilx TWO large 8-room flats facing Hanncom n .. i. . 1 1 1 i . ... . - . yviii im vacani jnarcn ID ana April 1. $37.60 and $40. Tel Douglas 3P63. (16) M373 22x UP-TO-DATE, all hardwood finished flat. ra ami Howard, $00. Inquire 8. E. 22d and Howard. . (15)-M475 22x IN BE1MIS park, strictly modern 6-room 3 T .... I , Aw, ei. liuuia iiav, jj per montn. (15)-M476 23x ' Heatkeplg Hooma. SUITE of modern housekeeping rooms. vesi rarnam district; references. W 69, Bee. (15) M395 21x TWO light basement rooms, furnished, $12. vu oouin Zitn BU (15) M440 27x FOUR unfurnished rooms. Hanscom Park district, modern except heat. 3014 Mason St. Tel. Harney 2195. (16) M480 23 . Uafarnlsbed Rooms. . -!. , 4 r.. balh and toilet, at 2823 Dewey Ave. $13.50. t r.. water, sewer, and gas. at 702 a 16th, $17. 5 r., with water,, at 967 N. 26th St., $1160. t r., water, sewer, gas, steam heat. $17. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1714 Farnam St. (15) M433 23 FaralsMea . Boasea. FOR RENT 8-room . cottnge. furnished, complete. 2563 Burt St. ' (16) M184 22x 6-ROOM furnUhed cottage, strictly modern, tioar Iteth and Manderaon, n&. Bemls, Pax ton Blk. (16)-M404 21 MODERN house, furnished complete. 2818 N. mil Ave. (15) M415 21 Heasea aad Cottage. 4-ROOM house. 1912 8. 10th St. (15)-M195 St GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. 8-r. mod. houae. 13U2 N. 40 lh St., $36. 7- r. mod. houae, 130 N. 4oth St., 833.60. 8- r. houae, mod. except furnace, 2548 Daven port St., $22.50. 7-r. houae, 907 8. 25th St., $22.60. 6-r. house, city water, 821 8. Kid St., $15. 2 rooms In Davldge Bldg., JOHN VV. BOBBINS, 1802 Farnam St. -. . (16)- FOR RENT. 2603 Poppleton Ave., large 9-room house, two large lots, all modern, $35. 8012 Chicago St., 8 rooms, all modern, newly decorated, close in, 13J.60. 2101 Maple St., 8 looms, modern except fur nace, cheap at $2'. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781; lnd., A-U88. (16)- 2021 Locust St., 7-room house, bath and gas, $20. 1313H Georgia Ave., 6-room all modern brick flat, $30. 3. H. SHERWOOD, '616 Brandela Bldg. (15)- FOR RENT. $12.50 Five ' room, downstairs, 2319 8. 16th street. $14.00 For a nice 6-room flat, uostairs, owner pay water, 1703 8. 10th St. $35.00 Nico brick home at 2701 Davenport etreet. ROBINfcON tc WOLF, .435 Paxton Block. (15) MODERN 8-rcom house, 3208 Poppleton Ave., Field Club district. J. B. Blanc hard. 1111 a 29th St. (15)-M336 21 NEW 6-room madern cottage, walking dis tance, $26. New 2-story house, Farnam Hill district, hot water heat, just vacated. $42.50. New 6-room flat. 24th and Howard, just completed, $37. CO. ERNEtiT 8WEKT, 613 N. Y. L. Doug. 1472. (15)-M370 21 120 NO. 25TH 8t.. k rooms, modern, $35. 6oo4 Underwood Ave., Dundee, $27.60. 1914 Grace, 8 rooms, $22. GO. U16 No. 10th St., 6 rooms. $20. Rear 2615 Rees, 4 rooms, $3. JOHN N. FRENZUR. Both Phones. (15)-M36a 21 2921 DOUGLAS St., t rooms, modern except heat. $12.50. 1128 Georgia Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $21.60. 24U2 No. 27th Ave., 6 rooms, modern except heat, $22. GO. 2616 Bristol St., 7 rooms, modern, $26. SidU Pratt St., t rooms, modern except heat, $25. 546 So. '.4'h Ave, 7 rooms, modern except hvst. $20. tl29 Farnam St.. 2d floor, 6 room, modern, W. 4MM Chicago St. (Dundee), 7 room, all mod ern, nearly new, $37.60. FLATS. 4 Farnam St., 2d floor, ( room, steam heat, $45. lot So. 2ith Ave., 7 room, modern, oak fin ish, $50. GEORGE CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. , (16- HOU8E, 8 room modem, 120 8. 44th St., on West Farnam line, $30. Tel Harney latil. (15IM478 27 EIGHT-ROOM, a'l modern, on car line, 1026 No. 33d fit. TeL Harney 204. (16) M364 :x 8-ROOM house, bath, gas. strictly firat clasa borne, $18. 211 Seward. (16) M393 21 x FOR RENT Large 8-rooco house, all mod . em, one block from car; fine location. Webster 1021. 2758 Meredith Ave. 4jUi-U37& OFFERED FOR RENT Heaae aad Cot (ages Ceatlaaed. LOW KKNTALS 1410 K. 17th St., t-r., close In, $9. 218 So. 27th St., 4-r., close In, $10.50. 1457 So, 17th St., 6r., $10. 1412 So. 17th Ft., 8-r., city water, cloae in, $16.50. 2421 Franklin St., t-r. modern cottage, $20 4S11 N. 29th St., 6-r., modern, $18. 1711 N. 25th SU, 8-r., modern, $20. 1541 So. 26th St., 6-r., modern, vacant March 1st, $21. v 1408 Plnkney St., 6-r. all modern house, hot water heat $25. 1756 Leavenworth, 6-r. flat, right down town, $25. 2518 Indiana Ave., 6-r., partly modern only $18. 2428 Bristol St., 7-r., modern except furnace, only $21 108-109 Stanford Circle, two dandy 6-r. mod' ern cottages, Tnly $19. 2"51 N. 19th, 8-r., all modern, special bar gain at $23. 2412 Seward St., 8-r., all modern and In fine shape from cellar to attic, reduced to $25. 2430 Bristol St., 8-r., all modern, a snap at $25. 816 So. 35th Ave., 8-r., strictly all modern, a splendid bargain at $27.50. 4110 Dodge St., 6-r., all modern, .50. 4324 Farnam St., 8-r., all modern, $35. 2635 Davenport St., 9-r., all modern, a low price to right party. 4042 Seward St., 8-r., all modern. In fine shape, $32.50. 3208 Poppleton Ave., 8-r., all modern; will decorate entire house to suit tenant at $35. 1316 N. 42d St., 10-r. mode: n house and barn, the biggest bargain ill town at $35. 2416 Farnam St., 12-r.. all modern, $60. 3523 Franklin St., a store and 5-r. flat above, all tor $11 We have others. See our list before you move. Office open Monday. i PAYNE, B0STW1CK & CO., ! Majn floor N. Y. Life Bldg. (15) STEAM-HEATED FLATS. 3 and 4 rooms, witu janitor service, $18 and zu, iui aim s2t bo. Z4in St., in rear or court. GARVIN BROS., 1004 FARNAM. (15)- A SPLENDID new cottage, papered tnrougnoui, modern except furnace; 6 rooms; rent $a); 31W Corby St. Key one door east. (la) 27a 21x 5-ROOM house, modern, S33 Main St., Ben son, xu. 7-room, all modern house, 29th and Ixard, fine, $20. TURKINGTON, 602 Bee Bldg. (15) M419 21 FOR RENT. $353003 Marcy St., 8 rooms, modern, oak nnisn. $55320 S. 40th St., 8 roomv modern, oak nnisn. D. : V. 8HOLES CO.. Ill Board Trade Bldg., 16th and Farnam, Tel. uougias 49; lnd., A-any. 2513 FARNAM, B-r. all mod., roomers, $45. 1324 S. 30th Ave., 7-r. all mod. cottage, in nanacom park, 3U. 641 South 27th, one block north ot Leaven worth. 7-room. all modern frame. $30. 2613 Spencer, 7-room, modern except heat, targe yard, nam. XZ5. 2524 South Ninth, 7-room, all modern, one block east of South 10th line and north Of Bancroft, $25. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., ' 1001 N. Y. Life. Doug, or A-2152. - , (16)- S-R. HEATED apartment, 104 8. 24th St. 6-r. mod. ex. heat. 1141 N. 17th St.. $14. 6-r. mod. ex. heat, 2622 Sherman Ave., $15. 6-r. mod. ex. heat. 607 N. 21st St., $26.50. 7-r. mod. 220t N. 21st St., $21.60. 7-r mod, 619 B. 19th St., $45. HABTINGS A HEYDEN, 1704 Farnam St. (15)-M435 21 PHONE Webster 1798 for ALL MODERN 8-room house, Hanscom park, $25. (16 M365 Six SPECIAL 666 8. 28th St.. 10 rooms,' strictly modern throughout, every room newly papered and entire house In first-class shape, new combination gas and electric fixtures, owner furnishes shades; for a house of this else and In this condition ycu cannot beat it for the money, $42.60. PAYNE, BOSTWICK & CO., Main Floor N. Y. Ufa Bldg. (15) $12.50 8-r. water and sewer, at 967 N. 26th St. $13.60 4-r., water, sewer and bath, at 2823 Dewey Ave. $17.00 3-r., at 706 8. 16th Street. $20.(0 6-r.. water, at 1217 Dodge. $30.00 7-r., water, sewer and gas, at 2906 rarnam. $27.60-8-r.. ' modern, at 1319 S2d St.: barn. $27.60 7-r.. all modern, at 2720 Howard. $36.00 10-r., all modern, with bfirn, suitable for 2 families. 940 N. 27th Ave. $46.00 10-r., all modern, with steam heat, at 2023 wurt. N. P. DODGE A CO, 1714 Farnam St. (15)-M433 23 HOUSES TO LET 2S05 N. 24th. 7 rooms, modern, $36. 108 S. Zoth Ave., 8 rooms, modern, 830.00. 602 8. 29th St., 6 rooms, modern, 827.60. 82J6 N. 25th Ave., 6 rooms, partly modern. $15. 1016 8. 20th St., t rooms, modern except heat. $18.00. W. Farnam Pmlth Co. 13?0 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 1064. Ind. A-1064. (15)- HOUSES.. 2217 No. 19th St.. new. modern, 6-room house, hardwood floors, hot wnter heat. io. 818 So. list St., 7 rooms, part modern, $25. 1702 Ko. 2MH nt., 7 rooms, modern, 25. WA No. 22d St.. 6 rooms, part modern, $16. 606 So. 341 h St., 5 rooms, city wster, $15. 4117. No. 26lh Ave., 4 rooms, city water. $11. 116 Pierce Bt.. .4 rooms, city water, $10. FLATS. 2011 Miami St., S rooms, part modern, $18. 2004 Bo. 17th St.. 6 rooms, t art modern. $16. 23J9 So. 16tb Bt , 6 rooms, pait modern, $12. TO. 1047 So. 20th St., I rooms, part modern, 810.50. Stil6 Ames Ave., 6 rooms, city water, $9. 2214 D St.. So. Omaha, 4 rooms, city water, $9 UAKVIM miJB.. lOOt r Art IN AM. (15) SWELL APARTMENT 3129 Pacific St., five rooms, every room rinlshed in oak, gaa and electric fixtures, beautifully ducoraied throughout, splendid neighborhood, open or Inspection at any time, $42.60. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO., Bole Agents, Main rioor in. x. un uiug. (16) FOR RENT 9-room modern home. In first- class repair, within walking distance of the business district of the city, one block tiom car line, corner lot with - paved atreet, for $40 per month. W. J. Dermody Investment Co., K36 N. Y. L. Bldg. Tele phones, Douglas 6108 or A 2033. Uu)-M451 tl 811 PARK Ave., 7 room, modern except furnace; new piumoing; n taaen at once, will rent for 826. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1310 Farnam Bt. Tela Doug. 1064, lnd. A 1064. (15 M150 a I NICE large rooms, city wster, 1828 N. 17th St. $8. On March 1, 8-room brick, modern house. norm pan oi cny ia. C. M. BAC'HMANN 438 Paxton Blk. lU)-ii.i28 OMAHA Van and Storage Co., pack, move. tors, fi. 11- oo a. storenouse Uiv-24 N. Uib. office 1608 Farnam. TeL Doug. 1558. (lo 664 FOR SALE Fine team (sound), harness ana nearly new wksuii . mifjin, ursi com first served Shook, 43d and Hamil ton; Milt 'Pbon Harney 68. UD-2U U OFFERED FOR RENT Ilsaaes aad Cottages Ceatlaaed. ROOMS, first floor, modern except heat, 1906 N. 26th St.. lis. 8 rooms, 2d floor, 1908 N. I6th 8L, city water and toilet. $18. 10-room modern house, 838 North 85th St., $30; with barn. $35. l-room modern house except heat. 8308 Aispie ei., (is. $ room. 2d floor. 1108 N. tOth St. $11. T room. Id floor. iK N. 24th St., mod ern except heat. $16. CHRIS POTER. ttd and Cuming St. TeL Doug, and B-Sn4. (16) 24 1218 Chicago, 8 room, modern, $30. 1506 N. 2th. 4 room, $15. $116 Chicago, 6 rooms, modern, $30. tlt and Chicago, 10 rooms, new, $65. RINGWALT BROS., 308 8. 15th St. (15) M159 tl MAGGARD VAN at STORAGE C, TeL D. 1496. Ws guarantee moving pianos, H. H. goods. (161-4K6 HOUSES ,n " p,'t of pur- UUUOM Crelgh Bona Co.. B. Bldg. (16)-66t) FOR RENT Nine-room house, all modern 614 N. 22d St. Low rent if taken soon. Apply at 607 N. 18th St (16-M740 HOUSES Peters Trust Co., N. Y. L. Bldk. (16)-659 LIST your vacant house with Walter Breen Co., N. Y. Lite Bldg. (16) 66$ HOUSES, flats. Garvin Eros., 1604 Farnam. 1B 6t7 HOUSES, Insurance. Ring-wait, Barker Blk. (16)-658 HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving snd storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co..TeL Doug. 894. (16)-8 EIGHT-ROOM, strictly modern house, ex cellent heating plant, good neighborhood, walking distance. M. J. Kennard A Co., 810 Brown Blk. (16) M186 COTTAGE for rent. Piano for salo. 'Phone Webster 26. (16) M2U7 26 FOR RENT 8-room house, strictly modern, 806 9. 36th Bt. Tel. Harney 4221. (15) M204 22x Buildings. LARGE feed mill, fully equipped for grind ing, wii ana Mammon bib., can do leaaea to right party March 1. 'Phone Douglaa 685. or call at mill. (16) M379 21 Offices. DESK ROOM for rent !n sn orflce located on :he busy corner of 24th and N Sts., South Omana. Call at Bee office. S. O. branch, fun and N Sts, New address. (16) M677 COUNTER BARGAIN On account of changes In office arrange ment we win sen ine counters now in stalled In Tho Bee office and Hastings 4 Heyden's offica These are handsomo carved and decorated oak counters, having a marble base 10 Inches high. The counter stands 8ft feet high and 2-foot top, and there Is a total of about 45 feet in length. These will be sold either separately or together. Apply Bee Publishing Co., 17th and Farnam St. (1U 24 SINGLE OFFICES. At present we have no suites vacant In the U. 8. National Rank Bldg., but we have some very desirable single offices. If you are looking for a good office at a reason able rate, call and see us, as these won't be vacant very long. DESK ROOM. In large corner office facing on 12th and rarnam. can nave use of private office, vault, also telephone, light, etc. 1 RE A LESTATE TITLE-TRUST CO., Ground Floor, 1301 Farnam St. (15)- Stores, ON letrfWxllVft.? W! 44x60 ft., on promi nent corner; new ironi lo oe. put in HI once; lent reasonable; lease one to three years. GEORGE A CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. Feb. a, 1909. . . (15) NEW, modern, corner room, 30x80 ft. (and well lighted basement, 60x80 ft., with ce ment floor); has corner entrance, modern, plate-gluB front, modern steel celling; is furnace heated, gas lighted; between de pot and court house, on same aide of street and next door to poatofflce, which has just commenced a ten-year govern ment lease. Don't write me If you are looking for a cheap building for a cheap stock, but if you would like to secure the best opening In the state for a general merchandise stock, for drugs and Jewelry or for clothing and shoes at a reasonable rental It will pay you to Investigate this opportunity at once. H. P. Rankin, Owner. Hartlngton, Neb. (16) M266 28 STORE ROOMS FOR RENT 413-18 N. Sth St., substantial brick building. storerooms about 22x80 ft.; steam heat furnished; rental very low for desirable tennant. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST. Feb. tL 1909- (16) OFFERED FOR SALE Faraltare. TWO folding counter stools, tnahoarany flnlsn; been usea a snon lime ana will sell cheap. Call at Bee office, Omaha. (1)-142 HOUSEHOLD GOODS. A few household goods of all kinds for sale. 8701 Wool worth Ave. (16) M383 81 FOR SALE Roll top desk in good condi tion, 8)5 rash. H. F. Bwanson Co., 416 8. 15th St., City. (16) M398 21 Pianos. LARGE, square Chlckering piano, rose wood case, beautifully carved, used years, but In good condition; $75 cash. 124 N. S3d St. (18) M330 21 X THIS WEEK ONLY We offer a beautiful (300 Sample piano, standard make and brand new for only $165. BUSH & GERTB PIANO CO.. 3d Floor, 201 Boston Store Bldg. (16) M3K1 21 Bewlas; Machlaea. SEWING , MACHINES Bargains In order to clean up our stock of used ma chines we will make some special prices this week, arid If you need a sewing ma chine look our stock over before buying: 1 Ward, drop head .... 1 Reliable, drop head 1 Davis, drop head .... 1 Singer, .box top I White, box top 1 New Home, box top . 1 Marguerite, box top , 1 Wilte, drop head .... 1 Standard, drop head ..$13.00 .. 15.00 .. 16.00 .. 10.00 . 8.00 .. 8.00 .. 7.50 .. 26.00 .. 25.00 1 Wheeler & Wilson, drop head.. 24.00 We repair and rent all make of machines. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 834 Broadway, Cor. 15th and Harney, Council Bluffs. ,.m"hf'.. (18 Mo7 21 Typewriters. . TYPEWRITERS for rent. $1 10 month. Cen tral Typewriter tc,,4n,'(1,f'Mrajr,F;n- WHEN you write to advertisers, kindly mention ths fact Uat yen saw Ui ad la T Be - OFFERED FOR SALE Typewrit eatlaaed. ' B. F. SWANSON CO. OP OMAHA SAVES YOU $23 TO $75 ON A f TYPEWRITER Twenty different makes to select from at a saving of 30 to 80 per cent of manu facturers' prices (315 and up). . Slightly . uird and genuine rebuilt machines, prac tically a good a new for sale or rent; rent applied If bought. Full guarantee, We ship anywhere on approval for ex amination without a deposit Writ to day for large bargain list and receive our offer. B. F. Bwanson Co. (Est. 19o4, 417 8. 15th St., Omaha. (16J-C63 CUT PRICES ON TYPEWRITERS Never before was It possible to buy type writers at the price we are offering them. Do you want a typewriter for your office? Do you want one for vour son or dauxhtorT Do you want one at home to use evenings? Don t allow anyone to work you Into paying 3100 for a typewriter when you have the opportunity of selecting ona from our stock. Remington No. 2, $30. Remington No. 6, $36 to $45. Remington No. 7, $46. Oliver No. 2. $25. Oliver No. 8. $30 to $40. Smith-Premier No. 8, $30 to 4a Bllckendorfer No. 6, $15. I Bllckendorfer No. 7, $22.60. Chicago, $16. Underwoods from $40 to $5S. If you prefer some make not listed here, write for quotation. These machines are second hand, but have been put in condition to give satisfactory service. Let us hear from you If Interested. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Corner 16th and Harney Bis. fl)-M406 21 TYPEWRITER PRICES that will get the business. To round out the month of February we will sell All Pensmorcs. Nos. 1 and 2, at.... $10. 00 All Densmcrcs, Nos. '4 and 6, at.. ..$23. 00 All RemliiKtons, No. 2, at $1S.OO All No. 1 Smith Tremlers at $1)1.00 All Commercial Vlsiblcs at, $10.00 All No. 2 Olivers at $25.00 All No. S Olivers at 8.T5.0O All No. 5 Olivers at :....$. CO All No. 1 Underwoods at $15.00 All Nos. 4 and 6 Underwoods at.. $45.00 It should not be necessary for us to make nny comments. These prices speak for themselves and aro good until Feb ruary 28 only. Get your order In today. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1607 Farnam. Both 'phones. . . . (16)- FOR SALE New and Jd-hand Millard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures; easy payments. Brunswick Balke Collender, 407 S. 10th 8L OS)-664 A PATENTED business pays better than "pigs In clover." $10,000 $5,000 cash, J5.000 on royalty. Send 10 cents for sample. 8. L. Saunders, 84 Savin Hill Ave., Boston, Mass. (16)-M322 21 X Electric Massage VIBRATORS - This Is the last week or our special sate of these regular $30.00 machines for only $17.60 standard outfit complete, only a ' limited number left. A, L. Ujiderland, , 1407 Douglus St. (16) M43 21 FOR BALE Two-story building located at 27th and Leavenworth; suitable for stores and living rooms; building to be moved from Bite. Wm. Pfleffer Co., 25th and ' Leavenworth. (16)-M166 23 HIGHEST prices paid for second-hand furniture. Am. Furniture Co., 220 N. 16th. Tel. . Douglas 15113. (16)-M182 26 BRICK STORE BUILDING FOR SALE Two-story brick, located on main street of a good live town ot 2,6u0, the county seat; upper apartmenta rented for-housekeeping; must be sold at once to- settle an estate, and must be sold for cash. Will make attractive price. Address tor panic- . ulars, Wesley J. Richards, Exeter, Neb. ' (16) M973 Martx FREE Twenty loads of dry cinders may bs had, fiee-. Call at new building, 17th and Cum ing St., or call Douglas 178L (I6)-M42 21 WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rel which we will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or aihaa. Call at press room, Bee Publishing Co. (16 877 DRUGS st cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman at McConnoll Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. - (1$)-66S THE OLD TRUSTT Incubators. For low special prices, freight prepaid, 60 days' free trial. Write the Old Trusty Incu bator Co.. Clay Center. Neb. (16) 192 BEND us your mall orders for drugs; s freight paid on $10 lota Myars-Diuoo i Drug Co., Omaha. - (16)-868 FOR BALE Barn. Tel. Harney 4107. (16) 104 23x LEAVING city, must sell piano snd leather davenport; good as new; will sell cheap. Call after 6 p. m., suite 21, Bachelors. , sl6) M113 21 X, FOR SALE Handsome cluster diamond tl pin; will sell reasonable. Address N 66, care Bue. (16) 224 21x PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL, Paxton Block. 7117. Tel. Red 17 4rJ PATENTS THAT PROTECT Three books for Investors mailed on receipt of no post age. R. 8. and A. B. Lacev, rooms 29-81 pacific Bldg., Washington, D. C Eestab lished 1MI9. 17-We PERSONAL DR3. EGGERS, private confinement bom. 1518 Marina BU 'Tel. Douglas 0. (1 Utoi M6x . OMAHA Btammevers' Ins.. Ramg Bldg. UU) kef HALL'S safes, new. 2d-hand. 1818 Faroaaa, MASSAGE treatment. 171 Dodge, basement. . . . .. . , IHi U '.A lauy aeaiaiaii.. mm THB SALVATION ARMY Solicits caatoft clotiiiug; in iat-i, ! nuns fou ao not need. Wo collect, repair and sell at 134 M. 11th St.. tor coat of collection to ths worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 418 and wagon will cull. iUtlii f ASSAfiE tleotrlc vibratory, 130 8. MiOi3AUQwlhi Room 80k. Fourth Floor, old Boston store. (18) M671 M12 YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa manner are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association rooms. 1518 Farnam Bt., wheie ihey will C directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. A deaconess representing the association r.ietts trains at the Union sta tion as traveler' aid. (18) iwi TELEPATHIC diagnosis of your case by Dr. U. W. M. Boweu will start you on the road to health. Call or write. Suite) tkO-t-4. Pa ton bik. TaL Du. 1M.