Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1909, WANT ADS, Page 3, Image 43

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lvacre. well Improved ranch In northeast
Nebraska; $7,000 worth of Improvement
0 acres now In cultivation. 2.0HO acres
would make good farm land, tno acres of
fine hay lend; all fenced and croes-fenced
with three wires; running water la pas
ture good black aoll. with clay subsoil.
Thla la ona of ths finest stock and grain
ranehe In tha atata. Small farm to thla
locality ars selling for to $M par acre.
I caa offer thla ranch till March 1 for
HI per acra; $l,00O cash, balanca lone
Urn. TMa will ba $2 par acra aa eooa aa
my option expires. Coma or writ a.
S. E. WAIT & CO.
U7 Baa Building. Omaha.
TeL Douglas ISO. () Zt
rOR SALE A. bare aim. Bay State farm
ona and one-half mllea waat ot North
Bend. Dodge county, Nebraska, on main
Una of Union Pacific Railroad. Tit acre
all choice corn land, Grain elevator,
10,000 buahela cap., large dwelling,
barna, crifcs, sheds and othar farm build
in re. A choice grain and atock farm.
Wall equipped for handilng grain and
feeding atock. Address A. L. Norrta.
North Band. Neb. (20-M84 &
"HMcrest" 160-acra fruit and atock
!arm: I6.2U); aaay tarma; send for tlluatrated
3crlptlon. J. T. Campbell, Litchfield,
Neb. (20 M7 tx
64 acres on main Una of U. P. R. R. tn
western Nebraska. Thla la a flna section.
Owner tnuat aell. Will taka 16.50 per acra
i taken soon; cash: balanca aaay.
8. E. WAIT A CO.,
C7 Bea Bldg.. Omaha, Tai Doug. B
rwenty mfloe north of Omaha; 1 mile
from railroad station; 80 acre alfalfa;
all fenced and croaa-f encad ; 675 acrea In
all; two house and barna; two wind
mill: flna walnut grove; cattle corral,
machinery shed, ate Tha fin eat kind of
farm for all around farming and atock
raising. Tha terms can ba mads easy,
to aiuc and price la low. If you want a
good farm ctnae to tha beat markets In
the west. Investigate thla one.
L D. Spalding
Omaha National Bank BldC 210 a 13th St.
W Quart section six mllee from plahnrlew',
well Improved, all under cultivation; worth
mora, but will aoll (or IS.oia) If taken quick.
Encumbrance H.JSO. Write quick if inter
Quarter aectlon near Western, wall lm-
? roved. Including good buildings, orchard,
rait, windmill, etc.; weH fenced, all under
cultivation and well located, being but
three miles frum Western, a thriving rail
road town and ona mile from school; la on
rural mall route and telephone line; neigh
borhood principally Germane and Amer
icana Will sell If taken Immediately for
7v per acre. No encumbrance.
Quarter aectlon three mllee from Palmer,
aell improved, practically ail under culti
vation, good buildings, etc. No encum
brance. Will sell, if taken quick, for tS.aOOi
Wa own these farms and must aell them
this month or rent mem, so have put our
price so low that they should move. Writ
ijulok or telephone.
Omaha, Nab.
1-MH1 ts
ICO-acre; Thayer county. Improved farm.
miles from county swat; splendid build
ings, all fenced and cross-fenoed; never
(ailing springs of pur water; good anil:
. a. res in cultivation; abundance of
large timber; 14 a. alfalfa. An ideal
combination atock and grain farm. Price
omy per acre, r.efurenc. first Na
tional Lack. Hebron, Neb. (3L- a
8ALEOR THADD-JS acrea land ten mllea
, . from Burwell. near country store and
Axetofrtc; p4rt Vel and part rolling.
Wlll taka fown property In part pay
ment. Box 47. Burwell, Neb.
(S-M371 fix
COOS BAT, deep-sea port of Oregon, only
arbor In United States whin coal i.
aa lied and loaded direct from tha mine a
uiuuih into ocean-going vessels: haa larg
est belt of steading umber tributary of
mii pun in me enure worm: la renowned
lor lta variety of fruits and vegetables,
making aa inducement to tha market gar
dener In supplying the man mm mn.
and factories, Meal dairy land; grass
. j rm., ruiinu, nil most equa
ble cltmare In America: abundance ot
gain and fish tn mountains, unui., .-. .
bay good schools and churches. Write
!' 'TT V, " - -nsnioer ex commerce.
Marshtkild. Oregon. caj
30INO WKSTT Ask about Harrtsburg.
Oregon, lu mile south of Portland,
fruit and dairv IaiuI a- in
Writ M. D. Morgan, secretary, Hsrrts-
mirg imoruvenwDa cilss, iiarnoburg
Oregon- (30
Swntki Dakota.
For Sale at a bargain. Two quarter eeo
tlja near Fairfax, ftouth Dokota. Proa
peroua eummunlty. Oood soil t and s good
place to live. Land all lance!; on
,urter having a good frame house, barn
and partly under cultivation. Writ us
quick if interested. Prtca, Improved
quarted r per acre; other quarter, tii
per acre.
Oroiand Floor
Oueiua, Neb.
H. T.
Ufa Bldg.
ta-Mtvl 9
9 ACRES, wU Improved, la Brown
oounty. South Dakota; Oermaa aettle
nnL Price M per acra, Addreee Boa
let, M'fidnnln. Ia Vh-M ba
'HEN wrlUag to advartiasrs remember
M eaUy take a atrok er tw of tha aaa
. to meattl. lb fact lta rati saw la a
eat a Devketa Caattaaea.
A PAKOTA bargain. 19 acrea. tw mite
from Huron; H acrea tilled. 1 acres fiae
frove; a number of large, bearing plum
re; I a res of asrarHgus that produces
aiout & worth a year; new a-rwxa
hours tlx.T'i. now barn Iji."; another bul.d
Ing fliSO; a large ro t cellar; a aew I-lack
floaing weil. dows at gallons per m.nuta
Vesetablrs and grain took pi I worth of
prises at tha South Dakota atate fair la
110. Soil U a deep sandy loam, with clay
Iut,"i-M uk,n oon 1 WIU a11 'or la.
; aj.0T cash and to.OOO on time at t per
cent V E. AicMooiea. Huron. 0. D.
FOR BALK I ,m a practical Tenaa
farmer. Just arrived In Chicago to aell a
few sections of my own rich land, which
I bought when land was cheap. I offer
land buyer a chance to save H.0 per
aectlon. The new railroad, b-lng built,
peases near my land; will double value
when completed. No better land m the
panhandle of Texas. Being a Texas
farmer of experience. It will pay you
and your friends who want the beat lo
cated and tha beat farming land, to come
or aend one of your party to Chicago to
see me at one. Beat bank reference.
Tou pay no agenta' commissions. You
deal direct with tha owner. Addreas E
C. Afauifair, UB Dearborn Sc. Chicago.
t um zix
9-ACRE farm under Irrigation canal; ea-
luie producing noco yearly; cash pay
ment, LU); aoll and ctimata perfect. Writ
Haiun, si vteaa Ave.. El Paso. Tex.
(2u)-UU4 ax
AXii ABOUT TEXAS The Texas Realty
Journal glvea reliable Information on an
tint state; it telle about lands, product
raised, developments gt4ng on; put you
In touch with thoa having farms and
colonisation lands for sale; glvea all mat
ters of Interest to those contemplating
moving to Texas. Don t make Inveat
mant until you read It; t months sub
scription Xc. Texas Realty Journal,
Houston. Tex. (i) 26 tlx
CHOICE town lot on the Orient, In Texas,
and J acrea good agricultural rand for
tie) on am ail payments. Representatives
wanted everywhere. Shugart A Stark
house, (06 Kemper Bldg., Kansas City,
Mo. (-
CORN farm? Clover farmT Bluegrass farm?
Home? Specilatlon? Free pocket map of
Missouri if you write me. Ed. H. Smith,
Chlliloothe, Mo. Bus man knows my resi
dence, oop M144 Si
ARB you seeking a home or busineaa loca
tion T Send J6o In stamps or coin and we
will furnish you elear, concise Information
covering aoll. climatic conditions, crop
values, market facilities, etc. Where
grain, grastng, rice, cotton, timber or
fruit land may be purchased on easy
terms. Location and character of free
public lands and how obtained. W have
no land to sell an! information given is
unbiased and absolutely reliable. Km
and printed matter of any section sent
with information. Thirty rears' experi
ence. Highest reference. Addreas Home
seekers' Information Bureau, Fargo. N. D.
(30-M7 17X
FREE homesteads of 190 acres. We will
gt you smother 160 along aide of it and
your wife t acrea more beat of land,
good crop for 30 years. Last call for
government land near railroad town. C
U. West A Co., Lusk. Wyo.
can Mxt rx
A BARGAIN 10 acres In the famous
Rogue river valley, Oregon, tha finest
fruit district In the world, near Grant's
Pass; k acrea cleared, has some good
timber, soli runs from dark granite to
red and proper cultivation will make It a
very eucceaeful orchard proposition
Owner forced to aelL Price t per acre,
ot e-haJf cash, balance to suit. No agents.
Address owner, D 64, Be.
v (20) M3W Six
page book, "Vacant Government Land,"
describes every acre in every county In
V. S. How secured free, 1 dlagrame
and table. All about free Irrigated
farms. Price So, feoatpaJd. WEBB PUB.
CXX, Dept. 1st, St. Paul. Mlaii. O0)
ARB TOU seeking a home or business lo
cation T Bend soc, stamps or coin, and wa
will furnish you clear, concise Informa
tion coveting soli, ellmatio conditions,
crop values, market facilltiea, etc. Where
grain, gracing, rice, cotton. Umber or
fruit land maty b purchased on easy
term. Location and character of free
public lands and how obtained- Wa have
no land to sell and Information given Is
unbiased and absolutely reliable. Mapa
and printed matter of any section sent
with Information. Thirty years' experi
ence. Highest references. Address Home
seekers' Information Bureau. Fargo, N. D.
H mile of city limits. Council Bluffs. Fine
fruit and garden land. Several acre fruh.
A cheap place at C60O. Fasy terms.
H Pearl St.. Council Bluffs.
pr.)-M4l ?l
HON PAINTING-. H. Col. UD1 Douglaa.
1A14 Farnaa Street.
Stoddard Dayton Roadslar. ILIOQ,
Reo Touring car, fcsu,
Buick Runabout, almost caw, fa,
Stevens Duryea. S3b0.
Dragon Touring car, tLOSd.
Waverly Electric, WA
All the above guaranteed In good ahapa
State agent sXoddard-Dayton.
6ioddard-Dytoa tUaOi, a,0u9L CMS,
Ford, model N. HSO.
Ford. R. liua.
Open and closed cars for rent day
alghk TaL Douglaa Ul
AUTOMOBILE painting and carriage repair
wora; owl nvri
liage Co JUh A
work; dead storage. Wm. pfisffer Car-
Laavenworta. Red vj.
O) Mia! Mil
Tires, tbs evidence of neglect. Send 50c
silver for "Pneumatic Automobile Tire,"
a complete treatise on their construction
us and care. Thia book ia a neceeshy to
the motorist. Automobile Press, Dept. A.,
11 SI Farnau Sc U Msal U
AUSTIN, lu-h. p. automobile for sale at a
great sacrifice; haa limousine and open
body; has bean used but I.uuo miles; equip
ped with all tha latest eundiiee; reason
for selling owner going abroad and
wishes to buy foreign car; car coat ts,a
six months ago; only cash offsrs consid
ered. Address A. C Stors. car (Mora
Brewing Cow. Omaha. Neb. U Mitl
Auto buggy a high wheeled solid rubber
tired auto especially adapted to country
and rough roada. where high clearance is
absolutely essential. Ths ideal car for
the farmer. International Harvester Co.
of America. UMKU at
RAMBLER touring car. used leas than
three moo tha; just overhauled at coat of
-- Will accept any reasonable offer
Address 8 si. car Be. iih-tn U
EIGHT awooad-haad Ramblers at your
own price Rambler Automobile com
pany, Xat Famam St. (1) WO Ml
White Steamer, with ful leather ton glass
front and is In "
Farnam St.
(Dmxi n
FOR SALE High-grade i-cyllnder automo
bile used leas than five mustha; cost
tl.tx.4. will sell for SLh net cash
es top, glass front, clock, speedo
meter, etc.; newly painted, equipped
with set of new Michelin euter and inner
tires; will give dsmoastralioa If desired,
lining el Implement Co, it) US M
NOW la the time to Invest In a used motor
cycle; one-third off if taken at once,
Louis Fletcher, ld Capitol Ave.
Oh Mt2 Mehls
PFJERLEi8 toarlng ear, four cylinder, lata
nwati, eieien oaaiuoa. Aoarese o St,
Lei us figure on your spring overhauling;
ur repair shop Is equipped with every
modern facility and men who know the'
Will buy a few good weed care.
Storage rates on srpllcation.
SIS Harney St.
(l-3 Mchl
Is tha best and most reliable alt around
motor cycle made. Write for the local
agency of this popular machine.
. 1 Fletcher, State Agent.
N23 Capitol Ave. (2rMta Mchl
Before buying a second hand ear, call on
lie and let us show you our complete
lln of "Mason" I cylinder cars and
"Midland" 4-clinder care.
IH Farnam St. (1 M43C n
Omaha residences; will exchange elthrr
for good car. Also vacant lots and tele
phone bonds for good car. Bee me aulck.
07 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Tel. Doug. IS91
(3) Mad 23
BJO bargain In a Maxwell latest model
. omer oargaina in used cars. C. F.
tLFaam: (t 126 Ml
PROFITABLE positions open m ths auto
mobile field, technical instructions on both
steam and gasoline engines; students paid
for repair work. Address Omaha School
of Automobile Engineering, Mil Leaven,
worth St. a
tlJH acrea. with a good bouse and barn,
well feooed and cross fenced and lies
adjoining the depot of a email town on
the Wabash railroad; acrea of thla la
upland, the balance is good bottom
ground that never overflows. This Is good
corn or wheat land.
The owner will trade this farm for a herd
of thoroughbred rattle or good thorough
bred horsee: will take St. 000 or rr.OiO worth
of stock and give purchaser Urns on ths
balance for a term of yeara.
For further Information, call on or wrtts
The Best Nebraska Land
lie acres of level Lodge Pool Valley land,
close to U. P. station. This land Is located
In tha new Irrigation district of Kimball
county and will become very valuable
within a short time. For all particulars see
Hastings A Hoyden Land Dept., 220 8. 17th
St. TeL Doug. lad. (3-MO0 a
FOR SALE or exchange. -One new act
American enclcopedla, U volumes, one
half Morocco. Never been unpacked.
Say what you have. Cost. $80. Frank
Goodrich, gut N. alrt Ara (l-M9T7 2
ACRES In Boyd county. Neb.; good
aoll; aome Improvements; will trade for
smaller farm. Address, Box K, Bristow,
N- I)-M13; 26x
FOR SAL 15 or trade, for land, pool hall,
good location. In South Omaha; another
business tha reason for selling. Address
ta Exchange Bid.. South Omaha.
(3) M1S0 22
WANTED A first clsss piano aa part
payment on a good Income property or a
quarter aectlon of land. Give full descrip
tion of Instrument In first letter. P. C.
Anderson, Spencer. Neb. ( Matt
At Dlx. NeU., on T7. P. main II n. H
mllM from SEtinawV Th Kas , K..
. v aws si an en. sseutSI aVt iXIBP'
chndlM tor, tock yard, food school
other lmjroTemnta Wriu for plau and
Da rll ci 1 ivr a n&aitlnw. m. t
-- - asjar wa, aat: assr f p . ijaaiiii
DePt, 3t 8. 17th St. TeL Doug. in.
ts aa u
TRADES For quick deala list with us.
S. . Walt Co.. C7 Be Bldg., Omaha.
(J MTfel Ml.
FOR quick action, list your trade with us.
JJ charge regular commission only.
BEOIIS. Paxton Block. (Eatabitahed lMs)
(i-M378 n
S591T,?,14,bu,? tnr "com, eq. H5Q0.
Brick bldg.. S. O., for city prop.. fci,(iu.
Brick bldg., Easex. Is., tot Omaha prop..
Hotel bldg., Omaha, for clear land. f3n,ono.
Brick bldg., Stanton, for Income, titnn.
a., San Luis valley, for Income, ttf.000.
12 a. (Imp.) WlnMbaco Co.. IM.. dear farm
or tot el. $10,000,
86 a. Mills Co., Is., for Income, $4,100.
l' a. (Imp.) Co. Bluffa, for Income, K.Sno.
and. u" Burl"ia-ton, Colo,, for Neb.
l a. (Imp.), Mills Co, la., for income,
eq. rr.oo.
U0 a. (imp.). Mooona Co.. Ia for any
thing, eq. $5,400.
Us Co. Bluffs, Income, $3,900.
a. (imp.) Hamilton Co., hotel, q. $4,000.
M0 a. (Imp.) Tekamah hotel, eq. $6,000.
1W a. (Imp.), Tekamah hotel, ep. I&jjCO.
a. Holt Co., vacant lots, $s.00.
M a.. Holt Co.. Income, $S.0U0.
KM a. Keith Co., anything. $8,000.
M0 a. Cheyenne Co., lncoine, tiu.240.
to") a. (imp.) Chase Co.. Income, $11000.
V a. (Imp.). Washington Co.. hotel, eq.
$8,100. n
TiO a., Dawes Co., lumber, $10,t00.
tv a. (Imp.) Grand Island, lumber or mds..
720 a. (Imp.) Host Co.. hotel. $15,000.
M a. (Imp.), Ashland, caah and Income.
eq., f" -
SI a. (imp.). Pierce, Income, eq. $14,000.
M OOw a. (Imp.), Boone, income, tas.tua
$.200 a (Imp ), Logan Co., Income. fcrt,u00.
Homes (1). OmsJia hotel, aq. $7.0u0.
Home, Omarra, Douglaa Co. farm, eq. $4,600.
Home (le-e-.), Omaha, income and cask,
Home, S. O., Omaha income. KSuO.
Homes (6) Lincoln, land. IJ6.0U).
Home (). S. O.. Omaha lneom. $8 730.
Heme 7. Co. Bluffs, land, eq. R.suu.
Home, AnrJgo, Wis., land, U.ft.
Hotels (asveial). Neb. land. U.OX) to r,000.
Lot. Omaha. Omaha income. tl7.uuu.
Lota (Jj. Detroit, Mich., automobUe, n.000.
aids., eastern neo., income, iiu,gut.
I per cent teles, bonds, Omaha, Ant slope
Co. Isnd. $4.0u.
Implement. Saline Co., farm and cash,
Telep. stock, Fllmor Co.. 14 per cent dlv.,
anything, $l$.0OO.
Mikinery, Omaha, lneom. $S.0VO.
Shoe stk-, Omaha, Inoom. $t00.
Lumber. Harlan Co., cash and farm, $14,00.
(Wa House, la., land, $.tM.
Mill (feed). Neb., land. aq. K7M.
MU1 leased, la., land, aq., $.0u0.
For quick action come in and ss Qeorge
J tie mis Real Estate Co., Paxton Blk.,
Omaha. (D
BEAITIFCL lot. aOxUO. In best location
In West Bide Han scorn Park district; rea
aonabie price and term Owner will
build If desired and sell lot and house
on easy terms. Inquire 234 8. 17th St.
(3-M4S a
STOCKS of merchandise wanted tn ex
change for Irrigated farms in upper
Snake River valley In eastern Idaho.
County adjoins Yellowsta-t National
park. Beat grain and sugar beet lands.
Forty acres will make a living; K0 acrea
a fortune. Unrivalled email fruits. Three
augar factories. Laad values will double
la five yeara. Best big game hunting and
trcut fishing In adjacent mountains.
Come to the mountains for health and
happiness. Farmers make easy money.
Sugar beet up to thirty-five tona per
acre; wheat eeventr bushels: osts 12$
bushels; onions 1.00$ bushels and potatoes
fro bus rials per acre. Other lands for sale.
rsrles W. Thompson. Bt. Anthony.
3V-441 a
THS BEST proposition In a general mer
chandise stock pf about $S.0u0 m the state,
clearing 6,0u a year, for eastern Ne
braska farm land or Omaha reaidenoa
$33 Board of Trad Bldg., Omaha. Nab.
BK8T realdeoo location for first-class
gTooary stor and meat market; raason
abi real Inejvlr U S. XT St.
vV-Mta at
A noon nR
1 1W acrea. well Improved, t mile from Bel
$ grade. Nance county. Three seres pas
ture, srres siralla. falanc.' in cultiva
tion. Hich vallej- land. PrW. I12..s
mtg. ;.). running I jears at 8 h t
cent, or can bo paid any time. Will take
Income property for equity.
. S. E. WAIT & CO..
Be Bldg., Omaha. 'Phon Doug l.'Si
hi jaw a
180 acres, all under giod fence. r"0 acres
In cultivation, l?o seres good tillable land
clear of stone. $ acrea In bearing orchard,
gond t-room bouse, walled cellar, frame
barn, cistern and fine living well w$ter;
healthy lro.tiun; nar good; free
mall deliver-; on telrhone line and county
road; S mllea fr.m Salem, county svst of
Dent county: good road to town; want
stork of general merchandise or livery
barn and outfit; grd title; taxea paid up
to date; farm Is clear of any Incumbrance;
price $1 per acre. Address Claud D. Bun
yard, Salem, Dent county, Missouri
(3) M474 !1
Three-story brick hotel of 100 rooms In
Lincoln, Neb., central location, completely
furnished, modern In every respect. Now
returning net annual Income of $4.Sv on
five years' lease; would bring more. Clear
of sn encumbrance. Will take one-half
value tn clear land or smaller city prop
erty. Balance cash or mortgage.
Ill Board Trade Bldg., lth and Farnam.
TeL Douglas 46; Ind., A-204S.
ROOMING houses and bearding house,
close in, at bargain prices; se ua first.
Palmer. Rat tig su dt Co., J Paxton Blk.
( MiU Mch4
Store room with establiahed meat trade.
Oood location. No bonus to pay. Possession
March 1 Sea owner at Uul N. ISth. I a. m.
to 4 p. m. (4 M'ilS 21
FOR SALE Fine grocery stock; doing good
business; sells at Invoice about ttinu; no
dead atock; county seat; population S.OuO.
Alliance, Neb.. Box UM. (4 M47x
FOR SALE Established Implement busi
ness In a good town, good location, fine
territory. Terms resscnable. Wehner A
Knapp. Cedar Bluffs. Neb. (4) M7M 21
Send $1.00 for reliable information con
cerning business opportunities. Invest
ment er other legitimate matters In
Sesttls and Alaska. Palmer A Bean,
Investement Bankers, 211 Melhorn Bldg.,
Seattle, U. 6. A. References.
(4-M115 Tx
TO GET IN or out of business call on
OANOESTAD. Room 403, Bee Bldg.
(4 23 '
I HAVE on my list about W good rooming
houses for sale, ranging In price from
$JM to 11,500; would like to abow you
some of thorn.
WANTED Registered druggist with means
to start a drug store in thriving, pros
perous town. Thickly settled country;
German, Bohemian and Scandinavian na
tionalities represented. For particulars
call on or write F. A. Killion, Secretary
of the Leeterrllla Commercial Club. Lester
vllle. 8. D. (4 MU7 MI
$285,000 FOR $100
Ws own a coal mine, located In th west,
a mine, not a prospect; we have spent
$70,0iO to make thla a mine; over 1,500 feet
of tunnels through bituminous ccal, coking
coal; market for ten times possible out
put; two railroads and Missouri river at
mine; the mine Is ready for production;
only needs Upple, jtasher ond railroad
spur; to get money for thla we will sell a
limited amount of stock; Investments of
ISO up accepted; wa will furnish best of
bank references as to standing of every
officer; thla U a high grade Investment
that ahould appeal to the most conserva
tive; safety with Immense proflU; $100 In
vested In Crow Nest Coal company's stock
some yeara ago ia today worth $l2w.e00. For
particulars sddress Western Coal at Coke
Co.. New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis,
t Mto ux
START In buslnes for yourself In your
own town or city. I can ahow you how
you can easily make $li0 to $600 monthly;
fas) per cent profit. No experience re
quired; $Ju ia all that ia necessary. We
fumlah everything; money secured; my
reference. Mercantile agenciea and
banks. Send for my free booklet. W. Z.
Long, Di;pt. 23, Springfield, O.
(4-M344 x
that tells how to start mall order agency
business, how to conduct ths business,
how to secure hundreds of agenta to aell
gooda for you, how agenta will make you
money thousands of dollar annually.
Its free. Robert Hicks, 1U7 Pine. SI
Louis, Mo. (4j $41 tlx
wish to qualify In this work can find
high salaried positions st once." Corre
spondents wanted in all cities. Address
A. E. O.. SSa Macon St.. Brooklyn. N. Y.
(4J-244 21 x
$loe DOWN gives you shsrs of profits from
Yakima Valley fruit lands. Write for
booklet. Klona Orchard Ca, K2 Central
Bldg.. Seattle, Wash. (4) 242 tlx
CAPITAL procured for Industrial enter; corporations formed; stocks and
bonds SJld. patents financed; $50,000 to
$500,004 available for Investment. Mercan
tile and Bankers Realty Co.. 290 Broad
way. New York. (4-J04 $lx
HAVE yon stock for sale In enterprise
where investment of several thoussnd
dollars would be safe. Send particulars.
Room $T. No. 2 Court St., Brooklyn. N. Y.
(4 &(
GROCERY stores for sale. I have 7 or $
of them, that will be s id cheap. Come
and look over my list.
WANTED Information regarding good
patent which would be money maker.
Only Inventor, who wishes to sell out
right or on royalty basis, need answer.
Give price and brief description. B. M.,
Box I34B, Rochester, N. T. (4)
A NEW LAW In Delaware charters 10c
a $1.0u; return mall; no red tape; our fee
small; everything furnished: stork sold
snd guaranteed hy a denoelt "f U. S
government hone's. Lawvers' Title and
Trust Co.. Wilmington. Beware of Imi
tators with no testimonials. 4).
AUTHORS seeking a publisher should
communicate with the Cochrane Publish
ing Co.. $78 Tribune Bldg. New York.
(4) 274 tlx
$11,000 stock of genersl merchandise. Includ
ing fixtures. In best town In southeastern
Nebraska, doing better than I2S a a year.
All or part rash, balance good security.
Must be sold by March 1. Address Y-4.
car Omaha Bee. (t M411 22
Want desirable location In south psrt of
city for moving picture show. Will give
long lease for good location Olve loca
tion and prlc In first letter. Address
G-(.. cars Bee. (4 las 22x
WANTED To buy. lease or manage elec
trie light plant in a good town of AuuO
Wanted Partner with C.uOO. general mer
cantile business. This Is an exceptional
opportunity for the right man.
Have client to invest In construction com
pany with posltn aa aupcrtnteudent or
National Reference A Investment Co..
$74 Bran dels Bldg.
(4)-17 B
BAKERY, candy, lunch, now clearing $300
monthly; bargain; tl.kiu, or will Invoice
and discount $0 per oent Address J gi
Be. (4 Miss tlx
FOR SALE My Implement store and atock
or will sell stock and. rent bulklinv. Au
gust Kroll. Fairbury. Neb. (4 SUM tlx
FOR BALE First-class saloon la a good
town star Sioux City. Apply Postof.lo
Box 704. Sioux City. I a. (4J UA
FOR SALE A first class confectionery
stock and fixture; fins location and do
tag fin business. Oood reasons fir
saUnvg. Apply at a. sV alter IX Hlil
4 Oe. Aseart. . fce-AtiSl M
WANTED Hotel man to run hotel hi good,
thriving, prosperous town. Oood location;
no corr.petlUon. A good opportunity f.w
th right party. For partlculara write to
F. A. Klllion. Secretary of th. Lestrvill
C nur.rrclal Ciub. Lestrrvlllc. a D
(4) Mil Ml
WB have a rlknt for gocd hardwire stv-k. piJtnMrg. IS. OH) 10 T,w, In good Ne
braska tuwn. If you have a meritorious
busme for Snle. We can sell It.
Home Office, 74- Rrande'.a Bldg., Omaha,
(om n
FliEB Send name and addrras ten pros
pective stork buyers and $2.50 to cover
transfer charge, etc.. and receiv 1)
shsrta In rich Nevada gold mine. Ad
dress G. R. Cleaveland, Box til. Salt Lake
City. I'tah. (4 Maw 21 X
Industrial, manufacturing, mining, oil, gaa
and railway stock and bond Issue sold
direct to Investors; commission basis.
Samuel Graham A CO., Selling Brokers,
43 Sacrament St., Montreal, Can.
(4-M341 tlx
MAKE money trading In wheat; I teach
you how; no losses If you trads as taught
by me; no fee unless you are satisfied.
Write Lock Box two, Chicago.
(4-Mt3t tlx
SMALL Investors can secur stock of New
l'ork corporation paying I per cent divi
dends; shares 110 each; guaranteed. Write
quick. Fullerton Wells, Garfield B'dg.,
Brooklyn, N. Y. (4-$01 tlx
CAPITAL secured for electric railroads,
gaa plants, water companies and high
glass Industrials; principals only. Ad
dress Investments, Room LtlO, $0 Church
St., New York City. (4-802 tlx
START a French dry cleaning and dyeing
business; no capital required; w teach
you by malL Particulars free. Tha
Florentine Co., Chicago, 111. (4 $10 tlx
LEARN a new business; work easy; com
plete plan for $8c Ths West Co.. 1717
Kvaos Ave.. St. Louis. (4 $u3 tlx
road to wealth; IG monthly invested will
allow you participation in profits of
world's greatest invention.- Particulars
free. Frederick W. Stewart, Paterson,
N. J. (4-SU6 tlx
CIGAR stores; ftvs of them for sal cheap,
from $300 to $1,000; every ona a bargain.
3. J. ROONEY, $17 BE BLDG.
WOULD LIKE TO HEAR ot stock for sals
In any enterprise where an Investment
of several thousand dollars would be safe.
L. Darbyshire, Box U10A. Rochester,
N. Y. (4J
TURNED Illustrated guide book snd list
of Inventions wanted, free to any address.
Patents secured by us advertised free
In World's Progress; sample copy free.
Evans, Wllkcna A Co., MS F 8L Wash
ington, D. C. (4)
FOR 8ALB Two hundred cars of loe, A.
O. Gilbert, Council Bluffs. (4 M211-M7x
DRUG stores for sale. Knlest, N. T. Life.
MAIL-ORDER business will pay several
thousand dollars annually, new Improved
plan; tS to $100 necessary. L and P.
Lackey, 22 La Sail SL. Chicago.
(a 27S tlx
FOR SALE Drug stcck snd building; good
lecation for German doctor. Address Y
192, car Omaha Bee, with stamp.
(4) M468 8.x
FOR SALE Established shoe business In
fine location In beat town of $.000 In east
Nebraska: Invoice sbout $3,500; no old
stock. Address Y 183. Bee. (4)-M470 2Jx
OPPORTUNITY for men of energy and
good address, with 12.000 capital to obtain
exclusive control of the stat for ths
most wonderful moneymaker of ths
century. Ths Chronophone moving pictures
talk, act and sing. Draws crowds every
where. Make from $300 to $600 per month
clear for the next five yeara. Certain
legitimate. For particulars addreaa.
Mutual Amusement Co 20$ Midland
Bldg., Kansas City, Mo., . (4) en tlx
MONEY - MAKING tight ' manufacturing
business for sale right about $3,000, part
time. Owner baa other business and must
sell quick. Address Box $0. Kearney,
Neb. (4 Mill 21
FOR 8ALR General stors doing $60,000
business In best location In town of tno.
Investigate. Address Northwestern Mer
cantile Company. Herndon, Kan.
(4 M441 T3X
OLIVER A. HALL, classy bungalows, flats
and apartment buildings. IM N. Y. Life.
'Phons Douglas 2a (l)-MKI F2X
DR. ROY. R. 2, ISO Farnam EL. Dong. Kt7.
Craea aerie.
DAVID COLE creamery Co.
Cfcia Palatla.
CHINA decorating; order work a specialty.
Lessons Tueeday, Thursday and Satur
day. Firing dally. Leather craft, stains,
leather and designs. Mrs. C C. Hungats,
SM Brar-deU Bldg. TeL Red eiSt
OMAHA Cotlectloa Agency, glow accounts
eoUcitad. 404 Be Bldg. Doug. 1M7.
(6 Mi7 MchJ
BAILEY MACK, t floor, Paxton, D. Uta.
Every day Is enrollment dsy. Enter any
time for complete, thorough Instruction ia
Shorthand. Typewriting, Bookkeeping and
Telegraphy. Catalogues ara free. U. ii.
Boy lee, president, Omaha.
Official Training School for Telegraphers
for U. P. K. R. Telegraph Dept. .
DRAFTINO Evening class; terms easy;
iialtsmen command highest waxes.
Omana Technical aVchool. aJg N. Y. L.
TL D. twa. (J-M;s Mix
RATE. In sums to
suit. $1$ Bee Bldg,
Fieri ta.
HESS SWOBODA. 141f Farnam St.
L. HENDERSON, lil Farnam. TaL D. 12d
I. H. BATH. 1C3 Harney. TeL Doug. too.
Saf, gkattere, Kt.
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works makes a
specialty ot fir eeape, shutters, door
and safes. Q. Aadreea, Prop., lid S. lutu.
Mvla aad g tar lag.
CXPHEaSUOTI DeUvwry Co.. office Hi
K. lath St. waraAoua $M-$ Isard St,
Wets rutasev.
IT HOWARD arT- inssiwiii (Mart ts ays
trial. V-4
C at. JARVE FTO. CX), Job printing and
calendars, lith aad Cap. Ave. t'hon
Ind. AMJ0. il-U
Ike Repalrlag.
SHOES repaired right, called fir and de
livered tree. Standard Shoe Repair Co.,
VI04 Farnam Sc TeL Douglas 7W7.
HULPR A PIEPEN. successors to Harry
B. Davis. 70 S. ltth Su Both 'Phone
JOHNSON INS.. 41$ N T. L. Ttt D. 14.
Dr. Katherya Nlckola. 10 N. Y. L. Bldg.
. (6)-J1
MIBS MA LONE. XM Douglaa St. high
class dressmaking. 'Phone Douglaa a 6a.
1J MlJ
MISS E. E. CROSBY. $411 & toth Ave.,
dressmaking. Douglaa 7S7. U MIS
IVvlSlCr eot Karbach Bloc
Wa ars now settled In our old location, with
larger quarters and have a number of new
Instructors. Mam U
WOMAN'S EXCHANGE. 1823 Farnam St.
Ladles' tailoring, alterations, pleating,
patterns cut to measur, tint-class sewing
school In connection. Douglas Mil.
-e Mil
Ladles' tailoring In best style
manshlp guaran
teed. k; Old Brandsls Bldg.
Taas slsvator on Hih St. ill Mil
KE1STEH COLLEGE, 106 Karbach Block.
Ml$ Mil
FRENCH Dry Cleaning Works, 101 Far
nam. best cleaners and dyara. Both phone.
-14 Mil
M. E. NEPINSKY g252Sfc
MU4 Mchl7
McDowell Dressmaking school. ISO Farnam.
SPRING suits and shirt-waist specialty at
reduced rate, lull N. toth. Web. HM4.
&14 Mil
PLAIN and fancy sewing; children's clothes
and shirt waist a specialty. Doug. $124,
S15 lifllx
HOLLAND Ooerns, robes and tiding
A-i-JjLtfAX'ILhab,t. txci.t. pstronage
only. 30$ Paxton Block. -M.'16 Mlt
iiuoiiUU j,a Karbach Block.
Ws are now settled In our old location, with
larger quarters and bavs a number of new
IN FAMILIES Miss Sturdy. TsL Doug. 4?:X
TERRY College of Dressmaking. Fth
snd Fsmsm Bts. all MU
vvalata. Fancy Undergarments snd Hsnd
Embroidered Work; professional shopping.
oug. 44. , -M200 Ml
Evening gowns a
specialty. 41 Douglaa
2CS Mchl
stasis aad tale ladle.
WANTED Trustworthy woman, each lo
cality to represent mall order house. $12
weekly; position permanent. Clarke Co
lo Park Ava, New York. (7 tlx
LADIES to tax orders for our hlgh
grads neckwear, only energetic persons
need apply, large commissions paid. Troy
Neckwear Co., Troy. N. Y.
(7-236 Ex
C3rlaU atad Offlaw.
Bookkeeper and stenoa-rapher $58.
Office clerk, young lady $30.
Call or writ for a complete list
721 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Two stenographers and bookkeeper, ISO.
Stenographer, $30.
Neat lady for lecturing. $30. '
$ good trimmer. Good aalary.
$74-67$ Brandels Bldg., Omaha.
STENOORAPHER and bookkeeper, $35.
Bookkeeper (wholeaale). $uk,
Saleslady (cloaks and suits). $65.
Competometer operator, $4&-$50.
Stenographer, $60.
Office clerk, good at figures, $40.
C7t-76-77 Brandels Bldg.
(7-M44S tl
WANTED Girls. Quick workers. Wrap
ping and addressing. $3 a week. Call
Tuesdsy morning at J0. W. T. Laing,
10U N. T. Ufa (7-Mt421
WANTED Public stenographer to occupy
office; terms arranged. Address L U,
b- t7-a tlx
LADY for office work. Box fcl Omaha,
Neb. (7) tu XI
STENOGRAPHER, lady, to do stenographic
" vtnuii lur oince in laigoet
office building. Address M-M. care Be.
(7)M330 Ox
Faelory aad Trade, i
mlicxo, ,Arr,mt. r.11 ULtK COAT
(7-M2UC tl
BiiMkMam aad Dessestiea.
WANTED Chambermaid. Koehler hotel
Grand laland; wages $li; ticket furnished!
(7)-M14J tlx
WANTED At one, competent laundress
Monday and Tueeday each week; refer
ences requited. Address A (3, care Bee.
WANTED Experienced girl for general
housework. $41$ Capitol Ave. (7) i20 22
Cook and housemaid; good
Apply. Willi reference. Quarters
w .
14. Fort Crook.
(.r-al4J7 HI
NUR8E for young baby, capable of taking
emir charge. Web. 43U. 7-lfc7 six
WANTED School girl to work for board
or girl to assist In housewurk snd cere
of small boy for wages; no washing or
Ironing. Apply mornings. Xw4 a. tstb St.
(7)Mi44 11
WANTED Sewers, reliable firm; work sent
free; Illustrated catalogue, one dlm,
atamped addressed envelop for particu
lar Princes Apronmaker, Mil Wood
ward St.. Detroit, Mica. (7) M23 21x
OOOD opportunity for a young lady, mani
cure, who can sell cigars tn connection
during spare time. Address U. 8 Supply
Co., Creston. la. (7) M323 tx
LADIES WANTED We will send you,
free, our very latest Complexion P.eauty
formula for $ cents in stamps. Something
new. Koepks Supply Co.. (ll oak Harbor,
Ohio. (7 244 ax
WANTED Neat and attractlvs young
lady to take charge af booth at Auto
bow. Address W-62, ears Be.
(7-247 a
NURSES to finish training wanted; time
spent in other bapltsls credited. Ad
dress Superintendent. Kearney Public
Hospital. Kearney, Neh. 7 lm n
AaTwwsa Sell It era aad -'nmm.
WANTED A good outside man for solici
tor: must s a bualne getter, non other
need apply. A good poaition for th right
party. A 1 1 raas X I, oar Omaha Baa.
Ageats and Saleesaea-
WANTED For Nelrasks, aairem' for
United Wireless TeieTsph stock; good
commissions. 8. 8. Balder, stste agent.
4J0 I salon block. Omaha it) MM tit
No business college Is smalt In lis snd
enrollment through choice. It Is Small be
cause It hasn't proved that It la worthy
of a big place among the business collesra
of the country or worthy of a big enroll
ment. It la small because It has not defi
nitely demonstrated to the community In
which It Is located that Its graduates are
worthy of being placed In the positions that
bring prestige to the business collage who
graduates fill th positions.
Boyles College
Is ths largest college In thla section of
the United States enjoys ths largest en
rollmentfills most of tha best situations
with Its graduate Stenographers. Book
keepers and telegraphere possesses th
highest esteem of the big business man of
Omsha and all the surrounding cltlea and
states, because It deeervee It.
Thia may be a blunt way of putting It,
but, a fact's a fact, and It's really due
to you that you ahould b Informed of th
exact facta In th case, now that you'r
thinking of studying Stenography, Book
keeping or Telegraphy.
Pay Boyles College a visit soma day very
soon. If you can. If you can't, at least
and for a f re copy of our catalogue,
Boyles College
Boyles Blrtg. H. B. Boyles. Pres., Omaha.
Official Training School for Union Pa
cific Railroad Telegraph Department.
AGENTS make $S dally selling our kitchen
tools, seven In one; 26c sampls and terms
to agenta. tl E Maple Ave., Ottumwa,
la. () M1V7 fix
BA LE8M A N A leading manufacturer de
sires ths services of a local salesman for
Omaha and vicinity to represent him with
a line of boy's shirts and blouses, men's
and boy's night robes and pajamas. This
Is a crackcrjack line of popular priced
goods to be carried by the Joblng trade
and department stores only; commission
basis. Address P. O. Box 261 R. Phila
delphia. Pa. (9) MJJtnx
FIRST CLASS clothing and furnishing
gcods salesmen; must bring references.
Apply ths Bennett Company. (9) MIS 21
SIDE LINE Best, no samples. Plenty
money. Gtvs permanent address. Box
663. Omaha. ( Mii7
AGENTS wanted to sell th original native
herbs. $1 box; 250 tablets for JSc Writs
P. Melrose, Columbus, Ohio.
(9) M5S8 tlx
COUNTRY manager wanted, to hire and
Iratruct agents; no canvassing: liberal
turns of credit. Dr. Thorn her Co.. Fort
Madison. Ia. ()-M357 tlx
AGENTS Titos stocking darner, flu any
sewing machine; wonderful seller; sam
pls 26c. Write Titus, Inventor and manu
facturer, 138 Liberty St, New York.
(9) MX$ tlx.
AGENTS Inwntlon, never before sold by
agents; quick-shift anti-rattler; vehicle
owners wild over It; sampls free. Na
tknal Mfg. Co., 28th St., Dayton. Ohio.
() M3U tlx
SALESMEN wanted In your territory; ex
perience unnecessary: $1W monthly and
expenses or commission. Crescent Cigar
Co., Chicago. I1L () M350 21X
WANTED Two hustling salesmen) those
with experience selling lots preferred.
Call 10 o'clock Monday. H. E. Cola,
(1S W448 tlx
AGENTS, with th writing scarf pin yotl
can write; simple by mall 15c. Oleen
Novelty Co., Bridge St. Brooklyn,
N. Y. (9) M324 tlx
WANTED Salesmen In all territories to
carrv "Champagne Mist." a soda fountain
apeclalty. as a sldn Una on commission.
Address F. F. Mykrans Phar. Co., Co
lumbus, Ohio. (9 M362 21X
AGENTS TW a week. expens paid; no ex
perience required; photo pillow topa. Ifc;
enlarged portraits, frames, lowest prices;
free samples; catalogue. Dept. 7S. Rltter
Art Studio, Chicago. 11L () UK tlx
A LIVE representative wanted In each city
and county for the "No-spill" milk bottle
openers; absolutely new; patented; big
profits: sells Itself; every home that uses
milk wants one; 100 weigh only $ pounds;
exclusive territory now being allotted: act
nulck: aample and terms !. Arno Mfg.
Co., Dept. 1$, Arno Bldg., Cincinnati, O.
(9 M3d0 21x
AGENTS wanted to secur the solo agency
for county rights of a small patented
home safe, fastened to th floor; oom mis
sion 16 per cent; must b competent tt
hsndle subagents and have mesne to order
in dosen lots. Horn Safe Mfg. Co., lut
Booraem Ave., Jersey City, N. 3.
(8 M38 tlx
SAI.ESMFV thoroughly experienced In sell
ing sdvsrtlslng novelties, to handle ths
bat line of advertising pencils on com
mission. Pencil Exchange, Jersey City,
N. J. () M390 tlx
SALESMAN Experienced in any Una, to
aell general trade In Nebraska; an un
excelled specialty proposition; commis
sions with V6 weekly advance for ex
pense. Th Continental Jewelry Co.,
Cleveland. Ohio. (B 256 tlx
WANTED Travel Ins; a al cam an to repre
sent a California wine house sellms; di
rect to bankers, lawyers, doctors, eto. :
expenses sdvsnced to reliable men. Santa.
Rnee Wins Co., 67 Lake OU Chicago.
() all tlx
AGENTS don't miss our 1 money maker,
sells like hot cakes st a topnotch profit,
tit's a household article.) Hllker, $71
Grand Ave., Chicago. OVUM tlx
SALESMEN Book for technical specialty:
attractive plan of sale; appeals to thoee
Interested tn electricity; on man took
14 ordors out of It interviews; any capa
ble specialty salesman can easily earn
KO per week and upward on this propo
sition. W. V. Wheat Company. S Dear
born St., Chicago and 1461 Broadway, N.
Y. (9-M46 tlx
A WEIJ-KNOWN Jobbing boas desires
to negotiate with ten A-l salesman for
19" contract; must be producers: stat
fully nature of present employment Ad
dress. S. Griem. SchlUsr Bldg., Chicago.
(-aU44) tlx
WANTED. AGENTS Legitimate substitute
for slot msehlnes; patented; sells on sight
for tl. Psrticulars, GLsha Cnmpanv. An
derson. Ind. M3JS tlx
EXCLUSIVE territory given to a good
agent, selling our Velva rsxor strop
dressing to barbers and stores: sample
16c. Steele Mfg. Co.. West H rook f If Id.
Mas (9)-27 tlx
WANTED Traveling salesman: we hav
exceptional good aide line, sold easily to
grocers and general merchants; liberal
commission paid. Address Manufacturer,
1 N. Main St., St. Louis. Mo.
(Sr-ICO tlx
AGENTS, ws reveal secret how to stsrt
new enterprise, exclusive confol; credit
allowed: IS certificate f re to every on
snswertng this advertisement. Hull 1(4
Frinklin St.. New York. It) tlx
AOfNTS earn t-i ts $50 weeklv selling new
s-v ' Merry Widow." Mexican and
Swiss enr brol.ti-red watata. eic ; catalogue
free National Import's Co.. Deak D,
4M Broidway. New York. )-& tlx
WK PAY t4 a month salary sod f umtsh '
rig snd all expenses to introduc poultry
ami st-- nowder: new plsn: steady
work, fcisitr Co.. X tvt, Sprinsfiold. III.
(-2M tlx
WANTED Arents; nvsn ard women ran
ssrn from 114 to tii weekly selling our
groceries to th family trad In com
munities of from 1 " te 10.00 population;
permanent ewipkvment; rash commission
paid; fre sample case furnished. Boden
beimer Cotfe and. Teas Oo. eft. Louis. Me.
O-evf B