THE OMAHA SUNDAY REK: FEBftUAKY 21. 1909. 1 " ' 46 CLEAN SWEEP" SALE We have carefully gone over our stocks, and find that we have a number of individual pieces, and in some cases 3 or 4 pieces, of different lots that we MUST CLOSE OUT in order to make room for our spring1 stocks. It is IMPERATIVE that we move these goods at once, and offer them to you AT LESS than wholesale price. Three Rooms Furnished jfssk Conpta (or BBS '49.50 THE CISSEST OUTFIT OFFER M THE CITY Dresser Made of eolld oak, t large eay sliding drawer, best of cnn- etructlon, f IS 60 values.. . $8.50 Clean Swiei Iroa Clean 8wrp of Dressers 1S. 00 dreesers, fo at 11.60 beda, go at . .. 15.00 Iron choice of to at . ... 117.50 dreesera "fells at . 125 60 at . !T 60 at . $16 00 at . dressers, go tia-Bo dresser. 14.60 dressers, go flS.M $10 iron bade, heavy, go at.. fit Iron beda, massive, go at Cltai Sweep of Parlor Salts ttl. 00 parlor aulta, l-pc velour, go at 919.50 140.00 parlor aulta, l-pc. chaaa leather, go at. 930.00 III t-po. valour parlor aulta go at 917.50 $65.00 l-pc. parlor aulta, go at 439.60 BOSS DOUGH MIXERS UNI UP Twenty-Three Owners of Bakeries Sign a Charter Liat. TO BE STATE-WIDE IN SCOPE Organised Work Considered Neeeaaarjf to Protect and Fartker tke browing Interests of tfce Baking lndnstry. iuxter bakers of Omaha and South Omaha have organ lied an association with - twenty-three charter members and will hold a general meeting at the Paxton hotel March I, when the association will probably become atate wide, aa Iowa and other itates near have well organised associa tions of master bakera. . Charles Ortman la presldent--of the new organisation ; T. F. Mulligan, vice presi dent, and F. E. Bonne, secretary. The call to the bakers of Omaha to at- tend the meeting at the Paxton hotel and giving notice of the organisation, aays: . It Is understood here In Omaha that the sentiment prevails throughout the atate to "bring about a Nebraska, State association. Many expressions to this eftect have reached us from over the atate. Aa master bakers, moat of us have come to realise that we have many Interests In common which can be met only through organised effort. By co-operation we can enlarge the possibilities of every baker in the busi ness and thua Increase the opportunities of every baker la the atate. Feeling that the atate looks to Omaha to take the Initiative, we or Omaha deslie to show an appreciation of our duty and of our sentiment, and hereby call a gathering of the bakera of Nebraska to Join with us at Omaha on March t and I In an effort to launch a atate association. Tour sup port la very earnestly requested and more than all else It is urged that you be pres tat In person. With good attendance (ranted, our auccesa la assured. The movement Is by no meana a new , departure. East of us tha state associa tions are accomplishing big things. A few weeka ago Kansaa organised with only forty charter members, but since then ep- . plications for membership have been com ing In from all parta of Kansaa. Iowa and Mtaseurl are strong, and even the young tate of . Oklahoma is ahead of us with a good association. We may be last, but shall we be least T RECEPTION T0 NEIDLINGER Hur Onakt afnslelnns Assemble to Great tke Noted Com- A reception waa given Friday evening at the Motel Loyal In honor of W. H. Neld Unger, the noted aong writer of New Tork, by his old friend, R. E. Sunderland. The affair waa In tha nature of a atag social and amoker, tha guests comprising some, thirty or mora of the leading muslo teach era of Omaha. Mr. Neldltnger was a number of years FILES Quickly Cured Instant Relief, Permanent Cur Trial Packairo Mailed Free to All in Plain Wrapper, We want every man and woman Buffer ing from the excruciating torture of pllea to Just send their name and sddrees to ua and get by return mall a, free trial pack age of the moat effective and positive cure over known for thla disease. Pyramid Pile Cure. The way to prove what thla great rem edy will do In your own caae, la to Just fill out free coupon and aend to us and you will get by return mall a free trial treatment of Pyramid Pile Cure. Then after you have proven to yourself what It can do, you will go to tha druggist and get a 90 sent boa. Don't undergo an operation. Operations are rarely n uooesa and ofter lend to ter rible consequences. Pyramid Pile Cure re duces nil Inflammation, makes congestion. Irritation, Itching, sores and ulcers disap pear, and the pilea simply quit. For sale at all drug stores nt 80 cents a box. PRKK PACKAOE COUPON Fill out the blank linea below with your name and add rem, cut out cou pon and mail to the PYRAMID DRUG COM PA N I, 164 Pyramid bidg., Mar shall. Mich. A trial package Of tha greet Pyramid Pile Cure will then bo eent you at once by mall,, In plalu wrapper. Name Street 7. , City and Bute Vi isiislei to sirs job from 40 to 50 IRON BEDS W find that we have a number of Iron hut. t I ., V. . 1 n UVM. VI T .It'll WT I IO C V ' 1 1 I J UIIQ VI I " In atock, and these we will cloaa out at your own figure. u An is. 10 'CO QC bed, during this sale for Badi Clean Sweep Couches $11.60 valour couchee, go at 4B.tS III. 00 velour coucbea, go at v,..t7.7d 117.10 chaaa leather couches, go at...t.BO $16.00 couchea, chase leather, no at...S13.T5 140.00 genuine leather couchea, go at..Bai.60 "L Clean Swaap Bed Davenports $3 5. 00 ted davenports, go at 417.10 $46.00 chase leather, bed davenports, go at 4tt.M 160.00 chaaa leather bed davenport, go at.99e.70 $76.00 leather daven ports, go at. . ..B3S.60 all slses. . ...ll.TS beda enamala, ....fa.M very 15.85 vary 97 .75 OUTFITTING. CO. 1313 MT-10 FAR NAM ST. "t STOKn AT'I IQUABI AX.Ii OTEJS." ago the leader of the Mozart quartet of Omaha, of which H. E. Sunderland and Fred J. Adams, who were present at Fri day evening's reception are the only mem bers now in the city. Mr. Neldllnger now devotes about half hla time to aong composition and the other half to his voice culture school in New Tork. He returned to his home In New Tork Friday evening after the close of tho re ception. ' . SUNDRY CIVIlIiLL TAKEN UP Measnre Contains Nnmber of Items Whlck Aro of Interest to the West. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Feb. 20.-(Speclal Tel egram.) The house committee' on appro priations today reported the sundry civil bill, the big money bill of congress. In dicating that every effort will be made to pass It before the middle of next week. But two or three other money bills re main, for . consideration on the part of the house,,, the general deficiency bill be ing now under consideration by the com mittee on appropriations and H is under stood will be reported next week. There waa n feeling some weeka ago that President Roosevelt might veto the sundry ilvll bill ahould It fall to make provision for the secret service of the Treasury department, but that feeling has ' been dissipated and it is now gen erally thought that the sundry civil bill, which carries nearly 1140,000,000, closing up especially necessary things for the continuation of the governmental depart ments, will be passed aa early as possi ble and get to the president long before the rush of bills during the final days of congreea begins low and Nebraska Items. The bill reported today provides for continuing the work on a large number of new publlo buildings In Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota and Wyoming, the follow-, ing being tho definite amounts aet apart for this work during the fiscal year 1910: Ames, la., for a site and completion of building under the present limit, $36,000; Beatrice, Neb., for the completion of the extension, remodeling or Improvement of a building, 130,000; Cedar Rapids, la., (or additional land for enlargement, $10,000; for rent of temporary quarters at Cedar Rap ids, la., $4,600; Columbua, Neb., for com pletion of building, (46,000; Council Bluffs, for additional land and to continue enlarge ment, 140,000; Davenport,: la., for addi tional land, 146,000; Decorah, la, for com pletion of building, 146,000; Dea Motnea, la., for completion of building, $125,000; Esther vlile, la, for completion of building, 146,000; Falrbury, Neb, for site and completion, $35,000; Fort Dodge, la., for completion and enlargement, 1105.000; Fremont, Neb., for completion and enlargement, $36,000; Grand Island, Neb., for completion of building, $46,000; Holdrege, Neb,, for site and con tinuation of building under riresent limits, $60,000; Kearney, Neb., for site and con tinuation, $46,000; Lander, Wyo., for con tinuation under present limits, 150,000; Lead, S. D., for site and continuation, 130,000; Mason City, la, for site and completion, $60,000; Mitchell, S. D., for site and com pletion of building, 136,000; North Platte, Neb., for site, etc., $80,000; Ottumwa, la., for continuation of building, $26,000; Platts mouth. Neb. for completion of building, $36,000; Shenandoah, la, for completion of building, $50,000; Sioux Falls, S. D., for com pletion of enlargement and remodeling of building, $80,000; Watertown. S. D., for alte and completion, $3,000; Tork, Neb., for completion of building, $16,000; for building reeervoirs on timber reservation of Fort Meade, 8. D.. for improving water and for construction of a pipe line to bring water down by gravity to the post mains, 1100,000; Battle Mountain sanitarium. Hot Springs, 8. D for nursiry cottage, $16,000. BANQUET PYTHIAN VETERANS Forty of tko Old-Tlmera of tko Order Meet In Anneal ACalr at Hotel Loyal. About forty veterans of the Pythian order participated in tha twelfth annual banquet of the Pythian Veteran association In the main dining hall of the Hotel Loyal Friday evening, the occasion being also the forty flrst anniversary of the founding of the order of the Knights of Pythlaa The Pythian Veteran association la a atate organisation with a membership from all porta of the atate of men who have been members of the Knights of Pythias In good standing for over twenty year a John Q. Goes, of Bellevue, who has been a member of the order since Its foundation In Ut la president. E. E. French, secre tary, and Mel H. Hoerner, treasurer. The veteran John Q. Goes, now In his 17th year, waa toastmaster. After a dis posal of the substantial featurea of the feast the evening wss given over to a pow wow under the program notation of. "Heap Talk.", by the ' veteran warriors of the shrine cf "Man-Afrald-of-Hls Tongue." President Goss delivered his annual address and called upon various members for re sponses to Pythlar sentiments. Grand Our Famous Easy Termi Prevail Curing This Sale On a hiu of $80, fifty casta par week or $2 par month. US On a bill of SIDEBOARDS 9100, fl.85 parMade of aold 0k or S par heavily constructed WAV w" month. rra very roomy. French bevel plate mirror; 120 val ues for. $12.75 CINIK3 ROOM CHAIRS 11.15 wood Beet chairs SSo $1.76 cane aeat chairs, at ao 12.16 dining .room chalra, at ....91.10 15.00 dining room chalra, at 99.84 Clen Snip ofCarB8ts,Sgt 60c Ingrain carpets, per ; yard SSo too all wool and Ingrain carpeta, at 49a 11.10 bruaael carpeta, per yard 8S $7.60 Ingrain ruga 99.TS 116.60 brussel ruga. .. .98.78 Chancellor John C. Cleland of Fremont a "Word From the Youngest Recruit." Past Chancellor K. V. Cunningham discussed tha proposition of "A Knight for a Day." W. T. Denney, another past chancellor, told "An Old Story that is Always New." The sentiment, "A Veteran The Old Guard of Pythtonlsm," was to have been re sponded to by Past Grand Chancellor W. 8. Leyda, but illness prevented his being present and Judge W. W. Slabaugh made the response to the toast. Past Chancellor U. B. Balcombe gave a gastronomlo con fession in telling of "The Veteran's First Dinner." Past Chancellor Os S. Wood made a happy comparison of the "Kplghts of '69 and '09," and the talkfetit closed with Frank J. Kelley's conception of how true "Friendship Is the Cornerstone of Life."... The menu waa one of the best yet given for a banquet occasion by th Loyal. The tables were resplendent with , flowers and palms. '. The. committee In charge of the affair consisted of J. M. Macfarland, M. H. Hoerner and E. E. French. BAN PLACED 0N CIGARETTES oatk Dakota House Passes Bill Absolntely Proklkttlast Then. PIERRE, S. D Feb. 90.-(Speclal Tele gram.) The house gave the devotees 1 pf the TKf fin - nail - a jar this afternoon by passing the bill absolutely prohibiting them in the state with but four dissenting votes, all of them being Russians. This will put it up to the aenate to again vote on a house "moral" bill. The house refused to accept the aenate amendment to the anti-treat bill, and It goes to a conference for doctoring In such a manner that both houses will accept It. The Hlghmore Inebriate asylum bill is re ported to have been postponed to the 6th of March by the house state affairs com mittee, and they will consider It while In Hlghmore on their way home on that day, if the train stops long enough. The house appropriations committee has decided that the state cannot stand the expense of an Immigration ' department, and will ao report to the house. The senate Insurance committee doea not appear to be able to get the houae bill abolishing insurance statement publications Into sufficient working order to get it out on the floor. - The house committee hss reported favor ably on all of the Dillon civil aervlca bills from the senate and they will no doubt be enacted at this session. In the eenete the negotiable Instrument bill, which haa passed that body several times and alwaya fell down in the house, was the main question at Issue and passed after having been amended by Byrne and Dillon, who opposed portions of It. Its supporters were Ewart and Rates. The house passed two bills, one creating the county of Corson out of that part of tha Standing Rock reservation In thla atate, and the countiea of Nash, Todd and Sherard, In the southern part of the state, wiping out Meyer county. W00LDRIDGE AGAIN ON CARPET Hontane Officer Glveo Exklkltlon of Inknman Treatment of Help less Prisoner nt Jail. Humane Officer H. L. Wooldrtdge of the Omaha Police department will be on the carpet again before the police board on charges reported by Police Captain Mostyn This time the humane officer Is up for abusing an intoxicated prisoner whom he was searching at the police station. Woold ridge was temporarily detailed for duty at the police atation Friday to take the place of one of the regular officers on duty with the patrol wagon. Lurching and pushing away from tha officer aa any drunken man would do, the man who waa being searched by Woold rldge after Just being arrested and before being locked up. waa deliberately struck severe blow on the head by that officer, The helpless prisoner fell to the floor rendered unconscious for about twenty mlnutesv Captain Mostyn immediately relieved Wooldrtdge from hla special assignment and with a terae reprimand sent the officer away to attend to bis other duties. FOUNDLING 0N DOOR STEP Stray Bakr Is Left for Stranger to Cnra For and Ho Doea So. A t-monthe-old baby was found on the front doorstep of O. W. Butts, 801 Worth Irgton avenue, at midnight Friday. Mr. Butta had gone down to the basement to fix the furnace, when he beard the door bell ring. He hurried to the door and found the child laying there. A note waa at tached to the clothing of tho babe asking that It be not 'sent to an orphanage, but that a good home be found for It. Mr. Butta decided to comply with the request. There was no marks about the foundling or Its clothing that would give a clue to its parents' Identity, '' III f :'ieiS?rW2-i (J I CREEK RILLS TO SAVE SELF John Mainredii Tries to Excuse Mux dr of Policeman. OFFICER ED L0WERT VICTIM Police Had Been Wateklaar tko Mm Wit, whs Wife In Greere, Per ' slated In Attentions to Yeans; Woman. John Masuredls, who killed Officer Ed ward ' IvOWery of Bouth Omaha Friday night waa . identified In the county jail Saturday morning by N. J. Mandannla, a contractor for the Vnlon Pacific, who has known tho prisoner several years. Mandan nls wst the only msn to whom Masuredls would talk. He has a tale, of self-defense to offer. "I took the revolver out of my pocket and was gnlng to throw it away." declared Masuredls. "I did not want to be fined for carrying concealed weapons. The police man thought' I was going to shoot at him and ha fired at me, hitting me In the breast. Then 1 fired at him to save my self. . He then shot at me again, hitting me In the leg. "I did not Intend to kill him." The South Omaha police had kept their eyea on Masuredls ever since he returned to Omaha from Kansaa City two weeks ago. They saw him In the company of the girl, Lllll Breese. That young woman was arrested some time ago, It is said, and It la declared aha la not IS years old, but 17. Masuredls repeated to hla friend Mandan nla his story that ha went to see tha girl to learn English and asserted that ha had a primer In his pocket as ' well aa the revolver.- Masuredls - has been in America three .and one-half years, coming here from Measenla, Greece, where ho haa a wife and one son about 6 years old. He first went to Sunrise, Wyo., where his brother Gust was at the time. Later the two came to South Omaha and opened a confectionery and grocery. This was sold Borne montha ago and Gust Masuredls went to Alexandria, Egypt, where he now Is. Tha man who shot the policeman went to Kansaa City. No one oould get a word out of tha pris oner, whose wounds are not serious, save his fellow countryman. To jail officials, the sheriff and newspaper rnen he refused to answer, although he can talk English a little and must have understood the ques tions addressed him. He submitted to be ing photographed without protest. Story of tho Mnrder. Officer Lowery was shot and Instantly killed by Masuredls at five minutes be fore 12 o'clock Friday night at the corner of -Twenty-fourth and N streets. Lowery had gone up to the room where the girl, Ulll Breese lived to arrest Masuredls for vagrancy. He found him and the girl there and brought them downstairs and out on the street It was then that Masuredls pulled his gun and fired at the policeman. He shot twice, tho bullets striking Lowery In the right leg and left aide. The bullet in the side severed the mesenteric artery and the policeman bled to death In leas than five minutes In Reliefer's drug store, whither ho waa carried.' Masuredls ran around a street car and then back to tho staircase and up again to the girl's room. Here Officer Harder found v him hiding under the bed. Harder dragged him out and then the Greek showed tight and reached for his gun. The officer lost no time In applying hla club, knocking the man out tha first blow. The chief of police and four other officers were called frcm the drug atore and kept a large crowd of angry men back who ahouted. "Hang Mm! . Hang . him!:... Further than, these sl'tuta there .was no disorder, except that the men crowded around the prisoner yell ing all the way to the jail. There Dr. Koenig, who had attended Officer Lowery during hla dying moments, examined tha Greek and discovered his wounds. Mra Lowery had arrived at tha drug atore within a few minutes after tha ahoot lng, but not in time to bid farewell to one of tho bravest, kindliest officers on tha force. Her grief waa most pitiful and '-"the effect on the Immense crowd waa maddening, . Girl Telia Story. The girl who waa accompanying the Greek made no effort to eacape and was making her way aobblng toward her room when she was detained and taken to the police atation. There aha told the . first story of the shooting.. Sho said; 'I waa teaching the man to speak English. He came to my rooms evenlnga to learn wbat he could. Mrs. Haynea called the officer and when he came, in the prisoner waa aeated on the edge , ef tha bed and we were talking. The - officer said, .'Aha, I want you,' to tho Greek. Then he told me to get ready to go to the police station. I wsnt, for the officer told me I could come right back again. When wa got opposite the car uaed for a ahop I waa ahead. I heard tha officer aay, 'None of that now,' and then heard two shots. I don't know who shot first. ' Both were shooting. The man dove under the car and the officer fired one ahot after him, and then aank to hla knees. The Greek then got up and walked away." Tho woman Is small, of dark com plexion, sharp-witted and apparently frank In her story. The police will not hold her except as a witness. She was placed in a cell for the night. Mok Tkreatene Revenge, There was much trouble before Masuredls waa safely lodged In the Douglas county jail. Frcm the South Omaha lockup he waa was taken a little past midnight to the South Omaha hospital. Five hundred men howling for the Qreex's blood had sur rounded the jail, but made no overt effort to get him when he was hustled Into an ambulance guarded by the chief of police and aa many men as that official could muster. The mob was told that Masuredls had been shot and that hla chances of recovery were small. Thla had for a time a mollify lng effect, but while he was In the hospital the newa of the murder waa apread over Bouth Omaha as fast as only a tale of murder can travel. The officers had word of the spirit of mob vengeance now aurgtng higher and higher. They then determined to bring Masuredls to Omaha. He wss replaced in the ambu lance and the drive begun. A roundabout way waa pursued In order to deceive any purauanta Officer Lowery had been on tha force tor a number of years. His residence wss at Twenty-fourth and K atreeta He la survived by a wire and three children. The oldest Is Miss Katheiine Lowery, a atudent at the State university. A son of 17 named Vance la well known In South Omaha, a hustling, msnly fellow. There Is a younger child. No arrangements could be made for anything last night. FOUND DEAD IN BATH ROOM W. D. Smith of Chicago Bxplrea front Heart Fallnro or Anenlesy. W. D. Smith, an Adams Express messen ger, running between here and Chicago, was found dead In the bath tub at tbf resi dence of Joe Walsh, his boarding house, tulg South Tenth street, about I o'clock last night Smith made his boons In Chicago, He ar- Formerly n.(f.sconELD eautiful .awSmV rived here about 1:60 o'clock yesterday aft ernoon and went at once to hla room. At 7: o clock he went to the bath room and remained there ao Inn hla friend. v, came uneasy and Investigated. He was found dead, his head under the water. It Is thought that death was caused from either heart disease or aooDlexv. Carnn.r Heafey will hold an Inquest. Bmlth was married and had two children. OMAHA SELLS UNCLE SAM FOOD Potatoes til Onions for the"" Army will. Com from This City. Bids were ODeneri fluturriav the office of Lieutenant Colonel F. F. East man, purchasing commissary United States army, for 10,000 pounds of potatoes and 12,000 pounds of onions for the use of the troops in tne Department of the Missouri The bidders were all Omaha parties. The two army pack trains recently em ployed In Cuba by the American army have been received at Fort Riley. The pack trains hitherto at Fort Riley will go to Fort Robinson, Neb., and the pock train at Fort Robinson will be sent to Fort Meade, where practical Instructions in pack mule train work will be given at the aev eral poets. The appropriation of 1100,000 for Improve ment of the water worka system at Fort Meade, S. D., win result In giving that root one of the beet water auppllea in the country. At present Fort Meade haa been Insufficiently supplied with water from Plurals, 8. P., and the supply haa at no time been satisfactory. Under the proposed arrangement Fort Meade will now be sup plied with water from a fine stream head ing in what Is known as Dead Man'a gulch in tho foot hills about four miles north of the fort. The water will be piped from reservoirs tiere to the post by gravity pressure, which will give all the pressure needed at the post for all purposes. CHANCE FOR THE BALDHEADS Someone Haa Given a Fifty Dollar Wig for tho Elks' Fair. A ISO man's wig or toupe is one of the prises which will be given at the Elks' fair and arry McClure Is already preparing to win the prise, aa are alao some of the other bald-patera who belong to tho lodge. An effort will also be made to secure aome of the hunting outflta which Presi dent Roosevelt is to take with him to the wilds of Africa when he goes after March 4. The club haa been disappointed in sev eral matters of late, one being the failure to secure the glastlcutses from the city hall, and tha other was the decision of Patrick esfey not to run for mayor. The fact that the Cinderrella ball. In all Ha grandeur, will be reproduced under the Humphreys' Serenty-SeYen breaks up Colds and There's nothing so bad for tha Orlp as neglect, there's nothing so good for the Grip as "Seventy-seven." If you take It In time, you eacape the Influenza, Catarrh, pains and sore ness la tbe Head. Chest and Back, the Cough, Sore Throat, General Prostra tion and Fever. "Seventy-seven" al ways gives satisfaction. All Drug Stores, J 6c. or mailed. Kaiapkxeya' Xemee, BCeaiotaa Co Oor. WlUlaaa onA Am Streets, How York. ? Jb ml ' i m 1 1, i fji Irk Enroll lr (7s nnD CP 1510 DOTJGIAS ST. WOMEN'S OUTFITTERS EXCLUSIVELY New Spring Suits direction of Prof. Chambers la also excit ing considerable notice. REAL THING IN SNOWSTORM Recollections of an Bnsllsk Blissard tkat Pat Forty Feet of Snow on Hlgkwaya. The mogul englnea which were stalled in the recent blissard out west do not appear to be. worthy successors of a certain. Her cules engine which cut a noble . figure In the English blissard of 1836. -To appreciate tha role played by tha Her cules some Idea must be given of the effect Of the storm on other methods of travel. Fourteen mall coaches were abandoned on aa many roads. Another was dug out of drifts five ttmea between Exeter and Lon don. ( Another waa burled so deep that it took 300 men, principally aappera and ' miners, several hours to make a passage to the coach and rescue tha mails and passengers. while near Chatham the anow lay to a depth of thirty or forty feet, the military being turned, out to the number of too to clear tho way. In London the drifts were ten feet deep and hundreds of men and carta were em ployed hauling the anow out to tho fields In the suburbs. The markets were In a bad way. One day only four atall holders were abke to reach a main market. Greene, which a tew daya before the storm were being sold for I pence a bunch at market, now fetched from lOd to Is., turnips, carrots and celery becoming equally dear; while Id handful of parsley realised la td, and the happy possessor of a bunch which he had previously purchased for 9d realised for his prise no less a a sum than 3 2s Id. Amid all thla confualon the pioneer rail ways covered themselves with glory by running trains almost without Interruption. There was a deep cutting on one line where the snow had drifted badly and, according to the Queen, great numbers of people turned out to aea how tha Hercutea engine would get along. They Imagined, of course, that it would bo stopped, but to their aa- tonlshment the engine dashed right Into the drift, "olearing Ita way right through apparently without the slightest difficulty, the anow at the aame time flying over the top of the engine chimney like foam from the broken wavea of a violent aea, ana notwithstanding obstructions the train came down from Greenhead (twenty miles) in one hour and a quarter." New York Sun. CHILD SAVING FUND OFFICE Headquarter for Balldlnar Committee Wall Bo In Hotel Rome Money Comes ia Fnst, . Acting under the direction of the beard of trustees of the Child Saving Institute, the building committee, of which Rome Miller is chairman, has opened headquarters at the Hotel Rome, room 10, parlor floor, from where the active campaign work will be conducted for the raising of the 175,000 building fund fcr tbe proposed new Child Saving Institute. A. W. Clark, tha founder and superintend ent of the Institute, reports the receipt of teveral liberal subscriptions . during the week, together with the donation of I2S.000 already mentioned as made by George A Joslyn. MEYERS GUARD APPLAUDED Make Satisfactory Trip Dnrlnsj Crowded Portion of tko Day. The Meyers safety guard device is. being given a thorough try .out by the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company, being attached to a car which la making regular trips. Two complete trips were made on the Benson-Albright line Friday afternoon, tha car being la charge of a motorman and conductor who had not aeen the device before and from the start to the finish there waa not a mishap of any kind. Ttie device worked with ease and rs-eclsion, although tha second trip of .tha oar waa a severe trial for tbe paleot, aa the car was crowded from one end of the Journey to the other and there waa said to bays boon FORMETrCvi c n.f( '.SCOFIELD IUI AS the spring season advances our superb showing of women's correct spring attire becomes more charmingly replete with all the latest conceptions of the fashionable world. THIS exquisite assemblage impres-, sively reveals a rare collection of artistic garments for every occasion, some beau tifully elaborate, others strikingly simple yet distinct in every way from previous conceits. . .:.' It Is a Ple&sure to Show Our New Spring Suits BECAUSE We have laid plana for the spring that will make this the great ; ' est and most popular suit house for women in the middle west. ' . . if BECAUSE We have purchased so far in advance and with such care that we have prepared a line of suits that cannot be duplicated at the prices' we will ask. Monday's Special Prices . " ' $25.00, $35.00. $45.00, $55.00 New Designs In Skirts Made of broadcloths, serges', Pana mas, striped satin cloths and taffeta, in the models most approved for wear with the separate coats and short waists. Some are made with Empire top these, when worn with' a blouse to match,' have the effect of a gown. They are shown in all the staple colors and new spring shades. Prices $8.75 to $25.00 no Instance where the guard made Itself an annoyance. - NO APPENDIX AT' THE FEAST aanaaaanowem Unlqoe Compliment to Saracen by tko Fellows Ho Cut Into. One hundred and twenty-five professional gentlemen, tha flower of Philadelphia, each of them relieved of his vermlfqrm appendix through the skill of a brother surgeon are to give a dinper In his honor. Some thirty or forty appendlxless residents of outlying are to Join the professionals In celebrating their Immunity from stomach ache and In toasting their deliverer. It lu not known that thla genlua of tha knife 1' himself minus an appendix, but presum ably he Is; at any rate,, with such'as atrlng of appendlxea to his credit he will be In congenial company. What a delightful exchange of wit. pleas antry and scientific Information la made possible by this gathering. What mutual recollections will be reviewed; what aim- , llarltlea of symptoms will bo discussed, what oherlshed memories of happy hospital days will arise. Who knows but that thla dinner may bring together such a concen tration of Ideas on a single subject as to lead to new discoveries relating to the ver miform appendix? Already It Is evident that the Idea of . appendix dinners will , spread. Every community will have one; ' and if appendix dinners, why not others? Tho possibilities of scientific dleousolon are limited. Washington Post. Too Cold for Zek to Work. . "Zeke," drawled tho old farmer, as he thawed out his whiskers, "I want yeouw to go down to the woodpile and. chop up some kindling." ' B-r-r!" exclaimed Zeke, as he blew hla fingers, "It's too oold." Wall, then, go over to the barnyard and milk the cows." "Can't, pap. Honest. I'm freexlng." "H m! How about cleaning the anow off the porch?" "Yeouwll have to excuse me, pap; my fingers are just like Icicles." The old farmer waa thoughtful. "Wall, all right, aon," he said, slowly. It shan't be said that I allowed any of my tuuuioii w ei iroxiDiuen oy working In freexlng weather. What be yeou going to do now? Sit by tha kitchen fire and warm yeour nanus 7 , Zeke grinned sheepishly. No, pap, I m going down to the lake and flah for pickerel through the In ' Chlcagi Newa. . Let The Bee Want Ads do the work for you. 1 SUPERFLUOUSJAIR CURED A Lady Will Seed Frti tt Abj Sufferer Ibi Secret Which , . Cored Her. Vrnm nhlMkAAil T .... . k.. "ii . V V mm amrmumma ana Hiiwoiivma iruwin IJI hair on my fac and armi. I triad all nm appuaioneH, powders, liquid, craanis .. w,...,,, , uv-vii aivjsa-.reaiiuna i ever nrard of. only to make It wotm. For weeks 1 lirrVrnrl than .lsuiciU nAA.4lA tf l...1 L. . i novii iu liocuiv IfllllUUl W I " a rid of my blemish. I spent a great dea of money on various things In vsln. unf I a friend recommended a simple prepara tion which succeeded where all alao failed. This simple remedy enabled me ner. f"unw.Vn""d T" '"'' 'rom tEc. -f unwelcome nalr, and forever end n.v n?,f "rd P-'vtely at borne? with! . "" r Diemisn. It makes the I X .". ? '"""r' ""nectary ' 1 vTUI u" detail full particulars to enable any other sufferer 1?!. the same happy n-eults aa I did All I ask two-rant stomp for reply. Add "ss t arollne Osgood, m 1. OlA c ut Provldeaoa, &. L ' i ) it " to m J ' to