Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1909, HALF-TONE, Page 4, Image 20

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Anniversary Sale Embroideries
lion City and Elyria laces
SrecUi MeWsy at frd St ant T l-2
Bast wash lacea made, rrvr? yard dmid factor 4
Jn the United Sutra. Yon nn ths 10 pec erat at
all times by bnylng these, U bast wash lac.
Hayden's, Bol Soiling Agfnta.
Anniversary Notion Specials
Fancy Needlework
We are closing several lines of Fillow
Tops, Dresser Scarfs, Center Fieees, etc.,
during our great Anniversary Sale at Ix-ss
than One-Fourth Regular Prices. Don't
Miss Monday's Special Offerings.
' Anniversary Sale Laces
An immense a-ortmrnt of fine laces.
Genu up of our immense hire stock, 5c to
35c values; in six great lots fr Monday
2c, 3c, 5c, 7c, 10c and 122c Yard.
Clearing tip our immense stock of Em
broideries dnring this sale. Greatest em
broidery bargains ever for Monday's sell
ing. 7c to 50o values at
2Vc, 2y2c, 5c, 7y2c, 10c, 12l2c, 15c and 19c
Gold y.jn Nerdlre, prr pkg le
25e Needle Hooks, on sale 8 He
Fast Mark Darning (Villon, at tc
IWt 2PO-yard Machine Thread, at. .SHc
lOO-yarrt Mowing Kllk, per spool 5c
Oinaha Agon hi for the Hall Borvhert
Irrres Forma.
(Fine Embroidery
On Mood In our (rand
anniversary sale, we will offer
elegant lines of High Grade
Novelty Embroideries, Bands,
Edges, Inserting, Allovers,
'Flouncing, Ebc, all at Jl'ST
Remnants of Linens, big assort
ment, on sal 15 10
39 4 d 50
Anniversary Sale of Silks
Grand Special Bargain Offerings Monday
'A' comprehensive collection of the season's richest
weaves and colorings in strictly high grade silks. Black
Bilks, Novelty Bilks, Taffetas, Messalines, Satins, Louis
ienes, Foulards, Rough Silks at Less Than Half Actual Re
tail Value3. '
Cheney Bros. Celebrated "Shower Proof" Foulards, in all
the newest colorings and patterns, Edeson blues, olives,
rose, taupe, Wisteria, canard, cador, resedas, browns,
greys, etc., the most popular silks for spring; reg- TQ
ular $1.00 and $1.25 values at yard lmQ
$7.00 Novelty Silks In checks,
plaids, Jacquards. hairline
stripes, plenty of navies, Copen
hagen!, wines, cardinals, resedas
browns, etc, yd. .34 and 49t
91.60 Bilks at 60c Grand clear
ance of all short lengths up u
25 yards. Imported novelties,
Dresden Patterns, Brocades,
etc., that sold to $1.60 yard, at
one price, yard 69!?
Bee Samples' of Silk Petticoats We Make jto Measure
Anniversary Sale of High-Grade Linens
Truly marvelous bargain offerings, combining desirable
quality and splendid variety with price that you will not
find duplicated elsewhere.
Sliver bleached table linen, 63
tnches wide, heavy and good for
wear; worth 69c yd. Anniversary
sale Price, yd 30
Heavy Scotch cream table damask,
72-ln. wide; warranted pure flax,
worth $1.25 yd., Anniversary
Sale price, yard 60
Half bleached dinner napkins, all
pure linen; well worth $3.50
dor.. Anniversary Sale Price,
six for 80
Fultbleached hemstitched table
cloths, size 3x4; some $2 val
ues; Anniversary """Bale Price,
each 08
Anniversary Sale of White Goods
Prices which will interest those anticipating the pur
chase of a graduation or confirmation gown, the best values
you'll find anywhere
All our new embroidered Swisses,
32-ln. wide. In all the newest
designs, In this sale, at yd., nfl
. 98c, 5c. 69c and WUl
Mercerized checks, for lingerie
waists; regular 46c goods, fjQg
Mercerized fancies and plain white
Madras for tailored waists, at,
yd.. 39c. 25c. 19c ICp
and I WW
40-ln. lawn, regular 18c
grade, at, yd..
Five of our Famous Hour Sales
Monday in the Domestic Room add both interest and profit
to your Monday buying.
Be sure and attend our Fam
ous 30-minute Sales
FROM 9:00 TO 9:30 A. M.
1 case of genuine Lonadale, Din
10 yds. limit, at yd OzC
FROM 10:00 TO 10:30 A. M.
case of Cotton Blankets, regular
price $1.50 pair; 3 pairs fr
to customer, at. pair 03G
?S??t Try HAYDEN'S First pay'I
rrepared for the Worst.
IK OLA TEA LA was talking
k . . .
N snout inventors,
I "The successful Inventor,
I aM tJlr Taala . amlHnr "has
an odd, quaint mind, a mind
full of surprises. Thus, Bmet-
huret, I am convinced, was an Inventor at
beaxt, though circumstances had made a
grocer of him.
"Smethurst, during his seaaldo holiday,
was seen upon the- board walk "Vlth a
Urpe botUe under his arm.
" 'Smethurst,' said an acquaintance,
wrst have you got In that bottle that I
see you carrying about with you day and
tUfhtr ,
" Chloroform, said Smethurst.
" 'What the deuce are you doing with
chloroform here on the board walk?
" That big dub of a Jones,' said Smet
hurst. 'has threatened to give me a sound
threthlng tbe first time he meets me, and
as soon as I see him coming I'm going
to take a good dose. I don't propose to
suffer If I tan help IL' "-New Tork
Mar Me Ike Trail.
The earl of Warwick at a banquet In
Washington was qulxzed about the bunt
ing yarns he bad swapped with the presi
dent whilst dining at the White House.
"On, yes," Lord Warwick said playfully.
. .
Eight more days or the most r"i rn
phenomenal bargain giving in jj
all classes or merchandise ever I
known in the history of Omaha ill
merchandising. You can't af- Li J
ford to miss one day. THE RELIABLE STORE.
9125 Black Taffeta a rich 36-ln.
pure silk, guaranteed fabric;
great value at $1.26. on sale
at 80
91.00 Black Peao de Sole 30-in.
' wide, pure silk, a special dollar
quality, on sale, at, yd. . . .65
27-Inch Black Taffeta, pure stlk
chiffon finish, a limited quan
tity on sale, at, yard 40
Come early Monday.
Large size-, 81x90 bed sheets made
from heavy, durable muslin;
worth , 69c; Anniversary Sale
Price, each 48
Pillow cases, 46x36, well made;
especially adapted for apartment
rooms; worth 16c; Anniversary
Sale price, each 10
Extra large size imported Mar
seilles bedspreads; heavy, knot
ted fringe, satin finish; worth
$6; Anniversary Bale Price,
each $3.50
All mall orders during this sale
receive prompt attention.
Sheer Batiste, 45-ln. wide In this
sale at yd., 69c, 39c
French lawns, 45-ln. wide,
at, yd 98c, 85c and -.
Wash Chiffon. 45-ln. wide
at yd., 89c, 69c and
Persian Lawn, regular 39c
grade, at. yd
English Long Cloth, at, yd.,
25c. 19c, 12 hie and
FROM 2:00 TO 2:30 P. M.
1 case of genuine Hope muslin;
10 yards limit, -3
at yd W4C
FROM 3:00 TO 3:30 P. M.
1 case of 8 c Cambric; 10
ysrds limit; at yd
FROM 4:00 TO 4:30 P. M.
1 case -of $6 all wool Blankets;
11x4; 2 pairs to cus
tomer; at pair
from the Story Teller's Pack
"they were tall yarns-tall on my side, I
mean. I outdid the wandering- hen.
"A hen, you know, set out to tee the
world and met a crow in a distant wood.
" 'But,' said the crow, 'are you not
afraid, without wings, of losing your way
In all this tangle t
- 'Afraid T Not 1,' scoffed the hen. Every
little while I lay an egg to guide myself
back by.' "-St Louts Globe Democrat
Clyde Fitch was describing his large
scrap book collection cf typographical er
rors. Suddenly he smiled.
"8uch errors." he said, "are continually
cropping up. I called for a magazine edi
tor the other day to take Mm to lunch
eon. As hev-as getting into his coat a
man entered.
" Po you read your magazine? the man
" '1 do,' replied the editor.
" 'Have you read the new number, the
one that came out yesterday V
" 'I have.' (
"'Have you read my poem, To Gab
rtelle." on page HIT
" -N-no.'
" 'No! Well. In that poem I wrote the
line, "I love you better than I love my
life." v
- A neat line. Neat and well turned,
said the editor, soothingly.
Two full carloads, over 18,000 square yards, of high grade Linoleum, long remnants and
full bolts. On sale Less Than Half Regular Prices. '
Big purchase from a Trenton, T Scores of patterns to select
New Jersey, mill; regular values and from, all finest quality goods, a
to 75c a square' yard two lots. 4TsT matchless opportunity.
Best Bargains in High Grade Linoleum Ever Offered.'
anniversary Sale of Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments
Monday will be devoted to a special display of the new spring styles
in women's wear The
the insistent demand for
spring styles, and we are
ready with a stock more
than ever comprehensive
in its assortment of new
ideas. As ever you'll find
prices exceptionally low
in comparsion with qual"
ity, especially so during
the continuance of this
Elegant New Tailor Suits The
productions of New York's
best tailoring establishments,
richest new colorings and fab
rics; clearing values at our an-
niversary sale, prices, $20.00,
$25.00, $30.00, $35.00, $40.00
100 New Spring Tailor Suits
. Manufacturer's samples, all
colors and sizes, made to sell
at $20.00; choice. . . .$12.50
Manufacturer's stock of New
Spring Jackets Black or cov
erts, satin lined, values to $10,
on sale $4.95
Linen Tailored Waists The
most beautiful lines ever
shown in Omaha at our sale
prices, from $1.00 to $5.00
A Complete line of Extra
Sized Dress and Under Skirts.
Monday's Grocery
This being onr 22d Anniversary, we are putting forth everylaudable effort to
history, and as a special Inducement we wiU make the following prices:
48-lb. sacks Best High Patent Hour, every sack guaranteed to give the best
ck ;
21-lbs. best pure Cane Granulated
Sugar, for fl.oo
10 Bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All
Soap 25c
Three lOo pkgs. Up-to-Date Washing
Compound loc
6-lbs. Choice Japan Rice isoc
24-lb. sacks Best Rye Flour 65c
Large Sacks Best White or Yellow
Cornmeal 15c
S-Ib. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy
or Squash 7 He
S-lb. Cans Baked Beans 7 He
S-lb. Cans Solid Packed Tomatoes 8Hc
The Best Soda or Oyster Crackers, per
"pound 6c
The Best Crisp Ginger Snaps, lb.. 6c
" 'And one of the professional humor
ists of your composing room set It up to
read, 'I love you better than I love my
wife." '
" 'How er '
" Than my wife precisely that And
my wife knows nothing of composing room
comedy, and she thinks - the line was
printed exactly as I wrote If "New York
Press. v
Garbled Teste.
It was a small country Sunday school,
and at roll call every separate and Indi
vidual member was charitably supposed to
have provided himself, or herself, by ar
dlous labors, with an Illuminating verse
from the Bible for the edification of the
attendant roomful. Bobby, the minister's
son,, was notoriously deficient In this re
spect, and relied trustingly on the bene
factions of his sister.
"Sister," he whispered, as Inexorable fate
approached him "sister, tell me a verse."
But his sister only shook her head. Time
pressed; Bobby returned to the attack.
"But you must tell me one. Papx'll be
to me in a minute, and what'll I doT Please
tell me one."
But the springs of sisterly charity had
gone dry. "Every tub must stand on Its
own bottom." she said.
The minister bad reached Bobby's name.
Bobby's face wore Its accustomed smile.
That Great Linoleum Sale
near advent of spring
Mm W
Prices Anniversary Prices
The Best Crisp Pretzels, per lb. ...Oc
Choice California Prunes, per lb.. 4c
Fancy California Muscatel Raisins,
per pound 7 He
Fancy Mulr Peaches, per lb 10c
Fancy Moor Park Apricots, lb.. 12 He
AH' other kinds of dried fruits In
Anniversary Sal of Trash Vftabls.
Fresh Beets, Carrots, Turnips, or Onions,
par bunch IH
Frenh Parsley, large bunches SUe
Fresh Cauliflower, per lb. 'Ho
Fresh Sweet Potatoes, per lb. ...... .SHo
Two beads fresh Lettuce So
Fresh Cabbage, lb Ho
Fresh Hothouse Hadlshes, 8 bunches 60
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips, Parsnips,
Rutabagas, Red Onions, etc. lb Bo
Bobby was indlscrtmlnating. It cannot be
said that his Biblical lore was In any wise
profound. It sounded right enough to him.
He rose in his place. "Every tub must
stand on its own bottom." he said.
And thereafter. It la recorded, Bobby
stood up longer than had been his wont
and It cannot be said that he did It Joy
fully. The Circle Magazine.
Be Won His Case. .
The lawyer told Mike Dolan, 'his client,
that he had a good fighting case. Mike
mused a minute and then said, tentatively:'
."Do you" think It would do any good to
send his honor a couple o" ducks?" "No,
no!" replied the lawyer; "I know him too
wel). If you did that he would decide the
Jcaie against you, sure as fate." Two days
afterward the case was beard, and Mike,
won It out and out. So he called on his
lawyer, and In the course of settling up af
fairs remarked: "Well, you see, sir, It was
just as well I sent his honor those ducks."
"What!" exclaimed the astonished counsel;
"you sent the ducks after what I said?"
"Yes, I did." replied Mike; "only', after
what you told me, I thought it just as well
to send them from the man on the other
side." Dundee Advertiser.
rays for orfeadlaa; Frlde.
Dr. Bedloe, former consul at Amoy, was
introduced to Edward Levy, a merchant of
Relelgh. N. C , the other night. .Frequently
Dr. Bedloe was addressed by some of his
story telling acquaintances as "Doe."
"Some years ago," related the North
Carolinian, "I was advised to consult Dr.
Osier, the famous John Hopkins patholo
" rIP Friday a crowd, Saturday a pcr
M I feet crush 'of delighted buyers;
jo Monday we
rcasuu a. selling aui .laaaiiig any
ever known for this month. New
bargain offerings will be a delight
to all visitors.
is already evident, by
All Winter Cloth Caricul and
Fur Coats on Sale at Half Price
and Less.
Beautiful Dress Styles Silks,
satins, messalines, nets and
voiles, in delightful assort
ment of newest designs for
spring wear, in all the delicate
pastel shades and the rich and
varied colorings so popular
this season, greatly under
priced for this sale at $15.00,
$20.00, $25.00, $30.00, $35.00,
up to $50.00
New Spring Dresses, in Pana
mas and broadcloths, in the
popular Empire effects, manu
facturers ' samples, made to
sell at $25.00, choice, $14.90
An entire line of New Voile and
Panama Dress Skirts, charm
ing values at sale prices, each,
$7.50, $10.00 to $15.00
Sole Omaha agenfsfor "Ma
ternity Skirts" prices are
$7.50, $10.00 & $12.50
$1.50 Percale "Wrappers and
House Dresses, on sale at 98c
Women's $1.50 Flannelette
Dressing Sacques, choice 49c
Heatherbloom Underskirts
worth to $30.00, at. . . .$1.45
for the
Sale. make this the Banner Sales Week In our
satisfaction or your money refunded, per
Fresh Spinach, per peck ....SOo
Fancy Cucumbers, each i Bo
Believes Celery, bunch 800, 8S0, too, 850
Larjra Grape Fruit, each 3Ho
Ww Honey, per rack lHo
Anniversary Sale of Xlghland travels
California's rrlde.
Regular BOc size, per dozen 30o
Regular 40c site per dozen SBe
Regular SOc size, per dozen 8O0
Regular 26c size, per dozen ISO
Just try them onre and you will be con
vinced there la nothing finer grown
ecoad Say BI47 Anniversary Batter,
Cheese and Batterlae Sale
Choice No. 1 Dairy Butter, per lb....Slo
Fancy I airy Table Butter, per lb....33o
Fresh No. 1 Country Creamery, lb. S6o
Fancy full cream N. Y. White or Wis
consin Colored Cheese lb SOo
Sap Sago Cheese each....'..,,,
Neufchatel Cheese, each So
gist. He looked me over and then pre
scribed a new mode of living, rather than
a lot of medicine. He wasn't with me
twenty minutes. '
"Now, down at home, where we know the
physicians, we hall them good naturedly as
'Doc'.' Forgetting that I was a stranger, I
ssid to Osier: 'Well, how do we stand,
Doc?' "
" 'Fifty dollars.' he replied, and his tone
of voice had no sweetness In it
" 'What's that. Doc?' I asked. 'FlftyT
"'I said $50,' he answered; 'M-'
'1 paid It and hurried away. Boon I be
gan thinking and the notion came to rue
that he added a few dollars for the manner
in which I addressed him.
"Since which time," concluded Mr. Levy,
"when addressing a physician I call him
Mister . Doctor . or Esquire. Washington
Correspondence New York Times.
Caame for Alarm.
An elderly patient In the Tennessee
mountain region was suffering from a
malady the remedy for which the doctor
prescribed In the form of capsules. The
old woman trusted her medical adv)er,
but for the medicine she evinced much sus
picion. Some time aftjr she had takes the cap
sules she was asked by her sort how she
"Don't you, want nuthln' 19 eat?"
Soon, however, the old woman arose from
her bed and tskk her scat In a rocking
chair. Thinking' that the attention would
be gratefully received, the eon filled her
pipe, and, taking a 'live eoai from the
expect "with good
As Omaha's Leading Dress Goods House
This sale means much to every lady in Omaha and vicin
ity. It means not only unprecedented price savings but
assortments for selection and qualities unsurpassed by any
store in the land.
All Priestley's celebrated English
black goods
All Fred K. Arnold's celebrated
German black goods
All Lupin's celebrated French
black dress goods
All our American black dress
goods Everything in stock,
nothing excepted, will go at ex
actly Half the Marked 1
Price 2
All our foreign and domestic col
ored wool dress goods. This In
cludes everything In our high
grade dress goods stock. No
limit to quantity. For this day
only at exactly
Half the Marked i
Price 12
No black goods sold In' afternoon
nor colored goods sold In the
forenoon at these prices.
Anniversary lew
eiry Specials
Rhine Stone Hat Pins A fine line
for selection, values to $1.50'
at 25 394 " 4S
Belt Pins and Buckles A big
sample line, values to 12.00
t 25 and 48
Gentlemen's Combination Sets
Cuff Buttons and Stick' Pins, val
ues to 75c. at 23
Hand-Carved Barretts Values to
- $1.00. on sale 15 05 39
Pearl Cuff Links
SOc Hat Pins, rbinestone and Jet.
t 100
25c Veil Pins, each. lO
SOc Shirt Waists Sets, at.. -25
$1.23 Quality Teaspoons, guaran
teed, on sale, per set 754
$1.00 Teaspoons, per set...25
Mail orders filled except in case of hour sales Send
orders at once See ad on last page section Cfor annU
versary sale specials, clothing and furniture.
Special in
rinest flint fall cut Steins, OFTIC,
OIiASBXS. These glasses are sold
to the trade at $3.60 to S.QO per
dozen. T or this sale, tfii
each AUC
Safe Sprciafs Hardware and Houseiurnishings
Large willow clothes baskets, worth
8 So 69o
C-foot heavy braced ladder, wortla
11 60 89o
10- qt. galvanized water palls. .. 18lo
Extra large size Enterprise food chop
per. No. 303, worth 11.95 each.. 890
Extra heavy galvanized wash boiler,
only !c
No. t Llsk copper boiler, worth $4.75.
only $i.9S
11- gal. garbage cans, with ball and
cover U8c
$1.69 solid copper nickel plated tea
kettles 79o
Large No. IT coal hods, 29c size... 19c
I .arse wooden chopping bowls ISo
$1.60 Guarantee Ironing boards, with
stand 98o
?SXt Try HAYDEN'S First
hearth, carried both to his mother.
"Take that away, son" yelled the old
woman In the utmost fright. "Dfln't you
know better'n to come near me when I've
got them cartridges In mo?" San Francisco
The Tramp Card,
Two neighbors In a Missouri village were
arrested for fighting and brought to court.
The Judge asked the assailant to tell his
"Jedge," he said, "we war a-playln' of
seven-up, seven pints t' th' game, two bits
on the comer. I had bin losln' all day,
Jedge, an' I had up my last two bits.
"I dole the kyards. He was two an' I
war slk. He begged an' I gin him one.
He flung his queen sii' I played my trey
fur low. He flang his king an' I played
my ten. He flang his ace an' I played my
Jack, and then. Jedge, then he flang his
deuce, an' I hit him." Saturday -Eve ning
Praaka of Politicians.
Albany Is Infected with practical Jokers
who make the telephone the chief Instru
ment of torture. At 4 o'clock one morning
Assemblyman Colne, chairman of the as
sembly committee on canals, was called
out' of bed. The conversation was In this
order: j
"This you. Coins? Were you ssleei.?"
"No, no; I was playing bridge whist out
on the lawn tennis court."
"Well, we dislike to disturb you. but we
have an argument down town. Ons man
says you are the beet authority In these
parts tm canals. Is that right?"
"Well. I consider myself nrctty good la
Remnants of all
Muslins, sheetings, white goods,
etc., 15.000 yds. in all, regu
lar 10c to COc yard values
2H 3H 5 7H 8H
d 10
High grade wool dress goods
remnants, values from 75c to
$$ 00. at So 30 40
50 75
Many Other Special
250 pieces of W'm. Anderson's
genuine Scotch criterion ging
hams, 32-Inch wide; absolutely
fast colors; for all
Arnold's genuine 18c Scotch
Zepheretta, 32-inch wide; abso
lutely fast colors; all 4
day. at lUC
All our silk and mercerized fou
lards, fine colorings;
Monday, only
33c f
All our evening shade In printed
silk mulls, called Flora de Sole,
worth 50c and 59c yd., OQ
Monday only, at WWW
All our 25c
All our 39c O -!
pongees efilwC
All our 60c
pongees .
All our 59c AA
pongees ,wUC
About 60 other specials in this
department too numerous to men
tion. Anniversary Sale of,
25c and 55c Values 19c
A big line of silk elastic belts,
regular 2c and 35c values, all
go at one price 19
Our extra line all silk extra
quality elastic belts with high
grade fancy bnrkles.
75e to $1.09 values, sale price 39c
Other Aaaivtrrwary Sol Special
SOc Laiii' Fancy Ni:kwear..2S
25c embrotdr(i linen collars. Via
15c pure linen kanikerchiefs.TH
5c fine Swiss aaadkerchlf3.3Hc
3c children's fancy nd'Hts. .lc
5 yds- mer. 6klrt binding. . . .7H
25c boys and girls books.. 17 He
$1 copyright books, at 4S
$1.60 copyright books. at....ttc
50c post card albums, each.. 25c
10c Ink tablets, each 5c
600 Chinese Cups and Banoers, in dlf
. ferent decorations; regular 2ac and
35c values at, each ISo
After Dinner Caps and Saucers SOO
After IMuner cups and saucers, In
Japanese and Austrian china, worth
lac to 2&C each, at 7Hs
Mrs. Potts' 5-plece polished sad Irons,
worth $160, only .. 9o
No. 3 galvanized wush tubs. 4'jc
35c heavy zinc wash boards. ...... !5o
25c Mrs. Vrooman's sink strainers.
only 10c
Large white-lined wash basins,. . ,10c
3 large rolls toilet paper luc
Nickel-plated range tea kettles.. 190
tf-wlre or wooden coat hangers. ... 10c
Extra strong heavy folding wringer
bench ,.$l.d9
90 clothes pins or 3 boxes for..., 10c
Perforated chair seats, all sizes.. 10c
$4 novelty wringer; 1-year guarantee;
only $2.76
$7.6o easy Ak-Sar-Ben washer $1 i
the daytime, but I don't car to be pulled
out of bed and asked to discuss canals at
4 o'clock In the morning."
"Tou're a little sensitive, Is that Itr
"Sensitive nothing; don't you think a
man has a right to be a little sensitive
over such a trick as this?"
"But you're not angry?"
"No, I'm delighted."
"Well, what we wanted to know Is this:
Is there any statute prohibiting a mem
ber of the legislature from taking a bath
In any portion of the Erie canal which la
not used for drinking purposes?"
What Mr. Colne said then will never be
printed. New York World.
Judge MaUest7d Raliag,
Mrs. Scphle Plrek of Cleveland, Q., will
b sent to the workhouse to work out a
fine of J O and costs for stealing 35 cents
worth or railroad scrap Iron, but .only In
the event that some member of the
Chamber of Commerce or other wealthy
person agrees to care for her three small
children while she Is Imprisoned.
Tills was Police Judge Levine's answer
to several rhh Cleveland men who have
appeared before a Chamber of Commerl e
committee to demand less lenient treatment
In pulice court of women arrested for.
thefts of coal or Iron from railroad tracks.
Judge Levlne said his conditional offer
to Imprison Mrs., Plrek would be open for
one month. Meanwhile her sentence Is
suspended. Incidentally, It may be men
tioned that the youngest the three babies
la nursing.