Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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ail Df. SIS
A Notable Purchase and Sale of New Spring
Dress Goods at Great Savings in Prices, Monday
Every woninrj'wlio is ready to select a new spring gown can do so now, certain of no
after regrets. This is to be a Bale that will not be equaled for beauty of fabric and exclu
sive elegance outside of this store. Best of all there is not a yard of cheap, trashy goods in the
lot They were all manufactured for this season's business. They were lots left after all
spring orders were filled. Un some instances they were canceled for various reasons, in others
they made a few extra pieces or a few warps lengths left over. It would bo a very shrewd
manufacturer who -never wove too much or received a cancellation. We purchased the entire
lot. They will all be marked at less than cost price to manufacturer. This special sale com
mences Monday at 8 A. M.
$1.00 Special Mannish Worstod 6 4 -Inchon, now
$1.25. Unlike anything we have ever shown, tans,
brown and new taupe.
$1.76 Princess Twll Herringbone 60-Inchea, now
$1.25. Beautirul texture In the new stripe with Just
touch of color.
$1.25 Special Wool Taffeta Stripe, now 7Cc. Wide
range of pretty stripes In the soft, clinging fabric.
$1.60 Melrose Stripe Worsted, now $1.00. The
beauty of the stripe, the tasteful charm of new colors
gives thtn a very "chic" appearance.
$1.00 Special Gray Panama 54-inches, now 75c.
White Madras
10 pieces 30c White Madras, In this sale 23c a
10 pieces 35c White Madras, In this sale 25c
a yard.
10 pieces 45c White Madras, in. this sale 29c a
a yard.
New Striped Linen Cambrics for Ladies' Shirt
Waist Suits in All Colors.
Biz pieces 1 1.25 Striped Linen Cambrics In this sale
$1.00 a yard.
Six pieces $1.B0 Striped Linen Cambrics in this sals
fi ts a yard.
Five pieces 75c White Plaid
Handsome Petticoats to Your Special Measure
They represent the highest class of workmanship,
the newest and prettiest styles. Turn them Inside
out, examine them carefully; they are all right down
to the very last stitch. See model dress goods department.
Exclusive Siylcs in Washable Materials
Our Wash Goods are carefully selected from the choicest varieties of foreign and domestic fabrics,
and the styles are exclusive with us and not to be found In other stores. You may recognize some of
the names as being the same, but our styles you'll notice are different; less common and you need not fear
that all your friends will be dressed like you.
Linen finished suitings in
stripes and dots, fast colored, at
10c a yard.
New Galatea Cloth with beauti
ful aide bands, at 15c a yard.
Great Sale
of Finished
Sofa Pillows
In this bill the deputies are to be ap
pointed only when the surveyor la too
busy to make a trip to some localities where
there Is a dispute over boundary lines
and the party making the application pays
the bill. The bill was not acted upon, so
the governor amendment may still be in
serted. Some of the Job Bills. '
Folio wins" are soma of the democratic
measure pending Introduced to give Jobs
to Jobless democratic politicians, several
other bills being In the hands,- of the
S. F. 1 Governor to appoint a banking
commissioner at fci.SOO a year and unlimited
assistants at 1.M a year each.
H. F. 16 Governor to instruct the secre
tary of state In what newspapers to print
the constitutional amendments.
8. F. IS Governor to appoint a board of
osteopathy, composed of five members.
8. F. 10 Governor to appoint a batik
comptroller at a salary of W.00O a year,
three assistants at 16 a day when they
work and other help.
Si F. MS Governor to appoint three com
missioners at 14,600 a year each; one clerk
at l,ow; one proofreader aC$l,0O0.
8. F. 260 Governor to appoint a dairy
commissioner at 1,00 a year; stenographer
at $M0.
8. F. 265 Governor to name a state archi
tect at a salary of 13. WO a year.
H. R. 5e Governor to appoint three
commissioners to superintend the exhibit
at the Alaaka-Yukon-Paolflo exposition,
the members to be paid $100 a month and
expenses each.
H. R. W Governor to appoint three bank
commissioners to be paid $U a day while
working; a superintendent of banks , at
M.floO a year, and assistants.
H. R. 12 Governor to appoint three
commissioners and assistants to revise the
statutes at a coat of 17,500.
H. R. IKS Governor to appoint seven em
ployes at a proposed Industrial Institution
tor the blind to be paid a total ot ll.iloO a
year and other helpers.
H. K. JOS Governor to appoint an
armory commission of three persona
whose expenses shall be paid.
H. R. 2 h B Governor to appoint a state
accountant at 12,000 a year.
It R. Governor to appoint five
members of the State Normal board
whose expenses shall be paid.
II. R. 142 -Governor to appoint a stale
seed commission of three members, who
shall be paid II a day when working.
H. R. Its Governor to appoint a dairy
commissioner at fl.100 a year.
It R. & Governor to appoint a live
took board of three members.
H. R. til Governor to appoint secre
tary of the Bute Printing board at 11.000
a year.
II. R. 4 0 Governor to appoint a sec
retary of the State Board of Charities
and Corrections at 11, SCO a year.
H. R. 42S Governor to appoint a sec
retary of the Banking board at 48,000
Phone Dou. 81
Wa deliver, to all parts ' of Omaha
and, remembef, if it cornea from Bea
ton's, It must be fresh. ' '
Washington Chocolates. - 1 to 5-lb,
boxes, per pound . -80
Johnston Milwaukee Chocolates
per box -30c to 81.20
O'Brien's Bon' Bons and Chocolatea
per pound. .. . .4 .......... .CO
Gloria Chocolates, per pound. . . 80
Johnston's White Cherries, per pkg.
10c to .604$
Maxeppa and 8 wise Chocolates, lb J0
angel Food Chocolatea. Beaton's apo
dal 60c grade, per pound 30 4
Mauler's Cherries . . . COe and JO
Lowney'a Bon Bona and Chocolates
10c to $3.00
tllegrettl Chocolates, per lb...C0i?
Dinning' Fruit Cream Chocolatea
ft and Mb., per pound CO
X6U and XVraam.
$2.50 Imperial Herringbone Stripe 66-incbes, now
$1.75. ' Remarkable value at the price; bright, clean,
crisp and new. Black, brown, taupe, navy ,wlth a tiny
thread of color. A top-notch of dress elegance and
$2.25 Parisian Novelty Serge Strife, 54-lnches,
now $1.50. Drees goods of extreme elegance. New
shades of brown, steel, blue, the "swell" new blue
and green. See them.
$2.00 Ombre Novelty Striped Serge 66-inches,
now $1.25. Out of the ordinary in just a sugges
tion of stripe in the choice new colors.
for Ladies' Tailor Made Waists
10 pieces 50c
10 pieces 65c
a yard.
10 pieces 75c
a yard.
Bargain Square in Basement Monday
Amoskeag Apron Ginghams in blue and white
checks. Regular TMc. Monday In remnants of from
2 V4 to 5 yards at per yard 6c.
Plaid Linens for Shirt Waists
Linen in this sale, a yard ....
Great Bargains in Our Economy Basement
1,500 yards 16o, 20o and S5o India Llnons in Monday's
sale, per yard, 8 Ho.
1,500 yards J Bo, JOo and 35c White Madras In Monday's
sain, per yard, lto.
All Remnants of White Goods on sale In our Economy
Basement during; the February White Sale.
New Indian Head Suitings in
fancy styles absolutely fast and
unshrinkable, at 18c a yard.
New Suiting styles In all linen,
plain or fancies at 40c a yard; 36
Inches wide.
a year, clerk and unlimited - examiners
and assistants.
H. R. 430 Governor 'to appoint a state
beer Inspector.
In addition to the bills mentioned there
Is also a bill giving the governor author.
Ity to appoint six oil inspectors Instead
of five as provided In the present law.
And there are five more days la the
house and seven more In the senate for
the Introduction of bills. But there Is a
provision that If anything has been over
looked the governor may send in a bill
covering the oversight.
Prohibitory Asaeadsseat.
Daring the coming week the temperance
forces will Introduce In the legislature,
probably In the senate, a Joint resolution
for an amendment to the constitution for
state-wide prohibition. The supporters of
county option are not satisfied with the
progress being made on this matter and
have determined to put the more radical
measure before the legislature merely for
the sake of putting the members on record,
for there is no hope of securing a three
fifths vote In Its favor.
The county option bill by Representa
tive Brown of Sherman was placed on gen
eral tile from the standing committee In
the house today without objection.
Edgar Howard Howls.
In the current number of Edgar Howard's
paper, the Columbus Telegram, there is a
dissertation on the manners of the demo
cratic majority In the legislature that Indi
cates the people outside the legislature are
becoming aware of the goings on at the
state house. Qoples have been mailed to
members of the legislature.
In closing up a roast of the members
ot his own party Mr. Howard, In a signed
editorial, refers to the action of the house
In postponing a bill by Kelley of Furnas
county to make an appropriation for an
experimental station In western Nebraska,
which was a part of the democratic plat
form pledge, aa follows:
Perhaps It was right to decide against
locating that promised srliool at the town
of Cambridge, but you killed the bill as a
whole, and thus went on record against
your platform pledges. I hope it la not too
late for the square members of the house
to take other steps to redeem our plcUge
fur an agrtculturai school In the western
part of the state.
For God's sake, gentlemen of the legis
lature. If you have no respect fur your
own platform ptedgi-s. pluase have and
show sympathy for (he common democrats
uf the state who told the people that our
platform pledges would be redeemed.
Te Regulate Meter Cars.
Senator Ollla will Introduce a bill next
week to regulate the gasoline motor cars
now being used on many branch lines in
Nebraska. He will provide that two men
instead of on shall be In the inotorman's
eompirtittent to guard against accidents
and that a smoking compartment shall be
provided aod auarala toilet rooms for the
On of Senator (Mill's Mils this week
relates to the demand for money from per
sons receiving an appointive office. It
makes It a felony for any person In au
thority to take such action and if enforced
would prohibit heads of state Institutions
from ta any manner collecting campaign
contributions or would prevent an agree
mnnt between deputies In aa office and the
principal aa to a distribution of salaries
after the office was salted dowq. The
bill ta drastic In the extreme aa to Its
Insurance Fleet Warms V.
Monde night will mark the opening of
the lnsurancerigh( In the senate, which has
been held off by the chairman of the sea
ate committee, Senator F. W. Bartos of
Saline county, because he has not been
ready to have the hearing begin and be
cause of the press of other business la the
upper bouse. Senator Bartos Is perhaps
not fully aware of the number of Inter
esting aesalona that are ahead of him ea
this matter, but Judging from the tenor of
some of the Interviews be bad already held
-In. A-1S41
and Suits.
White Madras, in this sale 39c
White Madras, in this sale 45c
White Madras, in this sale 69c
New Mercerized Linens In solid
colors, rough weave, like Rajah,
at 35c a yard.
New Himalayas Cloth In solid
colors, beautiful silk finish and
new rough weave, at. 30c per yard.
with Insurance men of the state who have
been seeking for haste In the matter, it Is
certain that when the committee begins Its
work the smoke will ascend.
It Is by fto means certain the committee
will stand by the senator from Saline
county. In fact. It has been Intimated the
committee may be against aome of his
measures. His particular line of bills Is di
rected toward a more thorough outlining of
the rights and duties of mutual companies
and policyholders, and since their Introduc
tion there has been a determined set of mu
tual lobbyists about the lobbies laying a
foundation for what Is to come when' the
hearings begin. A number of these men
have been registered as lobbyists and others
have not.
The meeting of the senate committee has
been postponed probably half a dosen times,
but It Is announced that the first session
will be held Monday night at the Llndell
Committee of the Whole Disposes of
Cats the Cordis Knot,
Many Bills.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. .-(Speclal.)-Though
Monday Is Washington's birthday, the
house followed the lead of the senate this
afternoon and adjourned until 1 o'clock
Monday. The house spent the entire day In
committee of the whole, and recommended
for passage the following bills:
H. R. 217, by Thomas of Douglas To pre
vent pooling In bridge contracts.
H. R. 188, by I.eldlgh-Changlng the atand
faw vlneKap to correspond to the national
H. R. 158. by Scheele of Seward Prohib
iting pooling In municipal contracts.
a F. 138. by Howell Memorialising con
gress to permit the Issue of bonds to the
amount of 1500,000,000 for the Improvement
of waterways.
8. F. IS, by Tanner Giving authority to
the governor to say In what papers pro
posed constitutional amendments shall be
. H. R. 838, by Clark of Richardson-Making
the salary of the secretary of state and
the deputy state superintendent 12,000 a
H. R. 19i, by Raper of Pawnee Giving au
thority to county commissioners to mark
the graves of old soldiers with metal slabs
H. R. 18. by Noyes Prohibiting chil
dren under 18 and Intoxicated persons from
running automobiles.
H. R. U. by Nettleton of Clav-Notes
given for Insurance policies not negotiable
H. R. ?2S. by Grlffen of Rurt Preventing
the throwing of brush in Irrigation ditches
H. R. 8. by Butt of Douglas-Providing
for a majority vote before establishing a
H. R. 83, by Taylor of Custer Providing
for the payment of damages In laying out
S. F BO. by Ransom-Re-creating the of
fice of city comptroller of Omaha.
Former Commissioner of Loor Dies
. at Worcester, Mass., After
lest Illness.
WORCE8TER, Mass.. Feb. .-Carroll V.
Wright, .president of Clarke college and
former commissioner of labor, died tonight,
aged. (9. president -Wright had been a
sufferer from diabetes for more than two
years, but that disease dkJ not give him
serious trobule until after his return from
Washington on December 7. His last public
appearance was at the dinner of the trus
tees of the Carnegie Institute, with which
Institution he had been connected for some
years. He was obliged to take to h bed
four days after his return, but rallied
within a week. Still he did not leave his
room and conducted the administration of
Clark college through his secretary. This
continued for nearly two months, but ten
days ago complications set In aud he was
forced to relinquish all business and since
that time has failed gradually. Ills phy.
slclans for several days have held out no
hope for his recovery and It was realised
that death might be expected almost hourly.
The condition of coma Into which the pa
tient had sunk In the last hours remained
unbroken to the time of his rleath.
Bollalnsr Dating- Back to 1T34 Badly
Damaged at Aununolls
ANNAPOLIS, Md.. Feb. M. A fire broke
out In McDowell hall, the main academy
building of St. .John's college, this after
noon, and despite the efforts of the fire
men of Annapolis the fine building was
soon ablate. '
The Interior of the building was com
pletely destroyed, but the outer walls re
mained Intact. The brigade of midshipmen
rendered material assistance with the Navy
academy apparatus, and two companies of
United States marines were sent to the
scene to preserve order. ,
The blase ' waa confined to McDowell
hall, which was the main tnilldlng, around
which the others clustered, but some dis
tance off. No estimate of the loss can
be obtained. McDowell hall waa one of
the oldest buildings In Annapolis, having
been at one time the main building of Old
William and Mary college. It was built In
1734 of English brick and was of very heavy
One of the things that Is most regretted
Is the loss of the many class shields which
decorated the college chapel, and have been
accumulated since 19.
The fire had gained considerable headway
before It was discovered. . This was due
to the" fact that most of the St. John's
cadets, are :away on leave of absence on
account of , the approach of Washington's
birthday holiday. Just how the fire orig
inated is not known.
Likeness of Washington Removed
from Capitol Grounds to Pro
tect It from Weather.
WASHINGTON, Feb. aa Grcenough's fa-
nous statuo of George Washington hag
been removed from the capltol pUisa to the
basement of the Smithsonian Institute.
Charles D. Walcott,' secretary of the
Institute, spoke about the statue when he
appeared before the house appropriations
coti.mlttee. He described Its recent trans
fer to a place of protection from the fierce
ness of the elements.
'When they came to examine the statue,"
said Mr. Walcott, "they found It cracked
all the way through. It was a very diffi
cult Job to get the statue down there with
out breaking It, but It is there now and
It ia on It base."
Diplomatic and Military Academy
Appropriation Bills Are Passed.
WASHINGTON. Feb. 20. Two more of
the annual supply bills, the diplomatic and
consular and the military academy meas
ures, were passed by the house of renrn.
sentatlvcs today In a comparatively brief
lime. Neither excited much debate nor
were they amended In any Important par
ticular. The rivers and harbors bill also
was passed under suspension of the rules,
after Mr. Kelfer (O.) had Inaugurated a
full-fledged filibuster aaalnat It. In th
expectation of securing an amendment pro
viding ror a survey of the proposed Ohio
and Erie canal. The house also sent the
pension appropriation bill to conference.
following a speech by Mr. Hitchcock
(Neb.) advocating the Imposition of an In.
coma tax. the sundry civil hill, urrvin
an appropriation of 1137,000,000, was called
up and an agreement reached whereby two
hours were to be devoted Monday to general
debatev -
At 5:57 p. m. the house adjourned until
tomorrow at noon, when a special session
will be held for ' the delivery of e"'ogles
on the late Senator Allison of Iowa and
Representatives Latimore of South Carolina
and Wiley of Alabama. The fact that the
house adjourned Instead of recessed dis
posed or last Monday as the continuous
executive day.
Conferees of House and Senate Rec
ommend Reduction.
WASHINGTON, Feb. .-The conferees
of the senate and house on the legislative,
executive and judicial appropriation bl"j
have reached an agreement on the item
relating to the salary of the secretary of
State. To make It Possible for Senator
Knox to accept that office they have agreed
to recommend that the compensation be re
duced from $12,000 to $8,000 a year. They
are still, however. In disagreement on the
senate provision creating the office of
ttnder-secretary of state and adding another
assistant secretary. The house conferees
object to the title of under-secretary on
the ground that it follows too closely the
English style of designation. It Is probable
that the office will be established, but that
the adjective part of the title will be
changed from "under" to "vice."
Indian Appropriation Bill Carrying
Nino Millions Is Passed.
WASHINGTON. Feb. JO. -The Indian ap
propriation bill occupied almost the entire
time of the senate today and waa passed
with appropriations aggregating over M ono
000. Ot this amount $1,600,000 was added to
the bill by senate amendments. The senate
adjourned at 5:18 p. m.
Lnadla' BUI Proposes Country Rest,
denee for President nt West
WASHINGTON. Feb. J0.-The "Country
White Hours" la the designation to be
given a aummer residence and office build
ing for the use of the president of the
United States, proposed In a bill recently
Introduced by Representatve Landls of
Indiana. The bill provides that the pro
posed building shall be erected within the
United Slates military reservation at West
Point, N. T.. and that It shall be con
structed and finished according to plans
prepared under the direction of the secre
tary of war.. The sum of $250,000 Is appro
priated and Is made Immediately available
to carry out the previsions of the bill.
London Women Tnko Novel Method
. of Advertising Meeting; Feb.
ruary S.
' LONDON, Feb. . The suffragettes have
adopted a novel method for advertising
the demonstration they are planning for
February ft. Throughout the day a sombre
looking vehicle, supposed to represent a
police van. In which was a roan In police
man's uniform, waa driven along the main
streets. The wagon was decorated with the
suffragette colors and escorted by a num
ber of women carrying banners announcing
that a deputation would assemble the- 24th
and proceed to the House of Commons la
an effort to see Premier Asqulth.
Preside at Hoonovelt Annonneea Ho
Will Name No More
WASHINGTON. ' Feb. 20. President
Roosevelt today announced that ha will not
make any more appointments during bis
term of of flea,
Jonei Bandit Qti Quick Justice at
Kansas City.
V '
Deelarea Me Would Make It I.onge
If Re rooleW-Weul4.Be Hoo
ker "nys He Mad Ho Con
KANSAS CITT, Feb. $0. Robert B.
Bledsoe of Dallas, Tex., who en Tuesday
last entered the home of Lawrence M.
Jones, a millionaire merchant of thts city,
and attempted to extort $7,000 from him,
waa sentenced te thirty years In the peni
tentiary here today.
Bledsoe entered a plea of guilty to the
chargo of attempted robbery. Judge Ralph
W. Lathshaw of the clrmlnal court, before
whom he was arraigned, said he regretted
that he could not sentence Bledsoe to a
longer term. The Judge said the near
crime was the moat diabolical one he had
ever heard of.
In answer to a question of the court
Bledsoe maintained that he had no confed
erates, nor did he have any Intention of
exploding the bomb. He merely used It,
he said, to Intimidate the millionaire. Mr.
Jones, however, told the court that after
he had captured Bledsoe the man kept
crying, "Why didn't the thing go offT"
Ask about United Wireless Telegraph
stock. 8. 8. Switaer, 830 Paxton block.
(Continued from First Page.)
ner, Blaine. Buffalo, Chase, Cheyenne, Cus
ter, Dakota, Dawes, Deuel, Dixon, Dundy.
Furnas, Garfield, Gosper, Grant, Greeley,
Hayes, Hitchcock, Holt. Hooker, Kearney,
Kimball, Logan, Loup, Madison, McPher
son. Perkins. Phelns. Pierce. Platte. Rock,
Sarpy, Scott's Bluff, Sheridan. Sioux. Stan
ton, Thomas, Valley, Wayne and Wheeler.
The list of delinquent counties is almost
Identical for both of the leading parties,
but what significance this fact may have
Is hard to fathom. From Keith, Keya Paha
and Pawnee counties, left blank in tna
table below, no word has been - received
one way or the other.
Prohibition treasurers Jiave filed reports
called for by the law lnNmt two counties.
In Red Willow county the prohibition treas
urer' admits an expense of $18.21, and In
Saline county the report filed on behalf
of this party shows an expenditure of $30.
The anti-saloon group, the county option
group and other bunches of "two or more"
political pltchforkers, are clearly concerned
with obedience to the Nebraska law against
corrupt practices. Tet In no Instance, ap
parently, have they rendered an account.
thrnus-h their treasurers, of the money
collected, received and disbursed during the
primary campaign or during the following
contest for the state offices and the legis
lature. These groups were certainly very
alert and continually busy during both the
primary and the general campaigns. They
have also been . claiming a large measure
of ctedlt for the results. The fake Thomas
letter against Governor Sheldon and the
alleged forgery committed on the near-like
stationery of the Lincoln Civic federation
cost money for printing and postage, but
r.either the Douglas county reformer nor
the Lincoln democratic masquerader paid
this money out of their own pockets. And
the most active of the Lancaster county
option advocates who claimed credit for
electing a spilt ticket In. that county com
mitted to local option has admitted In
nrint that money was raised among a few
perple and spent lwhere it would do the
Tko Returns In Detail.
Following Is a complete list of the coun
ties of the state, with the amounte re
nin rend, aa received and expended by the
treasurers, who have reported according to
law for the republican and democratic
Adams 1.61
Antelope "
Banner '
.1.1....... ... ...... ...
iJTn- J44.W 107.71
Box Butte -(
Browit-;:-":"".. .
Buffalo euBw
Hurt 4f.M
Butler . a05
guuer 444 87 l37 w
J!. 175.J5 L
SU-tli an .
rLTr-Z moo ioo.uo
? ' 2Xs.6 24s. 4a
Cuming" l3-
rv.nn 241.71 SAM
Tv.r: : .02.57 446.40
Douglas ,0U tSS.ol
tPinmaa 865.75 267.50
Frontier ; zbfl
rLJl "'' 1.0-.1.75 141.00
Gosper .
JGreeley ."' fl.-V
unln-" state uo-ao
Hayes "
.UAAU&M ...... ... ' 1 w
iwrA 830.24 100
Jefferson ".00
Johnson XS3.14
Kearney ......
Keya Paha
Kimball v
Lincoln 0 26J.0J
Madison ...v....v.. ......
. . r . . , t . u p. f- n ...... ......
u..r. t14 188.W
Ninaha 16t lse W
fMr 4BS i $a.j7
Pawnee .......
Polk $61.40
Red Willow ff-
sTne v.'.v.v.v.'.v.'.v.v.:::::: wi:r .$?
BauTders'".'.'.'.'.'.:::'.".:::.':::: i.o $'$
BOOtfS Bluff
Seward -
Sheridan ..t.. ......
Sherman 1S6.M WOO
Hloux t" -
Stanton !
Thayer $2
Tyumen '"""Z'".'.'". ' 'iaoi
Washington 7a
Webster 170.0 141.S
Totala $v.499 fU.SIB
Denotes no report filed. "Denotes a
fusion report.
Challenge for Tom Connors.
TURNER. Ia., Feb. . Sporting Editor
Bee, Omeha. Neb.: I see by your paper
that Tom Connors, tbe English wrestler,
1a in your town looking fur mstches. and
as I wrestle some myself and have nevar
had a chance in your rlty. would like to
Issue a challenge te Coeutora. match to
be catch-as-eatrh-ean style, to a finish, for
a aide bet and SO snd 40 per rent of gate
money. Match te take place any time In th
near future. Hoping to get a favorable
eply, I am. yours reopect fully. .
Senate Amends Mensnre nnd Honse
Refuses to Conene la Ike
flERJRK. 8. D.. rh. n iRnvi,! Tl.
gram.)-The anti-treat bill appears to have
"mo neep water. The aenat amended
It to apply to sales bv the ! snd the
house refused to stand for It. The confer
ence report on the bill was today rejected
and the fate of the bill Is In doubt.
The senate Is pushing the congressional
apportionment hill, which nlaroa Knih
congressmen from the state In the same
district, which Is the principal object of
tne promoters or the bill. A favorable com
mittee report waa ariontpd nn ti
this afternoon, which will bring It up for
action in tne senate Monday.
In the senate today house hills carrying
a number ef small appropriations for print
ing and deficiencies were passed, and the
house bill msklna nea-lect of nfflriai
cause for removal from office.
For the first time In the history of the
state a new Judicial circuit has hn
ated without a contest. This Is the now
tentn circuit, which has been formed of
the counties In the northern half of ih.
Sixth district This leaves Judge Bourcher
living outside or the district for which he
was elected, and he win move to this city
to be centrally located for his circuit aa It
The house devoted the av'tn Irn nn
senate bills, the principal one passed being
wiy me provisions of the Cary Irriga
tion act to this state, which la exnerted tn
put such projects under way In the north-
TA.t mJt ...... . .. ...
-un ouuinwesi portions or the state.
W. J. Bryan Rnya If Demoerney Wnata
Him to Run Aaxaln Me
Can't Refuse.
DENVER. Feb. .-"E very body who
knows anything or who has any sense at
all knows how I stand In the matt.,- nf
being a candidate for the presidency a
lourm nme, saia William J. Bryan to
day when asked If he would again be, a
"I have made myself clear on this subject
time and again." he continued, "and If
the people haven't sense enough to under
stand It, why, what's the use of explaining
It all over again V
"1 am not an out-and-out csndidat hu
If the people of this country, if my own
party, snonid demand that I make the race
again, standing for mv well known nrinni
pies and Ideas, why, I do not very well
see now i could refuse.
"Still, four years Is a lnn ilm.
meanwhile I have other Important work
to ao.
Mr. Bryan will address th. m.K... ,
the Colorado legislature In the assembly
cnam per Tonight.
Senator Cnrtev Will Urge ilonsnre to
Establiak Government Sav.
Ings Bunks.
WASHINGTON, Feb. 30,-The postal sav
Inga bank bill, after having been opposed
for many weeks, although It has been the
unfinished business or the senate, may yet
be passed at the present session.
The unexpected progress which was made
with the appropriation bills yesterday, it
is said, will give Senator Carter an oppor
tunity te again press the postal savings
bank measure, and It Is thought with a
number of amendments It can be put In
sr&pe where It would be acceptable to the
In the abort time that remains ot the
rresent session It Is not thought possible
to get the bill toward tbe house, but It Is
argued that passage by the senate would
bo an Important step toward redeeming
the promise made by the republican na
tional committee to enact the legislation.
Cnlek Powers Presents Monster Peti
tion for Pnrdon of Tkree Al
leged Aeeouanllces.
LOUISVILLE, Ky., Feb, 30. Kentucky's
moot vexatious political and penal problem
has emerged again with a petition pre'
sented to Governor Wlllson yesterday by
Caleb Powers for the pardoning of for
mer Governor W. S. Taylor for
mer Secretary of State Charles Flnley and
John L. Powers. The paper was signed
by 11.000 cltlsens of Kentucky regardless of
party and tbe governor replied that he
would consider the matter In Its turn.
Powers, who is a former secretary of
Kentucky, waa,' with Jim Howard, freed
by Governor Wlllson's pardon some months
ago. The three men for whom Powers
seeks pardons were charged aa accessories,
all having fled to Indiana, where extradi
tion has been refused.
Bodies Found In Ruins of Flnnn
Hotel nt Tower, Mlra
Ismn. TOWER, Mich., Feb. 20. Duff ey La
France and Peter Kno were burned to
death early today In a fire which destroyed
the Hotel Finan here, a two-story frame
building. La France was tne hotel bar
tender. Eno lived at Cheboygan. The
bodies of the two men were found la the
ruins of the bar room, where they were
spending the night after returning to ths
hotel at a late hour. It waa apparent that
the fire had started la the bar room, but
how tt began is not known. The hotel was
almost entirely destroyed within a quar
ter of an hour, but all the other occupants
A beer just muted to quaff at home
a night-cap for the sociable evening
a refreshing draught for the late
supper a delightful glass to sip under
the evening lamp. Stars and Stripes
is a foaming, sparkling beverage for
the keen palate for th connoUsieur.
H2T8 a cisi ta y;:r toes.
Willow Springs Browing Co.
Offl, 140T Same?
rkone Ooaf . laoa.
King: of Spain Deterred by Pleat of
Queen and Premier.
Royal Party Watrkea Performaneea of
WrtM Brothers' Aeroplane nnd
Kins; Kvlnces J rent Interest
la Maeklne'a War Value.
rAU, France. Feb. . King Alfonso of
Spain was present at the flying near Pau
today and witnessed the flights of the
Wright brothers, the AmerWan acre-pianists.
It had been generally believed that his
majesty would venture aloft on one of
the trips, but he did not do so, and It
became known that before leaving Madrid
he had promised Queen Victoria and Pre
mier Maura that he would not go up Into
the air under any circumstances. His ma
jesty evinced the greatest Interest tn the
aeroplane as an engine of war and deplored
the fact that he could not make a trial
Hart O. Bt-rg, the European bueli.e s man.
ager ot the Wrights, had an Interview with
the king last night, at which the arrange
ment for his majesty to witness the flights
of today were completed. After taking
heed of his promise not to fly ho laugh
ingly recalled the cabinet crista produced
several years ago when Premier Maura re
signed because the king had not heeded
his warning to run his automobile slower
through the streets of Madrid.
Continuing, he said he -was a soldier
above everything else and that he had
come to Pau to witness the flights so. that
he might be able to discuss the question of
aeroplanes with the army council at Mad
rid and confirm-the opinion previously
formed that the aeroplane, when developed,
was destined to become one of the greatest
Implements In war. He said It was his
fervent wish to be the first sovereign to
fly, but he had given his solemn promise
before he left home not to be led Into
making an ascent. Mr. Berg explained the
indescribable delight of gliding over tho
cushioned air, but the king smiled and
said: "Yes, I know, but 1 have given my
word." '
His majesty was very much Inteivsted In
hearing a recital of the success ot the
Wrights; how they became Interested In
avltatlon, their long struggles and their
final success and the complete mastery of
their machine. He then discussed the
eventual use of the aeroplane in war. He
questioned the suitability of the aeroilune
in general offensive operations on luml,
but said he thought it Invaluable for land
scouting and seacoast dufenac, where It
could be used offensively with success.
- The king manifested also much Interest
In the new gun silencer Invented by Hiram
Maxim, and he arranged to have a sample
silencer sent to ' Madrid, where he will
consider equipping the Spanish army rifles
with the Instrument.
(Continued from First Page.)
(Continued from First Page.)
They went tor a drive around the city and
returned to find theiloors still closed, but -the
clergyman arrived in a few minutes and
read the marriage service. When the lima
came for aignlng the register, however, that
volume -could not be found. -' The senior'
minister, who officiated, came to the con
clusion that it must be In the' church satu'
and declared that his Junior, who lived a
couple of mllea away, bad the key. A mes
senger waa dispatched to his house and
meanwhile the wedding party waited fum
ing, for all marriage ceremoniea to be legal
In Ireland must be completed before I
p. m. Tbe messenger came back with the
key, but when the safe was opened the
book waa not there. Then It occurred to
some one to send for the sexton, but that
official waa at work mllea away and could
not be reached. In despair, the sexton's
wife was sent for She arrived, panting,
and announced that the book waa on a
shelf In the vestry. The ceremony was
completed at two minutes to I o'clock.
Misaoart Official Recommends Amend
ments to Mnke Statutes
More strict. .
JKFFBR80N CITY, Mo., Feb. 20.-Sweep-lng
changea In the Insurance laws of Mis
souri are recommended tn a report which
Superintendent Vandtver sent to the legis
lature today. ' He suggests an adequate
rating law for fraternal companies, stricter
regulations of mutual fire Insurance com
panies, the requiring. of foreign life com
panlea to depslt state and municipal bonds
of Missouri as guarantee, making It a crim
inal offense!, for a life Insurance company
to take premium notes and discount them
before policies are delivered.
Lid Boosters After ekerl.
GREEN RIVER. Wyo., Feb. 20-(Speclal.)
Resident of the eastern part uf Sweat
water county to a considerable number
have signed a petition requesting the v.
moial ot Sheriff Matt McCourt for ulleged
neglect of duty. It la charged that gamb
ling has been openly carrier on In eastern
Sweetwater county for some time, that the
sheriff was fn full possession of knowl
edge to this effect and that he refrained
from taking any action.
The Glide automobile built by the Bar
thalomew Co. at Peoria, 111., waa eonsld
ered mechanically the most correct, the
strongest and simplest of all which 'was on
exhibit at the great show at Chicago.
Trading Stamps
LM ta Stampo (1
tivea with oauto two
"sen case uf ameUl
buulea, do- m
livered In 51 H
the eltjr for.., !
93Jm In Stamps (IS)
given with each two
wvuwt no
iivr4 In
too city i
"vt ex town eon.
tomnm adn ILII tat
one a4 botUen.
Brewery, S4 aal XUkary.
Vkeme Don, lass.