n THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEHKUAK 21, lixrj. HEARING BEFORE ADVANCES V Let Shippers Speak Prior to Baising Bailioad Rates. SUCH IS TRAFFIC LEAGUE'S WISH MeVsna aays tt laalsts Glvlaar (ommlHloa Right to 1114 OS Srkedalea ITatll shippers Art Heard. "It li highly Improbable that any amend ment will be made to the Interatate Com merce law. auch as hi been discussed by the National Industrial Traffio league, but the three principal amendment will be taken up at the nrxt aesslon without doubt," aald K. J. McVann, who ha re turned from meeting of the traffio league m Pittsburg and Washington, where he went In the Interest of the amendments. "The league' position I unchanged. It favor the three proposed change, giving the Interstate Commerce commission the right to stay the putting Into effeo of ad vance In railroad rate until a hearing can be had and the shippers heard on the proposed advance. Another amendment propose to give the shippers the right to route shipment, something the shipper bave believed they had a right to do for number of year. To make the railroad responsible for erroneous quotation of rate and require them to Insert the rate , In the bill of lading, la the other amend ment" Mr. MoVann said the uniform bill of lading was perhaps the moat Important subject discussed, even overshadowing the amendment. For several year the ship pers and bankers have been trying to get a form of bill of lading which would be mutually satisfactory, but effort o far have been In vain, or practically without result. Hankers Bill Eadoraea. Now the National Industrial Traffio league, representing thousands of ship pers, ha endorsed the bill of lading drawn by the American Danker' association and which It desires to make a form prescribed by statute. It Is known as an "order" bill of lading and is one the bankers can handle. The fact that the shipper are go ing behind the bankers' bill with such a force a the traffio league, gives promise that It will be adopted, probably the bill passed, which will make It the universal form in this country. .'At present the eastern and western roads are using a form of bill of lading pre scribed by the Interstate Commerce com mission. The southern lines did not adopt the bill of lading as recommended by the commission, but took from It all the con cessions of the carrier and left In the con cessions made by shippers. Accordingly, the bill recommended by the Interstats Commerce commission Is not satisfactory. The traffic league recommended that lta Committees take It up first with the car tier to see If an adjustment could not be made, and If not, the shippers will go to the Interstate Commerce commission, which said when the bill was recommended that It would listen to criticism and hold a hearing on the bill of lading subject at any time. . Mr. McVann has been chairman of the "bill of lading committee of the National Industrial Traffio league for some Urns, and also a member of the legislative com mittee. With President J. C. Lincoln he Went to Washington In the interest of the amendments, but soon saw that there Would be nothing doing at the present ses sion and decided to "conserve their- re urce" for" the next session. ' - . i HITCHCOCK , WILL FIND OUT When lie Comes Up for Eleetloa, Mayor Bays, "Wo Will Show Him." "When we declared that 'home rule' meant an appointive fire and police board we did notiknow what stand The Bee would take on the question, neither did we care," aid Mayor Dahlman upon hi return from Lincoln, where he appeared before the bouse committee on cities and town In the Interest of an appointive board. . "Whether Congressman Hitchcock 1 cognisant Of the Stand being taken by hi paper or not I 3o not know, but anyway he la responsible, and h will find this out when he come up for re-election. For my part I am for on appointive board, and I will not switch for anyone, and I think we will win out. Anyway, I will die fighting." ELMER CALLS IT ' RESIGNING Thoaaaa, Wk Dfinre4 acla'aa a Aatl-Salooa Statloaary, la Oat at One. Elmer E. Thomas Is no longer attorney for or president of the local Anti-Saloon league. He says he resigned. Also It Is said the league has ordered a new supply of tin ware. Thomas, It will be recalled, wrote a letter on Anti-Saloon league stationery last campaign denouncing Governor Sheldon and sent the letter broadcast over the state. Naturally enough the Impression went abroad that since th letter was written on Anti-Saloon league stationery the letter represented the league and Its attitude to ward the governor. This was the Impres sion the letter was Intended to create. But the assertion was made freely, and not denied, that Thomas' action was In the Interest of the brewers, who were fighting Sheldon and supporting Bh alien -berger. But scarcely had the letter been shown up In Th Bea than an officer of th Antl Saloon league at Its state political head quarter In Lincoln, called up The Bee by long distance telephone and denounced the action of Thomas, declaring It did not represent the league, was not sanctioned by the league and In fact was taken sur reptitiously so far as the league was con cerned. Th next day a prominent Omaha min ister of Omaha said: "Thomas will not b with the Anti Saloon league when the next election is held. He'll have to pay 'or this treachery." Th league has held Its annual election and, sure enough, Thomas is "not with the league." Thomas ay he "resigned. "The league vindicated itself," a member put It. Rev. B. F. Fellman succeeds Thomas aa president. arrant Problem A vat a. "Did you hear that Mr. Bklddao caught her husband flirting with that pretty cook he engaged a month agoT" "Is It possible!" "It Is, Indeed. She was terribly upset by It." "I should Imagine she would be. Did he send th cook awayt" "Why, no. She ha cent her husband away.' -Judge. OMAHA WANTS CL1DDEN TOUR Commercial and Auto Clubi Will Make United Effort. STEONQ HOPES OF GAINING OBJECT Ak-ar-Bea Will Bo Asked to Provide Special Night at the Dea If the Tear Cornea This Way. The Omaha Commercial club and the Omaha Automobile club will make a united effort to Induce the manager of th Olldden tour to have the race pas through Omaha. Although no definite announce ment ha been made of the route of the car, It I thought th run will be mad to Denver because of the Inducements that city Is holding out to have Denver made the turning point of the trip. As the race la to be msde In July, Ak-Bar-Ben will be asked to take a hand In the arrangement and to give a special night at the Den for those on the tour. A the tour I mors of an endurance and perfect performance race, th drivers will not travel at night, and Omaha will bave a chance to offer a splendid entertainment. The Interest some of the other cities are taking In the race la shown by th way Minneapolis stormed the committee of ar rangement to Induce the managers to bave the tour scheduled through Minneapolis. A committee of 100 of the leading cltlsen of Minneapolis called upon the tour committee In Chicago last week. All these did not make the Journey especially for that pur pose, a they happened to be In Chicago to attend the automobile show, but their work wii laid to be Just a effective. If Minneapolis get the tour Omaha will b right In line, a the tour eould then be run rom Minneapolis te Omaha and thence to Denver and return via Kansas City. Lee McShane, secretary of the Omaha Automobile club, has been quit active In his effort to have Omaha put on the route of the race and ha high hope of success. The director of th Omaha Autotnobll club will meet at th Commercial club room Monday noon to formulate plan to try to get the tour. Mr. MoShane ha written Frank B. Hower, member of th executive commit tee of the American Automobile assocls tlon and manager of the tour setting forth the advantage of passing through Omaha, which I In the center of the greatest auto mobile section of the country because of the large number of machinea which are being bought by farmers. He offered on the part of Omaha to furnish competent guldea who know the best road from Mln neapolls to Omaha and also from Omaha to Denver. NELLIE PECK IS LOCATED Raaavray Mlssoarl Girl I Beekln Rest oa Her Way to California. Mies Nellie a. Peck, daughter of State Senator J. W. Peck of Westboro. Mo., has written to her parents, calmly announctn that ah "ha been resting and aleepln and living like a hermit" and I now on the way to California. Senator Peck received a telegram from hi home Saturday morning, stating that letter to him from his daughter, dated February 17 and postmarked Lincoln, Feb ruary 13, 10:80 a. m., had been forwarded to hi horns at Wetboro from Jefferson City. In it Nellie Peck said sh was on the way to California, Another letter from the missing young woman to her mother has been forwarded to Senator Peck and received by him. It the girl says that she has been following out her mother's oft repeated remarks about rest and quiet being good thing for people. ' "I am sure th girl Is all right," said th father Saturday morning, as he heaved sigh of relief and told Captain Savage of th local detective department about the letter and telegram received. "I'm going horn tonight and let my daughter tak the trip she ha planned and started on." CAUGHT BY LAW HE ENFORCED Pennsylvania Sabbath Observance Worker Fined for Gathering; Evidence on Sunday. PITTSBURG. Feb. H.-John O. Ward, an official of the Sabbath Observance asso ciation of TJnlontown, Pa., was found guilty of working on Sunday and fined $4 and coats today. Ward gathers evldenoe for the organisation. He will appeal. About Music, Musicians and Musical Events fct mum T.nn.M nnmViB, , Iwl Sort oner's magaslns there ap III peared a splendid article on LJ "The Use of English In Bing- lng," by Francis Roger, the well known baritone, an article which should be read by every student and all thinking teachers of singing. Mr. Rogers gave a thoroughly interesting song recital at the Lyric theater when' It was first opened and he Is remembered by many local musio devotee. In this article Mr. Rogers offers for con sideration a number of salient points. For example, he says: "Fine settings of Eng lish texts are deplorably hard to find, and their scarcity Is often attributed to alleged lacks In our language. We are told that It Is unmel odious, 111 adapted to musical uses and unsingable. Against this too generally accepted explanation I . wish . to . protest most emphatically. We have a poetlo liter ature of marvelous richness. Only the Ger mans can lay claim to a lytic wealth as great as ours. The language we Inherit is an extraordinarily rich one. A German au thority credit It with a vocabulary three times as large a that of its nearest com petitor, German, and ten times as large as that of French, the poorest, in number of words, of all the great languages." As to Its vocabulary, the trouble per haps. Is, Mr. Rogers, that the English speaking people, especially on this side of the Atlantic, do not use as much of their language In proportion, as do the Germans or the French, especially the former. Ask a German how to translate an English Idiom; he replies to you by giving a Ger man form of the sentence, and just as you have mastered It, to a degree, be says: "Or, you oould say It thl way." Tou try again, and to your despair be Imme diately finds another way which would be perhaps "less stilted." A German asked an American the other day, "How would you say 'Please, stop that,' in another CORRECT FOOTWEAR AX ONE-HALF PRICE Wo have purchased 6,000 pairs of ladies' high grade footwear, la the very latest styles, which we will place on sale Monday, gr a v Including $5.00 and 14.00 shoes, none under 3.60 Th M Nil values, all styles, leathers and widths, at one price. . . . V OPEN 10 P. M. SATURDAY 6th Floor Paxfon Blk. SAMPLESHOEMAN Cor. 16th ALEXANDER and OMAHA Farnam mi National Spring Oponing . OF ; ' KNOX HATS Monday from coast to coast, Spring shapes in Knox Hats will bo submitted for the approval of the public. A Porfect Hat Value Peace Bros. Company 1417 Fornam Gtreet J formT" and the answer was: "Cut it out!" Wo are terribly addicted to th "direct" method; the present rule seems to be that va should get to the point of expression aloi g the lines of the least resistance, and the result is a woeful vocabulary of slang which ha gradually floated from the street Into our business, and, in some oases, social life. The latest to bombard the writer's ear was "come across." This means "band over," "pay up," or word to that effect. (No, gentle reader, it wa not a bill col lector who aald It It was a friend who ws telling how he made someone "come across." It was also used, methlnks, by Mr, William H. Crane, the eminent comed ian, in his play "Father and the Boys." This new phrase doubtless Indicates the retirement of "dig up" and "band over." Another blow from Mr. Roger's trusty weapon bring this: "Again, it is asserted that th sound of English la unmelodious because of Ha many consonants, but w are no richer In consonant than th Ger mans, and German Is accepted as a suitable veMcl for song. Furthermore, a richness and variety In consonant sound adds to the vocal expressiveness of a language, a th beat German singer have amply proved." Here, again Mr. Rogers Is eminently cor rect, with respect not only to the allega tion, but also to the defence. It is too often asserted that the Italian language, for example, Is so superior to th English because of the consonants In the latter, but for that same reason, as Mr. Roge-a spy elsewhere, "It 1 the most limited In Its rang." Whoever hear nowaday of Italian songs In any number to be compared with the great German ZJederT We have some rare gems, some exquisite examples of the old Italian songs, but a recital .of even those might prove monotonous. Tt songs of Schumann, Schubert, and th persistently neglected but nevertheless radtant Robert Frans, are the pearls for which our artist of the recital are diving. Brahms, Wolf, Reger, Grieg, Strauss are great, but they will not eclip the first mentioned. The English language Is as singable as th German, and all lovers of good singing and good songs find abiding Joy In th German Ued. The pith of the matter, the vital osnter of the whole question, is to be found In th following, line which should be laid to heart and whloh will be, by th discerning few. Mr. Roger says:' "If our singer would devote to the study of their own language one-half of the time which they give to th study of foreign tongues, their hearers would all be justifiably proud of the mere sound of English. American sing ers feel that because they have always spoken English, they need not study Its theoretic side at ail, and may safely tak for granted their own ability te us It suffi ciently well. The French, who are Justly famed for th perfection of their dlotlon In singing, take nothing for granted, except that their language is a beautiful one to llstent tot and consequently, they submit themselves to a long, rigorous and intelli gent study of th whole ubjecfc" The same Is also true of German In Just as marked a degree, although Mr. Rogers thinks. In a less degree. But if one has ever really studied a German song with a really fine teacher (and you don't have to go outside Omaha to get one of the finest) be will remember th Infinite pain and endless patience which th true German scholar takes, to Impress the exact pro nunciation of each syllable upon the aerl oua student Good German scholars have often com plained to the present writer about the care- leas German pronunciation of some of th beat known concert singers on our Amsri can recital platform today, and the musical editor of The Bea has heard singers with national reputations sing German songs in Omaha, with a pronunciation which b has nsver beard used by Germans. The actual fact la, Mr. Rogers' Insinua tion that Americans feel no need for study ing th English language in singing, is based on positive faot When one undertakes the study of a song in foreign languag ho must get down to th study of th const motion of each word. In the English language th same tudy will give the same result, and word will be vitalised and revivified and made te glow with a new meaning, which pre viously had meant only a combination of letters. The time Is coming when th Ilttl leaven which la now working will permeate the mas of English alngtng and It I well for student te tak the bint from Mr. Rogers, end to begin at one to prepare for th day of competition, when those who really sing and speak th English language will be chosen, and those who garble or smother It will be relegated to the background, and when even a good voice will not atone for careless or un meaning pronunciation. "Sing as you speak," says one. Yes, but what If you don't speak correctly? Mr. W. H. Neidlinger was greeted by large audience on th occasion of his lec ture recital on Thursday evening, when he gave a program of his own song a While Mr. Neidlinger I not one of the great American composers, he Is certainly most popular one. HI songs are known to all singing student and teacher. Mr, Neidlinger la also popular with th school teachers, some of whom bave spoken to the writer In high prats of Mr. Neld linger' work along the line of public school musio In children's songs. Mr. Neldllnger's suggestion to the "Ad Club" last week was a good one, wherein he advised th exploitation of Music, Art and Education a well as business or com merclal Interests. Orqaha has enough ma terial here In the way of first-class musical Instruction and education to attract at tention In the surrounding country. A commercial sympathy with artletla progress would be helpful. & Judging by the program whloh has been published, Mr. David Blspham baa mad a serious effort to please the popular fancy of his audience, as he has given promise that he will present at his Omaha recital many of those things which are distinctly his by characteristic right. The genial singer Is always a welcome guest In Omaha and on Thursday night he will find the latch string out and an audience assembled at the Lyric theater to do bin honor. He will sing the old favorite, "Oh, Ruddier Than a Cherry," and "Edward" In his first group, In addition to an aria by Purcell, another ballad, "The Wedding," by Loewe, and the "Clown's Song," by Bchurmana, In another group be will sing that lovely song of Max Helniich's entitled, "Who Knows?" as well as "Th Pauper's Drive," by Sidney Homer, "Boat Bong," by Harriet Ware, and "Ho, Jolly Jenkln," by Edgar Allen Poo, in form of dramatlq recitation, with muatoal accompaniment by Arthur Bergh. Mr. Blspham will be assisted by Miss Barbae, who will alng some good songs, the aria "Farewell Te Hills," (Tsohalkowsky) and with Mr.. Blspham some duets. Mr. Harold Smith accom Owtng to the smount of space consumed by the printing of programs In thie column and the great demand for space for other purposes. The Bee has lasued Instructions to Its musio department that hereafter no programs will be printed in program form under the bead of music. THOMAS J. KELLY, Masleal Nates. At 4 o'clock today Mr. Martin Bush, or ganist of First Congregational church, will give his second recital of the season. He win te assisted by Mr. Fred G. Ellis. Mr, Push will play the St. Anne's fugue of Hsrn; a Meditation and Toccata by D'Evry; Morning. Orleg; Wedding Music, Jensen: Minuet and Trio, Wolstenhomme; Impromptu, Pethler; Intermesso. Lemare: The Curfew, Horsman: and March Plttor esque, Kroeger. Mr, Ellis will sing Lord God of Abraham- The Elijah) Mendel ssohn; and God My Father (Seven Last wurasi, jjUDOis. In view of the coming recital of Mr. iienn Hall, the Amnriran t?nor, the fol lowing extract from the Cincinnati En quirer or December 8. W will be of merest: Mr. Hall Is a dellshtful and manly singer. His voice la full of color and vlhrant In lta dramatic Intensity. But he Is above all very artistic In his endeav ors and while ready to please his audiences cares only to do so in a legitimate manner. His first number Immediately established his success." We have also received ex. jeueni reports rrom other points on Mr. Mr. Hall'a nresent tour mnA miwh an ticipated from the Interesting program se lected for Omaha. Th musical department of the Woman' ciuo win meet Thursday afternoon. Febr uary , at 1:16 p. m., at the First Congre gational church, when an nnera nriurim arranged by Mis Marlon Ward, will he siven. rnose nartlclnatlng will be: Mr. J. . iana-iey, Mr. Fdlth Wagoner. Mrs. O. W. Nobis, Mrs. Helen Reynolds Powell, Misses F1ole Wood. Marlon Ward. Haael "nun. mancne norenson, Ruth Oanaon, Harriet Berker, Essie Aaron and Mr. Ben Stanley. A proa-ram of mora than passing rot Ire waa that riven at the Woman's i,,h Mon day, before a lars and appreciative audi ence, by the musle deosrtment. It was a llno recital aiven bv Mrs. Edith L. Wagoner, assisted bv Miss Blsnrhe floren. son, messo soprano, and Mies Marlon Ward. ."Minni. nrs. wagoner arousad much enthusiasm with her ar-tla. ?nLwa" "ever heard to better advantage In this dtv. where aha la nrnmluii - of the leading pianists. Miss Siren ion waa heard to excellent advantage In her group of sonra The acromnanlmenta were plsyed by Miss Marlon Warl In h. .,.,.. artnDethetla manner. Doa'i Make a Mistake RAMGE OLD The Austro-American Doctors 421 A wr Pnf mnnn1.i T -,1 A - v v l lAlCAAlVtlity aWUi;uiUU IAI jM,t oppclt. the Orpheum The.t.r This institution is not similar to nor connected with any other in Omaha The Austro-American treatment is entirely different from any other system of medical healing. The remarkable success of the Austro-American Doctors in the cure of Epilepsy, Gall Stones, Rheumatism. Disease of the Liver. Kidneys, Stomach, Blood and all chronic and nervous diseases of men and women, haa caused several institutions to claim to give similar treatment. DO HOT BE DECEIVED tRh0emAeadre,r. 428 RAMGE BLDG. J,8, No fee is asked until the patient is cured MRS. EARLYWIHE WRITES Lady -at Woodbine, Is., Thanks The Austro-American Doctors lor . . Helping Her. SUFFERED FOR SO YEARS. Woodbine, Iowa, R. F. D. No. 5. . Feb. II. 1909. Theodore Mllen. M. 428 Ramie Building, Omaha, Neb, Dear Doctor: I have been taking the Austro-Amertoan treatment for two montha, and hay mad such wonderful Improvement that I feei that I should write you a to my oonditlon and tell you how grateful I am to you. I realise I am on the way for a complete cure, and can aay, truthfully, that you have done me more rood In two months than all th other doctor I ever doctored with, and that 1 a great many. We have spent hundred of dollar for doctor bill and all kinds of patent medicine, of which I got only temporary relief. I have been afflicted wHh stomach trouble linos October, 1&32. I began to have cramps In my stomach. I never went two weeks at a time but what I had two or three spells a day, sometimes they only lasted a few minutes, and other times all day or all might. I had these spells for five years, when I began to have gall atones, from whloh I suffered untold agony. I had a constant pain In my right side. I would have such severe attacks that I would have to call the doctor and I would be so bad that I eould hardly move In bed. The doctors told m they oould curs my stomach, but could do noth ing for my gall stones. Last April I had a bad attack, from which I grw worse all the time. In that time I had treated with three doctor, and grew worse all the time. I got so weak and nervous that I was in a constant Jerk when I would lay down at night I oould hardly sleep when I did go to bed, and when I did. I had such terrible dreams, as though I was falling. In the daytime It seemed like something was going to fall all the time. . I would catch at my dishes, thinking they were failing, and knocked them over and broke a number of them. I suffered such awful riln In my head and aeok, that sometimes thought I would lose my mind. My mem ory was very poor. I could not eat any thing, and If I did, I suffered untold sgony. My stomach was awfully sore, in fact, I was sore all over. I could hardly lay my head on a pillow. It seemed as though a rock could not havs fait any harder than the pillow would to my bead. My abdomen waa bloated to twice km nat ural slse, and seemed almost paralysed. My heart bothered m terribly. My left sAoulder waa so lame I oould hardly raise It up. I waa not able to do anything when I went to see the Auatro-Amerloan Dootora, and now I cook and work for seven men, and eat and sleep well. In fact, I feel like new woman. I thank Ood (or sending me to the Austro-American Twmtora. know aom will aay they ar fakes, but let some one who wishes to know about them, write to me, and I will only be too glad to tell wh&t they have don for roe. I would ay to one and all, who ar In need of medical treatment, don t put It off, but go to Dr. Theodor Mllen and let him tel! you your trouble, a he told me mine. In a way that I have never been told before Ha told roe that my trouble was a rundowi condition of the kidney and nerves, e4 that this waa the real causa of all my trouble. I would to Uod I knew what to) say that It might benefit others. I will gladly answer any one doubting this states ment I am singing praises of the Austro American Doctors wherever I go. Hoping you will publish this letter for the) benefit of others, and with kindest regards, I remain, your grateful patient, MRS. MAOOIK EARLTWIN& t!!S r 17 -ey DR. THEODORE MI LEX. Dr. Milen has charge of the Omaha branch of the Austro-American Doctors. He is an expert diagnostician of thirty years' experience in chronic diseases. Asks no questions of patients in making his diagnosis. Sees all patients personally and outlines their treatment. Frankly tells those who are inourable that nothing can be done for them. SEES) EHC3 flSl iEBiil viamona gos'e WW A strictly new variety. None like it. It Is the Earliest and Best Big White Corn In the World Because It was bred for most Big Bushel not fancy how point; because grown from thoroughbred inherited stock: every stalk bears one or more good ears, because scientifically handled, thoroughly dried and ?roperly oured and had th mot rigid examination. Big Seed Catalogue FREE It alls about all beat farm, grass, garden and flower seeds grown. Write for It today. aaaress, jtaxAKisra ms ggrjii, nnsnandeah, Iowa, SHERMAN'S CHILBLAIN CURE Speedily and permanently cures FROST BITES AND CHILBLAINS Also Corns, loft Corn and B anions. Price, per bottle 18a, by mall too. Sherman & UcConnell Drag Co, ' Corner Wth and Dodge Streets. ssaaaaaMMawMMi , Vtr I ' ' ' People in every state of health use the telephone everywhere. They may be infected with the most dreadful contagious diseases, and in using the telephone, touch their lore lips to the mouth-piece the next person using this phone has very little chance to escapt infection. The only reason that you are immune is that your system has always been in good condi tion and able to cope with these germs, but you may not always be in your present state of good health and the germs being already in your 'system, will advantage of you when you are least able to combat them. 4 Ignorance on (he part of the public has led to the general belief that consumption and many other contagious dis easet are only contracted through personal contact with the infected individual. The bacilli of these diseases ara virulent enough to infect people hour after having beat deposited in a public place tuch as a telephone transmitter TU .nr, way to protset yorel. ye family and your frisnd. for all time, against infection In thl. manner, is f attack a Red Cre. Anti.eptie Mc,tk-pla. the UutruU ud by you. This mouth-pi diff.r. .ry ttU from the one. I ! phone at pr.a.nt. except thai , th Crca. Is rlly compo... of two mouth-plec... on. of Ld-rubbr and on. 3 perforated aluminum. The matal disc 1. enclo.ad within the herd-rubbar oa. and b.tw... th. two there U a. bent packing, aatr.Ud with a. antiseptic fluid, which, although .ot obooaious. U dsadly to all .arm. cZ9Z Bold everywhere for 11.00, The danger eoaneotsd with sting . ordinary mouth pieoe shoald make ..... . Red Gross Antiseptic Co. 115 Adams Street. Chicago Basse Oe, B. K. aptafme, rresUeai, Blstrlsators, Oaaaka, VV