Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 2, Image 10

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Calendar Crowded So full Hotteiies
Unit Plan Carefully for Oneiti.
Marriage of Mlsa Jeanae WakefleM. ta
Mr. Harry Lakaiaa Street flatar
4a y ISvealnaj Last f Larsre
Wlater Weaelae.
Beglaalaa Iyat.
Tbm Lenten maid In quint tray
To hr devnUrai wends her way.
No thoughts haa aha for social whirl.
Or time for man, thia gentle girl.
For forty days aha will deny
AH worldly joy, to fast and try
To lead a Ufa of rapt devotion.
Forget the dance and bridge commotion.
At little aid till EiuitM- day
Mta-ht ba some wood, ao let me aay.
That for this maid, with eye downcast,
. man might help to "hold her rt.
Maria Q. Btapp,
' I l
T Social CI radar.
MONTMT Oammar Sigma reception;
Jauhtera of the American Revolution,
jeolonlal entertainment and miptx-r at th
boms of Mr. and Mra. Philip Potter
Major and Mrs. Bradner D. Slaughter,
o'clock coffee; annual Washington'
birthday dinner at Omaha club; Monda
Bridge club meeting, with Mra. Joseo
liarker: Mra. Victor CaJJwel. luncheon
Mra. F. A. Naah, buffet luncheon; Ml
. Marion connell, erternoon bridge party
lor sues fcJia uowmn or m, joenpn, Mo.
tha Qui Viva Ianclng club, Colonial bal
at Chamber danoinsr acadomy; Mra. C,
W. Russell, kenalngton for Kappa Gamma
TUESDAY The Mlaaea Sharp, luncheon
for Mra O. T. Eastman and Mra. E. W
Lie of New York City, at Omaha club
Mr. and Mra. Howard II. Baldrlge, din
tier; New Bridge olub meeting with Mtii
Mary suenairason: Mra. Robert Franklin
Smith. Midge party; Mra. R. C. Doaler,
K. K. K. club; Mra. Otto Nesmlth, Fort
Omaha Bridge club; lieutenant and Mri
Ttoudo Miller, dinner party: Mra. J. H
iAimont, Thlmhle club; Mra. Jullua Furth
and Mra. Drelfuoa, bridge parly at Mat
roDOlltan club.
W BLBNBDA Y Meeting of tha Amateurs,
with Mra. a 8. Caldwell; Mts. John U
Hinas, luncheon; Mlaa Elisabeth Lloyd
ana Mlaa urace Lloyd, apron shower for
Mlaa Isabel Mllroy.
THURSDAY Mra. White, Star Whlat
club; Mrs. William Fen wick. National
Whlat club.
FRIDAY Dancing party at Fort Omaha
.Junior Bridge club meeting, .th Mine
Mabel Marr; Omaha High achool cad at
officers' prom, at Chambers academy.
SATURDAY Saturday Night Dancing
class dance at Chamber; Mr. and Mirs.
V. A. Uiimroeil, dinner party.
Th aext two days will b crowded so
full that many a one will be embarrassed
In making a choios between hosteeaes, while
tha on who would make sure of a per.
fectly congenial fierty must use rare tact
Among ti larger things Monday will
be tha buffet luncheon to be given by Mrs.
F. A. Naah, th I o'clock coffee to be given
by Major and Mra Brad Slaughter, Mr,
and Mrs. John Lottrldge and Mrs. Anella
GUmore, and tha afternoon reception given
between I and 6 o'clock at tha home of
Dr. and Mrs. John P. Lord by Gamma
Blrma fraternity. Mrs. Victor Caldwell will
also entertain at luncheon. - '
Tuesday th luncheon to be given by the
Mlises Sharp at tha Omaha club In com
pliment to Mrs. B. W. Lee and Mr. O. T.
Eastman will be among th larger thlnga
As Lent begins with Wednesday th af-
Trie Cat
Fog The
Btf sylvian
keenly appreciated bv
the man whose time
"counts" U found in the
light, convenient, depend-
It la tha smartest, spsadtast and
msetaptodateatoetrie runabout
avr produced.
law currant aonsmnptloa
long nuaaga radloa aontrouar
aa stewing wheel-divided seat
ample carrying capacity sndar
seat ananraasaad for either
bust mm or plsaaoie purposes.
. Equipped with high overload
aapeeity motor and controller
that will MOT arc or "f raaaa".
It Is the perfect ear for phyat.
aJaaa prof caaloaal and tasincaa
asn lrtioutarly adapted for
aaeneongsated streets, yet ao
abasia and easy mi operation that
ay waaua aaa drive it
Tha Baker Kleetrie Runabout
opens a new era to eiestrie vebi
a)a eoaatraetkat.
Let aa give peaj a dstnonatia.
tkn af thia eon mo lent modal.
Appointments made by "phone"
or lottery Wewillailfor ran ot
IM Tenant St, Omaha, Web.
Xalewaoae Boaglaa 3i.
Extra Bargains
1 latest style White, slightly used,
for 938.00
1 Wblt Cabinet, paw $30.00
1 almoat niw Domtitlo MS.00
1 eecond-hand Domestlo with all
attachments 910.00
1 second-hand Whit 97.O0
second-hand Singer 00.00
It you want tha beat sewing ma
chine that money can buy get the
SOaCSSTIO. Wa hate It In different
style and finish.
W rent, repair and have supplies
for all niaohlnea
Call up Bell Douglas 1174, or Inde
pendent A-ISSt
Domestic Sewing
Machine Office
N. E. Cor. lClh and Capitol.
Betas tojal
fairs for th remainder of th week ar
small and Informal la th main.
House parties ar probably th jollleet
way of entertaining, and especially among
new eoenee. Shortly there will be quite
an esodue of Omaha people for th Pa
ciflo coast to spnnd tha rest of the winter
Mr. and Mra. Gurdon W. Wattles, who
tear aome time In March for their new
winter home at Hollywood, near Los An
geles, Cat, will entertain a number
Omaha rwmle, some of whom are now
traveling In California and several who will
leave several weeks later. Mr. and Mra
Victor Caldwell will accompany Mr. and
Mrs. Wattles when they leave, and Mr. and
Mra J. 1 Baum, who are at present In Loe
Angeles, wilt join them. General and Mrs
C F. Manderaon and their guest. Miss
McCook. of New York City, who leave
Monday, will probably visit at Hollywood
for a time. Later Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Kirk
endell, Mr. and Mra. Glen Wharton and
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed are planning to
go to California and will spend some time
with Mr. and Mrs. Wattle. Mr. and Mra.
Georg A. Joslyn will leave soon for Call
fornla, where thay will travel In their tour
ing; car.
One of th first of ths charity affairs
planned for Lent will be th comedy, "The
Elopement of Ellen," Friday evening at the
First Congregational church. The plot Is
said to be Interesting and novel. The cast
of charaoters for th play, which la under
tha direction of Mlaa Mary A. Wallace, In
Richard Ford (a devoted young hue-
band) Dr. Robert Holllater
Mollis (his wife) Sadie Chapman
Robert Shepherd (Mollie s orotneri
wara rainier
Mas Ten Eyck (a chum of Robert's)
Eugene Royc
Dorothy March (en cared to Max)
rayett mresner
June Haverhill (Wellealey us
Elisabeth wuilams
John Hume (rector of St Agnea)
Jean O. Jones
Ths play Is to be given In the parlors
of the First Congregational church Friday
evening, February K.
Pleaeosrea Paat.
The members of th D. D. club wer en
tertalned Tuesday evening at th home ot
Miss Emma Gustaveaon. The evening waa
spent In playing cards, at which Mlaa Min
nie Rail won high score.
Th Kounts Place Bridge club met Fri
day evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. E.
Muffltt. Sixteen gueata wer present, and
tha next meeting will be In two weeks,
with Judge and Mrs. James Macomber.
Mra. Frank Leslie entertained at luncheon
Tuesday at her home for the members ot
tha Virginia club. Covers wer placed for
nine guests. The next meeting of the
club will be In two weeks at th home
of Mrs. Frederick Davla.
The Kismet club waa entertained Thurs
day evening by Mr. and Mrs. James Morris.
Tha prises wer awarded to Mra. Harry
Rowley and Mr. C. V. Warfleld. The next
meeting will be in two weeks with' Mr.
and Mra J. W. Petera
Miss Olive Spain entertained at a box
party at the Boyd Saturday afternoon.
Tha guests ware high achool girls, and were
chaperoned by Mrs. W. O. Spain. Thoae
present were: Misses Gladys Rohrbough,
Lett Bryant, Olive Spain, Mlriai Baldwin,
Anna Purdy, and Mra. W. G. Spain.
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw gave an Informal
dinner at their home Friday evening. A
color acheme of red and white waa effec
tlvely employed. The occaalon was Mr.
Shaw's birthday. Those present war
Prof, and Mra. Davldaon, Prof, and Mrs.
Graff, Mr. and Mrs. Burns and Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Shankey.
Mrs. S. O. Walker was given a surprise
party Wedneaday in celebration of her
birthday. Th evening waa spent playing
nign rive, after which supper was served.
Th prises wer awarded to Mrs. George
B. Collins, Mr. C. A. Henry, Mrs. W. S.
Callahan and Mr. O. Kronstead. Ten tables
of players wore present.
Mra John T. Yates gave a matinee party
Saturday at tha Boyd In honor of Mri.
John B. Berry of Chicago, who Is ths
guest of her daughter, Mra. George Sum
ner. Those preaent were: Mesdamea George
B. Sumner, John A. Kuhn, Franklin
Boulter, John B. Berry, J. J. McMullen:
Mlsa May Yatea, Mr. and Mra John T.
A dinner and musicals waa given Satur
day evening at the Hotel Loyal In one ot
thti private dining rooms by a club ot Ufa
Insurance men. Covers wore laid for thirty
two gueata. Following dinner a musical
program was given by Mr. Shoup, violinist,
rectntly of Berlin, Germany; Miss Corrlne
Paulson, pianists, and Mrs. O. W. Noble
and Mr. Ward Palmer, who sang.
An enjoyable dancing party waa th third
annual masquerade of the Et-A-Vlrp club,
given at Chambers', Thursday evening. The
hall waa draped In the club colore, purple
and gold, and several cosy corners prettily
arranged preaented an attractive appear
ance. A great many handsome costumes
war worn and thoae preaent enjoyed a
delightful evening. The next dance of th
Mlaa Ruth Latenaer gave a matinee
luncheon Saturday for Miss Marjorle Reed
ot Evanston, 111., who Is th guest of Mra.
George Marples. The table was decorated
with American Beauty rose and those
present were Miss Marjorla Reed, Mlas
Louise Grant, Mlaa Jeannette Miller, Mlas
Louisa Barnard, Mlaa ao Fries and Mlsa
Ruth Latenaer. Fallowing luncheon they
attended Boyd's theater.
club will be given April IB.
Mrs. T. M. Orr gave a prettily appointed
luncheon party Saturday at th Omaha club
In honor of Mlas Jeanne Wakefield. Spring
flowers formed a pretty decoration for th
table and the gueata Included Mlas Wake
field, Mlas Ella Mae Brown, Mra. Thomaa
Martin Spofford of Kansas City, Mrs. Ben
Wood of Kansas City, Mra C. A. Street of
Chicago, Miss Agnea Street. Mlas Margaret
Street, Mra. Robert Harvey and Mrs. C. W.
Folds, all ot Chicago; Mra John A. Wake
field and tha hostess.
General Charles Morton entertained as
his guests at luncheon at the Omaha club
Saturday the following: Messrs. Polk,
Rawson and Boteford ot Des Moines, la,
and Colonel Evans, Major Kennedy, Major
Oalbralth, Major Erwln, Major McCarthy
nd Lieutenant Millar. Th men from
Des Moines ar representing the Commer
cial club of that city, and are In Omaha
In th lntereat of the big military tourna
men which will , be held In Des Molne
some time In September, next.
Mra Brinker of St. Louis, who Is th guest
of her alster. Mrs. C. K. Coutant, was honor
guest at a whlat luncheon Saturday, given
by Mra. Z. T. Lindsay at her home. High
ridge. Bprlng flower were used in decora
tion and those present were Mrs. Brinker,
Mrs. Coutant, Mrs. Henry W. Yates. Mrs.
Horace Everetta, Mrs. John N. Baldwin
and Mra. Joel Stewart ot Council Bluffs.
Mrs. Philip Potter. Mra Howard B. Smith,
Mra Thomaa Creigh, Mrs. Q. W. OajineU.
Mra. E. H. Martin and th hoatcaa
The members of the San Soucl club gave
Juvenile party Friday evening at the
oma of Mlsa Be; tha Plxton. Tfcer was a
hurt program in which all participated
snd Miss Gladys Holmgren received first
prls and Miss Nellie Hurst tha conaolatlon,
after which refreshments wer served. The
members present war: Mlaaea, Berths
Piston, Nellie Hurat. Maud Wilcox. Jessie
Robinson, Clara Curtis, Flora Stemm.
Jennie Nelson, Gladys Holmgren, Stella
Olson, Jssal Corey, Charlotte Pa torso a aad
Julia Downs. Mra Plxton was assisted by
Mlas) Btbat UecuUraoa and Messrs. Laroy
Wllooa. Morgan Torrey and William Hurat
Th next meeting will be with Mlaa Jeasle
Corey, Friday evening, March t, at her
Mr. Frank Schmlts entertained th Cll
tlub members and women Thursday even
Ing at th home of Mrs. Fred Hoy. OT
Oak street. The evening was spent st pro
greeslve high-five. Prises were won by
Misses Wemmer and Munson and Messrs.
Oeske and Hoi it After which luncheon
was served. Those preaent were: Mlsees
Ruby Wemmer, Mamie Munson, Minnie
Crufal, Ha Bridges, Edllh Bonders, F.orence
Hoye, Messrs. O. V. Davla, Paul Oeske,
O. E. Phelps, William Hoist. William
Balnea. H. A. Big wart, Frank Schmlts.
Mra. Harry H. Putnam waa hostess at
handkerchief shower Saturday afternoon for
Miss Isabel MUrcy, who will be one of the
spring brides. Luncheon waa served the
latter part of th afternoon and the table
daintily decorated ulth violets and ferna
and candles with violet shades. Place card
In violet design marked the places pf Mlases
Isabel Mllroy, Katharine Mllroy, Nan Cun
nlngham, Eloiae Jenka, Mabel Htcka, Dollle
Cowduroy, Beulah Evana, Cora Evans,
Elisabeth Lloyd, Grace Lloyd, Ruth ThomP'
son, Mildred Cooper, Grace Putnam, Mra,
George Trimble, Mra Edward Slater an
the hoatesa
Mrs. William Sidney entertained Friday
evening at dinner In honor of Mlsa Cecilia
Klein of St. Paul, who Is the guest of Mrs
William Rhyn. The guests were seated
st on long table, which had for a center
piece a bouquet of pink carnations. The
evening waa apent In cards and the high
sco:es were mad by Mrs. B. B. Mason
and Mlsa Katherlne Daly. Covers were
laid for: Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Mason, Mr.
and Mrs. j. H. Wafferberger, Mr. and
Mrs. Will Wigman. Mr. and Mra. J. -R.
WUIlama, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. H. Walker,
Mr. and Mra. William Sidney; Misses, Ce
cella Klein, St. Paul; Helen Daly. Bemloe
McCarthy, Katherlne Daly; Messrs, Charles
Bressman and Dr. William Leary.
Mr. 8amuel Emerson Howell and Miss
Hermlne Blessing entertained delightfully
Saturday afternoon at a reception from 3
to 5 at the home of Mrs. Howell In honor
of Miss Gertrude White and her guest. Miss
Maud Bradfleld of Barnesvtlle, O. The
guests wer received In th drawing room
snd a decoration of daffodils was used
throughout the house. In the dining room
the table had for a center a basket tilled
with daffodils and tied with a yellow tulle
bow. Assisting in the latter room were
Mrs. Warren Switsler, Mrs. J. Stewart
White, Mra Tyler Belt and Mrs. W. F.
Denny. Assisting through th rooms wer
Mlas Comstock, Miss Lorraine Comstock
Miss Louts Kennedy of Fort Omaha, Miss
Gwendoline White, Mlas Allc Switsler, Miss
Lois Howell, Miss Branden, Mrs. George
West and Mra. Colt Campbell. About 260
cards were Issued.
Th twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. V. Buresh was the occasion
for a pleasant surprise party Thursday
evening, given by their friends and neigh
bors at their home, 1623 Lincoln avenue,
Several of the gueata wer member of
Lodge Dobromlla, of which Mrs. Buresh Is
a member. It was a genuine surprise and
neither Mr. nor Mra. Buresh had any sua
plclbn of tha party. The guests brought
with them refreshments prepared In real
Bohemian styl and alao many glfte. In
cluding flower and china. Congratulations
were received from many out-of-town
mends. The arrangement committee of
th party surprised all by b lnglng with
them th eminent violinist, Mr. J. F.
Kolbaba, recently of Chicago, and a gradu
ate ot tha Prague Conservatory of Music.
He gave a selected program of mualo from
the great masters and also folk songs of
Bohemia. About thirty-six guests wer
Mra D. C. John was hostess at a recep'
tlon Saturday from t to ( o'clook for her
daughters, Mrs. Frank Armltago and Mra
C. Johns, jr., both of Milwaukee. Th
rooms bad a decoration of narcissus and
daffodils. Those assisting were: Maadamea
L. S. Leavltt, T. Combs, F. R. Elson, J. O.
Yelser, J. E. Dodda and E. I. Hume. The
guests Included: Mesdames C. E, Pre ff on.
A. Haughey, G. C. Edgerly, A. W. Cross-
man, D, C. Dodds, A. L. Meager, E. C.
Bennett, B. A. Phillips, F. H. Chlckering,
C. W, Drew, O. W. Templeton, J. W. Mar
shall, Ellaabeth Colfax, Mary Hoke. W. H.
Head, Lillian Dibble, Louis Borshelm, J. p.
Workman, Royal D. Miller, A. T. Hewitt.
W. L. Selby, John Hume, F. H. Pyke, Paul
Ferris, Paul Bollan and C. W. Bolby;
Mlaaea Florence Moore, Staler, Du Bolt.
Jackson, Rlggs, (Rohrbough, Cummlngs,
Margaret Hamilton, Greene, Watts, Horn,
Little, Baker and Bttllard.
Th home of Mr. and Mrs. Gustar A.
Wlese waa the acene of a very pretty chil
dren's party Thursday afternoon, th oc
caalon being th third birthday of little
Alice Wlese. A color scheme of red and
whit and hearts were used In decorating
th luncheon and favors. Tha dining room
was decorated with .festoons ot hearts and
hanging baskets, and the table was a de
light to the little guests. They wer en
tertained In th billiard room with games
by Mlaa Frances Landge and Miss Florence
Woodhall. Music was furnished by Mr.
Heyn. The guests were: Mrs. J. B. Red
field and daughters, Luclle snd Naomi;
Mra Will Almanson and son, Howard; Mrs.
Will Carson and son. Weir; Mrs. Paul Pat-
ton and daughter, Elisabeth; Mra. E. Hol-
ovtchiner and daughter, Ellce; Mra. Law
rence Whitmarah and daughter, Helen; Mri.
Tim uraden and ion, Robert; Mra. Hugh
Stevenson and children, William and Amy;
Mrs. Harry Root and eon, Alanaon; Mra.
Wlllli Yatas and daughter, Anna Lee; Mrs.
Bchnsuber and son. Louis; Mrs. Gus Wulff
and daughter, Bertha; Mlsa Kent. Mra
Kerr, Miss Bertha McFadden. Mlsa Lav.
Idge. Mlaa Woodhall, Mra. Odefey, Mra
Wrauch, Mrs. Gallagher, Mra. Hamilton.
Mra. Warfleld.
Prospective Pleasures.
Mrs. Victor Caldwell will give a luncheon
Monday, at her home.
Mrs. John I Hln will entertain
luncheon Wednesday at her home.
Mra. Robert F. Smith will be hostess at
bridge party Tueaday afternoon.
Th Metropolitan club will give a dance
Monday evening at the olub rooms.
Mr. and Mra. C. A. Grimmel will rlva a
dinner Saturday evening at their home.
Mr. and Mra. J. B. Patterson will enter
tain Monday evening at their home, 1504
North Seventeenth atreet, in celebration of
This institution Is the only one
la th central west with separate
buildings situated In their own
aruule ground!, yet entirely dis
tinct and rendering It possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment ot noncontagious and
conmental dlseasts. no others be
ing admitted. The other, Real
Cottage, being designed tor and
devoted to the exclusive treatment
ot select mental cases, requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
BrnHfW,'HM JW'Jtt .'.'.'Bllf 1l,"I'!lim''F!ff I U..J, , il'MtlUM'fflJjiU'l.l.i.'WBI "aaiaw i .. n i
the nineteenth birthday of their son, Mr.
Casslus Patterson.
Mrs. Otto Nesmlth will be hostess this
week for the" meeting of the Fort Omaha
Bridge club. '
Mrs. O. W. Dunn will give a card party
Tuesday afternoon at her home at th Pot'
ter apartmenta
Mrs. Julius Furth snd Mrs. Dreifoos will
entertain at bridge Tuesday afternoon at
the Metropolitan club:
Mrs. W. J. Connell and Miss Marlon Con-
nell will give a bridge party Monday after
noon for their guest, Miss Ella Cowan of
St. Joseph, Mo.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Troupe Miller will
entertain at dinner Tueaday evening In
honor of Lieutenant and Mra. W. N. Haa
kell of Fort Omaha, and for Lieutenant and
Mra W. V. Carter, who leave ahortly for
tha Philippine Islands.
A colonial ball will be given Monday
evening by th members of the Qui Vtv
Dancing club at Chambers' academy. Th
gueata will all come In' costumes appro
priate to the occasion and supper will be
served th latter part of the evening. Th
committee Includes Mrs. Henry M. Mo
Donald, Mrs. Millard Funkhouser and Mra
W. H. Heron.
On of the large affairs planned for Mon
day, Washington's birthday, will be the an
nual reception to be given by the members
of Gamma Sigma fraternity at thalr olub
rooms at tha horn of Dr. and Mra J. P.
Lord. Among the chaperones will be Dr.
and Mra J. P. Lord. Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Q. Howell, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Osborne. The young women
assisting will be Mlsa Marguerite Buach,
Miss Dorothy Stevens, Miss Florence Olm-
stead. Miss Mary Holllnger, Mlaa Franoes
Todd, Mlsa Ruth Gould and Mlaa Uarda
Come and Go Goaalp.
Mrs. Theodore L. Rlngwalt and daughter
are visiting friends In San Francisco.
Mr. and Mra Herbert Mills will leave
soon for their new home In Trenton, Nob.
Mra F. H. Gaines returns today from a
month's visit In New York and Brooklyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Harmon V. Smith, Jr., left
Friday to apend a month in Hot Springs,
Mlsa Adeline Varley of Kansas City Is
visiting Mrs. Bret B. Booth and Mr. Harry
Miss Eugenie Whltmor will leave this
week for Kansas City to visit Mr. and Mrs.
William Cares.
Mr. and Mrs. M. Meyers have moved
into their new home at 6S8 North Cen
tral boulevard.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Hayden and
family have returned from a six weeks'
trip to southern California.
Miss 3 la Cowan of Bt Joseph, Mo., who
Is the guest ot Miss Marlon Connell, will
lesve Tuesday for her home.
Major Charles T. Clark has arrived from
Cuba to succeed Captain J. W. Van Duaen
as post surgeon at Fort Orook.
Mlaa Shallenberger of Lincoln spent a
part of the week the guest of her brother,
Lieutenant Shallenberger of Fort Crook.
Mr. F. A. Schenck of Tonganozl. Mo.,
Is visiting his sister, Miss Naomi F.
Schenck. at her horn, I80J Pratt street
Mrs. Nellie Lane Summers has been
visiting her son. Mr. Lane Bummers, who
is attending college at Ann Arbor, Mich.
Mrs. John R. Rlngwalt leaves next week
for New York City, where she wlU join a
party of friends and take the Mediterranean
Mr. and Mra. Frank Crawford left Satur
day evening for a month's visit through
the east. Including Pittsburg, Pa, and
Worcester, Masa
Miss Gertrude White and Miss Bradfleld
of Barneaville, O., who la her guest, spent
part of the week at Fremont, gueata of
MUs Etta Schneider.
Miss Blanche Moody has returned to her
home In MoodyvlUe, Kan., after a two
weeks visit with Mr. and Mra. Q. W. Cher
rlngton, U4 North Twenty-third atreet.
. Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Anglln have r:
turned from Rochester, Minn., where they
have been for several weeks for th bene
fit of Dr. Anglln's health, which Is much
Mra Robert R. Rlngwalt, who haa been
spending aever&l months In the Puget
Sound country, will spend a fortnight In
Seattle before leaving for southern Cali
fornia for a three months' stay. t
Mr. and Mra. Clement Chase returned
Thursday from a four weeks' , eastern trip.
Including Chicago, New York and Philadel
phia. Mra. Chase apent aom time vlaKlng
bar son, Clement Chase, Jr., at Cornell
college, and her daughter, Miss Carmelite
Chase, at Bryn Mawr.
Miss Gertrude Moorhead returned this
morning from an extended visit with friends
and relatives in New York CKy and Pitts
burg. Mlas Moorhead was accompanied by
her little niece, Frances Dougall of Pitts
burg. Mrs. F, Warner Robinson and two chil
dren, who have been visiting Judga and
Mrs. James B. Maoomber, left Thursday
for their home In New York City. Mrs.
Robinson was formerly Miss Gertrude
Macomber ot Omaha.
Omaha arrivals In St Augustine, Fie.,
during the week Included Mr. and Mra.
W. 8. Blackwell, who are spending some
time at the Hotel Ponce de Leon. Mr,
W. C. Bullard and Mr. W. C Smith' of
Omaha are at the Alcasar.
Little Miss Katherlne Baum Is enter
taining a house party for the week's end,
chaperoned by Mra Pauline Wheeler.
The guests include Misses Esther Wll
helm, Grace Allison and Josephine Cong
don. The guests arrived Friday and re
mained until Sunday and an Informal and.;
jolly time waa planned for the little
Mr. and Mra A. L. Reed will open their
country home, "Aloha," near the Country
olub, a week from Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.
B. H. Bprague will move Into their home
near the Country club about March L and
Mr. and Mra. A. J. Love expeot to take
poaseaslon of their country home "The
Bunkers," at the same place, during the
first week In March.
Weddings aad Ensagcmcat.
Mra J. H. Evans has announced the en
gagement of her niece. Miss Pauline
Shenck, to Mr. Darley Pollard of San Fran
olsoo, formerly ot Omaha, The wedding
wla take plao In the early summer.
The wedding of Miss Fanny Frumkln ot
New Haven, Cbnn., to Mr. David - Gross
will take place Tueaday, February 23, at
Myrtle hall. The ceremony will be followed
by a teoeptloo at which the gueata will
number eighty.
The marriage of Miss Bertha Van Camp
of Omaha, slater of Mrs. B. R. McMabon,
to Mr. Thomas Fowler Molntyrs of Mon
treal, Can., took place at 7 o'clock Sat
urday evening at St. Paul's ohurch in Mon
treal. The ceremony .was followed by a
wedding supper at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. B. W. Moe of Montreal.
Lest of the several large fashionable
weddings scheduled) for this winter and a
fitting closing of a brilliant season was
that of Mis Jeann Wakefield, daughter
of Mr. and Mra John A. Wakefield, and
Mr. Harry Lockman Street of Chicago,
which waa solemnised at 8 o'clock Satur
day evening at All Saints' church, Rev. T.
J. Mackay officiating. It waa a yellow and
white wedding, but the church decoration
was simple. Palms, ferns and white car
nations were used about ths chancel and
altar and sprays of asparagus fern were
tied to the ends .ot thepews with bows
of yellow and white tulle. The wedding
party came Into the church to the Lohen
grin wedding march, which waa continued
softly during the ceremony. The ushers,
Mr. Douglas Street of Chicago and Mr.
Stockton Hath, Mr. Harry O'Neill and Dr.
Robert Hsrvey of Chicago and Mr. C. W.
Folds of Chicago preceded the party, of
which Mrs. Thomas Martin Spofford of
Kansas City, aa matron of honor, came
first She wore a gown of white aatln
with overdress In tunlo effect, dotted with
pearls and crystals overlaid with gold. Miss
Margaret Street, stater of the groom, and
Mlas Agnes Street, e cousin of the groom.
both of Chicago, came next, each walking
alone They were gowned alike In white
satin, with overdresses of white chiffon,
dotted with gold and with gold trimmings.
Miss Ella Mae Brown, aa maid of honor,
came next Her gown waa of white aatln
with overdress of gold embroidered net
snd trimmings of gold. These gowns were
all cut decollette, with short sleeves and
trains, and sll the costumes were supple
mented with gold slippers and gold butter
flies In ths hair. All carried ahowers of
daffodils. The bride, with her father, cane
last. She wore a eoatume of heavy soft
white satin, with richly embroidered panela
front and back extending from the shoul
ders to the foot of th skirt and the end
of the court train. The yoke and sleeves
were of princess lace. The wedding veil
was held to place with a wreath of orange
blossoms snd she wore a circle of diamonds
and pearls, the gift of the groom. The
round bouquet of lilies of the valley waa
tlad with a white tulle scarf. Following
Embracing the Best Grades ol Tailor
ing In our Spring Apparel tor Women
Materials were never so beautiful
and varied the old rose shades and
greys are exceptionally good and
so many cloths have a soft and
classy effect .
Tailored Suits at $25, $35, $45
In the more medium priced
tailored suitsS25, S35 and S45v
we arc showing a great many de
cidediy new models. They come
in all the new spring fabrics and
colors, and are very exceptional in
every respect
New Spring Waists
TVC !. t
waists'sin messalines, tailetas, nets,
crepes, lingeries, handembroidered
linens and India linons
Any Winter Hat In tha House HALF PRICE
New 8prlrtf Modal On Display
F. M. OCHADELL CO., 1522 Douglas Street
New Leocallon -- M efjesatli Stationery Co.
1431 Farnam atretwl Phone Doualas 834
empre, Gloria aad AdaUght rzeparatiosa. Wholesale offer for areata.
Savlage Block, rial 6, ltta and raroam Bis. rhoaas Douglas 9707.
Afternoon Tea for Ladies
Preparations have been made to serve Ladies every day in
the sumptuous dining rooms of
The Henshaw Cafe
After Theater Parties. Matinee Parties.
Banquets . Noon Luncheons.
Are Specialties to which We Cater.
Ladies Always Feel at Ease in Omaha's Grandest Cafe.
Not one day
but every day
Hanson's Cafe
Surpasses all other In
. quick, aUeat service,
the kind the pleases
Men waiters on tha gecond floor
throughout th day and evening.
Olrl waitresses on the first floor.
During tti Day Only
for cafe of this standard.
Bandar Table d'Hoie 75
(People say it' worth $2.00.)
Bring the family today.
the ceremony a reception was held at the
home of Mr. and Mra Wakefield at Twenty-seventh
and Farnam streeta At the
house, as at the church, a color scheme
of yellow and white prevailed, being car
ried out In daffodils, narcissus end white
carnatlona. Mr. and Mrs. Wakefield, Mr.
am) Mra Street and Mr. and Mrs. C. A.
Btreet of Chicago, parents of the groom,
received together In the drawing room, and
assisting through the other rooms were Mr.
and Mra. John t- Kennedy, Mr. and Mra
T. M Orr, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Robinson,
Dr. snd Mra J. J. McMullen, Mrs. Clayton,
Mrs. Heth, Mra Ben Wood of Kansas City,
Mra C. W. Branch and Mrs. H. H. Branch
of Lincoln. Mr. and Mra. Btreet left last
evening for Virginia, where they will Join
a house party for a few days, going then
to Palm ' Beach and other gulf reaorta,
Washington and New Tork, returning to
Chicago In April. Mrs. Street has been
very popular since her Introduction seral
season ago aad, although she has stoat
much time out of town with ber ntirtnts.
her many friends will regret that her mar
riage takes her away from Omaha perma
nently. Mr. Street Is engaged U the lum- ,
ot dainty spring g
Meal Tickets . Frea at Hanson's
Every person who takes a meal at Tolf
Hanson's basement reataurant may guess
the number who visit there during the
day. Bvary day the neareat guesa wins a
meal book.
Tall Hanson's Lnnch Room
The moat attractive, brlgheat. airiest
and most economical lunch room In Omaha
Sunday Table D'hote 50c
Plate Dinners
are th feature at
Meal Book Free at
Table dlloto Dinner
Every Sunday and Holiday
ber business In Chicago, where he Is also
socially prominent.
Granalaoa Paryear Tries to
II la Wife late Kerlv.
tmm HI at.
Affectionately trying to klen his wife at
Judge Crawford's altsr of justice In police
court Saturday morning, did not aava
Orandlaon Puryear, a colored man, from
being sent to Jail for ten days. He was
arraigned on the charge of assault snd
battery on complaint of his wife, and when
caked what he had been doing, he said:
"Ah Jea" bit her lightly, jedge."
"Well, I U hit you lightly a few times."
his honor replied, and sent Puryear to
Ths couple live at 1 South Nineteenth
street. The woman said that her husband
refused to ge to church with ber and yet
objected when she want with other woman
or alone.
Let The Bee Want Ada do the work tot