The Omaha Daily Bee PART TWO EDITORIAL PAGLS 1 TO i. TOR ALL THE NIW3 OMAHA DEE YOUR MONEY'S WORTH VOL. XXXVIII NO. 214. OMAHA, SATUKDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY '20, 10U9. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. NAL ARING ;.V. AINS Children's Wear Saturday's offerings are simp y tie best ever. We must rid the stock of winter lines and to do it make tremendous sacrifices. Blj Lot Coata Good, heavy, warm co i, full length, in all the bent fabrics and . colors, stylou that are always ooii -h year. Coats worth to $8 now.g3.05 Coata for little ones 2 to 5 years. In cloth and colored bearskins,, also cloth coats for girls 6 to 12 years; ;lot Is limited, so cut the price for Immediate clearance 91.00 Peter Thompson Dresses These are neat new stylish all wool sailor dresses for girls 6 to 12 years, materials are red, brown and navy serge or Sicilian, made with large sailor collar, trimmed with sou tache and emblems. Beautiful girlish styles, and were $7.50 $750 until now; first time Saturday Misses' Skirts A lot of choice models In all wool panamas and mixtures; they are pretty tailored models with self-strapping in 30 to 37 Inch lengths; all new and regular 17.60 garments, on sale Saturday $3.05 Tony CoitJt Pom genuine Russian , Lot Waist Odds and ends, clearing' SILK. More samples and model " corsets of silk brocade, sizes to CORSETS 23 only, will be sold Saturday. $5.00 Corsets for $2.00 $3.00 Corsets for $1.00 ' i Men's' Underwear BATISTE CORSETS In late styles, firmly bound and very durable, new long hip and high bust ef fects, with supporters, 75c val ues at . . . 50c All Lines 60c to tS are now i Off TmTn Tvm TTracriisnir mam u MOIXa mXB.OW All Silk, S lnohee wide. Tin I for hair bows, eto., IS shad, also Black Onn I and whit u Men's Shirts BO doien Soft Shirts Toe and $1 Values 38c Pony, others of black furry materials. ail short models,' marked to $40.00, 1 2 coats only In the lot, choice .... $5 Sweater Coata for women, wonderful re ductions on the best styles, $3.60 val ues in red, navy, gray and white, now 81.05 percales, white mercerized tailored ef fects and others, values to $1.60, now, t 75 White Flanelette Gown To close out remaining stock, we give you choice of any, about 2 dozen in all, that sold at .$2.60, $2. etc., for 91.00 Clean-up Sale Gloves, Hosiery, Etc Last of the $1.50 kid gloves from Thursday's sale at 50c Pique and silk lined Mocha Gloves, $1.25 values .89c TT Imported Cotton 3Bc Hose, 6 thread heel and toe, at pair. .25 XIOSC Geneva Silk Hose, 60c goods, double sole, 3 pairs. ...... .$1.00 Children's Fleeced Stockings, regular 10c quality, at 5 Children's Imported 26c Stockings, medium and heavy weight, pair. 10 TT "1 Medium weight knit corset covers, 36c kinds 25 LHflCxV 63,1 Medium weight vests and pants, usual 60c kinds. at '30 Wool Union Suits for women, $2.60 values, at 81.10 Double Green Trading Stamps with all purchases in above de partments Saturday. Carload Stransky Enamelware "Seconds" We continue Saturday the great sale of thou sands of pieces of the world's famous Stransky Enameled Kitchen Utensils. This Is all genuine, coated Imported ware, but slightly chipped or dented In transportation from Europe. We bought carload of it at a big concession. Every piece blgh grade and will last for years. Saturday 33 & UAIinAGE CANS Saturday Bargains. GARBAGE PAIL8- Less Large $2.25 size for. ........ .$1.50 Large $1.60 size for.... Usual $1.60 size for OS Large $1.26 size for.... 85c Sash Cord Clothes Lines, 100 feet, special . . U r 33 Per Cent OFF per cent off. than regular. 91.25 08 U5 BENNETT'S DIG GROCERY Bennett's Beat Coffe. S Iba. for...... $1.99 And 100 'Stamps. Bennett's Beat Coffee, 1 lb. .......... SSo And 10 Stamps. Teas, assorted, lb Mo And 0 Stamps. Capitol Flour, per aark $1.M And B0 Stamps. Capitol Baking Powder, lb .' B4o And 10 Stamps. Oalllard Olive Oil ..5e And tO Stamp. Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs. for $1.00 poppy Evep. Milk, can lOe And t Stamps FRESH EGGS Strictly fresh, newly laid. Just in from the farm; dosen ,24c 3 lie Stollwerck's Chocolate, H lb. And 10 "lamps. ' Chocolate Menler, hi lb , Ana stamps. Pomeroy Corn, I cana I5e And 10 Stamp. Burnham's 10c. Clam Chowder...... lSUe Full Cream Cheeae, lb Boo And 10 Stamps. Domestic Swiss Cheese, lb S5o . l0c California Ripe Olives aOo Eugene Tomatoes, can So Mignonette Peas, can . .' So Koyalton Lima Beans lOe OHIiaant "Beat We Have". White or black, regular too can MUi Corn Meal. 8 lb. sack ISO Monarch Asparagus ,. SSo And 10 Stamps. OAJTBXBM Ribbon Mixed Candy, lb lflHo Halted Peanuta. lb 100 . Gooseberry Balls, lb 10O Persian Dates, large pkg loo Parson's Mapla Creams, 8 pkgs 8 So i A Day of Extraordinary Selling in IVS(gini9s TiroiLiisScgF Tremendous purchase 1,500 pairs from New York man ufacturer, close to half value. Very durable all wool wor sted, cheviot and cassimere materials in season's most desirable styles and shades. Finer Bargains were never offered in Omaha Sale Saturday. 500 pairs trousers tremendous variety values to $3, at...... 1,000 pairs trousers of fine materials, values to $5, at Final Clean Up Sale Suits and Overcoats Among these lots are the best kind of suits for Spring wear. New snappy styles and colors and just the right weight. Suit or C1 C( overcoat worth up to $13.50, now. . . . $ S DJ Suits that were $18.00 and $20.00; plenty l A of magnificent models. ......... t tlll Boys long pants, suits, 14 to 19 years, single or double breasted, blaeks or fancies. $10.00 suits, I "11 - 11. ..! 1 1 au go in mis iinai clearance, it a95 at $5.00 i --Xvl tiffin iwTft .jljll; Saturday's Astound- TQ i O 1 ing Bargains in the Dig Tho most important February book event (his city has ever known. This is essentially a bargain season and our book buyer has planned some unusual surprises for the book buying public. We have closed out many odd lots from America's big publishers at un precedented low prices. These, with thousands of volumes from our own stock, has made marvelous savings possible. Wo can mention but a few. Scores of other lines will bo on the tables. E. I. Roc's Works from a big purchase from P. E. Collier & Co. They are $1.50 books, but soiled or damaged, now 5 Hunt & Co's. 85c Editions of the works of Clay. Holmes, Fleming, Bouthworth, Garvlce and others; most all UtleR. on sale, now 15 Complete Editions, Poets, by the four great American poets. Whittler, Holmes, lxwell and Longfellow. Never before In complete form for less than $1.76, our price 69 Famous Books from L. C. rage & Co., Child Life in Art, Great Masters of the Organ, Milton's England and 20 others, all $1.25 values, on sale f or .... Bibles Great purchase from Thos. Nelson Co.,- Divinity cut with concord ance dictionary and helps,; teacher's edition, regular $2.00 values. . .GO Good Fiction Over a hundred popular titles by the best authors. The Iron Heel, The Money Changers, The Master Criminal, Graham's Calverhouse, Pa trica at tho Cross, Anna Lombard, The Soul That Llcth. Sir Henry Margar. etc., lots of one or two vols, of a kind, $1.60 books, at . -3f 10 vol. University Encyclopedia, worth $30.00, imperfect, at 94.00 16 vol. Bbapespeare Library Edition, $12 value, perfect, at $4.25 6 vol. Gibbon's Rome, $7.00 value, slightly rubbed, at $2.75 160 Catholic Prayer Books, worth 60c to $1.60, choice 25 Painting Books for children lOo and 25 The Busy Sheet Music Department Always something doing, always the newest songs and hits at Bennett's cosy mtiMic corner. Our Mr. Theron C. Bennett, the new manager. Is one of America's leading sheet music men, writer of a number of hits, such as Stung, Sweet Pickles, Satisfied, Gravy, Pork and Beans, Lovelight and others. Ask for anything, every number worth having Is here. Mr. Bennett and Mr. Adams will play for you. INK SPLOTCH A new two-step by our Mr. Adams of this dept. It's simply fine. Hear Mr. Adams f ft play It 17C Two Dirty Little Hands The best selling song on the counter. It has gen uine merit. Everybody .jr. i9c PORK AND BEANS The biggest success ' everywhere. Get a copy while it's new. A two- step that has caught the popular fancy I9c Songs that are being whistled and sung throughout America. Auf Wiedersehen Katie. Rain-js Old-Fashloned Buggy Ride, bow, Down in Jungle Town. H -D ( When I Marry You. You're Just Naughty Eyes, Sun Bonnet Sue. And hundreds of others, all good. 'the Boy for Me, Mandy Lane. 2,000 Pieces Fancy China Worth 75c, $1.00, S1.2S Another of the China section's famous sales. Lot includes cups and saucers, trays, vases, mugs, plates of all kinds, pin trays, powder and puff JT boxes and many other items . V Men's Silk Neckwear . Regular 50c Kind 200 doten stylish reversible and French fold lour-m-nanda In about twenty late shades, an exceptional offer, at Black Stiff Hats 26 dozens, good shapes, actual $2.60 values, on sale Saturday, at.... $1.45 25c FRUITS VEGETABLES Highland Navel Oranges 0s lze lor ISO 26c slxe for BOo JOc size for 85c 40c size for soo 50c slxe for 40o Lemons. 20c slse for 16o Rhubarb, bunch So Celery, bunch Bo Cabbage, lb .- So Rutabagas, Carrots, Turnips, Onions, per lb So Cooking Apples, perk SSo Jonathan Apples, peck eoo Potato'", peck SSo Fresh Peanuts, quart ;.. o Meat Market Exceptional prtos Inducements on meats ' of hlarhest grades. Svery out sweot and wholesome. Oar troxneadons output en ebles as to sell at bottom prloes. 2,000 lbs., Pork Shoulder Roast, per pound .....74c Pig Pork Spare Ribs, per lb.... 7 He Prime Rolled Rib Roast, all bone, re moved, at, lb 12c and 10c Choice Pot Roast, lb.. .6c, 8c and 10c Fall Lamb Legs, per' lb 11 He Lamb Shoulder Roast, lb 7 He Lamb Chops, ribs or loin, lb...l2Hc Lamb Stew, stx lbs., for 2c Fresh Leaf Lard, lbs. for.... f 1.00 Salted Spare Ribs, 6 lbs. for.... 25c Cudahy's Rex Hams, skin and fat re moved, 10 to 16 lbs., at, lb...l8He Cudahy's Rex Bacon, 6 to 7 lbs. aver age, by the strip, per lb 12 He Lard, choice of any brand, full 10-lb. P11".0'" $1.25 MEN'S WORK SHOES ARE WAY DOWN Good, honestly made shoes, all solid leather and warranted " against rip ping of seams; actual $2.50 and $3 shoes, on sale Saturday, t4 CQ at, pair JL" Men's Dress Shoes We offer for Sat urday one of the best shoe sales of the entire season. It brings you the better grades of shoes down as low as the ordinary usually eost. It's regular IS. 00 and $6.00 shoes you get in new, snap py, up to - date styles. Every pair hand sewed. Choice of patent colt, pat ent kid, gun met al, tan Russia calf, wax calf at, per pair $3.0 The best BOYS' SHOES on earth at $2.50 and f S OO in offered you for 1M HARVARD'S NEW PRESIDENT Personality of Abbot L. Lowell, and the Policy He Will Purine. YEAH3 DEVOTED TO EDUCATION A Mm ef MIMtaaalre Class, I.o Coaaeete With University, 4 Familiar Wltk Its Weeds A Champion Athlete. Harvard university in May will have a millionaire; president at.a salary of 18,000 a year. Abbott Lawrunos Lowell, who has been elected by the corporation to succeed President Charles W. Eliot upon his retire ment in May, is estimated to be worth 13, OOO.OOa.i Fart, of this substantial fortune, which is a large eetate for a scholar, was Inherited, but the president of Harvard has had sufficient business acumen to more than double his patrimony, despite the fact that he has glvea most of his maturer years to education. He inherited about 1900.000 from his father's estate and aleo some property from his mother. The accretion of his wealth to He present proportions Is due to his Shrewd Judgment and knowledge of the Talues of Investment securities, and he haa become rich for a Boston scholar prac tically within the last ten years. .There are possibilities of benefactions to Harvard university at the hands of Its new president, for he haa no children and his brother. Prof. Perclval Lowell, and his three sisters are as wealthy as Is the president-elect. Prof. Lowell several years ago gave Harvard a lecture hall which cost about $100,00$. When the money for the building was presented the donor insisted upon concealing his Identity, and the struc ture was known as the new lecture hall until the giver was forced to acknowledge his contribution. A Former Athlete, President-elect Lowell will appeal to alumni and undergraduates as well because of those additional qualifications: He is a Harvard man. a graduate of the college and of the law school. His grandfather was member of that exclusive and self perpetuating corporation known as the he has been intimately associated with "PresUent and Fellows of Harvard Col' l-ge." In bis day he waa ' a champion athlote. He never lost a running event In which he was an entrant. For twelve years the academic department of Harvard lecturer and profeasor. He believes in scholarship as the sure criterion of success u business life. But he also haa a deep literest in athletics, and aa every occasion tdvlsoe students to participate la .college ajoita. That Is a part of college life, and to his mind as important In its way. aa Is attendance at lectures. Those who are Intimate with Prof. I Lowell know that his heart Is with the undergraduates. The first words he ut tered after it became known that he would bs the successor of President Eliot were in' the nature of an appel to the students for suggestions to improve the college. . . "When I waa a student hers in college I bsd opinions, very definite opinions, as to how some of the things should be man aged," he said. I never expressed those opinions, I think; I was never asked to. But I still believe that those opinions were worth something. Now I hope you will feel free to make your opinions known. I believe very strongly In the undergraduates' view of things, and I have confidence In the judgment of the under graduates." New President's Policy. President-elect Lowell's policy Is al ready well defined, in the opinion of those nearest to htm in the teaching de partment The changes he proposes to make will ba directed toward the de velopment of a closer intimacy between the undergraduates and the faculty. Prof. Lowell believes that Harvard Is not too large for the cultivation of a friendly and advisory relationship between stu dents and teachers, such as obtatna In the smaller colleges. t is his suggestion that this Institution might profit by sdoptlng some of the methods that pro mote the sociability of the undergraduates and the faculty in the "freshwater" insti tutions of learning. ( He believes this policy Is practical at Harvard because he has tried it. Mr. Lowell holds the professorship of the science of government, end he has In his classes about 400 students, nearly all freshmen. Before the year expires a'large proportion of these young men will have had an intimate acquaintance with their professor apart from the associations of the lecture hell. Several times a week, when engagements will permit. Prof. Lowell haa from six to twelve of the f read men aa his dinner guests at his horns at III Marlboro street, Boston. The Boston home of the next president of Harvard is by no means pretentioua While he live In the Back Bay, he does not occupy a large house, nor Is it oa the most desirable thoroughfare In the district where the wealth of Boston is largely con gregated. He might well live on Beacon street, and on the water side, if he chose, where his sisters have homes. But he se lected one of the least attractive streets among the main residential avenues of the Back Bay. A Bark Bay Home. There Is no suggestion of the million aire in the atmosphere of this Back Bay home. When his students respond to his dinner invitations a small, trim, white aproned maid answers the bell snd ushers the yeung men into a small reception room, upon the walla et wtuVb are a few incon spicuous prints. Within a taotnent or tnt, a smell, demure, diffident woman enters and welcomes her husband's guests. By the time the professor appears to greet them the freshmen are sensitive of a freedom from restraint that makes the first recollec tions of the evening delightful. There Is a dinner served by maids, during which the conversation is led to subjects which will stimulate an interchange of views snd opinions with respect to the prevailing sys tem at the college. Prof. Lowell wants to learn the ambi tions of his young men, and he puts ques tions which are to test the wisdom of the general elective - policy. He induces the boys to tell him why they have selected certsln courses, and he modestly offers his advice. In the meantime, be is making mental notes, to add to his volumes of statistics. Abbott Lawrence Lowell, though be is 61 years old. having been born In Boston on iemter jj, 1856, proves that It Is possible for a man to retain the i.tiit of youth and to approximate, at least, with juaicwus conservation, the athletic prow ess of his college days. The College Spirit, fipeaklng of athletes at college. Prof. Lowell recently expressed these convic tions: "There are men who come here and delate themselves except so far as the dean doesn't nrmlt it in .thi.,i... There are others who devote themselves to social life. There ars others who de vote themselves almost exclusively to study. Each of these, things ought to bs done, but sny man, I believe. Is an idiot who does not do them all. In other words, any man who devotea himself entirely to books snd doesn't know men, and lets his body shrivel up. Is an ass. Ke misses a great deal of college life. "You can never measure yourself up consistently, be it physically or mentally, except in putting yourself In competition with other men and seeing whether you csn do it snd how well you can do it compared with somebody else. "And mind you this: If your object in playing tennis, let us say, la to play the largest number of games In ,a year, or your object in running is .to run as msny races in a year as possible, don't run with somebody else It will Impede you Just run. In the same way, if your ob ject In coming here Is knowledge, simply acquiring knowledge, don't compete with anybody else-Just stuff It away-and It will do you as much good. Just as much good, ss it would to run around the race track with a pedometer in your pocket." Prof. I.owell does not betray much interest in intercollegiate athletics. He does not attend the base ball or foot ball games, but be is always a spectator at track events. Aa a member of the faculty, he was heard ta all the discus sions In favor of a strict control of the spectacular college sports. His influence Is against foot ball except under prudent regulations. But his succession to the presidency 1s not expected to change the present athletic policy at Harvard. Physical Recreation. , Nowadays, besides pedestrlanlsm for exercise. Prof. Lowells physical recre ation is yachting. Ho has a summer home at Cotult, Cape Cod, where several of his relatives maintain seashore estate Ho idles on board a catboat. He has accomplished seamanship by degrees. First, he bought a smsll craft which he learned to sail. Successive seasons found him possessing a larger yacht until now he has a big catboat with a crew of one. He handles the boat while his em ploy docs the heavy work. Prof. Lowell's attitude toward his em ployes gives an Insight Into his character. For seventeen yesrs sfter he was graduated from the Harvard law school In 1880 Mr. Lowell was a member of a law firm which Included his cousin, Judge Francis C. Low ell of the United States circuit court, snd he became a director In a number of mill corporations upon the desth of his father. While he dropped the commercial Interests as soon as he coukt his Investment proper ties require the maintenance of an office force. Every office employs of Prof. Lowell en Joys the privilege of a sabbatical year in Europe, just as he himself tskes the year from his duties at Harvard. Regularly every seventh year the employe receives a leave of absence for a year with a check ample to defray the expenses of a foreign tour. The Election. The Harvard corporation elected Prof. Lowell to the presidency two days before the snnouncement was made. On the after noon of the day when it was known that the deciding meeting had been held ono of his clerks asked his chief if he had heard whether the corporation bad chosen him to succeed President Eliot. "No; I know nothing about It," Prof. Lowell answered. Late In the afternoon the next day Mr. Lowell sent for his clerk and said: "I . want to set myself right with you. When you asked, me yesterday It I hsd been elected president of Harvard I said I knew nothing about It. That was true. I do not wish you to think I was trying to deceive you, for. though I knew nothing yesterdsy, I have since heard a great deal about it. I cannot say any more now, but perhaps you understand." Limited Social Activities. ' Upon his sssumptlon of the office of pres ident Mr. Lowell will have to occupy the house In Harvard yard, but removal to a smaller residence probably will not Incom mode blm. The professor snd his wife have never been entertainers of large parties. His dinner guests rarely number more than ten persons, and they are usually profes sional men, who, like himself, are students In government. Prof, lowell Is the trustee of the Lowell institute, a system of free public lectures supported by a fund of about 11,000,000, which has grown from the origi nal bequest of his .grandfather. Eminent foreign scholars are Invited to deliver series of lectures for which they sre paid 11,200. Prof. Lowell's social activities sre confined largely to entertaining these visitors and the men he has invited to meet them. He belongs to two clubs, the Tavern and Bt Botolph, whose membership is com posed of artists, scientists, and literary men. With some twenty-five other men he participated In the meetings of the Wednes day Evening club of 1777. This organisa tion numbers four doctors and four law yers, while the others are described ss "men of literature and leisure." About twice a year la the average of his visits to the two clubs. Though Prof. Lowell's social standing entitles him to admlaaion to the Somerset club, he never had any1 desire to Join this exclusive organisation. . A Stadlona Man. Personally, the new president is a serious man, with a manner that is "hesitating and different. He does not radiate cordiality, but he makes up for this in kindly cour tesy and consideration. . His life haa been devoted to study. . During the - seventeen years he practiced law from 1880 until he was appointed lecturer at Harvard in 1887 -.he never 'argued a cause in court. He dealt almost exclusively in legal questions connected with estates In probate court and the management of investment properties. His first literary effort, "Transfers of Stock." is a handbook on corporatiuaaj Since 1S86 he has spent parts of eight years abroad studying the governments of England and continental Europe. Prof. Lowell's earliest works on this subject were expositions of the administrative sys tems on the continent. Ills latest produc tion, "The government of England," which haa run through three editions and has been translated Into French and Ger man, occupied tho major portion of his time for six years. Abbott Itwrence Lowell married young. He had jUst completed the 8-year course at the Harvard Law school in two years when he married Miss Anna Parker Low ell of Boston, a cousin. Singular felicity has marked hie married life, for Mrs. Low ell lias been her husband's companion in his travels for research and the sympa thiser with his ambitions. This dignified, scholarly gentleman has not outgrown the tenderness of his youthful years, for he still uses the endearing term "Puny," to his wife, as he has since the dsys when the two . were boy and girl lovers. New York Times. Active Salesmen Bee Want Ads. His Helpmate. "You are always trying to throw cold water on my literary ambitions," growled the aspiring author. "You say it doesn't pay. Look at Charles Dickens, will yout He left a fortune of I4U0.0U0, all earned with his pen." "I know It, dear," said his wife, caressing him; "but don't you remember that Aiaddlu could make more than that In five minutes by simply rubbing an old lamp? I'd so much rather you'd do something of that YUM-YUM, ANDTHEN SOME A Soalfal Sign for Retorn of Back wheat Breakfasts of By one Days. "I have wondered sometimes," said the amiable head of a voracious family, "why we didn't have more griddle cakes, wheat and buckwheat, and that sort of thing In our house, because I am very fond of such cakes, and so sre all the children, and of buckwheat cakes in particular I have a very pleasant recollection. "When I was a boy we used to have al ways buckwhest cakes for breakfast in winter, with fried pork chops or fried sau sages, and I used to think that a breakfast good enough for anybody, and I am still of the same opinion. "The cakes we used to mix In a hi pot that was different from anv nlMA Af crockery I ever saw, and that I can see now In my mind's eye ss plainly as if it siooa Derore me. a deen. straight iM,ii earthenware pot of 'a very dark brown glsxe. and In capacity about a gallon and a nair. ana navlng in one side of Ks edge a pouring Hp snd on the other slds a handle; the only pot of Just that style and dlmen slons that I ever saw, and perhaps it was me oniy one ever made. "And we valued it highly. I know that if anything had happened to that nnt it would have been regarded ss a household calamity, familiar to us sll as It had be come through year after year of use, and mixing or the batter in It was mighty fa mlllsr household rlte.the last thing done In the house In winter before we went to bed. "Every morning when the cakes were cooked there was left in the pot just enough of the material to serve as yeast for the next day's batch; and every night the last thing we did was to get out the buckwhest batter pot and mix up in it the batter for the next morning's cakes; snd then we would put a loose cover on the pot and then set it near the kitchen stove, where it would get a little warmth but not too much, so thst the batter would rise Just right. And sometimes it would run over, but not often, for our folks were high experts In making buckwheat batter, and usually our batter rose just enough to fill the pot, rising at the same time to the highest attainable quality; and then In the morning the batter was thinned down a little; so that it would spread just exactly right when poured on the griddle, and then the family was ready to eat 'em. "It seems to me that the pork chops we had In those days were better than sny to be had now; they were from locally raised and fattened pigs, and thry were very tender snd superior, snd certainly It would be difficult to find now such sau sages ss ws hsd then. "And we used to eat those buckwheat cakes red hot off the griddle, with those superior pork chops, er those extra superla tive sausages, and with tj)e pork er sau sage grease on the cakes a morning meal of great delight and glory." Boston Herald. SANDLOTTER JFROM WAYBACK Something A boot Grove J oh a sea, Leading; Anti-Japanese Agitator of L'allforala. "This man Grove L. Johnson, who It stirring up the whole country by his ex. treme anti-Japanese stand in the California legislature, is a politician of extraordinary ability and a speaker of tremendous force," said Judge P. W. Csrrler of San Francisco to a Baltimore American reporter. "He Is the floor loader of the repub licans In the house, and chairman of the judiciary committee. The most extreme measures aimed at the Japanese ever yet introduced in any legislative body are thoee fathered by Johnson, and which were the direct cause of Roosevelt's Interference. "Grove Johnson was sent to congress s. few years ago, and one day In the house of representatives at Washington, was the principal actor in a very sensational epi sode of which I was a witness. It seems thst he had Incurred the Ill-will of William R. Hearst by falling to agree with him in some pending policy, and soon after the rupture Hearst's papers printed a story of Johnson's early' life in New Tork state, where he lived prior to his migration to the Pacific coast. The article, reflected on the Callfornian in a very injurious way. I shall never forget how Johnson, rising to a question of personal privilege, replied to it. He at once elicited the respectful snd sympathetic attention of all his colleagues, and the big chamber, usually as noisy as a schoolboys' playground, became as hushed as though a funeral were taking place. Johnson began by a frank admis sion that be had, In the Ignorance of boy hood, and while living In his native town, committed a grave fault relating to a busi ness transaction. He had moved away to the other end of the continent, engaged la hard toll, repaid the trifling sum thst hsd caused him to emigrate and had frequently returned to his former home, where ever) body had given him a glad welcome, having long since forgiven him his youthful folly. In his adopted home the people must have thought him a man of honor and ability or else they would never have chosen him as their representative In the congress of the I'nited Slates. "His peroration. In which he scored those who would, st the end of a third of a cen tury, rake up a hoylh sin, was superb, and when he ended the cheers thst went up from every man In his audience, repub licans and democrata alike, created a tu multuous din. the like of which had seldom been heard in that historic place. The cheers were a simntaueous tribute tf re spect, and were evidence that his self-vindication had been complete." Blgger Better, Busier That's what ad vertising la The Bee does fee your business,